CityConnect January/February 2020
What’s Inside
Springbrook Community Photo by Capstone Homes 2020 Census Information and Open House...............................................................3
A Decade of Development The end of another decade has come and these milestones create an opportunity to see what has changed in the last 10 years. In Blaine, much has changed.
2020 Elections Information.................................................................4
There are many more people living in Blaine than 10 years ago. With nearly 3,000 new single family homes, hundreds of new apartment units, and several new senior housing projects Blaine’s population grew by approximately 18 percent over the last decade. Blaine was in the top 10 in the metro area suburbs for both new residential permits and new units each year. Blaine has certainly seen an influx in young families and two new elementary schools have been built as enrollment levels increased. At the same time Blaine’s population also aged considerably. In Blaine 23 percent of households now have at least one person who is 65 or older, back in 2010 only 8 percent of Blaine’s population was over 65.
Blaine PD Makes Holidays Brighter for Students.............................................8
New parks have been built, including the Lexington Athletic Complex and Blaine Wetland Sanctuary. The National Sports Center, Four Seasons Curling Club at Fogerty Arena, and the TPC of the Twin Cities have all hosted major international events.
City of Blaine 10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine MN 55449
PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID TWIN CITIES, MN Permit No. 32324
Much more including a look at business growth, job growth, household income growth is available in the complete development decade in review, which is now available at
Mary Ann Young Center Opened December 17, 2019
Mary Ann Young Center Open On December 10, 2019, the final luncheon was held at the Mary Ann Young Senior Center. More than 170 people squeezed into the 37 year old 5,000 square foot building. On December 17 the new Mary Ann Young Center opened right next door to the old building. The new facility includes 15,000 square feet of space to help meet the needs of the growing senior population in Blaine. The new building also includes space that will be available for public rental in the evenings and on weekends. Rental information will be available soon. To learn more about the Mary Ann Young Center and to see a schedule of upcoming events visit,
Page 2 - CityConnect
Upcoming Meetings
Recycling Calendar January s
Blaine City Hall
10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-784-6700
City Council Tom Ryan 12147 Radisson Road NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-757-3390
s 1
March s
WARD 1 Wes Hovland 8650 Van Buren Street NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-228-1117 Dick Swanson 926 - 97th Lane NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-370-2557
WARD 2 Julie Jeppson 3062 Aspen Lake Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-354-4709 Jess Robertson 4175 - 114th Lane NE Blaine, MN 55449 612-964-0503
WARD 3 Andrew Garvais 12744 Petersburg Street NE Blaine, MN 55449 612-229-8890 Richard Paul 1560 - 123rd Lane NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-390-1499
CITY MANAGER Michelle Wolfe 763-785-6120
Zone A
City Council Workshops January 6 | January 13 | January 22 February 3 | February 10 | February 19 6PM | City Hall Cloverleaf Farm Room Arts Council January 14 | February 11 5:30PM | City Hall Lunch Room
February s
City Council* January 6 | January 22 February 3 | February 19 7:30PM | City Hall Council Chambers
Zone B
For more information, visit or call 763-780-8464.
City Directory
Historical Society February 11 6:30PM | City Hall Sanctuary Room Mayor’s Office Hours January 14 | February 11 2:30 - 5PM | Laddie Lake Room Natural Resources Conservation Board* January 21 | February 18 7PM | City Hall Council Chambers Park Board* January 28| February 25 7PM | City Hall Council Chambers Planning Commission* January 14 | February 12 7PM | City Hall Council Chambers Traffic Commission* January 7 | February 4 6:30PM | City Hall Council Chambers *Meetings can be seen live on cable channel 16 and 799.
