OR four years the Class of 1936 has held together---through sunsh 1ne and storm. We have risen from bewildered freshmen to all-important seniors. Together we have struggled with semester exams, re101ced over athletic triumphs, and 101ned 1n the gaiety of part I es and proms. May the pages of th I s 6 o o k help us to treasure forever these few fleeting years and the golden memo ries they hold.
W E, the Class of 1936, dedicate this book to the faculty of Golden High School, who have safely guided us through the realms of higher education To them we say.
You have brought us fa,th and courage,
You have set our standards h 19h.
You have brought us golden memories
And we hate to say goodbye!
G old eri Jl i9h
As one by one life flips o'er a page And holds yesterday's down with a thumb, Al I I can see by the I1ght is to-day And a blur of the pages to come.
Golden High will stand in our memory A symbol, stately and wh1te--For the fallen, the thing they wanted to be, For the victo rious, a shining light.
P arfet P ark
Picture a bit of Colorado blue
Over a spot of green, With trees and flowers and shrubs
And a deep, cool mountain stream And a bit of nature for youthful eye, L1v1ng leaves that form an a rk. Beneath ou r feet the green of grass--That 1s Parfet Park.
1 9 3 6
Fac ul ty
HOGER <). \I ITCH Rup(.'rintl 1ul< nt of ~< h, ,1:- • 'oloraclo St 1te l 'ull, ;;e ol 1:1111(.':II ion.\ Il, :'II .\
11 pc; H Bl•)EHS I>l'inc1 p.1 I \ta t Ji, , 11111 t 11 •,: Crinnell l 111!, gt•-.\ ll.
T E P \ \ '\'TI•:It
S< il nee :'I I 1 t h<.lllla I ic:\\ c:-:tc..•111 St 11, • Coll• •g-, • nf l'11l01 •11do \ B
L<'l IS TELK l1 1story \thlc..·ti<' S L"n1,·t•rsit) of Colo1 :ido -.\ , 1: ,, B.E
nt·n"\ \ ,YILT En~l1sh Pni\'l•lsit, 11f \tizo1111 -,\ 1: .
\\ El)\\ \ltllS Hi11l11g) So< i II S ei , • 111 ' 1 ' So11tl1<·1 n Ill1no1:-: .St:itt• T, •ach,'1 ::-' Collt •i..::1
\H Colo1 ,1<10 .:'IL.\,
Jll.;t,i,:x B. LUDDl'-<:TOX
ltll\\ T':\ \ \', Kl"-U
l 'Ulllllll.'l" C i:\ I t·uhc..•t s it y of Colol':1110
~! .\BEL \ BOLITIIO l 'olllllll' l ' l ' !H}
\ H, H E. l 11 i v, •1·:-ity t•f J>cn, 1 1-B S
.:'IL\ l ' D PltTI.;ST l,atin-Spani:-h
l'ni\ t.•r s it, of C u lon1clo - A It, \1 .\
\IAit.lOHIE L.\\l:'11
En~lish Ptah Stntl.• Collt•g- p - HS
J•; I >X \ c;Jt_.\ Y Ln;.., I ish-Li l I ' ll I'\" l 11i\cl' s it) o( i>l II\UI \ B
I:I~ Yl,'Jo: K BRO\\~ ~t:i t h1.: tn,l l ks -.,ol Ill I S1 it •llc< ~011th\\c s l1.crn lnh,1s1t) \I:
HO:--l'OJ :\!ORTO, \It thnnicnl Jlra\\ ' in~ C111, • ndt) t)f llhno1 s- J: S l 111\ 1.•r:-it,· of C.'11lo1 a1lo ;,.1 ~, ~I E
of Colorado State Colh' gc..--B S,
Eel ll l':l lion-
11 ontc..• 1,;l OIi llll\ll :-
E \Jtl,l~ \ JOH,SO"S11Jlt t ' \'i~or ol '.\Ius1 c
I L, 1, EHJl Cu::- todian
Le f t to ri gh t :
F ront Row : Bud Ja y cox, Allen Sarell , Da ve Crawford, By ron Kn owl es, Edward Bl ood , Bill Mo rg an, Red Anderson, Leaan Maxwell , J ohn Spi e l e s, St eve Mas zy
Sec ond Row : Lila Belle Dulane y , Gertrud e Turner, Clara Ni ch olls, Ma ry Jan e Kii se 1, Do ro thy \ve st, Ma r garet Deel, Pau l ine Da y , Euni ce O' Donnell, Kat hry n Gr aves , Geo r g ia Howl e t~ Ru t h Ann J u chem
Th i rd Row : Ja n e Ma r tin, Donnie Van Winkle, Lilliam Dow, Lorraine Giesin g , Virg inia S tro u s e , Vi r g in ia Camp bel l , Jean Hu ber, Mar guerite Ki l l, Ch arlen e Mal ve n, Bet t y Bloom, Ha z el Ke ll ey , Dorot h y Webster, Grac e Baessler, Do r is Porter
Back Row : Peck , Bill Bill Peer y , Don Lis t on, Jo hn Parfet, Bo b Mau ghan, Ad e lene Gar g an, La r son Walter He inri c hs, John Bail ey , Lo u i s e
• •ii I~du catio11 1
::--c1t net- Club ~-3-1
Libl'arv 3 Dra1111ttic:,; I-:?-:!- I
1Hc,• Club 1-2-3- -1
~cniol' Class Pluy 1
l'ln sicnl Education 1
J >ri,11111tic:-- l-:?-3--1
c,1,.,. <;Ital> 1-2-:3--1
8,•11101· Clas:-- !'lay I
1>.A\'E CJL\\\'FOHI>
;\{,•chanil·al I>ra\\ ing 1-'.!
,\pplic1l \rts 2
.\lal'oon & \\'l11tc :3
l'h, sic.ti Edul·ation 1-:!
Fo;,thall 3
Basketba 11 .\ l a11:1~t•I' :!-3- l
\'ic,•-1'1·,•sidcnt of l'la:-<s 1
!'resident of Cla:-s 2--1
P,\ ULl~E I>,\ Y
l> ra111atics !!-:l
Xt•l•dlct•t•aft 1-1
,11l'L' c~Jub J-!!-3-1
.\L\Hl;,\ Hl.;T l>l•:EL
South lli~h ::--chool, lh!ll\'t• r, J-:!-3
l'l•}) Cluh 1
Tl11si11l'SS .\lanll~• 1 :;t•nio1· Cla::-s l'lay I
X11tio11al ll unor !SuCllll.Y 1
.:'llcl.hauical Dra,ving- 1-:?-3- J
\\',\LTI•;R H I•;f',l{ll'HS Cir,1ss \ alh:, J l1gh ::-c·hool, Califot·nia 1 Br,•nt Rchool. Baguio Ph1lip)>it1L• Islands 3 :'llt•c·h·1nic.ll J)1 •a,,·ing- :? - -1
::--,·1t•n1•c <'lub 2-4 Phv:,it•al Educution 2 Fo;, t ba 11 -1
::--cniol' ('la:-s Play 1
HEL\ 'A HO~L\' llra1n1lic" 2-a-t
:--'ccdlct•r.1 ft l
I'h~ sical E,ducation 1-!!-3-1
,;gon<,1 \ '.\I.\),; HU\\ LETT
,\pplnd .\rt:- 1 Clt!t' Clul, :! Xct•dl,•ctaft :?-3--1
l'h\'si cal Education 1
l.ili1ary :l-1
l't•p Club -1
.J 1':AX H Ulll•:11
.\1•,•ada High ~chool l <:ll'l' Club :!-3- 4
I>r:11n11tic's 3--!
l'IH:•dcal Ed111·atin11 2
:-5c1iio1· Class Pia~· I
H.\ Y;\tn:--P A'°'Dl•!H~<>:-:
<,llt' Club 1-3
~l:it'lll" <'luh 2
Ftt·•I ball 1-:!-3-4
Basl,, •t hall 1-2-3-1 Tra<'I< 3
l•'uot h,111 C,iptnin I
Ba,.;kt•t hall <'apt a in 3
\ll-Co11fe1 cn<'e F11otb,1ll Tea1n 2-3- l
J\11-<~onr"erenc, , Bnskt•tball Tean1 3--!
\'h e-Pr,• :-iclt•nt of ('Ja:-;s 3
:--cnlor 1..'lass Pia~ 4
C IL\< 'J.; B.\ r,;~:,-I,[•;Jt
1>1 11natic:,; 3 "-•·edh•c1•af l t
Ph) :-i<'nl I.;<111c·ation 1-2
1,kc C'lub 1-2-3--!
.J< ll' BAII.,EY ~( 1e11l' •• Cluh :!
