Blaine CityConnect - 2013 Nov/Dec

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e n i a CityConnect l B

W W W . C I . B L A I N E . M N . U S

Blaine Police Department Accepting Toys for Tots Looking for a place to drop off your new unwrapped toys for children in need during the holiday season? The Blaine Police Department and the Blaine City Hall will begin accepting toys December 2 and will continue to accept toys thru December 13. Just look for the holiday wrapped donation box in the atrium at City Hall. All the toys collected will be delivered to KARE 11 via The Blaine Police Department. Last year The Blaine Police Department filled two squad cars front and back seat and two of the Community Service Ford F-150’s! How many vehicles can we, as a community, fill this year? Let’s find out and help make a child’s holiday! If you have any questions please contact Officer Michelle Moore at 763-286-2093 or email me at

November/December 2013

Please Keep Fire Hydrants Clear

The fire and public works departments are asking for your help. Please remember to shovel out around fire hydrants after each snowfall. It is very important for residents and business people to keep hydrants clear of snow and visible from the street. If the fire department has to spend time trying to find a fire hydrant under the snow, they lose precious time needed to fight fires. Please help us out by keeping your fire hydrants clear of snow. The house you help save may be your own.

Online Voter Registation Now Available

Minnesotans will now be able to apply online to register to vote, or update their existing registration, thanks to an application developed by the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State and accessed at . The online process will deliver convenience to voters, reduce errors in voter rosters, and deliver significant cost- and time-savings for local election officials.

No Bike Collection

PLEASE NOTE: Bikes for Kids will not be collecting bikes at the monthly recycling dropoff day until April of 2014! See page 7 for more information on Blaine’s monthly recycling drop-off day.

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8650 Van Buren St. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-228-1117

Dick Swanson

P.O. Box 49725 Blaine, MN 55449 763-370-2557

WARD 2 Dave Clark

10833 Fillmore St. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-754-7643

Mike Bourke

83 103rd Ave. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-784-1986

CITY MANAGER Clark Arneson



11308 Jefferson St. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-757-6887 12875 Lever St. NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-784-6143




























City Council*

Nov. 7 | Nov. 21 | Dec. 5 | Dec. 19 7:30 pm | City Hall Council Chambers

City Council Workshops Nov. 7 | Nov. 14 | Nov. 21 Dec. 5 | Dec. 12 | Dec. 19 6:30 pm | City Hall Cloverleaf Room

Planning Commission* Nov. 12 | Dec. 10 7 pm | City Hall Council Chambers Nov. 26 7 pm | City Hall Council Chambers

Natural Resource Conservation Board








































Police and Fire................................................ 911 Police (non-emergency) ....................763-785-6168 Fire (non-emergency)........................763-786-4436 Building Inspections..........................763-785-6170 Cable Channel 15..............................763-780-8241 City Cable Channel 16 ......................763-785-6192 City Clerk ........................................763-785-6124 City Manager....................................763-785-6120 Community Standards.......................763-785-6187 Crime Prevention..............................763-785-6113 Economic Development.....................763-785-6180 Engineering......................................763-785-6172 Fire Inspections ...............................763-785-6187 Forestry ..........................................763-717-2660 Housing Services .............................763-785-6146 Human Resources ............................763-785-6109 Job Line ..........................................763-717-2679 Newsletter ......................................763-785-6192 Operator..........................................763-784-6700 Parks and Recreation .......................763-785-6164 Planning & Zoning ............................763-785-6180 Public Works....................................763-785-6165 Recycling & Solid Waste ...................763-785-6192 Senior Citizens Center ......................763-786-9375 Streets ...........................................763-785-6165 Stormwater......................................763-785-6188 Utility Billing ....................................763-785-6141 Water & Sewer System .....................763-785-6165 Web................................................763-717-2638 Learn more about the City of Blaine and keep updated with happenings by following the city online.


Park Board*


WARD 3 Kathy Kolb

Russ Herbst


B Zone Recycling

December A ugust

WARD 1 Wes Hovland


A Zone Recycling

contacts August

12147 Radisson Road NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-757-3390



10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-784-6700 763-785-6156 (fax)

MAYOR Tom Ryan



Blaine City Hall



Nov. 19 | Dec. 17 7 pm | City Hall Cloverleaf Farm Room

Arts Council Nov. 12 | Dec. 10 6:30 pm | City Hall Lunch Room

Historical Society Dec. 10 6:30 pm | City Hall Sanctuary Room

*meetings can be seen live on cable channel 16

About this Newsletter... CityConnect is published bimonthly by the City of Blaine and distributed to all residents and businesses. Past copies of the city newsletter are available at Feedback can be directed to:

newsletter @ .

