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Gain experience, Get involved, Become a Volunteer!
If you are at least 13 years old, we've got many fun activities to get involved with. Gain valuable skills, meet new people, engage with your community, and most importantly, have fun!
To volunteer with Coquitlam, follow these 4 easy steps:
1. Create a Volunteer Profile
Go to coquitlam.ca/VolunteerPRC to create your own volunteer profile. This is where you'll be able to see what opportunities are available, sign up for volunteer shifts, and track your volunteer hours.

2. Provide References
While creating your volunteer profile, provide two references for Community Services to contact to help us learn more about your skills and experiences. References should be over the age of 19 years and not a relative.

3. Complete a Police Information Check
All volunteers are required to submit a Police Information Check. Forms will be emailed to you upon creating a volunteer profile. The check is completed at no cost for prospective volunteers.
4. Attend an Orientation Session
After successfully completing the reference and Police Information checks, you will receive an invitation to attend an orientation session. At the orientation, you will learn about volunteer roles and expectations, as well as how to sign up for volunteer activities.
For more information, email volunteers@coquitlam.ca or phone 604-927-6076.