January 18, 2013

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Shellbrook Chronicle The voice Th i off th the P Parkland kl d ffor over 100 years Shellbrook, Saskatchewan Friday, January 18, 2013

VOL. 102 NO. 3| PMR #40007604


Canwood meeting positive about levy By Tom Pierson A group of interested ratepayers assembled in the Canwood Elks Hall January 10th. They were there in response to a call for public input on a very important matter. Council wanted to know whether or not to accept a tax levy for one more year in support of the Shellbrook & Districts Integrated Health Complex currently under construction in Shellbrook. Canwood Mayor Bob Thompson welcomed the large group and said the topic for tonight’s discussion is, “to get some of your input. Time has expired on the initial approval for the levy, so it is time to revisit it.” The meeting was well ordered and discussions were friendly with the exchange of information. Someone remarked that they were there to get the facts of the matter, despite many rumours going around. Murray Kasun, Treasurer of the Integrated Health Complex Fundraising Committee was the first to speak. He said, “It (building project) is slated to be open in July of 2013, which by all accounts it should be.” After speaking with the contractor, Kasun said Construction should be finished around April. “They will run it for a month training the staff and trying all the equipment in it to make sure everything works and moving the furniture and fixtures in there. They will slowly start moving employees into the kitchen and accepting residents. “ The contractor was asked if the project is on budget, Kasun said, “It most definitely is!” He later added that there is a $2 million contingency fund in place for cost overruns. At this moment, actual cost overruns are at $200,000. To date, $3.8 million has been raised and $3.3 million has been paid to the Health Authority as progress payments, said Kasun, “that leaves a balance of $1.9 million for us to pay. At present we have $588,000 on hand in our bank account.” Continued on page 2

Here is the cast photo of Arsenic and Old Lace being produced by the HOST Players at the old Elks Theatre. Back (left to right): Shelby Spencer, Nathan Dzialo, Leanne Strube, Myron Wall, Tammy Smart, Jim Lennard, Pat Grayston, Photo: Tom Pierson Greg Spencer. Front: Wade Reddekopp, Karen Spencer and Ann Gaboury. Missing: John Hein.

HOST players to present a classic comedy

A very vibrant and raucous Arsenic and Old Lace By Tom Pierson Normally, the HOST (Hands On Stage) Players like to put on their play as a pre-Christmas event. After previewing the comedy, it is very much worth the wait. What made them choose Arsenic and Old Lace to perform? “It’s classic!,” says Grayston. Its quite lengthy. “However, but the opportunity to portray some of characters, the opportunity to play with who these characters are and try to bring yourself and put yourself into that character’s role. They are strong characters in this play.” Grayston said the challenge of stepping into the roles of a psychotic, in the case of Jonathan Brewster, or of the nervous Dr. Einstein was too much to resist. Rehearsals began in October. There was a problem in getting the books, so production was delayed. Anyone who has seen the movie knows how much work is involved. There are tons of dialogue, plenty of action and movements and prop set-ups. The HOST Players would have been too rushed to stage the production before Christmas. “We got formally started just before 2005, because in 2005 it was Saskatchewan’s Centennial. We decided that we were going to interview some of the elders in the community,” said Pat Grayston.

A play was written for the centennial, based on the stories they were told. That was the first HOST production. The play will run January 18th and 19th at 7pm and January 26th at 7pm and January 27th at 3pm. One of the reasons behind the successes of HOST, according to Grayston is, “We have so much fun together and we know each other well.” That being said, they welcome new people to participate. The venue, the former Elks Theatre, built in 1955, is a marvel. It is a wonderful place to stage productions such as this play. Grayston says the local Arts Council can’t be given enough credit for the current state of the Theatre. Some of the proceeds from this production will go towards repairs and maintenance of the Theatre. Without giving too much away, the entrance of some characters to a scene are simply priceless, such as Tammy Smart portraying Elaine. There are several occasions of Greg Spencer stealing scenes as Teddy Roosevelt. Any more said about this would only spoil the fun. Then there are the characters whose understated roles fill the theatre. There are two good examples of this. Continued on Page 24

Cattlemen we now have... ...Crystalyx Mineral & Protein Lick Tubs in stock!



Shellbrook Chronicle


January 18, 2013

Canwood meeting positive about levy

Continued from page 1 Talking about the communities who have already participated in the levy program, Kasun reported, “If they sign on for one more year, that will get us down to approximately $1/2 million we have to raise.” He did say that the RM of Canwood and Emerald Lake have signed on for one more year. Selling off sponsorships of rooms, common areas and wings is another way the Committee is raising funds for the project. So far, 22 of the 55 rooms have been sold. Selling the remaining rooms, “will more than be enough to meet the $1/2 million.” Handouts before the meeting began included a copy of the fundraising letter sent to prospective donors, and an information sheet of progress to date. The letter and Kasun described the Complex as comprising 3 emergency rooms, 20 acute care beds, 34 long term care beds and a two bay ambulance garage. It will also be home to 20 other health care and service providers and provide more than 150 full and part time jobs. To a question of, “Will there be any rooms set up for surgery?”, the answer was ,”No,” And that is why the Complex is not called a ‘Hospital’. The letter states, “The Complex will provide services to over 19,000 individuals in a 60 mile radius and have a significant economic impact in more than 35 communities in the trading area.” Initially signing on to the levy program were: RM Canwood; RM Leask; RM Shellbrook; Canwood; Leask; Marcelin; Parkside; Debden; Shellbrook and Emerald Lake. One comment that opened a separate discussion noted that there has been no participation by First Nations groups. Kasun replied the Committee has tried, but, “So far we have been unsuccessful.” They are participating in the doctor recruitment project. In the meanwhile, the Committee is, “just in the process of

“I’m getting the feeling that most people are on board.” - Mayor Thompson

Firearm Safety Hunter Education Registration Tuesday, January 22 7:00 - 8:00 p.m., Shellbrook Wildlife Fed. Clubhouse 12 Years and Up ~ Sask. Health Card Required

Registration $50.00

For info Lyndon Tieszen 747-4351 466-7351 (cell)

Shellbrook Host Players presents

Arsenic and Old Lace Friday, January 18

Doors open 6:30 pm, Show 7:00 pm

Saturday, January 19 - Dessert Theatre

Doors open 6:30 pm, Show 7:00 pm

Saturday, January 26 - Dessert Theatre

Doors open 6:30 pm, Show 7:00 pm

Sunday, January 27

Doors open 2:30 pm, Show 3:00 pm

Tickets available at Woodland Pharmacy, Shellbrook or South Hill Mall, Prince Albert For more information call 306-747-4499 (leave message!) Come out for a night of fun and laughter!

applying to SIGA (Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority).” Getting back to the facility, someone asked about the possibility of a helicopter pad. Kasun said that if it were installed during construction, it would probably cost about $300,000. That would be complete with lines and lights. The real question in determining the feasibility of installing one is usage. Statistics were provided from Alberta, and they showed that most pads were only rarely used. In fact 124 of them have only been used three times in the last three years. There were several criteria determining which facilities a helicopter would utilize. Based upon that information and the fact they would probably see less than 20 times per year, it was decided to forego a proper pad. However, Kasun said that some land immediately adjacent to the complex will be dedicated for the purpose of accommodating helicopters. The type of services that will be offered, include pre-natal care, home care, Public Health Nurse, specialized counselling services, and Chiropractic care. Doctor Recruitment Town of Shellbrook Councillor Amund Otterson gave an update on the recruitment of doctors to Shellbrook in his capacity as Chairman of the Doctor Recruitment Committee. The outlook is very promising. “We are really pleased that other communities have gotten involved,” said Otterson. He added that recruitment efforts have been quite vigorous. Those efforts have included advertising in the British Medical Journal among other avenues, such as, “making use of the Health Region’s resources.” Another important note, Shellbrook has grown 16% since the last census. Otterson talked about how well Dr. Ibrahim has settled in to Shellbrook at the primary health care unit. On Monday, January 14th Dr. Chamberlain was to arrive from Calgary and will start work on the 17th. His wife and young family will join him in the spring. A fourth doctor from North Africa is in the process of emigrating to Canada on her way to practicing in Shellbrook. She needs to go through the Saskatchewan Physicians evaluation program. Currently residing in Saskatoon while she completes the three month program. Also on the horizon are two more doctors from the United Kingdom, said Otterson, “who are in the process of working

Kinette Club of Shellbrook

Sweethearts Night Out Dine & Dance Friday, February 8th Shellbrook Community Hall Cocktails: 6:30, Supper: 7:00, Dance: 9:30 Enter our Sweetheart Photo Contest by submitting a photo of you and your sweetheart to: shellbrook_kinettes@hotmail.com for a chance to win a free couple ticket Draw date: January 28, 2013

Tickets - $35/person, $60/couple - available at Woodland Pharmacy or Kim (306) 747-8270 Proceeds to Kinsmen park Revamp Project

SASKATCHEWAN LOTTERIES COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAM • Are you a non-profit volunteer organization located in or around the Town of Shellbrook? • Do you offer access to sport, culture and/or recreation? • Are you looking for some help funding? The SaskLotteries Community Grant Program Applications are now available at the Shellbrook Town Office. For more information please visit the Sask. Lotteries website www.sasklotteries.ca Application Deadline is March 8, 2013, at 4 p.m. For any questions please call Jenny Hosie at the Town Office: 306.747.4949

on the onerous task of obtaining a Canadian work permit through our immigration.” One of them is a colleague of Dr. Ibrahim and could arrive within the next four months. If all goes well, the other UK Doctor could arrive between June and August. Bob Thompson acknowledged the work of the Recruitment Committee and said, “You need to be applauded.” When asked if the Committee has been recruiting Registered Nurses, Otterson said, “That is not something the Recruitment Committee has pursued.” The Final Analysis After regarding that progress to recruit doctors sounds excellent, Thompson turned his attention to the matter of the levy. “This matter will be dealt with at the next Council meeting (January 17th).” The question is does the Village of Canwood want to have one more year of participation with a levy of $150? He mentioned that Council would not consider any other term, “because that is what was requested.” A question arose about infrastructure and what can happen if that goes awry. Thompson replied that the infrastructure has been raised at Council many times. One ratepayer wanted to know why Council is even considering the levy. He said there are many seniors living in the community on low incomes. He then added, “Council was voted in for the maintenance of the Village.” Along the same line, it was noted that if an individual makes a donation, a tax receipt is issued. However, if the donation is paid through Council via the levy program, no such receipt is issued. Mayor Thompson said it was originally felt that it was all in or all out. He also noted with approval that at the start of the process, the local percentage of monies raised was 35%. That has recently changed to 20%. “That has helped this project.” Kasun said the Fundraising Committee did not want $20 at a time, but preferred the levy route. One can easily go through $150 or more in driving to Prince Albert, when a 20 minute drive to Shellbrook would suffice. One of the original fundraisers from 1999 said they are very fortunate to have a clinic only 20 minutes away from Canwood. She also mentioned how long it took to raise the first million dollars, before the levy system was instituted. In the end, Mayor Thompson said, “I am getting the feeling that most people are on board.”