Stay Connected
Police & Fire................................................. 911 Police (non-emergency) ... 763-785-6168 Fire (non-emergency)........ 763-786-4436 Public Works Aft. Hours.... 763-427-1212 Building Inspections.......... 763-785-6170 City Cable Channel 16 ...... 763-785-6192 City Clerk ............................ 763-785-6122 City Hall............................... 763-784-6700 City Manager...................... 763-785-6120 Communications................ 763-785-6181 Community Standards...... 763-785-6187 Community Outreach........ 763-785-6113 Economic Development.... 763-785-6180 Engineering......................... 763-785-6172 Finance................................ 763-717-2677 Fire Inspections ................. 763-785-6187 Forestry .............................. 763-717-2660 Housing Services ............... 763-785-6146 Human Resources ............ 763-785-6109 Newsletter.......................... 763-785-6192 North Metro TV.................. 763-780-8241 Parks & Recreation ........... 763-785-6164 Planning & Zoning ............ 763-785-6180 Public Works....................... 763-785-6165 Recycling & Solid Waste ... 763-785-6192 Senior Citizens Center ...... 763-786-9375 Sewer Backup..................... 763-785-6165 Streets ................................ 763-785-6165 Stormwater......................... 763-785-6188 Utility Billing . ..................... 763-785-6141 Water & Sewer System ..... 763-785-6165 Web...................................... 763-717-2638
Receive Emergency Communications
Connect with your community and sign up for topics that interest you. CityConnect is published bimonthly by the City of Blaine and distributed to all residents and businesses. Past copies of the city newsletter are available at
January/February 2020
Page 3
Comparative Tax Rates Anoka County Full Service Cities
Home Values Up, Tax Rate Stays Steady The annual truth in taxation hearing was held on December 9 at Blaine City Hall. City staff presented information regarding the 2020 general fund budget and tax levy. Public comment was received by the Blaine City Council from those in attendance at the hearing. The budget and tax levy was brought back to the city council on December 16 and adopted. For several years the Blaine City Council has directed staff to keep the city tax rate stable. In 2020 the city tax rate will be reduced by .149 percent. The tax rate is just one factor in calculating a tax bill and with property values rising many property owners will see their tax bills rise to reflect the new higher value of their property. Home values are determined by the Anoka County Assessor’s Office. Blaine continues to have the lowest tax rate in Anoka County for a full service city. Additionally, Blaine has the lowest combined city utility rates when compared to surrounding cities and similar sized cities across the metro area. The 2020 budget allows for one additional police officer, one additional public works mechanic, increased efforts to combat Emerald Ash Borer, and funding to run the 2020 elections. Safety services continues to be the biggest driver in the city budget accounting for just under 50 percent of the total general fund budget. The next largest section of the budget is public works which takes up about 24 percent of the total. The rest of the general fund city services are funded out of the remaining 25 percent of the budget. Information about the general fund budget and levy can be found on the city website at
Census Spotlight The 2020 Census is less than a year away and the planning and preparation for this important event is well underway. If you are filling out the census for your household you must count anyone who is living there as of April 1, 2020. This includes anyone who is living and sleeping there most of the time. Why is the census such a big deal? An undercount could lead to the loss of millions if not billions of federal dollars. Minnesota receives $15,549,175,947 from the federal government every year based on census data. More than $15 billion! Meaning for every person not counted that is $2,800 per year in lost funding. Funding includes money for Medicaid, transportation project grants, special education grants, the MN Children’s Health Insurance Program, and much more. The City of Blaine has formed a complete count committee and is working hard to make sure that everyone in Blaine has all the information they need to participate in the census. Have questions about the census?
