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Life Long Learning for Adults (19+)

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Health and Fitness

Health and Fitness

English Language Learner 2 (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion Th

Gain confidence to speak English with anyone in everyday conversations. English Language Learner 2 is for those who know some fundamental English.


English Language Learner 3 (19+ yrs)

Learn Something New!

Locations: Maillardville Community Centre, Dogwood Pavilion and Glen Pine Pavilion

Register coquitlam.ca/registration | 604-927-4386

Stay up to date: coquitlam.ca/enews

Help Grow our Life Long Learning Program

Suggest topics or inquire about presenter opportunities at pavilions@coquitlam.ca

CPA Presentation: Saving Strategies: Easy Concept, Difficult Reality (19+


Learn how to save more, pay down debt, spend less and invest in the future. Learning objectives in the session includes defining saving, outlining strategies, building a budget to manages expenses and investing in the future to realize goals and dreams and prepare for a comfortable retirement. Presented by Financial Literacy Volunteer from CPA – Chartered Professional Accountants Canada at Glen Pine Pavilion


English Language Learner 1 (19+ yrs)

Learn fun and practical fundamental English for everyday use. Gain confidence to speak English with anyone in everyday conversations. English Language Learner 1 is for those who are new to learning English. at Glen Pine Pavilion


All Abilities Welcome!

Visit page 6 for details at Glen Pine Pavilion

Gain confidence to speak English with anyone in everyday conversations. English Language Learner 3 is for those who are more advanced in speaking English. Completion of Level 2 required.

English Language Learner Book Club (19+ yrs)

Improve your English reading and speaking. We will be reading a book and discussing the story in a group setting. A basic level of speaking and reading in English is required for this class.

Health and Safety: Blood Pressure Clinic (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion W at Glen Pine Pavilion

Drop-in for a visit with a retired health care professional. We will measure blood pressure and weight and can assist with finding resources for better health. Please wear comfortable clothing that you can reduce to a single layer so our machine gets the most accurate results. No registration required. At Dogwood the 1st and 3rd Wednesday and at Glen Pine the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

Health and Safety: Falls Prevention Mobile Clinic (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

A multi-disciplinary approach to the prevention of falls and fall-related injuries. Participants will have the opportunity to sit one-on-one with various health professionals for 20-minute sessions, including a pharmacist, nurse, kinesiologist, and physiotherapist. Various aspects of the participant’s fall risk status will be assessed and interventions will be discussed. To register call 604-587-7866. Presented by Fraser Health.

Information Session: All About Lilacs Part 1 (19+ yrs)

Historical information and picturesque images of this very popular and much-loved flower from a very unique perspective. The fascination with lilacs is international: they are bred in dozens of varieties, celebrated in Lilac Festivals and serve as inspiration to artists. You will also learn how to care, propagate and create your own varieties of lilac. Presented by Milada Dzevitskaya, an expert on this flowering tree. at Glen Pine Pavilion Th

Information Session: Alzheimer’s Society of BC –Dementia Friends (19+ yrs)

Dementia Friends education workshops complement the Dementia-Friendly Communities (DFC) initiative by working to reduce stigma, raising awareness and providing practical suggestions about supporting people living with dementia in the community. Small, everyday actions can help build a community that is inclusive, supportive of and safe for people living with dementia. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Society of BC. at Glen Pine Pavilion


Information Session: Alzheimer’s Society of BC –Focus on Behaviour: Delusions, Hallucinations and Visual Mistakes (19+ yrs)

Learn about the causes and triggers of delusions, hallucinations and visual mistakes, then explore strategies for responding to these behaviours to best support people living with dementia. Recommended for Caregivers. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Society of BC. at Glen Pine Pavilion


Information Session: Alzheimer’s Society of BC –Healthy Brains (19+ yrs)

It’s never too late to make changes for a healthier brain. Learn how to maintain or improve your brain health by exploring topics including natural aging changes, dementia, risk reduction, memory, brain training and more. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Society of BC. at Glen Pine Pavilion

Tu Sep 26 10 – 11:30 a.m.

Tell coquitlam.ca/

Information Session: Alzheimer’s Society of BC –Living Well with Dementia (19+ yrs)

Explore the journey ahead with others who are going through similar experiences. Topics include: the brain and dementia, practical strategies to live well and how to access resources, so that people impacted by dementia have the confidence to navigate the journey ahead. For caregivers and those living with dementia. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Society of BC. at Dogwood Pavilion

Tu Nov 7 1 – 3 p.m. 1/ 132702

Information Session: Alzheimer’s Society of BC –Mapping Your Journey: Stages and Progression of Dementia (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion

While each dementia journey is unique, there are some signposts to the stages of dementia. Learn about what to expect as the disease progresses and how you can manage changes as they happen. For caregivers and those living with dementia. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Society of BC.

