Zeolites. The power of nature.
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Learn more about the unique properties that zeolite has
We extract the highest quality zeolite deposit in Europe
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About Zeolite Our Quarry Some of the Zeolite benfits ZeMinerals - zeolite for agriculture ZeMinerals - zeolite for animals ZeoLifeCare - Dietary Supplements
Zeolites. A miracle of nature. What makes zeolites so amazing is the fact that it’s not only one of the few negatively-charged minerals found in nature, but it also has a very unique structure that allow positively charged ions to be attracted to it, then trapped and eliminated from the body.
What are zeolites Formed in millions of years, the zeolite is a unique mineral, 100% natural, with absolutely remarcable properties, that will change the way we do agriculture and farming.
�It’s benefits are so great, that in a few years people will think of it as a miracle of nature.�
atural zeolites were formed by volcanic ash deposits in lakes with salt water. Is the case of volcanic tuff that we exploit where clinoptilolite zeolite, according to studies, has a minimum purity of 85% and an average of 95%. Zeolites have a tremendous value due to their numerous properties from which the
most important is the absorption capacity of micro particles. This means the power to cleanse the environment in which they are used. Clinoptilolite zeolite type Of natural zeolites, clinoptilolite type zeolite, is distinguished by its purity and enhanced properties compared to other types of zeolites.
Extraction license
According to the National Agengy for Mineral Resources we are the only mine in Romania with a license for extracting zeolite.
Our Mine
he zeolites deposits are located in a complex of natural rocks in the Persani Mountains of Romania.
High quality pure zeolite Most samples taken and submitted to mineralogical analyses show that the concentration of zeolites is above 95% which takes us to the conclusion that our deposits are of special value. From a quantitative perspective, the reserves are virtually inexhaustible in the mentioned area.
Brasov, Romania
What does zeolite offer? Clinoptilolite can capture the substance of solid, liquid and gas phase in its large internal adsorption surface. The dimensions of the channels are large enough to enable molecule as big as few tenth of a nanometer scale to penetrate, while small enough not to capture large complex molecules such as amino acids, vitamins and other biological macromolecules
9 Elements The zeolite carries in it’s natural form 9 of the most important elements the organisms needs to sustain life: Si, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K, P, Cu, Zn.
All of these elements are slowly released and help the organism grow stronger.
Ion Exchange
pH level balance
Clinoptilolite adsorbs: heavy metals, radionuclides, odor gases, water, toxic ammonia, other substances toxic to the body.
Grid structure allows clinoptilolite to operate as Ion exchanger without changing the molecular structure.
Helps balance body’s pH levels to a healthy alkalinity. Also, it balances the soil’s pH and moisture level and reduces nitrites.
Thermal Activation
Electrical Charge
Micronization 0-10 ÎĽm
Min. 85% Purity
Our Top 4 Qualities With our latest investment in the most advanced processing technology, we are the second largest producer in the world for top quality micronized and thermal activated zeolite.
Thermal activation at 400°C
By heating the mineral in stages for up to 400° C, we can extract the water inside and activate it so it can absorb toxins and free radicals.
With a special vortex technology we are able to extract the finest of particles to a minimum size of 0 - 10 microns.
Zeolite based product range
With an 80% minimum of clinoptilolite content, zeolite meets the requirements specified in Regulation EU 651/2013 of 9.7.2013 for use as a feed additive for all animal species. It is also a great choice for ecological farming (EU Regulation No 505/2012).
Plants and Crops ZeMineralsÂŽ
Animals and Farming ZeMineralsÂŽ
Food Supplements ZeoLifeCareÂŽ
The mineral from zeolite will release gradually the soil nutrients throughout plant development. The zeolite prevents washing these soil nutrients when, after application, if a rainy season follows, because it does not dissolve in water.
Used as an animal food additive, it has special properties to improve the lives of farm animals with direct results in increasing the productivity and the lifetime of livestock, poultry, fish or other animals.
A high quality 100% natural product that has the ability to remove heavy metals and other toxins from the body, to strengthen the immune system and reduce the formation of free radicals and regulate pH levels at the cellular level.
Agriculture Crops, Vegetables and Fruits ZeMineralsÂŽ, as a natural clinoptilolite zeolite, contains significant amounts of biogenic and trace elements such as magnesium, calcium, iron, titanium, molybdenum, manganese, and more. As a result, lawn and grass fertilisers based on natural zeolite have positive effects on the total health condition of plants, including their process of flowering, ripening, and coloration – as well as their taste properties.
ZeMinerals®. How does it help? Improved yield
Increases immunity
ZeMinerals® significantly increases the yield of crops by 10 – 40%. If favourably, affects the quality and nutritional value of crops, the colouring and taste of the fruits.
