Currents Fall Oct Nov Dec 2023

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K9 Police Officer Hits the Streets

Cedar Falls Public Safety is welcoming a new member to the team. Boona, a two-year-old Belgian Malinois, will be Cedar Falls’ first K9 Officer since 2001, and the seventh canine officer in the Police Division’s history. She will be assigned badge #7.

“We are looking forward to bringing the K9 program back to Cedar Falls,” said Police Chief Mark Howard. “Having this resource available in our community will allow us to more efficiently conduct investigations including missing person cases, search and rescue, and be a great asset to our drug task force.”

Boona’s expertise will be in Search and Rescue, Tracking, Apprehension, and Narcotics Enforcement. The primary objective of the K9 program is drug investigation and tracking in addition to providing educational opportunities to connect with citizens so they can learn more about local policing during outreach events.

In August, the City Council approved a contract with Tree Town Kennels in Forest City, Iowa, for the formal training for both a Canine and Handler. Cedar Falls Officer Mike Marcotte has been assigned as the handler for Boona. The pair will complete a five-week training course in September with Tree Town Kennels in Forest City, Iowa. Following the course, a swearing-in ceremony will take place in late October and Boona will be an official member of the Cedar Falls Public Safety Department.

“As the cases and impact of opioid abuse—particularly fentanyl—have risen nationwide, it has become increasingly important to have our own local K9 unit,” said Chief Howard. “We have been working to include this in the department’s budget for the past few years and are looking forward to the future of the program.”

The community can follow Boona’s K9 journey on the Cedar Falls Public Safety Facebook page @CFPublicSafety.

Aquatics 19 City Council 3 Community Main St. 13 Construction 10–11 Event Calendar 12 Finance 2, 20 Flood 6 Hearst Center 8, 14–15 Historical Society 13 Library 16–17 Outdoors 6, 7 Parking 6 Public Meetings 3 Public Safety cover, 5, 20 Rec Center 8, 18–19 Tourism 20 Waste/Recycling 6


This year’s November 7th election includes a voter referendum to extend the One Cent Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) for an additional ten years. This tax program was first approved by voters in 1991, and renewed in 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2015.

A local option sales tax gives communities the ability to collect and earmark an additional penny on taxable goods and services. Groceries, automobiles, prescription drugs, and other non-sales tax items are exempt from this tax. Six communities in Black Hawk County vote as a single block including Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Hudson, Evansdale, Raymond, and Elk Run Heights. In Cedar Falls, 100% of the tax monies go exclusively toward street repair.

Since the inception of the program in 1991, this penny has worked towards repairing 160.3 miles of pavement in Cedar Falls.

What happens if there is no local option sales tax?

Without the LOST, funds for street repair would have to come from an alternative source and the pace for repairs would subsequently decrease as well. In Cedar Falls, for example, prior to the institution of the local option sales tax, these funds were assessed directly from area property owners. Since the LOST inception, Cedar Falls residents have not been assessed for street repairs.

The LOST renewal does not change the amount patrons pay at stores now. If you buy an item in Black Hawk County today, you pay seven percent in sales tax with the one percent LOST included in that. The renewal of the LOST maintains that amount. It does not increase Black Hawk County’s sales tax.

This November, voters must decide once again to approve the LOST as a source of funding for street improvements or return to a system of property tax assessments levied against property owners along streets receiving repairs. With miles and miles of local streets in need of repair, many voters have recognized the benefits of this sales tax to address that challenge.

The election is November 7, 2023. Visit blackhawkcountyelections.iowa. gov for election information including where to vote.

Poultry Licensing

Poultry are allowed in Cedar Falls, which include female domesticated chicken, turkey, goose, duck, quail, dove, pheasant, or pigeon. A license is required, as well as a land use permit for the location of the coop and run.

Poultry are required to be licensed annually by January 1.

Each Poultry

$6 (Limit 10 female poultry only)

Land Use Permit—City ordinance specifies the location for the coop and run for poultry. This is verified through obtaining a land use permit. For questions, please contact the Planning Division at 319-273-8600.

If it wags it needs a tag!

Current pet licenses expire on December 31 If your pet is four months or older they are required to be licensed annually by January 1. Please don’t be late, the fees for licensing your pet doubles effective April 1. When registering your pet, please provide proof of rabies vaccination (with rabies tag number and expiration date) and proof of spay or neuter from your veterinarian. Your veterinarian can fax a copy of the current rabies certificate and proof of alteration to 319-268-5126. If you no longer have your pet(s), would like to receive your tags by mail, or have questions please contact 319-273-8600. Visit to license your dog or cat online.

Fees: Dogs & Cats Not Altered $12 ($24 effective April 1)

Dog & Cats Altered $6 ($12 effective April 1)

Lost Tag Replacement $1 each tag/license

Mailing Fee $1 each tag/license

Do you have a dog who loves to run and be social, but a yard that doesn’t let them? Visit the Cedar Falls Paw Park! The park is located on South Main Street just south of the Highway 58 overpass. The 3-acre, fenced-in park bodes hilly terrain, waste bags and disposal unit, and a doggie drinking fountain (during warm weather months). It even has a picnic shelter with tables, restrooms, and a parking lot for pet owners.

Annual passes are $15/dog and valid from January 1–December 31. Dogs residing in Cedar Falls must be registered with the city to purchase a pass. What a great way for your k-9 to get off-leash exercise and socialize with other dogs!

For more info. on pet licenses or Paw Park passes, visit City Hall (220 Clay Street) or call 319-273-8600.

2 Fall 23
It’s amazing what a penny can do.

2 Council Member 319-240-1202

Term ends 1/2/2024

Daryl Kruse

Ward 3 Council Member 319-277-1100

Term ends 1/2/2026

View City Council Meetings live on CFU Channel 15, or online at Other public meetings are also available online.

Mayor's Revision

Simon Harding

Ward 4 Council Member 319-346-6695

Term ends 1/2/2024

Dustin Ganfield

Ward 5 Council Member


Term ends 1/2/2026

Kelly Dunn

At-Large Council Member


Term ends 1/2/2026

Dave Sires

At-Large Council Member


Term ends 1/2/2024

Easily e-mail every council member and the mayor at

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Cedar Falls, Iowa, City Government @citycf

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Cedar Falls Rec @cedarfallsrecreation

The Falls Aquatic Center @TheFallsAquaticCenter

Cedar Falls Public Library @cedarfallspubliclibrary

Cedar Falls Tourism @CedarFallsIA

Cedar Falls Public Safety @CFPublicSafety


City of Cedar Falls @CityCF

Cedar Falls Tourism @CedarFalls

CF Rec & The Falls @cfrec


City of Cedar Falls @cedar_falls_iowa

CF Rec Center @cfrec

Cedar Falls Public Safety @cedar_falls_public_safety

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Hearst Center for the Arts @the.hearst

City of Cedar Falls

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City of Cedar Falls

Cedar Falls Public Safety

PUBLIC MEETINGS DAY TIME OCT NOV DEC City Council Mon 7:00 pm Oct 2 & 16 Nov 6 & 20 Dec 4 & 18 Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee Tues 5:15 pm Oct 3 Nov 7 Dec 5 Library Board of Trustees Wed 4:00 pm Oct 4 Nov 1 Dec 6 School Board Mon 5:30 pm Oct 9 & 23 Nov 13 & 27 Dec 11 Human Rights Commission Mon 6:00 pm Oct 6 Nov 13 Dec 11 Housing Commission Wed 4:00 pm Oct 18 Nov 15 Dec 20 Historic Preservation Commission Tues 5:30 pm Oct 10 Nov 14 Dec 12 Community Center & Senior Services Board Wed 1:00 pm Oct 11 Utilities Board of Trustees Wed 2:00 pm Oct 11 Nov 8 Dec 13 Planning & Zoning Commission Wed 5:30 pm Oct 11 & 25 Nov 8 & 21 Dec 13 & 27 Health Trust Fund Board Thurs 7:30 am Nov 9 Parks & Recreation Commission Thurs 4:30 pm Oct 12 Nov 9 Dec 14 Visitors & Tourism Board Wed 4:00 pm Oct 18 Nov 15 Dec 20 Art & Culture Board Wed 5:00 pm Oct 25 Nov 22 Changes are noted at Verify meeting location on corresponding agenda. If needed ↓ If needed ↓ Original Draft Rob Green Cedar Falls Mayor 319-243-5632 Term ends 1/2/2024 Gil Schultz Ward 1 Council Member 319-268-1402 Term ends 1/2/2026 Susan deBuhr Ward
Council Meetings are held the first and third Mondays of the month at 7 pm. Meetings ta k e place in the Council Chambers at 220 Clay S treet, inside City H all.
Tues ↓ Fall 2023 3

Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission Formed

On September 18, 2023, the City Council voted to form the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission, which will serve in the role previously filled by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. That committee has been invaluable as a volunteer task force reviewing policies, plans, safety issues, and the usability of current infrastructure serving cyclists and pedestrians. Due to this work, the Council has now officially codified them as a city commission—an important step forward. As with other boards and commission, the members of the new commission will be appointed by Council. If you are a regular user of Cedar Falls’ trails, sidewalks, bike lanes, etc. and have a desire to serve in the community, you are encouraged to fill out an application to serve. That application can be found at

Island Park Welcomes New Disc Golf Course

Island Park in Cedar Falls is now home to the City’s newest disc golf course. Designed by Cedar Falls Principal Engineer, Ben Claypool, the 9-hole course is located on Center Street. It joins existing courses at Tourist Park and Big Woods Lake to give players a wider variety of options for the popular sport.

“Each year, we see more and more people enjoy the disc golf courses in Cedar Falls and it has been a goal to expand on that as the demand has grown,” said Parks Supervisor Kevin Cross. “The northern end of Island Park was severely underutilized so it was a perfect place to create something new and exciting for the community.”

City Parks crews got to work in spring 2023, clearing trees that had succumbed to the Emerald Ash Borer and removing undergrowth from the area. After weeks of work removing debris as well as dated and unused playground equipment, the Parks team transformed the old space into a 9-hole course that featured a unique playing experience for both veterans and newcomers to the game.

Bike-friendly Community

The League of American Bicyclists honored the efforts of Cedar Falls to build better places for people to bike with the renewal of the city’s bronze-level Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) status. The award recognizes Cedar Falls for its commitment to creating transportation and recreational resources that benefit residents of all ages and abilities while encouraging healthier and more sustainable transportation choices.

Cedar Falls is one of eight cities in Iowa to earn this distinction and joins 506 communities across the country in the movement for safer streets and better bicycling for everyone. To attain such accreditation, the League of American Bicyclists studied the area infrastructure provided for cyclists as well as the contributions of local organizations including businesses, non-profits, the Cedar Falls school district, the Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments (INRCOG), and City departments. City staff worked together with the Cedar Falls Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee to secure the bronze-level status renewal, effective through 2027.

