FHHS Key Club November Newsletter 2012-2013

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Forest Hills High School Key Club November Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 8 Edited and Designed by Cindy Win

Helping the communities… Having a passionate heart… Helping those in need…

Preface Forest Hills High School Key Club Newsletter Division 8-A

67-01 110 Street, Forest Hills, NY 11375

Editor’s Email: cindywin96@gmail.com

Volume I Issue 8

Welcome to the eighth Forest Hills High School Key Club Newsletter! This newsletter includes various events in November, Key Club international news, etc. from 2012-2013. This newsletter will inform you all about what the Forest Hills High School Key club is and does. It’s the month of Thanksgiving! I am thankful everyone from my life is safe from the hurricane! I am also thankful for everyone who has helped me in life, especially my parents!

-Cindy Win “Caring-our way of lie”- Key Club Motto

What’s Inside? leadership


caring character building


I pledge, on my honor, To uphold the objects of Key Club International; To build my home, school and community; To serve my nation and God; And to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Table of Contents I. II. III. IV. V. VI.

Key Club News President’s Message Events Key Club Crossword! Contact Information Thanks for reading!

Key Club International News International News TIME TO TURN IN YOUR TRICK-OR-TREAT FUNDS! November 20, 2012 Halloween festivities are over, but there’s still reason to celebrate: Your hard work and creative costume ideas brought in donations for Trick-orTreat for UNICEF. It’s now time to transform those funds into something even better than Halloween treats: A way to protect mothers and babies. Once you have collected all of your donations, send them in. There are two easy ways: 1. By credit card: Call 1-800-KIWANIS, ext. 411 2. By check: Make your check or money order payable to the Kiwanis International Foundation and send it along with a completed gift form to: The Eliminate Project: Campaign Office Kiwanis International Foundation 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268 Attn: Trick-or-Treat Don’t forget to write your club name or number on the memo line. This is important to ensure your club receives proper recognition for its efforts. It will also make sure your club receives Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF fundraising supplies next September. Clubs that raise more than US$250 by December 31, 2012, will receive a special, commemorative banner patch. So don’t forget to send in the funds you raised by the deadline. Thank you for all you’ve done to protect moms and babies from maternal and neonatal tetanus! ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED The deadline for the ASU LSP scholarship is December 7, 2012. Arizona State University's Leadership Scholarship Program recognizes outstanding high school graduating seniors who have achieved excellence in leadership. Twenty-one high school seniors from Arizona and up to four from out-of-state will be selected for LSP. Established in 1977 to develop exceptional leadership skills among promising scholars, this program has a long-standing history at Arizona State University. More than a scholarship program, students become integral members of the university community. The award is a $13,000 annual scholarship for nonresident students, renewable for three additional years (eight semesters total). Eligible students must be must be an active member of Key Club or another nationally recognized leadership organization; 3.25 unweighted GPA. Contact Janelle Kappes to receive an application and submit it by December 7, 2012. For more information, please visithttp://students.asu.edu/lsp, or call


TRACKING OUR PROGRESS: ON TARGET TO ELIMINATE MNT November 30, 2012 As of September 2012, the Kiwanis family has raised more than US$18.2 million for The Eliminate Project, which will save or protect more than 10 million mothers and their future babies from maternal and neonatal tetanus. Those who have held fundraisers and those who have made contributions of any size should feel good about our progress. This success will keep our momentum going so share The Eliminate Project progress on your website, in your communications and especially in any thank-you notes.

