25 research initiatives in partnership worldwide

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42 rue Scheffer 75116 Paris France Telephone: +33 1 53 70 20 00 Fax: +33 1 47 55 15 30 www.cirad.fr

Strategies and Proposals 06/2009

Centre de coopĂŠration internationale en recherche agronomique pour le dĂŠveloppement

25 research initiatives in partnership worldwide


25 research initiatives in partnership worldwide Strategies and Proposals 06/2009


3 CIRAD Cirad . 25 research initiatives in partnership worldwide

CIRAD today is the fruit of its long history (uniting multiple French research institutions, some going back to the 1950s). CIRAD is ‘South’ oriented and underpinned by many structures in France, French overseas regions and tropical countries. Since its launch on 5 June 1984, CIRAD has pursued a partnership project founded on high scientific aspirations. CIRAD is a French public establishment, placed under the joint authority of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. It is a research centre specializing in tropical and Mediterranean agriculture. CIRAD’s operations encompass the life and earth sciences, social sciences and engineering sciences, and include research on agriculture, forestry, animal production, food, natural resources and rural territories. Research units are grouped in three scientific departments: Biological Systems (BIOS), Performance of Tropical Production and Processing Systems (PERSYST), and Environments and Societies (ES). CIRAD has a staff of 1800, including 800 researchers. It works with more than 90 countries, and has regional scientific platforms in the French overseas regions. It hosts and trains around 800 researchers and technicians every year. It has a budget of 203 million, with two thirds provided by the French government.

Foreword At CIRAD we are continuing a dialogue with our partners which began when we recently reviewed our strategic vision. We are now putting that vision into practice through selected geopartnerships. This document is addressed to all who wish to work with us to achieve common strategic goals. We are reviewing our activities worldwide–our research issues, objectives and conditions. Rather than setting up stand-alone bases abroad, CIRAD continues to work through partnerships. This led us to draw up a general map of our partnerships and to foster relationships with operators with whom research can be mutually beneficial. In so doing, we can also strengthen regional research coordination structures and national research systems. This document describes CIRAD’s initiatives in partnership. It is comprised of three chapters which are complementary but may also be read separately. “Outstanding features of partnerships - Priority to developing countries” describes the rationale underlying CIRAD’s geopartnership policy choices. “Diverse range of initiatives - A few examples)” illustrates how the initiatives are developed case by case so as to be able to tailor programming to needs expressed by development stakeholders. “Clear choices - Distinct criteria” describes the bases upon which we make decisions or focus our strengths and resources. We include three maps and a list of priority initiatives for CIRAD abroad. Many initiatives are located in Africa since CIRAD has invested considerably on this continent. This list is not exhaustive because development-oriented agricultural research is an ongoing and evolving process. Nor does it cover all areas where we are or intend to be based–CIRAD addresses new areas and adapts to new situations as appropriate. Agricultural research faces major challenges for development and the future of our planet. We hope to be able to build–in collaboration with partners with whom we have developed and jointly implemented major projects–excellent quality and internationally recognized research tailored to the needs of societies in developing countries. We also hope that those who are less familiar with our approach will now be encouraged to join us.

Etienne Hainzelin Director of Research and Strategy


5 Cirad . 25 research initiatives in partnership worldwide

Glossary Collective research tool: a collective research tool (OCR) provides a research community with access to original and strategic scientific and technical pooled resources that can be used by scientists to carry out cutting edge research and transmit, exchange and preserve valuable resources and knowledge. Funding agency: any institution that funds research projects through subsidies (public bodies, foundations), loans (World Bank) or private contracts. These funds– which are allocated to projects or programmes for specific periods and according to the objectives–enable CIRAD and partners to conduct research on topics associated with the development of countries of the South. Funding agencies foster research on behalf of public policymakers or private stakeholders. Initiative: a (research) initiative pools sufficient research, higher educational and field capacities to ensure top quality, long-term scientific production. It is a separate entity and brings together different partners to focus on common research issues. Different types of structure are possible, eg regional centre, PCP, URP, platform and network, and the goal is to achieve international recognition. Network: a group of constituents (individuals, structures, initiatives, etc .) linked to exchange information, expertise and knowledge. Some CIRAD structures that are being formed resemble networks. They link partners from several countries, especially on international issues (emerging diseases, agroforestry) and are coordinated by researchers.

PCP: research platforms in partnership are research structures formed by CIRAD in collaboration with its researchers’ host institutions. They bring together research institutes, universities, farmers’ groups, NGOs, etc., and scientists in mixed teams to focus on an issue at a single location. These are generally national structures but with a regional or even international scope. Priority initiative: in late 2008, CIRAD identified around 30 key existing or pending structures that form the backbone of its research activities in Africa, Asia and Latin America. These initiatives have a role in mobilizing and structuring CIRAD’s research activities. Regional centre: structure mandated to conduct research in a regional setting. Four regional centres, which are all located in Africa, are CIRAD partners: CIRDES (livestock and rural development, Burkina Faso), CARBAP (banana and plantain food crops, Cameroon), CERAAS (adaptation to drought, Senegal) and UR2PI (forests and biodiversity, Congo). Regional platform: a hub of scientific coordination managing several research systems to address regional issues: national systems, CGIAR centres, advanced research institutions (ARIs), etc. A platform does not have its own research resources. PRASAC is a regional platform spanning ECCAS states (Central Africa) that focuses research on agricultural development issues.

Partner: any party involved alongside CIRAD in a research activity. Funding agencies are not classified under this term.

Research beneficiaries: smallholders in poor countries are the priority beneficiaries of CIRAD research. Different development stakeholders join forces with the aim of alleviating poverty: political authorities, farmers’ organizations, other economic stakeholders, etc.

Partnership: a contractual link between several autonomous operators wishing to pool their efforts with the aim of jointly conducting research and fairly sharing the deliverables. It is the basis of all research carried out at CIRAD. Six strategic lines of research, upon which it is currently focusing, were derived from this partnership experience.

URP: like PCPs, international research units bring together many national partners to focus on a single research topic. As compared to PCPs, URPs are more tightly knit units involving CIRAD, research organizations and universities that are involved in top notch research, as in joint research units (UMRs). URP governance and collective assessment procedures are standardized.

Executive summary

Agricultural research is pivotal for dealing with development issues. This fact is again being recognized after some years of neglect and in the face of new challenges from climate change, forest and biodiversity loss, land and water pressures, disease risks, and demand for increased food production, availability and quality.

CIRAD—agricultural research in partnership CIRAD, a French research-for-development organization, has an important role to play and a rather unique approach to agricultural research for development. The name says it all: Centre de cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement – a center for international cooperation in agricultural research for development. CIRAD is the fruit of its long history, uniting multiple French research institutions, some going back to the 1950s. Its originality is that it focuses on developing countries with tropical and sub-tropical climates, and works in partnership for the benefit of those countries. CIRAD is underpinned by many structures in France, French overseas regions, and tropical countries. Its staff of 1,800 includes 800 engineers and researchers active in more than 50 countries (in 2008). They are delivering quality science in the service of development. CIRAD also hosts and trains approximately 800 researchers and technicians each year. CIRAD’s high level technical platforms and its scientific documentation and publication service are among the best in the world for tropical research topics. Its budget is over 200 million Euros, about two-thirds coming from the French government. CIRAD provides a portal to the “South” and helps connect French and European experts and agricultural research networks and institutions to developing and emerging countries. This strengthens research systems and allows quality research to be carried out in many contexts and with shared research tools. CIRAD has close ties to the many operators working in agricultural research for development, both traditional and newer ones: national research systems, regional initiatives (such as NEPAD), international agencies and lenders, the CGIAR, NGOs, farmers organizations, universities, private sector agencies. CIRAD is now focusing its research initiatives along six strategic lines: (i) ecological intensification, (ii) biomass energy for societies in developing countries, (iii) safe and diversified foods, (iv) animal health and emerging diseases, (v) public policies, poverty and inequality, and (vi) relationships between agriculture, environment, nature and societies.


7 Cirad . 25 research initiatives in partnership worldwide

Geostrategic partnerships CIRAD is known for its presence and long experience in the field. With its research lines now more clearly focused, CIRAD plans to implement these programs through strategic partnerships on three continents, with special focus on Africa. The diversity and breadth of CIRAD’s research partnerships and platforms is notable. For some, such as the advanced biology consortium of EMBRAPA and the Agropolis platform in Montpellier, the scope is intercontinental. For the CaribVET network in the West Indies, the Amazon network, and PRASAC in Central Africa, the focus is regional. On a national level, PCPs (research platforms in partnership) have been developed by CIRAD and its partners since 2000. These aim to strengthen ties among research institutions, universities, farmers groups and NGOs and open them to regional dynamics (examples include PCP MALICA in Vietnam and PCP Grand Sud Cameroon). In 2004 additional ‘international research units’ (URPs) were designated. These combine a strong contribution from universities in developing countries with existing research poles (PCPs). The research topics carried out by these units are producing high level scientific outputs. An example is URP SCRID in Madagascar, on rainfed rice systems.