Prince Albert bridge study released The Steering Committee comprised of the City of Prince Albert, Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure, the Rural Municipalities of Buckland and Prince Albert received the final report on the study of the need and benefits for an additional river crossing in Prince Albert. “We are glad the report is out and in the hands of all the Councils for review,” said Prince Albert Mayor Greg Dionne. “We will be meeting with our partners to develop a strategy in regards to our next steps. While the study identifies a proposed location for a second bridge and a transportation corridor, the report failed to develop a phased approach to the bridge being built before the more costly corridor is completed. The study also does not identify the inherent dangers of hazardous materials passing through the city. We need to fully identify the risks of having these materials continually transported over the Diefenbaker Bridge.” Mayor Dionne added, “This government clearly has no appetite to building a second bridge. They continue to point to reports which use volume as the key indicator to determine the need for a second bridge. They should instead be concerning themselves with the risks to residents of Prince Albert and region from the high volumes of dangerous goods going through our city. The report also noted the need for a formal agreement between the province and the city to ensure long-term capital care is implemented for the Diefenbaker Bridge. Hopefully our administrations will be able to complete this work sooner than later.” The entire report is available on the home page of the web site at www.citypa.ca under the Highlights section.

January 18, 2013


Parkside donates funds beyond levy David Moe, Mayor of Parkside, is shown presenting Shellbrook and Districts Integrated Health Complex fundraiser Murray Kasun with a cheque from the Village of Parkside for $12,000.00. These funds are separate and additional from the funds that are being collected by the levy. They felt that the project was of such importance to the community that they contributed the extra money. “Our committee is very honored with their extra support of the project and would hope that this would encourage the other municipalities to consider the levy for one more year. The council of the village of Parkside has signed on to the levy until the project is paid for, just like the Town and RM of Shellbrook.


A walk through the Crop production Show or any other agriculture show or trade fair quickly provides you with an understanding that the agriculture industry is changing. The incredible size of the equipment and the number of acres under the management of a single family or farm corporation is a very obvious change. There are other changes taking place that are maybe not quite as obvious. An example of this is the number of innovative individuals that are adding value to their farm production. To be a successful entrepreneur is not an easy task. It requires innovation, motivation (even a passion), self discipline, and a large amount of time, energy and risk taking. In addition the cost of developing and marketing

a new product always puts a strain on limited human and financial resources. The Saskatchewan Food Industry Development Centre Inc. (Food Centre) is a valuable resource for ag entrepreneurs. It is a non-profit cooperative offering one-stop, full service assistance to food processors wanting to add value to their products for domestic and/or international markets. The Centre was established as a partnership between the Ministry of Agriculture, the Saskatchewan Food Processors Association and the University of Saskatchewan. The range of expertise that each partner brings to the table enables the Food Centre to provide processors with information and technical assistance needed to manufacture a product, get it to market, and maintain a viable operation. The Food Centre helps Saskatchewan producers, entrepreneurs and food processors explore differ-

ent value added opportunities in the food industry. Whether that involves a specific pulse or grain, an exciting recipe that has been in your family for years, or the market expansion of an existing company the Food Centre has a variety of services to take you to the next level. A free information workshop is planned for Nipawin on January 31st from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at the Jackpine room in the Evergreen Centre. The Food Centre and the Ministry of Agriculture will meet with entrepreneurs and discuss resources that are available to assist in the establishment or expansion of value added ventures. Topics covered at the workshops will include: • Food Centres expertise and resources available to assist entrepreneurs in exploring value added opportunities for local or world markets. • Food safety at local and national levels

Shellbrook Royal Purple meeting highlights Shellbrook Royal Purple held their regular meeting on Thursday, January 10 at 7:30 p.m. H.R.L. Edith Turner presided. Opening exercises were held. Memorial Service and one minute of silence was held in memory of our departed sisters. Roll Call: Nine members present. Minutes approved as read. Treasurer gave her report and presented the bills and moved the bills be paid, seconded by Gladys Rudolph. Carried. Communications read. Melba Souch gave the Kitchen and Sunshine reports. Three get well cards sent. New Business.

Royal Purple Soup and Sandwich, date changed to Friday, February 15. Community Hall, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Convenors Rhonda Fitch and Sylvia Savage. Nominating Committee appointed for slate of officers for Lodge year 2013 - 2014 are Shirley Nagy, Leola Skrupski and Sharon Korody. District Meeting, Sunday, April 7, hosted by Prince Albert/Paddockwood Lodge. Charity this month - $1,000 to the Elks and Royal Purple Fund for Children. 50/50 draw - Madeline Jim. H.R.L. Turner thanked everyone for working for the Good of the Order. Lunch was provided by Shirley Nagy and Maxine Smith.

• Financial assistance • New business incubator facility for Nipawin • One-on-one consultations are available if requested. If you are in the process of developing your idea for a value added food product or expanding your business, contact Carmen Ly at the Food Centre to obtain more information on the Food Centre or to register for the information session. Phone 933-7556 or email cly@foodcentre. sk.ca. Or you can also contact your nearest Ministry of Agriculture Regional Services Office.

Shellbrook Chronicle


Saskatchewan exports continue to set records Numbers released by Statistics Canada today show the province’s merchandise exports were up 7.7 per cent for the first eleven months of 2012, compared to the same period in 2011. This landed Saskatchewan in second place among the provinces and sets a new year-to-date record. “Strong export numbers are an indicator of our province’s economic strength,” Minister responsible for Trade Tim McMillan said. “November’s statistics are encouraging and show that our province is on track to have a record year in terms of export gains.” Commodities that saw the most significant increases were electronic and electrical equipment and parts, up 42.5 per cent, forest products, up 39.0 per cent, and metal and non-metallic products, up 36.1 per cent for the first eleven months of 2012. “Saskatchewan products are showing up in every corner of the world,” McMillan said. “This is a testament to the quality of the goods being produced in this province and the strength of our exporters.”

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Fri., Sat. & Sun., Feb. 1, 2, & 3 $120.00 per team, includes 4 dance tickets

$$$ CASH PRIZES $$$ Steak Supper - Friday Night $12 ~ 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Dance - Saturday Night - Midnight Lunch 8 pm to 10 pm ‘The Happy Wanderers’ 10:30 pm to 2 am ‘Dust ‘Til Dawn’ Dance Tickets ~ $10. All minors must be accompanied by parent or guardian.

Phone Curling entries to: Richard 468-2623 or Grant 468-2881



Shellbrook Chronicle

OPINION www.shellbrookchronicle.com

January 18, 2013

Technology, is great when it works When computers went mainstream and most people could afford one, there was a very popular notion about how they would change the world. Many so-called experts predicted a paperless society with paperless offices. After all, everything could be done digitally and paper files could be replaced by a few ones and zeros on some disk or hard drive. HA! On lisashea.com, Lisa lists facts about paper usage, wastage, and how many trees it takes to make paper. She cites the following: Each person in an office on average uses 2.5 pounds of paper each week. Americans discard 4 million tons of office paper every year -- enough to build a 12 foot high wall of paper from New York to California. One example is sending a document by e-mail, and then sending the same document, with a cover TOM letter, by fax to make sure it was rePIERSON ceived. And if there was one typo ~ on that document, it gets reprinted by the sender, sent by e-mail and News fax again with another cover letter. Sheesh! The introduction of the microprocessor, a single chip with all the circuitry that formerly occupied large cabinets, led to the proliferation of personal computers after 1975. During the early 1980s, home computers were further developed for household use, with software for personal productivity, programming and games. They typically could be used with a television already in the home as the computer display, with low-detail blocky graphics and a limited color range, and text about 40 characters wide by 25 characters tall. Can you imagine carrying around a TV in your pocket so you could text your friends? Today’s mobile phones are far superior in every way over the computers of yesteryear. There was a time when most people did not need a computer to tell them what their friends had to say every ten minutes, such as is done on FaceBook and Twitter. People did not need to be “plugged in” to get by in every day life. Yes, computers and technology have made wonderful advancements in the medical field, automobile safety and many other ways, when it works. As in all things created by Man, nothing is perfect. When technology breaks down, the consequences are far more reaching today than ever before. That is because computers run just about everything from robots building cars to controlling air and train traffic. There is no escape. Take something simple like your cell phone or tablet. The stress and anxiety created by a dead battery is almost unbearable to many. Because many young people use phones to send messages and photos to their friends, who are sitting next to them. It is the new form of whispering. As for a laptop or tablet battery dying, all work stops. Question, does anyone know how to use a pen or pencil anymore? Printed books are going the way of the dinosaur in favour of e-readers, a hand held device the size of a small note pad. It’s a great modern invention. However, there you are sitting on a beach reading a fascinating novel when you get to the best part. Poof! The battery runs out of power. Technology - it’s great when it works!


Question Does anyone know how to use a pen or pencil anymore?

Paul Martin Commentary The economists at ScotiaBank are taking a slightly tinuing a trend that was evident for the entire year. more upbeat outlook for Saskatchewan’s economic But it was the big stuff – commercial and institution performance this year and next. buildings – that were slower. The bank’s latest quarterly update matches favorThat may be surprising, given all the talk about ably with one from Bank of Montreal although, at 2.9 the hot construction sector but nothing has really per cent this year and 3.1 percent next year, the Sco- changed. The industry is still busy with players saying tiaBank team says the province will generate roughly there are so many projects in the development stage, a quarter of a point more growth than their it is hard to get them off the boards and into BMO counterparts. the ground. One factor that caught ScotiaBank’s eye The drop in the major cities was roughly was housing. The province’s housing sector $100 million. That is the value of one project has been on a tear. Compared to the 10-year these days and it’s a figure that can change average, housing starts in the province are in a day. currently running three times the historic *** rate. Saskatchewan’s stature on the national That, in large measure, is a sign of populevel took another major step forward as it lation growth. We’ve added roughly 10 per closed out 2012 with one of the strongest PAUL cent to the population in the last five years employment stories in Canada. and those people have to live somewhere. The year produced 16,500 new jobs – MARTIN But there is the added factor of increased roughly equal to all the people working in ~ income levels which has given buyers more a city of more than 20,000. In December purchasing power and they’ve been upgradalone, the Saskatchewan employers genered their residential stock. ated 4,000 new positions which represented 10 per Housing is not the only place we’re seeing new con- cent of all the jobs created in Canada. struction, however, as non-residential investment That is more than three times the pace you’d expect. growth is the highest in the country at 16 per cent. In general terms Saskatchewan accounts for three *** percent of both the Canadian population and economGetting projects off the drawing board and into the ic activity based on that ratio, we should have created field is not always as easy as it sounds. 1,200 jobs if we used the national rate as a benchmark. The value of building permits issued across the coun- Instead, employers in the province spawned 4,000 try in November has just been released by StatsCan new positions so we are punching well above our and it shows Saskatchewan municipalities had a slow- weight on the national scene. In large measure this is er month. The value of permits issued in both Regina the result of high levels of investment: in everything and Saskatoon – the only cities the federal agency from resource production to plant and equipment for breaks out numbers for – were down and they were businesses that support these sectors. lower across the entire province. Investment is a powerful economic tool – one that The big drop was in non-residential development. permanently expands the foundation of the economy Housing permits actually were up in the month, con- and the job numbers are proof.