All city legal notices are published in the city’s official newspaper, the Blaine/Spring Lake Park Life.

november | december 2013

Santa Parade&

Food Shelf Collection SBM Fire Department - December 2 thru 5

The Spring Lake Park Fire Department is proud to announce the Santa Parade for the communities of Spring Lake Park, Blaine, and Mounds View. Along with the Fire Department, there will be vehicles from the community police departments and emergency services. Non-perishable food items will be collected for local food shelves. The Parade will start at 6:30 pm on days/routes listed below. Non-perishable food items can also be brought to Station One located in Spring Lake Park during that week. Visit the SBM Fire Department website at for additional information.


West Blaine

Parade Start: 131st Ave and Jefferson St 131st Ave to Taylor St to 126th Ave to Polk (cross Main St) to Oak Park Blvd to Jefferson St to Territorial Rd to Presidents Dr to Pleasure Creek Pkwy to Clover Leaf Pkwy to Polk St to 91st Ave to Tyler St to 92nd Ave to Van Buren St to 91st Ave to Jackson St, ending at that intersection.




Spring Lake Park


Mounds View

Parade Start: Arden Ave and Spring Lake Park Rd Rice Creek Pkwy to Flanders St to 95th Ave (cross 35W) to Hamline Ave to Edgewood Rd to Xebec St to 97th Ave to Xebec St to 99th Ln to Austin St to Cord St to 99th Ave (cross Lexington) to North Rd to Twilite Ter to 101st Ln to Ghia St to Ball Rd to Marmon St to 106th Ln to National St to 107th Ave to Packard St to 105th Ln to National St to 103rd Ln to Lever St, ending at Fire Station 4.



Shop Safely this Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches, retailers are more crowded than usual with busy shoppers. During this time, use extra caution when going out to shop. The following are some helpful safe shopping tips not just for the holidays, but also for the entire year: •

Tell a security guard or store employee if you see an unattended bag or package. The same applies when taking mass transit: report any unattended packages to security or staff.

Do not buy more than you can carry. If your packages are making it hard for you to walk upright or see, ask a store employee to help you carry them to your car.

Check receipts to see whether your full credit card number appears. If a receipt has your full number on it, take a pen and thoroughly scratch it out.

Double-check that you have your credit cards and check book after you pay for your items.

If shopping with children, keep the following advice in mind for everyone’s safety: • Ensure any children with you know your cell phone number. Give cards with contact information to any who do not. • Make a plan with children in case you are separated. Have a central meeting place and review with your children who they can turn to for help if they find themselves alone. • Go over the dangers of strangers so that they know who not to talk to or follow.

East Blaine

Parade Start: Rice Creek Pkwy and Xylite St Rice Creek Pkwy to Flanders St to 95th Ave (cross 35W) to Hamline Ave to Edgewood Rd to Xebec St to 97th Ave to Xebec St to 99th Ln to Austin St to Cord St to 99th Ave (cross Lexington) to North Rd to Twilite Ter to 101st Ln to Ghia St to Ball Rd to Marmon St to 106th Ln to National St to 107th Ave to Packard St to 105th Ln to National St to 103rd Ln to Lever St, ending at Fire Station 4.



Parade Start: Able St and 79th Ave Able St to 84th Ave to Terrace Rd to 79th Ave, ending at that intersection.

Do You Know a Military Family? Maybe there is someone at work who has a son or daughter that serves in the military? Maybe you know a child who has a mom or dad deployed right now? Is your neighbor’s spouse deployed or on active duty? Can you think of a military family that could use a little helping hand? Sometimes it is hard to admit you can’t do everything on your own. Blaine’s Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Support Network was created to help those military families that could use a little extra support in our community. We offer all kinds of services. If you have a question or are looking for a resource/referral, please let us know. If there is someone who could use help, in any capacity, please make the connection and let them know we want to help. Pass along our contact information to all your military friends and families! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact Rebecca Olson at 763-785-6120 or by e-mail

Following this advice can help reduce the stress of shopping during the holiday season. As always, keep your personal safety in mind and be on the lookout for fraud and identity theft.

