Durham Chronicle

Page 1

Volume XLI, Issue 3

October 8, 2013

Tricky situation turns heads

Matthew Jordan

BLIND FAITH: Champion pool player Gerry Watson performs a stunning trick shot with the help of student Eric Lauzon during an appearance at E.P. Taylor’s.

VP of College Affairs hired by SA directors Samantha Daniels The Chronicle

After a three-month vacancy, the Student Association has hired a permanent full-time vicepresident of college affairs. Ashley Bennett, a second-year law clerk student, was appointed to fill the position through a hiring process by the board of directors. Bennett was not available for an interview but will be contacted for future publication. It’s normally an elected position, but Josh Bickle resigned on July 3, officially citing healthrelated issues as the cause. Stephanie Wallace, a Durham College board of directors member at the time Bickle resigned, was appointed by the board to act as interim VP until the position could be filled. She took a leave of absence from the board of directors to fulfill the requirements of the VP position. She could not specify how she was chosen to take over as interim VP. “That’s internal HR stuff so I can’t comment on it,” she said. Baker Baha, vice-chair and spokesperson for the board of directors, struck a hiring committee to look for a suitable candidate, and the job was posted on the SA website on Sept. 6. The posting specifies Bennett will receive a

salary of just under $2,500 per month, from October to April, and also included benefits such a laptop, parking pass, cell phone allowance, and the inclusion in the student insurance plan for the term of her employment. Interviews were held for the four candidates the last weekend of September, and they were informed of the results Tuesday. Baha was not able to go into specifics, but stated, “Ashley demonstrated a commitment to the position and a great understanding of issues facing college students.” SA president Peter Chinweuba reflected those sentiments in an identical statement. They both said, “We’re excited to have her join the SA team.” Outgoing interim VP Wallace also applied for the permanent position and resigned as one of the Durham College board of directors. She went into the interview process with the hopes that the SA would be willing to be flexible with her school schedule. She intends to remain a full-time student and would not be willing to reduce her course load to fit around the full-time VP position. “First and foremost, I came to school to learn,” she said. “As much as I love being involved and I’d love to be able to do both, academics are a priority to me.”

Al Fournier

STRONG FINISH: Conroy takes aim at a Division II bronze medal for Durham.

See Lords on page 25


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013


Mental health stigmas still a problem This is the second in a threepart series examining the mental health of post-secondary students.

Ryan Verrydt The Chronicle

Paul Wraight has lived through three generations of clinical depression. His mother suffered from it, he suffers from it, and his two daughters suffer from it. “My mom and dad’s generation was cheer up, buck up, work harder, and then it went to my generation where there was little pockets of sympathetic ears,” said Wraight, who lost his daughter Brianne in 2010 to suicide caused by depression. “Nowadays, it’s a lot better in it’s totally open about the whole thing.” In the last issue, The Chronicle examined the problems and awareness post-secondary students face when it comes to mental health. Despite these issues being much better known today, there is still a stigma around it. The formal definition of stigma is “a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.” Mental illness isn’t just a frame of mind though, according to experts the mental health field. People who suffer from it have a medical condition that cannot just be taken as a lack of willpower. “But it’s that myth, that perception of people, that continued to fuel the idea that if you really want to will away the mental illness you can, or if you just had a stronger character you wouldn’t succumb to mental illness, that’s just simply not true,” said Wendy Stanyon, an associate professor at UOIT who specializes in mental health. Stanyon has been with UOIT for ten years and has experi-

Samantha Daniels

ALL ALONE: A student depicting the isolating effects of the stigmatization of those who have mental health issues. enced the changes that have happened on campus in that time. “When I first arrived people almost didn’t want to talk to me because it was like, that’s the mental health lady and every time she speaks to you she’s going to talk about mental illness. So people kind of deaked away. I now have colleagues, students, individuals come to talk to me and say, give me your perspective,” she said. Despite being open about the issues surrounding mental health, the Mental Health Commission of Canada says 60 per cent of people with a mental health problem or illness won’t seek treatment for fear of being labeled. “People feel it’s a scary thing, and so I think it’s been not acknowledged well. Not in the same way we acknowledge physical challenges,” said Stan-

Expense claims to UOIT Brad Andrews The Chronicle

UOIT has begun to receive expense claims from the Student Association following the school’s decision to stop transferring money to the organization. According to John MacMillan, UOIT’s communication and marketing director, the school has received “less than a dozen requests for payments to clubs and societies” since the institutions stopped the transfers. Both Durham College and UOIT announced two weeks ago they would no longer transfer fees they collect from students to the SA.

Expenses incurred by the SA would be submitted to the schools for payment in accord with a plan none of the parties has made public. According to Tony Doyle, chief of staff for Durham College president Don Lovisa, the college has received no such requests. SA president Peter Chinweuba responded by email to questions on what expenses the SA has submitted to the schools. Chinweuba did not mention any expense submissions but said that the SA will be providing a copy of its financial audits and expects the institutions to remit their membership fees following that.

yon. Organizations and people like Stanyon have also taken issue with the media’s portrayal of people that suffer from a mental illness. People with mental illnesses are often portrayed as violent or psychotic. A paper looking at the media’s portrayal of people with mental illness, published by the Canadian Mental Health Association, lists movies and television shows that portray mental illnesses correctly as well as those that portray them incorrectly. “The face of mental illness isn’t that person in a dirty raincoat mumbling to themselves,” said Stanyon. “The face of mental illness is you and I. Capable people, but who struggle at times with challenges that we face. And I think the more we recognize that, then people can come forward and talk about

their own illness without feeling people will look at them strangely.” Some people point to dual Olympian and six-time Olympic medalist Clara Hughes as a good example of someone who has struggled and dealt with a mental illness and shown what it can do to people. Hughes is the face of Bell Canada’s “Let’s Talk” campaign as someone who suffered from serious bouts of depression. “That’s not the type of person you think of when you think of depression,” said Stanyon. “For the public, they think of somebody who’s maybe weak-willed, who’s kind of a bit of a complainer, who’s always a negative thinker.” Mental illness does not get the same attention that physical ailments get because of the stigma that is associated with it, according to Stanyon.

Heather Bickle, who works as an outreach counsellor for Durham College and UOIT, echoed that sentiment. “It’s not like cancer or diabetes where we can just take blood from you and quickly understand what we can do to fix the problem. I think that’s why stigma keeps going, because people want you to prove that you have depression. Prove to me that you’re ill. Prove to me that you have this chemical imbalance,” she said. Part of the process in eliminating stigma is changing the way society views mental illnesses as a whole. “We need to create an environment where it doesn’t matter if you have diabetes or bipolar disorder, that they’re the same. They’re an illness that you need to be supported and we need to be caring and kind to people,” said Stanyon. Posters across campus advertise places for students to call if they’re having issues and need help. Organizations like Kids Help Phone and events such as the Walk for Suicide are helping to remove some of the barriers surrounding mental health. “It’s those kinds of things that are making and breaking more barriers. That are causing some of these people that say you’re weak because your mental health is really bad (to change their minds). I think what we’re experiencing is that it’s not near as bad, it’s far better now,” said Wraight. Mental health has been acknowledged and its impact on society is known, yet many people still look down upon those who suffer from these illnesses. Every mental illness comes with its own challenges because every person is different. In the next issue, we will examine some of the issues with diagnosing mental illnesses as well as the various treatment options available.

Intersection closure alert Matthew Jordan The Chronicle

The intersection of Thornton and Conlin Road will be closed by the city of Oshawa in mid-October for ongoing construction. Students and staff travelling to the north campus are advised to plan alternate routes, and allow themselves additional time to reach the campus as traffic flow along Simcoe is expected to be heavy. The city will be constructing a roundabout at the intersection, as well as installing sidewalks, traffic lights, ditches, and storm sewers. Motorists who normally access the campus through Con-

lin Road can use alternative routes, such as Winchester Road or Taunton Road. Stevenson Road North can also provide access to Conlin Road. The city advises motorists to familiarize themselves with the new roundabout system once construction is complete.

A roundabout is a circular intersection that requires motorists entering to make there way to the outside lane before exiting at the desired street and direction. The construction of the roundabout is expected to be completed by the end of December.


A story in the Sept. 24 issue of The Chronicle contained the wrong title for the campus fitness facility. It should have been called the FLEX facility. The Chronicle regrets the error.

The Oct. 1 issue referred to Tony Doyle as his past role of assistant to the president. Doyle has, in fact, been the president’s chief of staff since May.


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013


Childcare Centre has new home Different location, same great service Sinead Fegan The Chronicle

The Campus Childcare Centre has moved to a new location on Simcoe Street. Durham College once had a lab school, which was called the Early Learning Centre. Due to unfortunate circumstances they had to close the lab school, at which point the centre is now run by a not-for-profit board, the Campus Childcare Centre. However, the university is still associated with the centre. The centre was located at Campus Corners, near Shoppers Drug Mart. With concerns about the location opening directly into a parking lot, staff were worried about the safety of the children. Since the centre’s mandate is to serve the students first, they chose a new location that has access to both the north and downtown campus, centrally

Sinead Fegan

PAINTING WITH DINOSAURS: Little Graham Barker takes time out of his day to make dinosaur art at the Campus Childcare Centre.

located to both. The move took place over the March 29 weekend and opened to the children April 2. The centre is open 12 months

of the year 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and is run by a play-based program that works on three different areas of development, cognitive, psychosocial and

physical. Throughout the day the children have learning activities that focus on every aspect, such as science, math and language.

“We still follow an older philosophy of childcare,” explained Carrieann Knapp, supervisor of the centre. “It’s like a cognitiveinteractive approach of playbased learning, which makes us unique.” The children are outside an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon. They also have a cook on premises so the children receive hot homemade lunches. The centre is nut-free and does not serve ham or beef, partially for health and ethnic reasons. For parents attending school it can be very hard to get their child to kindergarten and find before and after care for the them, as some schools are half day or every other day. As a result of this the Childcare Centre also offers an alternate to JK and SK, which is equivalent to that of the school board. Knapp said they follow the same outcomes. At peak periods, such as mid-term or finals, the centre tries to have at least one night during the week whern they have, for example, movie night where the children can come so that parents can have time to study. “The teachers that are here now are people that really want to be here,” said Knapp. “They are dedicated and have a true passion for what they do.”

DC and Rogers TV join forces Shane MacDonald The Chronicle

Students in the Durham College Journalism program have a uniquely valuable opportunity at the Rogers TV studio in Oshawa. Neil McArtney, producer at Rogers TV, and the journalism program have created cooperation between the school and the station for students to take advantage of. Students in the third year of the journalism program produce feature stories for the Rogers TV program My Community Is Durham, the most watched show on Rogers Cable. The journalism program has also sent students to the studio for hands-on experience in the past. This co-operation and use of student-created, community-orientated programming gives students the opportunity to create studio quality work and have it seen by a real audience. Rogers and Durham College began their co-operation about 6 years ago. The original ambassadors of the program have since moved on and new representatives have upheld the relationship. McArtney began

working at the Rogers studio in Oshawa two years ago after working and living around the world at broadcasters like CBC and Global, and has had experience in many facets of the broadcast industry. “It is an outstanding opportunity for students to have their work broadcast in the real world,” says McArtney. My Community Is Durham is a feature-y feel good kind of show that airs every two weeks on Fridays at 5 p.m. Brian Legree, a journalism professor at Durham College who helped in the creation of the Rogers/ DC relationship, says he is very excited about this opportunity for our students to show the greater community of Durham what they are capable of doing and tell some of the great stories that exist in Durham.” Phil Raby, co-ordinator of the Broadcasting for Contemporary Media program, says Roger’s use of student-created content is invaluable to students because “before students graduate they can put it on their resume,” and that is the goal of the co-operation – to give students a chance to do hands-on portfolio building. McArtney says the student contributions have benefited

his show because it gives it a younger perspective. “It gives that student a voice to give someone else a voice,” says McArtney. He says he has stressed with Danielle Harder, a thirdyear journalism professor, and Legree that the work students submit has to be up to industry standards. “There has to be levels of production value,” says McArtney. “There are standards for what gets to air. If the student understands the benefit and opportunity that they are being given, then, in turn, they have to do the work to get their piece on the air. If I think they’ve done a half-assed job it ain’t going to go because I’m not going to give this opportunity to students that really don’t have a passion for it. If you do not show initiative, if you do not show passion, if you do not show that you are learning, it’s not going to happen. “ McArtney says a producer like himself with 30 years plus of experience in the industry has expertise that is invaluable to students who want to build a better story. “I am a teacher outside of the classroom in the real world,” says McArtney.

Shane MacDonald

A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY: Neil McArtney, producer of My Community is Durham, ready to give journalism students real-world experience. McArtney says Durham College journalism students don’t understand the opportunity they have – an opportunity that other j-schools such as Ryerson

University wish they had. “Durham College has a very unique opportunity to have their students work be seen a real audience,” says McArtney.


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013

Publisher: Greg Murphy Editor-in-Chief: Gerald Rose Ad Manager: Dawn Salter


Editorial Page

Newsroom: Room L-223; Ext. 3068 E-mail: Chronicle.News@dc-uoit.ca Advertising: Room L-223; Ext. 3069 E-mail: dawn.salter@durhamcollege.ca

Richard East

SA fails to represent students Transparency and accountability are fundamental aspects of a healthy democracy. Take that away, and all the niceties and politesse of a clean, institutionalized organization are forfeit. The Student Association is charged with the most basic of tasks – represent the student population on and off campus through advocacy, outreach, and the promotion of a student experience. All of which the students of Durham College and UOIT have paid for through their student fees. While the SA is elected, there’s no party system, no run-ups to election night, no ideology or glory – save for the honour of serving their fellow students. And yet political infighting is rampant, and last year’s spending is still unaccounted for. Did we spend countless dollars on these people just to watch the infighting that’s been going on? Or was it to ensure the fullest possible post-secondary experience for all the new and returning students to our campus? At this point, it’s hard to tell. But let’s not despair. Durham College and UOIT have withheld our student “tax-dollars” from the SA in a bid for clarity on the issue, and rightly so. A student-run union is valuable. It allows students to move their school experience in the direction they want it to go, providing insurance, counselling and support, club opportunities, and social events. It also allows elected students to build resumes through experience gained within the organization. Of course, for the SA to be successful, it must be accountable, accessible, and transparent. The decision by the SA to

not submit proper audited financial records from the previous year puts an end to accountability, cripples oversight, and raises serious concerns about where our money has been going. The SA has a budget of nearly $6 million, largely composed of the generous, if not vague, ‘Student Association Fees’ – that $102.31 charge to your term balance – and cannot simply operate unchecked. There can be no argument against the need for an audit. In an age of ever-mounting student debt, every dollar a student pays in fees must come with a guarantee that it is spent to further the college or university experience and is not squandered. Until the SA can provide that guarantee, it is essential for Durham College and UOIT to oversee the use of these fees. The idea of mismanagement or even corruption within a student organization is by no means a rare occurrence. In fact, these situations are bound to arise in a system where students with no political experience take charge of vast amounts of money. A prime example of mismanagement is the 2011 case at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) in British Columbia. At KPU, the student association filed a lawsuit against its executive directors, alleging their mismanagement over $2 million in student fees, which was followed by a series of firings, resignations, court cases and security incidents. The case did not end till it was at the B.C. Supreme Court, where student members of that SA faced charges over the “unsecured” loaning of large amounts of money from the students’ insurance plan.

