Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue November 2017
› Constructive Alps ‹ Mednarodna arhitekturna nagrada za trajnostno gradnjo in prenovo v Alpah. | International award for sustainable renovation and new building in the Alps.
Vsebina | Content
Uvodnik | Editorial
4 Večne gore, nova sreča | Eternal mountains, new bliss
Za podnebje, za kulturo gradnje
Narodna pesem uči, da graditi pomeni spreminjati svet. › Constructive Alps ‹ to dokazuje. | According to a folk song constructing a building can mean “Constructive Alps” proves this.
8 Nominirani projekti | All nominated projects 10 Zgledno po točkah | Exemplary to the point 1. nagrada – Ljudska šola Brand v Predarlski. | The 1 st prize is awarded to the primary school Brand in Vorarlberg.
14 › En kraj ‹ za kraj | A place in place 2. nagrada – Veleblagovnica Mpreis v St. Martinu pri Salzburgu. | The 2 nd prize is awarded to the Mpreis supermarket in St. Martin near Salzburg.
16 Ponos ustvarjanja | The pride of construction 2. nagrada – Sirarna Kaslab’n v Radentheinu na avstrijskem Koroškem. | A further 2 nd prize is awarded to the Kaslab’n show dairy in Radentheim, Carinthia.
18 Med vasjo in naravo | Between village and nature 3. nagrada – Kulturni dom v Caltronu v Dolomitih. | The 3 rd prize is awarded to the Comunity Centre in Caltron in the Dolomite Alps.
22 Priznanja | Commendations Sedem zglednih trajnostnih projektov. | Another seven convincing projects.
3 0 Projekti, uvrščeni v ožji izbor | Nominations 19 projektov iz šestih držav. | 19 projects from six countries.
Fotografije krajine so delo Yvesa Maurerja Weisbroda, zvestega sodelavca Švicarskega urada za prostorski razvoj. | The landscape photos were taken by Yves Maurer Weisbrod who frequently works for the Federal Office for Spatial Development.
Radosti me, da Švicarska konfederacija in Kneževina Lihtenštajn že četrtič podeljujeta mednarodno arhitekturno nagrado › Constructive Alps ‹, namenjeno prelomnim projektom trajnostne gradnje in prenove širom po alpskem prostoru. Univerza v Lihtenštajnu mednarodni žiriji zagotavlja strokovno pomoč pri presoji kakovosti in ocenjevanju izvedbe gradbenih projektov, tehnično in organizacijsko podporo pri izvedbi natečaja pa zagotavlja Mednarodna komisija za varstvo Alp – CIPRA International. Žirija je odlikovala enajst projektov z območja celotnega alpskega loka. Štirje so prejeli denarne nagrade ( to pot sta si 2. mesto razdelila dva ), sedem pa posebna priznanja. Med alpskimi arhitekturnimi inovatorji tudi tokrat prednjači Avstrija, kamor so romale kar štiri nagrade, nagrajeni pa so bili tudi navdušujoči projekti iz Italije, Francije in Švice. V pričujoči posebni izdaji strokovne revije za arhitekturo Hochparterre je predstavljena kopica zglednih projektov, ki bodo Alpe obšli tudi v okviru potujoče razstave. Želimo si, da bi inovativni pristopi, ki so prepričali strokovno žirijo, postali del sonaravne gradbene kulture, ki bi na veke bogatila dragoceno in nam ljubo alpsko krajino. Dominique Gantenbein, ministrica Kneževine Lihtenštajn za notranje zadeve, šolstvo, izobraževanje in okolje
For the climate, for the building culture I am pleased that for the fourth time the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Swiss Confederation have the opportunity to present the “Constructive Alps” Architecture Award to fascinating and sustainable projects. We receive support from the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps CIPRA and the University of Liechtenstein. The award honours refurbished and new buildings in the alpine region which serve as examples of ecology, building culture, society and economy. The jury has awarded four main prizes and seven commendations for buildings in the entire alpine region. Once again, Austria takes the lead with three awards. But projects in Italy, France and Switzerland also received prizes. The map of laureates proves that a great number of people in the Alps are ready to share in the responsibility for sustainable construction and renovation. This publication presents the range of the creative projects and — in conjunction with the exhibition — makes them visible around the world. May these innovations have an effect on the building culture and help to enrich the mountain landscapes in a sustainable way. Dominique Gantenbein, Minister for Home Affairs, Education and Environment, Principality of Liechtenstein
Kolofon | Impressum Založba | Publishing house: Hochparterre AG Naslov | address: Ausstellungsstrasse 25, CH-8005 Zürich, tel.: +41 44 444 28 88, www.hochparterre.ch, verlag @ hochparterre.ch, redaktion @ hochparterre.ch Založnik in glavni urednik | Publisher und chief editor: Köbi Gantenbein Vodja založbe | Chief publisher: Susanne von Arx Zasnova in uredništvo | Concept and editorial office: Andres Herzog Fotografija na naslovnici in slike večjega formata | Cover photo and full size pictures: Yves Maurer, www.yvesmaurer.ch Grafični oblikovale | Art director: Antje Reineck Prelom | Layout: Barbara Schrag Produkcija | Copy editing: René Hornung Prevod | Translations: Janko Jemec, Regina Kolb Litografija | Lithograph: Team media, Gurtnellen Tisk | Print: Südostschweiz Presse und Print AG, Chur Izdajatelj | Publisher: Hochparterre v sodelovanju Švicarskim zveznim uradom za prostorski razvoj (ARE) | Hochparterre in cooperation with the Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE Naročilo | To order: shop.hochparterre.ch, Fr. 15.—, € 12.—
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Vsebina | Content
Večne gore, nova sreča | Eternal mountains, new bliss Graditi pomeni spreminjati svet. O tem pripoveduje stara švicarska narodna pesem, njeno sporočilo pa ponotranja mednarodna arhitekturna nagrada › Constructive Alps ‹. | According to a folk song constructing a building can mean improving the world. “Constructive Alps” proves this. Besedilo | Text: Andres Herzog
»Là-haut, sur la montagne, l’était un vieux chalet. Murs blancs, toit de bardeaux, Devant la porte un vieux bouleau. Là-haut, sur la montagne, l’était un vieux chalet. «
“Là-haut, sur la montagne, l’était un vieux chalet. Murs blancs, toit de bardeaux, Devant la porte un vieux bouleau. Là-haut, sur la montagne, l’était un vieux chalet.”
Kdor gradi v gorah, gani srce. Tako pripoveduje švicarska narodna pesem z naslovom › L e Vieux Chalet ‹ ( Stara kajžica ), ki jo je leta 1929 napisal in uglasbil pater Joseph Bovet. V prvi kitici opeva lepoto alpske arhitekture, ki je v marsikateri dolini razvila za okolje prepoznavne, svojstvene poteze. Naloga odkrivanja lepote, vredne arhitekturne nagrade › Constructive Alps ‹, je bila že četrtič poverjena osemčlanski strokovni žiriji. Članice in člani slednje so se podali na valovito pot od Francije do Slovenije, da bi uzrli » bele zidove « in solidne » skodlaste strehe «. Niso jih zanimali razkošni gradbeni spektakli, temveč vsakdanja arhitektura, prav takšna, kot jo v svoji pesmi slavi Bovet. Premišljeno je mogoče graditi tako skednje kot tudi poslovne objekte, ki kar kipijo od arhitekturnega zanosa. Kakovostna arhitektura vsrka zgodbo in zgodovino kraja in jo tke naprej. O tem poje tudi Bovetova oda. Arhitektura predstavlja del gradbene kulture, ki se je razvijala skozi stoletja. Članice in člani žirije so se zato odločili, da bodo v starem iskali novo in novo v starem: tradicionalne kladne gradnje v sodobni obliki, lesene stenske elemente, izdelane z modularnimi roboti, strešna okna, ki kličejo v nebo in ohranjajo pristno izročilo izvirne strehe. Pred kajžico raste » stara breza «, se glasi v enem od Bovetovih verzov. Arhitektura je venomer povezana s krajino, – predvsem na območju Alp –, ki jo gre obvarovati. Brez nje ne bi bilo ne gorskega kmetijstva ne gorskega turizma. Žirija je torej iskala objekte, ki so spoštljivo umeščeni v
Building in the mountains means stirring up emotions. This is conveyed by the old Swiss folk song “Le Vieux Chalet” composed in 1929 by the priest Joseph Bovet. In the first verse he praises the beauty of alpine architecture, with its specific regional characteristics. The eight members of the “Constructive Alps” Architecture Award jury had the mission to find this beauty. The jurors swarmed out to discover those well constructed “white walls” and solid “shingle roofs” everywhere from France to Slovenia. They did not look for construction extravaganza, but for the everyday architecture Bovet sings about. There is no reason why a commercial building cannot be constructed considerately, a barn planned thoroughly or an administrative building designed with architectural passion. Good architecture picks up on the history of a place and continues it − also something that is evoked in Bovet’s song. It forms part of a building culture that has grown over the centuries. So the jury set forth to find the new within the old, the old within the new: traditional log houses in a modern shape, new possibilities for an old material, dormers reaching out to the sky, extending the existing roof. An “old birch tree” is growing in front of the chalet, as Bovet’s song goes: architecture always relates to the landscape, especially in the Alps. The landscape is to be preserved − without it there is no farming or tourism in the mountains. So the jury looked for buildings that integrate respectfully in the slope, sealing off as little ground as pos-
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Večne gore, nova sreča | Eternal mountains, new bliss
pobočje, ki ne utesnjujejo naravnih površin in iz katerih seva pristna povezanost z okoliškim hribovjem in dolinami. Kdor gradi v gorah, nosi prav posebno odgovornost. Ker gradnje v Alpah pogosto stojijo ločeno od drugih, so vpadljive in v določenih primerih škodujejo okolju in družbi ter kazijo videz kraja. Uresničevanje Akcijskega načrta za podnebje v Alpah Zato je poslanstvo natečaja za mednarodno arhitekturno nagrado › Constructive Alps ‹ odkrivati primere trajnostne gradnje in prenove vzdolž alpskega loka, ki naj bi širše služili kot navdihujoči zgled za danes in jutri. Najbolj trajnostno gradi tisti, ki sploh ne gradi. Bovetova pesem slavi dragocenost obstoječega, kar gre ohraniti, kjerkoli je to smotrno in izvedljivo. Stare gradnje pripovedujejo zgodbe. S previdnim, a zavzetim oživljanjem starega sedeža lokalne skupnosti, zgrajenega v tridesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, ali s prebujanjem stare alpske koče iz dolgoletnega sna z majhnimi, a odmevnimi posegi, je moč ohranjati kolektivni spomin. Tam, kjer so se časi spremenili, je s pretkanimi posegi mogoče staro preslikati v novo. Iz hleva lahko nastane gledališče, skedenj se lahko preobrazi v mrliško vežico, šivalnica se lahko preobrazi v bivališče. In tako lahko vieux chalet, prikupno staro kajžico, doživljamo še zmeraj, dasiravno v malce drugačni pojavni in snovni, a večni izvorni pojmovni obliki. » Là-haut sur la montagne, croula le vieux chalet. La neige et les rochers S’étaient unis pour l’arracher. Là-haut sur la montagne, croula le vieux chalet.« Mnogi si sicer pred tem še zmeraj zatiskajo oči, toda podnebne spremembe in njihove pogubne posledice predstavljajo trpko realnost za globalno družbo. Nihče tega dejstva ne občuti bolj kot prebivalci gorskih območij. » Sneg « in » skala « sta že od nekdaj predstavljala njihova naravna sovražnika. Toda dandanes je situacija še mnogo bolj dramatična. Decembra so travniki še vsi v zelenju. Zaradi talečega se permafrosta se premikajo gore. Spomladi naraščajo potoki … Vse to hudo pretresa gorski svet. Alpska konvencija predstavlja sporazum osmih alpskih držav, s katerim so se zavezale k boju proti podnebnim spremembam in njihovim uničujočim posledicam. Alpska konvencija predstavlja platformo za vsealpsko izmenjavo in mehanizem za spodbujanje konkretnih ukrepov, med katerimi prednjači Akcijski načrt za podnebje. Vasi je mogoče načrtovati tako, da bi lahko bile posledice podnebnih sprememb na življenje v gorah predvidljive. Ker je objekte mogoče graditi takisto, je vzklila spodbuda za konkretna dejanja, mednarodna arhitekturna nagrada › Constructive Alps ‹. Natečajni prispevki razkrivajo, kako lahko investitorji in arhitekti v gorah postopajo zgledno. Nagrada spodbuja razprave med mednarodnimi gradbenimi Strokovnjaki – od Nice do Ljubljane. Maksima se torej glasi: » Za gradnjo uporabljaj lokalne materiale – les iz krajevnega gozda, granit iz bližnjega kamnoloma, volno domačih ovac. « Ekološka ozaveščenost predstavlja osrednje merilo, po katerem članice in člani žirije presojajo natečajne prispevke. V Bovetovi pesmi narava nastopa kot uničevalna sila, ki pogubi kajžico. Vzame si to, kar so ji bili odtujili ljudje. Načelo odgovornega ravnanja z okoljem nas uči, kako moč narave izkoristiti za vzpostavljanje pozitivnih učinkov. Modularne sončne celice žanjejo energijo sončnih žarkov, zemeljske sonde tudi na več tisoč metrih nadmorske višine skladiščijo toploto, toplotne črpalke ogrevajo s pomočjo zraka in vode. Gradbena stroka v gorah →
sible, skilfully communicating with the mountains and valleys. Building in the mountains demands a special responsibility. Due to their solitary position the buildings often stand out and are more likely to cause ecological, social and aesthetic damage. Supporting the Action Plan on Climate Change “Constructive Alps” looks for outstanding new and refurbished buildings all over the alpine region. Because, in fact, not building at all is the most sustainable. Bovet’s song praises the value of the existing, that is to be preserved whenever possible and practical. Old buildings tell stories. By carefully renovating a town hall from the 1930’s or restoring an alpine hut with minimal resources, collective memories are kept alive. Where times have changed, a well-considered intervention can transpose the old into the new. A stable becomes a theatre, a barn is turned into a funeral chapel, an embroidery factory now houses lofts. The “vieux chalet” can thus still be experienced, even if it is not entirely the same as it used to be. “Là-haut sur la montagne, croula le vieux chalet. La neige et les rochers S’étaient unis pour l’arracher. Là-haut sur la montagne, croula le vieux chalet.” Even if some still reject the idea: climate change, or more precisely the climate disaster is real. No one knows better than those who live in the mountains, where snow and rocks have always been their natural enemies. But the current situation is more dramatic than ever. If fields are still green in December, permafrost thaws and the eternal mountains move, if brooks become rivers in spring, the mountain world is turned upside down. One of the Alpine Convention’s goals is to help counteract these developments. The Convention is an agreement between eight Alpine countries and the EU. It is an important communication platform for the Alpine regions and it promotes specific measures such as the “Action Plan on Climate Change”. And the fact that villages can be planned and houses built in a way that keeps the consequences for the climate within defined limits was translated into “Constructive Alps” as a concrete action. The competition makes the good examples set by principals and architects in the mountains visible, thereby initiating a dialogue among builders from Nice to Ljubljana. This means, first and foremost: to build with local materials − with wood from the municipal forest, with granite from the quarry nearby, with wool from the sheep of the area. Ecology is a crucial benchmark in the jury’s assessment of the projects entered. In Bovet’s song nature is a destructive element that wrecks the chalet. It claims back what has been taken from it by people. Environmental responsibility teaches us to use the forces of nature in a positive way. Photovoltaic modules harvest cosmic radiation, earth probes store heat in the ground even at an altitude of 1000 m, heat pumps use the energy provided by the air or the water. It is in the mountains that the industry proves its technological ability. Especially mountain huts in high altitudes illustrate how a good level of comfort can be provided using only a few resources − even though the consumption of grey energy is often high and many helicopter flights are required. But the forces of nature also manifest in traditional construction methods with advantages currently being rediscovered by architects: they ram clay, they insulate with straw, they recycle concrete. In short: they work with nature rather than against it. →
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Večne gore, nova sreča | Eternal mountains, new bliss
Žirija | The jury – Köbi Gantenbein, glavni urednik revije Hochparterre ( predsednik, Švica ) | Editor in chief Hochparterre ( Chairman, Switzerland ) – Giancarlo Allen, arhitekt ( Italija ) | Architect ( Italy ) –A nne Beer, arhitekta in urbanistka, predavateljica na Univerzi za uporabne znanosti OTH Regensburg ( Nemčija ) | Architect, urban planner and professor at OTH Regensburg ( Germany ) – Helmut Dietrich, arhitekt ( Avstrija ) | Architect ( Austria ) – Dominique Gauzin-Müller, profesorica arhitekture ( Francija ) | Professor of architecture ( France ) –A ndi Götz, svetovalec in strokovnjak za Alpe ( Lihtenštajn ) | Consultant and alpine expert ( Liechtenstein ) – Robert Mair, arhitekt in znanstveni sodelavec na Univerzi Lihtenštajn ( formalni in energijski pregled ) | Architect and research assistant at the University of Liechtenstein ( Preliminary assessment of formalities and energy efficiency ) – Maruša Zorec, arhitektka in predavateljica na Fakulteti za arhitekturo Univerze v Ljubljani ( Slovenija ) | Architect and professor at the University of Ljubljana ( Slovenia ) Sodelovanje | Collaboration – Silvia Jost, Zvezni urad Švicarske konfederacije za prostorski razvoj | Federal Office for Spatial Development, Bern – Helmut Kindle, Urad za okolje Kneževine Lihtenštajn ( Amt für Umwelt des Fürstentums Liechtenstein ) | Environmental Office, Vaduz – Magdalena Holzer und Benjamin Köglberger, Mednarodna komisija za varstvo Alp – CIPRA International, Schaan | International Commission for the Protection of the Alps, CIPRA, Schaan – Cassiano Luminati, gostitelj v Poschiavu | Host in Poschiavo
→ razkazuje svoje nenadkriljivo tehnično znanje, ki ga je z osuplostjo in spoštovanjem mogoče prepoznati v gorskih kočah, ki obiskovalce vabijo tik pod nebo in jim, kljub majhnemu, umerjenemu naboru virov, zagotavljajo blagodejno udobje – četudi ob predhodnem koristenju nemalo sive energije in nizu helikopterskih poletov v višave. Moč narave pa je mogoče prepoznati tudi v starodavnih gradbenih pristopih, katerih prednosti prepoznavajo in s pridom izkoriščajo številni inovativni arhitekti: teptajo ilovico, za izolacijo uporabljajo seno, reciklirajo beton. Skratka: gradijo v slogi in sožitju z naravo. » Là-haut sur la montagne, quand Jean vint au chalet. Pleura de tout son cœur Sur les débris de son bonheur. Là-haut sur la montagne, quand Jean vint au chalet. « Gore in načini življenja tistih, ki tamkaj živijo, so podvrženi spremembam, a ne zgolj zaradi vpliva podnebja. Na gorskem podeželju propadajo hlevi, vasi se praznijo, mladi se selijo v nižine, kjer lahko dihajo zrak » sveta «, so deležni številnih priložnosti in kjer lahko ubežijo utesnjenosti. Mnoge doline se morajo sprijazniti z dejstvom, da jih človek zapušča. Spremembe, – kot v Bovetovi pesmi spozna Jean –, kanijo biti boleče. Toda nanje je mogoče vplivati. Številne regije so, zahvaljujoč angažirani regijski in razvojni politiki ter solidarnosti bogatejših nižinskih pokrajin, uspele ohraniti svojo gospodarsko podlago in družbeni kapital uspešno plemenitijo tudi v 21. stoletju.
