Eh team candidates 2014 2015

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Eh Team Candidate Information National Junior Branch Meeting 2013-2014 Should you have any questions or concerns about the electoral process, please contact the NJRs at

Please contact the candidates with further questions regarding their plans for their role.

Questionnaires These are the candidate questionnaires for the Eh Team 2014-­‐2015, as written by them. No edits were made.

Please read the questionnaires carefully, and discuss with your JB who you would like to vote for

National Junior Representative Candidate

Tarra Joshi

Involvement in CISV Programs – Gulf Coast, USA 2007 Village

Summer Camp – Bangkok, Thailand 2009/2010 JC – Reykjavik, Iceland 2013 Seminar Camp – Denver, USA 2014 17 local minicamps, 4 regional minicamps NBM – 2011, 2012, 2013 SBTF (staff) – 2012, 2013

Additional relevant non-CISV experience Highlander Social Justice Training – 2014 Highschool Peer Counsellor – 2012-2013

Positions held within CISV JB Vancouver LJR (Jr. and Sr.) 2010-2012 JB Canada Development Committee Coordinator (2012-2014)

Skills that would contribute to the Eh Team Having been involved with CISV since 2006, and having been the Development Committee Coordinator (DCC) on the Eh Team for the last 2 years, I have an extensive knowledge of how JB Canada works and what its needs are. My role as DCC helped me to improve my communication and my organizational skills. I am very enthusiastic and this along with my dedication to CISV allows me to be able to organize and facilitate awesome and educational activities. I am very active on social media, and contactable 24/7, which would help me greatly in my role as NJR. NJR is a significant time commitment, but I have very strong time management skills, which would help me keep on top of CISV and non-CISV responsibilities. Lastly, I am able to work effectively with youth as well as adults.

Why do you want to be NJR? I have wanted to be NJR since I attended my first CISV national event, and I feel like I am at an age and a place in life where I can confidently manage all of the responsibilities. I already know that I can work well with Mercedes as she was my Sr. LJR when I was Jr. in Vancouver. We also live 10 minutes away from each other in Toronto! I really want to play a larger role in CISV Canada and use all my experience to help plan and organize events. I look forward to bringing back to JB Canada things that I would learn from our region, and from CISV International. I want to help JB Canada maintain it’s awesome international reputation, as well as help JB Canada to grow even more! As NJR I would be able to help connect our very big country (as that is what I’ve been doing as DCC) and hopefully help every single JBer across the country to get as much out of CISV as I have in the last 9 years.

What is your vision for JB Canada over the next two years? This year is the first year in a long time that JB Canada has been connecting with our neighbourhood with the example of CanExUs, a neighbourhood workshop with Canada, US and Mexico, taking place this Fall in Texas. I envision us maintaining this strong relationship with our neighbourhood (JB North) but also our region (Americas’ Junior Branch). I want JBers across Canada to identify not only with our country, but to feel connected with the CISV countries that are close to us.

…More about Tarra… What would you improve in the current JB Canada structure? I would like to see our succession planning improve. I know how difficult it is to assume a position that you know nothing about, so I would like to work closely with the chapters to develop a strategy of how incoming executive members can be better prepared to take on their new positions! This could be in the form of improving position binders, or implementing succession planning training packages for every chapter. As NJR, the long absences between CISV Canada events can cause one to get distracted and push CISV to the bottom of the priority list, especially between school assignments and other tasks. How will you work to combat this in your own life? Having been on the Eh Team for the last 2 years, I am already used to keeping CISV as one of my top priorities. I am aware of the busy months and what is expected of me at that time, so I know to cut down the amount of other extra-curriculars in my life during high-stress CISV months. I make a lot of To-Do lists, and honestly the satisfaction of crossing things off the list keeps me motivated and on top of things! Plus, I love, love, doing CISV work – for those of you who don’t already know me… I’m a massive CISV nerd.

