Creating Community Magazine
Take a look at one of the fastest growing professions*
Become a Massage Therapist
The School of Body Therapies
A Pennsylvania State Licensed to convey a 600-hour diploma in Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork In addition to the core class, there are many classes including approximately 1000 hours of electives offered primarily weekends & evenings year round. We offer a wide range of classes for your 600 hour program as part of your training in Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. We have a 97% passing rate for the licensing exam!
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Creating Community Magazine
Creating Community Magazine
Change Your Life Through hypnosis Eliminate yo-yo dieting forever. Never diet again. Outrageous claims? Not necessarily. You can learn to eat satisfying, healthy meals, get to your ideal weight and maintain it for life. Accomplish all this without drugs, dangerous herbs, fad diets, expensive meal plans or special foods. Hypnosis is safe, medically approved, and best of all, it works. In fact, NBC’s Dateline study showed hypnosis to be the most effective way to lose weight. So have studies at Harvard, Yale, Columbia and Mt. Sinai Hospital. Stop smoking without anxiety or weight gain .Hypnosis can help you eliminate cigarettes from your life finally and painlessly. The Hypnosis Counseling Center has over 30 years of experience in helping clients to attain their goals and successfully change their lives for the better. The Hypnosis Counseling Center has offices in King of Prussia, Princeton, Flemington and Livingston, NJ where both individual and group sessions are offered. Some of the areas where hypnosis works well are: self-hypnosis, confidence building, fears and phobias, insomnia, migraine headaches, public speaking, sales motivation, self-esteem, sports improvement, stress management, study habits, smoking cessation, test taking, weight loss, and a wide variety of other problems. The Hypnosis Counseling Center is NJ’s most successful program providing group counseling for stopping smoking, weight loss, and stress management in over 30 adult schools and many YMCA’s throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Specially designed sessions are currently offered in a variety of Fortune 500 companies. Call to discuss your company’s needs. Mr Wolfson has a Master’s Degree in counseling and has served as a consultant for the state of New Jersey and teaches in several colleges as well. To find out more about hypnosis therapy, call Barry Wolfson at The Hypnosis Counseling Center at 908-303-7767 or email at barry@hypnosisnj.com. You can also visit the website www.hypnosisnj.com. If you really have the desire to change and the willingness to do it, you can through hypnosis. (See Display Ad on page 3)
Dedicated to defending the rights of the accused and the presumption of innocence, Keith J. Williams fully understands Pennsylvania DUI law and the court system and will aggressively fight for your rights, work to protect you driver’s license, keep you out of jail, and reduce or eliminate other penalties. He will explain the many diverse programs that may be available such as ARD, flat sentences, house arrest and work release, and answer any question you may have. Should you be pulled over for suspicion of DUI or stopped at a sobriety checkpoint, follow these 5 steps: 1—Be cooperative, calm and courteous. Treat the police officer with respect and common courtesy. Combative behavior during a DUI stop can only hurt you. 2—Answer questions but do not volunteer information. Provide your drivers license, registration and insurance information, but do not volunteer any information that can be used against you later. 3—Do not refuse chemical testing. By carrying a drivers’ license, you give implied permission to submit to a test of your blood alcohol level. Refusal will result in a 12-month driver’s license suspension whether you’re convicted of a DUI or not. 4—Take notes. Write down as many details as you can remember from your DUI stop, no matter how insignificant. Do it before memory of the event fades. 5—Contact Keith J. Williams Law at 215-3401134 as soon as possible. Schedule your FREE confidential consultation with Keith J. Williams who will analyze your case and provide the strategy for an aggressive and affordable DUI defense! (See Display Ad on page 8)
through Holistic Practices & Self Care
Are Stopped for DUI in Pennsylvania Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a serious offense that carries serious penalties. But most people don’t realize how few drinks it takes to exceed the legal limit. Studies show that impairment happens well before many people consider themselves drunk. If you drink and drive, no matter how little alcohol is in your system, there’s a real possibility you could be stopped, arrested, and convicted of driving the influence. If you drink, don’t drive.
