
In 2022 the Blaine City Council identified four key areas of the City for economic development activity. One area was centered around the National Sports Center, and the 105th Avenue redevelopment project continues to move forward. In May the City held two project open houses. More than 150 residents attended the open houses to learn about the project and get their questions answered. The open house attendees provided feedback on the project elements and overall left with excitement for what is ahead. The City Council has also continued to move the project forward with various approvals including authorizing a public financing tool that will allow the project to begin but will not use any general fund taxpayer dollars to support the project.
One of the first noticeable project impacts will be improvements to the National Sports Center later this summer and fall. As a result of the project agreements the National Sports Center will get funding for 10 new turf fields that will replace existing fields on the east side of the campus between 105th and 109th Avenues. These are much needed upgrades for the National Sports Center and will allow the NSC to be able to continue to compete for marquee events and tournaments.
Stay tuned for more exciting project announcements this summer and follow the progress at
Another area of focus was the Northtown Mall property and the surrounding area. In May, the City was delighted at the announcement that Asia Village was coming to Northtown. The new 130,000 square foot space will take over the former Herberger’s department store. Asia Village will include an Asian grocery store, food hall concept, retailers, restaurants, and more.
The project partners include individuals involved in the very popular and successful Asia Mall in Eden Prairie. Asia Village will be even larger than Asia Mall and will be able to provide guests more parking and easy access to all the amenities.
Construction on Asia Village is expected to being in August and is slated to be complete by the end of 2025 or early 2026.
Other projects in the Northtown area include the recent opening of The Picklr indoor pickleball facility and the City Council recently took action in June to subdivide the Northtown Mall property into 13 lots that the mall owner can individually market to potential businesses. Mall ownership will now be able to effectively market the new lots to interested parties.
For more information on the Northtown project, visit
10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449
City Council
Tim Sanders
Tom Newland
Lori Saroya
Leslie Larson
Jess Robertson
Terra Fleming
Chris Massoglia
Michelle Wolfe
City Council*
July 1 | July 8
August 5 | August 19
7pm | City Hall Council Chambers
City Council Workshops
July 1 | July 8 | July 15
August 5 | August 12 | August 19
5:30pm | Cloverleaf Farms Room
Natural Resources Conservation Board*
August 20 | October 15
7pm | City Hall Council Chambers
Park Board*
July 23 | August 27
7pm | City Hall Council Chambers
Planning Commission*
July 9 | August 14
7pm | City Hall Council Chambers
Traffic Commission*
September 3 | December 3
7pm | City Hall Council Chambers
*Meetings can be seen on cable channel 16 and 799. Meeting agendas and live and on demand videos are available at
Police & Fire ..............................................911
Police (non-emergency)
Fire (non-emergency) ........... 763-786-4436
Public Works After Hours 763-427-1212
City Hall
Mary Ann Young Center ....... 763-786-9375
Public Works 763-785-6165
Building Inspections
City Cable Channel 16 763-785-6181
City Clerk 763-785-6122
City Manager
Communications 763-785-6181
Community Standards
Community Outreach
Economic Development 763-785-6180
Engineering 763-785-6172
Finance 763-717-2677
Fire Inspections
Forestry 763-785-6165
Housing Services 763-785-6146
Human Resources 763-785-6109
Planning & Zoning
Receive Emergency Communications
Connect with your community and sign up for topics that interest you
CityConnect is published bimonthly by the City of Blaine and distributed to all residents and businesses. Past copies of the city newsletter are available at
Four Council Seats on the Ballot Preparations are well underway for the 2024 elections in Blaine. Blaine staff along with more than 300 election judges will work diligently to meet the needs of all voters in the City. Blaine typically has one of the highest voter turnout rates in Anoka County and Minnesota typically leads the nation in voter turnout. Absentee voting for the August primary election is now available at City Hall during business hours or by mail.
