Blaine CityConnect - 2013 Jul/Aug

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ne BlaiCityConnect

W W W . C I . B L A I N E . M N . U S

Now a Part of

Blaine’s Monthly

Recycling Drop-Off Day

July/August 2013

Schwan’s USA Cup, 3M Championship Highlight this Summer’s Big Events!

They will accept the following for free: • Furniture (good condition, no rips, stains, scratches, pet hair, etc.) • Textiles (clothing, bedding, towels, etc.) • Tools and sporting goods • Household items (dishes, pans, collectables, etc.) They DO NOT accept: • Mattresses & Box Springs (per MN law) • Recalled items (car seats, cribs, etc.) • Products made of particle board For more information on Blaine’s monthly recycling drop-off day see the article on page 7.

All Door-to-Door Solicitors Require City License Any door-to-door peddler or solicitor in Blaine is required to carry a city-issued photo identification, which is supplied upon completion of a favorable background investigation. The city-issued photo ID also serves as their license for 2013. Peddlers and solicitors must carry their license with them at all times and show it at the request of any resident. The license does not constitute an endorsement of the products or merchandise by the city. Complaints about business practices can be registered with the Better Business Bureau of Minnesota by phone at 651-699-1111. For more information or to view the city’s complete peddler and solicitor policy, visit and search keyword solicitors.

Blaine will become a popular destination again this summer as tens of thousands of visitors come to the city for two major annual sporting events. The popular Schwan’s USA Cup, billed as the largest soccer tournament in the Western Hemisphere, will bring 13,000 players on more than 1,000 teams from 22 states and 16 countries to the National Sports Center from July 12 – 20. Special traffic controls will be in place on both 105th Avenue and Davenport Street near the National Sports Center. The 3M Championship will celebrate its 13th year at the Tournament Players Club - Twin Cities this year. The 2013 tournament runs July 29 thru August 4, and features several days of events leading up to three days of stroke play golf on the weekend. Public parking is available at the Anoka County-Blaine Airport. Detailed information is available at The tournament continues to be immensely successful in terms of both accolades and attendance. The 3M Championship won the prestigious Champions Tour Presidents’ Award as the best tournament of the 2009 season. In 2008, it was voted the No. 1 Champions Tour event by the golfers. The annual tournament has also donated more than $20 million to local charities since 1993.

Free Admission at 3M Championship The 3M Tournament will be free to the public in 2013. This is the fourth year in a row that the tournament has had free admission, parking, and shuttles. Public parking is available at the Anoka County-Blaine Airport. Detailed information is available at

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Blaine City Hall

12147 Radisson Road NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-757-3390

WARD 1 Wes Hovland

8650 Van Buren St. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-228-1117

Dick Swanson

P.O. Box 49725 Blaine, MN 55449 763-370-2557

WARD 2 Dave Clark

10833 Fillmore St. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-754-7643

Mike Bourke

83 103rd Ave. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-784-1986

ugust AAugust

MAYOR Tom Ryan

contacts August


WARD 3 Kathy Kolb

Russ Herbst

12875 Lever St. NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-784-6143

CITY MANAGER Clark Arneson



11308 Jefferson St. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-757-6887



City Council Workshops July 11 | July 18 August 1 | August 8 | August 15 6:30 pm | City Hall Cloverleaf Room

Park Board* July 23 | August 27 7 pm | City Hall Council Chambers

Holiday Mon

July 18 | August 1 | August 15 7:30 pm | City Hall Council Chambers

July 9 | August 13 7 pm | City Hall Council Chambers

B Zone Recycling


City Council*

Planning Commission*

A Zone Recycling

10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-784-6700 763-785-6156 (fax)