[)1,1111nti<·s 1-:! I h) s1t •al E.clucat loll 1 Football 3--l
.\ 11-CCJnfer t. ll<'t• Foot hall Te,un I ~tuch •nt <'011ncil 4 ~t'.11101 ('lass Play -! <i" l'in t
:-:a I ional 1-!onor Society I
1~1>\\'AHD BI,OOIJ
;\t1•<'ha111cal 1)1 a\\ ing
~t•iE!nce Club 2-3
I'hvsical Education 1-1
Ho\ s' Ho,nt• t•:cunon11c:-: Club I
Football 2-3--!
1:1-:TT'I BLUO;\f
Library 3
J>1·,nnat11·s 1-2-3-4
C:lt..·t• Cluh 1-2-3--!
~cnior Cl:u,s Play 4
\ lrt<,IXIA l'A:'llPHI<;LL
Phvsic:tl g11ucal ion t
J>r:unatics 1-2-:i-1
Glt·t• Club 1-2-3--! ~t·nior C'Jas,; l'lay 4
JJ.\ \ I; CH\ \\"FOHi>
:\lt-1•ha111cal l>ra,,ini; 1-2 \ppltecl \1 ts 2
\L11·0011 & \\'htte 3
I'll\ :-deal Edu at ion 1-2
Fo;>lball 3
Basketball :\Ianag-l'l' 2-:!-J
\'ll't•-P1•e:,.;idl•nt of l..'la:,;.s 1
l'rl•:--i1h1nt of Clas:- 2-1
P.\Ul,l~E I>\\
I >ra 111 1 l te:,; 2-:l '\<l·cllt•crall l•l
<:ll·c Club l -2-3-1
:'11\H<;\HET J)l,;1<;1, South Hig:h Hlhoul, lJ1°nv1•1\ l-2-3
1',·p Club I
J:u:,dnc:-s \l,111ng1, ~1.nio1 · l'la--i:- Play I
~at1011al Hono1 !'-ollCl) l
LILL,!\'\ IJO\\
1>1a111atH.; s 1-2-3-1
<:le~ C.'luL 1
L1hrar) -! ;\laroon & \\' hite 4
Ph) sical Eclucat11,n 2-3
f>t.p C.'luh 2-:i- l
1'1·11 Club C.'hccr1t,,id1-1 2-4
~1 11 ioi- CJa,;.s Pia, -!
' G" Pin -1 •
'-at ional Honol' Soc1uty 1
LIL.\ BJt;J.,LE l>l L.\~(~\
(;Jee l'luh 1-.!-3--1
Phy:-ical It;<lucution 1-~-3-1
lAHtH \l'\;'J,; GIESl:".G
I>ran1at i<'s 1-2
Library 3 :\lan,oi1 & "\\.hit.• -1
Phy:-it•a I Jt;duca tion l-:!-3
n1rls ' Hon1t· Eco1101nics Cluh 1
l'ep Club, 2-3-4; Presiilent !
~c1:1·t•la1·) -t1ea;:ui-er of Cla,;s 2·-l
~t-nio1 Cl,1ss Play -1
"C." Pin -! "ut1onaJ Honor Socict) 1
1,.\ TH H. \ :--; c;H.\ \ E::-
Libr,u, -l
<; 1l' c CI II b l - 2 - :i - l
Un he,.;tl'a 2-:J
l'hysicaJ J.;cluc.1t1on 1
c;J,;on,;1,; H \HTZ
Plnsical I•;ducation l
::-c1t• nce Club 2-3-1
:\lcchanil'al J)ra\\ 111g 1-2-3-1
\\ \LTER I-lEI::--HICH~
C:l'a:-s \'nllL) High ~chool l'al1fornia 1
llr,·nt ~l hon I, Bngu1n, PhilipJlllll Islands 3
;\lt·chanical 1>1a,ving 2-4
~l-1Pnce Club 2-4
l'hvsical J.;ducation 2
Fo;,thall I ::ic11101 Class Play I
HEL\ \ HO~L\:-:
I >ra1n.tl1e:-< 2-3-1
:". cc<llccrafl I
l'h) sil':tl J'.)(luca tio11 1-2-3· l
<;1,;oH.GJ \ ;\J \I•: HO\\ Ll•;'l'T
\pf>lltd .\1 l,- 1
Ulc, l'lul, :.!
,Le~lt-c·1aft 2-3-4
l'h) siLal g,1ucatioll 1
I ,1h1 ill\ 3-4
I't>p C'iub I
.1 E \ "- JI PBl•:n
\1,acla Hig-h Sthuol l
nlel• l'lu b 2-3--!
nra1nat1cs 3--1
J>h)sit•al Edt1t·,1t1on 2
~cnior Clas,- Pia:,· 4
Cl L\ IU,ES .1 \ YCO ••
:--ell nee l'luh 2-3
.\ppliC;d .,\ 1·t:-- 1
Ph) :,deal 1:r111cat1011 1-2-1
Football ~-3-1
n:isl,c•th,lll 1-.!-3- I
'l'1·ncl, 3
n.1skethall C'apt.dn -t
\ll-C'onf,·n•n1.:e I•'ootb,tll 'l'e,1111 I
\1l-Conte1·"ru·<: Ba1'1,ethall 'l'c,1111 I
I 'l't ~lclunt ol l'Ja,-~ 3
l'l'< sldt•llt of ~tu<lC;lll Bod) I
\'1l'e-Prc:-i1len t ol ('la:-:--
Senior Class l'la) -1
·•G" Pill -1
I >r:unatics 2-3-4
<ile,• Club 3-1
N, ecllecrnft 1-2
Ph) ~1cal Edu<'ation 1
HA%l•;l, 1( 1,;1,1,gy
.,\ ppllc<l Arts 1
.'.'\ecdl<.'Cl'Hlt 1-2-3---1
Glee Club 2-3--1
:\t.\HY J..\XE J,IISEL
Dr:una tics 1-'.!
L1hr,11) 3
Pin sh·al l~Jucn.tion 1-2-3-1
:;\la roon & \\'hit<• t
Chcct le:uter 1-2
l'<'P Cl111' 3-4
Stag, ~la11a~e1·, ~<:'tii•H" Cia1,:; l'h1) I
"'l;" l'iu l
~talu Athletic 1; I
Stat,, Alhlul1c l'ill I
:'lt..\H<}UEIUTE l,lLL
nlct' Club 1-2-3-1
Nt·t>dlc<'l nil 1-2-:~-1
Physical Edu ca lion 1
B\ HO.:'\ J(~O\Vt,ES
Ph)::--ical Education 1
.\pplh:d .Al'l:- 1-3
Glee C'luh 3--1
Science Club 2-3- t
Dr:una t i<'S -t
Senior Cla:-.s Pin:, !
Gl,•e Cluh 1-!!-:J- l
Libral'y 3-1
~c•edlccra1 t 2
Physical EdUl':l t ion 1
lJ< 1:-,:.\ J,D Ll~TON'
Glee Club 1-2-3
Ph:,:-ic,11 gc111cation l
Scit•nc•c Club 2-3
Boys' Jio1 111 l •;cc,nonlics Cluh I
<'I-1.\ H!Jl•;N'I•: .:\1..\1.,\'J.;~
\\'e:--t High ~<hool, Jh•n\(l' 1
IJt•a1natics 3-1
<:h•e Clllb 2-3-t
l'\ lJ cell ccrafl 2
~e11io1· Cla:-s Pla:, I
,T \~l•; '.\I.\ HTIX
nlacl,foot Jiigh Bt·honl, 11l:1h11, 1
C:l<.J,• Cluh 2-3
,\pplil·cl Arts 3
Xcedlecraft -1
C:il'l:-' l101n e 1;:eonorni<':- Cluh I
l'up Club 4
::,;l,uior Class l'lny t
Bl')) '.\1 EYE It .\nn1111cialiv11 lhgh School, lll'II\, 1·, 1-2-3 l?ootbnll .J.
noHEHT :\L\U(:!L\'\ l'h;\·:-ieal Y.:duc·tt1011 1-2 01t•l1t:stn1 1 :\la1110n & \Vhile 2-3- l Hasl,..-tball 1-2-3- t Foothall 2-3-4
\ll-Cunfc1cnct Ba:-l~l•lhall Tc,\111 -1 :--;tudcnt Coun<·il l l , Pin l '\,1tional Honor Soci~ty 4 \ ·tled1ctorian
::-;Tl~\ E :\L\SZ\ Orchc~t, 1 1-3 l'hy:--ical Edu en lion 1 :\lc<•h:u11c·al Dra\\ ing 2-3- I Applt~d .\rt:-- 2 :--ciencc C'luh 3-4
LEA.\~ )L\X\\' ELL
Orche:-tra 1-2-3-4 Ph~ :--teal E<lucat1011 1-:! \pplied Arts 2 Glee Club 3- t
l 1:::C.\l{ '.\100~ <ih•t• Club 1-2 Pln:-1cal Ed11<"ation 1-2-1
~l'il'nco Club 2 Footl>:tll ~-3-4
B,tskethall 3-!