City of Blaine Census Open House Thursday, February 6 1:30pm and 6pm Blaine City Hall, Clover Leaf Farm Room
Wetland Sanctuary Southern Portion Restoration The City of Blaine has been working on creating and restoring the 500 acre Blaine Wetland Sanctuary since the late 1980s. In 2000, Blaine residents voted in favor of a bond referendum to purchase additional open space property throughout the city. A portion of the funding was used for the creation of what is now known as the Blaine Wetland Sanctuary. This protected open space is being restored to an active native wetland and is becoming a regional attraction and environmental classroom. The city has been given the opportunity to utilize state grant dollars to complete wetland restoration in the southern 225 acres of the Blaine Wetland Sanctuary. This project is being funded through a grant from Minnesota’s Outdoor Heritage Fund, received by project partner Great River Greening. The southern portion will not be a wetland bank, like the two other sections, giving the city more options and flexibility in the restoration plan. The final restoration plan, for the southern portion, was approved by the Blaine City Council on December 16 after much discussion with area residents and city staff. The restoration will include the removal of invasive, non-native, dead, and diseased trees and vegetation. All restoration work is weather dependent and expected to start in early 2020 and could take up to two years to complete. At this time no funding has been identified to provide for additional trails through the Blaine Wetland Sanctuary. Before any additional trails would be built, community input will be sought on their location and route. See maps showing the restoration plans at BWSRestoration
Page 4 - CityConnect
Fire Safety
Message from SBM Fire Chief Charlie Smith The recent fire deaths that occurred in Spring Lake Park have affected many in the community. This tragedy brings many questions, mainly what can be done to prevent something like this from happening again. Over the last 50 years much has been done to reduce fire deaths. Unfortunately, the death rate from fire has begun to trend up after a long decline. Nationally, in 2017, 3,400 people lost their lives due to fire, which is the highest rate since 2008. Most fire deaths (77 percent) occur in single family homes with fire departments in the U.S. responding somewhere to a structure fire every 24 seconds. Top five fire causes as reported by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): • • • • •
Cooking Heating Electrical Smoking Candles
So how do we prevent these fires from causing serious death/injury or from even occurring? The NFPA recommends the following actions: • Increase public education on how to avoid serious injury or death if a fire occurs. • Increase use of residential sprinklers. • Address the fire safety needs of higher risk groups such as older adults, economically disadvantaged, and disabled residents. • Develop additional ways to make home products safer from fire. The Spring Lake Park-Blaine-Mounds View Fire Department (SBMFD) is a fire prevention leader with many innovative programs provided at no additional cost to residents and business owners. The SBMFD has many professionals to assist residents. Community risk reduction is a concept which includes, but is not limited to, fire prevention inspections, fire safety presentations, neighborhood canvassing, home safety surveys, public education, and response/mitigation. One of the most effective programs for reducing risk are home safety surveys. SBMFD staff schedule an appointment and spend approximately an hour going through your home. During the survey, fire hazards will be identified as well as advice provided on how to correct those hazards. In addition, SBMFD personnel may install smoke and/ or carbon monoxide detectors if needed. For more information, please call 763-786-4436 or visit
Anoka County Commissioner (District 6) Special Election
A special general election will be held Tuesday, February 11 to fill the Anoka County Commissioner (District 6) vacancy created following the resignation of Rhonda Sivarajah after her appointment as county administrator. District 6 comprises the cities of Centerville, Circle Pines, Columbus, Lexington, Lino Lakes, Linwood Township, and 3 precincts in Blaine: W1P7, W1P8 and W3P8. Candidate information can be found at Candidates.SOS.State.MN.US In-person absentee voting begins December 27 at the Anoka County Government Center and Blaine City Hall during regular business hours, 10AM to 3PM the Saturday before Election Day, and until 5PM on Monday before Election Day. For more information and questions, visit
Presidential Primary New Election in Minnesota
In 2016, legislation was passed establishing a presidential nomination primary, which will take place Tuesday, March 3, 2020. Only major parties will participate and each major party will have a separate ballot. Candidates were submitted by the party chairs and no other races will appear. Registered voters will be able to vote at their polling place on March 3 or by absentee ballot beginning January 17. A voter must request their party ballot choice and while their choice will be recorded and provided to the chairs of each major political party the data will not be made public. Counties and municipalities will be reimbursed by the state for the primary costs. Precinct caucuses and local and state nominating conventions will still take place to conduct other party business. For more information and questions, visit
Election Judges Needed Get Involved in Your Community
Serving as an election judge is an excellent way to get involved in the community. Judges will learn election procedures and help ensure elections are administered in a fair manner. Election judges are paid an hourly wage and are essential to our democracy. To learn more about serving as an election judge or where to vote visit the city’s elections webpage at or contact the Blaine Elections Office at 763-717-2737.
