Circuit Magazine #47

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at the point of Crisis 5 methods for dealing with an active shooter

Freedom or security


War in Venezuela

Fit for purpose









02 Contents 04 UK Foreword 07 US Foreword 08 Industry News At A Glance 13 Freedom or Security? You can't have both


18 Shifting the Paradgigm 26 At the Point of Crisis Five Essentials for Defeating an Active Shooter 33 War In Venezuela


42 A Mantra to Operate By 48 The Man in the Middle (MITM) Introduction to Cybersecurity Part 3 54 Ask the NABA Network 56 Five things you can do to make your house a worship a safer place


62 Fit for Purpose But where to start?




68 Incident Report Global Round Up 76 Tactical Firearms Pistol Grip Shotguns 83 Foot Steps Episode 1: Kevin Ghee


89 Event Report Cyber Physical Security Conference 92 Global Events Map 94 Keeping Your Edge Protectors and the recording process


99 Classifieds



Welcome to yet another edition of the industry's finest Close Protection publication. Recently, I've enjoyed engaging with authors and readers alike as part of our quest to bring you the most engaging and informative stories in a beautifully presented magazine. That said, if there are any subjects you would like to see covered which haven't been featured recently, please write in, let us know, and we'll see what we can do for you. I can honestly say that being involved in the Circuit is one of the most rewarding aspects of my life and it fills me with pride to look back across the 10 years of issues that we've released. If you've ever considered contributing, but held back for one reason or another, I would advise you to just to go for it; it's so satisfying to see your thoughts published in such a wellrespected title.

Many of our readers are already familiar with our social media channels, such as the BBA and NABA groups on Facebook, you may even be members. Over the years, these groups have become trusted resources where industry folk can get help, advice, and connect with other professionals. In addition to there being some really useful discussions taking place on there, we've also noticed that people find it much easier to commit to writing a post than they do an article. So, with that in mind, we have decided to create a crossover and publish select feeds from the groups in the magazine itself. Now there are no more excuses; get yourself across to the NABA or BBA groups, start contributing, and let us know your thoughts.

In this issue, we have two new, first I know that despite my encouragement time contributors, David Dunn, and there will still be many of you who will Jose Casillas. I just want to extend hold back from contributing, perhaps you both a warm welcome on behalf because you don't think you're qualified of the whole Circuit community and enough, you're worried what others congratulate you on joining a very will say, or maybe the whole thing just special club; we're delighted to have feels a bit too formal or academic. I you both in issue 47! get it, I really do, but when I see so many operators take to social media to That's all from me, enjoy the magazine express their views, without giving it a and stay safe wherever you may be. second thought I'm thinking there must be a way to connect the two. And so, in Shaun West this issue, we're trying something new. Editor




MAY 27TH - 29TH 2019


Welcome to the latest edition of The Circuit Magazine, the #1 periodical for the Security Professional. I usually like to use this space to talk about my personal views on the industry, (with a focus on the positive!) and to recognize individuals who have made an impact in these pages and beyond. As the US Editor, my conversations by default tend to have a Yankee slant, but that’s why we made it a point to run two Forewords every issue representing both the North American Bodyguard Association (NABA) and the British Bodyguard Association (BBA). So with that said, I can feel no guilt giving a shout out to longtime Circuit Magazine contributor, Mark James. Despite being a company owner, an extremely active field agent, and an instructor, I don’t think he’s missed a single issue in years. I’d also like to tip my hat to Dr. Andrew Surace, who’s been contributing frequently,

bringing a unique perspective with a focus on working with religious institutions and houses of worship. On the flip side, I’d like to welcome, Jose Casillas, a young protector who’s been making incredible strides in the industry in a short period of time. This issue marks Jose’s first in a Q & A series entitled Footsteps, featuring veteran protectors from a variety of backgrounds around the world. Jose’s plan is to get some insight into what drives and motivate them, as well as identify the separators that have taken them to the next level in the field. So from the old, to the new, the veteran to the neophyte, The Circuit has something to offer everyone. Elijah Shaw US Editor



Industry News At A Glance

We cast our eye over the main stories impacting the security industry. Here's what's appeared on the radar since the last issue. AIG Security accused of employing security staff with no basic training June 28th, Melbourne, Australia Victoria Police sent suspension letters last week to about 400 guards working across the security industry over allegations that “false, forged and/or fraudulently obtained documentation” was used to obtain their security licences. AIG Security did not respond to repeated requests for comment. However, a security industry insider said some of the guards used by AIG had no basic training. "It's become a joke really. You've got registered training organisations churning out graduates who can't even use a radio, let alone defuse a dangerous situation. “And a lot of the foreign blokes don't have any English [language skills], which makes it hard for them to deal with crowds," the source said. The surprisingly good promotion prospects of Vladimir Putin’s Protection Officers June 22nd, Moscow, Russia

Potential Bursary for the disadvantaged June 27th, London, UK The Security Industry Authority (SIA) might set up a bursary scheme for disadvantaged people who otherwise could not afford to pay for the SIA licensing process and training, as one use for the money recovered under the Proceeds of Crime Act. Ian Todd, the new chief executive of the SIA, told Professional Security Magazine.

Mr Putin has become closer than most to the men of Russia’s Federal Protective Service (FSO). Since 2016, four FSO officers from his personal guard have been appointed regional governors, making the unusual leap from the shadows into public life. A fifth, Mr Dyumin, became head of the newly formed National Guard.

He said: “There’s a range of things we can do; it’s a limited pot, but for the benefit of the profession.” Since 2015 SIA has had the power, and is using it, to claim from people convicted under the Private Security Industry Act 2001, ‘proceeds of crime’.

Then in 2016 he became governor of the Tula region. “It was a little bit like the butler was suddenly made a duke,” says Mark Galeotti, an expert on the Russian security services.


INDUSTRY NEWS DaBaby Sued Over Nightclub Assault by Bodyguards June 26th Lawrence, MA DaBaby is being sued by rapper Don Trag over a nightclub assault. Last month, it was reported that DaBaby’s security team beat Trag in a Massachusetts’ nightclub. The attack came after he allegedly asked to take a picture with the rapper.

According to TMZ, Trag, who was hospitalized, says he was allegedly beaten into a coma. He is now suing DaBaby for damages and medical bills. According to documents obtained by TMZ, “Trag claims DaBaby failed to adequately train his team of bodyguards.” He claims that he allowed his bodyguards to attack him, “knowing they had violent tendencies.”

Bodyguard fires gun on Czech PM's plane June 25th, Brussels A bodyguard accidentally fired his gun aboard a government plane carrying billionaire Czech Prime Minister, Andrej Babis, from an EU dinner but no one was hurt, police and media said.

What you said I’m interested in what prompted him to want to handle his firearm once boarded? Why did he feel the need to? Is there a protocol that dictated or necessitated having the firearm to be unloaded once boarded? Trying to understand the thought process.

Czech media said the bodyguard was trying to unload his gun shortly after Babis had boarded in Brussels and the plane was preparing for take-off. Carrying a total of 22 people, the flight left about an hour later, said the news site, adding that the bullet hit a meal cart. Babis's spokeswoman Jana Adamcova told AFP that "something like that happened" but declined to elaborate.

Leon Adams

Ethiopia army chief shot dead in 'coup bid' attacks June 23rd, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia IThe chief of staff of the Ethiopian army, Gen Seare Mekonnen, has been shot dead by his own bodyguard in the capital, Addis Ababa. Gen Seare was killed on Saturday evening at his residence along with another general, Gezai Abera, by the bodyguard who is now in custody, the prime minister's press office says. The government says it has reason to think the attack was linked to the assassination of the governor of Amhara a few hours earlier in the region's capital, Bahir Dar. The prime minister's office accused Amhara's regional security chief, BrigGen Asaminew Tsige, of plotting the coup attempt. It is unclear whether he has been arrested.



What you said Armed police from the Special Escort Group (SEG) accompany senior members of the royal family on official trips in order to block junctions and control traffic so the convoy can make 'steady progress'. SEG don’t go fast, as they do in other countries. 'It’s never about speed, it’s all about making steady progress rather than banging through traffic with blue lights and sirens'.

Royal protection motorcycle outrider seriously injures pedestrian after accident June 18th, London, UK

Different trips in different circumstances would require a different 'package' of security but it was normal for the bikes to be out in front of the royal car with additional security officers following in a trailing cars.

Irene Mayor, 83, is still in hospital after suffering a broken pelvis, two broken arms, a broken leg and a dangerous head injury when one of the Royal Family’s armed motorbike police escorts crashed into her.

Simon Morgan, Trojan Security. (Former Royal Protection officer)

The accident will be investigated by the Independent Office for Police Conduct. Venezuelan MLB stars beef up personal protection amid fear of kidnap and extortion. June 17th, Caracas, Venezuela Many Venezuelan baseball players in the MLB claim they can no longer go out in public when returning home. Since his kidnapping, Wilson Ramos says he's employed eight fulltime bodyguards—six to protect his parents, five brothers and two sisters and two more for himself when he visits.

Jose Martinez admits that when he goes home in the winter, he keeps a bodyguard with him at all times, including one stationed at his bedroom door overnight so "as soon as I wake up, there's someone outside my door." "Every day, it's a concern because you don't know what's going to happen over there," Martinez said. "It can be normal and quiet one day, and everything can be a disaster the next day."



What you said

Foreign Office minister suspended after grabbing a female Greenpeace activist at a black-tie City dinner. June 21st, London, UK Climate change protesters - wearing suits, red dresses and sashes with "climate emergency" written on them - entered Mansion House on Thursday night, as Mr Hammond was beginning his speech on the state of the economy. As one of the protestors walked past his table, Mr Field stood up, stopped her and pushed her against a column. The Conservative MP then put a hand on the back of her neck and led her out of the room. Mr Field said he had been "genuinely worried" she may have been armed. BBC home affairs correspondent Daniel Sandford said there were also "very serious questions to be asked" about security, as a "large number" of protesters had apparently managed to "walk through" to the event at London's Mansion House.

As much as I applaud what Greenpeace has done over the decades to highlight the plight of climate change, there are times that they make themselves targets. One of those times is when they "embed" themselves into a private function and in close proximity to vulnerable individuals. A thrown milkshake one day...thrown acid the next. A finger point one day...a knife attack the next. I find it hard to believe that in this day and age in central London, and especially in Mansion House, that an event can take place without event security. I can only imagine that the next event at Mansion house WILL have security... how lucky this incident was no more than a scene blown up by the media... and not "blown up" by a faction! Bob Shepherd, Author. (Former 22 SAS and Media Protection Adviser)


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Thirty years after Benjamin Franklin wrote: “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety, Thomas Paine wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson explaining his view of natural and civil rights. 13

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 According to Paine, if twenty persons, all strangers to each other, found themselves in a previously uninhabited country, each individual’s will was his natural right. He had the freedom and liberty to do as he pleased, even invading the sovereignty of his neighbors. It would then occur to each sovereign individual that if he united with his neighbor for mutual protection he would increase his personal security. But to do that he would have to sacrifice certain degrees of his natural rights. The compromising of individual rights resulted in rights of “compact” or as our legislative laws were defined as “civil rights”.

In George Orwell’s prophetic 1984 the fictional country, Oceana, was under siege by internal and external powers threatening the security of the country. The people voluntarily surrendered their rights including the rights of movement and privacy in exchange for the protection afforded by the government – “Big Brother”

Paine then reasoned that in Natural Rights we act wholly in our own person; in rights of compact or “Civil Rights" we agree not to do so, but act under the guarantee of society. It would then necessarily be argued that the more of the natural rights one surrendered, the more security one would possess.

In the twenty first century we are under siege by internal and external powers threatening the security of our country. We rush to embrace technology, video monitoring, and government intervention in the name of security. We voluntarily surrender rights for more security. Children at preschool are

In 1936, physicist Max Planck wrote “An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by winning over and converting its opponents. What happens is that its opponents gradually die out and that growing generation is familiarized with the idea from the beginning.”



Because the police happen to not like the persons color, dress, or birthplace. Will it become “normal” for those arrested to be tried in a secret tribunal, disregarding the Bill of Rights?

monitored by their mothers via internet video; streets, intersections, shopping malls, banks, post offices are “secured” by cameras. Technology has made it possible to track a person from conception to death. The generations born after the last twenty years think it is perfectly natural to be videoed all day, everyday. Accordingly it is becoming normal for police and soldiers to patrol our airports and to stop and question, perhaps arrest, someone “on mere suspicion”, or because the police happen to not like the persons color, dress, or birthplace. Will it become “normal” for those arrested to be tried in a secret tribunal, disregarding the Bill of Rights? Fifty years ago, soldiers did not patrol airports in Europe, except in Spain, under the dictatorship of Generalismo Francisco Franco. Yet now is it not only accepted; it is the model for the rest of the world. No one votes against security measures. Probably not even argue against them. All this security means one thing –


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 crooks, criminals, crazies and terrorists have won! I like to think not. But I have told my children to remember what it was like before all the cameras and restrictions, because their own children will only know monitoring, personal identification tracking numbers, technophysical confinement, loss of privacy and freedom

of movement. Perhaps children will be induced to inform on parents, neighbor against neighbor, etc. (There is precedent). The argument is made that once terrorism is eradicated, things will go back to normal. No chance! Terrorism will never be eradicated. It has always been here in


FREEDOM OR SECURITY? liberties and freedoms I took for granted. I support the fight against fear and terrorism but I am also a realist. Will we will win this current war. There is In the late 11th century, lots of doubt. Will freedom Muslim separatist Hasan and security return to ibn al-Sabbah, operated pre-modern alert status? a terrorist training Unlikely. Once a freedom camp north of today’s is gone, it remains gone. Tehran. Terrorist activity Decisions are made in (including assassination, favor of security because kidnapping, bombing, without security there can lynching and hanging) be no freedom. But there has come down through can be security without the centuries. In the freedom. It is possible to 1970’s terrorism was a real “hot button” subject- surrender one hundred Skyjackings, planes blown percent of freedom but it is impossible to reach one up, kidnappings, bombs hundred percent security. thrown into crowded market places, etc. The There will always be those big names in those days were “Abul Nadal”, “Black who will use any method, September”, “The Jackal”, no matter how heinous, to foist their beliefs upon etc. Today it is Al Queda, an unprepared public. ISIS, Boko Haram, NeoTherefore,our security Nazis, Right-Wing radical demands that once a nationalistic militias, and security procedure, others who have there method, or operation own selfish beliefs about religion and racisim. Who is in place it will always will it be in twenty years? remain so. We will never again have equal shares of freedom and security. Yes, I sound like an alarmist. But, each year I It has become one or the see further erosion of the other, not both. one form or the next. It may go dormant for a few years, but it will recycle in a generation or two.

