105th Redevelopment District Design Guidelines

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Redevelopment District Design Guidelines 105th Dated: July 8, 2022

Prepared by the City of Blaine Planning Department July 18, 2022 BlaineMN.gov / 20222

Contents 4 Introduction 5 Vision 7 Goals 8 Design Preview Process 9 Land Uses 10 Multi-Family Residential 14 Commercial 29 Sign Examples BlaineMN.gov / 2022 3


The purpose of this document is to establish design guidelines and a framework for the district. This document shall act as a manual and be referenced while reviewing development. These guidelines include architectural design elements, parking, streetscape, lighting, landscape and signage for the district. It is to be understood that the area will not develop exactly as the master plan shows but shall be consistent with these guidelines.

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Vision BlaineMN.gov / 2022 5

The City has identified key redevelopment areas in the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The 105th Avenue Redevelopment Area is a high priority area. The City will work in partnership with the National Sports Center (NSC) to capitalize on the visitor traffic to this area. There are over 6 million visitors to this area and with the growing population of Blaine, this area is primed for creating a place to capture this energy. This area will be an entertainment hub, a destination, a gathering place.

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Goals 01 One-of-a-KindEncourageCreativeDevelopment 02 Create a synergy to topeopledrawthearea 03 04 Allow flexibility 05 ActivitiesPromoteOutdoor 06 Develop economic attractions that brings the greater community as well as tourists to the area BlaineMN.gov / 2022 7 Implement private and public developmentpartnerships

BlaineMN.gov / 20228 Prior to making an application the developer/ applicant shall meet with City staff to review the proposal against the design guidelines. Meet with Staff All new buildings and additions require site plan approval through the Planning Commission and City Council. Site Plan Approval Parking adequacy should be determined prior to making major financial and legal commitments related to the property. In some cases, insufficient on-site parking may prevent the proposed project/use from being permitted Parking Review Design Review Process

Land Uses This district includes commercial, retail, recreation and multi-family land uses. BlaineMN.gov / 2022 9

parking or parking in the

The housing

Rowhouse style with

Multi-Family Residential identified in the scale. close to the street. underground rear

The buildings are encouraged to be

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plan is for high density development with an urban

of the building is ideal. Development should provide for pedestrian and vehicular circulation and create links to existing and proposed sidewalks/ trails. Design Elements Façade: Façade articulation shall be provided through any of the following elements: A projecting bay, entry vestibule, or recess extending from the ground level through the second floor. 1 A ground-level recess.2 A change in the rhythm of windows at the ground level and second floor, combined with change of parapet height or material. 3 Awnings.4


Ground Floor Window

One primary entrance which faces the street should be clearly defined and be directly from a vehicular or pedestrian street. Entryway may be covered by projection from the façade. Sliding doors should not be used in the primary entrance.

Multi-Family Residential

Outdoor balconies or patios should be provided for the majority of the units.

Building Entrance

All buildings are to provide ground floor windows along facades, parks, plazas or other public outdoor spaces. Glass should be clear and free of tint.

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BlaineMN.gov / 202212 Multi-Family Residential Materials At least fifty percent (50%) of a combination of at least three (3) of the following materials with all materials present on each elevation. All buildings must meet and be consistent with design guidelines. 1. Brick 2. Natural or cultured stone 3. Glass 4. Stucco or EIFS 5. Cementitious siding 6. Architectural metal 7. Integrally colored rock faced block The remaining portion of all exterior wall finishes shall be comprised of any combination of decorative, rock faced concrete block and textured concrete panels, or other comparable or superior materials as approved by the zoning administrator. All materials subject to Zoning Administrator approval. Flat roofs are encouraged. If dormers are used they shall correlate with occupied space and used to conceal equipment if proportional to the main roof.

Multi-Family Residential

Parking Parking shall be underground or in a structure. Townhome parking shall mostly take place within an attached garage with possible parking in the driveway. Guest parking should be accommodated within the development. Landscaping The use of window boxes, hanging flower baskets, or other season landscaping should be used when possible. Window boxes and planters should be located near entrances.

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Use building massing to develop strong and consistent spatial definition of the street and outdoor spaces. Building exteriors should promote day and nighttime commercial uses through ample exterior lighting, adequate public access and exterior openings where possible. Promote active uses of sidewalks through ground floor building design elements such as transparent windows, open partitions, awnings, goods, and wares visible in front and displayed. Elements enhancements and windows to act as business identity. Awnings to define entry. As well as façade articulation shall be provided through any of the following elements: A projecting bay, entry vestibule, or recess extending from the ground level through the second floor. 1 A ground-level recess.2 A change in the rhythm of windows at the ground level and second floor, combined with a change of parapet height or material.


