Includes a 0.6 mile paved asphalt trail which runs through Historic Gibson Village from Kerr St. to Academy Ave., and a sidewalk connector along Academy Ave., Alexander St., and Elm Ave. to the Cabarrus Boys and Girls Club. Public parking available at the corner of Kerr St. and Crowell Dr. NW, and at the Academy Recreation Center.
Includes a 2.2 mile asphalt trail along Three-Mile Branch from Les Myers Park (south end) to about 1/4-mile north of Hatley Cir. Public parking at Les Myers Park, McGee Park, Wilson St., and on-street parking along McCachern Blvd. The downtown loop includes 3 miles of connecting sidewalk along Lawndale Ave., Patton Ct., Union St., Means Ave. and McCachern Blvd. to the Greenway trail head across from the Post Office, 75 McCachern Blvd. SE
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Feel free to contact us or visit our website if you have any questions concerning our facilities. You can find our contact information in this issue or on our website.
Includes a 1.5 mile asphalt trail along the Rocky River from Alexia Ct. to Moss Farm St. between Harris Rd. Middle School, and W.R. Odell Primary School. See wildlife in a wetlands habitat, view environmental education displays and experience the boardwalks and observation decks. Parking available at the south end only (1215 Moss Farm St. NW, W.R. Odell Primary School)
Includes a 2.75 mile connection from the Embassy Suites located on John Q. Hammonds Drive to Clover Road in the Riverwalk neighborhood. It includes connectivity along Gateway Lanes, and a crossing to the Hampton Inn & Suites. Trail head parking can be found at the Weddington Road Bark Park, and Embassy Suites. This greenway features over 3/4's of a mile of boardwalk, a public shelter, outdoor classroom, and an observation deck to the Rocky River. Visitors will be welcomed by natural habitat and featured public art at turns along Gateway Lane and Weddington Road.
Includes a 1.3 mile asphalt path connection from Weddington Rd. to Highway 29 at Christy’s Nursery. Parking currently available at Publix on Weddington Rd.
2.62 miles of natural surface trail along the Rocky River adjacent to the Mills at Rocky River neighborhood.
Includes a 0.5 mile greenway within Dorton Park along Afton Branch connecting the park to the West Cabarrus YMCA at Dumbarton Street and Langford Avenue. Parking will be available at Dorton Park, along Burck Drive (on-street parking), and at the YMCA lower lot.

City of Concord Parks & Recreation exists to provide recreation services, parks and facilities that enrich the lives of all residents and promote the opportunity for a healthy lifestyle.
Providing quality programming and services, a safe, aesthetically pleasing greenway and park system is the commitment we make every day to the families and residents of Concord. We take great pride in providing services that enhance quality of life and we strive to make our community a great place to live.
We hope you have the opportunity to get outdoors and walk the greenway, visit one of our parks, experience one of our special events, visit one of our community centers, and participate in a recreational class or program.
Concord Parks & Recreation takes great pride in the community support we receive and want you to know that we are continually working to earn your support. We welcome your comments, questions or concerns. You can reach our office at 704.920.5600 or email us at recreation@concordnc.gov.
There is no better time to invest in a healthy future than today.
Mayor & City Council
Mayor, William “Bill” Dusch
Andy Langford District 1
Lori Clay District 2
Betty M. Stocks District 3
J.C. McKenzie. District 4
Terry L. Crawford District 5
Jennifer P. Hubbard District 6
John A. Sweat, Jr. District 7
Registration is on a first-come, firstserved basis. Fees are due and payable upon registration. A registration form for our classes is included below. Please note: Summer Playground, Athletic Programs and Special Events require different registration forms. Please call for the appropriate form or download from our website at concordparksandrec.org.
There are three ways you can register for classes or programs:
1 Mail: Complete this registration form, include payment and mail to: Concord Parks & Recreation Department | P.O. Box 308 | Concord, NC 28026-0308
2 Online: For your convenience, some classes and programs are now available through online registration. Please visit our civic site catalog which is https://secure.rec1.com/ NC/concord-nc/catalog to see if online registration is available for your class or program. Online registration payment can be made with your credit or debit card. A user fee is applied to online charge payments.
!Registration Form (PLEASE PRINT)
Participant’s Name
Home/Cell Phone
Date Of Birth
3 Walk-in: Complete this registration form and bring with payment to any recreation or activity center.
City Resident Discount: Many of our activities and programs offer discounts to City of Concord Residents due to contributions to the local tax base. If a discount is offered, it is shown as a City Resident Discount, and if applicable, this amount will be deducted from the program fee as indicated. This discount applies to registration fees and not to supplies, materials, equipment, etc.
You are a resident if you reside within the City Limits of Concord. If you are still not sure please call 704.920.5600. Please call 704.920.5600 or email us at recreation@concordnc.gov if you have any questions or concerns.
Concord Parks & Recreation
P. O. Box 308 Concord, NC 28026-0308 147 Academy Avenue, NW Tel. 704.920.5600 | Fax 704.792.1971 concordparksandrec.org
TDD/North Carolina Relay
Do you wish to receive texts? Yes No
Address City State Zip
Activity Location
Dates: From To
Time (am/pm) on M T W TH F SAT SUN (PLEASE CIRCLE)
Programs are provided for people of all abilities.
I request ADA accommodation for a disability/medical condition. Yes No
Each request will be assessed in compliance with ADA.
I agree to release and hold harmless the City of Concord and its staff from any and all claims for personal injury, property loss or any other loss that may arise out of or during participation in this program. I understand that pre-registration in my class is on a first-come, first-served basis, and that the Concord Parks & Recreation Department, its staff, facilities, and instructors will not be held responsible for any injury or loss that might occur in the course of the program. The department reserves the right to cancel or modify programs due to enrolment, weather or other situations that are deemed necessary. Refunds may be made in cases in which changes in class day, time or site prevent participation. I understand that photographs and videos may be taken during the program for departmental use. Registration fee is enclosed (if applicable).
Registrant’s Signature
(Parent’s signature if registrant is under 18)
Residency (PLEASE CHECK ONE) City of Concord Resident Non-Resident
Date Fee
Please make check payable to City of Concord
Designed to introduce players to organized sports. Rules are simplified, team rosters are reduced, and playing season is compacted to allow maximum exposure in a limited time frame. (All games and practices in this division are on Saturdays.)
5&6, 7&8 DIVISION
Begins developing fundamentals for each specific sport. Rules are modified to present the optimum playing experience for novice participants. (Practices and games are on week nights or Saturdays.)
Builds on basic fundamentals of given sport. Rules are slightly modified to present optimum playing experience for participants with limited exposure. (Practices and games are on week nights or Saturdays.)
Designed to promote teamwork, sportsmanship and advance fundamental development. No rule modifications. (Practices and games are on week nights or Saturdays.)

