Senior Center Newsletter - 2013 April

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Mary Ann Young Senior Center Newsletter April 2013 Mary Ann Young Senior Center Mission Statement: “To enrich the lives of older adults by providing educational, recreational, nutritional, social, informational, and volunteer opportunities in a relaxed, friendly environment.”

Senior Center Staff: Shelley Johnson, Director Ann Genosky, Coordinator

Newsletter Assemblers: Bert Albers Dorothy Albers Ivan Arndt Martha Caouette Kathy Gakin Luvern Fischer Al Korts Ginny Korts Jim Grant Rhona Marie Gloria Stoddard Fran Tadych Ken Kittelson Maxine Nystrom

*If you visit the Center weekly, please save on postage and let us know you will pick up an issue of the newsletter.* This newsletter is made possible through the continued support of the City of Blaine.

9150 Central Avenue NE – Blaine MN 55434 (763) 786-9375 – (763) 780-4318



8:45a 10:45a 1:00p 1:00p 1:00p 2:30p 3-9 p 7:00p

9:00a Beginner Line Dance 10:00a Advanced Beginner Line Dance 11:00a Intermediate Line Dance 12:30p Cribbage League-4/13, 4/27 1-5p Line Dance Party-4/20

Income Tax appts.-Full! Enhanced Fitness-April 22 Penny Bingo Nickel Bingo-4/29 Senior Bowling at Brunswick Zone Health Insurance Appts.-4/15 Quilting Group-4/29 Garden Club-4/8

Tuesdays 8:45a Wii Bowling vs. Ham Lake-4/16 9:00a Line Dance 9-2 Wii Bowling League-except 416 1:00p Blood Pressure Cks-4/2, 4/16 1:00p Progressive “500” Cards 5:30p T.O.P.S. weigh-in, 6:00 pm mtg. 7:00p Woodcarving Group

Wednesdays 9:30a 10:00a 10:00a 10:00a 11:00a

Adult Ice Skating-Fogerty Arena Computer Q & A Session-4/3 Enhanced Fitness-Apr. 3,10,17 State Services-Blind-4/17 B-Day & Volunteer Appreciation Parties w/entertainment!-4/24 12:00p “Spring Meal” – 4/3 12:45p Bunco Dice Game -4/3 1-3p Woodcarving Group 1:00p Birthday Bingo w/prizes!-4/24 2-4p Hand and Foot Card Game 6-8p Line Dance-varied levels

Thursdays 9-noon Home Movie Transfer Service4/11, 4/25 9:30a Beginning Bridge 10:00a Defensive Driving Class-4/4 1:00p Movie: “”-4/25 1:15p Activity Comm. Meeting-4/11 6-8p Intermediate Line Dance

Sundays 1-4:30p North Country Jamboree performs- 4/21 2:00p MN Woodcarver’s Assoc. Meeting-4/14

Access our Website Direct Link: nter or Type in: and then click on the Senior Center page. Choose from the list of topics by clicking on your selection: Amenities Current Menu Calendar of Events Current Newsletter Programs and Events Anoka County Services --------------------------------------------------------

Looking for Something to Do ? The Mary Ann Young Senior Center is open Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and at other specified times. Stop in and check it out !------------------

Van Drivers Needed:

Looking for an opportunity to serve a need in your community? Then look no further. Stop by the Senior Center or call and talk to Shelley or Ann about a unique opportunity to transport folks Fridays to and from the Senior Center 9:00a Foot Care appointments-4/5 for scheduled luncheons 10:00a Plastic Canvas/Crafts–4/5, 4/19 and/or activities using our 10:00a T-Shirt Scarf Making-4/26 sign up! new mini bus. We will train and have a 12-4:30p Anoka County Cribbage at GPS to find your way around Blaine. Ham Lake-4/19-sign up! Don’t delay, call for details today! No 1:00p Enhanced Fitness CDL needed. 1:00p Senior Bowling at Brunswick Zone

FOOD SUPPORT PROGRAM: For Seniors 60+: Would you like to “Stretch Your Food Dollars?” Would you like to have some extra dollars to buy fresh fruits and vegetables? Are higher prices for gasoline, heating & a/c, etc. leaving you with fewer dollars to buy quality food? Contact your Senior Outreach Worker for more information about this program at 763783-4741, or for those under 60 call Karen at 763-7834892.