25 priority initiatives of CIRAD abroad CIRAD has defined 25 priority research initiatives in partnership around the world which are set out in this document. These provide focal points for advanced and adaptive research, as well as capacity building for researchers and development actors. The priority research nodes were identified based on a number of criteria: – they address key scientific issues

– they support the key strategic lines of research of CIRAD and its partners – their scientific production meets high standards

– they mobilize French, European and international partners – they are involved in national agricultural research systems – their activities have a regional scope – advanced training is a priority

– they have flexible management systems and assessment procedures

– they host or mobilize a substantial number of researchers and resources – they contribute to major projects on their topic

A list of these 25 research initiatives follows -- with names, location, and major objectives of each. It is understood that these 25 initiatives are likely to change and evolve over time. Indeed as agricultural research responds to the major development and environmental challenges ahead, we will build upon our collaborations with old partners and invite new ones to join us in this effort.


Foreword 3 Glossary 4 Executive summary 5 Introduction 8 1. Outstanding features of partnerships Priority to developing countries 10 Map 1 CIRAD’s global scope 10 • Strong historically binding relationships


• Operations tailored to the socioeconomic setting


• A Southern portal for the European Research Area


• A stakeholder in the global agricultural research system


• A gateway to collective French research tools


Map 2 Initiatives: national and regional bases Map 3 Initiatives: thematic networks

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2. Diverse range of initiatives A few examples


• CIBA, International Advanced Biology Consortium


• CaribVET, Caribbean Animal Health Network


• Forests, agriculture and development in the Amazon


• PRASAC, Pôle régional de recherche appliquée au développement des systèmes agricoles d’Afrique centrale


• MALICA, Markets and agriculture linkages for cities in Asia


• Grand-Sud Cameroon


• SCRID, Sustainable Farming and Rice Cropping Systems


3. Clear choices Distinct criteria


• A wider scope and enhanced research quality are vital


4. 25 priority initiatives of CIRAD abroad


• National bases


• Regional centres and networks


• Strengthened partnerships



• List of collective research tools in Montpellier and in the French overseas departments and territories • Acronyms and addresses

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9 Cirad . 25 research initiatives in partnership worldwide

Introduction Agricultural research is pivotal in dealing with development issues. Solidarity among all countries of the North and South is essential to cope with the increase in global environmental hazards. CIRAD, which has long been present in highly fragile regions worldwide, has taken this context carefully into account in developing its strategy1.

CIRAD’s statutes describe the diverse range of its cooperation strategies CIRAD thus:

• promotes and implements technological research and development programmes

• participates, at the request of developing countries, in drawing up their research policies, in providing training and scientific and technical information to their researchers, in implementing jointly determined research and development programmes • fulfils French cooperation agreements in this field

• hosts external staff and post CIRAD staff in other organizations, especially abroad • makes effective use of the obtained results.

Following an internal debate and discussions with a broad range of partners, CIRAD has pooled its research initiatives along six strategic lines: Ecological intensification; Biomass energy for societies in developing countries; Safe and diversified food; Animal health and emerging diseases; Public policies, poverty and inequalities; and Relationships between agriculture, environment, nature and societies. It proposes to implement these research lines from a number of points set up on three continents, while focusing especially on Africa. As an organisation pursuing targeted research for development, CIRAD focuses its research and develops its strategies according to the socioeconomic needs of stakeholders. Targeted research is a process that taps current knowledge to produce new know-how and expertise. For CIRAD, which conducts research mainly in a cooperation setting, research targets are generally determined jointly with research organizations of other countries. Partnership is a founding principle mentioned in the statutes which launched CIRAD in 1984. These statutes set out CIRAD’s mandate within French national agricultural research and defined its cooperative scientific vocation and its role as a mediator and partner.

CIRAD is the hub of an international network of experts. In 2009, its 800 engineers and researchers were active in the laboratory and field in Montpellier, the French overseas departments and in over 50 countries, including six OECD countries. Abroad, 200 researchers are posted in national, regional and international institutions. Researchers are also involved in missions beyond metropolitan France, annually representing over 200 researcher full-time equivalents. Overall, this amounts to 400 full-time jobs, or half of all CIRAD researchers, who are collaborating directly with partners at their home sites. Every year, CIRAD hosts CIRAD scientists some 800 researchers at its centres in Montpellier and in worldwide French overseas regions, half of whom are from tropical and subtropical regions. Out of 800 CIRAD research staff, over 200 are posted in national, regional or international structures abroad: • 115 are posted in Africa (this number has remained steady in the last 10 years, but was higher before 1992) • 48 in Latin America (increasing slightly since 1990) • 45 in Southeast Asia (also increasing slightly).

Through CIRAD’s agreements with its partners, researchers posted abroad (who all belong to a research unit and department) and their local colleagues benefit from research carried out by the host establishment’s teams. They also have access to CIRAD resources: collective research tools, especially very high level technical platforms, along with a scientific documentation and publication service that is one of the best in the world for tropical research topics.

Of these 200 researchers, 22 are working on joint projects in CGIAR centres. They are supported by researchers from CIRAD centres: • 142 scientists in French overseas regions • 450 in Montpellier. CIRAD’s scientific missions abroad represent over 200 researcher annual full-time equivalents. 1. CIRAD, 2008. Strategic vision 2008-2012 [www.cirad.fr/en/le_cirad/pdf/CIRAD_Strategie_GB_web.pdf]

10 11 CIRAD Cirad . 25 research initiatives in partnership worldwide


Outstanding features of partnerships Priority to developing countries Map 1 / CIRAD’s global scope

Continental Southeast Asia West Indies French Guiana

Coastal West Africa

Continental West Africa Central Africa East and Southern Africa Southeast Asian island countries

Brazil Madagascar RĂŠunion-Mayotte

Areas covered by regional directorates

Partner countries

Regional directorate headquarters

Partnerships underlie all of CIRAD’s activities. The institute’s identity has been shaped by the strong and steady international involvement of its researchers. Through their hands-on involvement in dealing with local situations and issues, and the longstanding relationships they have built with colleagues of other institutions, CIRAD researchers have been able to contribute to the development of stable yet open-ended research platforms and networks.

Strong historically binding relationships CIRAD has been involved in international scientific cooperation for about half a century. Its status is officially recognized through bilateral and multilateral agreements in over 90 countries. Sub-Saharan Africa is where it has the most numerous and long-standing ties. Africa is also the continent in which CIRAD invests in priority. However, it has also signed many scientific agreements over the years and set up major research programmes with organizations on other continents. There have been substantial changes in its relationships with its regular research partners. Since 1990, national research institutes in low-income countries have been undermined by structural adjustments and the reduction in agricultural research investment. A few regional research platforms have emerged in which advanced training has an increasingly important role in reaching sufficient people to fulfil research requirements. Moreover, research organizations in emerging countries (Brazil, China, India) have boosted their scientific reputations. In the international agricultural research setting, the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) has facilitated the development of regional fora, which bring together all stakeholders to coordinate policies, strategies, programmes and projects. The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and associated centres are also now open to scientific partnerships in which joint and mutually beneficial research operations can be negotiated and developed. CIRAD is actively involved in these initiatives. After overlooking agriculture for many years, international agencies and regional and continental political initiatives such as the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) are again considering agricultural research as a key priority. The extent of global challenges is forcing them to pool their financial and human resources. Finally, new civil society stakeholders (NGOs, farmers’ associations, private sector agencies, etc.) are also playing an increasingly greater role. CIRAD has close ties with all of these different operators, in phase with changes in the national and international scientific setting. It oversees interactions between these bilateral partnerships with national research systems in regional multilateral initiatives. It strengthens relationships with universities that are enhancing the skills and knowledge of young researchers. Its partners benefit from CIRAD’s international network and pivotal position in European agricultural research.

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CIRAD is involved in associations and consortiums along with French research and educational institutions in Montpellier and French overseas regions to develop effective research tools. In turn, this strengthens its researcher hosting, training and support capacities. Scientific and technical information services have also developed platforms based on electronic technology to fulfil the information and publication needs of scientists in developing countries.

CIRAD in French overseas communities In French overseas regions, CIRAD has research centres, experimental plots and effective technical platforms where 400 agents provide support for local communities and professional stakeholders in local agricultural and agrifood commodity chains (fruit growing, market gardening, horticulture, livestock production, sugarcane, forest production). Research carried out in these ‘outdoor laboratories’ benefits CIRAD overall, along with its partners. The 50 or so hosted researchers from partner organizations and civilian volunteers contribute to the work. Top notch expertise is developed, especially on: • the agroecology of multispecies systems (agroenvironmental research platform, PRAM, in Martinique; crop protection platform, 3P, in Réunion) • environmental impact risks (soil, water, waste) (PILMO programme, UR Environmental Risks of Recycling, in Réunion)

recherche et de veille sur les maladies émergentes dans l’océan Indien, in Réunion) • livestock production and the environment (Institut agronomique néo-calédonien, IAC, in New Caledonia, UR Livestock Systems and Animal Production Management, in Réunion) • integrated food quality systems (UMR QUALISUD, in Réunion) • forests and biodiversity (UMR Ecology of the Forests of French Guiana, ECOFOG, GIS SILVOLAB and the Centre technique des bois at Kourou, in French Guiana; UMR Plant Communities and Biological Invaders in Tropical Environments, in Réunion) • genetic resources and their effective use (centres of tropical plant biological resources, West Indies and French Guiana, UMR Plant Communities and Biological Invaders in Tropical Environments, in Réunion; Genetic research platform, in Guadeloupe)

• sanitary risks and impacts for animals and plants (Crop protection network in the Indian Ocean, in Réunion)

• integrated management of areas under high constraints (GERT programme, in Réunion).

• emerging and reemerging diseases (CaribVET network,in Guadeloupe; AnimalRisk network and EmerGe network, in association with the Centre de

Regional collaborations have been developed, especially on animal and plant sanitary risk management.