With over 130+ miles of hard-surfaced trails as well as a huge network of soft trails, your Cedar Falls biking adventure awaits you! Visit and select ‘outdoor recreation’ from the things to do tab to learn more about our local trails and view maps.

“What we ultimately produced was a course that challenged local disc golfers to longer throws than there are at Tourist Disc Golf Course across the street, and shorter throws than Big Woods Disc Golf Course next to the lake,” said Claypool. “There are some fun quirks with the course as well including an ‘island’ green around the basket for Hole 1, an elevated basket for Hole 9, and a practice putting green where disc golfers can warm up their putting skills before rounds. It has garnered a lot of positive feedback and use from local disc golf groups already which we are thrilled to see. Our City crews did an amazing job on the installation. Whether you are a long-time player or interested in a casual new hobby, we invite you to stop on over and give it a try!”

4 Fall 23

New EMS / Rescue Vehicle

The new EMS/ rescue vehicle was created as a multi-functional unit to enhance the response capabilities of Cedar Falls Public Safety. This vehicle is easier to operate throughout the city. This vehicle will save wear and tear on the fire engine and is affordable and reliable. The maintenance and service costs are a fraction of the engine. The engines will still be staffed. The vehicle will help expedite response times and on-scene capabilities. The vehicle can be utilized for medical calls, inspections, traffic assistance, building entry, and tow boats/trailers.

Fire Prevention Week

This year Fire Prevention Week is October 8–14, 2023, and the theme is, “Cooking safety starts with YOU!” This theme is designed to better educate everyone about the simple—but important—actions they can take to keep themselves and others safe while cooking.

• Cooking is the leading cause of home fires.

• Unattended cooking is the leading cause of cooking fires and deaths.

• Turn pot handles toward the back of stove.

• DO not use water on a grease fire.

• Keep a “Kid Free zone” of three feet from hot food or drink preparation.

In support of Fire Prevention Week, Cedar Falls Public Safety encourages every family to develop a plan together and practice it. A home escape plan includes working smoke alarms on every level of the home, in every bedroom, and near all sleeping areas. It also includes two ways out of every room—usually a door and a window—with a clear path to an outside meeting place (like a tree, light pole, or mailbox) a safe distance from the home.

Here are some additional tips for developing and practicing a home escape plan:

• Draw a map of your home with all members of your household. Mark two exits from each room and a path to the outside from each exit.

• Practice your home fire drill twice a year. Conduct one at night and one during the day with everyone in your home, and practice using different ways out.

• Teach children how to escape on their own in case you can’t help.

• Make sure the number of your home is clearly marked and easy for Fire Rescue to find.

• Close doors behind you as you leave. This may slow the spread of smoke, heat, and fire.

• Once you get outside, stay outside. Never go back inside a burning building.

Cedar Falls Hosts Youth Fire Academy

Cedar Falls Public Safety congratulates the graduates of the Youth Fire Academy which took place from July 20–21. Cedar Falls students, ages 8–12, were invited to attend this free course offering handson training and education on fire prevention, first aid, careers in firefighting and emergency medical service, EMS operations, and much more. Twenty four students completed the course, earning a certificate and t-shirt.

“It has been a goal of the Public Safety Department to bring this opportunity to our area, and the community response was extremely positive,” said Fire Chief John Zolondek. “Students were able to learn about the career path of first responders, as well as gain valuable information on what to do in the event of an emergency. These experiences also help strengthen the connection between our public safety team and the citizens we serve. We look forward to continuing this program in the future.”

Fall 2023 5

Average Flood Insurance Costs

It has been a dry summer, but flooding knows no season. FEMA has overhauled flood insurance premiums to address increasing risks from storms and flood events. Many homeowners—especially in the hurricane prone Gulf Coast Area—will see annual flood insurance premiums increase by more than 10 times what they previously paid. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) covers nearly five million policy holders in the United States. Currently the median flood insurance premiums range from a low of $332 in Parmer County, Texas, to a high of $3,845 in Sherman County, Oregon. In Iowa, the range is from $408 in Keokuk County to $2,530 in Crawford County, for an average of $875 statewide. Black Hawk County’s average rate is $760. Since 2021, Black Hawk County has seen a decrease of 15.5% (-$134 per year) change to the median NFIP premiums, while surrounding counties have seen increases ranging from 4.9% for Butler County to 40.4% for Tama County. More information may be found at

You may recall from the Spring 2023 Currents article, Cedar Falls is one of only 13 communities in Iowa that participates in the Community Rating System. The City is a Class 5 community and as such, properties located in the one percent annual (100-year) floodplain received a 25% discount on flood insurance policies. To maintain this rating and the resulting discounts enjoyed by property owners, the City carefully manages flood-prone areas through educational initiatives, policies, and regulations.

Flood Map Update

The City received notification from the Iowa DNR that there was another delay with the new flood map adoption. The new floodplain maps have a new scheduled effective date of May 8, 2024.

If you have questions, please contact Thom Weintraut, Planner III, at 319-268-5184 or at

Expired permits

Building permits are a very important part of any home project, especially the inspection part of permitting. Inspectors are an additional set of eyes looking for code violations that could create a problem within your home. Building permits are designed to allow the city to first review the plans for compliance with our building codes and ordinances. Then, once the project starts, the permit allows the inspectors to verify the work is done correctly. While we know homeowners and contractors do not intentionally build noncompliant spaces, it does happen. Sometimes the homeowner isn’t well-versed in the code, other times it is simply an oversight. How many times have you written an email, reviewed it, hit send, and then noticed an error? The same thing happens with construction. Inspectors help “proofread” for compliance.

The City has found some permits have not had an inspection at the completion of the project, which leads to an expired permit. The City is working with contractors to address these. You may receive a call to schedule an inspection for something that was completed more than a year ago. This is to ensure completed work was done correctly. We are also working with homeowners on expired permits. If you apply for a new permit, you may be asked to allow for additional inspections to address work from any expired permits, to be sure they are inspected and closed.

If you feel you may have open permits needing an inspection, please feel free to call 319-268-5161 and ask for a review of your address and any open permits.

Sidewalk Snow Clearing Ordinance

On August 7, 2023, a revised sidewalk snow clearing ordinance (Section 19-185) was adopted. The main purpose of the revisions is to clarify the requirements of private property owners for the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk in the right-of-way adjacent to their property.

Property owners are now required to remove snow from any sidewalk in the right-of-way along the boundary of their property. Criteria for clearing include:

• ALL snow and ice whether it is of natural accumulation or left by a plow.

• Snow and ice MUST be cleared from the FULL WIDTH and LENGTH of the sidewalk within 48 hours of the end of a snow event.

• Any adjacent sidewalk such as side, rear, corner ramps, for example.

There are a variety of situations with some neighborhoods having limited connections or a sidewalk right next to the road. All sidewalks must be cleared for pedestrian accessibility and safety throughout the year.

If the removal of snow and ice creates an unsafe condition or a significant hardship to the owner, the owner can submit an alternative route for snow removal. This means if the snow at a corner has been piled too high or is too compacted by a plow, the owner may request the ability to clear an alternative route around the pile. This alternative route must provide safe access to another adjacent sidewalk, be level, and be a minimum of 4'-0" in width. If you have a question regarding snow removal alternatives, please contact Building Official, Jamie Castle, at 319-268-5189 or Code Enforcement Officer, Adam Spray, at 319-268-5186.

If a property owner does not clear the snow within 48 hours, the city will provide notice at the property of the violation. Twenty four hours after the notice the city will have the sidewalk cleared and assess the cost to the property owner, if it has not been completed.

A reminder to landlords: It is the property owner’s responsibility to clear the snow and the cost will be assessed to the property owner if the city clears the sidewalk. Communicate with tenants about their responsibility based on any lease agreement.


During the September 5, 2023, meeting, City Council passed Ordinance #3038, amending Chapter 23, Traffic and Motor Vehicles, of the Code of Ordinances relative to establishing temporary long-term daily permits for municipal parking lots or facilities.

This means, in addition to a monthly parking permit, a daily parking permit may be purchased by monthly permit holders for temporary longterm parking. The purchase and proper display/registration of a daily parking permit entitles the motor vehicle to be parked in the designated off-street municipal parking lot or facility, without moving the vehicle, for an unlimited amount of time for the designated dates purchased, without penalty or removal by tow.

This additional time can be purchased through a separate transaction in the parking permit portal located at

6 Fall 23

Preparing for the Winter Season

Public Works is well into planning for the upcoming winter season. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, there is a chance this winter could be colder with above normal precipitation. City maintenance staff will be prepared for all types of winter conditions. Some activities currently underway are route planning, equipment prep, and material procurement. Soon all snow and ice control personnel will meet to go over all aspects of winter operations. Typically, any type of snowfall triggers snow removal operations by public agencies, business owners, and residents. From the state level to individual property owners, cooperation is key to making the city safe for drivers and pedestrians. The following are a few reminders:


The best decision is to avoid putting yourself in a bad situation by traveling when the streets are not completely cleared. Venture out only when necessary. Winter weather is easy to follow in Iowa, usually being the top local news story whenever adverse conditions are predicted. A little pre-planning and checking the weather forecast will aid you in making sound travel decisions.



In the event of a winter storm, major streets—arterial streets and collector streets in neighborhoods—are cleared of snow as soon as possible. The time necessary depends on the severity of the storm. Always exercise caution and drive appropriately for the road conditions.


Residential streets provide access to neighborhoods, and are typically not high traffic streets. Depending on the amount of accumulation, clearing residential streets usually takes place after all arterial streets.


It is a violation of city ordinance to blow, plow, or shovel snow onto city streets. Doing so may create a hazard for motorists. Your help in preventing this situation is greatly appreciated!


Plows clear snow along the curb as safely possible to curbside mailboxes. Mailboxes may become blocked by the buildup of snow as winter weather events progress. It is the responsibility of the homeowner or mail recipient to keep access to the mailbox clear of snow.


The primary goal of plowing is to remove snow from streets. Plows push the snow from the middle of the street to the curbside right-of way where it is stored. Unfortunately, this results in snow wind rows at the end of driveways. Plow drivers are trained to minimize the impact to driveways and sidewalks as a best management practice.


Cul-de-sacs are difficult to clear because of the circular design of the street that creates maneuverability issues, and limited space available for snow storage. It takes considerably longer to clear snow from a cul-de-sac than it does an “uninterrupted” through street. Smaller trucks are usually dispatched to plow cul-de sacs allowing the larger trucks to concentrate on streets. Residents are reminded that cul-de-sacs may be done sooner or later than the regular street.