ZeMinerals® accelerates the formation of protein chains to positively affect the plant immunity and improves resistance to diseases and pests. Increases effectiveness of the used pesticides.
Reduce the chlorine content of soil
Bigger and juicier fruits
The seeds have a high germination percentage
Increased fruit or vegetable resistance after harvest
Replace potassium salt by 40%
An early ripening of fruits and vegetables
Thicken stems of flowers
Help increase the soil porosity and permeability
Increased fruit resistance
Increase the cationic exchange capacity and accessible potassium content
Balance the soil moisture and improve its quality
Increase the accessible potassium content, as compared to the application of potassium in soluble state
ZeMinerals® benefits ZeMinerals® increases the quantity and quality of the crop, promotes growth, improves health and resistance to pathogens. It retains heavy metals and thus their contents in the obtained crops.
Rain is no longer an issue
Reduced fertiliser
Reduces the Nitrites
Prevents nutrients from being washed away, stores nutrients in its pores and cavities.
Enables plants to make better use of nutrients contained in the soil, which results in lower fertiliser use.
Reduce nitrites from water that penetrates the soil and thus nitrates are reduced in the obtained crops.
G Mixing with NPK ZeMinerals® binds nutrients contained in the NPK fertiliser and releases them depending on the plant’s needs – long-term availability. A healthier plant root system, smaller amounts of nutrients are washed away, smaller losses – more effective fertiliser use, long-term soil structure, soil pH, and ion-exchange improvement.
Plants treated with ZeMinerals® manage water better, have bigger root system, more effectively manage nutrients and achieve ripening of fruits with higher content of nutrients.
It optimizes the concentration of the internal composition of the plant throughout the whole growing season and increases anti – stress resistance against drought, low and high temperatures.
Our special formula
u Our specialists have developed special formulas with different granulations according to the type of plant or animal to be used with.
Agriculture Animal Farms ZeMineralsÂŽ, as a natural clinoptilolite zeolite, contains significant amounts of biogenic and trace elements such as magnesium, calcium, iron, titanium, molybdenum, manganese, and more. As a result, lawn and grass fertilisers based on natural zeolite have positive effects on the total health condition of plants, including their process of flowering, ripening, and coloration – as well as their taste properties.
Animal feeds
With an 80% minimum of clinoptilolite content, zeolite meets the requirements specified in Regulation EU 651/2013 of 9.7.2013 for use as a feed additive for all animal species. It is also a great choice for organic products (EU Regulation No 505/2012).
Poultry Feed ZeMinerals®
Cattle and sheep Feed ZeMinerals®
Swine (pigs) Feed ZeMinerals®
For poultry farms there has been noticed an improvement in the quality of eggs and a reduced number of broken eggs during the collection, packaging and transport process as their resistance grew due to the increase in calcium intake.
Laboratory tests performed on similar products to ZeMinerals showed a quality increase of meat and milk (by lowering the level or eliminating aflatoxine) and even an improvement in natural breeding.
It has tremendous effects In case of fattening pigs, the product increases the average daily weight by 17.5%; The period to reach the weight of 100 kg is reduced by 10 days. It also constitutes a consistent source of minerals.
The use of this feed additive results in the detoxification of the body, increasing resistance to the diseases that affect livestock and even improving the appearance of the animals, such as making the fleece of sheep or fur of cattle and horses shine more or embellishing the feathers of birds
Life Elements
EU Certified
Natural zeolites ensure the macro and micronutrients requirements for animals and stimulates their health and production. The chemical elements contained in zeolites are: Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, R Cu, Zn, Mn, Si, Al, Cr.
ZeMinerals® products - comply with EC Directives no. 2001/102 / EC, Directive 1999/29 / EC, Regulation (EC) no. 183/2005, Regulation (EC) no. 1831/2003 and Regulation (EC) no. 651/2013.
Clinoptilolite’s special properties Of the more than 130 types of natural zeolite, ZeMinerals products containing zeolite of clinoptilolite type (the genuine volcanic tuff with special properties), in a concentration of over 90%, with the mesh structure, having the ability to lose and reversibly win water, to change constituent cations, which gives them absorption, desorption and ion exchange specific properties. ZEOPU RE
In the first months of their life, animals and birds are the most vulnerable. ZeMineralsÂŽ feed additive increases their resistance. The product can be administered from the first months of life without adverse effects. By polyhedral crystal, pyramid structure, the product has special effects - the effect of perfect forms on living organisms.