Th Sep 21 2 – 3:30 p.m. 1/ 132688

Information Session: Alzheimer’s Society of BC –Preparing for the Holidays (19+ yrs)

Living with dementia or caregiving can present new ways of thinking about holidays and celebrations. The good news is that it can still be possible to be a part of significant moments with friends and family, to celebrate people and relationships. Explore strategies for adapting your plans and learn tips on minimizing stress and maximizing connection with meaningful activities. Recommended for caregivers and people living with Dementia. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Society of BC. at Glen Pine Pavilion

Th Dec 14 2 – 3:30 p.m. 1/ 129621

Information Session: Alzheimer’s Society of BC –Understanding Communication (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

A person’s ability to communicate will change over the course of the dementia journey. Learn how different types of dementia affect communication and discuss strategies for adapting to and coping with these changes. This session is recommended for caregivers. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Society of BC.

Th Oct 26 10 – 11:30 a.m. 1/ 129620


Information Session: Alzheimer’s Society of BC –What is Dementia? (19+ yrs)

Explore how to navigate life after a dementia diagnosis alongside others who are also on the dementia journey. Learn practical strategies to live well and access resources that are available at any stage of the disease. For caregivers and those living with dementia. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Society of BC. at Dogwood Pavilion


Information Session: Downsizing Done Right! (19+ yrs)

Time to downsize your home but not sure where to start? Learn our tips and tricks for a successful process, from where to get help, how to streamline your belongings, how staging can help a sale, all the way to finding the perfect sized home in the current competitive market. Presented by Tracey Clermont PREC* and Krista Petersen PREC*, Oakwyn Realty Encore. at Glen Pine Pavilion

Information Session: Lifesizing Part 1 – Smart Talk on Strata Living (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion

There are many factors to consider when thinking about transitioning from a conventional, single-family home to strata. We will discuss the motivations, challenges and benefits while providing a clear picture of “what’s in it for you”. Also included is a discussion on the new requirement for strata depreciation reports. Presented by Terry Hyska.

Information Session: Lifesizing Part 2 – The Dollars and “Sense” of Strata Living (19+ yrs)

There are many cost benefits when considering the transition to strata living. The focus of this workshop is to explore the costs associated with living in strata, compared to a conventional, single-family home. We will cover the common day-to-day expenses, monthly fees, and how to plan for expected and unexpected costs. Also included is a discussion on the new requirement for depreciation/ sustainability reports. Presented by Terry Hyska. at Dogwood Pavilion

Th Sep 21

Information Session: Raptors Around us – A Visual Presentation (19+ yrs)

Informative slideshow presentation with original photography on raptors – species of birds that primarily hunt and feed on vertebrates. Topic includes the feeding habits of bald eagles. Presented by Milada Dzevitskaya, local photographer and Birding Enthusiast. at Glen Pine Pavilion

Th Nov 16 1 – 3 p.m. 1/$12.70 131104

Information Session: Wisdom of Eastern Philosophy (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

Join empowering group discussions as you discover essential insights for living with more peace, love, kindness and compassion for self and others! Living the simply great life with enhanced satisfaction awaits!

Th Sep 28 6 – 8 p.m. 1/$12.70 129926

Th Dec 7 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. 1/$12.70 129922

Information Sessions: Emergency Preparedness (15+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion Th

Learn how to identify hazards and best prepare yourself and your loved ones in the case of an emergency. These free emergency preparedness sessions hosted by the City or Coquitlam, cover typical hazards found specifically in Coquitlam and include details on emergency supplies, family communication and community preparedness.

Language: Italian Beginner (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

Ciao! Learn basic words, phrases and sentences in Italian to be able to converse and write with others in travel, business or at home. This program is designed for a beginner with no previous experience.

Language: Italian Conversation (19+ yrs)

Ciao! For anyone wishing to engage in full Italian immersion chat with others who have taken lessons, want to practice and feel comfortable. Facilitated by a Italian-speaking instructor who will assist with topics and guide the flow of conversation in Italian. at Glen Pine Pavilion

Language: Mandarin Beginner (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion

Ni Hao! Learn basic words, phrases and sentences in Mandarin to be able to converse and write with others in travel, business or at home. This program is for beginners with no previous experience.


Language: Spanish Beginner (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion Sa

Hola! Learn basic words, phrases and sentences to be able to converse and write with others in travel, business or at home.

Language: Spanish Beginner (19+ yrs)

Hola! Learn basic words, phrases and sentences to be able to converse and write with others in travel, business or at home. This program is designed for a beginner with no previous experience. at

Language: Spanish Conversation (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

For anyone wishing to engage in full Spanish immersion chat with others who have taken lessons, want to practice and feel comfortable. Facilitated by a Spanish speaking instructor who will assist with topics and guide the flow of conversation in Spanish.

Lecture Series with Dr. Cousineau: Distribution of Humankind on Planet Earth (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion Th

Using a multi-disciplinary approach and evidence based research explore the distribution of humankind across planet Earth. Draw upon full scientific genome and genetic analysis on this probe into the study of population. Discussion and ideas are shared and welcomed in this lecture series conducted by retired SFU professor and volunteer, Dr. Douglas Cousineau who holds numerous degrees in Clinical Psychology and Sociology.

