Blaine CityConnect - November/December 2018

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Blaine CityConnect

November/December November/December 2018 2018

Roundabout Basics

Blaine and the Twin Cities Metro area have seen an increase in the number of intersections that are being redesigned as roundabouts. When used properly, roundabouts are safer and move more traffic than traditional intersections. Here are some simple rules for safely using a roundabout:


• Approaching vehicles must yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk and to traffic in a roundabout. As you approach a roundabout always slow down. • Use the proper lane for your intended point of exit. • If there are pedestrian crossings, remember pedestrians always have the right of way. • Before entering the roundabout, look left and yield to all traffic within the roundabout. Any vehicle in the roundabout always has the right of way. • Please note, the inside lane of the roundabout is often allowed to exit and has the right of way. • Do not pass any other vehicles in a roundabout in case they unexpectedly change lanes. • If an emergency vehicle approaches, proceed to your exit and then pull over. Do not stop or change lanes in a roundabout. • As you exit the roundabout you may change lanes.


• Always stay on designated walkways. Never walk across the circulating lane(s) in a roundabout to the center island. • Watch for cars. You have the right of way once you have safely entered the crosswalk, but your best protection is your own attention. • Cross the roundabout one approach at a time, using the median island as a refuge prior to crossing the next direction of traffic. For more information and some excellent videos on roundabouts, visit

Blaine Police Accepting Donations

Donations Accepted NOV. 23 – DEC. 10

Looking for a place to drop off your new unwrapped toys for children in need during the holiday season? The Blaine Police Department at Blaine City Hall will begin accepting toys on November 23 and will continue to accept toys thru December 10. Just look for the holiday wrapped donation box in the atrium at City Hall. Toys for Joy is an Anoka County based program that operates out of the Anoka County Armory. This year the program is looking for toys for older kids. For more information about Toys for Joy, visit

Inside this Issue SBM Fire Santa Parade............3 Christmas Tree Collection.....3 Recycling Saturdays..................3 Blaine Block Party Recap.......4 2019 Budget Progress..............5 Parks and Recreation............... 6 Blaine Market Dates.................. 8

2 City Council*

November 1 | November 15 | December 6 | December 20 7:30PM | City Hall Council Chambers

10801 Town Square Drive Blaine, MN 55449 763-784-6700 763-785-6156 (fax)


November 1 | November 8 | November 15 December 6 | December 13 | December 20 6:30PM | City Hall Cloverleaf Farms Room

Arts Council

November 13 | December 11 5:30PM | City Hall Lunch Room

Historical Society

December 11 6:30PM | City Hall Sanctuary Room

Natural Resources Conservation Board* November 20 | December 18 7PM | City Hall Council Chambers

Planning Commission*

November 13 | December 11 7PM | City Hall Council Chambers

Park Board*

November 27 | December Mtg Cancelled 7PM | City Hall Council Chambers

MAYOR Tom Ryan


Blaine City Hall


City Council Workshops

Traffic Commission*

12147 Radisson Road NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-757-3390


November 7 | December 4 6:30PM | City Hall Council Chambers


8650 Van Buren Street NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-228-1117


WARD 2 Dave Clark

WARD 3 Jason King

424 - 122nd Avenue NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-360-5266

Andrew Garvais

12744 Petersburg Street NE Blaine, MN 55449 612-229-8890

CITY MANAGER Clark Arneson



10833 Fillmore Street NE Blaine, MN 55434 612-940-5207

Police & Fire............................................................ 911 Police (non-emergency) ....................... 763-785-6168 Fire (non-emergency)........................... 763-786-4436 Anoka County Dispatch........................ 763-427-1212 Building Inspections............................. 763-785-6170 City Cable Channel 16 .......................... 763-785-6192 City Clerk ............................................... 763-785-6122 City Hall.................................................. 763-784-6700 City Manager......................................... 763-785-6120 Communications................................... 763-785-6181 Community Standards.......................... 763-785-6187 Crime Prevention.................................. 763-785-6113 Economic Development....................... 763-785-6180 Engineering........................................... 763-785-6172 Fire Inspections .................................... 763-785-6187 Forestry ................................................. 763-717-2660 Housing Services .................................. 763-785-6146 Human Resources ................................ 763-785-6109 Job Line ................................................. 763-717-2679 North Metro TV..................................... 763-780-8241 Parks & Recreation .............................. 763-785-6164 Planning & Zoning ................................ 763-785-6180 Public Works.......................................... 763-785-6165 Recycling & Solid Waste ....................... 763-785-6192 Senior Citizens Center ......................... 763-786-9375 Sewer Backup........................................ 763-785-6165 Streets ................................................... 763-785-6165 Stormwater............................................ 763-785-6188 Utility Billing ......................................... 763-785-6141 Water & Sewer System ........................ 763-785-6165 Web........................................................ 763-717-2638

