Eca - Thursday, May 11, 2017

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Your favourite source for news and entertainment in 30 pt EastR Central Alberta, reaching 90 communities weekly

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Volume 106 No. 19

05-11-2017Mich1.125x10.75.indd 1

Pages 15 - 16

Patriot® Series Sprayers

Western Financial The Brick, Stettler Home Hardware, CLive Peavey Mart Rona Lowes Food Fare, Castor IGA Sobeys AG Foods, Coronation

provide consistent, accurate application across every piece of ground, all season, every season.

Spray better


National Police Week Pages 12 - 13

Wheel of a Deal


Garden Centre Now in Full Bloom

Hanna, AB • 403-854-3711

5/3/17 11:12:44 AM

Big Valley council �������������� 2 Bashaw council ����������������� 3 Botha’s future �������������������� 3 Paintearth council ������������� 3 Theresetta school �������������� 5 Viewpoints/Letter �������������� 6 Legislature ������������������������ 6 Parliament ������������������������ 6 Obituaries ������������������� 7, 11 Hanna District 4-H ������������� 8 RCMP ������������������������������ 12 Classifieds/Careers �����10-11 Special Areas ������������������� 14

the horses are. They are a replica of how you are.” No hydraulic rock pickers remove rocks from the field. Instead, they are handpicked by strenuous manual labour. The crop will be harvested this fall using two restored vintage John Deere binders. The public is welcome to watch brute horsepower in action and experience this old fashioned farming event on May 13 - 14. Just head to Lynn Cain and Mike Forsyth’s farm, which is located west of the Joffre plant on Freedom Road and Township Road 38-4. Follow Township Road 38-4 west for two miles and it will turn into Range Road 26-2. Go north for half a mile. The event, of course, depends on Mother Nature and it could be rained out. “The power of one horse is amazing but when you get six and eight hooked up and working together, you have some real horsepower.”



of eight draft horses are Percherons. Getting horses moving in the spring is similar to compelling humans to budge after a long winter of inactivity. “You have to get them stronger and get them in shape,” said Fulford. “If you get them in pretty good shape you can get six to eight hours a day. When they first start out they go three to four hours. You don’t want to exhaust them, their lungs, you want to muscle tire them. You give them a lot of breaks to get their wind; plough 10 minutes and stop for five minutes. Once they are in shape they can go half an hour and stop for 10 minutes.” To get the horses in motion, Fulford commands them with ‘team’ or a clicking sound using the cheek or tongue. To make them stop ‘whoa’ works, and if they’re tired, just hesitating will prompt the enormous work horses to stop. “It does take a lot of patience. The calmer you are the calmer

Toll Free: 1-877-811-8855 13090 Barlow Trail NE

The lost ways of farming the land with horses are being restored. Brett Fulford and Cam Anderson expect 46 draft horses from across Alberta to help plow and seed land near Clive for 24-2 Draft Horses’ fourth annual seeding event utilizing authentic horsepower on May 13 - 14. “We will be plowing down last year’s barley stubble and then disking, harrowing and seeding with a 1940ish Van Brunt, fourhorse seed drill,” said Fulford. This year 24-2 Draft Horses have teamed up with Old Prairie Sentinel Distillery in Lacombe. They will seed about 15 acres of Newdale, two-row malting barley on Lynn Cain and Mike Forsyth’s land, who practice organic farming in Lacombe County. The entire project should take two days, weather permitting. “With the amount of horses

we will have we should have it all finished up by Sunday afternoon.” The work, however, is physically demanding on the men and women who are bringing back this traditional way of farming. But the rewards are clear. “It’s very relaxing and enjoying doing something different with your horses.” And working together in large groups has its benefits. “I enjoy the visiting, no stress, just relaxing with the horses. “Some old guys remember doing it in their youth for a living,” he said, adding that the old-timers pass on valuable knowledge and skills. Fulford has a day job in the oilfield and farming is a hobby. “It’s pretty much on weekends and after supper that we get to play. Sometimes you’re out there until after, or past dark because you know you have to go to work in the morning or that rain is coming.” Fulford and Anderson’s team


Lisa Joy

ECA Review reporter

Saturday urday May 13, 2017 Edmonton, Alberta Saturday SSatu atuurday rday dayy Ma May M 27,, 2017 0017 Calgary, algary, alga ggary Albe Alberta Alber b tata

Reviving vanishing farming practices

Toll Free: 1-800-665-5888 Hwy 16A W Rge Rd 262

Cam Anderson and Brett Fulford of 24-2 Draft Horses near Clive, along with Brad Fulford on the drill plan a weekend of farming the land with horses May 13- 14 weather permitting. They are expecting 46 draft horses at this 4th Annual Seeding event. ECA Review/Submitted

Free delivery service available within town limits Store Hrs: Mon. - Sat. 8 am - 9 pm; Sun. 10 am - 7 pm Pharmacy Hrs: Mon. - Fri. 9 am - 6 pm; Sat. On Call 9 am - 3 pm

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· AFS AccuGuide™ automated guidance helps reduce skips and overlaps. · AutoBoom™ automatic boom height control maintains optimum spray height for better coverage. · AIM Command FLEX™ advanced spray technology delivers consistent, flexible and accurate application, regardless of speed and terrain.

2 May

11'17 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

ECA review


Tiny house project by-law stalls at second reading Linda Stillinger

ECA Review Reporter The land use bylaw amendment to establish a tiny house residential district in Big Valley was given second reading at the April regular council meeting. Information gathered from the April 13 public hearing was reviewed in detail with no new legal implications brought forward. Total development expenses for the subdivision are still unknown and as a result lot prices could not be set. Twenty-one prospective buyers are on the official waiting list anticipating notification. The conundrum of how to fit ‘park models’ into the subdivision’s proposed architectural guidelines was debated at length, with council weighing amendments to the guidelines against excluding potential purchasers. Not able to uncover a satisfactory solution to the issue, council requested that administration seek recommendations from the planners and bring back a report to the next council meeting.

Clean audit

Council approved the 2016 financial statements after being presented with a clean audit report from Justin Tanner of Gitzel and Company Chartered Accountants. According to Tanner, everything is being done as approved and it is safe to say nothing goes out of the office without council knowing about it. The village ended 2016 with $3,117,145 in accumulated surplus consisting of $540,709 in unrestricted surplus and $2,586,436 equity in tangible assets. Outstanding taxes were up at $68,766 compared to $51,908 in 2015. Tanner stated that the increase in taxes in arrears is a trend he has been seeing in municipalities. With $764,523 in financial assets, up from last year’s $670,690 and liabilities of $248,699 up from $170,139, Big Valley continues to maintain a strong financial position.

Taxes increase

A property tax increase of approximately two per cent overall was approved when council passed Bylaw 831, bumping up the municipal mill rate to 9.7700 for residential and 11.5275 for non- residential.

Water, sewer and garbage charges did not increase. Not changing the mill rate would have resulted in a $6,848 budget deficit. Though tax increases are never popular, ensuring Big Valley has a balanced budget is a good move for the community.

Capital Budget

An amendment to the capital budget will result in an $8000 increase to sidewalk repairs this year. Originally set aside for the purchase of a street sander, administration was unable to locate one for less than $14,000. Public works did not request an increase to the budget, instead recommending council reallocate the funds to the sidewalk budget. Staff will be checking all sidewalks in the village to “risk assess” the need for repair and replacement. The 2017 capital budget also includes a significant amount of much needed street paving and a new roof for the village Quonset building.

based bylaw enforcement, however village inspections and associated warning notices in both 2014 and 2015 resulted in a marked increase in compliance.

Métis exhibit

Hivernant Métis Cultural Society delegates presented council with an update on development plans for their lots on Railway Avenue. The society is eager to create a permanent interpretive exhibit of Métis

Village cleanup

Staff will conduct a whole village inspection to check for compliance with the village nuisance abatement bylaw. Property owners with unkempt yards or stockpiles of debris will be issued warning notices accordingly. Big Valley usually does complaint


Coal Transition and Your Community Telephone Town Hall17051DG0 with Deron Bilous, Minister of Economic Development and Trade

The Financial Statement

for the year ending December 31, 2016 for the MD of Provost No. 52 is available at the MD Administration Building (4504 – 53 Ave., Provost, AB). Please pick up a copy or contact the MD office if you require a copy. Phone: 780-753-2434 or 780-857-2434 Email: A copy can also be downloaded from our Website:

Learn how the Alberta government is working with community and industry leaders to build a local economy for the future. Please join us to share your ideas, questions and concerns.

Monday, May 15 6 – 7 pm To register visit:


Town of Coronation

You are invited to the Coronation Landfill Open House

Development Office Notice of Decision Notice is hereby given of the following decisions in accordance with the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, Chapter M-26, and Bylaw No. 2009-559 and amendments thereto, of the Town of Coronation: Permit #2017-004 - Approved Lot 22A Scott Muncey Block 2 4452 Park Crescent Plan 8221188 Proposed Development: 19.5’ by 11.5’ Garden Shed/Lean-to The above noted application(s) will be held fourteen (14) days after publication of this notice at which time these decisions are deemed to be final unless otherwise appealed. Any person wishing to appeal a decision may file an appeal at the Town Office 5015 Victoria Avenue, Coronation, AB or by mail to Box 219, Coronation, AB T0C 1C0 Date of Publication: May 11, 2017 Town of Coronation Development Officer Sandra Kulyk

history and culture on the property. Plans include the installation of authentic tipis, trapper’s tent, Métis arts and crafts displays, a Red River cart and a proposed story board project involving twelve double-sided free-standing panels with images and text. Though the story board project is contingent on securing government funding, plans to install a tipi and Red River cart in time for the June Rails and Tales exhibition will go ahead.

Hope College is accepting applications for our Fall 2017 Semester featuring programs in • Exercise and Wellness • Business • Justice • Tourism • Massage Therapy • Integrative Nutrition. Register by August 1st for a chance to WIN a laptop compliments of Tech-Rex. Summer session business courses are also being offered. Contact Dave Watson at 403-856-8108 or

Come learn about how a landfill operates, how we protect the environment and about our future plans.

Community Recreation Centre 5018 Windsor Avenue, Coronation, Alberta Wednesday, May 24, 5:00 to 7:00pm For information about the Coronation Landfill, please visit our website:

Please note, Due to our merger with Waste Connections Inc. in June 2016, we transitioned Progressive Waste to one identity with our combined company. You will find Waste Connections listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol WCN.

ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

Bashaw avoids tax increase on operating budget Lisa Joy

ECAReview reporter Town of Bashaw council passed its $1.8 million 2017 operating budget May 4 and residents will only see a .77 per cent increase in taxes for the town’s operations. Council still has to discuss and pass its 2017 capital budget. The .77 per cent tax increase amounts to an extra $710,655 that the town needs for its operating budget instead of the expected $757,304 shortfall. In 2016 the town collected $705,192. Council sent the budget back to administration at its April 20 meeting for tweaking and to avoid a 4.9 per cent tax increase. Coun. Lynn Schultz praised the town for only a .77 per cent increase. “We did some refinements,” said Bashaw Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Theresa Fuller. She said since administration did the draft budget in April, the town was approved for an $8,400 STEP grant to

hire a student. In addition, projects weren’t done last year that were budgeted, such as painting the water tower. The town collects about $18,000 each year for a Fortis franchise fee and this year $13,000 of that will go towards town beautification. Last year the town only put $8,500 towards beautification.

Renews auditor agreement

Council, during its regular meeting May 4 unanimously voted in favour of continuing with auditor Gitzel and Company. The town’s contract with them expires Dec. 31. CAO Fuller said sometimes it’s good to switch auditors. “If you get too good of a rapport it can be difficult and you can get a bias.” Coun. Bryan Gust said there were “advantages” to using the same auditor adding that the town has used them for “quite awhile.” CAO Fuller agreed Gitzel and Company are efficient.

Deciding Botha’s future Linda Stillinger

ECA Review Reporter About a dozen residents gathered at the Botha Community Centre on Thurs., May 4 for a final review of the community’s viability report. Hosted by Viability Review Team (VRT) members Linda Reynolds and Sarah Ranson, both from Municipal Affairs, the public information session was the last opportunity for residents to ask questions before they vote on the future of their community. Reynolds and Ranson highlighted the critical determining factors found in the viability report which demonstrate that the Village of Botha is clearly not viable at present. High on the list was Botha’s shortage of business taxpayers, placing most of the burden on homeowners to raise the revenues needed to operate the village.