January/February 2020
Page 5
Stormwater Ponds in Blaine What are stormwater ponds?
Stormwater ponds are constructed bodies of water designed for the purpose of treating stormwater runoff and providing flood storage. What is stormwater runoff? Stormwater runoff is water that flows off surfaces such as roads, sidewalks, roofs, and other hard surfaces that do not allow water to soak in and drain. Are stormwater ponds for recreation? No. Stormwater ponds are not designed for swimming, boating, ice skating, or any other type of recreation. The water is not clean and poses a health risk for those choosing to recreate in a stormwater pond. These ponds are designed to hold dirty water and slowly clean the water through natural methods. For more information, visit
Blaine Recycling Saturdays 10am — 2pm
3rd Saturday of Each Month
Christmas Tree Collection Schedule Walters Recycling and Refuse will be collecting Christmas trees during the first two full weeks of 2020, for all single-family homes. Collection will be the weeks of January 6 and January 13.
January s
26 will27 28 29 31 garbage Trees be collected on the 30 day after and recycling collection. All ornaments, wire, lights, garland, wraps, etc., must be removed for the tree to be collected.
Residents of apartments and manufactured home communities should check with their management office to find out the collection process/schedule.
Winter Reminders & Snow Plow Information Parking Regulations in Effect from November 1 – April 1 •
No parking on any street from 2 - 7AM. A permit for overnight parking may be obtained from the Blaine Police Department in emergency situations.
No parking on any street after a snowfall of two inches or more until the street has been fully plowed from curb to curb.
Please Keep Fire Hydrants Clear, Shovel After Each Snowfall Residents and business owners are asked to please remember to shovel out around fire hydrants after each snowfall. It is very important to keep hydrants clear of snow and visible from the street. If the fire department has to spend time trying to find and dig out a fire hydrant under the snow, they lose precious time needed to fight fires. A fire can double in size every 30 seconds. If it takes firefighters even two extra minutes to locate and dig out a hydrant, the damage to a home could be massive. Please talk with your neighbors to determine who will keep the hydrant clear. Remember, the house you help save may be your own. Blaine Snow Plow Information Site The City of Blaine has prepared a snow plowing information map. With over 600 lane miles of streets, 95 miles of sidewalks, and 60 miles of trails plowed by the Blaine Public Works, this site contains helpful information related to plow sequencing for city streets, parking lots, sidewalks, and trails. It also includes resident snow removal responsibilities and answers frequently asked questions. For more information, visit
Drop-Off Location Green Lights Recycling Enter at 1525 - 99th Lane NE The City of Blaine sponsors a recycling drop-off day the third Saturday of each month. You do not need to be a Blaine resident to bring items to the drop-off day. Please note, no garbage will be accepted. The recycling drop-off day is funded by Anoka County and Minnesota SCORE funds (Select Committee on Recycling and the Environment).
Green Lights Recycling
763-785-0456| Cash or Check Only Collects mattresses, box springs, carpet, appliances, florescent lamps, electronics, rechargeable batteries, and tires. Free items include scrap metal and vehicle batteries. Items with a small fee: • Mattresses/box springs: $20 - $25 depending on size • Most appliances: $11 each • Most electronics: $7 - $85 depending on size • Carpet: $6/ roll up to 7 rolls • Tire and rechargeable batteries: small fee See complete list of fees at RecyclingSaturdays Randy’s Environmental Services 763-972-3335 RandysEnvironmental Randy’s offers free paper shredding. Please note, there may be long wait times for shredding.
Bike Collection No bike pick up until April 2020.
Walters Recycling & Refuse 763-780-8464
Contact Walters to report missed garbage, recycling, or yard waste pickup.