Natural Resource Conservation Board







July 16 | August 20 7 pm | City Hall Cloverleaf Farm Room

Arts Council July 9 | August 13 6:30 pm | City Hall Lunch Room






















August 13 6:30 pm | City Hall Sanctuary Room








*meetings can be seen live on cable channel 16

Police and Fire................................................ 911 Police (non-emergency) ....................763-785-6168 Fire (non-emergency)........................763-786-4436 Building Inspections..........................763-785-6170 Cable Channel 15..............................763-780-8241 City Cable Channel 16 ......................763-785-6192 City Clerk ........................................763-785-6124 City Manager....................................763-785-6120 Community Standards.......................763-785-6187 Crime Prevention..............................763-785-6113 Economic Development.....................763-785-6180 Engineering......................................763-785-6172 Fire Inspections ...............................763-785-6187 Forestry ..........................................763-717-2660 Housing Services .............................763-785-6146 Human Resources ............................763-785-6109 Job Line ..........................................763-717-2679 Newsletter ......................................763-785-6192 Operator..........................................763-784-6700 Parks and Recreation .......................763-785-6164 Planning & Zoning ............................763-785-6180 Public Works....................................763-785-6165 Recycling & Solid Waste ...................763-785-6192 Senior Citizens Center ......................763-786-9375 Streets ...........................................763-785-6165 Stormwater......................................763-785-6188 Utility Billing ....................................763-785-6141 Water & Sewer System .....................763-785-6165 Web................................................763-717-2638 Learn more about the City of Blaine and keep updated with happenings by following the city online.

Historical Society

About this Newsletter... CityConnect is published bimonthly by the City of Blaine and distributed to all residents and businesses. Past copies of the city newsletter are available at Feedback can be directed to:

newsletter @ .

All city legal notices are published in the city’s official newspaper, the Blaine/Spring Lake Park Life.

july | august 2013


Citizens Academy Registration Now Open Blaine residents interested in learning more about safety services are encouraged to register for the 12th annual Blaine Citizens Academy. The eight-week course, hosted by the City of Blaine Safety Services Division, is a great opportunity for residents to learn more about the structure and operations of the Police, Fire and Community Standards departments while participating in a variety of exciting and fast-paced activities, all in a safe and fun environment. Class is held Wednesday evenings, Sept. 4 to Oct. 23, 2013 from 6:30 to 9:30 pm The academy meets at a different location each week depending on the activities scheduled. Course topics and hands-on activities include: police use of force, motor vehicle extrication, fire fighting, crime prevention, fire prevention, housing maintenance, code compliance, criminal investigations, fire investigations, drug awareness, traffic stops and other emergency response. All applicants 18 years and older are invited to apply. Class size is limited and all applicants must pass a criminal history background check. Applications can be found on the City of Blaine website and will be accepted until the class fills. For more information contact Wende Ferguson, Support Services Manager, at 763-785-6112 or email at

Register Your Night to Unite Block Party Online Start planning your summer block party today. Tuesday, August 6th is Night To Unite, the annual neighborhood get together event that has been around in Blaine for over 25 years. This is an opportunity to spend an evening outside with old neighbors, or welcoming new ones.

It’s free to register as a block party host, and the City will provide you with a few items to help the planning go a little smoother. You will receive door hangers, nametags, t-shirts for the organizers and informational forms. This is also the one night of the year in which the police and fire departments are out in full force visiting block parties. You must sign up to receive a visit. McGruff the Crime Dog and Sparky the Fire Dog will also be out visiting block parties. If you have questions, call Kim Kiley, Crime Prevention Specialist at 763-785-6186 or by email at To register your block party, go to

Beach Safety Tips •

Learn to swim and know your swimming ability.

Swim near a lifeguard.

Keep children within arms length.

Obey posted signs.

Pay attention to buoys and swim within them.

Stay out of thunderstorms.

Do not rely on swimming aids.

Do not swim immediately after a meal.

Alcohol and swimming do not mix.

Enter water feet first. Diving can be dangerous especially if you don’t know your surroundings.

Do not swim in dark.

Use sunscreen and drink water.

Take frequent breaks - every hour take a sun, water or bathroom break.

Keep the beach and water clean.



Please Remember to Clean Up After Your Pets Under City ordinance pet owners are required to clean up after their dogs when taking them for a walk. Pet owners must carry a plastic bag or some other means of picking up after their pet whenever they are off their own property. The ordinance was enacted in response to multiple complaints regarding the amount of feces accumulating within our park systems and along our walkways. Please be a courteous pet owner and clean up after your pet.