A full registration refund will be granted for withdrawals prior to the date of the coaching draft. After the draft date withdrawn participants will receive a 50% refund up until the second scheduled practice date. No refunds will be issued after the second scheduled practice date has concluded. (Specific dates for coaching drafts & practices will be provided for each sports season)
All Others

CAMPS at Les Myers Park Ages 5 - 10
A fun, active and informative introduction to the sport of tennis for 5 –10-year-old boys and girls. Smaller courts, lighter racquets and lower compression balls means that the kids start having more fun from the outset. Hand-eye coordination drills, running drills, and the fundamental strokes of the game (groundstrokes, serve and volley) will be learned. It also includes games and an introduction to match play. Min. 1; Max. 15. Pre-registration is required.
Per Session: $135 City Resident; $160 Non-Resident
Monday - Thursday June 17 - 20; register or cancel by June 14 9:00 AM- 12:30 PM
Monday - Thursday June 24 - 27; register or cancel by June 21 9:00 AM- 12:30 PM
Monday - Thursday July 8 - 11; register or cancel by July 5 9:00 AM- 12:30 PM
Monday - Thursday July 22 - 25; register or cancel by July 19 9:00 AM- 12:30 PM
Monday - Thursday August 5 - 8; register or cancel by August 2 9:00 AM- 12:30 PM 0 0 0
Teams enter the league pre-formed. Contact 704.920.5618 for more information or visit our website at concordparksandrec.org
Divisions: Men’s Open, Co-ed, Women’s, Men’s Senior (40+)
Fee: $400 per team
Spring Registration: February 1 - 28
Playing Days:
Playing Season: March - May Men's Senior (40+) Monday
Summer Registration: May 1 - 31 (Men’s Open & Co-ed ONLY) Co-ed Tuesday
Ages 16 & up
Playing Season: June - August Women's Wednesday
Fall Registration: August 1 – 31 Men's Open Thursday
Playing Season: Sept – Nov
Divisions: Men’s 7 v 7 and Co-ed 7 v 7
Fee: $400 per team
Registration: August 1 – 31
Ages 16 & up
Playing Days:
Playing Season: Sept. - Dec. Men's Monday Co-ed Wednesday
COUCH TO 5K at W.W. Flowe Park
All ages
This group training and exercise program does not require running experience. It is designed to encourage, motivate and challenge the individual to compete with his/her peers. The final goal of the Summer Session is to run in the Streetlight 5k on July 12th. The final goal of the fall session is to run in the Veterans Salute to 5k on November 2nd. Pre-registration is required.
Per Session: $15
Summer Session Tu,Th May 7 - July 11; register or cancel by May 3 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Fall Session Tu,Th August 27 - October 31; register or cancel by August 23 6:30 - 7:30 PM
0 0
Welcome to Jay Tryon
We would like to introduce you to our new City of Concord Parks and Recreation Deputy Director, Jay Tryon.
Originally from Buffalo, New York, Jay graduated from State University of NY College at Brockport with a BS in Recreation Management.
Prior to joining the City, Jay has nearly 20 years of senior management experience with Parks and Recreation between the Town of Indian Trail and Mecklenburg County.
Jay is passionate about Parks and Recreation; having published blogs, a National Recreation and Parks Association magazine article, and participated in national conference speaking engagements.
As Deputy Director for the Department, Jay brings a strong record of strategic facility and program planning, bond project management, budget development, and community engagement.
When not working Jay enjoys time with his family; typically visiting parks with his wife Lindsey, cheering on his son Noah who plays multiple sports, building a developing parks and recreation enthusiast in his two-year-old daughter, Piper, and visiting new restaurants.


Use this QR code to register.
Join us for a summer night under the lights, with activities for all ages.
Downtown Concord, McCachern Blvd | Friday, July 12th
At the Streetlight Frolic, families and adults can cheer on runners in the Streetlight 5K and enjoy crafts, games, amusements, food trucks and beer sales. Carnival Themed. No Fee.
Fun Run (1 Mile) Start: 7pm 5k Road Race; Start 7:30pm Registration Information
Fee: Free
Start/Finish Line on McCachern Blvd, following the Downtown Connector Greenway with a ½ mile turnaround
Fee: $15 Registration Fee; $20 on Race Day
Start/Finish Line on McCachern Blvd beside the Cabarrus County Parking Lot. Run towards Corban Ave, take a right towards Union St, out and back on Union St, run down into McEachern Greenway and back up to the finish using Downtown Connector
Registration Starts: March 30th
Register by June 21st to be guaranteed an awesome T-Shirt!
Race Day Registration: Increases price of $5 on race day and while supplies last for all registrations after June 21st
Race Day Registration: 6:00pm
Awards given to top 3 overall in male and female and to the top three male and female finishers in each age group: 10 & under, 11-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75 and over.

• Ages 18 & up
• Friday, 6:00-7:30 PM
• Min. 10/ Max 50
• No Fee / Staff Supervision
• Ages 8 - 15
• Monday & Wednesday, 6:00-7:30pm
• Min. 10 / Max. 50
• No Fee / Staff Supervision

• Ages 18 & up
• Tuesday & Thursday, 6:00-7:30 PM
• Min. 10 / Max. 60
• No Fee / Staff Supervision
MOTHER’S DAY CRAFT at Academy Recreation Center Ages 6 - 12
Come make a craft for that special person for Mother’s Day. Min. 5; Max. 12. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Staff Led No Fee. Thursday May 9; register or cancel by May 3 5:00 - 6:30 PM

