Blaine CityConnect - 2013 May/Jun

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ne BlaiCityConnect

W W W . C I . B L A I N E . M N . U S

May/June 2013

Blaine Police Department Stages Arrive Alive at Centennial High School

On April 4 and 5, the Blaine Police Department, with the help of a host of volunteers, presented Arrive Alive to students at Centennial High School. Formerly known as Every 15 Minutes, Arrive Alive is an emotional two-day event that challenges teenagers to think about drinking, driving, texting and driving, personal safety, the responsibility of making mature decisions, and the impact their decisions have on family, friends,s and the community. This marked the third presentation done at Centennial High School; the Blaine Police Department staged the state’s first-ever event at the school in 2009, and again in 2011. The most powerful aspect of the program was a simulated drunk driving collision on the school track. With the student body assembled in the bleachers, a mock crash scene was unveiled before them. Chaos unfolded as victims emerged from two vehicles and a survivor called 911. One by one, emergency responders, who were using the simulation as training, arrived to the scene. The chilling presentation ended with one crash victim removed from the accident in a body bag, and others in handcuffs. A third student was air-lifted to the hospital. Two more left in ambulances. The audience was left to consider the day’s events until an assembly the next morning, when students involved in the simulated crash shared their testimony in an emotional presentation. North Metro TV produced a video of the event, viewable online by searching for Arrive Alive in the “Video on Demand” section of

Less Parking at Lakeside Commons Beach this Summer There will be significantly less parking available at Lakeside Commons Beach this summer. Parking near the beach will be limited to the 72-stall parking lot only. Parking in the grass area next to the parking lot WILL NOT be permitted. The map below indicates where onstreet parking is available near the beach. More information is available at

Mattresses and Box Springs No Longer Accepted at Blaine’s Monthly Drop-off Day Mattresses and Box Springs will no longer be accepted. The vendor, PPL, Inc., was not receiving enough material to make it worth providing the service. Please DO NOT bring mattresses or box springs to the monthly recycling drop-off day.

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15 1 22 2 29

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Blaine City Hall

A zone recycling

8650 Van Buren St. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-228-1117

Dick Swanson

P.O. Box 49725 Blaine, MN 55449 763-370-2557

WARD 2 Dave Clark

10833 Fillmore St. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-754-7643

Mike Bourke

83 103rd Ave. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-784-1986



WARD 3 Kathy Kolb

12875 Lever St. NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-784-6143

CITY MANAGER Clark Arneson



11308 Jefferson St. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-757-6887

Russ Herbst

City Council Workshops May 2 | May 9 | May 16 June 6 | June 13 | June 20 6:30 pm | City Hall Cloverleaf Room

Planning Commission* May 14 | June 11 7 pm | City Hall Council Chambers





Natural Resource Conservation Board Fri



May 21 | June 18 7:30 pm | City Hall Cloverleaf Farm Room

Arts Council May 14 | June 11 6:30 pm | City Hall Lunch Room





5 10 12










May 14 | June 11 6:30 pm | City Hall Sanctuary Room







*meetings can be seen live on cable channel 16






16 /30



WARD 1 Wes Hovland

May 2 | May 16 | June 6 | June 20 7:30 pm | City Hall Council Chambers

May 28 | June 25 7 pm | City Hall Council Chambers

B zone recycling Holiday

CITY COUNCIL 12147 Radisson Road NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-757-3390

City Council*

Park Board*

10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-784-6700 763-785-6156 (fax)

