e n i a CityConnect l B
W W W . C I . B L A I N E . M N . U S
Orange X Marks Emerald Ash Borer You may have noticed orange Xs showing up on trees around the city lately. The X is on an ash tree and is identifying that tree as a potential candidate for removal. Several years ago the City initiated our Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) management strategy, and is preemptively removing ash trees in anticipation of this pests arrival. EAB has not been discovered in Blaine yet, but has been found in the northwest corner of Shoreview which borders Blaine. EAB is an extremely destructive pest that will likely kill all of our ash trees over time. The City has determined the best course of action is to begin removing ash trees in boulevards and parks now, before EAB becomes a significant problem.
Currently the program is voluntary for boulevard trees. Property owners can choose not to have their boulevard tree removed. If the property owner decides to have the tree removed, the City offers a replacement tree at no cost. The goal is to remove a few trees on a particular block, replant, than come back several years later to remove a few more and replant again. This should allow for a gradual transition of the boulevard landscape, as opposed to the massive removal projects that happened with Dutch Elm Disease and resulted in the complete destruction of the boulevard tree population. Dutch Elm Disease transformed neighborhoods overnight. That is what we are attempting to avoid with preemptive removal of ash and replanting now. Although it’s not financially prudent for a city with tens of thousands of ash trees to chemically treat trees, there are effective chemical treatment options for homeowners that will protect ash trees from EAB. For more information on EAB, you may contact the Blaine City Forester, Marc Shippee, at 763-717-2660, or go to http://emeraldashborer.info/.
S N OW S A F E T Y Please Keep Fire Hydrants Clear
The fire and public works departments are asking for your help. Please remember to shovel out around fire hydrants after each snowfall. It is very important for residents and business people to keep hydrants clear of snow and visible from the street. If the fire department has to spend time trying to find a fire hydrant under the snow, they lose precious time needed to fight fires. Please help us out by keeping your fire hydrants clear of snow. The house you help save may be your own.
Please Watch for Pedstrians! Due to the large amount of snow we have received this winter, snow banks along roads and streets are getting higher and higher. As you are out driving around town, please watch for pedestrians at sidewalk and trail crossings. Remember, pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way in a crosswalk.
March/April 2014
Recycling Rates to Increase 25 Cents per Month To keep pace with increasing collection, transportation, and processing costs, Blaine residents in single-family housing will see a small increase in their recycling rate. The rates will increase by $0.25 per month, or $0.75 per quarter. The new garbage and recycling rates are $43.20 per quarter for unlimited service, $37.20 per quarter for the 64-gallon garbage cart, and $26.70 per quarter for the 32-gallon cart. The new senior rate is $21.60 per quarter (see more information below). Remember, recycling is ALWAYS unlimited, so recycle as much as you can!
Recycle to the Max And Save
On of the best ways to save money on your garbage and recycling bill is to Recycle to the Max. Under Blaine’s curbside recycling program, ALMOST ALL of your household waste is actually recyclable. Putting more recyclables in your recycling cart will not cost you any more money! In fact, it can make it possible to SAVE MONEY by using a smaller garbage cart. See Page 7 for more information on how to Recycle to the Max and Save!
Senior Garbage Rate Available to Seniors Who Qualify Blaine has a reduced garbage rate for seniors that meet the age and financial qualifications. In order to get the reduced garbage rate the resident must be: • 65 years of age or older. • The annual gross income of the household according to its most recent federal income tax return does not exceed Federal Poverty Income Guidelines, $26,850. If no such return was filed, the City shall require the applicant to submit other documentation to show that this qualification is met. If you are interested in the reduced garbage rate for seniors, and meet the conditions, call 763-785-6141 for more information.