Senior Dining Join us at the Mary Ann Young Senior Center M-F for a nutritious, well-balanced, tasty meal at 12:00 noon in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. Make your dining reservations three business days in advance to secure your meal. The suggested donation is $3.50 for those 60 years of age and older, and the cost is $6.50 for those under age 60. nd

2 Ham Steak w/Honey Mustard Glaze, Baby Red Potatoes, Pumpernickel Bread 3rd Spring Meal! Cordon Bleu Chicken Breast OR Mornay Chicken Breast, Wild Rice, Salad

Get in the Zone

8th BBQ Beef Riblet or Plain Riblet

A state of the art facility featuring 38 bowling lanes, Brunswick sponsors Senior Bowling on Mondays and Fridays beginning at 1:00 p.m. for just $1.25 per game. Stop to bowl and enjoy free shoe rental, cookies, coffee and loads of fun. Meet new people and plan on a good time. Brunswick Zone is located west of Hwy. 65 off 113th Street in Blaine.


Pulled Turkey, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy


Plan to join us for Woodcarving Group on Tuesday evenings from 7-9 pm lead by J.D. Hughes: 763-4344202, and/or on Wednesdays from 1-3 pm lead by Wes Spadgenske. They will be on hand to assist as needed and to answer questions about carving. Start from the beginning, or continue to work on your own project with people sharing a common interest. All levels are welcome! Join us for some relaxed conversation. The MN Woodcarver’s Association is now meeting the second Sunday of each month at 2:00 p.m. All are welcome. Next date is Sunday, April 14th.

FOOT CARE POLICY: If you make an appointment for foot care and do not call 24 hours in advance to cancel, you may be charged for the appointment.

4th Build Your Own Coney Dog- Or Beef Patty, Tri Tators, Baked Beans, Cookie


Wood Carving News

Foot Care Appointments are now available for Friday, April 5th for foot care. The cost for an appointment is just $20. Appointments begin at 9:00a.m. Please call the Senior Center in advance at 763-786-9375 to register. Bring your own towel.

10 Roast Sliced Pork OR Sliced Turkey 11th Swiss Steak w/Tomato Gravy, Baked Potato, Veggies, Wheat Bread, Brownie 12th Keilbasa & Sauerkraut or Beef Patty 15th Cheeseburger on Bun, Oven Fries, Coleslaw 16th Healthy Baked Fish Or Herbed Chicken 18th Turkey Pot Roast, Roasted Red Potatoes 22


Beef Meatloaf, Mashed Sweet Potatoes


23 Roasted Quarter Chicken, Squash, Pie 24th Beef Pot Roast, Yukon Potatoes 25th Cranberry Turkey Pasta Salad, Marinated Cucumbers, Diced Pears, Toffee Cookie 26th Parmesan Crusted Dijon Chicken Breast 30th Spaghetti & Meatballs, Peas/Carrots, Pie

There are other delicious entrees during the month. Check it out and join us as often as you can! Please specify entrée choice, skim milk, RCD (reduced calorie dessert) each time you order. Thanks!

Country Music at its Best! Join Gary Clark and musicians for a real taste of country music on the 3rd Sunday of each month from 1-4:30p.m. It’s awesome, it’s free…don’t miss out, join the fun! Next date is April 21st.