\ll-Conf~r,•nce Ba:skethall Tea111 1 r1 a<·k 3 :--;tudcnt Council 3 Seruor Clai:;s Pia~· 4
\\ ILLL\:'.\I :'IIORG.\.X Ph~:sic-il Ed11c1t1011 1-2
~<'ll'll<'l.l Club 1-2-3-4 A pp lied \ rts 2 1-'t>otl>~dl :\IanagL•r 3- I
c:1t" l lub 1-2-3-4
l'h~:--ical l•~ducation 1-2-3--1 >- l t'<llecra ft 2
LC'\ICE 0'1)0".'\~li.:L "- l 1.:<ll ,•<'l ,Ii t 1-2-3- I \pplicd ,\rt:,; 1
\Yil,LI \)f PAltFE'l' ,;\l,th.111i<-ul l>l'a\,ing 1-:!-3-1
<>rch c:-t 1·a 1 Foot hall 1-2-3- l
Ba:--k,~thnll 2-3-4 .\11-l'onf rcncc Tia:-kcth,111 Tett1n I
T1·at•l, 3- I "(}" Pin 1
L( >l I~ J•; J>ECK u <'!uh 1-2-3-1
P1·au1aties 1-2
:--tu<lcnt Cc,uncil 3-1
l't<p Club 1
"<," P111 Hcpre:-:t-ntnti\·e 3-t '(;" Pin -1
Xational llonor Socict)· I
\\'JLLI ,\'.\ I l'EEH Y
Ph,•..::ic a l Jo:1lucat1on 1
Ore he:-- tra 1 -:!- I Science Club 2-3 no, s' lton1c l i: <:nnoniics Club 1
\ ice-Prcs i1!1 •nl of Cla,- s I
I>OHI~ POHTl i: H I >ra 111 ,1 t i "" '.! - 3- I Cl,•c Club 1
Ne1 •dle,•1 aft 1-2-3- 4
Ll•:1.; l'l <: Tl•) H~OX ,;1,, nllo Il 1i-:-h S1• h110J )l,•c haui,•nJ lh' a\\ ing :-i<' H'lll ' •• Club !
,\ LLli:.-.: SA IU •:J.,l.,
\ \ :\ 01ni11g- , -j :;\lt•1•hani1•al IH a,, 1ng 1-:! - 3-1
l'h,rsi<•:d Education 1
<;Jl'e C'lu b :!
Footl,all 3-1
Ba:-kt>l l,nll :1
Prt•:--idllnt of Cla:-,- 1
) l .\X I X!i: S~tl'l'll
l>ra1n11ti1 •:,; l-:!-3-1 r;J.,c• l'luh 3- I l'hv:-<ic •al EdtH' Hlion l-~-3
::,.;L ll ior ('la:-;:,; J>la~ 1
.JO H X Sl'I I-:,1,, ES
\ppltcd Arts 1-:!-:J
J' h y ,il'a[ 1':<l11<•;1tion 1
!'-<'icncc Club :!-3- 1
\ Il t<.;1~ 1 \ :-.TRO t SI.!;
1>1 a1nal1< s 1-2-3- l (.Jee ('luh 1 '-.:t·1:dlec1 at't :!-3--1.
.J .\<'K THgz1sg
01Th1.st1 a 1-2-3- 4
P h) sical 1•;d u c.1tion t
I >ra 1na ti<'s 3
Foothall 2-3- 1
:-;cnior Class l'Jay -1
c;EitTIU'l>J•; Tl H'-E H
, \ pplie<l .\rt s J
JJ1a1nat1 c s 1-2
Glt.!t.! Club 2-3- 4
PhYsi c al Edueation l
:-;tu!lent Council 2-4
Pep C'luh 1-2-3--l : Trl•a:--urcr 1; \ 1 l c c -
Prc~idenl -1
:0:l·rrctar~ -T, casurc1· of Clas :-- 1- :i
Treasur r of .Student Bocly -t
~l nio1 · Chi":- Pia~ l '
G' Pin 3
'-.:ational Ho1101 Socillt~· 1
Salutato1 ian
uo:--;:o-;11,; ,.," \ \ l~I,LE
!)1 an1a t ks 1-2
<ilt·t• Club 3- 4
L1hl'ary -1
'-.:et!dle c raft 3
J>h) :•deal Education 1-2
Pep Club 1-2-3 - 4
Ch,• c1 lcadcr :!-3-4
1t<> L .\X r, Y \ SHER
Ph:\ .~dea l Edu c a tiou 1
f>ra nta tics l
Sdt•n c t.! Club :!-3- 4
Clec Club 3-4
Football 3- 1
Tl'ack 3
l>OHOTH) \ \ EBSTI.;It
XL cdlt <raft 1-2-3--!
l' hys1cal l !Xlucation 1
l>r:tllHtlic.s 2-3-1
(xll•• · C'lul, 1
Ph~ .sical 1.; d uculion 1-2-3- l
l'c11 Club ~-3
~l 11111r Class f'l:t, · I
Statt• .\thlcti c 1,;i11hlcn1 -1
:--late Athleti c P in 1
\\ \LTER \\ A L E
<;let- C'luh 1
l'h~ :-.ical r,;<1ueatio11 1
S<'ll'nce t'luh 1-2-3- I
:-.r •·<'ha ni<•a 1 f>ra , \ ing 3- l
Football 3
Class Poem. "0omorrow"
A s the end dra\VS n e ar of our high s chool day s , We've rea ched on ce again a parting of \vays ; Tomorrov1 may find u s far apa r t, And our path s i.vill s ure ly s ever Let' s make a vo\v de ep in our hea r t s To remember Gold en forever
But d on't l et th e s ight of the pa s t four yea r s , Carr y ing memories of joy , bring tea r s ; J u s t turn for one las t, long look Across the b r oad expan s e of time; Then clo s e that chapt er of you r book And mount to higher climes
Embla zo n the s e \Vord s acro ss your s hield s• "To less than be s t I ,vill not yie ld ." Aim for a s tar and if yo u hit A little l o,v er you n e ed not s igh ; For ) ' OU have do n e for the ,vorld yo ur bit , And man can do no m ore than try.
L et the la s t di m ray s of the s etting s u n Shov? t h at you've been true to eve r y one Of the highe s t re s olve s you've made to - nigh t; S h o,v a s clean a h ea r t and a s fearles s a gazeT hat ,vhen you viev,r yo u r li fe in that la s t low li g h t You ' ll glo\v with the pride of y our high sc h ool day s .
Class History
By BETTY BLOOMl'PROXl)l,\TEL\" t\\"l•h·t> , 1.:•ars a:,.;-11 t\ve11ty of th1• boy:,( a1ul
Cgirls \\"ho cnnstit u te Olli" prc:-1.: n t ;..:-1a<lu:iting cla:-s began th1..• .slo\\ gri nil th rough l \\'~ht• lon;..:but happ~ yt>ar.s of schoolu1~. J>t>l'h,lps others :-t:u·ted \\'ith t li.•:-:e sn 111t• t \\ l n t), but so111e have n1oved to oth<'l" eitll':-: nn,l a lt•\\ ha\'L" dropped out altog"Plher. ,\lnll) ha, ~\ entered ch11·1ng the y1.:ar:,;, 1:'<)ITHl ha,1ng COllll fl'Olll Jllinoi,-:, l'enn::;) h·ania, \\'yonung, :\1.: \\' )fe:--.:ico. )lis:-0111 1, \ ri:r.onn, and J dH h•>- :\lo,-l or tht'Se ha,,. sta), d ,vlth th•• cla:,;s to the happy cn<lli:q1p, for a 11101nent, but uuhapp~ \\'hen on1..• thinks of l~a,•111g his 111any fricn,ls,,s 11e,·1•r to 1nt•et then\ again.
11:1:;:-hteen of our Jll'l'Sent cla:--:--, as high :<chool freshr11en, entt"rt·d a (;oldt•n :-C'hool f111· the t lrst t in1t:. Through this fir:-t vcnr "e \\ ert> ,-:afely guidecl t ou1· ,•lass ,-ponsor:,;, )li:-:s \Vilson, :\Ji~s Prit::,:t, :\lis:,; Stua1·t an<I )fr. .J ohn:--on, h1.; fore tht: ace ident "hich caused his dt'ath.