Blaine’s Monthly Recycling Drop-Off Day Blaine holds its monthly recycling drop-off day on the third Saturday of each month, from 10 am until 2 pm at Aquatore Park. See page 7 for more information about Blaine’s Monthly Recycling Drop-Off Day.
w w w. c i . b l a i n e. m n . u s
1 2
Blaine City Hall
A Zone Recycling
10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-784-6700 763-785-6156 (fax)
12147 Radisson Road NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-757-3390 tryan@ci.blaine.mn.us
WARD 1 Wes Hovland
8650 Van Buren St. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-228-1117 whovland@ci.blaine.mn.us
Dick Swanson
P.O. Box 49725 Blaine, MN 55449 763-370-2557 dswanson@ci.blaine.mn.us
WARD 2 Dave Clark
10833 Fillmore St. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-754-7643 dclark@ci.blaine.mn.us
Mike Bourke
83 103rd Ave. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-784-1986 mbourke@ci.blaine.mn.us
april August
MAYOR Tom Ryan
contacts August
WARD 3 Kathy Kolb
Russ Herbst
12875 Lever St. NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-784-6143 rherbst@ci.blaine.mn.us
CITY MANAGER Clark Arneson
763-785-6120 carneson@ci.blaine.mn.us
11308 Jefferson St. NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-757-6887 kkolb@ci.blaine.mn.us
City Council Workshops Mar. 6 | Mar. 13 | Mar. 20 Apr. 3 | Apr. 10 | Apr. 17 6:30 pm | City Hall Cloverleaf Room
Planning Commission* Mar. 11 | Apr. 8 7 pm | City Hall Council Chambers
Natural Resource Conservation Board
Police and Fire................................................ 911 Police (non-emergency) ....................763-785-6168 Fire (non-emergency)........................763-786-4436 Building Inspections..........................763-785-6170 Cable Channel 15..............................763-780-8241 City Cable Channel 16 ......................763-785-6192 City Clerk ........................................763-785-6124 City Manager....................................763-785-6120 Community Standards.......................763-785-6187 Crime Prevention..............................763-785-6113 Economic Development.....................763-785-6180 Engineering......................................763-785-6172 Fire Inspections ...............................763-785-6187 Forestry ..........................................763-717-2660 Housing Services .............................763-785-6146 Human Resources ............................763-785-6109 Job Line ..........................................763-717-2679 Newsletter ......................................763-785-6192 Operator..........................................763-784-6700 Parks and Recreation .......................763-785-6164 Planning & Zoning ............................763-785-6180 Public Works....................................763-785-6165 Recycling & Solid Waste ...................763-785-6192 Senior Citizens Center ......................763-786-9375 Streets ...........................................763-785-6165 Stormwater......................................763-785-6188 Utility Billing ....................................763-785-6141 Water & Sewer System .....................763-785-6165 Web................................................763-717-2638 Learn more about the City of Blaine and keep updated with happenings by following the city online. www.FaceBook.com/Blaine.mn www.FaceBook.com/BlaineBizMN www.FaceBook.com/BlaineParksMN www.ci.blaine.mn.us/go/emailupdates www.Twitter.com/BlaineMinnesota www.Twitter.com/BlaineBizMN www.Twitter.com/BlaineParksMN www.YouTube.com/CityofBlaine
Mar. 6 | Mar. 20 | Apr. 3 | Apr. 17 7:30 pm | City Hall Council Chambers
Mar. 25 | Apr. 22 7 pm | City Hall Council Chambers
Holiday Mon
City Council*
Park Board*
B Zone Recycling
Mar. 18 | Apr. 15 7 pm | City Hall Cloverleaf Farm Room
Arts Council Mar. 11 | Apr. 8 5:30 pm | City Hall Lunch Room
Historical Society Mar. 11 | Apr. 8 6:30 pm | City Hall Sanctuary Room
*meetings can be seen live on cable channel 16
About this Newsletter... CityConnect is published bimonthly by the City of Blaine and distributed to all residents and businesses. Past copies of the city newsletter are available at www.ci.blaine.mn.us/go/newsletter. Feedback can be directed to:
newsletter @ ci.blaine.mn.us .