Creating Community Magazine
Keith J. Williams understands that bad things happen to good people and that sometimes, good people make poor decisions. If you’ve been arrested for DUI, you need an accomplished, award-winning criminal defense attorney who will fight passionately for you and treat you with respect.
Building the Container
What to Do if You
Pennsylvania’s blood alcohol content (BAC) limit is 0.08% for general motorists, 0.04% for commercial drivers and 0.02% for drivers under the age of 21.
Ever wonder how some people are able to manage and thrive through difficult times as well as through bounty? Chances are these folks have strong, flexible, well built, and fully functioning containers through which they live their lives. Container? What does that mean? A container is a symbolic representation of one’s resiliency, adaptability, and ability to self-regulate through good times and bad. It is the filter through which one operates, functions, thrives, or dives. It is the foundation from which one motivates and the walls on which one leans. Take a moment and close your eyes, visualize the characteristics and state of your container.
Maybe your life is excellent right now, no complaints. However, no one is immune to the difficulties of life. Difficulties will eventually show up as physical ailments, loss and grief, trauma, physical and emotional pain, or financial strain. These difficulties can damage, crack, weaken, or flatten the container in which we are operating, rendering life an uphill battle that feels like it never ends. So what to do? Preventative care of the container is always best however not always possible. If you have found that your container is in a state of disrepair as a reflection of the difficulties of your life, past or present, the first place to begin is through a self-care plan. Commit to two weeks of focusing on repairing and rebuilding your container, you will begin to notice the positive differences in your well-being and your life. Self-care is any activity that you do to take care of your mental, physical and/ or emotional health. These are things that nourish rather than deplete. It is best to begin with the basics and plan accordingly. You can do this by scheduling self-care into your day. The basics are different for everyone but some examples include a 10 minute seated meditation to start the day, a 10 minute walk after work, and a calming tea and a self foot massage before bed. Sometimes your container may become so depleted that help is necessary. In this case, seek the assistance of a trained professional. Holistic Integrated Psychotherapy is a great place to begin as it integrates psychotherapy, yoga, meditation, nutrition, and Ayurveda together in a complete healing paradigm. For more information on Building your Container or about Holistic Integrated Psychotherapy, contact Kelly Reed, LCSW, RYT, ALC at kellytogo@gmail.com or 215-262-6736. (See Display Ad on page 23)
rid of the weeds. A well balanced program focuses on a three pronged approach to the rehabilitation process. The first step is to get rid of the weeds. Kill off as many of the bad bacteria and irritating fungus as possible. The second step is to re-seed the gut with good bacteria which will aid in digestion and keep out the fungus. Thirdly, we need to repair the damage that has been done to the epithelial lining of the intestines. This can be done holistically and naturally. In order to accomplish the first step, we need a broad-spectrum antimicrobial that is bio-compatible yet kills bacteria and fungus significantly. Use an enhanced aqueous colloid of silver that is optimized to clear the microbes out of your gut. It is best taken on an empty stomach and in bolus dosing of 2 ounces every 2 hours. This can be continued for two or three days with one bottle per day being consumed. Next, you need to re-seed with the probiotics of your choice. This will reestablish the fauna of bacteria necessary to support proper digestion and nutrient extraction from your food. The pro-biotic ingestion should be continued for at least a month. Exotic or expensive probiotics are not as important as providing them a welcoming environment. And you just did that by clearing out all the bad bacteria and fungus. The third step is to repair the damage that these pathogens have caused to the epithelial lining. This can be done in parallel with the re-seeding. Take a mixture of herbs that are designed to heal the tissues, increase mucus to protect the region and reduce histamine sensitivity allowing the intestines to re-build a healthy effective lining. We would suggest the following: Plantain, Licorice, Aloe Vera, Peppermint, Marshmallow root and Slippery Elm bark. Of course building new tissue requires some very basic building blocks. Take 2000mg of Vitamin C, 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D and a good B-complex daily. The GI tract is critical not only to absorption of nutrients through digestion, but also to the proper operation of your immune system. A non-functional or poorly functioning digestive system can cause a myriad of health problems as it produces nutritional deficiencies and a compromised immune system. (See Display Ad on page 9)