This fall four seats on the Blaine City Council will be on the ballot for voters. One council seat in each of Blaine’s three council wards and the mayor’s seat will be up for election. All Blaine voters will see the mayor’s race on their ballot. One of the three council elections will be on voter’s ballots depending on which ward they live in. None of the seats had more than two candidates so there will not be a primary election to narrow the field. In each race the incumbent has filed for reelection and an opponent has also filed for office. 2024 Candidates
Ward 2
Ward 3
Chris Massoglia
Find your council ward and review important election dates at
PlayNet Summer Seasonal Staff
Each summer nearly 500 Blaine kids participate in the PlayNet program. This summer the PlayNet staff has 18 program staff and one program coordinator. The high school and college aged staff learn valuable skills while making an impact in the lives of the PlayNet families. Each year the City sees about half of the staff return for a second summer which helps them build continuing relationships with the kids who attend the program.
PlayNet offers both morning and afternoon sessions and is held at four different parks across the City. Each day the staff lead the kids in different games, crafts, story time for the younger kids, and help them create and grow friendships. As one of the most popular programs offered by the City some sessions and locations of PlayNet fill up on the first day of registration each March. The City is glad to offer this popular program and thanks to the great staff that work hard each day to put smiles on the faces of all the kids that participate.
You can learn more about all the programs offered by the Blaine Parks and Recreation Department at
A University of Minnesota research study identified the two main water pollutants in the Mississippi River in the Twin Cities, nitrogen and phosphorus, are directly caused by homeowners and dog owners. Excess amounts of these nutrients can cause algal blooms, which can be harmful to aquatic critters and possibly harbor toxic blue-green algae.
The main source of nitrogen? Household fertilizer use. Households use 10 times the amount of commercial fertilizers used by golf courses and college campuses in the Metro. A main source of phosphorus? Dog waste.
Prevention is easy and vastly cheaper than treatment. Treatment is not done at a building facility. It is done with stormwater ponds, rain gardens, vegetation buffers, special in-ground sand filters, or other landscape methods.
Your daily actions, or inactions, make a difference! Do these two simple things at home:
Get out of the habit of thinking your lawn or turf area needs fertilizing every year. Find out what yours might need by getting a test and recommendation from the University of MN for $20.
Go to for how-to videos and in-depth information. Or call 612-625-3101 for more information.
Tip: Leaving your grass clippings when you mow recycles the nutrients from the clippings back into the soil? Doing this all season is like one application of fertilizer!
Tip: Use a lawncare service? Check that they are using best practices from a special turf maintenance training, a voluntary certification that take a small amount of time and money, where turf professionals learn from other professionals.
Learn more at turf-grass-maintenance-training
Though “organic,” dog waste contains E. coli bacteria and phosphorus plus possible medications. With dogs averaging over 200 pounds of waste per dog per year, it’s important to pick up their waste even in your backyard and put it in the trash. Otherwise, it can run off into our streets and then into ponds, creeks, lakes, and rivers from rain or over-irrigation.