Dale June is a former U.S. Secret Service Agent assigned to the Presidential Protective Division at the White House plus serving in the Sacramento and San Diego field Offices and holds a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice is from George Washington University. He currently teaches at National University, Los Angeles and is the author/co-author of nine books about protection and Homeland Security/Terrorism.




You know how it is, old habits die hard, don't they? We get used to the way we've always done something, so we just carry on doing it the same way. We know it, we trust it, and it works, so why change, right? 18

SHIFTING THE PARADIGM Well, there really isn't anything fundamentally wrong with this approach, after all, as the saying goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." The trouble is if we continue to do the same thing in the same way we're in danger of missing opportunities to improve, and surely that's what we all want to do, become better, more efficient and smarter at what we do. That's undoubtedly the maxim I've always tried to apply to communications. We embraced digital radio enthusiastically when it first came on the scene 15+ years ago, even though doing so was detrimental to us in the short term, it paid off in the long-run. Many saw it as 'revolution' rather than 'evolution,' but eventually, it eclipsed its analogue forbear, and those naysayers had no choice but to evolve. And here we are again, at the very dawn (well maybe early morning rather than dawn) of a new communications revolution, one even


more exciting and dramatic than that switch to digital over 15 years ago. It's the accepted norm that for group communications, we use VHF or UHF dedicated radios, particularly within the security sector, and we accept that this has limitations in range, function & form. Our range is constrained by the output power of the device itself and the physical environment in which we are operating, meaning there is a finite operating limit, beyond which we cannot stray unless we are fortunate enough to have a widearea network in place; more of that shortly. The function is limited pretty much to push-totalk only. In the main, conventional digital radio (DMR) is a narrowband technology, meaning that anything more than basic voice is pretty much unachievable. Form factor is also a consideration. Most conventional, full power portable radio devices

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 are quite large and bulky, this being governed by the size of the battery required to deliver a practical operating duration for a full power RF device. Those that are smaller are generally operating at lower RF power; it's always about compromise.

or any other such communications application. That server manages the interaction between your device and any other devices that are also connected. The difference is the application (sometimes invisible to you) delivers a Push-toTalk look and feel, totally familiar and no different in operational practice to your existing conventional two-way radio.

Enter LTE radios. So, what exactly are they, how do they work, and why should we be considering them? Let's explore this and debunk So, what is an LTE some myths! radio? Virtually everyone on the planet LTE radios, network uses one daily, we just radios, PTT, PoC, Push call it a mobile phone. to Talk over Cellular Because despite what are all terms that are many people may think, used, pretty much a cell phone is a radio. interchangeably, Granted it is a fullto describe this duplex radio with great technology. Essentially, coverage (courtesy of whatever you want to the cellular network call it, and whichever operators), and a device it is operating whole bunch of extra on, it works in the same functionality, but it is a way. radio nonetheless. It is a client-server application. Sitting on your LTE radio is an application that talks to a server, just like Skype or WhatsApp

So, here's where the 'paradigm shift' comes in. We're all comfortable with using our mobile phones and expecting them to work almost


SHIFTING THE PARADIGM wherever we go. If we don't have 3G or 4G, then Wi-Fi is pretty much universally available. Granted, there are some exceptions, but these are becoming fewer as technology improves and the network operators fill in the gaps in their networks.

and Wi-Fi network as a universal radio repeater, and you'll start to get what I am talking about.

That wide-area conventional radio network I mentioned at the beginning can't even begin to compete with the might of cellular. THE GRID is So, if we are happy that our own private, secure, our mobiles provide a conventional digital radio universally available network that covers the communications tool, whole of London and is why don't we simply flip available to our clients the switch, and accept to use. But it still has that we can also use limitations. Go into an them for our push to talk underground car park communications. Think and try to communicate of the global cellular with a colleague in


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 the same building 15 storeys directly above you, and you'll most likely struggle. Drive out beyond Heathrow along the M4 motorway and you'll drop out of coverage. Also, it only gives you voice communications, nothing else. Contrast that with an LTE solution, and we can solve all of those problems, and then some. Even if the underground car park is out of cellular coverage (possible but increasingly unlikely), there may well be Wi-Fi available. On the 15th floor, it is inconceivable that you wouldn't have 3G or 4G, but if you didn't, Wi-Fi is pretty much guaranteed. Driving along the M4 corridor, there are very few places where the signal is lost, and even then, it is momentary and, unless you are in mid-conversation, it goes unnoticed.

Even if the underground car park is out of cellular coverage (possible but increasingly unlikely), there may well be Wi-Fi available.

Not only does this provide seamless voice communications, included in this is the ability to track the


location of the users. PTT voice is standard and now, so too is Push to Video (PTV), allowing an instant look for all team members of the situation on the ground. Instant picture messaging, emergency alarm function, private calls one-to-one rather than one-to-many are standard. Even remote control of a device from the Ops Room so that in the event of a compromising situation, they can activate the devices audio and video feeds to view the situation live on the ground. So that's covered the range and function elements that I mentioned back at the start; let's turn to form, which poses one of the biggest challenges. When I say 'form', I am referring to what the device looks like physically. I've already described how these systems work, so you know they can be used on an existing smart device, be that iOS or Android. But, therein lies the rub. If you hand

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Do you really need to know (or care) how your message gets from A to B when you push the PTT? As long as it works, reliably, why should you worry? most people a phone, psychologically they will treat it like a phone. Their voice procedure (VP) will not be radio VP. Their calls, albeit PTT calls, will still be like they are having a phone conversation rather than a PTT conversation. They'll 'fiddle' with the other apps that are on the device, and for all but the most disciplined operator, it is inviting confusion and trouble. That isn't just mere speculation, I've witnessed this in action on multiple occasions. The explosion in PoC over the past 6-12 months has been predicated by the availability of hardware that looks like a radio, not a mobile phone. Many devices are

coming out of the far east that look identical to a conventional portable or mobile radio. This overcomes the psychological barrier instantly and makes the adoption of PoC much less complicated. They are also much more compact because unlike a conventional radio, they are only sending out very low power signals; hence the electronics and battery can be more compact. At the end of the day, do you really need to know (or care) how your message gets from A to B when you push the PTT? As long as it works, reliably, why should you worry? Lastly, and not something I have so far


SHIFTING THE PARADIGM alluded to, is deployment. Let's go back to THE GRID, our London network. It takes a lot of engineering resource and cost in terms of real estate and licence fees to deploy and maintain a network like that. In the first instance, it probably took us six-months the get everything up and running, and the ongoing costs are significant. With a PoC solution, deployment can be achieved within minutes, and largely remotely. If the requirement is instantaneous, and you own a smartphone, a single call can have you on the system in less than 5 minutes. If the timescales are less challenging, we can configure and send out bespoke devices within 24 hours in pretty much any quantity. No licences. No range restrictions. No hassles‌‌. no reason not to! Andrew J Clark, Managing Director G6 Global Web: Telephone: +44 (0)1454 610050 Email:


In conclusion, I believe that PoC represents the future of wide area group communications, and I am a died in the wool radio guy, as those of you who know me will confirm, so if I can change then anyone can! Sure, there will always be those purists for whom change is too radical or risky, and that's fine too. We'll continue to provide the solution that is most appropriate to a specific client's operational needs. But I am in absolutely no doubt that PoC will feature heavily in those solutions as we move forward. Next time I will expand on the way PoC is configured and look in more detail at the various components and some of the better hardware. In the meantime, feel free to contact us by email g6@g6-global. com or by calling 07768 501775.


At the Point of Crisis Five Methods By: Mark “Six� James CPO, EPS, CAS

for Defeating an Active Shooter

By now many of you have seen the recent photo of the Dallas shooter outside of the Federal Building. Ask yourself if this was your Office, School, or House of Worship how prepared would your company or institution be to recognize the signs of trouble as those Federal Officers did and deny access and ultimately defeat the shooter? I have written extensively, and you have heard me say many times our goal has to be how do we get in front of the crisis. Monsters always start out as gremlins, so if we truly want to stop or minimize



If we truly want to stop or minimize loss of life and injury, we must learn to recognize the signs of people at risk loss of life and injury, we must learn to recognize the signs of people at risk and intervene before they move to the point of crisis and ultimately violence. Until we understand the concept of emerging aggression and recognize pre-incident indicators, we


are by default saying that loss of life is acceptable. But when we can't get in front of the crisis and it goes bad, we must, as the Dallas Federal officers did, be prepared to move swiftly in our response. Homeland Security has

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 done an outstanding job with their Run, Hide, Fight campaign in teaching the public how to respond during a crisis. We, however, need to create the same top of mind awareness when it comes to helping institutions and particularly those tasked with protecting their employees, students, and teachers or parishioners how they should respond. The catalyst ultimately lies in recognition of the danger followed by effective communication.

What follows is, in my opinion, the essential steps to be included in any Active Shooter Response Plan. I was first introduced to this progressive response model early on in my protective services career by reading a publication I believe was "The Bodyguard Bible." I have since sought to add my own meaning to terms, consistent with the changing threats and the environments where we find ourselves providing



Every company, educational or religious institution needs trained vigilant capable guardians to serve as visual deterrents.

protection. Particularly when we shift our focus from a solo client to securing the masses. I call this model or acronym D5, short for Deter, Detect, Deny, Delay and Defeat. Deter Every company, educational, or religious institution needs trained, vigilant, and capable guardians to serve as visual deterrents. To help proactively PREVENT an attack by encouraging the potential threat to choose a different location or target. This can be achieved through environmental design, i.e. circular driveways with strategically placed statues and planters which minimize a terrorist's ability to use a vehicle as a weapon against the inhabitants of the desired structure or targeted group. However, prevention more commonly reveals itself through trained personnel, neatly dressed, and hyper-vigilant, whether in uniform or suits. Detect If we can't deter the attack, we must be trained to RECOGNIZE


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 an attack is underway or imminent. As we saw with the response from those Federal Officers. In order to detect a threat, we must move away from the traditional perimeter or lobby greeter, who's only asset is a beautiful smile, and to become trained, first observers. Sister Mary has been welcoming people with a smile at the front door of her house of worship for over 20 years. She is excellent at making you feel welcomed on the way to the sanctuary, but how good is she at recognizing that the impeeded gait of the approaching stranger could be the identifying sign of a terrorist wearing a suicide vest? Deny Once we recognize an attack is underway or imminent, we want to secure the perimeter, classrooms, or any other place people may be gathered, to RESTRICT ACCESS. If the lobby hostess, concierge, or security officer recognizes an attack is underway, do they have the ability to send building-wide communication via a

panic button, intercom, or radio to initiate the lockdown of the facility or alert first responders, whether that's building security, law enforcement, or both simultaneously? Has the church safety team practiced lockdown procedures for the sanctuary? This is also where clearly marked exits, and coordinated communication can help steer people away from the threat. Delay If we can't deny access, then we must do everything we can to SLOW THE SHOOTER DOWN. Create obstructions, barricade doors, and other access points. If you can't get your protectees out, at minimum keep them quiet and moving. Defeat When all else fails, you must be prepared to NEUTRALIZE THE THREAT. You must fight like your life depends on it, because yours, and the lives of those you are tasked with protecting, are at risk. If you don't have a firearm, consider


AT THE POINT OF CRISIS improvised weapons (i.e. fire extinguisher, broken broom handles or other bludgeoning items, scissors, etc.), or physical aggression. Over ninety percent (90%) of the time, the attacker is a lone individual, and despite what people used to think, they are not superhuman. The reason they are often successful in causing harm is that they have a force monopoly. There are the only ones bringing violence. However, when they meet resistance, almost half of

the time, they are killed by law enforcement, armed security, or civilian bystander. Forty percent (40%) of the time, they take their own lives during the event. As it pertains to suicide bombers, when confronted, they often detonate. That is why it is critical with suspected suicide bombers that we try to identify and engage them on the perimeter to minimize their ability to bring harm to a higher concentration of people, particularly in restricted areas.

