Circuit Magazine #22

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Driving in Hostile Areas Advance or At a Glance

Afghan Transition what lies ahead

Head Injury | Home Security | Security leadership

Contents issue22

Tactical training for the real world


46 focusOn: Afghanistan A Time for Transition

G7 Tactical Training Ltd | 0203 282 7575


Intel: Regional Overview: AFGHANISTAN





The Knockout Game – Don’t Let Your Client’s Become A Victim

04 Editorial 06 Workplace Diversity 10 Management of Head Injury 16 WORKING GIRL 18 Close Protection: 26 Home Security 28 Hostile Surveillance Detection 34 The Front line 38 Life Saving Armor for Bodyguards 42 MediPro Training 46 Intel: 66 Which Training Provider? 70 Incorporating Surveillance 74 Keeping Your Edge 76 The Knockout Game 80 Smoke & Mirrors 84 Has the Advance become the At-Glance? 86 To plan or not to plan? 90 Security Leadership 92 Classifieds


Editorial Issue 22 As 2013 comes to an end and we begin contemplating a new year with new challenges... Well, it’s another new year and we at The Circuit are looking forward to what should be an absolute rollercoaster ride of a year within the security industry. It’s anyone’s guess as to what parts of the world the team and our readers may end up this year? (Remember send us your pics!)

Shaun West Editor

2014 brings the Football World Cup, which is being held in Brazil and will of course present many challenges for CP operators and a lot of you reading these words now. If you regularly attend the major sporting events then you should view the World Cup as a great opportunity to expand your contact base/network in Latin America as the next Olympics are being hosted there also. The world seems to be moving so fast with very little time to relax. Technology is developing at lightening pace and is a major contributor to why the pace of life and work is speeding up all that we do. Therefore, it’s very easy to sometimes forget to take your foot off the pedal, allowing yourself time to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Don’t overlook the importance of this, or risk burnout! Taking time out is my New Years Resolution …..well for a short period at least, even if that is just promising myself a brief holiday where the phone is turned off! Why not do the same? A new year can mean a new start, so view it like that, regardless of the events of 2013. Seize the opportunity; take up a new hobby, learn a new skill, join a club, or finally tackle that project that you’ve been putting off. Set yourself goals and stick to them. If you are looking for work refresh your CV, do a course, or attend networking meetings. A change in direction may be all that is needed to improve your luck. Best wishes and a happy New Year to all our readers and contributors.

Editorial Issue 22 New Year - New Roads to Experience. That’s my mantra for 2014. For those of you that are familiar with the photo sharing service Instagram, I regularly post photo collections from my international travels (with respect to OPSEC of course) with the hash tag #AllRoadsLeadSomeplace. While the photos stretch back several years, I often look at them and reflect on the journey that took me there. I’d like to say I apply that same reflection on The Circuit, it was a 5+ year journey that lead to the magazine you are now reading and while the road might have not always been smooth, it most certainly has been both interesting and satisfying. Now in 2014, a new year brings a new journey, and just like when we review the client’s itinerary in advance of a planned trip, we know that “the map is not the territory.” You can plan, but until you actually put boots on the ground, you won’t have the full picture. As the Circuit evolves into a true magazine for the 21st century, one thing we as an editorial staff have to keep doing is challenging ourselves. We have to continue to push the envelope on new ideas, concepts and techniques that members of the Close Protection community will find informative, educational, and yes, sometimes fun. This ain’t your daddy’s textbook, instead this is a vibrant magazine that is designed to paint a well rounded picture consisting of experience from all across the industry, all around the world. Each issue, we have a limited amount of pages to prove just that, and I gotta tell you, we try damn hard. So as you work your plan for the new year, take a moment to reflect on where you came from and then take some time to plan out where you are headed. Once that happens, your not done yet, get moving, put boots on the ground and work your plan. Nothing comes to a dreamer but a dream, so wake up and transform idea into execution. Remember, All Roads Lead Somewhere.

Elijah Shaw Managing Editor (US Edition)


Feature Issue 22

Workplace Diversity –

Embracing our Differences Everybody’s journey in working life is varied and we each develop a unique skill set.


he challenge is to apply these skills to our workplace or role in the most effective way. Often people think that their skill set limits their potential at work but I would argue that “variety is the spice of life” and as such we should be embracing our differences and rethinking how we apply these to maximise success in the workplace. Workplace Diversity – what is it and why is it important? The term “workplace diversity” is commonly associated with the characteristics of the workforce - e.g. gender, cultural background – however, in this context I

am referring to skills. To me, workplace diversity means that there is an array of skills on offer that can add value, and having a range of skills to draw upon helps both individuals and organisations to succeed. Thankfully, people are not robots all programmed to do the same tasks in the same way – if they were there would be no space for innovation. Thus, I believe diversity of skills is a key ingredient for success. Why do we fail? From a business perspective, it might seem obvious that a diverse workplace brings benefits as this allows for a wide range of skills and knowledge to be pooled, which increases the potential of the organisation/company

to succeed. However, there are challenges as diverse people have different ideas about what works and what doesn’t work. This can lead to management being restrictive when choosing new staff only selecting people who will “fit in” rather than choosing people who might bring challenges but whose new skills would also enhance and/or complement the skill base of the existing workforce.

By: Dr Amy Burrell Associate Trainer, Perpetuity Training

From an individual perspective, it is natural to compartmentalise what we learn according to the specific context in which the learning occurs, and it can be difficult to later apply that knowledge outside of that original context. The challenge is twofold – first we must recognise that the knowledge we have gained is applicable in the new situation, and second we need to recall that knowledge accurately and apply it in an appropriate way.

Don’t be afraid to learn new skills or try out existing ones in new situations. For example, I was once challenged by a student who could not understand how the case study I had provided for preventing theft in a clothes store could be applied to a retail outlet selling electronic goods.

We had a discussion about how to transfer good practice principles (e.g. effective surveillance) rather than specific tactics but he was unfortunately unable or unwilling to grasp the concept. Eventually I developed a new exemplar using an electronic store to demonstrate my point. I realise now that the student just wanted me to provide him with a template that he could apply directly to his individual workplace problem rather than provide the underlying knowledge that would have allowed him to problem solve beyond the immediate theft issue. Whilst the template was good for him in the short term,


Feature Issue 22

it left me wondering how long he would survive in the workplace if he was unable to apply good practice principles across different contexts. Maybe it doesn’t matter if he is going to sell electronic goods for the rest of his career but then it seemed a shame to limit his potential. How do we improve? From my point of view, one key issue which limits workplace diversity is how teaching is traditionally delivered. We learn by rote from a young age (times tables anyone?) and this approach commonly continues until we are teenagers or even adults (it is not uncommon in adult learning). The problem with this approach is that it teaches us facts rather than concepts, and facts are easily forgotten when they no longer serve a purpose (e.g. after sitting an exam). By failing to demonstrate how facts interact with one another, and how knowledge and skills can be applied to problem solve in the real world, we are missing a great opportunity. As individuals, there are a number of strategies we can use to help change our

mind-set and/or expand our potential. The most obvious one is to think about your own transferable skills and actively try to apply these in a new situation. For example, if you have research skills these can easily be applied across industries. Whilst it is true that the accurate interpretation of results can be heavily dependent on relevant experience, the actual methods for conducting research are applicable across a range of settings.

I will be marrying people!) and I get asked all the time why I applied for the role. Well, aside from the hours suiting my needs, the job specification was looking for someone friendly, accurate, reliable and organised and I thought “I can do that”. Sometimes we are only limited by our own lack of confidence or narrow minded-ness – just because I work primarily in academia doesn’t mean I can’t apply my skills effectively in completely different role.

I also recommend participating in active learning – it is one thing to know how to give a good presentation, it is quite another to actually deliver one. Furthermore, what engages one type of audience will not actively engage another and so it is important to challenge yourself to testing your skills in new contexts.

What if you are the employer / team leader?

Don’t be afraid to learn new skills or try out existing ones in new situations. Think about how your skill-set could apply to different trades and industries and be open minded about the types of jobs and roles you apply for. For example, I recently took up a post as a part time Registrar (yes,

It is important that employers as well as employees embrace the concept of workplace diversity for it to work. However, this is not always easy to achieve. For example, we are often drawn to people who are similar to ourselves when we employ new staff or select people for certain roles. This is understandable as it means we are more likely to share ideas and perspectives, minimising the opportunities for arguments. Furthermore, if there is a disagreement we are more likely to understand their point of view. However, this automatically limits

By: Dr Amy Burrell Associate Trainer, Perpetuity Training

the scope for increasing workplace diversity. Not only does this limit the potential of the business to grow but it also reduces the opportunity for staff to learn new skills from the incoming member of the team. I therefore encourage employers and team leaders to seek diverse skills within their workforce and consider this when employing new staff. Furthermore, don’t be afraid to try and expand the

skills of your existing team members, for example, by giving them a new task they have not done before but you are confident they could achieve. Of course, you might need to be prepared for some resistance if they feel the task is outside their remit or they are not confident they can complete it competently. It is important therefore to explain why you are giving them the task (e.g. to expand their skill-set) and reassure them you are confident they can succeed. Provision of adequate support and guidance, of course, is a given in this situation. Conclusion Having a diverse range of skills available in the workplace can increase success both on an individual and organisational level. I believe we should all seek opportunities to increase our skills, and actively try to enhance our existing skill-

set by applying these in new contexts. titles, which can claim that, and certainly none that are specifically aimed at the protection sector. We have also replicated our highly successful Apple Newsstand application across onto the Kindle Fire range; reinvented the magazine to be fully digital, increased the amount of articles and crrest. And, if you don’t agree and believe passionately in another way of doing thing then we’re waiting to hear from you. Fire up your laptop, smart phone or even good oldfashioned pen and paper and get writing? I hope you enjoy this review of the year’s articles and if this is your first time reading the Circuit I hope you enjoy what follows and that you continue reading into 2014 and beyond.

About Dr Amy Burrell Amy holds a BSc in Applied Psychology, an MSc in Forensic Behavioural Science, and a PhD in Psychology. Amy is an Associate Trainer at Perpetuity Training; a company specialising in security and risk management training. To find out more about Perpetuity Training see or email Amy also works as the Network Facilitator for the Crime Linkage International NetworK (C-LINK) project based at the University of Birmingham. To find out more about C-LINK email Amy on


Feature Issue 22

Management of Head Injury Following on from the Circuit articles “Breathing Assessment,” “Chest Injury” and “Circulation Parts 1 & 2” Prometheus Medical’s Chief Instructor, Dean Bateman, continues the series on <C> ABCD with a look at D for DISABILITY.

By: Dean Bateman Photos ©Prometheus Medical Ltd 2013


fter step-by-step recognition and management of catastrophic haemorrhage, airway, breathing and circulation, the next component in the <C>ABCD algorithm to assess and manage is DISABILITY. When referring to DISABILITY we are referring to neurological disability. Disability assessment should include an examination of the head and face for any signs of injury and a mini neurological examination. In this article I will focus on the assessment and management of head injuries. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the world’s leading cause of death in individuals under the age of 45. TBI not only causes death but can also result in severe, permanent brain damage. TBI is also highly significant in the elderly population who are pre-disposed to more severe injuries and worse outcomes from smaller energy transfers. This is due to the degeneration of the brain with age and reduced compensatory mechanisms that progress with age and pre-existing illness. Following a TBI, the single priority is to maximise

the brain’s chances of recovery. The brain is a delicate organ, which is very sensitive to changes in oxygen, glucose, pressure and temperature. Even slight changes outwith normal levels can result in death or irreversible brain damage. The brain is located inside the skull - a rigid structure that provides some degree of protection. The down side is that any bleeding or swelling to the brain will result in an increase in pressure within the skull. This pressure will occlude the delicate structures and vessels of the brain, resulting in irreversible damage if it is not recognised and managed in a timely fashion. Eventually, if left untreated, the pressure will become so great that the brain is pushed down through the base of the skull, through which the spinal cord connects with the brain resulting in certain death. This is known as cerebral herniation.

needed to accurately assessed the extent of brain injury. Head injuries can be categorised into ‘open’ or ‘closed’ injuries and the brain may suffer from either direct or indirect forces.

Open head injuries are the result of a direct impact caused from anything that has penetrated the skull, such as a gunshot or knife wound. The biggest concern with an open head injury is the underlying damage to the brain. Externally, the bleeding may appear profuse but it’s rarely enough to cause hypovolaemia unless it’s been allowed to bleed for some time. Paediatric patients, due to their small total blood volume, or patients with blood clotting disorders may also be at risk. The underlying brain injury could be isolated or diffuse depending on the mechanism of injury. For instance, a patient who has fallen from height onto his The priority in managing any head may have sustained TBI is to ensure the injured an open skull fracture with brain receives enough diffuse brain injury, where as oxygen to optimise recovery. a patient with a stab wound Therefore, meticulous through the skull will have attention to Airway, an open injury where the Breathing and Circulation is knife has penetrated the skull required to ensure oxygen is and a small isolated injury delivered adequately to the to the brain from where the injured brain. Rapid transfer knife has penetrated brain for CT-scanning is then tissue.


Feature Issue 22

Closed head injury may result mechanism. After the body from either a direct or indirect impacts against the vehicle, forces; common causes the brain carries on moving include falls, road traffic and impacts against the collisions (RTC) and assaults. inside of the skull, causing There may or may not be a internal brain damage , visible wound depending on possibly without any visible the mechanism of injury. For external injury. This Primary example, in a high speed RTC Brain Injury may cause where the car travelling at bleeding or bruising to the speed hits a tree, it produces brain causing it to swell, a massive deceleration increasing the pressure

Severe traumatic brain injury may have little to see in the way of external head injury but can have extensive bleeding and swelling inside the skull. Meticulous attention to <C>ABC and rapid transfer for imaging and neurosurgical intervention is needed to improve survival and limit permanent brain damage.

within the skull and damaging the brain further - this is known as Secondary Brain Injury. Primary brain injury is the initial impact to the brain. Unfortunately, the only way to avoid the primary injury is to prevent injury in the first place, i.e. the wearing of seat belts and crash helmets etc. The primary brain injury may be severe enough to cause death on its own, for instance a high velocity gunshot wound to the head. The primary brain injury may be minor, such as a result from a fall from standing that causes minor bleeding or swelling to the brain or its surrounding tissues. In this case the primary injury is relatively survivable if recognised and treated before the bleeding, swelling and pressure increase causing a secondary injury. Secondary brain injury should be avoided at all costs to increase the patient’s chance of surviving without permanent brain damage. Unfortunately, a high number of patients with serious brain injuries are beyond the help of pre-hospital clinicians as they require immediate specialist neurosurgical intervention. However, for the patient to survive to specialist care and

By: Dean Bateman Photos ©Prometheus Medical Ltd 2013

go on to make a full recovery with no neurological problems, it is essential the basics of <CABCD are carried out fast and effectively. The two biggest causes of secondary brain injury are HYPOXIA and HYPOTENSION, therefore management should be aimed at avoiding these. Airway • Ensure a patent airway at all times with high flow

(table 1)

Glasgow Coma Scale Eye opening

Verbal response

Motor response

Maximum score

oxygen - any periods of airway obstruction will lead to hypoxia increasing the secondary brain injury. REMEMBER nasopharyngeal airways (NPA’s) are not contraindicated in head injuries and a high number of seriously head injured patients develop trismus (clenched teeth), therefore requiring nasopharyngeal airways to avoid hypoxia. Ensure that the NPA is

inserted gently and the curve is towards the foot of the patient. Breathing • Assess for adequate respiratory effort and open chest wounds - if needed assist ventilations and cover any open chest wounds with a vented chest seal, such as the Russell Chest Seal. Inadequate respiratory effort or underlying chest injuries will quickly cause ventilatory

Secondary brain injury should be avoided at all costs to increase the patient’s chance of surviving spontaneously to speech to pain none orientated confused inappropriate incomprehensible none obeys commands localises to pain withdraws from pain flexion to pain extension to pain none

Score 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 15


Feature Issue 22

Picture shows the damage – known as a ‘bullseye’ – to the windscreen of a car caused by striking a pedestrian’s head. The traumatic brain injury is likely to be severe.

Unfortunately, a high number of patients with serious brain injuries are beyond the help of pre-hospital clinicians as they require immediate specialist neurosurgical intervention.

By: Dean Bateman Photos ©Prometheus Medical Ltd 2013

failure leading to hypoxia, increasing the chances of developing a secondary brain injury.

protects the brain. If blood or CSF is present and there are no signs of injury to the ear or nose, assume the patient has a brain injury. Bruising around the eyes (Racoons eyes) or behind the ears (Battles’ sign) suggests the possibility of a brain injury, but be aware these may take some time to develop.

Circulation • Arrest any external haemorrhage and splint fractures to reduce further blood loss. Loss of blood will lead to a drop in blood pressure, reducing oxygen carriage to the brain. Blood loss will also reduce the haemoglobin • Examine the pupils for size, in the blood, which is vital equality and reactiveness. to carry oxygen to the In good health both pupils brain. A single period of should be equal and hypotension defined as constrict to bright light. a systolic blood pressure Unequal pupils in a patient of <90mmHg has been with altered consciousness shown to massively worsen may be a sign of increased secondary brain injury. pressure within the skull, as the pressure builds from Disability bleeding or swelling the • The head should be nerve supplying the eye examined by direct vision (Oculomotor nerve) is and gentle palpation of compressed, causing the the skull. Feel for any pupil to dilate. Bilateral deformity including boggy dilated pupils may be a swellings, mobile pieces sign of either brain death of skull and indentions; or a symptom of a severe all suggestive of a skull lack of oxygen to the brain. fracture with underlying brain injury. • The level of consciousness should be assessed • Look for clear fluid or formally during ‘D’. By blood from the nose or this stage the rescuer will ears - the clear fluid may be have some idea of how cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), responsive the patient which nourishes and is after carrying out the

<C>ABC assessment but a formal assessment of conscious level is required to determine the patient’s mental status. This can be carried out in two ways. The AVPU score gives an accurate and rapid assessment and should be used as it’s easy to remember and gives a clear indication to the patient’s level of responsiveness • Alert- patient is alert and orientated • Verbal – patient isn’t alert but is responding to voice • Pain – patient is neither alert nor responding to voice but responds to painful stimuli, such as pressure to the nail bed or application of a traction splint. • Unresponsive – Patient isn’t responding to any of the above, therefore is unresponsive. The other method is the Glasgow Coma Score - this is very in depth and open to interpretation. Most medics have difficulty memorising this due to its complexity. It is made up of three components, each giving a separate score (table 1).


