City of Edmond Popular Annual Financial Report 2022

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Director’s Letter 2 City Council & Ward Map 4 Statement of Net Position 6 Change in Net Position 8 Edmond’s Sales Tax 10 Edmond’s Numbers 12 General Fund 14 Long-Term Debt 17 Economic Outlook 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS


Citizens of Edmond,

As part of our continuous effort to keep you informed on the utilization of your tax dollars, we are pleased to present our Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022. This report is a condensed version of our Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). Both reports are available on our website at

The details in the PAFR summarize our financial position based on the audited financial documents contained within the 2022 ACFR. The ACFR is prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). This report is in summary form and excludes the City’s discretely presented component units which are the Edmond Economic Development Authority (EEDA) and the Edmond Historical Preservation Trust (EHPT).

The information included in this report is an overview of the City’s economic outlook, an analysis of the financial position of the City, and other key financial data. It provides analysis of the General Fund and discusses how money is received and spent. Additional detailed financial information on the operations of the City may be found in the ACFR.

The City has two primary sources of revenue: utility services and sales tax. The City continues to see strong sales tax receipts year over year as our population has grown steadily. The City provides a wide range of municipal services, including police and fire protection, planning and zoning, street improvements and maintenance, parks, cultural events and general administrative services. The City operates enterprise funds for electric, water resources and solid waste management under the legal entity of the Edmond Public Works Authority (EPWA). EPWA is a public trust that was created under applicable Oklahoma statutes on October 6, 1970, with the City as the named beneficiary. EPWA’s financial operations are reported with the City’s financial statements.

Water improvements continue as outlined in the City of Edmond Water Master Plan located on the City website. The Master Plan is our road map to keep pace with the anticipated growth in our population and to continue to provide a safe water supply for Edmond residents. Infrastructure improvements continue at many of our major intersections with street widening and intelligent traffic light systems as we see steady growth in construction and population. Improvements and upgrades to our sports complexes, public golf facilities, public trails, park and recreation venues and downtown improvements are underway.

Thank you for taking interest in your local government. As you review the report, we invite you to share any questions, concerns or comments with us. You may contact the Financial Services Department at (405) 359-4521, visit the City Manager’s office at 24 E. First Street in Edmond or contact us by email. Email addresses and further information is available at the City website:

Respectfully submitted,

Nestled on historic Route 66 in central Oklahoma, Edmond covers approximately 87 square miles and is the third largest city in the Oklahoma City Combined Statistical Area (CSA). The City has adopted a charter and operates under a Council-Manager form of government. The city features quiet suburban living with a central business district, major shopping and modern office areas, and hosts a multitude of recreational and cultural events throughout the year.

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We are responsible for our work, our words, and our actions.


We value efforts to communicate with our customers in a caring, timely, professional manner.

Customer Service

We provide service with courtesy, respect, dependability, flexibility, and timeliness.


We promote an inclusive work force and equitable services for our increasingly diverse community.


We value innovation, creative thought, and the collaboration of ideas.


We value the spirit of integrity in all aspects of our working lives.


We continue to seek growth, striving to be a learning organization.


We encourage diversity of thinking, ideas, and responsibilities.


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Stacie A. Peterson Council Member Ward 4 2021–25 Christin Mugg Council Member Ward 3 2021–25 David Chapman Council Member Ward 1 2020–23 Darrel A. Davis Mayor 2021–23 Josh Moore Council Member Ward 2 2020–23


The governmental activities net position for fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, reflect an increase over prior year's net position. The business-type activities also reflect an increase in net position. The full disclosed Statement of Net Position can be located in our ACFR located at

Unrestricted net position refers to all other net position that is not restricted or net investments in capital assets. This represents the amount of unexpended and available resources the City has in funds combined at a point in time to fund emergencies, shortfalls or other unexpected needs. This allows management to track the City’s financial position over time.


governmental activities

Sales tax, franchise fees, fines, state and federal grants finance most of the City's services.

$ in Thousands

General Administrative Services Street Construction & Repair Park Maintenance Police Fire


business - type activities

Income from resident utility bills, public golf course and lake fees finance business-type operations.