If our own missing audit of spending is not alarming enough, consider the recent firing of executive director Kelly Morrison under undisclosed circumstances, the resignation of the VP of college affairs, as well as the impeachment of last year’s president, and the picture becomes eerily similar. The withholding of student fees by the college and university appears to be a last attempt at righting the ship before it flounders. Durham College and UOIT released a mass email to the student population explaining their stance on the issue. In light of all this, there has been no official statement from the SA explaining their view. When elected, president Peter Chinweuba called for transparency, engagement, and interaction between the student body and the SA. However little of that has been seen a month into the school year. Despite relentless attempts by the Chronicle to have Chinweuba agree to an interview, an official statement or explanation has yet to be obtained. Chinweuba needs to address the student body in a mass email as well. Students don’t have the time to dedicate to general meetings, nor is there a room big enough to hold 20,000 students. An email detailing, in some length, the SA’s inability to produce a timely audit needs to come to students from the hand of their president. Silence is unacceptable.




Christopher Burrows, Samantha Daniels, Ryan Verrydt, Matthew Jordan, Kelsey Braithwaite, Andrew Fliegel, Brad Andrews, Sarah Pugsley, Shane MacDonald, Sam Baker, Sean O’Leary, Luke Callebert, Catherine Legault, Rebecca Watson, Kate Hussey, Sarah Chan, Reshanthy Vijayarajah, Catherine Meunier, Richard East, Steph Morrison, Kathryn Boyle, Aleksandra Sharova, Jesmarnin Lafuente, Giorgio Berbatiotis, Amy Lai, Matt Mazer, Riyad Alli, Luke Callebert, Dan Cearns, John Gooding, Kyle Ritchie, Francis Viloria, Colin Lack, Tim Morrell, Sinead Fegan, Katrina Owens, Courtney Williams, Teanna Dorsey, Venessa Whitelock, Jennifer Lavery, Keshyla Reddick, Jesse Harrison-Kish, Joey LeBouthillier, Will McGuirk, Chelsea McCormick, Sadia Badhon.

Publisher: Greg Murphy

Matthew Jordan dvertising sales:

Chelsea Bastien, Alexandra Beaubien, Chantelle Hitchings, Mark Bugay, Shannon Castel, Gavin Clark, Taylor Craik, Chris Dupuis, Sadie Harper, Andrew Kritotis, Olivia Kulbaka, Kurtis McAleer, Carley Mclaughlin, Brianne Mitchell, Raechel Mohns, Alisha Nurse, Alyssa O’hara, Tai Soo Chan, Richard Topfer, Lenay Van Boxtel, Tori Vieira.


he Chronicle is published by the Durham College School of Me-

dia, Art and Design, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L7, 721-2000 Ext. 3068, as a training vehicle for students enrolled in Journalism and Advertising courses and as a campus news medium. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the college administration or the board of governors. The Chronicle is a member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association.

Editor-In-Chief: Gerald Rose

Advertising Production Manager: Kevan F. Drinkwalter


Jenna Abraham, Sandi Bates, Kathryn Bean, Robert Biggar, Meghan Bullock, Mike Burton, Meggan Camacho, Michelle Cameron, Ed Castiblanco, Jillian Clarke, Sarah Cochrane, Kayla Crawford, Catherine Demmer, Samantha Forster, Courtney Holmes, Jason Ly, Kirstyn Matika, Lauren Mizgala, Michelle Philpott, Vinh Phoxay, Hayley Reynolds, Shawnie Schroetter, Sharon Tan, Madison Verscheun.

Feature Editors: Ginny Colling, Danielle Harder

Photography Editor: Walter Passarella

dvertising design:

Ad Manager: Dawn Salter

Technical Production: Darren Fisher


The Chronicle

A cycle of violence

When Todd Loik took his own life on Sept. 8, he rates than ever before. China recently made the was only 15 years old. news after parents became outraged at the DongThe Saskatchewan teen had been bullied his guan University of Technology’s ballsy move to ask whole life, but was told to ignore it. Don’t worry students to sign anti-suicide waivers upon their about it. Close your eyes, go to sleep, and dream arrival at the school. Heaven forbid the school be of a world free of disgusting intolerance and unan- responsible for something that was clearly not swerable questions like “why was nobody paying their fault, probably a pre-existing issue, not reattention?” lated to their studies or the intense pressure placed Loik’s mother Kim is searching for justice in the on them by modern day society and the college of form of federal anti-bullying legislation and crimi- their choice… no sir! Did someone say legal action? nal charges against her son’s torDon’t worry, we have waivers! mentors. She talks of his past, of It’s a tough lesson to learn, but Facebook and cell phones being it’s a fact that can’t be overlooked: Courtney used as tools to hurt her son from College doesn’t mean everyone behind the safety of a computer around you has magically grown Williams screen. up and learned the error of their It’s a heart-wrenching and reways – it just means that fewer grettable story, but sadly, it’s one we’ve all heard people are talking about it. before. The names and faces have changed, but the Yet, looking around DC/UOIT’s north campus, avoidable emptiness another senseless loss of life the strangely familiar anti-bullying slogans are not leaves in the world remains the same. plastered all over the walls. There are no hastily – Anti–bullying campaigns all over the world fight stapled posters on campus message boards or camto bring this very serious, all–too-common issue pus radio ads reminding people that “Bullying is into the minds eye of elementary and high school Cruel, So Don’t Act Like A Fool!” students with the same common message: Bullying It would be easy to say that once people hit a is wrong. certain age, the urge to discriminate, hurt or slanOf course it’s wrong. der one another becomes muted or disappears alIt’s not uncommon knowledge that it’s unac- together. It’s hard enough instilling the message ceptable to treat people badly due solely to their into the minds of our children – think of how much differences from us. And yet, every year, the cam- extra work it would be to continue that through all paigns continue. walks of life? It would be easy to assume that by the And while the majority of these campaigns sport time we hit adulthood, we know better. It would be sub-par rhymes and bandwagon-type fads, (wear easy to say that students of our age know the differpink and maybe Jimmy won’t get beat up in the ence between right and wrong. bathroom again!) their message is a crucial one – It would be easy, and it would be wrong. the pattern can’t continue. Maybe a new campaign isn’t what post-secondBullying – related suicide rates among 10 to 14 ary institutions need. Another painful slogan or year olds have grown more than 50 per cent over overly addictive jingle won’t change the fact that the last 30 years, according to the American Asso- bullying doesn’t stay in high school along with ciation of Suicidology. cracking voices and awkward pick-up attempts. The disconcerting statistics are only getting But something needs to be done. Students need to more alarming as time goes on, and more desper- realize that everyone is going through their own ate attempts to stop the tragic increase in avertable struggles and we’re so much more alike than we death crawl up out of the dust disguising them- could ever imagine. The message needs to continue selves as campaigns. to ring out, loud and clear, like a super bowl anSo the experts start young. We feed the message nouncer in the final five seconds of the last quarter into the heads of our children, continuing through of the game we’ve all been waiting for – their teenage years. From the first day of kinderHumanity vs. Ignorance. garten to our high school graduation, the message Which team will win? follows us around like a guilt-ridden ex-boyfriend Regardless of the outcome, we’re all players in who realized his mistakes when it was already too this game. Whether we like it or not. How we conlate. duct ourselves now becomes the foundation for the But what happens when those children get to people we will be for the rest of our lives. college – the new beginning that is post-secondary So what team are you on? education, residence cafeterias, over-priced textSpeak up. Smile at a stranger in the hallway. Talk books and an entirely fresh start? to the girl who sits in the back row by herself every Does the need to judge those around us suddenly lecture. Add a new person to your group of friends get overpowered by our astonishingly sudden sense in your labs or invite the quiet kid no one knows to of maturity and world knowledge? your study group next week. It’s just as important It’s said that today’s college and university stu- now as it was five years ago – and it could be just as dents have higher depression, anxiety and suicide life-changing.

October 8, 2013


Take a bite out of the iOS7 It’s sleek. It’s fast. It’s completely Fliegel different. It is Apple’s newest operating system for the iPhone, iOS7. Since the iPhone’s birth in 2007, Apple has stuck to the same longstanding interface. Now with the iOS7, the company has completely restyled the system giving it an upbeat design and flawless performance. The minute the iPhone is turned on, the new lock screen is completely clean. The old clunky border that was prevalent on the iOS6 has been removed, but you are still able to view the time and date, battery life, cellular reception and get quick access to your camera. All of the icons are dominant against a customizable background, which covers more space this time around. It feels fresher and less clustered, giving a sane mind when trying to access different apps contrary to iOS6. New to the lock screen is the ability to swipe your finger up or down, bringing up two new dropdown interfaces called the Control Center. Swiping up, gives access to the music library, Bluetooth, screen brightness control, calculator, timer and a flashlight. The flashlight button activates the LED light on the back of the iPhone, eliminating the need for third-party flashlight apps. All of these features are accessible without having to unlock the phone itself. The top Control Center remains similar to the iOS6, presenting stock information and notifications. Having these apps present, deems to be very helpful in situations when you need to find your way through a dark ally or you need to figure out how much your tipping the waitress. Many apps have been changed from 3D images, to simple 2D images. In this case, less is more. Across each individual app, Apple makes significant changes. Some involve a completely new layout such as the camera, text messaging and music apps, while others infuse altered hues and bubbly geometrics. It almost makes it hard to send an angry text when everything is so animated and perky. One of the most intriguing features of the iOS7 is navigating between menus. Since the new OS uses 2D images, solid tones, and simplified iconography, it makes the stride from app-to-app smoother. Apple’s iOS7 doesn’t fail to bring a new life to its interface while staying familiar to its core design. Regardless whether it’s running on an iPhone 4, iPhone 5, or the new iPhone 5s. Using a mobile device has never been so cool, calm and visually appealing, to the point where it’s hard to get heated while texting. And above all, its design is now in the ranks with Window’s phones and Android’s for pristine clarity and vibrancy. All Apple needs to do is incorporate a fully customizable interface (similar to its rivalry) and it could accomplish a full victory in the mobile phone race.



The Chronicle

October 8, 2013


Ex-VP left SA amid controversy

Brad Andrews The Chronicle

Shane MacDonald

KINGMEADOW: Councillor Bruce Wood (left); Councillor Doug Sanders; and Mayor John Henry with members of Minto, the company building the Kingmeadow community on Simcoe Street North.

New homes not for students

Shane MacDonald The Chronicle

The comprehensive plan for a 1,300-home community

north of UOIT and Durham College was made official Oct. 1 at a groundbreaking ceremony attended by the Mayor of Oshawa John Henry and several

city councillors. The community, dubbed Kingmeadow, is located north of Conlin Road at Simcoe Street and Brittania Avenue East and

is to be completed by 2015. Kingmeadow is positioned on Windfields Farm. On an Oshawa realty site, Minto, the developer of Kingmeadow, describes it as a community with legendary roots located on 160 acres of a oncefamous thoroughbred farm in north Oshawa. They go on to say: “Kingmeadow is close to lush green spaces, exciting new retail shopping, and just east of Brooklin and Whitby. You’ll find it easily accessible by both the 401 and 407.” Phase one of construction is already underway with more than 200 homes already sold, and phase two began with the mayor’s presence at the groundbreaking ceremony. Councillor John Aker, chair of development services committee, said the residential community of Kingmeadow is not aimed at students but rather families, and that Tribute communities, a residential commercial development on the west side of Simcoe Street is envisioned more as a student village. Mayor John Henry and other councillors raved about Oshawa’s growth prospects and “30 years of sustainability” at the groundbreaking. Aside from the Kingmeadow and Tribute communities, a 407 extension with an interchange on Simcoe Street and a two-million-square foot RioCan commercial development are also planned for north Oshawa.

Josh Bickle, former Student Association vice-president of College Affairs, blames the organization for his decision to resign over the summer. Bickle was elected VP in the 2013 SA elections, a position he had already held between 2010 and 2011. He had worked with the SA in different roles since 2009 but resigned in July, just three months into his new term. “I quit because my health and stress levels couldn’t handle it any more,” Bickle said. Prior to resigning Bickle had been placed on medical leave by his doctor and had filed three complaints with the board of directors against SA president Peter Chinweuba. According to Bickle, it took the board over two months to start investigations into his claims of harassment and discrimination. “I was being treated like crap by the president every day and the board of directors was doing nothing about it,” Bickle said. He also claimed the board was planning to remove him from office prior to his resignation. Chinweuba did not respond to a request for an interview on this issue prior to the article’s deadline. The SA also declined an interview but responded to questions regarding Bickle’s claims via email. Samantha Brown, the SA communications officer, wrote that these questions deal with Human Resources matters they cannot share. “As an organization we respect the privacy of personal information for all of our current or former employees,” wrote Brown. The SA’s handling of the College Student Alliance was also named by Bickle as a reason for leaving. After allowing Bickle to run for a position in the CSA the board then voted to leave the organization weeks later, while he was attending a CSA meeting. He said those actions made him “look like an idiot in front of all these other colleges.” Bickle said he did not leave “kindly,” filing a claim in small claims court against the SA. He alleged in his constructive dismissal claim that the work the SA had him doing was designed to force him to quit. He later withdrew his claim and said he did so because he did not want the SA “screwing” with him when he returned to school for his final year in Durham College’s Recreation and Leisure Services program. The VP position was recently filled as a hired position following a hiring process on Oct. 2.