January 18, 2013



Shellbrook Chronicle


We need to educate our kids about entrepreneurship Dear Editor: My mother’s latest triumph with my three kids was to suggest they “play business” in response to their moans of “I’m bored.” She set them up with some monopoly money and they found things to sell. My eight-year-old son had found some boxes for packaging and my three-year-old began trying to buy everything in sight. Two hours later, they were still engrossed in pricing products and setting up shops to look their best. My mother’s triumph got me thinking about a serious challenge we face in this country. With two-thirds of Canada’s small-business owners planning to exit their businesses over the next 10 years, the country needs to boost production of what is, perhaps, our most important natural resource: entrepreneurs. Is our education system up to the task? My kids come home from school having learned all kinds of exciting things - but the importance of business isn’t one of them. I am not alone in thinking that the education system could do a much better job of profiling business. In a recent poll done by the Canadian Federation of Inde-

pendent Business only 21 per cent of small-business owners said Canadian schools put enough emphasis on starting a business as a career option. Spending time on business education would be a great service to our kids and our country. Running a business is a rewarding career choice. Consider that 83 per cent of business owners would choose the same career path again, and 78 per cent would encourage young people to go into business. In today’s economy, it makes sense to get kids thinking about all of their options. More broadly, entrepreneurial societies are innovative, successful societies, creating jobs and opportunity. When two-thirds of current business owners who are responsible for close to half of private-sector jobs plan to retire in the next decade, it underscores the importance of nurturing business as a viable option. Where will that new crop of business leaders come from? Some of today’s businesses will be passed on within the family. CFIB research shows that 37 per cent of business owners plan to follow this route, and these young people have their parents as entrepreneurial

models. Doesn’t it make sense for other potential owners to be exposed to business as a career option at school? My mother ran her own business for many years so it was more natural for her to suggest “playing business” to my kids than the other popular childhood game of “playing school.” Groups such as Junior Achievement do a good job of introducing kids to basic business ideas but their program isn’t available everywhere. To complement the work they do, it would be nice to see schools getting more creative about how to make sure entrepreneurship gets the attention it deserves. Laura Jones is executive vice-president of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. She can be reached at laura.jones@cfib.ca As Canada’s largest association of small-and medium-sized businesses, CFIB is Powered by Entrepreneurs™. Established in 1971, CFIB takes direction from more than 109,000 members in every sector nationwide, giving independent business a strong and influential voice at all levels of government and helping to grow the economy.

Wheat sheaf strong rural symbol This might be a good time for Premier Brad Wall to think about the history of this province and the importance of Saskatchewan’s rural roots _ especially, its agriculture roots. Most might not see the phasing out of the Saskatchewan wheat sheaf logo (or more accurately put, the stook) of government letterhead in that way. The wheat sheaf symbol that also adorns the province’s coat of arms may seem outdated to some. Some who view this debate from a partisan perspective are even suggesting the wheat sheaf logo is a remnant of the NDP years that should be left behind. But what shouldn’t be lost is how that wheat sheaf came to represent why people came here and who we still are _ a rural, agricultural province. Wall and company need to take stock of the stook and what it truly means. Of course, the move to the more frequent use of the new logo _ a stylized Saskatchewan that just happens to be the Sask. Party’s green and gold colours _ doesn’t detract from what this government has done for rural Saskatchewan. The Sask. Party government record speaks for itself. Its record is a rather solid one _ especially compared with that of its NDP predecessors. During the Allan Blakeney administration of the 1970s when Saskatchewan agriculture was starting a major transition, the NDP resisted change by doing everything from taxing tandem axle trucks to opposing farmer-owned in-

land terminals. The Blakeney NDP _ and even the Roy Romanow-Lorne Calvert governments, to a large extend _ held on to the vision of rural Saskatchewan of the Tommy Douglas era of the 1940s, ‘50s and ‘60s. Rural Saskatchewan was about the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, Coop stores and trusting the Canadian MURRAY Wheat Board to sell the grain that MANDRYK you threshed from sheaves that had been stooked. ~ Certainly, agriculture wasn’t about maximizing profits through better yields, better fertilization, zero-tillage and marketing. It is a problem that haunts the NDP to this very day, as it grasps to find its rural roots that died out sometime during the 1990s when hospital were being closed and highways were left in disrepair. Admittedly, Wall’s government has had the good fortune of strong economy that’s allowed it to reinstate rural infrastructure. Also, it didn’t have to solve the deficit/debt crisis left behind by the Progressive Conservatives of the 1980s _ the reason behind the NDP’s fiscal choices that that hammered rural infrastructure. But what might be just as critical to the Sask. Party is to remember that today’s prosperity in Saskatchewan is di-

rectly tied to the resources located in rural Saskatchewan. Notwithstanding the fact that much of the province’s recent wealth has come from rural Saskatchewan oil, gas, potash and, yes, agriculture, the province is becoming more urbanized province. The two major cities are where we are growing the fastest. And recently, Wall has hinted that that might be time to at least discuss the role of the Crown corporations _ what’s practical and makes good economic sense. There’s nothing wrong with talking, but one wonders whether such a discussion today will take more of on a urban viewpoint and not fully reflect the appreciation rural customers have for the services provided by STC, SaskTel or SaskPower that might not be quite the same from profit-driven, private suppliers. One fears Saskatchewan may be getting too caught up in this urbanized, somehow reflected in the new, stylized, urban-looking logo the government now seems intent on using. So maybe we do need reminders of where we came from. Symbols are important and the iconic wheat sheaf has become a symbol of how rural Saskatchewan has adjusted, endured, persevered and thrived. The NDP clearly made the mistake of not accepting that rural Saskatchewan was changing. But let us hope the Sask. Party does not make a different mistake of forgetting the things in this province most worth preserving.

Shellbrook Chronicle

C. J. Pepper, Publisher

The contents of the Shellbrook Chronicle are protected by Copyright. Reproduction of any material must be done so with expressed permission of the publisher.

Serving the Communities of Shellbrook, Canwood, Debden, Big River, Parkside, Leask, Marcelin, Blaine Lake, Holbein, Mont Nebo, Mayview A Division of Pepperfram Limited Publications Mail Registration #07621

Published Every Friday Morning P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, Sask. S0J 2E0 Phone 747-2442 or Fax 747-3000 Editorial: chnews@sbchron.com Advertising chads@sbchron.com

Tom Pierson, Editor tom@sbchron.com Madeleine Wrigley, Advertising Sales chroniclesales@sasktel.net Kathleen Nording, Composition/Pagination chnews@sbchron.com Patt Ganton, Composition/Pagination chads@sbchron.com Cheryl Mason, Bookkeeping/Reception Office Hours: Monday.-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 to 4 p.m.; Advertising Deadline: Mondays at 5:00 p.m. website:www.shellrookchronicle.com

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: In the interest of readers of this newspaper, we will publish opinions of our readers. Letters To The Editor are most welcome; however, they must be signed. and include writer’s contact information and will only be published with the writer’s name on it. Letters should be limited in length and be typed or clearly written. We reserve the right to edit letters depending on available space. Member of


Shellbrook Chronicle


Report from the Legislature

Report from the Legislature, Jan. 9, 2013 One of the keys to getting where you want to be isknowing where you’ve been. That rings very true for our government as we move into 2013. 2012 was a fantastic year for Saskatchewan with record levels of investment, job growth and population. Our population hit an alltime of 1,086,564 last year. There are 23,024 thousandmore people living in Saskatchewan. This is the largest-ever single year population increase since 1921. One of the challenges of that kind of growth is having enough work for those people. Saskatchewan came through with shining co-

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lours on that front in 2012. In December, there were a record 539,800 people working in Saskatchewan, a new monthly record. Over the course of the year, full-

time employment increased by 16,300 Those are just a few of the truly impressive economic statistics for the Land of the Living Skies in 2012. We also led the country in non-residential investment, at $1.3 billion in the first three quarters of the year. Saskatchewan was also best in Canada in terms of urban housing starts, with an increase of 35.4 per cent in the first 11 months. Our international exports totalled $26.5 billion and retail sales had hit $14.25 billion, by October 2012. While we’re still waiting for some final data to come in, 2012 was a great year and all indications are to expect more of the same in 2013.

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The Conference Board of Canada is predicting Saskatchewan will be number one in terms of economic growth this year, at 3.4 per cent. According to seven other major economic fore-

casters, Saskatchewan’s growth rate will still be amongst the top in the nation. In 2013, families will continue to benefit from our government’s actions in regards to income tax. This year, a family of four will pay no provincial income tax on their first $47,790 of income –the highest taxfree income threshold for a family of four in Canada. Since 2008, our government has taken several measures to reduce personal income taxes which, when you combine them with new tax reduction programs like the refundable Low Income Tax Reduction and Active Families Benefit, have resulted in significant savings for Saskatchewan families. By

January 18, 2013

the end of this year, a family of four making $50,000 a year will have saved over $12,000 in taxes over the last six years. In 2013, our government will continue to be guided by the growth plan we announced last fall – which includes balanced budgets, a population of 1.2 million by 2020 and an aggressive growth agenda with measurable targets. The Saskatchewan Plan for Growth lays out a very clear direction that means more growth, more investment and more people living and working here. Through the growth plan, we will ensure that the benefits of growth are used to improve the quality of life for you and your family.

Shellbrook Pioneers enjoying Kaiser By Tom Pierson Thanks to Mrs. Isabel Henry, local senior citizens have an alternative to playing cards at the Seniors Centre. Mrs. Henry noted that as a tenant of Homestead Place some of the residents could not enjoy getting out to participate in playing cards or bingo. Whether through infirmity or lack of confidence to play at a higher level of skill, it was obvious to Mrs. Henry a void needed filling. When Mrs. Henry got the idea to play at Homestead Place, she put it to the other residents. In January of 2012 she called a meeting of the residents and invited guests. And so, the Homestead Place Kaiser Club was formed. Mrs. Henry said that the Club was, “not just for Homestead Place residents, everyone is welcome.” For that reason, when it was time to name the Club, they decided upon the Shellbrook Pioneers. The Club, which has thirty-one members, meets to play every Monday night. For a $2 admission, members play eight rounds of Kaiser. After the first four rounds, partners are switched and another four rounds are played. Member Nick Bilyk says, “high score wins a $5 prize. Low score wins a $3 prize. Most donate their prizes back to the Club.” When a couple of Monday night games went by, Mrs Henry and the other members,

“decided to give the money to a charity.” She said they decided on the new Shelbrook and Districts Integrate Health Complex, “because we need it.” Through donations, admissions and prize money, the Shellbrook Pioneers managed to raise $2,500 for the new Health Complex. January 14th Mrs. Henry presented the $2,500 cheque to Jim van Eaton of the Complex’s fundraising committee. Everyone brings a little bit of pot-luck for after the games when, “We have the lunch and a visit,” said Mrs. Henry with a smile on her face. Speaking about the lunch, she says, “There’s lots of it. All kinds of different stuff.” It was clear by her manner that the lunch and socializing was the best part of the evening. The success of the Club was borne out when a second Kaiser night was added. “Friday nights are free and fun nights,” commented Mrs. Henry. It is just another excuse for a pot-luck luncheon and socializing. Henry and Bilyk agree, “We would like to thank all the participating members for coming out to all our games, bringing goodies to our lunches, also for donating your winnings back to the Club and members who have made private donations. “Thank you all. Let’s make 2013 a better year.”