Brunswick Zone XL,

Low Vision Help Paul Mattson from the Minnesota State Services for the Blind will be available by appointment at the Mary Ann Young Senior Center in Blaine on the third Wednesday of the month from 9a.m. to 12noon. If you or someone you know has a vision problem, please call Paul at (651) 642-0846 to schedule a visit with him. Paul will be glad to help with any questions or concerns you have regarding loss of vision, and research valuable tools to assist you in daily living skills. Next available appointment date is April 17th.

FAMILY CAREGIVER CONNECTION: Support groups and group respite care are available in the Anoka County area. Call Jill Agyekum, Family Caregiver Connection contact at 763-422-6960 for more information about the assessment process.


Current Events:

T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly) currently meets on Tuesday evenings with weigh-in at 5:30pm and a fun, educational meeting at 6:00 p.m. If you are interested in losing weight, this may be just the right group for you. For more details, contact Cindy Heckler at 651-310-9261 or Paulette Kotila at 651-259-6241.

*Wii Bowling vs. Ham Lake: Come cheer us on as we compete against Ham Lake Senior Center at OUR Center, on Tuesday, April 16th from 8:45a.m.-noon. Our guests will then join us for lunch. *Anoka County Cribbage Tournament: Friday, April 19th at 1:00 p.m. at Ham Lake, forms are available at your local Anoka County Senior Centers. Sign up with your partner. Lunch, snacks and payback prizes are included in registration fees. Cost: $12 per twosome. Lunch is at noon. Must be registered with an Anoka County Senior Center to play in this tournament. * Birthday Party and Senior Dining Evening & Weekend Volunteer Recognition: Join us as we honor our senior dining volunteers AND Line Dancing Wednesday night line dance celebrate our monthly Birthday Party with entertainment by the Keynotes at 11:00 features beginner a.m. on Wednesday, April 24th followed by class at 6pm, a delicious beef pot roast luncheon and advanced beginner 1:00p.m. prize bingo. class at 7pm. The Thursday *April Movie: Our April movie “Lincoln” evening Intermediate Line Dancing is from 6-8p.m. On directed by Steven Spielberg, is a two-time Academy Award winning film of Saturdays, Beginning Line drama that focuses on Dance class is at 9:00 a.m., revealing th the 16 President’s final Advanced Beginner Line months in office. This movie Dance class is at 10:00 will be shown at 1p.m. on Thursday, April a.m., and the “Keeping it 25th with refreshments at intermission-free! Country” Class at 11:00 a.m. A FREE WILL donation *T-Shirt Scarf Making Class: Learn to make two different kinds of decorative neck per person is accepted for th music and instruction. The scarves from t-shirts on Friday, April 26 next Line Dance Party is on at 10a.m. Items needed: 1 seamless t-shirt for rope scarf, any 2 complimentary colored April 20th from 1-5p.m. t-shirts-spiral scarf), fabric scissors, beads Home Movie Transfer of various colors/sizes to decorate your scarf. Ask to see samples at Senior Center! Service: Eric from North Metro TV is Wire to thread beads, and some sample making a service available for beads will be available for use. Cost: Free! seniors at our Limited to first 10 people to register. Center. If you are interested in transferring your VHS home movies to a disc, he is just the guy to handle it. Drop off your movies at the Senior Center on the second or fourth Thursday of the month between 9a.m.noon, and Eric will pick them up, transfer the movies at the T.V. station with their sophisticated equipment, and return the updated movies to the Center two weeks later for you to take home. Call the Center with questions.

Outreach Corner Corner Karen Pollesch, Senior Outreach Worker, ACCAP 763-783-4741 Looking for ways to stretch your dollar? Check out these possibilities for people age 60 or better: *Energy Assistance Program which helps with your utility costs. This is an income eligible program you may qualify for if your monthly income for one person is $1,854 (gross) and for two people is $2,424 (gross). The Energy Assistance application process runs from October 2012 to May 2013 so you need to reapply each year. *Food Support-SNAP-(Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) to help pay for groceries. If your gross monthly income is less than $1,536 for one person or less than $2,081 for two persons you may qualify. If you have questions about these programs as well as any other programs such as transportation, telephone assistance, medical assistance, housing options, etc. give Karen a call at 763-783-4741. She can come to your home or meet you at the Sr. Center in Blaine to discuss programs you might qualify for.