If you were an item of clothing, what would you be and why? I would be a sock. I wouldn’t mind doing the dirty work and cleaning up a little bit of the mess, because I would know that I was helping out and keeping someone happy and warm J

Development Committee Chair Candidate (DCC)

Capri Le Blanc Involvement in CISV programs Minicamps 2008-2014 Village - 2008 National Camp - 2009 Interchange - 2010 Step Up - 2011 SBTF & NBM - 2013 Go East - 2014 National Camp - 2014

What do you think are JB Canada’s strengths and weaknesses?

Positions held in CISV Member at large 2010-2011 Food Manager 2011-13 LJR May 2013 to February 2014 Treasurer - 2014-2015

Additional relevant non-CISV experience -Independent learning (homeschooling) -Backpacking -Filming and editing

Skills that would contribute to the Eh Team? Communicational skills, commitment, reliability, experience with working alongside local and national JB executives, respectfulness, fluent in English


Grammar in forms - Fix them Communication of national projects and happenings to all exec members across the country - Emphasis on LJRs to tell their exec. Country is too big and travel is expensive If shrinking Canada is out of the question we should try and get funded or be given discounts by companies, the government, or AIRLINES More funding/fundraisers to help chapters in general and participants attend sbtf/nbm/canexus Strengths: ⅝ chapter events reimbursement SBTF (content and advertising that reaches out beyond LJRs) National Camp Attention to CISV Rules and Guidelines LGBTQ Inclusion Eh Team is easy to contact and answers any questions National helps fund each chapter to send someone to NJBM

You are a super hero. What qualities do you look for in a sidekick? Telekinesis, good at communication, problem-solving, responsible, trustworthy, asks for help when needed, makes us cool costumes.

Where do you see room for improvement in this role? For everyone to know what dcc is, not just LJRs. (Even some LDCCs are unsure). When we tell our chapter about DCC projects people know what that means and know it’ll be WICKED. Get every single chapter to participate in at least one project. DCCs open and review submitted material within the week it was sent to ensure content is in the right format. More project sales making us more profit giving us more funding to put back into JB Canada

Why do you want to be elected DCC? I’ve been making videos of CISV events since my village in 2008 and I’m really interested in promotional videos. I would like to integrate film with becoming DCC in some way, whether it be filming the making of the projects, the projects themselves involving film, or making a cool Eh Team video so more people can find out about what Eh Team does. DCC projects are a really important part of what unites JB Canada, they’re a fun and creative way to bring everyone closer and connect our junior branches. I admire how the projects become a part of CISV Canada’s history and I would love to be a part in the making of them. There is a lot of work involved with the position but I know the end result would be rewarding. After attending NJBM in 2013 I was very inspired to take a larger role in JB.

Development Committee Chair Candidate (DCC)

Elizabeth Brown Involvement in CISV programs I am in my eighth year of CISV, and my third year of JB exec. I have participated in many minicamps, and local activities. On the national level, I have been to SBFT and national camp. I have also been to a Village, a Step Up, and I will be attending CanExUs this October/November.

Positions held in CISV I have been on JB exec for three

years, so in that time I have been the treasurer, the secretary, and the mosaic coordinator for the Victoria chapter.

What do you think are JB Canada’s strengths and weaknesses?

I think that one of JB Canada’s biggest strengths is how united we are. CISV Canada is a pretty good community that has many ways of communicating. As DCC this would make my role much easier to complete because there are so many ways of getting information to other chapters. One weakness that I have definitely noticed in my own chapter is that for the most part, the national goals are pretty much only dealt with by JB exec. The chapter normally doesn’t even know much about the projects that are happening, and the JB exec will just deal with it. As DCC I would really work to make sure that the entire chapter is involved in all challenges or activities that the National Exec puts out so that we can grow further as a community.