Operations tailored to the socioeconomic setting CIRAD is a public institution whose activities are carried out within the framework of French and European public policies. These policies touch on scientific principles, official development assistance and agrifood issues. Promoting excellence and disseminating research results via publications are key scientific principles for research organizations such as CIRAD. The context and scientific environment in which research is carried out have to be taken into account. Even isolated researchers may obtain high quality data and scientific results in a suitable field setting as long as they are backed by a recognized scientific institution. The quality of the relationships between CIRAD’s research teams in France, expatriate researchers and colleagues in partner structures is therefore crucial. Moreover, since the capacities of research structures abroad differ markedly, one of CIRAD’s key goals is to help strengthen these institutions and teams where necessary. The level of excellence required for collaborations with emerging countries, which often have top quality research resources, is the same as that applied in interactions with the OECD scientific community. CIRAD may establish links with these research institutions to carry out advanced research and foster development, as is the case with EMBRAPA, the Brazilian agricultural research institute. Concerning official development assistance, French and European objectives are plentiful. They include efficient management of global public goods, the fight against poverty and inequality, and promoting good governance. These are integrated into each of CIRAD’s strategic lines of research and those of most funding agencies. These objectives are dependent on the priorities of the different countries concerned: poverty alleviation, food security, state reconstruction in least advanced and fragile countries, global public goods and knowledge generation in emerging countries. Concerning agrifood policies, interactions with European operators are considered on a per-case basis according to the production and economic situation of the countries involved. Improving the productivity and quality of raw materials useful for Europe (cacao, rubber, coffee, etc.) is of interest for all parties. The situation can be more complicated where support for certain production subsectors in emerging countries could heighten competition with European agricultural products.

A Southern portal for European research CIRAD–by coordinating or participating in projects and networks–is investing substantially in the development of the European Research Area. It fuels European debate on research initiatives and issues that must be dealt with in each country to promote its development. It facilitates partners’ access to community programmes and top level

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research in Europe. It has thus become a major voice in the dialogue between Europe and developing countries. Thus CIRAD is contributing to the construction of a coordinated agricultural research network which targets research in hot regions. This network involves French and European development-oriented research organizations. It is underpinned by the new European AGRINATURA network. AGRINATURA is an alliance of NATURA (the Network of European Agricultural Universities and Scientific Complexes related to Agricultural Development) and ECART (the European Consortium for Agricultural Research in the Tropics). This network pools substantial expertise and strengthens synergies between the main European stakeholders on regional research projects. The opening to European partners of CIRAD structures (in Montpellier, French overseas regions, and elsewhere) and the future setting up of European joint research units will foster mobility and collaboration (examples: Fondation Agropolis calls for project proposals, Marie Curie grants, etc.) CIRAD is presently chairing the European Research Area – Agricultural Research for Development (ERA-ARD) network which funds projects on three topics: food safety; strengthening ARD expertise in developing countries; and food and energy. The new French agricultural research consortium and INRA’s bilateral cooperation programmes with other European organizations will together strengthen this Southern portal. CIRAD leadership in this effort is benefitting all French agricultural research institutions.

A stakeholder in the global agricultural research system

CIRAD research teams are involved in many global research programmes alongside CGIAR centres. CIRAD researchers are posted in these centres according to their complementarity and mutual interests. CGIAR’s capacity to address the UN Millenium Development Goals and its open-arms approach to collaborations with national research systems and advanced research institutions (especially through its challenge programs) are in line with this trend. One of CIRAD’s objectives is to promote the development of a more balanced global system involving CGIAR centres, advanced research institutions (ARI), universities, and research centres of developing countries. France and CIRAD are supporting the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), which has been mandated by the international community to fulfil this task.

CGIAR is currently overhauling its operational structure. CIRAD is closely monitoring this process and participating directly as a member of various bodies, particularly the European branch of GFAR, the European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD), and the AGRINATURA network. In 2010, the city of Montpellier will be hosting the first Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD), which is being organized by GFAR. New scientific cooperation instruments, ie megaprogrammes of the CGIAR will soon come into being and will focus on a few global issues.

A gateway to collective French research tools

In France and French overseas regions, collective research tools have been developed on a national scale (life sciences and agricultural research platforms, biological resource centres, very large-scale research infrastructures, etc.) and on a European scale (research infrastructures). These initiatives should enhance collective research, and technological and methodological development dynamics. CIRAD is involved in this movement, in line with its research strategy–it contributes to existing collective tools and to the development of new tools of national and international scope. Collective research tools, which are generally funded jointly with other national or international institutions, are now part of the resource and equipment package to which partners in developing countries have access. All researchers associated with a collaborative project may thus have access to advanced scientific equipment required for a research topic.

(See list of collective research tools in the Appendices)

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Map 2 / Initiatives: national and regional bases

Areas covered by regional directorates Regional directorate headquarters Partner countries

National bases

CIBA, International Advanced Biology Consortium – Line 1 PCP SAF PCP GRAND SUD CAMEROON – Lines 1-5 PCP HRPP, Hevea Research Platform in Partnership – Line 1 PCP MALICA, Markets and Agriculture Linkages for Cities in Asia – Line 3 PCP PRISE, Research Consortium on Risks Associated with Livestock Intensification – Lines 1-4 PR-PCP, Production and Conservation in Partnership – Lines 1-4-6 URP Forests and Biodiversity, Madagascar – Lines 2-6 URP PPZS, Pôle pastoral zones sèches – Lines 5-6 URP SCRID, Sustainable Farming and Rice Cropping Systems – Line 1 UR2PI, Unité de recherche sur la productivité des plantations industrielles – Lines 1-6

Biodiversity and genetics Agroecology of multi-species systems Forests

Regional partners

WARDA, Lowlands (finalization) – Lines 1-3 AGRYMET, Sahelian Food Security, Desertification Control, Water Control and Management (finalization) – Lines 1-6 CARBAP, Centre africain de recherches en bananiers et plantains – Lines 1-3 CIFOR, Centre for International Forestry Research – Line 6 CIRDES, International Centre for Livestock Research and Development in Sub-Humid Zones – Lines 1-4 2IE, International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering – Line 2 PCP SAF, Agroforestry Systems with Perennial Crops – Lines 1-2-6 PP&G, Politiques publiques et gouvernance (finalization) – Lines 5-6 PRASAC, Pôle régional de recherche appliquée au développement des systèmes agricoles d’Afrique centrale – Lines 1-6

Strategic lines of research

Line 1: Ecological intensification Line 2: Biomass energy for societies in developing countries Line 3: Safe and diversified food Line 4: Animal health and emerging diseases Line 5: Public policies, poverty and inequalities Line 6: Agriculture, environment, nature and societies

















. Environmental risks . Environmental and impacts risks and impacts . Integrated land management . Integrated land management in harsh environments in harsh environments . Quality development . Quality development and managementand management . Sanitary risks and . Sanitary impacts risks and impacts


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Map 3 / Initiatives: thematic networks

Areas covered by regional directorates Regional directorate headquarters

Areas covered by regional directorates

Partner countries Regional directorate headquarters

National bases CIBA, International Advanced Biology Consortium – Line 1 Partner countries

PCP GRAND SUD CAMEROON – Lines 1-5 PCP HRPP, Hevea Research Platform in Partnership – Line 1 PCP MALICA, Markets and Agriculture Linkages for Cities in Asia – Line 3 PCP PRISE, Research Consortium on Risks Associated Networks with Livestock Intensification – Lines 1-4 PR-PCP, Production and Conservation in Partnership – Lines 1-4-6 Animal health and emerging diseases URP Forests and Biodiversity, Madagascar – Lines 2-6 (CaribVET, GREASE, Africa) - Line 4 URP PPZS, Pôle pastoral zones sèches – Lines 5-6 URP SCRID, Sustainable Farming and Rice Cropping Systems – Line 1 UR2PI, Unité de recherche sur la productivité Sorghum biodiversity – Line 1 des plantations industrielles – Lines 1-6

Regional partners Forests in the Congo Basin – Lines 5-6

WARDA, Lowlands (finalization) – Lines 1-3 AGRYMET, Sahelian Food Security, Desertification Control, Water Control and Management Forests, agriculture and development (finalization) – Lines 1-6 the africain Amazon (finalization) – Line 6 CARBAP, in Centre de recherches en bananiers et plantains – Lines 1-3 CIFOR, Centre for International Forestry Research – Line 6 CIRDES, International Centre for Livestock Research and Development Conservation agriculture in in Sub-Humid Zones – Lines 1-4 Southeast Asiafor (finalization) – Line 1 Engineering – Line 2 2IE, International Institute Water and Environmental PCP SAF, Agroforestry Systems with Perennial Crops – Lines 1-2-6 Water management in the Mediterranean Basin PP&G, Politiques publiques et gouvernance (finalization) – Lines 5-6 – PRASAC,Lines Pôle régional de recherche appliquée au développement des systèmes agricoles 1-3-5-6 d’Afrique centrale – Lines 1-6

Strategic lines of research

Line 1: Ecological intensification Line 2: Biomass energy for societies in developing countries Line 3: Safe and diversified food Line 4: Animal health and emerging diseases Line 5: Public policies, poverty and inequalities Line 6: Agriculture, environment, nature and societies

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Diverse range

of initiatives A few examples


CIRAD has aligned its scientific strategies, partnerships and resources in order to better identify priority research initiatives abroad. The following examples illustrate the broad range of situations. In some cases, such as the advanced biology consortium including EMBRAPA and the Agropolis platform in Montpellier, the scope is intercontinental. In others, for example the CaribVET network in the West Indies, the Amazon network, and PRASAC in Central Africa, the focus is regional. On a national level, research platforms in partnership (PCP) are initiatives that have been developed by CIRAD and its partners since 2000. These initiatives aim to strengthen ties among research institutions, universities, farmers’ groups and NGOs and open them to regional dynamics.. PCPs pool teams and resources at a single location to address a specific research topic. They bring together research and training and have a regional scope. Examples include PCP MALICA in Vietnam and PCP Grand Sud Cameroon. In 2004 following an external audit, PCPs in which universities in developing countries were strongly involved were designated as ‘international research units’ (URP). The research topics carried out by these units have produced high level scientific outputs. PCPs are classified as full-fledged CIRAD research units with organizational, budget and assessment procedures to enhance the effectiveness of their scientific management (eg URP SCRID in Madagascar, on rainfed rice systems.)