HUE GOT IT! at David Phillips Activity Center
Ages 18 & up
Join us with your friends and family members for an unforgettable creative evening! Forget the seriousness of the art world, this is a hilarious masterpiece in the making. Every brush stroke comes with a side of laughs & giggles. Let the colorful chaos begin! Min. 2; Max. 12. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Brenda Gonzalez
Per Session: $10 City Resident; $15 Non-Resident
Thursday May 23; register or cancel by May 10 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Thursday August 8; register or cancel by July 26 6:00 - 7:30 PM
WILD CHILD at David Phillips Activity Center
Ages 8-13
This is a nature immersion program in which kids learn about nature, wildlife, and our environment in a hands-on way. Min. 1; Max. 15. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Rachael Marks
No Fee.
PROJECT GREEN - Learn about the environment and sustainability. Play some games and help make the environment a little bit greener!
Tuesday May 7; register or cancel by May 5 4:30 - 6:00 PM
GREEN THUMBS - Grow your green thumb and learn about gardening and how to take care of your own plant.
Tuesday May 21; register or cancel by May 19 4:30 - 6:00 PM
FORTS! - Who doesn’t love good, old fashioned fort building!? Join us as we build some awesome forts!
Wednesday June 12; register or cancel by June 10 4:30 - 6:00 PM
CREEK STOMP AND CLEAN - Summer is a great time to play in the creeks, and it’s always a great time to pick up some litter. Come and play in the creek and help make our waterways a little bit cleaner
Wednesday June 26; register or cancel by June 24 4:30 - 6:00 PM
CAMOUFLAGE - Investigate the world of camouflage. Play some games and learn more about this adaptation as we explore the forest and search out some camouflaged animals.
Wednesday July 10; register or cancel by July 8 4:30 - 6:00 PM
SCAVENGER HUNT - Test your nature skills and knowledge in a fun and exciting scavenger hunt. Search for animals, plants, and more as you explore the forest, creek, and everything in between!
Wednesday July 24; register or cancel by July 22 4:30 - 6:00 PM

at David Phillips Activity Center
Ages 3-6
Get ready to dive into a world of fun at ‘Juice, Brushes, and Artistic Touches’! Come join us for a colorful adventure where we’ll paint, craft, and sip on yummy juices together – it’s going to be a blast! Min. 1; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Jared Seamon
Per Class: $3
Thursday June 13; register or cancel by June 10
Thursday June 27; register or cancel by June 24
Thursday July 11; register or cancel by July 8
Thursday July 25; register or cancel by July 22
Thursday August 8; register or cancel by August 5
Thursday August 29; register or cancel by August 26
10:00 - 10:45 AM
10:00 - 10:45 AM
10:00 - 10:45 AM
10:00 - 10:45 AM
10:00 - 10:45 AM
10:00 - 10:45 AM
at David Phillips Activity Center Ages 4 & up
Fourth of July Tie Dye Shirt: Don’t know what to wear to your next Fourth of July cookout? Join us in making a tie dye T-shirt and look stunning at your next cookout! Children must be accompanied by an adult. Min. 2; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Brenda Gonzalez
Per Class: $10 City Resident; $15 Non-Resident
Friday June 28; register or cancel by June 14
0 0 0
PILATES at David Phillips Activity Center
10:00 - 11:30 AM
Ages 18 & up
Improve your core strength, flexibility and balance while building strength. Workout incorporates bands, weights and fitness balls, combining yoga techniques. Bring your water bottle. Min. 5; Max. 12. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Michelle Colombero, Master Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor
Per Session: $35 City Resident; $40 Non-Resident
Tuesday April 2 - May 7; register or cancel by March 29 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Tuesday May 14 - June 25; register or cancel by May 10; No class May 28 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Tuesday July 9 - August 13; register or cancel by July 5 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Tuesday August 20 - October 1; register or cancel by August 16; No class September 3 6:00 - 7:00 PM
David Phillips Activity Center Ages 16 & up
Tai Chi is a gentle practice that applies principles of balance to transform oneself. In this class you’ll learn our Tai Chi form which is a short slow moving set of relaxing postures that improve your balance, calm your mind, and physically realign your body. Daily practice of Tai Chi improves your coordination, deters injury and slows down joint degeneration. In each class we dive into the underlying philosophy and science behind each movement while keeping the material fresh and relaxing. Come practice with us, see you soon. Min. 2; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Daniel Hyde
Per Session: $60 City Resident; $70 Non-Resident
Wednesday May 1 -29; register or cancel by April 28 6:15 - 7:30 PM
Wednesday June 5 - 26; register or cancel by June2 6:15 - 7:30 PM
Wednesday July 3 - 31; register or cancel by June 30 6:15 - 7:30 PM
Wednesday August 7 - 28; register or cancel by August 4 6:15 - 7:30 PM
Wednesday September 4 - 25; register or cancel by September 1 6:15 - 7:30 PM
PERSONAL TRAINING at David Phillips Activity Center
18 & up
Master Personal Trainer Michelle Colombero will design a one-hour fitness program that includes strength training for your upper and lower body, a cardiovascular component, nutritional consultation and flexibility exercises. Call 704-920-5600 for more information. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Michelle Colombero
Per Class: $45 City Resident; $50 Non-Resident
0 0 0
ROOTED YOGA at David Phillips Activity Center
Ages 18 & up
Beginner yoga style fitness class focusing on strength and stretching. Hand weights are incorporated to help build strength and balance. The class begins on the ground or in a chair and moves to standing. The class finishes on the mat or in a chair. Modifications are offered, mats and props are available. Min. 2; Max. 14.
Instructor: Meg Irvin, YogaFit Certified with 15 years teaching experience
Per Class: $3
Monday August 5 - September 30; No class September 2 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Wednesday June 5 -September 25; No class July 24 10:00 - 11:00 AM
0 0 0
FIRST STEP YOGA at David Phillips Activity Center
Ages 18 & up
Beginner-intermediate flow yoga class. Focus on strength and flexibility. Props and mats available, but feel free to bring your own. Modifications offered.
Instructor: Meg Irvin, YogaFit Certified with 15 years teaching experience
Fee: $3
Wednesday June 5 -September 25; No class July 24 11:00 AM- 12:00 PM 0 0
Phillips Activity Center
Ages 18 & up
Seated yoga, building on strength and flexibility. The class will cater to those who are present. Mat exercises may be offered. Modifications to use the mat or the chair will be offered as well. Min. 2; Max. 14.
Instructor: Meg Irvin, YogaFit Certified with 15 years teaching experience
Per Class: $3
Monday August 5 - 26 11:15 - 11:45 AM
0 0 0
MELT THE DAY AWAY at David Phillips Activity Center
Ages 16 & up
Let the stress of your Monday melt away in this 45 minute yoga class. The flow style class focuses on strength and flexibility. Mats and props available, feel free to bring your own. Min. 2; Max. 14.
Instructor: Meg Irvin, YogaFit Certified with 15 years teaching experience
Per Class: $3
Monday May 6, 20, 27
Monday June 3, 10, 17, 24
Monday July 1, 15, 29
5:30 - 6:15 PM
5:30 - 6:15 PM
5:30 - 6:15 PM
Monday August 12, 19, 26 5:30 - 6:15 PM 0
Schedule Subject to Change for Events and Programs
• Ages 9 & up
• Min. 2; Max. 6
• No Fee
• Instructor: Staff Supervised
• Thursday: 4:00 – 8:00 PM
• Friday: 4:00 – 8:00 PM
Summer Camp
June 10th – July 19th
Schedule Subject to Change for Events and Programs
• Ages 18 & up
• Min. 2; Max. 6
• No Fee
• Instructor: Staff Supervised
• Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
• Thursday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Summer Camp
June 10th – July 19th
This self-instructed class allows participants to condition, stretch and socialize as you walk your way to better health. Class will not meet on Holidays.
• Ages 18 & up
• Min. 2; Max. 7
• Instructor: Staff Supervision
• No Fee