→ “Là-haut sur la montagne, quand Jean vint au chalet. Pleura de tout son cœur Sur les débris de son bonheur. Là-haut sur la montagne, quand Jean vint au chalet.” The mountains and the way people live in them are changing, not only because of climate change. Stables are left to decay, villages are deserted, the young move to the valleys where they get a sense of the world, they have more possibilities or they can escape the confines of the mountains. Some mountain areas have to accept this migration. Change is painful, as Jean learns in the song. But it is not God-given. There are areas that manage to ensure their existence and to reinforce their social capital even in the 21 st century, thanks to their committed regional development policy and the solidarity of wealthy communities. New beginnings for communities The jury was looking for places where regional values are promoted. Cheese makers who join forces in a cooperative, making organic production available to the wider public. The forestry industry that creates a centre for public and private initiatives. A new cable car that leads to a reservoir where electricity is produced for the valley and that boosts hiking tourism. Such projects can help turn Jean’s crying into a smile. As long as his chalet is built on an economically solid foundation, it is not lost.
“Là-haut sur la montagne, l’est un nouveau chalet, Car Jean d’un cœur vaillant L’a reconstruit plus beau qu’avant. Nov začetek za občine Članice in člani žirije so na svojih poteh iskali kraje, Là-haut sur la montagne, l’est un nouveau chalet.” ki krepijo dodano vrednost regije. Naleteli so na sirarje, ki so ustanovili zadrugo in svoje ekološke izdelke ponu- “Constructive Alps” teaches us to see building as an opporjajo širokemu spektru okoljsko ozaveščenih sladokuscev. tunity to improve the world. Jean rebuilds his new chalet to Naleteli so na gozdno gospodarstvo, ki gradi center, na- be “more beautiful than before”. This is to be understood menjen družnemu delovanju javnih in zasebnih lesno-pre- from a social perspective as much as from an architecdelovalnih iniciativ. Naleteli so na vzpenjačo, ki pohodnike tural perspective. Maybe Jean does not build a chalet just in pohodnice vodi do slikovitega akumulacijskega jezera for himself anymore, but a housing estate or a retirement (namenjenega proizvodnji električne energije, s katero so home. The jury honoured many buildings the reconstrucoskrbovana gospodinjstva ob vznožju hribovja) in spodbu- tion of which also meant a new beginning for the communija lokalni pohodniški turizem. Tovrstni projekti bi posušili ty. A school brings children, the village band and the memsolze neutolažljivega Jeana in na njegovem jadikujočem bers of different clubs together. A multi-purpose building obrazu zarisali nasmeh. Dokler bo njegova kajžica stala na unites dance and music lovers. A supermarket becomes a meeting point thanks to a bistro. ekonomsko vzdržljivih temeljih, ne bo po njej. The mountains may be secluded, but they are not abandoned. Buildings that serve society revive the Alps. » Là-haut sur la montagne, l’est un nouveau chalet, It can start with the construction itself, with half a village Car Jean d’un cœur vaillant rolling up its sleeves and setting up a gallery for the footL’a reconstruit plus beau qu’avant. Là-haut sur la montagne, l’est un nouveau chalet. « ball pitch. It can take place as an honourable civic matter, with a court building moving public institutions to the Pobuda › Constructive Alps ‹ uči, da graditi pomeni spre- mountains. Architects are optimists. They believe in a betminjati svet. Jean bo zgradil novo kajžico, » čudovitejšo ter world because they have to. “Constructive Alps” shows kot pred «. To vodilo je ključno tako v arhitekturno-ume- that it is actually possible. tniškem kot tudi v družbenem kontekstu. Morda pa Jean ne bo zgradil le majhne kajžice, v kateri bo prebival sam. Morda bo zgradil naselje ali dom za starejše občanke in občane. Žirija je odlikovala številne objekte, ki nov začetek pri pojmovanju gradnje hkrati umevajo tudi kot nov začetek pri pojmovanju skupnosti. Šola, ki predstavlja srečališče za otroke, vaške godbenike in članice ter člane društev. Večnamenska stavba, ki poji navdušenje nad družabnostjo, plesom in koncerti. Veleblagovnica, ki zahvaljujoč restavraciji predstavlja družabno središče kraja. Gore so morda samotne, a nikakor zapuščene. Objekti, ki služijo družbi, poživljajo Alpe.
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Večne gore, nova sreča | Eternal mountains, new bliss
Sklepi žirije Strokovna žirija natečaja za mednarodno arhitekturno nagrado Constructive Alps je zasedala februarja 2017 in izmed 265 prijav ljenih projektov iz vseh alpskih držav izbrala 30 najprepričljivejših ter izvajalce nominiranih projektov povabila k prijavi v drugi krog. Natečajni prispevki so predstavljali gradnje in sanacijske projekte, izvedene med letoma 2012 in 2016. Delegacije žirije so si nato projekte, uvrščene v drugi krog, ogledale na samem kraju. Ob koncu junija 2017 je žirija zasedala v vasi Poschiavo, na skrajnem jugu švicarskega kantona Graubünden. Po dvodnevni razpravi je kocka končna padla na plodna tla. Žirija je izbrala tri osrednje nagrajence in še sedmim namenila posebno priznanje. The selection During two days in February 2017 the “Constructive Alps” jury selected 30 out of 265 projects submitted for the second round. The buildings had been renovated or constructed between 2012 and 2016 following the Alpine Convention. With a preliminary assessment, the key figures of the projects had been made comparable. The second round saw jury delegations visiting the buildings. At the end of June 2017 the jury met up for two days in Pos chiavo, a village in the far south of the canton of Graubünden. In a dialogue it selected the main winners out of the 30 projects and awarded seven commendations.
Themenheft von Hochparterre, Monat 2017 | Themenheft von Hochparterre, Monat 2017 | Themenheft von Hochparterre, Monat 2017 — Hefttitel | Hefttitel | Hefttitel — Texttitel | Texttitel | Texttitel
16 17 18 19 15
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Nominirani projekti | All nominated projects Nagrajenci | laureates Priznanja | commendations Francija | France 1 Maison du Lac d’Aiguebelette, Nances stran | page 22 Italija | Italy 2 C entro culturale ‹ Lou Pourtoun ›, Ostana stran | page 30 3 Cimitero Pezzo, Ponte di Legno stran | page 30 4 Nuova casa sociale per l’abitato di Caltron, Cles stran | page 18
Švica | Switzerland 5 Cabane Rambert, Leytron stran | page 23 6 Kunstdepot, Göschenen stran | page 30 7 Bundesstrafgericht, Bellinzona stran | page 24 8 Hütte Alp Glivers, Sumvitg stran | page 25 9 Badehaus und Bistro, Vattiz / Lumnezia stran | page 31 10 Arena Crap Gries, Schluein stran | page 26
11 Wintertheater, Riom stran | page 32 12 Seilbahn Albigna, Vicosoprano stran | page 32 13 Remise und Scheune, Madulain stran | page 33 14 Haussanierung, Susch stran | page 33 Lihtenštajn | Liechtenstein 15 Mehrfamilienhaus, Triesen stran | page 34
Avstrija | Austria 16 L ofts im Stickereigebäude, Lustenau stran | page 34 17 Gemeindeamt, Zwischenwasser stran | page 35 18 Propstei, St. Gerold, stran | page 27 19 Sozialzentrum, Nenzing stran | page 35 20 Volksschule und Kindergarten, Brand stran | page 10 21 Wohnheim Olympisches Dorf, Innsbruck stran | page 36
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Nominirani projekti | All nominated projects
30 29
Nagrada Natečaj za mednarodno arhitekturno nagrado za trajnostno gradnjo in prenovo v Alpah › Constructive Alps ‹ je bil po letih 2010, 2013 in 2015 tokrat na sporedu že četrtič. Sredstva za nagradni sklad sta prispevala Zvezni urad Švicarske konfede racije za prostorski razvoj in Urad za okolje Kneževine Lihtenštajn. Nagradni sklad znaša 50.000 evrov. Leta 2009 so države podpisnice Alpske konvencije – Slovenija, Avstrija, Nemčija, Kneževin Lihtenštajn, Švica, Italija, Monako in Francija – sklenile, Alpe preobraziti v vzorčno regijo na po dročju varstva podnebja. Natečaj za mednarodno arhitekturno nagrado › Constructive Alps ‹ predstavlja otipljiv prispevek k uresničevanju Alpske konvencije in njenega Akcijskega načrta za podnebje v Alpah. Nagrada pooseblja naslednjo misel: » Delaj dobro in govori o tem, da bodo drugi sledili tvojemu vzoru. « Razstava Potujoča razstava 30 zglednih projektov, prijavljenih na natečaj za nagrado » Constructive Alps ‹, bo tudi tokrat na ogled v vseh državah alpskega loka. Pod sce nografijo so se podpisali sodelavci ateljeja Philipp Clemens iz Luzerna, kuratorstvo pa so, kot doslej, prevzeli sodelavci in sodelavke Švicarskega planinskega muzeja v Bernu. Odgovorne osebe: Barbara Keller, Michelle Huwiler in Elena Lynch www.alpinesmuseum.ch 21.10.2017 – 25.02.2018: Švicarski planinski muzeji, Bern Postaje potujoče razstave: www.constructivealps.net
Constructive Alps “Constructive Alps – international prize for sustainable renovation and building construction in the Alps” takes place for the fourth time in 2017. It is sponsored by the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein. It is endowed with 50,000 euros. The countries in the Alpine Convention – Slovenia, Austria, Germany, the Principality of Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco and France made the decision in 2009 to develop the Alps into an exemplary region of climate protection. The architecture competition “Constructive Alps” contributes to this climate action plan’s implementation. Because, it is true that if you do good work and speak about it, others will copy you.
22 Dorfhaus, Steinberg am Rofan stran | page 36 23 Egger Stammhaus, St. Johann in Tirol stran | page 28 24 Mpreis Supermarkt, St. Martin am Tennengebirge, stran | page 14 25 S chaukäserei Kaslab’n, Radenthein stran | page 16 26 Agrarzentrum, Maishofen stran | page 37
Nemčija | Germany 27 Weingut und Restaurant, Wasserburg stran | page 37 28 Grünes Zentrum, Immenstadt stran | page 38 Slovenija | Slovenia 29 Zimska soba Kanin, Bovec stran | page 38 30 Domačije vrlovčnik, Solčava stran | page 39
The exhibition A travelling exhibition accompanying the competition will be exhibiting the 30 pro jects on the final shortlist at different venues around the Alps. Philipp Clemenz from Lucerne is responsible for the scenography, the exhibition organisation is by the Swiss Alpine Museum in Berne. www.alpinesmuseum.ch Responsible: Barbara Keller, Michelle Huwiler, Elena Lynch 21. 10. 2017 to 25. 2 . 2018: Swiss Alpine Museum in Berne Other venues: www.constructivealps.net
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Nominirani projekti | All nominated projects
Situacija | Situation
Zgledno po točkah | Exemplary to the point Avstrijska dežela Predarlska ( Voralrberg ) prednjači na področju trajnostne gradnje. Med zgledne primere trajnostne arhitekture sodi tudi objekt osnovne šole v vasici Brand, ki premaguje meje. | The state of Vorarlberg has developed a Municipal Building Pass for sustainability. Its best example is the primary school in Brand — a building that pushes many boundaries. Besedilo | Text: Andres Herzog Fotografije | Photos: Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel
› Bernina ‹, › Tuklar ‹, › Edelweiss ‹ … Domačini čudovite vasice Brand v avstrijski deželi Predarlski ( Voralrberg ) hiše še zmeraj poznajo po imenih, ne po hišnih številkah. V skladu z običajem, so sodobno ime nadeli tudi stavbi tamkajšnje osnovne šole, kjer je na fasadi z veliki tiskanimi črkami zapisano › zemako ‹ – zloženka, iz srži katere klije pomen srečevanja. Iz imena seva tudi vodilo objekta, kjer se srečujejo osnovnošolke in osnovnošolci, otroci, ki obiskujejo vrtec in jaslice, vaški godbeniki in godbenice, zboristke in zboristi ter uporabnice in uporabniki večnamenskih prostorov. Novogradnja nadomešča objekt vrtca, ki je bil zgrajena v sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. » Med presojo izvedljivosti smo investitorju predlagali izvedbo večfunkcijske gradnje, « pojasnjuje arhitekt Christian Zottele, ki je objekt projektiral skupaj s kolegoma Markusom Mallinon in Brunom Spagollo. Tako je vasica z 950 prebivalci ob glavni cesti dobila svoje ostrešeno izobraževalno, družabno in kulturno središče. Novogradnja se nahaja ob gotski cerkvi, ki je bila v šestdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja oplemenitena z izstopajočo koničasto dvokapno streho iz lesa. Toda novi objekt diha s časom, ne da bi ob tem pozabil na tradicijo. Preprosto stavbno telo stoji ob stari cesti, ki vodi do vaškega trga s cerkvijo. Objekt opredeljujejo zračna okna, kladna konstrukcija, obložena z masivnimi deskami in brisoléji iz aluminija. Poševna enokapna streha ohranja tradi→ cijo okoliškega, starejšega gradbenega fonda.
