Circuit Magazine #56

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The Kidnapping of a Shipping Tycoon How Much Are You Really Worth?

In The Midst Of Chaos






contents ISSUE 56 04











EP 2.1



































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UK FOREWORD Welcome to another topical and feature-rich issue of the Circuit Magazine! A publication that has served a niche industry for a number of years bringing you features and information from those in the know. Now not only can you read the latest features and advice on offer, the Circuit Podcast has gone live where we will be carrying out interviews with contributors and people of interest in the industry. We are extremely excited to interview our contributors and expand on their articles which will bring a new dynamic to the magazine and help bring the pages to life. The ways that people consume content is constantly evolving and we hope with the launch of the podcast we can start to cover more bases in getting our content out to you.

dynamics for those whom aren’t used to spending so much time in their home environment and it may well take some readjustment. Remember, have patience with your partners, work as a team, we are all stronger together.

Whilst writing I am tuned in to CTG Intelligences 6th Annual Executive Security CP Technology Forum which once again has some fantastic speakers offering great insight into their world and the different services they offer to the industry! Technology is constantly changing and has always intrigued me, these events really have been a great feature of lockdown and a great example of how you can take lemons and turn them into lemonade. With these online events doing so well it will be interesting to see how they evolve when the world opens back up, Whilst the launch of the podcast is positive news let’s hope it’s not the only whilst I enjoy a Physical event I’m really starting to see the benefit of the online positive news we receive in 2021! As by now I’m sure it has dawned on us all events as it offers the opportunity to we are still some way of getting back to attend when you may not otherwise be able. any form of normality so stay buckled up for another roller-coaster year Till the next issue stay safe, download where the world can hopefully get on our podcast and be sure to like, share top of the COVID pandemic. and subscribe! This means more remote working, Stay safe home schooling and less travel for most. This will have a huge impact not only on business but on the family Shaun West 4

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US FOREWORD 2021, boy you sure came out the gate swinging!

After a monstrous 2020 (I’m talking to you pandemic) that knocked a large chunk of the industry on it’s ass, It’s pretty safe to say that most of us were expecting much calmer waters in the new year. Whelp, as of this writing, I can’t say that’s quite happened yet. The Pandemic is still here, and despite the rollout of a vaccine, the world hasn’t reopened to any degree of normalcy. In the US, we capped off a turbulent election season, with a protest turned riot, that made its way inside the halls of the Capitol Building where the Vice President of the United States was in attendance. No matter what side of the political spectrum you are on, we are Protectors watched as security staff did their best to deal with the breach in a situation that will have serious and long lasting ramifications.

head. However, the reality is that just can’t happen in our profession. We are the last line of defense for our client’s, and when the world seems chaotic, we have to be the lighthouse in the middle of a storm. One of the things that helps with that is community, and The Circuit is proud that we have created something that extends beyond just the pages of the magazine. To foster that community we have a website, message boards, a new podcast, a fantastic new app, and even a top secret project that will be unveiled in a few months.

Members of our community (that’s you) have a source of news, information, and most importantly support. So If things seem bleak, just keep in mind that they have seemed that way many other times in the past, and we as a collective have made it through those as well. I The US is far from alone with protest, personally am glad to know that our industry has the tools to make the with severe outbreaks happening journey together. in Russia, and a military coup developing in Myanmar. It’s enough to make some just want to get back in bed and pull the covers over their Elijah Shaw 7


Industry News At A Glance

We cast our eye over the main stories impacting the security industry. Here's what's appeared on the radar since the last issue.

Bodyguard Sues Kris Jenner for $3m, alleging Sexual Harassment Kris Jenner is facing a multi-million dollar lawsuit after being accused of sexual harassment by a former security guard. He is asking for $3 million dollars in damages. Marc McWilliams accused the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star of behaving inappropriately while working as a bodyguard for the reality TV family. “(The security guard) seeks to recover his damages, which arose from unwanted sexual and gender harassment. (He) repeatedly complained to supervisors and human resources, but no action was taken employer. Defendants clearly retaliated against (him) for lodging complaints about said misconduct and terminated him on or about September 2019,” the new filing reads.


The ex-bodyguard alleges that he was the victim of unwanted contact, including— ”Massaging (his) neck, shoulders, arms and back without consent, causing her hand to rest on (his) thigh and groin, causing her pelvis to rub against (his) back and/or rearend without consent or approval, causing her hands to come into contact with (his) rear-end without consent or approval.” Kris Jenner has denied the allegations and is threatening to countersue both McWilliams and his attorney for malicious prosecution. Jenner’s attorney issued a statement to the outlet, clarifying that the matriarch “vehemently denies” the claims, calling the lawsuit, “absurd claims as completely fabricated and false fiction without a scrap of truth to them.” Source >

INDUSTRY NEWS ‘Industry-first’ ethical Automated Facial Recognition framework launched by BSIA The video surveillance section of the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) has launched an ethical and legal use guide for Automated Facial Recognition (AFR), covering guidance for use, definitions, data privacy and more. The guide is said to be the first of its kind, following recommendations on responsible use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and encompasses useful terms and abbreviations, ethical uses, and further support and advice. The guide has a specific focus on distinctive application types verification (is it you?) and identification (who is it?).

It is intended for use by system designers, installers/integrators and end-users. While it does not cover technical elements of AFR technology, it defines important steps to take into account, including an assessment of the need for AFR in given situations. Dave Wilkinson, Director of Technical Services at the BSIA who is leading the BSIA’s AFR working group said: “This collaborative piece of work among industry experts has produced a guide with advice and recommendations on ethical and legal AFR usage, which will appeal to anyone in or out of the physical security industry. Its aim is to ensure it does not cause harm or discriminate against any persons in either a public or private setting.

Source >

Drone users face new rules across Europe and UK

that authorities can trace who owns a drone if they are used in an irresponsible way or flown somewhere they are not New rules have come into force governing allowed to be used. how pilots can operate their drones. Under the rules, there will be three new They harmonise the rules across all EU types of drone category: high, medium member states, Norway and Iceland – and low. and will also be mirrored by the UK. A major change is the removal of the distinction between commercial and recreational use, which may result in an increase in drone uses. The new rules also make it clear where drones can be flown, while also making tracing of ownership more streamlined. Under the rules, even small drones will need to be registered with the relevant aviation authority, which in the UK is the Civil Aviation Authority. This is to ensure

The low-risk category, which accounts for the majority of hobbyist drones, will be managed through the CE mark, which is a process for products sold in Europe to ensure they meet health, safety and environmental standards. But drones within this category will also have additional rules about where they can be flown. With a potential increase in the use of drones, security professionals may want to reassess their airborne perimeter security processes, especially those in the critical national infrastructure sectors. The new rules will also be useful for event management security teams. With hope for physical events and spectators returning to venues for 2021 as vaccines are rolled out across the world, there may be potential for an increase in drone activity that will need to be monitored and evaluated based on the new rules. Source >


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 US House members ask for more security amid fears they're targets Letter sent to Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy asks if Congress members can use personal allowances for additional security Pervasive fear among some members of Congress that they will be the targets of further politically motivated violence following the deadly insurrection at the US Capitol has led more than 30 of them write a letter to House leaders. The group sent the letter to the House of Representatives speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and the Republican minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, asking for more support over security concerns. As the less senior politicians do not have personal protection services provided by the government around the clock, they are asking if they may use their personal


allowances for additional security costs in their home districts, such as for hiring local law enforcement or other security personnel. Fears are heightened in the wake of the Capitol riot on 6 January by supporters of the then president, Donald Trump, after he exhorted them at a rally near the White House beforehand to march on Congress and overturn his election defeat. But given raised political tensions, they requested that their allowances should also cover security upgrades at their district offices, local law enforcement or other security personnel, and other security measures to protect them in their homes. According to the letter, there has been a nearly fivefold increase in threats against members in recent years. Source >


Macron’s former bodyguard to face criminal trial

day demonstrations, Benalla was dismissed from the Elysee.

Alexandre Benalla charged for wrongfully using diplomatic passports, forgery

An investigation in January 2019 charged him for traveling on the diplomatic passport for his new role as an international security consultant, a report in the Le Monde newspaper said.

Alexandre Benalla, former head of security at the office of French president Emmanuel Macron, will face trial in a criminal court in Paris for wrongfully using diplomatic passports, local media reported citing judicial sources. He was placed in a correctional facility for the trial on Jan. 25. The Paris Prosecutor's Office had asked Benalla to appear in court over the allegations last September. Following his indictment in the 2018 case for violence against civilian protesters during May

Security chief ‘burgled UAE London Embassy in blackmail plot’ LONDON: A security chief and his accomplice, a former Royal Marine, have been charged with burgling the UAE’s London Embassy in an attempt to use blackmail to secure £3 million ($4.1 million). Dean Manister, the former head of corporate security operations at the embassy, and Lee Hurford, a former Royal Marine who also worked there, allegedly broke into the Belgravia building’s secure area to steal passports, money, and confidential documents. A court in Westminster, London heard how the pair had planned to extort £3 million from a VIP at the embassy in exchange for the items, which were stolen on the night of Sept. 14, 2018, according to The Times newspaper. Manister, 50, was previously head of security at a Bank of England cash center for seven years and has also worked as assistant vice president of security at JP Morgan.

It added that last February, the investigating judges indicted him for “forgery and use of forgery” on the service passport, on a fraudulent letterhead of the Elysee, which was not signed. The 30-year-old has also been part of security campaigns of former president Francois Hollande, and headed Macron’s security since his presidential campaign in 2017. Besides, he is under investigation in five other judicial inquiries. Source > In his online profile at security firm FSI, where he is employed as a consultant, Manister is described as having “unmatched experience of manned guarding in the corporate sector” and a “vast knowledge of security systems, access control, fire, life and safety, and alarm and response.” FSI told The Times that Manister “emphatically denies the allegations made against him” and that his lawyers are confident he will be acquitted. Hurford, 48, from Leeds, is a former Royal Marines Commando who was employed as a close protection guard at the embassy. He and Hurford are jointly accused of burglary and conspiracy to blackmail. Hurford appeared in court via video link from his home and was also charged with theft after allegedly stealing passports, a security card, and almost £70,000 in cash from the embassy. The trial is expected to continue from Feb. 10 in Southwark. Source >


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 The President's lead Secret Service agent is American Following the inauguration of the U.S. President Joe Biden, internet observers began commenting on images of the new leader’s security detail, including an agent of Asian descent apparently in charge of the presidential protection team. For some, this led them to the racist and baseless conclusion that this agent was from the Chinese Communist Party, who was there to “protect their property” the agent in question is a decorated Korean-American Secret Service agent who has also served in former president Donald Trump’s protective detail. As reported by The Washington Post in late December 2020, Cho was recently


selected to be the lead agent for Biden’s detail: The Secret Service … plans to name a new special agent to lead the Biden presidential detail, David Cho, according to the people familiar with the changes. Known as a perfectionist supervisor, he had risen to become the second-incommand of the protective detail during the Trump administration. Cho was awarded the Department of Homeland Security’s gold medal for exceptional service in 2019 for his negotiations with North Korean officials to arrange security for Trump’s historic visit there, while still overseeing security planning at the White House complex. Source >

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In the last issue (issue 55) I asked you whether you should trust your client? In this issue, I’m going a step further and adding bodyguards and drivers to the list!



Drivers & By: Orlando Wilson

Bodyguards & Why I Don’t Trust Them


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 Now, here me out. If you’re managing security projects it’s only a matter of time before you’ll have to deal and work with security personnel, bodyguards, and drivers that are not part of your team or company. Dealing with unknown personnel can be very problematic due to their potential lack of professionalism and egos. I have plenty of stories ranging from drivers in London doing their best to lose the bodyguards, drivers going off route and driving into a favela in Caracas, Venezuela, because the client wanted


something to eat and he told them he knew a good café, which just happened to be in the hood, through to a BG nearly shooting the client in the foot in Kurdistan with his AK as he got into their SUV. If I do not know someone, I do not trust them, whatever their background or their CV claims that they have done. Trust is something that cannot be taught on training courses. People can be competent with firearms, good drivers, good communicators but that’s all garbage if they are not trustworthy. Will they try to steal your clients


If I do not know someone, I do not trust them, whatever their background or their CV claims that they have done.

if they think they can take the contract? Will they sabotage the contact to steal the clients? Will they steal assets such as money or jewelry from the client? Will the use the clients cars for personal reasons? Will they use the client apartments or houses for parties etc. when they are unoccupied? Will they be getting drunk with the clients booze when they are on duty? These things happen regularly and this why you must know who you are working with and especially who you are hiring. When managing a team or a contract one F#ck up can lose everyone their job, I personally saw the whole shift of three guys fired on an Arab contract in London due to one of the guys acting like an ass… The two other guys had nothing to do with the incident that got them fired. Now, as I am sure most of you know the quality of bodyguards and trained security drivers can vary greatly and in most places the standards are low. I have seen many clients over the years being driven around protected by guys who just happen to have firearms permits or were moonlighting local police, who for all these clients knew were working for the 17

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 criminals also. Several years ago, I went with two American clients to an island in the Caribbean where at the time the crime and kidnapping rates were high. My clients were dealing with a European company on the island that were to provide them with security, but they want me to go along as they were not getting a positive feeling from the trip and arrangements. So, I arrange extra trusted local armed security personnel and an armored vehicle to accompany us.

city my guys in a black SUV drove very aggressively and stayed close to our vehicle. When we got to our hotel the bodyguard told us to stay in the car as he thought we were being followed and was going to check the car out behind us; we were being followed, by my security people, he had not been listening when I informed him of this.

This bodyguard who I know must have done at least five years’ European military service and I expect at least one specialist The population of the island is training course made two very big predominantly of African descent, mistakes that could have led to so my clients and I had no real serious problems. One, he stood chance of blending in. My business out at the airport and by having partner met us with our local mine and my client’s full names security guys inside of the airport, on a piece of paper was letting as there is always a high risk when everyone know who we were. If a leaving airports because you are criminal with an internet capable being channeled. We then went cell phone had Googled my client’s to look for the security personnel names they would have seen, they who had come to pick up my clients were worth kidnapping. Two, why from the European company they did he wait until we got back to were dealing with. This company’s our hotel to check out my security bodyguard was easy to spot as guy’s car that was following us. he was the only white guy outside If he thought they were a threat of the airport holding a sign with he should have asked us if we mine and my client’s names on. At knew them, taken evasive action this stage the bodyguard did not or stayed mobile and called for know I was providing security for support; which this company my clients. As we were going to his claimed to have on standby. If vehicle I informed him that I had my guys had been criminals, this my own local security personnel bodyguard had just taken them to who would be following us back to our place of residence. I still don’t our hotel. As we drove through the know what he was going to achieve 18

DRIVERS & BODYGUARDS by going and checking my guys out at the hotel as he had no authority to stop and question anyone, he was also carrying a firearm which he could not really legally have a permit to carry.

teams are not well managed. The other funny thing was as we were leaving our hotel to go to my client’s first meeting with this company car they supplied got a flat tire and it had no break down kit. So, we transferred everyone to This is a good example of my local guy’s vehicle and left the driver to deal with the flat. We let supposedly trained security personnel not knowing or caring the bodyguard sit in the front as about what they are doing. I expect we felt sorry for him; he was not they had not had any problems or having a good day! though no one would target them and had relaxed to a point of being If you are going to use local drivers ineffective, this happens if security and security personnel try to get

My client’s first meeting with this company car they supplied got a flat tire and it had no break down kit.



Your driver should never stand outside the vehicle when you approach it, have a safety signal with them and do not approach the vehicle until they give the signal.

them some training or at least go through your basic emergency plans with them. If you are under a threat, let them know that the threat also applies to them and their families. Make sure they take the relevant security measures and are always vigilant for the threat of criminal surveillance. Your driver should never stand outside the vehicle when you approach it, have a safety signal with them and do not approach the vehicle until they give the signal. The driver should always be behind the wheel with the engine running and ready to make a quick escape in the case of an emergency. On arrival at your destination the driver should remain behind the wheel of the vehicle; it would be the job of the bodyguard to open your door, if required. You should always know where the driver is and how to contact them. If the driver is not 100% trusted only inform them of routes or destinations just before or after the journey has started and do not give them any long-term schedules. And remember, Trust No One!

Orlando Wilson has worked in the security industry internationally for over 25 years. He has become accustomed to the types of complications that can occur, when dealing with international law enforcement agencies, organized criminal and Mafia groups. He is the chief consultant for Risks Inc. and based in Miami but spends much of his time traveling and providing a wide range of kidnapping prevention and tactical training services to private and government clients. 20



By: Tom Coleman

Online Health

Check for


Whether it is us or our clients, securing our online footprint is becoming increasingly important for us all. As security professionals you may be an attack vector to your client if you do not maintain basic online security controls. At the very least you should be in a position to provide basic advice to your clients in order to help them stay secure. Don’t Reuse Passwords The greatest risk to yourself and your clients is password reuse. This is 22


You should be in a position to provide basic advice to your clients in order to help them stay secure. 23

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 using the same password across many sites. As soon as one site gest hacked, all your accounts are vulnerable. You do not need a separate password for every site. You probably do not care about the majority of sites that get hacked. Use a common password for site that you do not care about. You need unique passwords for important accounts – especially your email account as this can be used to reset all your other accounts. I recommend the use of a password manager for all your passwords. This way you can use a different password for every service. There are three real options for a password manager: 1. A notebook works but is the most time consuming and in danger of being physically lost. 2. If you are an Apple user for everything the IOS Key chain is good. Google Chrome is less platform specific (i.e you can have on a Windows computer at home and on your phone). This makes life easier than carrying around a notebook which you could lose. Chrome and Keychain are a bit fiddly to get the password if it cannot be automatically entered. 3. The easiest and most effective 24

method, , is a Password Manager such as 1Password, but you do have to pay for it. Other Password managers are available, some are better than others. 1Password syncs across all your devices so you can access all your passwords and enter them easily without too much hassle. Create a strong password using three random words Passwords that are less than 11 characters can be discovered by an attacker checking every possible combination on a fast computer in a reasonable amount of time. A weak password can be discovered in seconds especially if it is a word or close to a word. The longer or more unusual your password is the harder it is to crack. The best way to make a strong password is to use a sequence of three random words that you can remember. You can add special characters to make it even stronger. Edward Snowden, who had reason to develop strong passwords, recommended “Thatcher is 110% sexy” as a password that you will never forget and no one will crack. Use Multi Factor Authentication (MFA or 2FA) You may have heard of multifactor— or two-factor — authentication (MFA or 2FA) as a

ONLINE HEALTH CHECK FOR PROTECTORS way to add a layer of security on top of your accounts. In addition to your username and password, enabling two-factor authentication lets you use a second form of identification, which may block thieves from accessing your information. It’s a second factor to show that you are you — not an intruder — it could be a hardware key, a dedicated phone application, an SMS text message, or your fingerprint. The are a three broad options for a second factor of authentication: • SMS (Text messages) • An App • A hardware token

SMS is the easiest to set up and is probably enough security for most people but according to this research by google, is the least secure. The research found that a hardware token is the most secure, thwarting 100% of even targeted attacks but it will cost you money (~£50). The authenticator applications such as those produced by Microsoft and Google are pretty easy to use and are often deploy by businesses; so many users already have them. They can be used for personal accounts as well – generating a unique time sensitive code that helps protect the account.