Receive Emergency Communications

Conncect with Your Community and Sign Up for Topics that Interest You


Visit for more communication options.


926 - 97th Lane NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-370-2557


Dick Swanson

1702 - 116th Avenue NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-354-4709

Zone B

For more information, visit or call 763-780-8464 .

*Meetings can be seen live on cable channel 16.

WARD 1 Wes Hovland

Julie Jeppson

Zone A

CityConnect is published bimonthly by the City of Blaine and distributed to all residents and businesses. Past copies of the city newsletter are available at Feedback can be directed to All city legal notices are published in the city’s official newspaper, the Blaine/Spring Lake Park Life.

November/December 2018


2018 Election

Stay up to date on election results for the following Minnesota races: • U.S. Senator • U.S. Senator (special election) • U.S. Representative • Governor and Lt. Governor • Secretary of State • State Auditor • Attorney General • State Representative • Judicial Offices • City Council • School Districts Visit


3rd Saturday of Each Month Drop-Off Location Green Lights Recycling Enter at 1525 - 99th Lane NE

The City of Blaine sponsors a recycling drop-off day the third Saturday of each month. You do not need to be a Blaine resident to bring items to the drop-off day. Please note, no garbage will be accepted.

Santa Parade &

Green Lights Recycling 763-785-0456 |

Food Shelf Collection

SBM Fire Department December 10 – 12 The SBM Fire Department is proud to announce the Santa Parade for the communities of Spring Lake Park, Blaine, and Mounds View. Along with the Fire Department, there will be vehicles from the community police departments and emergency services. Non-perishable food items will be collected for local food shelves. The Parade starts at 6:30PM on days/routes listed below. Non-perishable food items can also be brought to Station One located in Spring Lake Park during that week. For additional information, visit To view our interactive map, visit

Dec. 10

Dec. 11

Dec. 12

West Blaine

East Blaine

The Lakes

Parade Start: 131st Ave and Jefferson St

Parade Start: Rice Creek Pkwy and Xylite St

Parade Start: Eldorado St and 113th Ave

Christmas Tree Collection

Walters Recycling and Refuse will be collecting Christmas trees during the weeks of January 7 and January 14. This year trees will be collected the day AFTER you regular garbage collection day. The garbage truck driver makes a list of all the trees that are out and on the next day Walters will collect the trees that have been set out. Just set the trees out on your regular service day, and it will be collected the next day. For more information, visit GarbageandRecycling


Collects mattresses, box springs, carpet, appliances, florescent lamps, electronics, rechargeable batteries, and tires. Free items include scrap metal and vehicle batteries. There is a small fee for some items: • Mattresses/box springs are $21 each. • Most appliances are $8 each. • Most electronics are between $2 and $50 depending on size. • Carpet - $4/ roll (up to 7 rolls). Drop off tires and rechargeable batteries for a small fee. See the complete list of fees at

Randy’s Environmental Services 763-972-3335 | Offers free paper shredding. Please note: There may be long wait times for shredding.

No Bike Collection (Dec-Mar) Bikes for Kids will not be collecting bikes at the monthly recycling dropoff day after November 2018.

Other City Recycling Opportunities 763-785-6192 | Walters Recycling & Refuse 763-780-8464

For information regarding curbside yardwaste service or to report missed garbage, recycling or yardwaste pick-up. Recycling drop-off day is funded by the Anoka County Board of Commissioners and State SCORE funds (Select Committee on Recycling and the Environment).


