Blaine CityConnect Community Center Referendum Vote Tuesday, November 8
The Community Center Task Force would like to remind Blaine residents that the question of whether Blaine should build a new Community Center will be on the November 8 General Election ballot. The Community Center Task Force has come up with a concept of a potential Community Center that includes a recreation pool and fitness area, gym space, meeting rooms, and gathering spaces for community residents. The Task Force is now working with the YMCA as a potential partner in operating a portion of a Community Center. A partnership brings experience in operating community centers and would help in reducing operating costs. For more information on a potential Community Center for Blaine, go to WW W. C I . B L AI N E. M N. U S/ C OMMU N ITY C E N TE R .
November/December NovemberrDecember 2016
Election 2016 Tuesday, November 8
The General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 8. All polling places are open from 7 am – 8 pm. To find out where you vote go to MNVOTES. ORG and click on Election Day Voting. After entering your house number and street you will be able to see where you vote, driving directions, a sample ballot, and much more. For more information, including polling locations and where you vote, visit the City’s website at W W W. C I. B LA IN E . M N . U S / GO / E LE C TI O NS
or contact City Hall at
More election information on Page 4.
Annual Truth in Taxation Hearing
Preliminary Site Concept prepared by Community Center Task Force
BLAINE COMMUNITY CENTER Are You Looking to Improve Your Home?
The City of Blaine’s Economic Development Authority currently offers low-interest home improvement loan programs for Blaine residents! The program was recently updated to offer higher loan amounts up to $50,000. There are also no income limits so any Blaine resident can apply. Interest rates are a 5% fixed rate for up to a 20 year term. Most improvements are eligible including interior or exterior maintenance or remodeling. As part of this program there are FREE remodeling advisor visits if you’re not 3 Ways to Apply sure where to begin a home improvement 1. Apply online at project. This service is FREE for Blaine MNLENDINGCENTER.ORG homeowners and includes a visit to your 2. Receive a copy of the home to assist you with remodeling ideas, application by emailing necessary repairs and improvements, and LOANINFO@MNCEE.ORG assistance in obtaining pricing. 3. Call 612-335- 5 8 8 4 to have For more information and to schedule an an application mailed to you. appointment call 6 1 2 - 3 3 5 - 5 8 5 6 .
2016-1112-Nov-Dec.indd 1
The annual Truth in Taxation hearing will be held on Thursday, December 8, 8 pm, at Blaine City Hall. City staff will share information regarding the City of Blaine 2017 General Fund Budget and Annual Tax Levy. This is your opportunity to share your comments on the 2017 budget. Questions call the Finance Department at 7 6 3 - 7 84- 6700 .
NOV 28 – DEC 8 Bring your unwrapped toy to the Blaine PD or Blaine City Hall, just look for the holiday wrapped donation box in the atrium at City Hall.
10/24/2016 7:27:34 AM
JUNE City Council* M SEPTEMBER T W November T F S S17 3 | November
S 5
M 6
T 7
JULY F T M OCTOBER T 1W December | December 15
| 4S Council 1W7:302Tpm |3City F Hall S Chambers M T
City Council Workshops 3 4
W 6
3 1 23 | November November 10 | November 17 12 10 December 8 | 11 15 168 1791 | 18 157December 2 3December 4 13 5 10 6:30 pm | City Hall Cloverleaf Room
T 7
14 124 135 146 6 17 1911 20 13 12 21 9 18 10 19 11 20 17 16 25 12 21 13 22 14 23 15 24 Planning Commission* 27 28 24 25 26 28 29 30 26 27 1613 17 18 19 20 24 22 23 18 19 20 21November 9 | December 7 pm | City Hall Council Chambers 31 23 24 25 26 27 25 26 27 28 29 30
i n e . m 24 n . u25s
26w w 27 w28 . c 29 i . b30 la
Park Board*
1F 8
F S M SMN 55449 T Blaine, 2763-784-6700 3 1 763-785-6156 (fax) 3 2 9 10 8
16 17 24 22 23 COUNCIL CITY
29 30 8 MAYOR
Tom Ryan
91 16 8
S S 7
28 29 30
1M 8
3 W 10 2 17 9
4 T 113 18 10
15 7 22 14 23 15 24 16 25 17 28 29 30 31 20 21 22 23 24
28 29
14 6 21 13
S 6S
5F 12 4 13 5 19 12 11 20 26 18 27 19 9 25
28 29 30
S M Board T W T F S S M F S T Resource F S Conservation T W T W Nat’l November 15 | December 20 WALTERS & 2REFUSE THE FOLLOWING 1RECYCLING 1 2 3 4 OBSERVES 5 3 7 pm | City Hall Cloverleaf Farm Room1 8 7 5 Arts 6 Council 6 7 November 1415 |15December 12 13circled 13 13 14 The dates are
18 25
12147 Radisson Road NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-757-3390 WALTERS RECYCLING
S 2S
15 7 22 15 14 23 29 30 21 22
30 27 31 Blaine City Hall November 22 | December OCTOBER EMBER 7 pm | City Hall Council ChambersNOVEMBER 10801 Town Square Drive
29 30
5:30 pm | City Hall Lunch Room
22 20 21 Society 19 Historical 20
17 be 13 14 15 16will 18 19 holidays 11 12 and 16 17observed 15 2016 our service 22
27 2813 29 26 December 27 28 29 6:30 pm | City Hall Sanctuary Room
*Meetings can be seen live on cable channel 16.