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Mrs. Isabel Henry of the Shellbrook Pioneers Homestead Place Kaiser Club presented $2,500 to the Shellbrook and Districts Integrated Health Complex January 14th. Jim van Eaton accepted. The money was raised through individual donations, prize money that was donated back to the Club and all profits Photo: Tom Pierson from the Kaiser Club’s Monday night games.

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Shellbrook Chronicle 747-2442 chads@sbchron.com


January 18, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


We need to embrace GM technology Genetic modification is a topic which has some involved in agriculture smiling at the possibility of a brighter future, while others shudder that it will shatter consumer confidence. While consumers need to stay aware of genetic modification science, it shouldn't just assume it is a huge specter of doom. Science is not inherently disastrous, and agriculture has been relying on scientific breakthrough since the first cow was domesticated and wheat was planted and reaped. There is science behind what nutrients a crop requires in the form of fertilizer. There is science behind crop breeding programs, as there is in terms of freezing livestock embryos, using artificial insemination, and practically every other aspect of farming. For the most part the science has been accepted and has proven its worth. That said at the time pasteurization of milk was first developed there was certainly a constituency against it. Somehow though we have come to view genetic modification of crops as a step too far.

It may have to do with the fact the initial efforts in terms of GM crops revolved around allowing crops to withstand certain farm protection products rather than offering anything of obvious benefit to consumers. Longer term though that is where GM technology offers both agriculture and consumers the greatest opportunities. CALVIN Certainly when we look at the canola sector GM technology allowing chemiDANIELS cal tolerances have gone a long way to ~ expanding acres and yields, and agronomically that is a good thing. But the true potential of GM is about plants producing elements which they currently do not. For example, longer term GM will produce plants with traits which make them increasingly tolerant of solid salts, drought, and frost. Those sort of changes expand areas crop will be grown, and in the face of a growing world population

that will be a positive thing. And then there is the potential to introduce genes into plants which will allow the plant to develop low-cost antibodies, protein drugs and vaccines for cancers or other diseases. Consider the costs of traditional methods of creating many of the drugs which are already important to a range of disease treatments. Now consider what a plant growing in a field which could be harvested for the same or new drugs could mean? Is the science without risk? Of course not. We only need to recognize that uranium allows for healing and bomb creation, to know there are pitfalls. But to not explore the possibilities and work to ensure the positives are the goals science pursue, would be to limit the potential good to mankind. Into the future a changing world dynamic, growing population and declining arable land base will need the potential of GM to meet our basic needs. We need to embrace the science, although a cautious eye in all things is prudent too.


This past November I attended the Western Canadian Grazing Conference in Red Deer, Alberta. One of the keynote speakers was Dr. Christine Jones PhD founder of Amazing Carbon in Australia. Dr. Jones has dedicated her career to learning about fungi in soil and their role in building organic matter, soil structure, and making nutrients available to plants. The gist of her message was that there are soil fungi that grow in a beneficial relationship on the roots of plants. The plants turn sunlight into carbon which passes through the roots to the fungi. The fungi then take the carbon and use it to convert nitrogen from the air and minerals from the soil into plant available forms. The plant uses as much of

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the nutrients as they need and the rest are stored in the soil. The stored nutrients change the physical properties of the soil, loosening up the mineral particles creating a favorable environment for soil fauna further enhancing water infiltration and aeration. The result is deep topsoil that is less susceptible to drought and flooding, and a growing medium rich in the macro and micro nutrients. Intuitively this makes sense. Anyone who has broken up perennial pasture can testify to the nature of the soil and the flush of readily available nutrients for the first few years. Perennial forage crops not only support beneficial fungi, but also loosen the mineral soil providing space for air and water infiltration. Compare these soils with soils that have been conventionally farmed for a number of years and it is easy to see what Jones is talking about. According to Dr. Jones, the use of fungicide treatment on seeds, supplemental nitrogen from fertilizer and fallow cropping has led the gradual decline in these beneficial fungi, interrupting nutrient cycling. The nutrients still exist in the soil,but are unavailable to the plants. Fortunately it appears that these trends can quickly be reversed when farming practices are modified. In Australia producers have started direct seeding their annual crops into dormant perennials, and are

harvesting crops with very little need for herbicides or fertilizers. Canada does not have the luxury of a dormant season that will still grow crops; however the principals behind this technique are universal. In Saskatchewan the increasing cost of fertilizer and the global pressure to produce more on less has motivated producers to develop and adopt soil conserving practices, many of which are in line with Dr. Jones’s recommendations. Her recommendations are to minimize soil disturbance, avoid all types of fallow, grow a variety of crop types and gradually reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer used so that the nutrient cycle will again have a role for the beneficial fungi. Common farming practices such as direct seeding, continuous cropping, companion cropping, and including perennial forages in rotation are techniques that are already used by Saskatchewan producers and comply to some extent with Dr. Jones’s recommendations. Clearly there is more to be done for the industry as a whole to move away from high input production; however things are coming together and with the forward thinking producers in this province, it is only a matter of time. For more information on this topic and with any other forage related topics, contact Linda Hunt at (306) 953-2361 or the Agriculture Knowledge Center at 1-866457-2377.


DON’T TAKE THIS PERSONALLY, BUT WE NEED OUR SPACE. Snow plows create ‘mini-blizzards’ behind the trucks when clearing roads. Avoid collisions with snow plows by remaining far enough behind the truck to maintain visibility. Pass with caution, or wait for the plow to pull over and let you pass.

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January 18, 2013

January 18, 2013


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Darwin Strelau hockey tournament

The 4th annual Darwin Strelau hockey tournament was held December 22 in Canwood. Three drafted teams entered

the hockey tournament. Money raised went to the skating rink and the Handi-Bus

Team Terry Danberg. Drew, Eddie and Ashton Strelau.


MLA - Rosthern - Shellbrook Constituency Office #34 Main, Box 115 Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0 Telephone: (306) 747-3422 Facsimile: (306) 747-3472 Toll Free: 1-855-793-3422 Email: scottmoe.mla@sasktel.net Website: www.scott-moe.com

Prince Albert Raider Hockey Schedule Sat., February 2 ~ 7 p.m

P.A. VS Calgary WE


Team Steve Leggge.

Tues., February 5 ~ 7 p.m

P.A. VS Edmonton WE


Expressions of Interest Invited Expressions of interest including price quotes are being accepted for the loading & hauling of approximately 40,000 yards of road gravel. Haul to commence as soon as possible in May 2013 with a completion date of July 30th, 2013. Please quote price/yard/mile of haul, minimum haul charge, as well as any loading charges that may apply. The contractor will be required to provide proof of liability insurance of no less than $2,000,000.00, a letter of good standing from WCB and all workers must be certified. Further to this the RM of Spiritwood No. 496 reserves the right to reject and refuse any or all expressions of interest. Please submit sealed tender to: RM of Spiritwood #496 Expressions of Interest Box 340, Spiritwood, Sask. S0J 2M0 rm496@sasktel.net On or before 4:00 pm on February 8th, 2013. For more information please contact the municipal office @ (306) 883-2034

Team Drew Strelau.

January 18, 2013

Association. The winning team was the Carrie Horricks team.

January 18, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle

Better Business Bureau top 10 scams

BBB gathers information on scams from consumers, some of whom have been victims of scams; from federal agencies; and from other reliable information sources. “It’s hard to say which are the ‘biggest’ scams, as far as the number of people affected or the amount of money stolen, because many go unreported or under-reported,” said Carrie A. Hurt, President and CEO of the Council of Better Business Bureaus. “Some of these scams have been around as long as BBB – 100 years – and some take advantage of brand new technologies. Our list is made up of the ones that seemed the most audacious, the most egregious. They hurt a lot of people, and it seems that scams are only getting more prevalent even as consumers are getting savvier.” Here are BBB’s Top Ten Scams of 2012: Top Overpayment/Fake Check Scam: Car Ads The online ad says something like “Get Paid Just for Driving Around” – a prominent company is offering $400+ per week if you’ll drive around with their logo all over your car. They send a check to you, which you are supposed to deposit in your account and then wire part of the payment to the graphic designer who will customize the ad for your vehicle. Whoops! A week later, the check bounces, the graphic designer is nowhere to be found, and you are out the money you wired. The Internet Complaint Center (www.ic3.gov) says they saw this one a lot in 2012. Top Emergency Scam: Grandparents Scam The “Grandparents Scam” has been around a while, but it’s still so prevalent we need to mention it again: grandchild/niece/nephew/ friend is traveling abroad and calls/texts/emails to say he or she has been mugged/ arrested/hurt and needs money right away (“…and please don’t tell mom and dad!”). Plus the FBI says that, thanks to social media, it’s getting easier and easier for scammers to tell a more plausible story because they can use real facts from the supposed victim’s life (“Remember that great camera I got for Christmas?” “I’m in France to visit my old college roommate.”). Easy rule of thumb – before you wire money in an emergency, check with the supposed victim or their family members to make sure they really are traveling. Odds are they are safe at home. Top Employment Scam: Mystery Shopping

If you love to shop, working as a secret shopper may sound like an ideal way to supplement your income. But scammers have figured that out, too, and many job offers are nothing more than a variation on the Overpayment/Fake Check Scam (above). Sometimes they even tell you that evaluating the wire service company is part of the job, which is why you need to send back part of the money. The Mystery Shopping Providers Association says it’s not the practice of their members to prepay shoppers, but if you have your heart set on this type of job, you can find a legitimate gig through their website at www.mysteryshop.org. Top Advance Fee/Prepayment Scam: Nonexistent Loans Loan scams continued to fester in 2012. It seems for every legitimate lender out there, there is a scammer waiting to prey on people in desperate situations. Most of the scams advertise online and promise things like no credit check or easy repayment terms. Then the hook: you have to make the first payment upfront, you have to buy an “insurance policy,” or there is some other kind of fee that you have to pay first to “secure” the loan. This year, we heard a new, aggressive twist on loan scams: consumers who were threatened with lawsuits and law enforcement action if they didn’t “pay back” loans they said they had never even taken out in the first place. Some got calls at their workplace, even to relatives. The embarrassment of being thought of as a delinquent caused some victims to pay even when they knew they didn’t owe the money. Top Phishing Scam: President Obama Will Pay Your Utility Bills Of all the politically-related scams, this one seemed to be the most prevalent. At the peak of summer with utility costs soaring, consumers got emails, letters and even door-to-door solicitations about a “new government program” to pay your utility bills. Hey, the president wants to get re-elected, right? Maybe he’s just trying to win votes. Victims “registered” with an official-looking website and provided everything scammers needed for identity theft purposes, including bank account information. Top Sweepstakes/Lottery Scam: Jamaican Phone Lottery This is an old one that flared up again this year. We consider it flattering (in a weird way) that BBB is such a trusted brand that we

“star” in so many scams! In this one, the calls come from Jamaica (area code 876) but the person claims to represent BBB (or FBI, or other trusted group). Great news: you’ve won a terrific prize (typical haul: $2 million and Mercedes Benz) but you have to pay a fee in order to collect your winnings. There are lots of variations on this; sometimes it’s a government grant. Best just to hang up and then file a phone fraud report with the appropriate government agency (see below). Top Identity Theft Scam: Fake Facebook Tweets Two top social media sites were exploited in one of this year’s top scams. You get a Direct Message from a friend on Twitter with something about a video of you on Facebook (“ROFL they was taping you” or “What RU doing in this FB vid?” are typical tweets). In a panic, you click on the link to see what the embarrassing video could possibly be, and you get an error message that says you need to update Flash or other video player.