CSMS is the easiest to set up and is probably enough security for most people but according to this research by google, is the least secure. 25

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 When you set up 2FA, you will need to think about a back up plan to access the account if you lose your device. Accounts should give you a list of backup codes when you switch on 2FA. When asked for a code you can use one of these, but each code will only work once, so you'll need to create more when you've used them all. Backup codes are really useful if you need to log on without a phone to hand. You will need to store the codes somewhere safe. Keep your software up to date Software and app updates contain vital security fixes to help protect your devices from attackers. Modern software is constantly being updated. Security vulnerabilities are found and fixed on a monthly basis by manufacturers. Cyber criminals and others use the software weakness to attack devices. People will often receive a prompt on the computer, smartphone or tablet to inform you that an update is available. Don’t ignore this message. Turn on automatic updates where possible – most modern devices will update over wifi when the user is asleep. The few minutes it takes to download and install an update will save you an immense amount of 26

Cyber criminals and others use the software weakness to attack devices. People will often receive a prompt on the computer, smartphone or tablet to inform you that an update is available. Don’t ignore this message.


time in the future and protect your devices. Information can easily be found about how to install these updates from Apple, Microsoft and Google.

It is the fastest growing attack vector into Microsoft office 365 – something that Microsoft is moving to stop but it is taking time. It is always good to go through you accounts and disable the apps. Be ruthless – you probably weren’t using them anyway and if you do need them – they are a few clicks to re enable.

Remove unwanted applications Social Media sites such as Facebook and twitter encourage you to enable "apps" that work their platforms, often demanding privileges to generate messages on Here's a complete guide for all services to check: your behalf. The typical scenario is that you use them only once or twice and forget about them.

Tom is the lead instructor for Cyber training in Minerva Elite Performance. He is also an independent Security Architecture Consultant who has worked on various projects including Queen Elizabeth Carrier. Previously, Tom has provided security consultancy to the finance and health sectors and was Chief Information Officer for a tech start up. In the regular Army Tom was an Infantry Officer and over his 16 year service was seconded to multiple roles in intelligence and security where he built up his information security threat intelligence and asset management experience. Tom brings his experience of technical security architecture and the C-Suite to mentor potential Information Security professionals to achieve their goals. 27


EP 2.1 By Mark Roche Eps/UAS pilot

William Shakespeare once said, “Defer no time, Delays have dangerous ends”. What we do now in these trying times, we will either profit from, or suffer from. In the US, our country is presently suffering, we are dealing with a pandemic that seems to be insurmountable, an election with raw emotions attached, unemployment of millions, failing or closed businesses, anger and political strife. Additionally, we as an industry that has been severely impacted by Covid-19 which has left many in our industry gasping for financial air. We are akin to many other businesses’, in the sense that we are income driven by both, business and monetary income. Many of us rely on the entertainment industry, while others count on the corporate 28

domain for our business. Either way, there has been severe impacts suffered in both areas which has left a fair amount of us forced to try and make ends meet. Our industry however, survives because our clientele still need our protection and security guidance. Which leads me to probe the answers as to why is it that some survive these times in our industry, and some do not? What steps can be taken to avoid a crisis in your employment status? Why are some getting calls from agencies and some are not? I believe it’s due to a condition called “blame.” We habitually erect a barrier of blame, that keeps us from

EP 2.1

Defer no time, Delays have dangerous ends 29

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 communicating sincerely with others, and then fortify it with our concepts of who’s right and who’s wrong. Who will we choose to protect and why? Who will we rely on to help, when things are grim? Every outcome has been preempted by a host of contributing factors, and nothing just has a conclusion. You see it all the time, “you working?” “No, client was crazy, health freak, wanted to run all the time, go skiing, she had OCD, it’s an hour drive, I got nobody to watch my kids, I’m not working for $15.00! I can’t wear a mask all day, they like Trump, they like Biden.” In contrast, our industry is reliant on one very special factor, “effort.” This business will give you, as much as you give it. The industry itself doesn’t understand “blame,” it doesn’t recognize excuses, bad behavior, or lack of effort. It’s simple, what you do today, will serve you positively, or negatively, in the future. The Specialists that are working today, continue to work hard both, on and off of details preparing themselves. They aren’t afraid of their client running or biking, why? Because they have conditioned themselves. They aren’t making excuses, they’re making a way, they’re not on social media 30

Our industry is reliant on one very special factor, “effort.” This business will give you, as much as you give it. The industry itself doesn’t understand “blame,” it doesn’t recognize excuses, bad behavior, or lack of effort.

EP 2.1 saying things to potentially hurt their reputations, instead, they’re remaining neutral. The specialist’s that are working don’t blame their misfortunes on others, and instead understand that both positive and negative fortunes lie with them and their preparedness for the job. As many of have seen recently, corporate America is no longer tolerating bad behavior,

misinformation, racism, or poor business acumen. In 2021, those who are un-prepared, will find themselves un-employed as it pertains to our CRAFT. While I admit, there are circumstances that are beyond our control, if you have prepared yourself in advance, have worked hard, saved money, readied yourself physically, studied your craft, and continued to apply yourself, you will be successful in



light a passionate response that could open them up for exposure or harm. With the pot simmering and emotions running high in race, religious, political, ideological or socioeconomic stances, it doesn’t take as long I term the year 2021, as Executive as it used to, to elevate risk to Protection 2.1, and make no a potential attack on a principal mistake about it, its going to be different, demanding, and deciding, no matter how ill-informed that attacker may be. As the saying as it pertains to our profession. goes, “they only have to be right Lose the excuses, because the once, we have to be right all fact about it is, that our clients need us more than ever. A the time!” Leave blame at the hypersensitivity to comments or door, get prepared, be prepared, and stay prepared, which is the beliefs that may be expressed definition of effort. by our VIP’s, can be a fuse to retaining work. If you’re eager to learn from others, found a mentor, came prepared for work every day, and carried out the mission, you will survive.

Mark Roche is a US Based, full-time Executive Protection Specialist who works full time with a HNW Family. He is also a FAA Licensed Drone Pilot, specializing in EP related uses, and a graduate of multiple close protection programs. 32




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In the Midst of Chaos A Protector’s Considerations



By now many of you have seen the photos and videos of the protestors turned rioters storming the US Capitol on the day of the Congressional Certification. Ask yourself if this were your office, your company, or your client, how prepared would your company’s security or protection team have been? Does your company have the training, staffing, protocols, environmental or structural design advantages, executive

temperament, financial resources, or law enforcement relationships to endure a protest, let alone a fullscale riot? Be Prepared The first step in being prepared is intelligence gathering. You do not


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 always need classified or sensitive information to build a plan. Review varying news sources on both ends of the political, religious, and financial spectrum. Monitor social media, company communications, etc. Assess the protestors, do they have centralized leadership or are there varying stakeholders with different objectives flying a common flag? What are their past tactics, are the conditions similar? Do we expect your client or their organization to take a similar posture? How does law enforcement view the group or groups? Are the protestors prior security, law enforcement, or military? Do they understand security


protocols? Are they violent or merely opportunistic actors? I do not understand some of the responses of law enforcement not being prepared before the insurrection. Washington's events had been planned for months, and there was no secret that there would be peaceful protestors and extremist groups with a history of violence in attendance. By definition, a protest is an organized public demonstration of disapproval of some law, policy, idea, position, or state of affairs. While a riot is, on the other hand, is a public disturbance involving an act or acts of violence by generally three or more people. The act, or acts, constitute a clear and present

IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS danger of injury or damage to property.

be starting to escalate and move towards destruction and violence to become a riot. Stay calm, and The criminal elements of rioting, do not let your actions become whether destruction of property, the flashpoint that sets off the arson, looting, assault disorderly explosive situation. Stay organized conduct, disturbing the peace, and focused, keeping yourself and unlawful assembly, are usually the team in unison, sticking with the covered under other laws. plan or modify it together. Make no threats, and give instructions in a Protests clear and straightforward manner. During protests, stay calm and take Do not allow your actions to be no sides in the issue. Be firm when misinterpreted. At no time are necessary, but respectful. Avoid firearms designed to be used as a confronting the protestors and threat. And no warning shots over demonstrating emotion. It weakens the bow! your position and acknowledges they are getting under your skin. What is Your Level of Influence? Duelling threats only emboldens One of the critical considerations the protestors. Learn who the in determining your protection protest leaders are. Try to keep strategy is to assess what level of informed of the progress of the relationship you have with your events. Is the group just voicing protectee, their management, concerns or has the intensity or corporate leadership team? started to elevate? Are discussions Can you help influence policy beginning to be characterized and protocols or are you just by sensationalism and tribal the security asset tasked with rhetoric? Use force only as a last reactionary influence at the point resort. Have an action plan. Do of crisis? Remember our jobs are not make statements or threats to protect the people, property, (remain neutral). Call the police information, brands/institutions, or immediately when someone breaks individual reputations. Often the the law or threatens the actions of higher the level of relationship with the peaceful activities of the nonsenior management, the greater protestors. your influence on the overall security and protection strategy, Riots protocols and staffing in relation Understand the pre-incident to the budget and your level of indicators when a protest may expertise. 37

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 Evidence-Based Assessments Protests and the threat of riots often have a way of supercharging emotions. This is where evidencebased assessments are critical. They pave the way for objectivebased security and protection protocols that remove emotions and foster better decision making, particularly under stress and often at the point of crisis.

threat. Yes, we can talk about threat levels (and agree that say, a truck-bomb has more destructive power than a hand grenade), but what we want to know is how likely we are to encounter each of them, i.e., risk. A threat assessment should tell you if an earthquake will be more destructive than an armed attacker. A risk assessment should tell you how likely it is for your assets to be harmed by said threats.

One of the keys to enhancing preparation is better understanding the relationship between threats, Removing Hazards risks, and vulnerability. Remove smaller items which can be used to bludgeon or serve Threat: Natural or man-made as projectiles. Remove trash occurrence, individual, entity, or receptacles and planters which action that has or indicates the can be used to hide explosives. potential to harm life, information, Remove, tanks containing operations, the environment and/ flammable liquids and chemicals or property. which can become incendiary devices. Bring company vehicles Risk: Potential for an unwanted inside or relocate them to access outcome (loss or injury) resulting controlled areas. from an incident, event, or occurrence. The Marshall Project looked at 50 years of protest and concluded: Vulnerability: Physical feature or Disproportionate use of force can operational attribute that renders turn a peaceful protest into a violent an entity open to exploitation or one. Escalating force by police leads susceptible to a given hazard. to more violence, not less. It tends to create feedback loops, where Threat + Vulnerability = Risk to protesters escalate against police. Asset And police escalate even further, The most important thing to and both sides become increasingly calculate and assess is risk, not angry and afraid. 38


A threat assessment should tell you if an earthquake will be more destructive than an armed attacker. A risk assessment should tell you how likely it is for your assets to be harmed by said threats.

De-escalation, of course, does not guarantee that a protest will remain peaceful. And when protests take an unpredictable turn, it can be challenging for police to estimate the appropriate level of force. However, the cornerstone of deescalation strategies is transparent communication. Former law-enforcement officials also said good policing of demonstrations is not as simple as just showing up with an approachable demeanour. “The time to make friends isn’t when you need them, you have to be in front of it." Staffing Considerations for Protests • Have a sufficient “show of force” based on your intelligence gatherings and history of similar events. • Your goal is to deter acts not to combat them. • If senior management initially objects to the proposal for increased resource allocations whether human, equipment or financial consider preparing a damage/liability or loss profit analysis outlining the cost of destruction or injury whether in lost profits or lawsuits. • Do not underestimate the need 39

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 for relief personnel. Officers and supervisors become exhausted without good scheduling and sufficient relief. • Establish reciprocal relationships with other vetted security firms in advance of any crisis. • Staff turnover may well occur before the event takes place. Law Enforcement Force Multipliers • Explosive detection canines and handlers. The value of explosive detection canines is directly related to the ability to secure the area after the sweep. • Mounted units have been seen as great force multipliers as they are good at moving people and gives officers an elevated perch to observe protestors. • Bicycles units provide quick access to crowd control areas and can also be lined up as impromptu portable fences.

first responder community are a microcosm of life. So, expect there may be sympathizers to the cause of protestors or rioters within the client’s organization, law enforcement, national guard or other first responders. As such, keep the protection strategy, particularly the details of the safe haven or evacuation plans within the inner ring concentric rings of the protective detail. But when we cannot mitigate the risk, we must be prepared to move swiftly in our response, as the Capitol Police and the Secret Service did with the protecting the Vice President, the Vice PresidentElect, and the Congressional members.

The catalyst ultimately lies in preparation, recognition of the danger followed by effective communication. Below are the Crisis Management Units essential steps of any Emergency whether EOD, intelligence or Response Plan. It is a progressive tactical response model that I encountered During the breach on the Capitol in early on through a publication Washington, we saw a police officer called “The Bodyguard Bible.” I taking a selfie with protestors. have since sought to add my own Another officer put on a protestor’s meaning to terms, consistent hat and escorted them around. with the changing threats and We saw other officers move away the environments that we find barricades granting protestors ourselves providing protection. access to the grounds. Particularly when we shift our focus from a solo client to securing the Your client’s organization and the masses. I call this model D5, short 40

IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS for Deter, Detect, Deny, Delay and Defeat. Deter – Every company, educational or religious institution needs trained vigilant capable guardians to serve as visual deterrents. To help proactively PREVENT an attack by encouraging the potential threat to choose a different location or target. This can be achieved through environmental design, i.e., circular driveways with strategically placed statues and planters which minimize a terrorist’s ability to use

a vehicle as a weapon against the inhabitants of the desired structure or targeted group. However, prevention most often manifests itself through trained personnel appropriately dressed and hypervigilant, whether in uniform or suits. We have seen uniforms both deter in some cases and inflame in others. A general principle has often been a less militarized or tactical look closest to the public. The situation will often dictate the tactics, but general operational footprint often consists of uniform


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 trained first observers. They must be trained to recognize escalating rhetoric from the crowd, shifts in physical positioning between representative groups, the print of a firearm or the sign of a restricted gate, from a terrorist walking in a Detect - If we can’t deter the attack, suicide vest, etc. we must be trained to RECOGNIZE an attack is underway or imminent. Deny - Once we recognize an attack is underway or imminent, What indicators are we noticing that a protest may be shifting we want to secure the perimeter to RESTRICT ACCESS. If the lobby toward a riot? hostess or concierge security officer recognizes an attack is To detect a threat, we must underway, do they have the move away from the traditional ability to send building-wide perimeter or lobby greeter whose communication via a panic button, only asset is a beautiful smile to presence, structural support (hard or soft barricades), and an emergency response team. A breach at each level will activate a different level response at a higher level.


IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS intercom or radio to help lock down the facility or alert first responders, building security, or law enforcement simultaneously?

If the lobby hostess or concierge security officer recognizes an attack is underway, do they have the ability to send building-wide communication via a panic button, intercom or radio to help lock down the facility or alert first responders, building security, or law enforcement simultaneously?

Has the organization and security team practised lockdown procedures? This is also where clearly marked exits, and coordinated communication can help channel people away from the threat. Delay – If we can’t deny access, then we must do everything we can to SLOW the BREACHERS DOWN by creating diversions, obstructions, barricade doors and other access points. If you cannot get your protectees out, at minimum keep them quiet and moving. Defeat: When all else fails, you must be prepared to NEUTRALIZE the THREAT. You must have predetermined rules of engagement. Considering force, whether less than lethal or lethal, should not be an arbitrary response. It must be calibrated against threat level and local, state, and federal laws. You may have to fight like your life depends on it, because yours, as well as the lives of those you are tasked with protecting, are at risk. If you do not have firearm consider improvised weapons (i.e., 43


Had the rioters attempted to breach their safe haven they probably would have been met with lethal force. force based on the crowd continuing to follow him. In this situation since he was significantly outnumbered and he still was able to execute a tactical retreat he did so, particularly since at this During the recent breach on the time, I do not think he was aware Capitol, there were three tactical of anyone being killed at that considerations I noticed: moment. However, I do believe 1. There was an immediate once the Capitol police and the securing of the Congressional Secret Service had moved the chambers. LOCK IT DOWN. 2. The Capitol Police and the Secret congressional members, had the rioters attempted to breach their Service moved the Congressional safe haven they probably would members to their safe haven. have been met with lethal force. EVACUATE THE PRINCIPAL. What are your team’s protection 3. We saw at least one Capitol protocols and use of force police officer strategically policies? What are they based moving the mob away from the Congressional chambers. CREATE A on, and are they consistent with local and state law? Use the DIVERSION. incident that occurred at the nation’s Capitol as a blueprint I have heard many people to evaluate and tighten up your comment that he should have security plan. engaged the mob with deadly fire extinguisher, broken broom handles or other bludgeoning items, scissors, etc.) or physical aggression.