Wastewater Transportation Services

Electricity KickingBird Golf Drainage Arcadia Lake Water Solid Waste

This number represents the Unrestricted Net Position to pay for emergencies, shortfalls or other unexpected needs in both the Governmental and Business Type Activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022. New reporting standards implemented in 2016 caused our Governmental Activities to report a negative in Unrestricted Net Position. For full disclosure, refer to our ACFR, Note 4 at

7 6 Governmental Activities Business-Type Activities Totals 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 Current assets $167,649 $129,690 $333,915 $266,703 $501,564 $396,393 Capital assets, net 383,713 353,204 554,334 492,259 938,047 845,463 Other non-current assets 20,233 5,179 13,253 20,701 33,486 25,880 Total assets 571,595 488,073 901,502 779,663 1,473,097 1,267,736 Deferred Outflows 22,572 29,654 2,772 4,565 25,344 34,219 Current liabilities 41,615 36,089 47,528 38,229 89,143 74,318 Non-current liabilities 95,234 102,175 355,611 266,040 450,845 368,215 Total liabilities 136,849 138,264 403,139 304,269 539,988 442,533 Deferred Inflows 45,396 4,998 5,112 713 50,508 5,711 Net position Net Investment in capital assets 443,466 335,350 299,587 262,729 743,053 598,079 Restricted 104,475 85,557 28,713 22,181 133,188 107,738 Unrestricted (deficit) (136,019) (46,442) 167,723 194,336 31,704 147,894 Total net position $411,922 $374,465 $496,023 $479,246 $907,945 $853,711
($ (


governmental activities

The City’s governmental activities’ increase in net position of $37.5 million represents a 2,263% increase from the prior year’s change in net position and is primarily the result of an increase in charges for services and sales and use taxes. In addition, expenses decreased by 23%, operating grants and contributions decreased 26%, and capital grants decreased by $41%.



business - type activities

The business-type activities’ increase in net position of $16.8 million represents an 37% decrease from the prior year’s change in net position which is largely attributable to the increase in expenses by 12% and an decrease in capital grants and contributions.


The results indicate the City, as a whole, experienced an increase in total net position of $54 million which was a combination of revenues exceeding expenses.

*Does not include transfers.

This summary report excludes transfers. Transfers are used to support Government services. For full disclosure see our ACFR note section 3.F Interfund Balances and Activities.

pension liability reported

changes in total opeb liability Sensitivity of the City's total OPEB Liability to changes in the discount rate

The following presents the City’s total OPEB liability, as well as what the City’s total OPEB liability would be if it were calculated using a discount rate that is 1-percentage-point lower (1.16%) or 1-percentage-point higher (3.16%) than the current discount rate:

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Interest Expense
Differences in Expected & Actual Experience
Changes in Assumptions 44,090 Benefits Paid Net Changes (244,335) 688,474 Balances End of Year $8,733,713 Expenses Revenues Expenses Revenues
Balance at Beginning of Year $8,045,239 Changes for the Year
Cost 498,075
As of June 30, 2022 Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System reported: Liability of $26,648,973 Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System reported: Liability of $City of Edmond Employees’ Retirement System reported: Liability of $12,402,887
1% Decrease (1.16%) Current Discount Rate (2.16%) 1% Increase (3.16%) $9,672,302 $8,733,713 $7,900,023 employer ' s total opeb liability
million 54 $ 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 -
A combination of overall expenses staying relatively in line with revenue collections.


city services

The City provides a wide range of municipal services, including police and fire protection, the construction and maintenance of highways, streets, and other infrastructure. The City also provides electric, water, wastewater, drainage and solid waste services to its residents under the legal entity of the Edmond Public Works Authority (EPWA). The City also provides a multitude of recreational and cultural events through-out the year. The City’s Kickingbird Golf Course, Arcadia Lake and many City parks provides hours of entertainment to our citizens.

An ordinance passed and approved by the citizens of Edmond requires that 30% of General Fund revenues (defined as taxes, licenses and permits, fines and forfeitures, charges for services, interest and miscellaneous revenues) be used for funding fire department operations and that 36.8% of these same General Fund revenues be used for funding police department operations.

sales tax breakdown

The State of Oklahoma tax rate is 4.5% and is added to the 3.75% City’s sales tax rate that is levied on all taxable sales within the City. It is recorded as follows:

• One quarter cent is recorded to fund the purchase of 22 acres of land at Hafer Park, approved by voters in October 2021. This temporary tax began on January 1, 2022, and ran through December 31, 2022.

• Two cents recorded within the General Fund.

• One eighth cent recorded as revenue within the Park Sales Tax Fund to account for operations and facility improvement costs of the City’s park and recreation system.

• Three quarter cent recorded as revenue within the 2000 Capital Improvement Tax Fund to account for capital improvements as

8.50 %

surrounding cities

8.85% Mustang

8.85% Yukon

8.625% Oklahoma City

9.10% Midwest City

8.50% Moore

8.75% Norman

recommended to the City Council by the Capital Projects & Financing Task Force.

• One quarter cent recorded as revenue within the Fire Public Safety Limited Tax Fund to account for improvements to the fire department per voter approval.

• One eighth cent recorded as revenue within the Police Public Safety Limited Tax Fund to account for improvements to the police department per voter approval.