Regulars Issue 22

Working Girl So how many of you spent Christmas at home? In our industry we tend to be looking after our principals either on a ski slope or on a beach somewhere in the Caribbean at this time of year. Both of the above offer up varying degrees of added risk, the ski slopes can be fraught with danger whether that be broken limbs or it could be the chalets being broken into. Criminals follow the seasons also and know that unless there is an RST at the house then it will be more than likely that your principal’s home is left empty and ripe for the pickings. Remember before you deploy for the Christmas with your principal to make sure all the properties alarms are in order and working including both smoke and fire alarms.. Once at the resort again if no RST is in place put a make shift alarm in place, the baddies know you will be on the slopes/beach all day. A mobile PIR sensor alarm will help to cover the main entrances and windows.

By: Jacquie Davis

You should have done your advanced recce so you know where the local hospital, dentist and police stations are. I was once given 12 hours notice of a principal wanting to go skiing, luckily I knew the resort as I had been there before but I did not know the hotel we were staying at and had no option other than to resort to Google to carry gain as much info as I could about the location. We set off from the UK and arrived in France, we then had a two-hour drive up the side of a mountain in dark, blizzard conditions. I drove the main vehicle (thank god for all my driver training) and had one of the team sitting next to me with a GPS telling me a right hand bend was coming up in 25 yards, this went on until we reached the top and found our hotel, which of course the principal hated on sight (even though they had picked it).

The moral of this being, don’t forget to save money for when the going gets tough!

around numerous hotels trying to book 3 suites and 8 rooms……no such luck! However I found them a chalet and the decision was made that half of the team would stay in the hotel and the rest would relocate to the chalet with the principal.

up, so I was used both as a go between and as a shoulder to cry on, the CP team carried on doing their job knowing I had my hands full with a sobbing principal on one hand and vengeful principal on the other. I have never been so glad of a properly trained and organised CP team! I now had one principal in the chalet and the other back at the hotel which meant the team had to split up and work longer hours but as always flexibility is the name of the game and any CPO that is not willing to be flexible is in the wrong job.

After three weeks we all returned home, the principals were reunited and the team took a rest, I went to Thailand for a break and promptly caught some awful tropical disease, which Then hotel/chalet would rendered me useless for 6 not accept the credit card weeks. So all that lovely used by my principal, so a money I had earned for few phone calls back to the office and some large wedges being away on a nice task of cash were credited to my promptly got swallowed up I persuaded the principal to account to make payment (I by living expenses whilst I stay at the hotel for the night had a lot of explaining to do recuperated. before trying to find more to the bank manager on my suitable accommodation The moral of this being, return). the following day. This don’t forget to save money then involved sitting up for when the going gets Whilst on this trip the half the night phoning tough! principals decided to split


Feature Issue 22

Close Protection:

Driving in Hostile Areas

January 2013 and I am sitting in the back of a Toyota Prada on the outskirts of ill-famed Cité Soleil in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, which is regarded as one of the poorest and most dangerous slums in the Western Hemisphere.


y Haitian operatives are doing a deal with a local senior gang member; a chubby kid in his early 20’s wearing an Ed Hardy T-shirt and big, white sunglasses, who was sitting outside of a dirt floored plywood shack, mingling with several other local young ladies and gentlemen… We needed to go into Cité Soleil to perform an advance reconnaissance on a location our VIP client would be visiting the next day; not a recommended area

By: Orlando “Andy’ Wilson

for a day trip but since they were paying the bills it was their choice. The deal was done and for a few dollars we had a local kid ride with us, acting as our guide and ticket of good faith.

be the first to be gut shot; if I was going to suffer, so was he! I am fairly certain I was the only white guy for a few miles around and the odds of me making it out would have been slim… such is life, I chose to be there. Having During my long career I served in Northern Ireland have been in such situations with the British Army in the numerous times and the late 80’s and early 90’s the threat of being set-up, murders of Corporals Howes ambushed etc. is always and Wood(s) in Belfast, 1988 present but that goes with the emphasized how vulnerable turf. I am sure it was clear to a vehicle is when trapped by the teenage gangbanger who a violent mob and how your was sitting next to me that reaction must be fast and if things went bad he would aggressive. Corporals Howes

and Woods wrongly drove into an Irish Republican Terrorist’s funeral procession and were attacked by the mob, dragged from their vehicle, beaten, driven to waste ground, stripped and executed with their own weapons. After about half an hour later it became clear that the location we were looking for was not in Cité Soleil. After numerous phone calls it was confirmed the site was a few miles outside the slum in greener pastures.


Feature Issue 22

This is a perfect illustration for the necessity of advance security procedures. This client set himself apart from many others by spending a few extra dollars and getting things done in advance, properly thus avoiding any potential issues. Over the 24 year span of my career I have seen little need for evasive driver training but have seen the need for people to learn how to handle vehicles at high speed and in hazardous weather conditions. The main thing you need to learn is how to drive safely, be able to identify any possible threats and how to avoid them. In most large towns and cities you will not be able to perform

“If the criminals or terrorists are in anyway professional, they will attack you when your car is penned in”

such things as J turns or other evasive maneuvers due to lack of space and heavy traffic, so you must always be aware of what is going on around you. My primary advice to people is to keep as much space as possible between themselves and the car in front, as this can give you some space to maneuver in congested traffic. When you are driving look around and always be thinking of where you could take evasive action; in urban areas there will be few places where you could spin your car 180 degrees and drive against the traffic flow; that’s Hollywood, not reality!

such story came out of Latin America; a top competition shooter was driving to work one day when two kids on a motorcycle pulled up next to him while he was stuck in traffic. The kid on the back of the bike had a revolver and asked the competition shooter at gun point for his wallet; he complied. As he was handing over the wallet he reached for the Walther PPK on his ankle. The kid saw the gun, shot and killed him. Who was the better shot that day, the trained or the street wise?

Another important thing to consider when working with vehicles is the type of ammo If the criminals or terrorists you carry in your pistols; are in anyway professional, if you have the choice full they will attack you when metal jacket rounds could be your car is penned in and a better option versus hollow you cannot perform any points as they penetrate evasive maneuvers, not better through windscreens on wide open roads. It’s windshields and doors etc. A common street kid tactics in good example of HP rounds a lot of Latin American cities not penetrating enough to rob cars at traffic lights happened to a close friend that are at least two cars back and associate of mine in 2010 from the stop light with other when he was robbed and cars behind them; these cars car jacked by two wanted are stuck and cannot escape. armed criminals on the Caribbean island where he If street kids on bicycles with lives. He did a good job and rusty revolvers have worked managed to deploy his 9mm out how to jack people in Sig-Pro that the criminals cars, don’t you think their failed to find when they big brothers have also? One frisked him. The shooting

By: Orlando “Andy’ Wilson

A criminal tactic in Europe when targeting armored cash-in-transit vehicles is to box them in, cover the van in gasoline, then give those inside the option of throwing out the cash, surrendering or being burnt alive. started when the attackers tried to make their getaway in his truck. The end result was that one of them died and the other survived even though critically wounded. The reason one survived was because he was shielded from the police recommended 124 grain hollow point rounds my associate was shooting by the frame of the car and the seats. The rounds went through the frame and hit him several times in the head, but without enough power to penetrate the skull and kill him. I believe that if my associate had mixed in a few full metal jacketed rounds in his magazines there would have been two dead criminals that day. It always amazes me to still see police and security

personnel using out of date Israeli style procedures and not keeping a round chambered in their weapons. Basics, always fully load your weapon and put a round in the chamber. Your reactions have to be fast and aggressive! While I was in Nigeria in 2012 there was one incident where three police officers were killed in what we believe to be an attempted assassination of the VIP they were escorting. While on a busy and congested road the policemen exited their truck and approached a car that was blocking it and their client’s vehicle’s route; as they got close one of the criminals opened up on them with an AK-47and all three died at the scene. The

officers who were all carrying AK’s with the safety catches on and no rounds in the chambers approached in a bunch, did not use cover and they did not stand a chance. The client’s vehicle was hit and one of their children was wounded. Consequently the criminals ran out of ammo and ran into the crowd. Below is a photo from one of the vehicles that was involved in the incident; it was hit once and that was enough to stop it. These days there are so many computers in a vehicle’s engine that if one is damaged the car will just stop running! In a perfect world engines should be armored but the main issues would be the client’s willingness to pay for this, the availability of


Feature Issue 22 The inside of my associate’s truck after the shooting; he needed new seat covers!!

By: Orlando “Andy’ Wilson

materials and mechanics to do the job and a lot of times the answer will be “NO”. I am regularly asked by my clients whether I favor armored cars or not. In my opinion, as it is with everything else, they have their pros and cons. Armored cars do have an application and the first thing you need to consider is what level of armoring the vehicle you’re buying or using has. I have come across people driving around in cars armored to stop pistol caliber rounds in areas where the bad guys carry assault weapons.

may only have some armored panels in the doors and rear seat, it is necessary to always check for yourself and not take anybody’s word for it.

your vehicle, such as accidents or even bodies next to the road. Basic rule: stay in your car and keep moving between safe areas.

Now think like the criminals,if you knew your target was driving around in a SUV armored to B6 level are you going to shoot at them when they are in route or wait for them stop and get out of the vehicle or stop them and make them get out of their vehicle? Think about how can you get someone out of a car; what would you do if a female driver bumped into the back They thought an armored car of your car? Would you get was all they needed and were out to inspect the damage and unaware of the different levels thus possibly be kidnapped by of armoring. You will also her two armed accomplices need to confirm where the car crouched in the back seat of is protected; doors, windows, her car? Always be aware of floor, engine, roof etc. Due decoys that are intended to to the fact that some vehicles make you stop and get out of

A criminal tactic in Europe when targeting armored cash-in-transit vehicles is to box them in, cover the van in gasoline, then give those inside the option of throwing out the cash, surrendering or being burnt alive. An issue with armored vehicles is that you cannot shoot at the criminals from the inside. There was one incident I recall from the mid 1990’s where an unarmored van that was moving cash was stopped and ambushed in an Eastern European country.

If I was going to suffer, so was he! I am fairly certain I was the only white guy for a few miles around and the odds of me making it out would have been slim… such is life

The fact that the van was unarmored enabled the security personnel inside to shoot through the side of the van and fight off the attackers, which they could not have done if they had taken and armored van that day. There have also been numerous incidents where criminals have assassinated targets traveling in armored vehicles using Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs) and improvised shaped charges. An armored vehicle can assist you in your security program but it should not be all there is to it.


Feature Issue 22

Basic advance security and route selection still have to be applied. In January 2013 my business partner in Caracas, Venezuela was attacked while driving his armored Land Cruiser. This is a good example of how sporadic incidents can happen in seconds in places like Caracas and how a professional response can save lives. The criminals in this case were car jackers or express kidnappers who trawl the streets looking for victims. His vehicle was shot fourteen times and if they hit it fourteen times I am sure they missed another fourteen. This also serves as a good example to emphasize that the bad guys have no intention to play with you, they mean business! Here is my partner’s description of the incident: We just left the client at the hotel and I was taking my partner R who was riding escort to his friend’s house.

A red Toyota Hilux with five guys stopped beside me at the red light. They pointed a Glock at my window. I accelerated and they started following and shooting. I hit the brakes so they could smash the car against my rear fender buy didn’t work. They stopped as well. After a barrage of shots they stopped, I supposed they were reloading. I was ten meters away in front of them when I said:”OK MY TURN NOW!” But they kept shooting and by now I didn’t know how much the rear window was going to resist, so I had to move and could not shoot back, their fire was too heavy and they did not follow. I just got that armored Land Cruiser from my cousin one month ago. I knew sooner or later this was going to happen. They shot the gas tank and I was losing fuel. I left R fast and I went back home the same direction to see if they were still there but nothing. I lost all the fuel and barely made it home. It pissed me off,

boss. I could not even shoot one of them. Luckily no one was hurt in this incident. I expect the fact the vehicle was armored and that he hit the breaks for them to hit him let the attackers know they were not playing with an amateur. Criminals want easy targets, don’t be one! In my professional opinion for me there is a lot more you need to be aware of when providing protection services and working with vehicles than just being a good driver. In the narrow congested city streets or the flooded, pot holed dirt roads of today’s emerging markets you need to be thinking chess not checkers. Maybe because I am an infantryman at heart and always feel more comfortable on my feet than when working with vehicles, I ensure that the basic security procedures are never overlooked. I also understand as an old Bedouin proverb puts it “At the narrow passage, there is no brother and no friend.”

The criminals in this case were car jackers or express kidnappers who trawl the streets looking for victims.

By: Orlando “Andy’ Wilson



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Feature Issue 22

Home Security I thought I would take the time to put together a short list of 5 easy and cost effective ways to protect your home, loved ones and your valuables against crime. These are simple enough for anyone handy with a drill or spanner to complete -

1.) Check your locks. Inspect all your exterior locks every year for wear, function and any signs of tampering. This may seem like a simple and obvious step but it often gets overlooked. If any of your locks are starting to wear then replace them immediately, and if they are on an exterior door remember to replace them with a British Standard BS3621 model such as the Era Fortress for maximum protection. This goes for not only the locks but also the keep or strike that the bolt engages with, in the door frame. Remember, the lock is only as good as the fitting! Effectiveness 9/10

at some sash window locks also. Effectiveness 7/10 3.) Garage door locks. A point of access for criminals that is often overlooked is the garage, usually have direct, unimpeded access to the inside of the domestic quarters, therefore it is vital that this area is as protected as possible. A good option for these is the Enfield garage door locks, they are extremely robust and have a hefty hardened steel bolt with substantial 70mm throw. Once fitted these can provide great security not only for your vehicle but also for your adjoining building. Effectiveness 7/10

2.) Fit window locks or espagnolettes. An espagnolette is a type of lock that fits to the vertical frame of a French door or casement 4.) Keep those locks locked! Now you have (side hung) windows. If you have sash invested your time and money in getting windows then you should look at investing in your security up to standard don’t let things

By: Leigh Donoghue LocksOnline’s top 5 ways to increase your home security.

slip but forgetting to keep everything locked up, not only when you are out but also when you come home. A frightening statistic is that 60% of burglaries happen when the occupants are actually at home so it makes sense to get the most use out of your home security products and keep them locked, especially when you are in. Effectiveness 8/10 5.) Get a safe fitted. Having a high security safe fitted is a cost effective and sensible solution to storing all your vital documents such as passports, deeds, car keys and cash. These are a very sensible solutions as not only does it add an extra lock between the thief and your valuables but can also protect

against another devastating scenario, fire. Effectiveness 6/10

I hope this little list is of some use and although the risk of crime is always there, these countermeasures should give you a head start in the fight against the burglars. As the old saying goes; Prepare for the worst but hope for the best. For all of your security locks needs please visit our website -


Feature Issue 22

Hostile Surveillance Detection

Minimizing Kidnap Risk surveillance detection Part One Hostile is one of the few security


s the name suggests it is the art of identifying an individual or group that is attempting to obtain intelligence by placing your client under surveillance. Its main advantage as a security tool is that it is pro-active rather than re-active.

techniques that pre-empts danger.

gathering. The early and covert identification of this intelligence gathering by security teams can significantly minimize the risk of kidnap.

and early identification of possible hostile intent allows a security team to remove the client from danger or deter and disrupt the potential attackers.

Scoping for Opportunity Why would kidnappers put a person or group under surveillance prior to an attack? What would the The global kidnap industry hostile surveillance teams be is booming and no longer is trying to achieve? Business the focus predominantly on executives when planning Latin America. It is prevalent By identifying a threat early, strategy utilize the SWOT throughout the world and and pro-actively working in analysis model. This same for a successful kidnap, unison to increase awareness, model can be engineered to hostiles will normally the risk of a successful help identify what hostile conduct some degree of kidnap is drastically reduced. individuals or groups will be pre-attack intelligence The pre-emptive action looking for. To provide a professional security service it is imperative that security teams and the ‘at-risk’ individuals themselves learn how to identify the signs that may precede an attack.

Minimizing Kidnap Risk Part One







SWOT Analysis By identifying a target’s Strengths and Weaknesses, the hostiles will then be able to identify their own Opportunities and Threats. This intelligence-gathering model will help them answer the following questions:

in Rome, accompanied by five bodyguards. His Motorcade was ambushed and eleven members of the Red Brigade terrorist group ambushed him. As the motorcade approached a stop sign a car pulled in front and stopped suddenly.

1. Can we kidnap our target? 2. How can we kidnap our target? 3. When could we kidnap our target? 4. Should we kidnap this target?

Moro’s car was following too close and struck the car, then Moro’s follow vehicle, also travelling too close, rammed into Moro’s car pinning his vehicle with no chance of immediate escape.

Point four identifies that the hostiles may want to carry out the kidnap but realize that it is a hard target and therefore not worth the risk, OR as can be seen in the case study below, they may just adapt their attack and exploit the weaknesses they have identified.

Two men got out of the blocking vehicle and shot with pistols through the front side windows of Moro’s car killing his driver and bodyguard. Concurrently, a second attack element consisting of four men dressed in Air Italia uniforms that were stood on the pavement as if waiting for a bus pulled weapons from their flight bags and proceeded to fire at the remaining bodyguards.

