2025 March/April - CityConnect

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City Launches Search for Next Leader

City Manager Plans Retirement

Blaine City Manager Michelle Wolfe recently announced her retirement. Wolfe who has led the City since September 2019 will retire at the end of June. The city manager is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the City. A city manager is equivalent to a CEO of a major corporation. The city manager oversees the various department heads and works directly with the city council to implement their policy level decisions. The city manager is the one position where the hiring responsibility falls to the City’s elected leaders. The city council has already begun discussing the process for recruiting and selecting the next city manager. The first step for the council will be to select a recruitment firm to conduct a nationwide search for the next city manager. A process took place in February for executive recruitment firms to submit proposals to the city council for consideration. The council is expected to select a firm and begin the search in March.

Blaine Police Department Updates Uniforms

At the start of 2025 the Blaine Police Department rolled out a new look with a new badge and patch design on their uniforms. The new designs were the result of collaboration within the department as officers worked together on the new design elements. Both the new badge and patch include images that represent Blaine’s wetlands and natural beauty. The department’s core values of integrity, respect, and professionalism are included as well as the new Minnesota state seal. It had been decades since the department uniforms had received any updates. This project was funded through one time money from the State of Minnesota and did not have any impact on the city budget or local tax levy.

Blaine City Hall

10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449



City Council


Tim Sanders




Chris Ford



Tom Newland




Leslie Larson



Jess Robertson




Terra Fleming



Chris Massoglia




Michelle Wolfe



Recycling Calendar

Upcoming Meetings

City Council*

March 3 | March 17

April 7 | April 21

7pm | City Hall Council Chambers

City Council Workshops

March 3 | March 10 | March 17

April 7 | April 14 | April 21

5:30pm | Cloverleaf Farms Room

Natural Resources Conservation Board*

April 15

7pm | City Hall Council Chambers

Park Board*

March 25 | April 22

7pm | City Hall Council Chambers

Planning Commission*

March 11 | April 8

7pm | City Hall Council Chambers

*Meetings can be seen on cable channel 16 and 799. Meeting agendas and live and on demand videos are available at BlaineMN.gov/Agendas

City Directory

Police (non-emergency)


Fire (non-emergency) ........... 763-786-4436

Public Works After Hours 763-427-1212

City Hall


Mary Ann Young Center ....... 763-786-9375

Public Works

Building Inspections

City Cable Channel 16




City Clerk 763-785-6122

City Manager


Communications 763-785-6181

Community Standards 763-785-6146

Community Outreach

Economic Development



Engineering 763-785-6172

Finance 763-717-2677

Fire Inspections


Forestry 763-785-6165

Housing Services


Human Resources 763-785-6109


North Metro TV

Parks & Recreation

Planning & Zoning ................

Recycling & Solid Waste






Sewer Backup 763-785-6165

Streets 763-785-6165

Stormwater ............................

Utility Billing

Water & Sewer System






Stay Connected

Receive Emergency Communications BlaineMN.gov/CivicReady

Connect with your community and sign up for topics that interest you BlaineMN.gov/NotifyMe


A Crime Prevention Partnership BlaineMN.gov/ CommunityConnect

CityConnect is published bimonthly by the City of Blaine and distributed to all residents and businesses. Past copies of the city newsletter are available at BlaineMN.gov/Newsletter

Victim Services Program Update

Blaine Police Department Offers Assistance

The Blaine Police Department’s Victim Services Program, funded by a grant from the International Association of Chiefs of Police, is now fully operational. Andrea Donaldson, the new victim services specialist, began in late November and has quickly familiarized herself with the program’s requirements. She’s building relationships within the department and with community partners to create a Blaine-specific program that bridges the gap between crime victims and law enforcement. The program offers immediate emotional support, crisis counseling, safety planning, and access to emergency resources, ensuring victims feel secure after trauma. It also connects individuals with legal advocacy, financial assistance, and counseling to help them regain control over their lives. By building trust with victims, the program fosters cooperation, which is essential for successful investigations and prosecutions.

Victim services also enhances training for officers by incorporating insights from victim interactions, ensuring a compassionate and supportive approach to those affected by crime. This also strengthens community trust, showing that law enforcement is committed to serving everyone.

The program also addresses the long-term impacts of crime, such as PTSD and anxiety, by connecting victims with therapeutic resources and support groups, contributing to community resilience.

As a longtime Blaine resident, Andrea is passionate about giving back to her community. Victims have expressed appreciation for having someone to talk to and guidance on available resources. Officers also see the benefit of having a dedicated position to follow up with victims, something they often can’t do because of time constraints. Andrea is already making a positive impact within the department and the greater Blaine community as she structures this essential program.

