Circuit Magazine #21

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The Magazine for Security Professionals

FocusOn: Yemen Mission Creep Weapon Defence

Operational Planning The raison d’être for the provision of Close Protection operations is quite naturally – ‘To protect’.

What’s Your Plan Steps needed to achieve your goals

Editorial For those of you who are reading the Circuit magazine for the first time, firstly….where have you been? The magazine, you’ll soon notice, is packed with great articles written by people just like you and me, all of who work within or are involved with the security industry, in some manner. If you like the idea of having your say on matters close to your heart and would like to see your words immortalised within these pages then get typing!

In our previous issue (#20) we celebrated having been in publication for 5 years, and now in October 2013 we observe yet another landmark with the arrival of issue 21. In this quarter we have made the emotional decision to bid farewell to the printed version of the magazine as we transition the complete publication across to a purely digital format. There comes a point with most business, products and services when you simply must listen to what your customers are telling you and move with the times; standing still is simply not an option, especially when you operate within an industry that has expectations as high as this. Over the years we have received lots of support and have been complimented handsomely on the printed version of the magazine and I can tell you there is no better feeling than when you get that first copy of the Circuit in your hands after it comes off the print run. I’m sure it’s no different for you either, when go and retrieve it from your doormat once the postman has been…. well, for those of us who are actually home when it arrives? Unfortunately, with the nature of our work and the increasingly busy schedules of our clients, it often dictates that we’re many miles away from our homes and families and this is something we’ve had to acknowledge here at the magazine. Sales of the print magazine have dropped sharply over the last 2 years, while subscriptions to the digital magazine have soared. I liken this shift to the change within the music industry over the last decade. If you’re anything like me, you’ll have fond memories of purchasing your first record (mine was: “When will I be Famous” by Bros) but despite the emotional attachment to vinyl and high street stores we cannot deny

Welcome to the latest issue of The Circuit - The Magazine for the Executive Protection Professional. Traditionally, I use the foreword of each issue to both pitch the interior content in a somewhat lighthearted manner, as well as recognize individuals who played a part in bringing it together. This time however, I want to change the tone and offer condolences to some of the Protectors we have lost in the past several months. While the list is by no means complete, there are a few individuals who I know have made contributions to the industry and will be missed by their peers. I feel that in a society that is increasingly more concerned with sensationalism over accomplishments, a protector’s passing has to be associated with a scandal or otherwise goes unnoticed. Instead, I challenge readers of this


that downloading is simply a more efficient way to get new music as soon as it goes on sale and it’s certainly a damn sight easier to carry your complete collection with you in digital format than it used to be! The same rules apply here, and even more so. Now we can have the most up-to-date content ready for you as soon as it’s available, and not to forget, we can do this at a much-reduced cost to you! Over the coming months we will be exploring lots of different way to utilise this new format to its greatest extent. So, stay tuned, it’s an exciting time for the Circuit. 2013 has flown by, the great British summer time well and truly over and we are already looking forward to the festive period. It has been great to hear from and meet so many operators throughout the summer, it certainly looks like the volume of work within the sector is taking an upturn with many more opportunities, which has been great to see and hear! If you are new to the industry and want to put yourself in the best position to be able to take advantage of these opportunities you have to ensure you work tirelessly on expanding your network, join professional associations which allow you to keep your finger on the pulse of what’s happening on the job front. Ensure your qualifications are up-to-date, this will allow you to jump on opportunities as they arise; there is nothing worse than a great job opportunity coming up but you can’t capitalise because you haven’t got “xyz” qualification, or because you have let a particular license expire. Continuous improvement is about now and the future - quality is a moving target. That which is the industry standard today will be old news tomorrow so use your “downtime” wisely and keep those quals up-todate. Whilst doing all the above make sure you make some time for catching up with the latest issue of The Circuit! Thank you all for your continued support. Shaun West Editor

magazine to instead remember that the departed devoted a large majority of their lives in service to the craft and in the protection of others. Have you ever asked yourself at any point in your life, “how will I be remembered?” Chances are, you have. The better question is, “how will you remember someone else?” My hope is we give those who have invested years in the Craft the benefit of doubt and the recognition that there is a special place reserved for those who put others before themselves. R.I.P, Corin K. Noble, Mike Ridgell, Norman Obosterbroek and Mike “Duke” De Luca. Elijah Shaw Managing Editor (US Edition)

Issue 21


Contents Issue21 06 Surveillance Detection 10 What’s Your Plan? 14 The Regulatory System: Part 2 Game Theory 17 Operational Planning 22 Taking The Next Step‌ 24 Keeping Your Edge 26 Defending the Residential Breach 30 Edged weapon defense for security professionals 34 Circulation Part 2




A tandem bombing attack wounded around 17 people, some critically, on Rabat Street in Sana’a on September 26. The first IED exploded with no injuries but attracted a crowd to examine the destruction, many of whom fell victim to the second explosion.


FocusOn: Yemen

38 Distrust and Caution: The Parents of Security 42 what goes on in your mind 46 Crowd Safety Management in the World of Close Protection..? 50 Global Round Up 58 Close protection without a Military Background? 60 8 things to remember when taking a domestic client international

62 Study Skills 64 Front right street: Mission Creep death to the detail 66 Review 67 Working Girl 68 exmed tccc 70 Classifieds

Issue 21



By Jeff Burns

History has taught us that certain kinds of activities can indicate terrorist plans are in the works, especially when they occur at or near high profile or sensitive sites, places where high profile individuals reside or work, or where large numbers of people gather like government buildings, military installations, bus or train stations or major public events. 06

Circuit Magazine

Surveillance Detection

”Terrorist attacks follow a distinct process referred to as the Terrorist Attack Cycle. The terrorist attack cycle includes: Target selection, planning, deployment, escape and exploitation.” The ability to detect hostile or suspicious activity early in the target selection and planning phase is the primary means of defeating a terrorist or criminal attack. Thus, surveillance detection (SD) has become critical to successful intelligence collection, counter terrorism and security operations. Terrorist attacks follow a distinct process referred to as the Terrorist Attack Cycle. The terrorist attack cycle includes: Target selection, planning, deployment, escape and exploitation. Regardless of the type of attack whether it be terrorist such as a bombing or kidnapping or a criminal attack such as a theft there is almost always some amount of preoperational hostile surveillance conducted. This hostile surveillance is intended to assess a potential target for value, security measures and vulnerabilities and it’s during this phase that terrorists and other attackers are vulnerable to detection. In general terrorists have relatively poor surveillance skills or tradecraft. It is this poor surveillance tradecraft that if recognized can provide individuals and organizations with the time needed to involve the proper authorities, avoid an immediate threat and help prevent an attack. In Surveillance Detection (SD), the acronym T.E.D.D. is often used by the U.S. government to define the principles that can be used to identify surveillance conducted by hostile surveillance and counter intelligence agencies. T.E.D.D. stands for Time, Environment, Distance and Demeanor. In other words, if a person sees someone over time, in different environments and over distance or someone who displays poor surveillance tradecraft then that person can assume they are under surveillance.

Time, environment and distance are not applicable when a specific location or mode of public transportation is targeted or in cases of ambush attackers. Therefore, when talking about hostile surveillance, demeanor is the most critical of the four elements. Poor demeanor will often help the target or surveillance detection unit identify hostile surveillance. Demeanor indicators include: people wearing unsuitable clothing for the weather or environment, people with unusual bulges under their clothing, wires protruding from their clothing, people who are sweating profusely, mumbling to themselves or fidgeting, people who appear to be attempting to avoid security personnel or law enforcement and people who appear out of place. When attempting to identify hostile surveillance, you must first identify suitable observation points (OP’s) that provide optimal views of critical locations that hostile surveillance would want to watch such as the entrance to the targets residence or office. Close attention should be paid to vehicles and people that look out of place or are people exhibiting poor surveillance demeanor. Surveillance detection personnel should conduct a pattern and route analysis to determine where along routes of travel that the target is most predictable and vulnerable. Route analysis should include identification of choke points. Choke points are a geographical feature such as a valley, bridge, round a bout or other area where the target must travel and where rapid forward motion and or escape is difficult. If a choke point provides a position where attackers can freely wait for their targets and have access to a suitable escape route, the choke point becomes a potential attack site.

Issue 21


Feature An ideal countermeasure would be to vary routes and times of travel to avoid exhibiting predictable behavior. Hostile surveillance operatives will often change their appearance by changing clothes, using hats or wigs and other disguises. Many times, they will change vehicle plates or even change vehicles. For this reason, it is important to focus on an individuals facial features, build, mannerisms, gait and identifying marks such as scars and tattoos. When it comes to vehicles, special attention should be paid to characteristics such as body damage, stickers and other unique characteristics. There are primarily three types of surveillance related activities; they are surveillance (SV), surveillance detection (SD) and counter surveillance (CS). Surveillance: In this case hostile surveillance conducts purposeful observation of people, places and vehicles with the intent of collecting intelligence that can be used in the planning of a hostile action be it criminal or terrorist, against a specific target. Surveillance can also be used to collect intelligence on a range of potential targets in order to eliminate target options and aid in target selection by identifying a target that satisfies the objective of the attacker.


Circuit Magazine

Surveillance Detection: Surveillance detection can be conducted by civilians, executives, security personnel, government agencies, law enforcement and the military. Surveillance detection conducts purposeful observation of people, locations and vehicles with the specific intent of determining if surveillance is being conducted against a specific target. The focus of surveillance detection is to distinguish types of suspect behavior and other indicators of possible surveillance and report any suspicious behavior or indicators. The reports are then analyzed and directed to the proper authorities for an appropriate response. Surveillance detection plans should include a strategy for recording and reporting observations, use of cover and will include a surveillance detection response during routine travel and around any facilities or locations that may be targeted. Surveillance detection plans should be implemented discretely and abide by local laws and federal laws such as the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act (F.I.S.A.). If hostile surveillance is detected, all relevant details should be reported to the appropriate authorities in a timely manner. The response to discovery of hostile surveillance will depend on the situation and potential threat at the time of discovery. Counter Surveillance: Counter surveillance is often conducted by professionals who are trying to exploit

Surveillance Detection

� The focus of surveillance detection is to distinguish types of suspect behavior and other indicators of possible surveillance and report any suspicious behavior or indicators.� and neutralize hostile surveillance. Essentially, counter surveillance is an operational measure taken once hostile surveillance has been identified. Counter surveillance then conducts surveillance of the hostile surveillance in order to gather intelligence that can be used to manipulate, exploit or apprehend the hostile surveillance. Counter surveillance is normally conducted by intelligence agencies and the military

but in today’s global environment more and more security contractors are becoming involved in counter surveillance operations. Some sophisticated attackers may use counter surveillance as a countermeasure against surveillance detection to increase their operational security. When conducting surveillance detection, it is important no to cross over into the role of counter surveillance as this can compromise any future counter surveillance operation conducted by the authorities and risks chasing the surveillance into hiding. Surveillance detection works because it allows the hostile surveillance to feel confident operating in the open because they have no idea anyone is watching them. If the intelligence collected by surveillance detection warrants further investigation, then the proper authorities can get involved and design a professional counter surveillance operation to exploit or capture the hostile surveillance. By applying professional surveillance detection to security and counter terror operations we can effectively detect and prevent terrorist attacks in the planning phases, reduce the number of attacks and allow for safer operations in high risk environments.

Issue 21


Feature By Russ Saunders

What’s Your Plan?

Picture yourself sitting in the front right seat of a vehicle making its way down the road. Your client is in the back on the cell phone conducting business. The road is smooth; the driver that you met just a few minutes ago seems competent enough. Sure, the car could be a bit cleaner but you are pretty sure the client didn’t notice.


Circuit Magazine

What’s Your Plan?

Goals are the broad intentions that define what you want. Objectives are the specific tasks that define the steps needed to achieve your goals? Suddenly the driver turns to you and asks about a fork in the road ahead. Which is the best route to take? Unfortunately, you don’t know, you didn’t have time to travel the route prior to today so you tell the driver to “just pick one”. He does- and it’s the wrong one. You have now gotten the principal to his destination 30 minutes late. Once inside the venue, the principal is mobbed by the paparazzi as he tries to make his way to his destination. Sure, there was a better way to enter and bypass the paparazzi, but you were not aware of it, you were too busy to do a proper advance. This detail is a complete and utter disaster! Does this sound like you?

In other words-Do you have goals and objectives? Take a moment and consider some of the people who have achieved a measure of success in this business. What sets apart the highly successful people from those that just get by? There may be several things, but some common traits are, their focus, their drive, and their determination to follow through and make things happen. How do they keep on a path to success? They have measurable and attainable goals and objectives!

There is no way you would ever not do your due diligence. No way that you would not do an advance on the route or venue, and it is highly doubtful you would just hire a driver without doing some background work first. Right? Of course you wouldn’t, you are a professional.

A couple of words in that last sentence should jump off the page for you. Measurable and attainable are very important terms when you decide to use goals as a part of your business (and life) plan. It is very important to have both short term and long term goals, and it is vital that you are able to achieve the goals in order to continue your forward motion. Often times when we write down our goals we are either too vague or too broad. Doing this creates an environment where attainment of those goals is hindered. How can you make sure your goals are attainable? This is where objectives come into play.

So what about your career, your life, your future? Have you done the advance work on those things? Have you planned out a safe secure route for yourself and what you hope to accomplish? Have you made a plan that shows where you are going and how you are going to get there?

Goals are the broad intentions that define what you want. Objectives are the specific tasks that define the steps needed to achieve your goals. Goals and objectives are like a road map. Together they clearly define where you are going to end up, and how you are going to get there.

I hope not.

Issue 21



You should use objectives as steps to attain your goals. For example, let’s say you have the goal to better position yourself as a highly sought after specialist in the protection business with a focus on Celebrities. In order to achieve that, one of your objectives should obviously be to get more specialized training. The objectives would be your time frame and the venue. So instead of just saying “I want to get more training” and leaving it at that, you would say, for example, “I want to attend the ICON Social Summit in January in Orlando Florida (, and take advantage of the training as I know some of the presenters specialize in Celebrity Protection and networking opportunities that will be offered there. Now you have a defined goal that also has a timeline attached to it. That’s smart, in more ways than one! One of the most recognized tools for goal making is the S.M.A.R.T. method. SMART is an acronym that stands for: S = Specific M = Measurable A = Attainable R = Realistic T = Time (what’s the timeframe to achieve it?) 12

Circuit Magazine

The SMART method is a great tool to help you start setting your goals today. There are clear definitions in the SMART acronym that tell you how each goal should be laid out. Follow the principles outlined in SMART and you can turn your goals into reality! Again I will ask you to think about those that have achieved success in this business. What do goals mean to them? The easiest way to get the answer is to ask. If you want the best advice, you seek out the best people (use the network!). Makes sense right? I contacted my friend Mark James at Panther Protection Services. We talked about the importance of having goals and here is what he had to say: “Setting goals are a critical part of my ongoing growth and development. Whether in my business or personal life, whether I am talking about increasing revenues, diversifying my client base, publishing a new book or enhancing my cardio, without goals you don’t have a means to calibrate or measure your performance. It is through goals that I can objectively measure myself, my team members, my client, and our vendor relationships. “If you are in business and you

What’s Your Plan? are not prepared to set goals, you may as well call it a hobby.” Are you in business or is this just a hobby? Make a 5-year plan, a one year plan, a monthly plan, and a weekly or daily plan. Use to-do lists or whatever method works for you where you can track, adjust, and reach your goals. Once you use goal setting to map out your dreams you will also discover that you are not only able to decide what you want to achieve in your life, you can also begin to separate what’s important from what’s irrelevant (or simply a distraction), and you will motivate yourself. You may even start to realize as you

achieve your goals, that a process has been set in motion where successes are easier to come by, and your self confidence is raised as well! “Most people are caught up in the trap of making a living rather than designing a life.” Anthony Robbins Which do you want? Just make a living, or design a life? The choice is yours. The tools to make it happen are there. It is up to you to choose to do something today! Start setting your goals now and soon you will find your life and your career soaring! You may even wonder how you ever did without it. I know I did.