Wild boars by-law issue Paintearth County resident raises issue over by-law pertaining to Paintearth County council will take another look at the wording for “wild boars” before passing the amended Land Use By-law. Council heard at their May 2 regular council meeting that the addition to the amended Land Use By-law prohibits wild boars in the county, however Chad Weber’s farming occupation is cross breeding domestic sows with wild boars. Council was unaware of this farming operation. Weber has a market and has recently purchased another barn to expand his operation to 400 sows. “Alberta Agriculture are the ones with the fencing standards,” said Agriculture Fieldman, Jeff Cosens who was in attendance at the meeting. Turn to Falcons, Pg 15

With low revenues, the village is not able to afford to hire and retain qualified personnel to run the municipality effectively. An infrastructure audit revealed over $3 million in required repairs and upgrades with $1.2 million needed in the first two years to ensure public safety and health. The village has no savings to draw from to cope with any unforeseen expenses or to plan for the future. Two viability options face Botha residents. The first is that the Village of Botha remains a village and implements changes to achieve viability. The second is to dissolve the Village of Botha and become a hamlet in Stettler County. Few questions were posed following the presentation. After adjournment, a number of attendees revealed that their decisions had already been made and nothing discussed in the information session would change their votes. One resident predicted a low voter turnout, but hoped that apathy would not leave this important community decision in the hands of only a few residents. The vote on the future of the Village of Botha will be held on Mon., May 15 at the Botha Community Centre.

Join the Anderson Family in celebration of

Vivian Anderson’s

80th Birthday

Sat., May 20

Come & Go 1:30 - 4 p.m. Potluck Dinner at 4 p.m. at the Drop In Centre 4929 Windsor Ave Coronation, Ab. Cards to follow at 7 p.m. at the farm

Talking trash

Bashaw council is reviewing its contract with Can Pak for garbage and recycle pick up in town. They are in the final year of a two-year extended contract. The original contract was for three years with an option for another one or two-year extension. Council discussed whether to have garbage picked up in the front of homes or in the back alleys. CAO Fuller said the alleys are taking a beating with the heavy trucks driving on them when the road is soft and wet. “Those alleys take a pounding because of it.” Coun. Lynn Schultz said he didn’t want to see garbage picked up in the front streets and prefers to have it picked up in back lane.

Big Valley Bustout


Fri., May 26 at 6:00 pm Sat., May 27 at 5:00 pm Admission $10 per day Children 6 and under FREE Saturday Night Dance @ the Agriplex following rodeo $10 admission • No minors Call Tom Cassidy for more info. 403-740-3488

May 11'17


County of Paintearth No. 18 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS APPROVED Notice is hereby given that the following Development Permit Applications have been approved: DP1703 Mark and Jackie Morettin NW22-39-11-W4 Variance to setback for pole shed DP1706 Dave and Janey Till SW4-38-8-W4 Replacement Residence with setback variance DP1707 Travis Reitsema SW14-39-14-W4 Manufactured home placement Any person claiming to be affected by such decision may appeal by giving Notice in writing to the Secretary, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, County of Paintearth No. 18, Box 509 Castor, AB TOC OXO not later than 4:30 p.m., May 24, 2017. The Notice must contain the reason for the appeal and pursuant to Bylaw No. 580-09 Include the $200.00 fee. Dated: May 11, 2017 Todd Pawsey, Development Officer

In recognition of Canada’s national


The County of Paintearth continues to promote a public awareness campaign entitled “Preparedness Begins at Home” and is making available the following resources: • Emergency Preparedness Guide • 72 Hour Emergency Kit Checklist • Family Emergency Planning – 5 Step Guide These documents are available in a booklet at the County office for no charge, or may be downloaded from our website: and printed at home. Families are also encouraged to check out for more information on family preparedness planning. The Count will also be sending out to rural residences a planning form to be used in the event of rural emergencies and disasters. All rural residents are encouraged to complete it and return to the County for use in emergencies only. The County of Paintearth is providing these resources in cooperation with Public Safety Canada and the Alberta Emergency Management Agency. Don’t wait until an emergency hits - please take time with your family to prepare now! Todd Pawsey, Director of Emergency Management County of Paintearth No. 18

Community Enhancement Fund of Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. and Paintearth Regional Waste Management Ltd. GRANTING GUIDELINES FOR 2017

For the 2017 granting cycle the Community Enhancement Fund of Progressive Waste and PRWML anticipates awarding grants up to $25,000 and invites applications for eligible projects from not for profit organizations, registered charities, and community groups that provide services to the Paintearth Region. The intent of this community fund is to distribute its grant funds to as many groups as possible. Larger amounts may be considered depending upon expressed need and granting capacity. Projects should contribute to the development of a healthy and diverse community. The charitable purposes of this community are to: • Foster and promote awareness and appreciation for community-based philanthropy;

• Promote the growth, development, and success of community endeavours

Deadline for applications is Wednesday May 31, 2017.

To receive the application form, granting guidelines and/or to submit the application form, please contact the following: Progressive Waste/Paintearth Waste Community Fund Attention: Tarolyn Aaserud PO Box 509 Castor, AB T0C 0X0 Phone: 403.882. 3211

4 May

11'17 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

ECA review

Garden Centre NOW OPEN


New literacy coordinator

Paintearth Adult Learning welcomes Sandy Selzler as the Literacy Coordinator. Sandy is no stranger to Paintearth Adult Learning. She has been the Magic Carpet Ride Facilitator in Coronation and you may even remember when she was the Program Coordinator. Sandy can help you become involved as a volunteer tutor or assist you meet your adult learning goals. Limited time remaining!!!! Free Career Transition Workshops. Each set of workshops consists of five days of classroom training and the opportunity to schedule follow up one on one training on the topics of your choice. Register for one of the next Career Transition Workshops starting June 5 and 19 today! Are you taking a College or University and needing an exam invigilated? Paintearth Adult Learning offers invigilation services for $20 / exam. Call to book your exam today! and ugotclass are great short term online learning opportunities. From photography to medical terminology, there is something for everyone. Magic Carpet Ride families are invited to attend the Year End Wind Up on Wed. May 24. Call 403-578-3817 to confirm your attendance.

Our first shipment of hanging baskets and bedding plants have arrived with new shipments arriving weekly!! Hanna, AB • 403-854-3711

Free delivery service available within town limits Store Hrs: Mon. - Sat. 8 am - 9 pm; Sun. 10 am - 7 pm Pharmacy Hrs: Mon. - Fri. 9 am - 6 pm; Sat. On Call 9 am - 3 pm

Mothers Day Specials Starting 4pm

Friday, Saturday & Sunday Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah tap dance was performed by Zinger School of Dancing class at the Annual Senior’s Supper hosted by the Coronation School on Thurs. May 4. Row on the left, from the front, Raya Montgomery, Bentley Williamson and Julie McCullough; row on the right, front: Britt Schedlosky and Julianna Beblow. Not in the photo were R. Johnson, I. Bowen and C. Hanson.

check us out online

Courses starting soon

· Combined Confined Space & Fall Protection May 17, $300 · Greenhouse Tour May 19, $45 · Speech & Language Development, May 25, $10 · One on One Basic Computers Ongoing, Free Cindy Heidecker, Program Coordinator Advertorial


Sunday, May 14 9 am - 1:30 pm

$15 per adult • $13 seniors

Brenda’s Cozy Cafe 4913 - 50th St.

Stettler, AB


find us on and like us to see our buffet specials Mon.-Thurs. 8am-3pm; Fri. 8am-8pm; Sun. 10am-1:30pm

A wide selection of Seeds. Our fresh cut flowers and potted plants have arrived just in time for Mother’s Day.

& Florist 403-882-3144 • Castor


Linden Tree Farm Hardy Locally Grown Trees and Shrubs

Feature Trees Size Price Colorado Spruce 3’-5’ $50-$90 Dakota Pinnacle Birch 7-10 gal. 5’-7’ $100-$120 Laruel Leaf Willow 5-7 gal. 4’-6’ $40-$60 Poplar-Various 5-10 gal. 4’-8’ $10-$75 Schubert Chokecherry 7-10 gal. 5’-8’ $75-$100 Swedish Columnar Aspen 5-10 gal. Please contact for more info. Feature Shrubs Cotoneaster, Dogwood, Lilacs, Mockorange, Mugo Pine, Ninebark, Potentilla, Spiraea & more

8oz New York Steak

Pork Souvlaki (2 skewers)



Breast of Chicken


Seniors Chicken Cordon Swiss Children’s Menu


Items $2.95


Rosebush Lodge


TREES & SHRUBS AVALIABLE Bare root Cotoneaster, Poplar & Spruce Come in April or May for best selection & results Many other trees and shrubs available Complete fall price list at: or call/text (403) 888-9178

Irma HOmE & GarDEN DECOr Mother’s Day Open House

• Take the short drive to the Rosebush Tea & Gift House, Bed & Breakfast, Soccer Golf course! • Fresh home cooking, unique giftware & local crafts • Currently taking Campground & B & B reservations • Tea House opens for the 2017 season on Wed., May 17 Hours: Wednesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Call us for reservations

Just south of the Edberg bridge on 780-877-3793 Highway 56, Township Road 440 Follow us on Facebook

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Nick & Donna Kozak 11067 - 602 Secondary Rd 22km east of Alliance or 3km west of Junction Sec Rd # 872 &602


• Variety of annuals, perennials, vegetables, • herbs, • Hanging baskets and urn

• Bedding Plants • Hanging Baskets • Proven Winners

Open Daily 10-7 12 km west of Castor (or 3 miles east of Halkirk) on Highway 12; turn north on Rangeroad 153 for 2.5 miles (38517 Rge Rd 153) Check us out on Facebook


t h e r e se t ta sc hool

ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

Unique ways of creating rhythm

by K. Smawley The grade 5/6 Theresetta music class has been experimenting with a unique way of creating rhythm called Body Percussion. The class tried out some of their moves during their April visit to the Long-Term Care Facility. Now the students are transferring some of those rhythms onto 5-gallon Home Hardware buckets, as they are experimenting and having fun with bucket drumming. The group is working on a routine to present sometime in June.

tournament available to our players, covering an area from our CARA league in the east, all the way west to Rocky Mountain House, including larger centers like Red Deer, Innisfail and Lacombe. Theresetta students that qualified for CWAJHAA by finishing second place in their pools include: Sydney Renschler in gr. 7 girls singles, Kennedy Bagshaw & Ashley Renschler in gr. 7 girls doubles, Berlin Schnell & Maddie Rombough in gr. 8 girls doubles, and Trey Erion & Erika Blumhagen in gr. 8 mixed doubles. Sports Athletes that finished first With the weather finally place in their pool and guarchanging, track and field is anteeing their spot in starting to seep into everyCWAJHAA are: Landon one’s thoughts. To end April, Slemp in gr. 7 boys singles, Theresetta joined with Gus Abby Fuller & Alyssa Wetter, to host their annual Kuefler in gr. 7 girls singles, badminton tournament. Tanner Gordon & Josie There were nine schools that Kneller in gr. 7 mixed douparticipated in the tournables, Ryleigh Bunbury in gr. ment on Wed. April 26. 8 girls singles, and Bryant Students from Theresetta Bullee & Brock Penner in gr. put in a great showing and 9 boys doubles. came out with many notable Banking results. Four teams that The Jr. ATB bank was placed second overall from Theresetta in their age group open on Thurs., April 27 for the second last deposit day of after finals were: Landon the year. Slemp in gr. 7 boys singles, The nine student Ashley Renschler and employees were kept quite Kennedy Bagshaw in gr. 7 busy helping 21 student cusgirls doubles, Liam Ries in gr. 9 boys singles, and Bryant tomers throughout the noon Bullee Mackenzie and Brock hour. The winner of the $25 gift Penner in gr. 9 boys doubles. card was Aidan Lafferty. After finals Theresetta had five teams that won gold The last Theresetta deposit including: Sydney Renschler day will be May 25. This ATB program has been such a in gr. 7 girls singles, Abby Fuller and Alyssa Kuefler in great thing to help students learn how to save and gr. 7 girls doubles, Tanner Gordon and Josie Kneller in manage their money. gr. 7 mixed doubles, Maddie Tour Rombough and Berlin Theresetta students are Schnell in gr. 8 girls singles, and Ryleigh Bunbury in gr. 8 starting to look forward to their end of the year field girls singles. trips. The junior high badOn April 24, the grade nine minton athletes travelled to Stetter on May 3 to compete class, along with Mr. Ries, in the CARA (Clearview and Regional Athletics) tournament. Any athlete that finishes first or second in their pool gets to move on to compete in 5209-50 Ave Castor, AB the CWAJHAA With over 25 years experience working (Central Western with Insurance Companies, offers Alberta Junior High Athletics • Seamless Autobody Repairs Association) tour• Auto Glass Repair & Replacement nament, which is • Lockout Services in Red Deer over • ARI Program Repair Facility May 8, 10, and 11, • AMI Glass insurance claims depending on Get those cracked up their age level. windshields replaced! CWAJHAA is All windshields on special Call for pricing the highest level Phone 403-882-2163 junior high Cell 403-740-0888 3” wide version

travelled to Crowfoot Crossing, and the county office for a tour. Tarolyn Aaserud, Chief Administrative Officer, explained details of her role within our local government. She also explained the history of the County of Paintearth moving to Crowfoot Crossing and the development of Crowfoot Crossing with businesses such as the Co-Op.