All city legal notices are published in the city’s official newspaper, the Blaine/Spring Lake Park Life.
march | april 2014
Last Chance for Cost-Sharing Dollars to Seal Old Wells Blaine is currently in the process of implementing its Wellhead Protection Plan. This Plan is a means by which Blaine protects local drinking water wells (and the aquifers that serve those wells) from becoming contaminated. All municipal public water suppliers in the State of Minnesota are required to develop wellhead protection plans for their communities. One of the implementation actions is offering cost share dollars to landowners for sealing private wells no longer in use. Any unused or abandoned wells may act as a conduit for contamination into the aquifer(s). If the contamination reaches the aquifer(s), other wells in the area may be at risk for becoming contaminated. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) requires that owners of properties containing unused wells should either seal those wells, or apply for a permit to keep the well open. Blaine has obtained a cost-share grant from the MDH to assist landowners in sealing their unused wells. The City will pay the landowner fifty percent of the amount up to $500.00 of the direct costs for sealing a well located on the landowner’s property. Wells eligible for cost share funding must be located within a drinking water supply management area or a wellhead protection area managed by the City. Check the following web site to see if your property is within a wellhead protection area, making you eligible for this program. http://gis.anokacountymn.gov/ dwsmas/ Zoom in on the map to find your address. Through a city survey and direct mailings in 2012 and 2013, the City has previously informed residents of the availability of this cost share program. To date, fourteen property owners have taken advantage of this opportunity. The average cost of sealing these wells has been $655, with a range of $370 to $1200, and 8 of the 14 projects under $500. There are still funds vailable but the program ends April 15, 2014. Anyone still interested has time to take advantage of this opportunity. For further information, contact Jim Hafner by calling 763-785-6188 or emailing jhafner@ci.blaine.mn.us.
City Initiates New Open Space Improvement Beginning in the late 1990’s, Blaine made a commitment to purchasing and preserving open space areas within city borders. Those efforts resulted in the designation of 13 areas, totaling over 800 acres, as Open Space. In 2008, the City implemented an Open Space Management Plan designed to control invasive plant species in the open spaces, promote restoration of native plant species, and develop public use and appreciation of these significant areas. To date, management projects have been successful with the exception of two areas where projects have not been started. One is a landlocked area that is waiting for development to make access feasible and the other is an area named Site 7 in the management plan.
Don’t Let Dogs Run Loose!
As spring approaches, and more people are out using Blaine’s sidewalks, trails, and parks, we would like to remind residents that all dogs must be kept under restraint by their owners at all times. The term “restraint” means: Controlled by a leash or by a competent person and immediately obedient to that person’s commands, or within a vehicle being driven or parked on streets, or within the property limits of it’s owner restricted by a secure “tether” which limits the dog’s movement on the property, or within a secure enclosure on the property of the owner which confines the dog. An unattended dog or other domestic animal on the property of another, without the consent of such property owner, is “at large” and not under “restraint”, even if it is on a leash. Also, immediately obedient means right beside or within a couple of feet of the competent person, not down the block, out in the woods, or running in the park. Dogs over six months of age must have a City dog license. If the City picks up an “at large” licensed dog, we will return it to the owner the first time. Any time after that, the “at large” dog will be taken to the dog pound where the owner will have to pay to get it back. All unlicensed “at large” dogs that are picked up will be taken to the dog pound. For more information on animal ordinances in Blaine or on how to get a dog license, please contact the Blaine Police Departmentat at (763) 785-6168.
Bike Helmet Fitting and Sale
Site 7 is approximately 500 acres in size and contains a mix of wetlands and uplands that are home to a diverse inventory of wildlife and native plant species, some of which are endangered or threatened. The location is north of 109th Ave. and west of Lexington Ave. in east Blaine. It is bordered on the north and east by Anoka county Ditch 53-62, on the west by a residential development and extends south to 109th Ave. Site 7 is a potential destination for nature lovers and an example of pre-development Anoka Sand Plain ecosystem. Beginning with control of invasive species, the project would restore the native diversity of plants and plant communities and add amenities such as trails and bird watching stations. The project would also include the construction of a nature center, providing interpretative services and educational programs. The project process began in January of this year with a request for proposal for conceptual design services circulated to qualified contractors. The City Council is expected to award a contact in March. A conceptual design will be complete by mid-summer this year and will be unveiled for public viewing. Bids for final design will go out in late fall 2014 with construction expected to begin in 2015. The project should be completed by 2020. Funding for the project will be entirely from the Open Space and Trails Fund, which is funded solely by Park Dedication Fees. These fees are paid by developers and are dedicated specifically to development and improvement of parks and open spaces. State statute guides the use of these funds. Blaine splits the park dedication fees between the Park & Recreation Department and the Open Space and Trails Fund. No General Fund tax dollars will be used for this project. More information on Blaine Open Spaces, including maps and locations, can be found on the City web site under Parks & Rec, Natural Resources Conservation Board. http://www.ci.blaine.mn.us/go/NRCB.