Russ Saunders is a Chief of Police and Trainer, reach him at or

Issue 21



The Regulatory System: Part 2 Game Theory In many ways, the reason that regulation should work, but doesn’t is that the regulators have fallen into a category error, and it is one that can be best described by a (brief) look at classical Game Theory. Game Theory is the way that one can test various strategies, usually with the aim of maximising personal benefit. The best known example is probably ‘The Prisoner’s Dilemma’, in which two prisoners are offered the opportunity to either deny the charge or give evidence against the other one. The dilemma comes about because the punishment they are given depends not only on their own actions, but on the decision of the other prisoner. In both Prisoner A and Prisoner B stay silent, they both receive 1 month imprisonment. If both give up the other, they both receive three months imprisonment. But if one prisoner rats on the other, who in turn stays silent, then the prisoner who has given evidence goes free, and the prisoner who has been betrayed serves one year. In classical Prisoner Dilemma game theory analysis, the recognised optimal strategy is to give evidence against the other person. Although it results in a heavier sentence than if both sides had cooperated in remaining silent, given that Prisoner A has no control over Prisoner B, and no way of knowing how Prisoner B is thinking or is likely to react, the risk is not one month (if both prisoners cooperated) against three months (if both prisoners gave up the other), but three months (again if both prisoners grass up the other) against one year (if Prisoner A does the decent thing and remains


Circuit Magazine

silent, but prisoner B betrays him in the hope of a lighter sentence). However, and this is what takes The Prisoners Dilemma beyond a dinner party game and into the realms of practical strategic value for regulators everywhere, the dynamics change if Prisoners A and B can change their strategy based on previous experience, that is, if the choices made by the prisoners are not based on a one-off encounter, but as part of an evolving relationship. The iconic example of the power of game theory strategy in what is called the ‘Iterative Prisoner Dilemma’ (where it involves not a one-off situation, but a series of on-going choices) was demonstrated at an event organised in the late 1970’s by Robert Axelrod, an American political scientist and academic, when he invited computer game planners from across the world to put forward programmes that would compete against each other in on-going games of Prisoner’s Dilemma. Entries were received from academics across the world, with many going into thousands of lines of computer code, dependant on deep analysis of changing trends in the opponents decisions. However, the most simple of all of the entries received, as well as the most successful, was a programme called ‘Tit

The Regulatory System: Part 2 for Tat’. which consisted entirely of four lines of code. The strategy was simple. Firstly cooperate. Then repeat what the other person did on their previous move. So if they cooperated, cooperate again. If they betrayed, then betray. This strategy rewards cooperation on part of the other party, but without leaving Prisoner B with the impression that in the long-term it is in his benefit to betray Prisoner A, who will suffer because of their inherent ‘niceness’ or trusting nature. The Prisoners Dilemma as outined above can be seen in action in two variants within regulatory activities, and offers a clear insight into why those involved in regulation act as they do. The first relationship is that between the various people and organisations being regulated - banks, nuclear power stations, council departments, police agencies, journalists, etc, and the clear lessons from history are that even for those organisations that are theoretically in competition with each other, it is beneficial to both / all sides in the long run to use mutual cooperation in order to maximise their personal benefit. Whether it was Virgin and British Airways forming an illegal cartel to fix the price of fuel surcharges (a benefit to themselves which was paid for in increased prices for passengers); football shirt retailers (and Manchester United) being fined £16m for fixing the price of replica football shirts, or Barclays (and undoubtedly other banks) working together to fix the LIBOR rate, the reason why they do it is simple and unanswerable - it is in their benefit to do so. The largest fine ever handed out by the European Commission (of over Euro 1.3 billion ), was to four manufacturers of car glass who had fixed the market prices at an artificially high level. Although a basic understanding of economic theory would suggest that the artificially high margins between cost of production and final sale price would create an opportunity for any company that would cut its prices to gain greater market share, that would only hold true in a theoretically pure market where each competitor independently fixes the rate at which they are prepared to sell based on their own personal strategy. Once collusion is involved, it is always in the interests of supposed competitors to cooperate, given that the cost of such cooperation is passed on to the final consumer (and which in turns directly contributes to higher profits for the colluding partners). However, when it comes down to the relationship between the regulators and those being regulated, then a completley different strategic dynamic comes into play. The ability of the regulated organisation to maximise personal benefit is then based on the ability to predict what the other side will do in response to the two options - cooperate (play nicely) or betray (screw the customer). Given that in almost all cases the regulatory body has less funds, personnel, resources

”Why is this lying bastard lying to me?” and expertise than the organisation it is regulating, then it becomes clear that there is little to be gained in the long run by cooperating / playing nicely, and much to be gained by ignoring the regulator and developng a strategy that focusses purely on maximising its own personal benefit. This is not an issue of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, but purely, in its own terms at least (maximisation of profit, increased market share, annual bonuses, career prospects), of whether it is ‘effective’ or ‘ineffective’. It seems strange therefore when regulators and politicians claim that it is the reponsibility of the companies’ boards of directors to control the actions of the CEO and other operating officers, especially when it is precisely those action that have created profit and value in the company, and given that many of those CEO’s will have been appointed by those self-same directors purely on the basis of their ability to increase and improveprofitability in the market that they are trading in. In such situations, therefore, it is a failing strategy on behalf of the regulators to go into the game believing that the other side (the regulated organisation) is interested in creating a cooperative relationship. In fact, based purely on an understanding of simple game theory, the opening attitude of the regulators (and one that they would be well advised to repeat to themselves three times before they go into any subsequernt meeting), is the famous phrase ascribed to Jeremy Paxman on his attitude to politicians he was interviewing, ‘Why is this lying bastard lying to me?’. David Rubens Associates David Rubens Associates is a specialist corporate security consultancy offering strategic security services to individuals and organisations across the world. DRA has worked with government agencies, NGO’s, international conasdasdasdasdsearch to all of its projects, however large or small.

Issue 21


Operational Planning


“The British write some of the best doctrine in the world; it is fortunate that their officers do not read it”. 
 Attributed to Colonel (later Field Marshal) Erwin Rommel

The raison d’être for the provision of Close Protection operations is quite naturally – ‘To protect’. This remains the fundamental reason for all and any protection operation. However, although this reason is common throughout, the aims and content of operational planning is not and remains a specific and oriented led phase that is pivotal to the entire scope of the operation itself. This is due to operational differences between operations such as:

▶ Principal Profile ▶ Conduct of operation ▶ Budgets ▶ CPT manpower strength ▶ Available assets ▶ Location(s) of operation ▶ THREAT(s)

Issue 21


Feature Why do we have a plan?

‘Plans are devised to ensure that mission goals are met through the effective deployment and use of manpower and assets in mitigating risk to threats and meeting other operational requirements’. Operational plans are based on information. If there is no information – there is no plan. This information is largely based on those aforementioned operational differences above. However, the more relevant information insofar as facilitating a smooth running op is normally received from the Boss’ office. Information from the PA/ secretaries, (or Boss), regarding the schedule must be scrutinised by the TL. Timings, countries, locations, vehicles, meetings – all must be checked in detail and confirmed. Information can also be gained from other members of staff that for some reason has not filtered down to security. Information from chauffeurs, nannies, house managers, pilots and so on. PA’s/ secretaries are busy people and in an organisation where many are employed those operating in security have at times, a tendency to be last on the ‘dissemination list’. With this information a plan can then be formed. The TL must implement this plan based on two main aims: 1. The provision of maximum security possible in the given circumstances 2. The provision of an administrational smooth running operation

Operational Planning Cycle

Realistically, in the commercial corporate environment, day-to-day tasking’s and responsibilities, aims and requirements of the operation remain a continuing process. This is due to a constant trickle feed of not only changes to the schedule but also, at times, the very absence of any proper schedule with an ‘as and when’ process being adopted. As such, the process in implementing an operational plan remains a continuing one. The TL makes decisions and risk assessments and deploys assets based on both. The process is dynamic. The operational planning cycle above illustrates this continuing activity. Information is received, threats are assessed, risks and vulnerabilities to threats determined

”Planning an effective protection operation is largely dependent on those assets available to deploy, both in terms of manpower and logistics.”


Circuit Magazine

Operational Planning and in line with approved budgets, safeguards implemented. The process remains a continual one for every trip, journey and function, and for every serial on the schedule. Standard operational procedures are put in place; specific training conducted, team attachments briefed, equipment distributed, recces conducted and so on. Hence, operations starting from scratch will naturally experience and dictate a far greater workload. The TL has a duty to collate all information, assess it and create a plan. He is then to convert the plan in to an effective practical operation where all those involved understand the goals and aims of the mission and each individual knows each of their own specific responsibilities. Militarily, this is known as an ‘Operation Order’. An Op Order or ‘OPORD’ outlines the situation, mission and activities of the unit to achieve their mission goals. During the operation, the situation may change which means the Op Order needs to be modified. Instead of producing a further Op Order a ‘Fragmentation Order’, or ‘FRAGO’ is given. Commercially, unless operating in a typical high-risk environment such as Iraq and Afghanistan with many operators and vehicles on the ground and friendly forces in the area of responsibility a full Op Order would not be conducted with more of a continuing format of ‘FRAGO’ style being produced. There is no need for the formality of a full Op Order within a small team working the commercial role. Instead, the TL will outline the schedule and task responsibilities in a less formal manner, in a hotel room for instance.

“The only thing that is constant is change.” Heraclitus Commercial Close Protection operations are not finite in the manner they are conducted. The schedule is not set, fixed or pre-determined. They are flexible, constantly changing in a constantly changing environment. Operational planning cannot foresee events. It can, however, plan for worst case possibilities and cater for the best possible outcomes. It must be remembered of course, that a plan is only ‘a plan’ and in line with the statement by Colonel Rommel, flexibility and rapid thinking on the TL’s feet is required. It must be said that regardless of any meticulous planning conducted, ‘Murphy’s Law’, (what can
go wrong, probably will), applies ubiquitously in the operational environment and a confident attitude to risk is then required. Operational planning remains vey much ‘joined at the hip’ with the assessment of risk to threats and Situational Awareness. Much ado with both is based on history. Historical events concerning the past experiences on that particular operation and the studies of past attacks and methods of operation by the enemy. Planning an effective protection operation is largely dependent on those assets available to deploy, both in terms of manpower and logistics. Based on the premise that both are balanced in mitigating the assessed risk to threat(s), then, as mentioned, the planning of an op is concentrated around the passage of information from

Issue 21



Boss or Boss’ office to the TL/ BG and the subsequent programme of events on the schedule. As soon as notification of a move has been received then all travel arrangements are to be made for all those respective elements of the team composition. Decisions made on specific routes for road moves between locations, recces of those routes and locations conducted and the briefing of any support staff. Any overseas deployment on the schedule will require any entrance visa confirmations, arrangements for hotel accommodations, local drivers, theatre specific equipment including armoured vehicle requirements and weapons, liaison with airport VIP authorities/ private air terminals, pilots/ air handlers and so on. It remains absolutely imperative that the BG has the required contact details for all including email addresses. The planning phase is to include actions on in the event of short or no notice changes to the schedule and any possible ‘fastball’ requirements. If the IBG role is one within a CPT operation such as conducting the role for the wife or a child, then Post Op Reports must be completed. Resupply and charging of any equipment/ batteries used and a proper handover conducted.

• Flights • Personal admin & preparation • Operational arrangements • Hotels/ Residences • Recces • Local team attachments • Vehicles • Tasking SAP

Planning ahead in detail for the relevant teams must include: Post Op Reports are reports detailing schedules and tasks undertaken during the course of duty of the IBG/ TL. It also details any liaisons conducted, contacts details, notices of intended travel/ future events and trips operational or party political problems and recommendations. The compilation of Post Op Reports provides an excellent informative means of reference for any expeditious future arrangements. 1

SAP • Confirm they have the necessary maps, plans, and photographs, points of contact etc. Notice of intended travel • Make recce plan, (if operation allows), and/ or carry “Initiative simply means that you do not sit down and out a map appreciation. wait for something to happen. In war, if you do, it will • Brief the team happen all right but it will be mighty unpleasant. Initiative • Arrange liaison with firms, managerial staff and means that you keep a couple of jumps ahead, not only of support agencies of locations to be visited the enemy, but of your own men”. Field Marshal Sir William Slim, Courage and other PES Broadcasts, London, Cassell, 1957 • The routes to be driven and also alternate routes that could be used Proactivity is the fundamental key to the mitigation of • Communications, vehicle to vehicle and man to man risk to threats and for the planning and preparation for • Locations of any planned halts eventualities. The Team Leader must drill down to all • Correct equipment carried such possibilities and make the necessary arrangements • The final destination, type of embus/ debus, local and preparation for the team and operational assets/ friendly forces running alike. Obtaining visas and vaccinations to • Locations of any RV points if split those countries most likely to be deployed. Map • The threat appreciations, determining private air terminals, airport VIP authorities and local security company and PES Level 2 (CAT) limousine service contacts. Discussions and resulting • The route must be known to PES 2, either by map confirmations made with those of influence with the appreciation or, preferably, recce Boss must be acted upon swiftly: • Communications should be checked in order that they 20

Circuit Magazine

Operational Planning

can be maintained throughout the planned move • Liaison should be attempted (if the situation allows) with other agencies to ascertain their MO and to avoid blue on blue, (friendly fire onto friendly forces), situations The assessment of threats and the determination of measures to mitigate those risks to threats will principally fall within the decision making practises for the levels of protection afforded. Directly linked to and affected by the Threat & Risk Assessment, approved budgets, and agreed scope of implementation, the levels of protection commonly result in three main categories: Categories of Protection

Category 1 A person who is in considerable danger and against whom an attack is expected Category 2 A person who is in some danger and against whom an attack cannot be ruled out Category 3 A person who may be in danger and against whom an attack is possible Levels of Protection Level 1

• BG • PES • SAP • CAT • CST • Protection of residence(s) and place(s) of work • Provision of armoured vehicles • Dedicated search • Dedicated medical support • Technical Surveillance Counter Measures, (TSCM)

• Electronic Counter Measures, (ECM)

Level 2

• BG • PES – Possibly in a reduced form • Some measures as per Level 1

Level 3

• BG maybe afforded • PES maybe afforded • Residence, place of work and places frequented maybe be afforded security patrols/ given attention “We felt that it would be important that we have a worstcase scenario to make sure that our planning efforts were measured against that”. Bruce Gellin Training and experience ultimately defines the level of efficiency of the operators on the ground. It will also define the level of professionalism in the planning and preparation for the operation itself. The ‘could’ve, should’ve, would’ve’ aspect is all very well in hindsight concerning personal administrational aspects. Ill conceived operational tactics, techniques and procedures adopted in the planning phase producing poor results in the operation itself is very much another. Without taking things to the extreme, good planning will save time, money, ‘face’ and in certain situations – lives. It will create a smoother; more joined up operation for the Boss and will not only benefit operational effectiveness and longevity but the reputations of all. Excerpt from ‘Close Protection - A Closer Observation of the Protection Equation’ . Available to buy at

Issue 21



By Phil Banks

As 2013 is fast coming to a close what an amazing and educational time it has been. With a vast amount of combined operational and business experience gained with noted expansion of my own operational skill set and business capabilities allowing me to make substantial operational and business developments. By leveraging the resources, acquired knowledge and professional business contacts available to me, which in turn has allowed me to continue to develop as an operator but also expand into a contractor “First link in the chain” service provider role. HOW HAVE I MADE THIS HAPPEN? Professionalism, Integrity, Discretion and Reliability have been from day one and will continue to be the four corner stones within the foundations of my business and strongly encompass my own work ethic. The need to have those key elements in place and make them an integral part of your normal operating procedures is of paramount importance, not only does it reflect on you on a personal level as a business owner but also portrays to other businesses, current or potential clients exactly what can be expected from you as the service or potential service provider allowing you to become a credible and viable option to both existing and potential clients something which has also aided me in securing my own private clients. However the need to continue to work and develop in a sub contract operator capacity is equally as important, the need to continue to get out on the ground building 22

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on the foundations of your operational experience in both previously held roles within a team or indeed new roles or experiences cannot be emphasized enough. Do not be too proud to accept a task just because it is outside of your normal operating area, it’s all good experience and as long as it’s financially viable and will add to your knowledge or experience then take the opportunity and do the job however big or small. I was given some advice right at the very beginning of my Close Protection career which was simply ” Do not be a job snob” something which has stuck with me and has continued to help shape my career and the direction it is heading in a positive way. THE FUTURE? The future as I see it will have a strong focus on continual development on both professional and business levels with continued growth, in operational experience and skill sets through both continued professional training and development and by continuing to work in current and future roles as they arise, with continued growth within the business portfolio, client base and range of service packages, with continued emphasis placed on expanding both UK and European/International operating experiences.

Taking The Next Step

”Do not be too proud to accept a task just because it is outside of your normal operating area, it’s all good experience and as long as it’s financially viable and will add to your knowledge or experience” Phil Banks Heimdal Security Services HEIMDAL SECURITY SERVICES are a United Kingdom (UK) based private protective security solutions provider. E: W: Issue 21


Keeping Your Edge

Keeping Your Edge

Crabs in a Barrel

I think at this point everyone is familiar with the analogy: It’s dinnertime and crab is on the menu. The cook takes a large pot of boiling water and with the top off, drops several crabs inside to begin the meal.

Individually the crabs could escape, reaching up, climbing out and heading for the hills. Instead, they grab at each other pulling any who are close to the edge right back down. Ultimately, no one reaches the top and all become a shellfish delight with a side of butter and cornbread. Unfortunately, the metaphor can be applied with increasing frequency to the Executive Protection industry. As much as I’d like to believe that we all are out for common goals, the reality is what I see is much different. Perhaps it’s because this is a business composed to a great degree of independent contractors, and therefore each looks as him or herself as a business, and in business winner takes all, right? Perhaps it’s because the very nature of the clientele suggests that tomorrow is not promised, so it makes sense to do any and everything we can to ensure that we have a seat at the table. If Close Protection work is an offshoot of a military mindset, as the saying goes, “all is fair in love and war.”


Circuit Magazine

Is it for these reasons that we try and tarnish, diminish or out-and-out negate members of our community who are moving in an upward trajectory? While a big part of it has to be attributed to human behavior on an unconscious level, is that to say that when we engage in the “crab mentality” we are totally oblivious to it? One thing that I think accounts for the uptick in negativity is the rise of Social Media. There was a time when the profession was only known for “quiet warriors,” meaning those that did the job and did not talk about it openly. While those certainly still exist, the new era of digital marketing is led by multi media and the driving force is content, content, content. What that means is that to satisfy the (real or perceived) demand to differentiate yourself from the pack via social media, one would be in juxtaposition to the “quiet warrior” mindset. Right or wrong, that’s the individual’s path, but the Crab Mentality might not allow that. This Protector is doing something different, and all throughout

Elijah Shaw history, “different” has equated to “taboo” and “heretical,” and where there are heretics, there are puritans. Forget the fact that Agent A’s career path has zero affect on Agent B. Agent B might just not like what he sees, and even if they have a relationship, he will then proceed to express his displeasure in such a round about and backhanded way as to be able to maintain “plausible deniability” if confronted. Its just Politics right? But here’s what’s worse, how do we reconcile when Agent B is all set to join forces with Agent A, before this abrupt shift in stance? In the past he’s sung her praises, cosigned her endeavors, and discussed “the future” in the collective sense, adding himself to pre-existing or emerging plans without invitation. Then Agent B realizes that for whatever reason it’s not happening quickly enough. Perhaps he jumped the gun a bit and the resources were not there to allow the merger, or perhaps in spite of what was going on in Agent B’s mind, Agent A wasn’t looking for a partnership. Things happen, and up to this point, it could all be chalked up to standard professional challenges. –It didn’t work out, on to the next one.

Then enter the Crab Mentality, the one that says, “wait a minute this person might make it without me,” “this guy didn’t ask for my blessing,” or “didn’t want my help”. All of a sudden here comes the innuendo, sly comments and the attempts to rally others to join in. Again, in a social media backdrop this becomes apparent almost to the point of comedy. Those savvy with the medium understand that post made in the past don’t simply disappear and even if deleted, the digital footprint is left in the sand of inboxes and message boards where the more technically inclined of us, frequent. You don’t like someone, fine. However, now because you two don’t have your wagons hitched together, that person is somehow less an Operator? Not quite as good a trainer? Is greedy. Money hungry. The list goes on and on. My intentional with the Keeping Your Edge columns that have been running uninterrupted for 5 years now, is not to become a moral compass, but to touch on topics that are relevant to individuals immersed in the Close Protection industry that extend beyond guns and dropkicks. Do we really want for our brother what we want for ourselves, or does that only apply if we get it at the same time? Beware the Crab Mentality.