The Chronicle

VP focuses on mental health Giorgio Berbatiotis The Chronicle

The SA’s VP of University Affairs Sean Kell is moving forward with a campaign pledge to make mental health issues a focus of his term in office. Kell has put together a committee for mental health that will be looking to increase awareness of mental health issues, advertise the services already provided by DC/UOIT and the SA in that area, and to educate the DC/ UOIT community about mental health issues while looking for ways to improve upon and expand the infrastructure already in place. “Part of [our] plan is first to have a stronger mental health network,” said Kell. He is advocating for a wider range of services to be available and also for services available at

the north campus to also be available downtown. Kell also suggests that faculty members should be given training to recognize the first signs of mental health issues and be able to work with the student. “As of right now, its more of a crisis protocol,” says Kell. “If your faculty advisers or professors notice some unusual outside behaviour, whether it be recognized as severe stress, anxiety or something, there are key indicator triggers that they see that will give them [reason] to advise a case study, and from there… suggest you seek help in terms of assistance in talking, counselling and support services. From there it can escalate higher depending on severity.” One of the things Kell says needs to be tackled urgently is the stigma surrounding mental health. To help with that Kell points to an idea from DC/

UOIT to offer mental health services on site in addition to those already offered through partnerships with Oshawa Psychological Services and separately with the SA health plan. This would give students concerned about being stigmatized a more private way of getting the help they need. Perhaps of wider interest to the general student body is ongoing discussions about a fall reading week. At a meeting last year between student society leaders and DC/UOIT, students raised mental health concerns, and one of the suggestions brought forward was that considering the workload of the fall semester it would make sense to implement a fall reading week much like the winter one. Kell points out that several post-secondary institutions have done so and believes this could greatly help reduce

October 8, 2013

stress and pressure on students during a busy time of year. Mental Health is an important issue for Kell, who last year, after dealing with his own personal issues and stressors, sought out help after people mentioned to him that he seemed noticeably distraught. Kell says he was reluctant to admit he needed help and to recognize his own challenges, but that seeking out help was ultimately the best decision and that because he did, he is doing much better now. “I want students to know those kinds of services are there. You have the opportunity. If you need help seek it, don’t think that you need to shoulder it all by yourself,” said Kell. “Recognize your limits, and work towards making yourself stronger to increase those limits.”

Sexual safety: the play

Courtney Williams The Chronicle

“Ever woken up beside a stranger? What if it was planned that way…” This is the slogan for DISSOLVE, a presentation coming to the Oshawa Regent Theatre on Oct. 17 geared towards all DC/ UOIT students. The presentation is written and performed by nationally acclaimed Canadian actor and writer Meghan Gardiner and centres around the prevention of sexual assault-related crimes. It is being brought to Oshawa through the efforts of the Safe City Oshawa Partnership (SCOP) in the hopes that its powerful message will have a lasting impact on students and members of the community. Tom Lynch, the director of campus safety at DC, says he is excited to present students with this opportunity because the biggest tool in preventing sexual assault-related crimes is awareness. “Sexual assault can’t be the elephant in the room,” he said. “We need to sit and talk about it.” He went on to say that having the show performed in Oshawa is an opportunity that doesn’t present itself often. “I’ve never seen a crime initiative as passionate and poignant as hers. This show isn’t an e-mail, poster, or flyer…it’s a human being presenting her story and leaving an extreme impact on you,” he said. The show starts at 7 p.m. and will be followed by a brief panel discussion led by Gardiner. When presented to a room full of sexual assault investigators and police officers, the show proved its value by shocking them into silence. “It was a room full of people who have seen the worst of the worst. The room was…“ he paused. “You could hear a pin drop. It was silent. Extremely powerful.” “There are certain crimes out there that we can do things to prevent, but the crime of sexual assault is very difficult to address. It takes everyone. I encourage all members of campus to attend,” Lynch said.



The Chronicle

October 8, 2013


College VPs struggle to succeed in SA

Samantha Daniels

graduate in the three-year program if she continued as vicepresident, as the program was in the process of transitioning into a two-year program. According to Bickle, the position isn’t complicated. “The only real requirements for the position are being able to listen, multi-task, and commit time to it. It’s not a rocket science position,” he said. “There are no difficult handson, special requirement tasks that come with it. It’s a lot of talking with people, reviewing documents, meeting with people, and listening to what they have to say.” The SA’s vice-president of university affairs also performs these duties for UOIT students. However, this position, along with UOIT board of directors’ positions, has had fewer

students resign than their DC counterparts. “The Student Association is inherently biased towards university students in a joint structure,” Bickle said. “Elected presidents always tend to be university students. The Board tends to retain university students. If you look at this year, only one of our current board of directors that we elected just a couple months ago on the Durham College side is left standing.” Bickle believes the issue links to the lack of Durham College student engagement in the Student Association. “I don’t even think they know what the Student Association does. If you ask them, I think the best answer you would get is events.” He may be right.

When asked, Kassi Davidson, a first-year student in the Child and Youth Worker program, didn’t know what services the SA could provide for her besides “running the clubs and organizing all of the Frosh week events.” Lesley Bell, a first-year Health Preparation program student was able to list three things the SA does for students. And, as Bickle predicted, parties was one of them. She has been at the college for three years previous in the Marketing Business Administration program. Stephanie Wallace, the interim vice-president of college affairs appointed by the board of directors feels “there’s potential to improve representation for sure.” “There tends to be a dynamic

where university students are more involved because they are here for longer,” said Wallace. “College students also have a higher amount of students who have families, students who are second-career or mature students, or right fresh out of school, or students who are working more, on average, than a university student does,” said Bickle. “When you have all of those mixtures, it’s a lot harder for a college student to get involved.” Wallace is one of those students. While balancing a full course load as a second-year Durham College Law Clerk Advanced student, she also has a family at home. “This position is a lot of responsibility, hard work, and a lot of hours,” she said. “I have family, school, and this, so it’s about balance. It’s not for everybody.” The position is typically elected, but because of Bickle’s resignation it is now an employed position through a hiring process, said Wallace. The job was posted online on Sept. 6, and the interviews were held over the last weekend of September, according to Wallace. Although she was a candidate, she was not hired. The successful candidate, Ashley Bennett, a second-year law clerk student, will receive a salary of just under $2,500 per month, as well as being covered under the student insurance plan. She will also receive a cell phone allowance, a laptop and parking pass for the term, and professional development opportunities. “It shouldn’t be [a paid position] at all,” said first-year student Davidson. “If it’s someone who just wants to do it without getting anything back it’s more of a passion, where if it’s for pay it’s like any kind of job where you don’t actually have to like doing it; you’re just doing it for the money.” Bickle agreed. “Someone shouldn’t apply if it’s about the paycheque and the resume boost,” he said. “They’re not going to accomplish anything.”

enjoy,” said EngSoc’s VP Social Cristina Mazza. “But also to provide for a sense of humour and a chance to go out and have some fun doing something silly. You wouldn’t get a chance to put your face into a bowl of pudding normally.” The “nooners” follow a generic Jeopardy theme. Three students wearing hard-hats each stand in front of the gathered students, smacking themselves on the head to “buzz in”, not to answer questions, but to pick challenges from some bizarre categories. Examples of a “nooner Jeopardy” category include: “Food Fight”, “Drinks

on Us”, “Fame is Fickle” and, “Suck, Blow, Thrust, Swallow”. Examples of challenges include: “suck the mystery fluid through the straw”, “blind taste test”, “epic rap battle” and “Santa’s beard”, where contestants have one minute to give themselves the best imitation of the jolly man’s famous white facial hair using only whipped cream, skill and enthusiasm. The event was attended by SA president Peter Chinweuba, as well as VP Sean Kell, who was later reluctantly coaxed into competing by his fellow engineers. One unfortunate EngSoc member, bravely, and

with a surprising eagerness, chugged back a glass of some disgusting concoction of mystery ingredients to catapult his team ahead in points. “We have different events and functions, but not like this, not with the Jeopardy and games and all that” said Kyle Sherwin, the owner of the St. Louis Wings & Ribs near campus, where the nooner was hosted. “I think this was really good, it was well organized, it was respectful of the place, and I think it was successful.” Sherwin noted that being so close to campus and having the patronage of students is a great boost

to his business, he estimates sales increase 20-25 per cent during the school year, thanks to students and events like the ‘nooner’. The “nooner” is not exclusively bizarre, nor is it exclusively for engineering students. November’s “nooner” is open to anyone and will be dedicated to raising funds for EngSoc’s “movember” campaign. Although open to anyone, it is most likely the engineering students who will most appreciate the random outbursts of traditional engineering drinking songs like “Godiva’s Hymn” and “The Old Department Store”.

The Chronicle

In this real-life underdog story, it’s unlikely the little guy is going to pull through with a last minute upset. The players are being haphazardly thrown on the field and those fighting to support the team are left in the line of fire to be ushered into an early retirement. No, this isn’t about sports and that little team who wouldn’t quit regardless of a lack of funding or skills. This is student government – with no lack of student funding and an enormous pool of Durham College students with endless skills to draw from. With a myriad of abdications in recent years, the Student Association’s vice-president of college affairs position has a rocky history of part-term electees and hired interim takeovers. Josh Bickle, two-time elected position holder and onetime abdicator, was elected last spring to act as the vice-president of college affairs, Durham College’s representative on the SA’s executive, after successfully completing a full-term two years earlier. Over the summer he resigned from the position, citing aggravated health issues, and as in previous years, an interim was appointed in his place. “Two years ago I fought tooth and nail for every inch of ground that I gained, and I didn’t have it in me to do it again,” he said. “Why is it worth giving up your school for that? You have to give up too much and it’s not giving you any rewards right now because it can’t function.” Kayleigh Johnston, the 2012-13 elected vice-president of college affairs, chose to resign from the position in November of last year to return to school full-time. In her resignation letter she wrote, “My education is of great importance to me, as it is to each of us.” She chose to switch into the Multimedia program and would have been unable to

Samantha Daniels

THE REPLACEMENT: Stephanie Wallace, interim vice-president of college affairs outside the SA office with Josh Bickle, the elected vice-president of college affairs who resigned over the summer.

EngSoc nooner lets students let loose Giorgio Berbatiotis The Chronicle

St. Louis Wings & Ribs was the site of this year’s first “nooner”, a social event hosted by UOIT’s engineering society, EngSoc. The “nooner” is an event that originated at Ryerson University but was brought to UOIT in 2012 by EngSoc president Shane Comella. There will be four more “nooners” this year, starting with the next in October. “The purpose of the nooner is to provide the competitive spirit that engineering students


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013


‘You just need passion’ Engineers Without Borders invites everyone to Run to End Poverty Kelsey Braithwaite The Chronicle

It would be quite the feat if humans need only run marathons to eradicate poverty from the world. Sadly, this is not the case. But it can be a start. The Run to End Poverty or R2EP will be held on Oct 20 and UOIT’s Engineers Without Borders invites every willing person to join. This second annual R2EP will give all the money raised to Engineers Without Borders. Despite the title, students don’t have to be an engineer to join the run or organization. They don’t even have to be runners. “You just need passion,” said Keisha Deoraj, vice-president of Engineers Without Borders UOIT chapter, who is also in her third year of Life Science. She has plenty of passion to go around. EWB is a stepping-stone for students who “give a damn

about global inequality,” copresident Mitchell Hines said on the organization’s Facebook page. “Coming into university, I actually wanted to go to med school,” Deoraj said. “And then I came across Engineers without Borders and it kind of shifted everything about me. [It’s] shaped my life. I no longer want to be a doctor for the money but more so to actually help people.” She explained it like this: most Good Samaritan organizations allow patrons to click send, call it a day, and feel like their altruistic deed of the month is done. It’s good philanthropy, but it’s not enough. This solution is like filling a bucket with water. Except the bucket has a hole. Organizations like this are just fixing the superficial problems. But EWB aims to change the very framework. Their belief is the world is arranged systematically and, to fix the problem,

Kelsey Braithwaite

R2EP WITH EWB: Keisha Deoraj, third-year Life Science student at UOIT, is pumped for the upcoming Run to End Poverty marathon and half-marathon on Oct. 20. the world must fix the system. “In EWB we focus on helping people, especially people living in extreme poverty in rural Africa. But instead of doing what Doctors Without Borders does - where they go in and administer shots and make sure the facilities are proper for medical care, and slapping a Band-Aid

on the problem, - EWB goes in and, through systemic change they try to fix the problem itself.” But these ideals take a great deal of time and money. And those things need support, which requires people. For now, the UOIT chapter has only UOIT students, but is open to anyone from either campus. EWB supports itself through on-campus charity drives, recycling programs, and an art auction, which was success-

fully led by Deoraj last year. “We are a university chapter. We are students before anything. So we understand why people sometimes cannot make it out to the meetings.” But what a student comes for and stays for is the passion. “EWB brings people together. We are all human beings and everyone deserves the same opportunities,” Deoraj said. “No one understands that we don’t have to lessen our standards of living to increase anyone else’s. We have enough resources.” Deoraj is worried about what the next generation will do with the goal she wants to achieve. “Which is literally just peace!” she laughs. Deoraj knows there’s no easy way about this. “When you start out, you have a little hammer and a huge brick wall. But, as hard as it is, you just keep chipping away. And as long as you have one other person with you, you will make a difference. What you get out of it is knowing you are doing something good.” A marathon, or half marathon, seems like a simple place to start. Deoraj hoped to run the full marathon, but an ankle injury has her doing the 5K instead. Either way, she’s pumped for the run. She encourages students to register for the run or donate. Go onto the Run to End Poverty website, sign up, donate, make a profile, but most of all, care.

Campus fire drill Dan Cearns The Chronicle

Durham College students at the Gordon Willey building started their day off with the unpleasant sound of the fire alarm, on Sept. 30 at 8:30 a.m. All students were evacuated from the buildings for a 20-minute period as Oshawa Fire Services did their regular inspection. It started with the Gordon Willey building and

by noon had gone through all campus buildings. According to Tom Lynch, the director of Campus Safety at Durham College and UOIT, it was an “unannounced practice drill to enhance our safety plan and to simulate a real life-saving exercise.” Fire drills are to be conducted at Durham College and UOIT at least once every 12 months, according to the Ontario Fire Code.

Managing your resources Teanna Dorsey The Chronicle

During the week of Oct. 7 Student Awards and Financial Aid will be offering the For The Love of Money workshop to UOIT students. The presentation will be one hour and will explore a wide range of financial options for students. Students will learn to create a budget that works with their

resources and educational and personal expenses. The first workshop is Oct. 7 from 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 p.m. at the north location, U5 building room 60. Register online or view the full schedule of workshops at www.uoit.ca under Money Matters. The Oct. 9 workshop starting at 11 a.m. is held at the downtown campus in room DTA-212.


The Chronicle

Community museum throws yarn bombs Katrina Owens The Chronicle

Oshawa’s community museum is embracing fall by teaching people how to knit, cork and stitch. The museum recently hosted a weekend-long event called Culture Days. Attendees had the chance to “yarn bomb” the historical Henry House. Yarn bombing is something new the museum is trying. It’s a collaboration of a Victorian pastime mixed with contemporary art. “We thought it’d be a good opportunity to try something different,” said Jennifer Pandelidis, visitor experience coordinator. The museum is is planning to host a similar event in the future. Pandelidis says the museum is trying to be more creative with their events in hopes of attracting more people. “A lot of people don’t even know we’re here,” she said. The community museum has been around for many years and offers in- depth information regarding Oshawa’s history.