Digestive Rehabilitation The preservatives in food are designed to reduce spoilage by killing bacteria and fungus in the bread, cereal, canned and dried foods. Unfortunately, the preservatives do the same in your gut as they kill the bacteria that help you to digest food and absorb nutrients. Diets that are high in sugars and carbohydrates feed intestinal fungus like Candida. These fungus take over the gut and provide NO digestive help; only irritation of the tissues. But how do we fix the debilitated state in which we find ourselves at this point in our lives? If you have tried probiotics then you know that they can have a positive effect. But if your front yard was a huge crab-grass/weed patch, would you sprinkle thousands of dollars of high-quality seed on it expecting a beautiful lawn to emerge? Of course not. You would first get
Cranio-Cervical Syndrome Is it the true cause of your chronic condition? On May 27th, 1995, Christopher Reeve, the movie actor who played Superman, was thrown from his horse during an equestrian competition, sending him to the ground headfirst. The impact caused fractures in the first two bones of his neck, creating nerve interference and damage to his spinal cord. He spent the rest of his life as a quadriplegic and required a respirator to operate his lungs. Mr. Reeve’s story illustrates the importance of the craniocervical junction (CCJ), where the head/brain connect to the neck/body. It also helps us understand a newly identified medical condition called Cranio-
Cervical Syndrome (CCS) and its role in many seemingly unrelated chronic health problems ranging from chronic headaches to Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s. First let’s look at the anatomy. The CCJ is comprised of the base of the skull, the first two bones in the neck (aka cervical spine), the brainstem, and a complex of major blood vessels, nerves and muscles in that region. This is where the spinal cord connects to the brainstem, providing millions of individual lines of communication between the brain and body. It is also the opening through which cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) flows to remove metabolic waste from the brain. By way of the spinal cord the brain constantly monitors and adjusts vital life functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, posture, digestion, and respiration. This is, literally, how your life is maintained. But what happens when an upper cervical misalignment causes nerve signals to become blocked or distorted, or if normal CSF flow is disrupted? The book The Craniocervical Syndrome and MRI, describes how this bone misalignment can be the underlying cause of “a complex of symptoms which include disabling intractable migraine headaches, neck pain, [nerve and muscle pain], concentration and memory problems, visual disturbances, [coordination issues], nausea, [bodily function issues], and chronic pain.” The Merck Manual, a standard reference source for medical doctors, notes that “if the spinal cord or lowest part of the brain (brainstem) is affected [by Cranio-Cervical syndrome], people may have difficulty sensing vibration, pain, and temperature and may have weak muscles, dizziness, and impaired vision.” And at an MRI symposium on “The Vulnerability of the Human Neck and Its Impact on Cerebrospinal fluid flow,” a potential link between CranioCervical Syndrome and neurodegenerative diseases was discussed. LifeAligned Upper Cervical Treatment Center specializes in identifying and correcting misalignments of the cranio-cervical junction (CCJ)…without the need for drugs or surgery. Upper cervical treatment has helped thousands of patients achieve profound results. Perhaps it can help you too. Dr. Andrew Persky has received National Board Certification in Chiropractic Medicine and earned several post-graduate certifications in Upper Cervical Science. His extensive work in the field of Cranio-Cervical Syndrome sets him apart as a truly unique healthcare provider. (See Display Ad on page 2)