Additional relevant nonCISV experience I have attended a youth conference in Scotland that was not part of CISV, which was a very valuable experience, especially to bring back to CISV because it gives me another point of view. I also had a job for six months (which I recently quit) that was a very difficult work environment, which means that I have a lot of experience dealing with conflicts, and teamwork.

Skills that would contribute to the Eh Team?

Where do you see room for improvement in this role? I think that the DCCs have been doing a great job! The main thing that I would like to improve slightly is making sure that people know a lot about the projects that we’re doing. Since we have been introducing newer projects like the storybook, it has been a bit difficult to reach people and make sure that it’s known about.

You are a super hero. What qualities do you look for in a sidekick? If I were a superhero, I would definitely be looking for someone who would be willing to colour coordinate our outfits. As a superhero you always need to be looking fab, so having a sidekick who is matching you would make the effect even better. (Who doesn’t love some neon spandex underwear on top of tights??) My sidekick would also have to be able to do the fighting because I am quite frightened of fights and violence. I think in this situation I might actually be the sidekick but at least I’ll have a rocking costume!!

I am the kind of person that would much rather work in a group than by myself which I think would be very valuable for work with the Eh Team. I find that sharing ideas and being able to work together much easier than having to work alone. I also am very outgoing, so I would be very comfortable communicating with LJRs and chapters that I don’t necessarily know.

Why do you want to be elected DCC? I would love to be elected as DCC because I can’t think of a better way to give back to an organization that has given me so much. CISV has meant to much to me since I was ten years old, and I would really like to have the opportunity to make an impact on the national level. I have enjoyed being on my local chapter’s exec, and I am ready for the additional responsibility that comes with the national board.

Development Committee Chair Candidate (DCC)

Mish Mash (Micheline Daniela Lashley Vega) Involvement in CISV programs Village- Strasbourg, France 2007

SBTF- Calgary 2013 Interchange Mini Camp Staff – Indonesia/Toronto Step up Kitchen Staff- Toronto 2013 National Camp – Toronto 2013 NBM- Ottawa 2013 minicamps, cookie athons, and chapter events since 2006

What do you think are JB Canada’s strengths and weaknesses? JB Canada being as great as it is with an amazing group of people not only representing JB Canada on a national level but also international level. Eh Team consists of a group of dedicated individuals, who’s come love for CISV brought them together to give back to an organization that has done so much for them. As I have yet to be a member of Eh Team Executive, the only thing I see that could be improved is the amount of times all of JB Canada can be together. Other than National Camp JB Canada does not have many opportunities to interact with each other. If elected as a DCC I hope with my fellow Co-Chair and of course all of you.

Why do you want to be elected DCC? I want to be elected as DCC because I feel like my skills and never ending love for CISV will help me in making it the best year for JB Canada yet. I have various ideas that if elected I can present to all of you to help connect JB Canada even more than it already is. My experience in working with teams not only in CISV but outside activities such as school councils and athletic teams, will make me an enthusiastic and helpful addition to Eh Team.

Positions held in CISV Junior Communications Senior Communications Treasure Junior Ljr Senior Ljr

Additional relevant non-CISV experience President of drama council Soccer team captain Debate head Grade rep on student council

Where do you see room for improvement in this role? I think that maybe there could be more projects going on, as well as maybe a projects with help from other chapters across the world. My objective is to create and facilitate various ideas and projects to all of you to bring us closer.

Skills that would contribute to the Eh Team? When I am put in a difficult situation, I try and come up with creative ways to find a solution that would benefit the majority of people. I strive for excellence and thoroughly enjoy collaborating with other people with a similar objective. I consider myself a very creative person always trying to come up with new ideas to improve the task in front of me. I am also really organized and responsible person. When I am given a task I make sure it is done to the best of my ability no questions asked.

You are a super hero. What qualities do you look for in a sidekick? I would look for someone that is loyal and dependable. I also would love to have a sidekick that has a great sense of humor and can make the best out of the worst situations.

