NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are normally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. CDBG ENTITLEMENT - This fund was established by the City to account for the grants received from the Federal government through the Oklahoma Department of Commerce under various Community Development Block Grant programs. ASSET FORFEITURE FUND - The Asset Forfeiture Fund has been established to account for assets that are equitably distributed by the Drug Enforcement Administration to state and local agencies that directly participate in the law enforcement effort that leads to the seizure of assets used in illegal drug activities. The assets received must be for only law enforcement purposes such as enhancements to future investigations, law enforcement training, equipment, operations and overtime for enforcement activities. SENIOR CITIZENS FUND - This fund was established to account for dedicated revenues received for the benefit of senior citizens, including grants, donations and other resources. The expenditures of the fund are administratively restricted for the benefit of senior citizens' activities or programs. CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU – The Convention & Visitors Bureau Fund accounts for the Hotel/Motel tax revenues that the City collects. It is restricted for tourism, conventions, and visitors’ bureau. HOSPITAL SALE TRUST FUND –The Hospital Sale Trust Fund was established in 1981 to account for the proceeds of approximately $7,200,000 received from the sale of the Edmond Memorial Hospital to the Hospital Corporation of America. Use of the trust principal must first be approved by a vote of the citizens of the City. Investment earnings from the trust may be appropriated without voter approval but are restricted to capital improvements. AMBULATORY SERVICE FUND – The Ambulatory Service Fund provides funding of the City of Edmond’s Ambulance Services through the regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA). It primarily covers those citizens who have elected to participate in the TotalCare Program which is a monthly fee of $3.00 paid through utility billing which began in FY 09-10. Capital Project Funds The Capital Project Funds have been established to account for all major capital improvements, except those accounted for in proprietary type funds, which are financed by the City's sales tax revenue bond issues, General Fund transfers, and other designated sources. CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND - The Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund has been established to account for 20% of all monies received from the sale of lots and interments as established by City Council. Monies received must be used for making capital improvements. AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN FUND – The American Rescue Plan Fund has been established to account for monies received from the federal government under the American Rescue Plan Act.