“Bernina”, “Tuklar”, “Edelweiss” − houses still have names instead of numbers in the community of Brand in Vorarlberg. So the new school building now bears a sign with modern typography: “Zemmako” ( = come together ) it says in big letters on the wooden façade. The name is very fitting: the building is home to a primary school, a kindergarten with day care as well as a music and multi-purpose room. The building replaces an old kindergarten from the 1970’s. “In a feasibility study we suggested to the community to combine these purposes”, explains architect Christian Zottele, who designed the building together with Markus Mallin and Bruno Spagolla. It gives a new centre to the 950 inhabitants of the village Brand that has grown up along the main street. The new building is located next to a Gothic church which was extended with an eye-catching wooden saddle roof in the 1960’s. In keeping with the times but without forgetting tradition − a principle the new school also adheres to. The plain structure is situated on the old street that leads to the village square with the church. The log house façade combines solid planks, airy windows and aluminium brise-soleil. With its inclination, the monopitched roof is a reference to the old buildings surrounding the new school. The architects opted for a vertical room arrangement: semi-public spaces in the basement, kindergarten on the ground floor, school on the upper floor. The music room in the basement, where music students →
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Zgledno po točkah | Exemplary to the point
Svetline prepuščajo svetlobo v učilnice tudi v senčnem zimskem čas. | Thanks to skylights the classrooms are bright even in the winter. Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Zgledno po točkah | Exemplary to the point
20 Osnovna šola in otroški vrtec | Primary school and kindergarten, 2015 1. nagrada | 1 st prize, € 25 000 Gufer 48, A-Brand Investitor | Principals: Gemeinde Brand Projektiranje | Architecture: ARGE Spagolla Zottele Mallin Architekten, A-Bludenz Gradbena fizika | Building physics: Bernhard Weithas, A-Lauterach Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 3,4 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 10 kWh / m2a Preprosto leseno stavbno telo stoji ob stari vaški cesti. | The plain timber construction is situated on the old village street.
→ Prostori so namensko porazdeljeni po etažah. Poljavni prostori se nahajajo v podzidku, otroški vrtec v pritličju, osnovna šola pa v zgornji etaži. V podzidku se nahajata tudi ločen prostor za glasbene dejavnosti, ki ga uporabljajo vaška glasbena šola, godba in pevski zbor in igralnica za vrtčevske otroke, ki seže v pritličje. Omenjeni prostor je dovolj prostoren za izvajanje najrazličnejših dejavnosti – od športno-rekreativnih, do gledaliških. V primeru povečanih potreb osnovne šole je mogoče prostor razdeliti in z namestitvijo spuščenega stropa med etažama ustvariti dodatne prostorske zmogljivosti. Glavni vhod, ki vodi v preddverje z garderobo, se nahaja v pritličju. Od tam lahko vrtčevski otroci prek manjšega stopnišča dostopajo do igralnice. Prostor je z zunanjostjo objekta povezan z mostičkom, ki vodi do zelenice z igrali. Ob izhodu na razposajenke in razposajence čakajo gumijasti škornji in pisane pelerine, da se lahko po mili volji igrajo na prostem tudi v primeru dežja. V zgornjem nadstropju se nahajata dve sodobno opremljeni učilnici. Moderen je tudi način poučevanja, ki temelji na skupinskem učenju, kar omogočata velika, odprta prostora z velikimi okni. Učilnice so dodatno osvetljene s pomočjo niza svetlin, ki prepuščajo sončno svetlobo tudi v senčnem, zimskem času. Na podzidku kraljuje objekt, izveden iz grad benih elementov iz masivnega, naravnega, neobdelanega lesa. Dostop do učilnic je ločen od dostopa do drugih prostorov, da otrok v vrtcu ter učenk in učencev ne bi motili pri pouku. Surovi parket, masivni montažni elementi iz lesa in, kot se spodobi, zračni jaški povsem iz lesa... Notranjost objekta kar kipi od predarlske tesarske tradicije v vsem njenem sijaju. Iz lesa je tudi sleherni kos standardnega pohištva v osnovnošolskih učilnicah. Objekt predstavlja prelomni dosežek v arhitekturni zgodovini Predarlske. Pri ocenjevanju v okviru postopka pridobivanja Občinskega certifikata dežele Predarlske za okoljsko trajnost je namreč osvojil kar 976 od 1000 možnih točk in krepko pometel s konkurenco. Večina podjetij in obrtnikov, ki so sodelovali pri gradnji, prihaja iz največ 100 kilometrov oddaljenih krajev. Izolacija v stenah in stropih je iz ovčje volne in celuloze. Objekt je ogrevan s pomočjo zemeljske sonde, z električno energijo pa deloma oskrbovan prek občinske sončne elektrarne. » Stavba vpliva na čutno zaznavanje okolja in dokazuje, da je celovita trajnost uresničljiva in cenovno dosegljiva! « ponosno poudarja Christian Zottele.
→ play and the village choir rehearses, has its own entrance. The children spend their lunch break next door before going to play in the physical activity room spread over two floors. Its size allows a whole range of activities from gymnastics to theatre. Additionally, should the school require more space, another room can be created thanks to a mobile suspended ceiling. The main entrance is on the ground floor. From the front yard, the children enter the foyer with the wardrobes, which make clever use of the limited space. Via a small staircase the day care children can directly access the physical activity room, a bridge leads to the playground. At the exit the little raincoats are hung up above the little boots that stand in a row. The children go outside almost every day. On the upper floor the architects installed two modern classrooms: no chalk-and-talk teaching like in the former school, but open learning and group rooms with views out of two big windows. A strip of skylights provides additional light for the classrooms, capturing the sun, even if the valley lies in the shadow in the winter. Wood construction art on the interior Above the basement, the house is constructed of untreated solid wood elements that characterise the room. To make sure the big children are not disturbed by the little ones, each classroom is statically detached from the basement to the roof. “None of the beams are continuous”, the architect explains. The interior is a splendid example of the wood construction art typical for Vorarlberg: rough sawn wood floor, solid wood fittings, even the ventilation shafts are made of wood. And the architects arranged wooden standard furniture, instead of plastic. The school is a record building. It was awarded 976 of 1000 possible points in the Municipal Building Pass (Kommunalgebäudeausweis), which evaluates environmental sustainability. No other building in Vorarlberg has ever achieved a higher score. All construction companies involved are based within a 100 km radius, most of them are from Vorarlberg with its strong tradition of craftsmanship. The walls and the ceiling are insulated with sheep wool and cellulose. An earth probe supplies heat, the municipal photovoltaic system provides part of the electricity. “The building stimulates a change of perception in the area”, Zottele says. “It proves that comprehensive sustainability is possible and affordable.”
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Zgledno po točkah | Exemplary to the point
Manjše stopnišče igralnico povezuje s pritličjem. | A small staircase links the physical activity room with the ground floor.
Prečni prerez | Section
Zgornja etaža | Upper floor
Pogled iz igralnice proti cerkvi. | View of the church from the group room.
Mnenje žirije: » Arhitekti so pri svojem delu upoštevali sleherno načelo trajnosti in virtuozno zaigrali po lokalnih notah. Šola združuje otroke, glasbenike in društva. Lesna konstrukcija stavi na regionalno gradbeno dejavnost in vestno nadaljuje z arhitek turno tradicijo kraja. Energijo črpa iz zemlje. Tako varčuje z viri, spodbuja trajnostno kulturo gradnje in bogati vaško skupnost. Od majhne porabe energije do izvrstnih prostorskih lastnosti ... Brand je s to izjemno pridobitvijo postal srečališče v pravem pomenu besede – › zemmako ‹. «
The jury’s opinion: "The architects draw on the entire capacity of sustainability by staying con sistently local. The school is a centre for children, musicians and clubs. The wooden construction is a considerate extension of the village, it relies on the local construction industry and retrie- ves its energy from the ground. The buil ding thus saves resources, supports the building culture and boosts the village community. From its low energy figures to the high quality of the interior: in Brand it all comes together — or as they say in the regional dialect: “zemmako.”
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Zgledno po točkah | Exemplary to the point
Pritličje | Ground floor
› En kraj ‹ za kraj | A place in place Veleblagovnica trgovske verige Mpreis v St. Martinu pri Salzburgu, ob vznožju gorovja Tennen, se zliva z vaško strukturo in predstavlja dodano vrednost za skupnost. | The small Mpreis supermarket in St. Martin am Tennengebirge near Salzburg fits precisely into the village structure and makes a social contribution. Besedilo | Text: Maik Novotny Fotografije | Photos: Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel
Med vožnjo skozi prikupno vasico St. Martin ob Tennenskem gorovju, ki leži v visokogorski dolini v avstrijski deželi Solnograški ( Salzburg ), oko potuje čez vrhove, gozdove, travnike in turistične hišice. Na ravnici v središču kraja, nekoliko odmaknjeni od ceste, stoji objekt, ki ga je na prvi pogled moč kaj hitro prezreti. Če pogledamo pozorneje, pa bliskovito ugotovimo, da se pod obzorjem skriva nekaj posebnega. Lahko bi šlo za kulturni dom ali morda restavracijo, ki prednjači po dizajnerski zahtevnosti. Objekt se staplja s tipologijo okolice. Sklenjen betonski zid, potisnjen v travnato pobočje z rahlo naklonino, proti cesti zre ritmična lesna konstrukcija, arhitekturo zaokrožuje stena z oblico zelenja. Nekaj alpsko podeželskega, – bi rekli –, s pridihom urbane strogosti, ki seva iz zasnove. Ceneno? Nikakor! Ključ do rešitve uganke se skriva v rdeči kocki s črko › M ‹, ki kraljuje na vrhu strehe. To je logotip trgovske verige Mpreis, blagovne znamke družinskega podjetja iz avstrijske dežele Tirolske, ki prednjači po edinstvenem konceptu gradnje sleherne poslovne enote. Načrtovanje veleblagovnic je vsakokrat zaupano izbranim, kreativnim arhitektom, ki so doslej prejeli že številne nagrade za projekte, izvedene v sodelovanju s podjetjem Mpreis Warenvertrieb. Podjetje je dejavno pretežno na območju Tirolske, tu in tam pa v primeru velikega povpraševanja kdaj pa kdaj » obišče « tudi katero od sosednjih dežel. Predstavniki podjetja Mpreis zavračajo » plitve, poceni zgrajene škatle standardnih mer, ždeče ob izvozu, zasidrane sredi puste zelenice«. Njihov poslovni model temelji na plemenitem načelu, ki veleva, da vsaka poslovna enota diha alpsko gradbeno kulturo. V St.Johannu, manjšem kraju, kjer veleblagovnice morebiti ne bi bile smotrne, trgovski objekt podjetja Mpreis s priključenim gostinskim obratom izpolnjuje nadvse pomembno družbeno (predvsem pa družabno) funkcijo. » Predvsem cenjene vaščanke, ki se praviloma izogibajo vaške gostilne, se lahko tukaj v miru snidejo ob kavi, « poudarja arhitekt Tom Lechner. Objekt, ki združuje trgovino, pekarno in kavarno, predstavlja odprto srečališče, Lechnerju pa je prinesel že tretjo arhitekturno nagrado za projekt, ki je nastal v sodelovanju s podjetjem Mpreis, tokrat pa s premierno za izvrstno novogradnjo. Objekt je bil zamišljen kot zgradba s prodornim značajem z vidika strukture in materiala, temelječ na volumnu, ki ni vsiljiv do sosednjih gradenj. To kvadraturo kroga je udejanjila previdna, koncentrirana igra s tektoniko. Lesena konstrukcija izstopa iz fasade, kar slednji daje poudarjeno, disciplinirano globino. Trgovina od znotraj deluje večja in prostornejša kot namiguje pogled od zunaj. Streha trdno stoji na natančno umerjenih lesenih lamelnih nosilcih. Med njimi so nanizane svetlobne odprtine, skozi katere je mogoče med brskanjem po policah z začimbami občudovati vrhove okoliškega gorovja, kjer objekt » živi «.
On a drive through the friendly village of St. Martin am Tennengebirge on a gentle plateau south of Salzburg one’s gaze wanders over peaks, forests, fields and guest houses. The flat building in the centre of the village, slightly set back from the road, is easily overlooked at first glance. And at second glance, it is not immediately clear what it is. It could be a cultural centre or an artistically designed restaurant. The building cannot be placed in your standard typology. A surrounding wall made of bush hammered concrete set into a slightly sloping meadow, a structured timber construction facing the street covered by a green roof. The material has a rustic alpine character, but is used with typically urban austerity. There is no cheapness about it. A small red cube marked “M” balanced on the roof solves the mystery: it is the logo of the supermarket chain Mpreis. No two markets built by the family business are the same. Mpreis specifically selects its architects for that purpose — several of their markets have already been awarded prizes. Its territory is mainly Tyrol, only occasionally the company expands into neighbouring states such as Salzburg in this case. To Mpreis a supermarket is not a flat standardised box, as cost-effective as possible, planted onto a field at the arterial road, but rather a piece of alpine building culture. In places like St. Martin, which is barely big enough for a supermarket to be profitable, the market also fulfils a social function providing a meeting point with its café which is clearly visible from the outside. “Especially women were so far at a loss of places to meet apart from the inn”, Tom Lechner, the architect, explains. Its combination of a market, a bakery and a café creates an open space for encounters. This is Lechner’s third Mpreis market, but the first of them that was entirely newly built. “The building was meant to have a strong character expressed in its structure and materials, but its volume should not impose on the neighbouring buildings.” The impossible was achieved by means of a concentrated interplay of tectonics. The timber construction protrudes from the façade giving it a powerfully rhythmic depth. On the inside, the market seems light and bigger than imagined. The roof rests on well sized glued laminated timber beams, the light band in between allows a view from the spice rack onto the peaks of the Tennen Mountains. By now it must be clear: This is a building that could and would not be anywhere else.
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — › En kraj ‹ za kraj | A place in place
Vzdolžni prerez | Section
Logotip Mpreis obljublja več kot le trgovino. | The Mpreis logo stands for more than just a supermarket.