New Year’s Day27 28 29 30 31 25 26 Memorial Day Holiday
Independence Day
Zone A
Zone B
& REFUSE OBSERVES THE FOLLOWING HOLIDAYS: For more information, visit Labor Day
WWW.WALTERSRECYCLING.COM WARD 1 or call 763-780-8464 . Thanksgiving Hovland TheWes circled dates are our 2016 observed holidays and service will be delayed one day. 8650 Van Buren Street NE
Blaine, MN 55434 763-228-1117
New Year’s FOR Day MORE
Dick Swanson
8702 Hastings Circle Blaine, MN 55449 763-370-2557
Independence Day Labor Day
WARD 2 Dave Clark
2016-1112-Nov-Dec.indd 2
S E A R C H B L A I N E M I N N E S O TA Police & Fire......................................................... 911 Police (non-emergency) .......................... 763-785-6168 Thanksgiving I N S TA G R A M . C O M / Fire (non-emergency).............................. 763-786-4436 10833 Fillmore Street NE B L A I N E M I N N E S O TA Anoka County Dispatch........................... 763-427-1212 Blaine, MN 55434 L I N K E D I N . C O M / C O M PA N Y / Building Inspections............................... 763-785-6170 612-940-5207 C I T Y- O F - B L A I N E - M I N N E S O TA Cable Channel 15.................................. 763-780-8241 FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT US ONLINE AT City Cable Channel 16 ........................... 763-785-6192 CI.BLAINE.MN.US/GO/ Mike Bourke City Clerk ............................................. 763-785-6124 WWW.WALTERSRECYCLING.COM OR CALL (763) 780-8464N E X T D O O R 83 103rd Avenue NE City Manager......................................... 763-785-6120 Blaine, MN 55434 Community Standards............................ 763-785-6187 P I N T E R E S T. C O M / 763-784-1986 Crime Prevention................................... 763-785-6113 B L A I N E M I N N E S O TA Economic Development.......................... 763-785-6180 TWITTER.COM/BLAINEMINNESOTA Engineering........................................... 763-785-6172 TWITTER.COM/BLAINEBIZMN WARD 3 Fire Inspections .................................... 763-785-6187 TWITTER.COM/BLAINEPARKSMN Forestry ............................................... 763-717-2660 Jason King Housing Services .................................. 763-785-6146 YOUTUBE.COM/CITYOFBLAINE 424 - 122nd Avenue NE Human Resources ................................. 763-785-6109 Blaine, MN 55434 Job Line ............................................... 763-717-2679 763-360-5266 Newsletter ........................................... 763-785-6192 CityConnect is published bimonthly by Operator............................................... 763-784-6700 the City of Blaine and distributed to all Russ Herbst Parks & Recreation ............................... 763-785-6164 residents and businesses. Past copies 12875 Lever Street NE Planning & Zoning ................................. 763-785-6180 of the city newsletter are available at: Public Works......................................... 763-785-6165 Blaine, MN 55449 CI.BLAINE.MN.US/GO/NEWSLETTER Recycling & Solid Waste ........................ 763-785-6192 763-784-6143 Senior Citizens Center ........................... 763-786-9375 Feedback can be directed to: Sewer Backup....................................... 763-785-6165 NEWSLETTER@CI.BLAINE.MN.US CITY MANAGER Streets ................................................ 763-785-6165 Stormwater........................................... 763-785-6188 All city legal notices are published Clark Arneson Utility Billing ......................................... 763-785-6141 in the city’s official newspaper, the 763-785-6120 Water & Sewer System .......................... 763-785-6165 Blaine/Spring Lake Park Life. Web..................................................... 763-717-2638
10/24/2016 7:27:36 AM
november | december 2016
Snow Plowing Information • Each snowplow route is approximately the same size or takes approximately the same amount of time to plow. • In most cases plowing will not start until the snow has stopped falling. • The City has an adequate plowing crew to plow the City in a reasonable amount of time, but does not have back-up crews to re-plow. • Plowing usually starts at 4:00 AM with most streets being clear by noon. Major events (over six inches) can take considerably longer. The routes are then gone back through for additional sanding. • In the event of equipment breakdown on any route, that route is finished when other routes are complete and as equipment from those routes becomes available. • Skating rinks, sidewalks, and trails are a second priority and, in most cases, will be cleared the day following the snow event--after the streets are cleared.