Carol Thomson, the Economic Development Officer, presented details about economic initiatives for communities within the county. The group heard information about the wind farm and future expansions. The students were treated to pizza and drinks provided by the County of Paintearth.

Paint & Body


Nominate your community for an Alberta Rural Physician Community Attraction and Retention Award For information and nomination packages, visit


Family challenge

As part of our school’s Wellness Program, this week’s Family Challenge was hosted at the school’s gym where the families were asked to participate in some yoga! The yoga was hosted by Leslie Rowland who volunteered her time to engage the families in something that she is truly passionate about.

Theresetta athletes who finished first in their pool at the CARA badminton tournament on May 3 in Stettler included, from the left, Josie Kneller, Ryleigh Bunbury, Bryant Bullee, Alyssa Kuefler, Tanner Gordon, Landon Slemp and Brock Penner. Missing were Abbigale Fuller, who finished first with partner, Alyssa Kuefler.



May 11'17


6 May

11'17 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.



The rise and fall of populism and their leaders by Brenda P. Schimke It’s just sad to see the hatred that has permeated the world, especially in those nations that were once beacons of democracy and human rights. Hatred is so easy in comparison to love. The fear and dissatisfaction that many people are feeling in countries like the United States, Canada, Germany, France and Britain is real. Since the economic policies of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Preston Manning in the 1980’s, wage and pension security for working people, and full-time jobs for young people entering the workforce have collapsed.

History repeats itself; populist leaders are dissent cheerleaders who consolidate power for their own purposes by stoking continued hate and anger.

Unfortunately the long-term effects of the libertarian economic policies evangelized by these leaders were absolutely predictable--job insecurity, stagnate wage growth and rising inequality. History tells us that desperate people turn to populist leaders. Vladimir Lenin was supported wholeheartedly by the Russian people to defeat the Tsar yet his reign became a totalitarian dictatorship of tyranny. The Germans voted for and supported populist, Adolf Hitler, because of their economic woes after World War I as did the Italians with populist leader Benito Mussolini, need we say more! Unfortunately today history is

repeating itself. In Venezuela, the country tumbles into chaos, hunger and violence as democratically elected, populist President Nicolas Maduro has muzzled the legislature and is working to enact a new constitution that will give him autocratic powers. Turkey, under religious-conservative leader, Tayyip Erdogan, has successfully (or corruptly) convinced the common people to vote for a new constitution that effectively moves Turkey from a modern republic to a theocracy dictatorship. Erdogan’s new constitution takes away civil liberties, law and justice, freedom of speech and jails anyone who opposes his supreme power. Russia’s short foray into democracy was stopped quickly when populist leader, Vladimir Putin was elected in a general election. Through intimidation, killing and jailing of opposition members and constitutional adjustments, he is undefeatable until the next revolution. These examples, past and present, were all voted in by the majority in a national election. Populist leaders are excellent at reading why people are angry and then deriving their power from that anger, whether it is Theresa May in Britain, Marine Le Pen in France or Jason Kenney in Alberta? That’s precisely why the current sitting President of the United States is more interested in campaign-style hate rallies than governing. History repeats itself; populist leaders are dissent cheerleaders who consolidate power for their own purposes by stoking continued hate and anger. They have neither the skill nor interest in unity, compromise and civility—the three pillars of democracy. Citizens fall for these charismatic leaders when they are desperate and think, “it can’t be any worse?” Unfortunately history proves that it can indeed be very much worse.


Volunteers with a capital “V” Rick Strankman, MLA Drumheller Stettler Constituency On Thurs., May 4 a fire started just north of our farm near Altario that consumed about half a section and threatened our home. The need for being prepared was brought home in no uncertain terms to yours truly just this past week.

The point of Emergency Preparedness week, May 7 - 13, is to serve as a reminder that emergencies can happen at any time for any reason. This past week also saw the Alberta Legislature’s Members from all parties recognize the anniversary of the Fort McMurray fire that decimated that Turn to Service, Pg 13 area.


Published by Coronation Review Limited

Guides provide excellent hunts in Saskatchewan for culling snow geese with skill in decoy settings and use of natural cover to conceal the blinds. The hunts are necessary due to the huge population of snow geese that are destroying the nesting grounds in the arctic.

Spring snow goose season Dear Editor, As a hunter, I was very pleased to participate in Saskatchewan’s spring snow goose cull. The reason for the season on snow geese in the spring is due to the nesting grounds in the arctic being in grave danger of destruction due to over grazing because of the unimaginable populations of snow geese. I was joined by my pheasant hunting buddies from the U.S. The guides provided our group of 10 hunters with excellent hunts and exercized great skill in decoy settings and use of natural cover to conceal the blinds.

The birds are delivered to meat plants and processed for the needy people of Saskatchewan who enjoy the meat. In the 70’s, there was a very restricted limit on snow geese, two geese a day in Canada. The science wasn’t very good and that’s caused the massive population explosion of the 80’s and 90’s. Hunting is an effective tool for population control but I fear at this point, it is too little, too late and governments and farmers are paying the price. Walter Suntjens Spondin, Ab.


Parliament reconvenes Hon. Kevin Sorenson, M.P., Battle River-Crowfoot As Parliament reconvened on May 1, we are holding the Liberal government to account for their uncontrolled spending of billions of dollars they have borrowed, higher taxes, stagnant economic growth and failure to help create jobs for Canadians. We are debating on the Point of Privilege that, in the last week the House sat in April, suspended debate on all of the Liberal’s proposed laws until the Privilege debate is concluded. The Opposition has used the

Privilege debate to “dig in our heels” in protest over the Liberal’s attempted ‘power grab’ on the way Canada’s Parliament operates. This is a very serious debate because the Liberal’s proposed “Democratic Reform Discussion Paper” that they tried to pass quickly and quietly is actually “anti-democratic”. Their proposals provide for a major shift of political power to Parliament’s Executive Branch (the Prime Minister’s Office and Cabinet).

Turn to Proposed, Pg 16

72 pt



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Joyce Webster Yvonne Thulien Publisher/Editor Manager

Bonny Williams LisaMyers-sortland Circulation Manager Graphic Artist

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R e a l E stat e/ Hom e s

ECA review


A true gentleman Thomas Richard Owens Jr. of Hanna, Ab. passed away, surrounded by his daughters on May 6, 2017. Tom was born in Lone Butte, Ab. on August 16 to Margaret & Thomas Owens Sr. He was predeceased by his wife Mary Thuroo on Feb. 2, 2017 and will lovingly be remembered by his two daughters Marlise and Davina Thuroo, two sisters and their families; Mary Brettle and Rosemary Sailer (Gene), mother and father-in-law Orland and Catherine Thuroo, brother-in-laws/sister-in laws; Ches Rossler, Bill Thuroo (Arlene), Dwayne Thuroo (Fran), Vernon Thuroo and Eugene Thuroo (Amanda) and their families. Tom was always a quiet, hardworking, committed to his family and friends true gentleman. He always lent a helping hand whether helping neighbours with farming/ranching or being a “lending facility”. “Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure…You’re loved beyond words and missed beyond measure…” A private family internment will be


• 5420 47 Ave W Forestburg - 5 bdrm, 3 bath, 1092 sq ft bi level on 65x115 sq ft lot, close to school, playground, golf course. $160,000 MLS#CA0105504

• 4529 44 St, Castor - 3 bed, 1 bath, 864 sq ft bungalow on large corner treed lot one block from Castor golf course. REDUCED $73,000 $69,900 MLS# CA0094266

• 5010 52 St, Castor - 5 lots 5 as a package or can be split. Home on lots 24 and 25 to be subdivided off. Lot 21 has old trailer and Lots 22,23 have an old house $60,000 MLS#CA0066338

• 111 2 Ave E, Alliance - 2 bed, 2 bath, 875 Sq Ft bungalow. A/C, sprinkler system on lawn. 30x28 heated garage. $137,000 MLS# CA0092096

New Listing

• 4903 50 St. Consort 5265 sq. ft. building. Three overhead doors 2- 12’ X 12’ & 1- 10’ X 8’, 3 walk-in doors, one which access the office area. The roof, exterior & interior walls are all metal clad $170,000 MLS#CA0103928

• 112 3rd Ave E. Alliance - 3 bed, 2 bath 1776 Sq. Ft. mobile on its own lot. Wood stove and an addition with deck. On engineered blocking with 6 tie downs, skirted and ventilated. Vacant, ready. REDUCED $89,900 $97,000 MLS#CA0073401

New Listing

• 4918 44 St., Castor - 4 bed, 2 bath 1224 sq. ft. bungalow. Numerous upgrades. 30x30 dbl. heated garage. $265,000 MLS#CA0103888

• Near Castor - 16.75 acres, overlooks Castor Creek, near K-12. Potential to subdivide. $400,000 MLS#CA286941

New Listing

• 38006 RR 161a, Paintearth County - 4 bed, 2 bath, 2337 sq. ft Quonset style home on full quarter, 32’ x 32’ dbl garage w/ enclosed lean to (carpentry shop), several outbuildings $395,000 MLS#CA0103380

Big Country Housing Senior-Country Style Living At It’s Finest! Now Available! Non-Profit Government Subsidized, Non-Smoking,

1 Bedroom ground level Apartments All suites come with stove, fridge, private bath, kitchen, living room & cable TV. Free residential laundry facilities and beauty salon. Security Front Door Intercom. Hot lunch available 5 days a week. Interested? Call Jim Holman 403 854 3936 or email

Gordon “Hoss” Nichols Basil Nichols 882-HOSS (4677) 403-323-0365 MLS Realtor MLS Realtor

New Listing

New Listing

held at the Lone Butte Cemetery, followed by a private Celebration of Life service as per his wishes. Memorial tributes may be made payable in Tom’s honour to: The Canadian Northern Society and mailed to the Hanna Roundhouse Society at: Box 1267 Hanna, AB T0J 1P0.