October 8, 2013


Students miss out on a good atmosphere Katrina Owens

why no one showed up. The Chronicle “We have to work out some scheduling issues,” The Aboriginal Student said Peggy Forbes, the coCentre is hoping to see a ordinator of the centre. Fortunately for Emily larger turnout at their next crafting afternoon. The cen- House-Hackl, a student in the Child and tre was hopYouth Worker ing to see an I come here almost program at abundance of intrigued stu- every day. It’s a good Durham, she dents attend place to study and it had the centre to herself. their latest has a good atmosphere. Having such a event on Friday tranquil space the 27th. CraftEmily to study has ing afternoons House-Hackl been helping are a time House-Hackl when both Abget through her original and first year. non-Aboriginal “I come here students can make traditional crafts and almost every day. It’s a good try the very earthy blend of place to study and it has a good atmosphere.” The cencedar tea. Having a crafting after- tre is open to any student in noon on a Friday, in a time any program and is located slot when classes are at their in the Simcoe Building in room 1264. peak, could be a vital reason

Katrina Owens

A WARM WELCOME: Jennifer Pandelidis, visitor experience co-ordinator, stands in front of Henry House. The next upcoming event is International Archaeology Day on Oct.19. The event starts at 12:30 p.m. and runs until 4:30 p.m. Attendees can look forward to crafts and a lecture from an archeologist from

Trent University. Aside from their day and weekend-long events the museum is open year round. Tours of the historical homes on the lakefront take about 45 minutes.


Feeling the love!

The Chronicle

Kate Hussey The Chronicle

On the gloomiest day, a random act of kindness could make all the difference to someone. Student Erin Lim in the Library and Information Technician program is the founder of the anonymous Durham College Compliments group, dedicated to sharing compliments publicly on Facebook. “The compliments can be about anyone on or around campus, including students, professors, food workers, bus drivers, etc. The compliments can either be posted anonymously or openly,” said Lim. Lim started the group in the summer while anticipating the new school year. The idea came from a compliments page that Queen’s University had, following the popularity of the trend in American universities. “I then saw a YouTube video about the compliments pages and I thought we needed one at our college and that it was a great idea,” she said. The messages have been as simple as, ‘I’d like to thank GO Transit for having the Lakeshore East bus route running more often and their new comfortable buses,’ but appre-

The Chronicle

DC COMPLIMENTS: Leaving an anonymous compliment on the Durham College Compliments group. ciation of the little things is important to Lim. “I really want students on our campus to appreciate kindness and courtesy of others as well as taking the initiative to do it themselves. I want students to feel good about themselves,” she said. Bullying can be an issue in schools. “A lot of bullying and negativity can be stopped by turning our community into a

caring, environment where everybody supports and helps out each other,” said Lim. “Have you ever had a bad or dull day, and then you receive a compliment or a random act of kindness, and it totally changes your day around?” Lim asked. “That’s what I want people on our campus to feel like.” Lim said it’s the best way to spread the happiness around.


Out with the print, in with the internet blogs Christopher Burrows

Kate Hussey

October 8, 2013

Online news sources are the way to go, according to a quick survey of Durham College and UOIT students. Of the 20 students surveyed, 85 per cent said they prefer getting their news online. The reason: accessibility. “It’s just easier,” said Dane Pali, a third-year Marketing student. Most students agreed with Pali saying they can easily access the news on laptops or cellphones, which they have on hand all the time. These numbers don’t mean the printed newspapers are disappearing. Durham College’s journalism program co-ordinator, Brian Legree, said that when he started at Durham College the industry was predicting the last newspaper would be printed in 2012-2013. “Newspaper readership is

in decline,” said Legree. “But there is still readership.” This is one reason why newspapers are still in print today. “I enjoy papers still,” said Roxy Tadeja-Stapley, a second year Practical Nursing student who also added that over time the computer screen starts to hurt her eyes. Another second year practical nursing student, Andrew Jackson, said he finds it satisfying to be able to physically turn a page. Legree does not have a crystal ball to look into the future of the Chronicle, but he doesn’t believe the printed version of the Chronicle will disappear in the near future. Durham College’s journalism program is changing to be geared towards broadcast, investigative journalism and documentary filmmaking. It’s the college’s way of preparing its students for the real world. “My main focus is that people are good at story telling, interviewing...the core skills,” said Legree.


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013


Saving students one step at a time Aleksandra Sharova

What you didn’t know about your campus response team • The Campus

The Chronicle

Bip-bip. “Is that yours?” Chris Denison, a fourth-year Criminology student, asked his partner, pointing at two black radios on the table. Bip-bip. “Go ahead,” said Paramedic student Parastoo Sadeghein as she answered the call. “It’s security.” A crackling female voice on the radio told of a girl in the Pit requiring medical attention. “10-4,” Sadeghein said, as Denison put on his red sweatshirt with the St. John Ambulance symbol. Carrying red backpacks with all sorts of first aid kits and trauma packs, the partners headed out. Two minute walk from room 1056 in South Village Residence, main Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT) office, to the Pit area of the Gordon Willey building. Whoo-whoot-whoo-whoot. Denison started whistling a tune, which made him look like a good soldier. They are ready to deal with almost anything, from a paper cut to physical traumas to seizures and suicide attempts. One of the CERT members even almost delivered a baby. Fortunately, paramedics arrived on campus pretty fast and took it from there.

Emergency Response Team, or CERT, was founded by Robert Nayer in 2006.

ERT medical first responders are student volunteers, trained by St. John Ambulance.

Aleksandra Sharova

CERT FIRST RESPONDERS: Parastoo Sadeghein (left) and Chris Denison at CERT main office in South Village Residence. “You kind of get used to the calls,” said Sadeghein. Her partner agreed, “Nothing really stands out. We have work to do, just want to help.” And they do. For seven years, CERT has provided medical assistance to the on-campus community and ensured the health

and safety of students, faculty and staff. “We are on call 24/7. It’s three, six or 12-hour shifts. There are always two people on shift, and we have radios with us,” said Sadeghein. “If there is emergency on campus… they [security] will let us know

where the emergency is. People can always come to our office and get help from us.” Mellow piano sounds filled the room. As always, someone was playing in the Pit. Two security guards were shielding a girl from the inquisitive looks of passers-by. Another girl was holding her hand. Sadeghein asked the girl what had happened. Denison took out his stethoscope and blood pressure monitor. Turned out the second girl was putting pressure on the patient’s finger. The latter had cut it, and now felt faint. While still asking different questions, Sadeghein examined her finger, wiped it, and put a Band-Aid on. When treating a patient, CERT responders try to lighten the mood, so the person they are helping doesn’t think about his or her injury. “The less they think about it the better,” said Sadeghein. Learning to communicate with a person in need is an essential skill for a responder, besides, of course, the standard First-Aid and CPR certificate. “The job that we do is ask a lot of questions, ask questions about people’s past medical history,” said Denison. “‘What did you eat?’, ‘What have you done with yourself the entire day?’, ‘What did you drink if you’ve been drinking?’ – communicate a lot.” Sadeghein’s soothing talking seemed to be working – the girl was slowly recovering from shock. Denison checked her temperature and pulse, and advised to get something sweet to drink. Back in their office, Denison and Sadeghein checked what

Durham Region EMS, Campus Health Services and Campus Security work closely with CERT.

CERT is on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week and provides assistance before the arrival of ambulance services.

Volunteers are required to have Standard First-Aid and CPR certificates, however a lot of experience in the health care field isn’t necessary.

Current consists of responders.

team 60

CERT can be contacted at (905) 7213211 or by dialling ext. 2400 from any phone on campus. they had used in order to replenish the kits. Also, after each call CERT responders have to fill out a Patient Care Report. They can rest. For now. Until the next call. “Some days we can have five calls, sometimes it can go a week without a call. There have been times… I would have call after call, after call,” said Sadeghein. On average, CERT has a few hundred calls a year. Every call is a great opportunity to put their knowledge to the test. It is also a great responsibility and a great pressure. Sadeghein said, “Everyone on the team deals with pressure differently... Some are excited because they can help, others are nervous. “You don’t know what’s going to happen, why they need our help. There is a lot of pressure because someone’s life is in our hands.”


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013


Students help with CERT Like Matthew Jordan The Chronicle

Durham College and UOIT’s first responders, the Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT), have student safety in mind. The team of volunteers, comprised of students from a variety of programs at DC and UOIT, is equipped to handle virtually any situation, big or small. This can range from something as minimal as a sore stomach or scratch, to far more serious situations, including trauma, broken bones, and substance abuse. The CERT members work in shifts to provide 24-hour coverage of the north campus, and are dispatched to emergencies through campus security. This is a safety protocol, as the team

is not allowed at the scene un- SA. Currently they have 25 fulltime volunteers and hope to less cleared by security. The team receives intensive add 20 more. Volunteers are trained in monthly hands-on training as well as bi-monthly online train- standard first-aid and CPR, ing, and arrives on the scene and undergo further training through St. John fully prepared to Ambulance, the deal with a situation. We’re not just a cost of which is fully covered by “We make sure we’re doing first-aid club that gets CERT, provided Wednesday the applicant everything we together can to facilitate nights and talks about puts in a full year of service with EMS,” said Drew helping people the program.At Eidt, director of the end of service, CERT. “[We] enDrew Eidit volunteers resure the safety ceive credentials of the patient and the safety towards their coof ourselves. We curricular record. do everything possible to as“It’s a great opportunity to sist them, and find a solution help with the volunteering here to whatever their problem may and to make sure we’re providbe.” ing an adequate service,” said CERT is a subsidiary of the Eidt. We’re not just a first-aid

club that gets together Wednesday nights and talks about helping people. We want to be able to make sure we’re making the right judgment call whenever there is a situation on campus.” Aside from calling through security, CERT is available for walk-ins to its office located in the South Village residence. Volunteers work in pairs of two over a six-hour shift. They can assist with any problems, but do not dispense drugs, due to liability. CERT is also contracted to provide coverage of events involving the school, and are on standby to provide EMS in the event of an emergency. Though the hiring process has closed for the term, interested students can apply again January when registration opens up.

any other

Disability makes no difference Kathryn Boyle The Chronicle

Cell phone in hand, Ahren Belisle sits patiently waiting to be asked questions on living in residence and going to school with a disability. Walking through the busy halls of the university is hard enough. For Belisle, it’s a harder challenge. As a baby, Belisle suffered from a brain injury and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. This disability leaves him mute and most times dependent on a cane. Belisle says the hallways of UOIT aren’t easy to navigate, especially with classes on the second floor. “A lot of hallways aren’t easily accessible.” To speak, he uses a text-tovoice program on his cell phone. “But I’m not going to walk two kilometres to get to the elevator when I can just take the stairs.” During routine fire alarms, Belisle says he needs to evacuate like everyone else. “I walk down the stairs,” he says. “It doesn’t take too long. It’s a shorter distance to walk this year.” Last year, Belisle didn’t have it so easy. “I lived on the fourth floor,” he smiles as the cell phone finishes. “Fire drills were a pain.” Belisle says the residence has been thoughtful about his living conditions, although he needs to use the stairs once in a while. “At first they gave me a non-handicapped room,” he shrugs. “When I brought it up they changed it right away.” Overall, Belisle enjoys the residence and believes they’re doing what they can to make him comfortable. “It could be worse,” he smiles. “I don’t have to cook and the bathroom is really big.”


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013


Tips for staying healthy this flu season

Kate Hussey The Chronicle

Curled up in bed, wrapped up in blankets, watching a favourite movie and eating a bowl of soup may sound nice and relaxing, but around midterm or final exam time, it’s the last thing any hard-working student wants. Flu season is on its way and Durham College hot spots might soon become a breeding ground for viruses. However, there are steps students can take to minimize the chance of getting sick, experts say. Flu season usually runs from November to April, according to Health Canada, and while that is fast approaching, it’s important to realize there are ways to prevent the transmission of viruses and know that we are not doomed. One of the ways to maintain a healthy immune system is to use stress management, according to Sylvia Emmorey, holistic nutritionist at the Campus Health Centre. “Stress depletes B vitamins,” she said. “Those are your energy vitamins, so you would have less energy and would be more susceptible to catching the colds that are going around.” Poor diet choices and eating fast foods in excess can also decrease energy, according to Emmorey. “Eating unhealthy food actually blocks the absorption of

Kate Hussey

MINIMIZING THE CHANCE OF GETTING SICK: Game development and entrepreneurship student at UOIT, Alex Bédard looking into vitamins to boost the immune system. vitamins and minerals in the blood stream,” she said. The high content of sugars, fats, grease, and salts can make the body feel sluggish and have a detrimental effect on the body, according to Emmorey. Preventing a virus from developing could mean working on diet changes, but a lot of people don’t want to do that because it could take months. There are foods that can increase resistance to infection, such as broccoli, lemon, ginger, carrots, or shiitake mushrooms, which are all supposed to be good to boost the immune system, according to Emmorey. “For the most part raw vegetables are best, basically lightly steamed, but they should still be crunchy. If you over-cook them you are losing most of the

nutrients, as well as fibre and the water content,” she said. Vitamins can also be helpful, but vitamins are like food, and quality matters, according to Emmorey, who said it’s best to buy vitamins from a health food store. “Vitamin C is a top one. It does help with colds, but nothing should be used long term because it can actually start to have the opposite effect,” she said. Durham College professor Cheryl Higgs, who teaches stress, wellness and nutrition as one of her many online courses, said there are certain lifestyle habits people might benefit from changing or replacing. “When you get sick, it’s a combination of what you’re doing and what you’re not doing,” she said. “I don’t believe

in the flu shot, I think there are other ways to stay healthy.” It can be as simple as getting a good rest each night, according to Higgs. “Rest should always mean repair. You want to allow the body to rest, recover and repair,” she said. Keeping the immune system strong depends on many things. “In a perfect body you’re eating well, exercising well, but too much of any of those things has detrimental effects,” said Emmorey. Health Canada recommends that adults exercise for at least 2 1/2 hours of moderate to vigorous physical activity each week, and youth should reach at least 60 minutes per day. “People think, ‘I have to go to the gym every day, I have to work out,’ but it could be as

simple as going for a walk every day,” said Emmorey. “But, people who are really into working regimens and are over-exercising, it does wear you down and can burn you out,” she said. A virus could be spread anywhere, but there are public areas where chances are more likely. “What looks clean might not always be clean, but for the most part they go hand in hand. I think everyone does a good job of cleaning at the school, but the classroom I’d think of as a hot spot. Someone starts coughing, and they are eating at their desk and not cleaning up. I think there could be a lot of germs. If you take the bus, that could also definitely be a hot spot,” Emmorey said. Cellphones are a major breeding ground for bacteria, according to Higgs, because people are constantly touching things around them and then grabbing their phone. “Your best defence is to wash your hands and keep your hands away from your mouth,” said Higgs. Hand sanitizer can be helpful, but it’s not to be relied on to replace hand washing. “Hand sanitizer, I think, is over-used. I use it when I need to, but soap and water is all you need. Soap and water doesn’t strip the good bacteria from your body.” Emmorey recommends saving the hand sanitizer only for when soap and water aren’t available.