Lecture Series with Dr. Cousineau: Humanity –World Views and Belief Systems (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

Using a multi-disciplinary approach to describe and explain many world views and belief systems that have emerged on planet earth. Attention will be focused on the origins and consequences of conspiracy theories. Discussion and ideas are shared and welcomed in this lecture series conducted by retired SFU professor and volunteer, Dr. Douglas Cousineau who holds numerous degrees in Clinical Psychology and Sociology.


Service Canada Presentation: Employment Insurance and Special Benefits (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

Information session on on Employment Insurance Benefits covering regular benefits, and special benefits: Sickness, Maternity and Parental Benefits, Caregiver Benefits for Adults, Caregiver Benefits for Children and Compassionate Care Benefits. Explanations on how some of these benefits can be combined, eligibility and how to apply. Presented by Citizen Services Specialist from Service Canada.

Th Oct 12 6:30 – 8 p.m. 1/ 130666

Service Canada Presentation: Newcomers to Canada Presentation (19+ yrs)

This presentation gives an overview of federal government programs and services from children to seniors. We cover how to access our services, Telephone Interpretation Services, Canada Child Benefit, Employment Insurance, Benefits for Seniors, Canada Learning Bond and other Education Savings Incentives, Student Loans and Grants, Apprenticeship Supports and tools and resources (like the Benefit Finder)! Presented by Citizen Services Specialist from Service Canada. at Glen Pine Pavilion

Th Dec 14 6:30 – 8 p.m. 1/ 130671

Service Canada Presentation: Programs and Services (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

Information session on Service Canada Programs and Services covering how to access Service Canada services, federal government benefits from Canada Child Benefits, Education Savings Incentives, Employment Insurance, Canada Pension and Old Age Security and the many tools and resources (like the Benefit Finder and Benefits Estimator) available! Presented by Citizen Services Specialist from Service Canada.

Tu Sep 12 10 – 11:30 a.m. 1/ 130662

Service Canada Presentation: Seniors Benefits: CPP, OAS, GIS and Resources (19+ yrs)

Information session on Canada Pension and Old Age Security Benefits. Under the Canada Pension program there are things to consider when planning for retirement, Death Benefit, Survivor’s Pension, CPP Disability Benefit, Post Retirement Disability Benefit and Children’s Benefits under CPP Survivors or Disability Benefits. Under Old Age Security, discuss when you can apply for Old Age Security, Auto Enrolment, should you delay receiving OAS rates, and for lower income Seniors -- Guaranteed Income Supplement, Allowance and Allowance for the Survivor. Lots of tips to make sure you are getting all the benefits you are entitled to! Presented by Citizen Services Specialist from Service Canada. at Glen Pine Pavilion

Tu Nov 28 10 – 11:30 a.m. 1/ 130668

Technology: Android Basics (Phone and Tablet) (19+ yrs)

Learn some of the common functions of your Android device including how to set up email, manage contacts, download apps, security and more. Please bring your Android phone or tablet along with you to class. Samsung, LG, Google, Sony, Motorola, etc. – anything that is not an iPhone or iPad. at Glen Pine Pavilion

Technology: iPad and iPhone Basics (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion Th

Learn the basic features and apps on your iPad / iPhone. Discuss security settings and accessing the internet. Bring your iPad / iPhone to this hands-on class.

Technology: Managing Digital Passwords (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

Password management is very important to secure your information in the digital world. A set of principles and best practices to be followed by users while storing and managing passwords in an efficient manner is critical to prevent unauthorized access. Please bring own device for more hands on support and any passwords needed.

Th Sep 28 1 – 3 p.m.

1/$2 130020

Th Nov 23 1 – 3 p.m. 1/$2 130024

Technology: Photography Using a Smartphone (19+ yrs)

Using your smartphone to capture photos that are candid or planned is a great way to save special memories of people and places. Smartphone photography is good as any image taken by a full camera. Tips and tricks will make your photos or videos amazing and can be shared by email, on social media or even printed. Please bring own device for more hands on support and any passwords needed.

Wellness: Creative journaling Basics Together

(8+ yrs)

Ignite your imagination as you receive prompts to spontaneously explore colours, mediums and your personal style of expression for parents or grandparents with youth 14 years and up. Be surprised by the magical process of sharing this time together. No experience necessary and some supplies provided.

Wellness: Eat to Feel Energized!

(19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

Do you need caffeine or a muffin to keep going at work especially in the afternoons or have sugar or carb cravings? Learn what the body needs in terms of nutrition in order to prevent those slumps and have sustained energy levels throughout the day.

Wellness: Family Doodle Joy (8+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion Sa

Discover a new meditative art form you can do as a family. Combine your unique style of expression with spontaneous creation. Like colouring, the process is soothing and restorative, grounding participants in the moment. Perfect Saturday morning activity for parents and grandparents with children 8 years and up. Child and adult must each sign up. No experience necessary and some supplies provided.