Internal Communications Coordinator Candidate

Cameron Moffat

Involvement in CISV programs Locally: Many Minicamps, cookie-athons, and JB Exec Meetings Nationally: SBTF (2013), NBM (2013, though attending 2014), National Camp (2013,2014)

Positions held in CISV Halifax LJR (2013-), LDCC (2013-)

Why do you want to be elected ICC? I would like to step up and take a greater role in CISV and this is a great way to do that. I really enjoy working with CISV Canada so ICC is a great way to continue. Skills that would contribute to the Eh Team? I am dedicated, and would proved the needed input from the east coast on the National JB Executive. Also I am motived to help improve JB Canada in anyway I can.

What do you think are JB Canada’s strengths and weaknesses? One of the many strengths of JB Canada is creating amazing National projects such as the storybook, songbook, and calendar, but one of the weaknesses of JB Canada is communication within JB Canada, such as communication between chapters.

Where do you see room for improvement in this role? As ICC there is room for improvement in communication between chapters, although at the last NBM we improved the communication between chapters through the regional liaison there is still needed improvement.

You are a super hero. What qualities do you look for in a sidekick? My sidekick would be aware, honest, and just especially when fighting the villans!

External Communications Coordinator Candidate

François Rivard Involvement in CISV programs 14 Montréal mini-camps 3 Ottawa mini-camps 1 London megacamp Village - Roskilde, DK (2008) Youth Meeting - Victoria, BC (2011) NBM Montréal/Vancouver/Ottawa (2011/2012/2013) Winter Camp Ottawa (2012) SBTF Toronto – (April 2012) Peacebus - Westbound (2012) Profile Raising Training – Regional Training Forum – Vancouver (2012) Village - Fredericton, NB (2013)

Where do you see room for improvement in this role? The CommSquad’s job is to inform the different JBs about what is to come within Canada, but at the international level too. Sadly, the confusion regarding JB International’s mechanism is still very much existent. I think part of the job of the ECC should be to train each of the Communication Chair of chapters about what the different emails will mean before sending them, i.e. explaining the different terms, the different programs before referring to them. I also think there could be improvements regarding the Canuck’s layout and in the way it calls out to chapters. I have the feeling it’s not engaging enough. One project I have in mind would be a “Humans of CISV Canada”, featuring an active Canadian JBer, asking for nominations. It could be a good platform to inform JBers too about the different Canadians who hold international positions and what their job description is. I think it would be a good way to make it more appealing to chapters, it widens the meaning of JB. I also think the ECC should have trainer role when it comes to different platforms such as JBPedia. If we want every chapter to work on their page, there needs to be a way of doing it hand-in-hand with people who already know how it works.

Additional relevant non-CISV experience Class President (2009-2010), (20102011), (2012-2013) Layout of the high school newspaper (Q)(2013-2014) Representative for the IB Students on the Study Council (2014-2015)

Positions held in CISV Jr. LJR – JB Montréal (2011-2012) Sr. LJR – JB Montréal (2012-2013) JB Representative on the Peacebus committee (2013-2014)

You are a super hero. What qualities do you look for in a sidekick? I would look for someone who’s good at organizing his schedule and that could train me to do the same thing. I would look for someone who could survive in the wild, because well, I can’t really count on myself for that. I would like someone funny, someone that loves to tell stories. A bonus would for that person to have a very memorable/communicative laugh

Skills that would contribute to the Eh Team? Sitting on the National JB Executive takes a lot of leadership skills, a lot of efficient communication. Not only can I assure you I have such skills, but I can tell you more specifically about what makes me an excellent add-on to the Eh Team. I have something similar to obsessive-compulsive disorder, which makes my attention to minute details very keen. I can then say the Canuck would be in safe hands. Involved in CISV Montréal since I came back from my Village, I think it’s safe to say that I developed an acute sense of tact. I have dealt with so many intense situations where people got hurt, that it got really important to me to learn to deal efficiently and safely with any situations. Then again, this falls into good communication skills. I think you’ll be able to see over the weekend that I am a very dynamic/extroverted individual and I am sure that this is an important ability when it comes to sitting on the Eh Team. Indeed, a representative has to be able to engage the chapters into whatever task or project he has in hand, and that takes a dynamic personality. What do you think are JB Canada’s strengths and weaknesses?