Information provided by the Coon Creek Watershed District at 763-755-0975 or
Blaine Fireworks
Independence Day Celebration Thursday, 10pm National Sports Center
Tricia and the Toonies
Concessions by The Treat Truck Performance in the Park Tuesday, 6pm - Aquatore Park 11 The Backyard Band
Anoka County Master Gardeners
9 Ask the Gardener
Tom Ryan Park Tuesday, 5-7pm
Concessions by Pigs Unlimited Performance in the Park Thursday, 6pm - Tom Ryan Park
18 The Mystery Mountain Boys
Concessions by Pretty Great Cake Shakes Performance in the Park
Thursday, 6pm - Tom Ryan Park
23 Ask the Gardener
Anoka County Master Gardeners
Tom Ryan Park Tuesday, 5-7pm
Wendy’s Wiggle Jiggle Jam
Concessions by The Treat Truck Performance in the Park Tuesday, 6pm - Aquatore Park 23
25 Brent and Sheena
Concessions by Pigs Unlimited Performance in the Park Thursday, 6pm - Tom Ryan Park
Concessions by The Treat Truck Performance in the Park Tuesday, 6pm - Aquatore Park
Concessions by The Treat Truck
Performance in the Park
Thursday, 6pm - Tom Ryan Park
Blaine’s Biggest Community Building Night of the Year
Tuesday, 6pm - Neighborhood Near You
6 Ask the Gardener
Anoka County Master Gardeners
Mark the Start of the “Dog Days” of Summer with the Backyard Band
Concessions by Smokin’ Joe’s BBQ
Thursday, 5-7pm - Aquatore Park
Tom Ryan Park Tuesday, 5-7pm September
14 WorldFest
Celebrating Cultural and Ethnic Diversity
Saturday, 1-6pm - Tom Ryan Park
Concessions by Pigs Unlimited
Performance in the Park
Thursday, 6pm - Tom Ryan Park
Anoka County Master Gardeners
Tom Ryan Park Tuesday, 5-7pm October
5 Oktoberfest
Featuring GB Leighton
Saturday, 12-8:30pm - Tom Ryan Park
Fall program registration begins Monday, August 19. Check out all the great program offerings at
Sign up for the RecConnect online at, choose News: BlaineParks.
ages 5 to 17
Beginner Group Lessons
Held at Jim Peterson Athletic Complex
This program is led by former Wimbledon player, winner of ATP Professional titles, and U.S. Collegiate Division 1 National Champion, Harsh Mankad. Harsh has over 10 years of experience leading tennis programs and developing players including to the Division 1 college level. His team of coaches are trained in the program’s methods to deliver lessons that create fun, positive, and engaging learning experiences.
Beginner Group Lessons, ages 5 to 16 Team Tennis Match Play, ages 9 to 16
Check out to learn more. For more detailed information, call 763-785-6164 or visit
Ages 0-11, All Classes Held at QC Dance Studio - 9967 Ulysses Street, Blaine
QC Dance provides quality dance instruction and a variety of fun opportunities to learn and demonstrate dance skills while building selfesteem. QC Dances strives to encourage academic excellence as well as other involvements that contribute to the development of a multi-talented, well rounded individual.
Magical Storybook Adventure Wednesdays, July 10-31
ages 0 to 3 (w/parent/adult), 9:35-10:10am
ages 2 to 5 (independent), 10:10-10:45am $50 res; $55 nr
Ninja Camp
ages 4 to 7
Mondays, August 5-26, 6:30-7:15pm
$50 res; $55 nr
Fairy Frolic
Fridays, August 9-30
ages 2 to 3, 9:30-10:05am
ages 4 to 5, 10:10-10:40am
$50 res; $55 nr
For more information on dates, times, and fees, please call 763-785-6164 or visit
All Classes Held at Blaine City Hall
Tech Academy is an exciting learning environment specializing in technology education (STEM) for children and teens ages 4 to 15. Camps are kid friendly and promote hands on learning experiences with time to experiment to foster creativity.
Video Production for YouTube: “Top” List Creator
ages 7 to 11, Parkview Room
July 15-18, 9am-noon
$140 res; $154 nr
Video Production for YouTube: Podcasting & Vlogging
ages 9 to 14, Parkview Room
July 15-18, 1-4pm
$140 res; $154 nr
Virtual Reality Coding
ages 7 to 11, Cloverleaf Room
July 22-25, 9am-noon
$140 res; $154 nr
Video Game Design
ages 9 to 14, Community Room
July 22-25, 1-4pm
$135 res; $150 nr
For more information on dates, times, and fees, please call 763-785-6164 or visit
All Classes Held at Tom Ryan Park Shelter
Tech Tac Toe camps are designed to expose children to technology, encourage a supportive atmosphere, facilitate self-paced learning, foster collaboration, spark creativity, and expose kids to the increasingly complex world of technology.