• One half cent recorded as revenue within the 2017 Capital Improvement Tax Fund for various capital improvements. This fund replaces the 2012 Public Safety Center Capital Improvements Tax Fund. This was voted on by our voters in April 2016 and will continue for 10 years.

where does the money come from ?

where does the money go ?

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governmental revenue by source governmental activities uses 79% 2% 10% 8% Sales Tax Other Taxes Charges for Service Grants Other Public Safety (Fire & Police) General Government Culture, Parks and Recreation Streets and Highways Health and Welfare Interest on Long-Term Debt 57% 13% 21% 1% 2% 6%
TOP 3 employers 1. edmond public schools 2. university of central oklahoma 3. city of edmond CITY OF EDMOND its own largest utility customer 427 fires extinguished 97K+ 2022 city of edmond population 106 traffic signals 682 residential construction permits issued 10% school enrollment increase in the last ten years 14 public transportation vehicles 497 miles of streets city maintains 2.8% unemployment rate
acres of parks and recreation 5,401 fire hydrants


The General Fund is the primary operating fund for City services. It is used for all activities except those legally or administratively required to be accounted for in other funds.


general fund revenues

Sales and Use Taxes

Of the 3 3/4 cent sales tax on taxable sales within the City, 2 cents is recorded as revenue in the General Fund. Use tax is if you have purchased items for use in Oklahoma from retailers who do not collect Oklahoma sales tax, you owe Oklahoma use tax on those items. Use tax is paid by the buyer when the Oklahoma sales tax has not been collected by the seller. This includes purchases made from an out-of-state retailer whether by mail order, catalog, television shopping networks, radio, Internet, phone or in person.

Charges for Services

Includes all revenues collected on services provided through the General Fund, such as planning filing fees, cemetery revenues, right of way, animal welfare welfare fees, 911 service fee, aquatic center admissions season passes, recreation program fees and other miscellaneious charges.

Fines and Forfeitures

Includes all court fines and fees, and building code violations.

Franchise and Public Service Taxes

Includes fees assessed for private use of public property.

general fund expenditures

General Government

Includes city council, municipal court, planning, Downtown Community Center and airport maintenance and repairs.

Public Safety

Expenditures within the funds that supports the safety of our citizens, such as police, fire, emergency management, and animal welfare.

Health and Welfare

Includes code enforcement, family services, and social services.

Culture, Parks and Recreation

Includes maintenance and administration of 26 parks/ playgrounds, pool, splash pad, sports fields, Festival Marketplace, recreation programs, Senior Center, Gracelawn Cemetery, and Edmond Historical Preservation and Trust.

Streets and Highways

Street rehabilitation and resurfacing, and upkeep of the medians.

Capital Outlay

*Per City ordinance, 30% of General Fund revenues are transferred and used for funding the Fire Department operations and 36.8 % of these same revenues will be used for funding Police Department operations. For more information, refer to Basic Financial Statements in ACFR, page 54.

Intergovernmental Activities of two or more governments including revenues such as alcoholic beverage tax, cigarette tax, county-property resale, grants, commercial vehicle tax, and gasoline excise tax.

Licenses and Permits

Includes all permits and licenses required by the City including engineering inspections fees, occupational licenses, oil and gas feed, public safety revenues including plumbing, building, elecrical, heat/air, furniture stocking, fixture stocking, fire permits, miscellaneous permits, contracor registration, re-inspection fees, temporary certificate of occupancy, building inspection feed, sign permits, and commercial plan review fees.


Items that are not covered by any of the aforementioned categories.

Investment Income

Revenue earned from our investments portfolio.

Expenditures for assets that are intended to be held or used for a extended period of time. Includes land, land improvements, building, building improvements, machinery, equipment, and furniture and fixtures. Also includes infrastructure such as streets, sidewalks, culverts, curbs, roads and bridges.

15 14 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 $8,612,478 $7,446,257 $6,818,355 $6,373,715 $5,545,128 3,440,675 3,529,081 2,958,977 3,015,627 2,987,164 743,917 779,538 729,418 710,882 692,581 4,534,358 4,163,828 4,212,845 4,088,628 4,078,792 20,142 7,068,932 18,317,409 6,343,809 6,280,570 5,488,301 1,250,162 1,359,626 671,465 1,012,056 455,971 $25,670,664 $35,595,739 $21,734,869 $21,481,478 $19,247,937 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 $59,850,895 $54,024,096 $48,939,746 $46,328,395 $41,601,211 6,515,951 6,204,792 6,166,114 6,453,165 6,054,249 1,771,074 1,260,602 1,653,304 1,854,649 1,628,740 2,156,151 2,027,462 2,075,062 2,121,326 2,173,068 2,104,251 2,352,820 1,957,033 1,793,530 1,819,583 1,908,178 1,268,230 1,625,110 1,544,064 1,446,443 194,069 196,706 182,135 167,303 222,053 (78,022) 9,033 222,643 257,128 73,971 $74,422,547 $67,343,741 $62,821,147 $60,519,560 $55,019,318
general fund revenues
general fund expenditures
Sales and Use Taxes Charges for Services* Fines and Forfeitures Franchise & Public Service Tax Intergovernmental Licenses and Permits Miscellaneous Investment Income General Government Public Safety Health and Sanitation Culture, Parks, and Recreation Economic Development Streets and Highways Capital Outlay
$0 $10 M $20 M $30 M $40 M 2021 2022 2019 2020 2018 $50 M $60 M Sales and Use Taxes
other Revenues