Produces ion exchanges with favorable effect as biochemical tests in the blood serum show General energizing, anti-toxic action on the gastrointestinal complex Blocks mycotoxins in animal feed Significantly blocks radioactive substances Promotes growth and development processes
Substantially reduce morbidity and mortality in chickens, cattle and pigs
Combats and prevents cannibalism in poultry Substantially increases the resistance to breakage of the shell eggs Substantially increases livestock production and its quality Favorable effects in higher conversion of feed Increases protein levels, reduces blood urea, increases partial acidity and the PH Increases the proportion of muscle tissue to the detriment of fat Increases resistance (stool consistency) and does not pollute the environment through manure Eliminates diarrhea
Poultry Feed Supplement Increase the growth between 5% - 9%; Reduce the mortality by approx. 5%; Increase the feed efficiency over 9%; Slow down digestion and improve feed intake; In case of egg- laying hen breeds, the products reduce the percentage of broken eggs from 22.8% to 4% , the eggshell becomes intensely colorful and bright;
Pigs Feed Supplement Increase the effectiveness of food between 6% - 11%; Increase the weight between 4% - 18%; Reduction of mortality by up to 5%; In case of fattening pigs, the products increase the average daily weight by 17.5%; The period to reach the weight of 100 kg is reduced by 10 days;
Cattle and sheep Feed Supplement Increase the average weight at calves and young cattle by 15 to 26% and reduce the actual energy consumption by 22% - 28%; Increase the amount of phosphorus in the blood by 23-25%; Increase feed conversion index, decrease dry matter intake to 21-30%; Decrease the feeding costs by 23%, reduce fiber consumption by 24% and concentrated content by 21%; Increase the appetite and cheerfulness of animals, the skin and hair shine (they have a specific gloss); Increase the milk production of cows with 17-18% , increase the fat content of milk by 12 -22% and of protein by 7%; The hygienic quality of milk is improved, the NTG and NCS percentage from milk decrease (total no. of germs and no. somatic cells), these indicators decrease by 20%; The reproduction parameter is improved on cows, due to potassium and other useful micronutrients; Decrease the percentage of digestive diseases – the diarrhea syndrome at calves and young sheep by 30%; Prevent and combat ruminant and metabolic acidosis at ruminant animals.
ZeMinerals® Packaging
All our ZeMinerals® products can be shipped in different packaging options, from special HDPE plastic recipients to kraft paper bags with PE and big bags.
HDPE Recipients ZeMinerals®
PE Kraft Bags ZeMinerals®
Big-Bags ZeMinerals®
1 kg - 10 kg
25 kg - 40 kg 1 MT / palet
800 kg - 1.200 kg
ZeoLifeCareÂŽ Dietary Supplements ZeoLifeCareÂŽ contains one of the purest zeolite mineral in the world, with a clinoptilolite concentration of 98%. As a result, the specially formulated food supplements we developed, help protect our bodies, make them healthier than ever, by removing all the heavy metals and toxins, strengthen the immune system in order to effectively fight any diseases and balance our pH level, with excellent health benefits, including preventing and alleviating the effects of cancerous illnesse.
Micronization One of the most important characteristic of ZeoLifeCareÂŽ is the micronization process. The particles that we use [0-10 microns] are so small, that if put together, one next to each other, the quantity of 2 capsules could cover an entire football field.
Purify your body Detox Forte is a high quality natural product that has the ability to neutralize and remove heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides and other toxins from the body. Through its chemical structure, the zeolite can capture, in addition to heavy metals compounds also radioactive compounds.
Detox Forte Detox Forte can address many of the challenges the human body is facing today, through the action of zeolite, the main active ingredient of this product.
Action: Heavy metals cannot be metabolized by the body, they cannot be processed by the liver and cannot be removed by sweating. They remain in the body or in blood cells causing long term problems of internal organs, tissue or blood diseases. Even very low levels of concentrations may adversely affect the quality of life. How does Detox Forte work: Clinoptilolitic zeolite particles are like negatively charged cages that attract and trap heavy metals’ positively charged particles. This process, known in chemistry, as cation-exchange, results in attracting particles of heavy metals or other toxic substances from the tissues or from the blood and their removal from the body together with zeolite particles through urine or faeces. Even more, the zeolite particles release in the body ions of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium, beneficial to health. How fast is this process: Detox Forte is working on the body over time. It requires 3 to 4 weeks treatments. Through complex chemical processes at the cellular level, Detox Forte, firstly eliminates the very aggressive elements, such as heavy metals and then gradually eliminates toxins from pesticides, herbicides or other compounds from plastic materials. The beneficial effects on the body can be felt after the first weeks of treatment by an overall better condition, a more revitalized and energized body and even a better mental clarity.
The zeolite is an aluminosilicate. Can aluminum be assimilated by human body? Certainly not. Aluminum from the chemical structure of an aluminosilicate cannot break away and thus cannot remain in the body. Clinoptilolitic zeolite particles are able, instead, to capture and extract the aluminum particles from the body.
Strenghten your body Imuno Forte is a powerful product known for its multiple therapeutic uses. It has the ability to block the proliferation of viruses or viral infections and at the same time, to strengthen the immune system in order to effectively fight against any diseases.