The City of Blaine Safety Services Division wants to ensure the safety of bicyclists in the community. During the months of April and May we will be distributing AND PROPERLY FITTING helmets. Bike helmets will be sold for $13 each! Helmets are available in a variety of colors and sizes ranging from toddler to adult. While supplies last. All Bell® helmets comply with U.S. CPSC Safety Standards. Bring the whole family; we will fit adults, too! We will also be happy to fit helmets you already own, at no charge. This event is open to everyone. No appointment necessary. Cash or check only! Can’t make it the first night? Don’t worry, we will be getting a fresh shipment of helmets for the second night. Dates: Tuesdays, April 8 and May 6 Time: 4 to 8 pm Location: Blaine City Hall 10801 Town Square Drive
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Special Board of Review Convenes April 14
Minnesota law requires that all property be appraised at “estimated market value” for tax purposes. The market value represents a reasonable estimate of what your property may sell for based on current market conditions and information relating to your property. Although your local Special Board of Review (also referred to as the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization) cannot adjust property taxes or unrelated complaints, it can address problems concerning estimated market value or property classifications, which cannot be resolved by the County Assessor’s Office.
Mayor Tom Ryan’s Office Hours Blaine Mayor, Tom Ryan, holds regular office hours every Tuesday, from 2:30 to 5 pm. You can stop by Blaine City Hall, 10801 Town Square Drive NE, and meet with Mayor Ryan on any issue you want. There is no need to call and make an appointment; visits are done on a drop-in basis. Office visits with Mayor Ryan are held in the Laddie Lake Conference Room located on the second floor of Blaine City Hall.
Steps that must be followed in appeals process: 1. If you believe the estimated market value and/or classification of your property has been determined incorrectly, you have the right to make an appeal. The first step in the appeals process is to direct inquiries concerning valuation or property class to the Anoka County Assessor’s office. Many times questions and concerns can be addressed informally, prior to the local board meeting. You should contact the Anoka County Assessor’s Office at 763-323-5400.
2. If you still believe your valuation or classification is incorrect, or you are not satisfied with the resolution offered by the assessor’s office, you may bring your case to the local Special Board of Review. You may appear in person, by letter or be represented by an authorized agent. It is required that you first attend the local Special Board of Review prior to attending the County Board of Appeal. The local Board of Review convenes at 7 pm, on Monday, April 14, 2014, in the City Council Chambers at Blaine City Hall.
Election Information Election Judges for 2014 2014 Candidate Filing Period
Thinking About Starting a Home Business? Before starting a home business it is important to consider the following code requirements. Home businesses operating in residential (R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, and RE) zoning districts are permitted without a Conditional Use Permit (a permit from the City) if they meet the following: •
Materials or business equipment may not be stored outdoors.
Business must be conducted within the home and should not exceed twenty percent (20%) of total floor area of the home.
Only someone living at the home may be employed by the business.
There may be up to 4 customers per day.
Merchandise offered for sale within the home should not be displayed.
Contact Code Compliance at 763-785-6187 for standards relating to home businesses.
The 2014 candidate-filing period for City Council is May 20 to June 3, 2014. The candidate filing fee is $50 and is non-refundable. There are three councilmembers’ terms expiring in 2014, one in each City Council Ward. Hours for filing are 8 am to 4:30 pm and until 5 pm on June 3. City Hall will be closed on Monday May 26, 2014 in honor of Memorial Day. The deadline to withdraw an affidavit of candidacy is by 5 pm on June 5, 2014.
Election judges, watch your email for a letter of interest from the City Clerk’s office. If you worked at the 2012 elections, you may have already received an email. If you haven’t received an email, please contact the City Clerk’s office to verify or update your email address. If you didn’t have email in 2012, please contact the City Clerk’s office for more information at 763-785-6122 or 763-785-6124. If you are interested in becoming an election judge, you can download an application and payroll direct deposit form from the city’s website Elections page at www.ci.Blaine.mn.us/go/ Elections.
