information WINTER 2016
information CONTENTS 5
Women in Public Librarianship
Critically Critical
Archive Digitization
A Struggle for Legitimacy and Access
from the - -
Becky Ramsey Leporati Editor-in-Chief MLIS Candidate
& improvement during a time when
librarianship was perceived as a type of missionary work
as books and reading
were believed to improve morals
Women in Public Librarianship
Why Early Libraries Hired Women and How Their Presence Influenced the Institution Megan Stroup Tris tao, MLIS -
Women in Public Librarianship
— -
Women in Public Librarianship References
Bailey, J.P. (1986). “The rule rather than the exception�: Midwest women as academic librarians, 1875-1900. The Journal of Library History, 21(4), 673-692.
Battles, M. (2003). Library: An unquiet history. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
Department for Professional Employees. (2011). Library workers: Facts & Figures. In Fact Sheet 2011. Retrieved
Dewey, M. (1886). Women in libraries: How they are handicapped. Reprinted in Library Daylight (2006). Duluth, MN: Library Juice Press, 59-61.
Garrison, D. (1979). Apostles of culture: The public librarian and American society, 1876-1920. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company.
Green, S.S. (1876). Personal relations between librarians and readers. American Library Journal, 1, 74-81.
Harris Interactive for the American Library Association. (2015). Usage reported by households. In Public library use. Retrieved from
Hole, C. (1990). Click! The feminization of the public library. American Libraries, 21(11), 1076-1079.
Lerner, F. (2009). The story of libraries: From the invention of writing to the computer age (2nd ed.). New York: Continuum International.
Maack, M.N. (1998). Gender, culture, and the transformation of American librarianship, 1890-1920. Libraries & Culture, 33(1), 51-61.
Rubin, E.R. (2010). Foundations of library and information science (3rd ed.). New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc.
Critically Critical
Evaluating the Credibility of Online Resources Andy Gallegos and Kate Hans ke, MLIS
Definition of the Target Audience -
Critically Critical
Background of the instructional session
Teaching students the difference between good
and bad information has become increasingly
more difficult for librarians and other educators. While tools exist to help students to understand
how to determine good and bad online information
techniques to link back to Web site owners,
etc.), the reality is that most students don't believe that there is a need to double-check their online sources. (Brisco 2006)
The Workshop
Critically Critical
Google Search (this may include Google Scholar) Yahoo
Part 1: Call Upon the Tools They Already Use
Social Media Sites (this may include environments like Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, etc.)
Part 2: Searching-Round One
Where did you find this source? Who wrote this source?
Why should you use this source?
Why should you believe this source?
Part 3: The Interview
Critically Critical
- -
Part 4: Let’s Try It Again
Part 5: Wrap-Up and Summary
Brisco, Shonda. "Internet Or Databases?." Library Media Connection 24.5 (2006): 44-45. ERIC. Web. 8 Nov. 2015. Crovitz, Darren, and W. Scott Smoot. "Wikipedia: Friend, Not Foe." English Journal 98.3 (2009): 91-97. ERIC. Web. 8 Nov. 2015.
Forte, Andrea. "The New Information Literate: Open Collaboration And Information Production In
Schools."International Journal Of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 10.1 (2015): 35-51. ERIC. Web. 8 Nov. 2015.
Keller, John. "Development and Use of the ARCS Model of Instructional Design." Journal of Instructional Development 10.3 (1987): 2-10. Greenwood Press. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.
Kovalik, Cindy, Susan Yutzey, and Laura Piazza. "Information Literacy And High School
Seniors: Perceptions Of The Research Process." School Library Research 16.(2013): ERIC. Web. 8 Nov. 2015. Lorenzen, Michael. "The Land Of Confusion? High School Students And Their Use Of The World Wide Web For Research." Research Strategies 18.2 (2002): 151-63. ERIC. Web. 8 Nov. 2015.
Nicolaidou, Iolie, et al. "A Framework For Scaffolding Students' Assessment Of The Credibility Of Evidence."Journal Of Research In Science Teaching 48.7 (2011): 711-744. ERIC. Web. 8 Nov. 2015.
Unfortunately, the extensive planning, costs and time required to digitize can seem insurmountable. This is particularly true for NARA, where
only a very small portion of its nine billion documents can ever be digitized. Like many archives, NARA has an objective-driven digitization strategy, including improving access and maximizing its value, that attempts to address the shortfalls between users’ needs and agency capabilities.
Archive Digitization
A New Paradigm for the National Archives Sarah Carnes McNealy, MLIS
Archive Digitization
Burton, H. David. “Baptism for the Dead: LDS Practice.” In Encyclopedia of Mormonism, edited by Daniel H. Ludlow, editor in chief, 95-96. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992.
FamilySearch. “All LDS Members, Including Youth, Can Now Get Free Access to Family Search Partner Websites.” Accessed August 7, 2015.
Greene, Mark A. Spring/Summer 2010. “MPLP: It’s Not Just for Processing Anymore.” The American Archivist 73 (1): 175-203.
Hafner, Katie. “History Digitized (and Abridged).” New York Times, March 10, 2007.
Holmes, Mindy Raye. “Indexing Mania.” New Era, May 2009.
McKay, Sally. Winter 2003. “Digitization in an Archival Environment.” Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship 4(1).