But the file isn’t a new version of Flash; it’s a virus or malware that can steal confidential information from your computer or smart phone. Twitter recommends reporting such spam, resetting your password and revoking connections to thirdparty applications. Top Home Improvement Scam: Sandy “Storm Chasers” BBB spends a lot of time investigating and reporting on home improvement scams, but this year we saw an unusual amount of “storm chaser” activity following Super Storm Sandy. Tree removal, roofing, general home repairs – some were legitimate contractors who came from other areas for the volume of work available; others were unlicensed, uninsured and illprepared for the work; while some were even out-and-out scam artists who took the money and never did the work. In an emergency, it’s tempting to skip reference checking, but that’s never a good idea. BBB has tens of thousands of Accredited

Businesses in the home contracting field who are committed to upholding our mission of trust. Next time you need home repairs, find a contractor at www.bbb. org/search. Top Sales/Rental Scam: Real Stars, Fake Goods Sports memorabilia and phony tickets always make the list of top counterfeit goods. From the Super Bowl to the World Series, counterfeiters manage to have their hands in your pocket all year long. With the London Olympics added to the mix, it appears that 2012 was a good year for sports fakes. Some scammers were selling cheap knock-offs in front of stadiums. Others set up websites that just stole your money and never had any goods to begin with. Counterfeit goods are not only a rip-off for you because the merchandise is usually shoddy, but they are also a rip-off for the teams, athletes, designers and artists who create, license and sell the real thing. Buy directly from team stores and websites, or from legitimate


retailers. You’ll pay a little more, but it will be the real deal. Remember, if a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Scam of the Year: Newtown Charity Scams Within hours of the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, social media pages dedicated to the child victims began cropping up…and some of them were scams asking for money. The FBI has already arrested one woman for posing as the aunt of one of the children killed, and state and federal agencies are investigating other possible fraudulent and misleading solicitations. In response to these reports, BBB Wise Giving Alliance offered tips for donors to understand how and when to best support those dealing with such a tragic crisis. Although the number of people defrauded and the total dollars stolen is most likely low, the cynicism and sheer audacity of these scams merits our selecting it as the “Top Scam of 2012.”

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January 18, 2013


Shellbrook Chronicle


Safe strategies to please your knees

This season, Canadians who live with chronic pain associated with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee may feel like they are missing out on their favourite winter or vacation activities. Even simple things, such as standing up or sitting down, can be excruciating. The pain experienced can be so intense and debilitating, it often leads to isolation. Having to stay indoors when the family is enjoying the great outdoors - or skip the annual winter getaway - leaves sufferers feeling disconnected from doing the things they once enjoyed, and the people they do them with. In an effort to relieve pain and reconnect with their

lives, it is important that people living with the discomfort of knee pain inform their doctor to determine the cause and then manage the condition. While many options are available to help alleviate pain and/or inflammation, some individuals have concerns or questions about the medications they rely on; this includes concerns about addiction, side effects, and remembering to take medications on a regular basis. When considering treatments to manage OA knee pain, it’s important to speak with your healthcare provider about safe, effective, and convenient treatment options to help relieve pain and improve functionality.

“An abundance of treatments are available to help reduce chronic knee pain due to osteoarthritis,” says Dr. Philip Baer, rheumatologist. “But understanding the associated risks and whether they are the right fit for one’s lifestyle is an important first step in effectively managing OA knee pain.” Follow these tips to ensure that your pain associated with OA of the knee is treated in the safest manner possible: • Know the risks associated with certain medications. For instance, opioids are a powerful pain reliever, but may be highly addictive. Some serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) can provide


BLAINE LAKE: Wapiti Library - Books, Movies, Magazines, Children’s Section, Internet, Printing, Study/Meeting Space, Proctor Service, Community Programming. Hours: Tuesday 1-5, Wednesday 1-5, Thursday 5-8, Friday 1-5. Contact us for more info 497-3130 www.wapitilibrary.ca. CANWOOD: branch of Wapiti Regional Library - NEW HOURS - Tues. - 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Thurs. - 12 :00 noon - 5: 00 p.m. STORYTIME - Thurs. 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Internet services available at the library. DEBDEN: Wapiti Library hours: Monday 3 pm - 7 pm. Afterschool Program 3:30 5:00. Wednesday 11 am - 4 pm. Librarian: Aline Hannon LEASK: Wapiti Library Hours: Tues. & Fri.: 1 - 5:30 pm & Sat., 1:00 - 5:00 pm. MARCELIN: Wapiti Library is open Tues. 11 - 4 pm; Thur. 3 - 8 pm. For information on all your library needs, please contact 306-226-2110. SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Branch of the Wapiti Library located at 105 Railway Ave., West (Provincial building). Library Hours: Mon., 2 - 6:00 pm; Tues., 2 - 8 pm; Wed. 2 - 8 pm; Thur., 2 - 6:00 pm; Fri., 10 - 4 pm. Children’s Story Time: Fri. 10:30 am (Oct. - May). Ph. 747-3419. SHELLBROOK: Shellbrook Host Players presents Arsenic and Old Lace Friday, January 18 Doors open 6:30 pm, Show 7:00 pm; Saturday, January 19 - Dessert Theatre. Doors open 6:30 pm, Show 7:00 pm; Saturday, January 26 - Dessert Theatre Doors open 6:30 pm, Show 7:00 pm; Sunday, January 27 Doors open 2:30 pm, Show 3:00 pm. Tickets available at Woodland Pharmacy, Shellbrook or South Hill Mall, Prince Albert. For more information call 306-747-4499 (leave message!) Come out for a night of fun and laughter! SHELLBROOK: Firearm Safety Hunter Education Registration, Tuesday, January 22, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m., Shellbrook Wildlife Fed. Clubhouse. 12 Years and Up ~ Sask. Health Card Required. Registration $50.00. For information Lyndon Tieszen 747-4351, 306-466-7351 (cell) SHELLBROOK: Kinette Club of Shellbrook Sweethearts Night Out Dine & Dance, Friday, February 8th, Shellbrook Community Hall, Cocktails: 6:30, Supper: 7:00, Dance: 9:30. Enter our Sweetheart Photo Contest by submitting a photo of you and your sweetheart to: shellbrook_kinettes@hotmail.com for a chance to win a free couple ticket. Tickets available at Woodland Pharmacy or Kim (306)747-8270. Proceeds to Kinsmen park Revamp Project SHELLBROOK: Pasta Night at the Parkside Immanuel Lutheran Church on Friday, January 25 from 5:30 to 7:3o. Cost: $12.00 - Lasagna, Linguini Alfredo or Meat/Primavera, Caesar Salad, Garlic Bread, Dessert. Proceeds to local “Students Making a Difference” travelling to Ghana, Africa. CANWOOD: Canwood Curling Club Annual Billy Spiel on Fri., Sat. & Sun., Feb. 1, 2, & 3. $120.00 per team, includes 4 dance tickets. Cash Prizes. Steak Supper - Friday Night $12 ~ 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Dance - Saturday Night - Midnight Lunch from 8 pm to 10 pm ‘The Happy Wanderers’ 10:30 pm to 2 am ‘Dust ‘Til Dawn’ Dance Tickets ~ $10. All minors must be accompanied by parent or guardian. Phone Curling entries to: Richard 468-2623 or Grant 468-2881.

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effective pain relief and are well-tolerated. • Acetaminophen, for example, could lead to liver damage if the maximum daily dose is exceeded. • Ibuprofen, or other similar medications, for example, could affect the protective lining of the stomach and may increase the risk of stomach ulcers. • Always read and follow the label on non-prescription and prescription medications, and follow your doctor’s directions for use. • Talk to your pharmacist about any potential interactions between medications you’re already taking. SIDEBAR: Choosing the right pain medication According to the Arthritis Society of Canada, 10 per cent of Canadians live with osteoarthritis (OA). Those affected by chronic pain associated with OA of the knee often find that their symptoms prevent them from participating in the winter-time activities they once loved; from vacation sports like golf and tennis, to outdoorsy hobbies such as cross-country skiing and snowshoeing, to the simple joys such as playing with their grandchildren. If you’re affected by chronic pain associated with OA of the knee, safe and effective treatments are available to help you reconnect with the activities you love. But determining the right treatment option for you is extremely important. While there are a variety of medications available to relieve pain, there are many factors to consider before starting a treatment regimen: • Talk with your doctor to devise a plan to manage your pain, and ensure that you consistently follow their directions when taking medications. • Know and understand the side effects and longterm risks of any medications you take to help you weigh the reported risks with potential benefits. • Choose wisely. New treatments like some serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), for example, are proven effective and well-tolerated. Your doctor can help determine which treatment is right for you. • Be aware of your family’s medical history and susceptibility to allergies, addiction or reactions to certain medications. • Not all treatments involve medication. Ask your doctor about non-pharmacological therapies and lifestyle adjustments that can also help alleviate your pain.