Key Club International News Thank you for all you and your club have done to get us where we are with this campaign! RECOGNITION FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ELIMINATE PROJECT November 28, 2012 Mothers and babies all over the world are benefiting from your work to raise funds for The Eliminate Project. It’s time to be recognized for your efforts. New this Kiwanis year, starting October 1, 2012, all CKI [or Key Club or Aktion Club or Builders Club or K-Kids] members and clubs are eligible for special recognition when their contributions reach a certain level. Elimidallion: award given to any CKI [or Key Club or Aktion Club or Builders Club or K-Kids] member or advisor who makes a one-time donation of US$625 or more 1K Clubs: status given to CKI clubs [or Key Clubs or Aktion Clubs or Builders Clubs or K-Kids clubs] that reach the US$1,000 donation level in one year (Oct. 1–Sept. 30) Global Service Society: gold, silver and bronze levels of recognition, based on your club’s per-member average of contributions within one year (Oct. 1 - Sept. 30) Encourage your SLP clubs to visit the New Resources page on The Eliminate Project website and download the Kiwanis Family Recognition brochure to find out more about these awards. ELIMINATING MNT: THREE DOWN, 31 TO GO November 26, 2012 Recently the World Health Organization conducted validation surveys in China, East Timor and Tanzania, and the results show that these countries have eliminated maternal and neonatal tetanus. That’s a big deal! In these three countries, the lives of newborns and mothers are now free from the anguish of tetanus. Since 1999, UNICEF and its partners—including the Kiwanis family—have eliminated the disease in 28 countries, including Liberia, Senegal, Burkina Faso and Guinea-Bissau. MNT remains a deadly threat in 31 countries. The final push to eliminate MNT globally will require US$110 million and the dedicated work of UNICEF and every member of the Kiwanis family. Thanks for your contribution so far!

SAY “THANK YOU” TO YOUR FAVORITE KIWANIANS November 22, 2012 What are you thankful for this year? How about your sponsoring Kiwanis club? This Thanksgiving, show the Kiwanians who support your Key Club how grateful you are for their time. Before your December calendar fills up, contact your Kiwanis advisor to plan a holiday party or joint service project. Here are some fun ideas for spreading holiday cheer together: Bake cookies and deliver some to fire stations, Ronald McDonald houses, or homeless shelters. Collect small toys, toothbrushes, card games and candy and fill stockings for children at area shelters. Write holiday wishes on strips of colorful paper then link then together to create a paper chain to decorate your school hallways. Invite members and their families to go caroling.

Key Club District News NYDKC News Greetings New York District! This is Governor Daniel, here with The Empirical Monthly for the months of October and November. I hope all of you are doing well and that those affected by Hurricane Sandy are recovering. This month is an action packed month as you will see in this email. Please read everything below and let's make this an amazing month filled with Key Club jazz and action! Also, there are some important dates that you may want to jot down! KEY CLUB WEEK! That's right! This week is KEY CLUB WEEK! Celebrate KEY CLUB this week through a variety of activities! R.S.V.P on the Facebook event page, accessible by clicking here.Check out the Key Club International website for more information, by clicking here. Also, in celebration of KEY CLUB WEEK, the District Public Relations Committee has created a video about this awesome festivity. You can view the video here. HERE'S A CHALLENGE: Bring $2 to your next Key Club meeting and donate it to The Eliminate Project! Help your club make a difference one mother at a time!

Trick or Treat for UNICEF For those of you that had Halloween disrupted by Hurricane Sandy, do not fear! All clubs have until December 31st, 2012 to submit all funds raised for The Eliminate Project through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. Clubs that raise a total of over $250 dollars will receive a special banner patch! Forever Resources and Officer Training Packets This year as part of the New York District's goal to help make the district's resources easier to access, the Forever Resources Initiative has been established. This project aims to help Key Clubbers like you by making sure that all resources are up-to-date and will remain unchanged for uniformity and clearer knowledge and information. Check out this year's new officer training packets by clicking here. Note that the editors and webmasters training packets have not yet been uploaded, but will be available very soon! Running for Higher Office It's not too early to start thinking about running for higher office. Ask your division lieutenant governor, an executive board member, or send an email to info@nydkc.org for more information on higher office positions! A Reminder about Leadership Training Conference 2013 What a lucky year for you! The New York District is celebrating its 65th birthday this year and you are invited! This year's LTC will be taking place in Albany, New York on the weekend of Friday, March 22nd to Sunday, March 24th! Prices are as follows: $260/student and $300/advisors (sharing rooms), $500/advisors (single room). Please start planning for LTC. Late registrants will have to pay an extra fee of $100 for the entire club, so please make sure to register as soon as possible. Registration will be up around December. Reminders Remember to join the district Facebook group and to check the district website for updates! You can submit service spotlights and even Key Club videos by sending an email to service@nydkc.org! Your article or video may be featured on the district website or on the district newsletter, The Empire Key! THAT'S ALL FOR THIS MONTH'S EMPIRICAL MONTHLY! We wish you the best in the months to come and Happy Early Thanksgiving! Thank you all so much! Stay warm, take care, and Key Club on! Yours in the spirit of service, Daniel Ivan Lin Governor of the New York District Key Club daniellin.gov@nydkc.org P.S. Don't forget our goal to raise $50,000 for The Eliminate Project this year! :)