Wellness: Intermittent Fasting Discussion (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion Tu

Are you new to fasting or not sure if it’s right for you? Understand the concept of intermittent fasting, the myths around it and who can benefit the most from it. We will also discuss who it is not for and the right ways of doing it to get maximum benefit.

Wellness: Love your Gut! (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion Tu

90% of the illnesses begin in the gut. It always starts from common issues like gas, bloating, acidity, constipation etc. that can at the beginning stages be easily addressed before they become chronic and lead to other health issues. Understand the basic foundations of our digestion and how to support it with the right nutrition and lifestyle.

Wellness: Love your Heart! (19+ yrs)

Cardiovascular conditions are among the top issues being faced today and most of them can be supported easily with the right nutrition and lifestyle strategies. Understand the information available about cholesterol, fats and the foods that are majorly responsible for causing cardiovascular conditions.


Wellness: Nutrition for Prediabetes and Blood Sugar Management (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion

Learn about and how to make foods that support prediabetes and blood sugar management. Complete a personal goal setting sheet with an action plan to encourage regular preparation of meals and snacks centered around healthy nutrition.


Wellness: Recovering and Discovering Your Inner Child (8+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion at Glen Pine Pavilion

Within each of us is a unique wonder child filled with curiosity, optimism, fun, and free play. Join engaging conversations and dynamic exercises to reconnect with this part of yourself that naturally brings enhanced life energy, creativity, and engagement in life. No experience necessary and some supplies provided.

Wellness: Stressed Backwards is Desserts! (19+ yrs) Stress affects every part of our being. Mindfulness is the perfect antidote as it integrates a mind, body and heart approach to wellness. Learn essential strategies for managing stress and building greater resilience for years to come knowing that stressed backwards is desserts!

Wellness: Transitioning to a Plant-Based Diet (19+ yrs)

Learn about and how to make the move to a plant-based diet. Learn tips and tricks for creating complete proteins with plant-based ingredients and leave with new recipes to encourage regular preparation of meals and snacks centered around healthy plant-based nutrition. at Dogwood Pavilion

Adult Performing Arts

Dance: Ageless Ballet Moves (19+ yrs)

Ballet moves improves posture, enhances and strengthens mobility and is mentally stimulating enough to create a feeling of positive well-being no matter what age you are. The music and the moves of this ageless ballet class is suitable for everyone.

Dance: Ballet Beginner (19+ yrs)

Have fun learning the graceful artform of ballet for the first time with an exciting and experienced instructor. Express yourself through movements to the music in this interactive program. at

Dance: Ballet for Everyone (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

Everyone can experience and learn ballet at their own pace. Join us in this foundation of Ballet class where students can either reconnect with ballet or learn this technique for the first time. This is a gentle approach that will embrace all learners to challenge their connection with their own bodies while expanding their self expression and appreciation for the art form of Ballet.


Dance: Ballroom Basics Workshop (19+ yrs)

Ballroom Basics is an introduction or a refresher for partner dancing. Learn about lead, follow and timing through basic patterns in a fun and social environment. Each person in the couple/partner grouping must register. Solo dancers welcome. at

Dance: Bellydance Beginner (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion

Learn the fundamentals of belly dance in a fun and welcoming environment. Practice classic postures with the traditional hip and shoulder movements.

W Sep 13 – Oct 25 5 – 6 p.m. 7/$57.40 128469

W Nov 1 – Dec 20 5 – 6 p.m. 8/$65.60 128470

Dance: Bellydance Intermediate (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

Build on your knowledge of bellydance in this intermediate-level class. Practice classic postures with the traditional hip and shoulder movements.


Dance: Body Awareness and Self-Expression (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion Th

This gentle introduction to Modern dance is open to all dance abilities. Explore how to create movement, and how to develop self-expression through multiple dance forms and movement. The class covers warm-up of self-care for our bodies, progressing towards movement patterns and group dances combining choreography with free movement in a guided experience.

Dance: Choreographed Intermediate (19+ yrs)

No partner, no problem! Learn choreographed Line Dance styles such as Salsa, Cha Cha, Rumba, Bachata, Mambo and more!

Dance: Choreographed Jazz (19+ yrs)

No partner, no problem! Learn choreographed dance routines suitable for all levels of dancers. at Glen Pine Pavilion

Dance: Bellydance Basics (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

The focus is on learning the fundamentals of belly dance with the emphasis on the classic postures with the traditional hip and shoulder movements. This class is good for all levels including dancers with some or no experience and can be repeated many times for belly dance skill development.


Dance: Contemporary Basics (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

In this contemporary class, we combine various dance techniques. This class takes strong influence from popular music, and the movement is highly expressive. Suitable for beginners with no dance experience.

Dance: Coordination and Body Percussion (19+ yrs)

Learn how to create rhythms and sounds with your body. Students will learn choreographed rhythmic patterns using body percussion such as clapping, stomping, and snaps. Work together, support your classmates, and challenge your expectations. No previous dance or music experience is required. Dress in comfortable clothing and come ready to make some noise and have fun!