City Recycling Information 763-785-6192
Page 6 or - Recreation Connection
Mayer Arts
Sunnyside Park Building, ages 4 to 12 Mayer Arts believes that teaching the arts is not only providing training for those who are serious about learning but also to just have fun. Mayer Arts will teach proper technique, terminology, body awareness, and an appreciation for the arts. Programs are held at the Sunnyside Park building. Friends and family are invited to a special performance beginning the final 30 minutes of the final class. For more information, call 763-785-6164 or visit Snow Queen Musical, ages 4 to 8 Saturdays, February 1 & 8, 9:30am - 12:30pm $69 res; $79 nr, Activity #7565
RecConnect Winter/Spring 2020
RecConnect RecConnect
Snow Queen Musical, ages 7 to 12 Saturdays, February 1 & 8, 1:30 - 4:30pm $69 res; $79 nr, Activity #7566
Jam Hops
All classes, events, and camps held at Jam Hops, 1460 - 133rd Lane NE, Ham Lake Inspiring kids to become life champions. An annual online waiver is required for participation and must be completed by each child’s parent or guardian at the website listed or in person at Jam Hops. For more information visit or call 763-413-0647. For more detailed information regarding dates, times and fees please visit the website or call 763-785-6164. Camptastic Day Camps, Ninja Zone Clinics, Nerf Night at Jam Hops, Movie Night at Jam Hops
Winter/Spring 20202020 Winter/Spring
North Metro TV
12520 Polk Street NE, all ages, $10/class
What’s Inside What’s Inside
Star-Trek: Behind the Scenes of the Final Frontier Thursday, January 23, 6:30 - 8pm, Activity #7569
Skating ing Rinks Rinks and Lessons ..............................................................4 Lessons ..............................................................4
Batman: The 1966 Television Sensation Thursday, February 27, 6:30 - 8pm, Activity #7570
Australian Cinema: Movies from the Land Down Under Thursday, March 26, 6:30 - 8pm, Activity #7571
County kaAnoka County Day ....................................................................6 wSnow Day ....................................................................6
Super Hero Party
h Earth Day Day Citywide Celebration .............................................. wide Celebration ..............................................
Blaine City Hall, ages 10 & under with parent/adult Children can dress up like their favorite super hero and fly around Blaine City Hall. Activities will include: carnival games, crafts, face painting, tattoos, and coloring sheets, all with the super hero theme. There will also be a few super heroes walking around for pictures and a photo backdrop for some additional photos. Do not forget your camera. Refreshments are provided.
MaryYoung Ann Young y Ann CenterCenter and Program ........................................... 27 ntsEvents and Program ........................................... 27
Online Recreation Programs Winter/Spring Registration is Open The Winter/Spring 2020 RecConnect catalog is available online at RecConnect Register for Winter/Spring 2020 programs at
Friday, February 28, 6:30-8pm $10 res; $11 nr, Activity #7487
Tech Academy
Blaine City Hall, Sanctuary Room, grades K to 7 This exciting learning environment specializes in STEM education for children and teens ages 4-15. The camps are kid-friendly with hands-on learning experiences and time to experiment to foster creativity. For more information call 763-785-6164 or visit Scratch 3.0 Game Coding with Nintendo Characters, grades 3 to 7 Saturdays, February 1 & 8, 9am-noon $80 res; $88 nr, Activity #7483 Multiplayer Minecraft: Colosseum Builder, grades 2 to 6 Saturdays, February 15 & 22, 9am-noon $80 res; $88 nr, Activity #7484
Robotics: Jedi and Imperial Droids, grades 1 to 5 Saturday, March 7, 9am – noon $40 res; $44 nr, Activity #7485 Engineering: Crazy Action Contraptions, grades k to 3 Saturday, March 14, 9am – noon $40 res; $44 nr, Activity #7486
QC Dance
All classes held at QC Dance Studio, 9967 Ulysses Avenue NE
Stay Connected More information about Parks and Recreation is available at 763-785-6164 or in the current Recreation Connection online.
Youth Classes
Adult Classes
These classes and camps are for kids ages 3 to 7. These classes provide quality dance instruction and a variety of fun opportunities to learn and demonstrate dance skill while building self-esteem. The classes encourage academic excellence and develop other skills that contribute to the development of a multitalented, well rounded individual.