Pritličje | Ground floor Grundriss EG 1 | 200
Mnenje žirije: » Stavba dokazuje, da lahko tudi trgovskogostinski objekti, v sicer preprostem okolju, bogatijo gradbeno kulturo. Profana raba torej nikakor ne more biti tehten argument za suhoparno projektiranje. Objekt se subtilno staplja s topografijo. Brizgani beton priteguje pozornost, lesena fasada je sestavljena skrbno in ubrano. Ozelenjena streha in toplotna črpalka zagotavljata energijsko varčnost. Okna osvetljujejo notranjost restavracije, družabnega središča vasi. Objekt mojstrsko uprizarja vlogo živahnega javnega središča – sredi rutine vsakdana. « The jury’s opinion: “This building proves: ordinary retail buildings can be extraordinarily designed; a mundane purpose is no excuse to forget about architecture. The building fits discreetly into the landscape, the sprayed concrete makes it distinctive, the timber façade is carefully jointed. Energy is saved thanks to the green roof and the air-heating pump. The windows make the bistro a bright place for get-togethers. This way the architects created a public space at the heart of everyday life.” Steklo povezuje prodajni prostor in kavarno. | A glass wall connects the shop to the café.
24 Veleblagovnica Mpreis | Mpreis supermarket, 2016 2. nagrade | 2 nd prize, € 10 000 Dorfstrasse 25, A-St. Martin am Tennengebirge Investitor | Principals: Mpreis Warenvertriebs GmbH, A-Völs Projektiranje | Architecture: LP architektur, A-Altenmarkt im Pongau Statika | Structural analysis: Alfred Brunnsteiner, A-Natters Gradbena fizika | Building physics: Fiby, A-Innsbruck Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 1.4 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 41.8 kWh / m2a Subtilna umeščenost v pobočje. | Discreetly set into the slope. Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — › En kraj ‹ za kraj | A place in place
Ponos ustvarjanja | The pride of construction Sirarna Kaslab’n je zrasla iz skupnih naporov in zglednega sodelovanja med investitorjem in arhitekti. | The Kaslab’n show dairy in Carinthia is the result of the hard work of a cooperative and an exemplary partnership of principals and architects. Besedilo | Text: Maik Novotny Fotografije | Photos: Christian Brandstätter
Ob obisku mesteca Radenthein ( Radenče ) na avstrijskem Koroškem, bi le redkokdo občutil, da se nahaja v kakšnem od številnih avstrijskih turističnih središč. Magnezit, granit, sledi gorskega kmetovanja, delavska naselja in veleblagovnice ... Mestece ob Milštatskem jezeru ( Millstätter See ) slovi po garaškem delu in marljivih ljudeh. Tukajšnji kmetje morajo za služenje vsakdanjega kruha kljubovati strmim pobočjem. Težko življenje je marsikoga prepričalo, da je zavezal culo in se podal drugam. Toda upanje tod naokrog še tli in na prvi pogled ga marsikdo morda ne bi kanil zaznati, pa vendar .... Glej ga zlomka! Podolgovata, enoetažna lesena gradnja tik pred vhodom v novo mestno jedro. Sirarna Kaslab’n. Sirarna? Prav. Kaj pa pravzaprav pomeni › lab’n ‹? Pojem predstavlja narečno različico besede › L eib ‹ – hleb oziroma hlebec, s katero domačini imenujejo tudi široke prečne hodnike v kmečkih hišah, ki ločujejo gospodarski trakt in bivalne prostore. Hm, multifunkcijski prostor, torej? Kraj za obedovanje, delo, širjenje obzorja, postanek, pogovor... Drži, sirarna resnično združuje kopice funkcij. Osrednja cona objekta sirarski obrat ločuje od prodajnega prostora. Prodaja lastnih izdelkov pa predstavlja le del programa, ki ga je objektu namenilo združenje lokalnih kmetov. Bolj kot sami izdelki, v ospredju stojita delo in skrb za lokalizacijo gorskih kmetovalcev v samem središču mesta. » Osrednji namen je spreminjanje starih struktur in slednje zamišljati in osmišljati na novo,« pojasnjuje predsednik združenja, Michael Kerschbaumer. Kmetje so bili tesno vpleteni tako v fazo načrtovanja kot tudi same gradnje, kar pa je bil izjemen podvig, saj niso mogli privoščiti, da bi zaradi udarniškega dela zapostavljali svoje vsakdanje, redne službe. Na srečo so naleteli na prodoren dvojec inovativnih arhitektov, na Sonjo Hohengasser in Jürgena Wirnsbergerja, ki sta jasno doumela širši pomen projekta. Kadar investitorji in projektanti sedijo za mizo in tuhtajo, kadar elektronska sporočila izmenjujejo pozno v noč in ob najzgodnejših jutranjih urah, je moč občutiti vzajemno spoštovanje. Objekt je ogrevan prek omrežja za daljinsko ogrevanje in s pomočjo toplote, ki nastaja med proizvodnjo sira, ki sicer botruje nekoliko višjemu energijskemu kazalniku, kot ga je denimo mogoče beležiti pri stanovanjskih objektih. Iz uporabljenega gradbenega materiala se zrcali skupen prispevek vpletenih akterjev. » Že od samega začetka smo bili odločeni, da bo gradnja lesena, že zato, ker les predstavlja kakovosten material, « poudarja Jürgen Wirnsberger. Les za fasado in talne površine prihaja iz gozdov, ki so v lasti investitorjev. Arhitektka in arhitekt sta s projektiranjem objekta končala šele pri leseni posodi ( deži ) za maslo. Investitorjem in projektantoma je uspelo postaviti objekt, ki se na prvi pogled sicer zdi izjemno preprost, a v sebi združuje brezmejen ponos in povezanost celotne regije.
Radenthein in Carinthia is no tourist resort. Magnesite, granite and mining, workers’ housing estates and supermarkets: the small town at Lake Millstatt is a place of makers and workers. Even mountain farmers have particularly steep fields to plough. This tough life has made many move away from the area. But there is still hope, though it might not look like much at first glance: it is a long, single-storey timber construction at the entrance of the village centre. “Schaukäserei Kaslab’n” — its name raises questions already. What on earth is “lab’n”? It does not only mean loaf of cheese, but in the dialect of the region also stands for the transverse passage in a farm house that separates the living quarters from the working area. One room for all purposes — eating, working, interacting and dwelling. Kaslab’n continues this tradition. Here, too, a space is created between the dairy itself and the shop. The sale of the products is only one part of the programme, though. The dairy is run by a cooperative of local farmers. So this place is not just about the product, but about the value of the work and the integration of the mountain farmers in the town centre. “Our goal is basically to change the structures and the way of thinking”, is how the head of the cooperative Michael Kerschbaumer puts it. The planning and construction phase meant another collective tour de force for the farmers: it all had to be handled on top of their usual work. Luckily, the architects Sonja Hohengasser and Jürgen Wirnsberger were partners who understood the situation. Sitting at a table with principals and planners, hearing them talk about late-night e-mails from architects being answered at four in the morning by the farmers, the mutual appreciation is clear. The building is heated with district heat and waste heat from the cheese production. The latter is also the reason for an elevated energy key compared to a residential building. The material is a constructive reflection of the collective effort. “We knew from the start that it had to be made of wood — simply because wood is a high-quality product” says Jürgen Wirnsberger. The timber used on the façade and the floor was supplied by the farmers themselves, and the architects even went as far as designing a wooden butter dish. Finally, a building was created that may look very simple at first glance, but that represents the pride and the cooperation of an entire region.
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Ponos ustvarjanja | The pride of construction
25 Sirarna Kaslab’n | Show dairy Kaslab’n, 2016 2. nagrade | 2 nd prize, € 10 000 Mirnockstrasse 19, A-Radenthein Investitor | Principals: Genossenschaft Kaslab’n Nockberge, A-Radenthein Projektiranje | Architecture: Hohengasser Wirnsberger Architekten, A-Spittal an der Drau Statika masivne konstrukcije | Structural analysis: Urban & Glatz Ziviltechnikergesellschaft, A-Spittal an der Drau Statika in projektiranje lesne konstrukcije | Statics and planning timber construction: Tschabitscher, A-Steinfeld Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 2.1 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 58 kWh / m2a
Prečni prerez | Section
Velika okna poudarjajo javni značaj. | The big windows provide visibility.
Pritličje | Ground floor
Obiskovalci si lahko ogledajo, kako nastaja sir. | Visitors gain insight into cheese production. Mnenje žirije: » Sirarna živi odprtost in privablja javnost. Predstavlja osrednjo dobrino s širšim poslanstvom, ki seže tudi onkraj meja gora. Oživlja mestno jedro in krepi ( samo )zavest kraja. Arhitektura je prijetno umerjena in umirjena. Izložbe razkrivajo javni značaj objekta, ki obiskovalcem in kupcem na pristen in cenovno ugoden način približuje lokalno gospodarstvo. Skupnostni pristop članov združenja lokalnih gorskih kmetovalcev daje zgled, kako je mogoče z druž nimi močmi plemenititi gorsko kmetijstvo in žeti trajnostne plodove in sadove. « The jury’s opinion: “The show dairy provides visibility, a crucial commodity not only in the mountains. It consolidates the centre and creates a place that boosts the village’s self-esteem. The architecture is pleasantly simple. The display windows point to the public character of the building making the local industry a vivid experience as well as a profitable source of income. The cooperative organisation proves that mountain farming can bear new fruit if forces are joined.” Prodajni prostor je tudi jedilnica in družabni prostor obenem. | The shop is also a room to eat and spend time in. Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Ponos ustvarjanja | The pride of construction
Med vasjo in naravo | Between village and nature V Caltronu, vasi s 300 prebivalci v italijanski pokrajini Trentino, so leta 2014 končno dobili svoj kulturni in družbeni dom › Casa Sociale ‹. Tradicionalna, a sodobna gradnja, je mojstrsko umeščena v krajino. | In 2014 the 300 inhabitants of Caltron in Trentino were given a community centre. The “Casa Sociale” is a new interpretation of traditional architecture and marks the border of the village. Besedilo | Text: Marion Elmer Fotografije | Photos: Mariano Dallago
Miza za ročni nogomet sredi arkade vabi k napetim dvobojem. Niz okrasnih luči vzdolž fasade spominja na nedavni družabni dogodek. Morda na praznovanje rojstnega dne? Ali na zaključno zabavo udeleženk in udeležencev kuharskega tečaja? Prebivalke in prebivalci Caltrona so › Caso Sociale ‹ vzljubili na mah. V veliki shrambi v kamnitem podzidku najdemo pijačo, gasilske klopi in dolgo prikolico, ki med vsakoletnim karnevalom koristi različnim namenom. Domačinke in domačini v prostorih › Case Sociale ‹ obhajajo tudi praznik zavetnice vasi, Sv. Lucije. Toda ob našem obisku ob tokratnem, vročem julijskem dopoldnevu, dom počiva. Sončna svetloba prodira v veliko dvorano dvoetažne lesene konstrukcije. Izstopajoča podstrešna etaža pred dvorano tvori ozek lok, ki ščiti pred soncem in dežjem. Arhitekt Mirko Franzoso je v celotnem konceptu predvidel troje vrat: vrata pred shrambo, vrata pred kuhinjo in vrata pred stopniščem, ki vodi v zgornjo etažo. Tako prostori ostajajo odprti. Objekt je obdan s stenami iz lesa macesna. Ob pogledu skozi okno se pred opazovalcem odpira čudovit razgled nad dolino Val di Non in njene bujne sadovnjake. Osrednji vir dohodka v dolini predstavlja pridelava jabolk. Približno 5200 lokalnih sadjarjev jih vsako leto pridela več kot 300 000 ton. Vas Caltron se nahaja v občini, poimenovani po glavnem naselju Cles, upravnem in infrastrukturnem središču doline. Caltron je bil do nedavnega še zadnji zaselek v občini, kjer prebivalke in prebivalci niso imeli stavbe, namenjene kulturnim in družabnim dejavnostim. Z namenom krepitve povezanosti v skupnosti in stvaritvi kraja, namenjenega vsem vaščankam in vaščanom, je občina razpisala arhitekturni natečaj, namenjen projektantkam in projektantom, mlajšim od 35 let. Prepričljivi zmagovalec je bil Clesanec Mirko Franzoso. Objekt je ogrevan na plin, z električno energijo pa ga oskrbujejo sončne celice, nameščene na strehi bližnje športne dvorane. Ogrevana je samo spodnja etaža. Predel pred lesenimi podporniki na dolinski strani je zastekljen samo do enega metra višine, zato v notranjost objekta ves čas doteka zrak iz okolice. Tudi zahodno fasado krasijo velike odprtine, vzdolž katerih poteka prodnata pot. Številni sprehajalci hodijo semkaj, da bi občudovali lepote pokrajine, sedaj pa lahko občudujejo še novi objekt, tudi njegovo notranjost. Zaradi postavitve zunanjih podpornikov in steklenih površin lahko vidijo skozenj in uživajo še v nekoliko drugačnem pogledu na dolino. Kamniti podzidek, lesena struktura, odprta podstrešna etaža. Vse to so prvine, s katerimi je Franzoso sledil poslanstvu lokalne arhitekturne tradicije.
In the arcade, visitors can play table football and the fairy lights along the façade are a reminder of the last party. Maybe it was a child’s birthday ? Or the feast on the last day of a cookery course ? There is no doubt: the people of Caltron have taken possession of the “Casa Sociale”. The large storage room in the basement is filled with drinks, picnic tables and a long trailer that is used during the car nival season. The festivities in honour of Santa Lucia, pa tron saint of Caltron, have also been taking place in the new premises since 2014. But on this hot morning in July the building waits quiet ly. The sun only reaches the front third of the hall in the two-storey timber construction. The overhanging attic floor forms a narrow arcade in front of the hall, providing protection from the sun and the rain. Mirko Franzoso clos es the doors leading to the storage room, the kitchen and the staircase to the attic floor. This way the room is as the architect intended: Framed by quiet larch walls, the gaze wanders to the window front and to the view of the Val di Non — apple plantations as far as the eye can see. Apple farming is the valley’s most important source of income. Approximately 5200 apple growers harvest more than 300 000 tons of apples every year. Cles is the main village. It provides the vital infrastructure for the in habitants of the valley. Caltron used to be the only hamlet without its own community centre. In order to strengthen social cohesion and create a place for everyone, the com munity organised a competition for architects younger than 35. Mirko Franzoso won. The community installed solar panels on the gym in Cles, which now supply electricity for the building. The heating is gas-fired. The attic floor remains unheated. A surprising draught of air can be felt here: the glazing in front of the timber columns facing the valley is only one metre high, beyond that the room is open. Large openings also characterise the west façade along which a gravel path leads out into the landscape. “Passers-by have al ways enjoyed the panorama up here”, Franzoso explains. Walkers and apple growers can now look down to the valley through columns, glass doors and across the room. Stone basement, timber structure, open attic floor — this is how Franzoso honours the building tradition. All too many houses in Caltron are plastered up to the roof nowa days. If the architect has his way, this will change again.
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Med vasjo in naravo | Between village and nature
Mnenje žirije: » Stavba je vsebinsko odlično umeščena v kulturni prostor sredi krajine s tisočerimi jablanami. Predstavlja živahen kraj za zabavo, praznovanje, kulturo, tečaje in konference. To gradi in utrjuje skupnost. Betonski podzidek je trdno zakoreninjen v pobočje. Nad njim se bohoti filigransko dodelana lesena konstrukcija. Streha se z lahnim prelomom odziva na gradnje v soseski. To poji gradbeno kulturo. Mladi arhitekt je poln navdiha in svežih idej. Projektiranje je bilo izvedeno v slogi z vsemi vpletenimi deležniki. Podjetja in obrtniki, ki so sodelovali pri gradnji, prihajajo iz lokalnega okolja. To ustvarja zaupanje! « The jury’s opinion: “The building offers room for social en counters in between the apple trees. It is a place for dancing and celebrating, music and culture, classes and con ventions. It contributes to the community. The concrete basement sits heavily on the slope, above it rises the delicate tim ber construction, the soft bend in the roof mirroring its neighbours. What a de lightful contribution to the building cul ture. The architect is young, the planning involved everyone in a dialogue, the companies are all based in the area. This is cause for optimism.”
Nad podzidkom se bohoti masivna lesena gradnja. | A timber construction rises above the basement.