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Mayor Tom Ryan’s Office Hours at City Hall

County-Wide Public Safety Data System Continues to Move Forward

The Anoka Joint Law Enforcement Council and the Anoka County Fire Protection Council are continuing to move forward with the establishment of a County-Wide Public Safety Data System (PSDS). This initiative includes 11 law enforcement agencies and the 15 fire departments serve the 21 communities in Anoka County. With crime becoming more mobile, it is imperative that each agency be able to access up-to-date information on criminal interactions that are happening in other communities. The new PSDS will integrate law enforcement records and fire reports together with data systems utilized by the Anoka County Jail and the county’s 911call center. This project is generating interest and excitement on a national level due to its collaborative and comprehensive nature. Blaine Mayor, Tom Ryan, holds regular office hours every Tuesday, from 2:30 to 5 pm. You can stop by Blaine City Hall, 10801 Town Square Dr. NE, and meet with Mayor Ryan on any issue you want. There is no need to call and make an appointment; visits are done on a dropin basis. Office visits with Mayor Ryan are held in the Laddie Lake Conference Room located on the second floor of Blaine City Hall.

The goal of Public Safety Data System initiative is to get all County public safety operations to have up-to-date integrated systems in order to share information quickly and effectively. The ability to share data with all public safety agencies in the County will greatly enhance all of the public safety agencies in the County and their ability to respond to the needs of our citizens more quickly, and over a much wider area. Planning, implementing, and funding systems of this size and scope requires a significant commitment. Working together across agency and jurisdictional lines, we can achieve significant financial savings and operational efficiencies. We expect the new system to be operational by early 2015.

Think Deep – Roots, that is! Park Advisory Board Vacancy in Council Ward 2 The City of Blaine is looking to fill an existing vacancy on the Park Advisory Board in Council Ward 2. Commission vacancies are filled by mayoral appointment and confirmed by the city council. The appointment will be made to fill the vacancy in Ward 2 for a term that expires on March 31, 2014. Applications will be accepted until the vacancy is filled. The board is comprised of seven members appointed for two-year terms. The board recommends policy to the council and the city manager pertaining to the park and recreation function. Monthly meetings are scheduled the fourth Tuesday of each month. Requirements include being a resident of Blaine and having a community interest. Call the clerk’s office at 763-785-6122 for an application or download the application by searching “vacancy” at the city’s website at Interested citizens should send their completed application to City Clerk’s Office, City of Blaine, 10801 Town Square Drive, Blaine, MN 55449.

Did you know that long plant roots can help improve water quality? Longer roots can provide: • • •

More filtering of pollutants out of the water More infiltration of precipitation into the soil, therefore reducing flood potential More holding of soil in place, thereby reducing erosion – a source of pollution.

This is why buffer strips along stormwater ponds, creeks, or drainage ditches are most effective when consisting of long-rooted plants, like many native plants. What is a buffer strip? It is a width of vegetation between two land uses. Buffer strips may look “overgrown”. You may want to mow them and make them “look nice”. Before you do anything, first check with Coon Creek Watershed District or the Anoka Conservation District (763-434-2030). Why? The area might also be in a utility easement or be a wetland, and so have certain practices that need to be followed. Buffer strips (and stormwater ponds and wetlands) play an important role in water quality and quantity. Replacing them with even a little bit of turf can reduce their capacity for water quality. And, when many people are replacing small amounts of wetland or buffer strips with turf, those small amounts can add up to a potentially large loss of water quality benefits when seen from a ‘bird’s eye’ view. For more information on showy native flowers and grasses: Meadow Gardens

Native Plant Gardening – Weeds & Native Plants Information provided by Coon Creek Watershed District Fin them on the web at Don’t know your watershed address? Call the City at 763-784-6700 or go to this webpage:

july | august 2013

Kitchen Fires: It Takes a Team Approach to Prevent


Rental Dwellings Require License

Know the Problem • • • • •

In the U.S., 366,600 home structure fires are responded to annually. Of those, 2,570 people died and 13,210 injuries occurred. The cost was $7.2 billion in direct damages. 92% of all structure fire deaths resulted from home fires. The number one cause of home fires; cooking equipment/cooking; according to the NFPA 2013.