Please Keep Fire Hydrants Clear The fire and public works departments are asking for your help. Please remember to shovel around fire hydrants after each snowfall. It is very important for residents and business people to keep hydrants clear of snow and visible from the street. If the fire department has to spend time trying to find a fire hydrant under the snow, they lose precious time needed to fight fires. Please help keep your fire hydrants clear of snow. The house you help save may be your own.
Mayor Tom Ryan’s Office Hours at City Hall
Blaine Mayor, Tom Ryan, holds regular office hours every Tuesday, from 2:30 to 5 pm. You can stop by Blaine City Hall, 10801 Town Square Drive NE, and meet with Mayor Ryan on any issue you want. There is no need to call and make an appointment; visits are done on a drop-in basis. Office visits with Mayor Ryan are held in the Aquatore Conference Room located on the first floor of Blaine City Hall, on the west side of the building.
Let It Snow While shoveling, the City would like to remind residents that City Ordinance does not allow residents to “throw” snow onto neighboring properties or into public right-of-ways without permission. The City’s snow and ice policy is available online from the Public Works page on our web site. The address is WWW. C I . B L AI N E. M N. U S / IN D E X. C F M ?ID =4 0 2 2 8
Winter Parking Restrictions City plow trucks generally begin plowing after two inches of snow has fallen. To avoid a citation, keep vehicles off city streets until they have been plowed from curb to curb. This will ensure that the plow drivers can finish the job safely and efficiently. Don’t forget from November 1st to April 1st vehicles cannot be left on the street between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. regardless of snowfall amounts. Help keep city streets safe and clear for everyone by keeping vehicles off the street until plowing is complete! Sec. 82-152. Parking During Snowfall It shall be unlawful to park or permit to be parked, or to continue to park or permit to stand, any vehicle upon any street after two inches (2”) or more of snowfall, until such time as the snow has been plowed from the street, curb to curb.
2016-1112-Nov-Dec.indd 3
Sewer Backup? Contact Public Works Residents experiencing a sewer backup should immediately contact the City of Blaine Public Works Department. Public Works will check the sewer main for blockages, as tree roots in the line can cause backups for neighbors as well. Call 7 6 3 - 7 8 5- 6165 , during normal business hours from 7 am to 3 pm, other wise call 7 6 3 - 4 27- 1212 .
10/24/2016 7:27:38 AM
w w w. c i . b l a i n e. m n . u s
Register to Vote Today
Is there a registration deadline? You can register at your polling place on Election Day or before Election Day when voting absentee.
Who can register and vote in Minnesota? • • • •
A U.S. citizen At least 18 years old on Election Day A resident of Minnesota for 20 days Finished with all parts of any felony sentence
• You can vote while under guardianship unless a judge specifically has revoked your right to vote. • You cannot vote if a court has ruled that you are legally incompetent.
Do I have to register if I move or change names?
Our Election Judges COUNT! A big THANK YOU to all our election judges! While these dedicated residents work a very long day they will tell you that serving as an election judge is an excellent way to get involved in the community … and is fun!
2016 Results Election
You must re-register each time you change address, change your name or have not voted at least once during a four-year period. For more information about Voter Registration go to M N V O TE S . O R G or contact the Blaine Elections Office at B LA IN E E LE C TIO N S @ C I. B L A IN E . M N . U S or 7 6 3- 717- 2737 .