Tax Season and Identity Theft Each year it seems more and more people discover that someone used their personal information to file taxes. The I.R.S. has some good information on how to protect yourself, and what to do in the event your information has been compromised online at: http://www.irs.gov/uac/Newsroom/ Watch-Out-for-Tax-Scams-as-FilingSeason-Opening-Nears
Consumer Alerts Please note that the IRS does not initiate contact with taxpayers by email to request personal or financial information. This includes any type of
electronic communication, such as text messages and social media channels. If you get an unsolicited email that appears to be from the IRS, please report it by sending it to phishing@irs.gov. If you find a suspicious website that claims to be the IRS, please send the site’s URL by email to phishing@irs.gov, using the subject line: suspicious website. For more information on phishing scams, please see Suspicious Emails and Identity Theft. For more tips and information, please visit www.irs.gov.
march | april 2014
Anoka Conservation District Tree Sale
The Anoka Conservation District is now excepting preorders for the annual tree and shrub sale. The District offers a wide variety of native stock, including black cherry trees, mixed oak trees, red maple trees, and white pine trees. The trees and shrubs are sold in bare root seedlings or transplants and are approximately 12” to 24” in height. They may be purchased in bundles of ten for $17, or twenty-five for $30. Native prairie seed and tree aides are also available. If you are interested, go online and check out the Anoka Conservation District website at www. AnokaSWCD.org. Once there, you can go to the yuitree sale products section of the website and click on the species title, which contains links to detailed descriptions and photographs of each of the varieties being offered. The website also contains information about the kinds of trees and shrubs to plant in your particular situation along with planting directions. If you would prefer you may talk directly to Anoka Conservation District staff by calling 763-434-2030.
You may purchase these trees and shrubs in one of the following ways: Go to the website and use the online ordering option or to print a form and send it in with payment. Call the ACD office at 763-434-2030 x10 and have a form sent to you or order by phone. Orders will be accepted until the second Thursday in April (April 10) and will be available for pickup the Last Saturday in April (April 26) at the Anoka County Fairgrounds between 8:00 and 10:00 am. Please order early to guarantee availability.
Blaine Arbor Day Tree Sale -Marc Shippee, City Forester It is 17 °F below zero with a 45 °F below wind chill as I write this article. So, in defiance of this weather, I am pleased to announce the 2014 Blaine Arbor Day Tree Sale. Yes, eventually it will get warm again and we can plant trees. I have listed all the benefits trees provide us in previous articles, but all you really need to do to appreciate a tree, is take a deep breath. You must be a Blaine resident to purchase a tree from the sale. You need to reserve the tree in advance and you can pay for it when you pick it up (cash or check only). These are bareroot trees, and there is no warranty on them. when
Saturday, May 10, 2014 9 am to 1 pm Great Mother’s Day Gift Blaine Public Works 10801 Town Square Drive NE
To reserve a tree, you can contact Public Works at 763-785-6165 or by email at pw@ci.blaine.mn.us.
Without further adieu, let’s meet this year’s oxygen (and fruit) providing candidates.
River Birch
6’ clump
1.25” (diameter)
Prairie Fire Crabapple
1.25” (diameter)
6’ Clump
1” (diameter)
Redmond Linden
1.25” (diameter)
Haralson Apple
Std 1” (diameter)
Std 7/8” (diameter)
Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple
Japanese Tree Lilac Quaking Aspen
Honeycrisp Apple
(Haralson and Honeycrisp will pollinate each other) *Sales tax included in price If you ever have a tree question or concern, please feel free to contact Marc Shippee, Parks Supervisor/City Forester at 763-717-2660 or mshippee@ci.blaine.mn.us.