This is a preventable tragedy.

The Team Approach, Tips for the Home What we do or don’t do in our homes makes a big difference in whether we experience an unthinkable fire. It takes everyone in the home working together to prevent a cooking fire. • Attend your cooking. Stay in the kitchen when you are frying, grilling, or broiling food. If you leave the kitchen, even for a short time, turn off the stove. • If you are simmering, baking, roasting, or boiling food, check it regularly. Remain in the home while food is cooking, and use a timer to remind you that you are cooking. • If you are alone and have to leave the kitchen for a moment, take a timer or something that reminds you to come back and attend the cooking. • Avoid placement of decorations, food packages, oils, potholders, towels (paper or cloth), plastic appliances, and paper/plastic items on the refrigerator, near the stove. These items can easily catch on fire. Keep the stove and vents clean. • If you have a fire, cover the pan with a lid from the side, turn the stove off, and do not move the pan. • NEVER USE WATER. • Push the “off” button if a fire starts in a microwave. Keep the door closed. • If an adult chooses to fight a fire, an ABC 5lb fire extinguisher can help in the early stages of a small fire. Make sure you have made yourself familiar with its use beforehand. • Stay alert! To prevent cooking fires, you have to be alert. Do not cook if you are sleepy, have been drinking alcohol, or have taken medicine that makes you drowsy. • For small children, consider creating a “kids no-play zone” within 3 feet of the stove. This will help prevent fire and burns. • Talk with your family about a fire escape plan. Never assume they will know what to do. Get out the safest way possible, go to the family meeting place, and then call 911 from outside the home. Remember, smoke is deadly.

Help from Technology • Install smoke alarms in all bedrooms, and in the halls on every level. Test alarms once a month, install new batteries every six months, and install a new alarm every 10 years. Do not install alarms near the kitchen or bathrooms, as everyday cooking/steam will cause them to go off. • There are multiple heat-limiting devices available for installation on your stove to help prevent stove top ignition. • There are devices, installed with a magnet over the stove on the metal vent, that act like a mini fire extinguisher if a fire occurs. • Consider installing a residential sprinkler system. Sprinklers are strategically spaced through the home and activate at high temperatures in the early stages of a fire. The fire department offers a 0% Sprinkler Loan incentive for residential installations.

The Spring Lake Park-Blaine-Mounds View Fire Department • M ake an appointment with a trained professional from the fire department for a Home Safety Survey. The survey looks at every room, the garage, and outside around your home for potential fire, crime, and injury hazards. The survey offers simple solutions to any issues that may arise. It is free and all information is confidential. Make an appointment by calling 763-767-4003. • Go to for an online self-check of your home. Together as a team, we will prevent home fires!

All rental housing in Blaine must secure a license prior to tenants moving into the unit. Contact Housing Services at 763-785-6187 to request a license application and schedule the necessary inspection. Licensing is required on an annual basis; the licensing period runs from June 1 through May 31. The rental dwelling ordinance governs all rental units within the city. It pertains to single-family detached and attached townhomes and condos and all multi-family rentals comprised of two or more units.

In Case of Sewer Backup, Contact Public Works Residents experiencing a sewer backup should immediately contact the City of Blaine Public Works Department. Public Works will check the sewer main for blockages, as tree roots in the line can cause backups for neighbors as well. During regular business hours, Blaine Public Works can be reached at 763-785-6165. Outside of business hours, call Anoka County Dispatch at 763-427-1212 in order to notify Blaine Public Works.

Keep Your Eyes Open for Ditch Obstructions The Coon Creek Watershed District needs help monitoring public drainage ditches in the watershed district this summer. Check for blockages of water flow or blocked culverts. Any backed up water, particularly after snowmelt, may be the result of an obstruction. Contact CCWD at 763.755.0975 or info @ with information about obstructions in a creek or drainage ditch.