Department Spotlight

Human Resources - Supporting Blaine’s Workforce

In Blaine, the Human Resources team plays a key role in making sure the City has the right people in place to keep things running smoothly. Behind every police officer, public works crew member, and city staffer is the City of Blaine’s Human Resources team, working to recruit and support the best people for the job.

With over 260 employees across multiple departments, Human Resources ensures that the City has a skilled and dedicated workforce to provide services to the community. In 2024 alone, the department welcomed dozens of new employees between full time and seasonal positions.

Beyond hiring, Human Resources helps employees grow in their careers, manages benefits, and ensures a safe and supportive work environment. They also make sure city policies are followed and that Blaine remains compliant with state and federal employment laws, reducing risks and keeping operations running smoothly. By investing in a well-trained workforce, Blaine’s Human Resources team plays a key role in making the City a great place to live, work, and grow.

For more information, visit BlaineMN.gov/HumanResources.

To see a list of current job openings with the City visit, BlaineMN.gov/Jobs.

Smoke Alarms and Daylight Savings

Check Your Smoke Alarms

When it is time to change the clocks, it is time to check your smoke alarms! All smoke alarms should be replaced when they are 10 years old. Not sure how old yours are? Most manufacturers have a date on the back of the alarms that will tell you when they were made. Add 10 years to that date and you will be able to know how old yours are. If they are older than 10 years, then it is time to replace them! Make sure to test all smoke alarms at least once a month, too.

Does your smoke alarm need new batteries? Not all models are the same. If your model does not have a 10-year built-in battery it might be time to change it. Make sure batteries are changed at least once a year in all smoke alarms.

Where are your smoke alarms located? Smoke alarms should be installed in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of the home. It is best to use interconnected smoke alarms because when one smoke alarm sounds, they all sound.

Call Natalie Streich with SBM Fire for smoke alarm assistance at 763-231-1806

Please Keep Fire Hydrants Clear

Residents and business owners are asked to please remember to shovel out around fire hydrants after each snowfall. It is essential to keep hydrants clear of snow and visible from the street.

If the fire department has to spend time trying to find and dig out a fire hydrant under the snow, they lose precious time needed to fight fires. A fire can double in size every 30 seconds. If it takes firefighters even two extra minutes to locate and dig out a hydrant, the damage to a home could be massive. Please talk with your neighbors to determine who will keep the hydrant clear. Remember, the house you help save may be your own.


Prevention Test Flow Requirements

Blaine’s Cross-Connection/ Backflow Program

Blaine has partnered with BSI Online to administer a backflow program. The MN Plumbing Code requires backflow prevention devices in water piping to help keep the water supply safe. All testable backflow prevention devices that were installed on or after 01/23/2016, need to be tested annually to ensure that they are working properly. Typically homes with these devices have lawn irrigation and/or boilers connected to drinking water. All reduced pressure devices, rarely found in homes, need to be tested annually regardless of when installed.

Homeowners and businesses on record with the City as having a testable device, installed on or after January 23, 2016, or reduced pressure devices, will receive an annual test reminder letter, mailed from BSI Online.

What is a Backflow and Cross-connections?

Backflow occurs when a loss in water pressure (commonly due to a fire hydrant being opened, a water main break or abnormally high-water usage) causes the water in your pipes to flow in the opposite direction. A cross-connection is a connection between the drinking water supply system and possibly contaminated water such as boiler system water. These situations could allow polluted water to travel back into the drinking water supply.

All particulates that are in your lawn can seep into the underground pipes and enter the drinking water supply. This can be anything from fertilizers to animal feces. Backflow prevention devices protect this from happening.

Who can Test Backflow Prevention Devices and What is the Cost?

Anyone performing tests are required to be certified by the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) and be licensed as a Backflow Prevention Tester by the State of Minnesota. Those who receive a letter from BSI Online will get access to all the registered testers serving Blaine.

BlaineMN.gov Debuts New Look

In February the city website got a design overall. City staff have worked over the last year to redesign the site. The result is the first major overhaul since 2017. The city website continues to be the most popular way for residents, businesses, and others to connect with city services. From permit applications and program registration to community information and city council meetings and so much more, you can find everything about Blaine on the city website.

Check out the new design today at BlaineMN.gov

Curb Appeal Grants

Improve Your Curb Appeal with a Front Door Grant

Grants of up to $5,000 are available with the City of Blaine. Restrictions apply. The City of Blaine is offering grants of up to $5,000 to help you make beautification improvements to your home. The program covers up to 25 percent of project costs on items like new front doors, permanent landscaping, adding brick or stone to the front of your home, and more! Maintenance type projects, like new windows, siding, driveways, and gutters can also be a part of an eligible project. Eligible projects must include at least $1,000 in beautification elements and have a project cost of at least $4,000.