Three Highest Paid Positions

Minnesota state law, Chapter 156 of the Session Laws of 2005, requires that “a city or county with a population of more than 15,000 must annually notify its residents of the positions and base salaries of its three highest-paid employees.” For the City of Blaine, names, titles, and salaries are as follows: Clark Arneson, City Manager – $142,915.82, Joseph Huss, Finance Director – $124,333.87, and Bryan Schafer, Planning and Community Development Director – $123,379.15.


Fall Home Maintenance Tips -

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Mayor Tom Ryan’s Office Hours

Stay Warmer, Save Money It seems like summer just arrived and yet we find ourselves getting ready for another Minnesota winter. It’s time to start working on that fall maintenance “to do” list. Some of the items may take a bit of time or require the assistance of a trained professional. By starting now, you can avoid the last minute rush before the snow flies. Windows and Doors • Check weather-stripping on doors and windows for damage and a snug fit. Weather-stripping is inexpensive and easy to replace. Lack of proper weather-stripping is a source of cold air drafts, which can get very expensive in Minnesota. • Inspect door and window caulking between siding and trim. • Check storm doors and windows for proper working order. Repair any damaged or missing glass. Many local hardware stores repair storm window sashes. Heating System • Have your heating system inspected by a qualified service person. If any service person recommends replacing your whole system, get a second opinion from licensed heating professional. • Replace the filter on your furnace every month during the heating season. Furnace filters are relatively inexpensive and can help to prolong the life of your furnace. • If you have a built-in humidifier, clean or replace the filter as recommended by the manufacturer. • Test and change the batteries on smoke and CO detectors every year. Try to pick a day such as a birthday or anniversary to help you remember! Insulation • Roof and attic spaces are major sources of heat loss. This not only contributes to higher heating bills but also causes snowmelt and ice damning, which in turn can produce leaks and permanent roof damage. If you had problems last year with ice damming, check if you have the proper amount of insulation. Also, check for obstructions, such as bird nests, in the roof and soffit vents. • Insulate hot water pipes and warm air heat ducts in the basement. Wrap pipes and ductwork with fiberglass batts, foam pipecovers, or foil backed bubble wrap. This is a great time to look for small leaks in pipes. Do not cover leaking pipes; get them repaired by a qualified professional first.

Blaine Mayor, Tom Ryan, holds regular office hours every Tuesday, from 2:30 to 5 pm. You can stop by Blaine City Hall, 10801 Town Square Drive NE, and meet with Mayor Ryan on any issue you want. There is no need to call and make an appointment; visits are done on a drop-in basis. Office visits with Mayor Ryan are held in the Laddie Lake Conference Room located on the second floor of Blaine City Hall.

Are you Ready for a Winter Storm? Some Preparation Tips

• Have extra blankets on hand. • Ensure that each member of your household has a warm coat, gloves or mittens, hat and water-resistant boots. • Assemble a disaster supplies kit containing: • First aid kit and essential medications • Battery-powered weather radio, flashlight and extra batteries • Canned food and non-electric can opener • Bottled water • Have your car winterized before a winter storm • Assemble a winter storm supplies kit for your car What should you do in a winter storm watch verses a winter storm warning? During a Winter Storm Watch • Listen to local TV and radio stations for weather updates. • Be alert to changing weather conditions. • Avoid unnecessary travel. During a Winter Storm Warning • Stay indoors during the storm. • If you must go outside, dress in several lightweight layers of clothing. • Understand the hazards of wind chill, which combines the cooling effect of wind and cold temperatures on exposed skin. As the wind increases, it carries heat away from a person’s body at an accelerated rate, driving down the body temperature. • Walk carefully on snowy, icy sidewalks. • After the storm, if you shovel snow, be careful. It is physically strenuous work, so take frequent breaks. Avoid overexertion. Avoid traveling by car in a storm, but if you must… • Have emergency supplies in the trunk. • Keep your car’s gas tank full so you can use the heater if you get stuck, and to keep the fuel line from freezing. • Let someone know where you are going, what route you are taking, and when you expect to arrive. Put together a disaster kit for each trunk of each car used by each member in your household. Include blankets, extra sets of dry clothing, a shovel, sand, tire chains, jumper cables, a first aid kit, a flashlight with extra batteries, and a brightly colored cloth to tie to the antenna.

november | december 2013

Winter Safety is No Accident

Going into winter months in Minnesota takes preparation to be safe. The Spring Lake Park-Blaine-Mounds View Fire Department recommends following these simple steps to avoid potential dangers during the winter months:


