ISSN 1312 7179 I GUIDE + MAP IN ENGLISH & RUSSIAN I July - August 2017 I ISSUE 53
Bulgaria in Brief 1
4 CONTENTS Bulgaria in Brief
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Bulgaria in Brief
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Bulgaria in Brief 5
6 Bulgaria in Brief
Bulgaria in Brief 7
8 Bulgaria in Brief WELCOME TO BULGARIA
Welcome to one of the oldest European states with 6000-years old gold treasures, a center of ancient civilizations, a country that hosts the sanctuary of the mystical singer Orpheus and gave to the Slavonic people the Cyrillic alphabet. Bulgaria is the only one country in Europe that hasn’t changed its name since it was first established. The Bulgarian army has never lost a single flag in battle. The flag of Bulgaria is a tricolor consisting of three equal-sized horizontal bands of (from top to the bottom) white, green and red. It was first adopted after Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878), where Bulgaria regained independence. The current flag was re-established with the 1991 Constitution of Bulgaria.
Добро пожаловать в одно из старейших европейских государств, славящимся своими 6000-летними золотыми сокровищами и являющимся центром древних цивилизаций. Это родина мифического певца Орфея и страна, которая подарила кириллицу славянским народам. Болгария единственная страна в Европе, которая не меняла свое имя с момента своего создания. Болгарская армия ни разу не теряла свой флаг в битвах. Трехцветный болгарский флаг состоит из одинаковых по ширине горизонтальных полос белого, зеленого и красного цвета (сверху вниз). Он впервые был принят с возвращением независимости Болгарии после русско-турецкой войны 1877 - 1878 годов и его современный вариант был восстановлен болгарской конституцией 1991 года. Подробности Герб Республики Болгарии принят – в 1997 году Украшение наверху щита – Корона Второй болгарской империи Щит герба – червленый с вздыбленным коронованным львом Щитодержатели – Два коронованных вздыбленных льва Подножие - Две перекрещенные ветви дуба с желудями Девиз - Съединението прави силата „Единство дает силу” (“В единении сила”)
Coat of arms of Bulgaria
Details Armiger - Republic of Bulgaria Adopted - 1997 Crest - Crown of theSecond Bulgarian Empire Escutcheon - Gules, a lion rampant crowned Supporters - Two lions rampant crowned Compartment - Two crossed oak branches with fruits Motto - Съединението прави силата “Saedinenieto pravi silata” “Unity makes strength”
Important & significant events 681 – The Bulgarian state acquired political recognition from the Byzantine Empire. 718 – The Bulgarian Khan Tervel has stopped the Arabic invasion to European continent. 855 – The Cyrillic alphabet by the brothers Cyril and Methodius. It corresponded perfectly to the phonetic riches and needs of the Slavonic-Bulgarian language. As of today more than 250 million people in Europe and Asia use the Cyrillic alphabet for their national languages.
Важные и значительные события 681г. – Болгарское государство получило политическое признание Византийской империи. 718г. – Болгарский хан Тервел остановил арабское нашествие на европейский континент 855г. – Создание кириллицы братьями Кириллом и Мефодием. Этот алфавит полностью соответствовал фонетическому богатству и нуждам славяноболгарского языка. В наши дни более 250 миллионов людей в Европе и Азии используют кириллицу для своих национальных языков. 864г. – Во время своего царствования Князь Борис I принял христианство официальной религией государства. 893-927г. – Во время Золотого века Царя Симеона Великого болгарское государство постепенно увеличило свою территорию, простираясь от Трансильвании на севере до Эгейского моря на юге и с Черного моря на востоке до Адриатического моря на западе. Во время этой эпохи Болгария шаг за шагом достигла свой культурный и территориальный апогей, развиваясь как культурный и литературный центр славянской Европы, и также превращаясь в одно из самых больших государств в Европе.
Bulgaria in Brief 9
10 Bulgaria in Brief 864 – During his rule Knyaz Boris I converted the state to Orthodox Christianity. 893-927 – During the Golden Age of Tzar Simeon The Greatest the First Bulgarian State stretched gradually from Transylvania in the north, to the Aegean Sea in the south, from the Black Sea in the east and to the Adriatic Sea in the west. At this time Bulgaria gradually reached its cultural and territorial apogee, when it developed into the cultural and literary center of Slavic Europe, as well as becoming one of the largest states in Europe. 1018 – The Bulgarian army fell to Byzantines and after that the Bulgaria State had been conquered by the Emperor Vassileios II. 1185 – The Second Bulgarian State was established at Veliko Tarnovo, reinstated the borders of the First Bulgarian Kingdom and a second Golden Age began during which Bulgaria expanded its borders to the shores of Black, Aegean and Adriatic seas. 1396-1878 – The country was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. 1878 – Liberation from the rule of the Ottoman Empire. Establishment of the Third Bulgarian State. 1878-1879 – As the result of the Treaty of Berlin, the Bulgarian State was divided in two territories. An autonomous Principality of Bulgaria was created, between the Danube and the Stara Planina range, with its seat at the old Bulgarian capital of Veliko Tarnovo, and including Sofia. An autonomous Ottoman province under the name of Eastern Rumelia was created south of the Stara Planina range, whereas Macedonia was returned under the sovereignty of the Sultan. 06.09.1908 – The establishment of the Independence of Bulgaria. On that date Eastern Rumelia rejects the rule of Sultan and announced that joined the Principality of Bulgaria. Two days later, the Prince Alexander Battenberg First signed a manifesto to approve the accession of the field and taken to be titled as a future prince of Northern and Southern Bulgaria. 1944 – The After Communist Party, led by Georgi Dimitrov, took the power as a result of almost bloodless coup d’état and proclaimed Bulgaria for a “People’s Republic” in 1946 after a controversial referendum. 10.11.1989 – The Communist regime ended when Bulgaria peacefully ousted the Communist Party leader Todor Zhivkov. 1989 – The establishment of a multi-party system and the begging of the Bulgaria’s democratization. 12.07.1991 – The new Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria was adopted and it proclaimed the country as a parliamentary republic. 29.03.2004 – Bulgaria joined NATO. 01.01.2007 – The country became a member of the European Union.
1018г. – Болгарские войска потерпели поражение от византийцев и после этого Болгарское государство было завоевано Императором Василием II. 1185г. – Второе болгарское царство было создано со столицей в городе Велико Тырново, восстанавливая границы Первого болгарского царства. Это поставило начало второго Золотого века, во время которого Болгария расширила свои границы до берегов Черного, Эгейского и Адриатического морей. 1396-1878г. – Страна находилась под управлением Османской империи. 1878г. – Освобождение от господства Османской империи. Создание Третьего болгарского царства. 1878-1879г. – В результате Берлинского договора болгарское государство было разделено на 2 территории. Было создано автономное княжество Болгария между Дунаем и Балканами с центром в прежней столице Велико Тырново, который потом перешел в Софию. На юге от Балканов была образована автономная османская провинция под именем Восточная Румелия, а Македония была возвращена Султану. 6.09.1885г. – В этот день Восточная Румелия отвергла господство Султана и провозгласила присоединение к Княжеству Болгарии, что через несколько дней было подтверждено специальным манифестом князя Александра І Баттенберга. 22.09.1908г. - Полная юридическая независимость Болгарии. В этот день Князь Фердинанд І провозгласил независимость княжества и его преобразование в царство. 1944г. – Коммунистическая партия под предводительством Георгия Димитрова захватила власть в результате почти бескровного государственного переворота и после спорного референдума в 1946 году провозгласила Болгарию „Народной Республикой”. 10.11.1989г. – Коммунистический режим пришел к концу мирным снятием болгарами с должности Тодора Живкова, руководителя Коммунистической партии. 1989г. – Создание многопартийной системы и начало демократизации Болгарии. 12.07.1991г. – В этот день была принята новая Конституция Республики Болгарии и страна была провозглашена парламентской республикой. 29.03.2004г. – Болгария вошла в НАТО. 01.01.2007г. – Болгария стала членом Европейского Союза
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Bulgaria in Brief 11
12 Bulgaria in Brief Святые Константин и Елена
St. Constantine and Elena is a beautiful resort located 8km from Varna and it is the oldest Bulgarian complex, named after the famous monastery. It offers the unique combination of sandy beaches, clean sea water, mountain air, mineral springs, balneology complexes and healing thermal baths. The landmarks include the Botanical Garden and the Eastern Orthodox monastery of St. Constantine and Helena where the visitors can stay. The resort offers hotels and holiday houses, a dock for yachts, tennis courts, and numerous water sports and seaside attractions. The resort is served by the International Airport of Varna and bus lines of the public transit system of Varna. Regular town buses run every 10 minutes from St. Constantine and Elena to Varna. Minibuses and taxis are available too. Golden Sands
is situated 19km from Varna and it is the largest resort on the Northern Black Sea coast with the purest sand and clean waters. The place is marked as a Blue Flag resort. There are numerous hotels of different categories, an aqua park, bars and disco clubs, restaurants, casinos and shops. Golden Sands has diverse sea sports opportunities like – yachting, surfing, water skiing, jet skiing, water parachuting and others. Diving centers, swimming pools, water slides, volleyball and basketball fields, tennis courts, golf playgrounds, paintball and bowling hall are available there. You can also enjoy various events and
competitions in the Golden Sands resort such as Miss and Mister “Golden Sands” Competition, International Festival for Standard and Sport Dances, Old-fashioned Auto Rally and many others.