Fire is Everyone’s Fight
We are all fighting an ongoing and continuous battle against fire. In 2012, according to the United States Fire Administration (USFA), 81% of all fire deaths and 76% of all fire injuries occurred in the homes. We need to move from viewing home fires as unavoidable accidents to understanding that fires can be prevented. Learn actions that you can do to prevent the next fire from becoming yours: • Attend all cooking. Keep the area nearby the stove clear of everything other than glass, metal or porcelain. Fires happen fast, and move quickly. • Keep a lid nearby, cover a grease/oil fire. Never put water on it. If that doesn’t work use a fire extinguisher or get out. Go to the family meeting place and call 911. • If someone in the home smokes, make sure the smoking materials are extinguished in water. Never smoke in bed. • Candles can be dangerous in a home. Consider flameless candles. • If you have a wood-burning fireplace, have it cleaned annually. Use hard woods and put out all ashes in metal containers with a metal lid. • Store your flammable liquids away from exits and away from any heated appliances. Use only in a well-vented area. • Have working smoke alarms that are less than 10 years old in your home. Check them monthly and change the batteries when you change your clocks, every 6 months. • Have a family plan of escape to be prepared if there should be a fire. Know where your meeting place is. • Pass on these important safety steps to your neighbors, co-workers and relatives. In your journey of safety, the Fire Department can help. Call for a free and confidential Home Safety Survey at 763-767-4003.
In Case of Sewer Backup, Contact Public Works Residents experiencing a sewer backup should immediately contact the City of Blaine Public Works Department. Public Works will check the sewer main for blockages, as tree roots in the line can cause backups for neighbors as well. During regular business hours, Blaine Public Works can be reached at 763-785-6165. Outside of business hours, call Anoka County Dispatch at 763-427-1212 in order to notify Blaine Public Works.
w w w. b l a i n e p a r k s. c o m
Computer Explorers: Minecrafting - Survival Basics
We will be learning minecrafting basics, following a progressive story of survival on a desert island and then learn to work collaboratively to survive. Held at Blaine City Hall in the Cloverleaf Farm Room. DATE: Saturdays, March 22 & 29 TIME: 9 am to noon (ages 2 to 4) 1 to 4pm (ages 4 to 6) FEE: $86/resident $95/non-resident
Parent/Child Yoga
Summer Programs Online March 17, 8 am
2014 Summer Program Registration begins March 17 at 8 am. Visit www.blaineparks.com.
Summer Employment
The City is seeking enthusiastic, energetic individuals excited to work with kids during the Summer as Arts and Crafts Instructors, Recreation Leaders, Park Attendants, and Leaders in Training. Call 763-785-6164 or visit the website at blaineparks.com for more information on this great summer employment opportunity. Deadline to apply is March 21.
Spring Egg Hunt
Ages 10 and under Plastic eggs are filled with candy and hidden on 3 different softball fields depending on your child’s age. Kids will have the opportunity to gather at least 8 eggs. Bags are provided. Egg hunt begins promptly at 10!! This is a FREE event and no registration is required. DATE: Saturday, Apr. 12 TIME: 10 am (check-in 9:50 am)
Ages 4 to 6 with parent/adult Held at Sunnyside Park Building. DATE: Saturdays Mar. 22 & 29 TIME: 10 to 10:45 am FEE: $15/resident $17/non-resident
This four-hour course is desigend to meet the needs of lay rescuers learning CPR to protect family members, friends and co-workers. The curriculum includes infant, child and adult CPR, relief of oreign body airway obstruction and AED (defibrillator). Held at SBM Fire Station #3. DATE: Saturday, Mar. 26 TIME: 6 to 10 pm FEE: $45
Babysitting Ages 11 to 15
American Red Cross certificates are awarded to all students who successfully demonstrate the skills during this class. Bring a doll, lunch and beverage. Held at Blaine City Hall. DATE: Saturday, April 5 TIME: 9 am to 4 pm FEE: $70/resident $77/non-resident
Earth Day
Join your neighbors at Kane Meadows Park to celebrate Earth Day. We will clean up the park, improve the view of the pond, and enjoy being outdoors! Bags, gloves, and refreshments provided. Call 763-717-2723 for more information. Held at Kane Meadows Park, 2946 Rice Creek Pkwy. DATE: Saturday, Apr. 26 TIME: 10 am to noon
More information about Parks and Recreation programs is available at 763-785-6164 or in the current Recreation Connection online at www.blaineparks.com .