Meet new people while playing the fastest growing sport! Pickleball is a combination of badminton, tennis, and table tennis.
Schedule Subject to Change for Events and Programs.
No Pickleball on Holidays.
• Min. 8; Max. 40
• Instructor: Staff Supervised
• No Fee.
• Monday: Ages 50 & up 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM Ages 18 & up 3:00 PM – 8:00 PM
• Wednesday: Ages 50 & up 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Ages 18 & up 3:00 PM – 8:00 PM
• Friday: Ages 50 & up 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Summer Camp
June 10th – July 19th
• Ages 9 & up
• Min. 2; Max 6
• No Fee
Open gym for basketball.
Schedule Subject to Change for Events and Programs.
• Ages 6-17
• Min. 2; Max. 60
• No Fee
• Instructor: Staff Supervised
• Holiday hours are 12:00-6:00 PM
• Tuesday: 3:30 – 8:00 PM
• Thursday: 3:30 – 8:00 PM
• Friday: 3:30 – 8:00 PM
• Saturday: 12:00 – 5:00 PM
Summer Camp
June 10th –July 19th

Open gym for adult basketball. Schedule Subject to Change for Events and Programs.
• Ages 18 & up
• Min. 2; Max. 60
• No Fee
• Instructor: Staff Supervised
• Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
• Thursday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
• Saturday: 12:00 – 5:00 PM
Summer Camp
June 10th – July 19th
• Ages 6-17
• Min. 2; Max 8
• No Fee
• Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Continual)
• Time: 9:00 – 10:00 AM
• Instructor: Staff Supervised
• Friday: 3:00 – 5:00 PM
• Instructor: Staff Supervised
• Wednesday: 3:30 – 6:00 PM
BRIDGE at Hartsell Recreation Center
Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge Min. 10; Max. 50.
Instructor: Hosted by Concord Bridge Club , For additional information contact Robert Dibianca (704-787-8080)
Per Class: $5
Ages 18 & up
M,F August 2 - December 27 12:00 - 4:00 PM
BEGINNERS QUILTING at Hartsell Recreation
Ages 18 & up
In this class you will be learning the basics of quilting and how to cut patterns, using your sewing machines and much more, Min. 3; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Johnnie McCallum
Per Session: $30 City Resident; $35 Non-Resident
Tuesday September 10 - October 29; register or cancel by September 6 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM
QUILTING at Hartsell Recreation Center
Ages 18 & up
Welcome all quilters! During this quilting class you will create exceptional keepsakes and long-lasting friendship. Min. 2; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Johnnie McCallum
Per Session: $30 City Resident; $35 Non-Resident
Thursday September 12 - December 19; register or cancel by September 6; No class November 28 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM
LADIES PICKLEBALL CLINIC at Hartsell Recreation Center
Ages 18 & up
Pickleball clinic for ladies who want to learn the rules and the basics of how to play. Min. 4; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Robin Brown
No Fee.
Tuesday September 17; register or cancel by September 13 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM
Tuesday November 19; register or cancel by November 15 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM 0 0
PICKLEBALL CLINIC at Hartsell Recreation Center
Ages 18 & up
Pickleball clinic for those who want to learn the rules and basics of how to play. Min. 4; Max. 40. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Robin Brown
No Fee.
Thursday October 10; register or cancel by October 7 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM
Thursday October 24; register or cancel by October 21 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM
1 Beverly Hills Park
704.920.5601 • 631 Miramar Street, NE
2 James L. Dorton Park 704.920.5602 • 5790 Poplar Tent Road
3 Marvin Caldwell Park 704.920.5603 • 362 Georgia Street, SW
4 Hartsell Park 704.920.5602 • 65 Sunderland Road
5 J. W. “Mickey” McGee, Jr. Park 704.920.5601 or 704.920.5600 219 Corban Avenue, East
6 Les Myers Park 704.920.5600 • 338 Lawndale Avenue
7 W. W. Flowe Park 704.920.5600 • 99 Central Heights Drive
8 Weddington Road Bark Park 704.920.5600 • 8955 Weddington Road
1 Academy Recreation Center 704.920.5601 • 147 Academy Avenue, NW
2 Gibson Field 704.920.5600 • 323 Misenheimer Drive NW
3 Hartsell Recreation Center 704.920.5602 • 60 Hartsell School Road
4 John F. McInnis Aquatic Center 704.785.8105 • 151 Academy Avenue, NW (Seasonal, May-August)
5 Lake Fisher Reservoir Boat Rentals 704.920.5600 or 704.938.1327
5099 Lake Fisher Road (Seasonal)
6 Logan Multi-Purpose Center 704.920.5603 • 184 Booker St., SW
7 McAllister Field 704.920.5600 • 160 Crowell Drive, NW
8 Webb Field 704.920.5600 • 165 Academy Avenue, NW
9 David Phillips Activity Center 704.920.5604 • 946 Burrage Rd. NE
10 Rocky River Golf Club at Concord 704.455.1200 • 6500 Bruton Smith Blvd.
11 Brown Mill Mountain Bike Trail 704.920.5600 • 7 Second St., SW (4.0 mi.)
FS 8 1485 Old Charlotte Rd, Concord, NC 28027
FS 9 1020 Ivey Cline Rd, Concord, NC 28027
FS 12 3300 Roberta Road Concord, NC 28027