MAYOR Tom Ryan


Police and Fire................................................ 911 Police (non-emergency) ....................763-785-6168 Fire (non-emergency)........................763-786-4436 Building Inspections..........................763-785-6170 Cable Channel 15..............................763-780-8241 City Cable Channel 16 ......................763-785-6192 City Clerk ........................................763-785-6124 City Manager....................................763-785-6120 Community Standards.......................763-785-6187 Crime Prevention..............................763-785-6113 Economic Development.....................763-785-6147 Engineering......................................763-785-6172 Fire Inspections ...............................763-785-6187 Forestry ..........................................763-717-2660 Housing Services .............................763-785-6146 Human Resources ............................763-785-6109 Job Line ..........................................763-717-2679 Newsletter ......................................763-717-2735 Operator..........................................763-784-6700 Parks and Recreation .......................763-785-6164 Planning & Zoning ............................763-785-6180 Public Works....................................763-785-6165 Recycling & Solid Waste ...................763-785-6192 Senior Citizens Center ......................763-786-9375 Streets ...........................................763-785-6165 Stormwater......................................763-785-6188 Utility Billing ....................................763-785-6141 Water & Sewer System .....................763-785-6165 Web................................................763-717-2638 Learn more about the City of Blaine and keep updated with happenings by following the city online.

Historical Society

About this Newsletter... CityConnect is published bimonthly by the City of Blaine and distributed to all residents and businesses. Past copies of the city newsletter are available at Feedback can be directed to newsletter @ . All city legal notices are published in the city’s official newspaper, the Blaine/Spring Lake Park Life.

may | june 2013 Schedule of Events Carnival & Live Bands | all weekend including: Austin Healy | Friday, 7 pm GB Leighton | Saturday, 7:30 pm Jonah & the Whales | Sunday, 11:30 am Parade | Saturday, noon Craft Show and Vendor Fair | all weekend Car Show | Sunday Face Painting | Sunday, 11 am – 4 pm Softball Tournament | Saturday & Sunday 8K Lakes Run/4K Walk | Sunday, 8:30 am Medallion Hunt

Be part of history as the Blaine Festival celebrates 43 years of fun. Join the weekend festivities at beautiful Aquatore Park June 28 thru 30. Visit for more information.

Car Seat Clinic Set for May 14, 2013

Blaine Discover Aviation Days June 1 & 2

The Blaine Police Department, SBM Fire Department, and Safe Kids Anoka County are hosting a free car seat clinic on Tuesday, May 14, from 4 to 7 pm, at Fire Station Number 2, 1141 89th Avenue NE, in Blaine.

The Discover Aviation Days celebration will take place June 1 and 2 at the Anoka CountyBlaine Airport, and features the following:

During this free clinic, experts will inspect your child’s installed car seat, provide installation tips, and check the seat for recalls. Parents will demonstrate proper installation of their seats and have an opportunity to ask specific questions of trained technicians. A child who is both younger than age 8, and shorter than 4 feet 9 inches, is required to be fastened in a child safety seat or booster seat that meets federal safety standards. Booster seats are designed to keep the lap belt positioned low on a child’s hips and the shoulder belt positioned between the neck and shoulder. Under this law, a child cannot use a seat belt alone until they are age eight or 4 feet 9 inches tall, whichever comes first. Schedule an appointment between 4 and 7 pm For more information or to make an appointment, contact Connie Forster, SBM Fire Department, 763-767-4003, extension 100.

• • • • • • • • •

World War Two, Vintage, Corporate, and GA aircraft displays Pancake breakfast/lunch Aviation exhibitors Food booths Free aircraft museum tours Kids activities Education center Safety seminar/aviation programs The chance to meet military flying veterans

The annual Hangar Dance held on Saturday night from 8 pm to Midnight at the Golden Wings Museum is 1940’s style, and features the Dave Andrew’s Big Band. For more information visit, email, or call 763-568-6072.

Memorial Day Services Memorial Day Services will be presented by the Veteran’s Organizations of Anoka County on Saturday, May 25, 2013 10 am Morningside Memorial Gardens 11800 University Ave. N.W. Coon Rapids, MN

11:30 am Bunker Hills Park Foley Blvd. and Main St. Coon Rapids, MN


Annual Stormwater Information Meeting The annual public information meeting for Blaine’s Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program will be held on Wednesday, May 8, 2013, from 7 to 8 pm in the Cloverleaf Farm Room A, at Blaine City Hall. This annual meeting is a requirement of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit regulated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The purpose of the meeting is to inform residents on the activities conducted by the city in the past year to be compliant with the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP). After a brief presentation, staff will be available to answer questions regarding the effects implementing the SWPPP have on the City of Blaine. Items discussed include the SWPPP; status and compliance regarding permit conditions; progress toward achieving measurable goals; and planned activities for the next year. Residents will have an opportunity to provide oral or written input. The city’s SWPPP is available on the city’s website under the Engineering Department link. For more information, call Stormwater Manager Jim Hafner at (763) 785-6188 or email at