Elijah Shaw is the CEO of Icon Services Corporation and The National Director of the North American Bodyguard Association

January 25-26, 2014 Orlando, FL Invitation Only For more info, visit

Issue 21



Defending the Residential Breach By Mark “Six” James CPO, EPS, CAS

Breach (noun) A. An opening, a tear, or a rupture. B. A gap or rift, especially in or as if in a solid structure such as a dike or fortification. Breached (verb) A. To make a hole or gap in; breakthrough. B. To break or violate.

It is a well-known fact in protective circles that most attacks on principals and residential breaches are often preceded by hostile surveillance. In today’s world of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In etc.) and electronic and digital magazines many celebrities and public figures are actually helping facilitate that surveillance.


Circuit Magazine

Defending the Residential Breach With such instant access many fans, stalkers and psychopaths actually manufacture relationships with these stars. With the hostile surveillance often comes elaborate schemes to inflict severe bodily harm often on celebrities, business executives, and other high net worth individuals and those tasked to protect them. Below are just a few examples of recent high profile plots:

- Exxon International executive Sidney Reso, was kidnapped and killed. His attackers later admitted he was chosen primarily because he was a creature of habit, leaving his home and stopping by the mailbox at the same time every day. He was bound and gagged and stuffed him into a wooden box. He survived only three days.

- Dale Martin, the incarcerated felon, who allegedly planned to kidnap Justin Bieber, kill his bodyguard and put a bounty on Bieber’s “family jewels”. Martin, who is serving time for killing a 15-year-old female, says, “This isn’t going away. Do you really think that I would stop? Honestly? I tell people I’m not going to stop. And I’m not gonna stop.”

Whether your client is a celebrity, business executive or other high net worth individual in spite of their success, they often find themselves targets of both stalkers and professional predators. While the FBI points out 90% of kidnapping attempts are foiled no one wants to be part of the successful 10%.

- Kevin Liverpool, 35, and Junior Bradshaw, 32, were charged with conspiracy to murder, and conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm and rob, R&B singer Joss Stone, after concerned neighbors raised the alarm when they spotted the men in a car, who were “agitated and behaving abnormally”. Police stopped the car and found equipment including a samurai sword, body bags, balaclavas and gaffer tape. - Jonathan Norman was busted trespassing on Steven Spielberg’s Malibu estate by a security guard. Hell-bent on kidnapping and raping the famed director, Norman was carrying photos of Spielberg’s family, handcuffs, curtain rods and a knife at the time of his apprehension.

Once inside the perimeter today’s professional predators often rely on speed, shock & awe in the form of extreme violence designed to gain immediate compliance and control. This violence or the threat of violence may be targeted toward the principal, a family member, or the protective agent or agents. In a residential breach time is of the essence if you and your principal don’t already have a prearranged tactical plan, there is a good chance they may be victimized. While many of today’s protectors spend a considerable amounts of time working on protective formations, drivers training, site advances, route planning, defensive tactics and firearms training, few historically take the time to develop, discuss and practice the residential tactical plan.

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Feature The best intrusion alarm systems, closed circuit cameras and locking devices are meaningless in the absence of a simple integrated plan. Remember hardening the residence doesn’t eliminate breaches, it only slows down potential adversaries buying the occupant’s time to execute their protective strategies. As a professional protector if you have not developed residential specific tactical strategies for your principal and their families it is not too late. While the architectural design may vary from dwelling to dwelling the fundamentals of close quarter engagement remain pretty consistent and the particular situation should ultimately determine the chosen tactics. Below are four possible tactical considerations. Holding your Position - This is often the most common defense scenario a protective services agent may find themselves deploying in a residential breach involving your principal. Particularly in major metropolitan areas where the police response time may only be a matter of minutes. This position may also be employed when away from the residence after initially covering and evacuating your principal off the “X” to a temporary safe haven as you await further assistance. In a residential defensive scenario despite the initial anxiety, time and the element of surprise is on your side. It is your client’s house (you are familiar with the architectural structure and floor plan) or pre-established location and you have a plan. You have no immediate need to engage your adversary and no reason to search for them; you actually let them come to you. You have established a position of dominance or situational advantage, and have effectively made use of cover or concealment. In a deadly force situation, you point your muzzle at the predetermined approach area and wait to ambush your adversary. You may or may not choose to warn your adversary; that decision may be dependent on the tactical situation, your defense capabilities and/or legal considerations.

Taking Ground - This involves attacking your attackers. An example may be a rescue of a client’s family member on the other side of the residence or residential property. This is similar to a hostage rescue. This involves moving rapidly and/or stealthily to close on your adversaries and neutralize the threat often through a precise application of force at close range. The urgency of the situation may determine whether you negotiate, try to de-escalate or give the adversary advanced warning. In this scenario you typically look to locate your adversary, close the gap and neutralize the threat to save or protect innocent lives. In some cases this may take the form of seizing a building, room or area of land to be used to hold a position until help arrives or you are able to execute a tactical escape. Tactical Escape – This involves traveling through a potentially hostile area where there may or may not be adversaries. The objective is not to engage, but rather to escape. An engagement may potentially occur as the result of the hostile impeding your escape. You, your protectees and team members may move rapidly or slowly and stealth like through the projected threat area. There may be no time or desire to attempt to search and neutralize. As you execute your escape your muzzle covers any potentially dangerous areas. You are also slicing the pie as appropriate. The goal is to escape...but in a controlled manner from a position of strength. A tactical escape beats a tactical encounter every time! Search and Neutralize - this is probably the least desirable of all the options, as it is essentially a hunt for the adversary. This scenario is most identified with SWAT or Special Forces room clearing. This technique should only be executed by a protection specialist as a last option when time is at a premium. The situation has the ability to further deteriorate if you don’t take proactive action soon your principal will be compromised and face severe bodily harm or worse.

”You have no immediate need to engage your adversary and no reason to search for them; you actually let them come to you.” 28

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Defending the Residential Breach If you are operating alone this goes against one of the core guiding principles of never leaving your principal. During the search your principal is left behind in the most secure location available under the conditions. The location or locations to be used behind need to be clearly identified in the preplanning phase. This accomplishes several goals to include not leaving your principal in a position that is not familiar to him or her. Sound tactics in a perfect world would have your principal positioned in their designated safe room, where available. Because enemies, hostages, civilians, and fellow operators can be closely intermingled, this assault requires a precise application of force. This involves moving cautiously and deliberately through an area in search for an adversary. The adversary may be hidden (prepared to fight or not) or totally unaware of your presence. If this is your chosen approach you must be all in. This tactic often involves violence of action or controlled aggression particularly if there are multiple adversaries in order to gain and maintain the physical, psychological and tactical advantage.

The cadence of your movements, the ability to identify danger areas and potential threats, and the ability to adopt diverse fighting platforms consistent with the situation and the environment. Whether you are operating alone or with team members you must be clear on your objective and tactics. Most importantly you must have command, control, and proficiency of the required skill sets to engage in any of these measured responses. Keys to Surviving a Residential Breach or Tactical Engagement Alertness + Anticipation + Distance + Time = Enhances Survival The ability to stay alert and anticipate situations often gives us the ability to create distance, which buys critical time. Time increases our ability to execute a tactical escape or place a better quality shot; both of which significantly enhance our ability to survive an encounter.

Mark “Six� James is Founder and Executive Director of Panther Protection Services, LLC, and an internationally published author. Panther Protection Services is a full service protection agency focusing on Risk and Crisis Mitigation, Executive Protection, Self-Defense Training, and Firearm Instruction. For protective services, firearms or self-defense training contact

Issue 21



By Fernando Figueroa

Edged Weapon Defense for Security Professionals

Edged weapons is anything that can cut you, stab you, puncture you, i.e. pen, screwdriver, broken glass bottle, etc. Golden Rule # 1: In a knife fight YOU WILL GET CUT.

Case Study: 1 Assassin: Unknown Target: Jose Mourinho Place: Public Weapon: Dagger March 2011, Jose Mourinho a Portuguese football manager, and currently the head coach of Real Madrid was almost at the wrong end of a knife attack. A man armed with a dagger is reported to have tried to stab Mourinho whilst he signed autographs at the airport in the northern Spanish city of La Coruna. His bodyguard Eduardo stopped the attack and didn’t realize he received a 4cm (1.5in) stab wound under his arm. He noticed when he boarded the team bus. 30

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Edged Weapon Defense Case Study: 2 Assassin: Unknown Target: Christian Slater Place: Public Weapon: Knife

showed that an average man can run 21 feet in about 1.5 seconds. This 1.5 seconds is about the same amount of time for the officer to perceive the danger and draw his firearm and take shots.

Jan 2005. Christian Slater an actor encountered a knife attack after his stage performance of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” outside London’s West End theatre. Media reported that Slater’s bodyguard who took the brunt of the attack didn’t hurt because the knife only penetrated his cloth and that both could then escape without any serious injury.

Frank Borelli of Borelli Consulting Inc thinks that is way too close to call. He stated that; 21 feet - 1.5 seconds - Accepted Standard 75 feet / 25 yards - less than 5 seconds - common pistol qualification distance 210 feet / 70 yards - 14 seconds - potential distance average man can travel and function after receiving fatal wounds from officers pistol.

Case Study: 3 Assassin: Carlito Dimaali Target: Imelda Marcos Place: Public Weapon: Bolo knife

Also a study made by Force Science Research Center at Minnesota State University-Mankato came to the following conclusion on the 21 feet rule. 1. Because of a prevalent misinterpretation, the 21-Foot Rule has been dangerously corrupted.

Imelda Marcos Philippines first lady, the wife of Philippines President Ferdinand E. Marcos (1917–1989; deposed in 1986) on December 7th 1972 was attacked by an assassin Carlito Dimaali with a bolo knife which was 12 inches long. This happened on live television during a beauty pageant (can be seen on YouTube). What saved Marcos was her training in martial arts and her quick reflexes. “She stooped, turned her body, and parried the blows with her arms and hands. She sustained serious cuts on her hands and arms, and the tendons were severed in her arms. Trained in the martial arts, Mrs. Marcos moved in such a way as to shield her trunk from the knife, folding her arms to protect her internal organs. She fell to the floor and took the blows on her hands and arms, suffering deep wounds but protecting herself from a fatal injury.” She fought back.

2. When properly understood, the 21-Foot Rule is still valid in certain limited circumstances.

As the case studies show there are five golden rules. Rule 1 I mentioned above. The others are – 2. If injured, you will continue until threat is neutralized. 3. You will survive your injuries. 4. Everybody is a knife expert 5. You don’t win a knife fight, you survive a knife fight. 21 Feet Rule 21 feet is the length an officer can legally fire off his firearm when a suspect is armed with a knife and not complying with the officer in the United States. A study

3. For many officers and situations, a 21-foot reactionary gap is not sufficient. 4. The weapon that officers often think they can depend on to defeat knife attacks can’t be relied upon to protect them in many cases. 5. Training in edged-weapon defense should by no means be abandoned. Being a protection agent you don’t have the same use of force system to be judge by as a police officer. You have a similar one, but not the same one. If the knife attacker happens to let his presence known that he has a knife and has the Opportunity, Ability, and the Intent to commit the assassination, that 32 feet will be your best chance to shoot, below that, don’t waste your time drawing your gun and get ready for some hand to hand knife disarms which you are about to read. Common Knife Grips 1. Ice Pick Grip 2. Modified Ice Pick Grip 3. Fencing Grip (a.k.a. Hollywood Grip) 4. Fist Grip Issue 21


Feature As in the handgun, grenade, and another other danger, you need to shout out, Knife!” and take instant action. This is done for two reasons. 1) to let others know of the danger, and 2) to prepare your mind mentally that you are in danger and need to act know to snap out of the fight, flight or submit response (please read chapter called Brain). If you are the agent in the position to protect the client then you will immediately cover the client or step in front so as to take the thrust or take away the edge weapon if he is within an arm’s length of the assassin. While this is going on, your team should already evacuate the client to a safe distance. No matter what part of the world or what martial art or knife culture the assassin comes from, there are only a number of ways the knife or edge weapon can come at you or your client. Below are only a few examples from Kali to Samurai, to the US army. The last one is for you to make a copy to practice the angles yourself. It comes from the Reality Based system of Jim Wagner and it had 12 angles of the attack. Know the angles, so you can know how to defend against them. I will explain here but this manual is only to accompany the hands on course. The Tactical “L” Once you realize that the attacker is pursuing you, and you feel yourself retreating backwards to avoid getting stabbed or cut, you must suddenly make a conscious decision to step to the right or to the left so the attacker moves past you. This sudden “pause in combat” will buy you a half or a full second of time. This movement, the side step, is known as the Tactical “L.” This extra second that it takes for the attacker to change directions is hopefully enough time to deploy your own weapon if you have one, or strike an incapacitating blow (such as a knee kick or eye gouge for real situations) if you are unarmed. The Jim Wagner Knife Disarm Rule The rule to disarming a knife from an attacker has only four simple steps. The first and last rule is based on human instinct. They are: 1. Grab 2. Close 3. Take down 4. Escape Rule One: Grab If someone tossed you a baseball or a tea cup you would 32

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instinctively catch it without even thinking about it. Likewise, you will also attempt to catch the knife hand of the attacker at extreme close range (within touching distance) to prevent the weapon from penetrating your body. To practice the grab simply have your training partner repeatedly try to “stab or slash” you on different body targets (note: eye protection for this exercise is recommended). Each time the weapon comes at you just try to grab the knife hand with both of your hands. Don’t be frustrated if your hands do not end up in a perfect grip, because this is going to happen in real life as well. Your job is just to try to grab on the best you can. Also, you may end up getting “injured” when you fail to grab on. However, you must always accept the fact that YOU WILL GET CUT in a real knife fight. Since your “back is against the wall” in this exercise, you have not choice but to grab onto the hand when you are able. It may take a few tries, but once you have it, do not let go. You will them immediately go into the next move. Rule Two: Close Once you have grabbed onto the weapon hand you must immediately close the gap. You must “crowd” the attacker in order to prevent him from pulling the knife from your grasp, or allow him the space required to stab or slash. It is true that you can cut yourself, or even possible stab yourself, but if you do not move in the attacker will do worse damage. If you are able to avoid moving right on top of the knife, at worse you will only get superficial injuries from rubbing up against the blade. When you move in you should have your body pressed against the attacker’s body. There should be no room for him to maneuver. Because you have taken away his fighting space he will have to do one of two things: try to pull back, or try to push you off. Before he has a chance to do either you will immediately move into Rule Three. Rule Three: Takedown Now that you have control of the knife hand, your body is pressed up against the attackers, you must now get the attacker off balance. How you do this will depend upon your body position and his. Without ever letting go of the enemy’s hand with both of your own, use your forearms, shoulders, knees, sweeps,

Edged Weapon Defense or whatever it takes to get the suspect to the ground. This is where your prior judo or jiu jitsu training will come in handy. However, avoid turning your back on the attacker at all cost when taking him down. To end up in a wrestling match on the ground with a knife wielding suspect will most likely end up bad. Although I recommend a takedown to the ground, a takedown may not be possible. Therefore, the next best option would be to simply try to get the suspect off balance and take advantage and escape – which brings us to the next rule. Rule Four: Escape Once the suspect is off balance or is on the ground you must get away from him. Grab your client and

go. You concern is only your client safety and nothing else. DISTANCE IS YOUR FRIEND. Regardless of whether you are armed with a weapon or not, you are still vulnerable to a secondary attack if you are anywhere within a 7 meter (21 feet) radius of the suspect. If escape is not possible due to circumstances, then you will have no choice but to stay and fight once you takedown the suspect. Since your opponent is still likely to possess the knife, your attack must be hard and fast guaranteeing victory. Then the weapons must be stripped from the attacker’s hand. Even if the suspect is severely wounded, or dead for that matter (police and military tactical teams are trained to take weapons from even bodies because you never know if “they will come to life”), you must get the knife into your possession.

“Trying to catch the knife in motion would be like sticking your hand into a blender.” (Richard Nance) Issue 21


Medical By Dean Bateman

All Photographs ©Prometheus Medical Ltd 2013

Circulation Part 2

Following on from the Circuit articles “Breathing Assessment,” “Chest Injury” and “Circulation Part 1,” Prometheus Medical’s Chief Instructor, Dean Bateman, continues the series on <C> ABC with the second part of the circulation topic.

The article deals with assessment and management of fractures which can significant compromise circulation After the recognition and management of catastrophic haemorrhage, airway, breathing and identification and arrest of any non-catastrophic haemorrhage, the medic’s next priority should be assessing for fractures, in particular to the pelvis and long bones (femurs). Blood loss from these bones can be life-threatening if left untreated. A fracture is a break in the continuity of the bone. Fractures occur when the magnitude of the force applied to the bone overcomes the strength of the bone. Several factors reduce the strength of the bone such as old age, poor nutrition and disease processes such as osteoporosis. Fractures can be open or closed. In an open fracture, sometimes called ‘compound’, the skin overlying the fracture has been broken, usually from the sharp bone end itself. In a closed fracture the skin remains intact. Open fractures provide an easy route for bacteria to get into the body and create an infection. Infection of the bone can be life-threatening in itself, prevent healing and can be very problematic in terms of treatment.


short period of time. A fractured femur has the potential for blood loss of between 1000-2000mls, more if the fracture is open, therefore a patient with bilateral fractured femurs could quite easily bleed to death. Structures that may be affected from a fracture: • Bones- chip, crack or clean break • Muscles may be torn • Ligaments connect bone to bone • Tendons connect muscle to bone • Skin may be broken over the fracture site • Blood vessels within the bone and surrounding area (may affect major vessels). • Nerves. If these are damaged the patient may end up with some degree of loss of sensation or even paralysis depending on what part of the anatomy the nerve was supplying. Most major nerves and blood vessels are ‘trunked’ along the main bones like wiring bundles. A fracture of that bone will very easily break these structures or at least kink them (e.g. causing loss of blood supply to the limb beyond). That is why fracture management should be considered as part of the management of the circulation.

When examining the body for injuries it is important to look for small puncture wounds over the fracture site, this may indicate the bone end has pierced through the skin and slid back in due to patient movement. It is actually quite uncommon for the bone to be left ‘sticking out of ’ the wound, except in amputation.