Be sure your automated garbage cart is not placed in the street. The automated trucks are designed to “reach” for the carts placed on the right-of-way. Carts in the street obstruct snowplow travel and plows cannot do an efficient job of clearing the street. The exception to this rule is for those located on a street with one-sided garbage collection.


Obstructions in the street hamper plowing operations and can prevent streets from being properly cleared of snow. If plows are forced to go around a vehicle parked in the street, it creates a hazard by narrowing the street width. Another potential hazard develops when the parked vehicle is moved leaving a snow berm in the street. Taking the time to remove your vehicle from the street prior to a snow event gives the plow driver the ability to clear the street to the curb, leaving you a clear place to park. In addition, it saves you from having to dig out your vehicle after the plow has passed.


Studies have shown that salt remains the most cost-effective means of snow and ice control for roadways and sidewalks. The proper use of deicers is very important to the City’s snow and ice control operations. A combination of timely plowing and disciplined salt application is used to boost safe travel, while also working to reduce the environmental impact of salt usage.

Fall Yard Waste Disposal Options

Cedar Falls Compost Facility

(300 block of east Main Street)

The compost facility is open through the end of November and into the winter months, weather permitting, Monday–Friday from 7:30 am to dusk and weekends/holidays from 8:00 am to dusk.

Residents are allowed to bring brush, logs, leaves, garden waste, and grass clippings to this site. The compost facility is intended for Cedar Falls residential use only; contractors and non-residents are prohibited from using the facility. Wood mulch and compost are available during normal operating hours. Residents are required to “load their own” so be sure to bring containers and shovels. Garbage and demolition material is not accepted at this site.

Transfer Station (1524 State Street)

Monday–Friday: 7 am–5 pm

Last load taken at 4:45 pm

Saturday: 8 am–3 pm

Last load taken at 2:45 pm

Yard waste of any quantity is accepted on Mondays, and in small amounts weekdays through the end of November. During the winter months, only small amounts are accepted.

Yard Waste Carts

Yard waste carts are charged a reduced fee of $5/dump during October and November. Carts are collected as often as possible from October 30–November 10, 2023. Residents must remove carts from the curb no later than 8:00 pm on the day of collection to prevent unwanted service fees.

From December–March yard waste is collected on a call-in basis. Make an appointment by calling the Public Works at (319) 273-8629.

Yard waste carts have a weight limit of 250 pounds. Residents are reminded not to overload carts. Please do not put dirt, sod, or ashes in the carts. Remember to place the cart at the curb by 7:00 am and maintain a distance of at least 3 feet away from other objects.

2023 Holiday Make-up Refuse Schedule

Please put your cart out on the makeup day prior to 7:00 a.m.


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Friday, November 24, 2023

Friday, December 22, 2023


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Monday, December 25, 2023 No Yard Waste Collection

Monday, January 1, 2024 No Yard Waste Collection

Fall 2023 7

Public Open House for Hearst Center for the Arts Master Plan in October

You’re invited! A Public information open house will be held at the Hearst Center on October 24 from 5–7 pm. The public will have an opportunity at this event to explore and provide feedback on preliminary facility designs and site layout for a reimagined Hearst Center for the Arts, prepared by OPN Architects with significant input from the Cedar Falls Art & Culture Board, Friends of the Hearst Board, and City staff. OPN has been working on this Master Plan since spring of 2023, building upon information provided in past public strategic planning sessions for the Hearst Center along with current information about the Hearst’s operations, site, and infrastructure needs. What is the purpose of creating a Master Plan? The Hearst Master Plan is designed to provide a conceptual framework to potentially update and expand the Hearst Center, along with providing vital information to plan a fundraising campaign around this project.

A Facility Master Plan is a guide of how space can be utilized based on the organization’s needs along with price estimates to implement a construction project, and not intended as final construction documents.

This is one step in a potential future remodel/expansion project to support informed decisions regarding how to prioritize Hearst needs for the next 30 years, and what can reasonably be accomplished. Follow us for updates! We encourage you to follow the Hearst on social media and sign up for their monthly newsletter to stay up-to-date on the latest developments for this project. Facebook: @hearstcenter Instagram: @the.hearst Hearst Monthly Newsletter: email to be added to the list.

Rec Center weight room—NEW fresh look!

In September, all of our Freemotion machines, cable machines, and free weights were replaced. We are happy to report a brand-new look in the weight room that includes high-quality resilient flooring with shock absorption qualities. It has an anti-fatigue, cushioned-step, closed-cell foam-backing that is designed especially for high-impact activities. Freemotion machines provide a workout with strength training tools to give members every advantage, at any fitness level. Our new cable machines are some of the most complete pieces of workout equipment available to gym visitors. Whatever your workout preferences and skill level—we have it all. Come check us out at the REC!

8 Fall 23

35th Annual Festival of Trees

You’re invited to join us to celebrate the 35th annual Festival of Trees

Prepare to delight in the dancing of twinkling lights during the MercyOne Festival of Trees. Tickets will be available October 1, for the annual holiday celebration, which takes place November 14–19, 2023 at the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center in Cedar Falls. Friends of MercyOne Cedar Falls are excited to welcome guests in person for this year’s festival benefitting MercyOne Cedar Falls Medical Center.

The theme for this year’s 35th annual Festival of Trees is “Holiday Traditions.” While most events are family-friendly, the magical Festival at Night will lead off the celebration with drinks, appetizers, and music. Other festival features include Girls Night Out, Love Makes a Traditional Lunch, Art in the Trees, Red Sleigh, Games in the Trees, and a Veterans holiday breakfast. Children have an opportunity to meet Santa at his workshop on Saturday, November 18 and again when Santa joins Teddy Bear Tea on Sunday, November 19. Most events require preregistration. However, viewing of the trees/ gallery is free, as is Santa’s workshop. View the schedule and make your reservations at If you have any questions call 319.268.3161.

Online Silent Auction LIVE begins Wednesday, November 8 and ends at 2 pm on Sunday, November 19. Gallery and mezzanine space will offer trees, wreaths, table settings, beer and wine, tree raffle, and gift shop. In its first 34 years, the Festival of Trees raised $1.8 million for the nonprofit MercyOne Cedar Falls Foundation, funding medical equipment, and other enhancements to improve the circle of care within our communities.

2023 Economic Diversity & Inclusion Summit

Join us for the 2023 Economic Diversity & Inclusion Summit hosted by Grow Cedar Valley and the University of Northern Iowa on Friday, October 20, at Waterloo Convention Center (200 W. 4th St. in Waterloo). We will discuss the need to tap into the consumer and workforce potential of Cedar Valley’s diverse population, and features keynote presentations from national and regional experts like Dr. Ladrina Wilson, Dr. Arvid Osterberg, and a special performance by Kevin Burt. Thank you to our Premier Sponsor, Veridian Credit Union.

2023 Grants Awarded

The Cedar Falls Community Foundation has awarded $73,000 in grants to organizations across Cedar Falls! These grants are made possible by the CFCF Children and Families Fund, Diamond Arts and History Fund, CFCF Heath and Wellness Fund and the Rownd Trust.

Grants from the Children and Families Fund totaled $13,000. Cedar Valley Preschool and Childcare received $3,000 for window replacement. Learn and Play Preschool and Daycare LLC was granted $5,000 for furniture and equipment in their new addition. And Wonderfully Made Childcare received $5,000 to put in an egress window to expand their childcare facilities.

The Diamond Arts and History Fund awarded $5,500 in grants. The UNI Foundation received $2,500 to add audiodescription supported performances to TheatreUNI performances and the Hearst Center for the Arts was granted $3,000 for an arts and culture mobile tour.

A $25,000 grant from the Health and Wellness Fund was awarded to the College Hill Partnership to support a new inclusive playground at Seerley Park.

Grants totaling $23,250 were given out from the Rownd Trust. The Cedar Falls Pickleball Club was given $12,500 over two years to support the pickleball complex expansion. $5,000 was granted to the Cedar Heights Parents Teachers United for the elementary school playground replacement. The Cedar Falls Community Theater received $6,000 for a furnace replacement at Oster Regent Theater. And finally, the Cedar Falls Community Center was awarded $6,000 for furniture replacement.


Main Street (Farmers State Bank bldg

By appointment)

PO Box 546, Cedar Falls, IA

Phone: 319-243-9170

Website: cf-communityfoundation org

Email: director@cf-communityfoundation org

Facebook: CedarFallsCommunityFoundation

Fall 2023 9

Main Street Reconstruction

Construction continues on Main Street as we head into the fall season. Significant portions of paving have either been completed or will be completed shortly. In the segment of construction from 6th to 11th Street, most of the roadway is completed, and the contractor is continuing with the remainder of the work behind the back of the curb. Moving further down Main Street, most of the roadway is completed from the 18th Street intersection south towards Seerely Boulevard. The contractor will continue with any remaining concrete pours in this area shortly. Similar to the segment from 6th to 11th, the work behind the back of the curb will be underway at this time.

At the Seerley Boulevard intersection, the new cast-in-place box culvert has been completed and the remaining underground utilities from this intersection and down past McDonald’s are being installed. Shortly, the actual roundabout pavement at Seerely and the mainline pavement south of Seerely will be prepared and poured, allowing for this entire segment of Main Street to be reopened before the winter construction shutdown.

As a reminder, the rest of the construction will be completed in the following two years, with scheduled completion in August 2025. Additional information and updates will be provided on the City’s webpage. Additional information for this project can be found at

North Cedar Heights Area Reconstruction Project—Phase 1A

The phased reconstruction of the North Cedar Heights Area began in early July of this year with the City’s Contractor, Dave Schmitt Construction. West Ridgewood Drive is being reconstructed, including sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, and full depth asphalt with a concrete curb and gutter/ edging from Greenwood Avenue to Cherry Lane. In addition to the street reconstruction, the failing slope along the northern edge of West Ridgewood is being stabilized and restored. This Phase 1A work started the phased reconstruction effort within the North Cedar Heights subdivision, a small community of houses located atop the Cedar River’s bluffs next to Hartman Bluff State Preserve, north of Grand Boulevard. The goal of this reconstruction effort is to assist with the current challenge of snow removal, trash pickup, sanitary service, stormwater control, and even passing oncoming vehicles. Work will continue into the Fall of 2023 on this first phase of this project, with paving anticipated to be completed for Stage 1. As work continues into the fall, weather depending will determine completeness of Stage 2 work. Most likely this work will continue into the Spring of 2024.

Oak Park Boulevard Sewer Replacement Project

The City of Cedar Falls and its contractor, Peterson Contractors Inc. of Reinbeck, Iowa, will be starting the Oak Park Boulevard Sewer Replacement Project in the fall of 2023. This project involves the installation of a lift station on Minnetonka Drive, with a force main bored under a ravine to the sanitary sewer located on Oak Park Boulevard. The force main will replace a former aerial sanitary sewer bridge.