Hydrant Flushing Begins in Early May The City of Blaine Public Works Department will be performing annual fire hydrant flushing in May. This process removes any sediment that may have settled in water mains over the course of the year, as well as presenting an opportunity to ensure hydrants are in proper working order. To minimize the duration of disruption to the city’s water system, crews will flush hydrants from Monday, May 6, through Friday, May 10. Crews will be working citywide from 6:30 am until at least 4:30 pm to flush all hydrants within those days. Hydrant flushing will create periods of low water pressure, with the disturbance in the water mains potentially causing dark water. Although safe for human consumption, the discolored water may stain clothes. Residents are asked to refrain from washing clothes between the hours of 6:30 am to 5:30 pm, or until hydrants in the area have been flushed. Please check for water discoloration before washing. Call 763-785-6165 for more information.

2012 Drinking Water Report

The City of Blaine is issuing the results of monitoring done on its drinking water for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2012. The purpose of this report is to advance consumers’ understanding of drinking water and heighten awareness of the need to protect precious water resources.

Source of Water The City of Blaine provides drinking water to its residents from a groundwater source: 16 wells ranging from 228 to 741 feet deep, that draw water from the Franconia-Mt. Simon, Franconia-Eau Claire, Quaternary Buried Artesian, IrontonMt. Simon, Jordan-Mt.Simon, and Jordan-Galesville aquifers. The water provided to customers may meet drinking water standards, but the Minnesota Department of Health has also made a determination as to how vulnerable the source of water may be to future contamination incidents. If you wish to obtain the entire source water assessment regarding your drinking water, please call 651-201-4700 or 1-800-818-9318 during normal business hours. Also, you can view it on line at

Abbreviation Key for Tables MCLG ─ Maximum Contaminant Level Goal: The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety. MCL ─ Maximum Contaminant Level: The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment technology. MRDL ─ Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level. MRDLG ─ Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal.

Call 763-785-6137 if you have questions about the City of Blaine drinking water or would like information about opportunities for public participation in decisions that may affect the quality of the water.

Results of Monitoring No contaminants were detected at levels that violated federal drinking water standards. However, some contaminants were detected in trace amounts that were below legal limits. The table that follows shows the contaminants that were detected in trace amounts last year. (Some contaminants are sampled less frequently than once a year; as a result, not all contaminants were sampled for in 2012. If any of these contaminants were detected the last time they were sampled for, they are included in the table along with the date that the detection occurred.) Level Found Range Average (2011) Result* 0.52.81 0.93 N/A 7.7 nd 9.22 9.22

Contaminant (units)


1,2-Dichloroethane (ppb)



Alpha Emitters (pCi/l) Arsenic (ppb)

0 0

15.4 10

Barium (ppm)





Combined Radium (pCi/l) 0 Flouride (ppm) 4

5.4 4

N/A 1.1-1.3

3.4 1.25

Haloacetic Acids (HAA5) (ppb) TTHM (total trihalomethanes) (ppb) Total Coliform Bacteria



1.4-57.5 29.7



11.474.1 N/A

AL ─ Action Level: The concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirement which a water system must follow. 90th Percentile Level ─ This is the value obtained after disregarding 10 percent of the samples taken that had the highest levels. (For example, in a situation in which 10 samples were taken, the 90th percentile level is determined by disregarding the highest result, which represents 10 percent of the samples.) Note: In situations in which only 5 samples are taken, the average of the two with the highest levels is taken to determine the 90th percentile level. pCi/l ─ PicoCuries per liter (a measure of radioactivity). ppm ─ Parts per million, which can also be expressed as milligrams per liter (mg/l). ppb ─ Parts per billion, which can also be expressed as micrograms per liter (μg/l). nd ─ No detection. N/A ─ Not applicable (does not apply).