In March 1978, Former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro was being driven to work in a two-car motorcade

A third attack element of two terrorists jumped out from behind bushes (possibly within a car) and pulled Moro from the car and put him into a waiting vehicle. The terrorists then escaped with pre-planned and strategically positioned vehicles. The whole operation lasted no more than 30 seconds, involved eleven terrorists who fired between 80 and 90 rounds and killed five bodyguards. Yet the build up and preparation was far more detailed and time consuming. Through prolonged covert surveillance and potentially a mix of human intelligence sources the terrorists had identified the strengths and weaknesses of Moro and his security team and utilized these to focus on the opportunities and threats. The terrorists identified a pattern of life and common route that Moro and his


Feature Issue 22

Untrained and opportunistic gangs looking for the best time to strike,

team used. They had also noted that the drivers of both his motorcade drove too close to each other and tailgated other vehicles and the Red Brigade planned to exploit that. They also noted that many airline personnel lived in the area of attack so adopted the air uniforms for cover. The terrorists did several other things that would have been gained through intelligence gathering operations. They slashed the tires of the flower vendor whose normal place of work was near the attack site, telephone lines were overloaded during the attack and vehicles were positioned for a getaway. There are many conspiracy theories surrounding his capture and detention, whatever the true story, fifty-five days after his abduction Aldo Moro was found shot to death in the trunk of a car in Central Rome. It is interesting

intelligence on the target’s pattern of life as possible, asking themselves the following questions and many more:

• Is there security, are they aware, are they armed, are they any good? • How do they travel and by what means? Do they drive, what do they drive, is it to note that according to armored? later terrorist declarations, • What routes do they take in the months before the kidnapping they had instead to work, events, school? Do they vary routes? Are envisaged the possibility of they forced to take the same kidnapping another leader, routes? Giulio Andreotti. This • Do they have a family, is was abandoned once they there family an easier target? deemed that Andreotti's • Are they creatures of habit? police protection was too Is there a pattern forming? If strong. so what is the pattern? What Sourced from: Just2Seconds: are the weaknesses? • Do they have employees, Using Time And Space To can we use them, can they Defeat Assassins. 2008, Gavin De Becker, Tom Taylor provide us information, can we corrupt them? and Jeff Marquart. This case study identifies The hostiles however must how focused surveillance have the capability to gather can be utilized to identify this information, it cannot and exploit weaknesses just be plucked from the air. and enable efficient and Where intelligence gathering successful attack planning, and surveillance operations even against a defended ‘hard’ target such as a Former come into play, there are always limitations. Italian Prime Minister. Capability and Limitations Intelligence Gathering The quality and type of Just as the Red Brigade hostile surveillance can terrorist group did in the vary greatly, it may be quick case study , hostiles will be and basic observations by trying to gather as much

Minimizing Kidnap Risk Part One

untrained and opportunistic gangs looking for the best time to strike, or it could be professional, criminal organizations carrying out effective and focused intelligence gathering prior to a kidnap or assault. There are of course a number of potential limitations to a hostile surveillance team, these will affect the quality and capability of the surveillance. Examples of limitations are: • Training • Capability • Resources – Human and Technical • Finances • Environment All the above factors will determine how capable a group is of carrying out effective and covert surveillance without detection, whist still obtaining all the necessary information. Many terrorist and criminal organizations may not have the technical and practical expertise to carry out a high level of surveillance that is required to defeat good anti and counter surveillance procedure. They may only have one or two people

with limited skills and resources to observe their target compared to the ten or twenty that a government team has available. Numbers do not necessarily mean results though, a team of three well-trained surveillance operatives with time and resources would be able to glean a surprising amount of intelligence, perhaps even within a few days. Specifically when dealing with high-risk clients it must always be taken into account that a hostile group may in-fact have good capability and a small professional team with time, patience and resources.

The first is that terrorist and criminal organizations normally have time and dedication on their side.

important to acknowledge and understand though, is that accurately and covertly identifying surveillance is The large range of limitation far from easy. factors will however, Skills and Drills normally provide the There are two factors that security team a much must be taken into account greater chance of identifying when dealing with hostile hostile surveillance, but two surveillance detection: major factors must be taken into consideration. The first 1. The skills, experience, is that terrorist and criminal knowledge and resources organizations normally have of the person or group time and dedication on their carrying out the hostile side. They can pop in and surveillance. pop out, they can choose their times and methods, BUT ALSO… they can also utilize human sources and agents. All the 2. The skills, experience, time slowly building up knowledge and resources their intelligence picture. of the person or group The second and most carrying out the anti and


Feature Issue 22

counter surveillance. If there is a major gap between either of these then one side will falter. Whilst attempting to identify hostile surveillance it is important that tactics are undertaken to a high standard, but also covertly. This is just one of the reasons why intensive training and specialist counter surveillance teams should always be considered, especially for high-risk clientele. Whatever the level of hostile surveillance being conducted, whether it be rudimentary or highly professional it is important that hostile surveillance does not realize that anti and counter surveillance measures are in place and being utilized. There are two main reasons: • If hostile surveillance is unaware of the counter measures in place they are far more likely to make a mistake, use sloppy tradecraft or become complacent and therefore be identified easier and quicker. • If hostile surveillance becomes aware that they have been spotted it

can lead to a number of possible actions including, impulsive behavior and an increased risk of action or attack. But, and this is more likely, they may just take a step back to then take two steps forward in the future, with better skills and resources. As we mentioned dedicated and professional teams will spot poor anti and counter surveillance early, they will drop out and only come back when they feel it is safe to do so. It is clear that hostile surveillance detection is a vital tool in trying to minimize the risk of kidnap. Those that wish harm on others, especially professional and dedicated terrorist or criminal organizations will strive to gather intelligence on their targets. With this intelligence they will look to exploit the weaknesses of a target and turn these into opportunities for a successful attack. Remember, if there is a gap between the skills, experience, knowledge and resources of the hostile surveillance team and those of the security team, one side will falter.

Part Two in the next edition of CIRCUIT will explore how security teams and individuals can plan and carry out effective anti and counter surveillance, identifying some of the skills and techniques available and give some useful tips.

Explorer Travel Security provide counter surveillance and protective surveillance services throughout the globe utilizing a small specialist team of highly experienced ex UK Government surveillance operatives with years of experience in counter terrorism, espionage and criminal operations.


Feature Issue 22

Sometimes, I sit back and hear the use of a term being used in the wrong context, and as an ex Military person.


wrote this piece to reflect our known troop levels and those gaps now filled by private security agencies in serious areas of conflict around the world, and what we call the Front Line in 2014.

How blasé we have all become as we accept every snippet of information from the world’s leading news agencies, as truthful, accurate and concise, under the banner of “from the Front Line”. The reality is that many I have often marvelled at the reporters are that far naive use of such a phrase removed from the action, by the media describing the reporting from the comfort point at which everything’s of a hotel car park many happening, and the supposed miles away wearing flak centre of activities in a jacket and badly fitted military or civilian operation helmet. to the detriment of all others of a more serious nature Well I thought I would somewhere else in the world. explore this very important terminology used by them, to

give the non Military minded person watching or listening to a media report the sense that they, the reporter, were in a dangerous position as they exhaled the latest propaganda. I must say at this point however, that there are a small number of hardy journalists who do actually report from the most forward edge of a killing field, and indeed who have been seriously wounded or killed in the course of providing us all with a true and up to date reality check of the situation.


The term “front line”, has always been used to describe that line which troops and equipment can get no closer to an enemy whether that is on land or sea. However, and invariably, it is land warfare that finally determines the outcome of all wars and conflicts. This term is better understood, and can be easily equated to the First World War, where a series of connected trenches were carved out of the landscape and held at all costs by both sides facing each other, divided by a cushion known simply as “No man’s Land”.

of the Battle Area) and FLET (Forward Line of Enemy Troops) as the military agreed words for the Front Line. The marking of maps by those charged with leading such campaigns trying to simplify a more cohesive and understood system of front lines, led to the use of marking the enemy line as Red and the Friendly Forces line in Blue, a system still used today and complimented with unit identification flags known simply as, Battle Map Marking. Terms also used when friendly forces engage each other such as Blue on Blue for example!

Military terminology has progressed greatly over many and varied campaigns since As the Front Line term gets World War One, using terms used more and more in such as FEBA (Forward Edge such a cavalier fashion, it

erases the real meaning of where soldiers or security personnel are deployed in areas of danger currently. Civilian employers and the men and women they deploy to protect organisations assets abroad, account for a large proportion of the “boots on the ground” these days, as Armies, and in particular the UK’s Military, reduces to a size not seen since the Napoleonic Wars. Those who lead our country, and through their mouthpieces of consecutive Secretaries of State for Defence, now tell us that we will no longer need to engage in wars as a moderate sized Army as we know it, but be a more flexible armed force that will be structured and equipped to deploy globally


Feature Issue 22

and rapidly at small and medium sized engagements. Oh how I wish I had that same crystal ball they seem to be able to use with great knowledge and confidence in assessing the world’s future at the Ministry of Defence. Perhaps it’s time that this same ball slipped from its base and smashed, as they, as individuals, during their term of office, have to curb, the most expensive asset in the public purse namely Defence, in whatever way they can, using then the poorest uninformed advice available. Would it be that current high ranking officers in all three services would provide such poor advice, relating their own lengthy service and experiences, as the benchmark for the future devastating cuts to our Military? How interesting also, it would appear, that once a small number have left their respective service on retirement, they have a great deal to say about the very same areas they could have made a real influence and change on the inevitable impact, with their knowledge

and experience whilst in office. This then would have saved such drawdown figures we see today of our established and effective Military Fighting Forces. In the past 15 years we have seen some of the most experienced professionals in all three services, who knew what the Forward Edge of Battle, or front line really meant, cast early from a system that owed them so much more, and they had so much more to offer! This very same knowledge and apparent confidence that in the past, has shown how wrong they can be, for example, the return of an aging aircraft carrier, HMS Hermes which had been sold to Australia in the Options for Change white paper, released just before the Falklands War in 1982, only for it to be turned around in the Suez Canal, by the then Secretary for Defence John Nott MP under Margaret Thatcher’s Government. Now that was a short blast of common sense! When one has to rely on civilian cruise liners and maritime tenders to deliver its forces and equipment to a

conflict such as the Falkland Islands, one would have thought it needed an urgent review of its impending cuts, and explore other options for those changes, to still be an effective major power in the world. You would never see the United States using such civilian assets in this way. The sale of our Harrier Jump jets in one delivery to the United States Marine Corps at a knock down price in 2012, leaving our new “Aircraft carriers” without aircraft for some 20 years, is a prime example of poor operational military advice and a tri service misunderstanding and blunder of the century. It then follows that a Front Line and the use of its true meaning, will reduce and disappear over time as a spoken phrase, with the diminishing numbers of actual troops on the ground as an Army, in a world where the vast name changing subversive groups, using terrorist attacks and its unique tactics and methodologies, attacking from a variety of locations, from behind or within, other


You would never see the United States using such civilian assets in this way.

So my use of such a statement as THE FRONT LINE would be simplified in today’s conflicts, as to “draw a line in the sand”, at a time and place where an attack occurs, whether that is in an open space or on the streets of cities and towns where you currently operate as a Close Protection Team.

The response is of course to winning the fire fight with enough trusted logistical support to achieve the safe than from a known front line extraction of the principle and his assets at the time, or agreed boundary. and to return safely, to an area where the threat can be Those working in these reassessed . dangerous areas of private employment, know only too well the risks that go with the Maritime duties also have their imaginary line drawn job, especially those out on the ground, where a reliable across various seas around the world, where one knows friendly response Force when they have entered a decreases by the day. hostile area, from intelligence provided, where there is This year 2014, see’s the likely to be a risk of attack “tactical” withdrawal from pirates to take control of British Troops from of ships, cargoes and more Afghanistan, and a new importantly their crew for dawn arise, by those private ransom demands to be made agencies working together to companies for their safe as one organisation, relying recovery. more and more on their own assets to assist in a In all these cases where there fire fight or at the scene of is the presence of such a an attack on those being protected in the rebuilding of Front Line on sea or land, it is the person standing next the country.

to you and your immediate comrades that you fight for, and it is that unique bond and training as a close protection team that decides whose line is to be drawn in whatever, at a time and place of your choosing to make the last stand. So... Stay Safe wherever you serve in 2014 UTRINQUE PARATUS

Gil Boyd B.E.M is the Technical Director of the British Security Association and also runs his own company, namely Goodman Bentley Spec/Ops Design & Security Limited serving the Military, Government and Law Enforcement Agencies with bespoke designed equipment. After service with The Second Battalion The Parachute Regiment, he founded the national Hostage Siege and Hijack Technical Requirements Group at the Home Office whilst serving with a National Police Force as the Principal Technical Officer in the Organised Crime Department/CID Operations.


Feature Issue 22

Life Saving Armor for Bodyguards The high profile personnel of the world can only navigate public areas under the protection of a dedicated bodyguard/team.


he job description of a bodyguard differs greatly from that of a security guard, which is primarily responsible for the protection of property rather than an individual. In terms of protecting the modern bodyguard, it’s changed drastically within the past few decades.

duty bulletproof armor isn’t always needed. Sometimes no body armor is needed at all for the job. Firearms aren’t always a necessity either.

A bodyguard that protects a celebrity (as in a movie star) will generally be under less pressure than one that’s protecting a government official (as in a president). The celebrity The Different Types of bodyguard’s main focus will Bodyguards be on evading paparazzi Not all bodyguards are equal, and fans who more than as some of them have greater likely don’t want to cause responsibilities than others the celebrity harm; the do. A bodyguard can be celebrity bodyguard is recruited by any ordinary expected to keep any of the individual who feels that celebrity’s fans more than their life could be in danger. an arm’s length away when The degree of danger varies navigating through crowds. for the bodyguard and heavy Celebrity bodyguards will

typically have to get closer to civilians, so they’re more susceptible to a blade attack. It’s not uncommon to see the celebrity bodyguard wearing overt protection that can specifically repel this sort of attack. The political bodyguard knows that a politician can have enemies in many forms. They are expected to be prepared to take a bullet for the subject at any moment. Unlike the movie celebrity, the politician expects bystanders to be kept yards away. The politician bodyguard will dress conservatively and conduct himself methodically. The person that is being

Life Saving Armor

SafeGuard ARMOUR LTD If you need to know more about the different types of body armour you should use then have a look at www., this company has been around for over 10 years and sells a range of body armour vests at industry competitive prices. They sell to organizations and individuals so everyone is welcome to buy. For refurbished bullet proof vests if you are on a limited budget then have a look at the bullet proof vest site www.safeguardclothing. both based in the UK and can help with your specification and choices.


Feature Issue 22

The most popular of celebrities and politicians will characteristically have a team detail.

Life Saving Armor protected and the company they work for will determine the appearance of the bodyguard and how they will operate, as some bodyguards will work alone or as part of a small party. The most popular of celebrities and politicians will characteristically have a team detail.

Joint Special Operations Command of the U.S. Army have specialized soldiers that are trained with military tactics. These soldiers commonly will wear tactical carriers when they are on duty. These military bodyguards operate in a close-protection style, and they can be responsible for bomb detection and Tactical vs. Covert Vest disposal, counter-sniper There are numerous forms monitoring, and more. The of military bodyguards military bodyguard is more that conduct special susceptible to blade and operations on a global scale. spike attack than any other Organizations such as the type of bodyguard.

The covert vest is natural procedure for the political bodyguard, while head protection is not. Those bodyguards that work for a secret service or government agency will be responsible for duties such as maintaining all confidentially of the subject, and screening any person or facility that the subject comes in contact with. Generally any figure that requires secret service protection is at a higher risk for an attack.


Review Issue 22

Having previously completed FPOS (I) MIRA and Remote Team Medic Courses I was looking for a training course which had both industry recognition and would take my knowledge and skills to the next level both academically and practically whilst also fitting into my rotation of 6 weeks on 6 off.

By: Jon dennison


fter endless hours of research and deliberation i finally decided on the PHMT course run by Medipro training Ltd in North Yorkshire. Apart from being fairly local to my home location the course ticked all the boxes for me with regard to my expectations.

the confidence to proceed.

BLS to suturing , cannulation and several resuscitation dummies connected to live ECG machines making the scenario based training as realistic as possible without actually using ‘live patients’. We had no shortage of equipment and spent a few delirious hours suturing, gluing and stapling arms up in the clinical room one afternoon as an interest period.

COURSE CONTENT AND EXECUTION; First impressions of the company were pleasing with a large facility comprising 3-4 class rooms, clinical room, confined space area and an outside area for use with RTC and other outdoor scenarios. There is also a I was looking for a course computer room for student that didn’t just concentrate use plus a wide selection of on trauma but gave me medical literature available to the all-round skills and borrow for research. Course content covered knowledge to work as a the whole spectrum from remote medic in hostile and Fresh orange juice, fruit, the role of the PHMT, austere environments around biscuits and a choice for clinical directives, airway the world. lunch was available daily management with various at no extra cost, plus a adjuncts ( OPI, NPA, I-GEL, The fact that the course coffee machine available in LMA, ET. ), heart conditions, covered A the MIRA syllabus the communal area at the diabetes, fluid / drug therapy, and B elements of the extortionate cost of 20p / Cannulation, wound closure, ambulance technician course coffee ! 12 lead ECG recognition, the allowing me to then move PHTLS system, plus patient into the private ambulance Equipment is available for assessment / history taking service if I desired gave me every level of training from and hand over techniques.


Review Issue 22

The emphasis of the course is firmly the patient with the priority being to teach the underpinning knowledge allowing the student to work as a complete competent technician, rather than playing with ‘Gucci, shiny’ kit that is becoming available but realistically anyone in the CP, Hostile or Remote industry will never have access to. Time was split between learning how to deal with the ‘day to day’ medical emergencies ( Chest pain, Shortness of breath , Heart problems, Diabetic issues, cuts and bruises, strokes, types of shock etc ) and trauma which most companies seem to place all the emphasis on. The course is segregated into weekly sections with continuous practical and written assessments giving students the opportunity to raise any concerns with the paramedics before moving on.