• 4702 43 Ave. Forestburg- Modern Abattoir with up to date stainless, automated machinery located in a huge maintenance free and easily washable facility. 7940 sq. ft. commercial building built 2000. $1,600,000 MLS#:CA0096817

• 35406 hwy 36, Paintearth MD - 4 bed, 2 bath, 1650 sq. ft farmhouse (built 1986) on half section. Single att. garage, 40x60 aztec steel shop, 28x57 livestock shed w/ lean to. North quarter LINC#0023571277 included in price. SLR approx $2400 and $2500. 3 dugouts, cross fenced south quarter with full fence around all. Land mostly native w/ some broke for hay, great for grazing. $650,000 MLS#CA0100137 • 5220 49 St., Castor - 4 bed, 3 bath 1427 sq. ft. with high eff. furnace w/ central AS, 2nd furnace for downstairs, double attached garage. Hardwood thruout. $239,000 MLS#CA0099973 • 9 Park Lane, Coronation 1996 SRI singlewide w/ 3 beds, 2 baths, 1120 sq. ft. on its own pieshaped lot. Renovated for wheel chair access/elderly with o/s deck ramp and jetted walk-in bath in Master. $65,000 MSL#CA099789 • 4903 Victoria Ave, Coronation - Three lots located near downtown Coronation, all have water, sewer at lot line or on surface. $10,000 MLS#CA0096308 • 5229 Victoria Ave, Coronation - 1 Bed, 1 Bath, 940 sq. ft. bungalow. Heated 24x26 garage with 10x10 electrical operated door and a 8x26 lean to work in $45,000 MLS#CA0096034 • 5226 Norfolk Ave, Coronation - 5 bed, 2 bath, 1,428 Sq.ft. storey & half on three lots. Rear deck. Some work to be done. $52,900 MLS#CA0091177 • 5002 54a St, Castor - Trailer park. Potential for 14 pad rentals, 10 seasonal lots $80,000 MLS#CA0032933 • 5109 50 Ave, Castor - 2640 sq. ft w/ living quarters above. Revenue property. $66,000 MLS#CA0030486 • 4701 Victoria Ave Coronation - 2 lots total 50x115 right across from Coronation Industrial. Corner. House uninhabitable. $10,000 MLS #CA0090502

• 5113 51 St. Castor - 3 bed, 2 bath, 1026 Sq.Ft. bilevel. Extensive renovations incl. kitchen overhaul w/ granite countertops. REDUCED $209,900 $189,900 MLS#CA0090498 • 5514 51 St. Castor - 2 bed, 1 bath, 1112 Sq. Ft well cared for storey & half. Det dbl garage, screened deck. $179,000 MLS#CA0089984 • 5101 52 St, Castor 1 1/2 story home with some renovations, 3 beds, 2 baths, corner lot close to K-12 school $163,000 MLS# CA0087066 • 4902 50 Ave., Castor 2376 sq.ft. building, on three corner lots on Main Street. Presently 2 long term renters $97,000 MSL#CA0083787 • 104 Main St., Alliance cozy 2 bed, 1 bath home, quite a number of updates. $69,900 MLS#CA0082041 • 9.56 Ac near Veteran 1400 sq. ft bungalow, 5 beds, 3 of them up, 1 1/2 bathrooms. Several outbuildings incl. shop with oil pit. $185,000 MLS#CA0079964 • 5309 50 Street, Castor 1360 sq.ft. bungalow, 3 beds, 2 bath. Kitchen (13’5 x 15’9) looks east onto deck and Castor Creek area. Single attached garage. $100,000 MLS#CA0079844 • 220 Main St., Halkirk - 3 lots, 75’ x 115’ at NW end of Halkirk’s Main St. $30,000 MLS# CA0069900

• 216 Main St., Halkirk - 50’ x 115’ lot on North end of Halkirk Main St., 2 smaller buildings on it, zoned for storage. $20,000 MLS# CA0069899 • 5401 51 Ave, Castor1336 sq ft, 3 bed, 2 bath 1983 mobile w/porch, large piece of land. $70,000 MLS#CA0032934 • 4625 Westminster Ave Coronation - 5 bed, 3 bath, 1260 Sqft. bungalow on corner lot. Att. lg single garage. $79,500 MLS#CA0091788

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

May 11'17



Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 16th, 2017, for the sale of the following leased native grass pasture lands: Parcel #1 Special Areas Grazing Lease No. 82732 containing the following lands (approx. 1,105 acres): - All of 24-28-18-W4M - SE and N 1/2 23-28-18-W4M Current oil and gas revenue of $7,700/year Grazing Lease renewal date: December 31, 2029 Willow Creek flows through both sections Parcel #2 Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resources Grazing Lease No. 34551 containing the following lands (approx. 595.94 acres) - S 1/2, NW and portion of NE 22-28-18-W4M Current oil and gas revenue of $6,000/year Grazing Lease renewal date: June 29, 2024 Willow Creek flows through this section In the event that a potential tenderer would like to view the lands, please call 403-8239370 to schedule a time. Tenders on the above lands must be accompanied by a bank draft or certified cheque in favour of “SMITH & HERSEY LAW FIRM” for FIVE (5%) PERCENT of the tender price, as a deposit. The deposit will be returned if the tender is not accepted. If a tender is accepted and the tenderer does not proceed with the sale, the deposit of the tenderer will be forfeited to the owner of the lands. Tenders may be for all Parcels or individual Parcels. The balance of the tender price will be payable on or before June 30th, 2017, subject to registration with Special Areas Board and/or Alberta Environment. Each of the owner and the successful tenderer will be responsible for their own legal fees. All registration costs will be paid by the successful tenderer. Each tenderer must understand that a tender is an unconditional offer to purchase the lands set out in the tender. Tenderers must rely on their own research of the lands, and the undersigned and the owner make no warranties or representations in regard to the lands. The owner has complete discretion whether to accept the highest or any tender. Further inquiries into the above lands can be made by contacting (403) 823-9370. Tenders shall be sealed in an envelope marked “LAND TENDER” and may be faxed, delivered, e-mailed or mailed to: Attention: Simon J. Hersey Smith & Hersey Law Firm 112B - 20d Avenue West, PO Box 220 Hanna, AB TOJ 1 PO Fax: (403) 854-4380 E-mail:

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY TENDER The owners hereby offer for sale by tender the following briefly described property subject to the reservations and exceptions contained in the existing certificates of title: PARCEL 1: PLAN 8149AH, BLOCK 2, LOTS 18 AND 19. Commercial/retail/office building, approx 4538 square feet, located at 5018 Victoria Ave, Coronation, AB, cement block construction, 220 power, with internal offices and commercial space, storage space, washrooms and utility room, loading dock, two furnaces, triple commercial stainless steel sink with 2 drain boards, Coldstream 4’ display cooler, Subway cooler with 4’ stainless steel top, washer, 2 stainless steel work tables with shelves, assorted other shelves, ladder and miscellaneous contents. PARCEL 2: PLAN 8149AH, BLOCK 9, LOTS 13 TO 17 INCLUSIVE. Five lots located in downtown Coronation, AB, on Windsor Ave, including inground 10 thousand gallon concrete water cistern, chain link fence, 2 double gates, 1 single gate (small moveable building not included). The sale of the properties is subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned: 1. Seller makes no warranties or representations about the size, measurement, condition or environmental status of the properties. 2. Buyer to be responsible for all costs associated with registration. Tender price shall be excluding G.S.T. 3. Tenders in writing will be received by the lawyer noted below up to but not after 12:00 o’clock noon on June 15, 2017. Tenders should be forwarded to E. Roger Spady Law Office in a sealed envelope marked “Commercial Tender”. A certified cheque equal to 5% of the purchase price must accompany the tender. 4. The balance of the purchase price to be paid by solicitor’s trust cheque or certified funds on or before June 30, 2017 (Possession Date”). 5. Property taxes to be adjusted as of Possession Date. 6. Tenders must clearly indicate which Parcel or Parcels are being purchased. 7. Property and contents sold “as is”. 8. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Seller may reject any or all tenders. 9. If successful tenderer does not complete the purchase after acceptance of that tender, the deposit shall be forfeited. For further particulars and viewing please contact Pauline Ekman at 403-578-3768.

Air Miles Will Be Awarded With The Sale Or Successful Purchase Of A Home Based On Sale Value.

E. Roger Spady Barrister & Solicitor 5015 Victoria Ave, Box 328 Coronation, Alberta, T0C 1C0

8 May

11'17 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

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Memorabilia will be showcased at the Hanna District Show & Sale in Youngstown on June 10 in celebration of 100 years of 4-H in Alberta. It will include a reunion, memorabilia and photos from the past, such as this one from 25 years ago.

200 GB

Walk down 4-H memory lane 4-H Alberta is proud to be celebrating it’s Centennial this year. The Hanna District has committed to showcasing how 4-H has impacted the lives of so many people over the years in our communities. In conjunction with the 59th Annual Hanna and District 4-H Show and Sale on June 10 in Youngstown, the District is hosting a reunion for all alumni, 4-H families, and past supporters. The Walk Down Memory Lane displays will be in the Youngstown Recreation center. Their goal is to have memorabilia and photographs of all the 4-H clubs and many of the projects from the district’s history and present. Check out the Facebook page 4-H Walk Down Memory Lane to enjoy some of these memories leading up to the Show and Sale. 4-H cookbooks will also be available for purchase to complete your collection.

Highlights of the Show and Sale will be the Alumni Showmanship class, where 4-H alumni can borrow a calf from a current member to compete and demonstrate their showmanship skills. Another is the Cleaver Intergenerational Grooming Event, where each of our district’s 19 Cleaver Kids will form a team with a parent and grandparent to groom and show their calendar calf, celebrating the important role of the 4-H family behind every member. Anyone who has any mementos or memories to share can please contact Crista at (403)363-5932 or Haley at (403)854-6197. The complimentary coffee will be on and the booth will be open and serving homemade pie. We encourage everyone to stop in for a visit with their 4-H friends of the past and present, and enjoy a Walk Down Memory Lane.

Proposed Halkirk 2 (H2) Wind Project Project Information and Notice of Open House

Project Open House Tuesday, May 16, 2017 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Halkirk Community Hall, Halkirk, Alberta Proposal Summary

Capital Power is proposing to build the Halkirk 2 Wind Project (Project), a nominal nameplate capacity 148-megawatt wind power facility located in the County of Paintearth, Alberta. The proposed Project supports Alberta’s commitment to develop new sources of renewable energy.

Schedule and Regulatory Process

Capital Power submitted separate Power Plant and Substation applications to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) in April 2017 for approval to construct and operate the proposed wind power facility and substation. Pending a successful outcome of the regulatory review, the Project is anticipated to achieve an in-service date in Q1 2019; however, this date is subject to change depending on considerations including market conditions, government regulations, and approval. Capital Power is seeking stakeholder input into the Project and has a participant involvement program consistent with AUC requirements (Rule 007).

More information:

P: 780-392-5344 E: W:

Contact by mail:

Halkirk 2 Wind Project c/o Stakeholder Engagement Capital Power Corporation 10th Floor EPCOR Tower 10423 101 ST NW Edmonton, AB T5H 0E9

Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC)

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May 11'17


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11'17 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.


Ph. 403-578-4111 Classified Ad Rates $13.00 + tax for 25 words or less + 19¢ a word after 25 each week or 3 weeks for $36 + tax (based on 25 words or less). Reach 81,500 readers with your classified. This includes For Sale, For Rent, Card of Thanks, Coming Events, etc. Payment Necessary All Classified Ads are on a Cash Only basis and must be prepaid before running. There will be a $5.00 service charge on every classified not paid for prior to publication. We accept cash, cheque, VISA or MC. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check ad the 1st week and call us if in error. The Review is responsible for their mistakes the 1st week only. Deadline For Ads All classified ads must be received by 5 pm on Mondays preceding publication. For Too Late To Classifieds ad must be received by 10 am Tuesday. Ph. 578-4111. Mail to Box 70, Coronation, AB T0C 1C0.

Real Estate

2 PARCELS Of Farmland - Fawcett, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, June 14, Edmonton. 302.8 +/- title acres. Jerry Hodge: 780706-6652; Brokerage: All West Realty Ltd.; 1 GRAZING LEASE - Boyle, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, June 14, Edmonton. 428.01 +/- acres. $3000 surface lease revenue. Jerry Hodge: 780-7066652; Brokerage: All West Realty Ltd.;

PRIVATELY OWNED pasture, hayland and grainland available in small and large blocks in Saskatchewan. Please contact Doug at 306-716-2671 or for further details.

24 LAKE Properties, Fully Serviced Buffalo Lake, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, June 14 in Edmonton. Lots range from 0.2 +/- to 0.32 +/- acres. Jerry Hodge: 780-7066652; Broker: All West Realty Ltd.; NEW PASTURE Listing!!! 320-Ac (N 1/2-08-45-01-W5M – north of Rimbey) of very productive pasture – up to 90 pairs c/w ample livestock water for the grazing season. Fenced perimeter and (3) separate paddocks for increased productivity. Scenic rolling hills, creek, spring, etc. makes for great recreational use as well. Mls # CA0099754 - $ 710,000. Call Ken @ 403-350-0971! STAGE COACH Inn & Strip Mall Duchess, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, July 20 in Lethbridge. 16 room hotel, separate reception & manager’s residence and 4 Bay Commercial Strip Mall. Jerry Hodge: 780-7066652; Brokerage: All West Realty Ltd.;

Mobile Homes

NEW MODULAR Homes starting under $90,000 delivered! Alberta Custom Homes Red Deer/ Lacombe - www. albertacustomhomes. com - Canada’s largest selection of instock homes, quick delivery custom factory orders! Text/Call 403-917-1005. WE ARE “Your Total Rural Housing Solution” - It’s time to let go & clear out our Inventory. Save on your Modular/ Manufactured Home. Visit: www. Grandviewmodular. com or www. Unitedhomescanada. com.