Kids Triathlon
Ages 7 to 14 1st Annual Blaine Kids Triathlon distances include; 165 yard swim, 2.3 mile bike, and finishes with a 1 mile run. Call Nate at 763-7856151 for more information. Held at Lakeside Commons Park. DATE: Saturday, July 26 TIME: 8 am FEE: $20/resident $22/non-resident
Women’s Self Defense Held at Sunnyside Park Building. DATE: Saturday, Mar. 15 TIME: 9:30 am to noon FEE: $15/resident $17/non-resident
Adult Fitness Classes We offer Zumba, Jazzercise, Kettlebells, Yoga, and Belly Dancing. Find out more online at BlaineParks.com, or call 763-785-6164.
Summer Co-Rec Kickball League Double header leagues played at Airport and Aquatore parks for 8 weeks. Register by Apr. 25. Begins May 11. Call 763-785-6161 for more information.
Summer Softball Leagues Men’s, Women’s Co-Rec, and Church leagues offered. Registration information is available at BlaineParks.com, or at the Park and Rec office after. Leagues begin April 28.
Veggie Gardening Learn from a Master Gardener about the why and how of vegetable gardening. This session will include planning and planting, fertilizing, pest and disease controls, maintenance and harvest care. Come prepared to ask specific questions you might have. Instructor Ken Brennen, Master Gardener. Held at Blaine City Hall Cloverleaf Room A. DATE: Tuesday, Apr. 22 TIME: 7 to 8 pm FEE: $7
Butterfly and Moth Attraction We will look at how both butterflies and moths are important in nature, the garden, and the roles they play as pollinators and as predator and prey. By understanding these roles, we can design a plan to help these insects and perhaps benefit our own needs in gardening and landscape. We’ll look at the proper choices for plant selection and some do’s and don’ts for us as caretakers of both plants and insects. We’ll look at how birds may also be attracted to our plants in bloom and other visitors we may see in our gardens. Instructor: Dave Knapp, Master Gardener. Held at Blaine City Hall Cloverleaf Room A. DATE: Saturday, May 3 TIME: 10 to 11 am FEE: $7
Annual Senior Safety and Wellness Fair Expect great speakers and knowledgeable vendors about topics concerning older adults. For additionial information call 763-786-9375. LOCATION: SBM Fire Dept. #3 DATE: Thursday, May 1 TIME: 8:30 am (check-in) 9:15 am to 3 pm (Fair) FEE: $10/person (space limited)
march | april 2014
Recycle to the Max and Save!
Can You Really Put Most of Your Refuse in Your Recycling Cart? Yes, You Can! Did you know that most regular household waste is recyclable? IT IS! You can join the thousands of Blaine households that recycle the maximum amount of their household refuse and save money by using a smaller garbage cart. The following materials are all recyclable in Blaine’s single-family recycling program with Advance Disposal. Recycle these materials to Recycle to the Max and Save! • Newspapers, and all inserts • Aluminum cans • All magazines and catalogs • Tin/steel cans • Phone books • Glass bottles and jars (clear, brown, and • Training manuals green) • All mixed mail including envelopes (if it • Plastic containers and packaging number comes in the mail and is paper, you can 1 through 7 recycle it!) • All office and school papers, file folders, Please DO NOT recycle fax sheets, notebooks, etc the following items: • Paperback books • Box board (cake, cereal, cracker, tissue, • Plastic bags and shoe/shirt boxes) • Styrofoam • Brown paper bags • Plastic motor oil bottles • Corrugated cardboard boxes cut up to fit • Pizza boxes in recycling cart (or flatten and bundle 3 • Any type of used tissue product feet by 3 feet by 1 foot thick, and place 3 feet from the recycling cart) If you need an additional recycling cart to handle all of the recycling material, you can get one AT NO ADDITIONAL COST! That’s right, you can put out as much recycling as possible without an increase in cost. In fact, it will save you money by allowing you to use a smaller garbage cart. Join the thousands of Blaine residents that are recycling to the max and saving money on their garbage bills! To change your level of garbage service, call 763-785-6141. For an additional or larger recycling cart, call Advanced Disposal at 763-786-7233. Remember, Recycle to the Max and Save!