- красивый курорт, расположенный в 8 км от Варны, он является старейшим болгарским комплексом, названным в честь известного монастыря. Он предлагает уникальное сочетание песчаных пляжей, чистой воды, горного воздуха, минеральных источников, комплексов бальнеолечения и целебные горячие источники. К достопримечательностям относятся Ботанический сад и православный монастырь “Св. Св. Константин и Елена”, где тоже могут останавливаться посетители. Курорт предлагает отели и дома отдыха, причал для яхт, теннисные корты, многочисленные водные виды спорта и морские аттракционы. Курорт обслуживается Национальным аэропортом Варна и автобусными маршрутами общественного транспорта Варны. Обычные городские автобусы ходят каждые 10 минут от “Св. Св. Константин и Елена” до Варны. К Вашим услугам маршрутки и такси.
Курорт Золотые пески расположен в 19 км от Варны, это самый крупный курорт на северном побережье с чистейшим песком и водой. Место отмечено наградой “Голубой флаг”. Тут множество гостиниц различных категорий, аквапарк, бары и дискотеки, рестораны, казино и магазины. Курорт “Золотые пески” предлагает широкий выбор водных видов спорта, таких как парусный спорт, серфинг, водные лыжи, гидроциклы для езды, водный парашют и многое другое. Есть дайв-центры, бассейны, водные горки, волейбол, теннис и гольф, пейнтбол и зал для боулинга. На курорте Золотые пески вы можете наслаждаться различными мероприятиями и конкурсами, такими как “Мисс и Мистер Золотые пески”, Международный фестиваль для бальных и спортивных танцев, ралли для ретро автомобилей и многое другое. Riviera Holiday Club is located 17km from Varna. The place is famous for its comfort and quiet atmosphere, mild climate, beautiful and calm beaches and the effective balneological treatments. Riviera offers 5 hotels located on the beach, bars, restaurants, water sports, tennis courts, sport centers, relaxing SPA and business tourism and animation events for adults and children.
Курорт Ривьера расположен в 17 км от Варны. Это место известно своим комфортом и умиротворяющей атмосферой, мягким климатом, прекрасными пляжами и эффективным бальнеолечением. Ривьера предлагает 5 отелей, расположенных на пляже, бары, рестораны, водные виды спорта, теннисные корты, спортивный центр, спа-центр и бизнес-туризм, анимацию и развлечения для взрослых и детей.
Bulgaria in Brief 13
Albena Resort is located 30km north of Varna, built in 1969 and designed by Bulgarian architects. Albena is one of the purpose-built resorts on the Black Sea coast with unique architectural style. The stepped pyramid hotels allow rooms to have sea-facing views and maximum sunlight. Many of the hotels are situated on the beach itself, providing direct access to the beach and sea. Albena is a Blue Flag winning resort, famous for its 5km long and 150m wide beach with clean sand and warm sea water. The resort offers 43 modern hotels and first-class food, clubs and entertainment places, swimming pools, water skiing, jets, underwater fishing, yachting, surfing, tennis, horseback riding, diving school, mini - golf, beach volleyball, aerobics. The national park of Albena is an ideal place for walking and bicycle tours.There are many concerts, contests and yacht trips in the resort. Albena is connected by bus transport with such resorts as Balchik and Golden Sands and offers the so called “Little Train” in 2 different routes - a wonderful way to see the area. Balchik
is a small but very beautiful and romantic Bulgarian seaside town and resort located 45km north of Varna. With its white rocks, and houses, standing in tiers, it is a preferred place for rest and tourism by the people of art and culture. The main sights of Balchik are the
residence of the Romanian queen and the botanical gardens. The Palace, called Quiet Nest was used by Queen Maria - the wife of King Ferdinand and mother of the last king of Romania – Mikhai. The Residence, designed by the Italian architects Amerigo and Augustino was completed in 1931. The mix of architectural styles with the main building’s extravagant minaret and a Christian chapel, perfectly describes the queen’s desire to bring religions closer together. The complex consists of a number of residential villas - intended for the Queen’s guests, a smoking hall, a wine cellar, a monastery, a chapel and a park that is today a state-run botanical garden. These days many of the former royal villas and other buildings of the complex are reorganized inside and used to accommodate tourists. The Botanical Gardens contain a variety of fountains and ponds, watermills, thrones, hewn of stone. There one can find about 3,000 varieties of rare plant species from all over the world. Among the masterpieces of the art of the park design are the rose garden and the cactus garden which is the second largest cactus collection of Europe – over 250 different species. Later, the Residence was turned into museum.
Курорт “Албена” расположен в 30 км к северу от Варны, он был создан в 1969 году болгарскими архитекторами. “Албена” является одним из специально построенных курортов на побережье Черного моря, в уникальном архитектурном стиле. Ступенчатое пирамидальное строение гостиниц делает возможным, чтобы все номера имели вид на море и получали максимум солнечного света. Многие отели расположены на первой береговой линии, обеспечивая прямой доступ к пляжу и воде. Курорт “Албена” был отмечен наградой “Голубой флаг”, он известен своим пляжем – длиной 5 км и шириной 150 м, с чистым песком и теплой морской водой. Курорт предлагает 43 современных отеля с первоклассным питанием, клубами, развлекательными центрами, бассейнами, здесь предлагают водные лыжи, гидроциклы, подводную охоту, яхтинг, серфинг, теннис, верховую езду, школу подводного плавания, мини-гольф, пляжный волейбол, аэробику. Национальный парк “Албена” идеально подходит для пеших и велосипедных прогулок. Курорт предлагает многочисленные концерты, соревнования и прогулки на яхте. «Албена» обеспечена автобусным транспортом, курсирующим до курортов, таких как Балчик и Золотые пески, есть и так называемый “Паровозик”, который отправляется по двум разным маршрутам, что является прекрасным способом исследования окрестностей. Балчик
это небольшой, но очень красивый и романтичный черноморский город и курорт, расположенный в 45 км к северу от Варны. С его белыми скалами и террасовидными рядами домов, это любимое место отдыха и туризма деятелей искусства и культуры. Основными достопримечательностями Балчика являются резиденция Румынской королевы и Ботанический сад. Дворцом, еще именуемым “Тихое гнездо”, пользовалась королева Мария - супруга царя Фердинанда и мать последнего короля Румынии - Михая. Резиденция, спроектированная итальянскими архитекторами Америго и Августино, была завершена в 1931 году. Смешение архитектурных стилей с экстравагантным минаретом на главном здании и христианской часовней, явно говорит о желании королевы сблизить две религии. Комплекс состоит из нескольких вилл для гостей королевы, курительной комнаты, винного погреба, монастыря, часовни и парка, который сегодня является ботаническим садом. В настоящее время многие из бывших королевских вилл и другие здания комплекса перестроены внутри и используются для размещения туристов. В ботаническом саду сооружены фонтаны и пруды, мельницы и троны, вытесанные из камня. Там можно наблюдать около 3000 видов редких растений со всего мира. Среди шедевров дизайнерского искусства в парке находятся розарий и кактусовый цветник, который является второй по величине коллекцией кактусов в Европе, включающей более 250 различных видов. Позже резиденция была превращена в музей.
