The Violet | Summer 2011

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SUMM ER 2011


Contents OPEN

Director’s Letter

Contributors Values




LIVE Do Something 11 Burning the Field 14 CREATE Make Things 17 Blossom 20 NURTURE Reviews 23

Do Yoga 24

Be Well 27


Garden to Table 29

Mustard 34

Summer Meal

From Scratch

38 44


Hot Hot Summer



A Love Story 66

Your Turn

We Admire...Kate Ziegler 68

Do Something that Scares You

67 69


72 End Quote 73 Back Story

SUMM ER 2011


{ Open } verb * remove the covers or wrapping from

Camilla’s Letter

I’m going to be real with you for a minute and tell you that I

What if we all decide to take a lesson from summer and commit

don’t usually get along well with summertime. I much prefer the

to living the heck out of life? I think it might be worth a shot.

cooler weather that comes with springtime or fall. I like the op-

I hope this issue gives you plenty of inspiration to get out there

tions for clothes better, the smells and the energy. But when you

and do just that.

put out a seasonal magazine, it forces you to find joy within each season. Especially when the theme of the issue is Falling in Love with Summer. Right?

And before I sign off and let you dive in, I want to take a moment to give my heartfelt thanks to you readers. Really, thank you. Thank you for reading, for participating and for understand-

I almost can’t believe I’m writing it here - but I think I’m in love

ing what this fledgling magazine is all about. Thank you for the

with summer. This issue of The Violet worked on me! It did what

retweets, the facebook likes and the sweet, supportive emails.

I hoped it would do for you, our readers, except I was the guinea

Thank you for believing in The Violet. I can’t wait to see how this

pig. Suddenly, all I can think about is putting a little lemon in my

thing will evolve!

hair (pg 13), getting a little Vitamin D (pg 27) and hosting a dinner party that comes straight from my garden (pg 29). I want to fill my house with bright, happy sunflowers (pg 20) and set about falling in love with my life all over again (pg 65). Camilla Salem I think one of the very best things about summertime is that it allows us a certain amount of spontaneity in our lives. In fact, it almost demands it, wouldn’t you agree? When the sun comes out and temperatures start to rise, it’s almost a rule to let our hair down and live a little (or a lot). And now, a part of me thinks that we should make that a rule every season or even every day.

SUMM ER 2011


Contributors meet the team behind this issue of the violet ! they are lovable ...




Camilla is a 6’0 tall California native who

Jackie lives in New York’s Hudson Valley

A curly-haired, library-loving girl split

enjoys food (a lot), yoga, creativity and day-

with her two dogs, Rocco and Suzette.

between Ottawa (journalism school) and

dreaming. She is a graduate of UC Berkeley’s

Known as “the resident paparazzi”, it was

London (home). An apple lover, dinner

department of Peace and Conflict Studies

no surprise that she’s ended up making

party enthusiast & bedroom ballerina,

and admits to having amassed an embar-

her living as a photographer. Jackie likes

Emily enjoys picnics, baking, 80’s post-

rassingly large collection of,

hiking, sushi and bad reality television

punk and reading Hemingway. She loves

naturally she decided to start her own.

and she is among the small percentage of

boys with glasses, John Hughes movies,

Blog: Champagne Bubbles

people in the world who actually enjoys

and listening to other people’s stories.

hanging out in airports. Blog: JacPfef

Idols include Anne Shirley and Tina Fey. Blog: Say Anything




Ashlee Gadd is an aspiring writer & ama-

Former cheeseburger queen turned veg-

I’m Bridget. Pleased to make your

teur photographer residing in Sacramento,

etarian. New Yorker by location but lover

acquaintance. A brief word about me?

California. When she’s not making lists and

of all things European including–but not

You’ll find me in the Boston area, possibly

guzzling Go Girl energy drinks, you can find

limited to–latticed iron patios, red Vespas,

devouring some chocolate Haagen Dazs ice

her at your local thrift store, yoga studio, or

open air piazzas, and tall men. A trained

cream, on the beach with my kids, fetch-

most likely, frozen yogurt shop. She’s a self

actor, turned writer, turned fledgling baker

ing with my dog, or going on a date with

proclaimed joy-chooser, smile-creator, and

she’s just another twenty-something figur-

my husband to our fave Mexican bistro. I

truth-lover. Blog: Where My Heart Resides

ing it all out. Blog: The Wild and Wily

like to write too. And that’s why I’m here.

Ways of a Brunette Bombshell

Blog: Tales of Me and the Husband




Claire was born and raised in San Francis-

Kenza is 16 year old with a passion for

Molly Yeh is a writer and percussionist

co, and as a result, loves rain and fog. She

Shakespeare and all things old fashioned.

living in New York City. She is a recent

sees the world in black and white film and

She finds herselfself looking at life through

graduate of The Juilliard School and as-

loves fashion, art, potstickers, and sparkly

some seriously dramatic lenses and like

sistant editor of The Juilliard Journal. In her

high heels. She can always be found on

so many teenagers considers herself well

free time, this Chicago-native enjoys tap

a horse, behind a camera, or in a vintage

beyond her years. She’d much rather be

dancing, eating, yoga, rock climbing, and

clothing store and she’s pretty sure she

having steak frites with Badoit in France

biking. Her refrigerator is home to approxi-

should have been born in the 1950’s.

than going a high school dance. Blog: My

mately 50 mustards. Blog: My Name is Yeh

Treasure Trove




Jasmine is a southern California native liv-

Celeste is a Bay Area native whose life

As both a landscape architect and graphic

ing in Long Beach, CA, with her super-hot,

dream is to travel the world. A recent

designer, color and form are her passion.

hair stylist husband, Levi, and their kitties,

Stanford graduate in English and Classics,

Growing up in Northern California has

Gretel and Lily. True to her Gemini nature,

she loves her ukulele, film photography,

made her a true locavore-food snob! She is

she values independence and likes to dabble

stargazing, and Mr. Darcy. She splits her

especially fond of the arugula at the Marin

in anything that strikes her fancy. She ap-

daydreaming equally between food, Eu-

farmers market. She has a lust for travel,

preciates good food, good coffee, and good

rope, and what to be when she grows up.

buying Wallpaper City guides, and sneaking

people. Blog: An Experiment in Poverty

Blog: Wanderlust

away with her husband on his business trips. Whats next? – a travel blog, asap!

SUMM ER 2011


{We believe} in the simple life .

In knowing about what we eat


* don’t That you have to be a Rockefeller to be a rockstar

In love stories that it’s really cool to blog

In expressing our femininity And in being the people were meant to be

SUMM ER 2011


{ Live } verb * remain alive

SUMM ER 2011

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Do Something five ideas for summer guaranteed memory- makers . By Emily Rack

Learn to pack lightly for your summer holiday. Maybe it’s just me, but I seem to be plagued with the curse of overpacking my suitcase and carry-on. And while it all seems necessary, lugging a 30-kilo suitcase around in the heat is nobody’s idea of fun. My mantra this summer: less is more. Whether you’re headed to Florence or Florida, there is always room to remove. Whittle your packing down to a small suitcase, a waterproof cosmetics bag and a big purse that you can use as a carry-on on flights. Make a list of all the days you’ll be on vacation, and plan outfits accordingly. Pack pieces that are light, rewearable and easy to wash. My suitcase staple for warm weather are a pair of shorts, a cute skirt or two, a solid colour lightweight dress, a couple of your favorite tanks and tees, a thin button-down, and a cardigan for chilly nights. You can mix and match these enough to have new outfits for a week or two. Bras and undies and swimsuits can be handwashed, so don’t bring your whole collection. Wear your heaviest clothes (and sunhat!) on the way and don’t bring too many shoes. Shoes are heavy, awkward to pack, and you will probably end up wearing the same pair the whole trip. For cosmetics, don’t forget your cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen and lipbalm! It’s often hard to replace your usual routine in a foreign place. Filter your makeup bag down to something small and manageable: one daytime look and something to amp it up for romantic dinners or a night out dancing. For me, it’s concealer, mascara and blush. I usually bring a bright lipstick so I can change up my look day-to-day. It’s a good idea to bring a little bottle of your favorite shampoo and conditioner. Sometimes hotel choices do scary things to hair. Hardcovers books should stay at home, but you can usually find paperback copies of your favorites at second-hand stores for pennies. Pack some healthy snacks in your carry-on for the journey (it’s easy to get caught up in bad eating habits when you’re away from home), make sure you bring your camera, a little notebook and pen for all your thoughts and ideas, and an “important things” folder with your passport, tickets, accommodation details. Most importantly just have an amazing time! It doesn’t really matter how many outfits you have, you’re travelling for the experience and the excitement of being somewhere new. You might not remember what you wore, but you’ll always remember where you’ve been!