January 18, 2013

PRAISE & WORSHIP ~ Regular services, Sunday school and

special events will be listed at no charge. LUTHERAN CHURCH Zion - Canwood Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 9 a.m. St. John’s - Shellbrook Sunday School, Worship Sunday, 11 a.m. Pastor Doug Schmirler Parkside, Immanuel 11 a.m. - Worship Pastor Chris Dean -----------------------PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Parkside 10:00 a.m. Time of prayer 10:30 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Pastor David Baldock Shellbrook Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sun., 11 a.m. - Worship Wed., Mid Week Study 7 p.m. Pastor David Bodvarson 747-7235 Canwood 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Pastor Glenn Blazosek Leask Gospel Tabernacle Sunday 6:30 p.m. Pastor L. Trafford 306-466-2296 -----------------------EVANGELICAL FREE Big River 11:00 a.m. - Worship Bible Classes 9:45 A.M. Summer: 10:30 a.m. - 12 469-2258 Youth Nite: Fridays Mont Nebo Wed., 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer. Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship Pastor Bill Klumpenhower -----------------------CATHOLIC CHURCH Debden Sun., 9:30 a.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastian Kunnath Big River - Sacred Heart Sun., 11:30 a.m. - Mass Whitefish Sun., 2:30 p.m. - Mass. Victoire Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass. Fr. Sebastin Kunnath Eucharist Celebrations Muskeg Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass Mistawasis

Sunday, 3 p.m. St. Agatha’s - Shellbrook Mass Sunday, 11 a.m. St. Henry’s - Leask Mass Sunday 7 p.m. St. Joseph’s - Marcelin Mass Saturday, 9 a.m. Fr. Tru Le -----------------------PRESBYTERIAN Mistawasis Sunday worship 11 a.m. Rev. Bev Shepansky -----------------------SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 407-2nd Ave E, Shellbrook Sat., 9:45 a.m. Sabbath School. Sat., 11:00 am -Worship Broadcast on VOAR 92.1 FM Pastor Stanislav Kondrat 306-764-6853 -----------------------SOVEREIGN GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Currently meeting in homes on Sunday morning. and Wednesday evenings. Parkside 747-2309, Leask 466-4498 Marcelin 226-4615 -----------------------ANGLICAN CHURCH Leask - All Saint’s 8 a.m. - Morning prayer Service. 9 a.m. Holy Communion Canwood - Christ Church 2 p.m. 1st & 3rd Sundays Evening Prayer 2nd & 4th Sundays Holy Communion Mont Nebo - St. Luke’s 2 p.m. - 1st and 3rd Sundays Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Sundays Evening Prayer St. Andrew’s - Shellbrook Sunday, 11 a.m. Holy Communion Father Harnish 468-2264 -----------------------UNITED CHURCH Big River 1st & 2nd Sundays 1 p.m. - Worship at Anglican Church All Other Sundays - 10 a.m. Shellbrook - Knox Sun., 10 am - Worship Pastor Dave Whalley

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January 18, 2013

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Rushers key to NFL success January is Playoff Month in the National Football League and while most fans can’t get enough of the storylines involving quarterback stars Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Robert Griffin III, Andrew Luck and Russell Wilson, success or failure may actually rest on the strong legs and tight ball-handling grips of running backs. Here’s an astonishing ‘did you know’: Since the Super Bowl era began in the late 1960s, NFL playoff teams which have fashioned a 100-yard rusher have won more than 80 per cent of their games. On the other hand, teams with a 300-yard passing quarterback have lost more than they’ve won (57-66). So while you may read pre-game stories saying the Seahawks need Wilson to have a great passing day, or the Texans need Matt Schaub to be on target with his passing, it might be more accurate to say that Seattle’s success rests with running back Marshawn Lynch and the Texans need a big game out of Arian Foster. But here’s the rub. The offences of the Broncos, Packers and Patriots rely almost entirely on the strong, accurate arms of Manning, Aaron Rodgers and Brady respectively for success. While some teams need to “establish the run” in order to keep the opponent’s defence honest when it comes to the pass, teams playing Manning, Rodgers and Brady know what’s coming: Aerial action. It could be interesting to watch this month to see if those long-time trends about the 100-yard rusher vs. the 300-yard passer hold up. Minnesota Vikings, for instance, have the best runner of them all, Adrian Peterson. Washington Redskins have rookie running back Alfred Morris. The Seahawks

have Lynch. Baltimore Ravens for Tim Tebow, hoping he would • R.J. Currie of sportsdeke.ca: “Canadian have Ray Rice to carry the ball. light a fire under Sanchez's rear bobsledder Kallie Humphries has won a reHouston has Foster and Frank end. It didn't work. If you seek to cord eight straight races dating back to last Gore is the 49ers leading rusher. inspire the San Francisco Philhar- season. She's becoming a bigger name in goAll are among the league’s top 10 monic to a higher level, you don’t ing downhill than Lindsay Lohan.” yard-gainers. try to scare 'em by bringing in a hot • Currie again: “It's the 50th anniversary At the other end of the rushkazoo player.” of the Rolling Stones and the last regular ing spectrum, Steven Ridley • Dwight Perry of the Seattle season the Toronto Maple Leafs finished led New England with only four Times: “Twin sisters Lucy and first overall. The difference? Since then the 100-yard games; Willis McGaKelly Knott, 24, of Stockport, Stones have gotten lots of satisfaction while BRUCE hee of Denver led the Broncos England, are teaching assistants Leafs fans have gone way past their 19th with only three century games; by day and pro rasslers by night. nervous breakdown.” PENTON and the Packers didn’t have a Classroom discipline probably isn't • New Colorado football coach Mike Ma~ single 100-yard rushing game, a problem.” cIntyre, pointing to his wife, Trisha, during banking on Rodgers’ arm to post • Comedy writer Alan Ray, on his introductory news conference: "Looking a 11-5 record. Neither of those three Super top-ranked Notre Dame's stubborn defense: at her, you can definitely tell I can recruit." Bowl contenders had a back that finished “They slow more drives than two seniors in • Norman Chad, syndicated columnist: among the top 20 rushers in the NFL. a Prius.” “To be perfectly honest, I prefer the NHL in So if the teams led by those big-name QBs • NFL referee Ed Hochuli, to Sports Illus- cancelled seasons. Actually, Gary Bettman — Manning, Brady and Rodgers — go by the trated, when asked if he watched any games might be onto something here. Imagine if wayside before the big game on Feb. 3, don’t during the officials' lockout: “I don't watch a Honda or Nissan followed the NHL’s busibe surprised, because statistically, rushers lot of football for fun. I’ve tried, but I'm al- ness practice, and, every several years, just rule in the playoffs. ways looking to see if the left tackle is hold- didn’t produce a new line of cars. Wouldn’t If they do make it to the Super Bowl, how- ing.” Honda lovers be aching for the new Hondas ever, be reminded of this ancient sports axi• Headline at SportsPickle.com: "Rex the following year? Cha-ching!!!” om: Statistics are for losers. Ryan names Tim Tebow offseason starter at Care to comment? Email brucepen• Brad Dickson of the Omaha World- quarterback." ton2003@yahoo.ca Herald: “The Lakers’ Dwight Howard was ejected from a game against the Nuggets for Schedule 6 a flagrant foul. Howard was nearly ejected NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC again the next night for throwing the ball Pursuant to The Municipalities Act, public notice is hereby given that the Hamlet of Morin Lake at the ref, but then the coach explained that intends to become established as the Organized Hamlet of Morin Lake. was a Howard free-throw attempt.” The Hamlet of Morin Lake is located within the Rural Municipality of Canwood No. 494 located • Dickson again: A British tabloid is suing within the following: Lance Armstrong. If Armstrong loses, it’ll LSD 12-24-8-3 be a new low — he will have been deemed less credible than a British tabloid.” Lots 1-27, Blk 3 Plan 102074497 • Scott Ostler of the San Francisco ChronLots 1-8, Blk 1, Plan 102065396 icle: “The (N.Y.) Jets are desperate (for a Lots 1 & 9, Blk 2, Plan 102065396 quarterback). They gave Mark Sanchez a big Lots 1 & 2, Blk E, Plan 101846022 contract extension last season, then traded Lots 23-25, Blk 3, Plan 83B13947 Block D, Plan 83B13947 Lots 6 -13, Blk 2, Plan 77B09994 Lots 4-20, Blk 3, Plan 77B09994 Lots 1-21, Blk 4, Plan 77B09994 Lots 1-15, Blk 5, Plan 77B09994 Blk E, Plan 76B03519 Blk D, Plan 74B00315 Lots 11-17, Blk 1, Plan 64B01372 exercise band or exercise ball while watchLots 1-5, Blk 2, Plan 64B01372 ing TV. • Schedule and commit to weekly walkLots 2-10, Blk 1, Plan 62B01425 ing dates with your family or a friend. Lot 11, Blk 1, Plan 101599218 Dr. Tamo echoes this advice when disLot 1, Blk 6, Plan 78B04973 cussing oral health habits with her paLots 1-7, Blk 7, Plan 78B04973 tients, “There are a lot of factors that conLots 1-3, Blk 8, Plan 78B04973 tribute to having a healthy body, including Lots 3-13, Blk 6, Plan 82B08621 exercising and eating right, but many Lots 9-14, Blk 7, Plan 82B08621 people don't realize that taking care of The reasons for the proposal are: their teeth and gums can be just as impor• To gain greater independence and influence over the issues of concern; tant,” she explained. “Some of my patients • To gain greater influence on spending priorities are physically fit, but struggle with dental • To commence the accumulation of the funds required to obtain safe and efficient sewage plaque buildup, which may lead to more disposal; and serious oral health issues if left untreated. • To gain experience and prepare the community for the eventual resort Village status, The first line of defense I recommend is when the population and assessment criteria are met. regular cleanings at the dentist, and in between visits, to use products that reduce A public meeting will be held on March 6, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building located at and control plaque such as Crest and Oral641 Main Street, Canwood to discuss the proposal. Any persons who wish to object to the proB's Pro-Health Clinical toothpaste, toothposed restructuring may file a written objection, stating clearly their reason for their opposition, brush and floss.” with the Administrator of the R.M. of Canwood No. 494 office at Box 10, Canwood, SK S0J 0K0 The effects of bad habits can accumuor at rm494@sasktel.net. late and have a negative impact on your A written notice of objection must be received by the Administrator by February 22, 2013. The overall health over time. By choosing to complete proposal may be viewed at the R.M. of Canwood No. 494 office between 9 a.m. and 5 make healthier choices every day, you can p.m., Monday through Friday. feel better about your health – and have Dated at the Municipal Office in Canwood, Saskatchewan, this 18th day of January, 2013. something extra to smile about. Lorna Benson More information is available online at Administrator www.facebook.com/CrestCanada.

Break bad habits for a better lifestyle Bad habits tend to accumulate like drops in a bucket. They are the little things we do daily that add up and ultimately impact our overall health and wellbeing. To reveal bad habits that are common today, and how to turn them around to make positive changes in our lives, Dr. Janet Tamo, a consulting dentist for Crest and Oral-B, plus fitness expert, Kathleen Trotter, met recently to share their thoughts. “Inactivity throughout the day is one of the habits I see most often,” says Trotter. “Many people drive to work, search for the closest parking spot to the entrance door or sit in front of the TV for hours after sitting behind a desk all day. There are so many quick and easy ways to integrate activity into your day without sacrificing valuable time with family and friends.” Trotter recommends integrating exercise into your routine with these examples: • Bike to work instead of driving. • If it's safe to do so, park at the end of the parking lot and walk. • Opt to take the stairs instead of the elevator. If it's too much, get off the elevator early and walk at least one flight. • Do some resistance exercises with an


Shellbrook Chronicle


Avoid tax audits by “getting it right from the start”

You are a small business owner and you file your income tax return on time. When you receive your notice of assessment from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), sometimes there is a cheque attached; other times, you are told you owe money. Whatever the outcome, you assume that you are done with the CRA until next year. But then an envelope arrives and the return address says it is from the CRA. You open it and find out that you have been selected for audit. Most people can’t help but think, why me? Have I done something wrong? Does the CRA think that I’m cheating? Did I make a mistake on my income tax return? How could I have avoided this?

In many cases, a simple lack of awareness about Canada’s tax laws and your tax obligations as a business owner can lead to errors in reporting on your income tax return. It can be hard to understand exactly what information or numbers the law requires you to provide, so you give it your best shot and hope that everything is okay. While some returns are chosen for audit from computer-generated lists and others are conducted based on risk asessments, the good news is that there are some things you can do as a small business owner to ensure you are meeting your tax obligations and that may, in fact, help you prevent costly errors and avoid an audit later on.