Blaine Block Party

The third annual Blaine Block Party on September 26 was a great place for food, fun and friendly conversation. Nearly 1,000 people came out to city hall to engage with the city. A mix of city departments and civic organizations filled both floors of city hall. Visitors had a chance to speak with their elected officials including Mayor Tom Ryan and members of the city council. County commissioners and members of the state legislature were also on hand to talk with visitors. MnDOT was set up to answer questions about the future of Highway 65. There was a chance to comment on what you would like to see in Blaine parks as the city works with WSB on a parks master plan. Visitors even had a chance to tour the detention facility in the police department. Outside of city hall there was lots of fun for kids and adults. Large inflatable obstacle courses and an inflatable giant slide were a highlight for many. Tours of public works and public safety vehicles also drew a big crowd. Delicious BBQ smells filled the air from the on-site food truck. Target was on hand with coupons for everyone, and live music from the Sandy and the Hitmen on the stage in Town Square Park kept everyone smiling. Back inside, hundreds of balloon animals were handed out and many faces were painted. More than 60 kids received a free vision screening thanks to the Lions, and 100 people cast their in-person absentee ballot for the November election. The Blaine Block Party was a great afternoon and evening that brought Blaine together to celebrate our community. Save the Date, the next Blaine Block Party will be Wednesday, September 25, 2019. For more information and to view the flickr photo recap, visit

Blaine Block Party by the Numbers • • • • • • • • • • • •

940 Attendees 10,000+ people reached on social media 20 Community Partners 11 City Departments 7 Elected Officials 1,000 pounds of documents recycled 32 City Staff 11 City Vehicles on Display 62 free kids vision screenings 100 Absentee Ballots Cast 200 Balloon Animals 360 Pictures Taken

How to Control Invasive Buckthorn

Removing buckthorn benefits wildlife habitat and water quality. If buckthorn is not controlled, it can out-compete native plants and create a dense impenetrable monoculture. A diversity of native plants provides high quality habitat for wildlife and groundcover that stabilizes soil to protect water quality. There are two non-native species of buckthorn, common buckthorn and glossy buckthorn. Buckthorn was first brought from Europe to serve as an ornamental shrub. Now it is invading our natural areas. One way buckthorn outcompetes native plants is that it leafs out earlier in the spring and holds it leaves later into the fall. Look for buckthorn when most other tree leaves have dropped this fall. Other ways to identify buckthorn include: common buckthorn branches often have buds and a thorn at the tip and berries are dark purple. Glossy buckthorn has a rust color bud at the end of the branches and the berries ripen from green to red to dark purple. After you have identified buckthorn, prioritize removing large buckthorn with berries to prevent the spread of seeds. Cut and spray the stump with herbicide containing triclopyr or glyphosate. For more information visit

Thank You from 2018 Safety Camp

We were notified of an additional sponsor for Safety Camp after the publication of the previous newsletter. Thank you to the Blaine Youth Hockey Association.

Sewer Backup Concerns?

Residents experiencing a sewer backup should immediately contact the Blaine Public Works Department. Public Works will check the sewer main for blockages, as tree roots in the line can cause backups for neighbors as well. Contact Public Works during normal business hours from 7AM to 3PM at 763-785-6165, otherwise call 763-427-1212.

November/December 2018

City Works to Prepare 2019 Budget

As fall unwinds and slowly transitions into winter, the City Council continues the path toward final adoption of the City’s 2019 property tax levy and General Fund Budget. In September, the Council approved the Preliminary 2019 Tax Levy and General Fund Budget. At that time, the Council authorized a levy up to $28.6 million. Additionally the Council, acting as the Economic Development Authority (EDA), adopted a preliminary EDA levy of $680,000 for a total citywide levy of $29,274,100. According to state law, the preliminary levy can only be lowered – the City cannot adopt a final levy that exceeds the preliminary levy. At that same meeting in September, the Council also approved the Preliminary 2019 General Fund Budget. As it currently sits, the total citywide levy would leave the City’s tax rate at 36.841%. A home valued at $200,000 would pay approximately $735 in City of Blaine property taxes in 2019. The annual Truth in Taxation public hearing is your opportunity to ask questions and share comments on the 2019 General Fund Budget and tax levy. The hearing will take place on Thursday, December 13, at 8PM in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. At this hearing, City staff will share information and the City Council will listen to public comment regarding the 2019 budget and property tax levy. Final adoption of the 2019 budget and levy will take place at the City Council meeting on December 20, 2018. A copy of the preliminary budget, adopted by the City Council in September, is available for you to review. To see a copy of the budget or for any other budget related questions, please contact the Finance Department at 763-785-6126 or For more information about the 2019 budget process, visit