Go berry picking! Take advantage of your local farms, and go pick your own berries. Make a day of it. Pack a lunch, wear a big hat and enjoy the sunshine. Strawberries are by far the easiest berries to pick (no scratchy branches!), they freeze well and make

tensive conditioning mask, run it through

and enjoy them poolside or porchside.

your hair and sit out in the sun. The pH

If you want to get fancy (or are just too

of the lemon will work with the sun to

impatient to wait a couple hours for freez-

give you some natural highlights (nothing

ing) maybe try out the Zoku Quick Pop

extreme) that will make you feel totally


ready for the beach. Don’t worry about


drying out your hair, as long as you mix the lemon with conditioner, it shouldn’t

Embrace the season.

do any damage. To give it an extra soften-

It’s summertime. The days are long, the

ing kick, put in a damp camomile tea bag

weather is beautiful, and you have the

and let the mixture sit for a few minutes

chance to do so many things. Spend an

before combing it through your hair.

evening simply being summery. Have a water balloon fight, make sangria and

amazing jam when they’re fresh. Berry

Make your own popsicles.

barbecue with your friends. Go on a long

farms charge either by the punnet or by

In the heat of this crazy summer, what

bike ride around your neighborhood, jump

weight, and either way you end up paying

better to cool you off than a popsicle?

through a sprinkler and go play on the

much less than you would at a grocery

Although the store-bought kind are tasty,

swings at your local park. Eat too much

store (plus you can sneak a snack while

they’re often pumped full of food color-

watermelon, wear your favorite bikini and

you pick...shhh). It’s always a good idea to

ing and too much sugar. Make your own!

put on beachy songs. Soon it’ll be winter

support your local farmers (your strawber-

You probably have all the ingredients you

again and we’ll all be bundled up, so

ries shouldn’t have to travel 8 hours to get

need on hand, you can make your favorite

make the most of the sunshine.

to you), and getting to make summery

flavors and get creative. You can make

strawberry shortcakes when you get home

popsicles out of pretty much anything.

is a great reward.

My current faves? Blend up a banana with

Put Lemon in Your Hair To get some natural lightness to your hair mix up the juice of one lemon with an in-

some vanilla yogurt and freeze it; mango juice with fresh blueberries dropped in; chocolate almond milk with rasperries. Have a popsicle-making party with friends

SUMM ER 2011

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Burning the Field By Meg Fee

I moved in April. It was a relatively easy move. Just down the

There are numerous moments built into our calendar year that

hall. So easy in fact, that by the end of the day all I had left

call for a fresh start. The new year, the start of school, spring and

were a few piles to sort through. And so I pushed those piles to

its glorious pronouncement of life after a long, hard winter. But

the outskirts of this new palatial room and resolved to sort and

nothing during these three months we call summer.

organize them in the coming days.

Summer is a time for lazy, long afternoons. A time to revel in the

It is July now and the piles still ring my room. They have multi-

heat and embrace the art of doing little. And yet it seems to me,

plied. Grown. Given birth to more mess.

heat is nature’s calling card for renewal and re-birth. Think about

I keep waiting for the moment life will settle. The moment those piles will disappear. And I will settle. Settle into some sort of normalcy. And life will be easy. Ah, for an easier life!

it: it’s everywhere. The heat of a fever is the body’s way of attacking illness. Fire is used in farming to strip the field in order to promote new growth. In fact, some plants actually need the heat from a fire just to spread their seed. So what follows is the notion that perhaps there is no better time

At some late hour last night, catching myself eying those piles

for a fresh start - for some sort of renewal - than in these long,

wearily, I thought, "enough". And I dove in. I went for those little

lazy, heat-driven afternoons of summer.

mounds of disorganization. I am a sucker for Anthropologie-esque decor. Layers upon layers of texture and color, the careful and careless arrangement of things that upon first glance don’t go together. And I have styled my room in such fashion. But last night, trash bag in hand, attacking those piles, I wanted nothing so much as to de-layer. The piles were just the entry point. The big picture was more the point; to streamline - to sim-

5 small steps to de-clutter, streamline and thus transform:

1. Take a good long look at your living space. I have this lovely dresser with an expansive top - a top perfect for displaying my wide variety of knick-knacks.

plify. Last night I stowed away some of the most beautiful things

When the urge to strip overtook me, this dresser became ground

I own. And in their absence I began to breathe just a little bit

zero. I wanted to be able to see as much of the wooden surface as

easier. In the absence of layers and clutter I found clarity. In clean

possible. So I stowed things away. Pictures and candlesticks and a

lines and negative space.

small model of the Eiffel Tower. This is not to say I’ll not bring

My room reflects my life. It tells the story of me. And the story I’m working on now? Less is more. Stripping down breathes new more meaningful life.

these things out in the near future - it’s just to say that I’m learning that too much of a good thing is sometimes too much. I don’t need to show my whole hand all at once.

2. Rework your closet and its wardrobe.

not-sure-what-do-with-it stuff. A quick (but small and contained)

Oh, the magazine articles I have read over the years entreating me

spot to deposit the mess. Enter the junk drawer. It’s big enough,

to strip my closet of all those things I haven’t worn in years! And

hidden, and I feel no guilt about the fact that it’s a disaster.

oh, how I’ve just not been able to do it! My closet, like many others, is filled with clothes that fall into three categories: too small, fits now, too big. And I know, I know, it’s all supposed to fall into the fits now category. And yet, I have a hard time with this premise.

Build cushion-room into your life. Embrace the idea that a certain amount of failure is good and make allowances for it.

4. Take to the kitchen. There is no better time to strip your diet to the good stuff than

I recently left my house for the day wearing one of my favorite black shirts, a beloved jean jacket, and a handed-down pair of Frye motorbike boots (a favorite ensemble). But as soon as I exited my building I had this nagging suspicion I’d dressed myself in something of a costume. By late afternoon I was ready to head to the nearest clothing store, buy whatever I could find, and ditch the other stuff. What I realized was that it was a favorite ensemble back when I needed a little extra room in my dresses, a little more coverage, and a pair of biker boots to approximate courage. Each item of clothing tells a story. And these pieces, well, they told the story of my past. But I can no longer align them with the person I am now - at least not in that combination.

summer when the food is fresh, sweet, and has a much better chance of being grown locally. The bounty of summer is endless when it comes to unprocessed foods. So try, for a day, a week, or a month to cut out all the fake stuff. The fake sugars and plasticwrapped sandwiches. If that seems too daunting, start small. Or instead of focusing on what-not-to-eat, make the goal to up your fruit and vegetable intake.

5. Make room for new growth. Having taken the time to clear out and reevaluate, sit down in your favorite nook, in your favorite chair. Take some time to think about who you are right now, at this very moment - about the story you want to tell. And then write yourself a note: a love letter, at that. A letter that a year from now you will pull out and

So when I finally arrived home that night. I took a good, long

see just how much you’ve changed and just how far you’ve come.

look at my wardrobe. And I put together a bag for Goodwill of

Clearing gives way to new growth. So allow for the possibility

all those things that no longer work to tell my story. (And it had

that life is blossoming at this very moment - that you are becom-

only a little do with whether or not they fit in the appropriate

ing richer and fuller than you ever dared possible.

sizing category).