Each course has a dedicated paramedic instructor throughout giving continuity and building rapport between student and instructor. All the instructors still work for various ambulance services as either lead Paramedics or Rapid Response Paramedics. My course was headed up by Paul Spraggon with Darren and Mike stepping in to assist with assessments and scenarios. The depth of knowledge from Paul and the guys was unsurpassed and Paul was able to hold the attention of 6 students with very different personalities throughout the course with his continuous stream of interesting and sometimes amusing anecdotes and ‘stories’, which inevitably led to an impromptu question and answer session. Paul organized a Private ambulance to work with us giving us an overview of the equipment used on front line ambulances plus the

opportunity to practice the skills we had accrued in ‘real time’ on a moving vehicle. It’s an eye opening experience to see how even taking a patient history and trying to fill in a patient report form whilst taking a set of Obs in a moving vehicle becomes ridiculously difficult. A great learning curve for all involved, mostly me was seeing how complicated life becomes if you wheel a patient onto the ambulance forwards rather than backwards, I learned this from personal experience then struggled for 10 minutes trying to move said patient from the chair to the bed when he was facing the wrong way. ( there is not a lot of room inside the back on an ambulance ).The paramedics left us to figure out the problem ourselves, stating, in between bursts of supressed giggles ‘that was a learning experience wasn’t it, you won’t make that mistake Any comments or questions please feel free to email direct on jondennison@

By: Jon dennison again’. I can agree whole heartedly that was a lesson i will not forget in a hurry.

In summary I would highly recommend the PHMT course to anyone interested in advancing their clinical CONCLUSION; knowledge and skills, taking Ultimately for me time the first step towards a and money well spent. The career in the Pre Hospital level of knowledge and Environment or simply competency gained is largely making themselves more left to the individual. You can employable for the future. either put in the minimum effort to gain a ‘pass’ and ABOUT THE AUTHOR; receive your qualification, After 10 years in the hostile or if you have a thirst for ‘security’ industry I have knowledge the instructors covered the whole spectrum will push you to the limit of assignments from PSD of your capabilities whilst shooter-Project management. keeping everything relevant to the role of a technician. Excellent value for money, at less than £2500 bearing in mind you would pay around £700 for the 5 day MIRA course alone ! It would have been nice to have perhaps spent more time on the ambulances but this is dictated more by the ambulance service than Medipro Training themselves. Maybe in conjunction with this Medipro could look into possible clinical placements for the students. For me a positive outcome and hopefully a stepping stone to making the full time transition into the Pre Hospital world.

A couple of years I made the conscious decision to start making the transition from security/ Risk Management into the Remote Medical field. This obviously requires a lot of time, dedication and money as any course with industry recognition tends to have a fairly high price tag. I did the usual FPOS (I), MIRA, and a Remote Team Medic course then finally the PHMT with Medipro training earlier this year.


Intel: Issue 22

Intel: World Report


Intel: World Report GLOBAL ROUND UP:


CAMEROON Boko Haram battle spills into Cameroon: Officials say Cameroonian forces got involved in fighting between Nigeria’s army and the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram in a border town in Cameroon that killed at least one woman on Cameroonian soil and wounded five other people. Col. Tatang Francis, a military police commander in northern Cameroon, said that civilians from the Nigerian town of Banki fled across the border to escape heavy gunfire, and that Cameroonian forces responded to repel Boko Haram attackers who also tried to cross over. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Rwandan troops deploy to CAR: Rwandan troops flew on US military aircraft to the Central African Republic as part of an African Union mission to the wartorn nation. Rwanda army chief Patrick Nyamvumba saluted the first batch of a total 850 soldiers who Kigali is sending to troubled CAR, as they boarded a US airplane. Rwanda’s deployment comes a day after the AU called for more troops to help stabilize CAR. The AU force known as MISCA, which currently has 4,400 soldiers but is meant to be reinforced up to 6,000, struggled to contain the country’s descent into a sectarian bloodbath after a rebel coalition called Seleka installed its leader, Michel Djotodia, as the majority-Christian country’s first Muslim president in March.

Lagos, Nigeria.

northern Nigeria. Mr Abati said Air Marshal Alex Badeh replaces Admiral Ola Ibrahim as the new chief of defense staff, the most senior post in the military. Boko Haram has been waging a four-year insurgency in Nigeria.

SOUTH SUDAN Uganda troops fighting South Sudan rebels: Ugandan troops are fighting alongside South Sudan government forces against rebels, President Yoweri Museveni has confirmed. He said the combined forces had defeated rebels in a “big battle” north of the capital Juba and that some Ugandans had been killed but did not give any details. Several thousand people are believed to have been killed over the past month in South Sudan in the conflict between the government and NIGERIA the rebels. It remains unclear how many President Goodluck Jonathan sacks military Ugandan soldiers are in South Sudan. The chiefs: Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan announcement comes as fighting continues has sacked his military high command. No around the cities of Bor and Malakal, reason was given but the dismissals come government forces are moving on Bor, amid growing concern about the military’s while the rebels are trying to seize control of failure to end the Islamist-led insurgency in Malakal.


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UNITED STATES of AMERICA US Defense contractor suspected of sending data to Iran: A Connecticut engineer with dual, US-Iranian citizenship was arrested by federal authorities last week after it was learned that he was attempting to smuggle thousands of secret documents, including blueprints for one of the U.S. Air Force’s most advanced fighter jets, to Iran. According to authorities, Mozaffar Khazaee had labeled boxes containing the documents as ‘household goods’ when he shipped them from his home in Connecticut to California on their way to Hamadan, Iran. Khazaee was arrested last week at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey as he was attempting to travel to Germany and then on to Iran, where he planned to meet a contact and turn over the boxes containing ‘sensitive technical manuals, specification sheets, and Washington DC, United States of America

other proprietary material’ related to the F-35 and its engines to agents presumably with the Iranian government, according to an affidavit filed by a Special Agent of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations. VENEZUELA Maduro shakes up top economic team: President Nicolas Maduro has announced a shake-up of the team running the country’s economy during his annual state of the union address. The current public banking minister, Rodolfo Torres, will replace Nelson Merentes as finance minister. Mr Merentes will take over the post of head of the central bank. Speaking at the National Assembly in Caracas, Mr Maduro vowed to introducer tougher penalties against “sabotage and speculation”. His state of the union address - the first since he was elected president in

Intel: World Report GLOBAL ROUND UP: CHINA Beijing smog levels soar: Residents of China’s capital, Beijing, have been warned to take precautions after air pollution readings soared. Readings registered more than 20 AFGHANISTAN times the recommended exposure levels by Only US prisoner in Afghanistan is alive: the World Health Organisation (WHO). The US military has obtained a new video Thick smog reduced visibility to a few of captured Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the hundred meters, shrouding skyscrapers and only known American prisoner of war in leaving an acrid smell in the air. Officials Afghanistan. The so-called proof-of-life advised people going to work to wear video is the first footage of the Wood Valley, protective masks, and children and the Idaho, native in almost three years. The elderly to stay indoors. Another monitoring video hasn’t been released to the media, post at the US embassy said the pollution but Bergdahl was described by one senior level was briefly more than 25 times higher defense official as looking in diminished than the amount considered safe by WHO. health from the effects of close to five years in Four highways linking Beijing to other captivity. The video came to light several days cities were temporarily closed on Thursday ago and is believed to be relatively recent as morning due to poor visibility, it includes a reference to December 14, 2013. Bergdahl was taken prisoner in Afghanistan INDONESIA on June 30, 2009, and is believed he is being Death toll climbs to 16 as Manado Floods: held somewhere in Pakistan. US efforts to At least 16 people have been killed and free Bergdahl, including negotiating for his 40,000 have fled their homes after torrential release, have so far failed. rain triggered flash floods and landslides on Indonesia’s northern Sulawesi Island. Rivers AUSTRALIA on the island’s northern tip overflowed and Nine asylum seekers stitch up mouths: burst their banks, sending torrents of water Tensions have escalated on Christmas Island surging through the city of Manado and where nine asylum seekers have reportedly surrounding areas that swept away poorly stitched their mouths shut with dental floss constructed houses and vehicles. Many of and threatened to sew their eyes together those displaced took shelter in government in protest at conditions inside the detention buildings and churches in the Christian center run by the Australian government. A pocket of Muslim-majority Indonesia. substantial hunger strike is also underway, with 78 refugees refusing to eat this week. NORTH KOREA There are fears that nine Iranian men who North Korea warns South and U.S. over had sewn up their mouths may further harm “provocative” drills: North Korea has themselves by stitching their eyes together in demanded that South Korea and the the coming days, according to The Australian United States halt annual military drills newspaper. The Department of Immigration due in February and March, saying they and Border Protection’s health contractor were a direct provocation, a statement that IHMS was closely monitoring the group, the suggested a re-run of a sharp escalation in paper reported. tension last year. In 2013, North Korea said April - was broadcast on live television and radio.

Asia and the pacific


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it would retaliate against any hostile moves by striking at the United States, Japan and South Korea, triggering a military buildup on the Korean peninsula and months of fiery rhetoric. The reclusive North has regularly denounced annual drills such as “Key Resolve” and “Ulchi-Freedom-Guardian” staged by South Korea and United States as a prelude to invasion.

Two people died at the scene of the incident and two seriously injured men died at the hospital. Another injured man is reportedly still undergoing treatment at the hospital. Police cordoned off the area where the incident took place for safety reasons. The reason why the fight broke out is still not known. An investigation has been launched into the incident.

UNITED KINGDOM Military cuts mean ‘no US partnership’, CZECH REPUBLIC Robert Gates warns Britain: UK armed Police discover explosive at Palestinian forces cuts will limit the country’s ability to embassy: Police say investigators have be a major player on the world stage, ex-US discovered another explosive at the defense secretary Robert Gates has warned. Palestinian embassy complex in Prague The UK plans to cut 30,000 armed forces where a possibly booby-trapped safe killed personnel by 2020, leaving 147,000. The the ambassador. A spokesman confirmed prime minister said Mr Gates was wrong and the discovery, adding that the unidentified that the UK was a “first class-player in terms explosive had been sent for testing to Prague’s of defense”. Institute of Criminology. He declined to give details. Police had already found 12 illegal weapons in a search following the explosion on January 1, prompting the Czech foreign ministry to accuse the Palestinians of LEBANON breaching international obligations. Blast rocks Lebanon as Hariri trial opens killing three: car bomb exploded close to The Palestinians said the weapons were Lebanon’s border with Syria, on the opening not illegal and dated to the cold war. The day of a long-awaited trail of four Hezbollah ambassador, Jamal al-Jamal, died after the safe exploded. The career diplomat had only members accused of murdering former premier Rafik Hariri in 2005. started his posting in October. It remains unclear what caused the safe to explode, but The bomb, in the main square of Hermel, a the ambassador’s death is being investigated Hezbollah bastion in east Lebanon’s Bekaa as a case of negligence. valley, killed at least three people and wounded 26 others, Lebanon’s National TURKEY Four die in gunfight in Ýstanbul: Four people News Agency (NNA) reported. The explosion went off in front of the main government died in a gunfight in Ýstanbul’s Baðcýlar district. The incident took place in a parking administration building in Hermel, in the first blast to hit the Lebanese town since lot of an apartment building located in the the conflict in Syria erupted in March 2011, Baðcýlar district’s Yüzyýl neighborhood. a security official told Agence FranceA heated argument turned into a gunfight Presse. which resulted in the deaths of four people.

Europe and FSU

Middle East and North Africa

Intel: World Report GLOBAL ROUND UP:


SYRIA Security slows transport of chemical weapons: The UN body tasked with removing and destroying Syria’s chemical arsenal says security concerns have slowed down the process. Ahmet Uzumcu, who heads the organization, said the amount of chemicals that had reached the Syrian port of Latakia ready to leave the country was not that high. But he expressed confidence the arms would be destroyed by the end of June. There are plans to speed up the process. Removing the most dangerous chemicals is the first step of a UN-backed deal to eliminate Syria’s chemical arsenal. Mr Uzumcu, who leads the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), said the delays were due to technical problems and the obvious difficulties of operating in a warzone.

WEST BANK / GAZA STRIP Five hurt in Israel Gaza Strip air raids: Five people including four children have been injured in a series of Israeli air raids on the Gaza Strip, Palestinian medics have said. The raids took place shortly after militants fired five rockets towards Ashkelon in southern Israel, the military said. An army spokesman said the missiles were intercepted. In Gaza, witnesses said planes attacked five different sites and explosions could be heard across the Strip. At least one missile hit a training facility for al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamist movement, Hamas, which governs Gaza. Another raid was reported to have targeted a rocket launcher cell in an agricultural farm east of Gaza City. Israeli sources say no injuries were caused by the rocket attacks.


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Regional Overview: AFGHANISTAN

Intel: World Report Regional Overview North West Region Activity in the North-West of the country has been low, with incidents primarily concentrating on areas bordering with Turkmenistan. Militants utilize established smuggling routes running across the border to facilitate access to more volatile areas in the south of the country, although reports of criminality are extensive across the region. Attacks against ANSF (Afghan National Security Force) patrols and checkpoints in Faryab and Badghis Provinces can be difficult to distinguish between political and criminal motivations. Acts of banditry occur irregularly on the more isolated rural routes, with the abduction of local Afghans relatively commonplace. North East Region Despite inclement weather conditions having a detrimental effect on AGE (AntiGovernment Elements) operations, (as is the case every year in Afghanistan), Kunduz and Badakhshan Provinces continue to note irregular attacks that are primarily focusing on ANSF assets. Reports abound that alQaeda linked groups are infiltrating the region in order to exploit security vacuums led by the withdrawal of IM (International Military) troops. In response, ANSF are conducting counter-insurgency operations as GIRoA (Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan) secure the region ahead of the 2014 elections. This may result in a greater than normal escalation in volatility once mobility improves, as AGE clash with ANSF. The north-east remains one of the greatest threats to international kidnap. Individuals often mistake low levels of incident reporting for a lack of AGE presence and/or influence, and subsequently neglect personal security measures leaving them vulnerable.

East Region A complex attack targeted a joint IM/ANSF base in Nangarhar during the period, with a MOO (Method of Operation) consistent with what is now associated with assaults against HVTs (High Value Targets). A suicide vehicle bomb detonated against the main ECP (Entry Check Point), breaching the perimeter, and was subsequently followed up by 3 to 4 suicide vest bombers who engaged the personnel within. Nangarhar is currently recording the bulk of significant events, with IEDs and CPX attacks becoming relatively commonplace. The east remains vulnerable to increased activity relating to NATO’s access to the eastern MSRs (Main Supply Routes). Attacks at border crossing points such as Torkham may continue until such a point as anti-western sentiment improves in the tribal areas bordering with Pakistan. South East Region Ghazni Province is currently noting an escalation in AGE activity, with multiple attacks of significance reported across the area. The bulk of attacks relate to IEDs and SAF (Small Arms Fire) reports, although suicide bombers are also irregularly deployed. Activity in the south-eastern region increased significantly once IM troops refocused their attentions from the south in 2012, and attack frequency has remained high ever since. Considered to be one of the most consistently volatile areas in the country, attacks occur across the region and primarily relate to opportunist CPX and SAF attacks alongside IEDs. Activity in the immediate area of the border is rare, and is likely a result of AGE not wishing to draw IM/ANSF attention to the so called ‘rat runs’ used to drift to and from the border. Activity in the south-east should be expected to remain high throughout the winter period as AGE exploit the less mountainous areas


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where weather conditions allow greater mobility.

Points) are relatively common place. The western region remains the kidnap capital of Afghanistan. The bulk of abductions South Region are financially motivated and carried In the latest act of treachery (or ‘insider out by criminal gangs targeting Afghan attack’) an ALP soldier opened fire on his businessmen and civilians of a high net comrades in Uruzgan this week, killing 2 worth. Although these targets are preferred x ALP. Events such as this are extremely for ease of transaction, criminals and AGE difficult to predict and counter, with personal will abduct members of the international records in Afghanistan scant and lacking community should the opportunity arise. in depth. The only way to therefore judge a person’s mind set and loyalty is often through Central Region tribal systems, which are also not infallible Conflicting reporting indicated that either in themselves. Activity in the southern a magnetically attached IED had detonated region remains within expected parameters as a vehicle was entering Camp Eggers, or as Helmand and Kandahar provinces record a HG (Hand Grenade) had accidentally the bulk of reporting. As is often the case in been initiated within a vehicle as it entered Afghanistan, it can be difficult to differentiate the camp. The resultant explosion caused between attacks motivated by criminality, significant damage to vehicles nearby, and those driven by political ideology, with and as the German Embassy had been both often having a considerable overlap. operating under increased threat of attack As 2014 progresses and the end of the ISAF for some time, (and is located close by), combat mission draws near, tribal friction it is considered more likely to be an IED and tit for tat incidents should be expected detonation. Attacks in the Capital remain to increase as regional power-brokers jostle comparatively low, with the bulk of reporting for positions of strength as Afghanistan gain relating to ANSF operations and the more control over their own future. subsequent finds/arrests that follow. That said, when attacks do occur they tend to West Region be particularly high profile and significant. Herat recorded the bulk of significant activity ANSF/GIRoA and electoral establishments in the western region during the week, with are AGE targets of choice in Kabul, with AGE even going as far as to engage an IM high profile international premises such as helicopter with SAF fire resulting in 3 x ANP the Serena, the Green Village and the Barons (Afghan National Ploice) being WIA. Attacks Hotel also under elevated threat of CPX against Herat airport occur irregularly and attack. The bulk of central region’s reporting primarily relate to ineffective IDF attacks, remains focused on the provinces adjacent but to openly engage a military helicopter to the Capital. Wardak province remains the is unusual. Attacks in the western region most consistently volatile area in the region remain focused on MSRs running north/ with IEDs, CPX attacks, SAF attacks and south through the area, primarily focusing abductions relatively commonplace. Attacks on the vicinity of Farah and Shindand. against electoral facilities and individuals of The region tends to get increasingly more note should be expected to increase as 2014 volatile the further south travelled, and acts progresses, in the run up to the April 05 of banditry/IVCPs (Illegal Vehicle Check elections.