Blaine ion t a e R Rec ection conn

n creatio and Re 13 ParkSsummer 20

w w w. b l a i n e p a r k s. c o m

Check out the Fall Recreation Connection Brochure Online

Blaine World Fest Returns on Sept. 21

To view our 2013 fall recreation connection brochure and to register, please visit our website at beginning Monday, July 29, 2013. Also look us up on Facebook and Twitter.

Family Fun Night Performances in the Park Free Outdoor Concert Series AQ - Aquatore Park | TS - Town Square Park

Bend in the River Big Band – TS (Big Band swing w/vocalist Linnea) Tuesday, July 9 – 7 pm Zoomobile from the MN Zoo – AQ Friday, July 12 – 10:30 am Mayer Arts Musical Theater Performance – TS Thursday, July 18 – 6 pm Wee Willie Polka Band – AQ Thursday, July 25 – 6:30 to 8:30 pm QC Dance Performance – TS Thursday, July 25 – 7 pm Tricia & the Toonies – AQ

Friday, July 26 – 10:30 am

Mary Hall – TS (Various styles of music spanning decades) Thursday, August 1 – 7 pm Ms. Catherine – AQ Friday, August 2 – 10:30 am Steve & Tommy Marcio in “Remembering the King” – TS (A tribute portraying the many eras of Elvis) Tuesday, August 6 – 7 pm The Fabulous Vic Volare – TS (Rat Pack Crooner) Thursday, August 8 – 7 pm The Alpha Bits – AQ (kids) Friday, August 9 – 10:30 am 8th Annual Teen Jam (Call 763-717-2723, for more information.) Thursday, August 15 More information about Parks and Recreation programs is available at 763-785-6164 or in the current Recreation Connection online at .

Children can enjoy FREE kiddie carnival games, and music. Explore a police car and a fire truck at our vehicle fair. Concessions will be available! We will also have multiple inflatables and some will get you wet! And don’t forget to bring your camera. Event held at Aquatore Park. DATE: Tuesday, July 16 TIME: 6 to 8 pm FEE: FREE

Blaine Parks & Recreation Day at the Twins Game Open to all ages. We will load the buses and head to Target Field to see the Twins take on the Kansas City Royals. Price includes a game ticket and bus ride. The seats are in sections 230 or 231. Register by July 12! You may bring a bag lunch. Max 95. DATE: Thursday, August 1 TIME: Depart 10:30 am Return 4:30 pm Game starts 12:10 pm FEE: $25


The City of Blaine Publics Works department has resurfaced and repainted the courts at Carrara East Park and Centennial Green Park to be used for Picskleball. The courts can be used on a first come, first serve basis. For more information call Jerome at the Parks and Recreation office at 763-785-6161.

Belly Dancing

Ages 18 and up, class held at Sunnyside Park Building. DATE: Tuesdays, July 23 – August 27 TIME: 7:30 to 8:30 pm FEE: $45

The City of Blaine will be hosting the 6th Annual Blaine World Fest on September 21 at Town Square Park. This year’s event once again promises to supply a wide array of entertainment and festivities for the whole family to enjoy. World Fest has continued to grow in popularity since its inception. Last year more than 1300 people enjoyed the wide variety of ethnic dance, music, food and cultural arts. This event will once again be a great opportunity for the city to recognize and celebrate its growing cultural and ethnic diversity. For more information or to volunteer, call Tom Godfrey 763-717-2723. Check the September issue of City Connect or the Fall Recreation Connection for a list of participating groups and vendors.