FREE ONE-ON-ONE HEALTH INSURANCE COUNSELING ABOUT MEDICARE Free health insurance counseling to Medicare beneficiaries will be provided by state-certified Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging staff or volunteers at the Mary Ann Young Senior Center in Blaine, on specified Monday afternoons. Appointments are required. Counselors will assist with the basics of Medicare and Medical Assistance, choosing a supplement and/or a Part D plan, processing claims, assisting with forms, and more. To schedule a one-hour appointment, call 1-800-333-2433 and ask to schedule an appointment at the Mary Ann Young Senior Center.

COMING EVENTS: *Senior Safety and Wellness Fair: Register NOW to attend this fun, educational event on Thursday, May 2nd from 8:30am-3pm, see article this issue. *Property Tax and Rent Credit Assistance: No appointments taken, this service is a first come, first served event being held on Friday, May 3rd from 9-11:30a.m. and is sponsored by your local county commissioners. *Ladies Luncheon: Come one, come all as entertainer, Betty Rydell delights us with her talent on Thursday, May 9th as we honor the ladies at 11:00 a.m., along with refreshments!

Anoka County Senior Expo. This free event is open to senior citizens and their families on Saturday, April 20th from 9a.m. to noon at Lord of Life Church, 14501 Nowthen Blvd., Ramsey, MN. Expect information booths, free pancake breakfast, blood pressure checks, mini massages, entertainment and more. Call Mary with questions: 763-3236042.

HAND & FOOT CARDS: This canasta style card game is played on Wednesday afternoons from 2-4 p.m. Join the fun in relaxed company. It is easy to learn, and fun to play, so come one, come all!

Thank you! *To our bingo sponsors for the monthly prizes purchased. *To our Income Tax Preparers, who have spent the last several months on Mondays here, helping folks file their taxes. Kudos! *To Charles Boisjolie for donation of USA caps.

Plastic Canvas/Craft Class Join Opal Peterson and friends on Fridays, April 5th & 19th at 10:00 a.m. to learn or share the art of plastic canvas or spend time with friendly folks working on a craft project of choice.

LEGAL SERVICE: Anoka County legal service is available to residents of Anoka County age 60 or better. Free legal consult is offered at the Mary Ann Young Senior Center by appointment generally on the first Tuesday of the month beginning at 11:15a.m. Call 763-786-9375 for an appointment. The next date is April 17th.

Outings & Tours! Call 763-786-9375 for details.

St. Croix - Danbury – Hole in the Wall Casino Trip Register by April 3 Rolls and coffee available prior to departure. Depart: Mary Ann Young Senior Center in Blaine on Wed., April 10th TIME: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. FEE: $5.00 ($5.00 back at the casino)

Treasure Island Casino Register by May 13

DATE: TIME: FEE: tabs)

Monday, May 20 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. $5 ($3 food coupon & 10 pull

Depart: Mary Ann Young Senior Center in Blaine

Sneak Peak & Spring Flower Show: KSTP T.V. tours behind the scenes in the 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS control rooms and newsroom, a live viewing of a newscast, plus a Questions & Answer session with the news anchors and meteorologist. Marjorie McNeely Conservatory occupies one full acre under glass, managing six indoor gardens and three outdoor gardens. Enjoy a delectable box lunch before meeting an animal ambassador for a close up encounter. Delight in the beauty and smells of the annual spring flower show currently in bloom in the Sunken Garden. Choose your lunch sandwich: ___Roast Beef, ___Roast Turkey, ___Grilled Vegetable Date: Tuesday, April 9th Time: 10:15a.m.-4p.m. Fee: $50 (lunch, tours, transportation, guide) Departs: Circle Pines Credit Union4 South Pine Drive

Entertaining and Ethnic Chicago (10 tickets) July 11 – 14 Featuring Tommy Gun’s Garage, a roaring Twenties Speakeasy dinner and musical show, Navy Pier, the Smith Museum of Stained Glass, a guided tour of the ethnic neighborhoods of Chicago, Broadway Musical Show, and the Fireside Dinner Theatre. For a complete Itinerary please call 763-785-6164.