Fantastic! Electric Toys
ages 6 to 10
July 22-25, 9-11:55am
$153 res; $163 nr
For complete class descriptions, call 763-785-6164 or visit
Ages 2 to 12
information about
The progression of camps and programs, led by expert staff, are geared toward youth looking for a sport introduction or those who want to refine and master their sport specific skills. Skyhawks Sports has proven to be the leader in youth sports since 1979. Skyhawks goes the extra mile to focus on safety and has a long standing proven safety track record. Sports offered this summer for ages 2-12. Flag Football; Soccer, Soccer Tots; Volleyball; Track & Field; Basketball; Multi-Sport; Mini-Hawk; Golf; Beginning Golf; Ultimate Frisbee; and Pickleball.
For complete details including descriptions, ages, fees, dates, times, and locations, call 763-785-6164 or visit
Classes Held at Sunnyside Park Building, Ages 4 to 11
The mission of Mayer Arts is to not only provide training for those who are serious about learning, but also to offer classes that are tons of fun. They teach proper technique, terminology, body awareness, and an appreciation for the arts.
The Wish ages 4 to 8
July 15-18, 9am-noon
$129 res; $139 nr
Wonka Musical ages 7 to 11
July 15-18, 1-4pm
$129 res; $139 nr
For more information on dates, times, and fees, please call 763-785-6164 or visit
Held at Lexington Athletic Complex
Learn to play pickleball with top instructors from the North Star Pickleball Association. Instructors will cover the basics of pickleball rules, terminology, primary skills, coordination and how to get connected on where to play. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes. Bring our own paddle. Held at Lexington Athletic Complex.
Saturday, July 27, 3 – 5pm Sunday, August 18, 1 – 3pm $25/session
To register, call 763-785-6164 or visit
Classes Held at Lakeside Commons Park, Ages 7 to 15
You will learn about the basics of fishing using a spinning rod and reel. You will be taught how to put on a line, tie a lure and hook, put plastic baits on the hook, and cast into water from the shore. You will also learn overhand and underhand casting. The rod, reel, line and lures will be provided for you to use in this class. Class taught by the Fishing Library.
Wednesday, July 17, 10am – 1pm
Wednesday, July 24, 10am – 1pm
Wednesday, August 7, 10am – 1pm
Wednesday, August 14, 3 – 6pm
More sessions coming July and August. For more detailed information, call 763-785-6164 or visit
All Classes Held at QC Dance Studio - 9967 Ulysses Street, Blaine
This specialty course is designed for those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle or the older active adult. Zumba fitness is for everyone, all shapes, and sizes and just about any age. This class allows you to have fun while safely losing pounds and inches. With Zumba, the fun comes first, and the physical benefits follow. Zumba Gold is like a basic Zumba class with lower impact. The class will be a fat burning, body shaping, fun workout.
Wednesdays, July 10-31, 7:15-8pm
Wednesdays, August 7-28, 7:15-8pm
$40 res; $44 nr
For complete details including descriptions, ages, fees, dates, times, and locations, call 763-785-6164 or visit
Games Played at Airport Park
The City of Blaine offers fall softball leagues for men’s, women’s, and co-rec teams. Games are played at Airport Park. The fee includes 12 games, softballs, and umpires. All games are doubleheaders. Registration dates are July 5-28 or until leagues are full. League play begins the week of August 14. Times will vary, 6, 7, 8 or 9PM.
Men’s D (DH) – Mondays - $625
Men’s D (DH) – Wednesdays - $625
Women’s (DH) – Thursdays - $625
CoRec (DH) – Tuesdays - $645
Held at Lakeside Commons Park
Just when you think you’ve experienced every possible way to enjoy getting out on the water, here comes stand up paddle boarding! Fun, easy, cool, and a great workout! What else is there to say? Picture a beefed up surfboard that is stable and a long canoe paddle to propel yourself. Class sizes are very small and the instruction is short and easy, so most of our time will be out on the water. No experience necessary. Max 6. Class held at Lakeside Commons Park next to the boathouse. Participants under 18 must have a parent or guardian sign waiver before class.