Prečni prerez | Section
Zgornja etaža | Upper floor
5 m
4 Kulturni in družbeni dom | Community Centre, 2015 3. nagrada | 3 rd prize, € 10 000 Caltron, I-Cles Investitor | Principals: Comune di Cles Projektiranje | Architecture: Mirko Franzoso, I-Cles Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 0.75 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 14.8 kWh / m2a
Stavbo obdajajo nasadi jablan. | The house is surrounded by apple plantations.
Neogrevana zgornja etaža nudi čudovit razgled. | The unheated attic floor opens towards the view. Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Med vasjo in naravo | Between village and nature
Priznanja | Commendations 1
Idila ob obali
Turistično-informacijski center se nahaja ob jezeru Aiguebelette, v vasi Nances v Savoji v regiji Rona-Alpe. Gradnja zaokrožuje prelestno zelenišče med cesto in obalo. Celoten arhitekturni niz se razteza proti gorski verigi Épine. Poslovni trakt je izveden iz betona in prekrit z ozelenjeno streho. Osrednji krili predstavljata lahki lesni gradnji s Situacija | Situation Objekti spominjajo na skednje. | The buildings look like barns. fasado iz lesa duglazije. Rustikalno gospodarsko poslopje se z obilico stekla in prostranimi terasami odpira proti jezeru. Dvokapna streha deluje kot toplotni ščit. Objekt je ogrevan s pomočjo zemeljske sonde in opremljen s prezračevalnim sistemom za rekuperacijo toplote. Okoljska ozaveščenost je sijala že iz samega postopka gradnje. Večina obrtnikov, ki so sodelovali pri projektu, prihaja iz lokalnega okolja, natančneje z območja s polmerom 50 kilometrov od samega kraja. Objekt je namenjen turističnim obiskovalcem. Ponudba centra zajema prodajo lokalnih kmetijskih pridelkov, razstavo o bližnjih okoliških krajih in gostinski obrat. Turistično-informacijski center krepi predstavlja dodano vrednost za lokalno okolje. Lična spojenost stavbenega dela in vrtov slika očarljiv razgled na jezero in pogorje. Arhitektura osrednjo vlogo nesebično prepušča pravemu › zvezdniku ‹ – Center je pritekališče za radovedne turistične obiskovalce. | In the centre tourists can find information about the area. naravi. Andres Herzog
Beauty at the waterfront The tourist centre is located directly at Lac d’Aiguebelette in Nances. The complex stretches along the Épine mountain range which rises in the background. The office wing consists of a flat concrete building with a green roof. The two main wings are light timber constructions clad with Douglas fir slats. Seen from the side they remind the onlooker of simple barns, but at the front they open up towards the lake with large windows and terraces. The saddle roof acts as a thermal buffer, an earth probe provides energy and a recovery system uses waste heat. Even the building site was environmentally friendly: all builders involved were based within a 50 km radius. The building receives tourists who shop at the farmer’s market, wander trough the exhibition about the area or eat and drink at the café. It contributes towards the regional identity and values. The complex dovetails buildings and a garden and it provides a vibrant setting for the view of the lake and the mountains. Nevertheless, the architecture is discreet, it never draws the attention away from the actual protagonist: nature.
Prerez | Section
Turistično-informacijski center | Tourist information, 2014 Cusina, F-Nances Investitor | Principals: Communes du Lac d’Aiguebelette Projektiranje | Architecture: Fabriques Architectures Paysages, F-Fourneaux Statika | Structural analysis: Maîtres du Rêve, F-Taninges Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 3.5 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 86.2 kWh / m2a Pritličje | Ground floor
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Priznanja | Commendations
Kamnita koča z › nahrbtnikom ‹
Švicarska planinska zveza ( SAC ) za vsak projekt trajnostne prenove razpiše arhitekturni natečaj. Prenovi koče Cabane de Rambert, na 2582 metrih nadmorske višine, se je posvetl arhitekturni biro Bonnard Woeffray. Stari kamniti gradnji je bil oprtan › nahrbtnik ‹ v obliki lesene konstrukcije, nameščene na betonsko ploščo. Za fasado iz nerjavečega jekla ( Inox ) je bilo porabljene veliko sive energije, toda omenjeni material glede na razmere predstavlja najbolj smotrno rešitev. › Nahrbtnik ‹ je opremljen s cisterno, čistilno napravo, sanitarijami, krmilno napravo za fotovoltaični sistem, baterijami, akumulatorji in električnim agregatom. V gradnji so urejeni skladiščni prostori in shramba. Stari kamniti objekt je bil opremljen z velikimi okni, prostorno kuhinjo in večposteljnimi sobami. Notranjost krasijo svetle barve in ročno izdelano pohištvo. Gorska koča predstavlja zgleden primer širitve obstoječe gradbene substance s sodobno arhitekturo in opozarja na napore pri vzpostavljanju okolju prijaznega, modernega bivalnega udobja v visokogorju. Vzdrževanje objektov na takšni nadmorski višini dandanes ni mogoče brez uporabe helikopterja. Max Bär, Fotografije: Diogo Marques
Obilo lesa. Tudi v jedilnici. | A lot of timber in the dining room too.
Stone hut with a backpack For years the sections of the Swiss Alpine Club (SAC) have been renovating their huts, for which the club calls for architectural competitions. Bonnard Woeffray Architekten won with their project for the Cabane de Rambert at 2582 m. They equipped the stone hut with a backpack. A timber construction rests on a concrete slab. The stainless steel façade took a high toll in grey en- Večposteljne sobe nadomeščajo ergy, but this material makes sense at this alti- taborniški način bivanja. | The dormitory was turned into multi-bed rooms. tude. The backpack holds the technology: water tank and water purification system, toilets, control unit for the solar installation, an emergency power generator and storerooms. The architects added large windows with mountain views and a spacious kitchen to the old stone building. Instead of a dormitory with woollen blankets, the hut now offers multi-bed rooms with linen. And the gloomy hut atmosphere was dispelled thanks to bright colours and elegantly crafted wooden furniture. The Rambert hut is an example of how modern architecture can enhance existing constructions. And it illustrates how complex it is to bring ecological and modern comfort to high mountains. The hut could neither be constructed nor operated without a helicopter.
Prerez | Section
Pritličje | Ground floor
6 m
Gorska koča Cabane de Rambert | Rambert hut, 2015 Crettaz Morez, CH-Leytron Investitor | Principals: Club Alpin Suisse Projektiranje | Architecture: Bonnard Wœffray, CH-Monthey Statika | Structural analysis: Kälin & Associés, CH-Lausanne Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 1.9 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 214 kWh / m2a
V prizidku se skriva tehnična oprema. | Room for technology in the extension.
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Priznanja | Commendations
Prizidek dopolnjuje staro strukturo. | A sober extension of the front building.
Blesteči beton
V objektu domuje sodišče. V gorah! Novogradnja v Bellinzoni v švicarskem kantonu Tessin razširja del stare zgodovinske strukture, ki je bila ohranjena kot glavni vhod. Betonski zidovi se v sodobnem abstraktnem duhu sklapljajo s staro fasado. Dva atrija zagotavljata prehodnost in omogočata preprosto orientacijo znotraj goste mreže prostorov. Osrednja sodna dvorana predstavlja pravi arhitektonski biser, ki v primerjavi z gladko fasado deluje kot protiutež znotraj celotnega snovnega koncepta. Prostor je obokan s kupolo v obliki piramide, ki od zgoraj prestrega svetlobo. Poševni zidovi so okrašeni z ornamenti, ki zagotavljajo ustrezno akustiko. Objekt je bil projektiran Prečni prerez | Section po računalniškem konceptu inštituta za tehno logijo ETH Zürich. Objekt strnjuje središče in izpostavlja trg. Notranjost predstavlja arhitekturni eksperiment. Konstrukcija omogoča dodatne posege. Objekt je bil odlikovan z nadstandardnim certifikatom za gradnjo visoko učinkovitih nizkoenergijskih in pasivnih gradenj Minergie-P-Eco. Andres Herzog, Fotografije: Tonatiuh Ambrosetti
Atrija zagotavljata preglednost. | The inner courtyards provide perspectives.
Radiant concrete The building brings a public institution to the mountains. The new building of the Swiss Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona in Ticino enhances the neoclassical front building, which has been preserved to form the main entrance. The white concrete walls, radiating innocence, are a modern, abstract continuation of the old façade. The expansion has been structured in an orderly fashion around the court room by the architects. Two inner courtyards provide light and facilitate orientation in this dense spatial structure. The court room is the architectural highlight. It seems like an antithesis of the smooth façade. Like the small court room it is crowned with a pyramidshaped dome catching the light from above. The ornaments on the slanted walls are not only de coration but also improve the acoustics. The building consolidates the centre and strengthens the area. It combines old and new and dares to experiment on the inside. It is a lasting and yet flexible construction fit for the future. All the while guaranteeing low energy figures and environmental compatibility with its Minergie-P-Eco label.
Pritličje | Ground floor
20 m
Zvezno kazensko sodišče | Swiss Federal Criminal Court, 2013 Viale Stefano Franscini 7, CH-Bellinzona Investitor | Principals: Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft Projektiranje | Architecture: Bearth & Deplazes, CH-Chur, und Durisch + Nolli, CH-Massagno Statika | Structural analysis: Jürg Buchli, CH-Haldenstein, Ingenieurgemeinschaft Edy Toscano, CH-Rivera, Conzett / Bronzini / Gartmann, CH-Chur Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 33.5 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 16.1 kWh / m2a
Beton v sodni dvorani deluje kot okras. | Concrete becomes ornamental.
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Priznanja | Commendations
Skupnostna planina
Kmetje iz vasi Sumvitg v švicarskem kantonu Graubünden so nedavno ustanovili zadrugo Ama renda. Zadruga temelji na različnih storitvah z vzajemnimi učinki za člane, v prvi vrsti namenjenim turističnim obiskovalcem kraja. Ponudba zadruge vključuje gostinske storitve, proizvode lokalne destilarne, pohode z lamami ( ! ) ter najrazličnejše prehrambne izdelke iz ekološke pridelave mesa, sira in sadja. Med slednjimi je med turisti najbolj priljubljen domači hruškov kruh. Zadružani so na planini Glivers prenovili in dogradili stari hlev ter ga oplemenitili s turističnimi prenočišči. Osnovnošolci iz bližnjega okolja tod preživljajo šolo v naravi, objekt pa je na voljo tudi za poroke in najrazličnejša slavja. Arhitektka Marlene Gujan in arhitekt Conrad Pally sta se odločila ohraniti večino izvorne strukture objekta. Galerijo v zgornji etaži sta preoblikovala v prostor z več ležišči, na čelu hleva pa je nastala majhna, prikupna sobica. Udobje je sicer rustikalno. Voda je ogrevana s pečjo na les, kopeli pa je namenjen velik čeber, ki stoji pred stavbo. Objekt z električno energijo oskrbujejo sončne celice. Podjetniška korajža lokalnih kmetov, gostoljubje in notranja arhitektura navdušujejo slehernega obiskovalca. Objekt dokazuje, da tudi najmanjši posegi zahtevajo skrbno načrtovanje. Očarljivost tega edinstvenega objekta poudarjajo samosvoji, a čudoviti lesni in kamniti detajli. Max Bär
Shared mountain pasture
V zgornji etaži se nahajajo spalnice. | The bedrooms on the upper floor.
Nekoč hlev, danes dnevni prostor. | The barn has been turned into a sitting room.
Farmers of Sumvitg in Bündner Oberland joined forces in the cooperative Amarenda. Its offer includes a catering service primarily using the others’ produce, a distillery that was expanded, llama trekking tours as well as cheese, meat and pear bread that can be purchased. On Alp Glivers the members of the cooperative turned a barn into accommodation for groups. It has become a place for school trips and weddings celebrations. The architects Marlene Gujan and Conrad Prečni prerez | Section Pally left much of the old stable untouched. They inserted a gallery for the multi-bed rooms on the upper floor and created a cosy sitting room at the front of the barn. It is a modest type of comfort: water is heated on the wood stove, baths can be taken in a big tub in front of the building. A small solar power unit supplies electricity for the lights. What makes this project exemplary is the farmers’ entrepreneurial courage, their hospitality and the interior design. It shows that even the necessary minimum needs good design. The woodand stonework is beautiful down to the last detail, giving this shared space its own particular charm.
Zunanjost je ostala nespremenjena. | Hardly any changes on the outside.
Sprememba namembnosti pastirskega stana Alp Glivers | Conversion of Alp Glivers hut, 2012 CH-Sumvitg Investitor | Principals: Corporaziun d’alps Sumvitg Projektiranje | Architecture: Gujan + Pally, CH-Curaglia Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 0.43 Mio.
Pritličje | Ground floor
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Priznanja | Commendations
6000 prostovoljskih ur
Prečni prerez | Section
Tribuna ob Renu pod vasjo Schluein v švicarskem kantonu Graubünden krasi igrišče nogometnega kluba športne unije Uniun Sportiva USSI vasi Schluein in Ilanz. V članski ekipi igra odlični napadalec in arhitekt Jan Berni. Investitorji so se odločili, da bodo projektiranje tribune zaupali njemu. Hrbtenico objekta predstavlja sklenjen zid, na katerega je nameščena lesena tribuna s 500 sedeži, prekrita z mogočno, leseno streho. V pritlični etaži se nahajata slačilnici za domače in gostujoče moštvo. Vsako krasi vodnjak, nameščen v sredini prostora. V zgornji etaži se nahaja gostinski obrat. Nad gradnjo sta družno bedela arhitekta Jan Berni in Georg Krähenbühl. Člani kluba so v projekt vložili 6000 ur prostovoljnega dela. Od zasnove tesarskega dela, uporabe žebljev namesto kemičnih veziv, vse do urejanja in opremljanja notranjosti objekta z materiali, ki so bili na voljo – končni izdelek predstavlja unikaten dosežek domačink in domačinov. Objekt predstavlja zaključeno, robustno, estetsko dovršeno celoto. Za priprave na novo sezono ga koristijo tudi večji nogometni klubi, kot denimo nemški prvoligaš Hamburger SV. Max Bär
6000 hours of voluntary work
Streha sloni na masivnih tramovih. | Massive beams carry the roof.
Pritličje | Ground floor
10 m
The gallery is located on the Rhine below the village Schluein in Bündner Oberland. It is an old tradition in this region for club members to refurbish and maintain their football pitches on a voluntary basis. But here they took it a step further. This is due to Jan Berni, striker in the first team and architect. He designed a large gallery at the border of the pitch. Its backbone is a closed wall. Against it leans a timber construction for the gallery with an impressive roof. There are 500 seats. Changing rooms for the home team as well as the visiting team are provided on the ground floor, each arranged around a fountain. The upper floor boasts a restaurant. The architects Jan Berni and Georg Krähenbühl were also the construction managers. They made sure the 6000 hours of work were organised in a way that the club members could provide it themselves, voluntarily. From the carpenter’s work using nailed instead of glued-laminated trusses to the interior design relying on the materials provided. The result is a coherent, Plod več kot 6000 ur prostovoljnega dela. | The gallery is the result of 6000 hours of voluntary work. solid, aesthetically appealing construction fit to be used even by big teams such as Hamburger SV who came here for training weeks. Arena Crap Gries, 2015 CH-Schluein Investitor | Principals: US Schluein Ilanz Projektiranje | Architecture: Jan Berni und Georg Krähenbühl, CH-Ilanz Statika | Structural analysis: Walter Bieler, CH-Bonaduz Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 1.2 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 33 kWh / m2a
Gostinski obrat v zgornji etaži. | Restaurant on the upper floor.