Havin~ faith 1n our fello,, clas:--1nates, ,,·e l'll't'!l'cl offll'l'rs to take t'ha1·ge of ou1 f,.,,. hus1nes,-: 1naltt>rs for tht: )ear The) \\lffe as tollo,v::;: Pr,·:--ident, Allen Sa1 l'll: ,·iceJ>I t•:-:i1hnt, Bus Farring-ton: :-, cretary-tn:asurel', (ip1•trud1.; Tu1·ner; t'lass 111other. )Irs. l>ulan,•y: ~tudl.•nt Council repre:,:entat 1v1.;, Bob :\Iaughnn
Having been fairly good stUdl•nts fo1· about t\\ o n1onth:--. \\'e ,verl• allo\\·ed to have a pa1ty, at the ti111t• \\'hl•n witt'hL•s and g-ohlin:-- \\"t'l"t• about. \\'e ctarH'l'<I and pin) eil c•anl:- and ganH•s .• \ftt>l" the ,\11-~c•hool P.11·ty an,! tht holidn) :-:, tiuie \\ ent fast and \\"t: \\ 1·rt· :-:oon fini,-ht•<l \\'llh thc first lap of 0111· journc
\Yht•n the fall of 1,:~3 i·olled around, ,,.,. found ou1•:,:el\•es 1•ntt>1 in;::- !ht• hu1lding· a:-sopho1nores, Uu 1· cla:--s :-:pousors r<tr th,• y,•:u· ,, t•ri.: :'lln;. King and l'oat'h Philh•o. ,ve t•lectl'd ns cla:--s offit•t•r:-: the follow in~: P1 l'Si<lent, Dave C1a,,ford: ,1c(•-J,rl,-Hlent. Bud .Jny,•,i:--.;; sect·ctary-trt:a:-urer, Lon•ainl'. C:il•:-:ini..:; cla:--s n1othe1·, )lrs. :\langhan, f-tud,111t Coun,·il 1·~ pres,•ntativt>, Hu:,: Fa rr1ngton \\ ho, \\"l:t'll he left Gollh·n, ,, as n•placed hy Gertrude Turnt•I'.
\fte r about tl11'll: 1no11ths of :,:,• ho ol ,, 01·k had 1111:-Sl'<l, th, Soph II<>t>, a party ahout which \\'c talk1etl fol day:--, \\ a,-: h1•ltl in tht' g-) 111n.1:--i11111. E, L'l") one 1na:-qu,•radc·d and had gr,•at fun trying to ;;uess one another's idcntit).
C'lituhing- al\, ay,- u1i,, ard. ",. entered our j11nio1• ) i.:ar. Hair of ou 1· jou1 ncy \\·a~ f1nisht•d an1l the bc:-t \\'as ) et to cotne. Our l1t'••<!:-; in the \\ cl\" of class spon:--ors ,,·ere 1net hv :\Iiss Stuart n'nd ~Tr. Paynter. Our offit·ers ,,:ct·c thcs~: Prc:--itlt•nt, Bud Ja)cox; \Heprl',-ident Red .\nclt•rson; st•cretary-n·easure1•, <le1 ti 11d" Turner; clas,- n1otht"r )Ir:-:. )ta11gha11 ~tudent Council 1·c.•1n·esentatl\ es, Louise Peck and Ost·ar )loon.
Thi-..: year \\'as spent in antic1pa tion ot one of the grcate:-t events of our high :--chool (':t rt•1•1·-the .Junior Pr o 111, The g-y1n11a:-:i 111n \\as decorated \\"ith a ni.tjestic n10\1ntain scl•n,•, and "e danced to thc 11n1sic of ~\1·t Thon1p,-:on's orehe::-tt a.
\t Inst \\'C \\·eri.: senior'-'-11..adcrs of the :--chool Our class sponsor ,,·a-..: .Miss \\ ilt. F<n class offict.-r:-- \\ t• chose as pt esidcnt, Da ,·e Crl.l \\"ford: ,·ict'-})t e:,;iden t, Bill Peery: secrctnr~·-t rt•asurt.•1·, Lo1·1 a ine Gil•sing; class n1other, the e,·er faithful, )In,. )Inughau: Stud1•nt Council 1•1epri;st'ntnth•t•s, Bud .Jaycox p1·1.:sident of tht ~tudcnt Council; Gertrude Turner, .secretal) -t1casurer of the Student C:ouncil; Louise Peck and John Ha ill•.)'.
.\t the beginning of tht• Yt:Hl' \\'e \\'on an honor for \\·hich ,ve had "'orked for three year-.:-100 per cent I at1ng- in the Student .\:--socialion Dri\'e, the prize for whu:h ,vas a lll'c 1110,·ic at thl• Golden Gl•n1 Theatte \ll yca1· ,ve talkt>d of rings, announcell\Llll!'<. pictures, tht> Senior Pia~·. ~{nd graduat 1on. Having :-ettl<c) 1nost of thcsc problenis. \\ I! 1nadl' nr1ange1nent::- for our Renior Ha11quet, \\ hich ,vas held on :\1:uch 2 1, the first day of spring. The colors orchid and ello\\" predoniinnted in the decorations.
"C10,,•ing Pains" by .\tuan1a Hou,·erol, a conied,· of aclol1es1·l·nce. \\ as s1eh ct,·d to be p1·t•:-1•11tect as tht: ::-:icnior Pla~ on )lay 1.
The Junior Pro1n on April 17, gi,•en in c>111· honor, \\'as a glorious affair and eve1yone thorolll.\"hly t!lljoye,1 h1n1sl'lf.
Fin :dh· \\ e f1n1shcct the \'l!ar \\'ith lht• i-t•nior pi<·rlic at 1'~!1tch's, the· ba c·c;,laureate Sl'l'\'ICl', class night, and last, hut not lt>asl, i.:-racluation, \\"hi,•h n1arked the tun111natio11 of uu1· days at Golden Hig-h
Solllt.-' of us n1ay go to th.._. far ends of lht Larth: 1nan~ of our paths 1n.1~· nc\'er <'r<>:---.: al-!"nin; but eac h and every one or us ,,•ill long rcn1e1nher lus happy days at Goltlcn liigh ~lhool and the Cla:,:s 01 '3G.
Class Will
:--;n =-:O\V as the t.•llcl dr.t\\ :- nca,, \\'c, thl• cla:-, ol niuotct.•11 huncln.:ct and thit·ty-:-ix, heing vr sound 1nin1\ and hody (,, '-' hope), do ,, 111 .1r1<l hcqueath "11 OU I' pr'17.tHl )lOSSf•Ssions ill t!lis, ou1· last \\"Ill :ind tcsta111eut, to th,1t 1n,·x1>t.ll icucl'cl youth which tollo\\'s us ~o that th••:) n1ay be cnnhl0c•tl to continue in ou, ,•er) illusl 1·10\1:- foot:,;tcps an1l 11tainta1n thll hi~h standanls that ,, c. ha\'e ~v diligent!) \\:01·ked for .111<l c:-tn\,J1sh,•u 1u·r that <Jolchn High :--l'hool 111a~ nut sutfe1· a total l'<·lqise ,, 1th the pas:,-ing of tit-• ht illiant Class ot '31i.
To those 111vst ,, orth~ of inheriting thc.-111. \\ c bcQ\leath thu folio\\ ing pos:,;cssions:
Jlt fore \\U ,nak,• an) otln•1• hcqu,•:-t:-, \\'C ,,1sh to n1akt.• a pn,J1t•1 ~,nd titting- tl1:--p11-.:al of ''lted" .\nd,•1·so11's athh•til' pr-o\\ c:<s hv w 1111 n~ it to l•'rl•rldy lh•atnel'. Hett Y n·1011n1':-- frccklt•s \\'t• vcr~ tt•111ll'l'ly lea,,. lo (}}< 11 :'\loorl• 1a fe\\ 1non• \\"on'l do :111~ hat·111). Ed Bloocl g-i\'c:-- his g-1eat \\1estli11g- ability tu that _f1t.·:--l!111,,11 ruat :;tn,r, t'hi1rlc:- (:'\[:111 ~lo\llll:1111) :-;haclholt, Hatt1c Peck sh:ill carry un the g-lor) ol. plat1n_u111 blonde:,; Ill tht- place uf that hl:lllllllll :<,•111or, \ i,·ginia Ca111pbl•ll.
Hud ,Jayc·ox leaves hi~ :'l'hnnl pl'l':•d1h IH lo !Jon n,,•(.•\'t•S \\'Ith Bud':; hlcs:-:111gs. \\ l:. hopu th:1t Don :stri\l'S as har-cl and enthu:-ta:,:t ieally for the hl't ll'l'lllt'llt of tht• :-chool as Hu,l did' 111 orcler that lhl•t'u n1ay he at lea:<t 011c h:tp(l) :<rnili11g face _:1t scl•ool nu:-.:t ,e•o· \\C ha,l· Davc C'rawlord':s pll',1:-ant :1g-re~alilt.• n1;111nt:1 to Tlar1·is 'Tho111ri:,_:un. ,\l l\ t iss Bol1th<>':- 11n.;-cnl plead in~. h.athr) II Or aves h•a\ e:- ht•r typin~ ability to Hurl') I'lattnl•r as he is in ,·er) bad 11cecl uf it.
Ou 1 1 la:-s ''E1nste1n" :,ncl g1e:1t 111entnl gc•nlu:-, \ \ 'alt Hei11richs, fe,•ls th,\l Lll\\'l'l'IIC<: Paine is the onl~ und1.:rcla'<:;n1.,n capablt• of t h,1 t ex.t llecl position \ 011 n11~ht a~ \\"ull tak(• the pun) 1iu11:,: ol \\ ;Ill':,; too, LawTcnc<:. flnzcl I,'" lit') and. U1·,H l Hac:-:sh•1· l1•a \ l' !he ,•hax-111 uf th1•il' qu11.Jt drgrul) to Jt•anne \\ 1ltcr.