Winter Parking Regulations

Carbon Monoxide (CO) • Install a CO alarm on every level of your home where people are sleeping within 10 feet of sleeping areas. • Have a trained professional inspect, clean, and tune-up central heating system. • Avoid using a cooking stove to heat your home. • Never use a gas grill inside your home or in a closed garage. Fireplaces and Wood Stoves • Burn only wood not trash, cardboard boxes, or Christmas trees, because these items increase the risk of uncontrolled fires. • Keep all burnable items, including wallpaper, bedding, and clothing at least 36 inches away from fireplaces, wood stoves, or other sources of heat. • Open flues when fireplaces are in use. • Have a professional clean your chimney at least once a year to prevent creosote build-up, cracks, blockages, and leaks. Space Heaters • Turn off space heaters before leaving a room or going to sleep. • Do not leave plugged in at night. • Unplug when not using. • Supervise children and pets at all times when a portable space heater is in use. • Avoid using space heaters to dry flammable items such as clothing or blankets. • Keep all objects at least three feet from space heaters. Storm Preparations • Stock up on batteries, flashlights, portable radios, canned foods, manual can openers, bottled water, and blankets. • Use flashlights instead of candles to avoid a possible fire hazard. Consider flameless candles. Gas Safety • Smell and listen for leaky gas connections. If you believe there is a gas leak, immediately leave the house and leave the door(s) open. • Never strike a match. Any flame can spark an explosion. • Before turning the gas back on, have the gas system checked by a professional. Electrical Fires • Fire deaths are highest in winter months which call for more indoor activities and increases in lighting, heating, and appliance use. Many avoidable electrical fires can be traced to misuse of electric cords such as, overloading circuits, poor maintenance, and running the cords under rugs or in high traffic areas. • Replace all worn, old, or damaged appliance cords immediately. Do not try to repair them. • Major and small appliances should be plugged directly into a wall outlet. Never use an extension cord. Unplug small appliances when not in use. • If an appliance has a three-prong plug, use it only in a three-slot outlet. Never force it to fit into a two-slot outlet or extension cord. • Replace any electrical tool if it causes even small electrical shocks, overheats, shorts out, or gives off smoke or sparks. • Use only surge protectors that have internal overload protection • Extension cords are for temporary use only. • Avoid putting cords where they can be damaged or pinched by furniture (under rugs and carpets, or across doorways). Finally, remember to practice a home escape plan frequently with your family. For a free Home Safety Survey, call the Spring Lake Park-Blaine-Mounds View Fire Department at 763-767-4003.

Along with the return of cold temperatures, parking restrictions between November 1 and April 1 also go into effect. •

No parking on any Blaine street between the hours of 2 am and 7 am from November 1 through April 1.

Please note that there are several posted signs regarding this parking restriction throughout the city; however, signs are not posted on every city street. •

No parking on any highway, street or alley for more than 12 hours after snow begins to fall.

In Case of Sewer Backup, Contact Public Works Residents experiencing a sewer backup should immediately contact the City of Blaine Public Works Department. Public Works will check the sewer main for blockages, as tree roots in the line can cause backups for neighbors as well. During regular business hours, Blaine Public Works can be reached at 763-785-6165. Outside of business hours, call Anoka County Dispatch at 763-427-1212 in order to notify Blaine Public Works.

Keep Your Eyes Open for Ditch Obstructions The Coon Creek Watershed District needs help monitoring public drainage ditches in the watershed district this summer. Check for blockages of water flow or blocked culverts. Any backed up water, particularly after snowmelt, may be the result of an obstruction. Contact CCWD at 763.755.0975 or info @ with information about obstructions in a creek or drainage ditch.

w w w. b l a i n e p a r k s. c o m


Outdoor-Lighted Ice Skating Rinks w/Supervised Warming Houses Aurelia Park Happy Acres Park Ostmans Park Quincy Park

Hockey/General Rinks 3 Hockey/General Rinks Hockey/General Rinks Small Hockey/General Rinks

91st Avenue at Jefferson Street 119th Avenue and 7th Street 130th Avenue and Buchanan Street 10601 Quincy Street

Warming House Hours School Days (M –Th).........................4 to 9 pm Vacation Days (Fri)..........................12 to 7 pm School Days (Fri)...............................4 to 7 pm Christmas Eve/Day..........................12 to 5 pm Weekends...................................... 12 to 7 pm New Year’s Eve.................................12 to 5 pm Vacation Days (M –Th)................ 12 to 9 pm *Happy Acres will be open until 9 pm on non-holiday Fridays and Saturdays. The warming houses are tentatively scheduled to open Saturday, December 21 (weather permitting).