Open daily from 8:00 am – 9:00 pm
Lighted field and court facilities close at 11:00 pm
Open daily from 8:00 am – 7:00 pm
Lighted field and court facilities close at 10:00 pm
Open Monday - Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Saturdays 12:00 – 5:00 pm
Holiday Hours: Jan 17, Apr 15, May 30 12:00 – 6:00 pm


ARTASTIC at Hartsell Recreation Center
Each month our staff will have a different creative and amazing art project for you to enjoy making. Min. 2; Max. 15. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Staff Instructed No Fee.
Thursday August 15; register or cancel by August 8
Ages 5-12
- 6:45 PM
- 6:45 PM
- 6:45 PM
- 6:45 PM
Thursday September 19; register or cancel by September 12 6:00 - 6:45 PM
BEGINNERS KARATE at Hartsell Recreation Center
Participants experience the fun and self-discipline of Karate. Min. 5; Max. 30. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Vance Passley
Per Session: $30 City Resident; $35 Non-Resident
Ages 5 & up
May 1 - 29; register or cancel by May 8; No class May 27 6:00 - 7:00 PM
M,Tu,W June 3 - 26; register or cancel by June 10 6:00 - 7:00 PM
M,Tu,W July 1 - 31; register or cancel by July 8 6:00 - 7:00 PM
M,Tu,W August 5 - 28; register or cancel by August 12 6:00 - 7:00 PM
M,Tu,W September 3 - 25; register or cancel by September 9 6:00 - 7:00 PM
ADVANCED KARATE at Hartsell Recreation Center
Participants experience the fun and self-discipline of Karate. Min. 5; Max. 30. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Vance Passley
Per Session: $30 City Resident; $35 Non-Resident
Ages 5 & up
May 1 - 29; register or cancel by May 8; No class May 27 7:00 - 8:00 PM
M,Tu,W June 3 - 26; register or cancel by June 10 7:00 - 8:00 PM
July 1 - 31; register or cancel
- 8:00 PM
SMALL GROUP PERSONAL TRAINING at Hartsell Recreation Center
Ages 15 & up
Workout will focus on strength, endurance, toning, and cardio training in a small group. Don’t forget water, and a towel. Min. 4; Max. 15. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: John Edmond, IFTA Personal Trainer
Fee: $35 City Resident; $40 Non-Resident
Tu,Th May 2 - 30; register or cancel by May 9 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Tu,Th June 4 - 27; register or cancel by June 10 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Tu,Th July 2 - 30; register or cancel by July12; No classes July 9 - 11 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Tu,Th August 6 - 29; register or cancel by August 12 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Tu,Th September 3 - 26; register or cancel by September 9 5:30 - 6:30 PM 0
ONE-ON-ONE PERSONAL TRAINING at Hartsell Recreation Center
Ages 14 & up
Each training session will focus on the participant’s goals related to building muscle, strength, musclar endurance, and cardiovascular endurance. Stop by Hartsell Recreation Center or call 704-920-5602 for more information. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: John Edmond, IFTA Personal Trainer
Per Session: $30 City Resident; $35 Non-Resident


Open Gym Basketball.
• Ages: 8-17
• Min. 2; Max. 25
• No Fee
• Instructor: Staff Supervised
• Dates: June 3 – September 30
• Days: Monday – Friday
• Time: 2:00 – 5:00 PM
Open Gym Basketball.
• Ages: 18 & up
• Min. 2; Max. 25
• No Fee
• Dates: June 3 – September 30
• Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
• Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Open Gym Basketball.
• Ages: 50 & up
• Min. 2; Max. 25
• No Fee
• Instructor: Staff Supervised
• Dates: June 3 – September 30
• Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
• Time: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Join your friends for one of the fastest growing sports! Pickleball is a combination of badminton, tennis, and table tennis.
• Ages: 18 & up
• Min. 2; Max. 40
• No Fee
• Instructor: Staff Supervised
• Dates: June 4 – September 26
• Days: Tuesday, Thursday
• Time: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Join us for a variety of board games and loads of laughter.
• Ages: 6 & up
• Min. 2; Max. 20
• No Fee
• Staff Supervised
• Dates: June 5 – September 27
• Days: Wednesday – Friday
• Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Join Parks and Recreation in open games of Billiards.
• Ages: 18 & up
• No Fee
• Instructor: Staff Supervised
• Dates: June 3 – September 30
• Days: Monday – Friday
• Time: 1:00 – 6:00 PM
Teens come out and join Parks and Recreation in playing video games, and socialize with friends.
• Ages: 13 – 17
• Min. 2; Max. 12
• No Fee
• Instructor: Staff Supervised
• Dates: June 5 – September 25
• Days: Wednesday
• Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Come join Parks and Recreation at Logan Center in Open Badminton all levels of play are welcomed.
• Ages: 18 & up
• Min. 2; Max. 25
• No Fee
• Instructor: Staff Supervised
• Dates: June 3 – September 30
• Days: Monday
• Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM

ACTIVE ADULT BINGO at Logan Multi-Purpose Center
Senior adults come join us in games of BINGO. Min. 4; Max. 20.
Instructor: Staff Led
No Fee.
Ages 55 & up
Friday June 28; July 26; August 23; September 27 5:00 - 6:00 PM 0 0 0
SOUTHWEST KARATE at Logan Multi-Purpose Center
Youth learn how to defend yourself, gain confidence, and get in shape. Min. 5; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Tony Moody
No Fee.
Ages 4-5
Tu,Th June 4 - September 26 6:00 - 6:30 PM 0 0
SOUTHWEST KARATE at Logan Multi-Purpose Center
Youth learn how to defend yourself, gain confidence, and get in shape Min. 10; Max. 30. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Tony Moody
No Fee.
Ages 6-10
Tu,Th June 4 - September 26 6:00 - 7:00 PM
0 0 0
SOUTHWEST KARATE at Logan Multi-Purpose Center
Learn how to defend yourself, gain confidence, and get in shape Min. 10; Max. 30. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Tony Moody
No Fee.
Ages 11 & up
Tu,Th June 4 - September 26 7:00 - 8:00 PM
at Logan Multi-Purpose Center
Fun filled games of cross-court basketball. Min. 6; Max. 40.
Instructor: Staff Supervised
No Fee.
Ages 13-17
Friday June 7 - September 27 6:00 - 8:00 PM
FATHER’S DAY CRAFT at Logan Multi-Purpose Center
Come join Parks and Recreation in making a Father’s Day keepsake for that special dad. Min. 2; Max. 15.
Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Staff Led
No Fee.
Ages 6-13
Thursday June 13; register or cancel by June 12 2:00 - 3:00 PM
BINGO at Logan Multi-Purpose Center
Join Parks and Recreation in playing games of BINGO. Min. 5; Max. 15.
Instructor: Staff Led
No Fee.
Ages 6-12
Wednesdays June 26; July 24; August 7 2:00 - 3:00 PM 0 0 0
DODGEBALL at Logan Multi-Purpose Center
Youth come out and join us for games of Dodgeball Min. 10; Max. 20.
Instructor: Staff Supervised
No Fee.
Ages 6-15
Tuesdays June 18 - July 30 4:00 - 5:00 PM
BASKETBALL CAMP at Logan Multi-Purpose Center
Come join parks and recreation and learn the fundamentals of basketball, dribbling, passing, and shooting. Min. 6; Max. 40.
Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Todd Miller
No Fee.
Ages 6-15
M,W,F June 24 - August 2 3:30 - 5:00 PM
ZUMBA at Logan Multi-Purpose Center
Join Parks and Recreation at Logan Center for a dynamic, exciting and effective fitness program. Min. 2; Max. 25.
Instructor: Ursula Barrier
Per Class: $3
Ages 18 & up
Tu,Th June 4 - September 26 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Saturday June1 - September 28 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Walk away fat while conditioning and stretching your muscles. Min. 2; Max. 40.
Instructor: Staff Led
No Fee.
Ages 18 & up
Monday - Friday June 3 - September 30; No class July 4; September 2 9:00 - 10:30 AM
FUN TIME IN GYM at Logan Multi-Purpose Center
Ages 18 & up
Inclusive open gym basketball, open billiards, workout room, and occasional craft for people with varying needs and ability levels. Min. 2; Max. 30.
Instructor: Staff Supervised
No Fee.
Monday June 3 - September 30 12:30 - 3:00 PM
All ages
Using the greenways, get a chance to hike, enjoy nature and learn to identify different trees, plants, animals and more! Get to know some of the native species that populate our green spaces around Concord and learn about the beneficial flora and fauna that live along our creeks, rivers, and greenways. Min. 1; Max. 15. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Rachael Marks
No Fee.
Ages 3-6
Come along and explore Three Mile Branch as we learn about watersheds, macroinvertebrates, and plants that live in and along the creek. Be prepared to get wet and dirty! Min. 1; Max. 12. Pre-registration is required
Instructor: Rachael Marks
Ages 7-13
Come along and explore Three Mile Branch as we learn about watersheds, macroinvertebrates, and plants that live in and along the creek. Be prepared to get wet and dirty! Min. 1; Max. 12. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Rachael Marks
Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge. Min. 10; Max. 50.
Instructor: Hosted by Concord Bridge Club , For additional information contact Robert Dibianca (704-787-8080)
Ages 18 & up
MOTHER’S DAY CRAFT at Fire Station #12
Ages 2 & up
Handprint Apron: Make mom a gift she can use daily. We’ll put your little one’s handprints on an apron that she can cherish forever. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Min. 2; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Brenda Gonzalez
Per Class: $10 City Resident; $15 Non-Resident Tuesday
- 11:30 AM
One of our favorite toddler programs is back! Bring the kiddos to read a story and create something fun! Min. 2; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Brenda Gonzalez
Per Session: $3 City Resident; $5 Non-Resident
Wednesday May 1; register or cancel by April 26 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Wednesday May 8; register or cancel by May 3 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Wednesday May 15; register or cancel by May 10 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Wednesday May 22; register or cancel by May 17 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Wednesday May 29; register or cancel by May 24 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Wednesday June 12; register or cancel by June 7 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Wednesday June 19; register or cancel by June 14 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Wednesday June 26; register or cancel by June 21 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Wednesday July 3; register or cancel by June 28 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Wednesday July 10; register or cancel by July 5 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Wednesday August 7; register or cancel by August 2
10:00 - 11:00 AM
Have a blast and learn some science with fun, exciting experiments, engineering challenges, and more! Min. 1; Max. 15. Pre-registration is required.
Ages 8-13
Instructor: Rachael Marks
Per Class: $5 City Resident; $7 Non-Resident
DESIGN CHALLENGE - Put your engineering and design skills to the test. Complete different challenges that encompass the world of engineering and design.
Tuesday July 9; register or cancel by July 7 10:00 - 11:30 AM
HELLO BOTANY - Take a dive into the world of botany and learn all about plants. Dissect a flower and take home your own plant.
Tuesday July 16; register or cancel by July 14 10:00 - 11:30 AM
OUT OF THIS WORLD - Let’s get out of this world learn about the sun and solar system. Conduct some solar experiments and some out of this world crafts.
Tuesday July 23; register or cancel by July 21 10:00 - 11:30 AM
CRAZY CHEMISTRY - Get crazy with some fun chemistry experiments. Learn about pH, make some invisible ink and more!
Tuesday July 30; register or cancel by July 28 10:00 - 11:30 AM
SCIENCE AND ART - Science and art go hand in hand. Use chemistry, physics and more as we create some one of a kind works of art.
Tuesday August 6; register August 4 10:00 - 11:30 AM
Ages 3-16
Using the greenways as our classroom, we will explore critters and their habitat with fun and creative activities. Parents are encouraged to join in on the fun! Min. 1; Max. 15. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Rachael Marks
No Fee.
EGGS FOR DAYS! - Get “egg-cited” as we learn about eggs and the animals that lay them. Go on a hunt and see if we can find any eggs in the wild. at
CREEPY-CRAWLIES - They’re creepy. They’re crawly. They’re bugs! Learn more about all these critters along the greenway and make a creepy-crawly craft!
FABULOUS FROGS - Hop around and learn about our frog friends! Get crafty and have a “ribbit-ing” time.
- 11:00 AM
- 11:00 AM
WHAT’S IN THE WATER? - Ever wonder what is in the water? Let’s get our feet wet and explore the creek and have some good dirty fun!
LET’S GROW - Plant your roots and let’s grow! Learn about plants and take a plant of your own home to grow. at
5; register or cancel by August 3
- 11:00 AM at
- 11:00 AM
STORYBOOK HIKE - Explore the greenway as we adventure and read a story along the way. Observe critters along the trail and explore as we listen to the story.
19; register or cancel by August 17
- 11:00 AM at
August 21; register or cancel by August 19
SCAVENGER HUNT - Hike the greenways as we look for clues on a fabulous and fun adventure.
at McGee Park Monday September 9; register or cancel by September 7
at Weddington Road Bark Park Wednesday September 11; register or cancel by September 9
- 11:00 AM
- 11:00 AM
- 11:00 AM
Ages 2 & up
Daddy and Me Picture Frame: What do we gift the one person who has it all? Moms, bring your kids and let them decorate a special frame for dad. Don’t forget to bring a picture with dad! Children must by accompanied by an adult. Min. 2; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required.
Instructor: Brenda Gonzalez
Per Class: $3 City Resident; $5 Non-Resident
Friday June 14; register or cancel by May 31 10:00 - 11:30 AM 0 0 0
BINGO at Fire Station #8
Ages 10 & up
Step into a world of excitement, and try your luck in a game that is for everyone! Enjoy traditional “BINGO” and a few other modified ways to win. This Bingo offering is focused on providing families with Diverse Abilities an opportunity to have some fun and meet other families. Bingo! isn’t just the name of the game, it’s the fun that connects everyone who attends! Min. 2; Max. 24.
Instructor: No Fee.
Tuesday May 7, 21; June 4; July 2, 30; August 13 2:00 - 3:00 PM

