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Neighborhood Engagement Highlights Cont.

Water and Sewer Assessment Fee Assistance

This program provides grants for low- and moderate-income homeowners for fees up to $2,000 that are assessed when water and sewer is made available to a neighborhood, along with a $900 plumber hook-up fee.


 Received eight inquiries about the program

 Three applications were prescreened for eligibility; one approved to offset plumber costs

 $9,388 expended with $190,612 available

Choice Neighborhood Initiative (CNI) Planning Grant

This competitive grant supports the development of comprehensive neighborhood revitalization plans to achieve three core goals: Housing, People, and Neighborhoods

The Murchison Choice Planning is in its second and final year

 Community Garden project underway

 Neighborhood Gateway project underway

 Digital Equity Initiative project underway

 Commercial Market Analysis completed during the quarter

 Community Meeting 5 was held in July with 75 attendees

 Draft Plan submitted to HUD in June and the team is refining the Plan based on feedback from HUD

 Total project budget $711,500; includes a $450,000 CNI planning grant

 $258,324 expended by end of quarter.

Community Safety Micro-Grant Program

This program is being offered to community-based organizations to fund, inspire, and boost community crime reduction activities by supporting efforts to prevent crime and violence in Fayetteville. This is a "low barrier" grant program intended to allow community members to apply and access grant funding

 $50,000 has been allocated for each of the four grant cycles that began May 2022 and last 6 months each

 31 Micro-grant participants were approved and attended three capacity training classes hosted by FTCC and received technical assistance during the first grant cycle

 Of the 31 grantees approved, 29 projects were successfully complete




ARPA funds were allocated to fund a community resource center

 Project not scoped out yet

 $1,000,000 allocated

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