Key Club Divisional/Club News Divisional News

Club News Hand in your dues in room 105 to Mrs. Korsky or any of the officers when you see them if you haven’t already! Make sure to fill out the application, which is online on the club’s website: keyclubfh.wix.com/keyclubfh. Also sign the sign-up sheet so we can record who paid and who didn’t. We did many park clean ups because we knew the community needed our help because of what happened with Hurricane Sandy. We did the UNICEF boxes fundraiser. We will also have an ongoing food pantry event every first Thursday and Sunday of every month and every third Thursday and Sunday of every month. We went to the divisional event and new York district event- Amazing Race and Fall Rally (consecutive). We plan to continue to do park clean ups and holiday festive events!

President’s Message My thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the Hurricane Sandy. Just about a week ago, we had the most deadly and saddening event happened in New York City and all the coastal areas surrounding Atlantic Ocean. Although not severely hurt by the Sandy, the lives of many have been damaged and affected. My heart and wishes go out to all of the families. Understanding the circumstances, we have moved our deadline (as people were unable to hand in their dues/application) and we have waived last month's hour requirements (as events were cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy.) This month, FHHS Key Club will dedicate itself to helping out with Sandy recovery - we will be cleaning up damaged parks, canvassing affected community, and many other opportunities as they come by. If you have any suggestions/ideas on how we can help, let us know! By the way, my name is Sonam Sherpa, your president for the term 2012-2013. Most of you should know me by this time; if not, feel free to talk to me. If you have any questions about the club, ask away and I will do my best to respond as quickly as possible. Sonam Sherpa, FHHS Key Club President 2012-2013 Sonam.tenji.sherpa@gmail.com (908)367-0461

Fall Rally By: Brianna Perez The event NYC Fall Rally occurred on Saturday, November 10 th, 2012 and was held at Edward R. Murrow High School. This event included all of the different districts that are involved in Key Club throughout New York City. There were different workshops at this event. These workshops allowed us to learn more about Key Club, like it’s main purpose and what we will mainly be accomplishing while being in Key Club. One workshop involved informing us about District Projects and Governor’s Projects. If we wanted to be an officer that workshop told us the responsibilities of being an officer and how to become one. Another workshop involved Public Speaking and how to speak properly. Lastly, there was an icebreakers workshop and a workshop involving how to create fundraisers. During this event I went to two workshops, the icebreakers workshop and the fundraiser workshop. During these two workshops I learned many different things. The icebreakers workshop involved an activity where there’s a big group of people and we have to throw a ball of yarn at each other and say our name and our school. This was an excellent activity because it can help in a major way to make new friends. If you just ask someone their name then who knows they could be your new best friend. It also shows that being friendly can get you very far. In a way this workshop helped me because I am a shy person so in the beginning I was shy, but now I’m not and I just open up to people and show my personality from the very beginning. The second workshop involved all the different fundraisers that take place in New York. There was a slideshow that showed all the different fundraisers and what the fundraisers represent. For example the Avon Breast Cancer Walk is a fundraiser to help raise money for Breast Cancer. We even learned more about Breast Cancer. It taught us how to be involved in these fundraisers and how to have them at our school. These workshops had big positive effects on me, and showed me that a small step can make a major difference.