Join us for an hour of outdoor play at our awesome parks. We have all the ingredients to make a great time for everyone, all we are missing is you! We will have games and activities that are sure to put a smile on anyone’s face.
All ages | No fee
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 AM
Location: McGee Park
June 12, 26
July 10, 24
August 7, 21
Enjoy traveling and leave the driving to us! All trips depart from The David Phillips Activity Center located at 946 Burrage Road. Plan to arrive 30 minutes before departure time for trips. Please note in the trip description if there is an additional cost for meals. Pre-registration is required.
Bus departs David Phillips Activity Center at 7:30 AM and returns approximately 5:00 PM.
Ages 18 & up
This is a guided tour of the NC Executive Mansion, NC Legislative Building and the NC Museum of History. We will have lunch at the Daily Planet Cafe. Min: 10; Max: 24
Fee: $35 plus cost of meal
Wednesday June 5; register or cancel by May 22 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Bus departs David Phillips Activity Center at 10:00 AM and returns approximately 5:30 PM.
Ages 18 & up
Join us in discovering a (2) hour guided tour to the following (3) historical locations in Wilkesboro. The Museum c. 1902, Old Wilkes Jail c. 1859 and the Captain Robert Cleveland Log Home c.1779. For more information, visit wilkesheritagemuseum.com. The museum has an elevator and the other facilities are (2) story and NO elevator. We will have lunch after our tour. Min: 10; Max: 24
Fee: $30 plus cost of meal
Wednesday July 10; register or cancel by June 26
Bus departs David Phillips Activity Center at 10:00 AM and returns approximately 2:00 PM.
10:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Ages 18 & up
This historic house and store is the oldest surviving store in NC and one of Mecklenburg County's few surviving 18th Century structures. For more information, visit hughtorancehouseandstore.org
We will have a guided tour, educating us about this Greek Revival home, connecting us with the deep past of our region. We will have lunch after our tour. Min: 10; Max: 24
Fee: $20 plus cost of meal
Wednesday July 24; register or cancel by July 10 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Bus departs David Phillips Activity Center at 10:30 AM and returns approximately 4:00 PM.
Ages 18 & up
Come with us to explore a one-hour guided tour to their bakery. We will visit Grandma's Kitchen and the "Secret Recipe" mixing room. You will be able to taste test during the tour...yummy and then make some of these purchases to take home. For more information, visit hanescookies.com. We will have lunch after the Bakery. Min: 10; Max: 24
Fee: $25 plus cost of meal
Wednesday August 28; register or cancel by August 14 10:30 AM – 4:00 PM 0 0 0
Bus departs David Phillips Activity Center at 7:30 AM and returns approximately 6:30 PM.
Ages 18 & up
Join us on the yellow brick road for a one of a kind interactive experience and immerse yourself in the magical Land of Oz. Dorothy’s red shoes, The Tin Man, Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion await our arrival. Let’s not forget Toto, too! You'll find a memorabilia shop for the enthusiast. This self guided tour is approx. 2.5 - 3 hours. For more information, visit landofoznc.com. Min:10; Max: 14
Fee: $75 plus cost of meal
Friday September 20; register or cancel by August 30 7:30 AM – 6:30 PM

PUBLIC WORKSHOPS at Ceramics Center
Ages 12 & up
Perfect for individuals and small groups of any skill level looking to explore ceramics in a social and creative environment. Each event, instructors will explore various hand-building techniques to help participants create their very own unique ceramic art.
Materials Included: All materials are included with the class; including glazing and additional firings that are handled by the studio. Please allow approximately 2-4 weeks for your work to be fully completed before arranging for pick up. Min. 10; Max. 16. Pre-registration is required.
Per Class: $30 City Resident; $35 Non-Resident
BERRY BOWLS - Mold clay into a functional work of art in our berry bowl workshop! Join us in using slabs of clay to create bowls that are as beautiful as they are practical for storing your favorite berries and fruits.
Saturday May 18; register or cancel by May 15 2:00 - 4:00 PM
FLORAL ARRANGEMENT VASES - Create an elegant flower vase that will cradle your blooms in style! Join us for a workshop where you’ll learn to create with slabs of clay your own unique floral arrangement vase that will elevate your floral display game to a whole new level!
Saturday June 1; register or cancel by May 29 2:00 - 4:00 PM
PICNIC TRAY/CHARCUTERIE BOARDS - Shape clay slabs into functional art with our Picnic Tray/Charcuterie Board workshop! Dive into the art of hand-building as we create functional ceramic trays that are perfect for serving your favorite French cheeses and snacks.
Saturday July 6; register or cancel by July 3 2:00 - 4:00 PM
WALL POCKETS - Hang out and get organized with our wall pocket workshop! Explore the versatility of clay as we shape slabs of clay into stylish wall pockets that will provide you with both an aesthetically pleasing and practical handmade storage solution, perfect for storing mail or handwritten recipes!
Saturday August 17; register or cancel by August 14 2:00 - 4:00 PM
POURING PITCHERS - Pour on the creativity with our pitcher workshop! Using slab-building and other hand-building clay techniques, participants will be guided in creating their very own handmade pitcher to serve the most deliciously crafted beverages.
Saturday September 7; register or cancel by September 4 2:00 - 4:00 PM
LIDDED BOXES/JARS - Unlock the magic of clay with our lidded jar workshop! Learn and experience the process of slab-building to create versatile containers that will showcase your individual creativity and craftsmanship
Saturday September 21; register or cancel by September 18 2:00 - 4:00 PM