R.M. OF LEASK NO. 464 Employment Opportunity


The Rural Municipality of Leask No. 464 is looking for a Foreman to provide leadership and organization of the Transportation Department. Experience in the operation of heavy equipment and possession of a class 1A driver’s license is an asset. A job description is available from the R.M. office. The successful candidate will be employed full time from May 1, 2013 to October 31, 2013. This position is on a trial basis and will be evaluated at the end of the term, to determine if the position will be extended. Normal hours of work are from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Some overtime may be required. This is a union position, and includes a full benefit package. Please send resumes, including certifications, references, valid driver’s license and a criminal record check to: Box 190, Leask, SK, S0J 1M0, Fax: (306) 466-2091, Email: rmleask.464@sasktel.net. Deadline for applications is 4:00 p.m., February 8, 2013. For more information call 306-466-2000. Only those applicants chosen for an interview will be contacted.

Audits can be a lot of work and time-consuming for small business owners, so the CRA is encouraging them to take a bit more time when they file their income tax returns, so they “get it right from the start.” The CRA says it is investing more of its resources to help small business owners do just that. Several information programs are underway to raise awareness among small businesses of their tax obligations earlier and at key moments in the business cycle. This support is intended to help them comply voluntarily with Canada’s tax laws and provide complete and accurate information when they file income tax returns. To “get it right from the start”, go to www.cra-arc. gc.ca,and click on Information for Business—where the agency has posted a video series on starting a business, as well as plain language information about many tax topics such as what books and records should be kept, details about what an audit involves, contact information for more help, and more

Thank you for years of service

Former Editor of the Shellbrook Chronicle, Brad Dupuis was thanked this week for his work covering Town news at the regular council meeting. Brad was thanked for his integrity in dealing with sensitive issues along with letting the people know what their council is doing. The presentation was made by Mayor George Tomporowski.

LPN’s leading the way

According to the report Regulated Nurses: Canadian Trends 2007-2011, released recently by the

NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the R.M. of Leask No. 464 intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007 to amend Bylaw No. 5-92, known as the Basic Planning Statement. INTENT The proposed bylaw will amend Lakeshore Development Policies for Emerald Lake. AFFECTED LAND The affected area is shown within the bold dashed line on the map. A fraction of SW 3348-7 W3. REASON The reason for the amendment to Lakeshore Development Policies is to change the Duncan’s Beach subdivision zoning from Lakeshore Development District (LD) to Duncan’s Beach Resort District (DB). PUBLIC INSPECTION Any person may inspect the bylaw at the R.M. of Leask No. 464 office between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., closed from Noon until 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays. Copies are available at cost. PUBLIC HEARING Council will hold a public hearing on February 13, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. at the R.M. of Leask office in council chambers to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing, or delivered to the undersigned at the R. M. of Leask office before the hearing. Issued at the R.M. of Leask No. 464, this 11th day of January, 2013. Sheri McHanson Budd Administrator

January 18, 2013

Canadian Institute for Health information (CIHI), licensed practical nurses in Saskatchewan are more likely to work in acute care than their Canadian counterparts. The report found that 60.9 per cent of LPNs work in Saskatchewan hospitals compared to 42.9 per cent of LPNs across Canada. One in five nurses in Saskatchewan are LPNs and 98.6 per cent work in direct patient care, compared to 90 per cent of RNs in the province. “Licensed Practical Nurses play a critical role in the delivery of health care,” said CUPE Health Care Council president Gordon Campbell. CUPE presented their brief Full Utilization of Licensed Practical Nurses: A Practical Solution to the Nursing Shortage to four health regions last year. The brief calls for consistent advancement of LPNs. CUPE is also urging health care employers to implement mentoring programs for new LPNs in the workplace, by allowing them to job shadow full-scope LPNs.





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January 18, 2013


Devin Spence gets back into position just in time as the puck squirts out front. Ryan Gaeau(19) and Hugh Hamilton(3) were also there to help stop Rosthern’s Brody Zuk (7) from scoring. Shane Callaghan (20) was doing a good job clearPhoto: Tom Pierson ing away the debris from in front of Spence.

Shellbrook Chronicle


The Elks Josh Peterson(4) screens Rosthern netminder Dan Bauer while trying to redirect a point shot in second period action of the Elks 4-3 win January 12th. Ryan Gareau (19) was ready for a rebound, while Rosthern’s Mitch Berg(6) tries to keep Peterson’s stick at bay. Photo: Tom Pierson

Wheat Kings come close to defeating Elks By Tom Pierson The Rosthern Wheat Kings came to a freezing Shellbrook all warmed up and ready to win January 12th. In the end, the talented Elks found a way to win. It was anybody’s game in the first half of the opening period. Elks forward Aki Seitsonen said, “I think today was a lot like a playoff game. They played very hard. It was a good game right from the start.” The Elks were handed two straight penalties, and most of the four minutes were spent in Rosthern’s end as the Wheat Kings kept regrouping. The second Power Play did not generate a single shot. Devin Spencer was minding the pipes for the Elks, and was doing a very good job of it. That is until 1:16 when Garret Cameron of the Wheat Kings scored on a rebound, after Spencer made a good initial stop. Aaron Starr earned the assist. The Elks penalty killing unit was tested a third time, before the Rosthern goal, and it was solid. By the same token, The Wheat Kings’ fore checking was solid, not allowing the Elks to generate much of an offensive attack. Early in the second period, Michael Epp found a tiny space over Spencer’s shoulder to give Rosthern a 2-0 lead. Andrew Crowe picked up the assist at 17:29. The Elks kept on battling and scored twice in quick succession. At 12:23 Leigh Spencer scored from Seitsonen and Hugh Hamilton. At 11:54 Chris Thompson scored when he cut across the front of the net and slipped the puck home past Dan Bauer. Assists went to Ryan Gareau and Lyndon Leard. Bang! Bang! The game was knotted at two. The shots on goal at the time were 33-15 in favor of Rosthern. Many of the scoring chances at both ends were of the A-1 variety.

The rest of the period consisted of more back and forth action, but it was still Rosthern’s game to win or lose. The Elks were not playing badly, but the Wheat Kings were playing very well, fore checking and back checking. The game became very physical after Rosthern’s early second goal. As soon as Shellbrook scored their two quick goals to tie the game, the banging ceased. Both teams realized that to win it was going to take goal scoring and not body checking. No sooner did the puck drop to open the third period than the Elks decided to score two more quick goals. At 19:02 Thompson scored his second of the game on a beautiful one-timer that hit nothing but net. Leard and Hamilton were the helpers. For the first time in the game, the Elks were on top. Seitsonen added what he thought was an insurance goal at 18:11 when he went top shelf. Curtis Olson and Leigh Spencer assisted. Rosthern came roaring back down the ice after a barrage was thrown at Bauer to no avail. At 10:35 Matt Hildebrandt scored from Brody Zuk and Tanner Gilles. That threw a bit of a scare into the Elks. Seitsonen said this about what would turn out to be his game winning goal, “I was hoping that should be enough, but they came back with that one there, so we didn’t know if we needed to get another insurance. We were lucky enough that that was enough to win tonight.” Moving within one goal, Rosthern really started to press. Spencer continued to play well in goal for the Elks and received much help from a solid defensive core. Despite legs that were probably already burning, Rosthern picked up the pace another notch or two in the final five minutes. After one false start for the Wheat Kings bench, Bauer

made it on his second attempt with 59 seconds remaining in regulation. Going like gang busters in the Elks end, the Wheat Kings proceeded to shoot themselves in the foot. Taking an undisciplined penalty with 30 seconds to go was not what the doctor ordered. It was an exciting finish to an exciting game. “It really was, (exciting),” said Seitsonen. “I think the fans enjoyed it. As players we really did. All around it was a good night.” Elks won 4-3. Elks 3 Bruno 2 in OT The Elks were on the road in Bruno the night before and won a close game in overtime. Devin Spencer was in goal for Shellbrook, while Lane Hildebrandt tended goal for Bruno. The Elks scored first at 19:43. Chris Thompson scored from Lundon Leard and Ryan Gareau. The Bruno T’Birds tied the game at 15:01 of the first period. Brett Novak scored from Brett Parker. Each team scored once in the second to keep the game tied. Bruno’s Braydon Klimosko scored from Novak at 18:55. Lyndon Leard scored for Shellbrook at 4:13 from Shane Callaghan and Gareau. The third period did not decide anything. In the five minute overtime of 4-on-4 hockey, they almost went to a shootout. With only two seconds on the clock, Joel Belair scored the Elks winning goal. Aki Seitsonen received the lone assist. AAA Provincial Draw The AAA Provincial draw was announced, and the Elk face the Lloydminster Border Kings, who have home ice advantage, in a best of three series. More details will be reported as more details become available.

Silvertips soar over Flyers, but left Blue in St. Louis By Tom Pierson The Shellbrook Silvertips played a couple of games in the last week. They defeated the Whitefish Flyers 8-2 at home January 9th before heading on the road to St. Louis for a 4-1 loss. Silvertips coach Darrel Martin said this about the win over the Flyers, “We started out pretty slow. After the first period we were down 1-0.” Jordan Ahenakew scored the Flyers goal from Greg Morin at 4:56. “We came out in the second period with a better attitude,” commented Martin. “We scored

five goals to Whitefish’s one.” Devin Waterhouse opened the scoring at 19:04. Jason McComas and Josh Sommerfeld assisted. Brett Mason scored from McComas and Cody Spencer at 15:34 to take a 2-1 lead. At 11:02 the Flyers tied the score with an unassisted goal by Dustin Daniels. The Silvertips game winning goal scorer was Waterhouse at 9:25. McComas picked up his third assist, and Devin Thorpe earned his first assist. Adding to his point total, McComas scored at 5:47, assisted by Taylor Tait and Nick Martin.

Running the lead up to 5-2, Silvertips’ Brendon Canaday found the back of the Flyers net. Josh Sommerfeld and Mason added the helpers. In the final twenty minutes, Martin said, “We came out and continued our tough play. We scored three more goals and finished up 8-2. The rest of the Silvertips scoring came from Nathaniel Martin, Nick Martin and Derek Olson. Assists were collected by Carson Kalyn, Canaday, Olson and Nick Martin. Kelly Rolston picked up the win in the Silvertips goal. St. Louis 4 Shellbrook 1

Coach Darrel Martin said, “We went in there (St. Louis) on Saturday kind of short-staffed.” He added, “We gave up two goals early in the first period.” Scoring for the Blues were: Troy Regnier from Lee Regnier and Ryan Hovdebo; and Lee Regnier from Troy Regnier and Dustin Gaydon. The Silvertips were kept scoreless in the second period, despite having lots of chances. “We just couldn’t put the puck in the net.” The Blues struck first in the third period on a goal by Landon Lajeunesse, assisted by Cody Phaneuf. Cody Spencer put the Silver-

tips on the board on a goal from Doran Canaday and Carson Kalyn. The Blues led 3-1, and when Silvertips goalie Brady Jacobs was pulled for the extra attacker, the Blues added an empty-netter. Ryan Hovdebo scored from Preston Regnier. Don’t forget the Silvertips play at home Friday, January 18th at 8:30 when they host the Muskeg Lake Blades. The Silvertips also play at home Saturday January 19th at 8:00 when the Birch Hills Blackhawks make a return visit. See Ya There!