Due to the nature of the work, the aerial sanitary line will remain in service while crews construct the new pumpstation on Minnetonka Drive. Once the pump station is installed, crews will bore a new force main under the ravine and into an existing manhole located on Oak Park Boulevard. Then once the pumpstation is fully functional, crews will redirect and relay the gravity sewer along Minnetonka into the newly operational pumpstation. Watermain and storm sewer replacement will also be associated with the project. Landscaping, grading, and final seeding operations will start this fall, but will likely continue into the spring of 2024 as final stabilization work is dependent on weather.

^ Main Street Reconstruction Phasing Plan ^ A cross-sectional view of the force main crossing under the ravine. By Snyder & Associates
^ W Ridgewood Drive Reconstruction Limits Find additional information and updates about construction projects at For ongoing, active projects sign up for e-mail notifications through “Notify Me” at 10 Fall 23
Stage 1 Stage 2

W. 27th Street Reconstruction

The City of Cedar Falls and its contractor, Peterson Contractors Inc. of Reinbeck, Iowa, will be continuing with the reconstruction of W. 27th Street project in the fall of 2023. The focus of the remainder of the 2023 construction season will be to complete and open the W. 27th corridor adjacent to the new High School site.

The overall project includes improvements to the water main, storm sewer, sidewalks, trails, roadway lighting, landscaping, a new signal at Hudson & W. 27th, and other roadway items. Also included as part of the project, is the construction of three new roundabouts at the intersections of Greenhill Road and two at the entrances to the new school. Below are the limits of construction for each phase:

Phase I: W. 27th Street at Panther Parkway (2022)

Phase II: Hudson Road Improvements & Greenhill Road Roundabout (2022–2023)

Phase III: W. 27th Street School Connections with Roundabouts (2023–2024)

Over the past few months, crews have finished rebuilding the Hudson Road and W. 27th Intersection with new traffic signals and turn lanes

2023 Alley Reconstruction Project

The 2023 Alley Reconstruction Project consists of one City alley being reconstructed into a permeable alley and two City alleys are being constructed with new concrete surface. This project is funded by the Storm Water Bonds and Street Construction Fund. The following alleys are under construction currently. The construction for the 2023 Alley Reconstruction Project is underway and will be completed this Fall.

Between From To Alley Type

Walnut St. & Iowa St. W. 12th St. W. 13th St. Permeable

Franklin St. & Clay St. W. 13th St. W. 14th St. Concrete

Main St. & State St. E. 2nd Street E. 3rd Street Concrete

The alley between Main Street and State Street from E. 2nd Street to E. 3rd Street is close to completion with the City’s contractor, Vieth Construction, working on final touches. This alley has been paved back with an inverted crown and storm sewer intakes down the center of the alley to collect stormwater and route it to the City’s storm sewer system.

The alley between Franklin Street and Clay Street between W. 13th Street and W. 14th Street is also completed with pavement poured back with an inverted crown to collect stormwater on the alley, direct it to the adjacent side street curb and gutter and then into the City’s storm sewer. All driveways along this alley have been tied into the new pavement and the yards abutting the alley have been graded and seeded level with the new pavement.

The remaining alley, between Walnut Street and Iowa Street between W. 12th Street and W. 13th Street, is currently closed and under construction. Veith Construction is installing a tile line that will collect the captured water within the alley. Next, they have placed the rock chamber over the tile line that will store the water captured in

required with the future traffic loading of the new school. Crews have also completed new trail and sidewalk connections at the Hudson Road intersection. The new Greenhill Road roundabout is currently open to traffic as crews work on completing the remaining landscaping items. By the end of the 2023 construction season, crews will be working to have all of W. 27th Street, including the three new roundabouts, open to traffic. Landscaping, grading, and final seeding operations will likely continue into the spring of 2024 as fall work is dependent on weather.

the permeable pavers and meter the water into the City’s storm sewer system. The next steps for the contractor will be to pour the concrete approaches and edge restraints, then place the permeable pavers in the center of the alley. Once the alley pavement is complete, the contractor will tie in the driveways to the new pavement that has been placed. There are two goals with the 2023 Alley Reconstruction project. The first is to reconstruct alley’s requiring frequent maintenance. The second goal is to help the City’s stormwater management system with the installation of the Permeable Alleys.

The permeable alleys consist of a perforated pipe under a clean rock storage chamber. On top of the rock storage chamber the surface of the alley will consist of two, four foot concrete sections with a four foot permeable paver strip between the concrete sections. The two concrete surface sections slope all captured water to the center permeable paver strip to capture all stormwater in the area where it filters through the rock before collecting into the subdrain and flowing to the existing storm sewer. Since 2014, various alleys throughout the City of Cedar Falls have been reconstructed to the permeable alley system to help with the City’s stormwater management.

The two alleys listed above that are not permeable alleys will be reconstructed as new concrete surface alleys with inverted crowns, allowing water to flow to the alley and then direct it to the downhill City streets. This allows for a stormwater management system that efficiently gets water to the City’s storm water infrastructure.

The Alley reconstruction project helps reduce the number of alleys that require frequent maintenance and improves the City’s overall stormwater management.

Fall 2023 11
Road work at 27th & Greenhill, July 2023


12–15 Cedar Falls Community Theatre: Noises Off Oster Regent Theatre Thur & Fri 7:30pm, Sat & Sun 2pm mycfct org

13 Hotel California: A Salute to the Eagles GBPAC 7pm gbpac com

27 Under the Harvest Moon Hartman Reserve hartmanreserve org

27 Cedar Valley Revealed Masonic Temple, Waterloo 7pm gbpac com

27 Spotlight Series: UNI Choirs GBPAC 7:30pm music uni edu

11 wcfsymphony: Vita Militar East High School Auditorium, Waterloo 7pm wcfsymphony org

1 2nd Sunday Speaker Series: Julia Andreini –The Sounds (and Music) of Silence Hartman Reserve Nature Center 2pm mycountyparks com

1 TheatreUNI: The Play That Goes Wrong Strayer-Wood Theatre 2pm theatreuni uni edu

4, 11, 18, 25 College Hill Farmers Market College & 22nd St 4–6pm ceee uni edu

5 Girls Night Out Downtown District 5pm communitymainstreet org

5, 19 SingleSpeed Pint Night Ride Bike Tech 5:30pm singlespeedbrewing com

6, 13, 20, 27 UNI Lunchtime Carillon Concert Series Lawther Lawn Noon music uni edu

6 Spotlight Series: UNI Jazz Band One and Jazz Band Two Bengston Auditorium, Russell Hall 7:30pm music uni edu

6–8 TheatreUNI: The Play That Goes Wrong Strayer-Wood Theatre Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm theatreuni uni edu

6, 8 Cedar Falls Community Theatre: Noises Off Oster Regent Theatre Fri 7:30pm, Sun 2pm mycfct org

7 Pink Ribbon Run River Place Plaza 8:30am beyondpinkteam org

7, 14, 21, 28 Cedar Falls Farmers Market Clay & Third St 8:30am–Noon cedarfallsfarmersmarket weebly com

11 Spotlight Series: Northern Iowa Symphony Orchestra GBPAC 7:30pm music uni edu

14 Saturday in Seerley Seerley Park 9am

14 The President’s Own United States Marine Band GBPAC 7:30pm gbpac com

15 Yoga in the Park: Yoga Nidra for Deep Rest Hartman Reserve Nature Center 1:30pm mycountyparks com

15 Yoga in the Park: Aya Dancing Hartman Reserve Nature Center 3:30pm mycountyparks com

18 Octopus Comedy Night Octopus College Hill 8pm octopuscollegehill com

20 UNI Homecoming Bash Concert: Justin Adams Central Campus 5pm homecoming uni edu

20 Hawkeye Community College Artist Series: Not Fade Away Tama Hall, Hawse Auditorium, Waterloo 7pm hawkeyecollege edu

20–21 CedarGrass Music Festival Oster Regent Theatre mycfct org

21 UNI Homecoming 5K UNI Campanile 8am homecoming uni edu 21 UNI Homecoming Parade Downtown District 10am homecoming uni edu

21 wcfsymphony: Beethoven and Bartok GBPAC 7pm wcfsymphony org

23, 30 Yoga in the Park: Mindful Monday Morning Yoga (Six Week Series) Hartman Reserve Nature Center 8am mycountyparks com

26–29 TheatreUNI: Dracula: A Feminist Revenge Fantasy Really Strayer-Wood Theatre Thur–Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm theatreuni uni edu

31 Trick or Treat in the District Downtown District 3:30pm communitymainstreet org

12 2nd Sunday Speaker Series: John and Naomi McCormick—Beautiful, Extraordinary Ozarks Hartman Reserve Nature Center 2pm mycountyparks com

14 Northern Iowa Wind Ensemble GBPAC 7:30pm music uni edu

15–19 MercyOne Festival of Trees GBPAC mercyone org

16 Hawkeye Community College Artist Series: Country Roads—A Tribute to John Denver Tama Hall, Hawse Auditorium, Waterloo 7pm hawkeyecollege edu

2, 9 Woodland Wonderland Hartman Reserve hartmanreserve org

3 Game One Bowl UNIDome gameonebowl com

4, 11, 18 Yoga in the Park: Mindful Monday Morning Yoga (Three Week Series) Hartman Reserve Nature Center 8am mycountyparks com

5 Spotlight Series Concert: UNI Holiday Concert GBPAC 7:30pm music uni edu

7 Celtic Woman Christmas GBPAC 7pm gbpac com

7–10 Cedar Falls Community Theatre: Oster Regent Theatre Thur & Fri 7:30pm, Sat & Sun 2pm mycfct org

10 UNI Suzuki School’s Northern Iowa Youth Orchestra GBPAC 6pm music uni edu

11 Christmas with Lorie Line Oster Regent Theatre 7pm mycfct org

11 UNI New Horizons Band Concert GBPAC 7:30pm music uni edu

12 UNI Children’s Choir Concert GBPAC 7:30pm music uni edu

15 Big Bad Voodoo Daddy GBPAC 7pm gbpac com

15 A Blue Violin Candlelight Christmas Oster Regent Theatre 8pm blue-violin com

16 UNI Commencement McLeod 10am registrar uni edu

2 PMB Live! Panther Marching Band Concert GBPAC 7:30pm music uni edu

2–5 TheatreUNI: Dracula: A Feminist Revenge Fantasy Really StrayerWood Theatre Thur–Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm theatreuni uni edu

3 Tom Papa GBPAC 7pm gbpac com

3–4 UNI Opera Scenes Performances Bengston Auditorium, Russell Hall 7:30pm music uni edu