Learn more and apply today at BlaineMN.gov/FrontDoor Questions? Contact Elizabeth Showalter at 763-717-2751 or EShowalter@BlaineMN.gov.

Work completed prior to signing a grant agreement with the City is not eligible. Homes must be at least 30 years old, have an assessed value of $400,000 or less, and be owner occupied. Full program terms available at the website above. Grant funds are limited.

Senior Safety and Wellness Fair

Thursday, May 1, 8:30am-3pm, $15

SBM Fire Station #3 - 11920 Ulysses Street NE

Seniors are invited to register for a full day of great information and lots of fun. Many speakers will present on a variety of safety and wellness topics specific for healthy senior living. Local vendors will provide take home information and door prizes. Entertainment, refreshments, and lunch will fill the afternoon. Registration starts Monday, March 3. For questions or to register, stop by the Mary Ann Young Center at 9150 Central Avenue NE, call 763-786-9375, or visit BlaineMN.gov/MAYCRegister

Stop Water Poo-llution!

Please Clean Up After Your Dog

Always pick up after your dog and put their waste in the trash. Pet waste, even in small amounts, contains water pollutants like E. coli and phosphorus. When left on the ground, pet waste can wash into streets and flow into our local lakes and streams.

In an effort to help promote proper disposal of pet waste, Coon Creek Watershed District has installed over 20 Pet Waste Stations in multiple locations around the City. The locations include areas around Springbrook Creek, Pleasure Creek, Ditch 39, and The Lakes neighborhood. The Coon Creek Watershed District maintains these pet waste stations and services them on a weekly basis. Since the fall of 2020, Coon Creek Watershed District’s pet waste station program has collected over 55,000 pounds of waste, which equates to about 550lbs of total phosphorus and 555 billion E. coli organisms that have been kept out of our waters!

Picking up after your dog is not only the right thing to do but it is also required by Blaine City Ordinance. Learn more about the pet waste stations online at CoonCreekWD.org/PWS-Project

Friendly Pet Reminders

Please Clean Up After Your Pets

As mentioned above, dog owners must carry some means of picking up after their dog whenever they are off their own property. Please be a courteous pet owner and clean up after your pet.

Dogs Must be Leashed When Out for a Walk Dogs in the City of Blaine must be on a leash and under control while off the owner’s property. If you are looking for an off-leash area, please visit Swanson Dog Park. Learn more at, BlaineMN.gov/SwansonDogPark

8am — noon

3rd Saturday

February - December

Drop-Off Location

Recycle Technologies Enter at 1525 - 99th Lane NE

The City of Blaine sponsors a recycling drop-off day on the third Saturday of each month. Participants do not need to be Blaine residents to bring items to the drop-off day.

Please note that no garbage will be accepted. Follow the signs for the entrance and staff directions through the drop-off process.

Recycle Technologies



Cash or Check Only

Mattresses, box springs, appliances, fluorescent lamps, electronics, rechargeable batteries, and tires are some of the items collected. Free items include scrap metal, vehicle batteries, and paper shredding. See a complete list of fees and items at BlaineMN.gov/ RecyclingSaturdays.

Free paper shredding is offered at these events through SCORE Grant Funding. Please note that there may be long wait times for shredding. There is a four-box or bag limit for paper shredding.

Bike Collection for Bikes4KidsMN.org

Starting again in April, drop off bicycles. Bikes will be refurbished or have their parts used in other bikes. Bikes are then donated. There is no charge to drop off a bike. Bikes for Kids is part of the Robert & Wilma Burbach Bike Foundation. Bike collection is available from April through October.

RecConnect Summer 2025

Summer registration begins Monday, March 10.

Check out all the great program offerings at BlaineParks.com/Register. Sign up for the RecConnect online at BlaineMN.gov/NotifyMe, and choose News: BlaineParks.

Summer Employment

ages 16 & up

If you are looking for a seasonal, part time job this summer, we have an opportunity for you! The City of Blaine is looking for enthusiastic, energetic candidates to work in our Parks and Recreation Department and Public Works Department. The application deadline for park and rec positions is March 30; interviews will take place in early April.

Job postings available at, BlaineMN.gov/Jobs

Summer Job Fair at Blaine City Hall Saturday, March 8


Stay Connected

More information about Parks and Recreation is available at 763-785-6164 or in the current Recreation Connection online.