Restoration Continues at Blaine Wetland Sanctuary

2019 General Fund Budget Breakdown Preliminary Levy.......................................$28.6 Million General Operations................................. $23,869,100 Debt Service...................................................$3,925,000 Pavement Management Program........ $500,000 Parks and Trails Revitalization................. $300,000 General Fund Total Revenues.............$32,379,400 General Fund Total Expenditures.... $32,266,240

It has been a part of the City’s vision since the late 1980’s to have land to be used as a nature preserve, to maintain water quality, and for opportunities for education and recreation. With the 500 acre Blaine Wetland Sanctuary that vision is becoming reality. Since opening to the public last year, the Blaine Wetland Sanctuary has become a popular destination. Today, approximately 275 acres of the property are actively being restored and managed. The restored wetland area is strictly regulated by the Rice Creek Watershed District, the Board of Water and Soil Resources, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to ensure the best environmental outcomes. Restoring our lost and degraded wetlands to their natural state is essential to ensure the health of our watersheds. The restoration of the area requires removal of invasive trees, shrubs, and vegetation through a combination of strategies including cutting, raking, herbicide treatment, mowing, and prescribed burns to expose the native seed bank. This process has allowed many threatened and endangered plants to flourish. The native wetland habitat provides the necessary food, water, and shelter for birds, animals, and pollinators. As a part of the ongoing restoration additional trees will be removed from the Blaine Wetland Sanctuary this winter. Some of the trees are diseased with Emerald Ash Borer and others are invasive and not native to a wetland habitat. Healthy trees on upland areas will remain. Downed trees that do not pose a safety threat will be left in place to naturally decompose and provide habitat and nutrients to the area. The Blaine Wetland Sanctuary is getting recognition statewide and is quickly becoming a favorite location for bird watchers, field trips, and educational opportunities. The City has hosted environmental programs, teacher open houses, and professional training. The City is working with Spring Lake Park High School and Anoka Ramsey Community College students to participate in hands on scientific research. This new open space will continue to provide more exciting opportunities in the future. To learn more, spend some time enjoying this local treasure in person or visit



MN Starwatch Party w/Mike Lynch

parks & recreation


Make the stars your old friends as we watch the great celestial show in the skies over Blaine. Get to know the constellations like The Big Bear, Cygnus the Swan, Pegasus the Winged Horse, and some of the great stories behind them. We’ll also use large reflecting telescopes, including two giant reflector telescopes that are among the biggest mobile scopes in Minnesota for close up views of star clusters, galaxies and other magic in our early autumn skies. This class meets at the Lexington Athletic Complex and then we will drive across the street to the Blaine Wetland Sanctuary. Monday, November 12, 6:30–8:30PM $15/person; $40/family

Spend a morning with your family at the North Pole. We will take a picture of your kids with Santa and email it to you OR bring your own camera for pictures. Fee includes a continental breakfast for one child and one adult, crafts for one child, and a visit with Santa. Event is for ages 10 & under with an adult. Held at Blaine City Hall. Some sessions may be full. Saturday, December 1 OR 8 at 9, 10, 11 or Noon $10 resident; $11 non-resident

Winter/Spring Online Registration Begins Dec. 3 Browse our catalog and register online at

Warming House Attendants Needed The City is hiring warming house attendants for the months of December through March. We are looking for employees 17 and older who have the availability to work Monday through Friday from 4 to 9PM and on weekends from 12 to 9PM. Hours vary depending on availability and the pay rate is $11 to $13 per hour depending on qualifications. For more information about this opportunity and for an application, visit If you have any questions please contact Jerome at 763-785-6161.