CIBA, International Advanced Biology Consortium Intercontinental cooperation For over 30 years, CIRAD and EMBRAPA have been successfully collaborating in research and providing top class training on key rural development topics. In the advanced biology field, EMBRAPA assigned a researcher to Labex-Europe, an EMBRAPA external laboratory that was set up in Montpellier in 2002. The hosting of this researcher at Agropolis from 2002 to 2006 in a joint research unit managed by CIRAD revitalized research, training and the exchange of researchers and students in the field of plant breeding. Approximately 30 research projects were initiated to promote the adaptation of different crops to climate change (drought tolerance) and to fulfil sustainable agriculture objectives (reducing pesticide treatments, for example). Through this partnership, EMBRAPA and Agropolis, with the support of CIRAD, formed the International Advanced Biology Consortium (CIBA) in September 2008. CIBA groups several French, Brazilian and international research institutions. CIBA’s charter fosters research collaborations with developing countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia. For its activities, CIBA has used several joint research tools in Montpellier to which CIRAD contributes. These include a molecular marker workshop; genotyping, sequencing and cloning; functional genomics; and an environmental genomics platform.

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CaribVET, Caribbean Animal Health Network

A regional partnership developed in a French overseas department CaribVET is the Caribbean Animal Health Network which CIRAD initiated. It links veterinarian services in 25 countries and territories in the Caribbean region, along with many diagnostic laboratories, research institutes, regional and international organizations (FAO, World Organisation for Animal Health, United States Department of Agriculture, Pan American Health Organization, Instituto Interamericano de Cooperaci贸n para la Agricultura). This network is recognised by ministries of all member countries as well as the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). The steering committee is successively chaired by the member countries (currently Belize). CaribVET contributes to strengthening epidemiological surveillance systems by pinpointing priority diseases in the region and conducting risk analyses and assessments of national surveillance systems. Its activities are based on research findings. CaribVET provides surveillance and control, especially for avian flu, ticks and tick-borne diseases, classical swine flu and West Nile fever. The CaribVET website (www.caribvet.net) is the main tool for communication and exchange of data and information within the network. It also hosts databases on laboratories, surveillance systems and regional surveillance programmes (eg on ticks). This network, which is unique in terms of both surveillance and research, is a driving force for scientific development and cooperation in the region on sensitive emerging and zoonotic disease issues, especially at the human-animal interface. It is a model regional network and observatory in its field and is integrated with the international emerging animal disease surveillance system. For its activities, the CaribVET network is supported by the CIRAD research platform in Guadeloupe. The cell biology platform functions in close collaboration with research teams in Montpellier, including the emerging and vector-borne diseases platform.

Forests, agriculture and development in the Amazon A regional feature, a global challenge

The Amazon research network is based on long-term collaborations between CIRAD and EMBRAPA, the Federal University of Par谩 (UFPA), the Sustainable Development Centre of the University of Brasilia (UNB-CDS) and the Brazilian forestry service (SFB) within the framework of multiyear projects. It links studies and projects carried out in all countries in the Amazon Basin, with support from the international research community. Preservation or development? Forestry-oriented or agriculture-oriented? These contrasts are now obsolete. A more integrated approach to research issues is used by the

Amazon research network. We ask rather: How can management of forest resources and agricultural production be complementary enough to provide a basis for sustainable territorial development? The outcome in the Amazon–a global sustainable development hotspot–will govern development trends in other regions in coming years. The Amazon region is a major focus of research on this topic, but it is not the only one. This partnership structure aims to provide support for other initiatives in large forest areas worldwide. With this theme, CIRAD is addressing a major planetary challenge and responding to the demands of government and society. (A strategic agreement between the French and Brazilian governments was signed in December 2008 to help promote sustainable development of the Amazon region). The Amazon research network is linked to several shared research centers, including the Biological Resource Centre (CRB) Plantes tropicales (French West Indies), and the Centre de ressources biologiques tropicales (Montpellier, France).

PRASAC, Pôle régional de recherche appliquée au développement des systèmes agricoles d’Afrique centrale Regional coordination for national agricultural research systems

PRASAC–set up as a project more than 10 years ago (1998)–has become an established institution of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and a cooperation tool of the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (WECARD). It marshals national scientific resources to deal with regional development issues. From 1998 to 2002, with the support of France and WECARD, PRASAC was delegated to coordinate scientific research capacities at national levels for savanna areas of northern Cameroon, the Central African Republic, and Chad. The success of this programme (confirmed by an external assessment) prompted France to extend its support for the Appui à la recherche régionale pour un développement durable des savanes d’Afrique centrale (ARDESAC) project until 2009. Meanwhile, PRASAC became a specialized institution of ECCAS. In 2007, PRASAC’s mandate was extended to include the coordination of research systems in the six ECCAS countries. This broadened the research field to forests (Congo Basin), the Sahara (Chad) and coastal areas. PRASAC’s new mandates, responsibilities and governance are described in the statutes set down by the ECCAS Council of Ministers in July 2008. The programme spans three areas: animal and human health, food security, environment and biodiversity. It includes productions of major interest for Africa, managed in collaboration with European research centres.

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Collegial planning of its activities is based on the national priorities of partner institutions, and is discussed and validated by development stakeholders. Research is carried out within the institutions, with universities having a key role in providing expertise and training. The projects are funded by France and Europe, while ECCAS funds the coordination.

MALICA, Markets and Agriculture Linkages for Cities in Asia A regionally-oriented Vietnamese-French consortium

PCP MALICA is a Vietnamese-French research consortium that was formally set up through an agreement in April 2002. Its main objective is to strengthen research and decision-making capacities concerning food markets in Vietnam and neighbouring countries. It works along three main lines: i) monitoring and explaining food market changes (consumption, flow, production patterns), ii) assessing and improving the performance of food commodity chains by organizing sanitary and territorial food quality management, iii) evaluating and boosting the impact of food distribution on the poorest peoples’ income (consumers, sellers and farmers) and encouraging fairness in commodity chains. In 2008, MALICA focused on promoting quality in vegetable, beef and sticky rice subsectors (SUPERCHAIN project in Vietnam and Laos), and in the chicken subsector (GRIPAVI project). MALICA is strengthening regional cooperation by organizing scientific exchanges on quality enhancement strategies through farmers’ organizations. A study is also under way on the impact of the World Trade Organization and Chinese-Vietnamese free trade agreements on food commodity chains.

Grand Sud Cameroon A national platform

In 2002, the idea of setting up the Grand Sud Cameroon research platform emerged in a partnership between the Cameroonian Institut de recherche agricole pour le développement (IRAD) and CIRAD. PCP Grand Sud Cameroon is a national research platform which was legally recognized through a 10-year PCP convention signed on 28 April 2005 by four research and educational institutions (IRAD, Dschang University, Yaoundé I University, CIRAD). The research is focused on family farming in humid areas, ie mainly agroforestry areas, in Cameroon. This multidisciplinary platform (agronomy of cropping systems, pest management, soil science, rural economy and sociology, food technology, fish farming,

etc.) associates civil society stakeholders in an innovation-oriented research process. The platform is also a tool for scientific planning, exchange, training, dissemination and effective use of research data. Given the socioeconomic importance of family farms (more than 700 000 farms account for 72% of the food production and 40% of agricultural exports, while representing 62% of the active population), this PCP fosters the appropriation of research results by rural development stakeholders. The beneficiaries participate in the research centres, and experiments are carried out in farmers’ fields.

SCRID, Sustainable Farming and Rice Cropping Systems

Scientific excellence to address global challenges In Madagascar, the growing demand for rice and increased pressure on wetlands has led to the development of rainfed rice cropping in hilly areas (tanety). The problem is that tillage fragilizes the ecosystem. FOFIFA and CIRAD have come up with two major innovations that boost the prospects for these cropping systems: breeding and dissemination of highland rainfed rice varieties, and the development, in collaboration with the Groupement semis direct à Madagascar (GSDM) and a consortium of institutions and projects, of direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems (DMC) for rainfed rice. PCP SCRID was founded in late 2001 and subsequently was designated as an international research unit (URP). It is the result of FOFIFA’s and CIRAD’s intention to strengthen their cooperation and provide agricultural and economic support for their innovations. Antananarivo University became a partner so as to reinforce the excellence of the research and to develop training on all aspects of this topic. The university provides PhD level training and grassroots training for young Malagasy and European engineers and researchers, while the URP supervises around 10 PhD students. Research activities are carried out by French-Malagasy teams on jointly defined topics. The URP organization has turned out to be an effective structure that enables the team to successfully collaborate with other French, Malagasy and foreign partners, in particular the Vietnam Agricultural Science Institute (VASI). Together they are conducting several research programmes of excellence concerning highland rainfed rice cropping systems. For its research activities, URP SCRID implements several collective research tools, including the genotyping technical platform (rice blast resistance) in Montpellier, the Water, Soil and Plant Analysis service unit in Montpellier, the crop protection service (3P) in Réunion, and the SupAgro agrifood research centre in Montpellier.