0 present >5%


47.9 3%**

Typical Source of Contaminant Discharge from industrial chemical factories. Erosion of natural deposits Erosion of natural deposits; runoff from orchards; runoff from glass and electronics production wastes. Discharge of drilling wastes; discharge from metal refineries; erosion of natural deposits. Erosion of natural deposits State of Minnesota requires all municipal water systems to add fluoride to the drinking water to promote strong teeth; erosion of natural deposits; discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories. By-product of drinking water disinfection. By-product of drinking water disinfection. Naturally present in environment.

*This is the value used to determine compliance with federal standards. It sometimes is the highest value detected and sometimes is an average of all the detected values. If it is an average, it may contain sampling results from the previous year. **Follow-up sampling showed no contamination present. While your drinking water meets EPA’s standard for arsenic, it does contain low levels of arsenic. EPA’s standard balances the current understanding of arsenic’s possible health effects against the costs of removing arsenic from drinking water. EPA continues to research the health effects of low levels of arsenic, which is a mineral known to cause cancer in humans at high concentrations and is linked to other health effects such as skin damage and circulatory problems.

Erosion of natural deposits may lead to arsenic in groundwater. Some people who drink water containing arsenic in excess of the MCL over many years could experience skin damage or problems with their circulatory system, and may have an elevated risk of getting cancer.

2012 Drinking Water Report

Page 2

Contaminant (units)





Typical Source of Contaminant

Chlorine (ppm)





Water additive used to control microbes.

90% Level 1.04

Sites over AL 0 of 30

Typical Source of Contaminant

**** Highest and lowest monthly average. ***** Highest quarterly average.

Contaminant (units)


Copper (ppm)


Lead (ppb)


1.3 15


0 of 30

Corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of natural deposits. Corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of natural deposits.

If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. City of Blaine is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline or at Monitoring may have been done for additional contaminants that do not have MCLs established for them and are not required to be monitored under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Results may be available by calling 651-201-4700 or 1-800-818-9318 during normal business hours.

Contact Us Residents can call the City of Blaine Public Works desk at 763-785-6165 for more information about drinking water in the community. Use the same number for additional information about opportunities to participate in decisions that may affect water quality. In case of an after-hours emergency concerning the water system, please call Anoka County Emergency Dispatch at 763-427-1212.

John Lind Water Department Supervisor 763-785-6137

Mike Ulrich Public Works Director 763-785-6167

Compliance with National Primary Drinking Water Regulations The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity.

In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) prescribes regulations which limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. Food and Drug Administration regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water which must provide the same protection for public health.

Contaminants that may be present in source water include: Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife.

Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1 800 426 4791.

Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally occurring or result from urban stormwater runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining, or farming. Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban stormwater runoff, and residential uses. Organic chemical contaminants, including synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which are by products of industrial processes and petroleum production, and can also come from gas stations, urban stormwater runoff, and septic systems. Radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities.

Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immunocompromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791.


w w w. b l a i n e p a r k s. c o m

Upcoming Recreation Programs & Events Lakeside Commons Park & Beach

Beach Season.................June 7 – August 25 Beach Hours.................. 10 am – 8 pm Park Hours.....................5 am – 10 pm Splash Pad Hours.......... 10:00 am – 6 pm Boathouse Hours...........11:00 am – 5 pm Kayak, canoe, NEW paddle boat rental, and concessions are available during boathouse hours. Picnic shelters can be rented for groups up to 150 people. Picnic shelter hours are 5 am to 10 pm.