Anatomy of Breast & Lymphatic Health WHAT IS THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM & WHAT PURPOSE DOES IT SERVE? A system of vessels, fluid (plasma protein), and 400-1000 nodes running throughout the entire body that filter and destroy poisons caused by antigens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. which has infected the body. Subsequently, it removes these poisons from the body preventing the formation of disease. HOW DOES IT EFFECT THE BREASTS? The lymph fluid absorbs toxins, dead cell debri, foreign substances (ie dead parasites debris, etc.) and excess fluid from the blood stream and organs starting at the legs up through the body all the way to the Auxillary Lymph Node Group located in the area of the underarms, breasts and collar bone. All of the toxic waste debris that has reached that area is dumped into
Creating Community Magazine
the thoracic duct at the end of the lymph system and is then dumped through a further process into the bowels for elimination of the body. If the ALNG become clogged due to reasons that will be mentioned later, the breasts can become clogged with infectious, poisonous waste creating a disease state in the breast tissue. Furthermore, any stagnation of lymph in any area of the body, will lead to disease in that organ area. Some examples are hepatitis, urinary system infections (bladder & kidneys), IBS(Inflammatory Bowel) and related intestinal problems, pancreatitis, arthritis, prostatitis, vaginitis and etc. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF CONGESTED LYMPH - Frequent and/or chronic colds, flu, respiratory/sinus infections - Visibly swollen lymph glands - Soreness, esp. in morning upon waking - Itching and/or breakouts - Slow healing of wounds - Obesity/Cellulite - Auto Immune Diseases (Lupus, Sarcoidosis, Arthritis) - Bloating - Lymph fluid retention esp. in extremeties (legs, hands) - Excessive Sweating PROBABLE CAUSES - Dehydration- lack of enough water in the body keeps waste thick making it more difficult to move through the system - Lack of Exercise/Physical Activity – since the lymph fluid doesn’t have a pump, it must rely upon stimulation of the muscle tissue on the vessel to pump it upwards toward the thoracic duct in the chest. - Stress, Prolonged /Emotional Problems– constricts vessels slowing the lymph fluid movement - Toxic Food, Water – highly processed, nutrient deficient and chemically laced food creates excessive toxic buildup. REMEDIES FOR LYMPHATIC CONGESTION - Renee Caisse’s Original Herbal Tea Remedy – draws poisons to a head and dumps out of body. - Pau D Arco – cleans blood of yeast (candida), fungus, viruses, Chlamydia, Crohns (bacterial), tumors. Helps restore good bacteria. - Black Seed Bitters Tonic – Daily mild detox to deter build up of toxic waste. - Breast Care Balm – rub in to help release stagnation of lymph fluid and lumpiness in and around breasts. - Kapha Massage Oil – For all areas of the body. Use it warmed to increase circulation of lymph and blood. - Blis K12 Oral Biotics & Intestinal Probiotics – provides protection against overgrowth of bad bacteria in the mouth and intestines. - Super Enzymes – break down food in the digestive tract so that your body may receive maximum absorption of nutrients and to prevent undigested food accumulation on intestinal wall. - Banyan Tongue Cleaner - pulls infected plaque & mucus off tongue from back to front. Prevents re-infection of body. - Daily Swish – unique oil pulling formula that draws toxins from organs up through channels ending at the teeth. Also draws from between teeth & gums. Pollock’s Herb & Vitamin Center has what you need to keep your lymphatic system clean and mobile. Stop in today to see us at 5925-27 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia. Or call us at 215-549-4372. Stay Healthy Naturally (See Display Ad on page 2)
Let’s Meditate Philadelphia A special community event is coming to the City of Brotherly Love on Sunday, September 25 – Let’s Meditate Philadelphia. The “Let’s Meditate” program, held in cities around the world, has been developed to offer the genuine experience of meditation. For those new to meditation, it offers a simple and practical introduction. For the more experienced, it is an opportunity for an energizing group experience of peace and inspiration with live music, guided visualization and mantras. The programs are created and offered by skilled teachers, who have been practicing for decades under the direct guidance and teachings of spiritual Master Sri Chinmoy. We all know the value of peace of mind in our lives and the challenges that arise in our daily meditation practice. When we meditate in a group, meditation becomes much easier. It gives us a boost of encouragement to continue with our own individual practice at home. When people come together to meditate in a group, there is a special synergy that makes the meditation deeper and more powerful, which can lead to personal insights and a brighter way of seeing and experiencing the world. Let’s Meditate creates the uplifting group environment where everyone can enjoy meditation together. Let’s Meditate is always offered free of charge. All follow-up classes are free as well. The tradition of