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Distinct criteria


In 2008, CIRAD identified priority initiatives to put its scientific strategy in Africa, Asia and Latin America into action, along with its partners. Some of these initiatives are the result of long-standing CIRAD investments: stable and high quality institutional and scientific relationships which promote research and scientific production over a relatively long period. Others will address promising issues which CIRAD plans to focus on alongside other research institutions; CIRAD’s presence will ensure the relatively long-term sustainability of the initiative. Some initiatives are concentrated in countries in the form of research units, platforms and regional centres (Map 2). Others, which have more network-like structures, pool activities carried out in several countries on a specific topic (Map 3). By maintaining and fostering the accumulation of national and regional research capacities until suitable levels are achieved, especially in many African countries, these priority initiatives provide platforms and potential sources of high quality scientific partnerships. Training by and for research has a pivotal role. CIRAD is investing substantial resources over the long term. CIRAD facilities in Montpellier and the French overseas departments are ‘nerve centres’, reservoirs of efficient research expertise and tools that can be tapped by all associated structures. Projects give effect to collaborations between two or several partners for a specific period, while the base research station provides the elements required for long-term scientific production. This base station, or research node, is many things: a multiinstitutional research collective, a research programme and strategy, and a location. It brings together researchers and teams to form solid complementary relationships and to jointly conduct high quality programmes and thus acquire scientific recognition.

A wide scope and enhanced research quality are vital

The research nodes or bases which CIRAD considers high priority are those best able to implement projects and partnerships in line with CIRAD’s scientific strategy and that of its partners. They in turn nurture and orient the scientific debate.

They are based on a scientific issue. Developing a common research strategy is not a random process. It involves encounters in scientific meetings, discussions on joint issues, and marshaling funds to enable partners to develop collective expertise on a topic. This enterprise generally covers only part of the overall scientific programme of the institutions involved, eg UPRs SCRID and Forests and Biodiversity, with FOFIFA.

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Discussion and agreement on a strategy and dividing it into scientific issues are essential to establishing a partnership initiative or research node.

They support the strategic lines of research of CIRAD and its partners. CIRAD has developed its strategy by juxtaposing its research priorities with those of its partners. These priorities are in line with international agricultural research priorities for development. The fight against poverty and inequalities is an overarching concern.. Ecological intensification is essential in developing an agricultural system capable of feeding the world in the long term (CIRAD, Line 1). Energy resource management is also crucial, especially in subSaharan Africa, where fuelwood resources will have to be sustainably managed and where fossil fuel sources are irregularly distributed (CIRAD, Line 2). Food security and safety (Line 3), animal health and emerging diseases (Line 4) are global and national challenges. New public policies should be drawn up to address current development issues (Line 5). And to effectively implement research results for the benefit of people in developing countries, the complex relationships between people, nature, resources and environments must be taken into account (Line 6).

The refocusing of CIRAD on six strategic lines of research should facilitate the development of common projects. Some of the priorities will be addressed in initiatives yet to be developed.

Their scientific production must meet high standards. Scientific production in targeted research programmes can come in different forms. These include publications, supervision of PhD candidates, patented modules for advanced training and qualified professional training. Other results include developing expertise, building observatories, and constructing warning or monitoring systems (eg PCP MALICA).

CIRAD provides its partners with scientific support through its research centres in Montpellier, French overseas departments, and access to its research platforms (equipment, collections, etc.). It also has a scientific and technical information vocation. Internationally, CIRAD provides access to its network of bases worldwide. CIRAD’s scientific support is coordinated by a correspondent at each research base.

They mobilize French, European and international research partners. National or regional initiatives ensure suitable conditions for conducting research– scientific exchange is promoted by associating national and regional research centres and universities. These provide field access and data transfer, along with training of young scientists and staff renewal (eg CIBA).

The quality of the initiatives is dependent on the synergy between partners and their joint capacity to deal with common issues. Results can be shared at many levels. Through project design and follow up, CIRAD is a catalyst and, mediator, and it contributes to developing discussions with funding agents.

They are involved in national agricultural research systems. Research stakeholders, regardless of the project definition or scale of implementation, originate from national systems. Moreover, to reach all beneficiaries, the results obtained through research initiatives need to be taken up on a national scale as far as possible. In least advanced countries, development is generally achieved via various relatively uncoordinated partners, ie farmers’ organizations and NGOs. In emerging countries, local structures can take over from research and training organizations.

CIRAD supports national training and coordination capacities. It invests in regional collaborations, especially in advanced training, so as to strengthen national research centres and enhance their expertise. It strives to bring national agricultural research systems into the regional projects in which it participates.

Their activities have a regional scope. All the priority initiatives–even the nationally developed PCPs and URPs (MALICA in Vietnam, or the URPs in Madagascar and Senegal)–handle regional and even international issues. Many of them have been developed with organizations from several countries or are recognized by regional bodies (eg PRASAC).

CIRAD–by developing projects with partners to meet regional needs, by structuring collaborations with SNRAs in PCPs and URPs, and by building advanced regional training modules–aims to collaboratively develop a scientific capacity that will be recognized by regional or continental bodies.

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Advanced training is a priority for these initiatives. Advanced training, which is often of regional scope, has a pivotal role in strengthening research expertise and capacities. The level of excellence, especially in URPs, is often supported by recognized universities.

CIRAD is investing to an increasing extent in developing training modules (MSc, PhD) with major regional universities (Cheik Anta Diop University, Senegal; Kasetsart University, Thailand, etc.). Most initiatives that are currently being developed will be associated with universities in developing countries.

They have flexible management systems and assessment procedures. Management systems–including scientific boards or steering committees, scientific coordination, financial audits and external scientific assessments–provide suitable conditions to ensure balanced research-oriented partnerships and transparent management systems.

CIRAD participates in the steering committees and scientific programming of these initiatives.

They host or marshal a substantial number of researchers and resources. The ways to measure the extent and specificity of CIRAD’s relationships with its partners are plentiful. They include: number of researchers and research units involved, support missions, scientist postings, conventions, projects, joint publications, teaching, budgets, as well as the history and duration of agreements

CIRAD’s contractual objectives2 with the French ministires to which it reports and its performance indicators provide management tools to measure the extent to which CIRAD’s strategy is being implemented.

They contribute to major projects on their topic. The long-term activity of researchers and teams depends on projects carried out in partnerships and on appropriate funding. A substantial and updated project portfolio leads to sustainability and scientific recognition. Note 2 The contractual objectives for CIRAD 2008-2011, www.cirad.fr/ en/le_cirad/pdf/contrat_ objectifs.pdf

CIRAD’s senior management is involved upstream in developing projects via internal incentives. Its teams are involved in developing projects in response to calls for tender, and in scientific coordination and the assessment of results.

25 priority initiatives


of CIRAD abroad

32 33 CIRAD Cirad . 25 research initiatives in partnership worldwide

National bases


International Advanced Biology Consortium, CIBA, Brazil


Forests and Biodiversity, Madagascar


Grand Sud Cameroon


Hevea Research Platform in Partnership, HRPP, Thailand


Markets and Agriculture Linkages for Cities in Asia, MALICA, Vietnam


Research Consortium on Risks Associated with Livestock Intensification, PRISE, Vietnam


Pastoralism, PPZS, Senegal


Production and Conservation in Partnership, Zimbabwe


Sustainable Farming and Rice Cropping Systems, SCRID, Madagascar


Unité de recherche sur la productivité des plantations industrielles, UR2PI, Republic of the Congo 35

Regional centres and networks


Agroforestry Systems with Perennial Crops, SAF-pérennes, Central America, Costa Rica


Centre africain de recherches en bananiers et plantains, CARBAP, Cameroon


International Centre for Livestock Research and Development in Sub-Humid Zones, CIRDES, Burkina Faso


Water Management in the Mediterranean Basin, North Africa


International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering, 2IE, Burkina Faso


Pôle régional de recherche appliquée au développement des systèmes agricoles d’Afrique centrale, PRASAC, Chad


Forests in the Congo Basin, Republic of the Congo


Strengthened partnerships


Conservation Agriculture in Southeast Asia, RACASE, Laos


Lowlands in Africa, Benin


Sorghum biodiversity, Africa


Climate change and food security in the Sahel, AGRHYMET, Niger


Forests and climate change, CIFOR, Indonesia


Forests, agriculture and development in the Amazon


Public Policies and Governance, PP&G, Republic of South Africa


Animal health and emerging diseases


National bases Research stations set up in various countries pool researchers from several institutions to focus on a common topic and fulfil development objectives. CIRAD contractualizes its ties with national partners in the form of research platforms in partnership (PCPs) or international research units (URPs). Its teams are required to become scientific platforms and fields of excellence and contribute to regional, continental and international research programmes. CIRAD research units involved in these initiatives strive to meet these objectives.