Absentee Voting
Blaine residents may vote in-person before Election Day either at Blaine City Hall or at Anoka County Elections Office until 5pm on Monday, November 7. City Hall will also be open for voting Saturday, November 5 from 10am-3pm. For more information contact B LA IN E E LE C TIO N S @ C I. B L A IN E . M N . U S or 7 6 3 - 7 1 7 - 2 737 .
State-wide Election Results will be posted as they are received after polls close on November 8. HTTP://WWW.SOS.STATE.MN.US/ELECTIONS-VOTING/ELECTION-RESULTS/
Police Body Cameras May be Coming to Blaine Submited by Police Chief Chris Olson
The Blaine Police Department is considering the use of body worn cameras (BWCs). BWCs have the capability to enhance officer safety, document statements and events between police officers and the community, preserve information for current and future investigations, and enhance public trust and transparency, while respecting the privacy and rights of those we serve and those who serve. The introduction of BWCs would be a multi-phased project. BWCs have been identified as a potential budget item for 2017, and the City Council will determine if such a purchase will be part of the 2017 budget. This decision needs to be made prior to the end of this year (2016). We will then be looking at best-practices from other agencies, along with model policies, and, of course, public comments. There will also be a period of time needed to deploy and test the cameras and the system. Phase I - Purchase The Blaine Police Department is considering the purchase of Axon Body Worn Cameras. As noted by State law, a required public hearing will be held as part of the November 3, 2016 Blaine City Council Meeting, providing an opportunity for public comment on the purchase of BWCs. This information will also be posted on the City of Blaine website. The below mail and email addresses can be used to submit written comments about this purchase. B WC P U R C H A S E @ C I. B LA IN E . M N . U S
BWC Purchase c/o the Blaine Police Department 10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449 Phase II - Policy Similar to Phase I, there must be an opportunity for public input. By May of 2017, information will be posted regarding the opportunity for the public to comment on the draft Blaine Police Department policy for BWCs. The City Newsletter will have contact information to send in comments, and additional information will be posted on the City of Blaine website regarding the draft BWC policy. Phase III - Testing, Implementation and Deployment Utilizing the input we have received, we will then put the BWCs into service. Phase IV/On-going Support and Management of the System and Data To efficiently respond to questions and comments that we receive on this project), we will create a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page on the website. The responses will be posted sometime after the closing of the comment period. We look forward to the responses from our community.
2016-1112-Nov-Dec.indd 4
10/24/2016 7:27:39 AM
november | december 2016
5th Annual Blaine Triathlon COMPLETED!
The 5th Annual Blaine Triathlon took place on Saturday, September 10, and was a huge success with picture perfect weather! The Blaine Triathlon featured 166 individual racers and another 62 participants in the team relay. Christ Tatton of Blaine, took home first place in the male division by completing the 0.3 mile swim, 16.7 mile bike, and 3.5 mile run with a course record time of 1:09:10. Cheryl Zitur of Concoran, won the Female division with a time of 1:20:59, and the top team relay was 6 Legs Racing – Paul Koob, Matthew Ziebol, and Scott Lundquist of Blaine, with a time of 1:29:16. The Blaine Triathlon would like to give a huge Thank You to all of our volunteers and City staff from Blaine Police, SBM Fire, Engineering, GIS, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, as well as Fitness Pros, Pioneer Cycle, YMCA, and the Anoka County Highway Department! Due to another successful year, we intend to continue the Blaine Triathlon next year on Saturday, September 9. If you did not get a chance to participate or watch the triathlon, we hope to see you next year. For information, pictures, and results from this year’s event, please go to our website at B L A IN E TR IATH LO N . C O M .
Thank You to our Sponsors! Blaine Medical Center, Fitness Pros, YMCA, Pioneer Cycle, Orthology, NR Properties LLC, Remax Results Kris Lindahl Team, Nova Care Rehabilitation, Financial ONE Credit Union, Blaine Soccer Club, Twin Cities Orthopedics, State Farm Tom Holland Agency, Health Source, Today’s Window Fashions, Suburban Imaging, G-Will Liquors, Walgreens, Family First Chiropractic Center, Blaine Family Chiropractic, Max Muscle Sports Nutrition
Is Your Irrigation System Wasting Your Water and Money?
