inspired by meme-
“This is Bill”
inspired by meme-
“This is Bill”
This is Bill. The deadline is 7 days away. Bill decided to enjoy the concert.
This is Bill. The deadline is 6 days away. Bill had a good meal.
This is Bill. The deadline is 5 days away. Bill went hiking today.
This is Bill. The deadline is 4 days away. The hiking was exausted, Bill slept through the whole day.
This is Bill. The deadline is 3 days away. Bill went to a cat cafe today.
This is Bill. The deadline is 2 days away. Bill typed a sentence for his essay. Bill is productive and deserves a day of resting.
This is Bill. The deadline is 1 day away. Bill cleaned his house. His house is now spotless.
This is Bill.
The deadline is 0 day away.
Bill studied and did all his homeworks today. He finally finished all of them.
This is Bill.
The new deadline is 21 days away. Bill is procrastinating.
This is Bill. Bill does NOT know how to time management. Don’t be like Bill.
A story of Bill, or actually a story of me. Bill is definitely a ENFP.
-Cindy Liao