Skyhawk Sports Camps

Ages 2 to 10

The progression of camps and programs, led by expert staff, are geared toward youth looking for a sport introduction or those who want to refine and master their sport specific skills. Skyhawks Sports has proven to be the leader in youth sports since 1979. Skyhawks goes the extra mile to focus on safety and has a long standing proven safety track record.

Sports offered this spring include: Mini-Hawk Volleyball, Volleyball, Soccer, Soccer Tots, Mini-Hawk Soccer, Baseball, T-Ball, Mini-Hawk T-Ball, Baseball Tots, Mini-Hawk Pickleball, Pickleball, and Tots Sampler.

For detailed information regarding dates, times, locations and fees, call 763-785-6164 or visit BlaineParks.com/Register

New! Yoga & Mindfulness

ages 6 to 14

Join the Mindfulness Movement for an exciting adventure into the world of yoga and mindfulness, specially designed for young yogis. These classes offer fun and engaging ways for students to explore movement, breathing, and relaxation. Through yoga poses, playful games, creative art projects, stress, practicing self-care, enhancing focus, and cultivating a sense of calm. Max. 20 per class. Held at the new Aquatore Park Bandshell. Instructor: Tara Willits, Founder of The Mindfulness Movement.

ages 6 to 11, Thursdays, 5:45-6:45pm

ages 11 to 14, Thursdays, 7-8pm

Winter Session 3: March 6-27

Spring Session 1: April 3-24

Spring Session 2: May 1-22


To register, visit BlaineParks.com/Register


ages 11 and up

Learn to be responsible babysitters by examining safety guidelines, child development, finding jobs, rates, and first aid. Hands-on experience with diapers and bottle feeding included. Bring a doll, dinner, and beverage. Held at Blaine City Hall Cloverleaf A Room.

Tuesday, March 11 and Wednesday, March 12, 5:30-8pm (both nights required) $80 res; $88 nr

Tech Academy

All Classes are Virtual

Tech Academy is an exciting learning environment specializing in technology education for children and teens ages 4 to 15. Camps are kid friendly and promote hands on learning experiences with time to experiment to foster creativity.

3D Printing: Harry Potter ages 7-11, Saturday, March 8, 9-11am $45 res; $50 nr

Multiplayer Minecraft: Block Hunter

ages 6-11, Saturdays, March 15, 8-10am

$30 res; $34 nr

Video Production: Top List Creator

ages 6-11, Saturdays, March 22 & 29, 9:30am-12:30pm $45 res; $50 nr

Intro to 3D Printing

ages 6-10, Saturday, April 5, 8-9:30am $40 res; $45 nr

Virtual Reality Coding ages 8-12, Saturdays, April 5 & 12, 10:30am-12:30pm

$60 res; $65 nr

Pokemon Game Coding ages 7-12, Saturday, April 12, 8-9:30am

$25 res; $30 nr

3D Printing: Pokemon ages 7-11, Saturday, April 19, 8-10am

$45 res; $50 nr

For complete descriptions, visit BlaineParks.com/Register

Tenicity Tennis Lessons

Youth Beginner and Intermediate Group Tennis Lessons (ages 5 to 16)

Held at Jim Peterson Athletic Complex.

Mondays & Wednesdays, April 21 – May 21

ages 5-8: 5-6pm

ages 9-12: 6-7pm

ages 13-16: 6-7pm

$163 (10 lessons)

For more detailed information and program description, call 763-785-6164 or visit BlaineParks.com/Register

QC Zumba

Classes held at QC Dance

Love to dance? Join the party! This specialty course is designed for those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle or the older active adult. Zumba Fitness is for everyone, all shapes and sizes and just about any age. This class allows you to have fun while safely losing pounds and inches. With Zumba, the fun comes first, and the physical benefits follow. The class will be a fat burning, body shaping, fun workout!

Wednesdays, March 19-April 9, 8-8:45pm

$40 res; $45 nr

For more information, call 763-785-6164 or visit BlaineParks.com/Register

Cookie Decorating

ages 10 and up

You and your child will have a great time decorating spring cookies. The City will supply one dozen cookies and all the toppings. Bring a container to take your cookies home. Dress for the mess. Max. 20 per session. Held at Blaine City Hall Atrium.

