Residents Can Get A Free Face Covering From The City Of Concord T
he City of Concord is hosting an ongoing series of drive-thru face covering distribution events across the community. Staff will distribute up to two face coverings per person present. Since the first events in early July, thousands of masks have already been provided. Events will continue to be planned over the coming weeks and months to distribute a total of 20,000 face-coverings.
On June 26, North Carolina entered a statewide executive order mandating the use of face coverings in public places. For more information on the requirements, visit “City Manager Lloyd Payne has taken our role in encouraging compliance with North Carolina’s statewide masking requirement seriously,” said Emergency Management Coordinator Ian Crane. “After already supplying every City of Concord coworker with two face coverings, we believe this is an important next step in ensuring the community has what it needs to protect each other from COVID-19.” For more information and the latest on upcoming face covering distribution events, visit
LOCAL COVID-19 RESOURCES Cabarrus County residents can turn to the Cabarrus Health Alliance (CHA) for ongoing information related to COVID-19 and other public health concerns. CHA provides updates through its website, cabarrushealth. org. Spanish and American Sign Language resources are also available. You can also call the Health Information Line at 704-920-1213 or email Follow CHA using @CabarrusHealth on Facebook and Twitter. • • FALL 2020 • CONCORD CITY CIRCULAR • 5