Flushing Meadows Park Clean Up By Meiling On November 14, 2012, Key Club hosted a park clean-up event at the Passerelle Building in Flushing Meadows Park. Hurricane Sandy had hit New York City hard, causing nearly $32.8 billion in damage. The MTA itself suffered around $5 billion damage. Millions of New Yorkers were left without heat or electricity during the week of the storm, and some were in the dark for even longer. Streets were flooded, and trees and power lines were knocked down. New York City parks had leaves and branches littered all over the place, making New Yorkers unable to enjoy the parks. Flushing Corona Meadows Park was once an ash dump before it was cleared in the 1940’s. Now, Flushing Corona Meadows Park is the largest park in Queens, with 1,255 acres of land. It had been the hosting site of two twentieth-century World Fairs. The park itself has many baseball, soccer, tennis, and cricket fields where anyone can play on. The park is also home to CitiFields, a baseball stadium, a science museum, a botanical garden, and many playgrounds. It is also home to the New York State Pavillion and the Unisphere, which attracts many residents as well as tourists. For this event, Key Club was to meet at the Passerelle Building, which was located near some of the park’s tennis courts. However, there had been an issue with the directions and many members were unable to find the building. After wandering around the park for a while, the club settled on a spot near the broad walk, which led to the subway station and the CitiFields stadium. The parks people then handed us rakes and plastic bags, and we began to rake the fields littered with leaves and branches scattered by the hurricane. A few hours later, the area we were cleaning was free of leaves. Thanks to the hard work of Key Club members, a part of the park was clean and looking beautiful again.

UNICEF Boxes By Kania Rimu The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) works in 190 countries and territories to save and improve children’s lives, providing health care and immunizations, emergency relief and more. UNICEF was created by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 1946, to provide emergency food and healthcare to children in countries that had been devastated by World War II. UNICEF provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. UNICEF is present in 191 countries and territories around the world, and the most known type of UINCEF in the U.S is called "Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF". This is when children collect money for UNICEF asking people around Halloween. To eliminate MNT from the Earth, 129 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized. This requires vaccines, syringes, safe storage, transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more. The Eliminate Project, is created by the cooperation of Kiwanis International and UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. Also, Kiwanis and UNICEF joined forces to tackle iodine deficiency disorders. Hundreds of Forest Hills Key Club members participated in UNICEF to help prevent tetanus. Forest Hills Key Club members began collecting money for UNICEF in November 14, 2012 until November 21, 2012. Just to save one life from tetanus a baby is expected to be given 3 vaccines, which add up to around $1.30. Everyone I know in the Key Club participated in UNICEF, and raised a lot of money. It was so awesome how just few hundreds of people can make a difference in the world, and impact positively in people's lives. Forest Hills Key Club goal was to raise $1500, and we did it. This means Forest Hills Key Club helped to save more than 1,200 lives. It is amazing what high school students can do to help the world. If more people chose to donate just a dollar to charity every day, the world would be preventing more diseases, and more bad things from happening to innocent people who live in developing countries. Participating in UNICEF made a positive impact in my life. Like I said before, saving a life for only $1.30 is great. If you don't drink one cup of coffee for a day, you can already safe one baby's life. This does not seem a lot, but it is ridiculous how many people don't help to raise money for preventing tetanus. Although there are many generous people who offer a lot of money to help a cause, but there are people who don't seem to care. I feel somewhat sad that people don't understand what the people on the other side of the world are suffering with. The people in United States don't suffer from tetanus, because we can afford to prevent it. The people in developing countries can't afford it, and that is why Key Club and UNICEF is working together to help fight for a cause. Seeing how many people don't seem to care helped to encourage myself to volunteer to fundraise more money to fight diseases, and to encourage others as well to try to understand, and to help people by donating money for a good cause to save lives.