12 Bulgaria in Brief Kavarna is a small port town and it is one of the ancient places on the Black Sea coast. It is placed 64km northeast of Varna and 43 km south of the border with Romania. The town was founded in the 5th century BC by Ancient Greek colonists who settled on the Chirakman Plateau in the colony Byzone. These days you can find a resort complex with beautiful beach and fishing base. Three 18-hole golf courses, villas and marinas are being developed nearby. In Kavarna you can visit some of the culture places such as the Sea Display /small maritime museum/, The Town and The Ethnographic museums, the church “St. George”, „The Dormition of the Theotokos” church and the old fountains, situated along the valley to the port. The town became famous with the annual Rock Fest featuring famous rock bands as “Uriah Heep”, “Nazareth”, “Rainbow”, “Black Sabbath”, “Deep Purple” and many others. The landmark Cape Kaliakra is located just a few kilometers to the east and it is one of the most beautiful natural sights along the coast. The Kaliakra Cape Fortress is one of Bulgaria’s best cultural attractions. Bulgaria’s National Archaeological Reserve “Yailata” is located 18 km northeast of the town of Kavarna. It is a rocky coastal terrace towering 50-60 meters above the Black Sea level and it features archaeological and historical monuments from different periods. One should visit the small and romantic resort of Rusalka. The place occupies the coast of Taouk Liman - “Bay of Birds” in Turkish. There one can enjoy the natural mudcurative bath on the salt-water lake, the sun and the clear sea waters. Kavarna is connected to Varna and Balchik with the regular bus transport and private minibuses and taxis. Durankulak
is located 100km north of Varna of and it is part of Shabla Municipality. The place is a great combination of history and nature. A necropolis rich in artifacts is placed in Durankulak’s lake proves the existence of ancient civilization on the north-west coast of the Black Sea. The coastal lake is a nature reserve of major international importance for the protection of rare plant and animal species. It is located on a migration route and provides a place for nesting and wintering of different migratory birds. The lake is separated from the sea by the beach strip. In the village one can see a cultural centre, a museum of local history, a small art gallery and a library. There are several monuments dedicated to the peasant revolt of 1900. The local Bulgarian Orthodox church was built in 1942.
– это небольшой портовый город и один из старейших поселений на побережье Черного моря. Он расположен в 64 км от Варны и в 43 км к югу от границы с Румынией. Город, основанный в V веке до н.э. греческими колонистами, расположен на плато Чиракман, на месте фракийско-греческой колонии Бизоне. В наши дни Вы найдете здесь курорт с прекрасным пляжем и рыболовной базой. Три гольф-поля с 18 лунками, виллы и яхтенные причалы находятся неподалеку. В Каварне вы можете посетить некоторые из культурных объектов такие, как Экспозиция “Добруджа и море” / Малый морской музей/, городские и этнографические музеи, церковь Святого Георгия, церковь Успения Богородицы и старые фонтанчики, которые расположены вдоль причала. Город прославился своими ежегодными рок-фестами с участием известных рок-групп, таких как “Юрай Хип”, “Назарет”, “Рейнбоу”, “Блек Сабат”, “Дип Перпл” и многих других. Мыс Калиакра расположен всего в нескольких километрах к востоку, и это одна из самых красивых природных достопримечательностей вдоль побережья. Крепость на мысе Калиакра является одним из лучших болгарских культурных объектов. Национальный археологический заповедник в Болгарии “Яйлата” расположен в 18 километрах к северо-востоку от города. Это скалистая терраса, возвышающаяся на уровне 50-60 метров над Черным морем, которая характеризуется археологическими и историческими памятниками разных эпох. Вы можете посетить небольшой романтический курорт “Русалка”. Он расположен на берегу Таук Лимана, что на турецком языке означает “Птичий залив”. Там вы можете наслаждаться природными лечебными грязевыми ваннами у озера с соленой водой, солнцем и чистой морской водой. Между Каварной, Варной и Балчиком курсирует регулярный автобусный транспорт и частные маршрутки и такси.
в 100 км к северу от Варны, административно он относится к муниципалитету Шабла. Место это является прекрасным сочетанием истории и природы. Некрополь, богатый артефактами, находится на озере Дурнакулак, доказывая существование древней цивилизации на северо-западном побережье Черного моря. Прибрежное озеро является природным заповедником с большим международным значением для сохранения редких видов растений и животных. Он расположен на пути миграции различных перелетных птиц, обеспечивая им место для гнездования и зимовки. Озеро отделено от моря песчаной косой. В селе можно посетить культурный центр, музей краеведения, небольшую художественную галерею и библиотеку. Там находятся и несколько памятников, посвященных крестьянскому восстанию 1900 года, местная болгарская православная церковь, построенная в 1942 году.
Bulgaria in Brief 13
14 Bulgaria in Brief AROUND VARNA
is the name of both the first capital of the First Bulgarian Empire and a small town situated 20 km northeast of the provincial capital Shumen. Under Ottoman rule, the village was called Aboba until 1925, when the name was changed to Pliskov - a variant of the current name. Pliska is an archaeological site in Bulgaria - housing the ruins of what was the country’s first capital. The ruins of the city of Pliska lie 3 km north of the modern village. The site of the city is currently a National Archaeological Reserve. Pliska was an impressive early medieval city. The stone architecture and the buildings from this era show a clear Byzantine influence in their design and function. It acted as the main city of the First Bulgarian Empire from 681 until 893, when the capital was moved to Preslav by Tsar Simeon I. Ruins of the Great and the Small Palace, the strong stone fortifications and the Great Basilica, used both as a royal church and as a national patriarchal cathedral, can be seen in Pliska.
Opening times: Open daily 9am-5pm. Entry: 5BGN
это название первой столицы Первого болгарского царства, а теперь небольшого городка, расположенного в 20 километрах к северо-востоку от столицы провинции Шумен. Во времена османского владычества, поселение именовалось Абоба, вплоть до 1925 года, когда название было изменено на Плисков, что является версией его нынешнего названия. Плиска - это болгарский археологический объект, который укрывает руины того, что осталось от первой столицы государства. Развалины города Плиска расположены в 3 км к северу от нынешнего населенного пункта. На месте города в настоящее время находится Национальный археологический заповедник. Плиска был впечатляющим раннесредневековым городом. Каменная архитектура и здания этой эпохи четко указывают на византийское влияние на дизайн и функциональность построек. Плиска выступала в качестве главного города Первого болгарского царства с 681 до 893 года, когда столица была перенесена в Преслав царем Симеоном I. В Плиске можно увидеть руины Большого и Малого дворца, мощных каменных укреплений и Большой базилики, используемой в качестве царской церкви и в качестве национального патриаршего собора.
Часы работы: ежедневно: 9:00 до 17:00 Вход: 5 лв.
Bulgaria in Brief THE OLD PLISKA Двор кириллицы
Тhe Old Pliska is an unique cultural and historical entertainment complex, the only one in the world. It is the place where the Cyrillic alphabet returns. It is located in the city of Pliska - the capital of the First Bulgarian State in the period from 681 to 893, in just 10 minutes distance from Madara Rider and 5 mins away from the Old town and the Basilica. Комплекс Старая Плиска уникальный в мире культурноисторический развлекательный комплекс, расположенный в городе Плиска - столица Первого болгарского царства в период с 681 до 893. В десять минут от Мадарского Всадника и в пять минут от старого города и базилики. В комплексе находится Двор кириллицы - место, где буквы кириллицы отправляют свои уникальные послания. Двор кириллицы Тел.: +359 897 949 718 дворнакирилицата.bg Рабочее время: Пон – Вос : 09 — 18 часа Съемка – бесплатно Экскурсовод – бесплатно Вход — 4лв дети до 7 лет – бесплатно
OLD PLISKA Phone: +359 897 949 718 Open: Mon - Sun: 09 – 18 Photo – FREE Tourist guide – FREE Enter - 4 BGN Children - For Free
Комплекс предоставляет своим гостям все удобства для приятного и спокойного отдыха. Гостиница предлагает 23 двухместных номера с диваномкроватью, 1 комната с тремя кроватями и два кресла, диван и три VIPкомнаты. В ресторане 130 мест, VIP-зал - 10 мест, с отдельным входом и ванной. Летний сад - 150 мест, с водопадами, фруктовыми деревьями и уникальными растениями. Мы выбрали меню из вкусной традиционной болгарской, армянской, русской и грузинской кухни. Все блюда приготовлены из свежих домашних продуктов. Гостям комплекса Boilskite ванные комнаты предлагаются финская сауна, сауна с гималайской соли, римская сауна, джакузи, бассейн с подогревом, массаж, бар для релаксации и две просторные раздевальные.