sharing spiritual truths, insights and teachings at no cost dates thousands of years back to a time when the Vedic seers first started to meditate and contemplate the meaning of life. Spirituality is the birthright of every human being. Let’s Meditate Philadelphia will be held at the Christ Church Neighborhood House, 20 North America Street (near 2nd and Market), from 4:30-6:00 pm on Sunday, September 25. For more information( and reservations, visit philameditation.org or call 215-425-3300. Drop-ins are welcome! For those who would like to embark upon the meditation journey or strengthen their daily practice, a 21-Day Meditation Discovery workshop series will be offered, also free of charge, starting Sunday, October 2 at 2pm at the Sri Chinmoy Centre, 139 N. 4th Street (between Race and Arch). Participants will receive daily inspirational readings and meditation techniques to try, and group meditations will be held every Sunday in October. See philameditation.org or call 215-425-3300 for details. (See Display Ad on page 13)
Spiritfest Expo & Holistic Fair in New Hope The Society for Metaphysical Enlightenment invites participants to tune up their body, mind and spirit and experience the love of higher consciousness at the Second Annual Solstice Expo and Holistic Fair from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Oct. 22 and 23, at the New Hope Eagle Firehouse. “This is our second year, and each time we do it, it gets richer and more diverse. If you haven’t yet experienced one of our shows, This is a happy, joyful, festive, fun event of like minded people of a high consciousness. Feel the energy similar to an adult version of the flower power 50’s and 60’s. If you dress up for Halloween and surprise us, we will surprise you.
Creating Community Magazine
Special guest speaker presentations on metaphysical topics will be available for free made every hour. Area psychic readers and medium, plus energy healers, along with mind/body therapists and holistic practitioners, will offer massage and stress management techniques and many more healing modalities. New age products, aroma and holographic therapies, artwork, jewelry and crystals will also be displayed for purchase, along with a natural food court. Cost: $7. Location: 46 North Sugan Road, New Hope. For more information, call 267-261-2768 or visit WeAreSME.com (See Display Ad on page 12)
Divine Healing Hands™ Divine Healing Hands™ are the soul light hands of the Divine, and they carry Divine power to heal and transform every aspect of life. These special blessings can be given in person and remotely to heal yourself, others, groups, animals, and ultimately the world and beyond. Divine Healing Hands™ can bless any aspect of your life, including:
- Divine healing and clarity on all levels, including mental and emotional issues, physical health and your spiritual path. - Divine transformation of relationships, finances, intelligence and more. Divine soul healing blessings can change your life by: - Boosting energy, stamina, vitality and immunity. - Purifying and rejuvenating the soul, heart, mind, and body for a long and healthy life. - Bringing love, peace and harmony to all beings and the world The purpose of life is to serve through unconditional universal service. Becoming a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer is a profound way to be of service to others, the world, the Divine and beyond. This simple yet powerful healing system can be used anytime, anywhere to heal any issue for yourself, loved ones, pets and more. Through service, we help others to become happier and healthier. Divine Healing Hands™ is a powerful healing system that Dr. and Master Sha received through the Divine to share with humanity, the world and beyond to ease suffering during difficult times of transition. Divine Healing Hands soul healing blessings can remove soul, heart, mind and body blockages, restoring your natural well-being. What are soul, heart, mind and body blockages? - Soul blockages are negative karma. According to Hindu and Buddhist traditions, karma is the record of your service in all your lifetimes. Karma can be good or bad. Negative karma brings lessons — pain, suffering, challenges and blockages in any aspect of your life. - Heart blockages include impurities such as selfishness, greed, desire for fame or money, and feelings of unworthiness. - Mind blockages include negative mind-sets, negative attitudes, negative beliefs, ego and attachments. - Body blockages include energy blockages and matter blockages. Energy blockages occur around the cells. Matter blockages occur inside the cells. Divine Healing Hands blessings carry: - Divine frequency and vibration, which transform the frequency and vibration of all aspects of life. - Divine love, which melts all blockages and transforms all life.
