23 March 2011 Board meeting minutes

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CIPR Board Public Relations Centre 52-53 Russell Square London WC1B 4HP 23 March 2011, 14:30-16:00 Room Charter 2

AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Apologies Approval of Minutes from Feb Board Financial Update Chief Executive’s Report UKPAC Standing Committees AOB • Global Alliance – request from Anne Gregory • Matt Tee report • Minutes approval process – Jay • Update on Reputation - Jay

CIPR Executive Board Meeting Minutes – 23 March 2011 Public Relations Centre, 52-53 Russell Square, London, WC1B 4HP


Apologies Received:

Adrian Wheeler Jane Wilson Jay O’Connor Keith Johnston Rob Brown Sally Sykes – Chair in Paul’s absence

Jenifer Stirton Paul Mylrea


Apologies noted.

2. Last meeting minutes and minutes approval process February meeting minutes are approved. The board will approve future redacted version of board minutes before they are circulated to Council alongside the board agenda. 3.

Finance update (commercially sensitive parts of this discussion and those relating to personnel have been removed for wider circulation beyond CIPR Executive board) Sally Sykes reported to the board that qualifications intake is down for the first half of the year, which was forecasted. The risks are that potential clients may run short on training budget; as a result it would impact qualifications and award entries etc. Jane has plans in place to mitigate these risks, including a review of variable expenditure and marketing midyear. David Crundwell suggested at the finance committee, and Sally agreed, that the board takes a view on this in June. Jay O’Connor asked what product and market analysis is taking place to inform plans. Jane responded that she’s planning to provide the board with a report on qualifications, including market survey information, at the next board meeting. Jane said she’s hiring a business development person who will be selling professional development packages. Jane stated that further interrogation must take place to ensure the Institute has the right professional development products. The board agreed the need for benchmarking and research as part of product development. Adrian Wheeler commented that qualifications should be the core business of the CIPR as the professional body. Jane agreed. Jay suggested that an external product review may be helpful to support the CIPR’s own research.

The board discussed further regarding diploma and the market. Jane will come back to the board with proposals of how to structure effectively. The board agreed a review on the market especially the future market needs to be done. Jay stated that we must take time to go through the detail of the 2010 accounts results and surplus with Council. Sally said the discussion from the finance committee meeting was that we may use some of the surplus as provision for the building. Jane will give an overview of the 2011 Budget at the next Council meeting. As suggested by David Crundwell, the Council will also be asked to look at the PRide model at a future meeting. With regard to PPC and the handling of complaints, Sally asked Adrian to advise on the costs involved if a member is successful in the pursuit of a complaint. Adrian advised that the member who is successful pays his or her own fee and the CIPR pays its fee. Jane suggested that the complaint procedure is reviewed soon. Sally pointed out that any recommended amendments would need to be approved at the AGM if changes are to take place in 2011. Action point: 1. Jane will come back to the board with proposals on how to structure qualifications and training in future 2. Benchmarking and further research will take place when developing new products 3. Jane will present the 2011 Budget at the next Council meeting. 4.

CEO Board Report

Jane is to circulate the updated Operational Plan to the board and David Crundwell on the Finance Committee. Jane reported that membership retention is currently 80%, with a target of 82% by end of 2011 and 85% by Q2 2012. To support this, communication with members has improved and we are still reviewing and improving products. With regard to Fellowship, Jane stated that we should improve the communication of what it means to be a Fellow and the process for becoming a Fellow. The board discussed the criteria of becoming a Fellow and rules of nomination. Jane to come back to the board with recommendations of criteria and rules of Fellowship as well as communication recommendations. Jane reported during the 2012 Olympics period Russell Square area will be the media hub and the offices will be hardly accessible due to heavy traffic. No events have been scheduled for that period. A decision on staffing and room renting etc will be made. Action point: 1. Jane is to circulate the updated Operational Plan to the board and David Crundwell from the Finance Committee. 2. Jane to deliver recommendations on Fellowship.



Keith Johnston reported that UKPAC is considering a tender for a new IT provider in response to feedback following the launch. Keith also reported that there were generally negative comments with regard to UKPAC’s launch. He also reported that at the UKPAC board meeting, there were discussions regarding whether or not to invite other bodies to join UKPAC. The CIPR board was supportive of other bodies joining as well as the APPC, but PRCA was not supportive. Jane reported that we’re planning to approach GAG to merge their website with the CIPR website to provide better content on the policy area and also have the CIPR lobby register there. The board approved this plan. 6.

Standing Committees

Jane will check with Paul about the committee composition and chair placement. Jay will meet with Jane to discuss her thoughts on governance following 2010 Presidency, before the next Governance Working Group meeting and Jay will attend if available. Action points: 1. Jay will meet with Jane to discuss governance before the next Governance Working Group meeting. 7.


• Future board meetings and board report The board agreed that future board meetings would be longer. CEO board report will be covered on exception basis. • Global Alliance – request from Anne Gregory Prof. Anne Gregory has been invited to chair this year’s Global Alliance. The CIPR is asked if could cover half of Anne’s travel cost (approx. £2,500 per year). Jane will circulate Anne’s papers to board so that a decision can be made on funding. • Matt Tee report Phil Morgan sent the response to Matt Cartmell. • Update on Reputation - Jay Jay briefly updated the board on policy activities relating to reputation and reputation risk, including the IoD Prize.

Next board meeting is at 1:30pm on 15 April.

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