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Priznanja | Commendations
Prenova in prizidek
Proštija v St. Geroldu v avstrijski deželi Predarlski ( Vorarlberg ) je v lasti švicarskega samostana Einsideln. Objektni niz je skozi stoletja zrasel v lični arhitekturni ansambel. Razvoj je nenehno sledil istemu vodilu: kjerkoli je to bilo mogoče, so bili novi načini uporabi umeščeni znotraj obstoječih gradenj. Na samostanskem dvorišču novogradnje niso bile dovoljene. Temu načelu je sledila tudi najnovejša razširitev. Obstoječe gradnje so bile dodatno izolirane. Izvedena je bila obnova nosilnih konstrukcij in streh, ki so bile ponovno prekrite s starimi strešniki. Razširitve v notranjosti stavb so izvedene iz lesa jesena iz samostanskega gozda. V lesenem prizidku domuje tudi gostinski obrat. Prezračevanje novih prostorov je nadzorovano z ustreznim sistemom. Stare gradnje so opremljene le z nujno tehnično opremo. Projektant Hermann Kaufmann je skrbno ravnal z obstoječo gradbeno substanco in jo razširil v duhu skladnosti s tradicionalnim arhitekturnim izročilom tovrstnih gradenj. Njegov pristop predstavlja zgled za rokovanje z zgodovinskimi gradnjami specifičnega družbeno-kulturnega pomena.
Staro tramovje plemeniti notranjost. | The room is characterised by the old timber beams.
Streha je prekrita s starimi strešniki. | The roof was covered with the old tiles.
Andres Herzog, Fotografije: Norman Radon, Darko Todorovic
Conversion and extension The provostry of St. Gerold in Vorarlberg is associated to the Einsiedeln Abbey. Whenever possible, the new functions are integrated in the existing buildings. If there is a need for new buildings, they are placed outside the provostry’s premises. The latest extension also adhered to this policy. The existing buildings were equipped with additional insulation, their supporting structure was restored, the roof was renovated and covered with the old tiles. For the interior ash wood from the provostry’s own forest was used. The extension is made of timber elements and clad with planks. The ventilation in the extension is regulated. Technology is kept to a minimum in the existing buildings, the natural air conditioning is absolutely sufficient. By enhancing its restaurant and hotel offer the povostry ensures its economic survival. It makes a valuable contribution to the culture and tourism of the area. Hermann Kaufmann, the architect, carefully preserved the existing and systematically extended it, neither pandering to the tradition, nor pushing for contrasts. This economy of means is an exemplary way of dealing with buildings from former times. Proštija | Provostry, 2017 A-St. Gerold Investitor | Principals: Kloster Einsiedeln Projektiranje | Architecture: Hermann Kaufmann, A-Schwarzach Krajinska arhitektura | Landscape: Markus Cukrowicz, CH-Winterthur Statika | Structural analysis: M + G Ingenieure, A-Feldkirch, Merz Kley Partner, A-Dornbirn Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 0.98 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 30.4 kWh / m2a
Situacija s prenovljenimi objekti in novogradnjo v rdečem. | Conversion and new building in red.
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Priznanja | Commendations
Industrijsko merilo
Poslovni objekt je ločen od delavnic in deluje kot slikovita izložba lesarskega podjetja Fritz Egger v St. Johannu v avstrijski deželi Tirolski. Objekt je že četrta upravna stavba, ki jo je podjetje projektiralo in izvedlo v skladu z lastnimi, visokimi standardi. Prostori so porazdeljeni okrog odprtega atrija, ki ne pogojuje prostorske hierarhije. Vsi zaposleni in vodje oddelkov sedijo v istih oddelčnih pisarnah. Struktura je modularna in temelji na ploščah OSB ( 2,8 m x 11,5 m ). Celotna inštalacija je vgrajena v belih, lakiranih ploščah OSB. Fasada je obložena z vertikalnimi deskami iz lesa macesna. Objekt je ogrevan prek sistema za daljinsko ogrevanje, ustrezno hlajenje pa je zagotovljeno s pomočjo vodnjaka. Podzemna garaža je opremljena s polnilnimi postajami za električna vozila. Podjetje Fritz Egger je s projektom dokazalo, da je les je več kot primeren za gradnjo velikih, okolju prijaznih poslovnih stavb. Iz lastne lesne proizvodnje denimo izhaja tudi vsa notranja oprema. Kvantiteta in kvaliteta lahko vendarle hodita z roko v roki.
Velik atrij povezuje pisarne. | All offices are linked by an atrium.
Andres Herzog, Fotografije: Christian Flatscher
Industrial scale The company headquarters are outside the production area and act as a display window for the wood-based materials manufacturer Fritz Egger in St. Johann in Tyrol. It is the fourth administrative building the company has constructed for itself following its own standards. The building is arranged around an atrium ignoring any hierarchies: everyone shares the same offices, includ- Pri Eggerju stavijo na les. | ing the managers. Its structure is modular and Egger uses wood on a grand scale. based on an oriented strand board element of 2,8 x 11,5 m. The whole construction is characterised by the OSB, the white glazed boards were used in all the installations. The façade is clad with vertical larch slats, copper strips highlight the horizontal lines. The building is supplied with district heating and groundwater cooling. It is mainly reached by car and the underground garage has been prepared for the future with charging stations for electric vehicles. Fritz Egger skilfully presents his products and his expertise with this construction — even the furniture are the company’s own products. With this building the company demonstrates that even a large office building can be an environmentally exemplary timber construction. Quantity and quality are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Sedež podjetja Egger | Egger head quarters, 2015 Weiberndorf 20, A-St. Johann in Tirol Investitor | Principals: Fritz Egger Projektiranje | Architecture: architekturwerkstatt, A-Breitenbach am Inn Krajinska arhitektura | Landscape: Auböck + Kárász, A-Wien Statika | Structural analysis: Alfred R. Brunnsteiner Ziviltechnikergesellschaft, A-Natters Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 20 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 9.4 kWh / m2a
Les, tudi v pisarnah. | The offices are dominated by wood too.
Prečni prerez | Section
Pritličje | Ground floor
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Priznanja | Commendations
10 m
3 Nekoč hlev, danes poslovilna kapela. | A former stable is now a funeral chapel.
2 Nekoč ruševina, danes hram kulture. | A ruin turned into a centre of culture.
2 Raznolike prostorske zmogljivosti. | Wide variety of rooms.
Projekti, uvrščeni v ožji izbor | Nominations 2 Oživitev ruševine | Revitalising a ruin
Italijanska gorska vas Ostana se nahaja nedaleč od izvira reke Pad ( Po ) in nudi čudovit razgled na goro Monviso. Pred sto leti je v kraju živelo približno 1200 ljudi, pred dvajsetimi leti pa je vas premogla le še šest duš. Arhitektka Marie-Pierre Forsans ter arhitekta Massimo Crotti in Antonio De Rossi so sprejeli izziv in razpadajočo ruševino preobrazili v lokalni hram kulture. Projekt je delno financirala pokrajina Piemont, del sredstev pa so investitorji pridobili iz strukturnih skladov EU. V kamnitem objektu so nastali najrazličnejši prostori, ki so podprti z betonsko strukturo. Fasado krasijo okna, ki se razprostirajo po celotni dolžini in obujajo staro zgodovino kraja, koder so ulični prehodi ( portoun ) nekoč vodili skozi hiše. Socialna angažiranost in regionalni razvoj sta obrodila sadove. Število prebivalcev se je povečalo. Danes v Ostani namreč domuje 40 vaščank in vaščanov. Ostana is a mountain community not far from the source of the River Po with a view of Mount Monviso. A hundred years ago 1200 people used
3 Odprti zidovi, varni pod streho. | Open walls underneath the protecting roof.
to live here, twenty years ago the number was reduced to six. The architects Massimo Crotti, Antonio De Rossi and Marie-Pierre Forsans turned a ruin into a centre of culture, a project funded by the Piedmont Region, Italy and the EU. Different rooms were created in the stone house, connected by a concrete structure on the inside. The façade includes a full-length window reminiscent of the street — “pourtoun” — that once led through the houses of Ostana. The social commitment and regional development have borne fruit – Ostana now counts 40 inhabitants. Kulturna ustanova › Lou Pourtoun ‹ | Cultural centre “Lou Pourtoun”, 2015 Borgata Sant’Antonio Miribrart 60 A , I-Ostana Investitor | Principals: Comune di Ostana Projektiranje | Architecture: Studio Associato G. S. P., Torino Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 1.1 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 46.6 kWh / m2a
Od hleva do mrliške vežice | Stable turned funeral chapel 3
Italijanska vasica Pezzo v občini Ponte di Legno, ki se nahaja na območju alpskega Narodnega parka Stelvio, leži v pokrajini Lombardiji. Ob tamkajšnji cerkvi je dolgo propadal stari hlev, sicer zaščiten pod spomeniškim varstvom. Vaščanke in vaščani ga sedaj po prenovi uporabljajo kot mrliško vežico in poslovilno kapelo. Arhitekt Sergio Ghirardelli je kapelo v objekt vstavil kot nov prostor v obliki škatle. Ob rajnih na parah je dovolj prostora tudi za
žalujoče, ki se lahko dostojno poslovijo od pokojnih. V osredju prostora se nahaja odprt podest. V kapeli se obhajajo tudi verski. Umestitev novega prostora je bila izvedena brez poseganja v obstoječo substanco starega objekta. Pezzo is a small village belonging to the community of Ponte di Legno in the Stelvio National Park in the Alps of Lombardy. A formerly unused stable next to the church, conserved as a landmark, now serves as a funeral chapel to the village. Architect Sergio Ghirardelli inserted the chapel like a box into the existing building. Apart from the space where the bodies lie in state, mourners find a room for funeral services — an airy platform without walls, covered by the roof. The room is also available for religious ceremonies and gatherings. The interior is very respectful of the substance of the former stable, the renovation was kept to a minimum. Mrliška vežica in poslovilna kapela | Funeral chapel and funeral service hall, 2012 Via della Chiesa, I-Ponte di Legno Investitor | Principals: Comune di Ponte di Legno Projektiranje | Architecture: Studio di architettura Sergio Ghirardelli, I-Darfo Boario Terme Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 0.36 Mio. 6 Prostor za umetnost | Space for art
Orožarna v Göschenenu v švicarskem kantonu Uri, zadnjem kraju pred starim Gotthardskim tunelom, je bila leta 1943 zgrajena iz naravnega
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Projekti, uvrščeni v ožji izbor | Nominations
6 Zatrepi so pravi pravcati svetlobni topovi. | Dormer windows become veritable light cannons.
6 Nekoč skladišče, danes umetniški depo. | Art warehouse in a former armoury.
9 Neobdelan les spominja na planšarske koče. | Untreated wood evoking a mountain pasture. 9 Kopališče je masivna kladna konstrukcija. | The bathhouse is a solid log construction. Fotografije: Lucia Degonda
kamna. Zbiratelj umetnin Christoph Hürlimann se je odločil, da bo objekt spremenil v javni umetniški depo za gostujoče umetnice in umetnike. Projektanti arhitekturnega biroja Burkhalter in Sumi so zasnovali štiri ateljeje, ki poleti vabijo k ustvarjanju. Ob tem so povišali stare zatrepe in jih preobrazili v prave pravcate svetlobne topove, ki se dvigajo proti severu. Zunanjost je ostala domala v celoti ohranjena. Notranji predeli so povezani z belo barvo. Arhitekti so z le peščico prefinjenih posegov ohranili pričevalca zgodovine in ga vpeljali v novi čas, kjer bo oživljal kraj in ga kulturno navdihoval še na mnoga leta. The “Stücki” armoury in Göschenen, the last village before the old Gotthard tunnel, was built in 1943 with heavy natural stone and a wide overhanging roof. Now the building has been turned into a publicly accessible art warehouse by art collector Christoph Hürlimann. Below the roof the architects Burkhalter and Sumi have set up four studios which can be used during summer. They did so by turning the old dormer windows into veritable light cannons rising graciously towards the north. Otherwise the exterior remains relatively unchanged. In the interior, cohesion of the different elements is achieved through a coat of white paint. Keeping changes to a minimum,
the architects have preserved a testimony to the past, transposing it into a future that will revive the culture of the place. Ateljeji za gostujoče umetnike in umetnice | Studios for guest artists art warehouse Göschenen, 2013 Ringstrasse 121, CH-Göschenen Investitor | Principals: Christoph Hürlimann Projektiranje | Architecture: Burkhalter Sumi Architekten, CH-Zürich Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 1.44 Mio. 9 Masivni tramovi | Massive beams
Davos Munts, slikovit kraj nad vasico Vattiz v dolini Val Lumnezia v švicarskem kantonu Graubünden, je znan po naravnem kopališču, urejenem na tamkajšnjem jezeru. V občini Lumnezia so se odločili, da bodo skušali na krilih mehkega turizma s svojo sredo privabiti obiskovalce od drugod, seveda pa ob tem niso pozabili tudi na domačinke in domačine. Staremu skednju so vdahnili novo življenje in ga preobrazili v čudovito domovanje prvovrstne restavracije. Projektanti arhitekturnega biroja Capaul & Blumental so upoštevali tradicionalne vrednote in stavili na lokalne gradbene materiale. Masivna kladna konstrukcija temelji na lesu smreke iz okoliških gozdov. Streha je prekrita s kamnitimi ploščami. Notranjost krasi neobde-
lan les, ki obiskovalcem pričara občutek, kot da bi bili obiskali planšarsko kočo. Arhitekti so lokalno in zgodovinsko gradbeno izročilo dopolnili s sodobno tehnologijo. Objekt je namreč ogrevan s pomočjo energijsko varčne toplotne črpalke. Davos Munts is an area above the village of Vattiz in Val Lumnezia in the canton of Graubünden. In the former wetland the community has created a bathing lake serving both sustainable tourism and the local population. An old stable was replaced by a bathhouse complete with a bistro. Capaul & Blumenthal architecture observes traditional values and uses local materials. The solid log house is made from indigenous spruce and roofed with stone slabs. On the inside the wood is also left untreated, evoking the cosiness of a mountain pasture. While paying tribute to the place and its history, the architects have opted for modern technology to provide warmth by installing an air-heating pump. Kopališče in restavracija | Bathhouse and bistro, 2014 Lag da far bogn Davos Munts, CH-Vattiz / Lumnezia Investitor | Principals: Gemeinde Lumnezia Projektiranje | Architecture: Capaul & Blumenthal, CH-Ilanz Statika | Structural analysis: Giachen Blumenthal und Clemens Arpagaus, CH-Vella Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 1.9 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 90.5 m2a →
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Projekti, uvrščeni v ožji izbor | Nominations