International Advanced Biology Consortium (CIBA), Brazil Founded: 2007. Background: an EMBRAPA-Agropolis advanced biology collaboration; Labex-Europa set up at Agropolis (2003); EMBRAPACIRAD strategic plan; agreement with RTRA. Members: EMBRAPA (Brazil); Agropolis agricultural research platform (France). Scope: intercontinental (Latin America, Africa, Asia). CIRAD’s objectives: to breed varieties adapted to climate change (drought tolerance) and for sustainable agriculture (especially to reduce pesticide treatments). Priority: Ecological intensification (line 1). CIRAD’s contribution: approximately 30 research projects.

Forests and Biodiversity, Madagascar URP Antananarivo. www.cirad.mg/fr/urp_fb.php Founded: 2001 as a PCP; URP since 2004. Members: FOFIFA; Antananarivo University; CIRAD. Scope: Madagascar; international – large forest areas (conservation of the world’s biological diversity). CIRAD’s objectives: to propose management standards that reconcile biodiversity conservation and enhancement of human wellbeing. Priorities: Biomass energy for societies in developing countries (line 2); Agriculture, environment, nature and societies (line 6).

CIRAD’s contribution: multidisciplinary study of key biological, economic, political, legal, social and land factors concerning forest resource development.

Grand Sud Cameroon PCP. Research platform. Yaoundé Founded: 2005. Members: IRAD, University of Yaoundé 1, Dshang University, CIRAD (founders); Universities of Yaoundé 2 and N’Gaoundéré, CARBAP, professional stakeholders, NGOs. Scope: Cameroonian national agricultural research system. CIRAD’s objectives: to improve peoples’ living conditions in agroforestry systems. Priorities: Ecological intensification (line 1); Safe and diversified food (line 3). CIRAD’s contribution: commentated assessment; supporting family farm management in tropical agroforestry systems in the region.

Hevea Research Platform in Partnership (HRPP), Thailand PCP. Research platform. Bangkok. Founded: 2008 Members: Kasetsart University; Prince of Songkla University; Thai Ministry of Agriculture; CIRAD, associated with eight French and Thai partner institutions. Scope: International, focused on Thailand. CIRAD’s objectives: to build a research platform that will benefit all natural rubber producers in the region. Priority: Ecological intensification (line 1). CIRAD’s contribution: to develop hevea cropping and natural rubber production in Thailand; to strengthen agricultural and technological research in the subregion (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam); education (creation of a professional Master’s course).

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Markets and Agriculture Linkages for Cities in Asia (MALICA), Vietnam PCP. Research consortium. Hanoi. www.malica-asia.org Founded: 2002.

CIRAD’s contribution: livestock production, natural resource management in agrosilvopastoral situations, land development.

Members: VASI and CIRAD (founders); and VAAS and IPSARD.

Production and Conservation in Partnership (PCP), Zimbabwe

Scope: Vietnam and neighbouring countries.

Targeted research platform. Harare.

CIRAD’s objectives: to contribute to enhancing food security and safety in Vietnam and neighbouring countries.

Founded: 2007.

Priority: Safe and diversified food (line 3). CIRAD’s contribution: observatory of food market change; commodity chain organization and performance (sanitary quality, land management); impact of distribution on poor peoples’ income; fairness in commodity chains.

Research Consortium on Risks Associated with Livestock Intensification (PRISE), Vietnam PCP. Hanoi. www.prise-pcp.org Founded: 2003. Members: NIAH; NIVR; IPSARD; HAU; CIRAD. Scope: Vietnam. CIRAD’s objectives: to manage risks associated with the intensification of livestock production systems in Asia. Priorities: Ecological intensification (line 1); Animal health and emerging diseases (line 4). CIRAD’s contribution: biodiversity (scientific coordination by NIAH); waste management (CIRAD); food security (NIVR); sustainable livestock production systems (HAU); market economics (IPSARD). Integrative approach.

Pastoralism (PPZS), Senegal URP. Dakar-Hann. www..ppzs2-esp.ucad.sn Founded: 1999 as a PCP; URP since 2005. Members: ISRA; ENEA; CSE; Cheikh Anta Diop University; CIRAD. Scope: Sahel. CIRAD’s objectives: to improve pastoral resource management and the economic performance of pastoral livestock production for the benefit of rural development. Priorities: Public policies, poverty and inequalities (line 5); Agriculture, environment, nature and societies (line 6).

Members: Harare University; Bulawayo University; CNRS; CIRAD. Scope: Zimbabwe; regional outreach (collaboration with European and southern African scientific organizations); integration in thematic networks. CIRAD’s objectives: to develop conservation agriculture; to manage natural resources on the fringes of protected areas. Priorities: Ecological intensification (line 1); Animal health and emerging diseases (line 4); Agriculture, environment, nature and societies (line 6). CIRAD’s contribution: domestic-wild animal and conservation-development interfaces; conservation agriculture; natural resource management on the fringes of protected areas; health-environment relationships; interactions between animal communities and their environments (functional ecology).

Sustainable Farming and Rice Cropping Systems (SCRID), Madagascar URP. Antsirabé. www.CIRAD.mg/fr/urp_scrid.php Founded: 2001 as a PCP; URP since 2004. Members: FOFIFA; Antananarivo University; CIRAD. Associated with: institutions and NGO members of the Groupement semis direct de Madagascar. Scope: Madagascar; oriented towards integration in thematic networks. CIRAD’s objectives: to develop sustainable rice cropping systems based on conservation agriculture in highland rainfed systems. Priorities: Ecological intensification (line 1). CIRAD’s contribution: rice breeding; pest management in highland rainfed or small irrigated cropping systems; conservation agriculture; farmers’ technical innovation adoption strategies.

Unité de recherche sur la productivité des plantations industrielles (UR2PI), Republic of the Congo Research platform, Pointe Noire. Founded: 1995. Members: Congo government; Société gestionnaire des plantations industrielles (EFC); CIRAD.

training, participating in steering committees, mobilising its partner network, lobbying funding agencies, etc.

Agroforestry Systems with Perennial Crops (SAF-pérennes), Central America PCP. Turrialba, Costa Rica Founded: 2007.

Scope: Congo; regional (Congo Basin, PRASAC) and international (large forest areas) outreach. Relationships with French and Congolese, regional and international institutions.


CIRAD’s objectives: to integrate the environmental dimension and rural and urban peoples’ needs in planted forest area management.

CIRAD’s objectives: to enhance the ecological, economic and social viability of tree-crop based agroforestry systems.

Priorities: Ecological intensification (line 1); Agriculture, environment, nature and societies (line 6). CIRAD’s contribution: sustainable development and management of planted forest ecosystems; restoration of degraded natural forests; agroforestry in planted forests; forest concessions; technical and socioeconomic management of forest areas on the fringes of plantations and protected areas; drawing up and implementing environmental action plans. Increased importance of the rural and urban social component.

Regional centres and networks Regional collaborations strengthen national organizations. They are designed to identify and coordinate research on common scientific issues. They may even pool functions that national structures may not be able to fulfil alone, such as advanced training. In Africa, regional centres are formed through bilateral and multipartnership collaborations supported by French and European policies. They are recognized and supported by regional economic communities. CIRAD has been actively fostering this trend. Its involvement is currently changing in agreement with the ethical and scientific conditions and criteria of coordination bodies: CIRAD, an ‘upstream’ partner, is involved in formulating research targets, providing scientific support, advanced

Scope: Central American countries, Mexico; countries on other continents via CIRAD’s agroforestry network.

Priorities: mainly Ecological intensification (line 1); along with Biomass energy for societies in developing countries (line 2), Public policies, poverty and inequalities (line 5) and Agriculture, environment, nature and societies (line 6). CIRAD’s contribution: quantifying, promoting and developing products and services associated with tree crops in agroforestry systems; developing environmental service assessment tools; providing marketing support for farmers’ organizations (niche markets); and developing management strategies tailored to local settings.

Centre africain de recherches en bananiers et plantains (CARBAP), Cameroon Based at the WECARD research centre. ECCAS specialized centre. Douala. www.carbapafrica.org Founded: 2001; replacing CRBP which was founded in 1989. Members: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Scope: member countries; West Africa; West Indies; CGIAR research centres; development of satellite innovation platforms in ECCAS countries. CIRAD’s objectives: to sustainably improve banana and plantain based production systems for food security and poverty alleviation in West and Central Africa. Priorities: Ecological intensification (line 1); Safe and diversified food (line 3). CIRAD’s contribution: genetic resources, sustainable production, conservation, processing and agrifood development of banana and plantain.

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International Centre for Livestock Research and Development in Sub-Humid Zones (CIRDES), Burkina Faso

International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering (2IE), Burkina Faso

UEMOA centre of excellence. Based at the WECARD research centre, Bobo- Dioulasso. www.cirdes.org

An IAST centre focused on water, environment and energy issues, initiated by the Nelson Mandela Institution. UEMOA excellence platform. Ouagadougou. www.2ie-edu.org

Founded: 1991.

Founded: 2006.

Members: Benin Burkina Faso; Côte d’Ivoire; Guinea-Bissau; Mali; Niger; Togo.

Members: UEMOA member states; technical and financial partners; scientific partners; companies.

Scope: member countries.

Scope: 14 French-speaking African countries.

CIRAD’s objectives: to contribute to rural development and improve animal health services in subhumid areas.

CIRAD’s objectives: to contribute to programming, research and advanced training, especially in the fields of biomass energy and natural resource management in Africa.