Mills, Alexandra. 2015. “User Impact on Selection, Digitization, and the Development of Digital Special Collections.” New Review of Academic Librarianship 21(2): 160-169. doi: 10.1080/13614533.2015.1042117.
National Archives and Records Administration. “Strategy for Digitizing Archival Materials for Public Access, 20152024.” Accessed July 18, 2015.
Walters, Tyler O., and Katherine Skinner. May 2010. ”Economics, Sustainability, and the Cooperative Model in Digital Preservation." Library Hi Tech 28(2): 259-272.
A Struggle for Legitimacy and Access
The Chronically Homeless in the Public Library Laura M. B lazyk, MLIS
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Definition and Scope
The Library Loafer in History -
Homeless Individuals as “Problem Patrons”
Library Codes of Conduct
A Struggle for Legitimacy and Access
— —
Position of the ALA
American Library Association. (1999, March). Fact sheet: America’s libraries and the homeless. Retrieved from http://
American Library Association. (2015a). B.8.10 Library Services to the Poor (Old Number 61).
Retrieved from http:// 52libsvcsandrespon#B.8.10
American Library Association. (2015b). Hunger, Homelessness, and Poverty Task Force (HHPTF). Retrieved from http://
Berman, S. (2007). Classism in the stacks: Libraries and poverty. Journal of Information Ethics, 16(1), 103-110. Blessinger, K. D. (2002). Problem patrons. The Reference Librarian, 36(75-76), 3-10.
Cart, M. (1992). Here there be sanctuary: The public library as refuge and retreat. Public Library Quarterly, 12(4), 5-23.
Crannell, L. M. (2007). Poorhouses. In D. Levinson & M. Ross (Eds.), Homelessness handbook (pp. 8-11). Great Barrington, Mass.: Berkshire.
DePastino, M. (2007). Great Depression. In D. Levinson & M. Ross (Eds.), Homelessness handbook (pp. 14-17). Great Barrington, Mass.: Berkshire.
Ditzion, S. (1939). Social reform, education, and the library, 1850-1900. Library Quarterly, 9(2), 156-184.
Dunlap, E., & Johnson, B. D. (1992). The setting for the crack era: Macro forces, micro consequences (1960-1992). Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 24(4), 307–321.
A Struggle for Legitimacy and Access Harris, M. (1975). The role of the public library in American life: A speculative essay.
Occasional Papers (University of Illinois at
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Helper, K. R. (1993). Kreimer v. Bureau of Police for Morristown: The sterilization of the local
library. Stetson Law Review, 23,
Hersberger, J. (2005). The homeless and information needs and services. Reference & User
Services Quarterly, 44(3), 199-
Johnson, A. (2013, June 24). 76% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck. Retrieved
from http://
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Library pests. (1883, December 13). The Brisbane Courier. Retrieved from
Love, E. G. (1956, March). Subways are for sleeping. Harper’s Magazine. Retrieved from subways-are-for-sleeping/
Murphy, J. (1999). When the rights of the many outweigh the rights of the few: The "legitimate" versus the homeless patron in the public library. Current Studies in Librarianship, 23(1/2), 50-60.
Nieves, E. (2013, March 7). Public libraries: The new homeless shelters. Retrieved from public_libraries_the_new_homeless_shelters_partner/
Novotny, E. (2010). Hard choices in hard times: Lessons from the Great Depression. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 49(3), 222-224.
Olivares, O. (1995). Public libraries and homeless problem patrons in the wake of Kreimer v. Morristown: Writing patron behavior codes that pass constitutional muster (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of Arizona, Tuscon. Retrieved from http://
Rogers, M. (1999). The homeless take to the net using library connections. Library Journal, 124(7), 27. Sable, A. P. (1969). Library birds I have known. RQ, 8(3), 193-195.
Sable, M. (1984). Protection of the librarian. International Library Review, 16(2), 103-123.
Savage, N. (1978). The troublesome patron: Approaches eyed in New York. Library Journal, 103, 2371-2374.
Schulz, D. M. (2007). Vagrancy. In D. Levinson & M. Ross (Eds.), Homelessness handbook (pp. 1-4). Great Barrington, Mass.: Berkshire.
Shafer, S. (2014, April 23). Urban libraries become de facto homeless shelters [Radio transcript]. Retrieved from http://
Simmons, R. C. (1985). The homeless in the public library: Implications for access to libraries. RQ, 25(1), 110-120.
Torrey, E. F. (2014, January/February). Libraries are the new homeless shelters. The Atlantic. Retrieved from http://
Treatment Advocacy Center. (2015). Patients in public psychiatric hospitals per total population [Data file]. Retrieved from http://
Turnbull, L. (2010, March 30). New face of homelessness complicates Census count. Seattle Times. Retrieved from http://
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development. (2014). Resources for chronic
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Vamos, G. (1993). Kreimer v. Bureau of Police: Are the homeless ready for suspect classification? Whittier Law Review, 14, 731. Van Slyck, A. A. (1996). The lady and the library loafer: Gender and public space in Victorian
America. Winterthur Portfolio, 31
Ward, C. (2007). What they didn’t teach us in library school: The public library as an asylum
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(4), 221-242.
Wong, Y. L. (2009). Homelessness in public libraries. Journal of Access Services, 6(3), 396-410. Worcester Free Public Library. (1891). Annual report for the free public library of the city of Worcester for the year ending November 30, 1890. F.S. Blanchard: Worcester, Mass. Retrieved from
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