- Divine forgiveness, which brings inner joy and inner peace to all life. - Divine compassion, which boosts energy, stamina, vitality and immunity of all life. - Divine light, which heals, prevents sickness, purifies and rejuvenates soul, heart, mind and body and transforms every aspect of life. Together, Dr. and Master Sha, and his Worldwide Representatives and Divine Healing Hands. Soul Healers have blessed thousands of people worldwide through Divine Healing Hands. The next Divine Healing Hands Certification Retreat will be held at the Hampton Inn, 1570 Easton Road, Warrington, PA 18976. For more information and to register call Maria Sunukjian at 518-764- 2815. (See Display Ad on page 8)
Creating Community Magazine
Friday, September 16 MAGIC HANDS - MASTER CHILDREN’S REIKI TEACHER CERTIFICATION CLASS Former teachers, have been teaching Magic Hands Reiki to children for several years. In this hands-on workshop develop an outline for class and create a manual for teaching. Ideas and handouts for activities (games, art projects, music, books, etc.) Pre- requisit Reiki III Teacher. Certification Magic Hands Teacher. Lynda Sands (610-246-6367) lyn111da@yahoo.com; Annette Kroninger (215-343-0172) annetteone@verizon.net www.circleofmiracles.org Sunday, September 18 4TH ANNUAL BUCKS COUNTY HEALTHY LIVING FESTIVAL Our Annual event will bring this ever expanding community together for a Festival in celebration of healthy living for all! Join us for a free fun filled afternoon for all ages. Enjoy local Eco, Sustainable, Metaphysical, and Holistic Vendors, Live Music throughout the day, delicious organic and local food, Yoga Classes, Plant and Herbal workshops and more! Thursday, September 22 MERIDIAN TAPPING WORKSHOP Please join Massagebycolleen.com at Dr.Paul Bizzaro’s Chiropractic office 81 S.Main Street Yardley PA Thursday at 6:00 p.m. when we welcome Laurie Carty CSP to teach this fun, interactive, educational and free workshop. Learn how tapping can be done with a practitioner or at home by yourself. Call Colleen 267-338-6609 to save your seat! colleenquinn730@yahoo.com
www.drlaurennappen.com. CEU’s for massage and acupuncture! Dr. Lauren Nappen, approved educator for BIEP. Wednesday, October 5 CREATING A SUCCESSFUL COACHING PRACTICE: Are you a coach focusing on one or more of the following areas: life, relationships, success, nutrition, holistic, health, energy or spirituality? Gain the skills to take your coaching practice to the next level. Instructors: Jon Satin and Chris Pattay, The Possibility Coaches, share the secrets and skill sets they have mastered since 2002 to create a successful international coaching practice. Class meets every Wednesday during October, 7-8:30pm at Delaware Valley University. Tuition: $225. Info: 215-794-0135 or www.PossibilityCoaches.com/class.html Saturday, October 8 YOGA OF RADIANT PRESENCE - OCT 8TH & 9TH Peter Brown presents a weekend immersion into the nature of reality as the comprehensive actuality of what is authentically present; partially describable as an absolutely transcendental field of Radiant subtle energy, the actual energy of being itself. The weekend program is an interactive contemplative and conversational discovery experienced by many as a deep cutting through of conventional notions about spiritual realization. We meet at Pebble Hill Church in Doylestown - register by email to yorp.east@theopendoorway.org. See www.theopendoorway.org for Peter’s novel approach to dzogchen, advaita, and the gnostic traditions of East and West.
