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Neighborhood Engagement Highlights
This program fosters neighborhood pride by providing a grant for the erection of neighborhood signs, landscaping, and placemaking to create quality places within the communities.
No new applications, but promoted the program at the community resource and job fair
$140,000 budgeted
Partnership for Children
Funding will be provided to assist with public facility improvements at the Partnership for Children Family Resource Center.
Phase I environmental assessment completed
Architect is expected to submit scope of work in February 2023
$250,000 budgeted
Blight Removal
This grant program is designed to encourage and assist with demolishing blighted and deteriorated structures that are beyond reasonable repair in low-income communities.
Canvassed areas of Bonnie Doone, Bragg Blvd., and Murchison Rd. to identify blighted/dangerous buildings; viewed 400+ structures
Environmental reviews, scope of work, asbestos testing, RFQs, and bid processing were completed for 5120 Patton St. and 5123 Cannon St., which are located in the Bonnie Doone redevelopment area
$6,646 expended; $154,507 remaining budget
Community Outreach
Activities that engage, educate, and market City services and programs targeting lowand moderate income persons and areas of the community in need.
Collaborated with FTCC and Fayetteville Urban Ministry to host a community resource and job fair at Smith Recreation Center with 273 attendees and 38 vendors who participated
Efforts have begun to develop a resource fair/or tabling opportunities for the Bonnie Doone community
Efforts have begun to develop an annual nonprofit resource fair to be held February 2023
$13,907 expended; $56,296 remaining for program delivery costs