First Aid Winter/Spring Brochure Online 2014 Winter/Spring Recreation Connection brochure available starting November 12. To register, visit us at

Free Indoor Concert Series Blaine City Hall Atrium, 7 pm

Tuesday, November 19, Locklin Road (Celtic & Original Folk Music)

Winter Holiday Celebration Free to All Families and Ages

There will be a variety of great activities for the whole family at our 12th Annual Winter Holiday Celebration. Enjoy entertainment, crafts, coloring contest, holiday music, smores, refreshments and much more. All activities are free and run continuously throughout the evening. Santa will visit, but will not be available for individual visits or photographs. Held at Blaine City Hall. DATE: Monday, December 2 TIME: 6:30 to 8 pm

A Morning at the North Pole Ages 10 and Under w/Parent/Adult

Fee includes a continental breakfast for one child and one adult/parent, crafts for one child, and a visit with Santa. Pre-registration required. Event held at Blaine City Hall. Session 1: Saturday, Dec. 7 TIME: 11 am OR Noon Session 2: Saturday, Dec. 14 TIME: Noon FEE: $10/child More information about Parks and Recreation programs is available at 763-785-6164 or in the current Recreation Connection online at .

A 4-hour course ideal for those interested or required to implement First Aid in an environment serving adults. This class does not meet the needs of health care providers. Participants will receive a course credential card. Held at SBM Fire Station #3. DATE: Wednesday, November 13 TIME: 6 to 10 pm FEE: $45

American Red Cross Babysitting Class Open to ages 11 to 15. Bring a doll, lunch and beverage. Class is held at Blaine City Hall, Sanctuary Room. DATE: Saturday, November 16 TIME: 9 am to 4 pm FEE: $60

Infant, Child & Adult CPR Curriculum includes infant, child and adult CPR, relief of foreign body airway obstruction and AED (defibrillator). This course meets day care certification requirements, but does not meet the needs of health care providers. Upon completion, participants receive a course credential card. Held at the SBM Fire Station #3, 11920 Ulysses Street. DATE: Wednesday, November 20, 6 to 10 pm FEE: $32

Adult Co-Rec Volleyball Non-officiated competitive or recreational league. Blaine and Fridley teams will combine to form a cooperative league. Players must be 18 or older. Games held at Roosevelt Middle School and Hayes Elementary in Fridley. 10-week league plus playoffs held on Wednesdays. Registration deadline is November 15. Call 763-785-6161 for more information. DATE: Begins Wednesday, Dec. 4 FEE: $200/team

Warming House Attendant The City of Blaine Park and Recreation Department is looking for candidates to monitor warming houses and skating rinks. Dates are midDec – early March. Day, evening and weekend hours are available. Applicants must be at least 17 years old to apply. Pay rate is $8-9.50/hr. Applications are available at www. . Deadline is November 22 at 4:30 pm. Call 763-785-6161 for more information.

Belly Dancing Learn the elements and fundamentals of this beautiful dance. Wear comfortable exercise attire. A hipscarf and dance shoes are optional. Held at the Sunnyside Park Building. Instructor is Linda Brown. DATE: Tuesdays, Jan. 14 – Feb. 11 TIME: 7:15 to 8:15 pm FEE: $45/resident; $50/non-resident

Kettlebell Basics The kettlebell is a cast iron weight looking somewhat like a cannonball with a handle, used to perform ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training. Kettlebell training is accessible and practical for all. Class is performed barefoot, bring water bottle. Class is taught by experienced and HKC Certified Instructors from QC Dance Studio. DATE: Tuesdays, Jan. 28 – Feb. 18 TIME: 6:45 to 7:30 pm FEE: $40/resident; $45/non-resident

november | december 2013

Clean Water Tip - Winter Salt Alternatives

Cities like Blaine are using new methods to reduce road salt use. For example, they prevent icing by applying liquid salt brine before a storm to lower the freeze-point and delay the formation of ice. This requires knowing how cold the pavement is and if it will freeze in order to determine the best time for chemical application. The chemicals then remain effective until washed away by rain, fog, or humidity. Other chemicals used for anti-icing include magnesium chloride and potassium acetate; each has different environmental impacts. Research continues for new cost-effective ways to have safe roads in winter. To find out what YOU can do to have safe walkways and prevent chloride pollution of our waters, go to:, also on our website under Articles. Information provided by Coon Creek Watershed District (763-755-0975 or

Christmas Tree Collection Schedule

As in past years, Christmas trees will be collected during the first two FULL weeks of the new year for all single-family homes. For 2013 tree pickup is during the weeks of January 6 – 10, and January 13 – 17 on your regular garbage day.


