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Economic Development Program Highlights (Cont.)
Business Counseling Services: CEED
The Center for Economic Empowerment and Development (CEED) provides direct support to entrepreneurs and small businesses that are starting or expanding a business.
Contracts have not been executed
Awarded $80,000 CDBG funds and $35,353 from General Fund
Fayetteville Metropolitan Housing Authority (FMHA)
The City will support the FMHAs partnership with Apprenticeship NC, FTCC and MidCarolina Workforce Development by funding a Job Skills Training/Pre-Apprenticeship Pilot Program.
Contract is currently being reviewed by FMHA attorney
FMHA public housing residents can enroll in a 12.5 week course entitled “Construction Skills” where they will learn valuable construction skills that are in high demand in today’s job market and will be able to earn a livable wage
$25,000 budgeted
Economic Development Incentive Payments
The City offers incentives for developers that develop, operate, and maintain the approved project in accordance with the approved incentive agreement.
HMM Hospitality developed the Springhill Suites project at 4750 Lake Valley Dr. with a direct investment of $8,500,000; was to create/maintain 30 jobs; will receive the fifth and final incentive payment estimated at $16,343 this program year; payments began in 2019
Campbell Soup project at 2610 Clark West Rd. was a $40M investment; 100 new jobs were verified December 2021; 14 addiitonal new jobs expected by December 2022; will receive the 3rd of 7 incentive payments this program year estimated at $154,118; payments began in 2020
Downtown Management Contract
The Cool Spring Downtown District (CSDD) Inc. is a charitable, nonprofit corporation formed in 2017 to create and sustain an arts and entertainment district located in downtown Fayetteville as a vibrant center of artistic, cultural, civic, and commercial activity.
Eleven new businesses opened during the quarter; two businesses relocated within the district; and two businesses closed
Six businesses are slated to open later this year
CSDD was awarded a one-time grant from Duke Energy to support the creation of a Microgrant Program to offer exterior grants from $500-$2,500; program to launch October 2022 and is expected to assist up to 22 street level businesses
HB890 is a bill lobbied for by the NC Retail Merchants Association in the spirit of driving business to retailers in urban cores and expanding a community’s sense of livability. The bill, adopted into law in the fall of 2021, allows Cities and Counties to create “Social districts” and provides them the opportunity to ease open-container laws. A social district is a defined outdoor area in which a person may consume alcoholic beverages sold by an ABC permittee. City Council is currently considering establishing a social district downtown.