Mark “Six” James is Founder and Executive Director of Panther Protection Services, LLC. He is an internationally published author, keynote speaker, security consultant to educational institutions and frequent contributor to several print, broadcast, and online media. Panther Protection Services is a full-service protection agency focusing on Risk and Crisis Mitigation, Protective Services, Self-Defense Training, and Firearm Instruction. 44



cyber security fundamentals

Cyber Security

and Humans



We’re now into a new year, and the third year’s run of these articles.

Over 2020 cyber security and technology have only soared in terms of profile and importance, with talk about threats to remote working from technology, difficulties, and some dramatic outages. Logistics, enabled largely by technology, have been essential to keep things moving and give people support and normality. We’ve also heard a lot about attacks on medical research centres, looking to access research information and believed to be carried out by nation states. We’ve seen attacks, traced back over multiple months, which have penetrated organisations to the deepest levels via their suppliers with the SolarWinds compromises.

I wanted to start the year off with the biggest of these, which is still ongoing, why it is far from the last, and what can be done about them.

Over the year, I’ll be looking in depth at some of these incidents as more details come out. In a timely fashion, I wanted to start the year off with the biggest of these, which is still ongoing, why it is far from the last, and what can be done about them. SolarWinds Orion SolarWinds make a suite of products aimed at helping organisations manage their technology. One of these is called SolarWinds Orion, which provides 47

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 a dashboard and management interface for different technology environments. Referred to as a single pane of glass, it allows you to view and manage your physical on-premise technology, cloud environments, and the mixed environments, all from one place. It’s simply not possible to manage everything without either a ten to a hundred fold increase in people for an IT team, or a management solution like SolarWinds. To manage these servers, that solution needs to have highly privileged access to the servers. It also needs to be able to deploy software, update systems, change their configuration, all from one central point. Building software to do this safely and securely is a significant task, so it is extremely rare for companies to build their own. The Orion solution by SolarWinds was used by over 30 000 private and public sector customers to manage their networks. It was not always the only solution in place, but even where it was one of many it would be used to control a significant part of the network. What Happened? In early December cyber security company FireEye was breached through, at the time, unknown 48

Building software to do this safely and securely is a significant task, so it is extremely rare for companies to build their own. The Orion solution by SolarWinds was used by over 30 000 private and public sector customers to manage their networks.

CYBER SECURITY AND HUMANS means. Their library of attack tools for penetration testing, mostly well-known exploits, was stolen. While embarrassing and, for FireEye, inconvenient as their arsenal of custom pen testing tools was now essentially useless after they had to release details, initially this did not seem like anything more than a single target. Three days later FireEye announced that they had uncovered a much larger breach, with a component in the SolarWinds Orion software having been altered for malicious purposes sometime between March and June, and rolled out through SolarWinds own automatic update servers. The malicious component provided a backdoor for an attacker group codenamed UNC2452 by FireEye to control the software. Since Orion controlled servers, the result was that the attacking group potentially had unfettered access to any network making use of the Orion software. At this point we can make some guesses about the motives of the attackers. If it was an organised crime group, then as with the breach on Twitter it would likely have been a fairly short-lived attack in which ransomware or

similar was deployed to cause as much chaos as possible and raise funds. Since instead the attackers have since been found to have moved slowly and carefully, identifying valuable targets – particularly intelligence targets – and maintained the compromise until FireEye discovered them after the leak of their tools, it is a reasonable assumption that an intelligence agency not motivated by a profit agenda is likely at fault. FireEye’s UNC2452 group is known by the US government as APT29, and among other names is codenamed Cozy Bear. Any threat codenamed Bear is believed to be associated with Russia, and Cozy Bear have been involved with a number of other attacks including accusations in July of attempting to steal data on vaccines at treatments, made by the US NSA, UK’s NCSC, and Canada’s CSE. Importantly, while Cozy Bear are a well-resourced, sophisticated threat, the main difference between a nation-state level attacker and an organised crime group is not the level of capability, but the motivation. The compromise of SolarWinds was sophisticated, but none of the attack vectors used were new in principle – they are well understood attacks which can be addressed by 49

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 an effective security programme, and mitigated or prevented by effective security by design. Supply Chain While there are understandable concerns about Cozy Bear, there are serious concerns around supply chain security as well. The supply chain has been considered a valuable attack vector by some in cyber security for a while, and one worthy of attention, but the difficulty of effective assessing the security of the chain and the risk for any individual company means it is often either overlooked or given only cursory due diligence. At that point organisations have no choice but to trust their suppliers. When those suppliers are trusted to have all of the access and privileges of the most senior, highly-permissioned administrators it is stunning that most organisations put more effort into background checks on selecting their own trusted staff than into the supply chain. The supply chain, obviously, is

not a new threat and is often discussed in physical security arenas. The difference is that for any non-software supply chain there is a limit to the impact of a breach. Devices with malicious hardware installed can at least only affect new installations, while with automatic updates the injection of malicious software can affect not only new installations, but all of those which already exist. The SolarWinds breach is going to be a long saga – at the moment I’m aware of a list of 250 organisations (including government agencies) confirmed as affected, and there is a much longer list of those potentially affected. In my next article I plan to write about the importance of incident response exercises – usually carried out by organisations no more than once a year at most – and how they can be run by anyone to help pull out the holes in a security framework or response plan, as well as used for training incident response teams and associated staff in how to deal with these attacks.

James Bore is an independent cybersecurity consultant, speaker, and author with over a decade of experience in the domain. He has worked to secure national mobile networks, financial institutions, start-ups, and one of the largest attractions’ companies in the world, among others. If you would like to get in touch for help with any of the above, please reach out at 50


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Tactical Reloading & Stoppage Drills

January 2013, Dagestan A top judge was gunned down outside his home; the assassin fired at least five shots into Magomed Magodemov, 55, as he went to his car in the evening. He died at the scene of the shooting while his attacker fled.


TACTICAL RELOADING & STOPPAGE DRILLS At some point you will have to reload your handgun and clear stoppages and misfires. If you are on a nice comfortable range doing some target practice, this is not a problem. But if you are involved in a serious hostile situation, your reload and stoppage drills need to be slick and well-rehearsed.

To begin when you are training on the range, start to count your shots and anticipate when you need to reload. If you are involved in a hostile incident, you should always try to keep a count of how many rounds are in your handgun. You do not want to have to engage a criminal or terrorist and only have


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 one shot in your gun before needing to reload. So, keep a count of your rounds and, if possible, reload your handgun before it’s empty. After you have dealt with the threat, always reload your handgun since there could be other threats in the area. The general rule is to keep as many rounds in your handgun as possible. The amount of ammunition you carry will depend on where you are and what you are doing. If your main threat is from petty criminals, you may not need to carry extra speed loaders or magazines; this is something you will need to work out for yourself. Then again, if you are a security contractor in one of today’s more hostile areas and carrying a handgun as your primary weapon, a few spare 30 round magazines may be required in addition to what is in your hi-cap semi-auto. The main rule for tactical reloading and clearing stoppages is to get into cover; you don’t want to be standing up in the middle of a shootout clearing a double feed. Get into the habit of doing all reloads and stoppage drills in cover or at least from a kneeling position. To carry your spare ammunition, you have two main options, either 54

Tactical Reloading of Revolvers Revolvers carry less rounds than semiautomatics and take longer to reload but are still good tactical handguns.


in pouches on your belt or in your pockets. Magazine and speed loader pouches can make reloading faster but if you are wearing tight clothing, can also make a silhouette. Putting spare magazine and speed loaders in your pockets is good for concealment but can make access a little trickier. How you carry your spare ammunition will again depend greatly on where you are and what you are doing. Tactical Reloading of Revolvers Revolvers carry less rounds than semiautomatics and take longer to reload but are still good tactical handguns. I tell my students, especially those who travel internationally, that they need

to learn to use as many different types of firearms as possible, be it a .22, .45, revolver or Semiauto. If you travel internationally and your weapons are supplied locally at your destination, you could end up carrying anything and you shouldn’t expect to be given the best on the market. If you carry a revolver, you need to practice reloading it. When you practice, always use dummy rounds. Firstly, you need to work out which way the chamber revolves, clockwise or counterclockwise. If the chamber revolves clockwise, you should load individual lose rounds at the 10 o’clock position; if the chamber 55








Six elements to a revolver reload 4.With the strong hand, access 1. Pass the revolver to your weak your spare ammunition/speed hand. loader. 2. Open the chamber. 5. Tilt the barrel towards the floor 3. Turn the revolver upside down and insert the ammunition/speed and use the ejector to empty loader into the chamber. the spent cases from the 6. Close the chamber and return chambers. the gun to your strong hand. revolves counterclockwise, you should load individual loose rounds at the 1 o’clock position. This is because if you were in a hostile situation and only managed to reload several rounds before you had to engage a criminal or terrorist, you would close the chamber with a live round in the fire position. With a revolver, you carry your spare ammunition/speed loaders/ stripper clips on your strong side, the same as your gun hand. You use your strong hand to insert 56

the ammunition/loaders into the revolver’s chambers, as this is a precise task and you have better motor skills with your strong hand. Tactically Reloading of Semiautomatics Semiautomatic handguns are easier and faster to reload than revolvers. If you carry a semiautomatic, you should practice reloading your handgun and loading your magazines. Many people have problems putting rounds in their magazines; this as with everything else is something


Tactical Reloading of Revolvers Revolvers carry less rounds than semiautomatics and take longer to reload but are still good tactical handguns.

you need to practice. There are numerous gadgets on the market, and most new semiautos come with magazine loaders. Personally, do not use them; loading magazines quickly just takes practice. You also need to ensure you can work the slide on the handgun easily; a lot of people with small or weak hands can have difficulty working the slides on semiauto pistols. If you are in a hostile situation and need to reload your weapon, you will have to remove the magazine that is already in the gun before you can insert a new fully loaded one. There is a practice of dumping magazines—this is when you drop the empty magazine out of your handgun on the floor and insert the loaded magazine. This makes loading fast, but you could lose your magazine. if you can buy or get hold of more magazines, this is not a problem. It becomes a problem, however, if you’re working somewhere where you can’t obtain more magazines. If you do recover the magazines and they have been dropped in mud or sand, they are going to need to be cleaned before you can reload them. One option is to put empty magazines down your (tucked in) shirt, as this is quicker than putting them into a pouch or trouser pocket. 57






The 5 elements of semi auto 3. Ensure the new magazine is reload securely in the handgun. 1. Take the loaded magazine from 4. Release the slide using the slide your pouch or pocket. release catch, as this is faster 2. Remove the empty/partially full than manually letting the slide magazine from the handgun go forward. and insert the full magazine. 5. Weapon is ready! I have seen one technique being taught where the shooter is meant to put a spare or partially full magazine between the fingers of the gun and; this is rubbish. This technique means the shooter cannot get a good grip on the handgun. It may look sexy on a comfortable shooting range, but if you had to run, crawl, or climb, your spare magazine would be lost quite quickly. When loaded magazines are not in your handgun, they should be in your pouches or pockets. With a semiautomatic handgun, you carry your spare magazines on 58

your weak side and use your weak hand to insert the magazine into the handgun. Stoppage Drills Again, the main rule for clearing stoppages or weapon malfunctions in a hostile situation is to do so in cover. Never stand exposed and clear a stoppage. There are many reasons why a handgun may jam or a round not fire; if you take care of your handgun and use quality ammunition, you should keep stoppages to a minimum. Revolvers are not as prone to stoppages as semiautomatics; For revolvers if a round does not fire, pull the trigger


and move to the next chamber. With semiautomatics, you can get various stoppages; I am not going to go into detail with how to deal with them here. You will first need to quickly access what caused the stoppage and then rectify it. Some schools only teach the “tap and

rack” technique, which only works on some malfunctions and can complicate others. What I will say is that you must become familiar with your handguns so you’re loading and unloading and can make ready with safe drills that are quick and easy. Then your stoppage drills will be a lot easier to perform.

Orlando Wilson has worked in the security industry internationally for over 25 years. He has become accustomed to the types of complications that can occur, when dealing with international law enforcement agencies, organized criminal and Mafia groups. He is the chief consultant for Risks Inc. and based in Miami but spends much of his time traveling and providing a wide range of kidnapping prevention and tactical training services to private and government clients. 59


How much are you really worth? By Harlan “Hucky” Austin

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there are no extravagant schemes or methods for earning more money in executive protection. In fact, it comes down to a single thing: Never cut your rates. As simple as this sounds, anyone who has been in the close protection business will know there always seem to be compelling reasons to reduce your rates. But when you do so, you create a landslide of difficulties barring access to increased future earnings. Most of us have experienced the disappointment of purchasing 60

an item or service at full price only to find the same item from the same provider days later for substantially less money. When this happens, it doesn’t take much to figure out that the seller was offering the item far above market value in the first place. Whenever this happens, you immediately feel taken advantage of. This is the same thing that occurs in your client's mind when they realize your rates were always open to a downward adjustment.


Anyone who has been in the close protection business will know there always seem to be compelling reasons to reduce your rates. But when you do so, you create a landslide of difficulties barring access to increased future earnings.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 This is also true when your client is the one who manages to negotiate a better rate with you and when they hear of another client getting a better rate for the same service. The second problem with cutting your rates is that it sends a signal to your client that you are not worth the money you charge. Again, think of this as a consumer. People who are selling a superior product or service do not have to drop their prices. They know their product is worth the money. And they know their customers will pay a fair price. This is not arrogance; this is confidence. Clients may not always enjoy paying for services rendered, but they appreciate knowing they are getting good value for the money they spend on personal protection. When you stick to your guns, you send a message to your client that your services are worth every penny of what you are charging. Another reason for standing firm is that when you agree to accept less for your services, you are telling your client you are desperate. The problem with being desperate is that it indicates no one else would want to hire you. This is a wrong message to send to a client who is counting on you to keep them safe. It’s a little bit like shopping for a bulletresistant vest, and the shopkeeper is uncompromising on his price for 62

Clients may not always enjoy paying for services rendered but they do enjoy knowing they are getting good value for the money they spend on personal protection.


the first three you look at, but on the fourth nearly identical vest he is more than willing to bargain. Anyone who values their life would not pay for the fourth vest. And you would probably not wear it even if the shopkeeper was giving it away for free.

Try not to be offended when they ask you to justify your fees. This is your chance to shine and let them know what they are getting for their money.

List the certifications and training course you have attended. Explain how your EMT certifications, language skills, marksmanship The way to fix this problem is to do a fair market analysis and price training, and other acumen benefits them. Once you your services accurately for the market you are in. Write up a solid determined the fair price for your services, stand firm and show business plan that explains why you are worth the rates you charge your client that you are worth the investment. It might mean you and include honest appraisals of lose a potential client or two in your services compared with the your journey. But in the long run, competition within your market. you will make up the difference by holding firm with the confidence Bring value to your client and be prepared to explain why you have that your pricing is both fair and in synch with your talents. priced your services as they are. Harlan Austin is a long time executive protection specialist, having worked with some of the most recognizable names in the entertainment world. As a consultant, he is also the founder of a site developed to educate, as well as connect protection specialist with job opportunities. 63


2021 By: Guy Batchelor

A new beginning…

I think we’d all have to agree that 2020 has drastically changed our perspective on security operations and how we operate around our client’s needs and expectations. I’ve always approached CP tasks with the mindset that my actions and procedures must facilitate the client being able to conduct their activity in a safe and secure environment but what does that mean to us and the industry moving into 2021? Our sector has always been excellent at recognising and mitigating physical threat but 2020 has given us a different and more elusive threat to deal with and 64



CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 provide advice to our clients. Biosecurity and providing infection mitigation within our services will be the next challenge for our sector. By the very nature of our work we can’t go ‘remote’ we are a close up personal service that must have at its core interaction between humans. We have to recognise that in the post lockdown environment our clients will want to return to their previous routines and activity as soon as possible and in many cases will want and accept 3rd party attention. Our role is not only to provide solutions against physical risks but to provide reassurance from stress of the environment for our clients are in. So how do we operate and provide the quality service our clients demand whilst defending against these new threats? Never before has there been the need for a layered approach to security operations and the requirements for suitable qualifications & training, continuous professional development and excellence in delivery amongst our ranks. We will need to develop protocols that ensure: • Our operatives will need to have a wider understanding of bio risks and cross contamination • Build and be prepared to live 66

Our role is not only to provide solutions against physical risks but to provide reassurance from stress of the environment for our clients are in.

TACTICAL RELOADING & STOPPAGE DRILLS in ‘Bubbles’ with clients whilst ensuring the client can still carry out their objectives • Have the integrity to say ‘no’ to a task if they believe they may be infected or have been outside the bubble • Preparation and briefing of a wider set of actions on to include the avoidance of potentially infectious situations • Increased medical training to include use of oxygen especially when clients are travelling ‘at reach’ from medical facilities • Correct and consistent use of personal protective equipment whilst on task and not just when in the presence of the client • Recognising the need for selfisolation between tasks and not Lilly padding

our recent past with Chicken Flu and Norovirus where we’ve had the luxury of continuing operations with little to no change in our conduct as there hasn’t been the mass infections that we are seeing now but our clients will and should expect change from us now. As with all challenges there are opportunities and I believe this is true for our sector now. With the correct advice, planning and protocols provided by professional security companies / operators our services will become the essential element for our clients to achieve their goals and objectives.