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All buildings shall have at least one customer entrance facing an abutting public or private street, rather than just the parking area. A building may have more than one entrance. Customer entrances shall be open to the public during business hours. Main building entrances shall be architectural emphasized and visible from the street by utilizing design features such as awnings, pillars, special building materials or architectural details. All buildings shall provide ground floor windows along facades, parks, plazas or other public outdoor spaces. Darkly tinted windows or windows that block two-way visibility are prohibited.

Commercial 645

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Corner buildings should actively face onto both streets with pedestrian friendly entrances. Creative corner treatments such as rounded or cut corners, corner roof features and distinctive shop windows are highly encouraged.


The remaining portion of all exterior wall finishes shall be comprised of any combination of decorative, rock faced concrete block and other comparable or superior materials as approved by the zoning administrator. All materials subject to Zoning Administrator approval. All buildings to incorporate four-sided design. Building articulation elements shall be provided at a maximum average spacing of 40 feet. Dynamic rooflines are ideal. Building height and character should vary to create more interest. There should be appropriate transitions of scale between new and existing buildings.




Commercial Materials Materials and color: At least fifty percent (75%) of all exterior wall finishes on any building shall be comprised of a combination of at least three (3) of the following materials with all materials present on each elevation. All buildings must meet and be consistent with design guidelines. Brick 2. Natural or cultured stone Glass 4. Stucco Cementitious siding Architectural metal Integrally colored rock faced block



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BlaineMN.gov / 202218 Commercial

Parking Parking areas shall have access to public alley or street. When feasible parking should be located to the rear of buildings or side yard. When parking area abut the street, the sidewalk edge must be delineated with landscaping, architectural fencing or other decorative features.

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BlaineMN.gov / 202220 Streetscape/Landscaping Provide landscape treatments at side streets to enhance connections. Planters, window boxes and hanging plants should be located near Integrateentrances.sidewalk area into building Setbackentrances.entrance from the rest of the Providebuilding.outdoor seating. Commercial

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BlaineMN.gov / 202222 District Lighting Connexus Energy provides street lighting for the City. This area will use the “Lantern” for freestanding street signs. Building lighting should be the same or similar.r entrances. • Integrate sidewalk area into building entrances. • Setback entrance from the rest of the building. • Provide outdoor seating. Commercial

BlaineMN.gov / 2022 23 Commercial District Signage Signage should be Unique and creative. Types of signs are identified in Appendix A. When designing use simple shapes, bold lettering, complement architecture of building when possible..

Projecting Signs


The arm of the projecting sign shall be black metal material and designed as a decorative element of the sign.

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Neon signage is allowed and should contain some design element not simply just the name of the business. If using neon signage it should be part of the overall site plan that is reviewed. Commercial

Neon Signage

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BlaineMN.gov / 202226 Awning Signage Awnings are a great way to incorporate signage. The lettering should be proportional to the space available. Commercial

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Roof Signs Roof signs are allowed with individual letter signs. The height of the building and surrounding buildings should be taken into consideration.



Fences Fences where permitted shall be black wrought iron and have a decorative component. The fence length may be broken up with a pilar type structure typically made of brick or material to match the building.

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Wall Sign - A sign attached to or painted on the outside of a building. Wall signs are typically mounted flush in the traditional sign band above a storefront. Other wall signs can be mounted flush or within 2 feet of the wall surface.

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Sandwich Board Sign - A temporary freestanding sign which is typically shaped like an “A” or “T” and has one or two faces which is not anchored to the ground. Roof Sign - A sign that projects above the fascia of a building and is supported wholly or in part of the roof structure.


Sign Examples PlanningTown Square Drive NE, Blaine MN 55449 Department phone: 763-785-6180 | BlaineMN gov



Window or Door Sign - A sign or symbol located on a window pane or within 3 feet of the interior of a business intended to be seen from the street. Typically provides secondary information and comprises 20 percent or less of each window’s area. 7 8 5 4 6 3 1 2 2

Projecting Sign - A sign attached to and projecting from the wall of a building or hanging from a bracket. Typically twodimensional with external lighting and 6 square feet or less in size. Primary signs in some cases, such as small businesses with minimal storefronts.

Awning Sign - A sign printed or affixed to the surface of an awning. The signage lettering appears incidental and is limited to 10 square feet per awning face. Awning signage may be primary signage in some cases.

Banner Sign - A temporary sign which is painted or displayed upon a sheet composed of fabric, pliable plastic, paper, or other non-rigid material, fastened to the exterior of a building or exterior structure, other than a flag pole.

Monument Sign - A ground-level sign that a driver notices or a person passing by can easily see the business information.

10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine MN 55449 Planning@BlaineMN.govEmail:763-784-6700Telephone

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