A guide to Issues Online You can access Issues Online internally through the LRC page on the student intranet. Or by going to http://www.independence.co.uk/issues-online/ and logging in with the username CCC and password 8937.
Save time Why spend hours trawling the web when ISSUES Online provides articles, statistics, videos, e-books and links, right at your fingertips?
Critical thinking The articles and statistics you'll find on ISSUES Online are from a variety of different sources: newspapers, charity groups, Government reports, blogs, magazines, etc. Make sure you bear in mind the origin of the text you're reading, and think about why someone might have written it. Is an opinion being expressed? Do you agree with the writer? Is there potential bias to the 'facts' or statistics offered?
Further Research At the end of each article you will find its source, and a url that you can visit to carry out further research.
Abou ut Issue es Onlin ne an use Issu ues Online to access a wide ran nge of valu uable and current c You ca informa ation. Thiss includes articles, ke ey facts, ke ey statisticss, lobby grroup links, newspa aper archivves, refere ence sites, research guides g pluss assignme ents/debatte suggesstions for sixty s topics from aborrtion to worrk, money matters to o food and nutritio on. Relativve topics arre added on o a regula ar basis.
Acce essing Issues Online O Internally via th he intranet Issues Online is accessed a t through the e Internet on o college computerrs. Go to th he a click on the bookk student intranet and
ources. Sccroll down the page until u you fin nd Issues Online O and d then Then cclick eReso click th he Icon
dow Issues Online will open in a new wind
Accessing Issues Online Externally outside of college Ask a member of LRC staff for advice on accessing Issues Online outside the College network. Double-click on the Internet Explorer icon (the large blue “e�) to start the internet. In the address bar at the top of the screen type: http://www.independence.co.uk/issues-online/ and press enter this should take you to the Issues Online page for City College Coventry. From here you will need to click login at the top of the screen. The following page with then be displayed.
To login use the following details, username CCC and password 8937.
Searching Issues Online The search box is located in the middle of the home page. Once you have entered a search term into the box the following page will be displayed:
As you can see in the middle of the screen are the search results. (You can click on any of these to be taken to the full details of the result. Looking at the left hand side you can see that Issues Online is made up of a number of different topics, so each of the search results falls under one of these headings. An example below is shown of what you will see when you click on one of the results.
Researching a particular Issue
Here you can select topic articles, key facts, key statistics, assignments, resources/lobby groups and finally a glossary. All these will have information about the particular search result topic you have clicked on. Here you can see the title of the topic in which this particular search result you have clicked on falls into. This section contains your actual search result you clicked on.
All Topics Instead of carrying out a search you can browse the list of topic titles to see which relate to the area you are researching. To do this, simply click on the left hand side of the screen where it says ‘All topics’. This will then extend the full list.
How to access the eBooks From the home page click eBooks
Select the eBook you wish to look at from the list.
The following screen will appear showing you the eBook you have selected.
You can now browse the eBook online.
The following titles are also available as a book to borrow from the LRC. Abortion Adolescent Health Ageing AIDS & HIV Alcohol Alternative Healing Animal Rights Body Image Bullying Cannabis Careers & Unemployment Child Abuse Child Labour & Exploitation Citizenship in the UK Death and Bereavement Depression Diet and Nutrition Disabilities Eating Disorders Endangered & Extinct Species Evolution of the Internet Families & Parenting
Fertility & Reproduction Fitness Food & Diet Homelessness in the UK Housing Marriage & Partnership Money & Finance National Health Issues Poverty Privacy in the UK Racial Discrimination Self-harm & Suicide Sexual Health Sexualising Society Smoking & Health Social Media Sport in our Society Student Choices The Sex Trade War & Conflict Waste & Recycling
Created by Candis Ibberson LRC Advisor