Mark “Six� James is Founder and Executive Director of Panther Protection Services, LLC. He is an internationally published author, keynote speaker, security consultant to educational institutions and frequent contributor to several print, broadcast and online media. Panther Protection Services is a full-service protection agency focusing on Risk and Crisis Mitigation, Protective Services, Self-Defense Training, and Firearm Instruction. Web:


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WAR IN VENEZUELA By: Orlando Wilson

On the morning of April 30th, 2019 Venezuela's opposition leader Juan Guaidó seemed to attempt a coup d'état against the communist government of Nicolás Maduro. I use the word 'seemed' as what occurred can be best described as a publicity stunt more than an actual coup d'état. For the remainder of the day, even those that thought they knew what was going on in Venezuela, really, had no idea what was going on. While social media and the news channels were touting


a revolution in Caracas, life went on as normal on the military bases and for the rest of Venezuela. Guaidó's attempted overthrow was mostly just another demonstration that is all too common in Caracas. One the day of Guaidó's publicity stunt Nicolás Maduro was strangely

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 absent until late in the day. Rumors were swirling that he had left or was leaving the country. Did his Cuban bodyguards take Guaidó's actions seriously and isolate Maduro until the all-clear was given? Maybe. I am sure that the Caucasian-looking, Russian-speakers on the streets of Caracas, wearing Venezuelan National Guard uniforms, were keeping Maduro's security team and others informed on all the developments with Guaidó's fiasco. Whether Nicolás Maduro was planning to leave Venezuela is a matter for debate, and only a select few know the facts. Maybe some of the passengers on the Bombardier Global Express, which landed in Maiquetía that evening, around 8pm, after a direct flight from Moscow, would know the answer. Did the passengers of that plane meet with Maduro and clarify to him that he was not leaving the country, again, who knows? But Maduro is still in power and in the following days was seen dancing with his supporters and parading with the military. For the past few months, there have been rumors

and news reports about an imminent invasion of Venezuela by U.S. forces and its allies. Even Eric Prince, the former owner of the now-defunct Blackwater, got in on the action apparently stating that with 5000 mercenaries he could take the country from Maduro! All this sounds cool and is good for publicity, ratings, and likes on social media but, is it feasible, in reality, or a complete fantasy? I lean towards the latter. The Ground Venezuela, unlike Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, is a hilly and densely vegetated country with limited roads in many parts. To comprehend Venezuela's terrain from a military point of view, you want to think Vietnam, not Iraq. Venezuela's terrain is ideal for guerrilla warfare as heavily equipped conventional troops, and security forces will be channeled for ambushes on limited routes, and the abundant vegetation will provide ample cover for attackers. The Colombian military and security forces have been trying for years to control their borders with Venezuela, but still today most of those areas are lawless badlands controlled


WAR IN VENEZUELA by narcos, guerrillas, and gangsters.

For the past few months, there have been rumors and news reports about an imminent invasion of Venezuela by U.S. forces and its allies.

As for the cities such as Caracas; to clear and control the militarily would be a considerable challenge due to its terrain, limited main roads, and its wealth of favelas/barrios. Most of these favelas/barrios are controlled by their own well-armed gangs; any outsiders entering the maze of alleyways are quickly targeted. To understand the issues which come from operating in such environments take a look at how the Brazilian security forces work in the favelas of Rio and Sao Paulo. Troops that are not explicitly trained to operate in such environments, not fit enough, and don't know their way around, would be chewed up and if lucky, spat out! The Population Do most Venezuelans support the opposition? Well, I think that like everyone else, they would support someone who would give them a better quality of life, but are Venezuelans willing to fight for it? I think not. Yes, they will turn up to rallies, wave their flags, and share their photos and videos on social media but, when the



evening comes, and it starts to get dark, they go home. Their priorities, like most people from the Caribbean and Latin America, are earning enough money to live, drink, f#ck, and party. What else do you need in life‌? From a military and cultural perspective, one of the vast differences between the wars in the Middle East and a potential war in

Venezuela is the religion of the populations. While most in the U.S. and Europe have little cultural connection with the Muslims killed and suffering in the Middle Eastern wars, I think there would be a lot more public outrage if Hispanic Catholics were being shot, bombed, killed, and classed as collateral damage. The Opposition Juan GuaidĂł seems to


WAR IN VENEZUELA have the support of the U.S. and their allies but not that of the Venezuelan people. Guaidó and his people all seem to be photogenic, wealthy and educated individuals whereas Nicolás Maduro was a bus driver, and the former Venezuelan President, Hugo Chávez, a career soldier, both from humble backgrounds and I don't think either of them would ever make the front cover of Vogue Magazine.

force to take control of a country like Venezuela, I would say they must be smoking crack. The now-defunct Blackwater was a security company that supplied guards to the U.S. Department of Defense, etc., they were not a mercenary force. They operated within U.S. guidelines for the U.S. government.

Blackwater/Xe Services/ I don't think it's difficult to Academi was reportedly see why most Venezuelans in charge of running can relate more to Maduro, the training for the and his predecessor, U.S.'s counternarcotics Chávez, than they can to program in Afghanistan. Guaidó. I think Guaidó's Their achievements are opposition is more in questionable as we all tune with drumming know opium production in up donations from the Afghanistan is booming. socialites of Miami, Washington DC, and New Blackwater/Xe Services/ York, than fighting what Academi was connected would be a very dirty war. with supplying troops for Saudi Arabia's war in Blackwater's 5000 Yemen. That war is not If anyone with any military going the way the Saudis, experience or knowledge and their allies intended, can seriously think they even with all the money could take control of a they are spending. country like Venezuela with only 5000 well trained To arm and equip a large and equipped troops, I mercenary force without would say they must be government backing would delusional. If anyone were require violating numerous to think, in these days, international laws, that they could raise a including arms trafficking 5000 strong mercenary to start with.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 Security companies operating in Iraq and Afghanistan, etc. have had protection, to some degree, from prosecution, for any incidents they have been involved in, though guards have been held accountable and jailed for using force that has been deemed as excessive. Anyone that follows military events and news will know that there are regular soldiers from the U.S. and U.K. being charged or are in jail for incidents that took place while on active duty. So, let's say hypothetically a mercenary force is involved in offensive operations where there are civilians killed; just your regular collateral damage, which is to be expected in a war. Do you think for a second that no-one will

try to prosecute these mercenaries for using excessive force, violating human rights, etc.? And when they do return to their countries and have to face the legal ramifications of their actions do you think the company that hired them will be paying their legal bills? I think we all know the answer to that one. When security companies are working in Iraq and Afghanistan on government contracts, they have access to medical and life insurance programs for their guards, but not so with mercenary operations. Trying to get decent insurance for armed international close protection work is extremely expensive, if not impossible; how will anyone insure a

Branding is not about ad campaigns and hiring a marketing company to tell a story. It is about living the story and allowing your clients to live it with you. 38

WAR IN VENEZUELA mercenary operation that will undoubtedly be suffering casualties. Insurance for decent medical and aftercare for those wounded would also be costly if any insurance companies would be willing to write the policy. Repatriating bodies takes a lot of logistics and is expensive; from a business perspective, it's far better to bury in place. I strongly suggest you check the fine print and validity of any medical or life insurance policies if you decide to partake in such mercenary adventures! I have already heard that security companies are recruiting for operations in Venezuela; sure, this makes good bar talk over a few beers but anything more than that I would say find yourself something more constructive to focus on. Armed Groups In addition to the Venezuelan police, army, national guard, and intelligence services, there are an array of foreign forces who have been training there for years. The Russians have been highlighted recently, but also the Chinese, North Koreans, and Hezbollah are active within the country. There are numerous photos online of South East Asians


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 in Venezuelan military, and their own, national military uniforms. Will these foreign soldiers fight for Venezuela in the event of an invasion? Well, I think it's in their interest to do so. There are many videos online poking fun at the Venezuelan Militias, but in a guerrilla war in the tight alleys of the favelas, anyone putting lead in your general direction can cause casualties. At the other extreme, within the Venezuelan Armed forces there are well trained, equipped and motivated troops that have been preparing for a foreign invasion for a long time. I recently wrote an article about some of the main narco and terrorist organizations within Venezuela (https://tohff. com/2019/02/28/venezuelanarco-state/), and I will be writing more on the subject soon. Within Venezuela, as within all narco-states, parts of the country are controlled by armed gangs of terrorists, criminals, or, as they are locally known "Colectivos," who to some extent are operating with the government's consent. In many places, these armed

gangs outnumber and are better armed and paid than the local police and military forces. This is where from a strategic perspective, credit needs to be given to the former Venezuelan President, Hugo Chรกvez. By arming, funding and facilitating these armed gangs, he essentially bought the government a private army. These gangs are well organized, can operate independently, and are embedded within their communities. What they are lacking in conventional military discipline and skills they compensate for with brutality and violence. Venezuela is a very violent country where death and killing is a way of life for many. Those within the gangs and colectivos are accustomed to taking risks, fighting, and killing. They have an operational command structure and are controlled by their bosses in the Venezuelan prison system or their friends in the intelligence services. For a dirty guerrilla war, these rapists, kidnappers, and murderers would be very effective tools. Conclusion Hopefully, you can see from



Could there be a military solution to removing the communist government of Venezuela this article the potential issues for an invasion of Venezuela. A war within Venezuela would be a very dirty fight, and most armies these days, by my observations, are not trained for it. Not only that, but they would struggle to operate effectively due to oversight and supervision by politically correct bureaucrats and politicians. With elections in the U.S. coming up in November 2020 and the Western European political scene in chaos, will the powers that be commit to a war in Venezuela? A war whose cost would be many lives from all sides directly involved; I don't think so, but I could be very wrong. Could there be a military

solution to removing the communist government of Venezuela, sure but those people, who are capable of doing so, need to decide if they really want it to happen or just use the publicity to promote themselves on social media. An active measure to start with could be to position a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier in the Southern Caribbean and every night, when the narco flights start transiting to and from Venezuela, send up their fighter jets to blow them out the sky. This might have a much more severe effect on Venezuela's economy than all the official sanctions, but then, I am sure it would adversely affect the U.S. economy as well!

Orlando Wilson has worked in the security industry internationally for over 25 years. He has become accustomed to the types of complications that can occur, when dealing with international law enforcement agencies, organized criminal and Mafia groups. He is the chief consultant for Risks Inc. and based in Miami but spends much of his time traveling and providing a wide range of kidnapping prevention and tactical training services to private and government clients.



A Mantra to Operate By By: David Dunn



Never rely on other people. People will let you down. Cover all your bases. Think that sounds a bit cynical? Well, perhaps you're right, but having been in the industry for over 30 years, and with a 'Rock Star family' as my current employers, it's incredible how many times I'm reminded of this mantra and the virtues of following it. Maybe it's just being in and around the music business, but I think everyone can take something away from this approach. To put this into context, let me recount the details of an assignment where I found myself in an unwanted situation and was given a stark reminder of the virtues of following this mantra. Recently, in the line of duty, I found myself at a well-known music festival, near Nottingham, in the UK. Things got off to a bad start when I was not able to gain entry due to the required, identification laminates not being sorted, even though it had been arranged in advance. Do you ever get the feeling


that things are going to go wrong, but you can't quite put your finger on it? Let me back up a little. At this point, I was already inside the festival compound and had managed to get within 100meters of the backstage area, without any identification. The PR department of my principal's band had assured me that my pass would be waiting for me at the Artist Liaison point. First nagging feeling. Am I too reliant on others? Guess what? Yep, that's right, no laminate! I can already hear the voice in my head. As it would turn out, my laminate was actually there, but the lady on duty, who was determined to ensure that I knew just how tired she was, could not find it, despite 'thoroughly' searching her bucket! Second nagging feeling. People will let you down. After what seemed an eternity and due to typical, lousy, phone reception at

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 these events, I was unable to get ahold of any of my band contacts. As a last resort, a text was sent explaining the situation and requesting help. I waited for a reply. None came. Okay, time to adapt and improvise. I asked a steward if I could use his comms unit to try and get ahold of control and relay a message through to backstage. Now, either I was speaking Swahili, or the person on the other end was from another planet! Either way, the end result was the same, and I had no assurance that my message was 'received and/or understood'! Third nagging feeling. Have I covered all bases? At this stage, I have only a few possibilities left open to me if I want to resolve the situation before the curtain raises.

Could these two unlikely candidates be my knights in fluorescent vests? Short of other options, I gritted my teeth and ventured in their direction.

Ring my Boss. This would never be a preferred option, and given that he was likely to be, either, in a press conference, or, doing a sound check, it was an even bigger no-no! Return to Artist Liaison and have it out with the hopelessly tired, young lady on duty. Having


A MANTRA TO OPERATE BY already failed once with this tactic, I wasn't prepared to waste more valuable time listening to her self-pitying. A final option glimmered faintly in the distance; two festival stewards stood guarding the internal gate. Could these two unlikely candidates be my knights in fluorescent vests? Short of other options, I gritted my teeth and ventured in their direction. Actually, I drove the short distance to them; it was muddy, and with everything else I was dealing with, I didn't want to have to contend with dirty boots!

my greatest concern, is for the safety and security of my principal, and this blasĂŠ attitude did nothing to reassure me. However, not to worry, up steps his companion, an 18-year-old female steward, who according to the frustrated, wannabe bodyguard, was not good enough to be on duty with him, an actual badged security professional. She politely asked if she could be of any help.