11 Gledališki oder v sredini, gledalci posajeni naokrog. | Theatre stage at the centre surrounded by the audience.
12 Dostop skozi jekleno konstrukcijo. | Access through the steel construction.
11 Nekoč največji hlev v vasi, danes Talijin hram. | The largest barn in the village is now a theatre.
12 Postaja vzpenjače v industrijskem odevu. | Industrial style cable car station. 11 Gledališče na svislih | Theatre in the hayloft
air. During the winter, director Giovanni Netzer turned the biggest stable of the valley into a theV vasici Riom v dolini Oberhalbstein v švicarskem atre. The architects Carmen Gasser and Remo kantonu Graubünden domuje › origen ‹, preplet Derungs set a large rectangle onto the hayloft gledališča, plesa in upodabljajoče umetnosti. with room for the audience around it. The thin, Uprizoritve se odvijajo v cerkvah, ruševinah stare- once permeable stable walls were sealed off with ga gradu in na prostranih odrih na prostem, sredi solid glass windows. As many original features as navdihujoče pokrajine. Intendant Giovanni Netzer possible were preserved, creating an enchanting je podal pobudo, da bi se za potrebe predstav v theatre atmosphere. zimski sezoni prenovilo kmečko gospodarsko po- Širitev zimskega gledališča | slopje, ki je klavrno samevalo sredi doline. Arhi- Conversion winter theatre, 2016 Pale Sot 6, CH-Riom tektka Carmen Gasser in arhitekt Remo Derungs Investitor | Principals: Fundaziun Origen, CH-Riom sta v osredju svisli umestila velik pravokotnik, ok- Projektiranje | Architecture: Gasser, Derungs, CH-Zürich rog katerega je urejen prostor za občinstvo. Ne- Statika | Structural analysis: Walter Bieler, CH-Bonaduz; koč propustne jeklene stene so bile zapolnjene in Guido Luzio, CH-Savognin Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 1.96 Mio. zaprte z mogočnimi steklenimi okni. Sledi stare arhitekture pa so še vedno žive, polneč uprizoritveni prostor z očarljivim vzdušjem. 12 Transportna arhitektura | Riom in Oberhalbstein in the canton of Grau- Transport architecture bünden is the home of Origen, a theatre, dance Vzpenjača v švicarskem kantonu Graubünden and art institution resonating far beyond this re- vodi do akumulacijskega jezera Albigna, ki se gion of the Alps. Plays are shown in churches, the nahaja na 2100 metrih nadmorske višine. Z omeruins of a castle and on big stages in the open njenim jezerom upravlja Podjetje za distribucijo
električne energije mesta Zürich. Vzpenjača je namenjena prevažanju uslužbencev podjetja, pohodnikov in planincev. Sodobna žičniška tehnologija zahteva več prostora, zato je morala stara postaja v dolini prepustiti prostor novogradnji. Arhitekturni biro Alder Clvauot Nunzi je žičniški infrastrukturi dodal pristno arhitekturno noto, s potezami, ki spominjajo na industrijske koncepte. Obe postaji, tako v dolini kot na vrhu, stojita na betonskem podzidku. Zgrajeni sta iz jekla in obdani s pločevinastim plaščem. Gradnji rišeta obraz proizvodnje električne energije v Alpah in dokazujeta, da lahko tudi žičniška infrastruktura predstavlja inovativno arhitekturo vrhunske kakovosti. The cable car leads to the Albigna reservoir in the canton of Graubünden, 2100 m above sea level, where electricity is produced for the city of Zurich. It is a means of transport for the power station’s employees, hikers and climbers. Since modern cable car technology requires more space, the valley station, once planned by Bruno Giacometti, was replaced by a new building. Based on transport machinery, the architecture
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Projekti, uvrščeni v ožji izbor | Nominations
13 V zgornji etaži so parkirani traktorji. | Tractors are parked on the upper floor.
14 Izolacija z do 80-centimetrskimi plastmi sena. | Up to 80 cm straw insulation.
13 Remiza stoji med kmečko hišo in hlevom. | Shed between farmhouse and stable. 14 Masivni zidovi kot pri starih engadinskih hišah. | The walls appear massive, like those of an old Engadine house.
office Alder Clavuot Nunzi has developed an architectural language reminiscent of the industry. The mountain and valley stations rest on concrete bases, are built with steel and clad with corrugated sheeting. The building gives the alpine power production a face, showing that cable car stations can be quality architecture. Vzpenjača Albigna | Albigna cable car, 2016 Pranzaira, CH-Vicosoprano Investitor | Principals: Elektrizitätswerk der Stadt Zürich Projektiranje | Architecture: Alder Clavuot Nunzi Architekten, CH-Soglio Statika | Structural analysis: AF Toscano, CH-Pontresina Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 19 Mio. 13
Krasna kašča | Beautiful barn
Remiza v Madulainu v švicarskem kantonu Grau bünden je odličen primer gradnje, vredne dosežkov gradbene tradicije tukajšnjega podeželskega prebivalstva. Objekt, trdno zakoreninjen med novo kmečko hišo in veliko dvorano, kipi od urbanega pridiha. Kašča v elegantnem loku povezuje stavbi in tvori sklenjeno fasado, prav takšno, kakršne so stoletja plemenitile stare vaške gradnje na obrobju pobočja. Arhitekt Christoph Sauter ne skriva, da ga je mikal izziv. Remiza predstavlja lupinasto konstrukcijo z razkritimi elementi. Beton je čudovit, iz obdelave lesa sije dovršena strokovnost, vrata so okrašena z lamelami, bakrena streha lično ukrivljena. Hlev, kašča, remiza in bivalni predel si delijo prostor pod soncem. No, pravzaprav pod veliko streho.
The shed in Madulain is an example of architec ture capturing agricultural construction. Respec ting the architectural surroundings, the construction finds its place between the new farmhouse and the big stable. In an elegant arch the barn unites the two buildings making for one consistent façade, as was traditional for hundreds of years in the old houses of the village along the edge of the slope. Christoph Sauter’s architecture is ambitious: The shed is a refined shell exhibiting constructive and visible elements. The concrete is beautiful, the woodwork is fine, the gates are ornamented, the copper works are solid. Stable, barn, shed and house are united underneath one big roof. Remiza in skedenj | Shed and barn, 2016 Via Suot, CH-Madulain Investitor | Principals: M. und J. Etter, CH-Thusis Projektiranje | Architecture: Christoph Sauter Architekten, CH-St. Moritz Statika | Structural analysis: Andrea Nievergelt, Edi Toscano, CH-St. Moritz Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 0.45 Mio.
Seneni zidovi | Wall of straw
Stara kmečka hiša v vasici Susch v dolini Engadin v švicarskem kantonu Graubünden je bila pri svojih več kot 200 letih starosti deležna energijske preobrazbe. Architekt Werner Schmidt je staro peč na les nadomestil s kombinirano pečjo na lesne pelete in sekance. Objekt je bil opremljen z novimi okni s trislojnim steklom. Fasada in streha
sta izolirani s plastmi sena, z debelino do 80 cm. Skupaj je bilo za izolacijo porabljenega približno 80 ton sena, kar sovpada s približno 110 tonami CO2, skladiščenega v objektu. Seneni ovoj zagotavlja tudi blagodejno notranjo klimo in predstavlja učinkovito zaščito pred hrupom iz okolice. Izolacija vodi do masivnega zidu z globokimi okenskimi odprtinami, tipičnimi za engadinske kmečke hiše. Projekt povezuje gradbeno tradicijo, gradbeno ekologijo in energijsko varčnost. The more than 200-year-old farmhouse in Susch in the Engadine was renovated to improve its energy efficiency. The architect Werner Schmidt enhanced the wood heating with a com bination boiler for pellets and log wood, and the windows are now triple-glazed. The façade and the roof are insulated by up to 80 centimetre thick straw bales. This equals approximately 80 tons of straw or 110 tons of CO2 that are embedded in the building. This insulation makes the walls appear massive, the windows being set deeply into them, as is typical for Engadine houses. In this project, tradition, ecology and energy goals coincide. The straw bale shell also improves the indoor climate and absorbs street noise. Sanacija kmečke hiše | Renovation, 2014 Surpunt 92, CH-Susch Investitor | Principals: Stefan Wydler, Maitreyi Piontek Projektiranje | Architecture: Atelier Werner Schmidt, CH-Trun Statika | Structural analysis: Jon Andrea Könz, CH-Zernez Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 1.8 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 22 kWh / m2a →
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Projekti, uvrščeni v ožji izbor | Nominations
15 Stanovanje z razgledom. | Home with a view.
15 Ožina parcele poudarja tloris. | The ground plan is defined by the narrow shape of the site.
16 Notranjost krasijo lesene galerije. | Wood galleries complement the interior. Fotografije: Christian Grass 16 Nekoč šivalnica, danes niz bivališč. | The embroidery factory now houses lofts.
Masivni les in toplotnoizolacijski beton | Solid timber and insulating concrete
ing concrete, the building is made of solid timber with wood fibre insulation. The material provides the character. White glazing covers the wooden Tristanovanjska hiša v Triesenu v kneževini Lih- interior. While warm water is supplied by solar tenštajn pretkano zgoščuje jedro kraja ob vznožju thermal energy, heating relies on gas. pobočja. Ožina parcele poudarja tloris, ki je raz- Večstanovanjska hiš | Apartment building, 2015 deljen na dve krili. V zadnjem delu, katerega od Gapont 8, FL-Triesen Investitor | Principals: Johann Frommelt sprednjega ločujejo tri stopnice, se nahaja spalniProjektiranje | Architecture: Uli Mayer, Urs Hüssy, FL-Triesen ca. V sprednjem krilu se dnevna soba odpira proti Statika | Structural analysis: Xylo, FL-Schaan, dvorišču. Projektanta Uli Mayer in Urs Hüssy sta Wenaweser + Partner Bauingenieure, FL-Schaan pri načrtovanju objekta upoštevala lokalno kmeč- Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 2.3 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 56.9 kWh / m2a ko tradicijo in izvedla lično stavbo iz masivnega lesa, postavljeno na podzidek iz toplotno-izolacijskega betona. Za izolacijo sta uporabila ploš- 16 Bivanje v industrijskem če iz lesenih vlaken. Notranjost objekta krasi bel, spomeniku | Living in lakiran les. Voda je ogrevana s pomočjo sončnih an industrial monument celic, objekt pa je ogrevan na zemeljski plin. Stoletje stara stavba, v kateri je nekoč domovala The house with three apartments cleverly šivalnica, je pričevalec zgodovine lokalnega goconsolidates the centre of Triesen in Liechten- spodarstva v mestu Lustenau v avstrijski deželi stein on the slope. The two-winged ground plan Predarlski (Vorarlberg). Po zamrtju tekstilne obrti is defined by the narrow shape of the site. The v kraju je služila kot pusto skladišče, s prenovo pa bedrooms are located in the rear wing, set back ji je bilo vdihnjeno novo življenje. Projektanti arhiby three steps, while the living room is gener- tekturnega biroja Dworzak Grabher so v objektu ously laid out leading to the loggia in the front zasnovali šest stanovanj, ki se vrstijo od pritličja wing. Uli Mayer and Urs Hüssy’s architecture is do podstrešja. Vsako stanovanje ima svoj vhod in inspired by the traditional rural wooden construc- vrt – vabljivo, predvsem za mlade družine. Fasada tion on a solid base. The base consists of insulat- je ostala domala nedotaknjena. Nekatera okna so 15
bila restavrirana in ponovno uporabljena. Notranjost krasi dodana galerija iz lesa, prostori pa so nadgrajeni s sistemi za talno ogrevanje, prilagojenimi za uporabo energijsko varčnih kuriv. Objekt je sicer trenutno še ogrevan s pečjo na kurilno olje. The century-old embroidery factory reflects the economic history of Lustenau in Vorarlberg. Having merely been used for storage in recent years, it was given a new lease of life thanks to the conversion. The architects Dworzak Grabher have fit six loft-like apartments into the building reaching from the ground floor up to the roof. Each of the apartments has its own entrance and garden, which makes them very appealing for young families. The façade remained practically unchanged, some of the windows were reused. An upgrade of the foundation could be avoided by complementing the interior with a wood gallery. Currently still oil-fired, the underfloor heating has been prepared for the future. Stanovanja v nekdanji šivalnici | Lofts in a former embroidery factory, 2012 Strasse, A-Lustenau Investitor | Principals: Heinz und Markus Hämmerle Projektiranje | Architecture: Architekturwerkstatt Dworzak – Grabher, A-Lustenau Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 0.66 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 55 kWh / m2a
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Projekti, uvrščeni v ožji izbor | Nominations
17 Mehko prenovljen občinski urad. | Gentle renovation of the town hall.
17 Sejna dvorana v zgornji etaži. | Community hall on the attic floor. Fotografije: David Schreyer
19 Vsak bivalni sklop je zasnovan s prostornim atrijem. | A generous atrium for each residential group. 19 Majhna okna spominjajo na stavbe, tipične za lokalno okolje. | The small windows of the nursing home are reminiscent of the typical regional houses.
17 Ohranjanje vrednosti | Preserving value
Občinski urad v občini Zwischenwasser v avstrijski deželi Predarlski ( Vorarlberg ) domuje v čudoviti stavbi, zgrajeni v tridesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, ki jo je bil zob čas že dodobra načel. Občina se je, namesto za novogradnjo, odločila za mehko prenovo obstoječe substance. Osrednji cilj projektantov je bil zagotoviti ustreznejšo zračnost in ugodnejšo naravno osvetlitev. Ohranili so fasado, nadomestili omet in obnovili okna, ki, opremljena s stopenjskimi stekli, objekt plemenitijo s pridihom modernega. Projektanti arhitekturnega biroja Hein so ob tem dodatno izolirali notranjost objekta, uredili dostop brez stopnic in stavbo nadgradili s sodobno tehnično opremo. Spremenili so organizacijo prostorov in stene oblekli z lesom domače bele jelke. Tako v notranjosti kot zunanjosti objekta je moč prepoznati temeljni vrednoti mehke prenove: ohranjanje identitete in preudarno uporabo virov. The Zwischenwasser town hall in Vorarlberg has its offices in a beautiful old building from the 1930’s, which had seen better days. Instead of
na. Projektanti arhitekturnega biroja Dietger Wissounig Architekten so zasnovali arkadno pritličje in objekt prekrili z lesenimi ploščami. Razmeroma majhna okna s premičnimi naoknicami spominjajo na stavbe, tipične za lokalno okolje. Objekt je razdeljen na dva trakta, ki se nahajata v različnih etažah, kjer bivajo različne skupine negovank in negovancev. Prostori obdajajo dva velika atrija. Notranjost lesno-betonske gradnje popolnjujejo les bele jelke, steklo in usnje. Kompaktni volumen, nadzorovano prezračevanje in sončne celice zagotavljajo majhno porabo energije. Občinski urad | Town hall, 2015 Hauptstrasse 14, A-Zwischenwasser The nursing home completes the multi-genInvestitor | Principals: Gemeinde Zwischenwasser eration complex in Nenzing in Vorarlberg. It housProjektiranje | Architecture: Hein Architekten, A-Bregenz es a nursery school and a health care centre. The Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 2,1 Mio. passage to the street as well as the garden reEnergijski kazalnik | Energy key: 32 kWh / m2a main public. Dietger Wissounig Architekten open the ground floor up like an arcade, the upper 19 Majhna okna, velik atrij | floors are clad with wooden panels. The relatively Small windows, large atrium Dom starejših občank in občanov v Nenzingu v small windows with sliding shutters are reminisavstrijski deželi Predarlski ( Vorarlberg ) plemeniti cent of the typical local houses. The building is tamkajšnjo › miljo generacij ‹, predel, ki ga dopol- divided into two wings. On every floor there is a njujeta še vrtec in lokalna zdravstvena ustanova. residential care group, the rooms being arranged Prehod do ceste in vrt, urejen ob objektu, sta jav- around a large atrium. Silver fir, glass and → building a new house, the community opted for a gentle renovation aiming for more light and air. The façade has remained largely unchanged with only the plaster being refreshed and the windows updated with stepped-edge glazing. Hein Architekten insulated the interior, ensured barrier-free access and modernised the building services. They rearranged the rooms and lined them with indigenous silver fir. Inside and out two values were at the core of the renovation: Preserving identity and saving resources.