FOR RENT Main St. Castor Suitable for business wanting 3 or 4 offices in a complex

Contact Francis O’Hara 403 740 6338 or 403 882 2620 Classifieds work! Call 403-578-4111

• Water & Sewer • Excavations • Demolitions • Dugouts • Gravel Sales:

Rip Rap • Pit Run 2” minus • 1 1/4”


CUSTOM storage shed building. Building various sizes of storage sheds. Call Dan for details. 780-806-9819. SAWMILLS from only $4,397 - Make Money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.Norwood 1-800-566-6899 ext: 400OT.

For Rent

METAL ROOFING & Siding. 37+ colours available at over 55 Distributors. 40 year warranty. 48 hour Express Service available at select supporting Distributors. Call 1-888-263-8254.

COLORADO Blue Spruce for sale. Locally grown. Call 403-742-7869 for prices.



Case IH Combine Axial Flow 1680 complete with 2015 Pickup Header with 14’ Rakeup, JD Hoe Drills 9350 - 4 x 10’ c/w transport,

Summers Hydraulic Drive Rock Picker, JD Swather 580 - 28’ complete with Wallis PTL 160 Double Swath Attachment, JD Cultivator 1600 - 41’ complete with Flexicoil 3 bar Tine Harrows, Flexicoil Sprayer 65 - 120’, Versatile Sprayer 3000 - 68’. Ph Robert for more info @

Contact Harvey 780-704-0059 BEAUTIFUL Spruce Trees 4-6 feet, $35 each. Machine planting: $10/tree (includes bark mulch and fertilizer). 20 tree minimum order. Delivery fee $75$125/ order. Quality guaranteed. 403-8200961.



CANADA Benefit Group - Attention Alberta residents: Do you suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll free 1-888-511-2250 or www.canadabenefit. ca/free-assessment.

ECA review

Email: Cars & Trucks

CHEVY IMPALA, 2002, clean & low mileage; 1989 Chevy 1/2 ton, not running. Needs new battery; 18 ft. Stock ?Trailer. Call 1-780-753-1875.

MAC JAMES MOTORS The Car Credit Cure

0 Cash Down 0 Stress 0 Surprises 0 Pressure

Call Mac Today WEST GASOLINE ALLEY HIGHWAY 2 SOUTH RED DEER Call Mac Today toll free Neil @ 1-877-232-2886 403-309-3233

Classifieds work! Call 403-578-4111

Exciting Career Opportunity The Hanna Learning Centre is now accepting applications to fill a full-time Corporate and Financial Officer position. The successful candidate must have a minimum of two years experience working in all aspects of accounting. A more specific job description is available upon request. In addition the candidate must possess: • Solid knowledge and experience working with QuickBooks Pro • Previous experience/understanding of grants and grant reporting • Knowledge of accounting practices for both Charities and Not-for-Profit organizations • Solid working relationship with Board of Directors for a Not-for-Profit • Experience with reviewing and updating employee contracts, maintaining personnel files and managing monthly payroll Preference will be given to candidates with post-secondary education in accounting or business although equivalent experience will be strongly considered. Competitive salary, based upon education and experience. Only those selected for interview will be contacted. This position will remain open until a suitable applicant is found. Interested applicants should forward a copy of their resume to: Doray Veno, Executive Director Hanna Learning Centre Box 1255, Hanna, AB T0J 1P0 Fax: 1.866.990.8975 Phone: 403.854.2099

DRIVERS NEEDED Road Runner Trucking Provost, Alta.


Applicant should be a good team player with a valid class 1 driver’s license, and able to provide a 5 year commercial abstract along with resume. DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING MANDATORY Send resume to Call 780-753-0869 for more information Only qualified applicants will be contacted

NOW HIRING Assistant Program Coordinator Our licensed and accredited Early Learning and Childcare Centre is seeking a reliable team member to fill this full-time position. Reporting directly to the Program Coordinator this position is responsible for maintaining the standards set out by Alberta Childcare Licensing, Alberta Childcare Accreditation and the Provost Daycare Society. Duties include supervising and developing activities for children, communicating and interacting with parents and staff, completing reports, and some administrative tasks. Hours will vary between 6:30am-7:00pm. Qualifications: The ideal candidate must have Childcare Certification and a minimum of 1 year experience in early childcare and be able to provide a satisfactory Criminal Record Check and Child Welfare Intervention Screen. Forward resumes to: Provost Daycare Society, Box 1139, Provost, AB T0B 3S0 Email: Applications close May 17, 2017. We thank everyone for their applications but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Feed & Seed

BALING oats for sale, 94% germination, 42 lb/bu, cleaned. Ken 403854-8090. FOR SALE common alfalfa seed, bred for hybrid rigour. $3.65/ lb. 780-374-3877. Dennis Dylke, Daysland, Ab.

HEATED Canola buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-2505252.

HELP WANTED Carpenter, apprentice or helper required Full Time, wages negotiable

Big Country Construction & Building Supplies Ltd. 403 3rd Ave. E., Box 294 Hanna, AB T0J 1P0

Ph. (403) 854-3585 • Fax (403) 854-4980

OILFIELD OPERATOR REQUIRED INFRATECH CORPORATION has an immediate opening for an experienced Oil/Gas Field Operator in the Coronation/Consort area. Applicant Requirements: • Minimum 4 years Field Operating Experience • Strong Mechanical Aptitude • SAIT or NAIT GPO/PFO Training beneficial Please email your resume in confidence to: No phone calls please

Village of Hughenden Chief Administrative Officer

The Village of Hughenden is a busy community of 258 persons in East Central Alberta. We are now accepting applications for the position of Chief Administrative Officer. The CAO will work a 32 hour week and report directly to Council. Responsibilities include but are not limited to – insuring that Municipal Bylaws, policies and government requirements as stated in the Municipal Government Act are implemented and adhered to in addition to planning, budgeting and management of the Village. The successful candidate will be working in a one person office and must be skilled in the application of Muniware Accounting, Microsoft Office 2013 and be expected to become proficient in MIMS, a Municipal infrastructure program, as well as MGMA and MA Connect, Municipal Grant application programs. Applicants should possess good leadership skills and be able to maintain a positive work environment which will include management of 2 to 4 other employees. A high degree of personal initiative and excellent communication skills are required to be delivered with integrity and professionalism. Candidates will need to assist Council, staff and citizens to guide the municipality in its overall development and direction. Must be able to comfortably interact with the public, media and all levels of government. Salary is negotiable and will commensurate with experience. Please enclose two references and permission for Council to contact these people. CLOSING DATE: Friday, May 19, 2017 Forward Resumes by mail to: Mayor & Council, Village of Hughenden, Box 26 Hughenden, Alberta, T0B 2E0.

c l a s s i f i e d s/Ca r e e r s

ECA review

Feed & Seed

EARLY Varieties. Go Early HRS Wheat. AC Juniper Oats. Busby & Sundre Barley. AAC Peace River Field Peas. Early One Polish Canola; 403556-2609.


MAINE -Anjou Bulls for sale. Solid reds and blacks, yearlings and two year olds. We have a good selection or red yearlings. Selected for calving ease and beef production. Semen Tested and guaranteed. Rocky Lane Farms, Alex and Mary-Ann Jensen, Rumsey, AB. 403-368-2114 or cell 403-742-9835 BLACK Angus yearling bulls for sale. Semen tested. Contact Roger Spady (780) 8793941. RED and Black Angus yearling bulls, easy calving, light to moderate birth weight, semen tested and guaranteed. $2500. 780-3842354 and 780-8887585. Davidson Angus and Bellshill Red Angus. LAKEFORD Registered Polled Hereford and Red Angus bulls for sale. 2 year old and yearling bulls available. Semen tested and ready to work in your herd! Contact Dan Prichard 780-3852298.

Help Wanted

Lougheed Playschool is currently seeking a dynamic energetic teacher for the upcoming 2017/2018 school year. Qualified persons will have a Diploma or Certificate in Education, have current criminal record check, child welfare check and first aide ( or willing to obtain). Wages negotiable based on education and experience, projected first class to begin in September 2017. Please submit resumes and cover letter with two references no later than May 31, 2017 or for more information on this position please contact Danielle Armstrong at d.armstrong5604@

Looking for

CLASS 1 DRIVER for 4 hours/day for morning deliveries in and around the Stettler area. Will also involve some relief driving to the city. Please mail resume to Box 1376 Stettler,AB T0C 2L0 or email dave@

SEEKING A Career in the Community Newspaper business? Post your resume for FREE right where the publishers are looking. Visit:

LOOKING for a driver for part time work at the ECA Review, Coronation for delivering newspapers to the post office in Hanna on Wednesdays. Call 403-578-4111, ask for Joyce. INTERIOR Heavy Equipment School. Hands-On Training. Funding & housing options available. Employment assistance for life. Find out what makes IHE the industry leader, call 1-866-399-3853 or visit www.

A MAJOR OIL and Gas Company is looking for Plant and Field Operators in the Slave Lake/ Wabasca area. This is a camp 7/7 shift, 12 hour days. Must have minimum 5 years operating experience, heavy oil is preferred. Email resume to: CURRENTLY Recruiting Experienced Flowback Supervisors and Operators for work within Canada and USA. Requirements: Previous flowback experience, valid passport, clean criminal record. Apply to: careers@testalta. com.

ROADEX Services requires O/O 1 tons and 3 tons for our RV division to haul RV’s throughout North America & semi O/O to haul RV’s & general freight. Group benefits & discounted fuel cards. Border crossing required with valid passport & clean criminal record. 1-800-867-6233; www.roadexservices. com. MEDICAL Transcription! In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-855-768-3362 to start training for your work-at-home career today!


AUCTION for Duane Nickolson & Guest Consignors. Saturday, May 13 SW of Cherhill, Alberta. Skidsteer, track hoe, farm house, house trailer, storage sheds, household, much more. View details at 780967-3375 / 780-9039393.

Coming Events

28TH ANNUAL Red Deer Mother’s Day Antique Show & Sale. May 13 & 14. Sat. 10-5 p.m. & Sun. 10-4 p.m. Westerner Park. Over 300 tables. Furniture, collectibles, retro. Carswell’s 403-3431614.


CRIMINAL RECORD? Why suffer employment/ licensing loss? Travel/business opportunities? Be embarrassed? Think: Criminal Pardon. US entry waiver. Record purge. File destruction. Free consultation 1-800-347-2540.

“Bikes To Big Rigs”

SEDGEWICK, AB 780-384-3080 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420. www.pioneerwest. com.

The shelf life for Facebook, Twitter and the like is short-lived. Send birth, wedding, birthday & anniversary announcements to the ECA Review to ensure that these life-changing events become part of history forever, and for as little as $13.00 in the word classifieds to a display ad with photo for as little as $72.00.

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

Faith, family, friends greatest treasures Lena Stickel went home to be with her Lord and Saviour on May 1, 2017 at the age of 93 years. Lena was born on October 28, 1923 in Romania, and her family settled in the Spondin area in 1928. She was the sixth child of 10 born to John and Stickel Frieda Motz. Lena married Fred Stickel on June 1, 1947 and from this union they had three children; Larry (Brenda) Stickel, Leona (Ted) Bond, and Carol (Alvin) Olsen. They were blessed with six grandchildren; Carrie (Joel) Cavenagh, Lisa (Jeff) Campion, Jill (Brent) Olesen, Crystal (Ryan)

Quaschnick, Corry (Robyn) Raugust, and Blair (Jen) Raugust, and 13 great grandchildren. Also five step-grandchildren and 11 step-great grandchildren. Lena was predeceased by her husband on Feb 1, 2006, and son-inlaw Garth Hanlon in 2002, as well as seven brothers and sisters. Lena’s strong faith, family and friends were her greatest treasures, and she will be dearly missed by all who knew her. A private family graveside service was held on Friday May 5, 2017, 2 p.m., at the Hanna Cemetery with Pastor Lloyd Kreiser officiating.