Dance: Creative Dance Improvisation (19+ yrs)

Find freedom of movement through the joy of improvisation. Through guided dance improvisation exercises, students will expand their creative expression possibilities. This class will also feature dance games and will highlight collaborative teamwork. All dance abilities are welcome, different experiences can work together in a fun and creative way.

Dance: Hip Hop Beginner (19+ yrs)

Learn beginner hip hop movements in this interactive dance program. Build foundations in bouncing, grooving, and moving on beat as you exercise your body and mind.

Dance: Jazz Beginner (19+ yrs)

Jazz is an energetic style of dance built on basic foundational skills of ballet. Students will learn foundational jazz technique skills as well as some high energy choreography in this class. No dance experience required. at

Dance: Latin Beginner (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion at Glen Pine Pavilion

Have fun learning Latin dances such as Salsa, Tango and Bachata for the first time with an exciting and experienced instructor. Express yourself through movements to the music in this interactive program.

Drama: Introduction to Improv Theatre (19+ yrs) Improv or Improvisational is a form of theatre where performances are unplanned and the acting is spontaneous and fun. Introduction to Improv is an opportunity to experience the fundamentals and meet others who want to explore this form of freestyle performing.

Music: Guitar Beginner (19+ yrs)

Learn the basics of guitar such as chords, strumming and how to read tablature. Please bring your own guitar. No experience required.

Oops! We cancelled it…

Because we didn’t know that you wanted it!

We recommend registering at least one week prior to class so we can reduce class cancellations.

Music: Ukulele Beginner (19+ yrs)

Learn chords and strumming, working towards a set of songs by the end of the course. Please bring your own ukulele. No experience required. at Dogwood Pavilion

Music: Ukulele Beginner (19+ yrs)

Learn chords and strums, working towards a set of songs by the end of the course. Please bring your own ukulele. No experience required.

Glen Pine Pavilion

Sports and Active Play

Badminton: Skills and Drills (19+ yrs)

Learn or improve your badminton skills. Lessons include skill development for all levels of play from beginner to intermediate.

Pinetree Community Centre

Pickleball: Beginner (19+ yrs)

Learn the basics of pickleball. Lessons include skill development for those who are new to the sport. at Maillardville Community Centre (1200 Cartier Ave)

Low-impact exercise class for people with cognitive impairments and/or physical disabilities.

Thursdays from 10:15 – 11 a.m.

Poirier Sport and Leisure Complex

Registration opens weekly from Thursday at 5 p.m. to Tuesday at 12 p.m.

To find out how we can help you or others participate in any of our programs, visit coquitlam.ca/RecAccess or contact us at 604-927-6076 or CommunityServices@coquitlam.ca.

Pickleball: Skills and Drills (19+ yrs)

Learn or improve your pickleball skills. Lessons include skill development for all levels of play from beginner to intermediate.

Visual Arts

Crafts: Gift Tags Using Brush Pens and Easy Lettering (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion Th

Homemade tags using brush pens is the perfect way to decorate your special gifts. Opportunity to make and take home your own creations and learn some art and letting techniques. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.


– 8:30 p.m. 1/$18.40 129920

Crafts: Holiday Gift Wrapping Workshop (19+ yrs) at Maillardville Community Centre (1200 Cartier Ave)

Looking for gift wrapping inspiration? Learn to wrap one large, small and uniquely shaped present with style and ease. All supplies included.

Th Dec 21 6:30 – 8 p.m. 1/$13.80 133311

Crafts: Holiday Wooden Sign Painting Workshop (All Ages) at Glen Pine Pavilion

Make a beautiful painting on a wood sign to display or gift this holiday season. Join Danica for this special holiday beginners acrylic painting workshop. You will leave with a completed piece. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Th Dec 14 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Crafts: Macramé Key Chains (19+ yrs)

Volleyball: Beginner (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

Learn the basics of volleyball. Lessons include skill development for those who are new to the sport.

Learn to make 2 designs on Macramé key chains – one for you and one for a gift! Macramé is a form of textile produced using knotting (rather than weaving or knitting) techniques. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Th Nov 30 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. 1/$18.40 129919

Crafts: Pure and Simple Soap Making (19+ yrs)

Volleyball: Skills and Drills (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

Learn or improve your volleyball skills. Lessons include skill development for all levels of play from beginner to intermediate.

Explore different ingredients, methods and techniques you can use to create exciting soaps. Learn about troubleshooting, history, and packaging/decorating your soaps. Receive recipes for the soaps made. All supplies included. No previous soap making experience required.

Tu Sep 26 6:30 – 8:45 p.m. 1/$38 131132 All


Digital Art: Build a Collage with Procreate® on a Tablet (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

This digital art class challenges you to use your iPad and apple pencil to build a collage in the ProCreate drawing app. This workshop will guide you through the basic functions, brushes, and guides in Procreate integrating photos and textures.

Th Nov 2 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. 1/$12.50

Digital Art: Creating a Mandala Colouring Page using Procreate® on a Tablet (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

Learn to create mandalas that can be used as colouring pages. This digital art class challenges you to use your iPad and apple pencil in the Procreate® drawing app. This workshop will guide you through the basic functions, brushes, and guides in Procreate®.