QC Dance adult classes are designed to welcome dancers of all ages and abilities.
Mommy and Me/Parent & Tot Dance Intro to Dance Little Hip Hoppers Hip Hop Jo Jo Bow Camp Princess Academy Twirl-to-a-Tea Party Mighty Minis Camp For more detailed information on dates, times and fees, call 763-785-6164 or visit our website at
Beginning Ballroom Dance Saturdays, January 18 - February 22, 10 - 11am $45 res; $49 nr, Activity #7586 Zumba Thursdays, 8 - 8:45pm Session 1: January 9 - February 6, Activity #7587 Session 2: February 13 - March 12, Activity #7588 $30 res; $33 nr Zumba Gold/Toning Wednesdays, 7:45 - 8:30pm Session 1: January 8 - February 5, Activity #7590 Session 2: February 12 - March 11, Activity #7591 $30 res; $33 nr
Winter/Spring 2020
Page 7
Outdoor Lighted Ice Skating Rinks with Supervised Warming Houses Aurelia Park
Hockey/General Rink 382 - 91st Avenue
Happy Acres Park
Ostmans Park
Hockey/General Rink 1201 - 130th Lane
Quail Creek
3 Hockey & 1 General Rink General Rink 11900 - 7th Street 2206 Quail Creek Parkway (unsupervised)
Lexington Athletic Complex Hockey Rink 4286 - 121st Avenue
RecConnect Winter/Spring 2020
Quincy Park
without warming houses or supervision
Austin Park
Ivy Hills Park
Carrara East Park
Xylite Park
13129 Eldorado Street
Monday - Friday...................................................... 4 - 9pm Saturday........................................................... noon - 9pm Sunday............................................................... noon - 7pm School Vacation Days................................. noon - 9pm Christmas Eve, Christmas Day................ noon - 5pm New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day............noon - 8pm
Small Hockey/General Rink 10601 Quincy Boulevard
Unlighted Rinks 4041 - 85th Lane
Warming House Hours
12197 Fergus Street 9033 Xylite Street
Deacon’s Park
11200 Arnold Palmer Drive
Thursdays & Fridays.................................. 4 - 9pm Saturdays & Sundays....................... noon - 7pm Warming houses close when unsafe ice conditions exist or the temperature is -10° Fahrenheit or below or the wind chill is -10° F or below. For updated ice skating information visit
Skating Lessons
All lessons held at Lexington Avenue Athletic Complex Saturdays, January 11 - February 1. Make-up day is February 8, if needed. Beginning Blades, ages 4 & 5 10-10:30am, Activity #7551 10:35-11:05am, Activity #7552 $28 res; $31 nr
Intermediate Blades, ages 6 to 9 11:10-11:40am, Activity #7553 $28 res; $31 nr
Community Outings All community outings depart from and return to the Mary Ann Young Center located at 9150 Central Avenue NE and include motorcoach transportation, lunch, and a ticket unless otherwise noted. Posted times include pick up and return. For more detailed descriptions of these trips, please call 763-786-9375 or visit
Science Museum and Keg and Case Market
Skyhawks Basketball Camps Session 1: Centennial Elementary School, ages 2 to 10 Session 2: Rice Creek Elementary School, ages 2 to 10
The progression of camps and programs, led by expert staff, are geared toward youth looking for a sport introduction or those who want to refine and master their sport-specific skills. One of the things that makes Skyhawks trustworthy is that we go the extra mile to focus on safety and have a long standing proven safety track record and processes to prove it. Please wear appropriate clothing, gym shoes and bring a water bottle. No program March 14. Ages 2 to 3, 9-9:30AM, $49 1: Saturdays, January 25-February 15, Activity #7604 2: Saturdays, February 29-March 28, Activity #7605
Ages 5 to 7, 11:30AM-12:30PM, $69 1: Saturdays, January 25-February 15, Activity #7513 2: Saturdays, February 29-March 28, Activity #7514
Ages 3 to 4, 9:40-10:10AM, $49 1: Saturdays, January 25-February 15, Activity #7520 2: Saturdays, February 29-March 28, Activity #7603
Ages 5 to 7, 1-2PM, $69 1: Saturdays, January 25-February 15, Activity #7606 2: Saturdays, February 29-March 28 Activity #7607
Ages 4 to 6, 10:20-11:20AM, $69 1: Saturdays, January 25-February 15, Activity #7511 2: Saturdays, February 29-March 28, Activity #7512
Ages 8 to 10, 2:15-3:15PM, $69 1: Saturdays, January 25-February 15, Activity #7515 2: Saturdays, February 29-March 28, Activity #7516
Wednesday, February 19, 9am-4pm $47 age 65+; $52 under 65 Activity #7594
“Music Man” at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater Wednesday, March 4, 9:15am-5pm $87, Activity #7593
Adult Softball Registration for Men’s, Women’s and Co-Rec softball begins February 3! For more information visit our website at or call Jerome Krieger at 763-785-6161.