Performances in the Park

AQ – Aquatore Park TSP – Town Square Park

Cyril Paul – TSP (Art & Music Fair) Saturday, June 8 – 1 to 2 pm (Caribbean) CODA – TSP (Art & Music Fair) Saturday, June 8 – 2:30 to 3:30 pm (Smooth Jazz, Swing & Dixieland) Brian Richards – AQ Friday, June 14 – 10:30 am (Magician) Galactic Cowboy Orchestra – TSP Tuesday, June 18 – 7 pm (Country/Bluegrass w/a Jazz Rock Twist) Dance Moves Ballet – TSP Thursday, June 20 – 7 pm Dazzling Dave’s Yo Yo Show – AQ Friday, June 21 – 10:30 am St. Peter Street Stompers – TSP Tuesday, June 25 – 7 pm (New Orleans Style Jazz)

Blaine Art & Music Fair Join us for an afternoon full of outstanding music and a variety of fine art exhibited by members of the Blaine Arts Council. Start the day with Caribbean sounds of Cyril Paul followed by the smooth sounds of local music group CODA. Meet the artists, develop relationships, and buy directly. Artists will be demonstrating their specialties and answering questions. Mark your calendars and plan to come and be a part of the Blaine Art and Music Fair. Free refreshments served throughout the afternoon. Located at Town Square Park next to City Hall. DATE: Saturday, June 8 TIME: 1 – 4 pm FEE: FREE

MoreMore information aboutabout ParksParks and Recreation information and programs is available at 763-785-6164 Recreation programs is available ator in the current Recreation online at 763-785-6164 or in theConnection current Recreation . . online at

Parking Permits Parking permits are required for all Lakeside Commons Park users during the beach season. Permits are available at Lakeside Commons Park daily from 10 am to 6 pm from June 7 through August 25. Blaine Residents: Free with proof of residency (valid driver’s license or other documentation with current address.) One permit issued per proof of residency. Non-Residents: $5 daily permit or $25 season pass. (See the front page for information on reduced parking availability this summer.)

MN Twins Youth Baseball Clinic

Twins Youth Clinics teach the game’s fundamentals and provide participants with positive messages about staying in school and away from drugs and alcohol. Twins staff is comprised of former players, coaches, scouts and/or instructors. No registration is required, just bring your glove. Clinic will be held at the Blaine Baseball Complex Field 5. In case of rain the clinic will be held at the National Sports Center Sports Hall. Call the Park & Rec. hotline at 763-717-2709 for weather updates. DATE: Saturday, May 25 TIME: ages 6 – 9: 1 – 2:30 pm ages 10 – 16: 2:30 – 4 pm FEE: FREE

Youth T-Ball, Softball & Rec Soccer

We are now accepting registration for youth t-ball, softball and recreational soccer. Call the Parks and Recreation office at 763-785-6161 or visit www. for more information. Programs start June 10.

Senior Scene Mary Ann Young Senior Center 9150 Central Ave. | 763-786-9375


The Blaine Triathlon is scheduled again for Saturday, May 18 at 8 am The event will be held at Lakeside Commons Park. * Important – All Spectators MUST park at Blaine City Hall in the south parking lot and you will be bused over to Lakeside Commons Park to watch the Blaine Triathlon. Buses will begin shuttling from 6 to 8 am The National Anthem will be sung at 7:50 am and the race will begin promptly at 8 am. Shuttles will stop at 8 am once the race has begun! Shuttles will return spectators to Blaine City Hall starting again at 10 am. Thank you to our Awesome Sponsors of the Blaine Triathlon for all of their support! Check them out at For more information go to

Women’s Self-Defense Seminar

For ages 18 and up. Build your confidence and empower yourself. Anyone can be a crime victim, but there are real and practical ways you can protect yourself and your family. This seminar provides a safe and comfortable atmosphere for women to explore safety concerns. DATE: Saturday, May 18 TIME: 9:30 am – noon FEE: $15

May 2, 8:30 am - Senior Safety & Wellness Fair, Fire Station #3, sign up. May 3, 9 am – Property Tax and Rent Credit Assistance, no appointments. May 9, 11am – Ladies Luncheon with Betty Rydell, sign up. May 22, 11 am – Honor 80 & Over Party, with guitar and vocals by Andy Patnaude. May 23, 1 pm – Movie of the Month, intermission refreshments. May 29, 11 am – Birthday Entertainment, with Bob Sibinski (concertina), noon meal and prize bingo (1 pm). May 30, 10:30 am – ABC’s of Fitness, at Coon Rapids Senior Center, sign up.