Thursday, April 10

Session 1: 5-5:45pm

Session 2: 6-6:45pm

Session 3: 7-7:45pm (any age)

$15 res; $16 nr

For more information, visit BlaineParks.com/Register

Mayer Arts

Descendants - The Rise of Red ages 5 to 10

Meet the Bunny

for families with children ages 10 and under

Learn lines, songs, and dances from the New Descendants and put on a show. Learn how to properly speak your lines, block a scene, develop your character, and much more. We will also play fun creative games. All that is needed is comfortable clothing and shoes. Friends and family are invited to a special performance beginning the final 30 minutes of the final class. Held at the new Aquatore Park Bandshell. Register by April 21.

Tuesdays, April 29 - May 27, 6-8pm $99 res; $109 nr

For more information, visit BlaineParks.com/Register

Alice in Wonderland

Tea Party

for families with children ages 10 and under

Don’t be late for a very important date! Attend Alice in Wonderland’s tea party. The party will consist of finger sized refreshments, crafts, bingo, and a lot of fun. The fee includes one adult per registered child. Limit 25 children per session. Event held in the Blaine City Hall Atrium.

Saturday, May 10, 10am or noon

$25 res; $26 nr

Enjoy roasting a peep over a bonfire, craft time, an egg hunt, and pictures with the bunny. Do not miss this memorable event. Fee includes two crafts, a peep s’more, five eggs from the hunt, and time with the bunny. Held at Tom Ryan Park. Max 60. Saturday, April 5

noon- 2pm $25 res; $26 NR

For more information, visit BlaineParks.com/Register

Adult Softball

League Play Begins the Week of April 21

The City of Blaine offers softball leagues for men’s, women’s, and co-rec teams. Games played at Aquatore Park. Fee includes softballs and tax.

Men’s Monday D DH - $975/team

Men’s Wednesday D DH - $975/team

Co-Rec – Tuesday, DH - $925/team

Women’s – Thursday D, DH - $975/team

Women’s – Thursday D - $650/team

Breakfast with the Bunny

for families with children ages 10 and under

Enjoy a continental breakfast, craft time, and pictures with the bunny. Do not miss out on this memorable event. The fee includes a continental breakfast for one child and one adult, two crafts for one child, and pictures with the bunny. Registration is required and limited to 25 children per session. Event held in the Blaine City Hall Atrium. Saturday, April 12

9am, 10am, 11am, noon $25 res; $26 NR

Annual Arbor Day Tree Sale

Purchase Trees Online Beginning Tuesday, April 1, 9am

The City of Blaine needs your help to find caring homes for these vegetative vagabonds. Plant carefully, water occasionally, and groom (trim) once in a while and you will get a great addition to your home.

Benefits of Adding a New Tree

• Produces about 260 pounds of oxygen each year.

• Cleans 360 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere per year.

• Provides food and habitat for wildlife.

• Increases the value of your property.

• Provides you with cool shade and fresh air.

How to Order a Tree

• Order online at BlaineMN.gov/ArborDayTreeSale or scan the QR Code.

• For quicker access on sale day, establish a CivicRec account at BlaineMN.gov/Register

Pickup Information

Trees can be picked up at Blaine Public Works, 1801 101st Avenue NE. Choose your pick up time from the following options:

Friday, May 16

Types of Trees

River Birch (Betula nigra)

Paper Birch (Betula papyrifera)

Frontyard® Linden (Tilia am)

Haralson Apple

McIntosh Apple

Zestar!® Apple .

First Editions® Tawara Asian Pear

Ure Pear

Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum ‘Bailsta’)

Autumn Blaze Maple (Acer x freemanii)

Matador™ Maple (Acer x freemanii ‘Bailston’.)

American Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)

Autumn Gold Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

Northern Acclaim® Honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Harve’)

Kentucky Coffeetree (Gymnocladus dioicus)

Prairifire Crabapple (Malus ‘Prairifire’)

Spring Snow Crabapple (Malus ‘spring snow’)

Amur Chokecherry (Prunus maackii)

Small-Leaf Linden (Tilia cordata)

Sale Restrictions

• You must be a Blaine resident.

• Residents may purchase up to two trees per Blaine address.

May 17

Earth Day April 10 - May 16

Celebrate Earth Day by gathering with neighbors and cleaning up the neighborhood park. The Parks and Recreation Department is looking for residents to organize an Earth Day clean-up event at any of Blaine’s 66 parks. Select the date, time and park anytime between April 17 and May 15.

For more information, contact Joy Handt at jhandt@blainemn.gov or 763-717-2724. 8 10am-4pm

Craft Fair

Saturday, March 8 10am-4pm Blaine City Hall

For more information, call 763-785-6164 or visit BlaineMN.gov/CraftFair

Order early, trees sell out quickly. To order, visit BlaineMN.gov/ArborDayTreeSale For questions, call Public Works at 763-785-6165 or email Trees@BlaineMN.gov



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