A recent survey of irrigation system workers and landscape designers offers a dim view of their industry. Respondents indicate that 72% of irrigation systems are not designed properly, 78% are not installed properly and 88% do not receive proper maintenance. Proper maintenance of your irrigation system can correct a good deal of problems, and save a lot of water and money. 59% of your home’s water usage is outdoors, watering lawns and gardens. The average irrigation system will use between 50,000 and 150,000 gallons of water per month if you water 3 times per week. If the system is not in good working order, a good deal of that water is being wasted. As you put your irrigation system to bed for the winter, consider how you might make it more efficient and effective for the coming year. Are the sprinkler heads the right ones for the use? Are the sprinkler heads broken or leaking? Are there leaks in the lines that allow water to be running 24/7? Is your automatic timer turning the system on when it is raining or immediately after a rain? Is your soil moisture high enough such that the irrigation system should not come on at that time? Simple maintenance and small additions to the system can conserve water, save money and help keep your lawn healthier. Do your part, be water smart!
2016-1112-Nov-Dec.indd 5
Clean Water Tip from the CCWD Before you get out your winter deicer, think about picking up your snow shovel instead. Clearing snow before it can compact into ice is safer, cheaper, and better for the environment. Why? Coon Creek, Sand Creek, Pleasure Creek, and Springbrook, like the rest of the Metro, are getting increasingly polluted with chlorides, primarily from road salt. This pollutant doesn’t go away, is very expensive to get out of water, and is harmful to fish and other aquatic life. Prevention is the key! Since most road salt is used for highway safety we can all help reduce its use by adjusting our expectations from summer to winter road conditions and slowing down. To find out what YOU can do to have safe walkways and prevent chloride pollution of our waters, go to TINY.CC/IRLOPX or check out a short 1-minute video of winter salting tips at home at TIN Y.C C / D O LO P X . Information provided by Coon Creek Watershed District, contact them at 7 6 3 - 7 55- 0975 or at C O O N C R E E KW D .O RG .
Blaine Wetland Sanctuary Trails to Move Ahead The City of Blaine is advertising two separate bids for project phases of the Blaine Wetland Sanctuary (BWS). The BWS is in the city’s 500 acre open space area west of Lexington Avenue and north of 109th Avenue. One bid will be awarded to construct the trail connecting East Lake Park to Lexington Avenue. The other bid will result in the construction of a parking lot off Lexington Avenue to serve the trail and for the future nature center planned for that site. The parking lot will be located across Lexington Avenue, directly west of the City’s Lexington Athletic Complex. Funds for these projects are from the Parks Department Open Space Fund, which is funded by Park Dedication Fees from residential development in Blaine. No general tax dollars are being used. The Natural Resources Conservation Board oversees this fund and the open space projects. The projects are scheduled for completion in Spring/ Summer 2017.
10/24/2016 7:27:40 AM
w w w. b l a i n e p a r k s. c o m
Video Game Coding: Super Mario (New Class!)
Cookie Decorating A G ES 2 ½ TO 8 W / PA R E N T/ A D U LT
& Connection 2017
Parks Recreation
You and your child will have a great time decorating cookies for the holidays. We will supply one dozen cookies and all of the toppings! Bring a container to take your cookies home. Dress for the mess! Event held at the Blaine City Hall Atrium and Lunchroom. DAT E: Thursday, December 8 T I ME: 6:45 – 7:45 pm Activity #: 5297 F EE: $10/child/resident; $11/child/non-resident
Winter /Spring Parks & Recreation
Winter /Spring Skating Rinks
Warming House Hours and Days of Operation
Earth Day Neighborhood Park Cleanup
A G ES 10 & U N D E R W / PA R E N T/ A D U LT
Parks and Recreation 9/28/2016 8:38:58 AM
2017 Winter/Spring Recreation Connection Online registration will begin December 1, visit
Holiday Concert November 29, 7 pm Join us for a night of holiday music as the Lake Country Chorus of Sweet Adelines joins the North Star Men’s Chorus at Blaine City Hall. This concert is FREE. Complimentary coffee and cookies available.