Th Nov 23 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. 1/$12.50

Digital Art: Creating Seamless Patterns using Procreate® on a Tablet (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

Learn to create mandalas that can be used as colouring pages. This digital art class challenges you to use your iPad and apple pencil in the Procreate® drawing app. This workshop will guide you through the basic functions, brushes, and guides in Procreate®.

Th Oct 19 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. 1/$12.50

Digital Art: Paint a Portrait with Procreate® on a Tablet (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

This digital art class challenges you to use your iPad and apple pencil to create a beautiful portrait in the Procreate® drawing app. This workshop will guide you through the basic functions, brushes, and guides in Procreate®.

Th Oct 26 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Digital Art: Using Procreate® on a Tablet (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

This digital art class challenges you to use your iPad and apple pencil in the Procreate® drawing app. This workshop will guide you through the basic functions, brushes, and guides in Procreate®.


Drawing: Beginner (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

This course focuses on the fundamentals of drawing. Through black and white drawings, we will work on emphasizing the rendering of light, shadow and more. We will also focus on developing skills that allow our drawings to flourish. Projects will have lots of personal freedom as the emphasis will be on the skills learnt in class. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt.

Su Sep 10 – Oct 22 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Drawing: Beginner Animals (19+ yrs)


This course focuses on the fundamentals of drawing. Through black and white drawings, we will work on emphasizing the rendering of light, shadow and more. We will also focus on developing skills that allow our drawings to flourish. Projects will have lots of personal freedom as the emphasis will be on the skills learnt in class. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt. at

Drawing: Beginner Botanicals (19+ yrs)

This course focuses on the fundamentals of drawing. Through black and white drawings, we will work on emphasizing the rendering of light, shadow and more. We will also focus on developing skills that allow our drawings to flourish. Projects will have lots of personal freedom as the emphasis will be on the skills learnt in class. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt.

Drawing: Beginner Using Chalk (19+ yrs)

This course focuses on the fundamentals of drawing using chalk. Focus on developing skills that allow our drawings to flourish Using this art medium. Projects will have lots of personal freedom as the emphasis will be on the skills learnt in class. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt. at Glen Pine Pavilion

Drawing: Beginner Using Pastels (19+ yrs)

This course focuses on the fundamentals of drawing using pastels. Focus on developing skills that allow our drawings to flourish Using this art medium. Projects will have lots of personal freedom as the emphasis will be on the skills learnt in class. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt.

Drawing: Coloured Pencils (19+ yrs)

Learn the tips and tricks that go into creating a drawing composed entirely from coloured pencils. Working with simple images, this class will teach you about undertones, colour blocking, basic shape and form, colour blending, light and shadow. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt.

Drawing: Drawing Landscapes (19+ yrs)

This course focuses on the fundamentals of drawing. Through black and white drawings, we will work on emphasizing the rendering of light, shadow and more. We will also focus on developing skills that allow our drawings to flourish. Projects will have lots of personal freedom as the emphasis will be on the skills learnt in class. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt.

Drawing: Drawing Portraits (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

This course focuses on the fundamentals of drawing. Through black and white drawings, we will work on emphasizing the rendering of light, shadow and more. We will also focus on developing skills that allow our drawings to flourish. Projects will have lots of personal freedom as the emphasis will be on the skills learnt in class. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt.

F Nov 3 – Dec 22 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. 8/$60 129732

Drawing: Holiday Cards Workshop (19+ yrs) at Maillardville Community Centre (1200 Cartier Ave)

Learn the basics of drawing holiday cards. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Tu Nov 21 5:30 – 7 p.m. 1/$13.80 132794

Drawing: Intermediate (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

This course focuses on further developing techniques of drawing. Through black and white drawings, we will work on emphasizing the rendering of light, shadow and more. We will also focus on building on existing experience that allow our drawings to flourish. Projects will have lots of personal freedom as the emphasis will be on the skills learnt in class. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt.

W Sep 13 – Oct 25 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. 7/$70 129899

W Nov 1 – Dec 20 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. 8/$80 129902

Drawing: Nature Journaling (19+ yrs)

Drawing: Drawing Portraits (19+ yrs)

This course focuses on further developing techniques of drawing. Through black and white drawings, we will work on emphasizing the rendering of light, shadow and more. We will also focus on building on existing experience that allow our drawings to flourish. Projects will have lots of personal freedom as the emphasis will be on the skills learnt in class. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt. at Dogwood Pavilion M at Maillardville Community Centre (1200 Cartier Ave)

Learn to draw plants, animals and natural scenes from real life and from photographs. This course focuses on mindfulness and the participant’s connection to nature through drawing. Projects will have lots of personal freedom as emphasis is on using art to increase mental wellbeing. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt.

Th Sep 14 – Oct 12 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. 5/$50 132374

Drawing: Portraits Workshop (19+ yrs) at Maillardville Community Centre (1200 Cartier Ave) Tu Sep 26 5:30 – 7

Learn the basics of drawing portraits. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.