‘Knowledge dispels fear’ is the motto of the RAF Parachute training school and I think it’s exactly appropriate for this next Our clients will look to us to provide phase in the security sector. advice and protocols to keep them A wider understanding of the safe; it’s our role! we must assume threat to ensure our protocols and procedures are correct and that the last year has not been an up to date in order to provide reisolated event but a look at the assurance and safety to our clients. future, we’ve had the warnings in

Guy is the managing director of Minerva Elite Performance Ltd, a UK based company providing a range of risk mitigation solutions to corporate clients & private clients.




Wouldn’t it be great if there was an internationally recognized standard for corporate travel risk management? Of course it would. As Executive Protection professionals we are constantly caught between a rock and a hard place. We do our best to provide our clients with the best possible protection while dealing with 68

resistance and objections from the boardroom, PAs or the client themselves. Now if there was an international guideline for a travel risk management standard that addressed everything from


Finding the balance between budget, safety and comfort is a challenge for travel managers. Depending on the level of the executive, a balance must be found between these three forces and most often it is safety that suffers.

hotels to air travel and ground transportation, it would require compliance from organizations and simplify our task significantly. The good news is, there now is and it is planned for launch in the summer of 2021. Enter the new global risk benchmarking standard, ISO 31030 Risk Management — Managing Travel Risks. It has been developed by the International Organization for Standardization, a worldwide federation of 82 national standards bodies. However, 163 countries have participated in creating ISO 31030, which asks travel managers and organizers to consider all aspects of travel in discharging their duty of care including airlines, accommodation providers and ground transportation firms. After extensive research and consultation with a vast array of SMEs, ISO have completed these guidelines that will set a new global travel risk benchmarking standard against which organisations can measure their travel risk management. Let’s discuss 4 advantages that we can expect from this welcome progress in travel risk management and our ability to demonstrate duty of care to our clients. 69

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 EMPOWERS TRAVEL MANAGERS Finding the balance between budget, safety and comfort is a challenge for travel managers. Depending on the level of the executive, a balance must be found between these three forces and most often it is safety that suffers. As we all know, security can be costly. VIP services at airports cost money. Using the hotel shuttle between the airport and the hotel is much cheaper than dedicated secure transportation. And when going out to dinner, why pay for a driver to wait for you when you can just grab a taxi back. Then there is the question of hotel selection. Do travel managers have tools to assess if the hotel they are selecting for their executives has effective security and emergency management systems in place? Whether the employees are trained to deal with a crisis? Most often this is not the case. Hotels are usually selected based on brand recognition or loyalty programmes. However just because it is an international brand does not automatically mean that the safety and security is up to scratch. We have audited many hotels the world over, and often found security measures and performance wanting. ISO 31030 provides clear and 70

measurable guidelines and a benchmark for transportation, hotel and other travel needs that travel managers will be able to follow to ensure their executives are getting the safest possible options. It will facilitate budget flexibility as the supplier organizations have a vested interested in complying with the ISO guidelines, as we will discuss later. SUPPORTS EFFECTIVE EXECUTIVE PROTECTION The battle between EP professionals and travel managers is as old as time. More often than not, we are put in a less than ideal situation when it comes to travel risk management for our clients. Many decisions regarding travel are made without our input and even if we are consulted, we often must compromise on our recommendations. The challenge has always been that EP is sometimes viewed as a necessary evil by some people in the organization. Something to be tolerated but not always facilitated in the manner we would choose. The introduction of the ISO 31030 guidelines and benchmark should hopefully change this dynamic. Now it will not be just our voice calling for secure transportation or a properly vetted hotel but

A NEW STANDARD FOR TRAVEL SECURITY an internationally recognized and respected standard that will support our position. We will need to work with travel managers to help ensure the guidelines are being met by the organization and implemented as required. Once this happens, it will exponentially increase our ability to provide effective protection for our clients. Part of our responsibility will be bringing the standard to the attention of our client’s organizations and stressing the benefits and importance of compliance. To this end it is important that we familiarize ourselves with the

ISO guidelines, so we can support travel managers and PAs in implementing the standard within the organization. We will be the ones they will turn to for advice and input regarding the standard so best be prepared. COMPLIANCE Wherever there is a standard, compliance is always the challenge. Self-certification is prevalent in the hospitality security industry where we see auditing companies certifying hotels to a standard, they themselves established. It is like marking your own homework. We have witnessed this regarding COVID-19 19 throughout 2020.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 COVID-19 safe certifications popped up like mushrooms all over the world with no oversite or recognized standards. So, a hotel could put up a fancy looking certificate in the lobby saying they meet some COVID-19 safety standard however there was no independent verification of who provided the certificate or if the protocols are being followed. Indeed, there have been several exposes by journalists, showing that hotels were in fact not implementing and following the COVID-19 safety protocols they were boasting about. The same goes for security. Just because there is a certificate on the wall, it does not mean there is effective security at the property. So how do we ensure that the hotels that are being selected for our travellers meet the ISO guidelines? Well, there is one security auditing company that seems to be getting it right in the hotel space in my humble opinion. Global Secure Accreditation, GSA, (https://www. is, to the best of my knowledge, singular in the fact that they facilitate a third party, government level, accreditation for their audits. Allow me to explain. This is a company, whose founder Bob Quick, has been a contributor 72

to the development of the ISO 31030 standard and conducts security and COVID-19 independent assessments to ensure compliance. The differentiator with GSA is that the completed assessments get submitted to a third party, independent certification body, SFJ Awards, who assesses whether the property has met the necessary standards or not. Neither GSA or the auditor have any say or influence over the certification process. It is a genuine independent third-party international accreditation process. The property must be re-certified each year to ensure compliance. Whichever way you do it, it is important that we ensure that the hotels, transport providers and other travel arrangements comply with the ISO guidelines to help keep your travellers safe and provide you with independent credible validation of their safety and security standards. PROTECTS CLIENTS FROM LIABILITY Protecting life is our primary task, of that there is no question. However, below that there are other responsibilities that also fall under our purview and must not be neglected. The business end of an executive or volunteer being injured or worse in a hostile event

A NEW STANDARD FOR TRAVEL SECURITY or natural disaster has significant impact on the organization. The business repercussions can manifest as lawsuits, financial compensation, loss of income, reputational damage, and brand instability. Part of our responsibility is to protect the business and ISO 31030 helps with that.

organization followed the ISO guidelines for hotel selection. And if the answer is no, you are starting the case with two strikes against you. The judge may well want to know why the corporation or organisation failed to follow the ISO guidelines which may well have prevented the injury or loss of life.

The introduction of the ‘Travel Risk Management’ standard is long overdue and I believe this I have been contacted several standard is a positive development times by law firms to testify as an expert witness in lawsuits involving for our industry that will facilitate travellers injured or killed in attacks us providing more effective support for our clients. It is now on hotels. I have always declined our responsibility to familiarize but it brings home the fact that ourselves with the guidelines, when people are injured or worse, inform our clients of ISO 31030 and lawsuits follow, and questions are advise them how best to integrate asked. Should there be such an it into their travel management unfortunate situation after the ISO standard is launched, a prosecutor’s apparatus and share with their key stakeholders. first question will be whether the Mac is the Founder of AHNA Consulting Group. AHNA the culmination of 30 years of operational, training and consulting experience in the Security Industry. Specializing in mitigation, containment, and control of a myriad of threats from terror and criminal threats to natural disasters and public safety, Mac brings real world knowledge and expertise to all facets of his performance. As a hospitality & fixed asset Subject Matter Expert, Mac conducts security assessments and designs comprehensive security plans for hotels, event & conference centres, corporate headquarters, production facilities, and critical infrastructure the world over. Mac has published many articles on hotel and general security and is a regular speaker at security conferences the world over as well as SME to governments, major television, and print news outlets. Mac leads training programs in Hotel Security, Event and Hospitality Security, Security Awareness & Suspicious Indicator Identification, Emergency Response Procedures, Counterterrorism, Covert Close Protection and Surveillance Detection. Born in South Africa, Mac has served in two militaries as well as government service, He has lived in Africa, Europe and the Middle East whilst operating around the globe.



Tactical Lessons From the U.S. Capitol Siege The violent siege of the U.S. Capitol exposed serious security flaws and the influence of online platforms in organizing protests, offering lessons for law enforcement and future demonstrators.

On Jan. 6, supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump besieged Capitol Hill and broke into the Capitol building in a violent confrontation that left four people dead, one a protester shot trying to break through a barricaded door and three others from unspecified "medical emergencies." Thousands of pro-Trump demonstrators 74

had gathered in Washington in the third major preplanned demonstration in as many months to protest the outcome of the presidential election. This round of protests was timed to coincide with congressional certification of President-elect Joe Biden's victory — typically, a mere formality, but this year a high-


The storming of the Capitol was organized and publicized online in easily replicable ways that other protesters with varying motivations will harness to facilitate future civil disturbances.

profile political flashpoint — and came as Democrats were officially announced as winners in the two Senate runoff races in Georgia, thereby giving them control of both houses of Congress. • Trump supporters began arriving in the nation's capital in smaller numbers on Jan. 5 to attend the "Stop the Steal" rally that remained peaceful during the daytime, but escalated into confrontations with police that evening, leading to a dozen arrests. Unlike previous protests in November and December 2020, pro-Trump demonstrators primarily clashed with law enforcement rather than with counterprotesters, who mostly stayed home. • On the morning of Jan. 6, much larger crowds came out for the "Save America” rally at which the president, who had publicly promoted the event for weeks, began speaking shortly before noon. Following his hourlong speech during which he repeated unsubstantiated claims of widespread election fraud and urged attendees to take action, thousands of supporters walked toward the Capitol where they began clashing with police shortly after 1 p.m. as lawmakers gathered in a joint session in 75

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 the House of Representatives chamber to count Electoral College votes. • Over the course of the afternoon, protests escalated, culminating in demonstrators breaching police lines and entering the Capitol, forcing the temporary suspension of Congress and the evacuation of lawmakers. In footage that received significant coverage on television and social media, Trump supporters overpowered the United States Capitol Police, the federal law enforcement agency responsible for protecting the Capitol Complex, and occupied its chambers, halls and offices, often stopping to pose for photos and videos. • It was not until after 7 p.m. that law enforcement officers began escorting lawmakers back to the House chamber and at 8 p.m. that Congress officially reconvened to resume counting Electoral College votes. Shortly before 4 a.m. on Jan. 7, Biden was officially certified as the winner of the 2020 presidential election. The breach of the Capitol revealed significant security failures and drew widespread criticism that will inform future counterprotest efforts. 76

Current and former law enforcement officials called the siege one of the biggest security lapses in recent U.S. history, saying it demonstrated that the Capitol Police were woefully unprepared despite advance warnings of potential violence and examples of similar scenes at state capitols since the November vote. On Jan. 7, amid widespread calls for the chief of the Capitol Police to step down, the House sergeant-atarms said he would submit his resignation and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said he would fire the Senate sergeantat-arms if he does not resign by the time Democrats take control of the chamber. At the same time, many commentators have complained of a double standard, drawing a stark comparison with the racial injustice demonstrations in Washington over the summer, when the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police and federal law enforcement officers were much more aggressive in confronting protesters. These critiques underscore the challenges security officials face in planning and responding to cases of unrest in racially charged atmospheres and point to the need to consider how law enforcement action


can be perceived in different ways. • Typically, representatives from a myriad of local and federal law enforcement agencies in the Washington area spend weeks planning for large protests, but this does not appear to have occurred — at least in any robust form — prior to the longannounced demonstrations called for Jan. 6. More

information on the planning, or lack thereof, is sure to emerge in the coming days as officials trade recriminations for violence that clearly caught them unprepared. • In contrast to events like the inauguration, at which law enforcement officers establish multiple perimeters (typically, a larger outer one, plus multiple smaller inner ones) to defend in depth, there was no outer 77

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 perimeter around the whole Capitol Hill complex; instead, officers only established a barricade around the building itself, thereby allowing the protesters to get very close before ever being challenged. • According to Terrance Gainer, who previously served as chief of the Capitol Police and the Senate sergeant-at-arms, Capitol Police officers are trained to keep protesters off the outdoor marble steps on the western side of the building; however, protesters far outnumbering the deployed police officers quickly overran the barricade despite being tear-gassed. Once rioters took control of the western steps, they had easy access to the building's many windows and doors, which are difficult to fully secure. Similarly, on the east side of the building, those who broke through the relatively lighted manned barricade forced the line of officers to retreat up the stairs, enabling the protesters to follow them directly up the building, where they also entered. • Once inside the Capitol, rioters broke through hastily constructed furniture barricades, raising questions about the lack of secondary protections inside the building. After this point, they 78

Once inside the Capitol, rioters communicated with each other, documented their activities across multiple online platforms, and adjusted their tactics in real time.

U.S. CAPITOL SIEGE essentially went unchallenged and were able to roam freely inside for hours. In widely documented videos and photos, rioters were seen inside multiple theoretically secure locations, including the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Senate chamber, further demonstrating the lack of precautions for these highly symbolic rooms.

critiqued for overly-aggressive tactics. If so, they appear to have given the Capitol rioters too much latitude, renewing debate about racial disparities in policing. Many anti-Trump activists publicly noted that the Capitol demonstrators were mainly white, in contrast to the protest leaders over the summer who were mainly Black.

• The events of Jan. 6 revealed • Other law enforcement arms how laxer police activity can just of the federal government and as easily lead to violence as can local National Guard units were aggressive tactics, which will not mobilized until more than surely inform ongoing efforts an hour after the protesters first to find an appropriate balance. breached the outdoor barricades The storming of the Capitol was on either side of the Capitol, and organized and publicized online then took longer to arrive and in easily replicable ways that begin clearing protesters from the other protesters with varying building. Debates over who can motivations will harness to request and approve District of facilitate future civil disturbances. Columbia National Guard support, For weeks, mainstream social combined with legal restrictions media sites, niche right-wing on military units operating on forums and mobile messaging federal property, appear to applications hosted open account for part of the delay, discussions about preparations but the belated mobilization for the violent takeover of the will undoubtedly inform future Capitol on Jan. 6. Some of this protection efforts. online activity was organic, while some materialized in response • In taking a less proactive approach to the actions of Trump and to confronting pro-Trump his allies, who repeatedly used protesters, security officials may their social media feeds to have wanted to avoid a repeat encourage supporters to come of last summer's racial injustice to Washington and take action protests during which local and to try to overturn what they have federal police officers were widely continued to characterize as a 79

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 fraudulent election result despite any evidence of such fraud.

On Jan. 6, demonstrators exchanged logistical advice on niche right-wing sites like Gab and Parler, which hosted discussions about which streets to take to avoid the police and what tools to bring to break into Capitol offices.

• Weeks before Jan. 6, Trump supporters in an interconnected digital ecosystem of both wellknown and fringe platforms called for mass action — including many explicit appeals for violence • Once inside the Capitol, rioters — to prevent congressional communicated with each other, certification. One former documented their activities intelligence official who monitors across multiple online platforms, online extremist activity told and adjusted their tactics in real Reuters that starting Jan. 1, there time. Shortly after the president were 1,480 posts from accounts tweeted that Vice President Mike related to the QAnon conspiracy Pence "didn't have the courage to theory that referred to the rally do what should have been done" on Jan. 6 and included references — a reference to Pence's refusal to violence. Similarly, a nonprofit to block Biden's certification research group told BuzzFeed — messages on Gab called for that 50% of the top posts between those inside the building to hunt Jan. 4 and Jan. 6 on the prominent down the vice president and right-wing forum TheDonald, videos showed agitators chanting which was created after "Where is Pence?" Reddit removed the forum for violating its hate speech policies, • Rioters made concerted efforts mentioned calls for violence. to pose for photos and videos that were quickly uploaded or • Beyond inciting violence in the streamed online, indicating the abstract, protesters also used value they see in promoting online platforms to plot concrete their message from such action. On Facebook, a group content and the ease with which called Red-State Secession online platforms can serve as gathered nearly 8,000 members dissemination mechanisms. and linked to a website asking Mainstream media outlets followers to send in the addresses republished many of these and travel routes of perceived photos and videos, amplifying "enemies" to be targeted once the protesters’ message and protesters arrived in Washington. probably helping to convince 80

U.S. CAPITOL SIEGE many protesters that they were successful at showing their power even if they did not succeed in preventing Biden's certification. • Before, during, and after the siege, protesters took steps to ensure their online accounts remained active, even as mainstream social media sites belatedly scrambled to remove violent content that violated their terms of service and niche platforms like Parler dealt with temporary disruptions amid

surges in online traffic. Such tradecraft is easily replicable and demonstrates the challenges of combating online extremism. The violence will most immediately affect security preparations for the Jan. 20 inauguration, but its impacts will reverberate widely at home and abroad long after Biden assumes office. In the two weeks between now and Inauguration Day, officials will undoubtedly review the security failings at the Capitol



from terrorism requires very to better prepare for Biden to different procedures than doing take the oath of office, and seek so against the threat of mass to apply lessons learned to future demonstrations, particularly high-profile events. Although when they are encouraged from Biden has said that pandemic the Oval Office. precautions will make the events of the day much smaller, thereby • In a city known for turf battles, placing fewer demands on local and federal authorities security personnel, it is all but will need to do a much better certain that the events of Jan. 6 will convince officials to err on the job of coordinating. The Metropolitan Police Department side of caution. has jurisdiction on city streets; the Park Police over areas near • In light of the violence at the the National Mall, including Capitol and in contrast with most the Ellipse south of the White recent inaugurations, where the House where the "Save America" main security threat has been rally initially began Jan. 6; the that of terrorism, either directed Secret Service in the vicinity from abroad or from homegrown of the White House; and the jihadists, security officials Capitol Police around the Capitol will have to prepare frontline Complex. In addition to these personnel to deal with potential repeat civil disturbances. Securing law enforcement agencies, which may be supplemented with any area, but particularly one others from surrounding states as challenging as an open city, 82

U.S. CAPITOL SIEGE and federal agencies, authorities will have to plan for the possible use of National Guard troops from the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia.

to demonstrate — sometimes violently — near many different symbolic sites. The success rioters had in breaching the Capitol may convince other aggrieved right-wing protesters that they can and should seek to replicate the episode closer to home.