Breathe easy with yoga at DC/UOIT Tim Morrell The Chronicle

Tim Morrell

DE-STRESSING YOGA STRETCHES: Shannon Scott, yoga instructor, is available at the Flex Centre two times a week and also at the Centre for Success at Durham College.

Breathe easy; all levels of experience were welcome at the UOIT’s yoga event downtown on Oct.2. With Outreach counsellor Stephanie Campoli and two volunteers, Marisa Mei and Shannon Scott, on the premises students learned how yoga can change their life. When walking in, your struggles dissolve almost immediately. Stress plagues us all, especially students with their futures looming over their heads. Outreach Services strives to make the student body feel more at ease with its event, held for the first time ever at UOIT downtown campus. Marisa Mei has been with Outreach Services since 2007. She spends her free time helping out the organization any way she can through 80-plus events planned for the year. With yoga specifically, she explains what the goal for Outreach Services entails. “Our main purpose is creating an opportunity for students to learn about a healthy lifestyle,” said Mei, event volun-

teering co-ordinator. She said it also allows them to gain access for people who don’t necessarily want to pay for classes and provides a stress outlet for students who need a break from their studies. Mei said yoga has been effective and can help make you a better person. “I think it’s because it covers so many elements, like breathing. It’s a stress reliever, and on top of that you can work on your fitness goals,” said Mei. “When you take all these into account, you can accomplish multiple goals and that will make you more self aware . . . so that’s beneficial for everybody.” Trained in Thailand, Tokyo, and Ontario, Shannon Scott lends her talent to demonstrate how inspirational yoga can be in your life. She is available at the Flex Centre two times a week and also at the Centre for Success at Durham College. “Two things I try to instil in my students are alignment, because it is so crucial in having successful yoga practices because so many people will injure themselves when they proceed with incorrect alignment.

If you have proper alignment it reduces injury and also helps you work your muscles more efficiently,” she said. “And the second, which is equally important, is to inspire them to find the good within them.” When asked about how she felt with not getting paid and cutting into her free time for the UOIT yoga event, she said, “No, not at all.” Shaking her head in disbelief, she said, “I do it for the experience because there are so many benefits to volunteer work, one for the connections you make, and I just love teaching yoga. I find it stimulating seeing people find themselves.” A student from the event came away quite pleased with the session. “I enjoyed it so much. It was very relaxing. I hope the sessions continue,” said Shirley Bezerra, international student. Mei said the yoga events at the downtown campus could continue. “Well, we might put it on again. If there is enough interest and if Shannon is available we wouldn’t hesitate to contact her, so anything is possible.”

The Chronicle

October 8, 2013



The Chronicle

October 8, 2013


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013


Program created to hire students Sinead Fegan The Chronicle

Three years ago Kevin Keays and Jon Kelly saw a problem. A big problem. Construction companies in the area were spending huge money to train workers, only to have them quit shortly after training. It was a classic case of too many jobs, too few workers with the skills to do them. They found a solution with the creation of the Construction and Hoisting Techniques program at the Whitby campus. Just three years in, the program is one of its kind in Ontario, already hugely successful with the majority of grads finding jobs. Program co-ordinator Keays has been working at the school for seven years as a professor in the Mobile and Crane apprentiship program. Keays has a long history in his line of work. As a class A mechanic and unlimited ton crane operator for the past 30 years, he has pretty much seen it all. “I owned my own company, Keays Cranes and Equipment that I did all over the world,” said Keays. “Because I have been an owner trying to hire people, I’ve seen the problems.”

The Construction and Hoisting Techniques course is very practical. Throughout the first semester students learn handson skills to work with the proper equipment. They use simulators, which are almost identical to the real thing. In second semester, students use the live equipment. They are required to attend a 40-hour week outdoors, no matter what the weather. Throughout the two-semester course, students earn more than just a certificate. By the end of the year, they will have also earned their 0-8 ton, class 7 forklift, fall arrest licenses and three different man-lift licenses. Students will also receive two semesters of rigging and safety, which according to Keays is extremely important. “Everything I’m teaching them is skills they need to know for the workforce,” he said. At the end of the year students are given a major assignment, a capstone project. In groups of two, students use everything they have learned from first and second semester incorporating rigging, maintenance and legislative theory. They will create a job scenario and follow it from beginning to end. The professor instructs

school (such as the 0-8 ton) will be required. For example, if a student wants to work as a mechanic and they are working with a service truck that has a crane on it, they will require that particular license to run it. If students are using a forklift that has an attachment on it, they have to have that license. If they’re using a loader with an attachment, they will also need the license. “It’s almost like a prerequisite to work in construction,” said Keays. Since it started just three years ago, the program has seen many of its grads go straight into the workforce. Twenty students started in the program’s first year in 2011; 18 graduated and 16 received jobs before they left. The second year the program had 40 Sinead Fegan students, losing three over the year. Out of the students who HANDS-ON LEARNING: This mechanism, called a yellow passed, 18 got jobs and another gantry, is a rigging training system used in class. three received jobs within the last month. This year, there are the students on which materi“It’s not just about cranes, 40 students in the program. als they can use from the shop which a lot of people think it is. From the 2012-2013 graduand they figure out how to rig It’s about construction in gen- ating class, five students init. For instance, the students eral,” said Keays. cluding two women got hired at would decide how the crane is This course is beneficial to Kiewit, a large-scale company. set-up, how much it will pick students because no matter According to Keays, their salaup, how far there going to pull what trades-related job they go ries started at roughly $90,000 it and so forth. into, the licenses they earn in per year.


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013

The Chronicle



October 8, 2013

Two guys, one cup, and a ball

Jesse Harrison-Kish The Chronicle

The annual beer pong tournament was held at E.P. Taylor’s Friday Oct. 4, and as expected, turned out to be a very exciting and stressful experience for the participants. Brody Coles and Christian Simone were the night’s final victors, beating out 13 other teams for the honour of being named beer pong champions, and the first place prize of their own personal beer pong set. Both were extremely excited after winning the final round. “It was unreal, a great final. It was real good,” said Coles. Through stiff competition, the champions made their way through bout after bout, but they had more than enough experience in the sport. “It was tough. There were a lot of great teams that put up a good effort, but we play a lot, so we thought we had a pretty good chance coming into the tournament,” said Simone with a laugh. The beer pong tournament was not played with actual beer, much to the disappointment of a few contestants who hadn’t

Jesse Harrison-Kish

SUDDEN DEATH OF PONG: Finalists Ryan West and Connor Maxim shoot for their tournament lives. The pair, who had remained undefeated until the final round, were down to their last cup, but were left with disappointment in the end. read the rules and guidelines beforehand, but if anything, this increased the suspense. Rather than the contestants steadily losing their accuracy, as well as their equilibrium, every match was played with

skill and determination. The winners came into the tournament with one secret strategy: “We did some practice, and we had a really good strategy,” said Cole. “Although, I am not quite sure

whether I would be able to reveal our winning game plan in this interview, because you know, people might use it against us later!” His partner Simone had a more concrete game plan in

place. “I practised for like three straight hours today in preparation,” said Simone. The final bout came down to Cole and Simone, against the previous years winners Ryan West and Connor Maxim. West and Maxim, having been undefeated up until this point, were quite confident in themselves coming into the final round. Nearly every one of the first throws for both sides went in almost effortlessly, and it seemed the final would be the shortest match of the night. But after the mass of cups dwindled, it became harder and harder to hit the small targets. In the end, both teams were down to a single cup, and the match went into three-cup sudden-death overtime. Each team placed two more cups on the table in the shape of a triangle, and the first team to remove all three cups won the round. Cole and Simone made quick work of the overtime and the crowd cheered as the final ball sank perfectly into the last cup.

Pool champion amazes E.P. Taylor’s Can DC/UOIT students defeat the champion? Matthew Jordan The Chronicle

The task was simple: beat Gerry Watson at a standard game of pool and take home a prize. Watson, the three-time Canadian pool champion, displayed his affinity for billiards to patrons of E.P. Taylor’s pub. The trick-shot artist, in the 31st and final year of his educational tour, went through a series of crowd-pleasing feats. It began with the opening scene from the movie The Hustler. Paul Newman walks in off the street to a quiet bar, he moves towards the billiard table and lines up five balls along the rail beside the corner pocket in rows of two, side-by-side, with the eight in the middle. He exclaims that he can sink the eight ball in the opposite pocket without disturbing the other four. Newman did just that, and so did Watson. But when it came to divulging the secrets of a good shot, Watson wouldn’t go into detail. “It’s all math,” said Watson,

pacing around the table several times, taking in every angle of the misplaced pool balls. “Every shot is a difficult shot. There, that’s a difficult shot [sinking the ball with relative ease].” Few students dared to challenge Watson, and the ones who did were mostly defeated without the chance to even take a shot. Eventually, a volunteer was coaxed into participating in an incredible feat of accuracy and mathematics. The student lay on his back to one side of the table, a single white cloth covering his eyes. He held a piece of pool chalk between his teeth, and on top balanced the eight ball. Watson stacked a few more chalk pieces on the rail, and placed the cue ball on top of them. He crouched down low, taking his time to aim the shot. Firing, the cue ball hit the eight square on, sending it spiraling down the table into the corner pocket. Jaws dropped. Watson became involved with pool young and, by the age of 15, he was named the area champion. He has performed

Matthew Jordan

AIM-SHOOT-SINK: Gerry Watson lining up his shot to replicate the opening scene from the movie, The Hustler. on a number of television networks, including ESPN and CBC-TV. With a full schedule of appearances, Watson has performed more than 4,000 shows in his career. He also starred in his own educational documen-

tary, Pool Academy, in which he goes through a number oftricks and techniques. “People kept asking me to do it [Pool Academy],” said Watson. “There was a lot of interest, so I said OK.”

His instructional videos are available through his website. Despite a valiant attempt by one student, and an impressive show by the SA co-ordinator, Watson remained undefeated and no one claimed the prize.


The Chronicle


October 8, 2013

Cannibalism comes to DC Andrew Fliegel The Chronicle

Although the judgments of people around Jonathan Abbott were eating away at him, Cannibal Clothing showed him there was a way to embrace it. Six years ago, Abbott would never have predicted he would be sitting in an interview referring to art as his greatest passion. “I never really liked art going into high school. I didn’t think I would ever need it,” he says. In 2007, Courtice Secondary School welcomed Abbott but he was reluctant in taking art for a compulsory credit. Grade 10 Fine Arts introduced Abbott to the world of silk screening. “I had the opportunity to see the grade 12s do it,” he says. He discovered a hidden gift for creating an inked image on fabric using silk, a board, and a stencil. “My Grade 10 art teacher saw potential in me, as I was eventually helping the grade 12s put the silk screen together.” Abbott started up a small studio at home, taking the knowledge he learned at school and practicing on his own time. He honed his technical skills by trial and error. Some days he would find himself doodling an array of different things, from little critters to intricate text designs. He would then plaster them on T-shirts. Some of his friends thought the designs were cool. “They would walk around with my Tshirts to support me and get my name out there.” He even wore his own designs, designs that became a part of his image. “It was an outlet for what was going on in my life,” he says. “There was a lot of bullying happening at the time, and so it was an escape.” Abbott remembers being called names throughout high school, specifically being tormented by verbal abuse. Abbott recalls doodling in his sketchbook one day during lunch. A friend came over and said his drawing looked like a piece of pizza. “I remember

Andrew Fliegel

PIZZA FACE HIMSELF: Jonathan Abbott founded Cannibal Clothing and is a student of Police Foundations at Durham College. He continues to work on his custom clothing line while studying at DC. saying, oh my God. It totally does.’” What his friend didn’t know is that his buddy was doodling a self-portrait. “It was a big thing in high school, me being called pizza face. I decided to put my own spin on it.” At the time, Abbott had an acne problem. People would talk behind his back and call him crude names. The drawing in his notebook ate away at his surface and created a reflection of what he presumed was his label. He left the doodle tucked away for the time being. “Where did the name Cannibal Clothing come from? Well, it stemmed from one of my art projects. We had to come up with a logo and I ended up drawing the words Cannibal Clothing eating itself. I really liked zombies at the time so that was the inspiration.” The name was popular amongst his friends. “It sort of just stuck,” he reminisces. “I got very attached to it. It just felt relevant.” So Abbott had a talent, the drive and finally a label. It was time for him to get out there and do something with it. Many of his friends were not

very supportive of his idea to take his hobby and turn it into a career. “In a way I think they respected what I did, but they didn’t see me going anywhere with it,” Abbott says. “My older sister Ashley, on the other hand, helped me work out designs. It was great to at least have someone in my family who fully supported me.”

No matter how much support he had, or lack thereof, Abbott continued to pursue what was becoming his ultimate passion. He started a Facebook group to generate a fan following. On the group he would give away free shirts and sweaters

and share his designs. A business venture even turned up. “I walked into Gino’s Pizza one day and noticed they were wearing really heavy uniforms. One of the gentlemen mentioned how hot it was in there, so I offered to make them new shirts.” After a successful run of 15 shirts for Gino’s, Abbott was gaining more confidence in his work. He even had the opportunity to design T-shirts for his high school friends Janine Lameiras and Melissa Scott. They needed shirts for fundraising, to help build wells in Guatemala. “Helping for the hopeless. I made a cool design with a bunch of hearts and a banner. It had a little monster on the front holding a heart,” he shares. “Everyone in Guatemala apparently loved the shirts. It was a great feeling to have someone take that two seconds to appreciate my art.” High school was over and he decided to take a year off school and put his beloved passion on hold. This gave him time to put his life in perspective. “Am I going through with art or am I going into policing? ”Abbott asked himself.