Intel: World Report Regional Overview

Activity in the southern region remains within expected parameters as Helmand and Kandahar provinces record the bulk of reporting.

Central Highlands Region The Central Highlands continue to report increased AGE movement and activity in Daykundi Province, although contact reports remain comparatively low and mainly relate to AGE movement and influence as opposed to actual attacks. Tribal conflict and acts of crime/banditry are commonplace and sectarian attacks against the Shia dominated Hazara community, (the primary influence in this area), should be expected. Roads connecting the region with the rest of the country are considered to be too dangerous to use. The only safe route in and out of Bamyan Province is thought to be by air.


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FocusOn: Afghanistan Executive Overview: Sima Samar, the Chairperson of Afghanistan’s Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), has voiced concerns that attacks upon women have escalated in both frequency and malevolence during 2013. There was a 25% surge in reports of attacks against women between March and September 2013, with reports of women having their noses, ears and lips cut off. Samar went on further to say that; “The brutality of the cases is really bad. Cutting the nose, lips and ears. Commiting public

rape, mass rape... It’s against dignity, against humanity.” Defence Chiefs warned that parts of Afghanistan could fall back into the hands of the Taliban once international forces withdraw from the country at the end of 2014. Former Commander of Britain’s SAS, Richard Williams, stated that; “There is growing evidence of collaboration in Helmand between AGE (Anti-Government Elements), the ANA (Afghan National Army) and politicians. We may end up in the

FocusOn: Afghanistan

uncomfortable position where people say; We have lost nearly 500 guys in Helmand province, all for what?” In a move that has shocked the Afghan community, a ten-year-old Afghan girl was caught wearing a suicide vest whilst trying to conduct an attack against an ABP (Afghan Boarder Police) CP in Helmand province this week. The girl, who is thought to be the sister of a prominent Taliban Commander, is said to be in a state of shock and confusion after the detonator failed to initiate The latest figures for US military casualties in Afghanistan were released on January 07 2014. Reports indicate that at least 2,164 members of the US military have died since the ISAF campaign began in 2001, 1,789 of whom were killed as a direct result of hostile action. A further 19,558 US servicemen were wounded in Afghanistan as a result of counter-insurgency operations and AGE attacks.

deterioration in the security situation should be expected to follow. GoA (Government of Afghanistan) rejected the report’s assessment as being baseless

A canvassing survey of the forthcoming In a series of raids across Kabul City, elections which looked at all 34 Afghan Afghanistan’s intelligence agency, the NDS, provinces has been conducted by Glevum foiled an assassination attempt against the Associates, in conjunction with it’s Afghan Deputy Provincial Director of Intelligence, research partner, AIRC. The study sample Dr. Zia. An NDS spokesman stated that the took into account around 2,500 individuals three detainees were appointed by Mawlavi from across the country, and found that Ismail, a Taliban leader based in Peshawar, to Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzay currently has a 4 carry out the attack. point lead over his nearest rival, Dr Abdullah Abdullah, (29% to 25%). The latest US intelligence estimate which includes analysis from 16 US intelligence An Indian consortium led by the state owned agencies, has speculated that progress in Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) has been Afghanistan is likely to be seriously eroded forced to renegotiate the terms of a deal won by the year 2017, even if the international with the Afghan Ministry of Mines in 2011, community continue to support the country to extract iron ore from three blocks. The financially. The report further indicates that group has cut plans to invest USD $10.8bn by should the US/Afghan Bi-Lateral Security 80%, after they failed to secure funding for Agreement (BSA) not be signed, a rapid the project from India’s Finance Ministry.


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Events - At a Glace: The Transparency International corruption Perceptions index for 2013 has ranked Afghanistan as the joint most corrupt country alongside Somalia and North Korea. Protester blockades in Pakistan continue to prevent NATO vehicles from delivering supplies into Afghanistan through Nangarhar Province. The UN has highlighted figures showing that the threat to aid workers in Afghanistan is higher now than ever before and that civilian deaths and injuries have increased by 10% this year. Prices of essentials including food and fuel are rising sharply in Kabul, this is believed to be due to uncertainty in the country resulting in a falling exchange rate against the US dollar.

been handed over to the Taliban as part of a ceasefire agreement. In Kabul, two VBIED attacks targeted ISAF convoys. The first targeted a German convoy close to KAIA (Kabul International Airport) north gate, resulting in no casualties. The second targeted a convoy on Jalalabad Road, killing three ISAF soldiers. The Bilateral Security Agreement remains unsigned despite endorsement by the Loya Jirga. The US have indicated that the agreement should be signed by February 2014, although a deadline has not been given A spokesman for the IEC has voiced concerns over lack of funding for the 2014 presidential elections, citing polling station security and fraud as key issues

Security Overview The threat in Afghanistan did not decline Work is to begin soon on the CASA-1000 this month, as previously expected, in line electricity transmission project, which will with annual cycles of activity. Inclement transmit electricity from Tajikistan through weather conditions usually see incidents Afghanistan to Pakistan, providing funding reduce, as AGE groups struggle to operate in and power for Afghanistan. difficult conditions. However, a mild winter has meant that incidents have continued at Six US soldiers have been killed in a similar rates toward the end of 2013. Initially, helicopter crash in Zabul Province, believed activity in the northern regions reduced, to have been caused by a mechanical failure. but activity actually increased in the East and South East regions. As 2014 begins we Two Suicide attacks occurred close to the are now starting to see a slight decrease in Af/Pak border crossing point in Torkham. activity in all areas, a trend which is likely to One APPF guard was killed and 45 vehicles continue throughout January. were damaged. Of particular note during this period has ANA commanders in Sangin Province been the targeting of main supply routes are reported to have agreed a deal with across the Af/Pak border. Two incidents local Taliban fighters. Reports suggest that occurred mid-December in the Torkham ANA CPs, equipment and vehicles have area close to the border crossing point.

FocusOn: Afghanistan

Firstly, at approximately 0700hrs on December 15, 2013, a suicide bomber entered an NDS office at Afghan Customs House at the Torkham Border Crossing Point. The attacker wounded an NDS officer before detonating. The subsequent explosion wounded a further two soldiers and caused damage to the building. Then, a complex attack occurred at approximately 0500hrs on December 18, 2013. For the second time in three months suicide bombers managed to

gain access to a NATO parking area, setting IEDs on vehicles and shooting at guards. One APPF guard was killed in the attack, whilst 17 trucks and 28 Humvees were damaged or destroyed. It is possible that AGE groups are trying to exploit existing problems at the Af/ Pak crossing point in Nangarhar Province by launching attacks. Certainly, there have been a number of reports this period suggesting that those travelling on the MSR between Jalalabad and Kabul are a key target for AGE.

Two Suicide attacks occurred close to the Af/ Pak border crossing point in Torkham. One APPF guard was killed and 45 vehicles were damaged.


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Bilateral Security Agreement Update Developments on the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) have continued to be reported widely. However, very little progress has been made and the majority of news has been commentary and opinion, often relegating other newsworthy subjects out of the headlines. Key points during the In Kabul, activity has remained lower than reporting period are: many other areas of the country. However, • Despite endorsement from the Loya Jirga during the Christmas and New Year holiday and encouragement for President Karzai to period, the threat appears to have risen, sign the agreement before the end of 2013, with a number of reports indicating a Karzai still refuses to sign the BSA until threat to HVTs in Kabul. Of particular note additional agreements are included. These this period was two VBIED attacks on IM include an agreement that US soldiers will convoys. The first targeted a German convoy not enter Afghan homes and a ‘stronger close to the entrance of the KAIA north commitment to peace in Afghanistan’ gate on December 11, 2013. It appears that • The US has reiterated that a ‘zero troop the device may have exploded prematurely option’ is strategically viable and politically and, although damage was caused to a acceptable, although not the preferred vehicle, no casualties were reported. The outcome second targeted an IM convoy on Jalalabad • US Secretary of State, John Kerry, has Road on December 27, 2013, killing three suggested that the BSA can be signed ISAF soldiers. A rocket attack against the by somebody other than the Afghan US embassy on December 25 in Kabul, was President, stating: “The Minister of Defence relatively unsuccessful with no casualties at can sign it, the government can sign it, the target itself (three ANP were wounded somebody can accept responsibility for trying to defuse a rocket at the firing point). this.” A spokesman for President Karzai has responded that as long as demands are Af/Pak cross border tensions remains high not accepted, Karzai will not authorize any this period following multiple IDF attacks minister to sign the BSA – allegedly in both directions. The most • A number of US officials including John notable of these was a report at the beginning Kerry and Chuck Hagel have suggested of December which claimed that 38 rockets that the previous deadline (December 31, had been fired by Pakistani military into 2013) can be extended. Whilst officially Kunar Province. The incident coincided with there appears to be a reticence to give an a visit from Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz exact deadline date, which may again have Sharif. Reports suggest that eight civilians to slide, it has been suggested that the BSA have been killed and a further 18 wounded should be signed prior to a key NATO following cross border rocket attacks this defence ministers’ meeting at the end of year. February Generally, MSRs in Afghanistan are hazardous and there are regular complaints that too little is being done to secure the roads. Even when additional security measures are provided, many drivers have complained that it is these security checkpoints that are extorting money and fuel from drivers.

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farcical. Karzai is under intense pressure, both internally and from a number of other countries concerned about future regional insecurity, to sign the agreement. However, Karzai seems unfazed and regularly reiterates that he is more than happy for the next President of Afghanistan to sign the agreement. For their part, the US have been adamant that whilst they may be willing to provide more time for the BSA to be signed, they will not consider any further changes. ANA/Taliban ‘Turf Sharing’ News has emerged this month that ANA • The Taliban have offered rare support commanders, stationed in Sangin District, for Karzai, urging him to abandon all Helmand Province, have agreed to a local conditions and reject the BSA. Karzai has ceasefire and ‘turf-sharing’ agreement with responded by saying that if the Taliban Taliban commanders in the area. The claims can agree to peace, the BSA would not be have been denied by senior ANA officials needed and the Taliban, however, there appears to • The Iraqi Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, be mounting evidence that deals have been advised Karzai that the withdrawal of US made. Reports allege that control over some troops in Iraq led to increased violence and areas has been handed over to the Taliban, to avoid a similar situation in Afghanistan, and that Taliban personnel are now in the BSA should be signed control of at least two former ANA CPs. • Karzai’s refusal to sign the BSA is causing Sightings of Taliban fighters driving ANA anxiety among the Afghan people and Humvees have also been reported. This is uncertainty about the future of Afghanistan. not the first time reports of local agreements As a result, the Afghan currency is slipping have emerged, and it is quite likely there is at in value, inflation is rising and property least some truth in the reports. Sangin is one values are dropping of the most volatile districts in Afghanistan, • Karzai also claims that there is no clear and since the area was handed over to definition of terrorism in the BSA, stating Afghan forces earlier this year, a considerable that the US only define terrorism as number of casualties have been reported. something that threatens US interests It is notable that Sangin has seen a recent which, in his view, does not include the reduction in activity, although attacks against Taliban conducting attacks against Afghan ANP CPs in the area (who are not thought to civilians. be part of any agreement) have continued. If true, this news could be indicative of things There have been accusations towards both to come, particularly in the Southern Region parties (US and Afghan) of brinkmanship where, outside their bases, ANSF exercise and the situation has almost become little overall control of the area. As IM troops


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withdraw further into 2014, and with ANSF numbers also due to reduce, these reports may become more prevalent. An investigation is underway, and senior ANA leaders have promised that local agreements will not occur again. The news has left some parties appalled, that after years of hard work and sacrifice, control of the area has been given up so quickly. Others however, suggest that this outcome is inevitable and may actually be the first step towards some level of peace in the area.

Fazlullah was originally named Fazal Hayat. He is a Pashtun and originates from the SWAT valley in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. He is originally of the Babukarkhel clan of the Yusufzai tribe, and is the first leader of the TTP who is not from the Mehsud or Wazir tribes. He first became involved in militant action when his mentor and father in law, Maulana Sufi Mohammad, took him to Afghanistan in 2001. On his return to Pakistan, Fazlullah was arrested and served 17 months in prison.

Mullah Fazlullah - Leader of the Pakistani Taliban Following the death of Hakimullah Mehsud in early November 2013, reports have indicated that Mullah Fazlullah (aka “Mullah Radio”) has now taken over leadership of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) – the Pakistani Taliban. Whilst the TTP has its own agenda, it is closely linked to the Afghan Taliban, and Fazlullah himself has close ties. In addition the TTP have vowed that they will take revenge against US targets for the death of Mehsud, with a wave of suicide attacks which would most likely occur in Afghanistan. When Mehsud was killed in Pakistan by a US drone strike, Fazlullah was said to be fighting in Afghanistan. Reports indicate that he returned to Pakistan in late November to take up his appointment, as leader of the TTP.

After his release from jail, Fazlullah began to make his name by broadcasting daily sermons on the radio. His messages were directed against the Pakistani Government, Americans, female education, the polio vaccine and in favor of the implementation of Sharia law.

Fazlullah is a 39 year old cleric, who first came to the fore around ten years ago. He is well renowned for claiming responsibility for the shooting of schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai in 2012, and the assassination of senior Pakistani officer Maj Gen Sanaullah Niazi in September 2013. Fazlullah actually appeared in a video showing the explosion that killed Niazi, where he claims responsibility for the attack.

In 2009, the Pakistani army mounted an operation into the Swat Valley to remove all Taliban. Fazlullah is said to have fled from the area across the Afghanistan border in Kunar province, where he used the border to mount operations into Pakistan (and according to some reports into Afghanistan alongside the Afghan Taliban). A journalist who interviewed Fazlullah in 2009 described him: “He has a forceful personality, very serious and radical. He was friendly, but absolutely commitied to communicating his cause”. As stated above, Fazlullah is very close to the Afghan Taliban and, as new leader of the TTP, it is likely that support between the two groups will increase. As a man known for his hardline approach and extreme views, any suggestion of peace talks with the Pakistani government is currently considered unlikely.

FocusOn: Afghanistan Corruption in Afghanistan already cost the American government It came as no great surprise this month, when $107 million (double the initial estimate), Transparency International published their is expected to cost a further $24 million Corruption Perceptions Index for 2013 and to complete. A US official involved in the ranked Afghanistan as the joint most corrupt project said: “Nobody was watching it like country (alongside Somalia and North they should, and it’s just been an open Korea). Afghanistan scored only 8 points checkbook” out of 100 for a second year running. Whilst • The IEC has raised concerns that they do it is near impossible to accurately gauge not have sufficient funding for the 2014 how corrupt a country is, Transparency presidential elections. Commentators International use expert surveys, polls and are blaming ‘donor fatigue’ for this lack other credible international reports to give a of funding; many countries are now perception of how corrupt a country’s public unwilling to continue pouring money sector is. The index defines corruption as “the into Afghanistan, due to concerns that the misuse of public power for private benefit”. money is not reaching the places it is most The findings of this report have coincided needed with a number of media reports • International media reporting has stated demonstrating corruption or concerns over that $9.3billion has been spent on Afghan funding in Afghanistan and its consequences: military bases, hospitals and other facilities; • Construction has halted on Khost airport yet over a quarter of the 1126 projects after concerns about corruption. US$15 commissioned remain unfinished. Whilst million has been allocated to the project. it is not suggested that all of these are due The Governor’s spokesman has stated that to corruption, there is clearly a growing the project was started by an unknown concern that despite large amounts of construction company and there is money coming into the country, not confusion over responsibilities enough progress is being made in the • Work on the new Afghan Defence Ministry, right places. Unless Afghanistan can show nicknamed the Afghan “Pentagon”, has run that these issues are being tackled, it is out of funding and subsequently stopped likely that funding will continue to work. The five story building, which has decrease.


Intel: Issue 22

Significant Events: As the ISAF mission in Afghanistan draws to a close at the end of 2014, the US are planning to open an intelligence center in Bahrain to continue the fight against the narcotics trade. The US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) had over 100 permanent positions in Afghanistan up until the end of 2013, but this number will be cut to 45 by October, and 25 by the end of 2014. ‘With Afghanistan producing record opium crops year after year, the American populace are questioning exactly what has been achieved with the USD $7billion of tax payers money that has been poured into the Afghan counter-narcotics program since it’s inception. Various agencies have highlighted how Afghanistan could easily become a ’narco-state’ from 2015 and beyond, where licit and illicit trades are dangerously intertwined. Sen. Dianne Feinstein who chairs the US counter-narcotics panel, stated that the US; ‘ignore Afghanistan’s drug problem at our peril,’ with neighboring countries such as Iran also feeling the strain of a tidal wave of narcotics flowing across their borders.’

particularly in an area that is considered to be relatively permissive, and can only serve to further increase tensions between the US and Afghanistan.’ Outlook: Inclement weather conditions will see incident frequencies remain low for the foreseeable future, until weather conditions improve and the Spring 2014 fighting season gets underway. Electoral violence should be expected to increase as campaigning begins in February, and ISAF supply routes running through Pakistan will continue to be disrupted. Afghanistan’s Ambassador to India, Shaida Muhammad Abdali, has emphasized the potential for a strengthened military alliance between the two nations. Abdali stressed that a stronger military alliance would prove advantageous for both countries as the ISAF military campaign draws to an end in 2014. ‘Pakistan are already uneasy at India’s involvement in Afghanistan, and any further cooperation in a military capacity may see reciprocal counter-moves. Pakistan are wary of Indian ‘encirclement’ as their influence grows in Afghanistan, whilst India are concerned that post-2014, foreign influence within Afghanistan may be used to plan and coordinate attacks in India and Kashmir. Thus far, India has limited military assistance to non-offensive equipment such as logistical supplies and vehicles, in order to maintain equilibrium throughout the region. GIRoA however, continue to request weaponry, which if India were subsequently to agree to would undoubtedly see tensions in the region deteriorate.’