Thursday, September 22 AUTUMN EQUINOX: THE SETTING SUN This is our signal to slow the pace and move inward in heart and soul, blessing the golden light that moves around us and through us. Harvest your memories of playing and growing, of coloring outside the lines of your story. Pre-payment and RSVP September 19th. Led by Dr. Lauren Nappen, Original Medicine. Mechanicsville, PA. www.drlaurennappen.com
Friday, October 14 REIKI II CERTIFICATION Reiki power is increased, works faster and deeper. Learn to transmit Energy over distance and time. Learn how Reiki can be applied to situations, be sent into the future, help heal the past, eliminate habits, and enhance talents. Friday 6:30-9:30pm and Saturday 9am-6pm. Register by 10/7. Circle Of Miracles, 10 Beulah Road, New Britain, PA Rev. Glenda Smith 267-218-4254 Reiki@circleofmiracles.org www.circleofmiracles.org
Saturday, September 24 BACH FLOWER ESSENCES LEVEL I Reduce Stress. Fear Less. Live with more JOY! A key component in the practice of Original Medicine, Bach Flower Essences truly are a Medicine of the Heart. Level I Introductory class. For online registration
Saturday, October 15 BACH FLOWER ESSENCES LEVEL II DEEPENING THE PRACTICE We’ll dive into the subtle distinctions that can be made between closely related essences and explore how they relate to life goals and personality traits. A Master Level class that
Creating Community Magazine
prepares you for Practitioner Training. CEU’s for massage and acupuncture. Taught by Dr. Lauren Nappen, Original Medicine, and approved teacher for BIEP. www.drlaurennappen.com. Held in Mechanicsville, PA. Friday, October 21 JOURNEYDANCE WITH TONI BERGINS Toni returns to Philly! JourneyDance leads participants on a ritual journey of physical and emotional transformation using your natural intuitive movement. We activate imagination and utilize diverse forms of improvisational dance, yoga, and ritual to an inspiring soundtrack of world music, creating an ecstatic celebration of the human spirit. Friday, October 21, 7-9PM at Summit Presbyterian Church 6757 Greene St. Mount Airy 19119 http://www.journeydance.com/ events. Contact: Jade, journeywithjade@gmail.com Saturday, October 22 JOURNEYDANCE WORKSHOP WITH TONI BERGINS Toni Bergin’s Lovin’ Me Transformation Series: Expressive Movement into Artful Sharing. Explore healing that comes from improvisational dance and expressing your personal medicine with words, music, and song. Movement explorations to inspire your heart and shift your relationship with yourself and others. Be Seen and Heard in spontaneous group playful sharing. 12-3PM. Summit Presbyterian Church, 6757 Greene Street, Mount Airy 19119. http://journeydance.com/events. Contact: Jade, journeywithjade@gmail.com Friday, October 28 REIKI III MASTER PRACTITIONER Friday 6:30-9:30pm & Saturday 9am-8:00pm. Receive the Usui Master Power Attunement which increases your Reiki flow, learn Usui Master Symbol and receive instructions to utilize this symbol for increased intensity of the Reiki power. Register by 10/21 for discount. Add optional Teacher Training Saturday 5-10pm & Sunday 2-10pm glenda@circleofmiracles.org or 267-218-4254 Circle of Miracles Church, 10 Beulah Road, New Britain, PA 18901 www.circleofmiracles.org Friday, November 18 TAI CHI EASY PRACTICE LEADER CERTIFICATION TRAINING Samarpan Temple Hall 6515 Bustelton Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19149 DATE Friday Nov. 18 – Sunday, Nov. 20 8: 30 am – 5:30 pm FEE: $385 Early Bird Registration $350 [Save $35] by Oct 18 Includes Practice Leader Training Manual, DVD, The Healer Within book,Tai Chi Easy tm Practice Leader Certificate, morning coffee and lunches. Scholarships,payment schedules,sponsorships available Registration Send check for Healer Within Foundation Address: 213 Coventry Road Chalfont,PA 18914 Dr.Kalind Bakshi 267-278-1054 coachkalind@gmail.com Benu Dhawan 856-364-5052 Paula Michelle Boyle 215-725-1995 Easy to Learn & lead – AnyoneAnytime-All ages No prior experience needed Visit www.healerwithinfoundation.org