• District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser has extended for two weeks the public emergency order she first used on Jan. 6 to • Authorities will have to balance impose a 6 p.m. curfew, which a need to identify and disrupt will give local authorities greater preplanned, organized violence control through the inauguration. Bowser is unlikely actually to leave such as that witnessed at the Capitol with the threat of rightthe curfew in place for the entire wing lone actors who plot two-week period — though she violence on their own. Nearly has the authority to take that step all recent right-wing terrorist and certain other precautions as attacks have been conducted she deems necessary. by lone actors, who present a unique set of counterterrorism • Beyond Washington, security challenges. Aspiring lone officials in state capitals and other actors, particularly those who major cities will also need to mix personal grievances with reevaluate their Inauguration Day conspiracy theories, may precautions in light of violence perceive Inauguration Day as at the Capitol. As witnessed their final opportunity to prevent across the country multiple a transfer of power from Trump times since the November vote, to Biden. Trump supporters are liable



Human intelligence By: Wille Heino


Congratulations, you just got that dream job on the security department of a critical infrastructure project, or maybe your security firm got that great deal protecting major cash handling premises. While this is a cause for celebration, what you often overlook is that sometimes when you shift to another contract or to another field of security work, there could be a new set of threats that you’ve never been exposed to. For instance, when you step into a new role where you have routine access to classified information, have access to large amounts of cash or other assets/valuables, or deal with sensitive business information, you may become the target of human intelligence or 84

HUMINT. In light of this, this article covers the different aspects of the threat of human intelligence to keep in mind from the point of view of a corporate setting or government contract. Introduction To begin with, it goes without saying that a lot of security professionals and other vital workers handle material labelled as “secret” in their day-to-day operations. With a multitude of information streams and channels



CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 coming across our screens or desks, only a small portion of the information might be interesting or beneficial to someone who seeks access to secret information. But the day-to-day familiarity of the work routine and grind may mean that many CPOs don’t even think about otherwise valuable information as anything special. For instance, you might handle work drawings, layouts, contracts, or be able to access to sensitive networks or physically protected premises, all of which might be highly valuable targets to outsiders. For this simple reason, you could be prone to nefarious intelligence gathering efforts. Employees, including security teams, often don’t see themselves as an interesting target to an adversary’s intelligence gathering. But if they are an adversary, then they have the resources and motivation to gather information from a variety of sources and even combining these pieces of information so they can construct concrete and accurate intelligence picture. Human Intelligence Gathering HUMINT, short for human intelligence, by its definition, concentrates on methods of acquiring information from people. HUMINT is a suitable 86

sub-speciality to account for the kinds of intelligence needs that other forms of intelligence are not able to ascertain. These might include sensitive assets held by the humans employed in an organization such as classified information or opinions of subject matter experts. Perpetrators of HUMINT often combine it with other forms of intelligence to formulate an especially potent attack. For example, the Finnish security and intelligence service names several interests that are included in its national security review including infiltration by foreign states, national economics, cybersecurity structures, and critical infrastructure to name a few. HUMINT can tap into all of these interests simultaneously and concurrently. Further to this, often, employees tend to think that intelligence gathering is targeted at only high-level executive or high-status officials. They neglect to account that mid to low-level employees could be equally viable targets. Because HUMINT could be very long-term activity and information is built like a puzzle from many seemingly small and unrelated sources, every little source of information counts in the end.

HUMAN INTELLIGENCE Who Are the Perpetrators of HUMINT? State-sponsored operators. Because many high-powered nations are vying for the ultimate position in the international hierarchy or to conduct defensive tactics, state-sponsored human intelligence gathering has become a norm and is a common tool. In Finland, for example, according to Finnish security and intelligence service, there are dozens of foreign intelligence services operators within the country. State-sponsored operators’ actions in Finland are often undertaken with a longterm and systematic view in their approach. Intelligence gathering operations in Finland have included policy and policymaking on the Arctic, investments in Finland’s critical infrastructure and other strategic areas, and the activities of Finnish political organizations,

Targeting of intelligence needs - What information is needed from source?

Targeting and selection of source.

as well as high-tech knowledge and the national economy. When implemented by state-sponsored operators, state actors will try to use human intelligence to influence decision making in their favour. Corporate espionage. Corporate espionage is a criminal act. The information that the adversary is trying to get by means of corporate espionage is often associate with gathering a corporation’s business and trade secrets. Targets of intelligence gathering may include corporate product development, upcoming investments, or other sensitive or confidential business strategies. Organized crime. Serious organized crime groups conduct human intelligence to get ahold of crucial information that they need in order to plan and carry

Selection of tactics for approaching the source.

Building rapport and reasurring that the source is useful for getting the intelligence needed.

Recruiting the source.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 out a serious crime. Intelligence needs of organized crime are often related to security arrangements of a targeted premises or routes and times of a cash in transit vehicles, to name a few. Most or if not all the information needed to plan and resource a serious crime is acquired from insiders in these types of crime incidents. The insider may leak out information willingly or without even realizing it. How does Human Intelligence (HUMINT) work? Methods used in human intelligence are similar in pretty much all the segments mentioned above. In cases of state-sponsored actors, the emphasis is on long term activity and targeting and nurturing good sources compared to organized crime operations which usually operate on a shorter time span and are more immediately goal-directed and straight-forward. When an employee gets selected as a target for human intelligence gathering, the term we often talk about is recruiting. Recruiting typically follows the following phases: Step 1: The first step is the targeting of intelligence needs, which means that in this first phase, the opponent 88

Targeting of the person starts usually with gathering information from open sources like web pages, social media or things like company yearbooks.

HUMAN INTELLIGENCE sets out to ascertain and identify from this phase for the adversary what kind of information they need is usually exchanging business to obtain. cards for later contact or setting up a business lunch in line with the Step 2: usual manner and professional Then once the information has networking protocol. been identified, targeting of the source takes place. In this Step 4: phase, the adversary is looking In this phase, the adversary builds for somebody with access to rapport and confirms that the information or the systems needed. source is the appropriate target Targeting the person typically starts for getting the intelligence needed. with gathering information from The adversaries conducting open sources like web pages, social human intelligence are interested media, or company yearbooks. in many of the targeted person’s Targeting activity can also be personal affairs like their financial carried out during professional situation, family issues, hobbies, seminars, conferences, or other and any other interests that types of professional social settings could be tapped into as an area to discern valuable information. of vulnerability or influence in In this phase, a pool of potential general. The adversary will also candidates forms the group of gather any work-related problems targets, which are then narrowed or motivation factors. In this phase down to only the most suitable and of the recruiting cycle, the goal is to fit for purpose targets. find out and reassure: • That the targeted person is worth Step 3: spending time and resources on; Equipped with personal knowledge • To test, if the source is willing to and details about the targets keep in touch and receive gifts and sources, the adversary then or invites to social events or other approaches the most suitable and leisurely activities; selected fit for purpose human • To assess the level of loyalty target, usually at a professional towards the employer and the seminar or in some other worklikelihood and possibilities for related social event. In this phase, getting access to confidential the adversary doesn’t bring up any information; intentions of gaining intelligence • To nurture and build an ongoing from the target. The ideal outcome two-way liaison relationship with 89


the targeted person and instill a sense of mutuality obligations towards each other; • To find out information on areas of the target’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities to gain leverage and be used for pressure; and • To find out the source’s overall level of usefulness, cooperativity and trustfulness. Step 5: When all the previously mentioned 90

steps are done, the final phase is the actual recruiting. It is important to realize that the recruiting process may last very long. It often happens little by little, without the target even realizing it, especially if dealing with foreign state actors. The contacts that appear innocent are kept going. When time has passed, and trust has been built, the adversary may start by asking for favours, i.e. to deliver some non-confidential document or for


the source’s professional opinion on some issues. The goal here is to get you to cooperate. And in the long-term, little by little, the adversary tightens the screw by escalating and asking for favours that border in the grey zone and scale of confidentiality. The recruiting phase's main element is to win the target's trust and further deepen the relationship. Often to win gain favour with the target, the adversary will highlight the target’s

importance and mutual trust. In return, the target may be offered a monetary reward or a higher social status or career opportunities. The person being recruited often feels obligated because he has enjoyed long-lasting collaboration that has included perks and hospitality in the form of parties, trips, or other benefits. Meanwhile, in the case of recruiting done by organized crime players, 91

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 this step is usually shorter in time span. It is focused on information acquired in the previous steps which can be used to pressure the target to cooperate. For instance, the target or source may be offered a monetary reward, or alternatively, the threat of violence may be used to induce cooperation. Identifying & Defending Against Being a Target of Human Intelligence Suppose you or anyone else suspects that they may be a target or source of human intelligence gathering or you have reason to doubt the motivation of new acquaintances. In that case, you should consider the following advice: • Take note of the story that the new acquaintance tells you upon introduction. Are the things he tells you consistent, detailed, or truthful? • Take note of questions and how they are delivered to you. • Take note of the acquaintance’s knowledge of the subject. Is he or she really a subject matter expert, or does he or she really work in a role they claim to work? • Take note if you are asked of any favours or information, even if it's non-confidential. • Notice if meetings usually organized in private settings and public spaces rather than in the 92

A pool of potential candidates forms the group of targets, which are then narrowed down to only the most suitable and fit for purpose targets.

HUMAN INTELLIGENCE acquaintance’s office or workplace? • Consider not taking any gifts from people and decline form of hospitality that seems out of the ordinary. • Check with reliable sources and conduct open-source information gathering to assess the trustfulness of new acquaintances. • If you doubt the motivations behind a new person trying to establish a professional relationship with you, have a talk in confidence with your supervisor, head of security, or report any suspicious activity to your local authorities or intelligence services for further guidance. Organizations can also deter human intelligence operations by implementing processes like background checks and security and non-disclosure agreements, as well as setting rules and procedures on accessing data. Standard access control rules and up-todate processes to enter different layers of physical premises and IT systems must also be in place. On a personal level, employees

must acknowledge that the threat of human intelligence can be a vulnerable part of the profession. Depending on where you work and what type of field and position you are in, consider the threat to be existent, even if it is small but consistent. Following the security instructions and instructions given by your IT department will provide you with layers of protection against the threat. Also, consider how much you share about yourself or your work on social media or with people you just met. Conclusion The ongoing global pandemic may create new opportunities to conduct human intelligence gathering operations. The large increase in the workforce working remotely, outside the office may add new vulnerabilities to HUMINT. While outsourcing and contracting for external service providers adds another layer of threat to be aware of. It is not uncommon that the targeted person works for an external service provider, in which case it is crucial to educate external contractors, consultants, and employees on possible threats to avoid being a target.

Wille Heino is a security professional from Finland with 24 years of protective security experience. In addition to working with various government organizations, Heino runs a security consulting and training company named Gambeson in Finland. To find out more or to contact him, visit: 93


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Surveillance Training Course Handbook A R TE



By Peter Jenkins ISS TRAINING LTD 94



THE KIDNAPPING OF PERICLES PANAGOPOULOS In 1999, George Sardelis started his close protection career as a security driver for the President and CEO of a major Greek shipping company. In this two-part article, Mr. Sardelis details the events leading up to, during, and after the kidnapping of his Principal,

Pericles Panagopoulous. It was a typical cold January morning back in December of 2009. The week before we had just come back 95

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 from Gstaad and this was the first working day after the holidays. Even though it was a Monday, the mood was great.

as requested, the sound of the window bursting came crashing into my ear. The kidnappers used a large sledgehammer to smash the driver’s side window. Two We had just departed the blows were all it took! Not being President’s residence and I was able to do much at this point, I driving onto a narrow road, where turned to Mr. Panagopoulos and just two cars could narrowly pass. attempted to calm him down while About 300m in, I suddenly saw a trying to figure out what this was small van trying to make a U-turn all about. At this time, politically a few meters away from me. I speaking, Greece was in chaos stopped the car and looked into the and the country was experiencing rearview mirror. What I saw was numerous problems with terrorist another car, a Jeep, with two people organisations, including some leftinside wearing black hoods! There wing extremists’ groups. was a small road that I had passed, and they were waiting for us there In the car, I was leaning over Mr. behind a bush. Panagopoulos in an attempt to shield him. I felt a hand coming Then what seemed like a split through the smashed window that second, simultaneously, three men started to pull the door handle. dressed in black army clothing with Soon after, I was being violently A-K 47s plunged out from the van thrown to the ground and smashed in front of us. They were shouting on the back of my head by a at me telling me to open the doors. Kalashnikov. With a foot on my back, I was ordered to give up my I quickly assessed my options. I weapon. I can still remember this could not step on the gas because kidnapper’s breath, full of anxiety the van had blocked the road. and stress! I remember pleading And I couldn’t back into the car with him to calm down and telling behind me as it had come so close, him that I would not resist in case I wouldn’t have any ram power. he had his finger on the trigger. And the thought of pulling my handgun was immediately rejected After surrendering my weapon, because in case of crossfire, it could I was immediately handcuffed mean not only my life, but Mr. and hooded. I was then dragged Panagopoulos life as well! to the van and thrown inside. Mr. Since I did not open the doors Panagopoulos was already inside 96

THE KIDNAPPING OF PERICLES PANAGOPOULOS the van lying face up towards the van's roof. Two of the kidnappers came in the back with us and we drove off. Regaining my composure and breath, I attempted to define and categorize the danger and asked the kidnappers what it was they wanted and not to be violent with Mr. Panagopoulos due to his numerous health issues. One of the kidnappers answered coldly: ‘’We want 30 million euros! Don’t be a hero and you will live. When we leave you, you will return to the family telling them exactly what we told you.” They asked me about Mr. Panagopoulos health issues and then whether I had any GPS device on me. They had already smashed both of our mobiles and threw them away at the spot of the kidnapping. I realized only later that it wouldn’t have mattered to them that much since the trip ending up being a 30 minutes’ drive away from the spot they first wanted to go. In any case, they didn’t bother to frisk me but only took my word for it. Once in the van, I attempted to remove the hood covering my face so I could see where Mr. Panagopoulos was and try to keep 97

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 him calm. I immediately received a blow from the kidnapper closest to me and I was told to “put on my face hood and shut up!” Knowing that he was only valuable to them alive, I tried again to explain that Mr. Panagopoulos had serious health issues and that he could die from the shock at any moment. This seemed to work and they allowed me to console him throughout the remainder of this trip into hell!


My hood was a knitted snow hat or something like that, so when they stretched it down, I wouldn’t be able to see. However, I could see through the stretched holes enough to understand the surroundings and I stretched the hood down to my mouth. I started talking to Mr. Panagopoulos, trying to get him to speak so I that I could assess his situation and whether he was going to come out of this alive. I was building his confidence, giving him hope and telling him how brave he was and that they

THE KIDNAPPING OF PERICLES PANAGOPOULOS wouldn’t hurt or kill him. That they just wanted money. But I wasn’t getting any response back due to the shock.

I could not step on the gas because the van had closed the road, neither I could ram the back car as it had come so close I wouldn’t have any ram power, the thought of pulling my handgun was immediately rejected because in case of crossfire it could mean not only my life but Mr. Panagopoulos life as well!

Then suddenly I saw the first signs of response, he lifted his right arm and patted me on the head, without saying anything. He then nodded his head a bit as to answer me that he was ok. As we had a strong relationship and I had gotten to know him pretty well, I knew that to get through this his business brain would have to engage, which would help him survive and mastermind the situation. After a 30-minute drive, I could tell we’d veered off the main roads and onto a dirt track by the numerous bumps; so many, in fact, that I could barely keep my balance. The van then came to slow stop and as they opened the sliding side door the cold wind rushed in. They escorted Mr. Panagopoulos out of the van away from me. I shouted to them to protect him from the cold wind, again referencing his fragile health. Mr. Panagopoulos was clenching for dear life and he would not let go of my hand, but they jerked us apart. I tried to tell them I was like a son to him and that he would honor the request for ransom if 99


One of the kidnappers was pointing an AK 47 at me. In that moment, I genuinely believed that this was going to be the last thing I would ever see they let him go and instead allowed me to take his place! I begged and pleaded with them … but to no avail. I was instructed not to turn my head as they put him into the trunk of a third car, that I was unaware of at the time. Now, separated from the principal and sat slumped and dejected, I suddenly became aware that one of the kidnappers was pointing an AK 47 at me. In that moment, I genuinely believed that this was going to be the last thing I would ever see. Staring down the barrel of the gun, handcuffed, and under a lot of stress, the only thing I could do was to try to talk my way out of this situation. But before I could do anything, I was pulled out of the van by two of the kidnappers who told me they were going to tie me to a tree. Since I couldn’t see any

trees in any distance, I thought they would execute me in some nearby hole. I was kicked in the back and fell into a rocky ditch. One of them came behind me and pressed his handgun in the back of my head telling me to shut up and not to turn around! I tried to stay alive even for some seconds more. And at this point, I said to them that if I was to be executed, that I wanted it standing up. If you want to know what a dead man's last thoughts are, I can tell you that you will see all your loved ones pass before your eyes. An image of my two young boys appeared in my mind and thought how much they would miss me … Stay tuned for Part 2, to be continued in the next issue of the Circuit Magazine.

Throughout the entirety of my career as a security officer and current CEO of Defensor Civitatis Security Services I have learned and taught many principles in security. Working in high-risk environments has benefited me to the utmost when it comes to making decisions and managing situations. I founded Defensor Civitatis Security Services back in 2017. We successfully manage a wide range of clients, providing personalized security plans and structures rather than the basic and classic approach. We also pride ourselves on providing the best guarding personnel for each job and environment. If you would like to connect in a professional capacity or want to know more about what my company offers, contact me at or go to:


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No matter who you are, everyone has been affected by the pandemic, hopefully, all of us out there are surviving



Surviving By: Shaun West

Lockdown 3.0 Its been a crazy year and one thing that’s for sure is that no-one expected the events of the last 12 months.