O:-c,1r (1111nt'Y :',lnon lca\ es hi:- \\'0111\,;1 ful n:1111<• to llubcrt 1:,•1 nin~h.111:-t-n ! poor <,u:<). ~ot bl'ing ,d lL to 1'1n<l nn) on,· ,,·1th a laug-h c 01npa1·ahlt.• lo :',1 01111':s 11ne,11·thly 1•x1H·l':-s1011 of n1c1·1 inH•llt, \\ e will it to Coach TL•lk. a < los, :-:t•<·o11c1. :'\l nrg-art.1t J>e,·1 _bcqt1l'aths hl.•t· i.:,ood no:<c 1,11· n,•,v:-, to ~la1·y Sl111g',•t lnnd (not that ~1al)" hasn't a goo<! o_nt_J ,1h·ca~ly); Doll \\'atcrs is t he luc•l,y l'l•c1111c11t 111 _t , enq;1 1 \ t 1 e Ho,, ll"lt':-- ht.•autiful handwr1t111g, h•· c, rta in!\" can use it.
I.,illiu11 no,,· hequeath:-- her c}nunat1c ability (\\·ith .!:L:<l11r,•s) t? _that co1n1n~ a<'t11 s~ \udll'Y ;o-:01lot1. l.,1111:111 c11n ha,c a lot ,uul :<till t.d<1· pl, nty \\'1th hor \\ e \\ t!l J.ona1n1• Cic:-1ng'.:-- i111J><H'l1111l T?os1t1011 o.n thl. \ l ,11 oon ,111d \\'hitc staff as :-;usl•) .:-.t llHJ
to Helt 11 ~Pll lc::-:. ~lay Helen get the "di1 t" as "L'll as Lorraine lu1:-: Ho I.incl Va:-ht>t' le,1, e:~·t1·l•t1gth to 11,•xt yt'ar':( they'll n,·l'd it), \\ hile \\"alt hi:,; sci11til1:1ti11g :-ch<>lastic whol•,·er ,vants lhern.
111s t ren1cndo11 :I o<•t hall tca1u \Va le hl'<tUcaths at t:1 111111 en ts to \'irgi111,\ St1,>t1:-e, 0111 l'l:1:::-:-- P1H•t L:iu1cate, lcR\'1.:s h.:r prict•lt•s:,; po:,,session to that 1re:-hn1an pol't, Paul t;oodrich. llon Li:-:ton ,vills hi,- ta:-t,• fo1· gaudy •·olol t•d cars (p1eft•l ably rvhin's cgg hluc) ll' nick Srnith 1:or no i:;oo cl reason. .\llen ::--arell passl'S tht• <11st inct 1\ t Sarell 111cthod of locontotion on to hroth<:!I .U11l. That \\ alk is the pride ot' Golllen-01 s<' son1e th1nl,. I n order that t'oac•h Tt•lk 111,1, not nuss the1n. Huth .\.1111 .Tuchern thoughtl.'ulh \\"tlls her ver-bal hatth s ,vith l 'o,1ch lo \11111• Copel;1nc1. ~t•\ er :-ay tliL', \1111,•; Huth .\nn certainly uc,cr did.
Tnct·c 1:-- 0111• senior an1ong u:-- ,,·ho ior tuu1· Vl•ar-s has ::-carceh spoken an unncc <.•s:-,1rY ,, orcl. \\ ho:-e st:lf-·t•f(acing 111a11ncr (Yt>>', , ,11i•, ,, g·ue~Sl'll it, Bill l'a1 fL•t) \\'<• lea\'e t ,, (;lenn HctT1t>el'. In contrast, tht•l'l' 1s on,· Sl•n101· \\ hose loudnc"'S :1n<l boi:<ll•1011:--nc:-:aH• IH't>\ crbial. \\ e ht•rl•hy ,, ill nco1·i,:;l' Hartz':,: rlashin~ rnannt•r to .ln!1n B11k1•r. <:t•1·1rudc Tur11e1· lca\'e:< hl'I' hi-.11ns to th,• L•ntire junior clas:<. Thei-e's enough fo1 all Cl I th l lll.
\nd 110\\' we appl'{iach a ,·t••·~· <lclicat.: :--u hJl ct-till• hro kl.·11 <·hair· in ,td vancl·d chc1nistry, ,vhich WP \\'ill to ::\11 l'n~·11tc1 a:- a f1ttin•r n1e1norial of th,• (')ass. To :\I r. Bet•r.; w1• h~111cath thl.l :--pc<•ial g-uardia11ship of the <;i1·J:,;' I't·J> ('lub. 1 ouist• Pt•cl-: gi,·l·s h1•!' Jo, cl\' olh t:' co1nplc:-.:io11 to \nnah1·1l<' Sl'h<><•<.'h, \\' ,. 110\\' lea ,·c Bil I Pel•!) s bu.shfulne:::s to Bob, I•'letning. I le ah\ ays \\ a:-:-uch a ~h), retiring la<l.
To Ralph '\Y tlloughby "f: lea,·t• Hoh "lling'' '.\ I aui;han s facult;:.· for n1aki11~ th , · t·l•Sl of th1• cla:-s n1bcrabl1• hy en1iltini.::
:--,n11Hl:< "h1ch a1 t• n1cant to ht1 c 1·0011ing, hut :--on1e unap)ln.·ciative ont•i- ha,·,· hcl•n h1•ard to n1al,c rl•ni:1rks ahuut thl' \\"ail ol a clyinJ:
1•,df. \Ve also ll'a\l' to Halph, Hill P:,r-
1\•t's \1,, t.')\" ,·oice. < \\ L still shudder "h1•11 w,, think ·11f th 11 "<.1 ooning-"). Lila l ll•ll•• l>lilalll'\' <'<tlll.•aths ln-1· g-ay i,;n1ilt.• to !>01111:i O\\Oll, iu1<1 Leann :', f axwl'll's Yery t•ui-ly hair "'" g-i\ 1• to Harr~ P lattner. 'rhey just 1·n.n't
1•01nh tht•it· hn11· <lo\\ n. llynlll Kuuwlt•s ,v1lls his st,llllll'h cll.•ft.•nsc.- of tht• fann to \V. A.
J,;: 110,,•Jt:s L1•1 (~ti ong a n<l ~•It ut) P 1•t cr:-on \\ ish 1•:-i to lt•a\ e his fatal fasl'ination to Cla1 I,. If th,•l'l''.s an) cloubt a:-- to his hav111~ a f,1tnl fa:-cinat1on, \\'t.1 r 1•fp1• .) ou to ~It·. Pa\ nt,•r :is h1· \\'US tht• <'onfidant of thosl• :-1lk111g the Ja\'vr of Lt•t•.
\\, feel that .J al'k Trezi:-1• should ll•n,·c th.1l 111fcctious ;;ri11 ;.111(} hap)>) disposition
of his to :<c))nc lfL :< P1 vi11g junior ThLl't'forc \\ t' think 1t 1.-, fitli11,; that n .. orge :'\t•\\"hl•l'l'Y recch·•· this po:-:--f's:-lon Don't stretc.h that gTin an) \\ i<lel' 01 it \\ 111 t rt•u I,.
~o thnt .\lnl'v .Jan,• Kibel and Lorraine Ch•:·dng' ::: ta1nc { ? > a:-- tht• ru:--t ic Glutz si:--ters ,nay not 11i1• (nl.t,\ h._. it's a rnistnke not to lt• t it 1Jlt>) , \\e gla«lly leuv 1t to Hazel 1111,1 H• •lt n Herhr 1 t. .Jean H11bc1 , uftt I' prolortf.!"fd consideration, lea\'cs hc1· tap clanc-i11g- nbillty to .\larjoril Z1.:1g'l' I'. \\·,, tho11~htf11lly lea,c Bud .\ll'Yl•1·s slaughteringor llH• r-: ing-'s E11g-Ji:<h to the .Junior Engl 1:-h class ;is nn ,_.:,.::imp!,• of \\"hat not to do in Engll-.h, and .\dclt>ne Larson 12;ives all hc1 g-11111 to Huth il11cs:--le1·. It rni:.::ht he a little tou;;h nt fir:-t, hut keep \\'orking at it , Huth.