“Seniors in Mind” – MN History Center The Hillgrove Ensemble, featuring Diane and Erik Pearson, perform the songs of Civil War soldiers and the loved ones they left at home. Register by April 30 Date: Tuesday, May 14 Time: 9:30 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. Fee: $20 (Depart: Blaine City Hall)

“This Side of Paradise”MN History Theater This new jazz musical, which premiered OffBroadway, tells the tale of F. Scott Fitzgerald and his muse Zelda, capturing both the joy of their romance and their struggles for artistic identity and fame. Lunch on your own after the show at the Macy’s River Room. Date: Thursday, May 2 (Register by April 4) Time: 8:45a.m.-3:15p.m. (Depart Blaine City Hall) Fee: $30

Swedish for the Day – Swedish Institute Valkommen! The American Swedish Institute is housed in the historic Turnblad mansion, the former home of wealthy publisher Swan J. Turnblad and his family. It is the only castle in the Twin Cities, and is on the National Register of Historic Places. This grand 33 room old house showcases beautiful stained glass, intricately carved wood, ornate ceilings and a unique collection of kakelugnar (Swedish porcelain tile stoves). The Swedish Immigrant Trunk presentation offers an opportunity to reminisce and handle centuryold objects from the 1860’s. Learn about immigration and the importance of preserving the history and traditions of all cultures. Lunch at the Swedish Institute includes a sampling from the offerings available and prepared by the staff of their own Fika Café. Enjoy a unique shopping experience at the Museum Shop. Register by May 20th. Pick up will be at the Circle Pines Credit Union - 4 South Pine Drive DATE: Tuesday, June 4 TIME: 10:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. FEE: $60 (includes guide, lunch and admissions)

Over 60 or an adult with a disability??

Curling League for Seniors:


Call Fogerty Ice Arena for details to get signed up on a team. See the brand new curling rink in Blaine just behind the Senior Center. Check it out! Call 763780-3328 with questions.

The cities of Anoka, Blaine and Coon Rapids have joined forces with Comfort YOUR ONE STOP Keepers and Epiphany Senior Housing to SHOPPING FOR: bring to a fun day of activity and MINOR HOME education, along with a tasty lunch on REPAIRS Thursday, May 30th from 10am-1pm. Cost Recycling Program: HOUSEKEEPING is just $5 and includes lunch, but space is SEASONAL CHORES The Spring Lake Park Lions have provided limited, so register at one of the three a bright yellow box outside the east CALL ANN OR JUDY hosting senior centers beginning May 1st! at 763-767-6521 entrance of the Senior Center to collect Income Tax Assistance: used eye glasses, eye glass cases, hearing **Sign up now to be on the We are FULL for tax appointments! Those with lawn care list! aids and cell phones. If you have any of an appointment: plan to arrive 15 minutes We are sorry to announce that these items and no longer need or use prior to your scheduled appointment time to we are no longer serving the them, please consider recycling them in the complete needed paperwork to under 60 population available container. Thank you! enable preparers to stay on due to funding issues. ACCAP Chores & More


Quilting Group Looking to learn the art of quilting, or already know how to quilt and want to join a group of ambitious people to make quilts for those in need? The next scheduled quilting date at the Mary Ann Young Senior Center is Monday, April 29th from 3-9p.m. You can also quilt at Blaine United Methodist Church on 115th Avenue (763-757-2170) on Wednesday evenings from 3-9 p.m., bring a dish to pass for the potlucks. Questions? Call Lucy at 612-220-6510. We accept fabric donations anytime throughout the year.