Priorities: Ecological intensification (line 1); Animal health and emerging diseases (line 4). CIRAD’s contribution: research, training, technology transfer, expertise, development of animal health and production services; tsetse fly and trypanosomosis support; rural development, participation in scientific coordination.

Water Management in the Mediterranean Basin, North Africa SIRMA network. Background: interest of potential partners and funding agencies; tapping experience from the regional FSP SIRAM project, Water saving in irrigated cropping systems in North Africa (2004-2008). Potential members: major agriculture universities in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia); French research institutes (CEMAGREF, CIRAD and IRD); ICARDA. Scope: Mediterranean Basin; international via ICARDA (CGIAR). CIRAD’s objectives: to expand the FSP SIRMA project on innovative ways to make effective use of irrigation; public policy support on water resource management. Priorities: Ecological intensification (line 1); Safe and diversified food (line 3); Public policies, poverty and inequalities (line 5); Agriculture, environment, nature and societies (line 6). CIRAD’s contribution: water supply; sustainable water use; irrigated systems; mediation and policy support; mobility and hosting of young researchers.

Priority: Biomass energy for societies in developing countries (line 2). CIRAD’s contribution: research on biomass energy and economic modelling for natural resource management. Training (PhD and research Master’s training), PhD thesis candidate supervision.

Pôle régional de recherche appliquée au développement des systèmes agricoles d’Afrique centrale (PRASAC), Chad ECCAS specialized institution. WECARD scientific cooperation tool. N’Djamena. www.prasac-ECCAS.org Founded: 1998, as the Pôle régional de recherche appliquée au développement des savanes d’Afrique centrale, spanning three countries: Cameroon, Central African Republic and Chad. Broadening of its membership in 2008 and of its focus to encompass other ecological areas, including forests. Members: Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Chad. Scope: member countries. CIRAD’s objectives: to contribute to the development of PRASAC alongside national agricultural research institutions in Central Africa. Priorities: Ecological intensification (line 1); Agriculture, environment, nature and societies (line 6). CIRAD’s contribution: population dynamics, mobility and land security; natural resources of dry and humid areas; relationships between crop and livestock farming; providing advice to farmers and on production system diversification; agrobiodiversity and plant breeding; information and innovation systems in certain agricultural and agrifood subsectors.

Forests in the Congo Basin, Republic of the Congo

Lowlands in Africa, Benin

Network under the aegis of COMIFAC and PFBC. Pointe Noire.

Research platform. Cotonou (temporary headquarters). www.warda.org

Founded: 2006 (Central African forest observatory, supported by France). Members: COMIFAC members; SNRAs of countries in the Basin; many partners. Scope: Congo forest area; international (large forest areas). CIRAD’s objectives: streamline different projects. Priorities: Public policies, poverty and inequalities (line 5); Agriculture, environment, nature and societies (line 6). CIRAD’s contribution: policy support and strengthening national and regional capacities; providing support to companies and forestry services on implementing forest development plans (involving engineering agencies); targeted research in partnership with French structures (IRD, etc.) and national agencies (UR2PI, IRAD, CENAREST, etc.), international organizations (CIFOR) and civil society.

Members: Africa Rice Center (WARDA); in projects: CIRAD, IITA, Wageningen University. Scope: 22 countries (West, East, Central and North Africa). CIRAD’s objectives: to improve the livelihoods of rural people living in interfluvial areas of Africa and for whom rice is a staple food. Priorities: Ecological intensification (line 1); Safe and diversified food (line 3). CIRAD’s contribution: phenotypic rice variability, with Wageningen University and ICRA; Ecological intensification of horticultural production in lowland areas (RAP project, Realizing agricultural potential of inland-valleys).

Sorghum biodiversity, Africa Network. Niamey, Bamako, Nairobi, etc.

Strenghtened partnerships Conservation Agriculture in Southeast Asia (RACASE) Laos Network. Vientiane. Background: many bilateral exchanges between Asian partners in agroecology projects; regional capacity to respond to calls for tender. Scope: Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia. CIRAD’s objectives: to develop direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems (DMCs) adapted to the region. Priority: Ecological intensification (line 1). CIRAD’s contribution: impact of DMCs on soil physical and chemical parameters; nonchemical weed management procedures; joint innovation development; analysis of environmental benefits on different scales.

Background: in construction. Members: ICRISAT; national agricultural research systems; CIRAD. Scope: Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad, Kenya. CIRAD’s objectives: to promote the agrobiodiversity of savanna areas and adaptation to climate change . Priority: Ecological intensification (line 1). CIRAD’s contribution: domestication and diversification of food crops adapted to harsh climatic environments: sorghum, millet, cowpea, red rice (Oryza glaberrima) and fonio. Sustainability of cropping systems in Sahelian countries, strengthening of farmers’ seed production systems.

Climate change and food security in the Sahel (AGRHYMET), Niger Regional centre. CILSS specialized institution. Delegated ECOWAS operator in the fields of desertification and food security. Niamey. www.agrhymet.ne Members: AGRHYMET; CIRAD. Scope: Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Chad. CIRAD’s objectives: to assess risks and set up climate change warning systems.

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Priorities: Ecological intensification (line 1); Agriculture, environment, nature and societies (line 6). CIRAD’s contribution: information on climatic and locust risks; risk management and livestock production systems for food security; water management; climate change and risk; modelling cropping systems, etc.

Forests and climate change (CIFOR), Indonesia CIRAD-CIFOR. Bogor. Background: long collaboration on topics related to tropical forests, the environment and development. Agreement. being finalized. Members: CIFOR; CIRAD. Scope: international (CIFOR is a CGIAR member; the Indonesian forest is one of the largest forests worldwide). CIRAD’s objectives: to boost awareness on the role of forests in curbing climate change. Priority: Agriculture, environment, nature and societies (line 6). CIRAD’s contribution: studying synergies between attenuation and adaptation to climate change in forest areas, on local, national and international scales.

Contribution du CIRAD: environmental impacts of land development in the Amazon Basin; alternatives to technical systems; livestock production systems and natural resource management; governance strategies.

Public Policies and Governance (PP&G), Republic of South Africa Pretoria. Members: University of Pretoria; CIRAD. Scope: continental, linked with outreach of the University of Pretoria; Brazil and Southeast Asia. CIRAD’s objectives: to contribute to research and develop regional expertise on public policies and governance in southern Africa, and beyond. Priority: Public policies, poverty and inequalities (line 5). CIRAD’s contribution: analysis of public policies and governance as a research focus; contribution of research to the development, implementation and assessment of PP&G; university training on PP&Gs.

Animal health and emerging diseases Regional networks.

Background: binding ties between CIRAD research teams in French Guiana, Brazil and in the region; bilateral agreement between France and Brazil (2009).

Background: regional partnerships gradually structured by strengthening national laboratory capacities and associating them with international (FAO, OIE) and continental (UA-IBAR, ALIVE, African, etc.) disease surveillance networks: CaribVET, operational throughout the Caribbean region, GREASE, being set up in Southeast Asia, coordination of activities under way throughout Africa.

Members: institutions, universities and forestry services of countries in the Amazon Basin: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, French Guiana; French and international organizations.

Members: international and continental organizations, regional networks, national veterinarian laboratories, CIRAD, universities and research organizations. Scope: regional and intercontinental.

Scope: Amazon Basin; Africa for methods; international outreach (large forest areas).

CIRAD’s objectives: to strengthen regional networks in health ecology and epidemiology, to monitor priority enzootic and emerging diseases.

Forests, agriculture and development in the Amazon Network. Brazil.

CIRAD’s objectives: reconcile agriculture and Amazon heritage protection. Priorities: Agriculture, environment, nature and societies (line 6); as well as Ecological intensification (line 1), Biomass energy for societies in developing countries (line 2), Public policies, poverty and inequalities (line 5).

Priority: Animal health and emerging diseases (line 4). CIRAD’s contribution: national and regional research and training; health policies that fulfil peoples’ expectations; building national and regional partnerships; priority disease surveillance and control; interactions between host (human and animal) communities and reservoir (wild and domestic) communities.


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List of collective research tools in Montpellier and in the French overseas departments and territories Biological resource centres (CRB) and associated platforms

CRB tropicales, Montpellier – Tropical plant resource management and dissemination

CRB Plantes tropicales, Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana – Tropical plant resource management and dissemination CRB Vatel, Réunion – Tropical plant resource management and dissemination Quarantaine végétale, Montpellier – Disease detection/diagnosis, disease elimination, transfer of plant material

Plateau de biologie cellulaire, Guadeloupe – In vitro culture and plant cryopreservation Imaging and microscopic analysis

Plate-forme d’histocytologie et d’imagerie végétale (PHIV), Montpellier – In situ and in vivo imaging of the main molecules of living organisms Agrifood technology and agroindustrial processing

Halle de technologie agroalimentaire et laboratoires associés, Montpellier – Agrifood technology of fresh products Plateau d’analyse sensorielle, Montpellier – Sensory analysis of food products

Fractionnement et transformation des produits végétaux, Montpellier – Fractionation of plant products and raw material processing potential Biomasse Energie, Montpellier – Study of thermochemical biomass processing Molecular biology, genomics and phenotyping

Plateau de biologie moléculaire, Guadeloupe – Molecular biology, radioisotope engineering

Grand plateau technique régional de génotypage séquençage clonage, Montpellier – Structural genomics and research on molecular polymorphism for plant preservation and genetic improvement

