3 minute read
1 Dec 20 1 Feb 21
Winter Wonderland
Witness the spectacular Hong Kong winter lights skyline from the very top of the Hong Kong Observation Wheel. After your ride, go saunter along the glittering AIA Vitality Park to soak up the atmosphere with your loved ones. Enjoy many fun activities including a classic carousel.
冬日遊樂園 冬日夜色,維港兩岸熠熠生輝。坐上香港摩天輪,在高空欣賞夜空中燈飾爭相綻放光彩。或參與我們 的各種活動,在海旁運動,坐上旋轉木馬重拾童年歡樂。又或到 AIA Vitality 公園漫步,與親友伴隨着 海風感受冬日氣氛。
33 Man Kwong Street, Central 香港中環民光街33號; Various times 不同時間; 2339 0777; hkow.hk/zh-hant
12 Dec The Battle (Live Performance) Be part of a dance-off as contestants vie to take home the ultimate prize at The Battle, a one-of-its-kind dance performance plus competition that is a cross-genre mix of street dance, contemporary dance, theatre and storytelling. In this immersive and interactive experience, audiences are invited to participate as spectators and judges, or even as competitors in an experimental dance battle to win the Grand Battle Prize. The Battle has invited acclaimed local and regional judges and guests including Faye Leong, Xing Liang, ManOfGod and Chester Wong. Without planned choreography, pre-chosen music or any dedicated style of dance, battlers will first attend the closed-door pre-selection session while finalists will fight their way through a series of playful themed challenges on the same day evening and battle it out to win over the audiences and the judges. 《戰鬥圖騰》 歡迎大家到西九文化區自由空間參與一場結合劇場演出及即興比試的特別體驗 — 《戰鬥圖騰》。這個獨一無二的舞蹈節目,讓戲劇、街舞和當代舞等不同領域的 表演者共聚,更將結合故事元素,在這種身臨其境的互動體驗中,大家可以觀眾 身份欣賞精彩演出,評選出當晚冠軍,或以參賽者身份出戰,在此實驗舞台和其他 跨界表演者即興較量,贏得最終大獎。 《戰鬥圖騰》劇場演出將邀請梁菲倚、邢亮、ManOfGod 及黃譜誠等本地戲劇、 街舞和當代舞達人擔任評審及參賽嘉賓。既沒有預先編排的動作、事先選定的音樂, 更沒有表演領域和風格的限制,參賽者須先參與閉門海選,入圍選手再晉身多輪 淘汰賽,進行一系列不同主題的比拼,於評審及觀眾手上爭取最終勝利。
The Box, Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區藝術公園自由空間大盒; 1.00pm (closed door pre-selection. Battlers only); 8.00pm (ticketed performance and battle, free seating) 下午1時(海選,只限參賽者入場)/ 晚上8時(演出及比賽,不設劃位); Ticket 門票 $210; www.westkowloon.hk/thebattle
The Nutcracker
18-20, 22-27 Experience The Nutcracker, an all-time favourite among audiences of all ages. Follow Clara and
Dec Fritz’s captivating adventure as they help the Nutcracker reunite with his Ballerina love and rescue the kingdom from the sinister Rat King. With glorious sets and costumes and Tchaikovsky’s enthralling score performed live by Hong Kong Sinfonietta, this classic ballet brings adventure, fantasy, romance, action and the Christmas spirit to the stage! 胡桃夾子 故事發生在平安夜,可愛的嘉麗和費殊闖進了童話世界,冒險幫助 胡桃夾子,讓他與芭蕾公主重逢,並從老鼠王手中贏回王國。內容 充滿奇幻與歡樂,是聖誕必看節目。
Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre 香港文化中心大劇院; Various times and prices 不同時間及票價; 2105 9724; www.hkballet.com/en/see-hkb/production/the-nutcracker-2021
4 Dec 20 3 Jan 21
Hong Kong celebrates the winter holidays in high spirits. The city welcomes everyone’s favourite season as glittering skyscrapers wrapped in colourful lights and festive decor shine brightly, all set to soak in the cheerful ambience. Explore the delightful Christmas Town through a virtual tour with audio guide by Uncle Siu, known for his British English Club social media channels. The digital journey includes viewing the Christmas tree and joyful decorations; picking up fun DIY handicraft tips; collecting festive-themed WhatsApp stickers designed by famous local illustrators; and singing along to your favourite Christmas songs with popular artists. How about a wonderful trip to explore the city? Explore thematic routes featuring myriad fun-filled activities, carefully curated to bring you something a bit different, and a great selection of restaurants to suit everyone, including mates, families, and couples. For an extra sprinkling of joy, be sure to visit the city’s many trendy malls decked out with lavish displays, load up on great shopping deals, enjoy special holiday events at hot attractions and dine to your heart’s — and stomach’s — content with enticing dining offers. Finally, be dazzled by ‘A Symphony of Lights’ multimedia light and sound show illuminating the sky above Victoria Harbour and take your pick from New Year countdown celebrations across the city to usher in 2021.
香港繽紛冬日巡禮 聖誕假期將至,全港都洋溢節日氣氛。摩天大樓懸掛着亮眼燈飾,與遍布大街小巷的聖誕裝飾相互 映襯,全城期待節日的到來。 本次“香港繽紛冬日巡禮”活動的最大特色是可以在網上展開聖誕小鎮虛擬之旅,蕭叔叔英式英文 學會的製作人蕭叔叔將擔任虛擬之旅的語音導遊,帶你欣賞聖誕樹和節日裝飾、學習有趣的 DIY 手工 技巧。此外,你還可以下載由香港著名插畫家設計的節慶主題 WhatsApp 貼圖,並傾聽知名藝人送上 的熱門聖誕歌曲。 想深度探索這座城市嗎?這裡有多條精心策劃的主題路線,涵蓋各式各樣的創意活動、多家特色餐館, 分別適合與朋友、愛人或家人同遊。 另外還推薦你打卡人氣景點和時尚購物商場的連串聖誕主題活動、享受特惠購物,品嚐精緻美饌, 迎接新一年! 最後,不要錯過每晚的“幻彩詠香江”大型多媒體燈光音樂匯演,色彩和音樂點亮維多利亞港上空的 天際線,還有新年倒數慶祝活動,一起在香港迎接新開始吧!
For more details visit 詳情請查閱 DiscoverHongKong.com
13 Dec Longines Hong Kong International Races Dec 2020 For horse-racing fans across the world, all eyes are on Hong Kong as the Hong Kong Jockey Club stages the Longines Hong Kong International Races, one of the racing world’s most illustrious events. Leading horses, jockeys, trainers and owners from around the globe compete in a series of four international G1 races – the Longines Hong Kong Cup (2,000 metres), Longines Hong Kong Mile (1,600 metres), Longines Hong Kong Sprint (1,200 metres), and Longines Hong Kong Vase (2,400 metres) – with prize money totalling $95 million on offer. 浪琴表香港國際賽事 《浪琴表香港國際賽事》讓世界各地的賽馬迷,都將目光投向香港這項全球最具盛名的賽事 之一。來自世界各地的領馬師、騎師、訓練師及馬主將參加浪琴表香港盃(2,000米)、 浪琴表香港一哩錦標(1,600米)、浪琴表香港短途錦標(1,200米)及浪琴表香港瓶 (2,400米)四項 G1 國際賽事,總獎金 9,500 萬元!
入場人士須年滿十八歲 Entrants must be aged 18 or above