4 Scott Sterrett Memorial Races Cedar Falls City Hall 7:30am fasttrackracingftr wordpress com

4 Annie GBPAC 7:30pm gbpac com

5 Young Concert Artists on Tour GBPAC 2pm gbpac com

5 Sound Bathing: Healing through Sound Hartman Reserve Nature Center 8am mycountyparks com

6, 13, 20, 27 Yoga in the Park: Mindful Monday Morning Yoga (Six Week Series) Hartman Reserve Nature Center 8am mycountyparks com

8–11 Iowa High School Football Playoff Semifinals UNI-Dome iahsaa org

16–17 Iowa High School Football Playoff Finals UNI-Dome iahsaa org

17–18 Mean Girls GBPAC Fri 7:30pm, Sat 2pm & 7pm gbpac com

19 Yoga in the Park: Yoga Nidra for Deep Rest Hartman Reserve Nature Center 1:30pm mycountyparks com

19 Yoga in the Park: Aya Dancing Hartman Reserve Nature Center 3:30pm mycountyparks com

24 Holiday Hoopla Kickoff River Place Plaza communitymainstreet org

25 Small Business Saturday Downtown District communitymainstreet org

25, 30 Holiday Hoopla Downtown District communitymainstreet org

9 A Bel Canto Christmas: Songs of the Season GBPAC 2pm gbpac com

10 2nd Sunday Speaker Series: Cedar River Readers—“The Polar Express” Performance (and SANTA!) Hartman Reserve Nature Center 1:30pm mycountyparks com

10 Yoga in the Park: Yoga Nidra for Holiday Stability Hartman Reserve Nature Center 3:30pm mycountyparks com

20 Octopus Comedy Night Octopus College Hill 8pm octopuscollegehill com

31 wcfsymphony: New Year’s Eve with Joel Waggoner GBPAC 8pm wcfsymphony org

1–2 UNI Varsity Glee Club Christmas Variety Show GBPAC Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sat 2:30pm music uni edu

1–3 Cedar Falls Community Theatre: Harry Connick, Jr’s The Happy Elf Oster Regent Theatre Fri 7:30pm, Sat & Sun 2pm mycfct org

For Hearst Center events, please see pages 10–11.

6510 HUDSON RD. Cedar Falls, IA 50613 (319) 268-4266

*GBPAC: Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center All times and dates subject to change. FOR UNI GAMES VISIT
12 Fall 23


Curious to know what the Cedar Falls Downtown District looks like from the second story?

Cedar Falls Community Main Street is delighted to announce we will once again be hosting Upstairs Downtown, an upper story tour of the Cedar Falls Downtown District, October 24 at 5:30! You’re invited to tour behind the scenes of private residential living spaces, upperlevel office areas and renovation projects. Be inspired and imagine the possibilities! The tour begins at the Community Main Street office at 310 E. 4th Street. For ticket information please visit our website: or our social channels @cfdowntown.


Each year, Community Main Street coordinates “Deck the Falls” to prepare for Holiday Hoopla and the holiday season! During the week of November 13, elves will be busy prepping Santa’s Workshop at the River Place Plaza for his arrival on November 24. Fresh garland and twinkling lights will also be wrapped around the light poles and holiday banners will be hung with care! It will take many cheerful elves to help decorate the Cedar Falls Downtown District for another spectacular holiday season while putting you and everyone in a festive mood! If you would like to help decorate, you can scan this QR code or contact the Community Main Street office at 319-277-0213 or

The holiday decorations are made possible through the generous donations of sponsors, downtown merchants, citywide businesses, and individuals from throughout the community. If you would like to contribute, please send us an email, or find us on Venmo @Communitymain-street.


We have so many exciting things in store for the 15th season of Holiday Hoopla. Santa will return to the River Place Plaza for his third season in his new home, the magic of the season will still be seen and felt throughout the District with all the holiday cheer spreading through lights, garland, and the amazing businesses of the District.

How will Santa arrive this year? As always it is a secret until kick-off which will happen on November 24 at the Plaza! The stage show begins at 6 pm with the Hoopla band, as well as all of Santa’s friends including our favorite, Buddy the Elf. Experience the magic of Santa’s arrival, followed by the grand finale of fireworks over the Cedar River.

The fun continues throughout December with events for all ages held every Thursday and Saturday in the Downtown District, including a merchant open house, breakfast with holiday characters, family movie, ice carvings, s’mores, and more. Holiday Hoopla has something for everyone! Don’t forget the trolley rides, letters to Santa, coloring contest, and visits to Santa at the workshop. Most events are free of charge thanks to our amazing sponsors and volunteers!

Visit our website: or our social channels @cfdowntown.


308 W. 3rd Street | Tuesday–Saturday, 10 am–4 pm; Sunday, 1–4 pm, through December


Everybody Ought to Have a Maid: Servants in Cedar Falls

February 16–December 15, 2023 at the Victorian Home & Carriage House Museum

The term servants conjures up images of Downton Abbey and Upstairs, Downstairs But servants in America worked in a different social structure than their counterparts in class-conscious England Who were those people who served as domestic servants in Cedar Falls, who were their employers and how did their lives differ?

Book Talk with Megan Bannister

October 8, 2:00pm, Ice House Museum

Join Iowa author and travel writer Megan Bannister to uncover some of the state’s wackiest attractions and guide your next adventure around Iowa Dive in and discover the state’s offbeat history and quirky places through the new book, Secret Iowa: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure Learn about hidden gems and the surprising backstories of places around the region, including the Ice House Museum itself Megan will be available after the event to sign copies of her book, which will also be available for purchase Free admission

Historic Churches Tour

October 15, 1:00–5:00pm

Please join us for a tour of some of our historic Cedar Falls churches Churches and faith have played an important part in Cedar Falls’ history from its founding and we want to celebrate that fact and share the history and beauty of our church buildings Tickets are $15 per person, 12 & under are free Tickets are available in advance at the Victorian House Museum, or at participating churches the day of the tour: First United Methodist Church, 718 Clay St ;

St Patrick Catholic Church, 705 Main St ; First Presbyterian Church, 902 Main St ; Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 904 Bluff St ; First Evangelical Free Church, 1015 Main St ; St Luke’s Episcopal Church, 2410 Melrose Dr

From Whiz to Dash: Doing laundry in Cedar Falls

October 22, 2:00pm, Victorian House Museum

Our Collections Manager and Curator Julie Huffman-klinkowitz will talk about the history of washing clothes and laundry businesses in Cedar Falls This program accompanies our Fall Cabinets of Curiosity display of laundry artifacts in the Victorian House

A Day in the Life of a Groom

November 18, 2:00pm, Victorian House Museum

Erik Lee, owner of Jerald Sulky Company, will talk about the responsibilities and challenges of working as a stable boy and groom

Ice House Museum and Little Red Schoolhouse hours: Saturday and Sunday 1:00–4:00 pm through October 15

310 East 4th Street | Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613 | (319) 277-0213 |
266-5149 www cfhistory org
Fall 2023 13 304 west seerley boulevard cedar falls, iowa 50613 319.273.8641



This exhibition includes works from Thursday Painters, past and present. What began 75 years ago, is still a committed and talented group. Each week, members gather at the Hearst Center to create, encourage, and share with one another. As part of this special showcase of artists, an oral history video is available documenting their journey with the Thursday Painters.


NOVEMBER 9, 2023–

JANUARY 28, 2024

On view in this wide-ranging installation of works from the Hearst Center’s permanent collection are textiles, prints, paintings, and sculpture made by leading innovators, each with a connection to Iowa. Recent gifts and purchases include a large-scale graphite and abaca pulp diptych by Iowa-native Ruth Hardinger and an evocative two-part figural work in raku by Nina Ward along with other prints, paintings, and textiles from artists Phillip Chen, Duane Slick, and more.


OCTOBER 3–31, 2023

Reception with the artist: Tuesday, October 31 from 5:30–7:00 p.m.

Visit the gallery to see Gary Kelley’s pastel illustrations created in 1990 for Washington

Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, published in 1820. A community favorite, each work in the series was sponsored by a Friend of the Hearst to help build the permanent collection of the Hearst Center in the 1990s.






NOVEMBER 9, 2023–

JANUARY 28, 2024

Sculptural work and two-dimensional pieces converse in this installation, a continuation of Fulcher’s earlier work focused on repetition of the objects and inclusion of the people that are elements of memory.

tue & thu 10 am–9 pm wed & fri 10 am–5 pm sat & sun 1–4 pm

Admission is free daily.

Holiday schedule: Closed Nov.23–27

December 22–25


All events listed are free and open to the public.

Hearst Center for the Arts is part of the Department of Community Development, City of Cedar Falls.


Open mic starts at 7:00 p.m. & featured author talk begins at 7:30 p.m.

October 26: Cherie Dargan | November 30: Monica Leo


Second Fridays at 12:00 p.m.

Enjoy classics performed by the UNI School of Music Department students and faculty.

October 13: Stephanie Ycaza directs UNI Tuba Students

November 10: Alex Pershounin directs UNI Bass Students


Second Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.

Live music from the American Songbook featuring Tom Tritle on piano, Al Jacobson on drums, and Stephanie Althof on vocals.

October 12: From Distant Shores, The Songbook’s Hits from Abroad

November 9: Broadway’s Contribution, Immortal Tunes from the American Musica


Tuesday, Oct. 3 at 7:00 p.m.

Featuring violinists Eric Kim-Fujita and Dr. Sang Kyun Koh, violist Maxime Despax, and cellist Sebastian Ostertag, the quartet features works by Fanny Mendelssohn, Grażyna Bacewicz, Hildegard von Bingen, and Rebecca Clarke.


Sunday, Oct. 29 from 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.

This three-hour workshop with writer and food expert Beth Hoffman is designed to get you moving on your memoir and help you explore ways to make your story more relevant to readers. In a mixture of discussions and hands on writing time, you will come away with tangible ideas as how to structure your story and craft it in a way that allows people from all walks of life to connect with it and learn about the past. This workshop is free with pre-registration required via


Tuesday, Nov. 14 at 7:00 p.m.

Experience live music featuring compositions by G. Rossini, C. SaintSaens, F. Mendelsohn and G. Faure. This diverse group of talented friends founded the Iowa Chamber Music Collective in 2022 as a nonprofit organization. Performers include violinists Daniel Kaplunas & Bethany Washington, concert pianists Camille Balleza and Dan Reynolds, violist John Chiles, Dmitri Vasilistov playing double bass, Ranee Yang on clarinet, and cellist Liudmila Lebedeva


Sunday, Dec. 17 at 2:00 p.m.

Join us in Mae Latta Hall for our annual holiday concert. Bel Canto Cedar Valley (BCCV) is a premiere community chamber choir serving Cedar Falls, Waterloo, Waverly, and surrounding communities. Bel Canto Cedar Valley contributes to the cultural enrichment of the community by promoting quality choral music, exploring vast and varied choral repertoire, and encouraging music as a life-long passion.