“I’ve lived a life where I’ve seen a lot of people stand by and watch others get hurt, be it physical or verbal abuse. They keep walking because it doesn’t involve them. I’ve always had a hard time doing this, so policing is a way for me to become the voice for the hundreds of people who are too afraid to speak up.” His final decision was to enroll in the Police Foundations course at Durham College. The 2013-2014 school year has started and Abbott has police studies on his mind, but he still can’t let go of Cannibal Clothing. He decided he would manage both at the same time. This time, he posted more contests on his Facebook page and released more designs then he had ever done before. “Being in college, my company took a three-sixty. There is so much positivity and motivation from the friends I made here.” He sells T-shirts, crew neck sweaters and hoodies through his Facebook page. He is open to custom orders, but mostly encourages people to buy his custom designs. “This is where Pizza Face comes in,“ Abbott giggles. “A small sketch that stayed in my sketchbook for a couple of years turned into my biggest design. For three to four years it was such a negative thing in my life, but to turn it around into a T-shirt design and see people wear it. It turns it into a positive experience. The feeling is empowering.” Abbott has many aspirations for Cannibal Clothing. He wants to travel the world, do fundraising, work one-onone with local bands and even have his own booth at the Van’s Warped Tour. “There is a lot of competition out there, so it’s not easy. You have to really push.” Abbott strives to stay truthful to himself and his art. “I’m out there today to encourage people to wear designs that are personal to them. I want Cannibal Clothing to be a billboard for your own creativity.”

New Kings of Leon album worth a listen Matthew Mazer The Chronicle

The Kings of Leon released their sixth studio album on Sept. 24. Jared Fallowill, bassist for the band calls it the “most immature” record that the band has recorded. He made the comment in an interview with NME. The album is titled Mechanical Bull. The title refers to the “bucking bronco you might rent if you were a sweetheart of the rodeo, southern born and

bred,” according to a review posted by English publication The Guardian. The first track on the album, “Supersoaker”, was released in June as the album’s lead single. While not sounding vastly different from their previous lead singles “Radioactive” and “Sex on Fire,” Supersoaker is catchier than Radioactive but not as catchy as Sex On Fire, which Kings of Leon recently revealed they would stop playing at concerts in order to separate their hardcore fan base from the so-

called new fans. The second single released so far is called “Wait For Me.” It is a standout track because it speaks about maturing as somebody grows up. The vocalist is telling the girl to wait for him while he matures. The fourth track, “Beautiful War,” is one of the best tracks from the album in the sense that it’s slow paced and the instrumentation is absolutely perfect. The lyrics speak about fighting for the girl you want, in essence, a beautiful war.

The seventh track, “Family Tree”, has a feel that is reminiscent of Back Down South from Come Around Sundown and Manhattan from Only by the Night which were both previously released as singles from their respective albums. The guitar is what gives the song its feel the most. Even more reminiscent of their earlier work is the ninth track, “Tonight.” Tonight sounds like a mix of Manhattan, and also sounds vaguely similar to Revelry, another

song from Only By The Night. I liked the album because I‘ve always liked Kings of Leon, as they are one of my favourite bands. Mechanical Bull isn’t a departure from previous albums like Come Around Sundown and Only by the Night. It sounds like more of the same in recent years but nevertheless it is still a great album. This latest effort from Kings of Leon is worth a listen. Kings of Leon seem to get better and better with every album they release.


The Chronicle

The Prisoners movie review Jackman stars in a convoluted suspenseful thriller Tim Morrell The Chronicle

Director Dennis Villeneuve has successfully crafted a haunting yet suspenseful thriller with emotional impact and exceptional acting. The Prisoners plot is so believable it’s disturbing and will have you scratching your head in confusion until the very end. The movie starts with an open prayer from Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman), who is lending his proficient prowess as a sniper to his son, Ralph, (Dylan Minette) to shoot down a deer pegged for tonight’s Thanksgiving dinner. A seemingly ordinary holiday with two families takes a turn for the worst when the unexpected transpires; both the Dover and Birch families’ youngest daughters suddenly go missing. Keller and company go off his son’s suspicion that the kids

whereabouts are tied to a mysterious caravan parked around the block. Both girls were playing on it before noticing eerie music playing inside. The vehicle has since vanished. Keller informs the police of the situation and Detective Loki (Jake Gyllenhaal) spots the simpleton just hours later and pulls him in for questioning but to no avail. The location of the children still eludes Loki, and Keller starts to lose his patience and his morality just days after his daughter’s last known sighting. Heavily disapproving the traditional methods of interrogation, Keller brings in politically sound Franklin Birch (Terrence Howard) to hold down the supposed culprit, Alex Jones (Paul Dano) for a pummeling. Taking matters in his own hands, Keller starts peeling away clues from Jones who couldn’t afford to keep his mouth shut on the overarching plan that lays in store for the

audience. One step ahead of Loki at every turn, Keller is willing to go to great lengths to embrace his daughter once again. Jackman as Keller Dover pulls off arguably one of his greatest performances of his career, an Oscar-winning performance. However, the role of his wife, Grace Dover (Maria Bello) is rather minuscule when compared to the dominant roles coming from, Jackman, Gyllenhaal and Howard. Gyllenhaal is phenomenal in his role as well, but may frustrate viewers because his discoveries are noticeably delayed. Gathering enough information to materialize his next clue, he is often behind the curve on the overall picture, so much so, the audience can foresee events or pieces to the puzzle before he realizes. Also, a surprising but shortlived performance from David Dastmalchian as Bob Taylor is quite menacing even for a

man of few words. Through his eyes, viewers will witness a damaged individual with questionable motives that will drive spectators hoping karma makes its rounds. The Prisoners is a heartwrenching thriller that steadily makes the viewer question the distinction of what is right or wrong. Although it is a suspense thriller, it rarely pulls you in and out of high-octane sequences. Audiences are left to pick up the clues the cast is scurrying for. Some may find the pacing of the film drags on but it only lends to the atmosphere being more realistic. So realistic, you may forget you’re watching a film and are drawn in as if this could be a legitimate news story right outside your neighbourhood. It would be shocking to see Jackman being snubbed of an Oscar nomination. The Prisoners gets an 8.5 out of 10.

JT’s new album brings the funk Francis Viloria The Chronicle

Justin Timberlake has done it again. With the successful release of his third studio album, The 20/20 Experience, the long-anticipated wait for his follow-up album The 20/20 Experience (2 Of 2) was released Sept. 30. The album is good and the songs have a funky rhythm that make you want to get up and dance while other songs have more of a relaxed and chill rhythm. On the album, Timberlake collaborates with Toronto na-

tive Drake and with his partner in crime, Jay Z. The album consists of the previously released upbeat hit single Take Back the Night. The use of trumpets in this track is excellent, along with his singing and the beat really make the song come to life. My favourite part in the song is after the second chorus, when Timberlake says “And the horns say,” and the trumpets play. The song, in a nutshell, is party hard. “So if the feeling’s right, raise your glass and let’s take back the night.” Cabaret, featuring Drake, has more of a relaxed and quick

beat and it’s still entertaining. Timberlake’s words are crisp and the quick beat works well. Drake’s verse fits well into the song. The beat is played quietly in the back while Drake raps, carrying the rhythm of the song through his words. First Jay Z was in The 20/20 Experience, and then Timberlake was in Jay Z’s album Magna Carta Holy Grail. Now Jay Z makes an appearance in The 20/20 Experience (2 Of 2). Murder, featuring Jay Z, is a good song, but it’s not as good as Suit & Tie in the first album. The song is catchy and has a more serious rhythm. I prefer

the more upbeat rhythm of his songs in the first album, but this is still a good song. The last track, Not a Bad Thing, is not one of those songs you can dance to. It’s like Mirrors in the first album, very emotional and it really connects to the listener. It has a soft rhythm and the acoustic guitar adds a nice touch to the song. This song is sort of like a love song, “It’s not a bad thing to fall in love with me.” This track is 11 ½ minutes long and has two parts, but I like the first part more than the second part. It’s a good album, definitely worth picking up.

October 8, 2013


Third Kingdom review

John Gooding The Chronicle

Terry Goodkind’s The Third Kingdom creates a spectacular world of magic and fantasy in which the reader can get lost. In book number 2 of the Sword Of Truth’s second arc, he once again brings the characters to life in way few other authors can do. For those who are new to the series, the main protagonist is Richard Cypher, a simple woods guide who is thrust into the role of Seeker Of Truth, a man who is a law unto himself and uses his power and authority as the Seeker and later as the Lord Rahl to make evil answer to righteousness, wherever and whenever he finds it. Over the course of the 11 novels in the first arc Richard must face evil in the form of his father who is a powerful wizard, the keeper of the underworld and Emperor Jagang, a man who is able to control people’s minds and is obsessed with world domination and many other potentially catastrophic events. Anyone who thought the war was over after Confessor, the conclusion to arc one, was sorely mistaken. The battle for humanity was renewed in The Omen Machine and has continued into The Third Kingdom. Richard and his wife Kahlan’s struggle for the survival of the world does not fail to captivate and draw the reader into their world. Right from the very first page where Richard awakes to find himself a captive of two mysterious creatures and without the gift to help him, all the way to the end, the book is full of scenes to make the reader laugh, cry or hide under the covers. When Richard learns of his missing friends he must find who has taken them and he must venture into the dangerous third kingdom, a place where life and death exist simultaneously and those without souls wander freely, looking for those with souls for them to devour. Goodkind once again shows his mastery by weaving a tale rife with conflict and suspense. If the reader is still looking for closure, they will just have to wait for the next instalment of the series.


The Chronicle


October 8, 2013

Open mic nights rule Oshawa scene William McGuirk The Chronicle

It’s dark downtown. There’s movement in the shadows. Streetlights catch a glint of steel. There’s the sound of running. Heavy breathing. Then a loud thud. Someone dropped a guitar case. Its open mic night at the Thirsty Monk on Celina St. and musicians gather to showcase new work, to play old songs, to hang and hone their skills. Poor Pelly (who’s real name is Kevin Pellerin) has been hosting the weekly Wednesday night meet-up for three years and for three years before that at venues such as the Atria and the Velvet Elvis. It is the longest-running open mic downtown and is known locally as the Hump Day Hoedown. Pelly says open mics are vital to the development of a musician’s craft. “You get seasoned performers. You get people who are just starting out trying their songs for the first time, even cover songs,” he says. “We’ve had hip hop, poetry, even a magician. It’s an open stage. It’s always entertaining but it’s not always that great. But what I tell people is that anyone who gets behind that mic should be applauded because that’s how you learn, how you develop.” Open mics are a popular form of entertainment. On any given weekday there are several to choose from. Players and performers of various skill levels come in and sign up for a slot, usually enough for three songs. The host needs to be a competent musician to cover empty slots on a slow night. Pelly at first shared and then took over hosting duties from Glen Bensley, who ran open mics in the area for almost two decades. Bensley died five years ago but his legacy lives on in the

Will McGuirk

PELLY THIRSTY FOR MUSIC: Poor Pelly hosts the Thirsty Monk open mic every Wednesday night.

Open mic nights schedule

Here is a selection of open mics located in close proximity to Durham College/ UOIT • Monday

The Hub & The Moustache, 15 Simcoe St. N.

• Tuesday

The Atria, 59 King St. E., Simcoe Blues & Jazz, 926 Simcoe St. N.

• Wednesday

The Thirsty Monk, 21 Celina St.

• Thursday

Stuttering John’s, 19 Simcoe St. S.

• Sunday

Wasted Space Art Café, 74 Celina St.

players he nurtured. He also has a star on Oshawa’s Walk of Fame on King Street East. Brad Stella of the Nashvillebased country act The Stellas remembers his time with Bens-

ley fondly. “For me it was this time when everyone was to learn from each other, and then we were all going to be kicked out of the nest,” says the recent winner of a 2013 CCMA award

for group/duo of the year. The Bensley Open Mic was mentioned in the song ‘Rossland Sq.’ written in tribute by Wayne Petti of Cuff The Duke. Both Petti and Paul Lowman of CTD were regulars before moving to Toronto. Other musicians who learned their craft through open mics include Pelly’s band mates in The Stables, Billy Blasko and Darren Clarke, as well as Matt Holtby and Steve Detaeye of Mass Device, and Trish Robb and Patrick Dorie. “It’s way better than practising in your room,” says Dorie, on the eve of playing the Southern Ground Festival with country star Zac Brown. “I find it’s a better form than, I don’t have fancy words for it right now, but its helps you realize that there’s a whole community of musicians who want to be a part of what you’re doing. It’s a great community.

My first involvement was at an open mic at the Griffin Pub in Whitby, years ago with the Brad and Marylynne Stella. That’s where I met everyone else.” Pelly has recently started hosting on Mondays at the Moustache Club. He says there are certain elements that make a successful open mic but there is one key element. “One of the most important things is the venue,” he says. “I’ve run them in a lot of places but what the Velvet Elvis, the Monk and now the Moustache club have in common is that the owners appreciate music. When they’re great and they appreciate it and they love the music, that’s the main thing. That’s number one. I’ve done it in other places and you’re just background music.” The host of The Hub’s open mic Johnny Ross says being fair is the most important. “That’s the biggest thing,” he says. “You show up. It’s first come first served. If you’re there you play first. Make sure sound is great on all levels. Making them sound good builds confidence.” The Hub’s open mic is cohosted by Emerson Ireland and sponsored by Long & McQuade. Instruments are available on stage to be used by the players. “It’s part of the inviting thing,” says Ross. “If a drummer comes out, he’s lost at an open mic, but if there’s bongos or a snare drum or anything percussive he can join in. That means buddies can join in. It’s all about eliminating that feeling of being uncomfortable. You’re here to learn and be a part of something and if you’re a guy on their own, you get up to help them. Any time I see someone who is uncomfortable I’ll be up there playing guitar or the snare.” Meg Patrick of the Stone Sparrows says a good host is equally important. “Is it a musician I want to listen to and hang out with? Is it someone who can keep things on task and when things get weird they reel it back in?” she says. “My whole musical career blossomed from playing open mics. I think they’re necessary, a little painful to sit through, I’m not going to lie. But I gained a lot of confidence from playing open mic. They’re pretty awesome.” Jon Kerr, an instructor at Durham College, is a regular at open mics downtown. “I go to open mic events to stay sharp for one thing,” he says. “Playing in front of an audience consistently is good for a musician’s nerves. However, another big part of the reason I go is to immerse myself in the local music community. I’ve made a lot of good friends by meeting at open mic events.”