Then, confidently, she explained that because I had no identification, and despite knowing all the registration plates of the bands convey of cars and the identities I was approached by a young of all the entourage, etc., steward in his mid-twenties, that it would, in fact, not be who was proudly sporting a possible for me to go any newly acquired SIA (Security further. Her opposite number, Industry Authority) Frontline having been overruled and operator badge. I explained somewhat embarrassed, my predicament and shared then began to remonstrate a few stories with him, with her saying that I should nothing sensitive or about be let in! Unbelievable. my current engagement, but enough to spike his interest I couldn't waste more and hopefully get him precious time watching onside. I had hoped that he these kids squabble at my might be able to expedite a expense, so, in a move which resolution to my situation by left the male steward redfiring a message up through faced, I congratulated the the chain of command; what girl for her professionalism I hadn't expected was that and steadfastness. I also he'd be more than willing left her with the details to let me just drive straight of a few contacts I had at through!! better security firms and told her she could use me as a Heck, I needed access, and reference if she ever applied I needed it fast, but always, for work with them!



It seems like my text had got through after all! Because I'd covered all my bases, it paid off, and I was able to proceed with the correct accreditation and perform the function I was there to fulfill. I aborted this course of action, and while I may have left the area with a wry smile, ultimately, I was no further forward after this frustrating endeavor. As I reflected on this ridiculous predicament, I was left to rue finding myself in a situation where I'd become overly reliant on other people and vowed to stick to my mantra, no matter how cynical it sounds! And, in case you’re wondering, the story does have a happy ending. Another laminate appeared 10 minutes later, on the end of a runner's hand; It seems like my text had got through after all! Because I'd covered all my bases, it paid off, and I was able to

proceed with the correct accreditation and perform the function I was there to fulfill. Over the years, I have worked with some fantastic DS (Door Supervisor) badge holders in CP roles and some very poor socalled CPO's. The badge doesn't make you a good operator; understanding your role and duties, and performing them diligently, does. Have humility and admit when you don't know something and remember that people can make mistakes, even you! Common sense is the most valuable commodity for any person working in security, and guess what, there isn't a certificate for that!

David has over 30 years’ experience within the security industry and has filled various roles from escorting artists at music festivals to protecting HNW’s and celebrities, through to his current role where he manages the security interests of a well-known Musician and his family. David is also a qualified instructor and has taught CP, DS, CCTV, First Aid Level 3, paediatrics and Stewarding.



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By: James Bore

The Man in the Middle (MitM) Welcome to a third article in the series looking at introductions to cyber security. We’ll be looking at a type of attack which most people will be familiar with in principle, if not in technical practice. The basic idea is simple – an attacker sits between two trusting parties, intercepting their communication and impersonating each to the other. Obviously this is somewhat harder in practice where people are, for example, sitting in a room together, but even a phone call gives potential for an eavesdropper or impersonator.

two sides of the conversation are fooled into sending their messages to the attacker’s computer rather than each other. Even when encryption is used each computer believes they are talking to a trusted recipient, so all passwords and keys are assumed to be trusted.

The restrictions are that the attacker must somehow have access to the network Becoming the man in the between two people, and middle is harder with some be able to successfully technologies than others and impersonate them. Where hinges on somehow sitting in they need to, for example, the middle of the connection. access an office and plug With computers talking over a computer in there are a network a technique called obvious physical security ARP spoofing makes this methods that will help to relatively easy, where the prevent this (though not


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 guarantee it). Sadly, more intercept the network and more technology traffic of everyone around relies on wireless networks you. instead, where an attacker simply needs to have a malicious node within range, and even where wireless networking isn’t used the tools needed to perform a man in the middle attack are easily and cheaply available. Tools Another popular tool, more for cabled networks, is the LAN Turtle shown here. Essentially it’s plugged into the back of a computer USB port, a network cable plugged in, and unless it’s discovered an attacker then has their own hostile computer on the network – almost invisibly unless detection keys are used. Available on Amazon for about $50.

The WiFi Pineapple is probably the most famous of these, particularly after its alleged use by GRU intelligence units to break into the networks of the World Anti Doping Agency, a nuclear energy company in Pennsylvania, and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. You can get hold of the cheaper, smaller WiFi Pineapple shown here for around $100. With a mobile phone and an appropriate USB cable it’s perfectly possible to Of course neither of these then sit in Starbucks and will help with mobile


INTRODUCTION TO CYBERSECURITY phone networks – for that a Stingray device, for years a top secret, is more effective. A professional Stingray device comes with all sorts of restrictions, and high pricing. Building your own involves some knowledge, a laptop, about $20 of parts (available on Amazon), and a half hour of time. Finding and Beating the Man in the Middle There are ways to beat the man in the middle, of course. Website certificates are becoming more and more common every day and go a long way towards at least warning users – though it’s far too common for people to simply click through and ignore the security warnings now built in to most browsers. Since the attacker can put up their own false certificates, or simply strip certificates out of the equation entirely, it’s important that training on how website certificates work, what to look for, and what errors mean, is made available. In theory at least a certificate is only issued to people who can prove that they own the website it’s used for, and mostly this theory holds true.


A first check is to make sure the certificate is valid – normally you will be warned if it isn’t

You can see that the certificate was issued to the site it’s being used for – it’s now down to whether or not you trust that the issuer checked who they were granting it to, and that no one has managed to steal their signing certificate


Luckily there are a lot of solutions to provide encrypted calls, chats, and text messages, varying in price and trustworthiness. WhatsApp is one of the more popular ones, though there are some serious security concerns being raised around it. Certificates aren’t so helpful if you’re concerned about a phone call or text message being intercepted though. Luckily there are a lot of solutions to provide encrypted calls, chats, and text messages, varying in price and trustworthiness. WhatsApp is one of the more popular ones, though there are some serious security concerns being raised around it. My personal preference for both price (free) and effectiveness is a system called Signal (https://, which works on Android and iPhone as well as desktop, provides end-to-end encryption for text messaging, and covers

phone calls. One important feature provided is socalled ‘Safety Numbers’, essentially a password you can exchange in person or through some other mechanism to confirm that the phone at the other end is the one you’re expecting – anyone attempting to hijack the communication after a number has been verified will alert you that the number is being changed. Of course, many others are also available. Hopefully you’ve found this useful. Next time we’ll be looking at the supposed Internet of Things, smart devices, and how they can be turned against their owners.

James Bore is a cybersecurity ‘Jack of all trades’ by vocation and choice. In over a decade he has gathered experience meandering across a range of industry sectors, organizations, and disciplines in IT, always with a focus on championing and improving security. Currently, he works for an entertainment and hospitality company, and in rare spare time runs a blog on cybersecurity





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ASK THE NABA NETWORK Because in protection what you don’t know can hurt you!


Elijah Shaw Can anyone recommend a good set of high-powered binoculars

(zoom wise) that function well in low-light. (And won’t break the bank as it’s only for occasional use)? Ken Haase $185 bucks VIEW HERE

Elijah Shaw thank you sir. Have you tried them in low light conditions? Ken Haase these were recommended on a friend's advice, but I have not used them myself. I've seen everything from $150 up to $2500 for binoculars, so I understand your frustration. Dale June Try these, they have night vision telescopes you can attach a camera to.

Neil Coldwell If you can get a pair with Ruby tint lenses, they’re great in low light.


ASK THE NABA NETWORK Mark Anthony Look into Vortex and Steiner... Einar Myklebust These Nikon's aren't bad at all and under 300 VIEW HERE

Doug Bridwell Night vision .therecomends sound good to me. Tom Crawford When I used them in a police setting, I had good luck with both Nikon and Steiners. In the Nikon glass, I had a set of 10x42 roof prism binoculars that worked very well in low light. If memory serves, they ran me just under $200 a few years ago. I think they are a bit more now. The Steiners were a bit more expensive, and more rugged than the Nikons, and also had a unique "no focus" mechanism which aided speed getting on to a license plate number quite a bit. The Steiners were also Mil-Spec shock and waterproof which came in handy more than once. You might try handling a pair of the Military-Marine models. I've used them in the 8x30 and the 10x50 styles. The 8X30's will run you about $230, the 10x50 model is about twice that. I never regretted a dime I spent on either of them. Richard Hardin The larger the "objective lens" (the big one) the more light it collects and, therefore, the better you can see in low light conditions. The problem you will incur, is that large objective lens are usually on higher magnification binos, and those have smaller fields of view and need a very steady hand or something to rest them upon. Make certain you, or anyone reading this, understands the difference between "roof prism" and "porro prism". Porro prism will work better in low light. There is a large difference in price, so make sure someone isn't selling you a porro prism at a roof prism price. But then the quality of the glass and the polishing is another factor in everything. As far as brand, I have Steiner, but I’ve been studying the Vortex. Though Chinese made, that actually backup their lifetime guarantee and have very good optics.

Elijah Shaw Gotta love this group. Thank you all for the assist. I’ll let you know what I snag and my thoughts after use.

The NABA network is a fantastic community for getting help and advice on all matter’s security related.



By: Dr. Andrew P Surace

FIVE THINGS YOU CAN DO TO MAKE YOUR HOUSE OF WORSHIP A SAFER PLACE Never in the History of our country has it been more important to be aware of safety and security in a House of Worship.



With our safe places under attack, and churches, temples and Mosques under attack, it is time for men and women to step up and do what is necessary to help make their House of Worship a harder target! Here are five simple things you can do to bring more safety and peace of mind to your House of Worship.

church, our once safe places are under attack. If we expect people to leave the safety of their homes and come together to worship, we must as leaders do our part to make the environment as safe as possible. The Great Illusion is that the church is still a safe place, and sadly, the hardest people to convince may be those people in charge. Many church leaders still #1. Begin to change think it is a lack of faith to the mindset of have to discuss or engage the Leaders and in church security, but congregation. sadly statistics don’t lie. Whether it is some Perhaps the one most deranged gunman coming shocking statistic that in looking for a high body we never hear about is count, fires set by people that in the last twenty who hate the preaching years, there have been of God’s Word, or sexual more lives taken on faith assaults on children based grounds than in all within the walls of the the public schools in the

Many church leaders still think it is a lack of faith to have to discuss or engage in church security, but sadly statistics don’t lie.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 country over that same time period. If we are going to be more prepared and on guard, it must begin with a change in mindset of both leaders and congregations. #2. It All Starts in the Parking Lot. Whether they are good or bad, anyone that walks in your church usually comes out of a car in your parking lot. Statistics prove that about half of all church crimes happen outside of the building in your

church parking lot. This is why it is important to put people with the best observation and social skills in your parking lot. Noticing unusual behavior from the opening of a car door enables your team to get a jumpstart on how to handle a situation. Is this a good member just having a bad day or someone new you’ve never seen before? Are there any red flags about their dress or gait? Will they look you in the eye or are they talking unusual?



Are there any red flags about their dress or gait? Will they look you in the eye or are they talking unusual?


All this can be evaluated and acted upon before they hit the front door if you have the right people in place. The parking lot is the place for some of your best security people, as you want to keep trouble out of the sanctuary when at all possible. #3. Limit your Entrances and know who has access to those entrances The more entrances you have, the more people you need to monitor them. Even worse, if you don’t have enough people to watch those entrances, they can become open doors to trouble. Since over 75% of churches are under a hundred people it makes good sense to limit your entry point into the building to one main entrance. Whenever possible, it is good to keep the entry door covered throughout the service. Again, statistics show, that many crimes in the sanctuary happen after the service has started, while peoples attention is on the front platform or the person leading the service at that time. Another important issue regarding your doors, is who has access to the various portions of your building? It is very common for


churches to give keys to people who eventually drift away without returning those keys. Know who has access to your House of Worship! A key that falls into the wrong hands can by-pass even the best security plans. #4. The most common problems while church is in session are medical ones. Are you prepared if someone hits the floor in the middle of a service?

While mass shootings capture most the attention of the media, statistically it is the least likely problem you will encounter. Everyone in the building has passed two observation points to get into the building: the parking lot and the front door. Now the big question; with a greying population of church attenders, are you prepared for any medical emergencies that might arise during your time together? Having a well



Having a well thought out and stocked first aid kit is key to keeping things static with your patient until the ambulance arrives. thought out and stocked first aid kit is key to keeping things static with your patient until the ambulance arrives. Ask your medical team to give a list for items they think necessary for the kit. Also knowing who and where your first responders sit is important at a time when seconds count. A good idea is to have your medical people sit in a certain area so they are easily accessed in case of emergency. #5. Vet and know those workers who work with youth With child and sex abuse accusations at an all time high in churches, It is very important to do background

checks on any workers who desire to work with your youth population under 18 years of age. In fact, just informing those who want to work with youth that a background check is mandatory, is a great deterrent and will chase many with bad intentions out the proverbial door. Even more important is to know a little about the people you allow to work with youth as the average pedophile may offend over two hundred times before finally getting caught. Team teaching between unrelated teachers as well as windows on all classroom doors are two more excellent practices to help mitigate any type of abuse in a classroom.

Dr. Surace is a seasoned Pastor with 40 years of ministry. He is trained as an EMT and executive protection specialist specializing in church safety and security. He along with co-Author Eric Konohia are the authors of a book on the subject of church security entitled “Securing the Sacred�. It is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble as well as in bookstores around the world. To contact Dr Surace about doing a church protection seminar at your church or in your area he can be reached at



Fit for Purpose

But where to start? Developing a morning practice is crucial for starting your day with a good intention and some semblance of control in an ever-demanding world; but what should it consist of and how do you implement it?