Recognition of fractures Assessment of fractures should be carried out by looking for any wounds, deformity and swelling. The limbs should be gently palpated for deformity, swelling and unnatural movement or an unpleasant crunching sensation. The conscious patient is likely to complain of pain and tenderness and care should be taken when examining them.

Fractures may cause significant blood loss from damage to the blood vessels within and surrounding the bone as well as the tissue damage around the fracture site. A fractured pelvis has the potential to cause massive blood loss in a relatively

Recognition of a fractured femur maybe be obvious due to gross swelling, however a fractured pelvis is much harder to assess, and therefore the mechanism of injury must be taken into account to help guide your management.

Circuit Magazine

Circulation Part 2

Signs & symptoms of a pelvic fracture Unconscious patients - assess mechanism of injury: • High speed RTC whether pedestrian, vehicle occupant or motorcyclist. • Fall from height • Blast injuries with serious injuries to the lower limbs • Any high energy blunt force to the pelvic region Conscious patients will often complain of pain in the following areas: • Lower back • Groin • Pain on moving legs Look for any obvious wounds including bruising, abrasions and tyre marks over the pelvic region. Take into account the age of the patient, have a lower threshold for splinting the pelvis in the elderly population due to loss of bone density. In general, other fractures are easier to identify with a thorough assessment Signs & symptoms of fractures: • Pain • Loss of function • Deformity – compare limbs for equality • Swelling • Tenderness • Crepitus – Clicking/crunching sound from bone ends moving against each other – usually felt on examination rather than heard • Bruising Fracture Management Management should follow the ‘Safety <C>ABC’ algorithm followed by assessment of circulation of the limb beyond the fracture, including feeling for a pulse, measuring capillary refill time (CRT), observing the colour, temperature and

asking about movement and sense of touch. A cold pale limb would suggest the blood supply has been obstructed. It is important to assess the limb before and after splinting to ensure movement and splinting of the limb hasn’t affected its blood supply. If the blood supply has been compromised then the limb will need to be manipulated back into its normal position and rechecked. However this can be extremely painful and may cause more damage in untrained hands. If working in a hostile environment with no specialist care immediately available it may be the only option. Careful traction and then splinting can be highly effective in restoring blood flow and reducing pain subsequently. After a quick assessment of the fracture a splint should be applied to help: • Relieve pain • Reduce blood loss • Realign bone ends to prevent further vessel and nerve damage • Minimise movement • Assist with evacuation Where possible always use the correct manufactured splint. If improvising, ensure the fracture is splinted with a rigid item and secured above and below the fracture site to minimise movement. Try to avoid creating any ‘pressure points’ on the skin, especially with an improvised splint. Careful use of padding (e.g. torn clothing) can help with this. Pelvic Splinting A specialist pelvic splint such as the Prometheus Pelvic Splint should be applied if there is a possibility of pelvic fracture. If the patient is found lying on their side, the splint can be applied with minimal movement, by rolling the patient back

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Medical onto it (Fig 1). If the patient is lying on their back, a slight roll of approximately 10 degrees can be applied and the splint can be folded in half and placed under the patient then pulled through once the patient is lowered (Fig 2). Alternatively, slide the splint through the hollows behind the knees and working it up into position with a colleague. There are pros and cons with each method but local policy should be followed, and the aim should always be careful and minimal movement of the patient – which could worsen bleeding. It is important to place the pelvic splint in the correct position to maximise its positive effect. The splint should be central over the greater trochanters (top outer part of the thigh bone felt just below the hips). On lightly built patients this can be palpated by running a finger along the side of the femur as it reaches the pelvis (Fig 2). A rough guide is the length of the patients arm straight against the body the greater trochanters are at the level of the wrist. In men, the mid-line of the splint approximately lies over the pelvic bone above the base of the penis (the pubic symphysis). This is easily felt and recognised.


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Once in place, the splint should be tightened to make it secure and obviously broken bones brought back into normal alignment if originally displaced. Be careful not to over tighten, and remember that your goal is to restore normal anatomical position through tightening, and no more (Fig.4). Long-Bone Splinting Long bones (the femurs or ‘thigh bones’) are the biggest and strongest singular bone in the body and require a great deal of force to break. The femurs are surrounded by large blood vessels and have the potential to bleed a large volume into the surrounding tissues of the thigh. A displaced fractured femur creates a cavity around the bone which acts as a reservoir in which blood can pool (Fig.5). By applying traction, the bone ends can be approximately re-aligned, blood vessels and nerves can be straightened back into anatomical position, pain is reduced and the pull on the muscle squeezes the cavity around the fracture, helping to stop the bleeding.

Circulation Part 2

”It is important to place the pelvic splint in the correct position to maximise its positive effect.” All clothing should be removed and the limb inspected for any wounds. The Kendrick Traction Splint (Fig 6) is a preferred splint of choice due to its ease of application, lightweight design and many emergency services consider it relatively safe to use in the presence of a pelvic fracture. Contraindications include fracture/dislocation to the knee or ankle of the same limb due to the amount of traction required this will cause further damage to the limb. Initial traction is usually painful. It should be applied with steady pressure and often, after around 30 seconds or so, muscle spasm will relax and the limb will start to pull to length. If possible, use the non-injured leg as a guide to adequate traction. As part of the assessment of the patient, “Blood on the floor and four more” can be used to remember to look for external bleeding and to consider internal bleeding in the chest,

abdomen, pelvis and femurs. In summary, fracture identification and treatment is an important part of the management of the circulation component of <C>ABC. As well as reducing blood loss, fracture management can reduce the patient’s pain, improve circulation to the rest of the limb, reduce the risk of nerve damage and paralysis, and make the patient much easier to manage from a casualty evacuation point of view. Remember that pelvic fractures are notoriously difficult to identify from clinical examination so if the mechanism suggests the possibility of pelvic fracture, splint it. The next article in this series will cover the ‘D’ component of <C>ABCD which stands for ‘Neurological Disability’ – mainly head injury. Clearly, someone was getting tired when it came to thinking of a word beginning with ‘D’ for head injury!

Dean Bateman is Prometheus’ Chief Instructor and has 20 years of experience of responding to medical emergencies in ambulances, fast-response paramedic cars, physician supported units and helicopters. In addition to his work in the UK, Dean also has experience of teaching in immediate medical care and providing medical cover in hostile environments across Africa. Issue 21



By Raffaele Di Giorgio

Distrust and Caution: The Parents of Security

“Distrust and caution are the parents of security.” Benjamin Franklin said this, and by the utterance of these simple 8 words, Mr. Franklin, one of the premier American renaissance men, may have set a record, for the shortest “security protocol/guide” ever devised. Let’s discuss what some would like to consider the less “glamorous” side of executive protection work, the residents watch, the halls & walls detail, the overnight watch, as well as the business office detail. Places that are static in nature, but can become dynamic very quickly. As professionals, keeping abreast of and studying the latest trends in criminal activities, terrorist operations, as well as crimes of opportunity. You will notice an alarming increase in multiple assailant attacks on the aforementioned locations. Add to this the current “SWATting” phenomenon that seems to be gaining in popularity in the US and suddenly the safety and sanctity of our historically safe havens has now come into question. More often than not I hear from people entering the profession that, they are willing to “start out” as residents watch or overnight watch, as a “beginning step” or a “foot in the door” to the industry. Somehow, the perception is that this is an entry-level position and one that takes less expertise


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than the mobile positions that seem to always be highlighted in our industry. Unfortunately, the criminal and terrorist elements out there have picked up on this and we are seeing an uptick in the “home invasion” and stronghold assaults by multiple assailants. Add to this that these attackers have increased their capabilities, complexity, sophistication, and violence of action and all of a sudden you start to realize the depth of the problem facing us as protectors. Let me say that I have personally been involved with the topic from various angles; as a responding uniformed police officer, as an investigator after the fact, as a paramedic and lastly as a protection specialist responsible for dealing with the attack as it unfolds. The one common reality that I have gathered from all of these experiences is that no matter whether it is the house wife, CEO, celebrity, solider, high net worth individual, LEO, embassy worker or PSD member; once these people have been attacked at “home” they are never

Distrust and Caution

Benjamin Franklin

Issue 21


Feature the same. Sometimes living through one of these attacks is a worse fate, then the victims who have died needlessly. I have watched couple’s divorce over the “blame”, spouses commit suicide over not being able to protect their “house”. People sell off million dollar homes at incredible losses, because they “will never feel safe in the house again”. Protection specialists overseas walk away from details because they can no longer sleep or handle the stress of not feeling safe “anywhere”. In this day of instant access, the enemy only needs to avail themselves of the internet to acquire all the tools necessary to impersonate most military and/or law enforcement personal. At least long enough to get people to open the door. I have called and spoken to several specialists while writing this article and asked two simple questions. “At your current location, describe the local police’s department badge & uniform.” “What does the agency ID card look like? Is it laminated paper, plastic heat printed, hologram embossed, size, vertical or horizontal orientation?” Honestly now, as you are reading this article, could you answer the above questions? I was expecting about a 50/50 split of persons who would be capable of giving a comprehensive and complete response. Out of the 15 specialist I called, I was stunned that only 3 were able to answer with knowledgeable answers. 2 of 3 were in Iraq and Afghanistan, and 1 in the US who has been


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with his client in Southern Californian for two years and admitted that he only became aware of and interested in this information after he saw a newscast on SWATting about 6-8 months ago. Swatting: The tricking of any emergency service (via such as a 9-1-1 dispatcher) into dispatching an emergency response based on the false report of an on-going critical incident. Episodes range from large to small, from the deployment of bomb squads, SWAT units and other police units and the concurrent evacuations of schools and businesses to a single fabricated police report meant to discredit an individual as a prank or personal vendetta. How about the use of Military and Law Enforcement Tactics by criminals? We currently have some of the highest numbers of LEO’s and combat veterans the US and the UK have seen in modern history. Just like the cross section of any population some of these people will turn to criminal behavior. Does your residence watch have the equipment, training and personal to effectively deal with a coordinated attack, by 3 to 7 proficient assaulters? If you find yourself to be in the same position as 12 out of the 15 specialists that I interviewed and do not know the difference between legitimate law enforcement/military uniforms and credentials and falsified uniforms and credentials in your area of operation, then I have a question for you. How would

Distrust and Caution you be able to quickly and accurately identified whether your site is about to be the subject of one of three possible scenarios. Is that group of men at the front door legitimate law enforcement responding to a swatting prank? Is that same group of men impersonating LEO/military in order to conduct a criminal activity and assault on your property? Or are they legitimate LEO/military responding to a legitimate call for help on your property? I have preached and advocated to the single protection specialist as well as to up-and-coming companies to have written protocols and standard operating procedures in place for years. And I am often met with quite a bit of pushback in relation to how much time it takes to write proper procedures and protocols and the fact that no specialist likes to read extensive protocols and then agreed to abide by them. I only mention this because I do believe it is incumbent upon

the agency owner’s and those that are established executive protection professionals to start to demand more from the people entering into the field and to raise the bar for those people who are ready establishes the field. It is beyond the scope of this article to offer the training that is necessary to address the many scenarios and many more responses that can be attributed to the aforementioned problems. Rather, it is my sincere hope that both new and established specialists and companies would revisit their standard operating procedures and possibly evaluate their current manning structure and their reliance on electronic/ computerized security measures. The human element must remain, but also be tactically and technically proficient. So, as I often do, I leave you with the same statement that I began this article with, if we are to believe Mr. Franklin and acknowledge that “Distrust and caution are the parents of security�, should one really consider any of the static sites as an entry-level detail and should we as professionals negate the importance of having properly trained individuals in these positions?

Raffaele Di Giorgio is an active International Operator and CEO of Global Options & Solutions. Reach him at

Issue 21


Feature By Fernando Figueroa

“It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.” (Sun Tzu “The Art of War”) Awareness and Perception Being a close protection agent you need awareness and perception. But what exactly is awareness and perception? What really goes on up there in your mind when guarding a client? Your mind is going through so many scenarios and looking for potential threats and your decision to act or not act depends on awareness and perception. Perception is tricky and sometime biased. We sometimes perceive things that are not really there and sometime miss ones that are. What is perception? Perception is the process by which the brain organizes and interprets sensory information. What happens when there is too much to take in? You become overwhelmed and have what’s called sensory overload. When this happens, selective attention kicks in and you attempt to focus on what’s most important and block out what’s not. You will focus on what’s familiar. For example, if you’ve trained in high risk scenarios and part of the training 42

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involved an Arab man coming to attack your client with a suicide vest, you know the signs of a suicide bomber using the A.L.E.R.T. system.

Alone and nervous Loose and bulky clothing Expose wires Rigid mid section Tighten hands.

That is what you’re going to be focusing on, but there are so many people on that path. Then BOOM!!! What happened? Did you see that pregnant lady walking near your client?In 2008 the FBI and the DHS sent out warnings about a new type of suicide tactic carried out by women who appear to be pregnant but are really wearing prosthetic bellies full of explosives. Chances are you didn’t see the apparently pregnant suicide bomber even though she passed right in front of you. This is due to what is called inattentional blindness.

What goes on in your Mind

Issue 21


Feature One experiment that is used to show inattentional blindness is called the invisible gorilla by Daniel J. Simons and Christopher Chabris. A videomay be shown of people passing a ball around and are told to count how many times the ball is being passing around. A man in a gorilla suit passes right through the game and the crowd or the individual watching the video tends not to have seen the gorilla. Our perceptions are influenced by many factors. • The first are needs and motives or what some researchers called wishful seeing such as the old Looney Tunes cartoon when Bugs Bunny or Daffy is stuck on a desert and see a pool of water from afar, or see the other as a giant hot dog if they were hungry. • The second is beliefs, for example, if you believe assassins are bald, suit wearing, loner, sniper experts that look like Jason Stathams character from the movie The Transporter, then that is what you are going to look out for and perceive as a threat. You will over look a small chubby family looking man with glasses called IlichRamírez Sánchez aka Carlos the Jackal • The third factor is your emotions. This can be from being nervous because it’s your first time on the job. Everything you look at might be a threat to your client. A paparazzi with a camera can seem to you as a person with a gun and you will act as such. • The fourth are your past experiences. If you wereprevously on tour in Iraq or Afghanistan, and now doing bodyguard work, an Arab might pass you by and you will perceive him as a threat because of your past experiences. Your eye will be on him but not on a Caucasian Timothy McVeigh looking person who has a vendetta with your client. OODA (pronounced “o-da”) was an invented by military strategist Colonel John Boyd. “The OODA cycle is the holy grail of combat.” (Ken J. Good, President, Strategos International) OODA stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. Every time your brain senses danger, it takes this sequential path. It never changes the order or skips a step. John Boyd stated it the best;

“In order to win, we should operate at a faster tempo or rhythm than our adversaries--or, better yet, get inside [the] adversary’s Observation-Orientation-DecisionAction time cycle or loop”. Observe This is when your senses kick-in, smell, sight, hearing, and touch. Slowing down a person’s reaction time is a two-way street. SWAT entry teams wear Kevlar PASGT helmets, black hoods (called balacavas), and goggles not only for protection, but to slow down the suspect’s OODA process. The suspect who sees his door come crashing down, and a form that looks more alien than human descending upon him, forces the suspect’s brain to take more time to register the information, and thus gives a tactical team that crucial moment of advantage before the suspect can go on with the next steps of OODA and squeeze the trigger, firing upon them or the hostage. Orient Once you have seen, heard, smelt or have felt a threat, your mind seeks to orient you, space and time, in relationship to the threat. Your mind begins a series of rapid calculations: Is the threat immediate? How much distance is between the target and me? Is my environment advantageous to me or a big disadvantage? Do I have an avenue of escape? Where is the next strike coming from? Once your brain figures out where everything is at in relation to your body it will immediately go to the next phase. Decide Once the human mind has observed and oriented itself to the threat it must then decide what to do about it. Act The last task for the mind to complete in the OODA process is to act upon the decision made. This is the actual flight or flight. It’s the physical part of the process. Once you have decided a course of action you must act immediately.] As OODA and threat recognition expert John Demand stated that our training is on the left side of the loop and often neglect the right side.

“Fighting is 90% me


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What goes on in your Mind Fight, Flight, Submit Fight or Flight is sadly mistaking as fear. Fight or Flight is a physiologically/psychological response a threat. Your sympathetic nervous system is called into action, it uses energy, your blood pressure increase, your heart beats faster, and digestion slows down. During this automatic, involuntary response, an area of the brain stem will release increased quantity of Norepinephrine which in turn causes the adrenal glands to release more Adrenaline which produces dopamine which is a pain killer, that’s way you hear stories of people getting shot or stab but didn’t know that they have been. More symptoms are: 1) Pupil Dilation which is good and bad (we will discuss Tachy Psyche) 2) Saliva production reduced 3) Mucus production reduced 4) Heart rate increase 5) Bronchial muscle relaxed 6) Peristalsis reduced 7) Motility reduced 8) Increased conversion of glucose 9) Decreased urine secretion 10) Norepinephrine and epinephrine secreted 11) Wall sphincter closed Epinephrin is released into the blood stream for more energy, our bronchial passage dilate pumping more oxygen, our heart rate increases giving us more endurance, our pupils dilate helping fine focus but without proper training can cause tunnel vision. All that is happening to you during a threat is not fear; it’s your body giving you the right to defend yourself. Tony Blauer said it the best, “All of these potential effects of high stress environments and the engagement of the adrenal stress response in the body have only one goal; Survival” F.E.A.R F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) Bill Wolfe, the director of training for Defendo, gave the best example on this when he shared a particular experience he had as a police officer called to a disturbance in a well known drug building. As he was coming out of the elevator at the 4th floor,

he immediately saw someone coming out of a door directly towards him. Bill instantly recognized the man as the local enforcer for the Hells Angels biker gang. By reputation, this person was feared by all; even the police. He was a known murderer with a pointed hatred of law enforcement - and was a real knuckle dragger to boot. Bill is alone, backup isn’t coming, and the threat is sudden. He tells this big man to freeze and that he is under arrest, but the man refuses. As the man gets closer, fear begins to kick in, but Bill quickly remembers his training - gets himself together and analyzes the person head to toe. He notices that this guy has a big gut, meaning that he is out of shape, that his pants were too tight and he was wearing thick boots that probably weighed 20 pounds, so the chances of him kicking were slim. To make a long story short, Mr. Wolfe checked his emotions apprehended the man. Tell me, is what you fear real or your imagination? Tachypsychia When you get into the Tachypsychia Effect, you will perceive people or objects moving either in slow motion or in a speeding blur. You will also experience: • Altered perception of time • Transient partial color blindness • Tunnel vision • Auditory Exclusion • Slower decision making Tunnel vision is when you focus on the source of the danger while things surrounding that object become excluded in your mind. Auditory Exclusion The same goes for auditory exclusion. Other sounds will be blocked out because of your focus on the source of danger. For instance, you may hear gunshots or an explosion, but not hear sirens or the commands of your partner. One of the ways to get through these affects is to train in reality based simulation environments and get accustomed to moving your head to the left and to the right after you’ve taken some shots or after you’ve wrestled someone to the ground. Just a quick of the left ear and the right ear will snap you out of that zone.

ental, 10% physical” Issue 21


Feature By Scott N Buckland

Crowd Safety Management in the World of Close Protection..?