Why do you want to be elected ECC? I want to become External Communication Chair mainly because I think that would be the position I would be most skilled for. I am also very motivated by the fact that I’ll be working with CISV bodies outside of Canada. Also, the fact that I want to run for ECC is because with the ICC, you form an awesome team that backs eachother up. Having held CISV positions alone in the past years, working in a close partnership really persuades me to run for the position.

JB Canada is very united and that is thanks to the efforts made by last years’ Eh Team. From what I have seen at last NBMs, there are no chapters left out of the game or that feel less included, and we can be proud of that strong feeling of belonging to JB Canada. The weakness that I could perceive is that JBers from all over Canada don’t feel like they belong to JB World – only programs seem to be international. We need to change that vision that CISV is only about the programs, and that JB does offer an international involvement is possible and accessible to youth. The strength of JB International is that it offers so much, but most of us don’t know how it works. I would love to have a talk with every Communication chair from each chapter at the beginning of their term just to let them know what’s out there and the world of possibilities we don’t know about. That’s how I want to improve the communication within JB Canada, with face-to-face communication.

National Camp Coordinator Candidate

Santana Briggs Involvement in CISV programs Village in Mexico 2008 Interchange with Italy 2010-11 Step Up in Sweden 2012 Kitchen Staff at a Village in Fredericton 2013 JC in the Netherlands 2014

Skills that would contribute to the Eh Team? I would say that I am a hard worker and am passionate about CISV. I am also responsible, and I think that my past experience on the JB would help me when taking on a bigger role such as National Camp Coordinator.

Positions held in CISV

Jr. LJR 2010-11 LJR 2011-12 Past LJR 2012-13 Secretary 2013-14 Acting LJR 2014 Local Nat Camp Coordinator 2013-14

What do you think are JB Canada’s strengths and weaknesses? I think that Canada has a very strong JB! Chapters are supported very well by the National Executive, who are always willing to help. Something I think we could improve upon is the role of the Local National Camp Coordinators. Sometimes delegates for National Camp can be a little disconnected and unorganized, so I think that having the LNCCs meet with the delegates and be more involved with the pre-camp process would solve this problem.

Additional relevant non-CISV experience In the past, I have also worked at a camp put on by my church. Why do you want to be elected NCC?

I would like to be elected NCC not only to get more involved nationally, but also to provide kids who aren’t or can’t travel internationally with an amazing experience in their own country. I think it is so important that CISV is about more than just international travel, and as National Camp Coordinator, I believe I could organize a camp that will give people a great experience while still in Canada.

Where do you see room for improvement in this role?

I think that having the description of the LNCCs more clearly outlined and getting them more involved in the pre-camp process will improve National Camp. You are a super hero. What qualities do you look for in a sidekick?

Qualities I would look for in a sidekick would be: • Compassion – So that he/she would want to help people, too (Because I would want to be a superhero that helps people.) • Humour – So our adventures will never be boring A good memory – To remember the things that I forget

Junior Risk Manager Candidate

Caroline Breitman Involvement in CISV programs Interchange – Austria 2010 National Camp – Victoria 2011 Summer Camp – Colombia 2012 National Camp – Waterloo 2012 Winter Camp – Ottawa 2012 & 2013 National Camp – Toronto 2013 NBM – Ottawa 2013 Positions held in CISV Member at Large – Waterloo Exec 2011 Risk Manager – Waterloo Exec 2012/13 & 2013/2014 Treasurer – Waterloo Exec 2014/15 Additional relevant non-CISV experience Coaching indoor soccer – Starting this fall