Monthly Recycling Drop-Off Day at Aquatore Park

The City of Blaine sponsors a recycling drop-off day the third Saturday of each month in the parking lot at Aquatore Park. The parking lot is near the City water tower and water treatment plant. The collection event runs from 10 am until 2 pm, and is open to anyone. You do not need to be a Blaine resident to bring items to the drop-off day. JR’s Appliance Recyclers 651-454-9215 • Appliances, florescent lamps, electronics, rechargeable batteries, and tires.

Please remember, you must remove ALL ornaments, wire, lights garland, etc., for the tree to be collected.

Please note that there is a fee for some items. Most appliances are $10 each. Air conditioners are $15. Most electronics are between $2 and $25 depending on size. You can also drop off tires and rechargeable batteries for a small fee.

Residents of apartments and manufactured housing parks should check with your management office to find out your collection schedule.

Free items include scrap metal and car batteries.

Salvation Army 612-332-5855

Community Outings All casino trips leave from the Mary Ann Young Senior Center. All day trips leave from Blaine City Hall unless otherwise noted and include lunch, tickets, and transportation. For more information, visit and search keyword senior center. Branson Christmas Tour December 3 thru 7 For more information and complete itinerary, please call 763-785-6164. John Denver Concert at St. Cloud Theater DATE: Tuesday, December 17 Register by November 17 TIME: 10 am to 5:45 pm FEE: $64 Church Basement Ladies: The Last (Potluck) Supper at Plymouth Playhouse DATE: Wednesday, January 15 Register by January 2 TIME: 10:45 am to 4 pm FEE: $48

• Furniture (good condition, no rips, stains, scratches, and pet hair) • Textiles (clothing, bedding, towels, etc.) • Tools and sporting goods (including bicycles) • Household items (dishes, pans, collectables, etc.) Salvation Army does not accept:


Wednesday, January 15 Register by January 8 8:30 am to 4:30 pm $7 ($5 back at casino)

• Mattresses & Box Springs (per MN law) • Recalled items (car seats, cribs, etc.) • Products made of particle board

Randy’s Environmental Services 612-332-5855 • Free paper shredding.

For more information on the Senior Center daily activity schedule, or to be added to the Senior Center Monthly newsletter, please contact Shelley or Ann at 763-786-9375.

Please note: No garbage will be accepted at the drop-off day. To learn more about recycling opportunities available in Blaine, call 763-785-6192 or visit and search keyword recycle.

PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID TWIN CITIES, MN Permit No. 32324

10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449-8101 (763) 784-6700




6th Annual Blaine World Fest a Huge Success! restaurants: Acapulco, Brick’s American Pub, Chili’s, Dixie Blue BarBQue, Dosa King, Hajime, Mei Wei, and Umbria Pizza.

The sixth Annual Blaine World Fest turned out to be a huge success with the largest crowd ever on hand for this event totaling over 1500 people. Visitors enjoyed a beautiful September day filled with a wide variety of music and dance from many different cultures, while aromas of ethnic food sifted through the air and colorful flags representing a wide range of countries blew in the wind. In addition, 26 vending and performing groups were part of the day’s activities.

The Blaine World Fest is funded, in part, by appropriations from the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the State’s general fund, and its arts and cultural heritage fund that was created by a vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.

This event once again turned out to be a great way for the City of Blaine and surrounding communities to celebrate the growing cultural and ethnic diversity that now exists in our area.

Entertainers, vendors, volunteers, and all those in attendance also deserve credit for making this an event that the community can take great pride in and look forward to every year.

As beautiful music, dance, and cultural booths provided entertainment on this day, visitors walked throughout Town Square Park sampling delicious ethnic cuisines from the following local

To be part of the 2014 Blaine World Fest, contact Shari Kunza at 763-717-2723.

Special Thanks to the Very Generous Sponsors of this Year’s Event This activity is funded, in part, by appropriations from the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the State’s general fund, and its arts and cultural heritage fund that was created by a vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.


SILVER SPONSORS Allegra Design – Print – Mail Minnesota School of Business


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