With the festival and events season upon us, it is worth having a look at working with crowds and considering the advantages of undertaking crowd management (crowd safety) training. Event security is an area of the security industry that is sometimes looked upon as a less important and less professional area of the security and close protection industry. This is an unfortunate and generally careless assumption, as the event security and event safety industry has undergone continual improvement in terms of professionalism. Gone are the days when any ‘bruiser bouncer bloke’ could gain employment as a security operative in an event environment. Nowadays the expected standard for a professional security operative, in all aspects of the security industry, is far higher, and rightly so. There are numerous courses available aimed specifically at the crowd management, crowd safety and event safety areas of the event security industry. Google search ‘UK music events’ and you will be returned with various websites, many advertising listings for in excess of 250 music festivals and events for 2013. Of course, these don’t include any of the on location TV and film productions which require security. Nor does it include any of the film premieres that happen on an almost nightly basis at London’s Leicester Square, or the many screenings that can happen nationwide; both of which require event security and in many cases also require CP teams to attend, escorting various principals. It is therefore reasonable to assume that a CP operative may well find themselves working for their principal within an event or festival environment, especially if their principal is from a celebrity or music background. As previously mentioned, there are a host of courses now available for persons responsible for crowd 48

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management and crowd safety. Although being a Crowd Safety Manager is slightly removed from the general remit of a CP operative, it would be fair to suggest that some CP operatives would benefit from this type of training and education: such as those that have an input on the front of stage pit security, those that are part of an artist’s tour security detail, or those that are responsible not only for the security and safety of their principal, but also any fans, customers, etc. It would be wise at the very least to have an understanding and appreciation of the considerations and working methods required and employed by contracted security staff at festivals and events. Buckinghamshire New University is one of the country’s leading pioneers of such education and training, and is home to the International Centre for Crowd Management and Security Studies. Offering full FdA and BA degrees in Crowd Safety Management, through to one day standalone courses, Bucks would be a good place to start for someone looking to bolster their CV and professional attributes with a crowd safety management course. I personally am enrolled on the 2 year distance learning foundation degree in Crowd Safety Management, which, on completion and after a further one year of study, can be converted into a full BA degree. Taught by industry professionals, many of whom are at the pinnacle of crowd safety and security management, the 2 year foundation degree in Crowd Safety Management would be a good relevant course for a CP operative who regularly travels on tour with their client or who

Crowd Safety has a responsibility for crowd safety at their principal’s events. In fact, anyone who simply wishes to become more competent in this area of crowd safety and security would benefit from this course. Topics covered include stewarding, law, crowd dynamics and people management. The course is offered in a part-time distance learning format so there is a great deal of flexibility for study and there are six two day workshops per year. Depending on status criteria, funding for the course is available in the form of a student loan. It may however be just as practical for a CP operative to undertake Bucks Professional Certificate in Event Safety and Security Management. This particular course is made up of eight modules priced at £125 each, with discounts available for current Bucks students. These are completed on eight separate standalone days, though only 5 modules are needed to be completed in order to achieve the certificate, and those modules can be specifically selected by the student. This allows maximum flexibility while still learning relevant and practical subject material. The course covers useful and specific subjects from a crowd management and event safety perspective: pit safety training, law and legislation, event planning, and risk evaluation and management. Although only a brief look into crowd and event safety management, the Professional Certificate should give valid training and knowledge to a CP operative, which could come in handy should they be working alongside contracted security staff, especially if at a festival or an event where large crowds are to be expected.

For a CP operative assigned to a celebrity or a performing musical artist, a little knowledge of event security and crowd safety management could allow them to afford a greater level of protection to their principal through a greater understanding of the subject itself. Simply by having that knowledge, any input they wish to give to the contracted security staff will carry greater validity, and of course ‘it’s always wise to know a bit about the other guy’s job’. Again, Google ‘crowd safety management courses’ and you will return various results from a variety of academic institutions, but Buckinghamshire New University and Derby University generally have a good reputation for delivering high quality and relevant courses. If university courses and short courses are currently out of reach, then how about books, as there are some very good books on the subject of managing crowds and event safety. The HSE Managing Crowds Safely (2000), the HSE Event Safety Guide (1999), and the Department for Culture, Media and Sports’ Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds (2008) are all very relevant and are all free to download from their respective authors websites. The education of crowd management and event safety is important, but so too are some fundamental personal and professional qualities. My background was in door supervision, mainly nightclubs and pubs, so I found the transition to working at events fairly manageable and the work not to dissimilar in terms of job specifics. However, and although not true of everyone, I noticed that people coming over into event security for the first time often lacked some very important qualities required

”The education of crowd management and event safety is important, but so too are some fundamental personal and professional qualities.” Issue 21


Feature to work in this area of the security industry. As in most cases, this is especially true of people coming straight from the ‘civilian world’ who prior to this had no security experience whatsoever. One of the main qualities required to work in event security is conflict management; to be able to deal with volatile and sometimes dangerous situations. The ability to talk someone out of a difficult situation is much more preferable than the alternative physical solution. This quality can only really be developed over time and much experience is required in order to fully develop it, but it can become a highly useful tool in every day work situations. Another essential quality is the ability to work with and effectively manage large crowds of people. The ability to read people and most importantly not to be intimidated by large groups or crowds of people is fundamentally important. I am constantly amazed how many security operatives seem to completely lose their voice and take a back seat in a situation and be completely overwhelmed when confronted with crowds. The ability to work with large crowds is a must, and a very useful skill to have. A CP operative working in an event and festival environment is going to need to work with crowds at some point. For someone who has never experienced events or festivals, Scott N Buckland has been working in security since 2007 and has worked as a security officer in corporate and retail sites, security for TV and film productions, event security, film premiere and red carpet security, and as a head door supervisor. He undertook CP training with Clearwater Special Projects Ltd in 2009. Useful websites:


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standing in front of a very large, maybe slightly rowdy crowd, can unnerve even the most seasoned of security operatives. Anyone that has worked at nightclubs, worked in the front of stage pit, or worked the red carpet will know what I’m on about here. But with time and experience come wisdom and the knowledge that just because it’s a large rowdy crowd, it doesn’t mean that it’s out of control. Also, for those that don’t already have one, a first aid qualification such as the HSE 3 day first aid at work course or the FPOS intermediate course will be very helpful. Much like door supervision, the type of first aid incidents normally found in an event or festival environment won’t be gunshot wounds or IED’s as some training providers will have you believe; but will instead be heatstroke, assaults, fits and seizures, drug overdoses, etc. Again, the more experience of this type of first aid, the more developed the skill becomes. The point of this article is to firstly make people aware that there is actually professional training and education available on crowd safety management, and secondly to offer a few words of advice and opinion from my own learning; much of which was from learning through my own mistakes and from the mistakes of others. I hope that this article has been informative; at the very least I hope it gets people contemplating and debating the issue of relevant crowd safety training.

Intel: World report

Africa CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Violence leaves 30 dead: At least 30 people have died and dozens wounded in clashes in the Central African Republic. The fighting between former rebels and local civil protection groups broke out in early October. Reports say the vigilantes attacked Garga village, 200 km (125 miles) north-west of the capital, Bangui. The impoverished country has descended into violence since rebels commanded by President Michel Djotodia ousted his predecessor Francois Bozize in March. Residents in Garga confirmed the latest fighting and told the media that up to 60 people may have died. MALI French forces kill 10 Islamist militants: French Special Forces killed around 10 militants in a gun battle in northern Mali, Paris said, as simmering violence threatens security at November elections and will delay a French troop withdrawal. France, which sent soldiers to its former colony in January to oust militants who had taken over swathes of the West African country, will not draw down troop numbers to 1,000, from 3,200 by year-end as initially planned, a spokesman confirmed. French officials have previously said the withdrawal could be pushed back due to planned legislative elections on November 24. Despite the French troops and a U.N. peacekeeping mission (MINUSMA), there have been several attacks in October, targeting in particular Malian forces. MADAGASCAR Bubonic plague warning: Madagascar faces a bubonic plague epidemic unless it slows the spread of the disease, experts have warned. The Red Cross and Pasteur Institute say inmates in the island’s dirty, crowded jails are particularly at risk. The number of cases rises each October as hot humid weather attracts fleas, which transmit the disease from rats and other animals to humans. Madagascar had 256 plague cases and 60 deaths last year, the world’s highest recorded number. Bubonic plague, known as the Black Death when it killed an estimated 25 million people in Europe during the Middle Ages, is now rare. NIGERIA Troops raid Kano suicide vest factory: Nigerian soldiers raided an Islamist bomb-making factory just outside the north’s biggest city of Kano, seizing guns, fertilizer and equipment for assembling suicide vests, the military said. Kano has been relatively quiet for much of this year, as Islamist sect Boko Haram focuses its fight for an Islamic state on its heartland in the northeast. However, Kano, historically a hub for trade across the Sahara, has been periodically attacked by the sect. Brigadier General Ilyasu Abbah, a Nigerian army commander in Kano, told journalists Boko Haram fighters had fled by the time his troops arrived at a house in the village of Gunduwawa. Americas COLOMBIA Authorities seize 1.5 tons of explosives: Colombian authorities seized more than 1.5 tons of explosives belonging to a column of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrillas in a rural area in the southern part of the country. The confiscated materials consisted of 5,000 sticks of dynamite, 16 55-gallon containers filled with explosives, 12 packages weighing 50 kilograms (110 pounds) each of potassium chloride and four homemade mortars. The explosives were found by members of the army and the Technical Investigation Corps, or CTI, a department within the AG’s Office, in the San Alejandro sector of Nariño province, which borders on Ecuador. Authorities said that the explosives belonged to the FARC’s Mariscal Sucre mobile column, which apparently was intending to use them to carry out attacks on electricity towers and the Transandino Pipeline in Nariño. MEXICO Police and cartel members killed in shoot out: Seven people were killed in


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a shootout between police and suspected members of “an organized criminal group” in Tepatitlan, a city northeast of Guadalajara, Mexico. Three police officers were killed and four were injured in the shootout, according to a statement released the following day. Four of the suspects also died, and a fifth was reportedly arrested. State investigators told the media that the civilians involved in the shootout were members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, or CJNG. EL SALVADOR Police find huge stash of anti-tank grenades: Police in El Salvador have found a stash of more than 200 anti-tank grenades hidden in a carpenter’s workshop in a rural area. Investigators said the arms were probably linked to Los Zetas, a Mexican drug cartel which has been expanding its operations to Central America. They said the grenades were in a good state and had not been buried long. Police said they had become suspicious two months ago after armed men had been seen near the property. UNITED STATES of AMERICA US to suspend military aid to Egypt: The US government will suspend part of the $1.3bn (£810m) in aid it gives to Egypt’s military, US media report. Deliveries of tanks and aircraft will be held up, but aid for counter-terrorism and border security will not be affected, officials say. The decision is expected to be announced in mid October. Asia and Pacific NORTH KOREA North Korea warns of counter-attack on US aircraft carrier: North Korea has threatened to “bury in the sea” a US aircraft carrier, as it slammed a threenation naval drill involving US, South Korean and Japanese warships. The latest warning from the isolated regime came a day after the United States launched a two-day joint military drill with South Korea and Japan off the southern coast of the Korean peninsula. The drill involved the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington, guided-missile ships, anti-submarine helicopters and early warning aircraft. North restarts nuclear reactor: South Korea’s main intelligence agency confirmed that North Korea has restarted a Soviet-era nuclear reactor that has been used to obtain plutonium for bombs, according to South Korean legislators. Nuclear experts in the United States, including at the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University, reported in September that satellite photographs indicated that North Korea had restarted the five-megawatt reactor at its main nuclear complex in Yongbyon, north of Pyongyang, the capital. THAILAND Bombs at 26 ATMs: Bombs were planted at 26 automated teller machines (ATMs) in Thailand’s four southernmost provinces, and most went off, while a teacher was slain, a school burned, and soldiers attacked, police said. Yala police radio station reported that bombs were detonated at six ATM locations in Muang district, four in Yaha and one in Bannang Sata. There were no reports of injuries. Among the debris officers found metal boxes containing wires, cell phones and nine-volt batteries. AUSTRALIA Police raid Hells Angels biker gang sites: Australian police say they have seized guns, ammunition and drugs in a series of raids on the Hells Angels motorcycle gang in the state of Victoria. Around 60 properties were raided in an operation involving more than 700 police. The move came days after new anti-fortification laws came into effect, making it easier for police to storm biker gang-linked properties. There have been several cases of biker gangrelated violence in recent months.

Intel BURMA Rakhine clashes death toll rises to seven: Police have found two more bodies in the western Burmese state of Rakhine, bringing the death toll to seven after recent deadly religious clashes. The bodies are those of two local Buddhist men. Police said last week that four men and a 94-year-old woman - all Muslims had been killed by Buddhist mobs during the violence at the start of October. The violence comes as Burma took over leadership of the Association of South East Asian Nations (Asean). The two men were among a group of six people - a Christian pastor and five Buddhists - who were in the Thabyuchai area on October 1, police say. They were passing the village in a taxi, unaware of the violence that was going on, when they were attacked by villagers with knives and sticks. Four of them managed to escape. But two disappeared. Their bodies were found by police and locals in the Linthi village cemetery. Pakistan Taliban head Hakimullah Mehsud ‘open to talks’: Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud has told the media he is open to “serious talks” with the government but says he has not yet been approached. In a rare interview, he denied carrying out recent deadly attacks in public places but said he would continue to target “America and its friends.” The chief loosely controls more than 30 militant groups in the tribal areas. After being elected PM in May, Nawaz Sharif announced he would open unconditional talks with the Taliban. The group has killed thousands of people in its war against the Pakistani state in recent years. They control areas in the north-west and have been blamed for a wave of suicide bombings and other attacks. Europe and FSU ALBANIA Art-trafficking ring broken up: Albanian police say they have foiled an arttrafficking ring seeking to sell hundreds of works of art abroad. Prime Minister Edi Rama said the artworks seized - reportedly more than 1,000 - could fill an entire museum. Among them were paintings, icons and murals thought to have been taken from churches and cultural centers in south-east Albania and Macedonia. Their value was estimated at hundreds of thousands of dollars, Albania’s Top TV reported. RUSSIA FSB intercepts weaponry: Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) claims to have smashed an international operation headed by an organized crime group to smuggle arms from Georgia to Russia’s republic of North Ossetia-Alania via Georgia’s breakaway republic of South Ossetia. The weapons in question were reportedly purchased in Georgia and transported to North Ossetia by taxi. The taxi drivers, who were paid handsomely, were reportedly not told precisely what they were transporting. Whether the Georgian authorities were aware of -- or are suspected by the FSB of being involved in -- those deliveries is not clear. According to the October 4 FSB announcement, officers from the North Ossetia Directorate of the FSB arrested one driver at the Nizhnii Zaramag border post between South Ossetia and North Ossetia and confiscated a revolver and ammunition that were in his possession. There have been at least 15 similar reports over the past three years of quantities of weaponry and ammunition being intercepted en route from Georgia to North Ossetia, mostly discovered in North Ossetia, but on one occasion in South Ossetia. UNITED KINGDOM UK reopens diplomatic channels with Iran: The UK will restore some diplomatic relations with Iran by appointing a charge d’affaires to work with the country, William Hague announced. But the foreign secretary warned the country’s president to follow up his more “positive” words on its alleged nuclear weapons program with “concrete actions.” Mr Hague told MPs further progress would require “substantial change.” Iran will appoint a charge d’affaires to work with London in return. Mr Hague said it was hoped this would help “on the way towards eventual re-opening of both our embassies.” Middle East and North Africa EGYPT Suicide bomber kills four: A suicide bomber drove his explosives-laden car into a checkpoint outside a coastal city in Egypt’s volatile Sinai Peninsula and

detonated it, killing three soldiers and a policeman, according to security officials. The attack outside el-Arish also wounded five people, said the officials. The bomber, they said, slowly approached the checkpoint, waited for soldiers and policemen to start searching the car before he blew himself and the vehicle up. Mohammed Morsi to stand trial in November: Egypt’s ousted President Mohammed Morsi is to go on trial on November 4 on charges of inciting murder and violence, state media report. The charges relate to the deaths of at least seven people during clashes between opposition protesters and Muslim Brotherhood supporters outside a presidential palace in Cairo last year. Mr Morsi will stand trial with 14 other senior figures from the Brotherhood. He has been detained at a secret location since being deposed on July 3. Hundreds of people demanding his reinstatement - mostly Brotherhood supporters - have since been killed in clashes with security forces. More than 50 died at protests held in several cities in early October. LIBYA PM Ali Zeidan freed from captivity: Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan has returned to his office after being held for several hours by militiamen loosely allied to the government. The Libya Revolutionaries Operations Room said it had captured Mr Zeidan in Tripoli, claiming it was acting on orders from the prosecutor general. The justice ministry denied this. The militia was one of several groups angered by a US commando raid on Libyan soil in which senior al-Qaeda suspect Anas al-Liby was seized. It was unclear whether the militia had released the prime minister voluntarily or whether other security forces had intervened. Mr Zeidan had been taken in a pre-dawn raid on the Corinthia Hotel by more than 100 armed men. Bomb strikes Swedish consulate in Benghazi: A car bomb has exploded outside the Swedish consulate in Libya’s second largest city of Benghazi, with no reported casualties, officials say. The front of the building and nearby houses were damaged in the attack in the upscale district of Fuwayhat. The Swedish mission - one of the few diplomatic offices in Benghazi - was empty during the attack. It is the latest in a series of attacks on foreign embassies as Libya struggles to deal with lawlessness since 2011. The car bomb was detonated by remote control, according to officials. No staff were injured in the attack as the embassy is usually closed on Fridays. Gaddafi-era spy chief al-Senussi to be tried: The International Criminal Court has ruled that Libya’s Gaddafi-era spy chief, Abdullah al-Senussi, can be tried in Libya. The decision means that the ICC will no longer demand that Mr Senussi be sent to The Hague to stand trial. The former military intelligence boss was indicted by the ICC in 2011 for alleged war crimes committed during the uprising against Gaddafi’s rule. Mr Senussi was extradited to Libya from Mauritania last year. SYRIA Army retakes two Damascus suburbs: Syrian army troops and Shiite fighters loyal to President Bashar al-Assad killed at least 70 people as they captured two southern suburbs of Damascus, said opposition activists according to Reuters. The fighters included members of Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah and were backed by Syrian army tanks in the assault. The Damascus suburbs of alThiabiya and Husseiniya, a Palestinian refugee camp, were combed after they were overrun, according to sources. Rebels executed civilians, says Human Rights Watch: Rebel forces in Syria killed as many as 190 civilians and seized more than 200 hostages during a military offensive in August, Human Rights Watch says. A report by the USbased group says the deaths occurred in villages inhabited predominantly by members of President Bashar al-Assad’s minority Alawite sect near the coastal city of Latakia. It said the findings “strongly suggest” crimes against humanity were committed. The group has previously documented atrocities by progovernment forces. The report calls on the UN to impose an arms embargo on all groups where there is credible evidence of their involvement in war crimes.