No matter who you are, everyone has been affected by the pandemic, hopefully, all of us out there are surviving but no doubt there will be some that may be struggling more than most. Personal development - Get yourself ready for the lockdown lifting by increasing your knowledge and skills by continuing professional development. Personal development can be carried out in many forms, online training, reading and learning from industry publications, listening to podcasts, refreshing that CV. We have all become good at remote working since the first lockdown and many providers out there are offering online training courses so

why not look to see if you have any skill or knowledge gaps on your CV and get signed up to fill those gaps? Don’t put procrastinate and put it off, the work you put in now will benefit you post lockdown and help keep you motivated. Networking - Network I thought we were locked down? You may be locked down; however, you can still network. There are many great platforms out there to do this, such as Facebook, Linkedin, and professional membership sites such as the BBA. Remember whenever you post and network online you may be commenting/ speaking to a large audience so remain professional and humble at all times, if you feel you can add 103

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 value discussions then do so. Many employers will do background research on candidates that they are looking to employ and you never know that post you made slating some company may well be the one that stops you getting your dream job. Maintain professionalism and be courteous in all communications both online and off. Workout - Gyms are closed, so how can you work out? If you are like me, you may find it hard to motivate yourself at home to workout when the gyms are closed, but by staying fit and active even if it's just going for a walk to clear the lockdown blues is essential to maintaining some form of sanity! Working out and staying

fit has always been a big part of my life however, I have certainly struggled during these lockdowns to maintain motivation with a large workload and running a couple of businesses. With this being the case, I intend to make more of a conscious effort as relying on past endeavours will not last forever, especially now being post 40. There is plenty of great equipment you can buy which takes up little space in the home such as a TRX suspension trainer which will enable you to carry out a full-body workout just about anywhere. Structure - Maintain some form of daily structure and routine, don’t fall into the habit of waking up at 11am and switching on Netflix to devour the next big boxset.

I have certainly struggled during these lockdowns to maintain motivation with a large workload and running a couple of businesses 104

SURVIVING LOCKDOWN 3.0 Treat each day like a workday, and give yourself the weekends off. (Example structure - Wake up, workout, breakfast, work on some personal development. lunch, walk, tick off items on the todo list, prep plan for next day, evening meal, relax). If you can keep yourself motivated during these lockdowns, it will stand you in good stead and ready to attack the world post lockdown. Stay Connected - If you live alone, depending on the type of personality you are, it can be incredibly lonely. Some prefer and thrive on alone time and are more effective at getting things done; however, if you are not one of those people and are struggling make sure you maintain communications and speak to family and friends. Don’t suffer alone, pick up the phone and say hello, you never know the person on the other side of the phone may be feeling the same. If you are someone with no family and feel you have no one to share your troubles reach out through your support network of friends and colleagues there will be no doubt someone willing to share a coffee and talk things through. Maintain Focus - Uncertain times bring a tremendous amount of

stress, and it can be tough to maintain focus with so many stresses. Personally, I’ve found throwing on a winter jacket and getting out for some fresh air helps me most however I have also looked at other methods of maintaining focus and relieving stress, two apps I came across and can recommend are “Headspace” and “Calm” which can help bring you back on track and help you to take some time out for yourself. If you are like me and traditionally very busy using a tool like Headspace and making it part of your routine can be extremely helpful. In Summary What the future brings nobody knows but with vaccines being rolled out we can only hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel although it may well still seem some way off. These times are unprecedented with many stresses, family, business, work, homeschooling, finances the list can be neverending however be kind to yourself, maintain focus, stay positive and we will eventually reach some form of normality, hopefully these words may help someone out there if you are struggling don’t be afraid to ask for help. 105

ASK THE NABA NETWORK Jermaine Flythe asked the Network: How would you feel if a negative covid test was requested before a detail started? Shawn Ritchie We already know that's coming.. The question is really: 1. Will there be enough notice prior to the beginning of the detail for that to be practical? 2. What is the allowable period of a previous negative test to be acceptable?

Anthony Burnside I’m doing it right now since last year. And due to the client I’m with, I’ve been fully vaccinated and I still get tested. This will become the standard?

Hucky Austin I get tested weekly not a big deal for me. And, I’ve been vaccinated as well. I figure anything I can do to give the client peace of mind is worth it.

Lee Barnard If that’s what the client wants that’s what we do.

Sean Bravo If you don’t take it, someone else will and work the job. Easy decision based on your circumstances.


Mark James That only seems responsible in today’s environment. It has also been a requirement for all of the large projects I have been working on.

Steve Rivera My Tour Boss has reached out to about 90% of the Clients. They all will require a vaccine. Comes down to your choice. Do you wanna work or pass. That simple. I will take the vaccine if work requires it.

Ryan Mcmillan Client or company, if you work for them, they have the right to request. You shouldn’t have to, legally, but it’s going depend on you getting the job or not.

Loren Johnson Had it requested on almost every detail since this all started..... and suspect once the vaccine is widely available proof of that will be requested as well.

Ben Rakhman I feel that if you are not testing security agents and staff members then you are not doing enough to protect the companies you're working for.

Que Prime Me and my team just finished a detail for the last month that required a test taken every 3 days. Up to the last week leading up to the show then daily before entering the building to relief the overnight crew. Whatever, the client wants.

Charla Eudy-Thomas Fine and depending on the detail I would request the same of the client.

Anjurr Henderson Not a problem. Our job is to protect our client, even from ourselves these days. I wouldn't want my client sick because of me or any of my guys.

The NABA network is a fantastic community for getting help and advice on all matter’s security related. 107


Global Situation Report ANALYSIS

Each issue our global geopolitical partner, Stratfor, provides an indepth analysis of global incidents via in-house experts, cutting edge technology and through a comprehensive globally sourced network. Here is your summary from the last 30 days.

West Africa: Al Qaeda Is Expanding Operations in Benin and Ivory Coast Feb 2, 2021 France’s intelligence chief, Bernard Emie, said he believes al Qaeda leaders in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), Jama'at Nusrat al-Islam Muslimeen (JNIM) and other affiliate groups met in central Mali to plan an expansion of their operations. According to Emie, these militants are already spreading southward, financing militants who are active in Benin and the Ivory Coast, and operating along the borders of other countries including Chad, Niger and Nigeria. Why It Matters: The potential expansion of al Qaeda operations may increase the risk of militant attacks against coastal West African countries, especially Benin and the Ivory Coast. Heightened insurgent activity amid the pending withdrawal of French forces from the region may also prompt local countries to seek deeper security ties with Russia and other potential partners. Afghanistan: Foreign Troops to Remain as Taliban Attacks Rise Feb 1, 2021 Four senior NATO officials have said foreign troops will likely remain in Afghanistan beyond the May deadline agreed upon in the U.S.-Taliban deal signed by former U.S. 108

GLOBAL SITUATION REPORT President Donald Trump, as the Taliban has so far failed to meet the conditions set by the deal, Reuters reported Feb. 1. Why It Matters: An end to violence is unlikely in the near future as the Taliban continues to press its demands and the Afghan government doubles down on its demand for a lasting cease-fire. While the United States has announced its plans to withdraw troops from Afghanistan as required under a U.S.-Taliban peace deal, U.S. President Joe Biden has said his administration plans to reevaluate that deal. Colombia: Court Accuses Former FARC Commanders of War Crimes Jan 29, 2021 Colombia’s Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) has accused eight former commanders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) of committing crimes against humanity and war crimes for taking hostages during their time in the militarized guerilla group. The commanders have 30 days to accept the accusations and have their freedoms restricted for 5-8 years. Otherwise, they’ll face a 20-year prison sentence. Why It Matters: The accusations will bode well for Colombian politicians in favor of the 2016 peace deal, as the main criticisms of the deal have centered on the seeming impunity for former FARC leaders. Such charges, however, ultimately risk dissuading leaders of the FARC, as well as other armed groups like Colombia’s National Liberation Army (ELN), from wanting to strike a deal with the government.



FEATURED ASSESSMENT Iran Feb 4, 2021 The United States does not appear to be rushing into negotiations with Iran, which will keep short-term security risks in the Middle East high by testing Tehran’s patience. But once Washington does eventually come to the table, the European Union may have the opportunity to usher the two sides toward a deal. Northern Ireland Feb 3, 2021 Renewed tensions between the United Kingdom and the European Union over the implementation of customs controls in Northern Ireland underscore the underlying problems that the Brexit deal failed to solve, while opening the door to sporadic episodes of violence in the area. Russia Feb 2, 2021 In response to the jailing of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the United States and Europe will struggle to find penalties that actually reverse the Kremlin’s behavior, thus keeping Russia’s relationship with the West at an impasse. Syria Jan 15, 2021 Turkey’s gambit to undermine the U.S.-brokered 2019 ceasefire in northeastern Syria could strengthen its position on the battlefield, while increasing the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)’s reliance on Russia and the Syrian government.


Lebanon’s Crises Force Hezbollah to Turn Inward Hezbollah will be more internally focused on Lebanon in 2021 as it grapples with a unique confluence of substantial political unrest, an unprecedented financial crisis and a new wave of social and health challenges — a turn that will intensify political frictions in Lebanon and decrease the extent of the group’s operations elsewhere in the Middle East. • The largest anti-government protests in Lebanon’s history broke out in October 2019, forcing the resignation of former Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s government later that month. • Lebanon’s most recent government under Prime Minister Hassan Diab resigned in August 2020 amid the public uproar following the deadly Beirut port explosion. Major parties remain gridlocked on forming another government.


To address these developments, Hezbollah will likely devote more of its resources towards expanding its domestic power, shifting its decadeold focus on external objectives. Since 2012, Hezbollah has intervened in Syria’s civil war in support of President Bashar al Assad’s regime. The group has also aided Iranian-linked militias in Iraq, along with Houthi rebels in Yemen. • In January 2020, Hezbollah reportedly played a key role in helping Iranianbacked militias in Iraq form a new ~ strategic outlook following the assassinations of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. Hezbollah’s greater domestic focus will also decrease its willingness to undertake external actions, including overtly challenging Israel and leading military operations in Syria, which will ease Lebanese-Israeli tensions and weaken the al Assad government. • Hezbollah’s responses to frequent Israeli overflights over Lebanese airspace, drone crashes in Beirut and other actions along the disputed border have been muted or non-existent, even after it promised a ~ “new phase” of resistance in September 2019. • Border negotiations between Israel and Lebanon began in October 2020, marking the first such talks in 30 years. The talks took place with the approval of Hezbollah, which maintains de-facto control over much of the Lebanese side of the border. • Dozens of Israeli strikes have targeted Hezbollah fighters and positions in Syria in recent years, but have not yet triggered a direct military response from Hezbollah.

Myanmar Feb 1, 2021 Myanmar's military will use its recent coup to reverse the erosion of its political power and influence, with the pace of return to civilian control determining the reaction of global powers intent on limiting China's opportunities to strengthen its position in a regionally important country. Scotland Jan 25, 2021 Scotland’s governing Scottish National Party (SNP) is calling for an independence referendum, but has been vague about the terms and the timing of such a vote. While independence is improbable in 2021, the issue of Scottish secession will continue to generate questions about the United Kingdom’s long-term territorial integrity. Australia Jan 22, 2021 Australia’s pursuit of a media code that would force Facebook and Google to pay for sharing content from local media companies risks pushing the U.S. tech giants to pull some of their services from the country. Yemen Jan 20, 2021 The former administration of U.S. President Donald Trump’s lastminute move to designate Houthi rebels as terrorists will leave its successor to manage the fallout in Yemen, which will likely include a more severe humanitarian crisis, more complicated intraYemeni political negotiations, and ultimately, a more entrenched civil conflict.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 Myanmar: U.N. and EU Calls on Military to Accept Election Results Jan 29, 2021 The United Nations and European Union called on Myanmar’s military to respect the results of the country's Nov. 8 election ahead of the Feb. 5 convening of the country’s new parliament, Reuters reported Jan. 29. This followed several recent statements from the military that raise the specter of a potential coup over unsubstantiated allegations of electoral fraud. Why It Matters: While a coup in Myanmar is not impossible, such an outcome is unlikely given the military's role in the current political system, which allows it to check civilian power without resorting to direct interventions that might disrupt the military’s economic interests and risk major international backlash. Instead, the military’s recent statements are likely meant to increase its leverage over the ruling National League for Democracy.

Iraq: Country's Top Islamic State Commander Killed in Military Strike Jan 29, 2021 A joint U.S.-Iraqi military strike near the northern city of Kirkuk killed the top Islamic State leader in Iraq, Abu Yaser al-Issawi, along with 10 other militants, The Wall Street Journal reported Jan. 29, citing statements made by both U.S. and Iraqi officials. Why It Matters: The killing of al-Issawi helps fulfill the Iraqi government’s promise to respond swiftly to the group’s recent deadly attack on Baghdad. The Islamic State, however, has built an organizational framework that is not overly reliant on one person, and has also proven capable of replacing leaders with relative ease. Al-Issawi’s death is thus unlikely to significantly alter the group’s operations, though it will raise the risk of the Islamic State conducting a more spectacular or deadly retaliatory attack in Iraq in the coming days. 112


U.K., China: Beijing Condemns London's Rollout of Special Visas for Hong Kongers Jan 28, 2021 The Chinese government said it would not recognize the Hong Kong British National Overseas (BNO) passport as a travel document, calling it a violation of sovereignty and warning of "further measures,” the BBC reported Jan. 29. The decision comes ahead of the Jan. 31 start of a British visa scheme that would allow BNO passport holders to live in the United Kingdom. Why It Matters: U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has touted the visa scheme as part of his government’s effort to “[stand] up for freedom and autonomy.” Its rollout thus represents a high-profile affront to China that could bring some level of retaliation. However, Beijing's initial move to disallow the BNO document's use in Hong Kong or Chinese contexts is largely symbolic, given that passport holders would only use the document upon arriving in the United Kingdom or elsewhere abroad. 113


U.S.: White House Freezes Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia, UAE Jan 27, 2021 The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden is imposing a temporary freeze on U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates while it assesses whether such sales support Washington’s “strategic objectives,” The Wall Street Journal reported Jan. 27. The freeze includes precision-guided munitions the U.S. government had planned to sell to Riyadh, as well as F-35 fighter jets it had planned to sell to Abu Dhabi. Why It Matters: Biden is not the first U.S. president to review the arms sales conducted and approved by his predecessor. This suspension, however, comes at a particularly tense time in U.S.-Arab Gulf ties, which means it could lead to a longer freeze or cancellation of particularly sensitive arms sales, especially munitions that could be used in the Saudi campaign in Yemen. Afghanistan: U.S. Report Says al Qaeda Strengthening Due to Taliban Tiesh Jan 26, 2021 A U.S. Department of Treasury report stated that al Qaeda's core is gaining strength in Afghanistan as a result of its continuing relationship with the Taliban, Khaama reported Jan. 26. Al Qaeda reportedly provides advice, financial support and guidance to the Taliban through embedded networks, while the Taliban provides it protection. 114

GLOBAL SITUATION REPORT Why It Matters: The report aligns with U.N statements in late 2020 saying that al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri maintains close ties with the Taliban. This contradicts the Taliban's obligation in a landmark February 2020 agreement, in which the group agreed to cut ties with al Qaeda in exchange for a full U.S. troop withdrawal. Iraq, Saudi Arabia: New Iraqi Militia Claims Drone Attack on Riyadh Jan 25, 2021 An Iraqi group calling itself Alwiya Alwaad al Haq claimed it launched a Jan. 23 drone attack against Saudi Arabia intercepted by air defense systems over the capital of Riyadh, and threatened additional attacks, CNN Arabic reported Jan. 24. Saudi Arabia blamed the Yemen-based Houthis, who have launched hundreds of attacks against Saudi Arabia, but the group denied responsibility. Why It Matters: The incident sets the stage for additional attacks by Iranian-backed Iraqi militias against Saudi Arabia. While these will not be frequent, they will have an outsize impact. Iraq: Twin Bombings Mark Deadliest Attack in Baghdad in Years Jan 21, 2021 Twin suicide bombings struck a market in central Baghdad’s Tayaran Square, killing at least 32 people and injuring 110 more, marking the deadliest attack in Baghdad in nearly three years, Reuters reported Jan. 21. Why It Matters: These bombings strongly resemble past attacks conducted by the Islamic State, which is the only group with the capability and intent to conduct such an attack against civilians in Baghdad. The Islamic State was also linked to a Jan. 19 attack just south of Baghdad, which targeted an electronic transmission tower. This series of attacks highlight an expanding Islamic State presence around Baghdad. The group will seek to increase high-profile attacks in Iraq ahead of the country’s October elections, given its ideological opposition to democracy and history of seeking to undermine such elections.



FOOT STEPS By: Jose Casillas

foot steps Episode 7: Ivor Terret

In this installment of Footsteps, I interview Ivor Terret, General Manager of Enablement Advisors. Ivor is based in Israel, where upon leaving service in the Israel Defense Force and Israeli Police,

was selected to help found and architect a government Surveillance Detection and Covert Security Unit tasked with protecting Heads of State and Strategic Sites.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 For our readers, myself included What does your background consist of? I worked more so in the covert aspect part of things. I have 30 years of protective work including military, police, and private protection work I did with churches, mosques and the Jewish community. While I was in the Israeli defense force I was assigned to a special task infantry unit. After I was part of a small patrol unit in the old city of Jerusalem. Then I worked the rest of my conscription as a reserve unit for 12 years. What was your segue into the private sector. My segue into the industry wasn't EP related at all. I left a government detail to help a friend with a startup company and it was then I developed a safety net. I started a security company in which I offered consulting services and surveillance courses. What is one take away you got from working in covert executive protection?