I see it as involving three not a "workout," the distinct elements: aim is not to place any sort of emphasis on Movement – Breathing conditioning, at this - Mental Clarity stage. Move onto a In simple terms, we specific exercise period are stationary for long afterward by all means, periods (sleeping); but the morning practice therefore, it's common takes priority over sense that on waking we conditioning if time is should move our bodies limited. to promote blood flow, increase oxygenation The 'How To' through focussed Step One: Duration breathing, and prepare Decide on a period our mind for the day of time that you can ahead. It's important set aside purely for to be clear that this is yourself with minimal


FIT FOR PURPOSE distractions. This may alter from day to day, be task/work orientated and can be adjusted each evening accordingly if required; just be careful not to use excuses for not having enough time to implement it. Step Two: Movement Experiment with a movement practice, the key factors including: Prioritise Mobility - See my last article "Fit for Purpose" (issue 40) which explains the differences between flexibility and mobility and why mobility should


take priority. Include some load bearing, isometric contractions (strength in a static position). Integrate balance and coordination, maximising the mind/body connection. Compose a logical sequence moving through the whole body. One way to approach this is from the roots (feet) up, working through each joint complex e.g. ankles, knees, hips, etc. Work on patterns of movement that can be practiced and learned


(use a written list with notes to prompt the order or exercise until it becomes second nature). Create a flow from one movement/exercise to the next; this will require practice for it to become more familiar. Step Three: Breathing As breath is life, it is essential to work on deep, efficient breathing as much as possible. As an effective counter to stressful situations, focus the mind on slow, deliberate breathing;

this can lower cortisol (stress hormone) levels, and reduce your heart rate. Avoid upper chest breathing, which will elevate the shoulders and create the fight/ flight/freeze response. Aim for a 2:1 duration ratio of inhale to exhale Imagine a rubber ring around the area below the ribs and aim to force the breath to this area, expanding your body within the ring on each inhale.


FIT FOR PURPOSE Fully release on the exhale. Step Four: Mental clarity In the Western world, having a busy mind is all too common with the proliferation of technology and a plenitude of distractions, so it's helpful to practice ways of reducing the chatter and learn to focus. Integrate periods of stillness within the practice or routine. One way to focus the mind and stay present is to recognise each individual sense one by one: touch, taste, smell, hear, and see.

a personal level but if the mind wanders don't get frustrated; merely acknowledge the distraction, accept the situation, and then bring it back. Step Five: Create Now we have some ideas for each individual element, we can combine them to create a routine or pattern: The three components will be unconsciously incorporated, to certain degrees anyway, but begin by focussing on each element individually at different points within the practice.

Concentrate on really smooth movement, then shift the focus to Another way is to have no measured breathing focus, attempt to empty before shifting the the mind of any thought. emphasis to stillness and Find what works on mental clarity.

In the Western world, having a busy mind is all too common with the proliferation of technology and a plenitude of distractions, so it's helpful to practice ways of reducing the chatter and learn to focus. 65

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 Once you're able to identify each component individually, then try merging them. An example could be moving into a forefoot squat position, holding with good posture, breathing in a 2:1 ratio while allowing your mind to focus on what you can hear.

The aim is to achieve unconscious competence while moving through the pattern, resulting in efficiency and effectiveness.

complexity when you feel ready. Upon waking Go through a period of selfanalysis, assess energy levels, muscle tightness, and mood. This should have a bearing on the practice you implement. Don't engage with technology immediately Commit to waking at an earlier hour than work dictates; where is no reason for you to be contacted via WhatsApp, Telegram or text message (you'd technically be asleep anyway and wouldn't be able to respond). Make it clear to any managers/principals that in an emergency, a phone call is the only way to reach you and have the phone set to this, placing the other functions on standby. Hydration Drink water initially before anything else, stave off the urge to have the first cup of coffee or tea and replenish fluids lost during the night.

Be kind Don't dwell on what can't Points To Note be changed. If you miss a Avoid overcomplicating few mornings for whatever This can create a barrier reason, write it off and to beginning it in the first place. Start simple and add then go again.


FIT FOR PURPOSE Consistency over variation Don't search for variation if it's not needed. Work on the fundamentals; improving range of motion comes with consistency. Multi-purpose Use the mobility routine (or elements of it) as a "warmup" before engaging in strenuous physical activity. Extend the knowledge throughout your day Don't limit it to just the morning; as there is no conditioning emphasis, incorporate elements of the routine throughout the day. This will only improve the quality and flow of your movement.

Bringing it all together Findyour style and develop your practice, there is no one size fits all approach. Use systems and influences but don't get caught up with dogmatic and restrictive practices which may not suit you. You Get grounded don't need Kundalini Yoga, Get outside when possible Transformational breathing, and connect with nature. There is nothing mystical or and Zen meditation to spiritual to buy into here; it mobilise, oxygenate, and is scientifically proven that gain mental clarity. having your feet directly in contact with the ground will As Bruce Lee famously evoke a feeling of calm and quoted: "Research your reduce inflammation in the own experience; absorb body (inflammation having what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is a direct correlation with essentially your own." disease). Ryan is a former physical training instructor in the Parachute Regiment and now specialises as a movement and outdoor skills coach. He is active in the security industry and also runs seminars and workshops, where he shares his passion for cultivating an active lifestyle that’s fit for purpose. Follow him on Instagram,, for practical tips and advice.






Central African Republic Dozens Killed after Armed Group Attacks Villages in OuhamPende Prefecture At least 34 civilians were killed in an attack by an armed group on three villages in the OuhamPende prefecture. The attack, believed to have been conducted by elements of the Return, Complaint and Rehabilitation (3R) group, targeted the villages of Koundjili, Ndjondjom and Bohong. The attack, which has been strongly condemned by the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission Force in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), has led to the biggest single loss of life since the peace agreement between the government and 14 militias were signed in February. Further information is awaited. Nigeria Dozens Killed After Gunmen Raid Multiple Villages in Niger State At least 40 people have been killed and dozens more injured after armed gunmen raided eight remote villages in Shiroro


district, Niger state. The attacks involved gunmen surrounding the villages on motorbikes and shooting indiscriminately. The attacks have reportedly forced over 2,000 villagers from their homes. Kenya Multiple Suspected AlShabaab Fighters Killed Following Attack on Police in Garissa County Security forces have killed three suspected militants from the Islamist group, al-Shabaab after they attacked a police outpost in Garissa county. The incident happened on Friday night after the militants raided a camp used by a border patrol police unit. No security personnel were reported injured in the operation. Ethiopia Dozens of Casualties Reported in Bus Crash in Somali Regional State According to local media sources on Saturday, 22 June, at least five people were killed and at least 23 were wounded when a bus crashed in the eastern Somali regional state. A police spokesperson said that excessive speed was

likely the reason behind the incident. An investigation into the incident is ongoing and the injured have been transferred to local hospitals.

Paramirim, Prado, San Martin, Santo Amaro, and Torre, Recife metropolitan region.

Colombia Multiple Casualties Reported in Building USA Explosion in Yumbo, Multiple Fatalities Valle del Cauca Reported following Department Shooting in Virginia A large explosion in a Beach, Virginia building in the city centre At least 11 people have has injured at least four been killed and six others people in Yumbo, Valle injured after a gunman, del Cauca department. who was shot and killed Preliminary reports state by police, opened fire at that the explosion was a government building in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The caused due to a major gas incident occurred at building leak in a notary building two of the municipal centre. which caused collateral damage to adjacent ones. The injured have been Emergency services are on transported to nearby the scene, tending to the hospitals. injured. Further information is awaited. Brazil Multiple Dead after Mexico Flooding in Recife, Fatalities Confirmed Pernambuco State following Mexican At least seven people Military Crash near have been killed and Jalpan de Sierra, three others missing in Queretaro State Camaragibe, Jaboatao dos At least five members of Guararapes and Recife, the Mexican Navy, and an Pernambuco state. The inspector with the national flooding, which occurred as a result of heavy rainfall forestry commision have died after the helicopter had reportedly damaged dozens of houses and roads they were travelling in crashed near the town in the above areas, as well of Jalpan de Sierra in as in Esphinheiro, Gracas, Queretaro state. The group Nova Descoberta, Olinda,





INCIDENT REPORT Libya Multiple Troop Fatalities and Kidnappings Reported after Attack on Checkpoint near Oilfield Attributed to Islamic State Saudi Arabia An attack on Zueitina Multiple Injuries Checkpoint near Zella Reported After Houthi oilfield by suspected Missile Targets Saudi Islamic State (IS) militants Abha Airport A Houthi missile fell on the has killed at least three arrival hall of Saudi Arabia's members of the Libyan National Army (LNA). Abha Airport, injuring 26 Additionally, reports civilians. Houthis have indicate that at least four allegedly claimed the soldiers were captured missile attack. Further by the militants, though information is awaited. were travelling in an MI17 helicopter on a mission to help extinguish a forest fire when the incident happened.

Saudi Abha Airport


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 the LNA has been able to free three of them after pursuing the attackers. IS has claimed responsibility for the attack, and more information is awaited. Egypt Security Forces Kill Multiple Militants in Raids in Al-Arish, Northern Sinai Egyptian security forces have killed 16 Islamic State militants in multiple raids in al-Arish in the restive

northern part of the Sinai Peninsula. An official with the Interior Ministry said security forces exchanged fire with the militants as they stormed insurgent hideouts in the coastal city. The ministry said the extremists had intended to carry out terror attacks in the city and confiscated multiple weapons and explosive devices during the raids. No casualties were reported among the security forces.

Danube River Budapest




UK Emerging Reports of Fire at Luton Airport, Terminal Buildings Evacuated Luton Airport (LTN) near London has been evacuated due to a possible fire. Images from the scene show crowds of passengers leaving the terminal buildings. The cause of the fire is not yet known and further updates on the situation are awaited. Hungary Dozens of Casualties in Passenger Boat Capsizing Incident on the Danube River, Budapest At least seven people have been confirmed killed and a further 19 missing after a pleasure boat carrying South Korean tourists capsized on the Danube River in Budapest. The boat reportedly collided with another tourist vessel near the Hungarian parliament building, before turning over on the river, which has been flooding, with very strong currents. The South Korean foreign ministry said that an emergency rescue team is among


the 18 officials it plans to send to Budapest. A Hungarian ambulance spokesman said that of the 14 people that were pulled from the water, seven have died, with the rest suffering from hypothermia but stable. A massive rescue effort has deployed boats, divers, spotlights, and radar scanning to scour the river for several kilometers downstream from the accident site. All boat traffic has been halted downstream of Budapest while emergency crews search for the victims. Russia Several Killed and Injured Following Stabbing Attack in Republic of Bashkortostan A resident of the Karmaskalinsky District in the Republic of Bashkortostan, also known as Bashkiria went on a stabbing spree and killed three people and injured two more. The attacker was shot dead by local police officers. Currently, emergency services and local police are conducting operations in the area.

Indonesia Multiple Fatalities Reported After Factory Fire in North Sumatra At least 30 people have been killed in a factory fire in the town of Binjai in North Sumatra province. The factory is reportedly located in a residential area of the city and produces matchsticks. Authorities have responded to the scene.

districts will experience very heavy rainfall with Thrissur being put on Red Alert for Monday, 10 June. The Kerala State Disaster Management Authority have also issued an Orange Alert for the districts of Alappuzha, and Thiruvananthapuram in addition to the warnings issued by the IMD.

Japan Fatalities and Hospitalisations India Reported as Unseasonal Meteorological Office Heatwave Hits Hokkaido Warns of Heavy Monsoon Rains in Kerala An unseasonal heatwave has caused record-breaking State temperatures in Hokkaido, According to local media with temperatures reaching reports on Friday, 7 June, as high as 39.5 degrees the India Meteorological Celsius (103.1 degrees Department (IMD), has Fahrenheit) in some warned of extremely coastal areas. The extreme heavy rainfall in several heat has reportedly areas of Kerala state caused at least two during the next few fatalities and hundreds of days. The IMD has hospitalisations. Authorities warned that a monsoon have also announced the weather system will bring closure of at least 40 rail extremely heavy rainfall to the districts of Thrissur, services over derailment concerns because of Ernakulam, Malappuram extreme heat. and Kozhikode. All four



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Tactical Firearms: Pistol Grip Shotguns

As with everything, there are positives and negatives to all weapons, and everyone has their own opinions.

These days a lot of people's opinions seem to be 3rd hand or YouTubebased, which can be concerning. For me, pistol grip shotguns are very effective and versatile

weapons if used properly. Shotguns with stocks are easier to use and are more controllable with hotter magnum loads but lack the maneuverability of a pistol grip shotgun.



The shotgun in the above photo is a Remington 870 in 12 gauge. I prefer the Remington 870 over Mossberg 500's as the Remington receiver is steel and the safety catch is better placed. For me the Remington 870 is the only shotgun you need, it's a tried, tested and a proven platform for both tactical and sporting guns. This gun has the U.S legal length barrel, no choke,

and a tube (magazine) that takes 6, 2-3/4 shells and one in the chamber; so 7 shells in total. The effective range of a shotgun depends on the barrel length, what choke is in the barrel and what shells are being shot. When you get a shotgun, you need to see how the pellets from the shell pattern at different ranges. All shotguns shoot

The effective range of a shotgun depends on the barrel length 77


The correct way to hold the weapon for distance shots.The weapon is being pushed towards the target!

differently with different shells so, you need to see what the diameter of the pellets pattern is at different ranges. You can then also work out the effective range of the gun for individual hits or as an area weapon. This gun with #4 or #00 buck will reach out to about 20 to 25 yards for individual targets.