Ongoing Activities HEALTHY & THERAPEUTIC 1-TO-1 FITNESS TRAINING Accepting new clients. 36 yrs. experience. Specializing in women-
over-50, OR creative exercise for physical limitations/injuries. Lessons take place in your home. Elizabeth Glaze is an ACSM Certified Physiologist, ACE Certified Personal Trainer. Call at 610279-6962, Website is PersonalizedFitness4U.com. E-mail at PersonalizedFitness4U@gmail.com. Call for a friendly, low pressure, informational chat today! CONCEIVED IN AND EFFUSING AS ECSTASY At some phase-of or point-in your journey to awake you are, after some..., call it preparation, willing to discard yourself and your opinions without looking back to justify the imagination that you are the consequence of something or that experience is about anything. You no longer need to rely on any explanation, any practice, anything hoped for, anything other than the revelation that you are conceived in and effusing as ecstasy. The NightSkySangha meets 4x each week to enjoy the view. See www.nighskysangha.org for meeting info. WELLTH OF SOULUTIONS Each day the invitation arrives to unpack your heart and rekindle your Oneness. It’s a marvelous journey. Will you open the invitation? Welcome to Wellth of Soulutions, a time to find your way to the heart of your heart. The 1st Monday of each month, 7-8 PM except September (9/12.) Led by Dr. Lauren Nappen, Original Medicine. Mechanicsville, PA RSVP 215.794.0606 drlaurennappen.com DOYLESTOWN FARMERS’ MARKET Every Saturday from 7 a.m. until noon, 25 vendors sell local fruits and vegetables, dairy, meats, eggs, wine, plants, jams, honey, sauces, soups, baked goods, dog treats, crafts and more. Live music from 10 until closing. Free book exchange. A happy place to shop! Located on South Hamilton Street between West State and Oakland Ave. www.BuckinghamPaCivic.org, 215-345-5355, Buy Local, Save Bucks EMDR CONSULTATION GROUP Interested in pursuing EMDR Certification and/or in deepening your knowledge and understanding of EMDR in practice? Includes case review and discussing challenging issues. Participation requires a minimum six-month commitment. Monthly on Fridays from 8:30 10:30 am. Led by EMDRIA Approved Consultant and Certified EMDR Therapist Elizabeth Venart. Individual EMDR Consultation also available. Learn more at www.elizabethvenart.com or by calling 215-233-2002. AURA/CHAKRA BALANCING Gentle, powerful and uplifting healing sessions for relief of physical and emotional pain. Providing alignment of body, mind and spirit. Karmic clearing of past patterns. By appointment. Carol Pomplun, B.D. Philadelphia (Chestnut Hill) 215-242-0904 caroljpomplun@gmail.com 35 years experience AURA/CHAKRA BALANCING Gentle, powerful and uplifting healing sessions for relief of physical and emotional pain. Providing alignment of body, mind and spirit. Karmic clearing of past patterns. By appointment. Carol Pomplun, B.D. Philadelphia (Chestnut Hill) 215-242-0904 caroljpomplun@gmail.com 35 years experience.
CHAIR YOGA TRAINING 10 CEU’S Would you like to expand your skills and learn how to teach a dynamic therapeutic chair yoga class? Open to yoga teachers, healing arts practicioners, health professionals (OTs, PTs, CSWs, RNs) and experienced yoga students. Oct 1-2, 11-4 PM, $225, New Hope, PA. Call Deb at 973727-6579. COMMUNITY CLASSIFIEDS ARE ONLY $30 in Creating Community Magazine. You can buy, sell, network or anything else you’d like. Reach your co-community members.The Deadline for the NOVEMBER/DECEMBER ISSUE is OCTOBER 15th. SUBMIT YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS THROUGH OUR WEBSITE WWW.CREATINGCOMMUNITY.COM
Creating Community Magazine