3. Embrace the “controlled” part of the burn. I do better when there is no mess. When things are clean and organized. But I’m far more likely to keep things organized if I have a place for all that I-don’t-want-to-deal-with-now or I’m-just-

SUMM ER 2011

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{ Create } verb * bring (something) into existence

SUMM ER 2011

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CREATE: make things







1. Mason Jar lanterns

3. light up your world

favorite clippings and organize them in a

Experimenting with mason jars never gets

Who says Christmas tree lights are just

journal. That way you can always go back

old. They are the worlds most versatile

for the winter time. String these sweet

and remind yourself of what you were

container. Here we took some wire em-

fairy lights around trees outside, or even

inspired by!

bellishments and wrapped them around

around your bed frame for sweet summer

mason jars of all sizes. We attached wire


6. butterfly bobby pins

butterflies for a whimsical look (a la Mamma Mia), and stuck a candle inside to create a centerpiece.

2. Marbled tile Coasters These coasters are easy to create. Not only will they protect your furniture from stains, but you will seem like the craftiest gal on the block. This is a satisfying craft, which leaves you with a seriously awesome outcome. Click for directions.

Take a leftover butterfly from your Mason

4.Make your own bookmarks

Jar Lanterns, super glue it to a bobby pin,

Gift tags + stamps + creativity = charm-

and stick it in your hair (once it’s dried, of

ing bookmarks that will make your

course!) for a sweet summer accessory.

summer reading all the more delightful.

Good luck with your summertime crafts!

5. Magazine scrapbook Sometimes it gets hard to keep track of all of the amazing articles, recipes, and craftideas that we get from magazines. You either never remember them, or you end up a magazine hoarder. Cut out all your

SUMM ER 2011

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Blossom Text and photographs by Camilla Salem


by jasmine l . h . myers

The sunflower is the quintessential flower of summer. I mean, it looks like the sun, for crying out loud! When I think of a carefree summer full of adventure, friends, family, and fun, my mind drifts to faraway fields full of big, yellow sunflowers. But in reality, sunflowers are actually native to the Americas! They bloom from spring to autumn and come in many gorgeous varieties and colors. More than just a pretty face, the sunflower also possesses many health benefits. Sunflower seeds are full of vitamin E (anti-inflammatory properties; prevents cardiovascular disease), phytosterols (lowers cholesterol), magnesium (increases energy; strengthens bones), and selenium (improves body’s ability to detoxify; prevents cancer). Sunflower seeds are delicious on their own or can be throw into salads or cereal to add flavor and texture. Sunflower oil is also good for you! It’s naturally low in saturated fat and can help reduce cholesterol. There are tons of options when arranging sunflowers. For a fun, simple approach, try arranging them by themselves in painted cans. For my first arrangement, I peeled the labels off of tall, wide cans and painted them with acrylic paint. These inexpensive arrangements pack quite the punch and showcase the sunflower in all its bold and beautiful glory. *Tip: It takes several coats to cover the cans completely.

Try using a blow dryer in between coats to speed up the drying process. For a more elaborate approach, I arranged sunflowers with green spider mums, light pink stock, green dianthus (the Seussianlooking puff balls), and pink antirrhinum (snapdragons) in an aluminum watering can. *Tip: When arranging flowers, more is more. You would be surprised at how many stems you can fit in a vase. This particular arrangement required 25-30 stems. Next time you’re eating, cooking with, arranging, or looking at a sunflower, remember that it represents warmth, happiness, loyalty, and adoration. Allow that

Top left: bright sunflowers in painted cans simple and environmentally friendly! Top Right: An exciting, bold arrangement including green dianthus and snapdragons.

thought to brighten your mood and put you in a summery state of mind.

SUMM ER 2011

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{ Nurture } verb * care for and encourage the growth or development of

NURTURE: reviews

BOOK – Animal Vegetable Miracle

Playlist - Summertime!

MOVIE – Midnight in Paris

The book is the story of Kingsolver’s

Here’s a soundtrack for all of your sum-

If you yearn for Paris in anyway, regard-

yearlong challenge (along with her

mer adventures. Directions for use: turn

less of whether you consider yourself a

husband and daughter) to grow or raise

volume way up, roll windows down, sing

fan of Woody Allen (I, categorically, love

their own food. After leaving their Tucson


and appreciate his films), you need to

home, and transplanting to Appalachia,

of food politics – but in a less aggressive

1. Down By the Water – The Decemberists 2. Galway Girl – The Fenians 3. Janet – The Format 4. When your mind’s made up – Glen

and authoritative manner than some other

Hansard & Marketa Irglova

the three were launched heads-first into this nourishing experiment. Kingsolver opens us up to the controversial world

get off of your computer – after you’ve finished reading this issue – and go see Midnight in Paris, immediately. The film is breathtaking, with a cast that makes me a little bit weak in the knees: Kathy Bates, Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Adrien

how, that fact makes the concept of eating

5. Mouth – Merril Bainbridge 6. Good Life – One Republic 7. Trouble – Ray LaMontagne 8. San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers

locally and sustainably more attainable. I

in your Hair) - Scott McKenzie

Fitzgerald and you will, without a doubt,

won’t sit here and say that there are no

9. Portions for Foxes – Rilo Kiley

develop an infatuation with Hemingway.

well-known authors. At the end of the day, this is her story – it’s her own experience being hands on with food. And some-

with a funny anecdote about turkey sex or

10. Art of Motion - Andy McKee 11. Erase / Rewind - The Cardigans 12. If I Ever Leave This World Alive -

something to that effect. I’m not joking!

Flogging Molly

preachy moments, because there are, but Kingsolver quickly counters any of those

Check it out for yourself! - CS

13. La Camisa Negra - Juanes 14. Bitch - Meredith Brooks 15. Clap Your Hands - Sia

Brody, Marion Cotillard…oh the list goes on. I won’t reveal the plot, for it is too brilliant. But I will say that you will find yourself transported to the Paris of Scott

At the end of the movie you may feel a bit blue, because the dream world you were gallivanting around in is no more. But not to worry, because I’m willing to bet that you will end up ransacking your old high school classic literature collection, and will once again find yourself at midnight, somewhere in Paris. - CS

SUMM ER 2011

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Do Yoga by camilla salem

Yoga….a four letter word. Standing at six feet tall and having failed miserably every year at the sit and reach portion of the Physical Fitness Test, it seemed rather unlikely that I would connect to a practice involving flexibility and all kinds of contortions of the body. But the truth is, I yearn to be able to have control over my body in that way. I desperately want to feel each breath and movement. I want to be able to calm my mind, even if only for a moment, and find some kind of peace. So I would take it up every now and again. I attended classes and was immediately disheartned when the instructor announced that we would be practicing our handstands (yeah right). And then months would go by before I'd be able to work up the courage to try again. After years of having tried and failed to develop a practice, I finally invested in some yoga podcasts. Practicing at home made all the difference in the world for me. There was no one around to judge the fact that I couldn’t touch my toes. Slowly but surely I gained confidence, flexibility and muscle tone. What have I gained from my practice? I’ve learned to be kinder to myself. I’ve learned that sometimes, simply trying my best is enough. I’ve learned that my body is strong and powerful. I’m going to be honest and admit that my love affair with yoga can be quite capricious. Some days I crave it. Other days I want to pull my hair out at the thought of quiet stretching for an hour and a half. But the end of the day, all that matters is that I get back on the mat. Namaste.