Senior Scene Mary Ann Young Senior Center 9150 Central Ave. | 763-786-9375

July July 3, 11 am – Independence Party July 8, 15, 29, 9 am – Blaine Trail Blazer’s Walking Group July 10, 11 am – Benefit Session for Wartime Veteran’s and Surviving Spouses July 25, 5:30 pm – Pork Chop Dinner (must purchase advance tickets) July 31, 11 am – Birthday Entertainment

August August 5, 12, & 19, 9 am – Blaine Trail Blazer’s Walking Group August 6, 11:15 am – National Noon Out (with prizes) August 15, 8:15 am – Harvest Dinner Ticket Sale (dinner Sept. 26) August 20, 11:15 am – Wii Bowling Banquet August 22, 11 am – Bring a Youth to Lunch Day August 28, 11 am – Birthday Entertainment August 29, 12:30 pm – Canvas Oil Painting Class

july | august 2013

Visit ... Lochness Park Blaine’s Second Largest Park Eighty-nine acre Lochness Park is Blaine’s second largest park, located just north of 109th Avenue and just east of Lexington Avenue (11121 Lexington Avenue NE if you are using a GPS). There is an ample parking lot off the main Lexington Ave. entrance. A second parking lot near the north entrance at the end of Hupp St., where you will find two beautiful rain gardens filled with native plants. Lochness Park is also considered an open space due to its large undeveloped, natural area. Woods, wetland, pond, prairie, and meadow are all present. The park offers several unique amenities including a 9-hole disc golf course designed to challenge the recreational to the professional disc golfers, and a 20-acre lake with a fishing dock, which makes it easy to bring young children to wet a line. Picnic tables and shelters are available for a pleasant gathering. History of the park: In 1971, the Blaine City Council granted Johnson Brothers Construction Company permission to excavate land, providing they donate 80 acres of land to the city for a park. Johnson Brothers used the site to deposit fill from a

project in Minneapolis, resulting in the large hill at the south end of the lake. In 1972, the land was deeded to the City as a public park. Following a Park Board sponsored contest, the park was named Lochness, which means hill by a lake. The City acquired additional land through a state grant in 1977; and in 1995, the City received a matching grant of $20,000 from the State of Minnesota to construct the fishing pier, a second picnic shelter, additional trails, landscaping and a new parking lot. Lochness is a convenient destination for some fresh air and a walk. Several miles of trails with multiple loops and benches for a rest are present. You will enjoy the variety of vegetation found in the oak woodlands and wetlands with plants such as asters, ferns, and a variety of sedges dotting the landscape. The meadow by the parking lot is home to a range of native plants that flower throughout the summer season. “The Blaine Trailblazers” leave from the Mary Ann Young Senior Center and frequently walk on the trails at Lochness Park. Call Beverly at 763-571-7502 if interested in joining them.


Monthly Recycling Drop-Off Day at Aquatore Park The City of Blaine sponsors a recycling drop-off day the third Saturday of each month in the parking lot at Aquatore Park. The parking lot is near the City water tower and water treatment plant. The collection event runs from 10 am until 2 pm, and is open to anyone. You do not need to be a Blaine resident to bring items to the drop-off day. JR’s Appliance Recyclers


• Appliances, florescent lamps, electronics, rechargeable batteries, and tires. Please note that there is a fee for some items. Most appliances are $10 each. Air conditioners are $15. Most electronics are between $2 and $25 depending on size. You can also drop off tires and rechargeable batteries for a small fee. Free items include scrap metal and car batteries.

Bikes 4 Kids • Old bicycles for free to refurbish and distribute to needy children.

Community Outings For more information, please call 763-785-6164.

Salvation Army

612-332-5855 • Furniture (good condition, no rips, stains, scratches, and pet hair) • Textiles (clothing, bedding, towels, etc..) • Tools and sporting goods (including bicycles) • Household items (dishes, pans, collectables, etc..)

Delightful Hudson, Wisconsin Day Trip DATE: Wednesday, July 24 TIME: 10 am to 4:30 pm FEE: $58 (includes guide, lunch and admissions) We will start our day in vibrant Hudson with a backstage tour of The Phipps Center for the Arts - a premier performance and visual arts center. We will take in the Art Gallery that offers a glimpse of changing exhibits which may include oils, pastels, textiles, pottery or sculptures. The Carriage House and Garden House is also part of this tour.

Treasure Island Casino DATE: Monday, September 9 TIME: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm FEE: $5 ($3 food & $10 pull tabs) Pickup at the Mary Ann Young Senior Center. Register by September 2. Hutchinson, Minnesota Day Trip DATE: Friday, September 13 TIME: 8:15 am to 5:00 pm FEE: $66 Pickup at the Circle Pines Credit Union, 4 South Pine Drive. Register by August 30.