Body Sense Pilates and Wellness Studio 10761 University Avenue NE, Blaine (Corner of 109th Avenue and University Avenue) Reduce Chronic Pain and Feel Fantastic, Yoga Flow, Intro to Pilates Reformer For dates, times, fees and descriptions visit our website at or call 763-785-6164.
Community Gardens The Blaine Community Garden is located adjacent to Blaine City Hall’s south parking lot and consists of 48 plots. Plots are approximately 15 feet by 20 feet; half-plots are 15 feet by 10 feet. Registration forms are available online at CommunityGardens and at Blaine City Hall.
Page 8 or - Recreation Connection
Snow Day Wargo NatureCenter, all ages
2019 Heroes and Helpers, Blaine Super Target
Blaine PD Makes Holidays Brighter for Students
Participants of all ages will have a chance to partake in a variety of winter activities, including: snowshoeing, ice fishing, kicksledding, cross-country skiing, winter crafts, temporary tattoos, and a live animal presentation. Refreshments provided. For more information call Wargo Nature Center, 7701 Main Street, Lino Lakes, at 651-429-8007. Saturday, January 25, 1 – 4pm Free Event
On December 10, 2019, the Blaine Police Department along with Target, Spring Lake Park Blaine Mounds View Fire Department, Minnesota State Patrol, Anoka County Sheriff’s Office, Lino Lakes Department of Public Safety, Centennial Lakes Police Department, and Allina Emergency Medical Services conducted its 10th annual Heroes and Helpers event. The program is organized by the Blaine Police Department with help from the Anoka-Hennepin, Spring Lake Park, and Centennial School Districts, and their respective social workers. The social workers from each school select students they know could use a little extra help and would benefit most from this event. Each student was paired with a hero; a police officer, a firefighter, a sheriff deputy, a state trooper, or an emergency medical services worker. The hero picked the student up at their school and transported them in their emergency vehicle to Target. Once at Target, the hero helped the student shop for his or her family with a donated $250 gift card. After shopping, the hero and student wrapped the presents, took photos in the photo booth, and then the hero brought the student home. Heroes and Helpers was a huge success again this year due to strong partnerships. Event sponsors include Target, the Blaine Festival, the Blaine Police Federation, PetSmart and other private community members. Ten years ago when the program started, 30 students were able to participate. Now 60 students were selected and it is believed to be one of the largest Heroes and Helpers event in the Twin Cities. To see hundreds of photos from the event, visit For more information about the event, visit
Mary Ann Young Center
Come celebrate the grand opening of the Mary Ann Young Center. Refreshments and entertinament will be provided. Formal program at 6PM. Thursday, February 20 4 - 7pm 9150 Central Avenue NE For more information visit
Summer Employment Ages 17 and up If you have enthusiasm, energy, and excitement to work with kids, then this is the job for you. The City of Blaine offers great hours, competitive pay, excellent training and a fun work environment. Applications will be available February 1. For more information call at 763-785-6164 or visit