Strong, beautiful instuctors from Groove Yoga in Berkeley, CA demonstrating their skills. Way too cool!

mats It's a good idea to invest in a good quality mat if you intend on seriously developing a practice. Otherwise you may become too easily frustrated by awkward squeaking or slipping on cheap mats. A good mat will run you anywhere from $50 - $100. Jade Yoga Mats: These mats are made sustainably using natural rubber. They provide good grip and sufficient cushion. The Mat by lululemon: This mat is super grippy and works especially well in heated classes. The more you sweat, the more you grip!

DVDs Blissology DVDs by Eoin Finn: More than just a yoga course by a fabulous instructor, this relatively series delves into creating happiness all over your life including food awareness and nature appreciation. The Pursuit of Happy Hips: Again with Eoin Finn, these downloadable podcasts contain six different yoga classes (for 6 days a week of practice + one day off, of course!).

Things to note Many yoga studios offer complementary or discounted beginners packages. Take advantage of these opportunities to find a studio that suits your needs. Yoga Journal is a great resource. Sign up for emails that will inspire you daily and remind you just why you practice. (http:// Don't be afraid to chat with your instructor before or after class. They are usually understanding and probably have the answers to any questions you may have.

SUMM ER 2011

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Be Well a healthy body means a healthy mind. By Bridget Hunt*

Vitamin D.

We’ve all heard a lot about

for the dermatologist. But, is it possible,

it, and it seems we hear more every day.

that while sunscreen will protect us from

We know what can come if we don’t get

skin cancer, the vitamin D we’d be other-

enough of it: rickets and cancer and de-

wise getting will protect us from a bevy

pression. And we know roughly how we

of other cancers? I say yes. Also, get your

can get it: from seafood and the sun.

skin exposed sometimes without the protective barrier of sunscreen. Roughly 30

What don’t we know? A lot. Well, take the sources of it for instance. Seafood. Sunshine.

minutes a day? And when you do lather up, choose a good one. This website is great—it gives ratings for everything from sunscreen to toothpaste. Use it.

Seafood. It’ll put toxic levels of mercury in your system. Pregnant women shouldn’t eat it. Don’t get the farmed kind. Only get it from Alaska. Only eat albacore tuna. Don’t eat albacore tuna. Do eat sardines. The mercury is highest in bigger fish. The mercury is in all fish and seafood and we shouldn’t eat any of it.

Seafood: Here’s where I just say eat it sparingly and know your source. A few times a month, perhaps. And do get the wild, whenever possible. Farm-raised fish is unhealthy and I’d daresay a bit inhumane? And get this: Salmon need a diet of krill and shrimp to be pink. In a farmraised environment, they aren’t getting

It can be confusing. Sunshine. Always wear sunscreen, every day, all year long. Don’t wear sunscreen. Sunscreen is toxic. Do wear sunscreen be-

this diet. Thus, they must add two chemicals—canthaxanthin and astaxanthin—to make salmon pink because, you know, that’s what the consumer is used to. Ew.

tween the hours of 11 am and 2 pm. Skip

So this summer, don’t be scared to enjoy a

sunscreen every once in awhile. Only get

little time in the sun or a salmon dinner.

the natural sunscreen. Chemicals in sun-

Relax. Live a little! Just do your research

screen are worse than the sun’s rays. The


sun’s rays are worse than the chemicals in sunscreen. Like I said, it can be confusing.

Sunshine: In my opinion, sunshine has been improperly villainized. I’m not discounting melanoma. In fact, my Mom has had some spots successfully removed that, without the dermatologist’s (and her) notice, would’ve become melanoma. So, thank God for sunscreen and thank God

*Bridget is not a certified medical practitioner of any kind. But is a mother of 5 and she grew up with a “crunchy” mom (her words) who was way into this stuff.

SUMM ER 2011

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{ Nourish } verb * Provide with food or other substances necessary for growth, health and good condition

SUMM ER 2011

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Garden to Table text and photography by ashlee gadd

I wasn’t born with a green thumb. Four years ago, when it came time to pick my wedding flowers, I e-mailed the florist our color palette and confidently said, “I trust you.” My friends thought I was crazy, but I knew that anything green would be better left in the hands of a certified professional.

I love having an excuse to go outside and get my hands dirty. It’s teaching me to appreciate the small joys, like the first time I saw a spinach sprout emerge from the soil. It’s teaching me how to take pride in my teeny tiny backyard, something I’ve struggled with from the day we moved in to this house. And above all

My fear of gardening probably stemmed (no pun intended) from

else, it’s teaching me to pursue patience; a gift that, much like my

a significant lack of the most vital attribute for successful plant-

hyper-producing squash plant, keeps on giving.

ing—patience. You see, gardening entails a whole lot of waiting. Waiting for seeds to become sprouts, sprouts to become plants, plants to produce food. It’s a process; a gradual, not-for-the-faintof-heart process. Or, as my optimistic self prefers to call it: an opportunity for growth. And no, I’m not just talking about the plants. I am happy to report that what began as a mid-year resolution to eat healthier and take better care of my yard has evolved into a magical, much-needed, daily time-out. My after work routine now consists of stepping into purple gardening boots, before excitedly running from plant to plant asking each one if they need more water. After sitting in a cubicle for eight hours a day, my body gladly embraces the fresh air.

There is something enchanting about literally seeing, touching, smelling, and tasting the fruits of your labor. My little vegetable garden has become a surprising source of pride and joy—a daily reminder that with hard work, and perhaps a bit of patience, I can help create something beautiful. And what’s more beautiful than a homegrown dinner party? If I’ve inspired you to give gardening a whirl (and hopefully I have!), here are a few easy recipes and décor ideas for a simple summer dinner party, featuring vegetables and flowers straight from your backyard garden.

décor :

Table: Not only are picnic tables charming, they’re also half the price of a regular patio set. Pick up a few feet of burlap at your local hardware store for a rustic, natural table runner.

Presentation: Light plates on a wood surface give off an easy, effortless vibe. Try wrapping silverware in white napkins and tying with a small piece of twine to compliment the burlap. Serve drinks in tall clear bottles with fun, bright, homemade labels.

Lights: Add a little romance to your backyard with a couple strands of twinkle lights! For additional lighting on the table, try white tea lights or mini lanterns.

Flowers: Fill mason jars with fresh cut flowers from your yard. If you’re feeling crafty, use Mod Podge to glue old book pages around the jars for an extra touch. Backyard lacking blooms? Take a walk around your neighborhood and see if you can find some wildflowers growing nearby.

Opposite: Homegrown ripening strawberries. This page (clockwise): stringing lights adds instant ambiance; picnic table all set up and ready to party; pretty garden flowers in mason jars.

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the menu: Quick & Easy Bruschetta; Homegrown Spinach and Strawberry Salad; Light Summer Pasta; Fresh Fruit Parfait; Rum Raspberry Lemonade. For recipes turn to page 41.

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Mustard by molly yeh

With barbecue season in full swing, the condiment table is the last place you want to be caught making bad decisions (besides with the guy near the fence who swears backyard fireworks are legal now). Mindlessly piling on sugary ketchup and fatty mayo is a quick way to load up on the calories, but luckily, mustard is one condiment you won’t need to worry about. With calorie counts as low as zero and flavors like jalapeùo IPA and blueberry honey, you can say hello to great flavor without sacrificing that hot bikini bod of yours.

WHAT IS IT? Mustard is a yellow or brown spreadable condiment made from powdered, ground, or whole seeds from a mustard plant. A member of the cabbage family, there are three types of seeds: white (Sinapis hurta), brown (Brassica juncea), and black (Brassica nigra), which very in hotness of taste. The mustard plant grows in temperate climates and has leafy greens that are high in nutrients, as well as bright yellow flowers. When the seeds are ground, they release enzymes that produce a highly pungent taste when combined with water. To create mustard, the seeds are combined with liquid (usually vinegar) and other ingredients for taste. While many Americans would identify mustard as the classic yellow sour stuff, some of the best mustards come in unique flavors and are often sweet.