2-3/4 shells in pistol grip guns; 3-inch shells put out more pellets but can be uncontrollable and painful for many shooters. Most people should be able to manage 2-3/4 shells if they are gripping the weapon properly and be able to have fast and accurate follow up shots.

These guns need to be gripped tight and the wrist of the hand on the pistol The issues many people grip must be kept locked have with the pistol grip shotguns come from using and straight! The myth shells that have too much that you cannot miss with a shotgun is easily undone recoil. I tend only to use



The myth that you cannot miss with a shotgun is easy undone with pistol grip guns

When shooting from the hip the wrist and forearm of the hand on the pistol grip needs to be locked tight!


with pistol grip guns, I have seen many people miss targets entirely from 2 to 20 yards plus! If the gun is held correctly, it is just as accurate as a shotgun with a stock. Tactically, these guns come into their own in close confines or thick bush where you need some good knock-down power. Some argue these guns do not hold enough rounds but realistically, for home defense and policing,

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 In open areas and on tracks the shotgun can be used for suppressing fire for withdrawal or attack.

they hold more than enough. Most bad guys are not going to get into firefights and will scatter after the initial contact. Think about it, 7 shells of #4 buck, putting out between 175 to 230 .25 pellets in a few seconds, if the gun is used correctly; that will shred most targets!

So, I am in favor of pistol grip shotguns, and they are a preferred weapon of mine. Tactically, they will solve your problems, and, as with all shotguns they give you a survival weapon that can shoot anything from squirrels to bears, with the right selection of ammo.

Orlando Wilson has worked in the security industry internationally for over 25 years. He has become accustomed to the types of complications that can occur, when dealing with international law enforcement agencies, organized criminal and Mafia groups. He is the chief consultant for Risks Inc. and based in Miami but spends much of his time traveling and providing a wide range of kidnapping prevention and tactical training services to private and government clients.


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FOOT STEPS By: Jose Casillas

How was your transition as a Philadelphia police officer to the private sector? My transition was a tricky one. Coming from a field where we are trained to address crime once it happens, mentally it leaves you in response mode. EP


is very proactive, as such, we must anticipate what could happen and work to mitigate that. Also, as an Law Enforcement Officer, you have control over almost every situation that you're in. The law gives you that authority and that luxury. In Executive

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 Protection, not so much. So there's another shift in mindset that one must have. As an EP professional you don't have the same authority that LEO's have, so you can't bark out commands, stop traffic, block public access, etc., as such, the transition was tricky. The best way I can describe it is, not difficult but also, not “easy,” so to speak.

streets, you have to have the skillset to deescalate a deadly confrontation or you have to be able to get information from an individual who never intends to speak to you. That skill does not come overnight, and there's a lot of trial and error, but the truth of the matter is, it’s all predicated on respect for the other individual. Also, being intentional and understanding what's at What are some traits and stake are major factors for soft skills that you have success. acquired from working in inner city Philadelphia How would you describe that has helped you In your day to day with your line of work today? your clients? I think the number one skill Difficult to answer for many I've learned was the ability reasons. For one, every to talk to people to get the client is different, so there's desired outcome. In the that. Every client is human


FOOT STEPS and has a life outside of the "celebrity" that the general public know them for. So on a Monday a client may be in great spirits, and then on Tuesday a kid was suspended or a friend died, or some other issue. The consistent thing is how I handle the days. From my perspective, no day is different from the other in my preparation or my diligence. Again, these are habits learned with time.

and I allow people to live as normal a life as they can without the worry of their safety or the safety of their loved ones.

What do you find to be the most challenging yet satisfying aspect in this industry? The challenge early on was finding my lane. I transitioned from LE to EP without training or the understanding that I couldn't operate as a How do you balance cop anymore. Today the life with a busy work challenge doesn't come schedule, given that this from the work per se but line of work requires a the finding of adequate lot of commitment? agents to work with. I find That's going to be different myself sometimes working for everyone. I have with the untrained guy who hobbies and things I like wants to impress me with to do that distract me from what he thinks he knows the stress of a busy life. I and totally blows it. At don't have small children times I find myself working which makes it 1000% with the guy who did a easier for me as opposed tour in the sandbox and to others in the industry. wants to treat everything Having an outlet is the best he encounters with this balance for me. That and militarized machismo regular massages. which is not right for the assignment. Do you find this role fulfilling to the life of a Given your experience protector? what are some I'm a protector by nature "Textbook vs. Real and a second generation world" examples you officer where all but have encountered? one of my uncles were Textbook, always do an in some capacity of law advance of the locations enforcement. So the most you're going to and know satisfying aspect is that I the routes to and from. get to continue that legacy Real-world, “Kevin, we are



From my perspective, no day is different from the other in my preparation or my diligence. going to go to location X, then make a stop at here and then here.� – All new plans made by them in the moment. So there's no way to understand what you're about to walk into. Another example is working with your client and they get an impromptu invite to a party that's happening in a few hours. One minute you are driving to a known destination, the next you are directed to head to an FBO to take a flight to a city and a place you know nothing of. This is where your experience kicks in and you improvise. The client expects the same level of service no matter what environment you are in. What are some difficulties that you come across when your client is known worldwide? The difficulties are

recognition and entitlement. A lot of fans have an entitled mindset as they may have supported the client throughout their careers and feel that they are owed an acknowledgment. It can get a bit difficult there but for the most part, it can make the job easier as most people and places will acquiesce because of the notoriety of the client. What advice would you give to those that are trying to make a solid and steady income in Executive Protection? My advice would be to have a clear understanding of what it is you want and ask yourself are you willing to sacrifice for it. No one has made it to the top fully intact. You will lose something along the way, just make sure it is not yourself.

Jose Casillas is a Los Angeles based Excecutive Protection agent who specializes in red carpet events, movie premieres and estate security, he also teaches matrial arts and works as an EMT.



An Introduction to Celebrity Protection and Touring by Elijah Shaw & Dale June

This is a "Real World" look at the business of VIP Protection and a MUST READ for anyone wanting to learn more about the job, written by those who know it best. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

available now on amazon 49

Miguel DeCoste




Amy Clark, Manager Corporate Security and Global Mobility, PwC, Ville Patrikainen, Group Security Manager, P&O Ferries, Matthew Drew, Group Security Director, Rolls Royce

event report

Cyber Physical Convergence London 2019 The third annual CyberPhysical Convergence forum has just taken place in London, UK and brought corporate, physical and digital security specialists together to discuss ways in which the security


ecosystem is converging and how to handle hybrid threats from innovative new threat vectors. This years event played to a packed house and was the best attended yet, further illustrating the importance

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 Mike O'Neill, MD, Optimal Risk, Ewan Duncan, Group Head of Security, AB Ports, Letitia Emeana, Sr Security Manager, Tesla, Christopher Todd, West Midlands Police

placed upon this topic by the wider industry. The event, held at Holborn Central London, saw representation from: Corporate Organisations: BHP, PwC, NBC News, Rolls Royce, Synthomer, Esurance, HPE, Uphold, Halliburton, Deloitte, Rising Tide, KGL, SWIFT, Unilever, Marriott Group, Capgemini, HS2, Jacobs UK, Tesla, AB Ports, SGN, P&O Ferries, West Midlands Police, BP, BAE Systems, GSK, CAA Private Security Organisations:

British Bodyguard Association, Securitas, MAST Group, Wilson James, Optimal Risk, Advent-IM, Mitie, International SOS & Control Risks As always, the discussions were wide-ranging, with expert-in-their-field panelists sharing their informed opinions and fielding questions from an inquiring, knowledgethirsty audience. Topics covered this year included: â—? Who is the Chief Security Officer of the future and what background will they have?


EVENT REPORT ● What does the future of budget to redress real Risk Intelligence Look physical threats? like in a physical and ● How will automation and cyber environment and AI disrupt the industry, how can we combine data and will it create two for meaningful results? excellent physical and digital security disciplines ● Do physical security or one converged specialists 'lack' cyber function? skills or will it always be a different discipline? We are now looking forward to the third ● How can security across annual Physical Cyber the spectrum be seen as convergence forum a business enabler in Phoenix on 22 instead of cost? August sponsored by AS Solution, Bedrock Special ● Should we reallocate Projects, UAT, KnowBe4 some of the cybersecurity and Alagen. Gavin Wilson, Head of Risk Advisory Services, Wilson James, Richard Jordan, Chief Security and Resilience Officer, HS2, Adam Usher, Director of Physical and Asset Protection, MAST, Ben Edwards, Protective Intelligence Manager EMEA, Facebook, David Herd, Group Security Manager, Unilever

For more information on this event or to register to attend, visit:



global events map GSX 2019 Conference Sept 8-12, 2019. Chicago, IL

Milipol Paris 2019 Nov 19-22, 2019. Paris, France

SecTor Oct 7-10, 2019. Toronto, Canada

ISC West March 18-20, 2020. Las Vegas NV

IPSB Close Protection Conference Dec 12-14, 2019. Las Vegas, NV

Physical Cyber Convergence Forum 22 Aug, 2019. Phoenix,

Security500 18th Nov 2019. Ritz Carlton,

2020 ATAP Winter Conference Jan 28-30, 2020. Orlando, FL

ASIS Regional Conference - Latin America 15-16 Oct, 2019. Mexico City, Mexico

Expodefensa 2019 Dec 02-04, 2019. Bogotรก, Colombia


GLOBAL EVENTS MAP The Emergency Services Show 2019 18-19 Sept 2019. NEC, Birmingham, UK

The Security Event 28-30 April 2020. NEC, Birmingham, UK

Edge of Network Security Forum. 30 Oct 2019. London, UK

Executive Security and CP Technology Forum Jan 30, 2020. London, UK

Future of Super Yachts Conference Oct 15, 2019. Mallorca, Spain

ASIS Europe Prague 2020 April 1-3, 2020. Prague, CZ

Security Exhibition and Conference 24-26 July, 2019. Darling Harbor, Sydney, Australia

ASIS regional Conference Middle East 4-6 Nov 2019. Manama, Bahrain, UAE.

BIDEC Oct 28-30, 2019. Bahrain, UAE

Do you have a security event that is not listed here that you would like our readers to know about? Contact us:



Keeping Your Edge: Protectors & The Recording Process An excerpt from the bestselling book, An Introduction to Celebrity Protection & Touring by Elijah Shaw & Dale June. To get the full book, order at Amazon, Barnes & Nobles or Limited Signed Editions available at

Keeping Your Edge: Action vs. Reaction

Almost without question, if you are a musician, the recording process is the part you love. This is where they get to be creative; it’s where they take an abstract concept and make it a sonic work of art, one that hopefully will generate revenue. While it can be hard work for the artists, for most it’s a labor of

By: Elijah Shaw

love. They have the ability to get paid and earn a living for doing what they enjoy most. For protectors, particularly with personalities like mine, this part can be as exciting as watching paint dry. And while excitement need not be a prerequisite for the work that a bodyguard does, I think it’s


KEEPING YOUR EDGE fair to say that in the majority of cases, the recording process occurs in a pretty sterile environment, which means our protective posture needs to be modified to fit.

the recording studio, your evening might well consist of a whole lot of hurry up and wait. Unless you were hired to play the drums, which is pretty unlikely, you just need to make sure that you For example, unless some are not in the way. With that type of information leak said, getting out of the way occurs or fans spot the doesn’t mean clocking out arrival, when a protectee goes mentally. As protectors, we to the studio, it’s traditionally have to always remain in the unannounced, creating moment, because Murphy’s a degree of anonymity. Law will strike the minute you Recording studios, by their let your guard down. very nature, are pretty well secured on their own. Not We have to find a way to necessarily because of the continue to keep our edge celebrity clientele who come and maintain our focus for the there to record, but because duration. You might not think they’ve got thousands and in that’s much of a challenge for some cases millions of dollars’ a couple of hours, but what worth of equipment that they about six hours, or ten, or want to hold on to. As such, 15? If your VIP is working on most have some type of ina full-length project, this visit house security systems in isn’t just one isolated session. place, ranging from accessIt could actually span several controlled doors to uniformed consecutive days, weeks, and guards and multiplex even months. surveillance cameras. So essentially, once you So how do you keep your facilitate the movement edge? How do you stay of getting the protectee to focused? In fact, one of the

Unless you were hired to play the drums, which is pretty unlikely, you just need to make sure that you are not in the way. 95

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 perks about a recording studio is that many of the nicer ones come packed to the rafters with amenities. Big picture-wise, every studio wants to compete for those recording dollars, particularly with the virtually unlimited budgets that come with major recording stars and their record labels. To do this, the studios have to come up with ways to entice the artists to want to come to their facility versus the one down the street.

even have to pay for it out of your pocket as it’s included in the budget for what the studio charges for the session.