Donations in Lena’s memory can be made to: Mission To Children; P.O. Box 51143, RPO Beddington, Calgary, Ab., T3K 3V9, or MSC Canada, Bet Shalom Seniors Home, 16-101 Amber Street, Markham, Ont., L3R 3B2. Laurie Palmer of Hanna Funeral Services Ltd., entrusted with arrangements, 403-854-5956, hannafuneral@,

Chiropractic Clinic

Dr Brandy Frenette Chiropractic services include: Graston Technique and Active Release Technique. Bioflex Laser Therapy. 4809-50th St. Consort, AB

(403) 577-2081

Book Online www.drbrandyfrenette.

Familiar Faces you have come to Know & Trust

Heather Caseley

Craig Caseley

Hugh McLarty

Judy Lindmark

Diane Zinger


Coronation, AB

403-578-3131 Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Kendra Walgenbach, CPA, CA Chris Annand, CPA, CA Naomi Roth, CPA, CGA Guy Chapman, CPA, CA, CFP Krystal Stoutenberg, CPA, CA

Bill’s Waterwell Guardian Big Country Construction Services Well Drilling Drugs - & Building Ltd.& Repairs Pumps Supplies Ltd.


403-747-2120 Well Drilling Mon.-Fri.: 9 am - 6 pm Pumps & Repairs

Sat.: 9 am - 4 pm Sun.: Noon - 4 pm

East Central Alberta’s

Serving East Central Alberta Brett & Lana Twa Ph. 403-578-3157

Cell. 403-578-8451

Largest Drugstore

Bale Wecker

Hauling David Unruh

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PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. • Plumbing • Gas Fitting • Air Conditioning • Sheet Metal • Commercial Refrigeration

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Centre Street Hanna, AB

• Custom New Homes •All Farm Buildings • Renovations • Windows and Doors • Overhead Doors & Service • Retail Sales Quality Customer Care


Horseshoe Trailer Mfg. 403-884-2173 Halkirk 403-430-0504

Eye Health • Glasses • Contacts


Closed Friday’s throughout July & Aug

Dr.McIver In Coronation

MONDAYS 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Call Anytime for Appointments


Located in Coronation Mall

4702 51 Ave, Stettler, AB Phone 403-742-3438


Mechanical Ltd. Service Wise We Specialize

Commercial & Residential Plumbing & Gas Fitting box 204, Consort, Ab T0C 1b0

403-742-5237 403-577-2386 Stettler, AB

Trailer Parts & Repairs

Horse, Stock, Cargo, Flatdeck Quality Parts In Stock Visa/Mastercard Accepted

Hanna Vision Centre

E.Roger Spady


Coronation Mall


Little Gap Septic Service

Dr. Marc Kallal Dr. Ward ZoBell Tues & Thurs 10 - 4

Dr. Dennis A. Heimdahl Dr. Ward ZoBell Tuesdays, Wednesdays 9-5 Thursdays 9-4

Professional Corporation Barrister & Solicitor

Res 403 578 3265 Cell 403 575 5264

Little Gap Septic Service

Coronation Vision Clinic

410 2nd Avenue West, Hanna, AB JEFF M.FAUPEL, B. Mgmt., C.A. MONICA N. FAUPEL, B. Mgmt., C.A. Three Hills - Tues. Coronation - Wed. Oyen -Thurs. (by Appointment)

Business Directory Stan Barnes

Professional Directory 403-578-3221

Central Alberta Family Funeral Services Ltd.

For Livestock Hauling Call




S. Barnes Trucking

May 11'17


fax 403-577-2388

Kikel Meat Packers

Quality Collision Repair Government Inspected and Professional Service… Abattoir Guaranteed! RR #2 Bashaw, AB Find out more about us at: Phone: 403-742-3555 4109 - 48 Avenue, Stettler

Ponoka County 424008

780 372 2178

12 M a y

11'17 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

ECA review


Seeking assistance on a theft of copper wire Fisherman charged

Stettler RCMP observed a Stettler male on Buffalo Lake fishing from a small boat on Sat. May 6. Stettler Fish and Wildlife confirmed that the fishing season is currently closed due to fish spawning, not opening until May 15. The 33 yr. old male has been charged with offences related to impaired operation of a boat and will attend court in Stettler later this summer. Other offences included unsafe storage of firearms and other provincial statutes. Stettler RCMP would like to remind the public that impaired driving laws pertain to boats, off highway vehicles and any other recrecreational vehicles.

Motorcycle Safety in May

RCMP Coronation Detachment is promoting motorcycle safety in the month of May to coincide with

the 2017 Alberta Traffic Safety Calendar. Police encourage riders to choose the right motorcycle for their skills and abilities, be familiar with your bike’s controls and gauges, and conduct pre-trip inspections. In Alberta, operators and passengers of motorcycles are required by law to wear an approved helmet. Motorcyclists are encouraged to dress for safety and the weather, and drive with defensive driving habits. Other motorists are reminded to share the road with motorcycles, give them space and check your mirrors. On Tuesday, May 2nd at approximately 7pm, Stettler EMS, Regional Fire Department and RCMP attended the scene involving a motorcycle east of the Erskine on Highway 12. The motorcycle was travelling

eastbound on Hwy 12, did not negotiate a curve in the highway and went into the ditch on the south side of the road, causing the motorcycle to flip. Passing motorists noticed the motorcycle in the ditch and provided aid until emergency crews arrived. The 57 year old male operator succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene. The incident is still under investigation. At this time, it does not appear alcohol was a factor in this collision. The name of the deceased is currently not being released. Any witnesses to this collision are encouraged to contact the Stettler RCMP.

Copper wire theft

Killam RCMP are seeking assistance on a theft of copper wire from a business in Forestburg, Ab. Turn to Fatal, Pg 13


May 14 - 20, 2017


Wes WesWes WesWes Wes Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor WesMLA MLA Wes Wes MLA MLA MLA Taylor MLA Taylor Taylor RiverMLA -Wainwright Wainwright e RiverBattle - Wainwright Constituency Battle River Constituency River Wainwright e RiverBattle Wainwright Constituency BattleMLA River - Wainwright Constituency Constituency MLA Constituency




OK Tire, Coronation 4901 Victoria Street 403 578 3613


DREAM CREATIONS 780-888-2553

Village of Consort DREAM CREATIONS 780-888-2553

DREAM CREATIONS 780-888-2553

4901 50 Ave Consort, AB 1.403.577.3623 - phone 1.403.577.2024 - fax Grateful for the service provided to our community. We honour and thank them. DREAM CREATIONS 780-888-2553

Working for you! River Wainwright e RiverBattle Wainwright Constituency Battle River - Wainwright Constituency Working for you! I am determined to support the rule of law with more than just words. Rural crime is on the rise and I want to understand your concerns Accordingly I am holding a

Constituency Office Constituency Town Hall in Killam Constituency Office 123-10 St. Wainwright T9W 1N6 nd DREAM CREATIONS 780-888-2553

on Thursday, the 22 of June 2017.

Working for you! Phone: 780 842-6177 Toll free: 310-0000, then 780 842-6177

123-10 St. Wainwright T9W 1N6 Phone: Fellow MLA Angela Pitt will780 be in842-6177 attendance.

Please come along and help us understand your issues. Constituency Office Toll 310-0000, 780 842-6177 Your inputfree: will help formulate then sensible, practical and citizen 123-10 Wainwright friendly policiesSt. for future government. T9W 1N6 Phone: 780 842-6177 for you! Toll free:Working 310-0000, then 780 842-6177 Constituency Office 123-10 St. Wainwright T9W 1N6 Toll free: 310-0000, then 780 842-6177

Taylor Taylor

McKenzie Motors DREAM CREATIONS 780-888-2553

Ted McKenzie 403-578-3866 Coronation

24-7 BRIGLEY’S TOWING 4418 Railway Ave., Box 520, Coronation AB Ph: 403 578 3800 • Fax: 403 578 3993


Box 464, Provost, AB T0B 3S - Oilfield Pipeline, Maintenance & Con 464,3S0 AB T0B 3S0 Box 464, Provost, ABBoxT0B -Provost, Bobcat/Backhoe/Trackhoe/Dozer S Group Accommodations Lyndon Clark • Cell: (780) - Oilfield Pipeline, Maintenance & Construction- Reclamation -842-7997 & Gravel 780-469-0579 Shawn Goodwin • Cell: (587) 878-0517 - Bobcat/Backhoe/Trackhoe/Dozer Service - Welding - Reclamation &Email: Gravel - Contaminant Hauling - Welding - Aggregate, Wood Shavings & Pe - Contaminant Hauling Bus: (780) 753-8100 - Aggregate, WoodFax: Shavings Pellets (780)&753-8104 C

Castor Bus: (780) 753-8100 Fax: (780) 753-8104

Email: Lyndon Clark

Cell: (780) 842-7997


Box 179 Castor, AB T0C 0X0

403-882-3055 fax 403-882-2349

4706 Victoria Ave., Coronation, AB


Box 464, Provost, AB T0B 3S - Oilfield Pipeline, Maintenance & Con Box 464, Provost, AB T0B 3S0 - Bobcat/Backhoe/Trackhoe/Dozer S 4608 44 Ave. • 403.742.3481 Oilfield Pipeline, Maintenance & Construction- Reclamation & Gravel - Bobcat/Backhoe/Trackhoe/Dozer Service - Welding Convenience Store - Reclamation & Gravel - * Propane- Contaminant Hauling Gasoline * Diesel - Welding - Winter - Aggregate, Wood Shavings & Pe 7am-8pm 7am-9pm Summer - Contaminant Bus:Hauling (780) 753-8100 403-779-2622 - Aggregate, WoodFax: Shavings & Pellets (780) 753-8104 C




Bus: (780) 753-8100 Fax: (780) 753-8104

615 Main St. Youngstown

Email: Cornish Amanda

Cell: (780) 842-0904


Box 464, Provost, AB T0B 3S 717-14th Ave., Wainwright, AB 780-842-4454 Hanna, AB Maintenance & Con - Oilfield Pipeline, We salute our Police Service for Provost, AB T0B 3S0 Box 464, Bobcat/Backhoe/Trackhoe/Dozer S 403-854-3711 protecting our communities. - Oilfield Pipeline, Maintenance & Construction- Reclamation & Gravel - Bobcat/Backhoe/Trackhoe/Dozer Service - Welding - Reclamation & Gravel - Contaminant Hauling -

ECA review

Coronation/Stettler, Ab

May 11'17


Service awards presented to two fire department volunteers Cont’d from Pg 6 The effects of which are still being felt. With the help of neighbours along with the Altario and Consort Volunteer fire departments, all worked and fought hard and managed to get the fire contained before it could reach our farm. Words can not describe the gratitude we have for the sacrifices and the huge courage our Volunteer firefighters show every day while protecting our property and our lives. Albertans are fortunate to have volunteers from every corner of the province that selflessly put themselves in harms way. In this case everything turned out alright, but if not for those who stand at the ready every day, this situation could have been a complete disaster for our family. The most ironic thing about the fire this past Thursday was that I was scheduled to be in Donalda that evening to present Provincial Emergency Service Awards, and it was a pleasure to recognize the recipients. If nothing else the strange

coincidental set of circumstances gave me something to talk about at the awards ceremony. Retiring Fire Chief, Frank Sutton and his daughter Tasha an emergency services worker herself, were presented awards for outstanding community service to the Volunteer fire department of Donalda. As mentioned, this weeks Emergency Preparedness should

serve as a reminder to all of us to be prepared. It’s important that everyone understand what emergency services you have in your area and how to contact them should you encounter an emergency situation. A lot of times we neglect these important details but they inevitably become critical should the need arise. The Alberta government has events and information on their website

through the Alberta Emergency Management Agency department. These are useful links to events and information that could just save a life: Use this week to check your first aid kits, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers and other emergency equipment to ensure it is all in adequate working order.

Fatal single vehicle rollover near Strome, Ab. Cont’d from Pg 12 The theft occurred on April 24, between 3 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. The suspect cut a hole in the chain link fence, entered the compound and proceeded to steal copper wire. Call Cst. Travis Norton at the Killam RCMP 780-385-3509, or Crime Stoppers by phone at 1-800-222-8477 or Crime Stoppers.