Skills that would contribute to the Eh Team? Punctual – I am always on time and prepared to work Opinionated – I am very opinionated and not afraid to share my opinion or play the devils avocet to show all sides and possibilities to the situation Easy Learner – I pick up tasks and routines easily People Person – I am not shy! I love meeting new people and working with them Attentive – I am a good listener and love to learn Why do you want to be elected JRM? I love risk management and safety, it has always been a passion for me considering I’m the one who usually gets hurt. I would love to work on our national board and share my opinions as well as stay connected with the local risk managers to make sure everything is going hokey-dorey. I feel as if communication is key with safety and questions or concerned with this should be taken care of as soon as possible. Having been it for my local chapter 2 years in a row I would love to take this passion to a bigger scale and have a bigger effect with my ideas. What do you think are JB Canada’s strengths and weaknesses? I feel as if a big weakness in JB Canada is that there is a hierarchy in some senses. You don’t often see people at SBTF or NBM who aren’t LJR’s solely for the fact that most think they aren’t aloud or not on the same level as others. This has been slowly solved through national camp but there is still an issue at hand. People should be able to say, “That’s my NJR Mercedes, she knows who I am.” Most people are intimidated by the fact that we have a national board with the fancy titles even though one day we were just like them. We need to connect to our JB more by getting to know them and have us seem more approachable. Getting to know how the national board works will just make our JB thrive and understand the future potential they have in CISV Canada.

You are a super hero. What qualities do you look for in a sidekick? Willingness -Creativity -Open Mindedness -Intelligence -Friendliness

Where do you see room for improvement in this role? I see improvement in terms of connectivity with the chapter Risk Managers. Last year there wasn’t much involvement, I think it is very important that we have all the risk managers able to discuss with each other at least quarterly to help us grow Risk Management in every chapter.

Junior Risk Manager Candidate

Cassandra Haggarty Involvement in CISV programs I have been involved in CISV since I was 9 years old, and have participated in many camps and activities such as; a village in Guatemala, Step up in New Zealand and China, JC in Toronto, and Seminar camp in Greece. As well as National Camp in Victoria, and I have been a member of JB within my chapter since I was 12. Positions held in CISV Within my chapter JB I have been merchandise, secretary, communications, and good will ambassador. Where do you see room for improvement in this role?

Risk Manager is a fairly new role for the National JB exec. I would like to see improvement with getting more involved with chapter members nationally, and making sure they are aware of all the rules and requirements of the position.

Additional relevant non-CISV experience I am currently in Early Childhood Education at Fanshawe College and in this program I am responsible for looking after children daily, meaning watching for all risk factors in both activities, and environments. I have also taken a class about Risk management. Skills that would contribute to the Eh Team? Skills I have that would contribute to working on the National JB Executive would be, team work, organization, good communication, very involved, hard worker, perfectionist, dedication, flexible and loyal.

You are a super hero. What qualities do you look for in a sidekick?

Qualities I would look for in a sidekick would be speed, friendliness, energetic, full of ideas, honest, dedication, cooperation and teamwork.

Why do you want to be elected JRM? I would like to be elected, as Junior Risk Manager because I believe it is important that everyone is in a safe and comfortable environment. I think this position would be a great experience for me, and my future and I would really love to be apart of the National JB Executive. What do you think are JB Canada’s strengths and weaknesses? JB Canada’s strengths would be the amount of participation and involvement we have within our members. A weakness I would like to address would be the amount of awareness we have as chapters about the others, and the amount of activities that will be beneficial to CISV. In my role I would address this by encouraging more national events, or “ competitions” of activities such as the cookie a thon, where we strive to make the most cookies. This activity benefits others in our community and brings awareness towards CISV. I would also like to see more chapters striving towards bringing in new members so more people have the same opportunity to experience CISV.

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