HISTORY Mustard as a condiment can be traced back to ancient Roman times, when ground mustard seeds were mixed with must (unfermented juice from wine grapes)

to create a spread that would evolve into the mustard we know today. All over the world, cultures have regarded mustard as a necessary part of their cuisine: from Irish whiskey mustard to Chinese hot mustard. In the 14th century, Pope John XXII even created the position of grand moutardier du pape (mustard-maker to the pope). Traditional American yellow mustard was not introduced until the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair by brothers Francis and George French. Seeing a need for prepared mustard, the brothers (who at the time specialized in the spice industry) created French’s Cream Salad Mustard, which was an instant success. Until then, Americans had to make their own mustard from scratch. Today, there are thousands of mustards in existence, a mustard holiday (the first Saturday in August), and a mustard festival in Napa Valley every February. There is even aa museum devoted to it: The National Mustard Museum in Middleton, WI, which boasts over 5,300 different mustards.



If tastiness alone hasn’t converted you

1 cup mustard powder {such as Colman’s

into a mustard junkie, Jennifer Connor,

Mustard Powder}


founder of Mustard Girl All-American

Since prepared mustard typically consists

Mustards, has given us a few more reasons

of mustard seeds, vinegar, water, sugar,

to love it:

2/3 cup of red wine vinegar 1/2 cup sugar 2 teaspoons curry powder

and seasonings, most mustard does not

Mustard increases metabolism, speeds

a pinch of salt

require refrigeration. These mustards will

up digestion, and lowers blood pres-

In a medium microwave-safe bowl,

usually last for a few years, however, with-


combine mustard powder and red wine

out refrigeration, the heat of the mustard

Is a good source for Omega-3s

vinegar using a fork. Continue stirring and

will weaken. Mustards with mayonnaise,

Is believed to reduce symptoms of

slowly add the sugar until well combined.

asthma and rheumatoid arthritis

Microwave on high for 3 minutes, stop-

Soothes sore throats and fights off

ping to stir every 30 seconds. Remove

bacteria (move over chicken soup…)

from microwave, add curry powder and

Relieves skin burns when applied

salt, and stir the living daylights out of


it. Mustard will thicken as it cools. To

eggs, or any other animal products should be refrigerated. Occasionally, oxidation

will cause mustard to turn dark, which is not harmful and does not affect the quality or taste.

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have a rare new mustard shipped to

Amora Dijon (an easy 12 on a hotness

your doorstep every month.

scale of 1-10). The next time a hard

5. Plant mustard seeds. Use the fast-

day prompts you to “need a drink,”

growing greens to add taste and a

go the better route and enjoy a

handful of nutrients to a salad.

spoonful of this.

preserve the hotness, store it in the fridge.


If you’d like it to mellow out a little bit,

Honey Mustard: The sweet delicious-

then stick it in the fridge. Other flavor

ness of this identity crisis spread is

ideas: Instead of the curry, try adding was-

a spunky alternative to your typical

abi powder, any jams, or ground toasted

honey mustard. Try it at breakfast on

sesame seeds to taste. Enjoy!

a biscuit with some bacon or simply

Dirty Colonel, add a hint of Col-

ing jar of mustard to your next din-

calories. •

just dead sexy. •

mustard. It is the right amount of sweet mixed with the right amount of hot, and it’s likely to convert any ketchup fan into a mustard maven. •

what’s that sound? It’s your bratwurst,

With the price of jars averaging about

wanting it badly. •

cheeseburger, minus the cheese and the burger and the bun. Smash it all up and you’ve got an amazing onestop shop for all of your grill party condiment needs. •

Napa Valley World Mustard Championship, this thoughtful take on stone

depth and earthiness of herbs like

you find, you won’t know where to

ground mustard expertly combines

thyme, basil, and lavender. •

tangy and sweet for a bold flavor that

Amora Dijon: Cleared sinuses, teary eyes, and an amazing burning sensation are all common side effects of

Inglehoffer Original Stone Ground Mustard: A gold medal winner at the

Roland Provençal Herb Dijon: Dijon finds a new personality with the

you’ll be so shocked by the flavors

Beaver Brand Coney Island Hot Dog Mustard: Imagine a fully loaded

My Friend’s Mustard Jalapeño IPA:

a bit reminiscent of caviar and, oh,

3. Try a new mustard every month.

Mustard Girl Sweet N’ Spicy Honey Mustard: This is the perfect everyday

whole mustard seeds. The texture is

attach a wooden serving spoon.

Mustard-of-the Month Club you can

tards in the world. It’s hot, spicy, and

ing mixture of pickled jalapeños and

Wrap it in a pretty fabric gift bag and

joining National Mustard Museum’s

why there aren’t more smoky mus-

This Brooklyn-made gem is a refresh-

with Truffles, Orange & Chocolate?

4. Join a mustard-of-the-month-club! In

ground mustard makes us wonder

in mustard. Remarkably, this smooth flavor maintains a low level of fat and

Uncle Phil’s Chipotle: The sass of this south-of-the-border-inspired stone

addition of butter, a rare ingredient

2. Ditch the wine and bring an intrigu-


friend are partially attributed to the

mixologist Amy Wilkinon.

Hunt down a specialty store and

for pretzels.

qualities in your sandwich’s new best

pickle. Courtesy of Le Poisson Rouge

$4 each, it’s a cheap hobby to have.

SchoolHouse Kitchen Horseradish-Dill Mustard: The ultra rich and creamy

dirty martini and garnish with a baby

jar of Sabatino & Co.’s Dijon Mustard

sandwich condiment but a perfect dip


man’s English Mustard to a vodka

ner party. What host wouldn’t want a

this Vermont-native makes it a messy

have it as a snack with some pretzel


Northeast Kingdom Sweet Garlic Mustard: The soupy consistency of

Terrapin Ridge Farms Blueberry

keep it at room temperature for a while,

1. Make a mustard cocktail. To make a

leaves you wanting more and more. •

Sweet Hot Curry Mustard: Try it and find out!

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Summer Meal bring a spanish summer vacation to your home with this tapas-style meal! listen to spanish guitar , sip sweet, fruity sangria and transport yourself worlds away. then crawl into your own comfy bed for a post fiesta siesta ... By Camilla Salem

Alright, so maybe a Spanish vacation isn’t in the books for this summer (or maybe it has already happened, and you’re dying to go back). Here’s a delicious solution for you: host a Spanish-style tapas dinner! These small plates incorporate so many of the bold flavors of summer, like tomatoes, peppers, and lots and lots of garlic. Because of the nature of tapas, you get to eat a little of everything, and you don’t feel horribly full afterwards. Start your meal off with olives and a cold, refreshing gazpacho. Pan con tomate is a traditional Catalonian starter - it’s simple and the flavors are brilliant. Smoky roasted potato wedges (healthy papas fritas), garbanzo beans with cherry tomatoes, and blistered peppers (in place of pimientos de padron) accompany the grilled tritip as if they were designed to go together. The meal is finished with a platter of colorful fresh fruit - satisfying and healthy. And it wouldn’t be a fiesta without some fruity We decorated our table with sunflowers (pg 20), mason jar lanterns (pg 18), and a bright tablecloth. We also served the meal with jars of homemade pickles (pg 44).

sangria. Just be careful, it goes down like fruit juice! Que bueno!

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Top: Fruity sangria made with red wine (cheap wine works perfectly, here!), club soda, brandy, and cointreau. Be sure to reach in and eat the fruit pieces after you’ve finished drinking. Left: a brightly colored array of fresh fruit - who needs heavy dessert? Are you drooling yet?

Recipes garden to table

2-3 minutes, or until vegetables are soft.