The ‘unassigned’ fund balance is an indication of the amount of available resources the City has at a point in time to fund emergencies, shortfalls or other unexpected needs.

In this analysis only the General Fund information is reported and is based on revenues. In our model, 10% is considered a minimum responsible level, while 30% is considered responsible.

notes 6




15 0% 2018 2020 2021 2022 2019


1.50 %

The City of Edmond's goal to maintain a 10% balance on the General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance was not met in Fiscal Year 2022 due to emergency costs from natural disasters in Fiscal Year 2021.

Utility System Original Refunding Bonds Issue Amount Original Date Final Maturity Total 2015 $20,456 4/2/2015 7/1/2023 $6,045 2016 $41,795 7/5/2016 7/1/2046 $38,005 2017 $167,025 10/19/2017 7/1/2047 $155,140 $199,190 Accrued absences Lease liability Revenue bonds* Notes Payable Total (Thousands) governmental business - type activities activities totals 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 % of Change revenue bonds payable : governmental activities * All bonds are secured by utility revenues and pledged sales tax Series Sales Tax & Original Utility System Bonds Issue Amount Original Date Final Maturity Total 2013 $13,710 5/14/2013 7/1/2023 $1,530 2014b $20,280 12/9/2014 7/1/2026 $8,360 $ in Thousands $9,890 revenue bonds payable : business - type activities * All bonds are secured by utility revenues $ in Thousands $5,419 $5,168 $977 $898 $6,396 $6,066 5% 147 332 0 0 147 332 -56 9,890 13,265 199,190 205,095 209,080 218,360 -4 42,323 6,015 136,638 35,835 178,961 41,850 328 $57,779 $24,780 $336,805 $241,828 $394,584 $266,608 48%


In 2017, the City issued series 2017 Sales and Utility Revenue Funding Bonds for $167 Million for construction of new Coffee Creek Water Resource Building.

See our complete disclosed information in our ACFR Notes Section 3E, Long-Term Debt.

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It is management’s intent to identify a “not-to-exceed” amount of $1,000,000 as part of the 10% minimum fund balance for unexpected, large-scale events where damage in excess of $250,000 is incurred and immediate, remedial action must be taken to protect the health and safety of residents (e.g. floods, fires, storm damage). During fiscal year 2021, several natural disasters occurred that caused the city to use the emergency amounts. Although the City has been reimbursed for some expenditures by FEMA, the City has not yet regained the 10% level. See our complete disclosed information in our ACFR Basic Financial Statements. 3
"At year-end, the City had $395 million in long-term debt outstanding which represents an increase of $127 million or 48% from the prior year."



This chart reflects the actual amount of sales tax for the General Fund received for the last 4 fiscal years ending June 30, 2022. Sales tax collections for FY 21–22 were up, ending the fiscal year at an overall net increase of 8.41% over the prior year. YTD collections (through January 2023) for FY 22–23 are up from FY 21–22 by 8.31%.

Government Finance Officers Association Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting

Presented to City of Edmond Oklahoma

For its Annual Financial Report

For the Fiscal Year Ended

June 30, 2021

The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) has given an Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting to the City of Edmond, Oklahoma for its Popular Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021 . The Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting is a prestigious national award recognizing conformance with the highest standards for preparation of state and local government popular reports.

In order to receive an Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting, a government unit must publish a Popular Annual Financial Report, whose contents conform to program standards of creativity, presentation, understandability and reader appeal.

An Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting is valid for a period of one year. City of Edmond, Oklahoma has received a Popular Award for the last twelve consecutive years (fiscal years ended 2010 –2021). We believe our current report continues to conform to the Popular Annual Financial Reporting requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA.

Executive Director/CEO

19 18 FY 18–19 JUL AU G SEP OC T NOV DEC JA N FEB MAR APR MA Y JUN FY 19–20 FY 20–21 FY 21–22 FY 22–23 4,300,000 4,100,000 3,900,000 3,700,000 3,500,000 3,300,000 3,100,000 2,900,000 2,700,000
2022 CITIZEN'S REPORT City of Edmond, Oklahoma Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022 7 North Broadway Edmond, Oklahoma 73034 (405) 359– 4521 •

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