Food Pantry By Lucy Lopez New Life Fellowship Church is located in Elmhurst Queens, New York City. It is a multi-ethnic, multi-racial, and inter-denominational Christian church. Every Tuesdays from 6 pm – 8 pm and Saturdays from 10 am – 12 noon, the New Life Community Development Corporation opens up the New Life Food and Clothing Pantry at the church. Many people donate food and clothing to the pantry where guests receive food once a week. It serves the community’s low-income populace with non-perishable food, fresh produce, and gently-used clothing free of charge. Forest Hills High School Key Club has 8 students volunteer at the food and clothing pantry on the second and fourth Tuesday and Saturday of every month. There are also other programs that the church provides such as the Health Center, the ESL program, Young Governors, and many more. This corporation’s vision is, “a community that unleashes a movement of young and adult leaders who are equipped with the personal, academic and professional skills needed to succeed in life.” I have been able to volunteer for the food pantry several times. This church provides so much love and care for the community. I was able to put all kinds of food such as bananas, potatoes, bread, and yogurt into plastic bags with other food to give to people who came to the food pantry. I enjoyed interacting with different people and made sure I said, “good morning” and a smile.

What was fun about the food and clothing pantry event was that I got to meet new people at the church. I met other high school students who have been working for the food pantry for many years. I also met the pastor of the church and the manager of the food pantry. I learned about the church’s history and how interactive everyone is with their community. I hope I am able to go back to the church to help out with the food pantry.

My Love for Key Club By Kania Rimu My name is Kania Rimu. Key Club has really helped me take action, and show how I feel about the world. I always wanted to help people, and my dream is to be a doctor. Although I want to help people, I really didn't know what steps I should take to display my feelings. I don't want to be that type of person who is just "all talk and no action". So, when I first started attending Forest Hills High School, I was look for something to do, something to help me and others. Then with the help of my friends, I found Key Club which we joined together. I was elated when I actually got to help people. I still remember my first event, which was the clean-up at Flushing Meadows Park after Hurricane Sandy. Some people I knew became homeless, and even lost lives because of Hurricane Sandy. I wanted to make a difference and help out the community, because I know I wanted people to do the same towards the people I knew who were victims of Sandy. Basically, Key Club helped me by making a positive impact in my life by helping me to adjust to high school, give back to community, and make new friends.

I joined Key Club because I wanted to help make a difference in my community using my spare time, hang out with friends, make new friends, and make my college applications look better! I joined Builders Club in middle school, and every time I finished community service it gave me a happy feeling that I couldn't describe. Doing community service is very rewarding, and personally there is so much to gain from it. Although it takes up time, when you finish helping the community for the day, you don't feel any regret but accomplished. Also, my friends were looking for a club to meet others, and Key Club was the perfect club for me to join.

Key Club Crossword Email me at cindywin96@gmail.com for answers!

By Kania Rimu Down 1. _____ is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. (_____ ___) Two words 2. What does LTC stand for? ( ____ ____ ____) Three words 4. When you have a extraordinary ability to make plants grow well, you have a ____ thumb 8. As a volunteer, you meet new people who might become your lifelong ____ 10. The ____ project has Kiwanis International and UNICEF join forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. 12. _____ typically refers to efforts to gather money for non-profit organizations 13. What is our district?

Across 1. What organization sponsors Key Club? ( ____ ____) two words 3. What do the letters "K-E-Y" in Key Club stand for? Kiwanis Encourages ___ 5. The Key Club color gold stands for ___ 6. You should always lend a ____ to someone in need 7. We are all a Kiwanis _____ 9. What is the collegiate level of the Kiwanis Family? (____ ___ )Two words 11. ____ Our Way of Life ( Key Club Motto) 14. Key Club members help by _____ in events 15. When offering something that is given to a charity is called ___ 16. The Key Club color white stands for ____ 17.

Who helps make a difference in the community?

18. What are the four core values of Key Club International? Character Building, Caring, Inclusiveness, and ___

19. You will get many rewards in volunteering, except ___

CONTACT INFORMATION Key Club Email: keyclubfh@gmail.com

President(Sonam Sherpa)Cell phone number- 908-367-0461 -Email address- Sonam.tenji.sherpa@gmail.com Vice President(Sanket Aggarwal)Cell phone number-347-557-2343 -Email Address- sanket_aggarwal2005@yahoo.com Secretary(Stephen Mnere)Email Address- stephen.mnere@gmail.com Treasurer(Shreeya Tuladhar)Email Address- tuladhar.shreeya@gmail.com Editor/Web Designer(Cindy Win)Cell phone number-347-924-2751 -Email address- xxxhellocindyxxx@gmail.com

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