Billiards: Interested in playing 8 ball in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere? Up to 8 people can take turns playing at the Senior Center in Blaine on Tuesdays at 1p.m. Call ahead to let us know if you plan to stop in to play. ICE SKATING AT FOGERTY! Free ice skating is offered for adults on Wednesday mornings from 9:3011:00 a.m. at Fogerty Arena. Piped in music, coffee, and light refreshments are offered. Register in advance and join us at the senior Center for a lovely noon lunch following skating. The new restaurant is now open at the Curling Arena. Check it out. CELEBRATE BEING 80+

schedule. Our site is all E-Filed, and information is cross-checked with another tax preparer present. You will receive a copy of your filed taxes at the completion of your appointment time. Please bring your 2011 return, all 2012 tax information as well as W-2’s from employment, 1099’s for pensions, social security, interest and dividends, and misc. income, records of contributions and medical expenses. This free service is sponsored by the AARP Tax Aide Foundation, the IRS, and the MN Dept. of Revenue for taxpayers with low and middle income, persons with disabilities with special attention to those 60 years of age or older.

. GET WELL: We extend get well wishes to the following friends on the mend: • Allen Simonson • Ellen Simonson • Joan Cameron • Darrell Kelderman • Bob Taillefer

We invite everyone to honor those turning 80 Computer Question and years of age or better, on Wednesday, May Answer Session 22nd with guitar and vocals by Andy Patnaude at 11:00 a.m., along with special refreshments. Need help with e-mailing photos? Register in advance to join us for the luncheon. Interested in buying a computer, but not sure what kind to get? Confused by all the talk in the We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the family news about online computer scams and and friends of: what you should be doing to protect your • Howard Knapp privacy? Get answers to your computer • Lillian Vujich and technology questions in an open • Mervin Olson-woodcarver forum Q & A session on Wednesday, April 3rd at 10a.m. Please R.S.V.P. your • Owen Weium attendance.


Mary Ann Young Senior Center

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9150 Central Avenue NE Blaine MN 55434 (763) 786-9375 Address Service Requested

Defensive Driving Refresher Course Our Defensive Driving Classes fill quickly, so plan ahead for when you are due. Upcoming dates for refresher classes are: April 4thand May 16th. You must have taken the full 8-hour class in order to be eligible to take the 4-hour refresher. The Refresher classes are held from 9:45a.m to 2:30p.m., with a half hour lunch break. You must register and pre-pay for the class, which will be conducted by an instructor from the American Association of Retired Persons. Upon completion of the class, a certificate is issued and will be accepted by Insurance Companies for a discount on premiums for person’s 55 years of age and older. This certificate is good for (3) years and therefore must be repeated. This is a lecture-video class. The AARP rate is $12 for members and $14 for non-members. Make all checks payable to “A.A.R.P.” You must show and record your AARP member number (if applicable) on the form you complete at the refresher class. Lunch is available for the refresher class for a suggested donation of $3.50 per person age 60 and up. If you are not age 60, the lunch cost is (763)780-4 $6.50. Please pay for lunch on the day of class, but you must register at least three days in advance for the meal. Checks for the meal need to be written out to “V.O.A.”. Coffee and treats are provided for a suggested donation of $1. Please bring your driver’s license and AARP Card (if applicable) to class with you. Because classes fill so quickly each month, be sure to plan at least six to eight weeks in advance of your needed date. To register, call the Senior Center first, then mail in your AARP payment to the Mary Ann Young Senior Center address: 9150 Central Ave. N.E., Blaine, 55434, or stop by the Center in person to complete your transaction. Pre-payment is required to secure your reservation. A 48-hour cancellation notice is needed to receive a refund. ** Senior Center office hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Would you like a lunch reservation? ___Yes ___No Date of Class_____________ Date of Birth______________ Name


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