In the latest controversy involving US airstrikes in Afghanistan, a mission targeted militants in the Syah Gird District of Parwan Province early on Wednesday morning, and has reportedly left 1 x Afghan female and 7 x children dead. President Karzai released a statement condemning ‘in the strongest terms’ the attack which led to the civilian deaths. ‘US airstrikes, primarily drone strikes, have long been a contentious issue in Afghanistan alongside that of ‘night raids,’ where IM troops conduct operations during silent hours against suspected militant strongholds. For such a high civilian casualty A suicide vest bomber attacked a bus rate to be noted in an IM strike is unusual, carrying ANP Officers in the vicinity of the

FocusOn: Afghanistan

Green Village complex on the Jalalabad Road in Kabul City yesterday, killing at least 2 x ANP Officers and wounding 20 x ANP and civilians. The bomber was riding a bicycle when he attacked the bus at 1545hrs, which was taking ANP Officers home after their days work had concluded. In a statement released shortly afterward, the Taliban claimed credit for the attack. ‘As is often the case when the Taliban claim credit for attacks in Afghanistan, the casualty rates stated exceeded that which have been officially released. Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Majahid, stated that 30 x ANP Officers were on the bus at the time, and all were either killed or wounded in the attack. 3 x IM soldiers were KIA and 8 x HCN WIA when a suicide vehicle bomber attacked their convoy in the same area in December 2013. After an extended period of inactivity on the Jalalabad Road, which was historically the most consistently volatile area within Kabul City, AGE appear to be re-focussing their efforts on targets either transiting, or located on this highly utilized supply route.’ The Afghan intelligence – National Directorate of Security (NDS) chief, Rahmatullah Nabeel has said that nearly 12 Afghan Taliban commanders have been killed in Quetta city of Pakistan. Mr. Nabeel further added that the Taliban commanders were assassinated by unknown gunmen, while they were looking to establish peace talks with the Afghan government. “Around a dozen Taliban members of varying ranks were killed in Quetta in last year’s winter,” Rahmatullah Nabeel quoted by Reuters said. Nabeel further added that investigation reports suggest that the victims had all sought unauthorized peace talks.

Flash Points

Medium to Long Term: • Tensions continue with cross border skirmishes on the Af/Pak border. • International agencies threaten to withhold/reduce further funding if steps are not taken to combat the misappropriation of funds and fraud • GIRoA reconsider talks with the Taliban through an overseas office. Despite the previous failure in Qatar earlier in the year, Doha remains a possible venue, although Turkey or Saudi Arabia are considered to be more likely. Pakistan remains an integral part of any resolution to the armed conflict in Afghanistan and continue to release senior Afghan Taliban figures to facilitate the process • Attacks against voter registration centers, polling stations and the assassination of key figures should be expected to both continue, and escalate, in the run up to the 2014 Presidential elections. 414 voting centers will not be utilized due to security issues


Feature Issue 22

Which Training Provider?


here are many out there, some are good, some are bad but how can you tell before you part with your hard earned cash and what are the questions that you should be asking? Before embarking on any course it is always advisable to carry out your own due diligence, it is amazing how many people don’t do this and end up getting caught out. I would advise to start any personal due diligence by asking your peers whom you that know may have carried out the particular course you are looking at attending. Find out their

One of the questions I am always asked from people entering the Close Protection sector is which Close Protection Training Provider should I use?

experiences and what they thought about the level of training provided? I find recommendations from fellow operators are the best source of intel when looking to embark on any training course. What questions should you be asking the provider? Who are the instructors? It is always good to find out the background of the course instructors. It is their knowledge and experience that you are paying to receive so you need to know that they have the required relevant operational experience to draw from and have the ability to put

it across. Learning from someone whom has spent a good amount of time and “earned their spurs” within the industry is more preferential than not as they will have experienced many of the pitfalls and will have many gems of wisdom that can be passed on that can’t be learned by someone whom has just done a course and then carried out an instructor’s qualification to teach the subject. The majority of training providers will have their instructor’s details on their websites. If not, why not? It doesn’t necessarily mean that the training provider is a bad one if these details aren’t listed but it is certainly

By: Shaun West

advisable that you ask this question and be happy with the answer provided if not.

UK. After speaking to him I established that he was in fact UK based and had chosen to do the course overseas as it was cheaper and he just assumed that he would be able to get his license at the end of training.

have they ran previously, how many students have they taught? Will they allow you to contact previous students Do they have the correct for feedback? There will be and relevant insurances many fantastic new training in place? Do not be afraid providers out there whom to ask to see the relevant may not have a huge trading documentation. Close history as they are new to the Protection training can be The training provider did market, I certainly would not physical and hazardous so not in any way advertise that rule any of these providers you want to be sure that they were an SIA approved out, these are just questions your training provider have provider so unfortunately he to help get you in the right the correct insurances in did not have a leg to stand on mindset and allow you to place, imagine you have and he had to fork out again carry out an accident on a course or for another training course your own due diligence injure someone else! Are you to get the required tick in the before covered? box to operate, so by trying investing your hard earned to save money it in fact cost money If UK based is your Training him twice the price! in training. Provider accredited by a recognised SIA Awarding You can check the status Are there any hidden costs Organisation? I recently of your chosen training to the course? Is food and had someone whom had provider by visiting the SIA accommodation included or just completed a course with website. If they are not listed is this a separate cost to a foreign training provider then it is likely they are not be met by yourself? This get in touch with me and able to offer you what you is something to take into asked for advice as the course require. consideration when booking did not provide him with a course, if accommodation the qualifications needed How much trading history is not included this could to obtain an SIA license to does your training provider alter the cost of attending enable him to operate in the have? How many courses training significantly.

Remember you are embarking on a career that you wish to be successful in so you should be looking to get the most comprehensive training that you can!


Feature Issue 22

Training providers reputations and the reputations of their instructors do carry over and can mean a lot

Remember you are embarking on a career that you wish to be successful in so you should be looking to get the most comprehensive training that you can!

some post course support at the very least should be offered.

Summary This is just a guide to help you make an informed Training providers decision when embarking reputations and the on your new career path, reputations of their the Close Protection sector instructors do carry over is a fantastic place in which and can mean a lot, so invest to operate, you will meet in the best training that you many friends and see some If accommodation is not can! fantastic things but it is offered you will generally essential that you make good find that the good providers decisions from the outset and will have an established Is there any “aftercare� or that starts with the training relationship with a local post course support offered? provider that you choose. B&B, which will offer This is something that favorable rates for its extremely important. The A great place to ask for students. Close Protection sector is further advice would be extremely competitive and by joining the British or Does your training provider you may well find that upon North American Bodyguard offer a quality-training completion of your training Association. You can post program? Some providers that it is very tough and that upon the message boards and may offer a cheaper course, you have to work extremely get answers to any questions but what you find in life is hard to get your foot in you may have, there is a that you generally get what the door. During this time wealth of information and you pay for. You will find the are you able to get back in experience there to draw cheaper price may mean that touch with your provider from. They also have an the training provider only for advice or once they have employment section which offer you the bare minimum your money is that you fone is regularly updated with amount of contact hours and dusted? A good training employment opportunities. required to allow you to provider will offer some post legitimately take the exam course support if needed this Like anything in life, as long and apply for your license. A may come in the form of CV as you do your research you good training provider will advice, they may have an should find the training elaborate more by covering online group for its students provider that is right for additional subject areas that to share job opportunities, you, and will have made will be important to your advise on particular things that important first step to career and that are not can that you may be doing becoming a fully licensed not be covered in the bare wrong, whilst of course you close protection officer. minimum syllabus. cannot have a 24/7 hotline


Feature Issue 22

Incorporating Surveillance Detection into Route Advances Prior to transporting a principal from one location to another the protection detail will assign an advance agent or team to conduct a route advance.

By: Jeff Burns


he goal is to select the safest and shortest route to the destination. When you are selecting a travel route for your principal there are several considerations. You’ll always plan a primary and secondary route. Utilizing a limited access route such as a freeway is preferred, since traffic usually moves quickly and there are limited opportunities for an ambush attack on the principal, reducing the possibility of an attack as compared to on a surface street. Traffic patterns and the routes proximity to emergency services are important considerations when selecting a route. All routes should be driven in advance and the advance agent should determine and record on the map the distance between locations, travel times, the location of police stations, hospitals and potential delays such as construction, railroad crossings and toll booths. Freeway entrances and exits should be identified by number. The route

should be driven at roughly the same time of day as the principal’s anticipated travel time so that traffic patterns can be assessed and congestion or construction which could delay the principal’s travel are identified. In the case that you’ll be traveling at night the advance agent should identify landmarks that could be used to mark turns. The secondary route should parallel the primary route to allow for it to be accessed quickly should it need to be used. With all these considerations what can we do to ensure the route is the safest for the principal? The answer; incorporate surveillance detection (SD) into your route advance. In today’s global environment, surveillance detection (SD) tactics are not just reserved for high risk environments or high threat situations. In fact, many protection details are using SD to augment their security plans and

minimize exposure to risk. As we all know, humans are creatures of habit and will often settle into routines of using the shortest, most convenient and fastest route when traveling between two regularly traveled locations. Hostile surveillance (HSV) is aware of this and will attempt to gather activity intelligence on the principal. HSV will usually begin by conducting surveillance of the principal as they travel from their home to their place of employment since this is usually the most predictable course of travel. When conducting surveillance on the principal’s residence, the HSV will note physical barriers, alarm and surveillance systems, dogs, traffic patterns, neighborhood activity, security detail patterns, etc. Conducting surveillance of the principal’s place of employment can be much easier since it allows the HSV to blend in by posing as a member of the public. Hostile


Feature Issue 22

surveillance (HSV) will usually begin with surveillance of the principal’s residence when they are most likely to be traveling from their residence to their place of employment and will use progressive surveillance to identify habitual travel times and routes. For this reason, a surveillance detection (SD) operative or team should conduct route surveys and SD operations to identify HSV. HSV may also conduct surveillance to identify other locations of routine travel such as the principal’s child care facility, health club, church, bank or grocery store. HSV will attempt to determine how the principal travels, where the principal travels to, when the principal travels and who travels with the principal, such as a security detail. The SD operator or team must attempt to predict where HSV may be present and analyze their own patterns to avoid showing out to the HSV and compromising the SD operation. By paying attention to the routes traveled and keeping a route log detailing the routes traveled and travel times, SD will be able to

identify routine travel patterns. A route survey can then be conducted to: • Determine travel patterns. • Assess locations where HSV is likely to attempt to surveil the principal. • Determine where and how SD can be conducted. • Determine which part of the principal’s route is consistent or repeats daily. • Identify cover and concealment options for HSV. • Analyze and identify potential attack points. • Determine potential escape routes for attackers. Just as with any part of SD, when conducting route surveys you must remember to remain discreet and exercise good operational security (OPSEC) and surveillance demeanor / tradecraft. The first step in conducting a route survey is to identify predictable travel locations. Predictable travel locations are the roads and intersections the principal must

travel no matter which route they take. The most predicable travel location will be the principal’s residence driveway. SD must make note of how each intersection or stop is controlled whether by light or sign. The longer the principal is forced to remain stopped, the more likely it could become a potential attack point. Routes of travel should be varied as much as possible to minimize predictable travel locations and reduce vulnerability to an attack. Additionally, using multiple travel routes reduces the number of attack points, thus making it easier to identify potential HSV positions. For example, if you use multiple routes but they all require the principal to pass through the same intersection that intersection becomes a predictable travel location that could be used as both an HSV location and an attack point. The route survey should determine and note all locations where HSV can confirm the principal’s presence each day based on the principal’s

By: Jeff Burns

patterns and route choices. A map of the principal’s routes should be created identifying the route, all traffic control devices and detailing all potential attack locations. An important consideration when planning routes is that they reduce exposure to predictable travel locations, choke points and potential attack sites as much as possible and do not isolate the principal by traveling through isolated locations. The next step in the route survey process is to identify potential surveillance locations (SVL) and note them on your route map. When identifying probable surveillance locations (SVL) you should remember that HSV will usually use a position that allows line of sight to the predictable travel location so they can observe the principal negotiate it. Generally, they will use an observation point (OP) where they can blend in with the surroundings and will not draw attention. They will seek an OP that allows easy access without arising suspicion and allows them to easily follow the principal’s direction of travel. They may

position HSV along the principal’s route that is outside the predictable travel locations but provide a good possible attack point. Surveillance locations (SVL) should be labeled and numbered and possible cover and concealment for each SVL identified. For example, a coffee shop or a bus stop along the route may serve as a SVL since a customer sipping coffee or an individual waiting for a bus would be good cover and not arouse suspicion. Special attention must be paid to the behavior of customers at the coffee shop and individuals at the bus stop when the principal drives by each day. The next step is to identify surveillance detection locations (SDL). These are locations where the SD operator can covertly conduct surveillance detection. SDL’s are normally within line of sight of SVL’s or near a probable attack point. It is important to remember that the SD operator or team must be able to observe the HSV and as a result does not necessarily need to maintain line of sight of the principal. Label and

number the SDL’s on your route map and identify possible cover for each location. Cover and concealment of SD must support the presence and activity of the SD team. Finally you must identify probable attack locations (AL). Remember that the attackers will select AL’s that provide the best chance for their attack to be successful. AL’s are usually located at or near a choke point that stops or slows down the principal, whether it is through the use of a traffic control device or a plausible ruse such as road construction, a disabled vehicle, street vendor, etc. AL’s will usually have easy access and an escape route. Identify AL’s and potential escape routes on your route map. Route surveys should be as thorough as deemed necessary for the specific situation and threat level. By incorporating SD into your route advances, we are not only able to move the principal from location to location efficiently but minimize the chance of attack thus increasing the safety of the principal.

About the author: Jeff Burns has over 19 years of investigation and close protection experience having worked in both the public and private sectors. Mr. Burns currently works for a government agency where he is assigned to a covert surveillance unit that conducts surveillance and undercover operations against individuals suspected of or involved in criminal activity. In addition, Mr. Burns provides surveillance and counter surveillance training to law enforcement, government and select civilian clients.


Regulars Issue 22

Keeping Your Edge The World of “Nevers” “I’ll never work a solo detail.” “I’ll never carry a client’s bag.” “I’ll never go into an area where I can’t bring my firearm.” And on and on and on…


hear more people in the business tell me what they would never do than people tell me what they WOULD do. (Or better than telling me, just doing it) When you stop and think about that statement, can you see the distortion? We are in the business of protecting the client yet we put these series of self-imposed barriers up that sometimes limit us from doing just that. From the viewpoint of an agency owner and Detail Leader, when I see someone living in the World of Nevers, it certainly affects my decision in the selection process. I don’t want the person who does NOT; I want the one who DOES. Now before we get too far, let me clarify for a moment,

what they would never do. Going back to my example, there is no moral superiority in never robbing a bank, --you just don’t do it. In that same token there is no moral superiority in claiming that you will never carry a Protectee’s bag. I know what some of you are thinking; ok Elijah, but what about tactical superiority? Carrying a bag might tie up my hands and I might need them in case the sh** hit’s the fan and I need to cover and evacuate the client or engage the threat. While there is certainly truth to that statement, it’s the introduction of the word NEVER that I take issue with.

there are things I will go on record as saying I would never do; accept a bribe, date a client or member of a client’s family, or steal an associate’s account. However, these are things that should be the norm not the exception. In that same vain, I’ll never rob a bank or sky dive without a parachute, but they are such a given that there’s no reason to announce that to any and everyone who I once interviewed with the will listen every second I get. representatives of a very well known A-list actress about And now we get to the point handling her protective of this column. For some detail. As I hope all of you reason citizens of the World do, I asked the question, of Never feel the need to “what happened to the last announce their citizenship person in the position?” The any and everywhere so that handlers reply what that he all can hear. Almost as if they was a great Protector but want to claim some type of that he was too inflexible. moral superiority by saying As an example she related

By: Elijah Shaw Keeping Your Edge

to me how the Principal returned from an outing with her nanny and two newborn children. Once inside the mansion, the Bodyguard took a seat in the main area as the Protectee went into her room and the nanny carried the children up a spiral staircase to their room then came back down to make two additional trips as she struggled to carry the large stroller and other items, passing right by the seated security each time she did so. As it happened the Protectee has walked out and saw this happening and then had the revelation, “I’m paying a lot of money for security and he doesn’t have the common courtesy to help a woman carrying heavy items up a flight of stairs?” Without putting words in

the Bodyguards mouth, if his position was “I’ll never carry the client’s bags” then he might have been justified in that when walking Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills with the Protectee. However, while in her estate (which incidentally has a separate Residential Security Team) sitting in the middle of the room as someone else struggles, doesn’t sound like a tactical decision, it sounds like, “it’s not my job.” While certainly his prerogative, this agent may have lost that job because he NEVER carried bags, just like there are agents that get passed over on assignments as they vocally proclaim that they have to take their gun everywhere when working a detail, and since that is just

not feasible (or legal) that vocal stance plants a seed of suspicion in the account manager or Detail Leader’s head, the one that goes “what if this guy does have a weapon on him when he knows he’s not suppose to?” And just like that, the seed sprouts into a full-grown decision to not assume the risk and pass over this particular agent. The World of Never has a growing population but I can go on record and say I NEVER want to live there.

Elijah Shaw is the National Director of the North American Bodyguard Association.