+359 897 097 267
Тhe “Old Pliska” is an unique cultural and historical entertainment complex, the only one in the world. It is the place where the Cyrillic alphabet returns. It is located in the city of Pliska - the capital of the First Bulgarian State in the period from 681 to 893, in just 10 minutes distance from Madara Rider and 5 mins away from the Old town and the Basilica. The complex is new and offers all the comforts for a pleasant and relaxing holiday (the Cyrillic court, the inn, the boil baths). The inn has 23 double rooms with pull-out armchair, 1 triple room with 2 pull-out armchairs and 3 VIP rooms. The restaurant has 130 seats, a VIP hall - 10 seats with a separate entrance and a bathroom. Summer garden - 150 seats with waterfalls, fruit trees and herbs. We offer a selection of delicious healthy food from Bulgarian, Armenian, Russian and Georgian cuisine. All dishes are prepared with fresh homemade products purchased from local producers. The guests of the complex can enjoy the Boil Baths. There are Finnish sauna, Himalayan salts sauna, Roman steam room, hot Jacuzzi, hot pool, massage, relax bar and two spacious dressing rooms. For reservation:+359 897 097 267
18 overview
overview 19
20 overview Population 475 074 Area 3,819 sq. km Main city-Varna (sea capital)
is located in the northeastern part of Bulgaria and reaches to the Black Sea. The region includes 12 municipalities.
Symbols of Varna The Assumption of the Mother of God Cathedral
The landscape is dominated by hilly landforms. The climate is moderate continental, with Black Sea influence along the coastline. Inland rainfalls do not occur very often and summers usually see dry spells. The prevailing vegetation is deciduous. The area of Kamchia River mouth is a dense forest reserve with rare plant species being preserved.
People, Towns And Culture
The geographic distribution of the population is strongly uneven. The settlement agglomeration formed by Varna, Beloslav, Devnya and Provadia has concentrated over 75 percent of the residents in the region. The process of urbanization has been very active especially in the last 30 years and the urban-rural ratio is 82:18. The ethnic composition is as follows: 371 048 Bulgarians, 30 469 Turks, 13 432 Roma and 5 638 of other ethnic groups. Varna (population 334 870) is an ancient town of centuriesold traditions. Today it is a large industrial, transport and academic center, as well as an international sea tourism hot spot. The towns surrounding Varna- Beloslav, Devnya and Provadia have obtained in the last 50 years a typical industrial urban scenery and atmosphere, whereas Dolni Chiflik and Vulchi Dol are specialized in agriculture.
Situated on St. Cyril and St. Methodius Square in Varna, The Cathedral of Holy Assumption is one of the main symbols of the city. It is named after the Russian Empress Maria Alexanrovna, benefactor of Bulgaria and aunt of the Prince. It is famous by its rich frescoes, the stained glasses and the roof construction enriched with a shade of gold and silver which symbolize the city. Address: 1, “Cyril and Methodius” Square
Население 475 074 Площадь 3 819 кв.км Главный город Варна (морская столица)
расположена в северо-восточной части страны и достигает Черного моря. Область охватывает 12 муниципалитетов.
Рельеф и климат
Большая часть поверхности холмистая. Климат умеренно-континентальный с сильным влиянием Черного моря в районах, расположенных недалеко от берега. Нет частых дождей, и летом бывают засухи. Горы покрыты в основном лиственными лесами. Устье реки Камчия является природным заповедником с редкими защищенными растительными видами.
Люди, города и культура
Географическое распределение населения является неравномерным. В городской агломерации, образованной объединением Варны, Белослава, Девни и Провадии, сосредоточено 75 процентов жителей, населявших эту область. Процесс урбанизации является очень активным и соотношение между городским и сельским населением 82:18. Этнический состав населения: болгары - 371 048, турки - 30 469, цыгане - 13 432, другие - 5 638. Варна (население 334 870) – это древний город с многовековыми традициями. В настоящее время – это крупный промышленны, транспортный и образовательный центр, а также центр морского международного туризма. Города Белослав, Девня и Провадия промышленные центры, тогда как Долни Чифлик и Вылчи дол специализированы в сельском хозяйстве.
The Church of Saint The temple was built Nicholas as a result of donation in 1866 and it is honored by Varna sailors whose patron is namely St. Nicholas with the Bulgarian name St. Nicola. In front of the church there is a monument Paraskeva Nicolau – the Russian citizen and benefactor, native of Varna city. Address: 35 “Knyaz Boris I” Blvd.
“St. Athanasius” church The church “St. Athanasius” was built in 1838 and it is situated near the Roman Baths in Varna. A peculiarity of the temple is that there are no domes but despite that fact it has exceptional good acoustics. Address: 19, “ Graf Ignatiev” Str.
overview 21
22 overview
is 31 years old. He has been studying to become a sailor and during the last year in high school he has begun to observe how the world is built, what his path in life is and what is his role in it. At the moment he works for himself as painting custom-made clothes and making design for digital prints. He also teaches walking on a slackline for beginners and sales slacklines. What was your inspiration for WORKSHOP? - The idea is to share my experience with painting on clothes and to show that everyone can achieve very good results when you have the desire and the right materials. How long you have been working on that? What is your purpose? - For almost two years I have fulfilled the desires of different people on clothes. My goal is to develop a brand of clothes that works for the promotion of art and artists. The artists will receive between 50-80% of the profits of each sale. I will give the advertisement that they need to succeed. Why do you think that this will appeal to most people? - Everyone wishes to be unique and to have his own style through which he or she can express themselves and to be recognized by. Painted custom-made clothes can achieve just that. Why do you prefer to live in Varna? - Varna is a unique city, neither small nor big, with rich history and many interesting people. Name your favorite place in town? - My favorite place in the city is the sea garden. I think Varna is a wonderful place to live in. There are many trees, a beach and a forest at not very long distances from the city center. There are interesting places to visit, however, man can still work on the development of the town. What would tell to any foreigner who visits the city? - My advice to foreigners is to get acquainted with local culture, to try new activities and to trust their intuition. Where would you suggest the tourists to go? - They should definitely visit the sea garden, the museums and the galleries – all the cultural points in town.
overview 23
24 overview
overview 25
26 Accommodation room service
business facilities
room with good view
TV in all rooms
swimming pool
hotel parking
minibar in all rooms
fitness facilities
credit cards
airconditioned rooms
The hotel is one of the preferred places in Varna for organizing all kinds of corporate events such as: conferences, lectures, seminars, business meetings. With its six conference halls (14 to 130 seats), the hotel is the perfect place for all kind of events. What’s more in spite of its pronounced business style Hotel Aqua Varna is a great choice for an unforgettable summer holiday. Hotel Aqua Varna is located in the city center - between the central shopping area and the harbor. The railway station and numerous office buildings and banks are located nearby, making the hotel the preferred place for business trips and business trips. With its proximity to the southern beach, the central pedestrian area and many shopping venues, the hotel is the right choice for a great holiday in the city.
33, Sveti Nikola Phone: +359 52 300 039 Fax: +359 52 301 122 Suites: 16 DALLAS Residence hotel is a tranquil oasis, located within the urban area of Black Sea’s major Bulgarian city Varna, only 300 m. away from the shore. Set in a private estate, among stunning gardens, this boutique hotel turns personal service into philosophy and it makes every guest to feel like at home.
INTERHOTEL CHERNO MORE 12 A, Devnya Str. Phone: +35952639090 Fax: +35952631390 Double 70, Suites 8 Business Hotel Aqua Varna is a modern urban hotel with a unique AQUA vision.