Issue 21


Regional overview




Houthi gunmen killed one person and wounded two others belong-ing to al-Shawlan tribe at a check- point.

Shikarah Baraqish Amran Sana’a


An AQ suicide bomber was killed when his vest deto- nated prematurely on his way to target a tribal sheikh who was actively working to limit terrorist expansion into the province.

A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle seriously wounded two tribal leaders near Marib. The bomber was riding near tribal headquarters when he detonated the device.

Ma’rib Gunmen abducted a Sana’a Shabwa RIF Sierra Leonean UN Ibb worker at gunpoint in DIMASHQ Al-Hudayda Salafist tribesmen the north of the re- leased 13 Houthi city. His driver was Ma’bar prisoners following unharmed. The same tribal negotiations. day, there was an Ataq The Houthis were attempted kidnapping Rada’ abducted in Au- gust in Sana’a that left a Dhafar as they traveled from German embassy Sa’ada. bodyguard dead. RED SEA





A police commander was fatally shot by two masked gunmen on a motor-cycle while he was driving in the city center.


Circuit Magazine

Aden Aden

A Special Forces officer was fatally shot by unidentified gunmen on a motorcycle. The incident occurred in Aden’s Tawahi district.


AQ gunmen killed a man formerly associated with the terrorist organization. He was allegedly cooperating with security forces and working against AQ.







unknown gun- men riding on a motorcycle shot and killed a criminal investigator near a school in Thamud Shahir. It is possible this assassination was conducted by AQ affiliates.


Significant Events On October 7, al-Qaeda (AQ) militants attacked a checkpoint in al-Bayda province, killing eight soldiers. Four other soldiers are missing.


On October 7, the Yemeni Air Force launched air strikes against AQ militants who were trying to attack a government complex in Shabwa.


ARABIAN SEA Al-Faydami On October 6, gunmen shot and killed a German embassy bodyguard in a popular market in Sana’a. Al-Ghayda On October 6, gunmen kidnapped a Sierra Leonean UN worker from his car in Sana’a. His driver was not taken or injured.


On October 3, unidentified gunmen assassinated a Special Forces commander in Aden.

Shabwa Al-Hajjarayn

The Yemeni Air Force, assisted Sif by intelli- gence from US drones, conducted an air strike against AQfight- ers Al-Mukalla who were en route to attack a government installation.


On October 2, FM Abu Bakr al-Qirbi announced that the National Dialogue Conference (NDC) may be delayed for up to 3 months.


On September 30, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) militants seized the military headquarters in al-Mukalla, Hadramout. The gunmen took hostages and held the building for three days before the military regained control. At least 10 soldiers were killed in the events. On September 29, AQAP gunmen on motorcycles killed a police colonel in downtown Ta’iz. On September 28, Colonel Ali Nasser Dambur survived an assassination attempt in Sana’a, though was wounded after being shot four times. On September 26, two Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) wounded around 17 people on Rabat Street in Sana’a. September 26 was the 51st anniversary of the 1962 revolution and creation of a republic in Yemen. Flashpoint's to Monitor US counter-terrorism: Officials claimed the media stories that detailed AQ communication interceptions compromised counter- terrorism efforts. This could make it more difficult for Yemeni forces to operate. Kidnappings: The two incidents in Sana’a this reporting period show the vulnerability of foreigners in the city, even in wealthy neighbourhoods in broad daylight. Outlook Short-Medium Term: The National Dialogue appears to be delayed further due to walk outs by hardline elements of the talks. As the negotiations near their end, demonstrations could be seen to influence talks or protest their conclusions. Medium-Long Term: AQ operations in recent weeks show their ability to strike hardened military targets, to the grave embarrassment of security forces. Also, drive-by assassinations continue in large cities.

Issue 21


FocusOn: Yemen

Current assessment Terrorism A tandem bombing attack wounded around 17 people, some critically, on Rabat Street in Sana’a on September 26. The first IED exploded with no injuries but attracted a crowd to examine the destruction, many of whom fell victim to the second explosion. The IEDs were placed in trash containers near the street to remain undetected. September 26 was the anniversary of the start of the 1962 revolution that ended the monarchic Mutawakkilite rule and established a republic in North Yemen. The date of the attack could suggest the bombing is a statement against the current attempts to proceed with democratic change and the shift toward federalism. A Saudi newspaper reported that the bombings were connected to a plot to overthrow President Abd Rabbu Hadi. According to the story, officers from the central security service planted the IEDs on Rabat Street in order to create a diversion while they overthrew Hadi’s regime. There have been no other reports confirming or refuting this link, though the lack of claims of responsibility is unusual.


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The following day, Brigadier General Majahid Ghashim, the former head of military intelligence, survived an assassination attempt. Police received a tip that an IED had been plant- ed next to Ghashim’s home in Sana’a by unknown assailants. Explosive Ordnance specialists disarmed and disposed of the device. On September 28, Colonel Ali Nasser Dambur was targeted in an assassination attempt in Sayun, Hadramout. According to media sources, Dambur was shot four times in the head and chest by unknown gunmen on a motorcycle. He was then airlifted to a hospital in Sana’a. Dambur is a relative of President Hadi. AQAP militants seized a Yemeni military headquarters in Hadramout Province on September 30, killing four soldiers and wounding another 20. 25 militants, wearing Special Forces uniforms and driving military vehicles, arrived at the headquarters in al-Mukalla in the early morning, detonating a Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) to breach the gate. Following a three-day standoff, the military regained control of

Intel the buildings, killing all AQAP members inside and freeing the hostages. In the intense three-hour assault on the building, 12 more people were killed, including five soldiers. The headquarters at alMukalla is one of the main military buildings in Hadramout, where the government has launched an offensive against AQAP positions. Suspected AQAP militants attacked a police checkpoint in Hadramout, killing five police officers. The attack occurred in the early morning of October 2. Two policemen are also missing since the attack. A similar attack occurred on October 7 at a checkpoint in alBayda province, east of Ra’ada city. This incident left eight soldiers dead and four others have been reported missing. Locals in Ra’ada district claim that AQAP has replaced the state presence there and there is an absence of security. Officials estimate that to restore order it would require four times as many soldiers than are currently deployed. Kidnapping The military will not attempt to rescue the 20 soldiers who were kidnapped as a result of the September 20 AQAP attacks in Shabwa, according to military officials. The hostages were seized in Shabwa Province and trans- ported to an AQAP stronghold on al-Maraqesha Mountain in Abyan Province. The military will reportedly rely on mediation via tribal proxy spokesmen.

On October 5, eight people were injured in Hajja city when tribal clashes broke out in a popular vegetable market. According to reports, members of al-Sharaqi tribe prevented those of al-Jamima tribe from selling their wares. The conflict also seemed to have political ties, as the governor of Hajja province and a prominent General People’s Congress (GPC) politician belong to those two opposing tribes. One of those injured in the violence was a fouryear-old child. The Ministry of Interior has agreed to deploy additional forces to the province in order to calm tensions. Hajja city has been the site of previous tribal- related confrontations, which resulted in damaging and closure of a different market. Law Enforcement Counter-terrorism officials uncovered an AQAP plot to assassinate former President Ali Abdullah Saleh. The plan involved one group of terrorists, dressed as military officials, infiltrating his neighborhood and sealing the entrances while another team would enter Saleh’s home, kill and behead him. On October 2, a Yemeni court sentenced five men to prison for two to ten years for their involvement in the May 2012 Sana’a bombing that targeted a military parade. The incident, a suicide bombing that killed 120 people and injured over 300 more, occurred in

On October 6, gunmen in Sana’a shot dead a German embassy bodyguard in a possible failed kidnapping attempt. Reports indicate that three armed men attempted to seize the German worker as he exited al-Jandool supermarket on Hadda and Iran streets in the south of Sana’a. When he resisted, the gunmen opened fire, killing him, and fled in a getaway vehicle registered to al-Hudaida. Initial reports suggested that the incident occurred during an attempted kidnapping of newly appointed German Ambassador Carola Mueller- Holtkemper, but the German government has denied these claim and stated that Mueller- Holtkemper was not in Yemen at the time. In the north of the city, a UN worker was kidnapped the same day. The abductors seized a Sierra Leone national at gunpoint from his car. His driver was not harmed or taken. Unconfirmed local reports suggest that these two incidents were related and carried out by the same gunmen. Kidnappings of expatriates in Yemen have become quite common since 2011 as a way of extracting ransoms or political concessions from the central government. Following these events, Sana’a’s diplomatic community essentially entered a lockdown, with missions calling on their staff to remain at home and cancelling a number of previously scheduled engagements. Yemeni officials reported that security has been increased in and around all foreign missions and that all diplomats are advised to stay at home until further notice. Tribal Conflict Unidentified tribesmen twice sabotaged an oil pipeline in the Wadi Abeidah and Hbwan areas of Marib province on October 3 and 6, respectively. Oil pipelines have been bombed a total of 28 times this year, with an additional 23 attempted bombings. The attacks have helped to cause a fuel shortage in Sana’a, both for gasoline and diesel.

Issue 21


FocusOn: Yemen al-Sabin Square near the presidential residence as soldiers were rehearsing for the Unification Day parade the following day. Also on October 2, a national security court accused three former top military officials, including the nephew of former President Saleh, of negligence which allowed for the bombing. On October 7, Yemeni Air Force pilots bombed AQAP fighters that were attempting to attack a government installation in Shabwa province. The air strike happened outside of Kinib and were allegedly assisted by a US surveillance drone that was providing intelligence. US counterterrorism efforts and collaboration with the Yemeni military are still strong, though reliable reports of drone strikes are difficult to obtain. Political Security forces raided the Ta’iz headquarters of al-Islah Party on September 26. According to Islah sources, seven members were arrested in the early morning raid. The military police also seized laptops and printers from the offices. Al-Islah condemned the raid and called it illegal and cowardly. Al-Islah is the main opposition party and currently holds 46 seats in parliament out of 301. The same day, security forces seized a shipment of 55,000 counterfeit ballots in Aden. The ballots were allegedly being sent to GPC leaders in Abyan. National Dialogue Progress on the NDC could be delayed for up to three months, according to FM Qirbi. The talks were intended to conclude in mid-September, but were delayed when various factions walked out of the process. Qirbi accused South Yemen’s former President Ali Salem al-Baidh, who lives in exile in Beirut, of receiving backing from Iran and Hezbollah to boycott the talks. President Hadi stated on October 8 that the NDC was close to a resolution and that Yemen was “days away from reaching a just solution to the southern issue.” The same day, however, both the Houthis and Southern Secessionist Movement (SSM) walked out of the negotiations. The two factions called for the approval of a post-NDC roadmap before agreeing to any sort of resolution. Additionally, the SSM has called for massive demonstrations scheduled for Saturday, October 12. The SSM often holds protests on Wednesdays and Sundays in Aden but large youth-organized protests often spontaneously occur. The larger protests are generally supported by donations supplied by external sponsors, such as former South Yemen President Baidh. Flash points to monitor US Counter-terrorism Efforts Officials in the US intelligence community reported that media stories released in August of this year have damaged US counterterrorist efforts in Yemen. Earlier this year, several media sources revealed that the US had intercepted messages between AQ leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and several leaders of affiliated organizations, including recently promoted AQAP leader Nasser al-Wuhayshi, which sparked the US embassy closures across the region. According to senior officials in the intelligence community, there has been a sharp drop in the use of major communications networks that US analysts were surveilling immediately after the stories were published. AQ groups have been known to use advanced encryption software to mask their messages as well as rudimentary means of conveying information, such as couriers.


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Now that they are aware certain channels are compromised, communicating via the latter method may becoming more common. Yemen has been a close ally in US counter-terrorism operations in the region, especially targeting AQAP. The terrorist organization’s shift in communication techniques could damage the US ability to obtain critical signals intelligence. While some of this lack of information may have been regarding plans to attack US targets, as the group has tried multiple times in the past, it is quite possible that much of these communications were regarding domestic attacks, such as the recent ones seen in Shabwa and Hadramout. Given the US role in assisting Yemeni counter-terrorism operations or conducting its own drone strikes, consequences from this disruption in intelligence gathering are more likely to be seen manifested in successful attacks on Hadramout and Shabwa than on the US homeland. Sana’a Kidnappings The two kidnapping incidents on October 6 highlight the grave danger posed to expatriates living in Yemen. In the south of Sana’a, gunmen killed a close protection guard working with the German embassy and shortly after, in the north of the city, a UN worker was seized from his vehicle at gunpoint. It is not yet clear who is responsible for the attacks, whether criminals driven by greed and thoughts of ransom or AQAP terrorists seeking to deal a large blow to the West. Kidnappings are becoming increasingly frequent, particularly brazen mid-day abductions in crowded areas. The apparent attempted kidnapping of the German bodyguard was committed in the wealthy Hadda district at al-Jandool Supermarket. Indeed, over half of all kidnappings have occurred in this upscale neighborhood, likely due to its popularity with international NGO and embassy staff. Prior to the events of October 6, high-profile kidnapping attempts would occur approximately every five weeks. The abduction of Luke Somers last reporting period followed by these two incidents could hint at a worrisome increase in frequency. While these could be a cluster of data points, it could also indicate that the rumors of ransom payments are persisting and incentivizing more gunmen to take action. Precautions should be taken by all international visitors or workers in Sana’a while traveling about the city. Most of these attacks occur while the target is exiting or entering a vehicle, though, as the seizure of the UN worker demonstrates, hijacking targets en route is also possible. Particular caution should be taken at intersections or wherever vehicles are forced to slow or stop. Short-Medium Term National Dialogue The NDC has been delayed further and could take an additional two or three months to come to a close. The process ground to a halt in recent months with walkouts by the SSM and members of the GPC. Talks have since resumed, but as the results seem to creep closer the possibility of stalling the negotiations rise. There are hardline elements in both the northern and southern camps and neither side is a unified, homogenous bloc. There are strong factions of the SSM that reject agreements not resulting in independence, just as northern aspects oppose plans that divide Yemen. Some groups that endorse the latter position are al-Islah Party and the GPC. In fact, former President Ali Abdullah Saleh has agreed to


endorse Hadi for another five years should the current president not give in to the demands of the South. Despite the strong voices from either side, federalism is still the most likely outcome of the Dialogue. As the NDC nears a potential deal, there may be possible demonstrations, especially in the south, which have the potential to turn violent and involve gunfire, in attempts to pressure the negotiators and influence the outcome. This is particularly true if the more radical elements of the SSM from ad-Dhaleh are involved, who are known to be more violent and tribally-oriented than other southerners in Aden. While many of the protests in southern Yemen may remain peaceful, the volatility and unpredictability of these demonstrations and the security response pose a danger to participants. Medium-Long Term AQAP The attacks in Hadramout and Shabwa in two consecutive weeks demonstrate AQAP’s continued threat to the region and their ability to directly engage the military at well-defended locations. This most recent operation against the military headquarters in al-Mukalla was designed to prolong the incident and gain maximum attention.

All the recent attacks, including the kidnapping of soldiers from Shabwa, have been quite embarrassing for the military just as they are continuing counter-terrorism operations in Hadramout. Additionally, it was recently reported by media and government sources that AQAP had inside help for the Hadramout headquarters seizure. This alleged corruption was likely possible due to the poor salaries provided to military soldiers and officers, allowing them to be cheaply bribed for information. This could suggest a larger structural problem that will be difficult to combat. It is very possible that AQAP could conduct other attacks in attempts to regain ground lost in the Hadramout offensive. The continued assassinations in Sana’a, Aden, and other cities, have been largely attributed to AQAP. Over 100 assassinations, primarily of military and political intelligence members, have been carried out since January. As GardaWorld has previously reported, driveby shootings using motorcycles are extremely common and have been a large problem for the country. There is currently a procedure to ban weapons carried on motorcycles in Sana’a, which will be enforced by security checkpoints and random inspection, as well as a nighttime ban. As motorcycle taxis are ubiquitious and there are 60 million weapons in the country with 24 million people, it is unclear how effective these laws will be in curbing assassinations.

Issue 21




At first, the thought of entering the highly specialised world of Close Protection without any form of military training or background can be a very daunting and potentially intimidating thought. However, with careful planning, research and stacks of determination it is entirely possible to get a “foot in the door” and take your first steps in to the industry. I think that anyone looking to embark on a career in CP should accept that this is a life-long mission and that you should be looking to development throughout your career and consider the beginning as very much in a learning phase. NETWORKING I believe that one of the key ingredients to a successful career as Close Protection Officer is your ability to network effectively and from that build a relevant contact base. Networking can be done a variety of ways, starting with your training provider(s), appropriate social networking, colleagues you meet whilst out on the ground and attending relevant gatherings. The aim should be to get your name floating about somewhere on the radars of big security providers.