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013


Chucky makes a killer final act Steph Morrison The Chronicle

For anyone who has watched the Chucky franchise since the release of Child’s Play in the 1980s, it has been a good 25 to 30 for the story to finally come to a close. The films have taken impressive turns, gone through plenty of plot changes, character development and even shifted in genres. The latest, and what I’m assuming is the final installment, is called Curse of Chucky, which follows the fifth sequel Seed of Chucky that came out in 2004. The story follows a young paraplegic girl, Nica. She lives with her mother in a creepy looking house and tries to live a normal life and take care of herself. Chucky makes his debut within the first five min-

utes when he’s delivered to Nica’s house by an unknown person as he is in all the Chucky movies. Nica’s mother is killed right off the bat, making Nica’s sister and family come to the house to talk her into selling, using the reason that she has a disability and can’t take care of herself.Unlike its predecessors, Bride of Chucky and Seed of Chucky, the sixth film has gone back to its Child’s Play roots, focusing on horror rather than comedy. The Chucky doll has a new design that is sinister and is even scarier than the original doll. Much like the Child’s Play movies, the camera loves to do close up shots on the doll’s face and one of the creepiest moments is when the doll’s pupils dialate almost completely, leaving a tiny ring of blue.The most suspenseful and heart

racing scenes often involve the doll sneaking around, appearing from nowhere and not saying a word. The doll’s appearance was confusing in the beginning. Since Bride of Chucky, the doll has had stitching on his face and hands from when his wife Tiffany sewed his doll body together, but in this latest movie, the stitching is gone and he looks like a modernized, more terrifying version of what he looked like in Child’s Play. It’s not until later in the film that it’s revealed Chucky does have the stitching on his face and he actually appears less scary than before.In terms of casting, it was pretty well done. Brad Dourif returns as the voice of Chucky/Charles Lee Ray and his daughter Fiona Dourif takes the role of the protagonist Nica. Jennifer Tilly comes back as Tiffany

and even Alex Vincent makes a cameo appearance as Andy Barclay; who hasn’t been in a Chucky movie since Child’s Play and Child’s Play 2. The acting was well done and as always Brad Dourif does a wonderful performance as Chucky. The only real complaint I have about the movie is all the plot holes. In Seed of Chucky, the two dolls Chucky and Tiffany have kids and the movie ends on a cliffhanger. The viewer never finds out what happens to them but Tiffany is still alive and helping Chucky commit his murders. It is vaguely mentioned that he killed his family, but if that were true then why is Tiffany alive and why would she help him out if he murdered their kids? It makes no sense. As well, the ending shows Chucky performing his voodoo spell on a little girl, making it

seem like he’s taking over her body (which is Chucky’s main goal throughout the franchise) but then he shows up after the end credits as a doll at Andy Barclay’s house. In the last film, Chucky revealed that he was content being in a doll’s body because he wouldn’t get sick, old and eventually die; yet his main objective is to take over the little girl’s body. It’s almost as if the writer only took small bits and pieces of the previous movies and ignored the rest. The story was still good and explained quite a bit but it left far too much out.Overall, I would recommend the movie to any fans of the killer doll but I would also say be prepared for plot holes and some confusion. It has good scares, a decent story line and some pretty good acting.

EA’s realistic changes to NHL 14

Sean O’Leary The Chronicle

Remember back in the day when the ice was blue, players faces were one giant pixel, and the only buttons you needed to know were to shoot, pass and hit? You couldn’t choose what stick you wanted, or customize your goal celebrations? Hard to believe there was even a time where you couldn’t play online against someone anywhere in the world. The NHL video game franchise has evolved in to a global phenomenon and this September it released its best game yet. EA Sports has been the pinnacle of sports gaming for its entire existence and no franchise has proved that more than the NHL franchise. The release of NHL 14 on

September 10 was the beginning of another year of dominance, winning 26 sports game of the year awards. There are two frequently asked questions about any new version of a game: “How is it different?” and “What’s new about it?” Between NHL 10-13 the games were very similar, minor tweaks to gameplay were the only changes over the past for years, but this year EA Sports went top shelf. For once a hockey game with realistic scoring chances, momentum, and goals. Goalies no longer bite on simple dekes. You can actually go top shelf with a backhand in this game, a feature that hasn’t been available since the dawn of the “skill-stick” era. In past games, the automatic way to score was a one-timer.

Be it from the blue line or the goal line, a one-timer used to almost certainly result in a goal. In NHL 14 it doesn’t take a one-timer to score a goal. You can actually score on, believe it or not, a shot. In the past, goalies would always be in perfect position, never missing a shot, despite how good of position you were in or the quality of the scoring chance you created. This year, the angle you’re skating it at, the goalies positioning, the traffic in front of the net, and where you aim, all factor in to every shot you take, resulting in goals and saves similar to what you see when watching today’s NHL. The most documented feature added to the game was the new enforcer engine. EA Sports remodeled the fighting and collision physics, resulting in mas-

sive hits and realistic fights. Fighting in this makes sense for once. Since it was brought into the game, fighting has just been who can press punch faster will win, in NHL 14, who you’re fighting with matters. Sorry Leaf fans, but you can no longer beat up Zdeno Chara with Phil Kessel simply because you have a faster thumb than your opponent. This year, if Kessel and Chara were to square off it wouldn’t be pretty for Kessel. The height, weight, and player type of the player factor in to the fight, meaning mismatches will often result in the smaller player losing their balance and ultimately losing. The momentum given to your team after winning a fight is also very realistic. Perhaps the best feature added into NHL 14 is the “quick-dekes.” In NHL 12, they

added deking with the skill stick and it was a hit, but this years quick dekes blow are far superior. In previous versions using the skill stick to deke would mean your player would hold the puck out to the point where he is most vulnerable, and be steamrolled by a defender before you could pull of a deke. This year, by simply pressing one button your player uses his momentum to shift in the opposite way of the defender, and protects the puck if it is performed successfully. As a player of the EA Sports NHL franchise since NHL 97, there is excitement every September to get the newest. The franchise sure has come a long way since the days of Super Nintendo but this year NHL has come as close to perfect as it ever has before.


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013

The Chronicle



October 8, 2013

Lords take bronze at OCAA DC golf team plays a solid round to capture third Luke Callebert The Chronicle

The Durham Lords men’s varsity golf team won a division II bronze medal on Oct. 1 at the OCAA championships. The Lords posted their lowest score of the tournament in the final round and it was good enough to secure third place. Head coach Tyler Martin had said he thought the team had the talent to medal at the championships and they did. The third place finish didn’t come without struggles though. The first two days did not go exactly as planned. “It was just the guys not performing how they can, they were struggling,” said Martin. “It had been a rough go, and the guys had just been plain struggling with the course.” The tournament was held at the Paris Grand Country Club in Brantford. Golfers from 15 OCAA college campuses were represented. The tournament was a threeround competition in which it did rain during day one, said Martin, which caused a lot of guys to be off their games. “They’d been putting too much pressure on themselves, there just seemed to be a couple of holes each round where the guys would post a double

Al Fournier

BRONZE-PLATED FINISH: Ron Draycott tees off in the second round of the OCAA champions in Brantford. or triple bogey,” said Martin. “There’s a tough couple holes there, where if you miss a spot, it can lead to some higher numbers on the scoreboard.” The individual leaders of the team were Ron Draycott and Craig Conroy, who each fin-

ished plus-27. Draycott was the early individual leader for Durham. He shot a 79 and 81 before falling off on the last day,. The team had been consistently getting better from tournament to tournament. Their most recent finish was fourth

at the contest they hosted at Lakeridge Links just before the OCAA championships. Humber finished first for the eighth straight time, ironically dating back to the last time Durham won the team title when Martin was with the team

as a player. In the individual competitions, Humber’s Christian McCullough finished first shooting a minus-6. Humber’s Adam Dumais and last year’s individual champion Colton Kalkanis finished tied for second.

DC undefeated in seven

Ryan Verrydt The Chronicle

The Lords women’s soccer team extended their undefeated streak to seven games after a busy week in which they played three games in five days. First up, the team took on Algonquin at home on Sept. 27. and battled to a 2-2 draw. The opposing team dominated the game early, earning three corner kicks in the first seven minutes before capping it off with a goal into the top left corner in the 13th minute. The Lords responded quickly and capitalized on a miscue by Algonquin as the goalie’s clearance bounced off Jade Kurham and into the net for her second goal of the season. In the 20th minute, top scorer from last year Megan Arsenault had to be helped off the field after being pushed from behind while chasing down a ball, and injuring her knee. The Lords have been plagued with injuries from the start of the season with several veter-

ans missing time. “It’s making a difference because most of them are our starters,” said head coach David Staley after the game. Kurham then converted a corner kick from Brittney Sero in the first half of extra time for her second goal of the game to give the Lords a 2-1 lead. Algonquin tied the game in the second half after a shot deflected off a Lords player’s hand inside the box and keeper Alicia Del Fuoco guessed wrong on the ensuing penalty kick. The teams traded chances right till the end, with the Lords failing to capitalize on a loose ball in the box in the 83rd minute and Algonquin putting a ball just over the crossbar in the 90th minute of action. “We need to keep the ball more. We’re kicking the ball away way too much,” said Staley. Algonquin dominated time of possession. The next day against La Cite at Vaso’s Field, the Lords earned a decisive 7-1 victory. They opened quickly with

goals from Brittney Sero and Chelsey Rogatinksy in the first 20 minutes of action. La Cite answered in the 36th minute with their lone goal of the game and the Lords took a 2-1 lead into the second half. In the second half the Lords blew it wide open. The team rallied for five goals, including a hat-trick from veteran Kaela Stinchcombe. Kristina Crawford added her first goal as a Lord and Brittney Sero scored her second of the game and team-leading eighth of the year. After the blowout against La Cite the Lords played to a 0-0 draw against George Brown on Oct. 1. The ladies dominated most of the game, but missed capitalizing on chances. The Lords now sit with a 5-12 record on the year and trail Seneca and St. Lawrence in the east division of the OCAA. The final game of the season was scheduled for Oct. 5, where the Lords took on the Seneca Sting in what could be a pivotal match.

Ryan Verrydt

HARD-FOUGHT DRAW: Vanessa Gudgin battles for the ball against an Algonquin player in the Lords match on Sept. 27. The game ended in a 2-2 draw.


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013


Thunder makes pitiful sound Durham looks good going into final game

DC men’s soccer scores

Ryan Verrydt The Chronicle

The Lords men’s soccer team improved their record to 5-2-0 on the season, going 2-1 over the past three games. The Lords first of the three games in five days was on Sept. 27 against Algonquin at Vaso’s Field. Despite a good effort, the Lords dropped the game 2-0 against an Algonquin squad that sits tied for first place in the OCAA east division. Algonquin jumped out to a 1-0 lead after a goal from a free kick was put past a sprawling Michael Ashfield. The Lords had their chances to equalize, including a shot from Marco Trotta that hit the post in the 32nd minute, but they failed to capitalize and trailed 1-0 going into the half. The second half played out much like the first. Algonquin scored on a corner kick in the 56th minute, and the Lords had their chances to answer, but failed to convert. With no time to rest the Lords welcomed La Cite to Vaso’s Field the next day, Sept. 28.

Date Opponent


Sept. 6 Win 4-0 St. Lawrence Sept 12. Centennial

Loss 2-1

Sept. 17 Fleming

Win 1-0

Sept. 21 Cambrian

Win 3-0

Sept. 27 Algonquin

Loss 2-0

Sept. 28 La Cite

Win 3-1

Oct. 1 Win 2-0 George Brown Oct. 5 Seneca Al Fournier

DC MEN’S SOCCER: Kashiff De Jonge runs for the ball against the Algonquin Thunder. The Lords fell behind early with the team from Ottawa scoring in just the 13th minute of play. The Lords trailed 1-0 at half

time but rallied in the second half. Richie Khasow scored his third goal of the season right after the half started. Luke Morrison pitched in with

his first of the year and Marco Trotta added his fourth of the year as the Lords went on to win the game 3-1. The team then travelled to


Toronto on Oct. 1 to take on George Brown, where they defeated the Huskies 2-0. Freshman Kashiff De Jonge came through big for the Lords, notching his third and fourth goals in the first half to give the Lords the win. The Lords and Seneca played Oct. 5.

Rookie college-level pitcher Crosby gets first win Dan Cearns The Chronicle

On Sept. 20, pitcher Danielle Crosby picked up her first ever win for the Durham Lords women’s fastball team and first at the Ontario College Athletic Association level with a 23-2 victory over Mohawk. This season, Crosby has been the kind of player teams count on in key situations as she has picked up a win and two saves in the four games that she has played. “Danielle has been a breath of fresh air. She works hard every night. She had a great game the other night on the mound,” said Lords head coach Jim Nemish. “She had a lot of snap in her pitches and the good thing about Danielle is that she is a gamer. She has played some outfield for us, she’s got a good stick and when she swings the bat it is hard to take her out of the lineup.” Crosby draws her determination from a familiar source: her mother, someone for whom success did not come easy. “She came from Portugal and she worked really hard to get where she wanted to be,” she said. “She is a very strong woman and I want to be just like

She knew from a young age her.” that she wanted to be a pitchCrosby mentioned that her mother, er because it offered her Olimpia, was five years old when she something that no other came to Canada. She was an immigrant in a new land and she didn’t speak any position could. “I just kind of wanted to take control of English. the game,” she said. “When I was youngShe later landed a job as a teacher and er, I would play outfield and I would now serves as principal at St. Thomas always want to be there More elementary school in controlling the action.” Scarborough. When Crosby is on the One lesson her mother Danielle has been mound, she is dialed in taught her sticks out in a breath of fresh air. and doesn’t pay attention her mind above the rest. She works hard every to any outside forces. “She always taught me to go and get what I night. She had a great “ I think I am pretty want,” she said. game the other night calm. I don’t hear people in the stands cheering or Crosby wants to do on the mound. something just like her if the other team is trying to distract me I don’t mom after she graduates. hear anything. I just kind “I want to become eiJim Nemish of block it out. I just focus ther a high school gym on if the coach is talking to teacher or an elementary me. I focus on that and the catcher.” school teacher. I love working with little Crosby’s greatest accomplishment kids,” she said and she is getting her before she joined the team came a few start in the Early Childhood Education years back in a big softball game. program. “Two or three years ago we were Crosby chose to play fastball because she likes that it is a team playing in qualifiers, and it would be my game instead of a single person sport. team’s first year making it to provincials. “You need the team or you are not go- We had to play a very hard game against ing to get that far,” said Crosby. “Every- Barrie that year and they always beat us one has to be working together.” and it came down to that game as the do

or die game. We ended up beating them and I was pitching and it was just a really strong game for me and the team.” Despite this being her first year with the Lords, the team bonding started early last year for Crosby. “Last winter I came out with the girls to get to know everyone because I live in the area so Jim invited me out,” she said. Crosby’s favourite memory from her time at Durham College came on the team’s first road trip. “Probably the trip to Rochester because that was my first time away with the team and that was really fun,” Crosby said. “We went shopping and we played games with the team and then we went out for dinner and that was really fun.” Crosby seems to have a good relationship with all of her teammates as they share a good bit of time with one another on and off the field. “If any girls on the team are free, I go hang out with them and we go out for lunch and do other stuff together.” Crosby now has her first win with the team, , but most likely won’t be satisfied until the Lords have won it all.