\\'e J,·ave th._. lllt>tno1~ of thi;-; charniingquartct of gu ls -I>oris Po1 tt"r, .\Iarguel'it• • Kill, .\ln.\.inc 81111th nnd Pauline l)ay-to th•• ,cn1or J..!'irl;-; <•f l!t:J7 as exa1nph•s of \\ ' hat n high school g:ii 1 should be. And to thP teachers, \\"e ,vi)l the e.\.< •lu,-i, I.:! right to ust>, as a11 1..•x:1rnple, 0\11• brilliant scholastic r, cords for those g1 opin~ low er classtn••n to shoot nt. The suun'.\ disposition of J>orothy \Vest goc:,: to llt-n l{err ,Yhen \\ I:' C"11n:-1<lel' the out-\\'<>l"n gurn scn1tc hed an , 1 broken ;-;.-nt:--, an,1 class party \\'reckage-\Vhic•h he has elt.• nnecl up , it tnay easily h.- s.--.1 1 n \\'hy ,v.- lea\'e this possession to our Jon~-sufft•ri11g- janitor. "'e ht'.ctUeath Eunice
O'l>•>1111t•ll ' s "line" to Ro:-y l{n1znar \\ iscl~, Rosy: its efft'Cti\'ene;-;s i:,; stat tl111g-l\' 0111niJ,otent n, 1 <"a11:-<• so n1an~ great :u to1·:,: nnd aet1·t>s::;._.s arP :--uon lc•n, 1ng this in:<t1tutio11 of 1 :11ning and \\"ill he onb
11, •lightful lll<.Jtnories, aiHl in order that \\"P };)lould not ,vant tn1, ~reat a scarcity 01 dra1natic abilit, at Gold,•n Hi~h. ,ve len,·e
Tiel\·n Hotnan;.:; and Charlene .\Jal\ en's drarnat1c talt·nt to the dratnatic classes
Dill .\101 gan thinks it would be nice
if "Pest" 1.;, ct ct t \\'l ' I'< ' footl,a ll 111anager next )"l•ar. \\ 1; ht•rehy 1nal~l' that hcq11c:-t ,vith apologies to next ycat's te:.111 (Pest isn't 1 eallv as bad a:,; that) ,, e \\"ill Donnie \"an \\ 1nlilt•'s che._.r leadin~ to 1>011 .\Tac \skill. f-cL that ) ou are as good as she \\' as, l)on! ~te, e :\laszy gi\'c:- his i adio genius to Hul,c1 l l{idd and \\'1th this ht! It•~\\ es the exclu::H\"1• right to use :\ti·. Paynter s roo1n as a book locker ( Please• don't blo,v as n1any sockets as Steve clid l John Spiele:< lea\'es; his ahilit) to pla) a "darn" good ga1ne of softl>all to Huht•l't ShoYlin. Doroth) "'cbster gr:iciously \\'ills hcr quiet s1nlle to Anna Ada1ns C'la1a :".ichols h•a\'e:- hP.1• n1enihcrshiµ in the C P.U to :,;;on1e junioi· social clinihcr.
To next ) "ea1·'s innoct•nt freshnicn, ,ve hequeath :\fr Pa~·nter's •·mean" and underhanded tricks of telling the1n the \\'ron,:ans,\·ers to the pt ohl n1s of life and of :<hocl,ing the1n l' lt.>ctricall) Don't take hitn seriously, fr-eshmt-n, Also to the freshtnen \\ ' c• find it 11ccesi-a1·) to 1 ave Coach 'l'elk's nieclie, at jokes (nu one els!:! \\' oulcl ha \'t' the1n). and \\"ith his "jokes' ,ve len,·e th._. \\ onde1·ful patience and fo1 hl'at·ance \Vhll h the senion, ha,·e so hravel)· sho,vn \\'1th n1alice to,vard none and charity to all. \\ t•n<l tht>se b1::quests on this t111rd clay of June ln th1:,; last solt:inn ho\ll' \\'e t:ike a hrief 1non1ent to lea, !:! fitting gratitude to school off1t 1als and faculty.
\nd this \\"e sole1Hn1'· s\\' t•ar is the last \\"Jll and te::;tan1ent of th<' t'.:'lass of •31; of <iold, •n High School, cxec11te<1 and \\"itnc:-sed in t11._. yenr of our Lord, ninetet•n hundred and thirty-six.
Signed, TI-IE SE,IOR. CL.\SS OP G H S -Pei .John Dailey.
Cla ss Prophecy
By LOUISE PECK,,-.....-- - <11t 111nn~ ,, l'l'I,:-- I hrul intl'll<h•<l to , isll till• fa.n1ou:,: :.\ladatne .Juuo. <llil•lll,il :,;1:ct an1l c1~!' \\ho had :--ti1•1e<1 tht' cities of thl' \\',•:-t ,, ilh h,-t· t c, elations of lhe future. It \\ as not, h<>\\ e\'er, until 1 ,vas urged by 1n~ cln::::--n1ate:- to 111quir1.• into then· destinit's that 1 <l1•tt•r111lnctl dcfi1utel~ to :-cc her.
I l \\ as <lu:-k ,,·hen I 1 c~1c:hcd ;\ladnrn,• .Tuno':- salon. \fttr I hail told hl'l' ,, hy I had conn•. :-:he 111otio11ed n1e to a dceph -cushione,l 1l1van in f1•ont lll a ln1;.:-,• ct') stal glol t' , I :-0011 found 1n) :-t·lf ,;azing intently into th•• <l,•pth-.: or the ;.:-loht- A:-; the cloudy hnz,• of the c•ry:--tal ch•ared, J :,;a\\ the f:11n1l1a1 :-lt l'Cl" of Gohh.•n apJll•a1; then I heat d ;\[,1ua111c Juno :,;a):
• • • •
Y,,u ·11111 l lll'C 110,, strolling- thn,ui;h the hroad ,1, enue:-: and :-trects of Goldl•ll in l!Hj0 \\ c :,.le that th., llttlc to\\ n of Golden. t ,, ont~•-fn ,. year" ht!lll't.', has a :--table l'lt.) g11, ernn1c11t' --.;o clef1c1t:,;! The nc\\·ly elc1·ted n1a,·01· is Hill Parfct. ( H., al\\ a:,:.: 1lid likt• to di:,;cu:,;« (·tty and stat,1 ,1fla1r:-- and 1:'\'elythinl-!' cnnnl•<'lt-cl "ith the1n). 'Thu dutiPs of 111:iy111 lie lH•n,·ih• 011 hirn, hut he still has ti111e to 1·iclc arou1icl 111 his •31; Fol ,1 \'-S. Bud ,la:, cox 1:-- Chief ol Police. H e lo, cs l11t• po:,;1tion. H~ keerls :1 spcc1a l po:,;:,;c of 111otol'c)"1·h• cops pall ollillg the :--tteet:,; near the h1~h :,;chool to :,;ee that none of the youni;er i;encrat1on of :-:tu,lcnts drl\e any fasll•r than lie dicl.
F'vr a \\'htle \\'t• lea, e n1atter:,; political hl•hind 11s and pay a ,·1s1t to the lie\\" Grand Opera Ho11:,;t•. lll•he:u·:-al::< a l'P in full s\\ ing. Let us take a scat and \\"aleh for a \\h1\1. ,vc kno,v that fello\\', th 0 Olli:' :,;inging-, \\ ith tht• big-, cltwp \'oice! It's Lc:1an '.\la:s:\\·ell, stat· of Utt Guldl•Jl Op,•1·:1 Troupe. Fane.) thnt! L,·t's Sl!l' \\'hat',.: g-01n~ on hal'k :-l,1:.:l', '.\T :1tla1nc %1l< h, no\\' su1·ving- thl• t;o!clcn Opt,l':t ('on1pa1n, 1:,; just about l'l'lHl\' to I eh.-an•c ht•1· 11111nhl·I' \Vho is that cut.• lit th• 1naid c:ouiin~ behind ht!r'' \\ h~. it:-: none uth,•r th:1 n nl'ttY Hloo1n, :.\l,\llnnH· %1lch :-a~ s l'lhc i:- the bc:-t 1naicl she c, er hacl
The• 1nnn th ('olorado ::;un 1:go out into the to\\ n
is .Junl', and th,• hea11tift1l shining in full hla:-t. Ll't's stre,•ts n,n, and inspect the
\\ hat',.: that f1ftt•t•11-sto1·y skysl'I apl•I' o, tr lhLr<•" Thc1 l' i:- a sign-"Coo1·:-- Bre\\ crY -Coo1:,; Bet. I 1:-- 1'.no\\ 11 the \\'01 l«l <•\ l'r-\'iLLprl :,;ich•nt and Licncral :\J.1na~t•r-Ilcd .\ndl'n-ou." (~ext tinH• \\ e ft•cl like pat taking: of c1 rcfl'e:--h1ng ts•\'1:'tag,• \\ t.J'l) \ool, h11n 111>!) \ t'l near to thi:,; l>ui\1li11g j:,; anoth,•r one "1th a higg-t•I' s1g11-"'l'ht• <:ol<h•n Poultt·y !•'a i-111-011 r Ei;gs a rt• St: it•JI ti fi1•:tl I) l'I o<luccd (.\n<l ,vc thought till ln·ns J\1:,;t laid thc111 1 )T'ropr1t1Lor a ncl ~fa11n~er-H1ll l'Pl'l'Y," '.'\L" t door to this ulll' is still anothl•r-"'1')1,• ~art•ll and ~on H,1rchvart• l'o,-1'1·":-ich·nt, \llt•n }-a1c.:ll" .:,;11u·c ,ve'te iu th,• busine:--!< section ot to\\ 11. \\ o nlig-ht go O\'l'I' and Sel' .John Balley, l •;ditor of Th,• llcpul,lican.