Shellbrook Chronicle


January 18, 2013 19


Shellbrook Chronicle


January 18, 2013


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January 18, 2013

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TENDERS FOR SALE BY INFORMAL TENDER - Land and Farm Yard in Shellbrook Area. 360 farmable acres,140 fenced, 70 in grass. Property is located approximately 15 miles SW of Shellbrook. LLD - SE 1-48-5 W3, NW 1-48- 5 W3, NE 1-48-5 W3. Approx. 1500 sq ft bungalow with finished basement built in 1982, newer well and water system. 25 X 40 garage. 29 X 19 tractor bay. 24 X 40 barn. 50 X 60 Quonset. Informal tenders must be received by February 15th, 2013. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Please submit tenders by mail to: Rick Muller, 692 Branion Drive, Prince Albert, Sk. S6V 2S2. For further details, contact Rick Muller at 306-922-3519 or 306961-3383. 5-6C

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE - Rough lumber and timber in all dimensions and lengths, up to 20’ long. Log siding, tongue and grove; panelling and Birch fire wood. Check out our website at www. christiansenlumber. ca. Call 469-2490, Big River TFCH

AUTOS FOR SALE FOR SALE - 2006 Ford Crown Victoria, x-RCMP car, good running condition. $2,800 Ph: 306-7632963 3-5CH

Advertising Deadline is Monday 5:00 p.m.

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FOR SALE - 2009 Arctic Cat Bearcat snowmobile 570 long track, wide track, $5,900 306-4973307

FOR SALE - 13 top quality Black Angus cross bred heifers bred to proven easy calving Red Angus bull, Ivomeced, preg. tested, start calving April 1, 306-8833991 evenings. 4-5CH

HELP WANTED - Shellbrook Motel looking for housekeeper, good hours, good wage. Ph: 7472631 or drop in. TFC

FOR SALE - 26’ Prowler pull-type camper, couch slide, excellent condition. Ph: 306-469-2324 (leave message) 3-5CH

WANTED WANTED TO BUY - Looking to buy gently used alto saxaphone. Call 306747-7151 TFCH WANTED - All kinds of feed grain, including heated canola. Now distributors of feed pellets with up to 36% protein. Marcel Seeds, Debden Ph: 306-724-4461 TFCH WANTED - Used slip tank, no leaks. Jim 306-468-2853 WANTED - Straw bales, even good old straw bales and good old hay bales. Ph: 306-724-4468 4-6CH WANTED - Used power saw for parts. Pioneer model P26. Write to RR1, Box 9, Site 7, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0 or phone between 6 pm and 9 pm. 306-7472169 1-3CH

Classifieds Work!


FOR SALE - Quality Red and Black Salers bulls for calving ease. Elderberry Farm Salers, Parkside 7473302 11-13CH

HOMES FOR SALE FOR SALE – 2 smaller renovated 2 bedroom houses for sale in Spiritwood. Ph: 1-306-883-2208 TFCH

FOR SALE OR RENT LAND FOR SALE OR RENT - N½ SW 15 47 7 W3, 80 acres, 73 in grass at present; SW 27 47 7 W3, 160 acres, 68 in stubble, 65 in hay. Contact Box 32, Leask, SK S0J 1Mo 1-3CH

PASTURE FOR RENT PASTURE FOR RENT - SW 34 46 4 W3, SE 33 46 4 W3, NE 28 46 4 W3; fenced and cross fenced for rotational grazing, round up corrals. Will take 40 cow/calf pairs. Contact Box 32, Leask, SK S0J 1Mo 1-3CH

CONTRACT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY at the Shellbrook Post Office. The Town of Shellbrook is looking for a custodian/janitor at the Shellbrook Post Office. For more information, call Kelly at 747-4900 or email kelly.h@sasktel.net Tenders will be accepted until January 25, 2013 @ 4pm. 2-3C EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - 400 cow Dairy farm 30 minutes from Saskatoon is looking to fill a full time labour position. Reply to

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goldendawn@sasktel.net with Resume and to request more information. HELP WANTED Memorial Lake Regional Park. Accepting applications for Campground Superintendent for the 2013 Season (Apr 15 – Oct 15 appr). The successful applicant will be working under the supervision of the present Superintendent for training purposes for the 2013 Season. Position includes supervision of campground staff, maintenance of campground, cabin areas, waterfront and playgrounds, capital projects in conjunction with board committees, support services for the campground

office and staff, working with the shop supervisor in regard to equipment sharing, monthly reports, budgeting, must attain and maintain Water Certification, WHIMS, Pesticide Operator Lic. and any additional requirements set by the board of directors. Please email resumes to memorial.admin@sasktel. net. Deadline Feb. 1, 2013. 1-3CH

COMING EVENTS COMING EVENTS - Soup and Sandwich, January 25, 11 to 1:30, Shellbrook Curling Rink. Sponsored by Seniors Curling Club.

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Everyone is most welcome to the Shellbrook Seniors Centre each Sunday, 3 p.m. to hear the Gospel Message. Conducted by S. McDermit, M. Ausenhus 2-4C

CARD OF THANKS Maybe there where hugs at the hospital, on the street or everywhere Maybe there were emails sent. Maybe there were cards you sent. Maybe there was food you brought to the house. Maybe you attended the service and we missed you. Maybe there were flowers sent. Maybe you helped at lunch. Maybe you came to visit.

Maybe you were in charge of the funeral. Maybe there was the miles you travelled to be with us. Maybe you conducted the service. Maybe you sang at the service. Maybe you helped with homecare. Maybe you did a neighbourly deed. Maybe you just said a prayer. However you shared this time with us, Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. - The Wasdens, Roberta, Denise, Claude, Ian and families.

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January 18, 2013

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Shellbrook Chronicle Spiritwood Herald Madeleine Wrigley, Sales, 306-747-7151 Phone 306-747-2442 or Fax 306-747-3000 E-mail advertising: chads@sbchron.com • E-mail news: chnews@sbchron.com

January 18, 2013


CHANGE A LIFE World Vision Canada is a Christian, humanitarian relief and development organization working in over 90 countries. On behalf of World Vision Canada donorworx Inc. is looking for ENTHUSIASTIC FUNDRAISERS for a Mall Campaign in Saskatoon and Regina to promote Child Sponsorship. The ultimate fundraiser is outgoing, possesses excellent communication skills and has fundraising/sales experience. World Vision Sponsors are encouraged to apply. $17.00/hr 15-25 hrs a week If you are interested in joining the donorworx fundraising team please visit the Jobs section on www.donorworx.com FARM LABOURER & MANAGER. Full-time position, modern mixed farm, near Calgary, Alberta. Housing supplied, excellent wages. Valid drivers licence, & cow/calf experience required. Assets include mechanics, grain, welding, custom hay & seeding. Fax resume 403-335-0086. Phone 403-335-3694. JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNICIAN. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta) needs a few more good people. Busy, modern shop. $25. $31./hour + bonus, benefits. Great community. Inquire or send resume. Fax 403854-2845; Email Chrysler@telusplanet.net.


PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: hr@pyramidcorpora tion.com or fax 780-955-HIRE. ROADEX SERVICES requires O/O 1 tons for our RV division and O/O Semis and drivers for our RV and general freight deck division to haul throughout N. America. Paid by direct deposit, benefits and company fuel cards. Border crossing required with valid passport and clean criminal record. 1-800867-6233; www.roadex services.com SERVICE MASTERS SECURITY has opportunities for Security Guard Couples: We specialize in remote oilfield manned security gate services in Alberta. Ideal for mature couples who are semi-retired, for year round or seasonal work opportunities that enable you to work together. Training is available & required. Apply with resume: Email: servicemas ters@telus.net. Fax 403-348-5681.

REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY: Journeyman Automotive Technician for a large progressive General Motors Dealer in central Saskatchewan. Top wages paid in flat rate shop. Excellent benefit package along with company pension plan. Would consider a 2nd or 3rd year apprentice. Contact WATROUS MAINLINE MOTORS at Watrous, Sask. Gerald Merrifield or Don Campbell. Ph: (306) 946-3336 Email: Gerald@watrousmain line.com

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TRADES & CONSTRUCTION HELP Heavy Const Company requires journeyman mechanics to start asap, must be familiar with all heavy equipment Caterpiller, Komatsu, John Deere etc. competitive wage and superior benefit package. Required to work in shop in rural Winnipeg, MB and on job sites. email karen@hmcl.ca fax 204-224-9212



COMPLETE DISPERSAL, Unreserved Auction PWR - Prairie Western Reclamation, March 19, 2013, in Beinfait, (Estevan) Sask. For further information or to consign to this auction call John Williams at CPA - Canadian Public Auction, 403-369-9879.

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CAREER TRAINING HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING - Daily, Weekly and Monthly Programs. Call (306) 955-0079 for details! www.practicum traininginstitute.ca

Shellbrook Chronicle

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Doug Thank-you for the knowledge, professionalism, understanding, and caring that you showed in the sale of our land. I have to admit that I was sorry to see it go because it has been in my family for over 100 years, but you made the process virtually worry free and painless. Your agricultural background and professionalism is what gave us the comfort in knowing that we had talked to the right person when we decided to sell the land. Doug, we thank-you again for all of your hard work. Sandy

PURCHASING: SINGLE TO LARGE BLOCKS OF LAND. PREMIUM PRICES PAID WITH QUICK PAYMENT. RENT BACK AVAILABLE SUMMARY OF SOLD PROPERTIES Central - 62 1/4’s South Central - 17 1/4’s East Central - 74 1/4’s South - 70 1/4’s South East - 22 1/4’s South West 58 1/4’s North - 6 1/4’s North West - 8 1/4’s East - 39 1/4’s Call DOUG 306-955-2266 saskfarms@shaw.ca www.cafarmland.com


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Shellbrook Chronicle


January 18, 2013

HOST players to present a classic comedy A very vibrant and raucous Arsenic and Old Lace

Continued from page 1 When Mortimer Brewster (Myron Wall) is on the phone discussing a work assignment, Ann Gaboury as Martha and Karen Spencer as Abby are in the process of trying to poison

Mr. Gibb (Jim Lennard). But the real winner in this category has to go to Wade Reddekopp who has Peter Lorre’s role in the movie as Dr. Einstein. If one didn’t know any better, one would swear that Peter Lorre himself was on the stage.

The way storytelling has changed over the past several decades, stepping into the past with a classic such as Arsenic and Old Lace is something everyone can benefit from. Not to mention have a rip-roaring good time!

Dr. Einstein watches the long lost Jonathan Brewster get reacquainted with his relatives Abby and Martha Brewster. Photo: Tom Pierson

‘Teddy Roosevelt’ Brewster protrayed by Greg Spencer, liked to play with his toys, when he was not building lochs in the Panama Canal or leading a charge. Photo: Tom Pierson

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Shellbrook Chronicle 747-2442 ~ chads@sbchron.com

Mortimer Brewster tries to distract Elaine Harper’s attention away from the window box, and eventually carries her out of the house saying he did not want Photo: Tom Pierson her to leave.

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