The luxuries extend beyond just food and drink. Almost all studios have cable or satellite TV with thousands of stations. Many have pool and ping pong tables and virtually every video game console system on the market. Now, these things in theory are for the client, but the reality is that, outside One way to accomplish this of the food and drink, the is to be generous with the client doesn’t take part amenities. Usually located in much, because they’re somewhere in the studio usually so wrapped up in is a very comfortable VIP the process of doing what lounge, stocked with all the they love, namely creating food and drink that you can their new music. As a result, think of, because requiring the people who usually an artist to have to disrupt get to take advantage of the creative process to go all these amenities are the out and grab a burger is a celebrities’ entourage, and waste of time and money. while that might be large Instead, the studios will or small depending on the have runners who will gladly protectee, one constant in go out and get whatever that equation is usually you. you need, no matter the time of day. So, let’s recap: it’s a secure location, you know you In many cases, the food and need to be out of the way, drink are incorporated into and it’s okay to partake in the recording budget as an the amenities. With this in incidental cost; and, as part mind, you’ve located the of the client’s entourage, VIP lounge and found its you often have permission comfortable couch, the AC to order what you want as is on full blast, and you’ve well. You want burgers? ordered one of everything “Fine.” You want tacos? on the menu. You’re good “Fine.” You want ice cream? and focused for the first “Fine.” Imagine, somebody’s three hours...for five going to run out and grab hours...for eight hours. But that for you and you don’t that was only day 1. How



Elijah Shaw with Agents, Vantrell Wiilson, Gary Wade & Eugene Young at the end of a 10 day studio recording process that averaged 20 hour days.

about hour 12 on day 16? Nothing out of the ordinary has happened in all this time, so it’s okay to loosen up and relax a little bit, right?

goes, “it’s for just a little bit -- nothing has happened here for over two weeks.”

Now, Murphy’s Law could manifest itself in something catastrophic happening, Think about it: you’ve had but that’s more of a remote nothing going on for hours possibility. What’s much on end, with the recording more likely to happen is that process running into the just when you decide to take wee hours night after night. that quick ten-minute power Your feet have been hurting nap, that’s when the client’s all day, so you decide to slip manager walks in with a your shoes off for a bit. With record executive from the the air conditioner blowing, label. From his perspective, and your stomach full of viewing you with head pasta, your head starts to tilted back and snoring, he tilt back. Those eyelids start doesn’t look at this as just to get heavy, and that voice an isolated ten minutes over in the back of your head a two-week period. Instead,



Those eyelids start to get heavy, and that voice in the back of your head goes, “it’s for just a little bit -- nothing has happened here for over two weeks.” what he sees is a person he’s hired and is paying, who not only doesn’t have anything strenuous to do all day long, but to add insult to injury, is sleeping on the job with his shoes off, surrounded by empty candy wrappers with Cinemax Late Night blaring on the TV. Welcome to your last day on the job. In this setting, your mission is to figure out, in whatever way works for you, how you’re going to stay engaged and keep your focus. I’ll admit, based off of my personality type, the recording process is pretty grueling for me, but my

method is to keep myself busy with paperwork. I work on everything from scheduling, to company payroll, to planning the Advance for the next assignment. Unlike many, I’m also a person who can read and not fall asleep, which is a big plus. You have to find what works for you and use that to help you figure out how to stay in the moment. I’m not saying that you can’t eat or watch TV; only the strictest of clients would have an issue with that in this setting. Just remember that you are still being paid to do a job, and appearances count.

Elijah Shaw is the National Director of the North American Bodyguard Association and the CEO of ICON Global, and International Executive Protection Consulting Firm. Elijah, who has been featured in international publications such as Inc. Magazine, Entrepreneur, and Portfolio, runs the ICON Academy, an EP Training Program specializing in Celebrity & VIP Protection. He also currently sits on the Board of Directors of Executive Security International (ESI), the United States oldest Executive Protection Training School. His new book, An Introduction to Executive Protection & Touring: A Guide to Mastering the Business of VIP Security, hit the Amazon best sellers list, and available now.




United Kingdom 3D Security Ltd Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1TG Based in Taunton 3D Security provides security services for a wide range of clients. Whether you need a security guard in Somerset, event security in Leeds or Close Protection in London we will provide a solution for your needs. T: +44 (0)1823 253 001 W - E - A.B.I. Solutions A.B.I Solutions is a dynamic, forward thinking company, specialising in surveillance, security and investigations with local, national and internationalexperience. A.B.I provides a wide range of services to the corporate sector and individuals alike. W - Amanda Campbell A highly motivated and experienced female operative both CP and Surveillence training T – 07596542249 W - E -

Ambassador Security Management ASM MK Lions Arena, Grafton Court, Snowden Drive, Winterhill, Milton Keynes, MK6 1AJ, GBR. After successfully gaining ACS (Door Supervision and Manned Guarding) along with ISO 9000, we here at ASM have a dedicated management team with hundreds of years combined experience in the security industry. W: E: T: 08458335750 Ark Personal and Asset Protection Ark, 2b Crow Lane, Rochester, Kent, ME11RF, GBR A small, efficient, highly descrete company employing ex special forces and detectives for all civil and corporate covert needs. E: T: +0044 01634 845526 Argus Europe County Durham Argus Europe has been providing specialist training for high-net worth clients and their families for close to 20 years, worldwide. Argus Europe now offer accredited training for CPO’s, Surveillance Operators and Private detectives. Argus Europe is an operational company working globally with an extensive variety of contracts. W: T: +44 (0) 8456 123 843 Atlantian Business Solutions Group Rutland, LE15 6SD, GBR Atlantian Business Solutions has been designed to help both individuals and New Companies build for the future as well as support others with training needs. T: 07725970954 W:


Briareus Security Our aim is to give a complete, discreet and professional service to all of our clients, be they large corporations, small businesses, local authorities or private individuals, all tailored to meet their individual needs. W: E: Mark Corder - Chief Executive of Carmdale Ltd Suite 3 219 Bow Road London E3 2SJ Mark is a former Senior Police Officer specialising in counter-terrorism; firearms; public order; training and also physical, Critical National Infrastructure and nuclear security, having had responsibility for the security of the UK’s nuclear deterrent. A former Head of Operations, Operational Support and Training, Mark has been involved in a number large-scale incidents (including 7/7) and has also worked at the Office for Security and Counter Terrorism (OSCT) at the Home Office as part of a review into Critical National Infrastructure security. Mark has an MBA via the OU. E: T: +44 (0)844 995 9900 W: Alastair Christie Advice on site security, perimeter fencing, lighting, CCTV and manning requirements. Monitor and advise on guard force setting up site procedures and guard SOP’s. T : +44 (0)7736 328112 E : Control Risk Management Solutions - CRMS Ireland Executive Close Protection Operations & Training (B Tec Level 3 Diploma Edexcel) Threat & Risk Assessments, Consultancy Services. W: E: Crest Security & Surveillance Ltd 51 The Crest, West Heath, Birmingham, West Mids, B31 3QA, GBR Highly experienced Security Consultant with a proven record of accomplishment in the field of protective security. Skilled in all phases of risk assessment, operational planning, logistical organisation, implementation of security measures, security team leadership, project coordination, and delivery of security advice to a high profile clientele. E: T: 447977071427 CSI Protection Ltd International, GBR A well established security consultant and personal protection operative providing high or low Key protection to high risk and prestigious clientele. Specialising in the maritime industry as a consultant for private vessel protection on super yachts world wide. W: E:


Custodia Custodia is an independent client focused Specialist Security & Risk Management Company, specialising in Risk consultancy and Security project management. Providing a comprehensive portfolio of Risk mitigation solutions to assist Businesses and individuals to plan for, manage and mitigate risk. T: 01432 277693 W: Daniel Gentry Close Protection Operative I am a former RAF Regiment Gunner with 8 years experience, including various command roles and operational tours of Iraq and Afghanistan. My previous role as a behaviour specialist saw me de-escalating potentially dangerous situations on a daily basis. These two jobs combined have put me in a position where I am now very effective at managing not only a variety of situations but also a variety of different people, often from very diverse cultures. E: T: 07445181281 DF Risk Management Solutions DF Risk Management Solutions N.I. is a modern, professional risk management company, with a diverse range of global strategic experiences and a team of executives who possess dynamic but complementary backgrounds. T: +44 (0)7837642686 +44 (0)7758743918 W: Executive Protection Officer Worldwide CP services W: First Class Executive Security Nottingham, UK, Nottingham based, full-service company specializing in Bodyguards and Security Consulting services. Extensive experience in VIP security, also caters for public and private sectors. W: T: 0115 9266466 G6 Global G6 are specialists in all types of radio, telephony and satellite communications for both voice and data with particular emphasis on covert communications installations in both vehicles and fixed locations. In addition, our range of personal covert radios and bespoke accessories is extensive. W: T: +44 (0)1454 610050 Gordon Russell Highly trained frontline Close Protection Operatives available for UK and International contracts. Our experienced CPO’s can offer bespoke packages to meet all clients needs, including a variety of language skills. All SIA licenced, BBA member E: T: +44 (0)7917 281 004

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 Gareth Evans - CPO, MSO Reliable dedicated hard-working security professional, with outstanding communication skills. Strategic approach to problem solving combined with exceptional interpersonal skills, quick to grasp new concepts and information. Highly motivated, results-driven and thrives under pressure. Strong leadership and management skills with proven experience committed to continuous personal and professional development. E : T : +44 (0)7900058603

T: 24hrs : +44 (0)7702 740722 E: W:

James Izett All close protection task undertaken, including training tasks. Medic (Registered with the HPCSA, Registered FAAW instructor and Assessor E : T : +971 (0)505 574 350

Logas International Tyne & Wear, SR1, GBR Front line SIA, International CPO. Private Investigation and Surveillance operator. E:

Janice Gurney Proficient and diligent Security Professional gaining extensive knowledge and experience within the security sector. Proactive individual who has a logical, flexible and conscientious approach to all challenges undertaken, ability to work as a member of a team or as an individual willing to work anywhere. T : +44 (0)7885 793061 E : International Centre of Special Training International Centre of Special Training is an international training and security company based in the United Kingdom. Its priority objective is to provide services to the highest level. W: T: +44 796 736 55 65 IPSS Security Northfield, Aberdeen, AB16 7EX Security and protection services - UK and overseas. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1224 69455 W: ISS Training Ltd Riverside Cottages, Nidd Walk, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate, HG3 5NA ISS Training Limited are providers of specialist covert surveillance training courses and publications to the security and investigative industries, enforcement agencies and specialist military units. Formed in 1990, we are the longest established surveillance training ompany in the United Kingdom. Our credibility and reputation is widespread and we offer nationally recognised qualifications. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1423 712265 W: Jason Morris Security Hertfordshire, UK Providing a wide range of Door supervision/ security for V.I.P and prestige venues, Concerts, Functions, Corporate and Personal Security, Weddings, Private Parties, Gala Dinners, Business Awards & School Proms, Close Protection and Body Guarding Static Guarding and Stewards. T: 01462 478900 W: E: John Featherstone Security professional with operational experience gained in a variety of theatres. Main specialities close protection and surveillance.

K9 Support Services Ltd K9 Support Services UK Ltd is a supplier of specialist drugs and explosives dog/ handler detection service (which includes arms & ammunition) to individuals, businesses, and the public sector. T: 0845 643 6393 E:

Michael Boreland Close Protection Officer Since leaving the British Army in 2006 I have been working in hostile environments for private security companies in various roles ranging from Training & Close protection. I have successfully managed a training wing in Afghanistan providing security operations training for local nationals & Expats conducting operations in the region I believe with my skills and experience of the employment I have done in the past I would be an asset to any organisation taking myself on as an employee. MLK Security and Protection Services Swindon, UK Close Protection Officer and Door Supervisor E: T: 07917654978 LJE Security Services North Yorkshire, HG1, GBR Close Protection, Residential Security, Asset Protection, VIP red carpet Security and Private Investigation. E: One Events Grantham One Events offers you a stress free solution in the organisation, putting together and running of an event. Thisis accomplished by having a group of specialised companies from different industries working together for a more complete service for you. TEL: 0870 974 6779 W:

surveillance. A good current working knowledge of London & its challenges gained through ongoing high risk security operations. Experienced in dealing with high net worth clients with all matters security & concierge striving go the extra mile to exceed expectations through thorough planning & interaction with all involved parties. A strong communicator with a smart appearance who remains synonymous with the principals lifestyle, whilst discretely ensuring a safe environment is maintained at all times, physically capable of adopting a higher profile when required to do so. Demonstrates sound judgement and capability to operate with great levels of autonomy. Exceptional interpersonal skills with the ability to understand, interact & connect with a diverse range of people. E : T : +44 (0)7552515604 W : Plymouth Close Protection Highly versatile, physically fit and accomplished security professional with cumulative experience in the areas of security management, close protection, crisis management, risk assessment, emergency management, asset protection and security training. E : W : T : +44 (0)1752 500807 PPSS Group Body armour and stab vests provide a functional solution to individuals who require extra protection in their chosen vocation. All PPSS (formerly ASEO) body armour and stab vests are certified by the UK’s Home Office (HOSDB) and offer unrivalled protection from blunt trauma caused by a punch, blow or kick. Based on our professional frontline experience and extensive research we can confirm that an impact based assault is a more likely event than an attack involving an edged weapon or firearm. T: +44 (0) 845 5193 953 F: +44 (0) 1765 603 512 E: W: Presence Security Presence Security (“ PS ”) is a bespoke security company providing protection for private individuals and VIPs, as well as security services for businesses and organizations. T: 0800 002 9734 E:

Paul Lovatt – CPO After serving 15 year in the Army a move to the Security Industry was a natural step, during the last 10 years I have worked in almost every role in the industry from Door Supervisor and loss prevention to Operations Manager and Director. I have been responsible for the creation and implementation of highly successful crime reduction schemes across Yorkshire working closely with other agencies in the areas of responsibility. Currently I am responsible for the overall running of large events security teams from stewards to Close Protection Officers. Operational planning, contingency planning and flexibility are I feel among my key strengths. E : T : +44 (0)7506726336

Prestige Risks LTD 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N, 3AX, GBR. Close Protection Secure Chauffeurs Surveillance Residential Security Executive Protection Security Guards Asset Protection T : +44 (0)207 5588182 E : W :

Paul Tyler – VIP Protection & Concierge Specialist in discreet personal protection &

Prosec Consultancy Ltd 10 Oakfield business park Westbury, BA13 4WF.