June 6, 11 am – Honor Married Couples, with entertainment by Nellie Spexet (piano). June 13, 11 am – Men’s Luncheon, with entertinament by Jim Bernier (country, pop, jazz), all are welcome. June 20, 8:15 am – Pork Chop Tickets, on sale for the July 25 dinner. June 24, 1 pm – Prize/Nickel Bingo June 25, 9 am – Mini Wii Tournament, sign up. June 25, 1 pm – “500” Card Tournamnet June 26, 11 am – Birthday Entertainment, with Accordionist, Joe Nayduciak, noon meal and prize bingo (1 pm). June 27, 1 pm – Cribbage Tournament, sign up with partner by 6/21.

may | june 2013

Citizens Academy Registration Now Open Blaine residents interested in learning more about safety services are encouraged to register for the 12th annual Blaine Citizens Academy. The eight-week course, hosted by the City of Blaine Safety Services Division, is a great opportunity for residents to learn more about the structure and operations of the Police, Fire, and Community Standards departments, while participating in a variety of exciting and fast-paced activities, all in a safe and fun environment. Class is held Wednesday evenings, Sept. 4 to Oct. 23, 2013 from 6:30 to 9:30 pm The academy meets at a different location each week depending on the activities scheduled. Course topics and hands-on activities include: police use of force, motor vehicle extrication, fire fighting, crime prevention, fire prevention, housing maintenance, code compliance, criminal investigations, fire investigations, drug awareness, traffic stops and other emergency response. All applicants 18 years and older are invited to apply. Class size is limited and all applicants must pass a criminal history background check. Applications can be found on the City of Blaine website and will be accepted until the class fills, so register early. More information contact: Deputy Fire Marshal Brad Matti at 763-785-6184 or email at or Support Services Manager Wende Ferguson at 763-785-6112 or email at

Community Outings Casino trips depart/return at Blaine Senior Center, 9150 Central Avenue NE. No phone in registrations please. For more information please call 763-785-6164. Cancellation Policies: Refunds cannot be guaranteed after the registration deadline, due to policies of attractions, restaurants and transportation establishments. Absolutely no refunds 24 hours or less prior to the outing date.

Swedish for the Day – Swedish Institute DATE: Tuesday, June 4 TIME: 10:15 am – 3 pm FEE: $60 (includes guide, lunch and admissions) Valkommen! The American Swedish Institute is housed in the historic Turnblad mansion, the former home of wealthy publisher Swan J. Turnblad and his family. It is the only castle in the Twin Cities, and is on the National Register of Historic Places. Register by May 20. Pick up will be at the Circle Pines Credit Union - 4 South Pine Drive.

Delightful Hudson – Hudson, WI DATE: Wednesday, July 24 TIME: 10 am – 4:30 pm FEE: $58 (includes guide, lunch and admissions) We will visit such places as: The Phipps Center for the Arts, an art gallery, a unique and historic 1855 Octagon House, and much more….. Register by July 9. Pick up will be at the Circle Pines Credit Union - 4 South Pine Drive.

Entertaining and Ethnic Chicago July 11 – 14, 2013 Call 763-785-6164 for more information.

CASINO TRIPS St. Croix Casino – Danbury DATE: Monday, May 20 TIME: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm FEE: $5 ($3 food coupon and pull tabs) REGISTER BY: May 13

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat DATE: Wednesday, August 28 TIME: 9:45 am – 4:15 pm FEE: $55 JOSEPH was the first work of the widely acclaimed composer and lyricist team, Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber. The work is a secular version of the powerful and beloved historical story of Joseph, favorite son of Jacob, who is given a splendid coat of many colors. Pick-up at Blaine City Hall (10801 Town Square Drive). Register by: July 31. The Mary Ann Young Senior Center offers a variety of programs, social events, and dining options on weekdays. Call 763-786-9375 for more information and times or learn more online at and search keyword senior center.