Plate-forme de génomique fonctionnelle (REFUGE), Montpellier – Development of genetic transformation methods for Mediterranean and tropical plants; functional gene analysis Plateau de génotypage séquençage, Montpellier – Environmental genomics

plate-forme de phénotypage (PhenoArch), Montpellier – High throughput genotyping of crop plants

Water, soil, plant and environmental experimentation

Plate-forme du pôle de protection des plantes (3P), Réunion – Plant experiments in tropical environments with exceptional biological resources

Plateau de polyploïdisation et cytométrie de flux appliquée à la biodiversité végétale, Montpellier – Polyploidization, determination of ploidy levels, of AT/GC base contents, of DNA contents by cytometric analysis Plate-forme de sélection de variétés de bananier, Guadeloupe – Banana hybrid breeding Dispositif forestier de Paracou, French Guiana – Study of natural forest dynamics

Plateau d’expérimentation pour la caractérisation des matières organiques, Montpellier – Analysis and potential of organic products: agricultural value, environmental risks Analyses eaux, sols, végétaux, Montpellier– Analyses, leaf diagnosis Animal experimentation

Grand plateau technique régional de diagnostic automatisé des maladies animales et zoonotiques, Montpellier Plateau d’analyse de l’alimentation animale, Montpellier

In silico database and resources, bioinformatics and modelling platform South Green Bio-informatics, Montpellier – Bioinformatics of crop plants

Plate-forme logicielle d’aide à la stratégie pour l’étude et la sauvegarde de la biodiversité, Montpellier – Informatics applied to plant architecture Pl@ntNet, Montpellier – Collaborative network and computer platform devoted to the sharing of tools and botanical knowledge

Companion modelling (Commod), Montpellier – Collaborative platform for using modelling as a support tool for renewable resource management Maison de la télédétection, Montpellier Lavalette – Research applied to remote sensing and geographical information


2iE, International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering, Burkina Faso

ECCAS, Economic Community of Central African States

ISRA, Institut sénégalais de recherches agricoles

ARC, AGRHYMET Regional Centre

EFARD, European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development

NEPAD, New Partnership for Africa’s Development

ALIVE, Partnership for Livestock Development, Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Growth AU, African Union

AU-IBAR, African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources CABI, CAB International, UK

CARBAP, Centre africain de recherches en bananiers et plantains (ex-CRBP), Cameroon

CATIE, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Costa Rica CBFP, Congo Basin Forest Partnership

ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States

EFC, Société gestionnaire des plantations industrielles, Republic of the Congo EIARD, European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development

EMBRAPA, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Brazil

ENEA, École nationale d’économie appliquée, Senegal

CEMAGREF, Centre national du machinisme agricole, du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts, France

ERA, European Research Area

CERAAS, Regional Centre for Studies on the Improvement of Plant Adaptation to Drought

GREASE, Gestion des risques épidémiologiques en Asie du Sud-Est

CIBA, International Advanced Biology Consortium, Brazil

GSDM, Groupement semis direct de Madagascar

FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

CENAREST, Centre national de la recherche scientifique et technologique, Gabon

FOFIFA, Centre national de recherche appliquée au développement rural, Madagascar

CGIAR, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

GRIPAVI, Écologie et épidémiologie de la grippe aviaire dans les pays du Sud

CIFOR, Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia

HAU, Hanoi Agricultural University, Vietnam

CILSS, Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel CIRDES, International Centre for Livestock Research and Development in Sub-Humid Zones, Burkina Faso

HRPP, Hevea Research Platform in Partnership, Thailand IAM, Institut agronomique méditerranéen

IAST, African Institute for Science and Technology, Burkina Faso

MALICA, Markets and agriculture linkages for cities in Asia, Vietnam

NGO, non-governmental organization

NIAH, National Institute of Animal Husbandry, Vietnam

NIVR, National Institute of Veterinary Research, Vietnam OIE, World Organisation for Animal Health PAHO, Pan American Health Organization

PP & G, Public Policies and Governance, South Africa PPZS, Pôle pastoral zones sèches, Senegal

PRASAC, Pôle régional de recherche appliquée au développement des systèmes agricoles d’Afrique centrale, Chad PRISE, Research Consortium on Risks Associated with Livestock Intensification, Vietnam

PROMECAFE, Programa para la Protección y Modernización de la Caficultura, Costa Rica

RACASE (network), Conservation Agriculture in Southeast Asia, Laos

RTRA, Réseau thématique de recherche avancée, France SCRID, Sustainable Farming and Rice Cropping Systems, Madagascar SIRMA (network), Economie d’eau en systèmes irrigués au Maghreb SNRA, National agricultural research system


ICARDA, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas

CNRS, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France

ICRISAT, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

UR2PI, Unité de recherche sur la productivité des plantations industrielles, Republic of the Congo

IITA, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

VAAS, Vietnamese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Vietnam

CNRA, Centre agronomique



COMIFAC, Central African Forest Commission

CORAF, Conseil ouest et centre africain pour la recherche et le développement agricole (WECARD in English) CRBP, Centre de recherche bananiers et plantains, founded in 1989 (now CARBAP) CSE, Centre de suivi écologique (Senegal)

DMC, Direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems ECART, European Consortium for Agricultural Research in the Tropics

ICRAF, World Agroforestry Centre

IFPRI, International Food Policy Research Institute

INRA, Institut national de la recherche agronomique, France

IPSARD, Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agricultural and Rural Development, Vietnam IRAD, Institut de recherche agricole pour le développement, Cameroon

IRD, Institut de recherche pour le développement, France

UCAD, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal

USDA, United States Department of Agriculture, USA

VASI, Vietnam Agricultural Science Institute, Vietnam WARDA, Africa Rice Center, CGIAR

WECARD, West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF in French) WUR, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Netherlands

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Addresses Head of European and International Relations Director: Jean-Luc Khalfaoui Avenue Agropolis - TA 180 / 04 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 Tel: +33 4 67 61 44 40 jean-luc.khalfaoui@cirad.fr

Regional Coordinators Subsaharan Africa : Rolland Guis Mediterranean countries and Near East: Michel Trebel Latin America and Carribbean: André de Courville Asia: Jean-Luc Khalfaoui

Regional offices

Ile-de-France Patrick Herbin, Regional Director 42, rue Scheffer 75116 Paris Tel.: +33 1 53 70 20 21 patrick.herbin@cirad.fr Languedoc-Roussillon Emmanuel Camus, Regional Director Avenue Agropolis 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 Tel.: +33 4 67 61 58 01 emmanuel.camus@cirad.fr West Indies-French Guiana Philippe Godon, Regional Director Station de Neufchâteau, Sainte-Marie 97130 Capesterre-Belle-Eau, Guadeloupe Tel.: +590 5 90 86 17 90 / +06 94 45 10 22 philippe.godon@cirad.fr Réunion-Mayotte Gilles Mandret, Regional Director Station de La Bretagne, BP 20 97408 Saint-Denis Messageries Cedex 9, Réunion Tel.: +262 2 62 52 80 00 / +262 6 92 76 30 69 gilles.mandret@cirad.fr Central Africa Jean-Luc Battini, Regional Director BP 2572 Yaoundé, Cameroun Tel.: +237 2 21 25 41 / +237 96 33 75 37 jean-luc.battini@cirad.fr East and Southern Africa Denis Depommier, Regional Director C/o Icraf, United Nations Avenue Gigiri, PO Box 30677 00100 Nairobi, Kenya Tel.: +254 20 722 46 53 / +254 723 274 069 denis.depommier@cirad.fr

Continental West Africa Michel Partiot, Regional Director 01 BP 596 Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso Tel.: +226 50 30 70 70 / +256 70 20 57 45 michel.partiot@cirad.fr Coastal West Africa Georges Subreville, Regional Director 37, avenue Jean XXIII BP 6189 Dakar-Etoile, Senegal Tel.: +221 33 822 44 84 / +221 77 637 18 78 georges.subreville@cirad.fr Madagascar François Monicat, Regional Director Ampandrianomby, BP 853 Antananarivo Tel.: +261 20 22 406 23 / +261 32 07 114 22 francois.monicat@cirad.fr Brazil Philippe Petithuguenin, Regional Director SHIS-QI 23, Bl. B. Ed. Top 23 71660-120 Brasilia DF Tel.: +55 61 33 66 11 32 / +55 61 81 38 98 65 philippe.petithuguenin@cirad.fr Continental Southeast Asia Jean-Charles Maillard, Regional Director Cirad, Office 102, building 2G Van Phuc Diplomatic Compound, 298, Kim Ma Hanoi, Vietnam Tel.: +844 37 34 67 75 / +84 9 12 25 89 02 jean-charles.maillard@cirad.fr Southeast Asian Island Countries Jean-Guy Bertault, Regional Director Plaza Bisnis Kemang, 3rd floor Jalan Kemang Raya 2 12730 Jakarta Selatan, Indonésie Tel.: +62 21 719 90 67 / +62 816 19 100 12 jean-guy.bertault@cirad.fr

Coordination : Office of the Director of Research and Strategy Production: Communication Service Cover illustration : Nathalie Le Gall Maps : Delphine Bonnet - Patricia Doucet Š Cirad, 2009 Legal deposit: juin 2009

42 rue Scheffer 75116 Paris France Telephone: +33 1 53 70 20 00 Fax: +33 1 47 55 15 30 www.cirad.fr

Strategies and Proposals 06/2009

Centre de coopĂŠration internationale en recherche agronomique pour le dĂŠveloppement

25 research initiatives in partnership worldwide


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