*Indicates ingredient that can be grown in

Add the water reserve and stir. Mix with

a backyard garden. All recipes serve 6.

pasta and top with basil, salt, pepper, and

Quick & Easy Bruschetta 3 chopped roma tomatoes* 1 tablespoon minced garlic 3 tablespoons olive oil 1/4 cup chopped basil*

parmesan cheese.

Fresh Fruit Parfait

salt & pepper to taste

6 cups vanilla ice cream 3 cups quartered strawberries* 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon sugar

Combine all ingredients. Cover, and let

Place the strawberries in a shallow bowl

sit in refrigerator for 30 minutes. Serve in

with lemon juice and sugar. Stir. Place

dollop portions on top of thin baguette

in refrigerator for 30 minutes. Pour over


vanilla ice cream and serve immediately.

Homegrown Spinach & Strawberry Salad

Rum Raspberry Lemonade

6 cups spinach leaves* 1 cup quartered strawberries* 1/2 cup blue cheese crumbles 1/2 cup candied walnuts Combine all ingredients and toss with

2 cups lemonade 2 cups berry flavored sparkling water 1 cup raspberry rum 1 cup fresh raspberries*. Combine all ingredients and serve over ice.

2 cloves of garlic, peeled 1/2 green bell pepper, diced 1 small to medium cucumber, diced 1/2 a jalapeno, seeded 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 1/4 cup parsley, chopped 1 tbsp salt 1 tsp black pepper Bring a pot of water a boil. Score an “x” on the bottom of each tomato. Drop tomatoes in water until the skin starts to peel back. Remove from water, let cool, peel, chop and set aside. In a large blender, blend olive oil, garlic until frothy. Add to blender: bell pepper, cucumber and jalapeno. Add tomatoes, in batches, blending in between so you can fit more in. Once the mixture is smooth, add vinegar, parsley, salt and pepper. Blend it all together one more time. Then chill for an hour or two. Serve cold.

raspberry vinaigrette dressing.

Light Summer Pasta 1 pint grape tomatoes (halved)* 1 cup kale* 1 cup spinach* 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons minced garlic 1 zucchini cut and quartered* 1 squash cut and quartered* 1 package whole wheat spaghetti

spanish tapas meal

Marinated Olives (serves 6)

1 6 oz container of olives (Trader Joe’s has great ones!)

pinch of fresh basil

1/4 cup olive oil 1/8 cup red wine vinegar 1 tbsp oregano 1 tsp hot pepper flakes 2 cloves of garlic smashed

salt & pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Let

parmesan cheese

marinate for at least 30 minutes.

Boil pasta according to directions, and


save 1/2 cup of water reserve. Meanwhile,

(serves 10)

sauté spinach and kale with olive oil and

(adapted from Orangette)

garlic for 2-3 minutes. Add tomatoes,

6 tomatoes (we used 4 red and 2 yellow) 3 tbsp olive oil

zucchini, and squash. Cook for additional

Garbanzo beans (serves 4)

1 can of garbanzo beans, rinsed 1 cup cherry tomatoes 2 garlic cloves, sliced 2 tbsp olive oil 1/2 tsp dry thyme or 1 tsp fresh thyme 1/2 tsp salt In a sauté pan, heat olive oil. Add garbanzo beans and tomatoes. Add sliced garlic, thyme and salt. Let cool until tomatoes burst open. Serve hot or at room temperature.

Smoky Potato Wedges (serves 4-6) 3 russet potatoes, peeled and cut into wedges

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Recipes Continued Once hot, toss peppers in. Cook until peppers begin to blister. Salt. Serve hot, cold, or at room temperature.

Marinated Grilled Tri-tip (serves 4-6)

1 1/2 pound tri-tip (but a lot of different cuts will do) Juice of

3 limes

2 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp hot pepper flakes 2 cloves of garlic chopped Salt Create marinade: put all ingredients in a Ziploc bag. Shake together. Refrigerate for at least one hour. Sprinkle salt liberally on both sides of meat. Grill for about 20 minutes on each side or until center is pink and rare. Let sit for 10 minutes before slicing.

Homemade Sangria (serves 6-8, but who’s counting?) 3 tbsp olive oil

ciabatta works too.

1 tsp pimenton (smoked paprika) ½ tsp cayenne pepper (or more if you can

1 clove of garlic, peeled 3 tomatoes, grated

handle it!)

olive oil

½ tsp salt


¼ tsp pepper

In an oven set to 375 degrees F, heat bread

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Toss to-

until dry and crunchy. Remove from oven.

1 bottle of red wine 1 shot of brandy 1 shot of Cointreau 2 tbsp sugar 2 cups club soda 1 orange sliced 1 lemon sliced 1 nectarine, pitted and sliced

gether and place on a baking tray, making

Rub garlic over each piece of bread. Spoon

handful of cherries, pitted and cut in half

sure that there is only one layer of pota-

grated tomato on bread and drizzle liber-

In a large pitcher filled with ice, mix eve-

toes. Bake (without moving the potatoes)

ally with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt.

rything together, add fruit, and stir. Serve

for 45 minutes. When potatoes are soft

Blistered Peppers

and crunchy on the bottom they’re done!

Pan con Tomate (Bread with tomato)

in pretty classes filled with ice.

1/2 - 3/4 pound of small, sweet, green

Fresh fruit platter


…you know what to do!

(serves 6-8)

3 tbsp olive oil 1/2 salt

1 loaf of foccacia bread (no herbs) or

In a sauté pan, heat oil (on high heat).

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From Scratch in a pickle! By Camilla Salem

Gardiniera mix 1 red bell pepper, sliced

1 orange bell pepper, sliced

1 yellow bell pepper, sliced 1 small head of cauliflower, broken up 1 white onion, sliced 1 cup salt

1/2 jar of green olives 2 cloves of garlic, chopped 1 tbsp dried oregano 1/2 tsp black pepper 1 tsp hot pepper flakes 1 cup olive oil 1 cup cider vinegar In a large bowl cover sliced peppers, onions and cauliflower florets with water. Add salt and let sit overnight. Rinse through, and drain. Add to bowl, olives, garlic, oregano, hot pepper flakes, black pepper,, oil and vinegar. Stir and spoon into jars topping with left over sauce . (Will last about a week)

pickled onions

1 large red onion 1 bay leaf 1 cup of distilled vinegar 3 tbsp sugar 1 1/2 tsp salt pinch of black peppercorns pinch of hot pepper flakes With a mandolin or a knife slice up onion in to nice thin rings. In a sauce pan heat vinegar sugar and salt. Add bay leaf, peppercorns, and hot pepper flakes. Let vinegar mixture come to a boil then remove from heat. Add onions to the saucepan and let cool slightly. Spoon into mason jars, seal, and refrigerate. (Will last up to two weeks)

pickled cucumber slices 1 medium cucumber 1/4 cup of sugar 1 cup of apple cider vinegar 1 cup of water

pinch of black pepper corns 1/2 teaspoon mustard seed sprigs of dill Slice cucumber with a mandolin or a knife into circular slices. In a sauce pan heat up sugar, cider vinegar, and water until sugar is dissolved. Turn off heat. Add peppercorns and mustard seed to the liquid. Stuff jars with cucumber slices and dill sprigs. Pour liquid over cucumber until jars are full. Seal and refrigerate. (Will last up to two weeks)

pickled carrots

2 bunches of baby carrots, stems removed 1 cup apple cider vinegar 1 1/4 cups of water 1/4 cup of sugar 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon mustard seeds 2 bay leaves 2 crushed garlic cloves In a sauce pan bring vinegar, water and sugar to a boil. Stir until sugar and salt dissolve. Add mustard seeds, bay leaves and garlic cloves. Stuff baby carrots into jars and spoon vinegar mixture over until full. Seal and refrigerate. (Will last up to two weeks)

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{ Embellish } verb * make (something) more attractive by the addition of decorative details or features

Hot, Hot Summer

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text by kenza salem photography by claire cella

Summer is the time for good friends, balmy evenings, and pure, undiluted fun. You can’t be bothered by the age-old question, “What the heck am I going to wear?” Having fun entails being free and full of joy, so why shouldn’t your summer attire express that? A carefree attitude and wardrobe also mean that you don’t need to spend a fortune or buy all new clothes. With a few pieces, you can create several different outfits. Each look has its own agenda and its own personality. From classic summer chic to modern bohemian, you’ll have an outfit for every feeling and every moment of this fleeting season. Let me walk you through this...