This course will give you hands-on experience developing your own game using Scratch 2, a visual coding platform. Students will learn how to think like a programmer, and learn coding concepts while creating a 2 dimensional arcadestyle Super Mario Brother’s themed game. Games created in class will be available online, or students can bring in a USB drive for immediate access. Class held at Blaine City Hall Cloverleaf Room B. D ATE : Saturday, November 19 TIM E : 9 am – noon FEE: $36 resident; $40 non-resident Activity #: 5322
Heartsaver Facts: First Aid
2017-winter-spring-recon-cover-3.indd 1
GR A D E S 3 - 6
Parent and child will enjoy a continental breakfast, craft time, and visit with Santa. Don’t miss out on this memorable event. Fee includes a continental breakfast for one child and one adult, a craft for one child, and a visit with Santa. We will take a picture of your kids with Santa and email it to you OR bring your own camera for pictures with Santa. Extra adults may attend for $2 each payable at the door. Registration is required and limited to 25 children per time slot. Event held at Blaine City Hall Atrium. DAT E: Saturday, December 3 T I ME: 9, 10, 11 am or noon DAT E: Saturday, December 10 T I ME: 11 am or noon F EE: $10/child/resident; $11/child/non-resident
A four-hour course ideal for anyone interested in or required to implement First Aid training in an environment serving adult populations. This class does not meet the needs of health care providers. Class is taught by certified instructors from the SBM Fire Department. D ATE : November 30 TIM E : 6 – 10 pm FEE: $45 Activity #5327
Extreme Lego: ‘Copters & Spy Planes GR A D E S K – 4
Build a helicopter, egg beater, paddle boat and spy plane. Use your projects to investigate basic engineering concepts including: gearing up, gearing down, gear ratio and more. Get in gear and sign up today. For more details, please visit Program held at Blaine City Hall Cloverleaf Room B. D ATE : Saturdays, Dec.3, 10, 17 TIM E : 10 am – noon FEE: $54 resident; $59 non-resident Activity #: 5323
Community Outings
More information about Parks & Recreation programs is available at 763-7 8 5 -6 1 6 4 or in the current Recreation Connection online at B L A I NE PAR KS .COM . FACEBOOK.COM/ BLAINEPARKSMN
TWITTER.COM/ BLAINEPARKSMN 2016-1112-Nov-Dec.indd 6
All community outings depart from and return to Mary Ann Young Senior Center at 9150 Central Avenue NE unless noted otherwise and include motor coach transportation. Times include pick-up and return. Outings include lunch and ticket unless noted otherwise. A WAY I N TH E B A S E M E N T P LY M OU TH PL AY H O U S E DATE: Wednesday, Nov.30 TIME: 10:45 am – 3:45 pm FEE: $53
Activity #5353
DATE: Wednesday, Dec.14 TIME: 5:15 – 9:15 pm FEE: $49
DATE: Monday, Nov.14 TIM E : 8:30am – 4:30pm F E E : $7 ($3 food coupon)
Activity #5354
Activity #: 5350
10/24/2016 7:27:41 AM
november | december 2016
Skating Lessons
Designed for those who are new to skating and to get students moving and comfortable on the ice. INTE R ME DI AT E BLAD ES (AG ES 6 -9 )
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Designed for the older beginner and will move at a faster pace. Private/ Semi-Private (ages 4-adult) designed for the child looking for a more customized and personal lessons. Private lessons are 1:1 and will go at the child’s pace. Semi-private is a 2:1 ratio with two children of similar age and ability. For more detailed information and specific dates, times, locations and fees, visit our website at BLAI NEPARKS .COM or call 763- 785- 616 4 .
3rd Saturday of Each Month
Aquatore Park, 9150 Central Ave The City of Blaine sponsors a recycling drop-off day the third Saturday of each month in the parking lot at Aquatore Park. The parking lot is near the City water tower and water treatment plant. You do not need to be a Blaine resident to bring items to the drop-off day. Please Note: No garbage will be accepted.
Green Lights Recycling
763-785-0456 | GLRNOW.COM
Aurelia Park Happy Acres Park Lexington Athletic Complex Ostmans Park Quail Creek Park (Unsupervised) W A R MING HOUSE HO URS
Monday - Friday........ 4:00 - 9:00pm Saturday: Aurelia, Ostmans & Quincy............................. 12 – 7pm Happy Acres & Lexington... 12 – 9pm Sunday................................ 12 – 7pm School Vacation Days ... 12 - 9:00pm Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s ....... 12 – 5pm Quincy Park Thursday & Friday................4 – 9pm Saturday & Sunday............. 12 – 7pm O U TDOOR UNLI GHT ED I C E SK ATI N G R INK S (WI T HOUT ) WA R MI N G H OUSE S OR S UPERVI SI O N
Austin Park Ivy Hills Park Carrara East Park Xylite Park Deacon’s Park Warming Houses are tentatively scheduled to open December 19.