Priscilla Meyermann, Dirty Wooden Shoe Race Start Up, Mixed media Ruth Hardinger, Envelope/Envelop 5/6, Graphite, abaa paper pulp, 2004— 1015, Gift from C. Michael Norton and Ruth Hardinger with funding from Rowena Hardinger, 2023.01.00 Indo Fulcher, A Place in My Memory, Installation with needle, felt, relief print, hand dyed with natural pigments, 2022—2023
14 Fall 23
Gary Kelley, Cover Illustration, pastel, 1990, Gift from the artist, 1991.05.00



Sundays, Oct. 1 to Oct. 22 from 1:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m.

Instructor: Benjamin Miller

Bring to life your very own stein for Halloween (and everyday)! Learn how to hand build and experiment with sculptural facial features for your stein. In the last session, try out your new stein! Must be 21+ to sample beer. Fee: $55 (Friends member: $49)


Saturday, Oct. 7 from 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.

Instructors: Felicia Babb Cass & Sue Schuerman, the EarthWhispers Abbey

This course digs deep into a single natural landscape of significance to you. In this workshop you’ll dig into why colors, textures, and scents deserve close observation and consideration. You will be lead through a series of writing prompts to launch your imagination and heart-felt connections to place. A great course for writers and other creatives!


Sunday, Oct. 8 from 1:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m.

Instructor: Christiana Hovick

Students paint, drill, cut, and bead to create miniature wearable masterpieces. These wooden earrings are lightweight and comfortable for all-day wear. No previous jewelry experience is required. Fee: $32 (Friends member: $28)


Session II: Thursdays, Oct. 19 to Nov. 30 (No class Nov. 23) from 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.

Session III: Saturdays, Oct. 21 to Dec. 2 (No class Nov. 25) from 1:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m.

Instructors: Camille Balleza, Benjamin Miller, and Anna Lyon

Students develop skills on the potter’s wheel while learning to make a variety of vessels and sculptural pieces. This class is great for beginner and intermediate-level students. Students will have access to the ceramic lab outside of class for the duration of the course. Fee: $85 (Friends member: $76)


Tuesdays, Oct. 24 to Nov. 28 from 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.

Instructor: Jerry Nissen

This class is individualized and focused on the students’ needs and interests. Students are met at their current art-making level and encouraged to work to improve their artistic skills. Color, composition, expression, brush techniques and more are explored in this open studio-style course. Fee: $62 (Friends member: $55)


Thursdays, Nov. 2 to 30 (No class November 23) from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

Instructor: Annette Stoehr Stevenson

Jumpstart your creativity! Experiment with transparency, texture, and layering when applied to different surfaces and collage elements. Express movement and thought through paint, charcoal, pastels, and varying papers. This workshop is great for both beginners and experienced painters. Fee: $62 (Friends member $55)



Wednesdays through Dec. 13 from 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. (No Messy Morning Wednesday, Nov. 22)

Explore a wide variety of materials through creative and delightfully messy projects. A parent or caregiver must accompany the participating child. Younger siblings are welcome.

Fee: $7 each; Ask for Many Messy Mornings, all 13 sessions for $84 (Friends member: $75)


First and third Tuesday of the month through December 5 from 4:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.

Instructor: Jiyoung Kim

This creative group gathers to work on personal projects with peer feedback and instructor guidance (available but not required). Some art materials are provided, and students are welcome to bring their own supplies. Fee: 7 sessions for $35 (Friends member: $31.50)



Saturdays, Oct. 7 to 28 from 9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.


Saturdays, Oct. 7 to 28 from 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Explore mixed media through a variety of wildly colorful ageappropriate projects. Students’ fun, creative, and collaborative works of art are available to take home by the end of 4 weeks.

Fee: $47 (Friends member: $42)


Saturdays, Oct. 7 to 28 from 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.


Saturdays, Oct. 7 to 28 from 9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.

Students grow in their understanding of ceramics tools and materials through guided play in clay. Learn the foundations of clay by building with coils, pinch pots, and slab work. Each class works through exciting projects in unique three-dimensional pieces.

Fee: $47 (Friends member: $42)


Friday, Oct. 13 from 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Join us for this fun, single-day camp held on a public school professional development day. Painting, drawing, printing, and more are explored, with art ready to take home at the end of the day. Snacks are provided in the morning and afternoon; campers must bring their own lunch. Fee: $48 (Friends member: $43) Before & Aftercare (8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.) available for $10.


Sunday, Dec. 3 or Sunday, Dec. 10 from 1:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Design unique ceramic ornaments, handmade by your whole family! Various shapes and glazes provide for a fun holiday activity. Participants will be able to pick up their work the following week.

Fee: $37 per family up to 4, additional guests are $5/person (Friends member: $33)

Fall 2023 15



Minecraft Night

Tuesdays, Oct. 3, Nov. 7, Dec. 5, from 5–8 p.m. in the meeting room

A night of Minecraft with NirvanaOnline! Registration required if you need access to a Java edition Minecraft account and computer If you have BOTH a paid Java Edition Minecraft account and laptop computer you can bring, registration is not necessary  Note: phones, tablets, or Chromebooks will NOT work All ages

Chess Club

Mondays, Oct. 9 & 23, Nov. 6 & 20, Dec. 4, at 7 p.m. in the meeting room

Checkmate boredom and join the Chess Club! Open to all ages, but a firm grasp of chess is expected from all players No registration required The library’s Safe Child Policy applies to all programs—children under 11 mst have a responsible caregiver present and in the room with them at all times

The Gift of Giving

Held in the Co-lab on dates below

Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult

For Saturday Gift of Giving programs only: Register to drop-in anytime during the morning (9:30–11:30 a.m.) or afternoon (2–4 p.m.) sessions. Supplies guaranteed for all registrants; walk-ins are welcome for as long as supplies last.

Saturday, Nov 18: Giving Plates Create your own “giving plate”—a special dish for sharing among your family and friends  All materials are provided to design and decorate Complete at home by heating it according to the instructions Acrylic paint can stain clothing—please dress accordingly.

Saturday, Dec 9: Hand-stamped Drawstring Bags Create an eco-friendly, reusable gift bag  All materials are provided The bag can be used in place of traditional giftwrap or makes a great gift all by itself!

Saturday, Dec 16: Hand-stitched Felt Decorations Hand-stitching instruction is provided to create unique embellishments  There will also be no-sew options for those who wish to avoid the perils of needles!

Tuesday, Dec 19 (6–8 p m ): Origami Star “Beads” Use a simple Origami technique to make small paper “beads” to craft a string of worry beads, decorate a gift, or embellish a handmade card No registration required


Science vs. Magic: CFPL’s Fantasy/Sci-fi Book Club

1st Wednesday of each month from 7–8:30 p.m. in the conference room For fans of creatures that don’t exist (probably), people they’ll never meet (maybe), and places that can’t be found (yet) Whether you’re a seasoned explorer of other worlds or a first-time reader in these genres—we welcome you!

Oct 4: Elder Race by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Nov 1: The Daughter of Dr. Moreau by Silvia Morena-Garcia

Dec 6: Legendborn by Tracy Deonn

Knitting and Crocheting Group, AKA Sheep Baatiquers

Saturdays, Oct. 7, Nov. 4, Dec. 2, from 12–3 p.m. in the Co-Lab

Work on large projects and small, with community knitters and crocheters on hand to offer guidance New yarn crafters welcome Resources available for left handed yarn crafters Bring your own needles/pattern—a few free patterns will be available No registration required

Sewing and Quilting Group

Mondays, Oct. 9 & 23, Nov. 13 & 27, Dec. 11, from 10 a.m.–1p.m. in the Co-Lab Work on large projects and small, with community quilters on hand to offer guidance New quilters welcome Tools and machines, along with some patterns, are available No registration required

Introduction to Hand Lettering

Tuesdays, Oct. 10, from 6:30–8:30 p.m. in the Co-Lab Candice Warby, from Whimsical Twist, will teach you the foundational strokes and lead basic practice See examples of Candice’s work on storefronts in downtown Cedar Falls and Waterloo  Materials are provided and each participant receives a workbook to take home to continue their practice Space is limited, registration required Funded by Cedar Falls Community Foundation: Robert and Shirley Berg fund for use by the Library and the Friends of the Cedar Falls Public Library.

Adult Dungeons and Dragons

Wednesdays, Oct. 11, Nov. 8, from 6–8 p.m. in the conference room Part six of our four-part series (trust us, the math works out ) 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons Weren’t able to join us for the first session? No problem 2nd level (customizable) pre-gens will be provided or bring your own (subject DM approval) You do not have to have attended any of the previous sessions in order to take part Registration encouraged

524 Main St Cedar Falls, IA 50613 (319) 273-8643

Stay up to date at www cedarfallslibrary org

Library Hours: Mon –Wed 10 am–9 pm;

Thurs & Fri 9 am–6 pm; Sat 9 am–5 pm; Sun 1–5 pm

Library and Community Center are CLOSED : Wed., Nov. 22 at 5 p.m.;

Thurs./Fri., Nov. 23 & 24; Sun./Mon., Dec. 24 & 25; Mon., Jan. 1, 2024

Drop-in Card-making for Adults

Sunday, Oct. 15, from 1:30–4:30 p.m. in the Co-Lab

All supplies (including embosser, stamps, pens, glitter, decorative ribbons, paper, etc ) and detailed instructions available for everyone to create at least three greeting cards  Someone will be on hand to offer help  Bring along any special supplies you may want to use for your cards

Movie Matinee

Fridays from 2–4 p.m. in the meeting room

Popcorn and drinks provided

Oct 20: Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris (PG) 1 hr 55 min

Nov 17: Where the Crawdads Sing (PG-13) 2 hrs 5 min

Dec 15: The Fabelmans (PG-13) 2 hrs 30 min

Author Linda McCann

Wednesday, Nov. 15, at 6:30 p.m. in the meeting room

Join Iowa historian and author, Linda McCann, as she shares her stories about Rosie the Riveters of Iowa

Open Co-Lab for Adults

Sunday, Dec. 3, from 1–4:30 p.m. in the Co-Lab

Bring your own project or we will have winter holiday materials available to make cards, gift tags, and wrapping paper

Friends Evening Book Discussion

Tuesdays at 7 p.m. via Google Meet

Oct 3: The Book List by Sara Nisha Adam

Nov 7: The Mitford Affair by Marie Benedict

Dec 5: Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson

Friends Morning Book Discussion

Tuesdays at 10:15 a.m. in the conference room

Oct 31: The Sum of Us by Heather McGhee

Nov 28: Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver

Dec 19: The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto

Community Center

A printed monthly schedule of activities is available at the Community Center and at:


Franken-Toys: A Warped Workshop

Wednesday, Oct. 4, at 4 p.m. (tween session, ages 9–12) and 7 p.m. (teen session, ages 13–18) in the Co-Lab

Be a mad-scientist for the evening! Drop in while supplies last and show us what kind of twisted toy combinations you can come up with Feel free to bring in your own used & broken toys—be prepared to rip them apart  You’ll have the opportunity to display your creations in the library during October

Sensory Stations for Little Learners

Thursdays, Oct. 5, Nov. 2, Dec. 7, at 10:30 a.m. in the Youth Department

Join us for hands-on learning Children and their caregivers will navigate sensory stations and discover new ways to learn and play Ages 0–5

Let’s Make Applesauce

Friday, Oct. 6, at 4:30 p.m. in the Co-Lab

It’s apple season, so let’s make applesauce! We’ll learn a little bit about apples Then kids will be Prep Cooks to help Miss Katie make applesauce We will conclude with taste testing! For 3rd–6th grade Registration required

Book to Art

Tuesdays, Oct. 10, Dec. 5, at 4:15 in the Youth Department

Join us as we read picture books and create art inspired by either the story read or the art style of the illustrations! Ages 6–9

Tween Time

Wednesdays, Oct. 11 & 18, Nov. 8 & 15, and Dec. 13, from 3–4 p.m.