Fatal collision

Killam RCMP responded to a single

vehicle rollover on Highway 13 near Range Road 152, east of Strome, Ab. on May 4. Investigation determined that a west bound SUV with three occupants hit the ditch and rolled multiple times, coming to rest on a Canadian Pacific Rail line. Train traffic on the CPR line was halted and traffic flow on Hwy 13 was down to one lane of travel during the investigation. The driver of the SUV was wearing

a seatbelt and sustained minor injuries. Two passengers, not wearing seatbelts were both ejected from the SUV. One passenger was declared dead at the scene and the other was flown by STARS to Edmonton with serious injuries. Alcohol, road and weather conditions were not contributing factors in the collision. The name of the deceased is not being released.

The RCMP – Much more than policing!

OK Tire Castor

5501-50 Ave., Castor, AB


generated a new wave of criminal activity, and one branch of the RCMP’s National Police Services deals specifically with crimes such as identity theft or sex offences, and provides services related to security, audio and video analysis, and co-ordination of investigations between all police services in Canada. Other branches deal with firearms, education, information, intelligence, forensic laboratories, identification networks and child exploitation. The RCMP’s major areas of focus include organized crime, terrorism, youth, aboriginal communities and economic integrity. On a more local level, RCMP officers still provide everyday policing in areas not served by provincial or municipal police services. They also provide extra support to provinces and municipalities when needed.

Woody’s Automotive

403-742-(NAPA) 6272 Stettler, AB


Canada’s national police force is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and what better time to learn more about who they are and what they do than during National Police Week, May 14 to 20. While today’s “Mounties” still work to “always get their man”, to do so requires so much more than when the RCMP was created back in 1873. Originally, the RCMP provided general law enforcement for early settlers in Canada, with a role that varied from establishing peaceful relationships between settlers and the First Nations, to fighting fires if the need arose. These officers also established their presence internationally during numerous rebellions and wars. The first women police members were signed on about 100 years after the organization was formed, but are now a vital part of RCMP operations. In fact, the RCMP continues to grow as its role becomes even more challenging with RCMP Hanna Detachment today’s technological 104 3rd Avenue West advances. The use of 403 854-3393 technology has

Wes Wes Taylor Taylor MLA MLA




Battle River - Wainwright Constituency RCMP Coronation Detachment Battle River Wainwright On behalf ofConstituency theConstituency Constituency Battle River 4909 Royal St. - Wainwright HMP I thank you for your dedication 403 578 3666 to serve & protect. CERTIFIED DREAM CREATIONS 780-888-2553

DREAM CREATIONS 780-888-2553

Ph. (403) 882-3215 Fax. (403) 882-2700




Open 24 Hours

107 Palliser Trail, Hanna


Office: 403-854-4427 Toll Free: 1-888-426-6246 Fax: 403-854-2952






APACHE CANADA LTD. 4915 Victoria Ave • P.O Box 99 Coronation, AB T0C 1C0 Direct: 403-578-2131


RCMP Killam/Forestburg Detachment 4915 49 Ave • 780 385-3502



Ph. (403) 854-4427 Your Superstore!

Toll Free: 1-888-426-6246 600 West Industrial Road, Hanna AB BERTA AL


A Division of Central Alberta Funeral Services Ltd.

Office: 403-854-4427 Toll Free: 1-888-426-6246 Fax: 403-854-2952 Office: 403-854-4427 Toll Free: 1-888-426-6246 Fax: 403-854-2952





403-578-2584 Coronation

Broke “N” Down Mechanical

ROD WADSTEIN “Self-Proclaimed Captain”

5117 Victoria Avenue P.O. Box 358 Coronation, AB T0C 1B0 Tel. 1.403.578.2928 Toll Free: 1.888.578.2928

RCMP Oyen Detachment 317 1st Ave East 403 664-3505

Box 748 Coronation, AB Phone/Fax: 403.578.4440


RCMP Stettler Detachment 5902 44th Avenue 403 742-3382

Rob Waltham Box 976 Coronation AB

403 578 3177


n hor



c Ele

Richie Waterer Sales Farm Wiring • Trenching

Coronation AB 403 578 3070

882-3211 • Castor

14 M a y

11'17 Coronation/Stettler, Ab.

Ag r i c u lt u r e

ECA review

Berry Creek call for re-established local government Part four of a series about a failed federal government policy that Oliver Longman and tried to put a homestead on just about the history of the Special Areas every quarter section. Oliver Longman, architect and In his report, Longman wrote, “In father of what became the Special order to bring about an adequate and Areas, was uniquely equipped to serve rapid adjustment of affairs… it is our region. He was a farm kid. He was essential that a single duly constituted educated. He’d taught agriculture at authority have power to deal with all Claresholm and Olds. He’d served as manner of problems common to the principal at the Agricultural School in area. This suggestion is not intended Raymond. He’d studied irrigation in to infer that any municipal or other southern Alberta and carefully looked district should be forced to accept.” into the impact of long-term drought. Decades later, Longman was still In the early thirties, Longman upset that the Minister of Agriculture wrote a report that became known as to whom he reported in those early the Berry Creek Report. years never took “significant interest” Many of its ideas were later incorpo- in the region’s problems. rated into what became the Special Politically, it was decided (ultimately Areas Act. by the provincial government) that the In his excellent book, A Land way to get through the economic crisis Reclaimed: The Story of Alberta’s was to eliminate local municipal govSpecial Areas, Jack Gorman says that ernments, but even so, as soon as the by April of 1932, Longman had studied region was on the road to recovery, by and reviewed territory comprising 72 the early 1950s, Longman and others full townships representing more than pointedly called for locally elected two million acres. municipal government to be re-estabAt the time, Longman deliberately lished in the region. followed municipal boundaries as About 15 years after the Special closely as possible because he thought Areas Act had been passed, Longman it would better “facilitate the adjustchaired the first of two provincial ment procedures” within the commissions that studied the Special impoverished region. Areas and its future. Both commisSevere droughts along with the sions recommended that locally lowest prices for farm products in elected municipal government be Canadian history, had decimated the re-established. region. Lacking the irrigation initiaLongman recognized that at no time tives being established in the south, had there been a failure of local govfarmers in our region abandoned their ernments in the Special Areas region. hopes of independence. Many fled. Instead, there had been a one-time Dozens of local municipalities were crisis affecting the entire Great Plains overwhelmed by unpaid taxes and of North America from prairie Canada mounting debt. to the Texas panhandle. Originally, Longman never anticiIn the region that became the pated that existing municipal Special Areas, these problems were governments would be affected by his eventually compounded by the lack of 3” wide version rehabilitation efforts, although he did anticipate that some “would revert back to Local Improvement Take five minutes Districts (LIDs) to give direction. because… the government Help us provide the [would then] news and information that assume some of most interests you. the overhead costs that the municipalities We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage. 3” wide version had to bear.” At no time did Longman view locally elected 3.75” wide version municipal govIron Filters • Softeners • Reverse Osmosis ernment as the Tell them Danny Never shock chlorinate again!! with Big Iron’s problem, or even Hooper sent you Patented “Kontinuous Shok” Chlorinator 12345 as a contributor to the problem. but short Need Instead, these a of cash?? early municipaliminutes • 10 Year Time Payment Plan O.A.C. • No Down Payment for Take Wells and five Water Treatment ties were victims Check status of 3 government grants/assistance worth up to to $5000 or more EACH give direction. of drought, 1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766) severely Help us provide the depressed news and information that modity prices and most interests you.

Our online readership survey is coming soon


Our online readership survey is coming soon



KOPJAR SEED LTD.3.75” wide version

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.


GoodRURAL Fences Make Good Neighbours! Pedigree Seed • Oilfield • Page Wire TREATMENT Wheat: AAC Brandon WATER Iron Filters•• Commercial Softeners • Reverse Osmosis • Rail Fence HRSW: AC Carberry - AC Never Stettlershock chlorinate again!! with Big Iron’s Tell them Danny • ResidentialShok” • Corrals Patented “Kontinuous Chlorinator Hooper sent you CPSR: AAC Ryley 12345 • Farm Fencing • Fence but short MALT BARLEY: CDC Copeland Need • Barbed wire Installation a of cash?? FEED BARLEY: CDC Austenson Wood Removal • 10 Year Time Payment Plan O.A.C. •• No Down Payment for Wells•and Water Treatment Peas: CDC Saffron Check status of 3 government grants/assistance or more • Vinyl worth up to $•5000GPS forEACH New for 2018 - CDC Bow Barley • Chain Link Fence(244-4766) Lines 1-800-BIG IRON FABA BEANS: Snowdrop


PHONE: 403-368-2409 CELL: 403-321-0237 FAX: 403-368-2410

Verle Klassen

Ph 403-741-4483 Fax 403-742-4560 •

a realistic long-term plan directed toward expanded economic development, and by the genuine limitations associated with the lack of locally-elected trolled and locally-congovernment. This commentary is by the Hard Grass Landowners Council and is prepared by an editorial committee that

includes: Richard Bailey, Pat Rutledge, Mark Doolaege, and Jim Ness.

Ma nu Ma re & na Co ge m me po nt st

BRAD DELEFF 403-575-5680 Box 424, Consor, AB T0C 1B0


May 15 - June 5

Treated Posts


3” - 4”x6’ $365 Spray 4” - 5”x6’ $626 Spray 4” - 5”x6’ $565 Kootnay

$420 /bundle

Canadian Barbed Wire $6499/roll Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

578-4663 Coronation

General Tree Care Seminar •

Have you planted trees only to have them later die?

Have you searched for answers on how to select, plant and care for your trees? Jacquie Randle, an arborist with KC Landscaping and Maintenance, will talk about common problems facing trees in Alberta.

Topics include selection, planting, pruning, watering, fertilizer, mulch, and insect and disease management. You will learn how to help trees thrive and not just survive. Be prepared to discover the complexities of trees and their connected systems.

Practical demonstrations of how to prune and plant completes this informative general tree care overview.

To register call (780) 384-4129

May 18, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Flagstaff County Office

Provost 4-H District

Beef & Sheep Show & Sale May 31 & June 1, 2017 at The 4-H Pavilion @ Shorncliffe Lake, Czar

Wednesday, May 31, 2017 Sheep Show - 3:00 PM District Judging Competition - 4:30 PM Female Show - 6:30 PM

Thursday, June 1, 2017 STEER SHOWS Czar/Metiskow – 10:00 AM Amisk – 10:45 AM Stainsleigh – 11:30 AM Interclub Competitions – 12:15 PM Weight Classes – 3:00 PM Awards – 4:30 PM Community Supper – 5:00 PM

Sheep & Beef Sale 6:00 PM


REVIEW Wheel of a Deal Section

ECA review


Coronation/Stettler, Ab

May 11'17

East Central Alberta R 72 pt

60 pt


48 pt


36 pt


30 pt


24 pt


18 pt

Falcons, hawks and sound bangers used for landfill bird control Cont’d from Pg 3 Cosens will meet with Weber over regulations put in by Alberta Agriculture as far as fencing requirements and council agreed to relook at the wording in the by-law. “Containment Standards have to be done by the end of next year, the fence has to be in, there’s no if, ands or buts,” said Cosens. According to Weber, as the by-law stands now, if approved, he would not be able to sell his business nor transfer it to his family if he was to get hurt or retire. The ruling was instigated because several provinces were running into troubles with wild boars on the loose due to the unsuccessful sport of releasing them for hunting. “Really glad you came in,” said Coun. Rocky Dalmar, “we wouldn’t have known about it [your farming operation] otherwise.”

Landfill update

Waste Connections of Canada Inc., John Rush and Dan Rochette attended the county council meeting to update council on the merger between two companies that involved a name change from Progressive Waste Management. Rush also noted the efforts put into controlling the sea gulls saying that they use several different tactics to keep them under control which includes bangers and falcons and hawks. “We are talking to the government for a shooting permit,” said Rush. “The bangers, they get use to it. It’s not just one thing you do. The more things we can do, switch them up, the better.” Odour supression is accomplished by covering up the garbage as soon as possible with dirt, and chemical spraying. Rochette noted that the company spends approximately $50,000 monthly locally on fuel, oil, gravel, tires, etc. as well as support for local groups and on average $90,000 annually for the Community Grant Fund that they participate in along with the Paintearth Regional Waste Management body.


Council motioned to purchase two light duty trucks from Stettler Dodge for $43,022 each, the lowest tender received, to replace a 12 and a 13 year old truck. The lowest tender of $31,361 from Tom Cat Sales & Rentals was the tender accepted for a grader-mounted packer to help extend the longevity of the MG 30 roads three to four weeks longer between blading before it starts to deteriorate.