A simple, above-the-knee dress, perfect for a barbeque, a beach party, or a picnic in the park, is a must-have in any summer lover’s wardrobe. The dress should be slightly fitted, but still comfortable. The trouble with summer dresses is that we need to walk that fine line between staying cool in the hot sun and looking trashy. Here’s a general rule: if you go short, keep the neckline demure and the fit loose. Top this look off with a floppy hat for a bit of playfulness (and sun protection!), some cute sandals, and a skinny belt to really seal the deal.

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But maybe you want to pump up the volume a bit and go for more of a vixen look! Sweet! A bright, floral dress is the perfect solution because floral patterns never go out of style. They are feminine and flattering. Bubbly, cheerful, and conversational, this look is great for parties and dinners with friends. Throw on a bright lipstick that matches your dress, slip into sandals for day, and switch to classic pumps for night.

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Let’s take our hemline a little longer now. Maxi-skirts and dresses (I know, I know - super trendy) are a brilliant and comfortable substitute for a cute dress. And they literally feel like pajamas. Add a white, tied, button-up shirt, a large, bright bag that fits all of your summer essentials, and some strappy sandals. This ensemble is put together, but carefree and appropriate for a number of occasions.

Okay, so you feel like wearing pants today, but it’s so hot, right? Why not pick up a pair of white jeans? They are the perfect summer alternative to the blue jean. But a word of warning: make sure you find the right pair of white jeans. Some are really quite thin and expose more than they should, and no one needs to see that, do they? (Here’s another tip: always wear nude underwear with white jeans!) With the right white jeans paired with a nautical top and strappy sandals, you have a timeless, classy, understated, and rather French look, perfect for a date at the beach (because we get so many of those), brunch, or just a walk in the beautiful weather.

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Back to skirts for a minute, but this time we’re going to go a little edgier, okay? I got this. Don’t even worry. Let’s try a grey tank top, a loose denim skirt, some aviators (which scream summer so loudly, I can’t even talk about it.), and my very favorite - a pair of TOMS. For those of you who have never heard of TOMS shoes, they are the most comfortable alternative to an espadrille on this entire planet. They are cute, affordable, and, best of all, politically correct! That’s right, you heard me, a politically correct shoe. Our good buddy Tom (of TOMS shoes, naturally) gives a pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair someone buys!

What could be more quintessentially summer than shorts and a t-shirt? Nothing. Well really, that’s all this sweet outfit is: a quirky spin on a classic look. Shorts are a very difficult article of clothing, I must say. It can be tough to find the right balance between hoochie shorts (yeah, you know what I’m talking about - those shorts you see on the little tweenie-boppers at the mall that are so short they should be illegal) and the unflattering version of a female cargo-short. Well ladies, I believe we’ve struck gold with this length. These shorts cover all you’ve got in the back while still allowing you to look and feel like a woman! Pair these with a simple white cotton t-shirt, TOMS, aviators, and a light scarf, and you’ll have the perfect summer look.

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What’s that you say? You need a summer night outfit? Well, I’ve got one. Balmy summer nights are so difficult to dress for. You’re looking for an outfit that is appropriate for nighttime, but also one that keeps you cool and sweat-free. So bring those spectacular white jeans out again, a tank top, and the white button-up shirt because you’re going to need them! Oh, and one more thing, dust off those old perfect black pumps sitting in your closet. This outfit won’t do with ballet flats or sandals. We’re in need of some big guns. Especially for the night of dancing we’ve got planned!

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Keep your hair natural. Give it a break from the harsh heat it’s used to. Keep your makeup minimal - true to your real skin color, not like you got attacked by a mob of orange markers. Less is more. Accessories may consist of a bracelet here or there, perhaps a necklace, and some studs (I’m talking about earrings; though a man is acceptable too.). Don’t stress about your clothes. You should be having too much fun in the sun to be overly concerned with selecting outfits. Keep it simple, and keep it HOT.

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{ Muse } verb * be absorbed in thought

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A Love Story text by jasmine l . h . myers

art by jody corcoran -salem

Here’s the thing – if you asked me if I was in love with life, I

Step Three: Be Present Pt. I

would probably say no. I don’t feel like I’m quite there yet. I don’t

Allow yourself to enjoy the moment. Ahhhhh. Doesn’t that feel

wake up every single day with a zest for what I’m doing, a spring

GOOD?? The times I have felt the most in love with life are the

in my step, an undying passion. I wish I did! Don’t we all?

times in which I have just let go. The days that unfolded perfectly without a plan. The spontaneous lunch dates with my husband.

But the thing about being in love is that you don’t always feel over the moon. Sometimes you feel completely inspired and so full of feeling that you could burst. Sometimes you feel a bit apathetic. Sometimes you feel downright angry. The emotions ebb and flow. But emotions aren’t always the important part, are they? It’s the actions that really count. And love is, as we all know, an

Racing out of the house to catch a glorious sunset. Sitting down to quietly work on a crossword puzzle without a worry in the world. There’s such a special, glowing happiness that comes along with being present. Sometimes it’s calm and peaceful. Sometimes it’s electrifying and intense. And sometimes it’s breathtaking to the point of tears.

action. So with that in mind, this is what I would tell someone if they said to me, “Jasmine, tell me how I can fall in love with life?”

Step One: Try. Now.

Step Four: Be Present Pt. II Enjoying all the lovely spontaneous moments that life brings us is one thing. But being present doesn’t automatically guarantee that the world will be full of sunshine and singing birds. Sometimes

Actively pursue anything that interests you. Now. Don’t put it off!

life just sucks. Sometimes you have a really bad day. Sometimes

You’ve always wanted to garden, but you don’t have a yard? So

you’re stuck. Surrounded by sadness. Loneliness. Fear. Despera-

what? Try to get a space in a community garden, or frequent a

tion. You can still be present in these moments. You can still let

local arboretum, or a garden store, even. Buy potted plants. Read

go. Embrace the place you’re in. Yes, do your best to improve the

gardening magazines. Surround yourself with things that remind

situation, but don’t waste all your energy fighting. Some of the

you of your passion. Prepare yourself for that highly anticipated

most meaningful moments of my life have happened in my dark-

day when you have your very own yard to plant things in and

est hours. I’ve never felt more in tune with life than I have in the

watch them grow. Don’t spend your life saying, “If only…” Try.

moments where I accept my heartache, my frustration, my loneli-


ness, my anger. Sometimes the pain of living reminds you of just how alive you really are.

Step Two: Stop and Acknowledge I feel like I’m constantly pursuing something, constantly pushing ahead, constantly trying to improve my life and myself. For the most part, this is a good thing. It means that I’m putting Step One

Step Five: Indulge Eat the cake. Buy the shoes. Have the third glass of champagne. Live a little, would ya??

into action. But it can also lead to frustration, discouragement,

I don’t have it all figured out. I’m not happy every day. My

and dejection. It’s really important to stop and take inventory of

romance with life isn’t an all-consuming fire. But I do love life.

your life. Look at all the wonderful things around you! Look at

I love the people in my life. I love the kitties I come home to. I

the great people you’ve surrounded yourself with! Look at how

love my sweet little nephew. I love food. And sunshine. And rain.

far you’ve come and what you’ve accomplished! Acknowledging

And flowers. And Anthropologie. And virgin mojitos. I am de-

your hard work and all the good around you leads to content-

voted to my life and to living it. Every single day. Hey, Life, how

ment, peace, and satisfaction.