Xot far clo\\ 11 th,· strl·et 1s Col<lcn':,; l'irH•:-t o;rt 1ng pla<"I.', tnanagcd h~ .\liclltH• Lars1•11 :11111 l(athr) n <ira,•c:s, L<'l':,; drop In an<l :e<e<• ho\\ the ;.:-iris a1·c doing. Hunn) l•l'l•p:n'<'!" th,• 111c1111:-- t'ol' :,:hort onh 1·:-. \\ lt1ll' Ad,•l•Jllt' 111a11agc,.: the (•ulin:11·y depal't1t1cnl.
Hc1 ·e w,• .tic out in lh~ co11nt1·,·. \\ h\', this l,u·gc fun11 \\ c'n.! co111i11g lo· Is nc.. nc
othl•t· than nud ~1..,, ,•r':- dairy furn1 ~hould \\'e tllop in a111l ste \\'hnt Bud t:,; do1111--·• H e is pr, paring his !<Jleceh on '\\ hy C'alves ::-;ltould \\, ,u Rtocl-ing!<", to bt' g1Ycn in l!l'll at tht \\"e~tlrn .:--tocktnen':,; annual :,;ho\\ ,, l kno\\ :, ou·11 con, ince them. Bt1d , ,ext ,v, conic to tht \\·n1 '.\lorgan l>ude Ranch. lt':-:,;t1a11gc \\'h~ Bill should go 1n for such \ h11:,;incs:e<. Let·~ go in a11d loo!< around \\ ho 1s fa111iliar look1ng pc1son \\'rit111c 011 tht• porch" Of course, it's \'irg1n1a ::-tn,ust• \Ye sht•uld ha,·,· known she would c•ont inUl' \\ 1th her \\ rit ing. He1· last no,·el. ·'Th'-' Dcacl ::-111 di To\\·n," \\'on ht!r a national rl pu tat 1011. \\ 1., al'ti back in Golden once ai-:-ain. Thl·Y ha,, ju:-t finished building a ne\\' librar) n,•a1 l he high :-l'hot•I. and tile librarian is none othc1· than <;c1·trude 1'1•1n,•1·. \\ e thought G,•1 trucle \\ ould hl• an l<;nglh-h tt•a~hl'I' 'Thing-s happt•11 :-o :,;trang-el:, Let',.: g-o i11:-1dc :11ul take a lt•ul, arvun<l \\'ho's that o,·,•r the1·c·• L'an ) 011 in1a~in,' :.\laxin Sn1ith, tht grl•at .\nH•J'iean poetress ;\ Ta,ine writes JH•t•Jll" 1111 lo,,, and life-Yer) reali:-:tic too, :--he t,•11:- us Boh :.\la\11!,han J!< th..- chc i nistry pl'of,•ssor at tht• ne\\ high school. He'll 111-akc th•• sparl,s fly' Here 1s the P,•t•\ and l'µ:,:ta1·l '.\Iusic <'ornpany. \\'ho',- thb handso1no felln\\' singinl-{ ill frvnt uf thl• :,;tnt•e'?-\\·hy, it's Osca1· \loon! O:-ca1· 1,- no\\" sing-er for th, l 'pstnrt \[u:,;it • rccorc:s. Iii::,- laug-h is one of th1• n1,1n, fl•atUl'l'l-' of the I l·Col ds. lnsitlt>, I a1.i.:-atti.t Deel picks on tta• kL)S \\ ho is this hu~ ing n1u:--i c fron1 htr., Ed Tilood-for one of the IH'\\ ac·t:-- on his Yl 1) t•riginal :11uat1.:u1 hout·. Ed hr1J11ght hal k that tw,•nty-fiYl' l,lr olcl t'llll•l'l,tit11111•llt rng-1•. \\ l' ure g)a,t to hl':tl' about \'Olli' ni:11·, t•lc>Us ac:hit•,·e1ncnl. ('.1pta1n Hlood.· \\ t: a1·c 11p <•11 thl ) l ines t·a111pu::< no\\', \\ hu" till:,; chap all detkt·ll out in grt•1•n'? I c.111 t helil'\'l.' it-Bryon Kno\\ le:,;. T:11<<•11 1 runt t•\'l•t'Y angle hi' \\ a:-- an ideal :,;t udc•llt , Ill• i:,; 110\\ pu:-:1ng- fo1· the 1111•chanical 1ll·a\\ 1ng cl<•~~l•s \ncl <tll<'l' again ", h•a, t' (;olch•n ,Ye ,lrl.' 11"" out 111 the lit ti'-' sul,111·h of T'l <•,1,<,1ll t ,~.," \ l arg11t•rit,• Kill r, •:,;hlt•:,; in a < Utt.> littl,• h11n~,do\\ -hut hl'l' Ja-.:t nanll• isn't Kill any 111or, • :--he is lht• 111.1;01· of th1·e•• ltttlt lh•\ltc•11a11ts \\'e l,nt'\\ :, ou'd find happlnl•s:,; in t ht' \1,,rn11•s, \ I urg-uerih•. \Y 1· arc no\\' on 0111· \\ ,I\ to l>l'll\ t 'l L~t·s stop IH•t" at thl:-: lt•n11111a~i1• :-tan,\ \\ ho run:- thi:-l pla('C n11y" a)•: l>t•liciuus 1, 111ona<le, I 111u:-;t suy. Oh,
ht>l'l's Jt:uni<'t: O'lJnl\JHll, lh'- }ll"op11eltl's:This ts the fa1uous \\ 1dt \trcs distri(•t, i:-it not' \\ t should ha, 1.: known ~h11 y .Janl· K iisel antl L ort .i1nt• (;ie:sing \\' oulcl stick lo tht' 1 ountry. \'ou say tht') nwn the Golclen Eaglt- do\\ n in I>t•nvt• 1 ·: Len rain"' leache:-knilt1ng on th, t\\ t' ll lY-fifth floo r , \\ hile :\I a1 y , J:111t• scll:s toys in th, ba:setn, n l - ,\t hargaini-, :--h e :says. J J01oth) \\'ehl"ter is a sp, ci:i list in t'ol'tllel ics on tht• fifth floor ~Ill po"t• s for t,,oth past,• a d , t rt1se1nents and ha ii (' lll'lt •r.-- Out in Plt' asant \'i-11lt>y. H u th , \1111 , J u,•ht•111 1:-- still ch:ndng tht. lllt:tl ~he i s tht> <ll•J>ut~· h,•riff in that \\ ild and wuoll:-, \\' t>:sl t •1·n to\\' n
B:H k in Guld t n \\ e learn t h at our schooldu) h11ro - in-t•h11 •f, lht, e Cra\\ fot ' d, is no \\ a fa111ou:,; pig-t-on :,n1rg-eo11, H e g\larantecs that all of )us J>atients ,, ill fly up 1n the air again \\'e al:so hea1 tha t thC! fanHHlS Hroad\\ av H in lhrn Dov:,; and Gil I s fron1 New , o r k Cit~· arc lo on the stag-c of th1.
<;l tn Theatre Golden certain}) has I ise11 u p in th, world since 1936, hasn't it., ~tt· vc
\ I a:sz~ and \\'alter \\'ale ha,·t· fou n d t h eir l-i-.u<l and h utte r in the vaude,ille \\o r ld ,, t ht'\" ,\11 • \\ ilh thi, fa1no u s s t age s l Hn\ ~t l \t do 0 e:,; th,• strn11g-111an act, whilP \\'alt is a µ)ant \Vho applauds hi n 1 froni the a u cl11'1tcc "hos 1n t h e choru~- J ean
H 11t- , , 1· :111cl \ 11g-ini;1 Ca n1pbell. Jt seen1:s that .J,·an Hild \ irg-inia JU:st knc,, l h t:Y \\ , • rt • huih for the stage.
ov,•r in H1.nn ~t\ acla Jant' \I a1 t in is an l'Xclush e cle:signt-r ~he 1:,; designing l'll:e-ttu11t•~ for tht' l >anct• of the \ cl,1111:s' \ p p h l1t1·h a st1ct•t·ss 111 tht> <'asano,a balh·oon1 \ nd \\ ho , 1-.;e shoo l<1 we find ut H t>no b11 t
H ilzt I l..:t•lll~. she ha::; ju:sl obtain,•d lH·r tenth dl\ ' 11rr1.: \ou kno\\ that t,, o-stor) boar d ing hou:-1 ,, c .sta:v1: d in last night 1 \ \ ell. H azt-1 o,, 11:-: that. It is q u it• t and t·-c lt1si\ c si11<.·t thl dnu.> 1 :s :u1 • :lllo,vt•d 011I) :si,t <'l'll pea:,; on t hei r 1"11, , • s ( H ) t he \\ll~. who statle<l that fad of eati n g J>t :ts \\ ith a knife ' ') Out i n California L illi.i n l>o\\ Is \\ n l l,iu~ up lht' ln<ldt•r to sta1 do111 In l1t.r last pH tut e s h e port1 n) t d t h e grea t '.\ l ae \\ 'e:st 'Jow l1·t's spe--ah!! 1-\\l' a r t• in t h at H it-011c.111cl-all-~ight-CJ11b 1n Se.1ttlt \\' a sh1ngton \n d tht orrhL•slra- Ja<.k 1' rezi:st: s l ll t t>rnat ional Jazz Baud.