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013


Aggressive Ridgebacks still lose

UOIT outshoots Western by almost 2-1

Jesse Harrison-Kish The Chronicle

The UOIT Ridgebacks women’s soccer team lost a tough game against Western Saturday, Sept. 29. Despite the effort the Ridgebacks put into the game, outshooting the Western team 8-5, the shots that went in the net made the difference, with Western winning 2-1. Kylie Bordeleau, the MVP of the game for the Ridgebacks, said she thinks the team got away from their style of play. “We got into more of their style of play, which is like kicking over the top. I just feel like we weren’t really composed and playing our game. I mean, we still played well and tried to shut them down.” What Bordeleau described

Jesse Harrison-Kish

SPLITTING DEFENDERS: Mid-fielder Kayla DeSouza tries to run the ball between two Western defenders. was clear to see on the field. The Ridgebacks, despite outshooting Western, seemed to be chasing more often than be-

ing chased. The first half seemed fairly even, but unfortunately it was Western who, scoring at the

33-minute mark, came into the second half with the lead. The second half was all Western.

Letting in another goal at the 61-minute mark, the Ridgebacks fell behind by two goals. However, their spirit would not be crushed that easily. Just over ten minutes later, the Ridgebacks finally broke the shutout. But, by this point it was not enough to save the game. The Ridgebacks, still being a young team, have plenty of things that they need to refine, but there is one major thing that the coach and players agree on. As Bordeleau said, “right now, I think we need to improve on our consistency, and still playing our game when we are playing against teams that play a different style of soccer. We work on specific things, and we need to keep to that if we want to win games.” With this loss, the Ridgebacks are now 3-5-2 this season. With their main goal being to make it to the playoffs two consecutive years, they have a lot to work on, and not a long time to do it. Nevertheless, the Ridgebacks have gone out every game and played their hearts out. They were scheduled to play Saturday, Oct. 5 against Brock.

UOIT scoreless against Western Lords

Depleted Ridgebacks struggle on the offensive end Matthew Mazer The Chronicle

It was a tough game for the Ridgebacks men’s soccer team once again, as they fell to 3-0 to the Western Mustangs on Sept. 29. In the first half, the Ridgebacks didn’t get a single shot on goal, while the Mustangs had seven shots, with three of those becoming the only goals of the entire game. It was pretty evident that the Ridgebacks were struggling getting into the offensive zone during the first half. “I don’t think there was a big problem with us getting the ball in the offensive zone,” midfielder Alexander Cuccovillo said. ”I think it was more of our focus in the defensive zone. We lost focus in the first 10-15 minutes and let in three easy goals.” The Ridgebacks played quite

Matthew Mazer

WATCHING THE BALL: A UOIT player tries to beat Rudy James, a Western player, to the ball sloppy in the first half., which allowed Western to score three goals. The goals that were scored came in the first half.

The first was from forward Filippo Iuliani in the 10th minute, followed by defenceman Aaron Schneebeli in the 19th minute and lastly by midfielder

Oliver Richardson, who scored in the 21st minute. Goalkeeper Travis Martin sustained an injury in the 39th minute, forcing backup goalkeeper Karan Thaker to play the remaining 51 minutes. The Ridgebacks played much better in the second half than the first. “Second half, we kind of dominated them, I would say. We played very well. I really think we just need to get back on the field, work hard and focus,” Cuccovillo said. Coach Vaso Vujanovic was not too happy with the way the team played either. “The focus wasn’t there mentally. Preparation wasn’t there. They got three shots, three goals. After that it’s hard to compose yourself,” Vujanovic said. “We go back to square one and see why we mentally collapse game after game. We have injuries. I have two players who are injured and didn’t play today. Both are leaders, so I didn’t have leadership on the field. Nobody was trying to grab the team, say “’shake up and get moving.’” The Ridgebacks had backto-back away games on Oct. 5 and 6 against Brock and McMaster. Their next home game is on Oct. 11 at 8 p.m. when McMaster visits.

in solid second

Joe LeBouthillier The Chronicle

The Durham Lords baseball team is in a slump lately but their record (8-3) is still good enough to land them a second-place tie with the Humber Hawks (8-5) in the OCAA standings with 16 points each. Durham’s last game was a 13-1 win against the Seneca Sting. The Lords split a doubleheader against the George Brown Huskies on Sept. 29. They won their first game 11-1 and lost the next 3-1. The Lords had four games scheduled against Seneca throughout the 2013 season. Seneca is the last-place team in the standings with a 0-11 record. The Lords have won each game against the Sting; 22-0, 13-1 and 13-1 again. They rescheduled the Sept. 24 game against the Sting, however there has been no date set. The results for the Oct. 3 home game against George Brown and the Oct. 5 doubleheader at St. Clair were not available at press time.


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013

The first of many to come Dan Cearns The Chronicle

The UOIT Ridgebacks women’s lacrosse team picked up their first ever win in their four-year history with an 8-6 win over the McGill Redmen on Sept. 28 in Peterborough. “It was intense. It was a bit of a roller coaster, but it was a great feeling and one that we haven’t had before,” said Lords co-coach Amy Fincham. “Definitely your blood is rushing. It was a really great feeling to share with the team, one that obviously made history we had never won before so it was a great feeling.” According to the other co-coach Liane Chornobay, there was one key that made the team successful. “A more experienced group was on the field than we have had before,” she said. Both coaches agreed that is what the teams they’ve had past three years have been missing and what has held them back. “In the past I think it was just a young team and I think it comes down to inexperience compared to other players on other teams,” said Fincham. Chornobay has seen some positives come from the past few seasons when they haven’t won. “Some of the downs that we have experienced have


Fast losses

Dan Cearns The Chronicle

Dan Cearns

SMILES FOR MILES: The UOIT Ridgebacks women’s lacrosse team poses at Vaso’s Field on Oct. 1 after their first win in their four-year history. probably made us stronger,” said Chornobay. “Probably our coaching style is stronger and that probably contributed to the fact that we won on the weekend.” Ridgebacks player Jill Carroll has seen first-hand how that experience has improved the team’s game. “I think our perseverance through our first weekends not winning gave us the strength to get through the game that we won,” said Carroll. “I think it was a good start to our second weekend.” When the lacrosse team was first created, it was all about the girls’ experiences.

“I just looked to start a program that will carry on for years and will give girls the opportunity to play and create friendships while competing at a university level,” said Fincham. For the two coaches, it is a different experience every year with different expectations. “Every year there are different dynamics on the team,” said Chornobay. “To say that we would have one philosophy each year would be impossible so we try to make sure that it is a great fit for everybody.” Fincham mentioned that a few things in her philosophy as coach have changed over the

years. “We have increased our expectations of the players and have just stepped up our game in that we are pushing them harder, and changing plays to match the level of experience of some of the other teams we are facing.” Now that they have a win under there belt, both coaches plan to expand on it. “I would say just build on the positive experience of winning a game,” said Chornobay. “ Getting that first win it is always good for them to get a taste of it and it gives them a little bit more to strive for the rest of the season.”

The Durham Lords women’s fastball team is now on a three-game losing streak after losing both games of a doubleheader against Humber 7-3 and 8-3 on Oct. 1. The Lords’ four-game winning streak came to an end on Sept. 28 as they lost 6-0 to the undefeated St. Clair Saints. They managed only three hits in the game, and allowed all six runs on 12 hits, striking out only one. Durham continued their domination of Mohawk on Sept. 26 with two wins over the Mountaineers by scores of 5-3 and 15-0. The Lords defeated Mohawk on Sept. 20 with a 23-2 victory, to start their winning streak against the last placed team. Stephanie McLachlin picked up three runs on three hits in five at-bats. Laura Arbour improved her batting average to 0.667. She was one of three Durham College athletes named athlete of the week. They are now 5-6 and are third in the standings.

Things are not so quiet Passing the racket on to a on the Western front new generation Shane MacDonald The Chronicle

Joe LeBouthillier The Chronicle

The UOIT Ridgebacks men’s tennis team will be serving up some trouble at the OUA Championships on Oct. 11 and 12 at York University. With no team wins in any of their matches, the Ridgebacks look forward to a repeat of last year. Rob Petrican went to the finals of his flight last year. Assistant coach for the men’s team, Eric LeBlanc, said ,“I’d really like to see if Rob [Petrican] can repeat and go to the finals again.” Petrican lost in the finals of the fourth flight at the OUAs last year. Petrican said he had trouble with his opponent’s serve. “He had a stronger serve than I did and it was tough to keep up with him. He was really good,” Petrican said.

Kitso Leshope, the team’s MVP last year, is going to be the team’s top player heading into the OUAs. “It’ll be exciting to see how [Leshope] does, as he was the team MVP last year and he’ll get it this year 100 per cent,” Kane Easton said. “Tushar [Gaur] has been our best rookie thus far. He’s won a singles match and a couple of doubles matches.” For a rookie, that is a pretty good start. However, Gaur needs to control his emotions on the court. He needs to focus less on throwing his racket around and more on what his opponent will do next. Veteran player Anirudh Thommandrum has been with the team for six years. “This is my last season with the team. This year is the most rookies we’ve ever had at once,” said Thommandrum. He thinks this bodes well for the future.

The women’s UOIT Ridgebacks season has come to an end and the OUA Championships are approaching. The women’s team closed out their seven-regulationgame season without a win. Their last three games against McMaster, Western and Montreal were all tough games and all losses played within one weekend. “It was pretty bad, we were pretty tired by Friday,” says SanKavy PremaKumar. SanKavy and her sister Ragavey PremaKumar won their doubles match 8-5 against the McMaster Marauders but the Ridgebacks still lost out on the doubles point because McMaster won the other two matches. On Oct. 28 the Ridgebacks headed down to Western University for their homecoming. Ragavey said when they arrived everyone was wearing purple. The Ridgebacks lost 7-0 to the defending OUA

Shane MacDonald

YOU GOT SERVED: Kelly Massicotte of the UOIT Ridgebacks women’s tennis team returning a serve. champions. “Western is a really good team. They are probably going to end up winning the whole tournament, so we just tried to get our personal best out there,” says SanKavy Last year UOIT placed second last in the OUA

championships. Ragavey said she hopes the team finishes above second last. “I feel like our team is so good. Now that we’ve played everyone we know what to expect and we should be able to use that to our advantage.”


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013


Lords’ most decorated golfer returns as coach Tyler Martin rejoins the golf team he led to so much past success Luke Callebert The Chronicle

When walking into Mike Duggan’s office you can tell he has a love for sports. Basketball memorabilia, specifically from the Boston Celtics, is scattered throughout his office. The standout-sporting piece, though, is a wooden case hanging on the wall. Two hundred and four golf balls, with different logos, are spread across 12 shelves. On another shelf there’s a team Canada golf bag and even his mouse pad is in the shape of a putting green. Coach of the Durham College varsity golf teams for 17 years, Duggan started in 1996, rebuilding the reintroduced golf program from the ground up. A daunting task considering in the early ‘90s the golf program was cut from Durham College sports. “You basically don’t know what you have to work with in the first year of coaching,” said Duggan. He left being the coach of the Lords women’s basketball team for the position. The program started off slowly, not medalling until the 2001-‘02 season at OCAA Division I Championships, though from there it was full steam ahead. After that first medal, Durham then achieved medals in nine of the next 11 Team Division I Championships, including back-to-back team medals in ’04-‘05 and ’05-‘06. Tyler Martin, a young upand-comer with the Lords team, anchored those winning teams. He won the OCAA Individual Championship in ’04‘05 and ’06-‘07. The ’05-‘06 season in between, Martin was the runner up but went on to win the National Champion-

Al Fournier

A FAMILIAR FACE: Tyler Martin (far left), in his first team photo... as head coach of the program, that is. ship. Duggan noticed Martin was a different breed of athlete right away. “From day one you could see it,” said Duggan. “You could see it even from his parents that he was that focused and brought up well.” Duggan said he wasn’t just focused on the course but in the classroom as well. It made Martin well rounded, succeeding both at the sport and his studies. “Ty had this aura about him when it came to golf, just mentally tough,” Duggan continued. “He was a more quiet silent type and focused as a player.” Graduating from Durham College’s now-defunct Professional Golf management program in 2007, Martin left as

one of the Lords’ most accomplished golfers ever. In 2006, he won the Bonnie GinterBrown leadership award and was male athlete of the year. Martin achieved 11 medals between provincial and national competitions. His golf career took him to the PGA Tour Canada for a number of seasons where he competed across North America. Meanwhile Duggan continued coaching the Lords golf program. When he decided the 2012-‘13 season would be his last, the only question was who would step in to become the new coach. Duggan wanted someone to continue the program’s successful reputation. “The Durham program is known across Canada, not just because of success but how

we conduct ourselves on and off the course. We respect the game of golf,” said Duggan. Duggan narrowed down his search to Martin, or his former teammate Will Mitchell. Martin had previously expressed an interest in coming back to coach, while Mitchell was on tour and more focused on that. “Tyler was my guy. He’s a class act and he’s been a class act since day one since he stepped into the doors of the athletic centre, and Durham College and the golf program,” said Duggan. “I know that he’ll carry on what we started, what I started, and our beliefs and our traditions.” When he decided Martin was the guy for the job, Duggan sent him a Facebook message asking if he would be in-

terested. Martin jumped at the opportunity. “I’ve always wanted to get into the program since I left in some way,” said Martin, seeming genuinely excited to come back to the place where he had so much success. “I hadn’t talked to Mike [Duggan] in a while, then got a Facebook message with the offer and I was blown away.” Now with the season in full swing, the golf team is coming together nicely, said Martin, who has picked seven golfers for the team. Martin said the team has the talent to post the scores needed to win. The transition from veteran coach to new coach has been easy, Duggan said. Because Martin came through the program he was already prepared to lead. Martin is just looking forward to the OCAA Championships, as tournaments have already begun. “I’m hoping to be able to help the guys with their game and swings.” As for Duggan, nothing has slowed down for him. He’s still the athletic co-ordinator for Durham College. He’s still around the college helping the golf team, even practising with them from time to time. Duggan takes care of all the administrative duties, but when it comes to coaching the team he’s fully stepped aside allowing Martin the freedom to do his own thing, even though he’s always there to help. So it’s completely natural that Martin turned to Duggan for advice after the first tournament struggles. The former coach offered some advice: “Welcome to the coaching world, my friend.”

Spike! Luke Callebert The Chronicle

The Lords women’s volleyball team started their season on Sept. 27 in Gatineau. Durham finished the tournament with a 3-2 record, but that was after beating their first three opponents. Durham fell behind early to Sherbrooke before eventually winning 3-1. They then beat the La Cite Coyotes 4-0, and the Sheridan Bruins 3-1. But the team hit a wall and dropped the next two games to opponents from Quebec. The tournament was a tune up for the season, which continues on the weekend of Oct. 5 when the women will compete in the Humber Cup in Etobicoke.


The Chronicle

October 8, 2013

The Chronicle

October 8, 2013



The Chronicle

October 8, 2013

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