President’s Message
Changes are afoot at CIQS
s mentioned in my previous message, changes are afoot at CIQS. Since the last edition of the Construction Economist we have had our very first CIQS Council video conference meeting, passed the motion to proceed (subject to approval by the membership at the AGM) to become an Association of Associations under the new Canada Corporations Not-For-Profit Act, and launched the new CIQS website. The video conference meeting was not without its technical difficulties, but we managed to make it work. Video conferencing meetings will cut down on the costs associated with having face-to-face meetings and also reduce the amount of travel required by Council. The subject of the video conferencing meeting was to discuss the first draft of the proposed new Bylaws which were circulated by Nick Pasquino, of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, CIQS Legal Council on the transition to the new Not-For-Profit Act. The decision to become an Association of Associations was one reached after lengthy and detailed discussions between Council on this subject. There are pro’s and con’s for each pathway and Council, as the custodians of the Institute, had a particularly torrid time establishing which route was the best fit for the future of the Institute. This vote was possibly the most critical vote a CIQS Council has had to make in many years and this is reflected in the voting on the item, which was a narrow majority - contrary to how Council generally votes on most other matters. Nick Pasquino has a small article on this subject later in this edition of Construction Economist and will join the Executive Council for a conference call to field any queries which the
members may have. He will also be present at the AGM in Montreal to answer any legal questions regarding the Act. Given the implications of the changes to the Institute, we encourage and welcome participation from the membership on this subject. The new website was launched in late March and the initial response appears to be positive. Lois Metcalfe deserves the plaudits for working relentlessly and tirelessly on this venture. As most members who have had dealings with Lois will testify, she has the best interests of the Institute at heart at all times, and this was certainly shown in the weeks surrounding the website launch. It would be remiss to overlook the efforts put in to the new website by the Affiliated Associations and their support and administrative staff, so thanks to the many resources across the country who were involved in putting together the content for the Affiliate sites and carrying out translation duties. We now have a website that befits a forward looking and professional organization. Speaking of professional organization, the CIQS 2013 AGM committee, headed by Past CIQS President Herve Couture, has planned an expansive and varied program for this year’s AGM in Montreal. The AGM will be held at the Intercontinental Hotel and promises to provide bi-lingual technical seminars (complete with CPD points for attending), keynote speakers and other extra-curricular activities. CIQS-Quebec has opened this event up to Industry at large, which will provide great exposure to the Institute provincially and nationally, so come and join your fellow members and colleagues, meet new people and contacts, and enjoy all the delights Montreal has to offer.
Mark Russell, PQS(F)
This is my last message as your President and I can honestly say that it has been a tremendous pleasure to work with CIQS Council and the Executive Director this past year. Prior to every Council meeting Lois Metcalfe posts a message up in the venue which simply states “For the Good of the Institute.” This is a reminder to Council as to why they are there and to what purpose they serve. Over the years I have worked with a number of Council members who have given up their time to serve as volunteers on Council and even though they all have different opinions, personalities and backgrounds, every Council member has worked in their own way to better the Institute and are a credit to the members they serve. This is also true of every member across the country who volunteers their time on Affiliate Boards or Chapters, marking or setting exams, volunteering time on committees or trade show booths, carrying out evaluations, or just generally promoting the Profession. CIQS is becoming more recognized both at home and internationally and we have an ever expanding list of fully and partially Accredited Post-Secondary Facilities across the country. To those volunteers I want to say thank you. You are the very essence of the Institute and it is only through your continuing efforts that we are able to expand on what our predecessors have done, and grow the Institute even further. Having walked in the footsteps of giants, I hand the baton to incoming President Mark Gardin, and new Vice President Dave Burns, in the knowledge that we are in excellent hands when it comes to “the good of the Institute.” I wish them both every success in their new roles.