33, Slivnitsa Blvd. Phone: +359 52 61 22 35 – 38; +359 52 61 22 40; +359 61 24 33 Renovated Delux Rooms: 70; Standrat Double Rooms:131 ; Apartment: 1
Accommodation 27
28 Accommodation Located on the pedestrian promenade in the heart of the city Interhotel Cherno More /translated Black Sea/ has become a long time ago a historical landmark for all the visitors and the citizens of Varna. The Sea Garden entrance and the beach area are only a few meters away from the hotel. The hotel complex offers 38 fully renovated DELUX rooms and 112 standard double rooms with affordable accommodation - all of them comfortably furnished. Each hotel room has a balcony with wonderful panoramic views of the city and the Black Sea. Here the guests will find a Black Sea Casino, a panoramic restaurant Panorama on the top floor , panoramic cocktail bar, à la carte restaurant Largo, café bars, bowling, billiards, sports club and conference facilities with three modern air-conditioned conference halls suitable for all types of business or corporate events. A secured indoor parking is also available against additional payment.
Golden Tulip Varna 3A, Hristo Botev Blvd., 9000 Varna, Bulgaria Phone: + 359 52 683 000
Reverence Hotel Re
Hotel Boutique Splendid 30, Bratya Shkorpil Str. Phone: +359 52 68 14 14 Single 2, Double 15, Double(Twin) 3, Suites 4, Studios 4 The Boutique Splendid Hotel is a classic, elegant and stylish place, situated in 100-years old magnificent renovated building. It is located in the heart of Varna city and it’s close to the pedestrian shopping street, the Opera House and the Theatre of Varna. The Boutique Splendid hotel offers an excellent combination of comfort and retro luxury with its single, double, twin rooms, suits and studios. All of them are cozy, air-conditioned and with TV and minibar - suitable both for work and rest. During their stay, guests of the hotel may use the quality services such as: room service, restaurant, lobby bar and fitness. The guests of the hotel use the parking lot for free. The first-class service, friendly and professional attitude of the staff will contribute to your pleasant stay in Varna City.
58, Osmi Primorski Polk Blvd. Phone: +359 52 631 831/2 Fax: +359 52 460 570 Cell: +359 897 921 661 Double rooms: 15, Suites: 3, Junior suites: 3 Hotel Reverence is situated in the business center of Varna opposite the Varna Municipality. It’s next to the Festival and Congress Center, the Archeological museum and “The sea” Art Gallery. In 10 mins. walk the guests may reach the Palace of Culture and Sport, the Aquarium, the Historical Museum, the Enthnographic Museum, the Cathedral and other places of interest.
Accommodation 29
30 Accommodation room service
business facilities
room with good view
TV in all rooms
swimming pool
hotel parking
minibar in all rooms
fitness facilities
credit cards
airconditioned rooms
st. st. constantine and helena
SPA Hotel Romance Splendid
Byala Beach Resort
Phone: +359 52 385 400 Single 5, Double 47, Suites 4, VIP Studio 1 The four-star Romance Splendid & SPA Hotel is located in the Saints Constantine and Helena resort. It is situated within a national park and it is surrounded by clean air and mineral springs. The hotel is remarkable with its own unique style, its coziness and the professional attitude. The single and double rooms, apartments and VIPapartments are all air-conditioned, with minibars, TV and great views. Here the guests can enjoy various facilities such as: restaurant and winery, casino, hotel parking, fitness and SPA. The place offers the perfect conditions for business trips, vacations and recreation by the sea, meetings, conference events, and wedding receptions.
5, Primorska str., Byala town, Varna region Phone:+35951435006, +359893014450, Suites: 125 Byala Beach Resort is a 4-star hotel situated on the Black Sea Coast. We provide beautiful sea view, high quality service and unforgettable experience for our guests. Хотел Бяла Бийч Резорт е 4 звезди и е разположен на брега на морето. Предлагаме на нашите гости прекрасна морска панорама, висококачествено обслужване и незабравим престой.
Lighthouse Golf and Spa Resort Balchik 9600, road E87 (5 km after Balchik) Reservations: +359 52 401 400,;
The luxurious, five- star Lighthouse Golf & Spa Hotel is the newest addition to the resort and it is scenically pitched on a spectacular plateau on top of the white cliffs with breathtaking views over the glittering blue Black Sea. The hotel provides elegant and stylish accommodation, various sport and recreational facilities, pampering services and entertainment which contribute to your true 5-star vacation in Bulgaria.
Accommodation 31 golden sands - RIVIERA
The 4* Lotos Hotel is situated between the park and the sea. It offers comfort with its 57 stylish rooms with modern facilities and accommodation on BB and HB basis. The guests could enjoy refreshing cocktails at the lobby bar or at the Arcada pool-bar, international cuisine and specialties in the restaurant Lotos or at the Arcada barbecue. They could spend their free time on the beach, at the outdoor swimming pool or at the gym with Kettler fitness equipment.
Oasis Boutique Hotel Phone: +359 52 386 814 Fax:+359 52 386 804 With its unique architecture Boutique Hotel Oasis is designed in aristocratic Mediterranean style. The villa offers exclusive accommodation and services for special guests in only 5 rooms and 15 apartments. Two of the apartments have spacious terraces with a view to the infinity pool and the sea shore. Double room with a park view: 5; Apartment with one bedroom and lounge with a park view on the 1st floor: 3; Apartment with one bedroom and lounge with a park view on the 2nd floor: 4; Apartment with one bedroom and lounge with a sea view on the 2nd floor: 6; Apartment with one bedroom and lounge delux with a sea view on the 2nd floor: 1; Apartment with two bedrooms and lounge delux with a sea view on the 2nd floor: 1.
Nympha Hotel *** Phone: +359 52 386 813 Fax:+359 52 386 898 Double room with park view: 8; Double room with sea view: 42; Apartment with one bedroom and lounge: 3. Hotel Nympha offers “All Inclusive” accommodation and an atmosphere in retro style and romantic on the sea shore among the sound of the waves! The hotel has 54 rooms with individual air-conditioning, a lobby bar, a restaurant with delicious cuisine and a spacious terrace.
Imperial Hotel ***** Phone: +359 52 386 811 Fax:+359 52 386 898, The 5* Hotel Imperial is picturesquely surrounded by greenery and gardens with the atmosphere of traditional luxury. The hotel offers 72 rooms, apartments and maisonettes with individual air-conditioning and accommodation on Half-Board basis. It has also a lobby bar, café-garden and sophisticated restaurant just on the sea shore.
Lotos Hotel **** Phone: +359 52 386 812 Fax:+359 52 386 898
Riviera Beach Hotel ***** Phone:+359 52 386 815 Fax:+359 52 386 808 Double rooms: 255; Double wide rooms: 3; Apartments with one bedroom and lounge: 21; Maisonette with one bedroom and lounge: 8; Maisonette with two bedrooms and lounge: 3. The 5* Hotel Riviera Beach is the newest hotel in Riviera holiday club, located in the southern part of the resort, on the shore of Black sea. The hotel has two buildings with direct connection between them. It has total capacity of 287 rooms, apartments and maisonettes, all of them with a sea view and balcony. Hotel Riviera Beach is ideal for a family vacation and gives its guests the opportunity for “All Inclusive” accommodation. Regardless of the basis, every guest of the hotel could enjoy other complimentary services: • Umbrella and lounger at the beach of the hotel • Access to indoor and outdoor swimming pool • Parking lot, free of charge for guests with reservations over 7 nights or during the period between 09.06 till 11.09. • Wireless Internet connection • In-room safe deposit box
32 Accommodation Villas Dolce Vita
Villa “Industrial”: +359 899 945 787 Villa “Vintage”: +359 888 403 666
One day you will find a place far away from home, where you will feel so happy, that you won’t leave it – it’s called villas “Dolce Vita”! The two separated villas are surrounded by the green grass, the crystal water pool and the barbeque zone. Each villa has 3 conceptual bedrooms with double beds and spacious living room with dining area. The panoramic fireplace gives a complete look of the fabulous and secluded courtyard. We are sure, that you could feel the combination of rare harmony between the soft sun rays, the fresh sea air and the tranquility of home comfort. Hotel „Chateau des Berges“ Chateau des Bergers Hotel is located at the foot hill of Preslav Mountain where the calmness and tranquility provide the opportunity for complete relaxation in direct contact with nature.