A social program just for tweens ages 9–12 that entertains, enriches, and empowers  Tweens are invited to drop-in and check it out

16 Fall 2023


Through the Seasons: Pumpkin Exploration

Friday, Oct. 13, from 4–5:30 p.m. in the Co-Lab

Learn about the life cycle of a pumpkin! In collaboration with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach For K–3rd grade Registration recommended

Little Engineers

Tuesday, Oct. 17, at 3:30 p.m. in the Youth Department

Build, create, and have fun The library provides the materials (LEGOs®, Picasso Tiles, wooden blocks, etc ), and you provide the know-how! Ages 5–12

5th/6th Grade Book Club

Mondays at 4:15 in the Youth Department

To register and arrange book pickup, email youth@cedarfallslibrary org, visit the youth desk, or call 319-859-3282 Registration required

Oct 23: The Candymakers by Wendy Mass

Nov 27: I Can Make This Promise by Christine Day

Dec 18: The Island of Dr. Libris by Chris Grabenstein

3rd/4th Grade Book Club

Tuesdays, Oct. 24, Nov. 28, Dec. 19, at 4:15 in the Youth Department

Book titles TBD Please register by calling the youth desk at 319-859-3282 or drop by in person Registration required

Word Wizards

Wednesday, Nov. 1, from 3–4:30 p.m. in the Co-Lab

A club where kids can get together, learn about creative writing, work on fun writing exercises, and be inspired to make writing a habit The club meets every other month during the school year, and is geared towards children in 2nd grade and up, but anyone who is interested in storytelling can join (it’s helpful to be able to independently write in full sentences) Registration recommended, but drop-ins are welcome Contact aparsons@cedarfallslibrary org for more information or call the youth desk at 319-859-3282

Scary Story Contest

Submit your scariest story to for a chance to win a prize! Submission length can vary, but should not be over three pages (or about 1,000 words) Prizes are provided for K–3rd grade, 4–6th grade, and 7–12th grade categories  Submit stories as a PDF to youth@cedarfallslibrary org by 11:59 p m on Oct 24 to be considered  Winners announced Oct 31 and posted on the Library’s social media

Spooky Storytime

Monday, Oct. 30, at 4:15 (location TBD)

Does your little ghost or goblin want some chilling fun? Join us to sing creepy songs and read scary fun books Costumes encouraged Ages 3–8

Fall Puppet Show

Thursday, Nov. 9, at 4:30 p.m. in the Youth Department Stories, music, jokes, and dancing! For families

Books for Cooks

Friday, Nov. 10, from 4–5:30 p.m. in the Co-Lab

Designed to teach children fundamental culinary concepts through integrated literacy activities focusing on kitchen skills This exciting research-based program is also designed to support Common Core English Language Arts Standards

In collaboration with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Registration recommended For K–3rd grade

Storytimes Around the World

Saturdays, Nov. 4 and 11, at 10:30 in the Youth Department

In collaboration with the UNI’s International Engagement Office, we read, sing, dance, and learn about other cultures This session we’ll welcome a guest reader who’ll share about their culture and bring a special craft or activity Ages 3–5

Storytime STEM: Wind Science

Sunday, Nov. 19, at 1:30 p.m.

Geared towards young scientists, we will start by reading a picture book Then we will explore wind science with a few different activities For PreK–2nd grade

Lovie and Me Tea Party

Saturday, Dec. 2, from 2–3 p.m. in the Youth Department

Grab your favorite lovie—a doll, stuffed animal, action figure, etc —and join us for a tea party filled with snacks and fun! Ages 6–9

Gingerbread Time

Friday, Dec. 8, from 4–5:30 p.m. in the Co-Lab

In collaboration with ISU Outreach and Extension Office, use engineering design to build a gingerbread house! Registration recommended For K–3rd grade

Pajama Storytime

Monday, Dec. 11, at 6:30 p.m. in the Youth Department

Join us for a special storytime! Get ready to snuggle with your little one as we read books, sing songs, and get ready for bed   For families

New Year’s Party

Friday, Dec. 29, at 11:30 a.m. in the meeting room

Join us for a dance party and countdown until noon with us! Ages 0–8


Teen Dungeon Master Training

Saturdays, Oct. 7, Dec. 9, from 9 a.m.–noon in the conference room

Ever wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons but you couldn’t find a Dungeon Master? Come learn how to be your own DM and make friends to play in their campaigns! Previous Dungeons and Dragons experience is encouraged

Attendees must be 12–18 years old and in grades 7–12 Registration is required and opens Sept 16 Contact the Teen Librarian for more info by emailing  teens@cedarfallslibrary org or by calling 319-859-3283

Teen Intro. to Dungeons and Dragons

Saturdays, Oct. 7, Dec. 9, from 1:30–4:30 p.m. in the conference room

Have you felt the calling to slay dragons, barter with merchants, and pick up the lute? Dungeons and Dragons might be the game for you! Learn the ins and outs of the game and partake in a short sample gameplay Previous Dungeons and Dragons experience not required Attendees must be 12–18 years old and in grades 7–12 Registration required and opens Sept 16 Contact the Teen Librarian for more info by emailing teens@cedarfallslibrary org or by calling 319-859-3283

Anime Club

Saturdays, Oct. 14, Nov. 18, Dec. 16, from 2–4 p.m. in the teen room

New to anime? Or a seasoned pro? Join us in watching some anime while indulging in Japanese snacks! Open to all teens ages 12–18 and in grades 7–12 No registration required

Teen Iron Chef

Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the Co-Lab

Open to all teens 12–18 years old and in grades 7–12

Oct 18: Apple Cider Try your best to impress our panel of judges with your best apple cider creation! Will it be warming? Spicy? Tropical? The choice is yours!

Dec 13: Hot Chocolate Do you have what it takes to make the best hot cocoa?  Using the supplies provided, make hot cocoa to wow our guest judges and take home the ultimate prize!

Teen Crafternoon

Fridays, Oct. 20, Nov. 17, Dec. 15, at 3:30 p.m. in the Co-Lab

A different craft each month! Open to all teens 12–18 years old and in grades 7–12  No registration required, but supplies are limited  First come, first served  Any leftover sets will be out later in the teen room for take and make

Teen Self-Care Sunday

Sundays at 2 p.m. in the Co-Lab

Open to all teens 12–18 years old and in grades 7–12

Oct 22: Tea Make a unique tea blend to relax with a hot cuppa this fall!

Nov 19: Bath Salts Mix up a bath salt blend that’ll melt away stress in an instant!

Dec 17: Beeswax Candle Roll a beeswax candle! The light and aroma will uplift you during the winter season!

7th–9th Grade Book Club

Wednesdays, Oct. 25, Nov. 22, Dec. 20, at 3:30 p.m. in the teen room

Books TBA Teens vote for what we’ll read the following month at each meeting Registration required Contact the youth desk for more info by stopping by, emailing youth@cedarfallslibrary org, or calling 319-268-3282

360 Degrees of Creativity Art Club

Mondays, Oct. 30, Nov. 27, Dec. 18, from 6:30–8 p.m. in the teen room

Join our Teen Advisory Board-hosted Art Club! Come work on your art in a quiet and relaxing space  Feel free to do your art solo or collaborate with others  Prompts are provided if you’re facing an artist block Open to all teens 12–18 years old and in grades 7–12  No registration required

Teen NaNoWriMo Kick-Off

Wednesday, Nov. 1, from 4–8 p.m. in the meeting room

Teen NaNoWriMo Mid-Month Check-in: Tuesday, Nov. 14, from 4–8 p.m. Teen NanoWriMo Finale: Wed., Nov. 29 from 4–8 p.m.

Are you participating in National Novel Writing Month this year? Want a quiet and inspiring place to work? Meet new folks to bounce ideas off of? Come to this event! We’ll provide a space for folks to share ideas, get feedback, and write At each event we’ll have writer’s block prompts, snacks, and drinks

No registration required—drop in when you can and feel free to leave and come back! Make sure to join us for our mid-month check-in and closing events as well

Teen Financial Literacy Series with ISU Extension

Mondays, Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27, Dec. 4 & 11, from 4:30–5:30 p.m. in the meeting room

Join in becoming more financially literate with the help of the Iowa State University Extension office! The Teen Financial Literacy program series has six meetings; attendees are expected to be able to attend most of them This is a program utilizing ‘My Financial Future’ curriculum to teach youth about organizing finances to learn about savings, risk management, and consumer breadcrumbs Youth will learn about financial literacy concepts through case studies and real-life scenarios Additional concepts covered include career planning, setting up SMART goals, managing financial records, creating spending and savings plans, choosing payment methods, and managing credit

Open to teens ages 12–18 and in grades 7–12  Registration required

All library programs are sponsored by the Friends of the Cedar Falls Public Library except where otherwise noted. Fall 2023 17

Enjoy classes & programming!

Visit bit ly/CFRecRegister to sign up for aquatics, camps, fitness and wellness classes, youth sports & much more!

CF Recreation & Fitness Center


Monday–Thursday 5:00am–9:00pm

Friday 5:00am–7:00pm

Saturday 7:00am–7:00pm

Sunday 11:00am–5:00pm


Cedar Falls Recreation & Fitness Center

Prices below do not include tax.