Drawing: Spooky Trees Workshop (19+ yrs) at Maillardville Community Centre (1200 Cartier Ave)

Learn the basics of drawing spooky trees. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Tu Oct 24 5:30 – 7 p.m. 1/$13.80 132793

Drawing: Still Life Drawing Workshop (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

This workshop focuses on the fundamentals of drawing. Through black and white drawings, we will work on emphasizing the rendering of light, shadow and more. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Th Sep 28 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. 1/$18.40 129733

Mixed Media: Colour Theory Beginner (19+ yrs) at Maillardville Community Centre (1200 Cartier Ave)

Delve into the exciting world of colour theory! This introductory course gives participants the skills, knowledge and confidence to enhance their artistic endeavours and is open to anyone who uses coloured pencils and paints (acrylic, watercolour, and oil). Course lessons include terminology, mixing colours, creating “neutrals” by using complimentary colours and more. Lessons are reinforced though fun and easy art exercises. This course compliments Watercolour Beginner and Nature Journaling. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt.


Mixed Media: Introduction to Air Dry Clay (19+ yrs)

Join local artist Danica N as she teaches you how to work with air dry clay. Projects will be created on the first day and painted on the second. No experience necessary and all supplies provided. at Dogwood Pavilion

Mixed Media: Rubber Block Print Art Workshop (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion Th

Rubber block printing, also known as linocut printing, is a fun and creative technique where unique designs are carved into a soft rubber block. Experiment with different colors of inks and textures to transfer the designs onto paper. Rubber block printing allows expression of creativity and makes beautiful artwork. Good method for making stamps for other projects including for children. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Mixed Media: Winter Art Workshop (19+ yrs) at Maillardville Community Centre (1200 Cartier Ave)

Join us as we create wintery scenes using different art mediums. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Painting: Acrylic All Levels (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion

Learn how to use the paintbrush and prepare the canvas. Explore colour mixing, colour theory, composition, the greyscale and capturing the light in a fun, low pressure environment. Some experience with acrylic painting is required to participate. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt.

Painting: Acrylic Autumn Hues (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

This beginner step by step class is an excellent introduction to acrylic painting. It will cover essential skills like colour mixing, proportion and composition as you paint. Over two sessions you will complete a 11x14 painting. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Painting: Acrylic Beginner (19+ yrs)

Designed to accommodate individual levels and interests, the emphasis is on colour mixing, transparent versus opaque qualities and the versatility of acrylic paint. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt.

Painting: Acrylic Natural Landscapes (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

This beginner step by step class is an excellent introduction to acrylic painting. It will cover essential skills like colour mixing, proportion and composition as you paint. Over two sessions you will complete a 11x14 painting. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

M Nov 13 – Nov 20 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Painting: Acrylic Paint Night (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion

Join Danica for a fun acrylic painting night. You will leave with a completed canvas that you may use to decorate your home or gift with love. Supplies are included.

Painting: Acrylic Beyond the Basics (19+ yrs)

Explore colour mixing, colour theory, composition, the greyscale and capturing the light in a fun, low pressure environment. Painting experience required. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt.

W Oct 11 6 – 8:30 p.m.

Painting: Acrylic Shades of Poppies (19+ yrs)

This beginner step by step class is an excellent introduction to acrylic painting. It will cover essential skills like colour mixing, proportion and composition as you paint. Over two sessions you will complete a 11x14 painting. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Painting: Acrylic Flowers (19+ yrs)

This beginner step by step class is an excellent introduction to acrylic painting. It will cover essential skills like colour mixing, proportion and composition as you paint. Over two sessions you will complete a 11x14 painting. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Painting: Acrylic Fruit Still Life (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

This beginner step by step class is an excellent introduction to acrylic painting. It will cover essential skills like colour mixing, proportion and composition as you paint. Over two sessions you will complete a 11x14 painting. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Painting: Acrylic Sunflowers (19+ yrs)

This beginner step by step class is an excellent introduction to acrylic painting. It will cover essential skills like colour mixing, proportion and composition as you paint. Over two sessions you will complete a 11x14 painting. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Painting: Acrylic Winter (19+ yrs)

This beginner step by step class is an excellent introduction to acrylic painting. It will cover essential skills like colour mixing, proportion and composition as you paint. Over two sessions you will complete a 11x14 painting. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Painting: Colour Theory Workshop (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

This workshop is on colour theory where the emphasis is on colour mixing, transparent versus opaque qualities and the versatility of acrylic paint. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Th Oct 19 – Nov 2 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. 3/$55.20

Painting: Holiday Bottle Lantern (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion

Learn to paint with acrylic on a glass surface and transform a wine bottle into a beautiful decorative lantern. Finish the lantern with fairy lights inside to create a beautiful glow. Step by step instructions provided along with the support of the class instructor and local artist, Eileen Harder. Supplies included and no experience required.