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Flagstaff County has had great success with seven graders with the packer mounted and are purchasing two more, said Public Works Supervisor, Bryce Cooke. Council motioned to purchase a rock rake from Cervus Equipment for $23,644.71, the lowest of four quotes, for cleaning up three to four gravel pits in the next two to three years, said Cooke. This would eliminate the large amount of small rocks resurfacing after the topsoil has settled over a season or two. Previously public works had rented one but it seemed to be in the shop most of the time getting fixed. Cooke also asked and received approval, if needed, to hire one or two gravel trucks and to approve an additional 50,000 tonne of gravel due to the poor conditions of the roads caused by a prolonged wet spring. “Look at other solutions too,” said Coun. Rocky Dalmar, including MG30, calcium, reshaping, rebuilding and stabilizing the base on some of the roads. Council also approved the signing of a 3-year contract for 30,000 tonnes of gravel at $11.78/tonne in a pit only four miles from the border in the northeast corner of the county. “Cheapest we’ve had gravel for in a long time,”

said one councillor. Approval was given to purchase a Polaris UTV for $18,114 from Heartland Marine & Motorsports in Erskine for the purpose of spraying roadsides for weed control. Council also agreed on purchasing a sprayer attachment, a Pro-Tec 325L UTV sprayer from Univar at $7,304. All approved expenditures are coming from restricted surplus and some from the MSI Grant.

Budget/Mill Rate

The mill rate will stay the same as last year however county taxpayers will see a slight increase in both the Castor & District Housing Authority (Foundation) tax and the Alberta School taxes. Total assessed property in the county has decreased from $1,168,520,290 to $1,112,352,100. Estimated municipal revenues from all sources other than taxation is estimated at $2,938,578 leaving a balance of $13,598,733 to be raised by taxes in 2017. The residental total taxes levied will be $14,123,832 with the budgeted total expenditures for 2017 at $13,598,733. The budgeted draw from restricted surplus is $1,059,572, down 689,517 from last year. The expenses are budgeted at $15,407,569 less the

Partnership Society (PEPS) loss on the sale of the Jaw Crusher of $315,000; depreci- and League Projects to bury the power lines that are ation of $2,270,075 and bank presently strung on three charges of $75,000 leving a power poles. This will allow final budget for operating for bigger higher loads on costs at $12,747,494. Hwy 12 to access Hwy 36. The budget reflects a 2.4 Costing is not confirmed but per cent cost of living PEPS has agreed to support increase for all staff, union half of the project up to and non-union. $50,000. Budgeted operating revenue came in at $837,850. Capital expenditures are set at $3,160,300 with grants offsetting TOLL FREE 1-888-641-4508 $1,506,928 and proceeds of sale of TOLL FREE 1-888-641-4508 TOLL FREE 1-888-641-4508 TRAILER SALES, LEASING & RENTALS TOLL FREE 1-888-641-4508 capital assets at OFFERING THE TOP NAMES IN ALL ALUMINUM TRAILER SALES, LEASING & RENTALS TRAILER SALES, LEASING & RENTALS $593,800 for a defTRAILER SALES, LEASING &&RENTALS OFFERING THE NAMES TOP NAMES IN ALUMINUM ALL ALUMINUM OFFERING THE TOP IN ALL TRAILER SALES, LEASING RENTALS TRAILERS icit of $2,100,728. TRAILERS OFFERING THE TOP IN ALLINALUMINUM TRAILERS TRAILERS TOLL FREE: 1-888-641-4508 OFFERING THENAMES TOP NAMES ALL ALUMINUM Drawn from TRAILERS restricted surplus … for weekly specials of new and used invent is anticipated to be $1,059,572. TRAILER SALES, LEASING & REN

PEPS update

Coun. Diane Elliott reported on a joint cost share powerline project with Paintearth Economic

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want (and increasingly not from Pg 6 CHEVROLET BUICK GMC cies, we are not willing to m.comCont’d 403-742-3407 & Detailing Service Non-cabinet Members of Parliament simply ‘rubber stamp’ all Liberal MPs according to

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from all parties (including backbench changes that reduce the media) will significantly Liberal MPs) will be stripped of many Prime Minister and Cabinet reduce the ability of MPs to powers and procedural tools in the from being held accountable voice the concerns of their LI-ION Box 322 Coronation20-V AB.,DRILL T0C 1C0 daily proceedings of the House itself, by MPs from across Canada. ridings and individual 1/2" With 2 batteries Question Period, and all committees of The changes the Liberals constituents. Chad 403-575-0946 and charger. the House. DWT DCD780C2 Melvin 403-575-0844 Opposition MPs know that it Bumper to Bumper Brand Guidelines is individual Canadians who suffer under this 2.3 LOGO W/ TAG LINE proposed reducLivestock Specializing in GM Truck Parts tion in Equipment Ltd. NEW & USED GM PARTS democracy. Parliaments • Aftermarket Body Parts (fenders, grilles, headlights) Full versions of the Bumper to Bumper logo include the tagline. The tagline around the world for most MAKES and MODELS, upon request. should only appear with the horizontal versions of the logo. – for centuries – • Most rebuilt transfer cases, upon request. instances where these versions are have always been • Rebuilt GM transfer cases and used GM powertrain For required, use the logo versions provided by the Bumper to Bumper brand team – very sensitive parts in stock. do not try to reproduce the tagline. Our Business “Revolves” Around Livestock about protecting the balance of Calvin & Judy Bishell power between Veteran, AB the Executive Stettler, AB. Innisfail, AB. ph. (403) 575-2262 Branch (the Give us a Call! 403-972-3879 403-742-0200 403-227-5581 1-866-575-2262 Crown’s repreFax: 403-972-2001 sentative) and the OILFIELD - INDUSTRIAL - SAFETY Email: Legislative Branch (historically known as April 1 toAND April 30, 2016 23" TOOLBOX “the SOCKET SET COMBO commoners”). STY FMHT23001MTS The third institution in the Westminster Parliamentary 1- UTILITY CAMO PINK WOMEN’S 1- UTILITY CAMO PINK WOMEN’S GLOVES 12-V MAX LI-ION IMPACT READY system is the GJO C41521/22 Medium to large GLOVES Medium to large,/ea. /ea. DRILL IMPACT FLEX TORQ SET GJO C41521/22 $9.99 /pair - SAVE 50% { Supreme Court REG. COMBO KIT REG. 30 pieces. REG. 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SAVE 45% SAVE 30% 20 are proposed for ACCUFIT STARTING AT debate. % Traditionally, PENNZOIL HIGH MILEAGE OILS, 5 L NAPA SYNTHETIC OILS, 5 L Various grades. Various grades. RAIN-X GLASS TREATMENT all parties of the PEN 550045204/06/19 NPL 7240-5/7260-5/7280-5 PER BCRX11413CN6 SILVERSTAR ULTRA SILVERSTAR ZXE RAIN-X SILVERSTAR RAIN-XGLASS GLASSTREATMENT TREATMENT House of PER PERBCRX11413CN6 BCRX11413CN6 SILVERSTAR SILVERSTAR SILVERSTAR SILVERSTAR ULTRA ULTRA SILVERSTAR ZXE ZXE SAVE 35% STARTING AT STARTING AT STARTING AT Commons have SAVE SAVE35 35% % STARTING STARTING STARTING AT AT STARTINGAT AT STARTING AT agreed to previous changes to the REG. 99 99 99 REG. REG. 13RAIN-X GLASS TREATMENT Standing Orders PER BCRX11413CN6 13 13 SILVERSTAR ULTRA SILVERSTAR ZXE SILVERSTAR of Parliament that 12-1/2" TOOLBOX 23" TOOLBOX AND SAVE 35% TRAY SET COMBO STARTING AT STARTING AT 19 WITH STARTING AT govern the way 99 SOCKET STY STST13011 STY FMHT23001MTS REG. REG. Canada’s govern11 26 ment operates. REG. SAVE 55% SAVE 25% Even today in 13 the 42nd WIPE NEW BUNGEE CORD Exterior car ASSORTMENT Parliament, trim cleaner. Pack of 12. EMS 9061 UTT CBC12 Opposition MPs are willing to consider and try to ALL SIZES! ALLSIZES! SIZES! STARTINGAT AT STARTING ALL STARTING AT pass changes that SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER update, modWINDSHIELD WINDSHIELD WINDSHIELD WASHER AND WASHER AND AND WASHER WITH A PURCHASE OF $50 OR MORE ernize, streamline BUG REMOVER ALL SIZES! BUG REMOVER • Superior wipe BUG REMOVER ALL SIZES! • Superior wipe ALL SIZES! • Superior wipe VISTA RCO 15-214 VISTA RCO 15-214 VISTA RCO 15-214 or assist the rouPROFORMER VISTA • Aerodynamic profile PROFORMER PROFORMER • Aerodynamic profile Premium all-season all-season PROFORMER • Aerodynamic profile Premium PremiumAdvanced all-season All-season,conventional conventional performance. FROM APRIL 1 TO APRIL 30, 2016 •• All-weather performance All-season, performance. Advanced All-weather performance ARMOR ALL WIPES tine business of All-season, conventional performance. • All-weather performance and rearofwipers wipers forsuperior superior one-piece designAdvanced resists rear Pack 2. forfor one-piece design resists •• Easy installation 99 99 andand rear wipers superior one-piece design resists wiping performance. Easy installation Woody’s Automotive Ltd. Three Hills Auto Sport Ltd. Associate Drumheller NAPA Auto Parts Oyen corrosion and freezing for ATNAPA PARTICIPATING NAPA AUTO PARTS STORES ONLY. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. wiping performance. ARM 17375 • Easy installation corrosion and freezing forfor REG. REG. the House. wiping performance. corrosion and freezing all-season performance. performance. ACTUAL PRODUCT MAY DIFFER FROM PRODUCT SHOWN. OFFER EXCLUSIVE TO RETAIL CUSTOMERS. all-season 20 9 all-season performance. ALL SIZES! STARTING AT 4902 43rd Avenue 510 Main St. 901 South Railway Ave. Bay 1 & 2 102 Main Street As the demoSAVE 50%NAPA’S SAVE 45from % May NAPA’SMERCHANDISING MERCHANDISING POLICY. POLICY. Offers Offers valid from May 11 to to May May 31, 31, 2017 2017 inclusively, inclusively, at valid at participating participating NAPA NAPA Auto Auto Parts Parts stores. stores. All All offers offers available availablewhile whilesupplies supplieslast. last.Parts Partsmay maynot notbe beasasillustrated. illustrated.Best Bestefforts effortshave havebeen been cratically-elected NAPA’S POLICY. Offers validPrices from May 1 to May 31, 2017without inclusively, at participating NAPA Auto Parts stores.toAll offers available while supplies last. Parts may not be asthe illustrated. Bestprices efforts have been AB AB Three Hills, AB Drumheller, AB Oyen, madeMERCHANDISING toensure ensureall allStettler, information accurate. are subject subject to change change SUMMER made to information isis accurate. Prices are to without notice. notice. All All taxes taxes are are extra. extra. We We reserve reserve the the right right tolimit limitquantities. quantities.Prices Pricesshown shownininthe the2017 2017May Mayretail retailflyer flyerare are thepromotional promotional pricesand and TIRE FOAM Pricesamount ensurebeen all information isSHINE accurate. are subject to change withoutinnotice. All taxes be are extra. Wewith reserveother the right toCAA limit quantities. Prices shownvalid in the 2017 May get retail flyer are the promotional prices and representatives of made WINDSHIELD havetoalready already discounted by the percentage percentage displayed. Promotions card have been discounted by the amount displayed. Promotions in this this flyer flyer cannot cannot be combined combined with any any otheroffers. offers. CAAmembers memberspresenting presentingtheir their validCAA CAA cardwill will getan anadditional additional10% 10%discount discounton on NCH 4-TS510 have alreadyproducts been discounted amount displayed. Promotions403-443-2400 in this flyer cannot be combined with any other offers. CAA members presenting theirWASHER valid CAAAND card will get an additional 10% discount on 403-742-6272 403-823-8598 403-664-3515 identified products aspart part of of by thethe CAApercentage Rewards Program. Program. identified as the CAA Rewards our constituenBUG REMOVER 57943_UAP_MAI_01-06_c2.indd 1 identified products as part of the CAA Rewards Program.





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