Feature Issue 22

The Knockout Game – Don’t Let Your Client’s Become A Victim “Down goes Frazier,” is one of the most familiar phrases of days gone by for those familiar with the sport of boxing


hose legendary words were said by Howard Cosell in the epic heavyweight bout where George Foreman soundly defeated Joe Frazier in the second round. While Smoking Joe, suffered one of the worst defeats of his career he fortunately had the referee and the rules of boxing to keep him from getting severely injured. While sport can often be brutal, you often know your opponent and the time of the engagement is known to all.

fair fight, attacks will never be convenient and like the laws of the animal kingdom the weak and unaware often become victims of their respective environmental predators. Recently in the US, we have seen increased coverage of a senseless game of violent assault called “The Knockout Game.” For the record, I despise anytime cowards choose to inflict violence upon innocent often defenseless people. This game however is not new, it has been practiced for decades by various nationalities and Unfortunately the rules of ethnicities, all over the the street are not as forgiving. world (US, UK, Europe, There is no such thing as a Australia, and Russia). It

has served as rites of passage from gang initiations to secret inductions into hate groups to simple assaults by misguided thrill seeking youths. We have seen Blacks, Whites, Browns, Yellows, Jews, Gays and many others senselessly attacked for no reason other than being at the right place at the wrong time. The common denominator in all of the attacks is a lack of moral fiber and a predatory mindset by the attackers, and innocent people with no sense of situational awareness. To help keep more good people from falling victim I would like to offer some precautionary

By:Mark “Six” James CPO, EPS, CAS The Knockout Game


Feature Issue 22

advice that you can share with your clients and their families on how to avoid becoming a victim. Maintaining Situational Awareness While we cannot control the mindset or actions of another we can train our clients and family members how to maintain their sense of awareness when out in public. Advise them to take the ear-buds out of their ears so they can stay attune to environmental sounds and be able to hear someone walking up from behind them. Teach them how to observe the reflections in Pic 1

store windows or off of shiny cars when they walk down the street to notice someone closing gap on then from the rear. Be mindful of people whose actions may be triggered off of theirs or people invading their personal space etc.

distance is their friend, as it increases their reaction time. Teach them to always stay a step and a lunge away from the approaching individual(s).

Since ninety percent of the population is right handed percentages would If they find a group of youths dictate if they are going to walking in their direction be attacked from the rear, and they feel uncomfortable there is a greater likelihood there is no shame in casually that the potential assailant stepping into a retail will attempt to hit them on establishment as if they are the right side of their head browsing for merchandise to by utilizing their dominant allow the youth to pass. If hand (see the photos below). the situation dictates they must walk past the youths Learning to cover the advise them to not walk on appropriate side of your face a similar line. Remember can help lessen the impact of a potential blow. While the initial blow has been known to cause injury more people who are knocked unconscious experience more blunt force trauma from the fall itself. Consequently, if they are going to be assaulted from the front they will most likely be attacked on their left side. Below please find an example of what covering up or reducing the target area may

By:Mark “Six” James CPO, EPS, CAS The Knockout Game Pic 2

Pic 3

look like. They should feel as if you are combing their hair to the rear, their reaction hand slides down their head and covers their ear, as they step into the attacker. The point of their elbow serves as a spike targeting the attackers face, throat or inside of the shoulder. The more aggressive his punch the more he will feel the adverse effects of the spike (point of your client’s elbow).

For a more covert defensive position your client should switch their cell phone to the appropriate cover ear as they approach strangers (see photo below). The side the stranger is approaching you from is their cover side. This is a low profile way of presetting their arm in the appropriate cover position and shortening their reaction time if required. These simple tips are size and strength neutral and only require awareness and

discipline to help keep them from becoming a victim. While we would love the ability to be with our clients 24 hours a day, realistically we know that is not our reality. However, giving the gift of situational awareness is a gift that keeps on giving and enhances their safety in our absence. I wish you and your clients a safe and prosperous year, and remind them that hope will never be a viable defensive strategy.

Mark “Six” James is Founder and Executive Director of Panther Protection Services, LLC, and an internationally published author. Panther Protection Services is a full service protection agency focusing on Risk and Crisis Mitigation, Executive Protection, SelfDefense Training, and Firearm Instruction. For additional information contact us at Pic 4


Feature Issue 22

“I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death�


Leonardo da Vinci

recent post on the North American Bodyguard

Association(NABA) Facebook page by Hans van Beuge, made me start thinking about how the industry and personalities have changed over the last 25 years and how in some aspects they have stayed the same. The original post discussed the protection detail for

Elvis. While I cannot speak that far back, I do remember a time before cell phones, laptop computers and smart phones. Then the Internet came along to supposedly simplify our lives and make everything easier. I will not pretend to glorify the days when most security details and personnel met trouble head on instead of making plans to avoid it. The science and the craft just were not as evolved or developed back then.

By: Raffaele Di Giorgio However, just as Mr. da Vinci stated, “I love those who can smile in trouble, can gather strength from distress and grow brave by reflection”, before the advent of the modern technology era that is exactly what men and women in the profession did. And everyone around them knew this. It was unheard of to have the abundance of self proclaimed experts in the industry that had the mass appeal and as readily available today. 20 years ago the reputation had to be “hard earned”. With the Internet and social media being the way it is now, the polished websites, the continuous photo ops (of the protector) and the Internet self-proclaimed SMEs was simply unheard of. If you were fortunate enough to get “the call” that you were needed to perform on a protection or security detail, that call was not being placed to you by anyone that did not know you by no more than 1 degree of separation. The science to avoid the majority of confrontations that is afforded to us today, simply was not instituted


Feature Issue 22 help you. You knew the layout of the Heathrow airport, because you had been through the Heathrow airport. You were not able to pull up the layout of the airport online and then claim to know the airport (or insert any other venue for that matter).

want to perpetrate these frauds a whole lot easier. They are able to construct false public images of themselves in a faster and more streamlined process than ever before.

I recall a conversation I had with my wife (business partner). Back in 2004 Yes, it is absolutely true when I decided to start - back then the field was training up and preparing inundated with police, myself for entering more ex-military and boxers. of the non-permissive This served a purpose environment security much as it does still today. contracting world. My Inherently, these professions wife had innocently asked tested individuals on a how much more dangerous physical and psychological will that be, as oppose back then. So the only level and, more importantly, to working stateside? I people you trusted on repeatedly tested them. specifically remember my your details were people response - I thought it that were proven to be Unfortunately in this would actually be safer since able to handle the stress day and age it is much the vetting process for the and physicality that was easier for persons of contracts that I was looking necessary almost on a daily questionable integrity, to work on, had a much basis. The false bravado that with the assistance of the higher standard than the has become the world of Internet and computers, to stateside vetting process. As “tactical� selfie-photographs present themselves to a vast you can imagine this caused and Internet web postings audience in a manner that quite a bit of confusion simply was not around. The is not true or indicative of and I had to explain to her free exchange of techniques, not just their moral fiber that the people I would tactics and procedures just and true character, but of be working with were was not there for you. Back their skill sets, training people that had extensive then there were no 15 min. and backgrounds. Where backgrounds in military, law YouTube videos to teach one would think that it enforcement and overseas people (supposedly) selfwould be easier and quicker operations. While I have defense, advances, security to validate somebody’s no love lost for the security driving, route selection et al. true background by the clearance process, I do and computer resources that are always will have a great You either knew a afforded us, at this date and appreciation for the fact that neighborhood or you did time, it actually seems to it is thorough the majority not. There was no GPS to work better for those that of the time.

By: Raffaele Di Giorgio

Do I believe that just because you were a former police officer or military person or professional fighter that you will automatically make a great executive protection professional? But more so than even the clearance process is the fact that most of the programs I’ve been fortunate enough to work on are on a “personal reference” nomination system. A continuation of this is the reason that I don’t really solicit resumes for my stateside or overseas assignments. I, like the majority of people that have been around for more than a few years, prefer to reach out to people that I have actually worked with.

Which in turn means I can teach them to do the proper things, since they will not get stuck in a panic situation and forget to do the things that were taught to them. Whereas today’s environment seems to put the education and access to knowledge ahead of the intestinal fortitude to do the job when technology fails.

have those when you come through the door. I also caution people continuously that before they spend money to train or pursue a career in this profession, they should do a factual assessment and decide for themselves if they can truly handle the “bad days”. You may be able to avoid those days for an indefinite period of time, but just like any Now before you decide to other high risk profession, kill the messenger do not they will most certainly come misinterpret this as me for you and that is when you stating that technology, will be tested. Those types of Do I believe that just because science, and evidence-based tests came more frequently you were a former police training is not important back then, so imposters officer or military person in the field. It is absolutely were found out faster and or professional fighter that paramount if you want to sooner. If it is you, someone you will automatically make stay at the cutting edge. you hired or someone that is a great executive protection What I am cautioning people working with you; not only professional? Absolutely not, on is, do not be so blinded by could that moment in time just like a great executive the razzle-dazzle of peoples be a life-changing moment protection professional may resumes, websites and it can be a life ending one as not be a great police officer, social media presence that well. military person or boxer. you forget to look at their But they have the base core substance and background. fundamentals. They have the ability to handle stress. As I have often stated in Raffaele Di Giorgio is the Notice I did not say the training courses; I can teach CEO of Global Options potential to handle stress, but skill sets. What I cannot & Solutions and Tactical they have a proven ability teach is integrity, courage, Combat Casualty Care to handle stress, repeatedly. or character. You have to (TCCC)


Regulars Issue 22

Has the Advance become the At-Glance?

It is safe to say that when you ask ten executive protection specialists what is the most important part of what we do, at least nine if not all ten will boldly say, “The Advance”.


hat is the formatted answer for just about every specialist. I have over the years changed my perspective on this to say that the most important part of what we do [if you are doing it RIGHT] is the “Proactive Mindset”. That is the ability to effectively think proactively in the protective mindset.

Over the past couple of years I have noticed a stark decline in specialists who know how to conduct a proper protective advance in conjunction with the site assessment for a protectee’s visit. Somewhere along the way it has become a standard that just knowing how to get in a site, where the principal is going and “The Bathroom is there” is all you need to satisfy your duties.

For those of you who are reading this and still conduct a full and thorough advance have seen this and know that the example given is actually placing the principal in more danger that not. The problem transcends up the chain of command on the detail because the detail leader is satisfied with the end product. If you query them further and

By: Eric Konihia

ask questions such as, “How does this event unfold?” “Where are the cars staged?” “Where do we go if the “balloon” goes up right now?” There will be a pause in the response. Although these are not the sum total of what a detail leader should know, it is a critical part of what he NEEDS to know. Something as simple as not knowing how the event or meeting will unfold can save, among many things, embarrassment. A very simple responsibility of the advance and almost missed 100% of the time is if there is going to be a scheduled meet and greet. Have you ever been with a principal who has had a long hard day then he/she is told at the last minute from the host point of contact [POC], “Sir/Ma’am, it’s time for the meet and greet with our sponsors?” Then the detail leader gets that “what the hell look” followed by that comment addressed at everyone in the group [including staffers], “Why didn’t I know this?” Knowing how the event unfolds gives the principal a mental picture of what is about to happen so that he/she can prepare for any changes and unknowns. The vehicles cannot be treated like taxicabs whereby they just drop you off and then pick you up when you call for them. The majority of vehicles and drivers used in the United States are hired. And as I stated for years: The hired non-security driver - “Weakest Link” on the detail. I am talking about the driver with no protective driving or executive protection training. These hard working customer

service oriented personalities do not know what we expect, or should I say, what we need from them. Absent any specific instruction they will park anywhere they want to and NOT stage where you instruct them to. If the advance specialist is conducting a proper advance, these answers can be answered. Why is this important? Specific staging locations can answer a fundamental question – “How long will it take to get the cars to us if/when we are ready or have to leave?” From a more advanced perspective, do the vehicles move and re-stage if we are in a large venue or do we have to transition back to where we started? If the fecal matter hits the rotary oscillator right now, where are we going? Depending on the person you ask this may be the most important part of the advance. Over the past years me and my strategic partners of the Boanerges Group have changed “Alert/Cover and evacuate” to “Alert/cover and MOVE” and here’s the reason why. Ultimately we are going to evacuate however depending on the situation we may be going to the room designated by the site specialist as the safe haven/ room within the site until WE establish evacuation plans. This will include repositioning the vehicles, our safe passage to the vehicles. In there we can determine if we are going to another pre-assigned safe haven as well as calling local authorities if necessary. Another reason we changed “evacuate” to move is that all situations will not dictate a dynamic response and evacuation. So rather than train

specialists to head for the hills every time we have come to realize that some situations [too many to list here] that simply moving will solve the situation. The last part I want to address in this article is this: In the event of an evacuation how are we getting out? Depending on the site, the purpose of the event or visit I want egress options. Arriving and departing from the same door when there are other options is simply lazy on the part of the advance specialist. If the detail leader chooses to depart from the same door when he/she has options that is fine. However when the detail leader is forced to depart from the same door because he/she were NOT afforded options is quite frankly myopic and lazy. I am of the personal belief that there is no such thing as knowing too much for an advance but there is a huge problem with not knowing enough. Those who have perfected the proper protective advance know the balance between what is necessary and what is not. For instance, I may not need to know that the chef is a slob but I will need to know that our path to the safe haven is through the kitchen and the floor is slippery. In order to be effective in the advance you have to have a plan and balance the level of security necessary to safeguard the principal with the principal’s desire to conduct his/her business unimpeded, regardless of whether you have 2 days or 2 hours.


Feature Issue 22

r o n a l p o T ? n a l p o t t no

“In battle I ha v e found plans to b e quite useless but pl a n n i ng to be indispensabl e�

General Dwight D Eisenhower

By: Mac Segal To plan or not to plan?


universal truth if ever I heard one. Gen. Eisenhower’s sentiment will be unequivocally confirmed by anyone who has planned anything. From a high profile EP assignment to a kid’s birthday party, one thing is for certain, at some point, it is all going to go south. No matter how much forethought was put in, how many scenarios played out or which experts were consulted, sooner or later a curve ball is going to come out of left field and knock you on your butt. Even when we plan for the scenario of our plan not working and have plans A, B, C all nicely lined up, when the stick gets driven into our spokes, it all comes apart real quick.

the meticulous planning? What’s the added value? Should I bother? The answer is a resounding YES! The process of planning stimulates our thought processes and causes us to access sub-conscious files as it were. While thinking through our subject matter we automatically call on our accumulative related experiences and associations which then merge with our learned knowledge to enable us to make informed assessments and decisions. Our brains create and recreate possible actions and reactions and by sharing these with others it leads to a continuum that has tremendous potential for beneficial outcomes.

The more we plan, the more we think and the greater the chance of us getting So do we need all this planning? What into the head of our opponent and is the value of investing many hours begin thinking like them. Not like us, brainstorming, running through like them! Thinking like us is easy, scenarios of all sorts of ifs, whats and maybes if at the end of the day it may all but most of the time the Hostile is not be for naught. Maybe all we really need thinking like you, he is not even on the same page. Whether fueled by hate, is to do a course, put a few SOP’s in revenge or financial gain, he is totally place and head out into the field ready immersed in his cause and usually has to engage situations as they arise. Take little or no moral compass. things as they come so to speak. Why


Feature Issue 22

them, suggesting alternate tactics or One of our industries’ biggest failures outcomes, they train their brains to think in a very specific manner. is our inbred refusal to contemplate It is a “legal thought process” widget the cruelty and inhumanity of our that is downloaded to their brains foe. We are limited by the very and is accessed whenever required. values that society instills in us from They will know what to do when birth. They often prevent us from confronted with the unexpected. By crossing into that dark place where going through the planning process those fueled by hate and vengeance over and over we train our brains know no boundaries. We do not to imprint the “protection thought like thinking about a world where anything goes and absolutely anything process” if you like. We develop can happen. But it can and it has and a way of analyzing what we see and feel in the field that gives us a it will again. The only way I know of tremendous edge over our opponents. reaching those abhorrent corners of SD specialists are masters of this skill the imagination is by sitting around set. They see everything in the field, the table with fellow professionals constantly looking for correlation and and scheming how I would take out will instinctively know what to flag. It my Principal if I were them. Every is critical we make the right decision time we brainstorm there is positive no matter whether it follows our plan reinforcement of an operational or not. thought pattern. Why do lawyers learn thousands of case studies before qualifying to represent others in court? After all, they are never going to come up against the exact same circumstances in their professional lives. The answer is clear. By studying previous cases and discussing them, analyzing

Defining SOP’s is also important as they streamline the process of recognizing emergency situations when the arise and enable us to respond in an effective manner. However, rigidity in the field is the number one cause of unhappy endings. We have to be able to adapt

By: Mac Segal To plan or not to plan?

to rapidly developing, high intensity situations with confidence and skill. We cannot afford to be at a loss for what to do, even for a second. Lives depend on it. The best way I know of to prepare for that and develop the “protection thought process” is planning, planning and planning. To very loosely paraphrase an idea of Guy Kawasaki’s, if you stuck to your plan and your mission was successful, all the power to you. If you stuck to your plan and the mission failed, shame on you! g from the same door when there are other options is simply lazy on the part of the advance specialist. If the detail leader chooses to depart from the same door when he/she has options that is fine. However when the detail leader is forced to depart from the same door because he/she were NOT afforded options is quite frankly myopic and lazy. I am of the personal belief that there is no such thing as knowing too much

for an advance but there is a huge problem with not knowing enough. Those who have perfected the proper protective advance know the balance between what is necessary and what is not. For instance, I may not need to know that the chef is a slob but I will need to know that our path to the safe haven is through the kitchen and the floor is slippery. In order to be effective in the advance you have to have a plan and balance the level of security necessary to safeguard the principal with the principal’s desire to conduct his/her business unimpeded, regardless of whether you have 2 days or 2 hours. Mac Segal: Based in Israel, Mac is a 25 year veteran of the Security Industry both in Israel and internationally. Mac is a specialist instructor in Tactical Unarmed/Armed Combat, Covert Protection and Surveillance Detection with extensive international teaching experience in both the private and official sectors.


Regulars Issue 22

Security Leadership

Working in the security industry is something that half a million people in the UK can say they currently do, either directly or indirectly.


ven in what has been relatively difficult economic times, when the security industry as a whole has tended to contract in the past, specific areas of security have witnessed continued growth as areas of risk have moved higher on people’s agenda within organisations and governments. Global and domestic events over the past decade or so have led to greater demand and continuous flow of people into the industry. With riskbased consulting, training, maritime security and information and IT security growing exponentially, the UK has led the way.