Monthly Membership


Youth (17 & Under) $20 $35

Student (18–23) $25 $25

Adult (18–64) $30 $55

Senior Citizen (65+) $25 $40

Family $45 $70

Veteran $20 $40

Annual Membership


Youth (17 & Under) $115 $210

Student (18–23) $155 $155

Adult (18–64) $175 $355

Senior Citizen (65+) $155 $290

Family $260 $465

Veteran $155 $290

Daily Admission

Youth (17 & Under) $5

Student (18–23) $5

Adult (18–64) $10

Senior (65+) $5

Corporate Rates

Provide a letter from your employer stating your full-time employee status A nonresident working for a business inside the Cedar Falls city limits may purchase discounted memberships Memberships may be renewed by providing a letter each year

Individual Adult Fee: $235 / Family Fee: $310


Indoor Park is a drop-in program where parents of preschool age children can bring their children to the Rec Center where toys and play equipment will be available to the children providing a safe controlled climate park environment during the winter months Indoor park is open to anyone— no membership needed! Indoor Park is not held on days Cedar Falls schools cancel due to weather, or during Cedar Falls school breaks

Age: Parents and preschool thru Pre-K ages (We do not allow older siblings in the gymnasium during indoor park )

Begins: October 17

Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Times: 9am–2pm

Fee: FREE To Members! Non-Member Daily Rate $3 per child Admission fees required for children age 9 months and older



Thank you for helping make our third year of outdoor fitness classes at the River Place Plaza a huge success! We are so grateful for the community support, the beautiful outdoor space, and our awesome Rec fitness team for allowing the opportunities to offer these fun, familyfriendly, FREE fitness classes Keep an eye out for future outdoor programs and events!

Fitness Classes are included in your Facility Membership with the exception of a few pre-registered classes Please visit the website or grab a flyer at the Rec Center for the most current and updated schedule of classes and class descriptions www cedarfalls com/fitness

PRE-REGISTERED CLASSES (additional cost) Register here: https://bit ly/CFRecRegister


NO HULA HOOP EXPERIENCE REQUIRED! This camp will be high energy, cardio based Hula Hoop workouts We will focus on learning a new skill each week Drilling each skill and doing FUNishments* when the hoop drops Hula Hoops provided!

4-week session times: October 2–25

Monday/Wednesday 7pm

$35/session—Rec Members


*You have to come to class to know what a FUNishment is!


We are looking to add to our Personal Training team!

If you are a professional, self-motivated individual who currently holds a NCCA Accredited Personal Training certification, fill out an application at www cedarfalls com/ Applications



Build muscle strength, definition and endurance on strength training equipment This is the perfect class for those looking to improve and maintain bone density

Session times:

Tuesday/Thursday 10am

Tuesday/Thursday 4:30pm

$14/month—Rec Members




Strength training using the TRX Suspension training system will challenge and improve your strength, balance, flexibility, and core strength This workout can be easily adapted for everyone from beginning exercisers to elite athletes and is less straining on your body than weights can be Session times: Tuesday/Thursday 8am

$35/session—Rec Members



AGES 6–12

Need a fun way to get your kids off the couch and moving? Pound is a MOVEMENT that aims to change the concept of health and fitness for today’s youth Get ready to make fitness about self-expression, empowerment, self-love and FUN! How? By introducing alternative ways to, MOVE, ROCK, PLAY and MAKE NOISE!

Instructor: Angie Webb

6-week session times: September 17–October 22

Saturday 9–9:45am

$30 per child

110 E 13th St , Cedar Falls, IA 50613 319-273-8636 www cedarfalls com/recreation www cedarfalls com/fitness bit ly/CFRecRegister
18 Fall 23


Registration available until program is filled


Sponsored by CF Amvets Post #49

Begins October 28, 9am & 10am Sat mornings


Sponsored by 1st national Bank

Begins October 28 at 11am and January 20 at 9am Sat mornings


Sponsored by 1st National Bank

Begins January 20, 9am & 10am Sat mornings


Sponsored by 1st National Bank

Begins January 20, 11am Sat mornings


Sponsored by CF Lions Club

Begins October 28, 9am, 10am & 11am Sat mornings


Sponsored by CF Lions Club

Begins January 20, 10am Sat mornings


Sponsored by Kiwanis Rough Risers

Begins January 20, 11am Sat mornings


Sponsored by Martin Brothers

Begins January 8, Practices Mondays and/or Tuesdays after school; Games Thursday evenings


Infant (2 & Under) $3

Youth 3–Adult $5

Lap Swim $5




525 E Seerley Blvd , (319) 553-3011


Saturday 1–3:45pm


Monday/Wednesday/Friday 5:45–7:30am

For Pool Closings go to www cedarfalls com/aquatics If Cedar Falls Schools close for inclement weather, CF Rec will not open the pools for Lap or Rec Swim


For bookings, contact Christine Anderson: 319-273-8636, christine anderson@cedarfalls com


During open facility hours: $40/hr for the entire gym, $25/hr for half the gym Hosting a kids party? How about this option? Gymnasium, multi-purpose room combo: $125 for a 2-hour private use This 2-hour rental includes exclusive use of the FitGym basketball court and Multi-Purpose Room The MultiPurpose Room will be your food and drink meeting place; bring in any food and drinks along with paper products you want for your party




Location: Cedar Falls Recreation and Fitness Center courts

Begins: Week of October 10

Registration Deadline: October 9-space is limited

Fee: $35 00

Description: Weekly matches are as scheduled between you and your opponent, master schedule provided by Rec Center League is coed and will provide competitive play with a variety of players to choose from within your registered division or level of play The Recreation Division will provide a schedule and court availability


Dates: November–Mid February

Days/Times: Wednesdays, 7:00–10:00pm

Location: Various CF Schools

Registration Deadline: October 30

Fees: Call your own League $120 00

Description: 10 game season Open League with B & C Divisions available Teams must wear numbered jerseys or shirts

Rent this space for a variety of events Includes tables and chairs for up to 70 $25/hr during open facility hours


Small group meeting? This is the spot Includes tables and chairs for up to 20 $10/hr during open facility hours


505 Holmes Dr , (319) 553-3012


Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday 7–8:45pm Sunday 1–3:45 pm


Sunday 6–6:50pm

Tuesday/Thursday 6:15–7pm; 8:55–9:50pm


Public pools are available throughout the school year on most Saturday and Sunday evenings after 4pm for private parties

Reservations must be made two weeks in advance and are dependent on availability

Rates: $65/hr for parties up to 75 people; $80/hr for parties over 75 people For reservations call 319-273-8636 or email chris schoentag@cedarfalls com


12–2pm on the second Sunday of each month at Peet Pool Reservations made by calling Scuba Too at 319-268-4201

Discover Snorkeling

$27/day + admission

Introductory snorkeling class designed to teach necessary skills for a safe and enjoyable experience in the underwater world Equipment is provided

Scuba Sunday

$10, payable in advance to Scuba Too

For anyone eight years or older wishing to use their own equipment to practice scuba skills

Scuba Tune Up

$57, payable in advance to Scuba Too

This class is designed to review and update your Scuba knowledge and skills Must have proof of certification as a scuba diver

Discover Scuba

$42 (includes equipment), payable in advance to Scuba Too

Let our instructor introduce you to scuba diving in a safe, controlled environment

You must be at least 8 years old and complete/sign a Discover Scuba statement

$80 $85 Adult $100 $105 Family $135 $145
Youth (0–17) & Senior (65+)
Fall 2023 19

Coming to Cedar Falls/ Cedar Valley

The Cedar Falls Tourism & Visitors Bureau is bringing Panthers on Parade, a community pride project featuring the University of Northern Iowa’s TC mascot, to the Cedar Valley. Approximately 25 six-foot tall fiberglass mascots will be embellished by local artists and displayed at various locations throughout Cedar Falls and the Cedar Valley from May–October 2024.

“The University of Northern Iowa is excited to partner with the Cedar Falls Tourism & Visitors Bureau on this project,” said UNI Director of University Relations Pete Moris. “Panthers on Parade has the potential to appeal to a wide variety of audiences and businesses across the Cedar Valley. We can’t wait to see all of the artistic treatments that TC receives as the project unfolds. Go Panthers!”

Artists with a UNI, Cedar Falls/Cedar Valley, or Iowa connection are encouraged to submit designs and apply to embellish mascots now through September 22, 2023. A stipend of $2,000 is available for the design and embellishment of each mascot. Details are available at

“This is a fun way for the community to share their love of the University of Northern Iowa. We anticipate that this will be a great draw for alumni, residents, and visitors as a new way to explore the Cedar Falls area,” said Jennifer Pickar, manager of the Cedar Falls Tourism & Visitors Bureau.

Businesses and organizations interested in sponsoring a TC mascot are also encouraged to communicate their interest. More information can be found at

City of Cedar Falls Earns Excellence in Financial Reporting Award

The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) has awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the City of Cedar Falls.

The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting. It represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. The report has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program, which includes demonstrating a constructive “spirit of full disclosure” to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the report.

The award recognizes the City of Cedar Falls for its annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022.

“Cedar Falls has received this honor from GFOA for the past several years and it is a tribute to the continued outstanding work by the City finance team to ensure that there is an efficiently organized annual comprehensive report that not only conforms to program standards but is also easily readable for our community,” said Jennifer Rodenbeck, Director of Finance and Business Operations for the City of Cedar Falls. “Each year, our finance staff puts in hundreds of hours in preparation for the annual audit. This includes creating a complete set of audited financial statements that are presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Staff also ensures that the financial statements are in compliance with the Government Standards Board and financial accounting is in compliance with Iowa Code.”

“This recognition is truly made possible because of the commitment of the City finance team. We thank them for their hard work and dedication to Cedar Falls.”

The public can view the annual City of Cedar Falls audit report at


Citywide Trick-or-Treat

Tuesday, October 31 6–8 pm

Cedar Falls Public Safety encourages you to follow these tips this trick-or-treat season: Wear bright, reflective costumes that fit well to prevent tripping. Ensure costumes, wigs, and accessories indicate they are flame resistant. Use trick-or-treat bags that reflect light (reflective tape can help). Have trick-ortreaters use flashlights so they can be seen.

An adult should always accompany young children during trick-or-treating. Teach your child to never enter a stranger’s home or car, and instruct them not to eat any treats before you return home.

Only trick-or-treat in familiar areas. Ensure you and your child obey all crosswalk signals and signs. Drivers should slow down and be prepared to stop.

Children and adults are both reminded to put electronic devices away while walking and stay alert for drivers while crossing the street. Motorists should also make sure to put their electronic devices away while driving and enter and exit driveways and alleyways carefully.

Homeowners should remove anything from the porch or front yard that could be a tripping hazard. Restrain pets so they cannot jump out or bite anyone. Consider a flashlight or glow stick instead of a candle to light your pumpkin. When carving pumpkins, ensure adults are present to assist. If the child is too young, an adult should do the carving.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!

City of Cedar Falls 220 Clay Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Customer Cedar Falls, IA 50613
20 Fall 2023

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