Salvation Army does not accept:

St. Croix Casino – Turtle Lake

Northshoare Colors DATES: October 1 – 3 For complete itinerary, please call 763-785-6164.


DATE: Wednesday, August 7 TIME: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm FEE: $5 ($5 back at casino) Pickup will be at Mary Ann Young Senior Center. Register by July 31.

The Mary Ann Young Senior Center offers a variety of programs, social events, and dining options on weekdays. Call for more information and times or learn more online. Visit and search keyword senior center.

• Mattresses & Box Springs (per MN law) • Recalled items (car seats, cribs, etc...) • Products made of particle board Randy’s Environmental Services • Free paper shredding.

Please note: No garbage will be accepted at the drop-off day. To learn more about recycling opportunities available in Blaine, call 763-785-6192 or visit and search keyword recycle.

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10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449-8101 (763) 784-6700




Second Annual Blaine Triathlon Completed The second Annual Blaine Triathlon conducted on Saturday, May 18 was a very cold and rainy event! The Triathlon was delayed an hour due to lightning and triathletes had some tough and wet conditions navigating through the swim, bike and run courses! The Blaine Triathlon featured 212 individual racers and another 55 participants in the team relay. Brett Lovaas of Minnetonka took home First Place in the Male division by completing the 0.3 mile swim, 16.7 mile bike, and 3.5 mile run with a time of 1:12:46. Heather Lendway of St. Paul won the Female division with a time of 1:16:29, and the top team relay was Team 3 Legs to Kick – Paul Koob, Bob Ziebol, and David Lundquist of Blaine with a time of 1:16:49. The Blaine Triathlon would like to give a HUGE THANK YOU to all of our volunteers and City staff from Blaine Police, SBM Fire, Engineering, GIS, Public Works, Park and Recreation and the Anoka County Highway Department for making it through the event in some really harsh weather conditions!

Also, the Blaine Triathlon would like to thank all of our great sponsors that included Blaine Medical Center, Fitness Pros, Foss Swim School, Pioneer Cycle, Envoy Mortgage – Nathan Raich Team, Minnesota School of Business, Taho Sportswear, Financial One Credit Union, NovaCare Rehabilitation, Walgreens, Health Source Chiropractic & Progressive Rehab, SLP Lions Club, Suburban Imaging, State Farm – Tom Holland Agency, Twin Cities Gateway, Edina Realty – Kris Lindahl, Jack and Jill Childcare, Super 8, North Park Dental, GU, U.S. Air Force, Summit Orthopedics, Today’s Window Fashions, Andrea-Studio Web Design and Development, The Summit Wellness Center, Chain of Lakes Church, Blaine Chiropractic Center, Cl!X, Juice Plus+, Great Harvest Bread, North Bay at the Lakes, White Pine Senior Living, Rainbow Yo. Due to another successful year, we intend to continue the Blaine Triathlon next year on Saturday, May 17. If you did not get a chance to participate or watch the triathlon, we hope to see you next year. For information and results from this year’s event, please go to our website at

Thank you to our Sponors !

Blaine Medical Center, Fitness Pros, Foss Swim School, Pioneer Cycle, Financial One Credit Union, HealthSource Chiropractice & Progressive Rehab, State Farm - Tom Holland Agency, Suburban Imaging, Twin Cities Gateway, Lions Club International, Envoy Mortgage - Nathan Raich Team, Minnesota School of Business, NovaCare Rehabilitation, Walgreens, Taho Sportswear, Today’s Window Fashions, Northpark Dental, Super 8, the Summit Wellness Center, U.S. Airforce, Web Design & Development, Summit Orthopedics, Chain of Lakes Church, Blaine Chiropractic Center, PA, Juice Plus+, RainbowYo Frozen Yogurt Cafe, Great Harvest Bread, North Bay at the Lakes, White Pine Senior Living, Edina Realty - Kris Lindahl, Jack and Jill Childcare, Cl!x

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