There was one time where the client didn't feel safe and was unsure that we were even there. We later showed them footage of the several circles of security we had in place and how the situation got handled. What is your take on covert protection? Covert protection is definitely a niche within its own because you have to blend in and you can't naturally stand out in the crowd. Most times no one knows what you do and you go unnoticed, as you should. It's all about controlling the environment, without the environment knowing it's being controlled.

Best way to get into a covert One thing about covert details is that protection? they are more suitable for certain people. Being truly covert is more Apply for a job with a covert than just taking off the ear piece. detail. Make sure you have all However, I’ll say, if you want to know the right training for the job and more, take my course. network while you there. 118

FOOT STERPS Were there any times where you had to break cover in front of the client? Yes there were times where we had to break our cover to maneuver our client and divert them from the situation. There was one time where the client didn't feel safe and was unsure that we were even there. We

later showed them footage of the several circles of security we had in place and how the situation got handled. What advice would you give someone who'd follow in your footsteps? Easy. Don't follow in my footsteps, learn from my mistakes

Jose Casillas is a Los Angles based Executive Protection Agent who specializes in red carpet events, movie premiers & estate security. He also teaches martial arts and works as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). 119


Security 500 Conferences (Washington DC) 15 Nov, 2021 Washington, DC

Fifth Annual Cyber Physical Convergence Forum London 10 Jun, 2021 London, UK

IFSEC International 18-20 May. 2021 London, UK

ISC West 2021 March 23 – 26, 2021 Las Vegas, NV

Expo Seguridad Mexico 6 – 8 Jul, 2021 Mexico

LAAD Defence and Security Brazil 6 – 9 Apr, 2021 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


ISC East 17 – 18 Nov, 2021 New York City, NY

INDUSTRY EVENTS Sixth Annual Executive Security and CP Technology Forum London Jan 28, 2021 International Security Expo London 28 – 29 Sept, 2021 London, UK

Safety and Security Expo Asia (Singapore) 30 March - 1 April, 2021 Singapore

ASIS Europe 2021 31 May – 2 June, 2021 Prague, Czech Republic

Do you have a security event that is not listed here that you would like our readers to know about? Contact us: 121


Keeping Your Edge:

Support Those You Meet Along The Way

Keeping Your Edge: A large part of my career has been spent working with High Net Individuals in the entertainment industry.

Action vs. Reaction

Over the decades I have seen many artist, label executives, managers and agents rise from relative obscurity, to monumental heights. For example, It’s it was an amazing thing to have your Protectee ask you to pick up a 9 year old who’d won some local acclaim because of his singing ability, and take him to a meeting, 122

By: Elijah Shaw

then subsequently watch his meteoritic rise to arguably the top 1% in pop music, past & present. Yet just as I’ve been witness to that, I have also watched those projected meteoric rises, crash and burn on ascent. In many cases, at the time of the upward trajectory, the artist/manager/label executive,

KEEPING YOUR EDGE had no idea their fortunes might change dramatically. So when there was a malfunction in the craft, for whatever reason, and they had to brace for impact, how they were rescued, had a lot to do with how they treated the people around them that helped with the mission.

nature of their position, might be self-absorbed and at times narcissistic, Protectors with a measurable degree of success can find indifference, or arrogance, standing on our shoulders.

A sports coach might say to his team on championship day, “no one got here alone,” however, While I know that was an extended rarely in our industry is there metaphor, I also think it helped anyone to remind us, particularly clearly illustrate the circumstances at higher levels. Of course there that some in our industry can find are mentors, but rarely do they themselves in. The measure of notice omissions. Ask yourself, success comes in many forms, no matter what your current and by whatever metric you stature is in this industry, how measure individual success, there many people are around you that is a feeling of “making it,” that is have been around you since the undeniable. You might not be beginning? How many people where you want, but you can do you have that you could call tell that the fruits of your labor on in an emergency, or more have paid off, and you can see a importantly, would feel that they difference. That difference might could call on you? be in the bank account, social capital, prestige, or a number of While social media has increased other factors, but you are clearly society’s connectivity, make no ahead of the race you were in. mistake about it, the higher you climb up the ladder, the harder it What happens, however, is is for people to get in touch with this lead can sometimes breed you. While this is in no way a call arrogance. While you might not to be accessible to everyone all of have forgotten about the struggle the time, we should take inventory that got you there, you may not and make sure that those that we pay much thought to the support call our “team,” feel respected and of the people that have helped appreciated. There are a number you along the way. Much like of reasons for this, the biggest our Protectee’s who by the very being that it is simply the right 123


A sports coach might say to his team on championship day, “no one got here alone,” however, rarely in our industry is there anyone to remind us, particularly at higher levels.

thing to do. However, aside from that, it’s a law of physics that, what goes up, must come down. So that stands to reason that the people that you treat equitably on the ascent, will also be the ones that you see again on the way down. Exactly how that descent occurs, (gradual, controlled landing, or crash & burn) is unknown, as it has yet to occur. What we can do, is be mindful of our interactions, and in an industry full of Alphas, take extra caution to not take offence, where none might be intended. Additionally, we may want to actively help others who might not be in the same position we are in. Again it’s the right thing to do, but even if you considered it just a method of best practices for that inevitable day when things (accounts, clients, detail opportunities, etc.) don’t come as quickly or easily, you know you have individuals who want to see you win, or at the very least don’t want to see you lose.

Elijah Shaw is the National Director of the North American Bodyguard Association and the CEO of ICON Global, and International Executive Protection Consulting Firm. Elijah, who has been featured in international publications such as Inc. Magazine, Entrepreneur, and Portfolio, runs the ICON Academy, an EP Training Program specializing in Celebrity & VIP Protection. He also currently sits on the Board of Directors of Executive Security International (ESI), the United States oldest Executive Protection Training School. His book, An Introduction to Executive Protection & Touring: A Guide to Mastering the Business of VIP Security, hit the Amazon best sellers list, and is available now worldwide. 124

KEEPING YOUR EDGE project based off of your skills are not now weighing the tone of the words and language you are using to express your political viewpoints. This might never be brought up in conversation, instead you are simply passed over in favor of someone who is a bit more opaque in their political passions. “Grey man” is a term used in our industry to describe someone who blends into the environment, leaving very little wake in his passing. It is a state that many of us actively work to achieve, as it will allow us to more effectively complete our assignment, because by bringing as little attention to us as possible, we gain a tactical advantage. If this is a preferred state, then why are so many of us running counter to that, by actively trying to bring as much attention as possible to our political beliefs? In this new era of political expression via social media, our words and actions are not aligning with the codes we profess to exemplify. As we move into 2021, my question is, will it get better or worse?






Email: United Kingdom 3D Security Ltd Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1TG Based in Taunton 3D Security provides security services for a wide range of clients. Whether you need a security guard in Somerset, event security in Leeds or Close Protection in London we will provide a solution for your needs. T: +44 (0)1823 253 001 W - E - A.B.I. Solutions A.B.I Solutions is a dynamic, forward thinking company, specialising in surveillance, security and investigations with local, national and internationalexperience. A.B.I provides a wide range of services to the corporate sector and individuals alike. W - Amanda Campbell A highly motivated and experienced female operative both CP and Surveillence training T – 07596542249 W - E - Alex Morgan - Close Protection Officer I am a hardworking, enthusiastic and committed person. Adaptable and driven, I have great attention to detail and high standards. I am honest, reliable, friendly and work well as part of a team as well as on my own initiative. I am also a good listener who has the ability to communicate with people at all levels. I am comfortable, both taking and issuing direction. I am looking for the opportunity to apply and expand my skills. E: T: 07775 636964 Ambassador Security Management ASM MK Lions Arena, Grafton Court, Snowden Drive, Winterhill, Milton Keynes, MK6 1AJ, GBR. After successfully gaining ACS (Door Supervision and Manned Guarding) along

with ISO 9000, we here at ASM have a dedicated management team with hundreds of years combined experience in the security industry. W: E: T: 08458335750 Amber Security and Protection United Kingdom At Amber Security and Protection Ltd we pride ourselves on providing a bespoke and tailored Close Protection, Residential Security, World Class Travel Security and Risk Management service to all our National and International clients. The Directors and Senior Operators are former military, law enforcement or special forces personnel who are fully operational SIA licensed close protection operatives who have over 40 years experience in both the military and civilian private security sectors. E: T: 07425868014 (07540392093) W: https://ambersecurityandprotection. com Ark Personal and Asset Protection Ark, 2b Crow Lane, Rochester, Kent, ME11RF, GBR A small, efficient, highly descrete company employing ex special forces and detectives for all civil and corporate covert needs. E: T: +0044 01634 845526 Argus Europe County Durham Argus Europe has been providing specialist training for high-net worth clients and their families for close to 20 years, worldwide. Argus Europe now offer accredited training for CPO’s, Surveillance Operators and Private detectives. Argus Europe is an operational company working globally with an extensive variety of contracts. W: T: +44 (0) 8456 123 843 Atlantian Business Solutions Group Rutland, LE15 6SD, GBR Atlantian Business Solutions has been


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 designed to help both individuals and New Companies build for the future as well as support others with training needs. T: 07725970954 W: E: Briareus Security Our aim is to give a complete, discreet and professional service to all of our clients, be they large corporations, small businesses, local authorities or private individuals, all tailored to meet their individual needs. W: E: Mark Corder - Chief Executive of Carmdale Ltd Suite 3 219 Bow Road London E3 2SJ Mark is a former Senior Police Officer specialising in counter-terrorism; firearms; public order; training and also physical, Critical National Infrastructure and nuclear security, having had responsibility for the security of the UK’s nuclear deterrent. A former Head of Operations, Operational Support and Training, Mark has been involved in a number large-scale incidents (including 7/7) and has also worked at the Office for Security and Counter Terrorism (OSCT) at the Home Office as part of a review into Critical National Infrastructure security. Mark has an MBA via the OU. E: T: +44 (0)844 995 9900 W: Alastair Christie Advice on site security, perimeter fencing, lighting, CCTV and manning requirements. Monitor and advise on guard force setting up site procedures and guard SOP’s. T : +44 (0)7736 328112 E : Control Risk Management Solutions - CRMS - Ireland Executive Close Protection Operations & Training (B Tec Level 3 Diploma Edexcel) Threat & Risk Assessments, Consultancy Services. W: E: Crest Security & Surveillance Ltd 51 The Crest, West Heath, Birmingham, West Mids, B31 3QA, GBR Highly experienced Security Consultant with a proven record of accomplishment in the field of protective security. Skilled in all phases of risk assessment, operational planning, logistical organisation, implementation of security measures, security team leadership, project coordination, and delivery of security advice to a high profile clientele. E: T: 447977071427


CSI Protection Ltd International, GBR A well established security consultant and personal protection operative providing high or low Key protection to high risk and prestigious clientele. Specialising in the maritime industry as a consultant for private vessel protection on super yachts world wide. W: E: Custodia Custodia is an independent client focused Specialist Security & Risk Management Company, specialising in Risk consultancy and Security project management. Providing a comprehensive portfolio of Risk mitigation solutions to assist Businesses and individuals to plan for, manage and mitigate risk. T: 01432 277693 W: Daniel Gentry Close Protection Operative I am a former RAF Regiment Gunner with 8 years experience, including various command roles and operational tours of Iraq and Afghanistan. My previous role as a behaviour specialist saw me de-escalating potentially dangerous situations on a daily basis. These two jobs combined have put me in a position where I am now very effective at managing not only a variety of situations but also a variety of different people, often from very diverse cultures. E: T: 07445181281 DF Risk Management Solutions DF Risk Management Solutions N.I. is a modern, professional risk management company, with a diverse range of global strategic experiences and a team of executives who possess dynamic but complementary backgrounds. T: +44 (0)7837642686 +44 (0)7758743918 W: Executive Protection Officer Worldwide CP services W: First Class Executive Security Nottingham, UK, Nottingham based, full-service company specializing in Bodyguards and Security Consulting services. Extensive experience in VIP security, also caters for public and private sectors. W: T: 0115 9266466 G6 Global G6 are specialists in all types of radio, telephony and satellite communications for both voice and data with particular emphasis on covert communications installations in both

CLASSIFIEDS vehicles and fixed locations. In addition, our range of personal covert radios and bespoke accessories is extensive. W: T: +44 (0)1454 610050 Gordon Russell Highly trained frontline Close Protection Operatives available for UK and International contracts. Our experienced CPO’s can offer bespoke packages to meet all clients needs, including a variety of language skills. All SIA licenced, BBA member E: T: +44 (0)7917 281 004 Gareth Evans - CPO, MSO Reliable dedicated hard-working security professional, with outstanding communication skills. Strategic approach to problem solving combined with exceptional interpersonal skills, quick to grasp new concepts and information. Highly motivated, results-driven and thrives under pressure. Strong leadership and management skills with proven experience committed to continuous personal and professional development. E : T : +44 (0)7900058603 James Izett All close protection task undertaken, including training tasks. Medic (Registered with the HPCSA, Registered FAAW instructor and Assessor E : T : +971 (0)505 574 350 Janice Gurney Proficient and diligent Security Professional gaining extensive knowledge and experience within the security sector. Proactive individual who has a logical, flexible and conscientious approach to all challenges undertaken, ability to work as a member of a team or as an individual willing to work anywhere. T : +44 (0)7885 793061 E : King Cobra Security Ltd King Cobra Security are a Milton Keynes based company, incorporating Certificated Enforcement Agents, Security and Surveillance officers carrying services for the Domestic & Corporate Sector. Being one of Milton Keynes leading and vibrant companies not scared by trying new technologies sets us out from the rest. We are capable of tasking agents throughout the UK & Internationally when required. E : T: 0330 223 5099 W: International Centre of Special Training International Centre of Special Training is an international training and security company based in the United Kingdom.

Its priority objective is to provide services to the highest level. W: T: +44 796 736 55 65 IPSS Security Northfield, Aberdeen, AB16 7EX Security and protection services - UK and overseas. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1224 69455 W: ISS Training Ltd Riverside Cottages, Nidd Walk, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate, HG3 5NA ISS Training Limited are providers of specialist covert surveillance training courses and publications to the security and investigative industries, enforcement agencies and specialist military units. Formed in 1990, we are the longest established surveillance training ompany in the United Kingdom. Our credibility and reputation is widespread and we offer nationally recognised qualifications. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1423 712265 W: Jason Morris Security Hertfordshire, UK Providing a wide range of Door supervision/security for V.I.P and prestige venues, Concerts, Functions, Corporate and Personal Security, Weddings, Private Parties, Gala Dinners, Business Awards & School Proms, Close Protection and Body Guarding Static Guarding and Stewards. T: 01462 478900 W: E: John Featherstone Security professional with operational experience gained in a variety of theatres. Main specialities close protection and surveillance. T: 24hrs : +44 (0)7702 740722 E: W: K9 Support Services Ltd K9 Support Services UK Ltd is a supplier of specialist drugs and explosives dog/ handler detection service (which includes arms & ammunition) to individuals, businesses, and the public sector. T: 0845 643 6393 E: Logas International Tyne & Wear, SR1, GBR Front line SIA, International CPO. Private Investigation and Surveillance operator. E:


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 Adam McErlane Close Protection & Client Management A qualified/licenced close protection operative and live events technician from the UK. • 12+ years of experience operating within the live events sector as on operational technician/engineer (Touring & In-House) • Extensive knowledge of the operational procedures, security protocols & logistical processes of large tours and venues. • Personal protection/client management experience (unlicensed) for a high net-worth individuals. Personal Qualities - • Determined, motivated & hard working. • Punctual and reliable. • Able to work independently & as part of a team • High ethical & moral standing. • Act quickly and decisively when required. • Working knowledge of defensive tactics in hostile situations. • Patient & Tolerant in stressful situations with others. • Rudimentary understanding of the Spanish languages. • Effective communicator with a diplomatic approach. • Very resourceful & able to find solutions to complex problems. • Possess good foresight & vigilance. • Years of experience working long & unsociable hours. • Physically fit & Healthy E: T: +44 7751953009 Michael Boreland Close Protection Officer Since leaving the British Army in 2006 I have been working in hostile environments for private security companies in various roles ranging from Training & Close protection. I have successfully managed a training wing in Afghanistan providing security operations training for local nationals & Expats conducting operations in the region I believe with my skills and experience of the employment I have done in the past I would be an asset to any organisation taking myself on as an employee. Marcin Gebler Close Protection Officer I have experience with work as an armed security officer, an armed security guard at army unit and army airport, an armed officer responsible for searching and identifying explosive devices, an armed CP in Poland. I have experience with work as a mobile patrol security officer and static security guard in UK. I have experience with work as a security officer at hotels, production sites, private households in UK. I am SIA CP and DS licensed. First Aid at Work Level 3 completed in 2020. Firearms Training Course Combat Pistol 1 for CPOs Shockfire in Poland 2020. E: T: + 44 07799907528 MLK Security and Protection Services Swindon, UK Close Protection Officer and Door Supervisor E: T: 07917654978