Tu Dec 12 6 – 8 p.m. 1/$25 132774

Painting: Holiday Painted Porch Signs (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion

Join local artist, Danica Noort for this special holiday acrylic painting workshop. Paint a beautiful evergreen tree and add a holiday stenciled message on a wood board to prop on your porch or gift this holiday season. All supplies included and no experience needed.

W Dec 6 6 – 8:30 p.m. 1/$28.50 132773

Painting: Ink Wash Painting Beginner (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

This beginner step by step class is an excellent introduction to Asian-style ink wash painting. It will cover essential skills like colour mixing, proportion and composition as you paint. Over four sessions you will learn the skills that make ink wash style of painting unique and different from western art. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt.

Painting: Ink Wash Painting Beginner (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion

This beginner step by step class is an excellent introduction to Asian-style ink wash painting. It will cover essential skills like colour mixing, proportion and composition as you paint. Over four sessions you will learn the skills that make ink wash style of painting unique and different from western art. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt.

M Oct 16 – Nov 6 6:45 – 8:45 p.m.

Painting: Palette Knife and Sponge Painting (19+ yrs) at Glen Pine Pavilion Sa

Try a different painting technique using a palette knife to scrape, push or draw colours and a sponge to create texture. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Painting: Watercolour Beginner (19+ yrs)

Learn the basics of watercolour painting. Explore skills and techniques that are necessary for a beginner to this medium of art. Participants are required to bring supplies listed on the receipt.

Painting: Watercolour Fall Leaves and Paint Pour (19+ yrs)

Create a watercolour painting on top of a watercolour poured background. Week 1: Create the background –learn to create transparent watercolour solutions and use them to create pools of paint that mingle on the surface of the paper. Week 2: Use the colours created to find and draw in fall leaves using fine line markers and use watercolour paint to fill in details and complete the painting. Suitable for beginners but all levels are welcome. All supplies included.

Painting: Watercolour Fall Leaves and Pumpkins Workshop (19+ yrs) at Maillardville Community Centre (1200 Cartier Ave)

Learn the basics of painting watercolour fall leaves and pumpkins. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Tu Oct 10 5:30 – 7 p.m. 1/$13.80 132789

Painting: Watercolour Floral Wreaths Workshop (19+ yrs) at Maillardville Community Centre (1200 Cartier Ave)

Learn the basics of painting watercolour floral wreaths. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Tu Sep 12 5:30 – 7

Painting: Watercolour Holiday Cards (19+ yrs)

Give this year’s Holiday Season a lift in spirit and mood with your own handmade cards using watercolours. Design and create unique cards for your loved ones. No experience necessary and all supplies provided. at Dogwood Pavilion


Painting: Watercolour Holiday Cards Workshop (19+ yrs) at Maillardville Community Centre (1200 Cartier Ave)

Learn the basics of painting watercolour holiday cards. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Tu Dec 5 5:30 – 7 p.m. 1/$13.80 132791

Painting: Watercolour Intermediate (19+ yrs)

This course focuses on the intermediate fundamentals of watercolouring. As a group we explore various techniques and skills to bring our art to its highest point. Supply list can be found on your receipt. at Dogwood Pavilion Tu

Painting: Watercolour Poppies Workshop (19+ yrs) at Maillardville Community Centre (1200 Cartier Ave)

Learn the basics of painting watercolour poppies. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

Tu Nov 7 5:30 – 7 p.m. 1/$13.80 132790

Photography: Beginner Photography (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion

This course is designed for people with their first, or new Single Lens Reflex (SLR) Digital Camera. Topics covered include basic functions, shutter speeds, F-stops, modes, flash, lenses and exposure. Dress for the weather, some outdoor photography will be included.

Sa Sep 9 – Sep 23 12:30 – 2 p.m. 3/$22.80 132784

Photography: Holiday Portraits Workshop (19+ yrs) at Maillardville Community Centre (1200 Cartier Ave)

Learn how to take stunning portraits with an SLR camera just in time for your next holiday party.

Th Dec 21 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. 1/$7.50 132799

Photography: Intermediate Flower Photography (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion

This course is designed to further develop your skills with your own Single Lens Reflex (SLR) Digital Camera. Topics covered include camera functions, shutter speeds, F-stops, modes, flash, lenses and exposure. Some experience with your own SLR camera is required. Emphasis will be on flower photography.

Sa Sep 30 – Oct 14 12:30 – 2 p.m. 3/$22.80 132783

Woodcarving Beginner (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion

Learn new skills to create a variety of woodcarvings such as animals or caricatures. No experience necessary and all supplies provided.

W Nov 8 – Dec 20 6 – 8 p.m. 7/$70 132473

Woodcarving Intermediate (19+ yrs) at Dogwood Pavilion

Develop new skills to create a variety of woodcarvings including animals, caricatures and relief panels. Continuing students are welcome to learn new techniques and work on projects. Experience is necessary for this class and all supplies provided.

W Sep 13 – Nov 1 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. 8/$80 132471

W Nov 8 – Dec 20 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. 7/$70 132472

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