10% Ovcharovo, Targovishte County 6, Avram Topalov Str. Phone: +359 879 120 999
The classical architecture mixed with modern comfort of the Chateau offers to its guests a new and different experience combined with the flavor of high-class Bulgarian wine. The hotel offers 3 spacious studios and 16 deluxe double rooms with great views, all equipped with a minibar, a cable TV, air-conditioning and internet connection. The staff of the SPA complex will take care of the complete relaxation of the customers. The main therapies include the wine products from the hotel wine. The restaurant offers fresh eco products from the area and an incredible view of the village of Ovcharovo and the vineyards. COMPLEX “OLD PLISKA”
Pliska Town For reservation: Phone: +359 897 097 267 Open: 9:00 - 19:00
The complex is new and offers all the comforts for a pleasant and relaxing holiday (the Cyrillic court, the inn, the boil baths). The inn has 23 double rooms with pull-out armchair, 1 triple room with 2 pull-out armchairs and 3 VIP rooms. The restaurant has 130 seats, a VIP hall - 10 seats, with a separate entrance and a bathroom. Summer garden - 150 seats with waterfalls, fruit trees and herbs. We offer a selection of delicious, healthy food from Bulgarian, Armenian, Russian and Georgian cuisine. All dishes are prepared with fresh homemade products purchased from local producers. The guests of the complex can enjoy the Boil Baths. There are Finnish sauna, Himalayan salts sauna, Roman steam room, hot Jacuzzi, hot pool, massage, relax bar and two spacious dressing rooms. Ethnographic complex “Krivini” Ethnographic complex “Krivini” is a recreation of the typical trade street from the Bulgarian Renaissance period, perfectly fitting into the natural resources of the area. The main purpose of the complex is to present its visitors the traditional customs and crafts of the regional folklore during the Bulgarian Revival. Within the complex you have access to: A tavern; A cafe; An enoteca offering a wide variety of Bulgarian wine; A weaving workshop; A tower; Guest houses. LOCATION: It is located 10 km away from the main road Varna - Burgas near Stara Oryahovo or 45 km away from Varna and 60 km away from Sunny Beach.
10% Reservations: +359 878 370 001 GPS; 42.956221, 27.684047
Етнографски комплекс Кривини е реплика на търговскозанаятчийска улица от възрожденския период, идеално вписваща се в естествените дадености на местността. Основната цел е да представи и запознае посетителите с традиционния бит и занаяти от регионалната фолклорна област по времето на българското възраждане. На територията на комплекса са разположени: механа; kафене; енотека, с български вина; тъкачница; кула; къщи за гости. ЛОКАЦИЯ: Намира се на 10 км от главен път Варна - Бургас при с.Старо Оряхово или на 45 км от Варна и 60 км от Слънчев бряг.
Accommodation 33
34 bars & restaurants BULGARIAN
staria chinar 154, Macedonia Str. Reservation: +359 878 514 683 Welcome to one of Varna’s favourite places ‘Staria Chinar’. Beautifully snugg under the old tree and only 5 minutes away from the city centre, this is a typical authentic Bulgarian restaurant, warmly awaiting you with incredibly delicious homemade meals, BBQcooked on charcoal and delicious treats prepared in the oven. The wine selection is amazing, there is plenty to choose from. In addition to all that the staff always makes sure that you will recive exelent care.
Take advantage of booking in advance on telephone.
staria chinar 11, Preslav Str. Reservation: +359 876 520 500 Situated in a house in the old part of the city. The atmosphere is extremely welcoming and ‘transports’ you to the last century. This is the place where you will find delicious meals and tasty treats, acompanied by hospitality which is what Staria Chinar is famous for and associated with. Another delightful and aromatic addition - Serbian grill prepared by Master Chief Slavisha.
Take advantage of booking in advance on telephone.
PIZZERIA LABOCCA PICCOLA 68,Knyaz Boris I Blvd. Phone: +359 894 418 503 Open: 12.00-24.00 PIZZERIA LABOCCA 66, Marin Drinov Str. Phone: +359 888 996 879 Open: 11.00-23.00
staria chinar Port Varna Come and try the taste of summer with restaurant “Staria Chinar” – Port Varna. We welcome you with delicious traditional food and other recipes from the Black Sea region, served with professionalism and pleasant mood. With us you can feel the famous Bulgarian hospitality and try the best pleasures, offered by our sea. Memorable tastes, professional chefs and refreshing sea breeze are just a sample of all that we can serve and propose.
Take advantage of booking in advance on telephone.
“La Bocca” Pizzeria was born from our love for quality food – a unique product that is presented by a simple yet stylish concept. We offer three main products – ITALIAN PIZZA ON FURNACE, FRESH PASTA, FRESH LARGE SALADS. Maybe the choice is too small, but the quality is perfect. Our kitchen is opened to the customers and everything is prepared in front of them – one of the reasons why we are so attractive. The interior is unpretentious but at the same time extremely pleasant. All of this accompanied by the friendly and courteous service will make you relax and feel like at home. YOU ARE WELCOME TO ENJOY IT!
bars & restaurants 35
36 bars & restaurants MEDITERIAN
Nemo Restaurant 2 Bratya Shkorpil Str., Varna Phone: +359 888 033 150
La Veranda Sea Garden, Varna Phone: +359 884 754 075 “The Mediterranean - has a colour like mackerel, in other words, changing - you don’t always know if it’s green or purple - you don’t always know if it’s blue - because a second later it’s changing reflection has taken on a pink or grey hue.” - Vincent van Gogh. The Mediterranean restaurant La Veranda offers the brightest colours and flavours of the seafood culinary delights and the Varna Bay is its background.
In the city center of Varna in a quiet and cool garden – a suitable place for both your working lunch and a relaxing dinner with your loved ones. The restaurant is located close to the Historical Museum, the Cathedral, theaters and other sights in town. We offer you the biggest variety of fresh fish, delivered directly from the Black Sea fishermen. Our chefs prepare sea delicacies, mussels and fish according to old and original recipes, keeping the breath of the sea and the real fresh taste. Sushi is an art because vision and taste must combine the chef’s creativity and mastership! Our sushi masters prepare sushi by original recipe with fresh seafood, blended with the latest trends in Japanese cuisine that will surprise your senses. Our wine list is large and it is the greatest supplement to every meal.
THE BLACK SHEEP” BEER HOUSE 62, Knyaz Boris I Blvd. Phone: +359 52 600 063 Welcome to “THE BLACK SHEEP” BEER HOUSE – the favorite place for all sport and beer fans in Varna! It is a tradition to gather here in the city center on every occasion when you want to be in the company of good friends and BEER! The bar offers over 10 types of draft beer, including craft beer, produced by the owners – Golden Varna. As well as over 120 types of bottled beer with incredible taste and supplements. The menu is corresponds entirely to the theme of the restaurants and it includes proposals from the English and American cuisine – burgers and various beer appetizers. To the connoisseurs of fine cuisine we offer Bulgarian and Mediterranean dishes of veal, pork, lamb, seafood and fresh vegetables.
Euxinograd Restaurant Trakata District Varna Fisherman beach Phone: +359 52 76 11 59 Enjoy the sea breeze and summer sunshine in the company of nice seafood and cool drinks at “Euxinograd” Restaurant, one of “Nemo” branches! Here you will find a great variety of seafood, mussels and fresh Black Sea fish. Our chefs will prepare fresh fish caught on the same day by local fishermen, Black Sea mussels from a farm. Every dish will be accompanied by fresh vegetables and aromatic spices following old fishery recipes. Gobies, shark, belted bonito, skipjack, turbot, herring, moruna, shad, chaff, carp, scad – the whole sea only for connoisseur!
bars & restaurants 37
38 bars & restaurants INTERNATIONAL
TABLA 5, Nikola Vaptsarov Str. Phone: +359 894 564 408 Open: 10.00-21.00
ALOHA Bar - ALL in ONE place!
