The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 22.3

Page 37

JOURNAL: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

Opportunities for Regional Training and Information Exchange Reap Benefits for Central Asia by Paige Ober (CISR), Nazira Shozodaeva (OSCE), Takhmina Akhmedova (OSCE), and Suzanne Fiederlein (CISR)

Group photo after the Opening Ceremony of the EOD course, 2017, Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Image courtesy of OSCE.


egional cooperation and regional partnerships are an

States Department of State’s Office of Weapons Removal

important aspect of creating strong and sustainable

and Abatement (PM/WRA) and in partnership with the

humanitarian mine action programs across the globe.

Tajikistan National Mine Action Center (TNMAC), recently

Challenges and opportunities endemic to a particular region

completed a Regional Senior Managers’ Course (R-SMC) for

are best addressed by the experience and expertise of local or-

the South and Central Asian region. As always, building and

ganizations. Facilitating ways to foster information sharing is

strengthening regional partnerships was a specific topic of

an imperative for the success of regional security goals.

discussion at the SMC as was the opportunity for participants

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

to learn from one another in the classroom. The input from

(OSCE) seeks to support these goals by coordinating work-

these international organizations expands the already signifi-

shops and trainings in the Central Asian region in order to

cant steps that national programs are making in the region.

foster a cooperative mechanism among states that would address concerns and challenges stemming from the disposal of

OSCE Regional Training and Workshops

explosive hazards. The Center for International Stabilization

Over the past decade the OSCE has undertaken “confidence-

and Recovery (CISR), through sponsorship from the United

building” as part of its political-military pillar, a system that

Published by JMU Scholarly Commons, 2018

ISSUE 22.3 @ NOVEMBER 2018



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