Prometheus Medical Ltd Prometheus deliver unrivalled bespoke emergency medical support in the form of specialist equipment, training, strategic advice and deployed clinical care. T: (+44) 1568 613942 W:

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 Prosec Consultancy Limited are dedicated in providing a professional service, which covers a whole range of security services throughout the security industry. T: 01373 228055 W: E: ProTouch Security ProTouch Security is one of the UK’s key providers of event safety, event security, crowd management, door supervisors, stewards, event management and health and safety. T: 01724 279 522 W: Python Security and Protection Ltd Providing Close Protection Officers and Door Supervisors for Events and Venue Security. E : Radoslav Savkov - CPO / Security Consultant Oxford - United Kingdom I would introduce myself as a high calibre Security professional with strong customer oriented skills and managerial experience in the Security Industry, interested in a challenging position, which would fully utilize competences gained and provides opportunities for professional and personal development. With 15 + years of international experience in the sector at all levels and a military background (National Service) as well as a practical Close Protection experience in an executive environment, corporate intelligence and investigations. As a Security professional, I never consider my training and development as a complete, therefore I always look to update further my skills and knowledge. In personal plan I am very loyal, discreet , independent and willing to embrace challenges. E: T: +44 (0)7886591525 RSM Security UK Ltd London, UK RSM Security UK Ltd offers the experience and expertise necessary to provide security personnel of the highest calibre when you need them. T: 07850091979 or 07792948523 W: E: RWSSI Rob W is a professional security consultant with world wide experience and capabilities in Security, Surveillance and Investigation; I can support you to overcome any problems and enable you to achieve your goals E: T: +44 (0)7818 220985 SDS Solutions SDS solutions provide our clients with protective solutions that are second to none, our consultants will discuss every aspect of the problems that you are facing that dictate the need for a protective solution, we promise our clients a tailor made service to meet individual requirements. Whether based in the UK or abroad our protective service T: 01453 887815 E: Shadow Close Protection A leading company specializing in Executive Protection as a professional sector, with participation in high and low risk missions, providing global security solutions and consultancy to individuals, corporations and national agencies worldwide. W: E: T: + 30 6948539664 Shaun West United Kingdom SIA licensed, Highly Experienced Frontline CPO. Ronin SA trained. Providing security for both

corporate and hostile environments. E: T: +44 (0)7830 109 601 W: Mark Claydon-Smith – CP Team Leader and Medic I have spent 13 years in the Royal Navy Culminating in the rank of SNCO Petty Officer. In 2004 I started my security career and have worked in Hostile environments. I have held several positions including Operations Manager, Team Leader and Rig Site Manager. I have worked in Kurdistan, Afghanistan and Iraq as well as the UK and Europe. E : T : +964 (0)7815 970433 Philip Shearman MSyl – CPO, Risk Manager A professionally Qualified Close Protection and Surveillance Operator and Team Leader with over twenty two years of experience gained in the Military Police, the last fifteen of which were spent with the Military Police Close Protection Unit, working in various hostile countries throughout the world. Since leaving the Army in Nov 06 I have worked in the Private Security sector. I have gained valuable experience in demanding and challenging operational environments, where I have proved to be a self motivated and resourceful individual, performing well under pressure, communicating effectively at all levels whilst exercising tact, diplomacy and integrity. E : T : +44 (0)7930 277586 Spotllght Protection Services Essex based business which provides a broad and growing range of security services to businesses and organisations large and small. T: 07870560208 E: W: VIPA Tactical Training A specialist training academy dealing with four specific areas of combat: VIPA Civilian Self Protection Program, VIPA Close Protection Combat System, VIPA Police Defence Tactics and VIPA Military Close Quarter Combat. BBA Member. W: Wagtail UK Wales, UK Wagtail UK are international specialists in detection dogs and dog handler training. Established in 2003, Wagtail UK provides detection dogs and related services for government agencies such as UK Border Force, HM Revenue & Customs, Police, Trading Standards and Armed Forces. Wagtail International School of Excellence in North Wales is a fully approved training centre endorsed by Highfield Awarding Body for Certification. T: +44(0)1745 561166 E: W: Westminster Security Ltd London, UK Westminster Security Ltd are an independent, industry leading private security company in London; providing security and investigation services throughout the UK, EU and worldwide for our clients. We specialise in close protection services; providing ex-military and police bodyguards to many national and international companies, heads of state, royalty, high-profile personalities, CEO's, private individuals and families. T: +44 (0)207 123 4544 E: W: Yoji Security We established Yoji Security in response to our


perception of declining professional standards across the security industry. We strive to provide first class customer service in everything we do, drawing on our extensive experience in the fields of special operations, intelligence, counter terrorism and close protection. T : +44 7903231076 E : Europe & Africa International Security Academy P.O.Box 5833, Herzeliya, 46000, ISRAEL. zOur graduates are more recognized, respected and sought after by Distinguish Protection service “consumers” and by most of the “Providers” of Protection services worldwide. Organisers of the 2008 International Summit of Protection Officers. BBA Member. T: + 972 9 950 0969 W: Javier Galan Spain Security specialist available for operations around the world. E: T: 34.637080771 Military Grade Encryption Phones PO Box 52310, Limassol, CYPRUS Built-in encryption software which converts your voice to encrypted data using a constantly changing mathematical formula. It uses a dual layered RSA/AES combination and a changing session key which modifies the encryption algorithm every second. € 1,398.00 + VAT. All prices include new Nokia N73 phone. BBA Member. T: + 357 7777 7276 W: Nemesis Protection Ruma, Serbia Nemesis Protection is a Risk Management Company specialized in providing viable, bespoke, optimal, feasible and cost-effective security and training solutions for corporations, government institutions, and private clients worldwide. Nemesis Protection offers a full spectrum of services including Risk Advisory, Close Protection, Asset Protection, Security Driving, Surveillance & Private Investigation, Information Security, Transport Security, Staffing, and Specialist Security Training. T: 00381644679650 E: W: TPT Firearms Training Bratislava , Slovakia and Rome , Italy We know from our extensive experience within the industry that it can be daunting when initially carrying a firearm and being responsible for protecting a clients life, but learning the proper techniques and having the ability to understand the weapon will make the job a lot easier and more enjoyable. Hopefully you will never have to use the weapons you carry, but should this prove necessary you will be confident and knowledgeable enough to handle the situation professionally and effectively. T : +44 (0) 7734101910 E : W : Security Concierge Group SCG Special Projects Ltd, Avenida, Bartolome Vicente Ramon No 10, B16, Ibiza, 07800, ESP Security Concierge Group is a privately owned and fully independent provider of exceptional security services to an interesting and varied range of clients. T: 00 34 600 665 275 W: E:

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 47 Wille Heino Security Specialist, Owner Finland Gambeson is a security training & Consulting Company specialized in countering modern day threats. - Security & safety planning for different events. Security training: Active shooter/Terrorism awareness/Surveillance detection/Other. - Security consulting. We are specialized in executive protection related services. Local knowledge, trained and licensed close protection offers, mission support, other. E: W: Zika Rakita Managing Director Ruma 22400, Serbia Accomplished, result-driven, and highly motivated Close Protection Operative, conducting protective operations internationally. A background encompassing planning, organizing, leading, and undertaking Close Protection operations in both corporate fields and hostile environments. Proven in achieving results and completing tasks on time, discreetly, and to the highest standards. A confident communicator with the ability to sensitively solve a range of clients’ and colleagues’ problems and inquiries. With the ability to use sound judgment and understanding the operational balance and needs. E: T: 00381644679650 Americas Bodyguard Careers Bodyguard Careers is an informational site with the purpose of providing bodyguards with all the information and tools necessary to succeed in the Close Protection Industry Canadian Use of Force Systems 7975 Yonge St. # 7124, Innisfil, ON, L9S 1L0, CANADA A professional Use of Force and Defensive. Tactics organization teaching a full range of controlled response options for SelfProtection and Use of Force considerations in public and professional environments. BBA Associate Member. T: + 1 705 456 4333 W: Contact Front Photography Contact Front Photography is the world’s 1st photography studio dedicated to the Close Protection Professional. Stop putting generic or pirated photos on your website; instead commission custom shots to best represent you or your agency. T: +1 (612) 369-6134 E: W: Decisiones Estratégicas Buenos Aires – Argentina Executive protection specialists we have experienced in all Latin America, for multinationals companies, also providing support in project throughout Latin America to consulting first the US. and UK. We have a team of specialists and psychologists in assistance and crisis negotiation. T: +54(911) 6415 1941

E: jbenitez@d– W: www.d– Detective Lacerda P.O.BOX 25996, São Paulo, 05513-970, BRAZIL Providing the full range of security and investigation services throughout Latin America. BBA Member. T: + 55 (11) 3452 4388 W: Giovanni Rossi South Africa Doctorates in Criminology, Vessel Security Officer, ASP Instructor, ISSPC Member, BBA Member, IAPPA Member, American Bodyguard and Protection Instructors Association - Lifetime Member E: T: +2783 415 9205 USA Global Bear Protection PO Box 11488, Jackson, Wyoming, 83002, USA Provision of British and US Ex Special forces security/medical specialists. T: 307 413 3619 W: E: Icon Services Corporation 1043 Grand Ave. #312, St. Paul, MN 55105, USA A full service security and investigative agency specializing in providing high-level security and bodyguards to international celebrities, public figures and corporations. Licensed, bonded and insured, our diverse roster of clients reads as a virtual who’s who in the corporate, motion picture, fashion and recording industry. Entering into our 10th year, Icon has been the hand picked choice to provide Executive Protection to everyone from Superintendents to Supermodels. BBA Member. T: + 1 651 695 8778 W: Imperial Protective Service, LLC 15849 N. 71st Street, Suite 100, Scottsdale , Arizona, 85254, USA Imperial Protective Service’ (IPS) is a security consulting and services firm founded in 1978. IPS provides both national and international corporate, executive and celebrity protective services. BBA Member. T: + 1 480 281 1588 W: Panther Protection Services 3695F Cascade Road, Suite 2207, Atlanta, GA 30331 Panther Protection Services is a full service protection agency offering such services as threat assessment, executive protection, self-defense training, firearms instruction, and high risk tactical protection. Our executive protection specialists have over 75 years of experience. Panther can handle your protection needs whether around the corner or around the world. Member: BBA and NABA T: (404) 349-9117 W: Rouven Rohler - Security Consultant / HSE liaison Romania I am a very fit and mentally robust Security


Specialist with quality experience gained in the security (Military, Maritime and Commercial Operational Security (Oil& Gas). I have improved the effectiveness of protection teams and significantly enhanced clients’ awareness. My career commenced in the Australian Army, which included hostile environment deployments to Iraq and the Solomon Islands and I have since been operating on various contracts throughout Afghanistan and Iraq. I am now looking to make a continued significant contribution within similar High Risk contracts. E: T: +40 (0)746 642 739 SILVER STAR PROTECTION Executive protection, site and event security with global experience. Serving southern Minnesota with integrity and professionalism. Former USSS, ICON Alumni. available for domestic and international travel. Robert E. Jones Manager/CEO W: E: TSICS (T6) Miami, Florida, USA TSICS (T6) provides the following services in Central America: Executive Protection, Individual Bodyguard, Close Protection Training, Corporate Invest. W: members/saldrix E: T: +502 6645 6822 Tony Scotti’s Vehicle Dynamics Institute 1162 St. Georges Ave, Suite 277 , Avenel, NJ 07001, USA The first name in advanced driver training, offering our highly acclaimed Protective/ Evasive Driving Programs. Designed specifically for today’s executive chauffeurs, executive protection professionals and others who are responsible for providing safe and secure transportation services. BBA Member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 W: Vindex Personal Protection & Investigation Inc. 497 Hooksett Rd #365 Manchester NH 03104 603.289.3161 / Full service Private Investigations & Executive Protection. 10 years combined Law Enforcement, Private security, close protection work, & security contracting. NY Mayors, U.S. President’s, NFL owners, and VIP’s are some of the protection work I’ve gained experience with. ICON alumni, NABA member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 E: W: Asia Pacific Asia Protective Group Ltd Asia Protective Group (APG) is a Hong Kong based risk management company, specializing in executive protection, overseas travel security and security consultancy services. APG has an extensive network of security specialists operating throughout the Asia Pacific region. W: E: E:

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THE TEAM: UK Editor: Shaun West US Editor: Elijah Shaw

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Managing Editor: Jon Moss Art Direction: Peter Falkous

CONTRIBUTORS: Dale L. June Andy Clark Mark “Six” James Orlando Wilson David Dunn James Bore Dr. Andrew P Surace Ryan Naish Drum Cussac Jose Casillas

Our Sincere Thanks to all those that continue to contribute their wisdom and experience for the enjoyment of others The Circuit is compiled, edited and published in the UK and US bi-monthly. W: E: T: +44 0191 645 0865


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