Fall Leaf Season is Here Leaf Disposal Options Many of our residents live in fully wooded areas. As the leaves from the trees turn color and fall, they provide both a beautiful show and plenty of clean up effort. Please keep in mind that all decaying plant material that ends up in the Cities ponds and streams contributes to greater phosphorous levels and poorer water quality. Please do not rake leaves into the street. Drop-Off Options You may bring your leaves and grass to the Anoka County Compost Sites. The fee is $5 per carload. The hours for the sites are: Bunker Hills Site
• Monday thru Friday, 10 am – 7 pm or sundown, whichever is first • Saturdays, 9 am –5 pm • Sundays, Noon -5 pm Lino Lakes Site
Ice Skating Instructors and Warming House Attendants Wanted We are looking for lead and assistant skating instructors to teach basic skating skills to youth four Saturdays in January/February and also, warming house attendants. Visit BLAI NEPARK S.C OM for description and application.
2016-1112-Nov-Dec.indd 7
• Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10 am – 7 pm or sundown, whichever is first • Saturdays, 9 am – 5 pm • Sundays, Noon – 5 pm Walters Transfer Station 10191 XYLITE STREET
• Monday thru Friday, 8 am – 4:30 pm Call 7 6 3 - 7 8 5 - 6 1 9 2 for more information.
Collects mattresses, box springs, carpet, appliances, florescent lamps, electronics, rechargeable batteries, and tires. Free items include scrap metal and vehicle batteries. There is a small fee for some items: • Mattresses/box springs are $20 each. • Most appliances are $8 each. • Most electronics are between $2 and $50 depending on size. • Carpet - $4/ roll (up to 7 rolls). Drop off tires and rechargeable batteries for a small fee. See the complete list of fees at WWW.CI.BLAINE.MN.US/GO/ RECYCLINGSATURDAYS
US Again
8 0 0 . 6 0 4 . 9 5 3 3 | USAGAI N.C O M
USAgain will take textiles and clothing items including shoes, clothes, (all types and in any condition) hats, belts, purses, linens, bedding, towels, scarves, jackets, and coats.
Randy’s Environmental Services
Offers free paper shredding.
Bike Collection (April – December) B IK E S 4 K ID S M N . O RG
Please Note: Bikes for Kids will not be collecting bikes at the monthly recycling dropoff day until April 2017.
Other City Recycling Opportunities
763-785-6192 W W W. C I. B L A IN E . M N .US/ GO / RE C YC LE
Walters Recycling & Refuse 763-780-8464
For information regarding curbside yardwaste service or to report missed garbage, recycling or yardwaste pick-up.
10/24/2016 7:27:42 AM
PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID TWIN CITIES, MN Permit No. 29418 10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449-8101 763-784-6700
Santa Parade & Food Shelf Donation SBM Fire Department
November 28 thru 30 in Blaine The SBM Fire Department is proud to announce the Santa Parade for the communities of Spring Lake Park, Blaine, and Mounds View. Along with the Fire Department, there will be vehicles from the community police departments and emergency services. Non-perishable food items will be collected for local food shelves. The Parade starts at 6:30 pm on days/routes listed below. Non-perishable food items can also be brought to Station One located in Spring Lake Park during that week. Visit WWW.CI.BLAINE.MN.US/GO/SANTAPARADE for an interactive map of the routes and WWW.SBMFIRE.COM for additional information.
Nov. 28
Nov. 30
Nov. 29
West Blaine
East Blaine
Blaine TPC/ The Lakes
Parade Start: 131st Ave and Jefferson St
Parade Start: Rice Creek Pkwy and Xylite St
Parade Start: Eldorado St and 113th Ave
Indoor Farmers Market Select Saturdays ~ 9am to 1pm Blaine City Hall Atrium November 19 | December 17 January 14 & 28 | February 11 & 25 March 11 & 26 | April 8 & 22 | May 6 2016-1112-Nov-Dec.indd 8
10/24/2016 7:27:49 AM