“Tabla” Restaurant offers delivery of really delicious food, prepared in our kitchen to your home or work place. We accept orders and deliver from Mondays to Sundays from 11:00 till 19:00.
Golden Sands OPEN: 09:00 - 05:00 Spending great time on the beach, drinking stylish cocktails, eating good food, listening to the best music. A lot of fun for the kids with free kids corner. At the night there is always a DJ with Latino dancers and it is definitely big party time
Grill Master Grill & Good Bar Barbeque Restaurant 1, Dragoman Str. Phone: +359 52 301 312
WINERY 39, Slivnitsa Blvd. Phone: +359 889 595 455 Open: 08.00-24.00
Chateau des Bergers Wine Restaurant Ovcharovo, Targovishte County 6, Avram Topalov Str. Phone: 0879 120 999 Open: 9:00 – 23:00
The restaurant offers fresh meats and vegetables, combined with handmade bread and homemade wine. Chateau des Bergers guests can try cow, sheep and buffalo milk and cheese as well as cottage cheese from the local dairy. Apart from the good food the tourists can participate in the wine tasting and buy different types of wines offered by Chateau des Bergers Winery. The wine tasting is a short sommeliers course which is done by a specialist.
5, Nikola Vaptsarov Str. Phone: +359 895 591 280 Open: 09.00-21.00 66, Marin Drinov Str. Phone: +359 885 433 017 Open: 08.00-21.00
For almost 15 years this brand has become the best and the fastest growing pastry shop in the sea capital. The confectioners create unique products that are a trademark for the “Kramer” pastry shop and they can be tasted only here. “KRAMER” for the people from Varna means delicious cakes and ice creams, served with refinement in a cozy atmosphere with appropriate music and lighting. This combination made the “Kramer” brand exceptional and embodied it with very good quality and unique style
bars & restaurants 39
Farmer’s Market - Varna Гоя дубльонки и кожа GOIA leather Shop Varna, 2, Musala Str. Tel: +359 52610770 Working Hours – 10:00 – 19:00 Добро пожаловать в магазин ГОЯ-оазис люкса и качество! Наши болгарские дубльонки и куртки удовлетворят самых капризных клиентов. Здесь можете купить по фабричньие ценьй шапки, тапки, перчатки, ремни. Кроме большая скидка, каждой клиент получает подарок! GOIA Shop is an oasis of luxury and high quality leather clothing. The Bulgarian leather coats, jackets and the unique goods can please even the most demanding customers. Here the clients can also buy hats, slippers, gloves and belts. Apart from the big discounts, each customer receives a compliment - a gift from the store! The shop accepts credit cards.
Varna, 5, Shipka Str. Phone: +359 884 601 630 Open: 10:00 – 19:00 L’Erbolario is the number one natural cosmetics in Italy. The brand offers its clients clean from harmful ingredients face, body and hair products. They are not tested on animals. The main goal of the brand is to provide safe and effective products created with respect for nature and to achieve the ideal balance between the modern cosmetology and the authentic herbal tradition. Бренд предлагает своим клиентам свободный от вредных ингредиентов продуктов для лица, тела и волос. Они не тестируются на животных. Основная задача бренда является обеспечение безопасных и эффективных продуктов, созданных с уважением к природе и достичь идеального баланса между самым современной косметологией и подлинной травяной традицией.
Every Saturday 11:00 – 15:00 - Mall Varna / 2nd floor/ Every Sunday 11:00 – 18:00 - Festival and Congress Centre – Varna The Farmer’s Market unites local producers of clean and as authentic Bulgarian food. Here you can find, try and buy seasonal organic fruit and vegetable producers, bread, snacks and pastries, fresh and dried herbs and spices, honey and bee products, sheep, goats and buffalo milk and meat delicacies, wine, handmade soaps, natural cosmetics and many other typical Bulgarian products that will not be found in the store. The main goal is to encourage local production and to improve the quality and culture of nutrition in the country. Support the local producers of the region and visit the Farmer’s Market in Varna.
“Bilki Bilki” Shop for healthy life 1, “Sheinovo” Str. Tel: 0887 863 837 Working hours: Mon – Fri: 10:00 – 19:00 Sat: 10:00 – 15:00, closed on Sunday “Bilki Bilki” is the perfect place for lovers of a healthy lifestyle. The store offers more than 300 herbs, herbal blends and herbal extracts, healing remedies, bio products and super foods. “Bilki Bilki” also has an alternative medicine cabinet specialized in diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases, inflammation and many others. „Билки Билки„ - Магазин за здравословен живот „Билки Билки“ е перфектното място за любителите на здравословния начин на живот. Магазинът предлага над 300 билки, билкови смеси и билкови екстракти, лечебни средства, биопродукти и суперхрани. „Билки Билки“ разполага и с кабинет за алтернативна медицина, специализиран в диагностика и лечение на вътрешни болести, възпаления и други.
ELITIS Shop D & G Computers
Specialized computer service Repair of computers, laptops and telephones 21,Doctor Jelyazkova Str. Phone: 052/303 999, 0885/303 999
D & G Computers is specialized in selling and support of computer and office equipment, assembling computers and building local networks. Professional counseling and service is part of our daily routine constantly. For 24 years D & G Computers has been providing to its customers with safe and sequire work on their computer networks and devices. We at D & G Computers work for the needs of each customer and we are with them until the problem is resolved. Our motto is “Quality higher than the price”.
3, Nikola Simov Str. Phone: +359 52 / 503 420 Market Chataldja 49, Chataldja Str. Phone: +359 52 / 927 442 Phone: +359 88 / 9911718 59, Drin Str. Phone: +359 52 / 953 125 Phone: +359 52 / 953 125 31, Tsaribrod Str. Phone: +359 52 / 602 597 Phone: +359 52 / 602 598 Working time: 8:00-20:00 ELITIS Mega Store is a trading chain with nearly 20 years of experience in thse wholesale and retail of perfumery, cosmetics, detergents and other products. The shops have a wide range of products for your beauty, health and cleaning products for your home. All commodoties are from established and famous world brands. Elitis offers more than 3000 fragrances, over 1000 shades of hair dyes and more than 300 products designed for hygiene and care for your baby at very affordable prices! At Elitis you can buy a wide range of over 2500 decorative cosmetics from the world famous L’Oreal, Maxfactor, Manhattan, Maybelline, Bourjois and etc.
Fashion Gallery Varna
Nezavisimost Sq., 48, Preslav Str. Open: Every day from 10.00 am to 21.00 pm Phone: +359 89 9514444 FASHION GALLERY store is part of the established international retail chain offering the widest range of original branded men’s and women’s clothes, shoes and accessories atuniquely low prices. The patterns are in different styles and cover the tastes of various age groups. Customers of FASHION GALLERY can choose from the most famous European and global brands from different price ranges.
22, Knyaz Boris I Blvd. Phone:+359 892 22 02 60 Open: 10:00 - 20:00h. Boutique shop for swimwear, underwear and beach accessories. Offer lingerie and products by Guess.
Varna Mall - Floor1 & +359 882 25 50 70 33, Knyaz Boris I Str. & +359 887 755 757 5, Knyaz Boris I Str. & +359 885 544 410
16, Dragoman Str. &+359 888 204 883
29, Knyaz Boris I Str. & +359 882 299 926
Here you can find excellent professionals and perfect service, complete collection and any accessories for your eyes! Our company was founded in 1994 and during the years we have perfected ourselves to bring you the best of high fashion eyewear. In our 12 optical stores you can find sunglasses and frames from world famous designer brands like: Armani, Bvlgari, Bottega Veneta, Dolce & Gabbana, Oakley, Persol, Prada, Ray-Ban, Ralph, Roberto Cavalli, Swarovski, Tiffany & Co. and many more.
ADRENALIN est. 1992
Sea Garden, Varna Phone: +359 885 004 372 Do you know which is one of the most legendary clubs in Varna? Horizont Club! A unique place, where the club’s history continues to be written, is awaiting you. A place with solid traditions in the club scene, great themed parties, world-renowned DJs and some of the best performances. You will find it in the heart of the Sea Garden! Do not miss out on the season where we’ll be writing a new line in the book of the club’s legend in the Varna club life!
