CitrusBR Presentation - Carbon footprint

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Sustainability Working Group Brussels, September 8th Antonio Carlos Goncalves CitrusBR - Technical Committee Chairman

Sustainability - CitrusBR • Historical - This work is a response to the AIJN that requested CitrusBR to inform the carbon footprint for orange juice. - The idea was to have one number for the Brazilian Sao Paulo production being delivered in Europe

Sustainability - CitrusBR • Historical - 4 companies > Cutrale, Citrosuco, Citrovita and Louis Dreyfus Commodities - 3 consulting companies at the beginning - 2 companies already started - 2 companies started later

Sustainability - CitrusBR • Historical - Later on, three companies with one consulting company - At the end (only last month), all 4 companies working with only one consulting company in order to have an homogenized and more reliable result in terms of the principles/protocols considered

Sustainability - CitrusBR • CitrusBR, on behalf of its associates, reinforces its commitment to sustainability and will publish the Carbon Footprint of Orange Juice. • The consulting firm DeltaCO2, specialized in the quantification of greenhouse gases (GHG), provided the technical support, following the Publicly Available Standard 2050 (PAS 2050), the GHG Protocol and ISO norms 14040 and 14044 (Life Cycle Assessment)

Sustainability - CitrusBR • It was calculated the emissions of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and Nitrous Oxide (N2O), expressed as equivalents of CO2 (CO2eq), according to its potential for the global warming.

Sustainability - CitrusBR • This carbon footprint assessment encompasses the following product life cycle stages: • Raw Material • Industrial Processes • External Logistics

Sustainability - CitrusBR • Raw Material: Includes seedling production, planting, cultivation, fertilization, harvesting and transport of fruit to the industrial plants. The greenhouse gas sources included are: soil emissions from the application of fertilizers and limestone; emissions from burning fossil and renewable fuels (in agricultural machinery, transport of farm workers and fruit); purchased electricity and upstream emissions in the production and transport of fuels and agricultural inputs

Sustainability - CitrusBR • Industrial Processes: Includes receiving the fruit, processing, pasteurization or pasteurization + concentration, storage at the plant, road transport to and storage at the Brazilian port (Santos). The combustion of fuels from stationary and mobile sources, purchased electricity and upstream emissions from the production and transport of industrial inputs and fuel were accounted for in this phase

Sustainability - CitrusBR • External Logistics: Includes the transport of juice to European ports in Belgium and the Netherlands, and the storage of juice at the port of destination. The GHG emissions included in this stage came from the production (pasteurization, etc), transport and combustion of fuel in stationary and mobile sources, and purchased electricity

Sustainability - CitrusBR • COMMENTS: Whenever possible, the emissions allocation was avoided by analyzing separately the various products and byproducts system's production. When it was not possible to analyze separately the inputs or raw material by product, we used the allocation criteria based on mass. The mass yield of products and by-products from orange, calculated for each company in the inventory year, was used as reference (product life cycle).

Sustainability - CitrusBR • Energy matrix in Brazil: It is important to highlight that 46% of the energy matrix in Brazil comes from renewable energy sources. In this context, it stands out that 85% of electric power is produced from hydroeletric dams; gasoline contains an addition of 25% ethanol, and diesel contains 5% biodiesel on road transport. Furthermore, some industrial processes are powered by biomass, and part of the companies’ light vehicle fleet runs on 100% ethanol

Sustainability - CitrusBR • The Carbon Footprint of the Orange Juice, in gCO2eq/l, produced in Brazil and delivered in Europe has been calculated and was ready to be published, as informed.

Sustainability - CitrusBR • Taking into account that it would be a good measure to have only one consulting company to revise the principles used and the calculation for the 4 companies, more time was necessary to finalize it. Some difficulties just appeared when we seat down to put together the individual numbers

• Anyway, we decided to present what we have done so far, so that you can know how we are working and be sure the number will come soon (expected in October).

Sustainability - CitrusBR • CitrusBR Technical Committee considers that we should work on a period of 2 or 3 years in order to build a base line and then, define an average for the carbon footprint of the orange juice. • Considering we are working with a biological (agricultural) business, a longer period my be necessary to reach the best results • Experience in filling the developed templates with two more crop data would be very important.

Sustainability - CitrusBR More detailed references: • 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, from the Intergovernmental Painel for Climate Change (IPCC), United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC). • ISO 14040:2006 Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Principles and framework. • ISO 14044:2006 Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Requirements and guidelines. • PAS 2050: 2008. Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 2050. Specification for the assessment of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services. BSI – British Standards.

Sustainability - CitrusBR • ISO 14064-1:2006, Greenhouse gases – Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals. • The Greenhouse Gas Protocol – A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, 2008 (Revised Edition). World Resources Institute (WRI) e World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). • GHG Protocol Product Life Cycle Accounting & Reporting Standard, 2010. World Resources Institute (WRI) e World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) (draft). • ISO 14067: 2010. Carbon Footprint of products – Part 1: Quantification (draft).

Thank you!

Antonio Carlos Goncalves CitrusBR

Technical Committee Chairman

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