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Despite not having a military background I do have a work history in the security sector and as such an idea of the value of NETWORKING. The need for networking was very much emphasized on my Close Protection course, where the instructors outlined recommended ways to network and how to conduct yourself whilst networking. It was pointed out that your reputation is crucial and that in many cases it can be a case of not what you know but who. A cliché yes but it is very true as I have subsequently found out! The Close Protection circuit can seem vast but when split down into its individual areas it is actually quite small and personable where everybody seems to know each other. Tasks and opportunities are passed about from contact to contact, very much on the QT and often behind closed doors. This is why you must build a solid network of reliable contacts, a point which has borne results in my career thus far.

Military Background? Phil Banks Heimdal Security Services HEIMDAL SECURITY SERVICES are a United Kingdom (UK) based private protective security solutions provider. E: W:

READY TO MOVE Recently, following a call from a colleague whom I met on a previous task I was able to deploy on a task which has not only developed my career but enhanced my learning and experience allowing me to get my first foot into major security operations. I met this colleague whilst networking. He knew that I would be ready to move, put in the call and I quickly deployed on task. In my experience most opportunities are like this, you have to be ready to go in an instant – flash to bang! ADAPTABILITY Adaptability and flexibility are key words in the security industry. You must be able to turn your hand to tasks other than your chosen skill. You must have other irons in the fire, do not pigeon hole yourself as just a CPO or bodyguard, diversify and operate in a range of areas such as Close Protection, Surveillance, Residential Security (RST) and Asset Protection. These are my current areas of operation, when one area is quiet another is often busy which all helps in providing me with a sustainable income and allows me to continue to re-invest in myself and push forward.

Issue 21


Feature Benjamin Alozie is the Director of International Operations for ICON Global. Reach him at

By Benjamin Alozie

8 Things to Remember When Taking A Domestic Client International 1. The Advance: In some third world countries, the advance can be more challenging to effectively execute; that said, never go on a road trip without making sure that you understand the routes or have someone with you who does. When traveling on the route with a local driver, and until you get to the final destination, always keep an attentive eye on the road and never assume that the local driver knows how to spot signs of danger, an ambush or a potential kill zone.


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2. Welcome Party: Where possible and depending on your manpower, always make sure that a qualified agent, or person who can follow guidelines, strictly to the letter; is always at the next venue with the welcome party. Without this resource you’ll be shocked by the chaos with which you’ll be greeted upon your arrival. 3. Respect: As a foreign protection specialist always endeavor to keep a low profile and be extremely courteous

8 Things to Remember and respectful to everyone who you come into contact with. Where possible be generous with gifts; you’ll be surprised by the Intel rewards that you’ll eventually reap through these actions. 4. Local Resources: Interact with the local staff and security agents in a manner which will help you understand their intellectual capacity and even their level of training. This will assist you in selecting the best individuals from the local team who can effectively help you achieve your mission. 5. Variable Standards: It will behoove you to quickly establish a rapport with local law enforcement, and most all with the commanders. Whenever you are working with armed law enforcement agents continue to monitor their levels of complacency until you are safely back to the hotel or residence with your principal. Why? Accidental discharges are commonplace and it’s not unusual to see armed law enforcement officers pointing the barrels of their rifles, often with fingers on the trigger, either knowingly or unwittingly. You don’t want any type of weapon pointing at your principal! 6. Assumption is the parent of mishap: Never assume that any venue will have been comprehensively secured and diligently maintained, unless undertaken by either you or

your team. Create a means for continuous supervision at every location where you find yourself working alongside local security agents and law enforcement officers, especially in third world countries. 7. OpSec: When you are lodged in a hotel or serviced apartments always consider your own personal security and mission OpSec as staff such as, cleaners and room service will be very nosy in certain countries. I always hang the do not disturb sign on my door, except for a short period to allow for cleaning, and only after I’m completely satisfied that the room has been thoroughly sanitized of anything which may compromise the task. 8. Lured into complacency: When operating in a foreign country you should always assume that you have been identified by your; clean appearance, nationality or skin color and are being targeted by criminal elements. A common and effective tactic is to use the opposite sex as bait in kidnapping attempts. Westerners, especially in third world countries need to remain diligent and be careful to avoid any unnecessary flirtatious interactions with strangers. Limit social events to only those organized by people you know and don’t ever wander alone into the city, especially at night. There will be ample time for all that after a successful mission.


Study Skills By Dr. Amy Burrell

When you first sign up to a training course you are often filled with excitement and enthusiasm. However, it is not uncommon for this to be rapidly followed by feelings of anxiety and apprehension as the course starts and/or as the first assignment submission deadline looms. But worry not, developing effective study skills will help you to manage your time and reduce feelings of anxiety, and so this article aims to give you some top tips for studying. How do I start? As a course tutor I regularly received phone calls or emails from students with comments such as “I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed” and “I don’t know where to start”. Often this is associated with anxiety about course expectations and deadlines, or low confidence about how to study after a break from education. Building in time to study and developing effective study methods will help you to complete the course successfully. How to study Many courses, particularly distance learning courses, offer a lot of flexibility as you get to decide where, when and how you study and you control the pace of your own learning. However this flexibility can create problems if you do not have a structured and planned approach to your studies. Here are some top tips to help you get started. 1. Manage your time: Make a list of all of your main activities including course commitments, work and family commitments as well as leisure time. This can form a basis for a flexible timetable that will help you structure your learning. Many people find it useful to plan their time on a number of different levels: a. Calendar or yearly diary – keep a calendar or plan that outlines regular and predictable events in your week as well as due dates for assignments. b. Plan your week ahead. Block out time for fixed commitments such as work, domestic chores, gym etc. and then schedule time for your studies. c. A To-Do List for the day. 2. Prioritise and maximise your time: In today’s fast paced


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world time is precious so it is important to prioritise your workload. Try labelling tasks to help you order what you are doing: Important/urgent Non-important/urgent

Important/non-urgent Non-important/non-urgent

It is also important to consider any ways in which you can maximise your use of time; for example, if you commute to work in the mornings by train you could use this time for reading or revising. 3. When to study: When planning your time you should consider the most effective time for you to study. Are you a morning or an evening person? At what point in the day will the house be quiet for you to study? Once you have decided what time of day is best for you to study you also need to consider how long you will study for. Some people find it easy to study for 50 minutes whereas other people prefer to study in shorter blocks of time. 4. Remember to take regular breaks: It is well documented that breaks increase productivity as well as improving the quality of learning. 5. Know when to stop: Once you have achieved the goal you set for yourself, stop and reward yourself (even if this is just a cup of tea). This will help you to stay motivated. 6. Where to study: To make the most of the time you have set aside for studying you also need ensure that you have a comfortable, well-organised study area that is free from distractions. Ensure: a. You have space to lay out your course materials, study notes etc.

Study Skills

b. You have a good supportive chair c. There is good lighting d. The temperature is comfortable 7. Avoid distractions: Try to minimise distractions while you work. It is a good idea to alert people around you to the times when you will be studying and ask them not to disturb you. In addition: a. Turn off the TV b. Let the phone go to voicemail or ask callers to ring back later c. Don’t play computer games d. Don’t check your email (in fact, switch it off) Reading Reading for your studies is very different to reading for pleasure. When you read a novel you read passively, starting at the beginning, letting the text guide you, and reading everything without question. When you study you need to read more actively looking for key points and trying to understand different concepts. • Skim or browse the text: Skimming involves going through the text rapidly to see how useful it may be. Look at the index, chapter headings, introductory and concluding paragraphs as well as skimming through the main text. • Ask yourself a question: Set yourself questions that you need answered and try to filter out the information that is relevant as you read. • Read effectively: Start by reading the chapter/ passage quickly and see if you understand it. What is the key point? Then evaluate what you have read – how convincing is the text, can you think of any examples or alternative ideas? • Recall key points: Try and remember some of the key facts or ideas that you have read and jot them down. • Review: Look back through the text and check your notes. Correct any mistakes and ensure that you have covered the key point of each paragraph. Taking Effective Notes Taking effective notes is a useful tool when studying. Taking notes helps you concentrate when reading and forces you to make decisions about which bits of information are useful and helps you to process and understand what you read. When taking notes remember the following: • Don’t try and write down everything you read • Select the main points • Summarise information in your own words as this helps you to understand

• Create your own shorthand / abbreviations if this helps • Structure your notes It is important that you find a style of note taking that suits you and the way you learn. There are lots of different ways to make notes and you may use different methods at different times. Experiment with different options to see what works best for you. See below for a few examples: Linear Notes: Separate out different points/ themes and indent subsections to keep things clear and consistent. You may also find it useful to use visual prompts such as highlighting or underlining to emphasize key points. Mapping Notes: If you learn better through visual cues you may find it easier to structure your notes by mapping out key points in a diagram – flow charts, spidergrams and bubble diagrams are all good examples. Preparing and writing assignments It might sound really obvious but the single most important thing to do for an assignment is to answer the question. It is tempting to write down everything you have read about the topic but this is not what the assessor is looking for. More often than not the assessor is looking for evidence that you have read the key texts and extracted the most relevant material from them to answer the question. With written assignments it is important to structure your answer appropriately so that it has a clear introduction, main body (with sections that flow together well), and conclusion. It is also very important that arguments are be supported by evidence/references. Last but not least – stick to the word count! Conclusion Embarking on a new course can be both exhilarating and daunting. Developing effective study skills can help reduce anxiety and support you to complete the course. Good time management that allows you to get into a rhythm of working is also important. Studying should not be seen as a chore and remember if you get stuck don’t be afraid to ask your course tutor for help. About Dr Amy Burrell Amy holds a BSc in Applied Psychology, an MSc in Forensic Behavioural Science, and a PhD in Psychology. Amy is an Associate Trainer at Perpetuity Training; a company specialising in security and risk management training. To find out more about Perpetuity Training see www. or email training@perpetuitytraining. com Amy also works as the Network Facilitator for the Crime Linkage International NetworK (C-LINK) project based at the University of Birmingham. To find out more about C-LINK email Amy on

Issue 21


Front right seat By Eric Konohia

Front Right Seat

mission creep Death to the Detail

Mission creep [definition]: Gradual increase in scope: a tendency of military operations in foreign countries to increase gradually in scope and demand further commitment of personnel and resources as the situation develops. We can all agree that there is a certain level of customer service that is needed to maintain client/protectee satisfaction. We are constantly making sure that what we are doing is meeting client/principal expectations so that the end result is maintaining that relationship and steady work. Detail leaders and company owners often have to micromanage the mission expectations with individual specialists that want to venture off that paved road. What then happens is that you have specialists which are more concerned about themselves than the company, the detail or the mission. They begin purposely doing nonmission tasks to ingratiate themselves to the principal. This overzealous attempt to increase “customer satisfaction” can and will destroy a detail, and the service provider. It is vitally imperative that company owners articulate expectations and deliverables to every specialist on the detail. If you leave any matter unaddressed, you leave it to the discretion of the individual or team. That is NOT where you want to be; the ROEs [rules of engagement] have to be clearly defined. Mission standards are the responsibility of each and every person on the detail and the detail leader has the daily responsibility of managing that task. As soon as he/ she recognizes mission creep, they have to put a stop to it immediately. Mission creep is a disease that will infect everyone at a fast rate. Once infestation has begun it will start to affect the expectations of all working the detail. Here is a classic example: You have safely transported your protectee to her office where a security process exists to stop anyone


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from getting to her without an appointment. The executive assistant then tells the CEO [your principal] that her 11:00 appointment will be delayed because the ride from the airport cannot make it. You volunteer to collect the individual from the airport; this means leaving the office, and your principal, which she agrees to. Clients always feel that they are safe in their office, but your mission responsibility is to remain with them throughout the day. This one instance has caused mission creep and set a precedent. Now, an expectation exists that the principal can use you for unrelated tasks whenever she is ‘safely’ in her office. The next specialist that mounts a stance about leaving the office will be viewed as insubordinate if they cannot articulate why they should not leave. That is just one example of mission creep but perhaps the most common arises when specialists attempt to befriend the protectee. Conversations detailing personal lives or discussing intimate subjects with the principal are the big issue and an indicator of specialists lacking the correct mindset. I always avoid being in their personal space and I decline invitations to personal or family events because I don’t ever want them to feel that I am comfortable crossing that professional line. Many of you won’t see anything wrong with this, but once you cross that line, the relationship has changed and the detail is on the road from mission creep to detail crypt – DEAD. Let’s agree that the foremost reason we are on a detail is to provide some level of protection which is detailed in the contract and articulated in the “Statement of work” section thereof. I will agree that in many cases we tend to be

Eric Konohia facilitators with less of a protective value, or as I refer to it as being; ‘executive concierge’. If you know this going into a task, then for the most part, ‘all bets are off ’ regarding detail expectations, and mission creep becomes the meal of the day. For those details where your primary mission is protection; mission creep cannot be construed with those tasks that may seem domestic, if the requirement to do them are for the overall security expectations. For the purpose of defining what I mean as mission creep let me put it this way. Mission creep is volunteering to do any task that is not related to the overall security responsibility or expectation. The example I gave above is mission creep and I will challenge anyone on that. Many times when I am advancing a trip for one of my clients and I know 1 Alpha [wife] is accompanying him, I will add several known shopping stores [retailers] to my advance even if it is not on the itinerary. I am not asked to do so, but I know from past trips that is usually an OTR [Off The Record] movement. Many of you might see this as going beyond the scope, however in the greater scheme of the protective mission I have alleviated having to push someone into doing a “hasty advance”; this is the proactive mindset. However, if when the principal and his wife arrive in the AO [Area of Operations] I conveniently blurt out, “Ma’am I found you some great stores if you decide to do some shopping,” then that is a journey onto Mission Creep Boulevard. Your statement is an attempt to ingratiate and shine the light on yourself – False Value. In fact, if you already know that she has a pattern of shopping; it is your responsibility to at least prepare for that likely outcome. If she decides to do so [shop] you are already prepared and no pre-announced “Look what I did,” declaration is necessary. Mission creep changes the expectations of the client/protectee not the detail. Once the client/principal begins to view something new as expected, and when it does not contribute to the overall security mission, then you have crossed territory into the gray zone and it will then infect the detail.

When mission creep occurs, you will often hear it from senior members of the detail and then possibly by the leadership. What one detail leader sees as normal behavior may be well within the “Gray Zone” of mission creep for another. The charge is to always have clear and defined responsibilities and expectations. What one detail leader sees as outside the scope, may be within another’s “area of appropriate behavior”. Client relationships are built upon many factors but the main one is the overall “worth” of the security provider to the client. How that worth is measured can vary from client to client, whereby one may view the extraneous non-security tasks as worthiness and another may assess your worthiness purely based upon professional standards. I have one client [15+ years] that refuses to allow any of their staff to task me or my team with anything non-security related, then I have others that couldn’t care less. By the nature of what we do and what we provide, we are facilitators. We facilitate ease of movement while providing a protective bubble. We facilitate an air of comfort that allows decision makers to carry on their normal duties without having to worry about inconsequential issues unrelated to their daily responsibilities. We assist them by providing a safe and secure environment. The Keyword; assist, is a verb or an action word. When the word assists turns into the word assistant [noun], you are in full blown mission creep. An assistant to the client/principal is a title that is assigned to a staff member. Crossing that line incorporates different expectations, and different responsibilities. It is impossible to wear the hat of protector and assistant at the same time. The expectations of an assistant, more often than not, conflict with what we do and perform. There are not enough hours in the day to switch from one hat to another, and even if there were, you would have difficulty performing both roles at maximum capacity. Stay the VERB!

Eric Konohia is an International Operator and the President of BPI Security

Issue 21


Review By Philippe Minchin

Non-Lethal Hostage Rescue The horrific terrorist attack in a busy shopping mall in Nairobi was a counter-terrorist team’s worst nightmare. Well trained militants with a detailed knowledge of the building, armed to the teeth with heavy weaponry and explosives slaying innocent weekend shoppers. Knowledge is absolutely crucial in the fight against terrorism because it provides the anti-terrorist and security teams with information about their enemy and the best tactics to use to get the job done quickly and safely. Like most hostage rescue and counter-terrorism operations, the security teams at Nairobi must have found it challenging to build an accurate picture of the number, status and weaponry of the terrorists involved to help them plan an appropriate course of action. While the sight of assault teams using abseil lines, hurling stun grenades and setting off frame charges may be the stuff of Hollywood, the information gathered from survivors’ mobile phones and images captured on CCTV cameras inside and around the Westgate Shopping Centre would have quickly made it clear to the security forces that this tactic would have been fraught with enormous dangers. It would appear that the militants had rounded hostages, split into groups and holed themselves in various locations across the shopping mall. Security teams had the unenviable task of having to mount multiple hostage rescue operations against brutal and well-armed terrorists. They would not have wanted a repeat of the 2008 Mumbai Massacre, where militants launched a series of co-ordinated shooting and bombing attacks which ripped through the heart of India’s largest city, leaving hundreds dead and scores more injured. Although not every aspect of the Nairobi assault team’s available intelligence and equipment will be revealed, going by the media reports at the time of the assaults, one tactic pursued by the security forces was to inch their way through the building room by room. In such scenarios, using conventional explosive charges is extremely dangerous because you run the risk of inadvertently injuring and killing with explosions and debris the very people you are trying to save on the other side of the wall. In such situations, non-


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lethal methods of entry become part of the mix you call upon. One non-lethal method of entry device that is being used by some of world’s elite forces to punch the first entry point into a building is the ‘Wall-Breaker’. Terrorists will not expect a response team’s point of entry to be straight through a solid wall, the floor or ceiling. This clever portable pneumatic device which can also be vehicle mounted for greater operational flexibility and rapidity, fires a charge - a standard 22 kg office water cooler bottle filled with water at a velocity of 94 metres per second - and that impact can smash through a double layer breeze-block to create entry holes for assault teams. The advantage of using water is that on impact the casing shatters and it just sprays out water. As a result hostages on the other side of the breached wall are far less likely to be seriously injured. It also means that unlike traditional methods of entry, security teams can stand much closer to the point of entry, enabling a fast and effective entry for a maximum surprise impact. The Wall Breaker can come with a variety of projectiles designed to perform specific jobs. One of those projectiles can pepper an area laced with tripwires with gum balls travelling at 300 metres per second to safely trigger the booby traps. Your office chats next to the humble water cooler will never be the same. About the Author: Philippe Minchin is researcher for BCB International Ltd, a company that has been providing protective and survival equipment to the military for over 50 years. Before joining BCB, he spent seven years as a Researcher for a Member of the UK Parliament who represented the UK in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and served on the House of Commons’ Defence Select Committee.