LJE Security Services North Yorkshire, HG1, GBR Close Protection, Residential Security, Asset Protection, VIP red carpet Security and Private Investigation. E: Oliver Mike Close Protection Operative I came from Hungary and live in the Uk in London since 2014. I was a Police Officer for 23 years as a CounterTerrorism Specialist. Next to the police I became a Close Protection Operative and self-defense instructor (Krav Maga). I was a member of the International Krav Maga Federation (IKMF). During my service I have been protecting Hungarian Prime Ministers, Interior Ministers, Foreign Ministers, Ambassador of Israel and other politicians of other countries. E: T: +447413190349 W: One Events Grantham One Events offers you a stress free solution in the organisation, putting together and running of an event. Thisis accomplished by having a group of specialised companies from different industries working together for a more complete service for you. TEL: 0870 974 6779 W: Paul Lovatt – CPO After serving 15 year in the Army a move to the Security Industry was a natural step, during the last 10 years I have worked in almost every role in the industry from Door Supervisor and loss prevention to Operations Manager and Director. I have been responsible for the creation and implementation of highly successful crime reduction schemes across Yorkshire working closely with other agencies in the areas of responsibility. Currently I am responsible for the overall running of large events security teams from stewards to Close Protection Officers. Operational planning, contingency planning and flexibility are I feel among my key strengths. E : T : +44 (0)7506726336 Paul Tyler – VIP Protection & Concierge Specialist in discreet personal protection & surveillance. A good current working knowledge of London & its challenges gained through ongoing high risk security operations. Experienced in dealing with high net worth clients with all matters security & concierge striving go the extra mile to exceed expectations through thorough planning & interaction with all involved parties. A strong communicator with a smart appearance who remains synonymous with the principals lifestyle, whilst discretely ensuring a safe environment is maintained at all times, physically capable of adopting a higher profile when required to do so. Demonstrates sound judgement and capability to operate with great levels of

CLASSIFIEDS autonomy. Exceptional interpersonal skills with the ability to understand, interact & connect with a diverse range of people. E : T : +44 (0)7552515604 W : Peter Jenkins Peter Jenkins is the director of surveillance training company ISS Training Ltd. He has been managing his own commercial and corporate investigation business in Yorkshire for the past 25 years. Previous to this, Peter spent 12 years in the Royal Marines where he specialised in various roles which included reconnaissance, intelligence, counter terrorism and instructing. He continues to carry out surveillance work on a regular basis and regularly instructs on surveillance training courses internationally. E: W: Plymouth Close Protection Highly versatile, physically fit and accomplished security professional with cumulative experience in the areas of security management, close protection, crisis management, risk assessment, emergency management, asset protection and security training. E : W : T : +44 (0)1752 500807

W : Prometheus Medical Ltd Prometheus deliver unrivalled bespoke emergency medical support in the form of specialist equipment, training, strategic advice and deployed clinical care. T: (+44) 1568 613942 W: Prosec Consultancy Ltd 10 Oakfield business park Westbury, BA13 4WF. Prosec Consultancy Limited are dedicated in providing a professional service, which covers a whole range of security services throughout the security industry. T: 01373 228055 W: E: ProTouch Security ProTouch Security is one of the UK’s key providers of event safety, event security, crowd management, door supervisors, stewards, event management and health and safety. T: 01724 279 522 W:

Presence Security Presence Security (“ PS ”) is a bespoke security company providing protection for private individuals and VIPs, as well as security services for businesses and organizations. T: 0800 002 9734 E:

Python Security and Protection Ltd Providing Close Protection Officers and Door Supervisors for Events and Venue Security. E : Radoslav Savkov - CPO / Security Consultant Oxford - United Kingdom I would introduce myself as a high calibre Security professional with strong customer oriented skills and managerial experience in the Security Industry, interested in a challenging position, which would fully utilize competences gained and provides opportunities for professional and personal development. With 15 + years of international experience in the sector at all levels and a military background (National Service) as well as a practical Close Protection experience in an executive environment, corporate intelligence and investigations. As a Security professional, I never consider my training and development as a complete, therefore I always look to update further my skills and knowledge. In personal plan I am very loyal, discreet , independent and willing to embrace challenges. E: T: +44 (0)7886591525

Prestige Risks LTD 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N, 3AX, GBR. Close Protection Secure Chauffeurs Surveillance Residential Security Executive Protection Security Guards Asset T : +44 (0)207 5588182 E :

RSM Security UK Ltd London, UK RSM Security UK Ltd offers the experience and expertise necessary to provide security personnel of the highest calibre when you need them. T: 07850091979 or 07792948523 W: E:

PPSS Group Body armour and stab vests provide a functional solution to individuals who require extra protection in their chosen vocation. All PPSS (formerly ASEO) body armour and stab vests are certified by the UK’s Home Office (HOSDB) and offer unrivalled protection from blunt trauma caused by a punch, blow or kick. Based on our professional frontline experience and extensive research we can confirm that an impact based assault is a more likely event than an attack involving an edged weapon or firearm. T: +44 (0) 845 5193 953 F: +44 (0) 1765 603 512 E: W:


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 RWSSI Rob W is a professional security consultant with world wide experience and capabilities in Security, Surveillance and Investigation; I can support you to overcome any problems and enable you to achieve your goals E: T: +44 (0)7818 220985 SDS Solutions SDS solutions provide our clients with protective solutions that are second to none, our consultants will discuss every aspect of the problems that you are facing that dictate the need for a protective solution, we promise our clients a tailor made service to meet individual requirements. Whether based in the UK or abroad our protective service T: 01453 887815 E: Stephen OCallaghan Founder & Managing Director Strategically oriented Close Protection Security Specialist with a proven track record for providing effective leadership and exceeding performance objectives. Has been responsible for implementation of security standards in hostile and non-hostile job roles, security awareness and education, coordination of sensitive investigations, analysis of emerging industry trends and threats and the evaluation of overall team effectiveness. Ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships within a team, whilst at all times keeping the main objective and security needs at the fore front. E: T: +44 7306395194 W: Shadow Close Protection A leading company specializing in Executive Protection as a professional sector, with participation in high and low risk missions, providing global security solutions and consultancy to individuals, corporations and national agencies worldwide. W: E: T: + 30 6948539664 Shaun West United Kingdom SIA licensed, Highly Experienced Frontline CPO. Ronin SA trained. Providing security for both corporate and hostile environments. E: T: +44 (0)7830 109 601 W: Steve Pittman - Security Manager of Operations I have been active in the security industry for over 25 years in various roles including close protection where I have been responsiblefor the the welfare of high net worth individuals


in low and high risk situations . I have also a vast amount of experience in many other areas of there security industry including Door Supervision, Security Management, Event Security, and Residential Security. I have recently finished a diploma in Private Investigations and am a member of UKPIN. E: steve@covert T: 07818800778 W: Company Website: Mark Claydon-Smith – CP Team Leader and Medic I have spent 13 years in the Royal Navy Culminating in the rank of SNCO Petty Officer. In 2004 I started my security career and have worked in Hostile environments. I have held several positions including Operations Manager, Team Leader and Rig Site Manager. I have worked in Kurdistan, Afghanistan and Iraq as well as the UK and Europe. E : T : +964 (0)7815 970433 Philip Shearman MSyl – CPO, Risk Manager A professionally Qualified Close Protection and Surveillance Operator and Team Leader with over twenty two years of experience gained in the Military Police, the last fifteen of which were spent with the Military Police Close Protection Unit, working in various hostile countries throughout the world. Since leaving the Army in Nov 06 I have worked in the Private Security sector. I have gained valuable experience in demanding and challenging operational environments, where I have proved to be a self motivated and resourceful individual, performing well under pressure, communicating effectively at all levels whilst exercising tact, diplomacy and integrity. E : T : +44 (0)7930 277586 Spotllght Protection Services Essex based business which provides a broad and growing range of security services to businesses and organisations large and small. T: 07870560208 E: W: Vas Sotiropoulos London, UK I am a security operator with over nineteen years of experience in close protection, counter-surveillance, diplomatic protection, door supervision, and CCTV monitoring in the United Kingdom and Greece. Second Lieutenant in the elite of the Hellenic Army, the Special Forces. Undertaken a number of close protection courses run by the Greek Ministry of Defence, the VIP Protection Unit of the Hellenic Police, and the Surveillance Department of the US Embassy in Athens. Highly motivated and confident relocated to the UK for further career progression and to install my own footprint in the private security sector. Fully

CLASSIFIEDS licensed Close Protection Officer by the British Security Industry Authority. E: T 02038882020 W:

most of the “Providers” of Protection services worldwide. Organisers of the 2008 International Summit of Protection Officers. BBA Member. T: + 972 9 950 0969 W:

VIPA Tactical Training A specialist training academy dealing with four specific areas of combat: VIPA Civilian Self Protection Program, VIPA Close Protection Combat System, VIPA Police Defence Tactics and VIPA Military Close Quarter Combat. BBA Member. W:

Javier Galan Spain - Security specialist available for operations around the world. E: T: 34.637080771

Wagtail UK Wales, UK Wagtail UK are international specialists in detection dogs and dog handler training. Established in 2003, Wagtail UK provides detection dogs and related services for government agencies such as UK Border Force, HM Revenue & Customs, Police, Trading Standards and Armed Forces. Wagtail International School of Excellence in North Wales is a fully approved training centre endorsed by Highfield Awarding Body for Certification. T: +44(0)1745 561166 E: W: Westminster Security Ltd London, UK Westminster Security Ltd are an independent, industry leading private security company in London; providing security and investigation services throughout the UK, EU and worldwide for our clients. We specialise in close protection services; providing ex-military and police bodyguards to many national and international companies, heads of state, royalty, high-profile personalities, CEO's, private individuals and families. T: +44 (0)207 123 4544 E: W:

Military Grade Encryption Phones PO Box 52310, Limassol, CYPRUS Built-in encryption software which converts your voice to encrypted data using a constantly changing mathematical formula. It uses a dual layered RSA/AES combination and a changing session key which modifies the encryption algorithm every second. € 1,398.00 + VAT. All prices include new Nokia N73 phone. BBA Member. T: + 357 7777 7276 W: Nemesis Protection Ruma, Serbia Nemesis Protection is a Risk Management Company specialized in providing viable, bespoke, optimal, feasible and cost-effective security and training solutions for corporations, government institutions, and private clients worldwide. Nemesis Protection offers a full spectrum of services including Risk Advisory, Close Protection, Asset Protection, Security Driving, Surveillance & Private Investigation, Information Security, Transport Security, Staffing, and Specialist Security Training. T: 00381644679650 E: W:

Yoji Security We established Yoji Security in response to our perception of declining professional standards across the security industry. We strive to provide first class customer service in everything we do, drawing on our extensive experience in the fields of special operations, intelligence, counter terrorism and close protection. T : +44 7903231076 E :

TPT Firearms Training Bratislava , Slovakia and Rome , Italy We know from our extensive experience within the industry that it can be daunting when initially carrying a firearm and being responsible for protecting a clients life, but learning the proper techniques and having the ability to understand the weapon will make the job a lot easier and more enjoyable. Hopefully you will never have to use the weapons you carry, but should this prove necessary you will be confident and knowledgeable enough to handle the situation professionally and effectively. T : +44 (0) 7734101910 E : W :

Europe & Africa International Security Academy P.O.Box 5833, Herzeliya, 46000, ISRAEL. zOur graduates are more recognized, respected and sought after by Distinguish Protection service “consumers” and by

Security Concierge Group SCG Special Projects Ltd, Avenida, Bartolome Vicente Ramon No 10, B16, Ibiza, 07800, ESP Security Concierge Group is a privately owned and fully independent provider of exceptional security services to an


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 56 interesting and varied range of clients. T: 00 34 600 665 275 W: E: Wille Heino, Security Specialist, Owner Finland Gambeson is a security training & Consulting Company specialized in countering modern day threats. - Security & safety planning for different events. - Security training: Active shooter/Terrorism awareness/Surveillance detection/ Other. - Security consulting. We are specialized in executive protection related services. Local knowledge, trained and licensed close protection offers, mission support, other. E: W: Zika Rakita Managing Director Ruma 22400, Serbia Accomplished, result-driven, and highly motivated Close Protection Operative, conducting protective operations internationally. A background encompassing planning, organizing, leading, and undertaking Close Protection operations in both corporate fields and hostile environments. Proven in achieving results and completing tasks on time, discreetly, and to the highest standards. A confident communicator with the ability to sensitively solve a range of clients’ and colleagues’ problems and inquiries. With the ability to use sound judgment and understanding the operational balance and needs. E: T: 00381644679650 Americas Bodyguard Careers Bodyguard Careers is an informational site with the purpose of providing bodyguards with all the information and tools necessary to succeed in the Close Protection Industry Canadian Use of Force Systems 7975 Yonge St. # 7124, Innisfil, ON, L9S 1L0, CANADA A professional Use of Force and Defensive. Tactics organization teaching a full range of controlled response options for Self-Protection and Use of Force considerations in public and professional environments. BBA Associate Member. T: + 1 705 456 4333 W: Contact Front Photography Contact Front Photography is the world’s 1st photography studio dedicated to the Close Protection Professional. Stop putting generic or pirated photos on your website; instead


commission custom shots to best represent you or your agency. T: +1 (612) 369-6134 E: W: Decisiones Estratégicas Buenos Aires – Argentina Executive protection specialists we have experienced in all Latin America, for multinationals companies, also providing support in project throughout Latin America to consulting first the US. and UK. We have a team of specialists and psychologists in assistance and crisis negotiation. T: +54(911) 6415 1941 E: jbenitez@d– W: www.d– Detective Lacerda P.O.BOX 25996, São Paulo, 05513-970, BRAZIL Providing the full range of security and investigation services throughout Latin America. BBA Member. T: + 55 (11) 3452 4388 W: Giovanni Rossi South Africa Doctorates in Criminology, Vessel Security Officer, ASP Instructor, ISSPC Member, BBA Member, IAPPA Member, American Bodyguard and Protection Instructors Association - Lifetime Member E: T: +2783 415 9205 USA Global Bear Protection PO Box 11488, Jackson, Wyoming, 83002, USA Provision of British and US Ex Special forces security/ medical specialists. T: 307 413 3619 W: E: Icon Services Corporation 1043 Grand Ave. #312, St. Paul, MN 55105, USA A full service security and investigative agency specializing in providing high-level security and bodyguards to international celebrities, public figures and corporations. Licensed, bonded and insured, our diverse roster of clients reads as a virtual who’s who in the corporate, motion picture, fashion and recording industry. Icon has been the hand picked choice to provide Executive Protection to everyone from Superintendents to Supermodels. BBA Member. T: + 1 651 695 8778 W:

CLASSIFIEDS Imperial Protective Service, LLC 15849 N. 71st Street, Suite 100, Scottsdale , Arizona, 85254, USA Imperial Protective Service’ (IPS) is a security consulting and services firm founded in 1978. IPS provides both national and international corporate, executive and celebrity protective services. BBA Member. T: + 1 480 281 1588 W: Panther Protection Services 3695F Cascade Road, Suite 2207, Atlanta, GA 30331 Panther Protection Services is a full service protection agency offering such services as threat assessment, executive protection, self-defense training, firearms instruction, and high risk tactical protection. Our executive protection specialists have over 75 years of experience. Panther can handle your protection needs whether around the corner or around the world. Member: BBA and NABA T: (404) 349-9117 W: Rouven Rohler - Security Consultant / HSE liaison Romania I am a very fit and mentally robust Security Specialist with quality experience gained in the security (Military, Maritime and Commercial Operational Security (Oil& Gas). I have improved the effectiveness of protection teams and significantly enhanced clients’ awareness. My career commenced in the Australian Army, which included hostile environment deployments to Iraq and the Solomon Islands and I have since been operating on various contracts throughout Afghanistan and Iraq. E: T: +40 (0)746 642 739 SILVER STAR PROTECTION Executive protection, site and event security with global experience. Serving southern Minnesota with integrity and professionalism. Former USSS, ICON Alumni. available for domestic and international travel. Robert E. Jones Manager/ CEO W: E: TSICS (T6) Miami, Florida, USA TSICS (T6) provides the following services in Central America: Executive Protection, Individual Bodyguard, Close Protection Training, Corporate Invest. W: E: T: +502 6645 6822 Tony Scotti’s Vehicle Dynamics Institute 1162 St. Georges Ave, Suite 277 , Avenel, NJ 07001, USA

The first name in advanced driver training, offering our highly acclaimed Protective/Evasive Driving Programs. Designed specifically for today’s executive chauffeurs, executive protection professionals and others who are responsible for providing safe and secure transportation services. BBA Member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 W: Vindex Personal Protection & Investigation Inc. 497 Hooksett Rd #365 Manchester NH 03104 603.289.3161 / Full service Private Investigations & Executive Protection. 10 years combined Law Enforcement, Private security, close protection work, & security contracting. NY Mayors, U.S. President’s, NFL owners, and VIP’s are some of the protection work I’ve gained experience with. ICON alumni, NABA member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 E: W: Asia Pacific Asia Protective Group Ltd Asia Protective Group (APG) is a Hong Kong based risk management company, specializing in executive protection, overseas travel security and security consultancy services. APG has an extensive network of security specialists operating throughout the Asia Pacific region. W: E: E: New Zealand Security Investigations & Risk Solutions LTD We are dedicated to providing professional and effective security solutions for your personal or business security requirements. S.I.R.S is one of the only security companies in New Zealand with ISO 9001 and ISO 18788 Running the most advanced security management system TrackForce to help S.I.R.S security operations with real-time reporting and lone worker technology. With a combination of Military and Security industry experienced staff. We offer high-quality security services and industry recognised training programs with international qualifications in Close Protection, Bodyguards, Maritime Security, Hostile Environment, Firearms Training, Door Supervision, Private Investigations, Surveillance, CCTV Operations, Event Security, Mobile Patrols and Static Guards. S.I.R.S has the expertise and flexibility to meet a wide variety of client needs. E: T: 02040787549 W:


Life can be testing, no matter what you fight. - Keep Fighting.

FOP is for you, whether you wear uniform, a suit, or gym kit. 136

issue 56

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THE TEAM: UK Editor: Shaun West US Editor: Elijah Shaw

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Managing Editor: Jon Moss Art Direction: Pete Falkous


Orlando Wilson Tom Coleman Mark Roche Mark “Six” James James Bore Orlando Wilson Harlan “Hucky” Austin Guy Batchelor Mac Segal Wille Heino George Sardelis Shaun West Jose Casillas

Our Sincere Thanks to all those that continue to contribute their wisdom and experience for the enjoyment of others The Circuit is compiled, edited and published in the UK and US bi-monthly. W: E: T: +44 0191 645 0865


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