Circuit Magazine #57

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Finally, the sun is shining a little brighter! And things always feel good when the sun is out. So let's kick off this Spring season with another issue of the Circuit Magazine! After 13 years of producing the bi-monthly edition of the Circuit magazine, we've also launched two new offerings for busy protectors. The first is a weekly podcast that supplements the magazine and goes by the same name. So, if you haven't downloaded it yet, be sure to find it on your Apple or Android device by searching for The Circuit Magazine Podcast. Yes, we like to keep things simple here! Second, we now produce a weekly "On the Circuit" Newsletter released every Friday that recaps all of the industry's highlights and latest news and information. You can sign up for that at: We hope these two additional resources will help you stay at the industry's cutting edge and bring you more access to jobs, networking, and titbits of useful information to support your professional career. But you don't have to take our word for it. User feedback has been extremely positive so far, with some fantastic feedback and reviews about both productions! So, I'd like to thank all of our listeners and subscribers for the support. Sometimes it's hard to express yourself within the written word, so it's great to expand on articles from the magazine and draw a little more out from contributors via the podcast. It always feels a little more personal to hear someone delivering their knowledge and experiences over the air, straight from the horse's mouth, if you will. And God only knows with so much going on with a 24-hour news cycle, the weekly newsletter helps operators stay on top of the latest in the industry. Meanwhile, everyone is starting to feel a slight ease


of the situation surrounding the pandemic, even if it is different depending on where you are in the world. Things on the UK side feel more positive, with restrictions slowly starting to be eased. The UK vaccination rollout has been successful, with over 34 million people having received the vaccine to date. I'm hoping we'll see similar success elsewhere in the world. And I have no doubt we're still in for a long haul, but I'm sure we'll get there even if we have to adapt the way we are living slightly! There is a lot of talk of "Covid status certification" schemes to allow safer travel and enable spectators to attend sporting events and concerts once again. The certification would record whether an individual has been vaccinated, when they have recently tested negative, or whether they have some other immunity to the coronavirus. Undoubtedly, there will be teething problems and push back with some of these schemes. Still, I can only see positives and feel something like this will be a valuable aid in helping reopen all parts of society, keeping everyone safe. Will it happen? Let's watch this space. Until next time I'd like to wish everyone well; stay safe in all that you do! And please remember to listen, like, share and subscribe to the Circuit Magazine Podcast and the On the Circuit Newsletter if you haven't done so already. The greater the reach and support, the more enhanced types of content we can attract, which will improve the experience for all. Thank you all for your continuing support! Stay safe Shaun West Editor

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