‘bout I take you on a date this weekend? You deserve a night out.

Your Turn we asked you: what aspects of your life have you fallen in love with? Becoming a wife. I was the girl that loved to party and was always in and out of this or that relationship. My husband is truly my life’s blessing and right now I am falling in love with the wife I have become. From trying new recipes fearlessly, to having mid-week dates. It’s so good to be part of a team, to be a better person for yourself with the help of your better half. – Micaela, Blog: Dolce Vita I look forward every morning to waking up next to my sweet puppy Olive. She is the most beautiful Pomeranian ever and has the most loving morning temperament. She likes to start her morning off with a little snuggling and the moments when she is just laying there looking at me with those big brown eyes quite and still make my heart full. I’ve fallen in love with this little animal, she makes my everyday that much better. – Terri, Blog: And So It Is, Just Like It Should Be I’ve fallen in love with the journey of loving myself, wholly and truly as me and not as a portion or partner of someone else. I’ve always been in a relationship and never taken a single moment to inquire within myself what I really want or need out of this life. Now that I am “alone” I’ve had time to check-in with myself. At first I was filled with trepidation and hesitations about my new found freedom. I had to fight every urge to not jump right into another relationship and let it swallow me. Although the road to loving myself completely maybe filled with landmines that might at any moment send me into a whirlwind of self-defeat, I just take it one baby step at a time. This is my life as of now and I am in love with it, flaws and all. - Tana, Blog: The Pursuit of Happy green monster smoothie in the morning. ...getting in touch with my sewing side again. ...sitting on my back porch with a glass of wine and a good book. – Sarah, Blog: Mumblings and Stumblings of a Girl Playing with Lola (my uncle’s chihuahua) and let her lick me to death. Listening to my grandmother talking about the old times, her recipes, admiring her simplicity and the fact that she is one of the smartest people I have known, her unbelievable energy levels at the age of 78. The way my man holds me in his arms like he never wants to let go. Spending time with my family. Walking Niro (my half Labrador half something else adorable smartest ever dog) around the block and seeing the happiest dog ever. Spending time with my grandfather at the field where he planted practically everything! Reading a book at the beach and put sun-lotion on my mans back once in a while because he can sleep there forever. Stretching my body at body-balance class and feel it become more strong and flexible. – Demi, Blog: she doesn't have one...yet!

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We Admire...Kate Ziegler! because there are so many inspiring women in the world, we decided to learn from them issue at a time .

subject. It is one Kate talks about with a lot of passion. “Our generation seems to have more drive than ever before”, in that

Kate’s Little Loves

we are taking control of who we are and making our dreams come true. But there’s

Experimenting in the kitchen

“Food makes me happy!” (ditto, Kate)

selves. We would never talk to people we

Relaxing bubble baths

love in that way, would we? “We should

a dark side to this crop of go-getters, as well. Kate has noticed that the way we talk to ourselves is simply not okay. We’re too critical. We need to learn to love our-

She’s only 23 years old and she’s a 4-time world champion, who holds a world

be treating ourselves like we are our best friends.”

Interior design


I’m going to do it better than you could

Learning about photography

imagine!” Kate explained to us how she

Music “In my head I sound like Whitney Houston.” (We don’t doubt it!)

record. Impressive. Lovely readers, meet

On responding to challenges

Kate Ziegler.

“You don’t think I can do this? I can and

Kate is one of the best distance swimmers in the world. She began swimming when she was 6 years old and now, is in the process of training for the London 2012 Olympics. We figured we could learn a lot from her about life. Don’t you agree?

handles the “haters”. In theory, it’s easy, but she knows as well as the rest of us that dealing with negativity and criticism can be a real obstacle. Her advice? Keep a journal. Get everything out that you need

On Goal Setting

to - but be sure to make the last thing you

For Kate, goal-setting is a major part of

write something positive.

her life and her success. She explained to us that it’s kind of a simple process: “Set the goal, write it down, and then figure out how to do it”. Setting goals allows us to see how much more we have to offer the world. Everything is trial and error, so why not try?

Quiet, clear night skies with lots of stars

How she manages to keep calm under the pressure of being a full-time student as well as a professional athlete is inspiring, to say the least. But what we value even more is her committment to being a great role model for all young women out there. Keep an eye out for this rockstar at World

On our generation of women

Championships this summer, and next

We could have talked for hours about this

year at the London Olympics!

Thank you, Kate, for taking the time to talk with us! All of us here at The Violet wish you the best of luck - we will be rooting for you!

Do Something that Scares You by celeste noche “Elle ne peut pas manger nutella?” was

far. At ages 3, 5, and 7, they’re very excit-

run to the hotel to get more. The scariest

the first sentence that I remember trans-

ing to be around but they can also be very

change, however, has been learning to

lated for me. “She can’t eat nutella?” 5

difficult to manage. Beyond all of the

drive a manual car along the tiny, twisted

year old Juliette asked her mother with

confusion and miscommunication, I’m

roads of the Dordogne countryside. Since

eyes wide with shock. I was closing in

surprised to see how much we’ve been

Coly is an isolated, three-kilometer-wide

on twenty four hours of travel, starting

able to convey to one another without

town, learning to drive a stick shift is es-

from San Francisco to go to Coly, France

sharing a language. Capucine introduced

sential for this new European lifestyle.

to become an au pair for a family that

me to their pet turtles (Lily and Franklin),

owns a hotel and restaurant in the small

Juliette has started to say “please” and

I haven’t come across any Americans and

town. When I first accepted the position, I

“thank you,” and Baptiste took me on an

being the “outsider” is really starting to

thought that becoming an au pair would

afternoon bike ride to visit the nearby vil-

sink in. This isn’t to say that I don’t feel

be a Mary Poppins or Fraulein Maria

lage St. Amant de Coly.

welcome or that I’ve had no one to talk

kind of experience. I soon found that this

Settling in with a new family has

In the few weeks that I’ve been here,

to, but it makes me appreciate where I’m

would have been much more likely if I

introduced me to a foreign yet interesting

from while embracing a new experience. I

could speak the same language as the fam-

new lifestyle. We eat fresh baguettes every

may not be able to eat nutella (I’m allergic

ily I went to live with.

day, kiss complete strangers to greet them,

to nuts) every morning with my breakfast

and have yogurt every night for dinner.

baguette, but grandma’s homemade jam

coming, communicating with the three

The sun sets at 10pm, nutella is a breakfast

is more than compensating for the loss.

children has been the greatest challenge so

staple, and if we run out of groceries, we

Having never taken any French before

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{ Close } verb * bring or come to an end

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Back Story holy cow! adventures in fashion photography...

Left: Our model, Kenza, having a little too much fun with the cows. Below: This one was quite the diva and really enjoyed getting her picture taken.

Our own summer adventure came in the

friends with Bessie (pictured above). I sat,

form of the fashion shoot for {Embel-

stopped in the car on a two lane road,

lish} (pg 47). What started out as an early

with my emergency flashers blinking try-

morning stroll through the sleepy town

ing desperately to get the girls to hurry up

of Point Reyes Station ended in a search

and get in the car. A few moments later,

to find the best looking bovines in all of

all of the cows stood up and sauntered

West Marin.

over to see what the fuss was all about. It

Why? Well, why not? We drove and drove for miles, stopping at every pasture we could find - taking care to not to spook the animals. Do cows

was a party. We ended up getting some brilliant pictures and we made a memory that will surely last us a good, long while.

charge at humans? I wasn’t going to take

I can’t wait to find out what kind of ad-

any chances.

ventures we get into for our fall issue!

Finally, we stumbled upon this lazy pasture where Kenza and Claire bravely made

- CS

Summer is when the girls go barefoot and their hearts are just as free as their toes. unknown

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