“No change, no change” came the voice over the radio…….time for a wee and a cup of tea then, or so I thought, then ten seconds later, “target into vehicle and towards the M2, all units acknowledge.” Its always the same with surveillance, you sit on a target or SOE, the technical term being subject of enquiry for hours with nothing happening and then just as you want a comfort break the SOE appears. So here I am heading up a team of six operators being driven down the M2 wondering where we are going. My question is answered all too soon as we turn off for the channel tunnel. A quick phone call to the client and I ascertain we are to follow the SOE where ever he goes. I relay information over the radio to the other three vehicles that they are to purchase tickets for the tunnel. The tricky part is not losing the target at the other end as at this moment we have no idea what train he is booked on. I ask two vehicles to get on the next train across to France, that would leave two of us to stay with the target in the car park at the this end of the tunnel whilst the others travelled across to wait on the other side. The target goes to use the toilets and buys coffee in the waiting area, an operator gets out on foot to watch the target to see if he meets with anyone in the terminal whilst I maintain eyes on the vehicle. Forty five minutes later the vehicles that have gone across to France call me to say they are now in place, I tell one of them to go hire a French car and park up their British registered one in a safe place as we are still in the terminal and I can see from the letter hanging in his windscreen that the target is booked on the 1500hrs train, which at that point was another hour from now. The joys of surveillance never knowing when or where you are going but making sure you have the right equipment with you just in case is vital. Always carry your passport, credit card and driving license with you. I get a call from one of the female operators in France who tells me she has parked in a lorry layby awaiting further information from us, she was approached by a lorry driver

who asked her how much she charged. He obviously thought she was a “lorry lil” or female who hung around lorry parks to make money off the drivers for sexual services. “What did you do?” I asked her, “Smacked him around the face” she said, “I didn’t want to knee him in the knackers as I didn’t want to draw too much attention to myself ”. Good girl I laughed, although to be fair its not a laughing matter, nor did I laugh a couple of weeks later when I received a call from a female CPO who was new to the Circuit asking for advice when the Male TL on her job insisted she share a hotel room with him and kept prancing around in his underwear, or conveniently dropping his bath towel when he came out of the bathroom. He was also texting her pictures of his penis when she was on duty. “Whom are you working for?” I asked her and after she told me the company’s name I phoned the Managing Director, an old school type operator whom I knew. Having spoken to him about his TL’s behavior he promised he would sort it immediately. I’m the last person to go on about sexual harassment and like a bit of banter as well as the next person but sometimes it can go too far and needs to stop. Its also not fair on new operators who don’t know how the circuit works, they are often scared of raising an issue on the off chance that they are thought of as a trouble maker. New operators have often just done a basic course or they have been around CPO teams as nanny’s or PA’s and think they know how it all goes, when the reality is they are totally unaware and inexperienced newbies. Its up those of us who are a little older and wiser to help them it is also up to companies to make sure the people they put out as Team Leaders are appropriately experienced and up to the job in hand. Have a good autumn Jacquie Davis

Jacquie Davis is Director of Protective Services at Optimal Risk. Web:

Issue 21


Review By Scott Geddes

Scott Geddes SIA Licence Close Protection Officer & Maritime Security Consultant Contact:

(Tactical Combat Casualty Care, Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support) – Course Review 68

Circuit Magazine

Exmed TCCC

With the security market becoming flooded with operators looking for work, it has become more important to both network and make your resume stand out from the hundreds of others received in recruiters’ inboxes. Having completed FPOSi during my CP course, I completed MIRA with Exmed, to give my resume an edge over others, however MIRA has become very popular/common, so the next step up in the first aid world is a acquire a PHTLS qualification. Exmed’s TCCC course is certified by the NAEMT, which is not well recognised on the UK circuit, but would be better known by American clients in hostile environments and it complements the British recognised FPOSi and the MIRA. The TCCC course is fully compliant with the Department of Defence’s Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC) guidelines and it is the only TCCC course endorsed by the American College of Surgeons. After enrolling and being accepted onto the course I received a quite literally massive PHTLS Military textbook, with accompanying DVD. I then booked accommodation at Pengethley Manor, where Exmed are now located and I was all set. Day 1

First up were the ubiquitous introductions to the team and other students. After going round the room I started getting a little worried as there was a doctor, a couple of Exmed instructors and paramedics doing the course for CPD, leaving only myself and a firearms police officer who were not healthcare professionals. It was a little intimidating after the introductions believing that you are the weakest link! However, once things got underway I felt a little better as this course is about tactical combat care, very similar to the manner in which team medic cadres are run in the forces. After the intro to the course we moved onto Care Under Fire (CUF) which included: tourniquets, how to extract a casualty from a potentially harmful situation, practicing 2 man carries etc. Once CUF had been covered we moved onto airway

management, including the practice of surgical airways on live tissue and needle decompression with practice on dummies. After the first day it was clear that the TCCC course is an American military course, but it is one that fills the gap beyond civilian FPOSi courses for contractors working in hostile environments. Day 2

The second day consisted of classroom lessons followed by more practical lessons which included practicing cannulation, and F.A.S.T.1, a new I.O. method of drilling into the bone. There was also practical lessons on fitting pelvis splints, SAM splints and Kendrick splints. After lessons came exam time, the first being a written/ multiple choice exam from NAEMT with 50 questions and an hour to complete; then the second was a scenario which was set inside one of Exmeds environmental rooms. This is a darkened room designed to create the atmospherics of a battle scenario; using smoke and audio tracks to represent the sounds of helicopters and machine gun fire. All of the core medical skills are taught on the MIRA course which I completed the year previous, also with Exmed, however, it was good to get a refresher. The CUF training was not unfamiliar to me either, having had it drilled into me during many Team Medic cadres in the military, but again served as an excellent refresher, with the added bonus of being another recognised qualification to add to my resume. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the course; the instructors have a wealth of knowledge and don’t mind answering questions or explaining anything which someone doesn’t understand. They have created a relaxing environment in which to learn (unless in a scenario!), with plenty of hands-on experience where possible. I thoroughly recommend this course to anyone wanting to expand their clinical knowledge.

Issue 21



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First Class Executive Security Nottingham, UK, Nottingham based, full-service company specializing in Bodyguards and Security Consulting services. Extensive experience in VIP security, also caters for public and private sectors. W: T: 0115 9266466 G6 Global G6 are specialists in all types of radio, telephony and satellite communications for both voice and data with particular emphasis on covert communications installations in both vehicles and fixed locations. In addition, our range of personal covert radios and bespoke accessories is extensive. W: T: +44 (0)1454 610050 Gordon Russell Highly trained frontline Close Protection Operatives available for UK and International contracts. Our experienced CPO’s can offer bespoke packages to meet all clients needs, including a variety of language skills. All SIA licenced, BBA member E: T: +44 (0)7917 281 004 James Izett All close protection task undertaken, including training tasks. Medic (Registered with the HPCSA, Registered FAAW instructor and Assessor E : T : +971 (0)505 574 350 Janice Gurney Proficient and diligent Security Professional gaining extensive knowledge and experience within the security sector. Proactive individual who has a logical, flexible and conscientious approach to all challenges undertaken, ability to work as a member of a team or as an individual willing to work anywhere. T : +44 (0)7885 793061 E : International Centre of Special Training International Centre of Special Training is an international training and security company based in the United Kingdom. Its priority objective is to provide services to the highest level. W: T: +44 796 736 55 65 IPSS Security Northfield, Aberdeen, AB16 7EX Security and protection services - UK and overseas. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1224 69455 W: ISS Training Ltd Riverside Cottages, Nidd Walk, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate, HG3 5NA ISS Training Limited are providers of specialist covert surveillance training courses and publications to the security and investigative industries, enforcement agencies and specialist military units. Formed in 1990, we are the longest established surveillance training company in the United Kingdom. Our credibility and reputation

is widespread and we offer nationally recognised qualifications. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1423 712265 W: Jason Morris Security Hertfordshire, UK Providing a wide range of Door supervision/ security for V.I.P and prestige venues, Concerts, Functions, Corporate and Personal Security, Weddings, Private Parties, Gala Dinners, Business Awards & School Proms, Close Protection and Body Guarding Static Guarding and Stewards. T: 01462 478900 W: E: John Featherstone Security professional with operational experience gained in a variety of theatres. Main specialities close protection and surveillance. T: 24hrs : +44 (0)7702 740722 E: W: K9 Support Services Ltd K9 Support Services UK Ltd is a supplier of specialist drugs and explosives dog/ handler detection service (which includes arms & ammunition) to individuals, businesses, and the public sector. T: 0845 643 6393 E: Logas International Tyne & Wear, SR1, GBR Front line SIA, International CPO. Private Investigation and Surveillance operator. E: MLK Security and Protection Services Swindon, UK Close Protection Officer and Door Supervisor E: T: 07917654978 LJE Security Services North Yorkshire, HG1, GBR Close Protection, Residential Security, Asset Protection, VIP red carpet Security and Private Investigation. E: One Events Grantham One Events offers you a stress free solution in the organisation, putting together and running of an event. Thisis accomplished by having a group of specialised companies from different industries working together for a more complete service for you. TEL: 0870 974 6779 W: Plymouth Close Protection Highly versatile, physically fit and accomplished security professional with cumulative experience in the areas of security management, close protection, crisis management, risk assessment, emergency management, asset protection and security training. E : W : T : +44 (0)1752 500807 PPSS Group Body armour and stab vests provide a functional solution to individuals who require extra protection in their chosen vocation. All PPSS (formerly ASEO) body armour and stab vests are certified by the UK’s Home Office (HOSDB) and offer unrivalled protection from blunt trauma caused by a punch, blow or kick. Based on our professional frontline experience and extensive research we can confirm that an impact based assault is a more likely event than an attack

involving an edged weapon or firearm. T: +44 (0) 845 5193 953 F: +44 (0) 1765 603 512 E: W: Presence Security Presence Security (“ PS ”) is a bespoke security company providing protection for private individuals and VIPs, as well as security services for businesses and organizations. T: 0800 002 9734 E: Prestige Risks LTD 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N, 3AX, GBR. Close Protection Secure Chauffeurs Surveillance Residential Security Executive Protection Security Guards Asset Protection T : +44 (0)207 5588182 E : W : Prometheus Medical Ltd Prometheus deliver unrivalled bespoke emergency medical support in the form of specialist equipment, training, strategic advice and deployed clinical care. T: (+44) 1568 613942 W: Prosec Consultancy Ltd 10 Oakfield business park Westbury, BA13 4WF. Prosec Consultancy Limited are dedicated in providing a professional service, which covers a whole range of security services throughout the security industry. T: 01373 228055 W: E: ProTouch Security ProTouch Security is one of the UK’s key providers of event safety, event security, crowd management, door supervisors, stewards, event management and health and safety. T: 01724 279 522 W: Python Security and Protection Ltd Providing Close Protection Officers and Door Supervisors for Events and Venue Security. E : RSM Security UK Ltd London, UK RSM Security UK Ltd offers the experience and expertise necessary to provide security personnel of the highest calibre when you need them. T: 07850091979 or 07792948523 W: E: RWSSI Rob W is a professional security consultant with world wide experience and capabilities in Security, Surveillance and Investigation; I can support you to overcome any problems and enable you to achieve your goals E: T: +44 (0)7818 220985 SDS Solutions SDS solutions provide our clients with protective solutions that are second to none, our consultants will discuss every aspect of the problems that you are facing that dictate the need for a protective solution, we promise our clients a tailor made service to meet individual requirements. Whether based in the UK or abroad our protective service T: 01453 887815 E: Shadow Close Protection A leading company specializing in Executive

Protection as a professional sector, with participation in high and low risk missions, providing global security solutions and consultancy to individuals, corporations and national agencies worldwide. W: E: T: + 30 6948539664 Shaun West United Kingdom SIA licensed, Highly Experienced Frontline CPO. Ronin SA trained. Providing security for both corporate and hostile environments. E: T: +44 (0)7830 109 601 W: Spotllght Protection Services Essex based business which provides a broad and growing range of security services to businesses and organisations large and small. T: 07870560208 E: W: VIPA Tactical Training A specialist training academy dealing with four specific areas of combat: VIPA Civilian Self Protection Program, VIPA Close Protection Combat System, VIPA Police Defence Tactics and VIPA Military Close Quarter Combat. BBA Member. W: Europe & Africa International Security Academy P.O.Box 5833, Herzeliya, 46000, ISRAEL. Our graduates are more recognized, respected and sought after by Distinguish Protection service “consumers” and by most of the “Providers” of Protection services worldwide. Organisers of the 2008 International Summit of Protection Officers. BBA Member. T: + 972 9 950 0969 W: Javier Galan Spain Security specialist available for operations around the world. E: T: 34.637080771 Military Grade Encryption Phones PO Box 52310, Limassol, CYPRUS Built-in encryption software which converts your voice to encrypted data using a constantly changing mathematical formula. It uses a dual layered RSA/ AES combination and a changing session key which modifies the encryption algorithm every second. € 1,398.00 + VAT. All prices include new Nokia N73 phone. BBA Member. T: + 357 7777 7276 W: Security Concierge Group SCG Special Projects Ltd, Avenida, Bartolome Vicente Ramon No 10, B16, Ibiza, 07800, ESP Security Concierge Group is a privately owned and fully independent provider of exceptional security services to an interesting and varied range of clients. T: 00 34 600 665 275 W: E: Americas Bodyguard Careers Bodyguard Careers is an informational site with the purpose of providing bodyguards with all the information and tools necessary to succeed in the Close Protection Industry

Issue 21



To place a classified lineage or box advertisement telephone our sales team on: +44 (0) 191 6450 865

Canadian Use of Force Systems 7975 Yonge St. # 7124, Innisfil, ON, L9S 1L0, CANADA A professional Use of Force and Defensive. Tactics organization teaching a full range of controlled response options for Self-Protection and Use of Force considerations in public and professional environments. BBA Associate Member. T: + 1 705 456 4333 W:

protection agency offering such services as threat assessment, executive protection, self-defense training, firearms instruction, and high risk tactical protection. Our executive protection specialists have over 75 years of experience. Panther can handle your protection needs whether around the corner or around the world. Member: BBA and NABA T: (404) 349-9117 W:

Contact Front Photography Contact Front Photography is the world’s 1st photography studio dedicated to the Close Protection Professional. Stop putting generic or pirated photos on your website; instead commission custom shots to best represent you or your agency. T: +1 (612) 369-6134 E: W:

SILVER STAR PROTECTION Executive protection, site and event security with global experience. Serving southern Minnesota with integrity and professionalism. Former USSS, ICON Alumni. available for domestic and international travel. Robert E. Jones Manager/CEO W: E:

Decisiones Estratégicas Buenos Aires – Argentina Executive protection specialists we have experienced in all Latin America, for multinationals companies, also providing support in project throughout Latin America to consulting first the US. and UK. We have a team of specialists and psychologists in assistance and crisis negotiation. T: +54(911) 6415 1941 E: jbenitez@d– W: www.d– Detective Lacerda P.O.BOX 25996, São Paulo, 05513-970, BRAZIL Providing the full range of security and investigation services throughout Latin America. BBA Member. T: + 55 (11) 3452 4388 W: Global Bear Protection PO Box 11488, Jackson, Wyoming, 83002, USA Provision of British and US Ex Special forces security/medical specialists. T: 307 413 3619 W: E: Icon Services Corporation 1043 Grand Ave. #312, St. Paul, MN 55105, USA A full service security and investigative agency specializing in providing high-level security and bodyguards to international celebrities, public figures and corporations. Licensed, bonded and insured, our diverse roster of clients reads as a virtual who’s who in the corporate, motion picture, fashion and recording industry. Entering into our 10th year, Icon has been the hand picked choice to provide Executive Protection to everyone from Superintendents to Supermodels. BBA Member. T: + 1 651 695 8778 W: Imperial Protective Service, LLC 15849 N. 71st Street, Suite 100, Scottsdale , Arizona, 85254, USA Imperial Protective Service’ (IPS) is a security consulting and services firm founded in 1978. IPS provides both national and international corporate, executive and celebrity protective services. BBA Member. T: + 1 480 281 1588 W: Panther Protection Services 3695F Cascade Road, Suite 2207, Atlanta, GA 30331 Panther Protection Services is a full service


Circuit Magazine

TSICS (T6) Miami, Florida, USA TSICS (T6) provides the following services in Central America: Executive Protection, Individual Bodyguard, Close Protection Training, Corporate Invest. W: saldrix E: T: +502 6645 6822 Tony Scotti’s Vehicle Dynamics Institute 1162 St. Georges Ave, Suite 277 , Avenel, NJ 07001, USA The first name in advanced driver training, offering our highly acclaimed Protective/Evasive Driving Programs. Designed specifically for today’s executive chauffeurs, executive protection professionals and others who are responsible for providing safe and secure transportation services. BBA Member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 W: Vindex Personal Protection & Investigation Inc. 497 Hooksett Rd #365 Manchester NH 03104 603.289.3161 / Full service Private Investigations & Executive Protection. 10 years combined Law Enforcement, Private security, close protection work, & security contracting. NY Mayors, U.S. President’s, NFL owners, and VIP’s are some of the protection work I’ve gained experience with. ICON alumni, NABA member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 E: W:

The Team: Editor Managing Editor International Editor Art Direction

Shaun West Jon Moss Elijah Shaw Peter Falkous

Contributors: Russ Saunders Kate Bright Benjamin Alozie Andy Dubberley Manhar Parshotam Mark “Six” James Paul “Rock” Higgins Chris Bradford Eric Konohia Robert S Michels

Paul Ingram Scott Geddes Raffaele Di Giorgio Dean Bateman Eric Konohia Dr Amy Burrell Jacquie Davis Elijah Shaw Shaun West Jon Moss

Our Sincere Thanks to all those that continue to contribute their wisdom and experience for the enjoyment of others The Circuit is compiled, edited and published in the UK and US quarterly. W: E: T: +44 845 519 2538

Asia Pacific Asia Protective Group Ltd Asia Protective Group (APG) is a Hong Kong based risk management company, specializing in executive protection, overseas travel security and security consultancy services. APG has an extensive network of security specialists operating throughout the Asia Pacific region. W: E: E:

To place a classified lineage or box advertisement telephone our sales team on: +44 (0) 191 6450 865

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