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Projekti, uvrščeni v ožji izbor | Nominations
22 Vaški dom – plod pobude lokalne skupnosti. | The construction of the community centre was initiated by the citizens. Fotografije: Günter Richard Wett
22 V objektu se nahaja tudi klubski lokal. | The building also offers a club house.
21 Pritličje je dostopno tudi za javnost. | The ground floor is open to the public. Fotografija: Bruno Klomfar
21 Dom za starejše stoji na obali reke Inn. | Retirement home at the Inn river waterfront. Fotografija: Lukas Schaller
Sedalne niše pred vhodni v prostore spodbujajo domačnost. Objekt, ki prednjači po majhni porabi energije, predstavlja največjo gradnjo v pasivnem standardu na območju Republike Avstrije. The retirement home in Innsbruck is partially Dom starejših občank in občanov | Social centre, 2013 Bahnhofstrasse 25, A-Nenzing built above the protected waterfront of the Inn Investitor | Principals: Vorarlberger gemeinnützige river. To avoid cutting through the green space, Wohnungsbau- und Siedlungsgesellschaft the two to four floors of the building above the Projektiranje | Architecture: park are elevated. In return, the overgrown riverDietger Wissounig Architekten, A-Graz Statika | Structural analysis: Albrecht + Heeb, A-Nenzing banks were cleared and the café as well as the Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 9.2 Mio. chapel are publicly accessible. ARTEC ArchitekEnergijski kazalnik | Energy key: 12.4 kWh / m2a ten combine the concrete construction with a wooden element façade, covered with aluminium panels. The house boasts 118 single rooms. 21 Nad parkom | Above the park Dom za starejše občanke in občane v Innsbruc- Sitting niches in front of the rooms make it cosy. ku, prestolnici avstrijske dežele Tirolske, krasi del This residence is the largest passive house certizaščitenega obalnega pasu ob reki Inn. Da ne bi fied building in Austria. Its energy values are acprekrival zelenih površin, je objekt nad parkom cordingly low. razdeljen na dvo- in štirietažni del. Gosto poraš- Dom za starejše občanke in občane Olimpijska vas | čena rečna obala pred stavbo je bila očiščena, kar Olympic village residence, 2015 uporabnicam in uporabnikom zagotavlja celovit, An-der-Lan-Strasse 26 A, A-Innsbruck slikovit razgled. Kavarna in kapelica, ki se nahaja- Investitor | Principals: Innsbrucker Stadtbau Projektiranje | Architecture: ARTEC Architekten, A-Wien ta v objektu, sta dostopna tudi za javnost. ProjekKrajinska arhitektura | Landscape: Auböck + Kárász, A-Wien tantke in projektanti arhitekturnega biroja ARTEC Statika | Structural analysis: ZSZ Ingenieure, Architekten so betonsko konstrukcijo kombinirali A-Innsbruck, Werkraum Ingenieure, A-Wien z leseno fasado, obloženo z aluminijevimi ploš- Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 16.4 Mio. čami. V objektu se nahaja 118 enoposteljnih sob. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 8.6 kWh / m2a → leather characterise the interior of the composite structure of timber and concrete. The compact volume, controlled ventilation and solar collectors allow for good energy figures.
22 Novo središče | New centre
V Steinbergu ob Rofanskem gorovju v avstrijski deželi Tirolski so javni objekti sicer redkost. Nov vaški dom predstavlja pridobitev, po kateri je skupnost že dolgo klicala. Novogradnja se nahaja ob starem krajevnem uradu in cerkvi in plemeniti oživljeno, družabno središče vasi. Program stavbe sooblikujejo kavarna, gostišče lokalnega društva, tržnica in telovadnica. Arhitekt Bernardo Bader je stavil na les macesna iz Rofanskega gorovja, ki krasi stropne in stenske elemente, fasado in notranjo opremo. Večino gradbenega materiala je izdelal obrtnik iz vasi. Objekt tako, ob pojenju skupnosti in duha družabnosti, predstavlja tudi zgleden primer spodbujanja lokalne lesno-predelovalne in gradbene dejavnosti. There are few public buildings in Steinberg am Rofan in Tyrol. With the new community cent re, this ought to change. Together with the former community hall and the church, the new building — an initiative of committed citizens — gives the town a new centre. The house serves as a café, a club house, a market hall as well as a gym. The architect Bernardo Bader consistently used larch from the Rofan mountains on the ceiling and wall panels, the façade and the interior. The
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Projekti, uvrščeni v ožji izbor | Nominations
27 Gostje lahko med degustacijo občudujejo slikovito Bodensko jezero. | Wine tasting room with views of the Lake Constance.
27 Vinarna v leseni novogradnji. | Winery in a new timber construction.
26 Atrij obdaja prostore. | The atrium provides access to the rooms.
26 Vertikalne lamele krasijo agrarni center. | Vertical slats characterise the agricultural centre.
timber was processed by a local sawyer. The building promotes local forestry and agriculture in an exemplary way.
združenje govedorejcev. Sodelavci arhitekturnega biroja sps so stavili na naravne gradbene materiale iz lokalnega okolja: masivni les, volneVaški dom | Village house, 2016 no klobučevino in ilovico. Ponoči je objekt preA-Steinberg am Rofan zračevan skozi atrij. Oskrbo z električno energijo Bauherrschaft | Principals: Gemeinde Steinberg zagotavljajo sončne celice. Objekt je opremljen Investitor | Principals: Bernardo Bader, A-Dornbirn Statika | Structural analysis: Merz Kley Partner, A-Dornbirn z vodovarčnimi armaturami. Skratka: zgradba pooseblja varčnost – tako pri porabi virov kot pri Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 1.8 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 40.9 kWh / m2a končni porabi energije. The agricultural centre Maishofen in the state of Salzburg marks the border of the site 26 Vsi in vse pod isto streho | Everything under one roof at the street corner, thereby giving it a clear Objekt kmetijsko gozdarskega zavoda v Maishof- address. In front of the façade vertical wooden nu v avstrijski deželi Solnograški ( Salzburg ) za- slats create a space sheltered from the weather ključuje ulico. Vertikalne lesene lamele razširjajo by canopies. Inside, the building is a compact vmesno cono pred fasado, ki je z nadstreškom construction around an atrium giving access to zaščitena pred vremenskimi vplivi. V notranjo- the different sectors – machinery ring, county sti objekta se nahaja atrij, ki povezuje prostore chamber of agriculture, cattle breeders’ associrazličnih oddelkov. V objektu uradujejo kmetijska ation. For some of the construction, the sps arstrojna zadruga, okrajna kmetijska zbornica in chitects used natural, local materials: solid wood,
wool felt, clay plaster. The building is ventilated through the atrium during the night, photovoltaic modules on the roof provide electricity, the fittings are particularly economical in their use of water. In summary the building is an example of resource and energy efficiency. Agrarni center | Agricultural centre, 2016 Mayerhoferstrasse 8, A-Maishofen Investitor | Principals: Errichtungsgemeinschaft Agrarzentrum Maishofen Projektiranje | Architecture: sps÷architekten, A-Thalgau Statika | Structural analysis: Bauingenieure Lackner Egger, A-Villach Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 2.6 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 32.9 kWh / m2a 27 Vinarna z lesno noto | Winery with a hint of wood
Vinarna v nemškem Wasserburgu ob Bodenskem jezeru je že vrsto generacij v lasti družine Schmidt. Novogradnja izpod peresa arhitek- →
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Projekti, uvrščeni v ožji izbor | Nominations
28 Novogradnjo si deli deset ustanov. | The new building is used by ten institutions.
28 Zidovi iz zbite zemljine uravnavajo vlažnost zraka v atriju. | A rammed clay wall balances the air humidity in the atrium.
→ turnega biroja Ludescher + Lutz Architekten bogati ponudbo priznane vinarske dinastije. Vinska klet je umeščena v pobočje. Nad njo kraljuje gostišče z vinoteko, ki se odpira proti čudovitemu jezeru. Dve ostrešeni stopnišči vodita do prostora za degustacijo, ki se nahaja pod streho, ki je pred sončnimi žarki zaščitena z lesenimi lamelami. V zadnjem delu hiše so urejena prenočišča za pomočnike pri trgatvi. Arhitektura se sicer zgleduje po mogočnih domačijah v soseski, vendar deluje izrazito bolj abstraktno. Pritlična in zgornja etaža sta v celoti izvedeni iz lesa, vključno z jaškom za dvigalo in izolacijo iz lesne volne. Klet je venomer ustrezno temperirana. Nadzemni del objekta je ogrevan s pomočjo zemeljske sonde. The Schmidt winery at Lake Constance has been family-owned for many years. The new building by Ludescher + Lutz Architekten now allows an expansion of the range. The wine cellar is set into the slope at ground level, above which the restaurant with its wine shop opens up towards Lake Constance. Via two exterior stairways customers can access the wine tasting room beneath the roof, protected from the sun by wooden slats. The back of the house provides accommodation for harvest workers. The architecture reflects the style of the mighty farmhouses of the area but is much more abstract. Ground and
upper floors are built entirely of wood, including the ventilation shaft and the wood wool insulation. The cellar offers cool temperatures, while heat is supplied by an earth probe.
The building is located at the entrance of Immenstadt im Allgäu where it promotes local forestry and agriculture. Behind the fine wooden exterior ten users are united, including the De Vinarna in restavracija | Winery and restaurant, 2014 partment for Food, Agriculture and Forestry as Hattnau 9, D-Wasserburg well as associations, forestry companies and an Investitor | Principals: Schmidt am Bodensee academy for alpine agriculture and household Projektiranje | Architecture: management. The bright rooms are characteLudescher + Lutz Architekten, A-Bregenz Statika | Structural analysis: Merz Kley Partner, A-Dornbirn rised by a domestic silver fir interior. A rammed Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 30.9 kWh / m2a clay wall grounds the large atrium and balances the air humidity. Generally, F64 Architekten made 28 Les in prst | Timber and earth sure the building saves energy without using Objekt, ki služi potrebam lokalnega gozdarskega much technology. A signal reminds users to air in kmetijskega gospodarstva, se nahaja v Immen- the rooms, the hallways are cooled through the stadtu v nemški alpski pokrajini Allgäu. Stavbo s atrium over night – perfectly natural. čudovito leseno fasado koristi deset uporabnikov, Zeleni center | Green Centre, 2016 med drugim Deželni urad za prehrano, kmetijstvo Kemptener Strasse 43, D-Immenstadt Investitor | Principals: SWW Oberallgäu in gozdarstvo, vrsta združenj in lesno-predeloWohnungsbau GmbH valnih podjetij ter lokalna Akademija za mešano Projektiranje | Architecture: F64 Architekten, D-Kempten gorsko kmetijstvo in gospodinjstvo. Svetle pro- Statika | Structural analysis: Herbert Haug, D-Wertach store plemeniti bela jelka iz lokalnega okolja. Atrij Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 3.4 Mio. Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 52.7 kWh / m2a obdajajo zidovi iz zbite zemljine, ki uravnavajo vlažnost zraka v notranjosti objekta. Stavba, sicer inovativna mojstrovina projektantov arhitekturne- 29 Zatočišče | Refuge ga biroja F64, je energijsko varčna. Na potrebo po Bivak je postavljen na skalo tako, da ima kar najzračenju prostorov vsakokrat opominja signalna manjšo površino v stiku s terenom, večinoma pa naprava. Hodniki so ponoči hlajeni in prezrače- se konzolno preveša proti dolini. Ima vertikalno vani skozi atrij. Tako veleva načelo sonaravnosti. zasnovo, ki jo določajo trije podesti z vertikalno
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Projekti, uvrščeni v ožji izbor | Nominations
29 Bivak predstavlja zatočišče. | A shelter in the bivouac.
30 Na gorski kmetiji se dandanes letuje. | The mountain farm is now a holiday home.
razporejenimi ležišči. Predstavlja zatočišče planinkam in planincem, ki prečkajo pogorje Kanin v slovenskih Julijskih Alpah. Postavitev objekta je bila omogočena s prostovoljnimi prispevki in z marljivim delom prostovoljcev. Bivak so projektirali sodelavci arhitekturnega biroja OFIS Arhitekti. Ob vhodu v objekt se nahaja prostor za druženje in pripravo hrane. Sestavljen je iz križno-lepljenih plošč (CLT – Cross Laminated Timber), ki predstavljajo hkrati konstrukcijo, izolacijo in steno. Les je z zunanje strani zaščiten z aluminijevo oblogo. Bivak je pasivni objekt, ki ne potrebuje posebnih instalacij. Ogreva se denimo s temperaturo obiskovalcev. Gradnja opredeljuje nov standard za bivake, temelječ na učinkovitem minimalizmu. The bivouac offers refuge to hikers in distress on the Kanin mountain range in Slovenia. It was realised thanks to donations and volunteering work. The building by OFIS Arhitekti sits delicately on the rugged rocks. The construction, made of cross-laminated timber plates and alu minium, is low in weight since all materials had to be transported laboriously up the mountains. Inside, hikers can rest on bunk beds and prepare food in a small front room. There are no further installations, and refuge seekers have to rely on
30 Stari prostori so ostali domala nespremenjeni. | The former rooms hardly changed.
their body heat to keep out the cold. The building sets a new minimum standard for bivouacs: as little as possible.
The remote former mountain farm in the upper Savinja valley can only be reached by foot. Without denying the past, the architects of Medprostor transformed the run-down complex into hoZimska soba Kanin | Winter bivouac, 2016 Kanin, SLO-Bovec liday homes. Life here is comfortable by today’s Investitor | Principals: Planinsko društvo Bovec standards but also considerate towards the surProjektiranje | Architecture: OFIS Arhitekti, SLO-Ljubljana Statika | Structural analysis: CBD, SLO-Ljubljana roundings and resources, thanks to slope-side expansions providing space for bathrooms and small kitchens while protecting the houses from 30 Udobje sred’ gorovja | Comfort in the mountains humidity coming from the ground. Heating for the Gruča stavb visokogorskega celka se nahaja nad three buildings is supplied by heat pumps, comodmaknjeno dolino Matkov kot v Zgornji Savinjski plemented by wood fired heating in the deepest dolini. Projektanti arhitekturnega ateljeja Medpros- winter time. Apart from insulation added to the tor so stare domačije preobrazili v mozaik bivalne- roof and basement ceilings the façade has rega doživetja. Stavbe različnih velikosti in značajev mained unchanged. Craftsmanship and building tvorijo zaključene bivalne sklope, povezane z nara- materials are largely local. vo, ki zagotavljajo sodobno udobje, s poudarkom Prenova domačije Vrlovčnik, Matkov kot | Conversion na skrbnosti in varčnosti. Stavbe so opremljene s of a mountain farm, 2017 kopalnicami in kuhinjami, ki se nahajajo v prede- Logarska dolina 17, SLO-Solčava Investitor | Principals: Otmar Kugovnik lih, razširjenih v travnato pobočje, ki objekte ščitijo Projektiranje | Architecture: Medprostor, SLO-Ljubljana pred vlago, ki bi kanila vzhajati iz tal. Vse tri stavbe Vrednost investicije | Building costs: € 0.9 Mio. so ogrevane s pomočjo toplotnih črpalk, pozimi pa Energijski kazalnik | Energy key: 217.9 kWh / m2a tudi s pečmi na les. Strehe in kletni stropi so izolirani, medtem ko so fasade ostale ohranjene. Podjetja in obrtniki, ki so sodelovali pri izvedbi projekta, prihajajo pretežno iz domače regije.
Posebna izdaja revije Hochparterre, november 2017 | Hochparterre Special Issue, November 2017 — Constructive Alps — Projekti, uvrščeni v ožji izbor | Nominations
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Švicarska konfederacija in Kneževina Lihtenštajn že tretjič podeljujeta mednarodno arhitekturno nagrado Constructive Alps, namenjeno zglednim projektom trajnostne gradnje in prenove širom po alpskem prostoru. Nagrajeni in izpostavljeni projekti predstavljajo zgled z vidika gospodarnosti ter kulturne, okoljske in družbene zavesti. Trajnostno gradnjo zaznamujeta raznolikost in raznovrstnost. To dokazuje nagrada in razkriva pričujoči katalog. The Swiss Confederation invites, in collaboration with the Principality of Liechtenstein, entries to this year’s architecture competition “Construc tive Alps”. The prize is awarded to sustainable renovation and new buildings in the Alps. The award-winning buildings should act not only as cultural role models, but also as ecological, economic and social ones. A sustainably built environment comprises numerous domains. The prize and this catalogue are the proof of it. www.constructivealps.net