Recent years have seen changes in standards, credibility and both internal and external perspectives towards those carrying out security roles. It is fair to say that a career in the security industry was once looked down upon. It’s fair to say that times have changed. People currently working in the security sector can now boast excellent personal development opportunities, training, equality & diversity conditions and above all, a growing credibility, due to the specific requirements and standards that must now be met. Those

requirements, standards and licenses are in place to cover all forms of security activities to enable them to maintain an expected level of professionalism and quality. A legal minimum standard has been set for training and operating; with many companies and individuals going much further. Times have changed. Whilst traditional routes into the security sector continue to exist, with those leaving the armed forces or police still providing a high percentage of new entrants, these days, the demographics are a great deal more diversified. People from the

By: Mark Corder

corporate world, with little or no security background, but who have demonstrated an aptitude and ability to lead, manage and make decisions, are being drawn towards leadership roles in the industry, either to take up existing positions or to identify gaps in the market and set up companies. Their external perspective also adds to the diversity of knowledge and experience within the security industry.

and testing knowledge via examinations. These include the Security Institute’s ‘Diploma in Security Management’ and the Charted Security Professional certification, which provide individuals with opportunities to gain relevant qualifications and recognition for what they already know and have achieved. Outside of the specifics of ‘security’, there are other ‘leadership and management’ courses and In what used to be a fairly qualifications available, such unregulated industry, there is as NVQs, BTEC, Diplomas, now a structure in place with degrees and even Masters. regulation and input from The majority of such such organisations as the courses provide a theoretical Home Office, The Security approach to enhance Institute, Skills for Security learning and understanding as well as the Security of the subjects. The ‘students’ Industry Authority (SIA), can then transfer their which was set up to ensure learning into the operational that standards are set and arena and apply the learning maintained to the required as they have interpreted it level across all private and, according to their own security organisations and personal style – something their employees. which is very difficult to change from academic study. In terms of developing people to reach the best In terms of operational possible standard as leaders, capability in the industry, there are a wealth of choice there is no one recognised and options available. There course or training package are numerous academic for developing strong, courses and qualifications capable and resourceful available that educate leaders and managers – in individuals by way of effect, people bring their research undertaken knowledge with them or

learn on-the-job as they gain additional experience. Providing people attempt to apply a reflective mind-set to the things they do, then they can certainly learn from their experiences, the positive ones and in particular, the negative ones. Whilst studying for academic qualifications is always going to be of benefit for those working in the security industry, there is perhaps a lack of competency-based training for the leaders and managers at the operational levels, who are expected to deliver the required outputs on a day-to-day basis and who perhaps do not have the luxury of learning their trade from months and years of academic study. Classroom-led, hands-on training, with peers, is in our opinion, second to none for developing leaders in the industry who are effective operationally. Combine this with carefully chosen academic study and not only will it assist leaders and managers with their current roles, but it will also provide a greater understanding and skillset for when they decide to move to the higher levels in the organisation and engage further with corporate colleagues.


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3D Security Ltd Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1TG Based in Taunton 3D Security provides security services for a wide range of clients. Whether you need a security guard in Somerset, event security in Leeds or Close Protection in London we will provide a solution for your needs. T: +44 (0)1823 253 001 W - E - A.B.I. Solutions A.B.I Solutions is a dynamic, forward thinking company, specialising in surveillance, security and investigations with local, national and internationalexperience. A.B.I provides a wide range of services to the corporate sector and individuals alike. W - Amanda Campbell A highly motivated and experienced female operative both CP and Surveillence training T – 07596542249 W - E - Ambassador Security Management ASM MK Lions Arena, Grafton Court, Snowden Drive, Winterhill, Milton Keynes, MK6 1AJ, GBR. After successfully gaining ACS (Door Supervision and Manned Guarding) along with ISO 9000, we here at ASM have a dedicated management team with hundreds of years combined experience in the security industry. W: E: T: 08458335750 Ark Personal and Asset Protection Ark, 2b Crow Lane, Rochester, Kent, ME11RF, GBR A small, efficient, highly descrete company employing ex special forces and detectives for all civil and corporate covert needs. E: T: +0044 01634 845526 Argus Europe County Durham Argus Europe has been providing specialist training for high-net worth clients and their families for close to 20 years, worldwide. Argus Europe now offer accredited training for CPO’s, Surveillance Operators and Private detectives. Argus Europe is an operational company working globally with an extensive variety of contracts. W: T: +44 (0) 8456 123 843 Atlantian Business Solutions Group Rutland, LE15 6SD, GBR Atlantian Business Solutions has been designed to help both individuals and New Companies build for the future as well as support others with training needs. T: 07725970954 W: E:


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Briareus Security Our aim is to give a complete, discreet and professional service to all of our clients, be they large corporations, small businesses, local authorities or private individuals, all tailored to meet their individual needs. W: E: Alastair Christie Advice on site security, perimeter fencing, lighting, CCTV and manning requirements. Monitor and advise on guard force setting up site procedures and guard SOP’s. T : +44 (0)7736 328112 E : Control Risk Management Solutions - CRMS Ireland Executive Close Protection Operations & Training (B Tec Level 3 Diploma Edexcel) Threat & Risk Assessments, Consultancy Services. W: E: Crest Security & Surveillance Ltd 51 The Crest, West Heath, Birmingham, West Mids, B31 3QA, GBR Highly experienced Security Consultant with a proven record of accomplishment in the field of protective security. Skilled in all phases of risk assessment, operational planning, logistical organisation, implementation of security measures, security team leadership, project coordination, and delivery of security advice to a high profile clientele. E: T: 447977071427 CSI Protection Ltd International, GBR A well established security consultant and personal protection operative providing high or low Key protection to high risk and prestigious clientele. Specialising in the maritime industry as a consultant for private vessel protection on super yachts world wide. W: E: Custodia Custodia is an independent client focused Specialist Security & Risk Management Company, specialising in Risk consultancy and Security project management. Providing a comprehensive portfolio of Risk mitigation solutions to assist Businesses and individuals to plan for, manage and mitigate risk. T: 01432 277693 W: DF Risk Management Solutions DF Risk Management Solutions N.I. is a modern, professional risk management company, with a diverse range of global strategic experiences and a team of executives who possess dynamic but complementary backgrounds. T: +44 (0)7837642686 +44 (0)7758743918 W: Executive Protection Officer Worldwide CP services W:

First Class Executive Security Nottingham, UK, Nottingham based, full-service company specializing in Bodyguards and Security Consulting services. Extensive experience in VIP security, also caters for public and private sectors. W: T: 0115 9266466 G6 Global G6 are specialists in all types of radio, telephony and satellite communications for both voice and data with particular emphasis on covert communications installations in both vehicles and fixed locations. In addition, our range of personal covert radios and bespoke accessories is extensive. W: T: +44 (0)1454 610050 Gordon Russell Highly trained frontline Close Protection Operatives available for UK and International contracts. Our experienced CPO’s can offer bespoke packages to meet all clients needs, including a variety of language skills. All SIA licenced, BBA member E: T: +44 (0)7917 281 004 James Izett All close protection task undertaken, including training tasks. Medic (Registered with the HPCSA, Registered FAAW instructor and Assessor E : T : +971 (0)505 574 350 Janice Gurney Proficient and diligent Security Professional gaining extensive knowledge and experience within the security sector. Proactive individual who has a logical, flexible and conscientious approach to all challenges undertaken, ability to work as a member of a team or as an individual willing to work anywhere. T : +44 (0)7885 793061 E : International Centre of Special Training International Centre of Special Training is an international training and security company based in the United Kingdom. Its priority objective is to provide services to the highest level. W: T: +44 796 736 55 65 IPSS Security Northfield, Aberdeen, AB16 7EX Security and protection services - UK and overseas. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1224 69455 W: ISS Training Ltd Riverside Cottages, Nidd Walk, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate, HG3 5NA ISS Training Limited are providers of specialist covert surveillance training courses and publications to the security and investigative industries, enforcement agencies and specialist military units. Formed in 1990, we are the longest established surveillance training company in the United Kingdom. Our credibility and reputation

is widespread and we offer nationally recognised qualifications. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1423 712265 W: Jason Morris Security Hertfordshire, UK Providing a wide range of Door supervision/ security for V.I.P and prestige venues, Concerts, Functions, Corporate and Personal Security, Weddings, Private Parties, Gala Dinners, Business Awards & School Proms, Close Protection and Body Guarding Static Guarding and Stewards. T: 01462 478900 W: E: John Featherstone Security professional with operational experience gained in a variety of theatres. Main specialities close protection and surveillance. T: 24hrs : +44 (0)7702 740722 E: W: K9 Support Services Ltd K9 Support Services UK Ltd is a supplier of specialist drugs and explosives dog/ handler detection service (which includes arms & ammunition) to individuals, businesses, and the public sector. T: 0845 643 6393 E: Logas International Tyne & Wear, SR1, GBR Front line SIA, International CPO. Private Investigation and Surveillance operator. E: MLK Security and Protection Services Swindon, UK Close Protection Officer and Door Supervisor E: T: 07917654978 LJE Security Services North Yorkshire, HG1, GBR Close Protection, Residential Security, Asset Protection, VIP red carpet Security and Private Investigation. E: One Events Grantham One Events offers you a stress free solution in the organisation, putting together and running of an event. Thisis accomplished by having a group of specialised companies from different industries working together for a more complete service for you. TEL: 0870 974 6779 W: Plymouth Close Protection Highly versatile, physically fit and accomplished security professional with cumulative experience in the areas of security management, close protection, crisis management, risk assessment, emergency management, asset protection and security training. E : W : T : +44 (0)1752 500807 PPSS Group Body armour and stab vests provide a functional solution to individuals who require extra protection in their chosen vocation. All PPSS (formerly ASEO) body armour and stab vests are certified by the UK’s Home Office (HOSDB) and offer unrivalled protection from blunt trauma caused by a punch, blow or kick. Based on our professional frontline experience and extensive research we can confirm that an impact based assault is a more likely event than an attack

involving an edged weapon or firearm. T: +44 (0) 845 5193 953 F: +44 (0) 1765 603 512 E: W: Presence Security Presence Security (“ PS ”) is a bespoke security company providing protection for private individuals and VIPs, as well as security services for businesses and organizations. T: 0800 002 9734 E: Prestige Risks LTD 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N, 3AX, GBR. Close Protection Secure Chauffeurs Surveillance Residential Security Executive Protection Security Guards Asset Protection T : +44 (0)207 5588182 E : W : Prometheus Medical Ltd Prometheus deliver unrivalled bespoke emergency medical support in the form of specialist equipment, training, strategic advice and deployed clinical care. T: (+44) 1568 613942 W: Prosec Consultancy Ltd 10 Oakfield business park Westbury, BA13 4WF. Prosec Consultancy Limited are dedicated in providing a professional service, which covers a whole range of security services throughout the security industry. T: 01373 228055 W: E: ProTouch Security ProTouch Security is one of the UK’s key providers of event safety, event security, crowd management, door supervisors, stewards, event management and health and safety. T: 01724 279 522 W: Python Security and Protection Ltd Providing Close Protection Officers and Door Supervisors for Events and Venue Security. E : RSM Security UK Ltd London, UK RSM Security UK Ltd offers the experience and expertise necessary to provide security personnel of the highest calibre when you need them. T: 07850091979 or 07792948523 W: E: RWSSI Rob W is a professional security consultant with world wide experience and capabilities in Security, Surveillance and Investigation; I can support you to overcome any problems and enable you to achieve your goals E: T: +44 (0)7818 220985 SDS Solutions SDS solutions provide our clients with protective solutions that are second to none, our consultants will discuss every aspect of the problems that you are facing that dictate the need for a protective solution, we promise our clients a tailor made service to meet individual requirements. Whether based in the UK or abroad our protective service T: 01453 887815 E: Shadow Close Protection A leading company specializing in Executive

Protection as a professional sector, with participation in high and low risk missions, providing global security solutions and consultancy to individuals, corporations and national agencies worldwide. W: E: T: + 30 6948539664 Shaun West United Kingdom SIA licensed, Highly Experienced Frontline CPO. Ronin SA trained. Providing security for both corporate and hostile environments. E: T: +44 (0)7830 109 601 W: Spotllght Protection Services Essex based business which provides a broad and growing range of security services to businesses and organisations large and small. T: 07870560208 E: W: VIPA Tactical Training A specialist training academy dealing with four specific areas of combat: VIPA Civilian Self Protection Program, VIPA Close Protection Combat System, VIPA Police Defence Tactics and VIPA Military Close Quarter Combat. BBA Member. W: Europe & Africa International Security Academy P.O.Box 5833, Herzeliya, 46000, ISRAEL. Our graduates are more recognized, respected and sought after by Distinguish Protection service “consumers” and by most of the “Providers” of Protection services worldwide. Organisers of the 2008 International Summit of Protection Officers. BBA Member. T: + 972 9 950 0969 W: Javier Galan Spain Security specialist available for operations around the world. E: T: 34.637080771 Military Grade Encryption Phones PO Box 52310, Limassol, CYPRUS Built-in encryption software which converts your voice to encrypted data using a constantly changing mathematical formula. It uses a dual layered RSA/ AES combination and a changing session key which modifies the encryption algorithm every second. € 1,398.00 + VAT. All prices include new Nokia N73 phone. BBA Member. T: + 357 7777 7276 W: Security Concierge Group SCG Special Projects Ltd, Avenida, Bartolome Vicente Ramon No 10, B16, Ibiza, 07800, ESP Security Concierge Group is a privately owned and fully independent provider of exceptional security services to an interesting and varied range of clients. T: 00 34 600 665 275 W: E: Americas Bodyguard Careers Bodyguard Careers is an informational site with the purpose of providing bodyguards with all the information and tools necessary to succeed in the Close Protection Industry

Issue 21



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Canadian Use of Force Systems 7975 Yonge St. # 7124, Innisfil, ON, L9S 1L0, CANADA A professional Use of Force and Defensive. Tactics organization teaching a full range of controlled response options for Self-Protection and Use of Force considerations in public and professional environments. BBA Associate Member. T: + 1 705 456 4333 W:

protection agency offering such services as threat assessment, executive protection, self-defense training, firearms instruction, and high risk tactical protection. Our executive protection specialists have over 75 years of experience. Panther can handle your protection needs whether around the corner or around the world. Member: BBA and NABA T: (404) 349-9117 W:

Contact Front Photography Contact Front Photography is the world’s 1st photography studio dedicated to the Close Protection Professional. Stop putting generic or pirated photos on your website; instead commission custom shots to best represent you or your agency. T: +1 (612) 369-6134 E: W:

SILVER STAR PROTECTION Executive protection, site and event security with global experience. Serving southern Minnesota with integrity and professionalism. Former USSS, ICON Alumni. available for domestic and international travel. Robert E. Jones Manager/CEO W: E:

Decisiones Estratégicas Buenos Aires – Argentina Executive protection specialists we have experienced in all Latin America, for multinationals companies, also providing support in project throughout Latin America to consulting first the US. and UK. We have a team of specialists and psychologists in assistance and crisis negotiation. T: +54(911) 6415 1941 E: jbenitez@d– W: www.d– Detective Lacerda P.O.BOX 25996, São Paulo, 05513-970, BRAZIL Providing the full range of security and investigation services throughout Latin America. BBA Member. T: + 55 (11) 3452 4388 W: Global Bear Protection PO Box 11488, Jackson, Wyoming, 83002, USA Provision of British and US Ex Special forces security/medical specialists. T: 307 413 3619 W: E: Icon Services Corporation 1043 Grand Ave. #312, St. Paul, MN 55105, USA A full service security and investigative agency specializing in providing high-level security and bodyguards to international celebrities, public figures and corporations. Licensed, bonded and insured, our diverse roster of clients reads as a virtual who’s who in the corporate, motion picture, fashion and recording industry. Entering into our 10th year, Icon has been the hand picked choice to provide Executive Protection to everyone from Superintendents to Supermodels. BBA Member. T: + 1 651 695 8778 W: Imperial Protective Service, LLC 15849 N. 71st Street, Suite 100, Scottsdale , Arizona, 85254, USA Imperial Protective Service’ (IPS) is a security consulting and services firm founded in 1978. IPS provides both national and international corporate, executive and celebrity protective services. BBA Member. T: + 1 480 281 1588 W: Panther Protection Services 3695F Cascade Road, Suite 2207, Atlanta, GA 30331 Panther Protection Services is a full service

TSICS (T6) Miami, Florida, USA TSICS (T6) provides the following services in Central America: Executive Protection, Individual Bodyguard, Close Protection Training, Corporate Invest. W: saldrix E: T: +502 6645 6822 Tony Scotti’s Vehicle Dynamics Institute 1162 St. Georges Ave, Suite 277 , Avenel, NJ 07001, USA The first name in advanced driver training, offering our highly acclaimed Protective/Evasive Driving Programs. Designed specifically for today’s executive chauffeurs, executive protection professionals and others who are responsible for providing safe and secure transportation services. BBA Member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 W: Vindex Personal Protection & Investigation Inc. 497 Hooksett Rd #365 Manchester NH 03104 603.289.3161 / Full service Private Investigations & Executive Protection. 10 years combined Law Enforcement, Private security, close protection work, & security contracting. NY Mayors, U.S. President’s, NFL owners, and VIP’s are some of the protection work I’ve gained experience with. ICON alumni, NABA member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 E: W:

The Team: Editor Managing Editor International Editor Art Direction

Shaun West Jon Moss Elijah Shaw Peter Falkous

Contributors: Russ Saunders Kate Bright Benjamin Alozie Andy Dubberley Manhar Parshotam Mark “Six” James Paul “Rock” Higgins Chris Bradford Eric Konohia Robert S Michels

Paul Ingram Scott Geddes Raffaele Di Giorgio Dean Bateman Eric Konohia Dr Amy Burrell Jacquie Davis Elijah Shaw Shaun West Jon Moss

Our Sincere Thanks to all those that continue to contribute their wisdom and experience for the enjoyment of others The Circuit is compiled, edited and published in the UK and US quarterly. W: E: T: +44 845 519 2538

Asia Pacific Asia Protective Group Ltd Asia Protective Group (APG) is a Hong Kong based risk management company, specializing in executive protection, overseas travel security and security consultancy services. APG has an extensive network of security specialists operating throughout the Asia Pacific region. W: E: E:

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