City of Blaine Charter Commission Vacancies The City of Blaine is seeking interested residents to fill vacancies on the Blaine Charter Commission. The vacancies exist due to resignations. The Chief Judge of the Tenth Judicial District makes the appointments to the Charter Commission. State statute requires a minimum of seven and a maximum of fifteen commissioners serving at any given time. Currently there are seven commissioners serving on the Blaine Charter Commission. The Charter Commission reviews the City Charter and recommends charter amendments in keeping with the state law. Commissioners are citizen volunteers recommended for appointment by the City Council to the Chief Judge of the District Court. The Commission meets on an as needed basis with one meeting required by statute per calendar year. Those interested in having direct input into City government are encouraged to consider serving on the Commission. Applicants may contact the City Clerk’s office at (763) 785-6122 for an application or download an application from the City’s website at . Applicants may include with their application a resume or brief autobiographical sketch. Applications can be emailed to:,

faxed to (763) 785-6156, dropped off in person at City Hall, or mailed to: Jane M. Cross, City Clerk City of Blaine 10801 Town Square Drive Blaine, MN 55449 All applications must be received in the City Clerk’s office no later than May 10, 2013.

Anoka County Compost Sites Anoka County Compost Sites open seasonally April 1 through November 30 (weather permitting). A fee is charged. For more information, contact Anoka County Integrated Waste Management at 763-323-5730 or

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10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449-8101 (763) 784-6700




Upcoming Road Construction Projects Affecting Travel in and Around Blaine Interstate 694

2013 Bituminous Overlay Project

There are two construction projects involving I-694 that will affect the daily commute for many Blaine residents.

The project will edge, mill, and pave a 1.5� bituminous pavement overlay on various streets throughout the City. The project is currently out for bid and will begin in July and go through August.

The first is Stage 3 of the I-694 Interchange Reconstruction Project, which began in 2011. Stage 3 of this project involves work on westbound Hwy 10 and westbound I-694. The westbound ramp from I-694 to westbound Hwy 10 will remain closed until this coming November. The Lexington Ave. ramp to westbound I-694 will also be closed until the fall. This project should be finished in November of 2013. The other project that will affect Blaine resident’s ability to travel in the north metro is the I-694 Corridor North Central West Project. This project runs from I-694 in Arden Hills/ New Brighton west to Hwy 100 in Brooklyn Center and involves the resurfacing and repair of concrete, resurfacing all ramps and loops, replacing the bridge deck at Hwy 252, and drainage repair. Beginning in June and continuing until November, traffic will be reduced to two lanes in each direction and a single lane each night. Ramps and loops will be closed when they under construction, and there will be several weekend full closures with detours for bridgework at I-35W and Hwy 252. For more information and to follow these projects in more detail at the Minnesota Department of Transportation web site at

93rd Lane Industrial Park Area Street Improvements, Phase 2 This project will reconstruct Baltimore Street from north of 93rd Lane to 91st Ave, 92nd Lane from Baltimore Street to Davenport Street, 92nd Avenue from Baltimore Street to the cul de sac and 91st Avenue from Baltimore Street to Isanti Street. The work includes bituminous pavement replacement, gravel shouldering, storm drainage improvements, culvert replacements and cleaning, and ditch cleaning and re-grading. Construction beings in July go through September.

118th Avenue Culvert Replacement This project replaces the large corrugated metal culvert in County Ditch 41 under 118th Avenue near Happy Acres Park, with a new concrete culvert. Construction runs from mid June to mid July. There will be a road closure associated with this project.

101st Avenue Street Reconstruction Improvements will include storm drainage, adding class 5 aggregate base, replacing asphalt pavement, along with new signage, and striping. Construction is from in July to October.

Stay Connected Information for all engineering projects is available on the City web site at: go/ConstructionUpdates.

Paul Parkway Improvements will include storm drainage, replacement of some areas of concrete curb and sidewalk, adding class 5 aggregate base, replacing asphalt pavement, new signage, and striping. Construction is from August to November.

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