Imuno Forte Imuno Forte is a 100% natural product, containing clinoptilolitic zeolite as its main active ingredient, known for its many beneficial properties for the human body. Imuno Forte is a 100% natural product, completely safe to be ingested. The micronisation of volcanic rocks is made for a safe ingestion.
Action: Through its structure, the clinoptilolitic zeolite, has a strong ion exchange and absorption capacity, as well as a certain microbiological activity. This makes it effective in certain therapeutic applications. Clinical studies have demonstrated a significant inhibition effect of viral proliferation. This effect is mainly due to the absorption capacity of the viral particles in its own structure. Therefore, Imuno Forte is highly effective as a prevention mechanism. The antiviral effects of zeolite are visible after a 3 to 4-weeks therapy. During this time the body is cleansed of numerous toxins or heavy metals and this quickly leads to a greater vitality of the body and the immune system becomes stronger and more efficient. Imuno Forte, due to the content of zeolite, actively reduces viral levels. This can relieve some of the symptoms of virosis and infections. In this way, the zeolite can play an important role as an antiviral with a broad-spectrum. Imuno Forte has also the ability to balance the immune system bringing the body’s pH to an optimum level. This has a major beneficial effect on the immune system. Pure zeolite, the active ingredient of Imuno Forte The effects of zeolite are actively debated online. To clear up the discussion it is important to note that not every type of zeolite is effective. Clinical studies which state the anti-viral properties of the zeolite were carried out on a high purity zeolite. Imuno Forte is a product based on clinoptilolitic zeolite, with a purity of over 98%, extracted from volcanic tuffs found in the mountains of the Rasnov area in Brasov, Romania, within one of the purest and highest concentration of clinoptilolite quarry in the world.
Caution: Imuno Forte is not suitable for people who had a major organ transplant as it stimulates the immune system and may lead to transplant rejection. If a chemotherapy treatment is being followed, ZEOLIFECARE IMUNO FORTEĂ‚Ĺ˝ may be administrated three days before and/or after the treatment.
Balances body’s pH level The zeolite molecules have a key role in the regulation of the pH, bringing it close to the optimum value. By neutralizing the pH and reducing oxidative stress, Metabolic Forte can prevent cancer, tumor diseases and numerous other ailments for which we often try to find the causes in the wrong places.
Metabolic Forte Metabolic Forte is a popular product that can balance the pH levels of the human body with excellent health benefits, including preventing and alleviating the effects of cancerous illnesses. Metabolic Forte brings an important contribution by reducing the formation of free radicals and regulating pH levels at the cellular level.
Metabolic Forte acts against premature aging Metabolic Forte is an effective preventive treatment recommended especially when the body is seriously affected by a lifestyle with a high level of stress or by a poor diet. For people suffering from cancerous diseases, reducing the acidity at the cellular level helps the immune system to eliminate cancer cells or tumors more effectively. Effects of taking Metabolic Forte By reducing oxidative stress, Metabolic Forte acts against premature aging at the cellular level. The effects can be seen both inside and outside. The regeneration of liver cells is faster and it reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis, diabetes and malignant tumors. The anti-aging effect can also be seen on the skin by eliminating toxins from the body and regulating the pH level. When the acidity of the blood is reduced and pH levels are regulated, the harmful environment which feeds cancer cells is destroyed. More and more studies show that the hyperacidity of the body is the leading cause of cancer cells and Metabolic Forte comes to remove the conditions in which cancer cells develop. Natural clinoptilolitic zeolite, the only effective zeolite in pH neutralization There are many forms of natural and artificial zeolite, but clinoptilolitic zeolite with a purity of over 98 % is the form that has a remarkable efficiency in pH neutralization at the cellular level. Metabolic Forte contains, as an active ingredient, clinoptilolitic zeolite extracted from volcanic turf with a very high purity. Clinoptilolitic zeolite has no side effects on the body.
Caution: The product is not suitable for people who had a major organ transplant as it stimulates the immune system and may lead to transplant rejection. As a safety measure, you can use Metabolic Forte after a break of three days before and after the chemotherapy treatment.
The wonders of Zeolite Study of zeolites is far from over. Many institutions, organizations and companies in the world conducts researches, tests and studies to discover new properties and uses of this miraculous natural mineral formed from volcanic rock over millions and millions of years.
Looking for distributors
Are you ready? If you are interested in finding out more about this opportunity, please contact us. Our products are already appreciated in Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Norway and Romania.
Zeolites have a tremendous value due to their numerous properties from which the most important is the absorption capacity of micro particles.
Ionel STAN - managing partner Mobile: 004.0722.640.457 Email: ionelstan@imiproject.ro Ciprian RUSU - project manager Mobile: 004.0724.044.375 Email: rusu.ciprian2006@gmail.com
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