7, Batak Str., Varna Phone: +359 (0) 52 606 605 Phone: +359 (0) 896 / 856 343 Do you know that Varna is the place of the very first bungee jump in Bulgaria? The most popular location to have fun with your life is the Asparuhov Bridge with over 52m of high, located on the main road Varna – Bourgas, over the canal linking the Black Sea and Varna lake. Bungee jumping has also been shown to decrease stress and increase immune function. So go take care of yourself!
Varna, 33, Slivnitsa Blvd. Voice: +359 52 615 065 Fax: +359 52 615 063 The Black Sea Casino / Cherno More/ A first class casino experience in the heart of Varna. Challenge your luck with games like Roulette, Blackjack, Caribbean Poker or Slot. At Black Sea Casino you will find the widest variety of slot machines. The slot room features over 100 gaming machines as well as electronic roulette. You are always welcome to enjoy an authentic casino experience with free drinks and food available to the customers. You can also use the free parking of the casino. We bet you will spend a great time! See you there!
Sumen, Bulgaria 9700 Phone: +359 89 530 2010 Hours 12:00PM - 9:30PM
EROTIC CLUB Peep Show Bar Working time-everyday 8, Maria Louisa Blvd. Reservations: 0897 93 66 02 from 22:00 to 05:00 The bar is located in the very heart of the city of Varna. It is the perfect place for everyone who after a night of wild dancing wants to spend the remaining part of it in a quite special manner. Come and visit us - you won’t regret it!
FUN 45
46 CULTURE 1, “Nezavisimost” Sq. Phone: +35952 665 022
Drama Theatre Varna & State Opera Varna Theatre and Music Production Centre Varna Drama Theatre Varna was established in 1921 by the great Bulgarian actor Stoyan Bachvarov whose name the theatre still bears with pride. State Opera Varna was founded in 1947 by the renowned Bulgarian tenor Peter Raitchev who first spread the glory of the “Bulgarian opera miracle” abroad. Born in Varna and graduated the Moscow Conservatory, Peter Raitchev builds a brilliant international career by conquering the most prestigious stages such as La Scala, Wiener Staatsoper, Metropolitan Opera and many others. Drama Theatre “Stoyan Bachvarov” and State Opera Varna are united today in one cultural institute called Theatre and Music Production Centre Varna. The public may attend our performances on two stages – The Main Hall (in our principal building) and The Stage Filiale. The beautiful building of Drama Theatre “Stoyan Bachvarov” (The Main Hall), built in the center of the city and designed by one of the most significant Bulgarian architects Nikola Lazarov, is an emblematic monument of the architecture of Varna. Not far from it, opposite the cathedral “Holy Assumption” is situated our second building with a Clock Tower - also a prominent landmark of the city. The International Music Festival “Varna Summer” (founded in 1926), the International Theatre Festival “Varna Summer” (founded in 1993), the “Opera in the Summer Theatre” (founded in 2010), the Easter and Christmas Music Festivals, as well as the Easter and Christmas Theatre Weeks, the Theatre “Roman Baths” are just some of the important cultural traditions, unthinkable without the participation of Drama Theatre Varna and State Opera Varna.
Варненский драматический театр § Государственная опера Варна Театрально-музикальный продюсерский центр Варна Драматический театр города Варна создан в 1921 году великим болгарским актерем Стоян Бъчваров, имя которого театр гордостью носит сегодня. Варненская опера создана в 1947 году Петром Райчевым – великолепный болгарский тенор, разнес в первые славу болгарского оперного чудо. Родился в городе Варне, закончил Московскую консерваторию, Петр Райчев делает блестящую мировую карьеру. Выступал на самых престижных оперных сценах мира – Миланская скала, Венская Щатсопер, Метрополитън опера и т.д. Драматический театр имени Стояна Бъчварова и Государственная опера города Варна сегодня объединенными в Театрально-музикальном продюсерском центре Варна, а их спестакли могут увидетсья на двух сценах – на Основной и на Сцене Филиала. Красивое здание Драматического театра (Основная сцена), построено в центре города, по проектам одного из самых выдающихся болгарских архитекторов Никола Лазаров, является паметником архитектуры и эмблемой города Варна. Недалеко от него, напротив храма „Святое Успение Девы Марии”, находится и Сцена Филиала, вместе с Часовой башней – тоже забележительность города Варна. Международный музикальный фестиваль „Варненское лето” (с 1926 года), Международный театральный фестиваль „Варненское лето” (с 1993 года), „Опера в летным театре” (с 2010 года), Пасхальный и Рождественский музикалный фестиваль, Пасхальныйе и Рождественские театральные недели, Театр „Римские бани” – это только часть культурных традиций, которые невозможными без Варнеского Драматического театра и без Варненской Государственной оперы.
бул. Владислава Варненчика 112, офис 6 г. Варна, Болгария, 9000 +359 887 08 08 07 +359 52 69 54 54
Accounting services and consulting Varna, 32, Ovcho Pole Str., Office 2 Whats Viber App Phone: +359 885 334 994 Phone: +359 897 665 775 Legal protection; Registration administrative service for companies; Accounting services for companies at full subscription; Taxes protection; Customs representation; Intermediation for real estate’s deals; Insurance; Professional translation services into 30 languages. Юридическая защита, регистрация компаний; Полный абонемент бухгалтерского обслуживания, ежегодное закрытие счетов компаний; финансовые консультации; налоговая защита; таможенное представительство; Посреднической недвижимость; страховки; Профессиональные услуги перевода на 30 языков.
LUXIMMO — лучшая элитная недвижимость в Болгарии и за рубежом на продажу и в аренду. Бренд LUXIMMO является частью корпоративной группы, имеющuй ряд компаний, успешно работающих в сфере недвижимости и туризма — консалтинг и посредничество в сфере элитной недвижимости, инвестиций и бизнеса. LUXIMMO - one of the most luxurious properties to sale and rent in Bulgaria and abroad. Brand Luximmo is part of a corporation which has successfully developed property and touristy services - consulting, co-operation, business investment.
Kangen Water SUN HOUSE 21, Dragan Tsankov Str. Phone: +359 877 750 275 SUN HOUSE educational centre for children from 5 to 11 years old. Adventurous Summer Academy. Preparation for school. English and Russian language tuition. Sunny teachers and happy children. SUN HOUSE - развивающий центр для детей с 5 до 12 лет. Мир общения, знаний, приключений и спорта. Подготовка для школы. Летняя академия. Интенсивное изучение английского языка.
Order Triumf Taxi by phone: +359 52 644 444 +359 52 644 644 Triumf Taxi is the largest taxi company in Varna. Our 650 cars will take you to every point in Bulgaria comfortably, quickly, safely and at the best price. Triumf Taxi guarantees: - Correct drivers; - Low prices; - Clean and safe cars; - Service at European level.
79, Slivnitsa Blvd., “Raw Paradise” Restaurant For Sell: +359 897 889 406 Office: 5, Petar Beron Str. Kangen is an antioxidant, ionized, alkaline, restructured and micro-clustered water. Kangen water contains a number of antioxidants, which neutralize harmful free radicals. Kangen water is produced by the certified medical Japanese device that keeps all the valuable minerals needed for the body. The water is first filtered and removes chlorine, heavy metals and lead. Then the water is ionized, its molecular structure is changed and its pH is increased and the amount of antioxidants is higher as well. The water supports proper metabolism and triggers the self-healing. It is recommended when suffering from: lack of energy and being tired, headaches, joint and muscle pain, blood pressure problems, digestive problems, allergies, diabetes and various skin problems. Антиоксидантная, йонизированная, щелочная, переструктурированная и микрокластерная Детоксифицирует тело и замедляет процесс старения. Гидратирует тело шесть раз быстрее Нейтрализует кислотность в организме и регулирует кислотно - щелочный баланс в теле. Легче проходит через мембрану клетки. Улучшает общее состояние организма. Добро пожаловать к нам. Попробуйте вoду Канген и здравословную пищу на указанном адресе. Позвоните, забронируйте в удобное время и ознакомтесь детально со свойствами воды, пробуя нашу здравословную еду. Бул Сливница 79 в ресторане Сырой РайKangen Water
Port of Varna 1, Slaveykov Sq. phone: 052 692 232 Fax: 052 632 953