Ages 5 & up
These workshops are for children (see special note concerning children) and adults of any skill level looking to explore ceramics in a social and creative environment. Each event, instructors will explore various hand-building techniques to help participants create their very own unique ceramic art.
Materials Included: All materials are included with the class; including glazing and additional firings that are handled by the studio. Please allow approximately 2-4 weeks for your work to be fully completed before arranging for pick up.
PLEASE NOTE: Children ages 5 to 12 MUST be accompanied by a non-registered parent/guardian. Min. 10; Max. 16. Pre-registration is required.
Per Class: $30 City Resident; $35 Non-Resident
STAR WARS THEMED PLANTERS - Channel your inner Jedi or Sith as you create your own Star Wars themed planter, celebrating May the Fourth in style! Join forces with your family to sculpt iconic characters into functional ceramic planters in this intergalactic clay workshop adventure!
Saturday May 4; register or cancel by May 1 2:00 - 4:00 PM
FATHER’S DAY STEINS - Raise a toast to dad with a custom-crafted clay stein! Fathers and families, come together to mold memories as you work with clay to create personalized hand-built ceramic steins fit for dad!
Saturday June 15; register or cancel by June 12 2:00 - 4:00 PM
CLAY CREATURES - Unleash your inner artist and bring clay creatures to life in our family-friendly clay workshop! Join us as participants are guided in creating their own mythical beasts and fantastical friends using pinch and coil hand-building techniques.
Saturday July 20; register or cancel by July 17 2:00 - 4:00 PM
COILED PET DISHES - Treat your fluffy companions to a handmade treat with a personalized pet dish! Families and friends, join us as we coil clay into a custom creation designed to cater to your special furry friend!
Saturday August 3; register or cancel by July 31 2:00 - 4:00 PM -
INTRO TO CLAY at Ceramics Center
Ages 18 & up
This beginner-level class is designed for students who are new to clay but unsure of where to start. In this class, participants will learn the basics of hand-building and wheel-throwing; covering techniques like pinching, coiling, and basic wheel-throwing skills to create unique handmade ceramics. Each week students will be challenged to grow and evolve creatively through guided instruction with instructor, and through self-guided practice with scheduled Open Studio times. Min. 7; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required.
Per Session: $200 City Resident; $256 Non-Resident
Tuesday May 7 - June 25; register or cancel by May 4 10:00 AM- 12:30 PM
Saturday May 11 - June 29; register or cancel by May 8 10:00 AM- 12:30 PM
BEGINNING WHEEL at Ceramics Center
Ages 18 & up
Beginning Wheel is designed for students who have little to no previous pottery experience and are eager to learn the fundamentals of wheel-throwing. In this course students will learn the basics of wheel-throwing; including centering on the wheel, pulling walls, shaping, trimming, and more. Each week students will be challenged to grow and evolve creatively through guided instruction with instructor, and through self-guided practice with scheduled Open Studio times. Min. 7; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required.
Per Session: $200 City Resident; $256 Non-Resident
Thursday May 9 - June 27; register or cancel by May 6 6:00 - 8:30 PM 0 0 0
Ages 18 & up
Intermediate Wheel is designed for students who have previous wheel-throwing experience and are comfortable centering at least four pounds of clay. In this class participants will refine their wheel-throwing skills through advanced techniques such as large-form throwing, form alteration, multi-sectioned throwing, repetition and more. Each week students will be challenged to grow their skillset through guided instruction and through self-guided practice with scheduled open studio time. Min. 7; Max. 10. Pre-registration is required.
Per Session: $200 City Resident; $256 Non-Resident
Wednesday May 8 - July 3; register or cancel by May 5 (No class June 19) 6:00 - 8:30 PM
Thursday July 11 - August 29; register or cancel by July 8 6:00 - 8:30 PM

Lake Fisher consists of 534 acres, and supports a healthy sport fishery.
Fishing must be from available rental boats.
Electric trolling motors and 10 horsepower or less gas motors are acceptable.
Adult & Senior Adult - $5, Youth (12-17) - $4
Adult - $10, Senior Adult - $8, Youth (12-17) - $8
Wed - Sat: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Sunday: 1:00 - 6:00 PM
Winter Hours Start November 2nd (WEEKENDS ONLY).
Sat: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM Sun: 1:00 - 5:00 PM
For more information:

Concord Youth Council members serve the community at large attaining leadership skills and responsibilities in the form of programs and community service projects. As they wrap-up their 2023-2024 school year we would like to recognize some of their great community service they have provided Concord!

For more information about our organization please visit: concordnc.gov/departments/ parks-recreation/youth-council.


For more information:
Swimming is open to the public. Patrons have the option to pay the daily fee or pay for a season pass. The pool is open 7 days a week from May 25th to August 11th.
Public Swim Hours
Sun – Thurs 1:00 - 5:00 PM Fri – Sat 12:00 - 6:00 PM
Memorial Day, July 4th 12:00 - 6:00 PM
Adult Swim Only ($1)
Friday 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM
*Proof of residency required
Season Passes will be available for purchase online starting May 1st.
Season Passes can only be purchased online or at the Academy Recreation Center (147 Academy Ave) Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM.
Swim Lessons will be available in the Summer of 2024. We will announce days and times by March 1st with registration starting April 1st.



Do you live in Concord? Have you joined your neighborhood on the Nextdoor App? Be sure to sign-up for news in your area.

Our parks, facilities and programs are designed for you, by you! That’s right, we take your input seriously, and your thoughts on the City’s future are critical. Park, greenway and facility master plan surveys are being conducted right NOW, so be sure your opinions are heard by completing these surveys through PublicInput.com.