Tuesday, July 16
Ages 12-15, 5-6:30pm
Ages 16 & up, 6:30-8pm $30 res; $33 nr
Tuesday, August 6
Ages 12-15, 5-6:30pm
Ages 16 & up, 6:30-8pm $30 res; $33 nr
To register, call 763-785-6164 or visit
For more information, call 763-785-6164 or visit
As the dog days of summer roll in, it’s important to remember that our furry companions need extra care and attention to stay safe and comfortable. Here are some simple tips to help keep your pets healthy and happy all summer long:
Hydration: Just like us, pets need plenty of water to stay hydrated, especially in the heat. Always provide fresh, clean water and consider adding ice cubes to help keep it cool.
Limit Activity: Avoid intense exercise during the hottest parts of the day, (10AM to 4PM). Stick to walks and playtime in the early mornings or late evenings when temperatures are cooler.
Provide Shelter: Make sure your pets have access to shaded areas where they can escape the sun.
Protect Paws: Hot pavement can burn your pet’s paws, so try to walk them on grass or in the shade whenever possible. Consider paw balm to protect their pads or invest in booties for added protection.
Never Leave in Cars: Even on mild days, temperatures inside a car can skyrocket to dangerous levels within minutes. Never leave your pet in a parked car, even with the windows cracked open.
Watch for Heatstroke: Signs of heatstroke include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, vomiting, and collapse. If you suspect your pet is overheating, move them to a cooler area immediately.
Groom for the Season: Keep your pet’s fur trimmed and well-groomed to help them stay cool. However, be cautious not to shave them completely, as their fur also provides insulation that can help protect against sunburn.
Recreational fires have become an important part of our outdoor experience. In order to ensure that these types of experiences can continue without creating a safety hazard or nuisance, the recreational fire regulations listed below have been developed.
Recreational fires are permitted under the following conditions:
• Only natural firewood cut in short lengths less than two feet may be burned. The fire must be contained in a manufactured freestanding fire pit or ring not exceeding three feet in diameter.
• All fire rings or pits must be located a minimum of 25 feet away from any structures or combustibles, such as houses, garages, sheds, wood piles, and wooden fences.
• The fire must be constantly attended and supervised by an adult until the fire has been completely extinguished.
• A connected garden hose or other means to extinguish the fire must be readily available. The use of flammable or combustible liquid accelerants is not permitted.
• Recreational fires are not permitted on windy days when the smoke may create a nuisance for nearby neighbors.
According to the National Fire Protection Association, fireworks started an estimated 19,500 fires in 2018, including 1,900 structure fires, 500 vehicle fires, and 17,100 outside and other fires. These fires caused five deaths, 46 civilian injuries, and $105 million in direct property damage. Stay safe this season by following these fireworks disposal tips:
• Never discard used fireworks directly into the trash.
• Always soak used fireworks in a bucket of water for at least 24 hours, then place them in the trash.
Unused and expired fireworks should also
On the first Tuesday of August each year, Blaine joins communities around Minnesota for Night to Unite, an evening of neighborhood festivities aimed at crime prevention and building a strong community. Members of the Blaine Police Department and SBM Fire Department make an effort to visit as many registered block parties as possible during the event. Find a party near you or start your own event. Learn more and register your party at
The City will also conduct a test of the CivicReady notification system on Night to Unite. CivicReady is a service available to Blaine residents to receive emergency notifications from the City. Residents need to sign up to receive the notifications and can customize how and where you receive the notifications. To sign up, visit
Odd-Even Sprinkling Days, No Sprinkling Between 10am-6pm
The City of Blaine lawn sprinkling ordinance regulates how often residents and businesses can water their yard with City water. Although Minnesota is no longer experiencing drought conditions, it is important to conserve water.
• Residents with an even numbered address can water on even number dates. Residents with an odd numbered address can
• No sprinkling is allowed between 10AM and 6PM.