More information about Parks & Recreation programs is available at 763- 785- 6164 or in the current Recreation Connection online at FACEBOOK.COM/ BLAINEPARKSMN


Treasure Island Casino This trip departs from and returns to the Mary Ann Young Senior Center Monday, November 19, 8:30AM – 4:30PM, $7

Ninja Zone Clinic

Gymnastics Skill Clinic

Our gym will be set up as a ninja obstacle course. Trained staff will instruct and guide you through the course. There This skill clinic is to work on mastering will also be open gym time on all our fun the steps and techniques of doing equipment – trampolines, bars, beams, skills such as back handsprings, and foam pits, tumble track, climbing ropes, aerial cartwheels. Ages 6 and older. warped wall, rock climbing wall, and so Saturday, November 17 5:30 – 7PM, $30 much more! Ages 6 - 18. Saturday, November 17 5:30 – 7PM, $25 Both programs held at Jam Hops, 1460 133rd Lane, Ham Lake.

November/December 2018


Cookie Decorating You and your child will have a great time decorating cookies for the holidays. We will supply one dozen cookies and all of the toppings. Bring a container to take your cookies home. Dress for the mess! Event held at the Blaine City Hall lunchroom. Thursday, December 6 5:30 – 6:15PM OR 6:30 – 7:15PM $10 resident; $11 non-resident

Engineering Crazy Gears and Wheels Learn about engineering and the physical science principles behind different action machines. Working in teams, students will build crazy wheeled and geared contraptions that spring into action. Make tops, spinners, zip lines, rubber band powered cars, crimping cars, and other crazy inventions. This event is held at Blaine City Hall Cloverleaf Room B. Grades K to 3rd Saturday, November 17, 9AM – 3PM $72 resident; $79 non-resident

Show us your best shot! From people, pets, and places to celebrations and locations, you are invited to show us your Impressions of Blaine! Impressions of Blaine Photo Contest is held quarterly, capturing the best that Blaine has to offer each season. Enter your submissions online.

Fall Photo Contest Sumission Dates November 1—30 Finalists Announced December 7 People’s Choice Voting December 7—31 Winners Announced January 5, 2019

Prizes These popular fitness classes are held at the QC Dance Studio, 9967 Ulysses Avenue NE


Zumba Gold

Thursdays, 8 – 8:45PM November 29 – December 27 $30 resident; $33 non-resident

Wednesdays, 7:45 – 8:30PM November 28 – December 26 $30 resident; $33 non-resident

Parent’s Night Out

Holiday Concert

Parents enjoy a night out! Participants will enjoy dancing, games, movies, crafts and make new friends. Pizza will be served part way through and then it will be back to playtime. This event is held at the QC Dance Studio, 9967 Ulysses Avenue NE and is open to ages 5 and up. Friday, December 7, 5 – 9PM $20 resident; $22 non-resident

Sunday, November 25, 7:30PM Join us for our annual holiday concert featuring the Lake Country Chorus of Sweet Adelines and the North Star Men’s Chorus at Blaine City Hall. This FREE concert is a great way to kick off your holiday season. Complimentary coffee and cookies available.

$25 Gift Card Winner in Each Category per Season $100 Gift Card Photo of the Year

Photo Categories People & Familes Community Activities & Events Wildlife & Nature City Landmarks Pets Throwback Thursday For more information and to enter, visit ImpressionsofBlaine

PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID TWIN CITIES, MN Permit No. 29418 10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449—8101 763-784-6700





Blaine Market

Farmers & Handcrafted Blaine City Hall Atrium 10801 Town Square Drive

Indoor Market & Craft Fair Select Saturdays Beginning November 17 9AM to 1PM FarmersMarket

November 17, December 15, January 12, February 9, March 9, April 13

Blaine Market Special Events

The Blaine Market is proud to connect our comunity with locally grown and produced products to enhance the life and well being of our residents.

November 17 City Hall is a drop off site for Toys for Joy and Granny’s Closet. Bring a new unwrapped toy or a new clothing item for an adult and receive a free Farmers Market gift. We will also have a make and take craft for kids.

December 15 Spring Lake Park Girl Scout Service Unit 164 will be performing a holiday concert at 10AM. Come and enjoy a special performance. We will also have a holiday make and take craft for the kids!

The Market provides you with: • Artisan Foods • Allergen Friendly Products • Beauty Products • Farm to Table Freshness • Farmstead Products • Fresh Produce • Handcrafted Items • Organic Products • Special Event Giveaways • Ready to Eat Concessions

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