The City of Blaine sponsors a recycling drop-off day the third Saturday of each month in the parking lot at Aquatore Park. The parking lot is near the City water tower and treatment plant. The collection event runs from 10 am until 2 pm, and is open to anyone. You do not need to be a Blaine resident to bring items to partcipate. JR’s Appliance Recyclers 651-454-9215 • Appliances, florescent lamps, electronics, rechargeable batteries, and tires. Please note that there is a fee for some items. Most appliances are $10 each. Air conditioners are $15. Most electronics are between $2 and $25 depending on size. You can also drop off tires and rechargeable batteries for a small fee. Free items include scrap metal and car batteries. Bikes 4 Kids (Returns April 19) • Collects old bicycles for free to refurbish to distribute to needy children.
Community Outings All casino trips leave from the Mary Ann Young Senior Center. All day trips leave from Blaine City Hall unless otherwise noted and include lunch, tickets, and transportation. For more information regarding departure and return times, call 763-786-9375. Lonely Soldiers - Women at War in Iraq at the History Theater Thursday, March 13, Fee: $30 Irish or Not It’s No Blarney! at the History Theater Tuesday, March 18, Fee: $58 Extended Tour: Washington Cherry Blossoms/Lancaster, Pennsylvania March 31 thru April 8, 2014 Call 763-785-6164 for complete itinerary. Tim O’Brien’s - the Things They Carried at the History Theater Thursday, April 3, Fee: $30 Steel Magnolias at the Old Log Theater Wednesday, April 23, Fee: $54 Working Boys Band at the History Theater Thursday, May 8, Fee: $30
Monthly Recycling Drop-Off Day at Aquatore Park
Salvation Army (Returns April 19) 612-332-5855
• Furniture (good condition, no rips,
stains, scratches, and pet hair) • Textiles (clothing, bedding, towels, etc.) • Tools and sporting goods (including bicycles) • Household items (dishes, pans, collectables, etc.) Salvation Army does not accept:
Wednesday, April 9 Register by April 2
Monday, May 12 Register by May 5
8:30 am to 4:30 pm FEE: $7 $3 food coupon and $10 pull tabs
8:30 am to 4:30 pm FEE: $7 $3 food coupon and $10 pull tabs
• Mattresses & Box Springs (per MN law) • Recalled items (car seats, cribs, etc.) • Products made of particle board
For more information on the Senior Center daily activity schedule, or to be added to the Senior Center Monthly newsletter, please contact Shelley or Ann at 763-786-9375.
Randy’s Environmental Services 612-332-5855 • Free paper shredding.
Please note: No garbage will be accepted at the drop-off day. To learn more about recycling opportunities available in Blaine, call 763-785-6192 or visit www.ci.blaine.mn.us and search keyword recycle.
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The Park and Recreation Department is excited to conduct the third annual triathlon in the City of Blaine on Saturday, May 17, 2014, beginning at 8:00a.m. The venue for the Blaine Triathlon is beautiful Lakeside Commons Park, located at 3020 Lakes Parkway. The race is sanctioned by USA Triathlon. From novice to veteran triathletes, the Blaine Triathlon will be a fun and challenging race consisting of a .3-mile swim, 16.7-mile bike ride, and a 3.5-mile run. If swimming or biking or running is not your favorite exercise, participants can register a relay team of two or three individuals whereby they choose the leg of the race they want to compete. The registration fee is $90 for individuals and $125 per relay team and includes a dry fit race tee shirt, swim cap, post race refreshments, and all finishers receive official race hardware.
2014 Blaine Triathlon is Just Around the Corner
We are also seeking enthusiastic volunteers to help at the triathlon. There are wide ranges of duties throughout the race. For more information, please go to www.blainetriathlon.com and click on volunteers for details. We always welcome community businesses and organizations that are interested in a sponsorship opportunity for this exciting event. Please check out the sponsorship brochure on our website under the sponsors tab to see how you can be part of the Blaine Triathlon. For more event information, visit BlaineTriathlon.com.
For registration and more information about the Blaine Triathlon, please go to BlaineTriathlon.com.
Thank you to our Generous Blaine Triathlon Sponsors!