H o~. \\ h ,11 ,I thtill' \ \ '1 n h oarcl111~ tht• h1g-;.::1 •st ai1 -liner ill tlu l' V on L i ston is thl' c11111111an d 1·1 \ \ e n11g h t h:\\ t' known h < • \\ 011ltl t akt> to t h 1c a11· :s0JHe d a) Th ~ char1 n 111g stl'\\ i:- 11011, ot h 1. 1 t h,111 !Jo n nie \ ',111 \\ inklt•! L iste n ! \ 1a d 10-ll•lt:,1:sion rla:sh fro111 l..:thio p ia annou n ces that t h, nHs:,;io n at P n u lint• l>a) , an1l her follo\\ l I'S ate about lo
gu into an llllkllo\\ ll region inhahilutl b y a fu, rt•e trthL of Pign1iL s.
Out on the \t Ian tic t ou :s l \\ L' liaul Gt:.01 g,_ H artz running a frcig:ht, •r fl'o n 1 \ l ia1n1, l•'lo r ida, lo \era ('r11z, l e,1co 1--f,• a 1, 0 11u t :-thos'-• fan1ous T>i e ,.;el 1.:ng1nc:-- in :,; hip:s.
Out thc r , ac1 0:,;s the P ac1fi( · 111 l111.• l'hilippine Jsl:111d:- "c catd1 H glt111pst.• 01 \\'niter H t 1n ri<.h s, ,, ho rt• sid, s in ,l big llH1n><io11 o, erlooking- the :sen. \ \ ',1lter k et• ps a flock of honting pig-t•ons to ca1·r~ his llH•.s:sages to l he nenl'cst \'illagc I t l"e l.' lll :s thn t \\' alter "ants to lie in a :s,•cluclc·d rln<lczv o u:after b t·conung fa1nou s fo1· the dist·o, 1cr) of R adiu1n X
Ilack i n Oolden again "e 11il k u11 1 p a p er and I ead that ,John ~J>ll'les has \\ 011 his t\\e n tieth annual golf charnpiou:shq ,! H is hnsint-s:s h a ,•ing pro:-1pc1 ed, ht• r e t,rL d thre, :) l',ll s ago and has no\\ takl' ll \lJl h o r s ubacl-. 1 idi n g as a hob b ) \Y e ce r tain!\ ha, c coYcrcd a lot or tel I ito r , 1n the· last ft>\\ ' 1ninutt::s, :-o let' s rest a· little while and listen in on a 19 1i0 1nclio and t•·lev1:slon set' IJi:sten to thl• annou n c1 •1· • "Tills is L1 e Pett!rson, ladie :-and gentlen1en ~ext we :shall bl honorc,1 h ) ~l is:s l)orolh) \ Y est, \\' ho ,, ill talk on ' H n,, \ I an Should l\ I end H i:s \ Yift•' s H o:st•.' \lld now, i\ l iss Lila Bt·lle Dulane) ,vill :,;ing--?'"> Lila B elle is fan1ous f111 tho s e c ult· lit t lt • Boo pi e J )oops in IH·r :song-s Now \\ <· shall ha,e a talk b) i\li ::- s Georgia '.\f.t c Ho w Jett, dietician"
Out 1n th1c strt-cl ntlct ag-ain ~Cl that 1ntl I l·StillA' t >ers on selling , l•getahle :s I t ' s Bel\ a Il o1nan in that :snn\t old Oldsn1obilc sht' ha d back 111 ·3 1 ; T>nri:- Porter ts a 11 1111istt r's \\ ift• Her lcnc and J>lotetllon fot stia) niice has ,, on ht-1 llational fann• \\ t lt: a 1 11 that C'h11a Nichols and Charlene '.\Inl, t'n w , -nt in for spot ts after thl·~ gradu,\lt•<l. <'Iara, strong \\ otnan of the 1;lass of ·;:r;, \\ as elct: led Cn p lai n of the Ladit•s ' Ci a\'l'· ])ig-glrs' Union ,\e co11gratulatt· her on he1 · :s p it it u a1 undertaking Crac,, Dat•:s:- 11..•1 is a coach of the ha:,;t•ball, baskl thall an tl \ ' olle~ - b all tl·:un of Goldt•n l l i \\ ell, L P I hu, 1• tol(l yon to the hta:st of 1ny ability ,vhal your clas:sn,ates will bt <lo111g- l\\' lllt)- l l\C ) " L':ll s ht:IH' 1 1 l'\'l' P\llposel~ 01n1lt,•d what you \\ ill bt doing' Tl it such a h r ii; h t futurl' that 1·,, rese1 , e d it for the la:st' Lislt u clnsch now-you w 111 a l \\a~s bl' \l'l'~ h a p p) Y ou \\1111 ' t c,c-11 ha~ ,· t o \\ nrk f nr a Ii\ ing Yott S l L', , <•II \\ 111 \\ 111 P.t~·h p r izes l \ er:, tinH• ou at lend the Gen, tlH •atrl' \ s I said hefol t ' you \\' ill not ha, 1· tn \ \ orl, for a ll\11\g , and fol ,\11 l,t1,\ (\\C'llty- f i,e ce n t~ l'd say )OU \\ill bt;. a great singer
~al 1sflpd "ith "hat [ hatl sl'l II :1t1tl hca1 d, I h u11'i , tll\' It fl t nda111t Juno' :s salon ch t, rn1in1.•d to i11fon11 Ill ) l'lass 1nalcs of the hrighl f11l11n s that a\\ aill•,l th 1.•111
-LOU l ~Jc; P EC'I~
Senior Pl ay
"<;ro\\ ing- J>ain.s", b) \u1 ania n,ou, erol, \\ a::; 1,rc:<cntcd b)· tht> class of 1!.l31i c,n )ht) 1, as th(' annunl senior pla).
The efforts of thP :-.Iclnt) l't-!S to Jea 1l thei1• t\\ o chilclren, 'l't,r-r~ antl Gcorg-c, throu;.:'h the difficult phasr, nl aclolcscl•ttcl' for111 the nf tho p}ut F11ll'cl ,vith hila 1·ity, g-1•11uin1• pathos, l'lt•\'l 1 Jint-.s and aniusing- .situations, the pl;iy \\"on I he approval of thl' audiencc and ,,:1:-: dt•c1ncll a tlcculccl .suct.'P~~-
'rhc folio\\ ing- Jll'<l<)Ul'lion and hnsilll'!-'"
i--tnff._ t·ontributt•1\ 11111ch to th•• SllCCU::<S of th•• pla):
l>i1·,•1·to1·, :'111:-s Huby \lir1. \\Tilt ~ta,-;"P antl l'ropcrtHs, I a1) .Tant· KiisL•l, Bill l't·er), ,\Jll'll ~at'l'll, :'lli,.:s :-.1au1\ I'l'it•:<l; I,ight.s, \V.1 itl'l' Il t•Ull'ichi-, )Ir. Tllo1na:- l'a) lltlll': :-.take-up, J(:itht·) n G1·a, cs, Lila Ht.>Jlc Dulnn1•~, l\liss ) l .1rj11rie Lan1111: 1'r111npt,•1·, L11uii-"
1'1 l'k: e:-ht-r:-, .John :,-piuh•:-, Lct· Pt,terson, ~tl, cJ :'> l a.-:z): Donal cl l,1~1011: Uu~inesi-:, ":'lla1·~a1 ct l lt•••I. TI(•l\ a I ion1an, Geol'ge Hartz. Bob )Iaughan, :-.Iil'S Bd11a G1·a)·.
<;<!o!'g"t \ I t Int) re.
Tc1•r~ \I t l 11ty1c
:-.Ir!- ;\lclnt~ 1 e r 11 fl«sor :'lltlnt)rc
\trs. l'a I lcr:snn
l•~lsi'-• l'attcr:-:on
Tra ffil' <Hfi,•c1·
ll\l teh
0111:i1· Hal
P1·t11ll•l1Ct• Patt)·
J ,1 lit'
\ ( II 1,llll
\ I\ 1,111
1;utl J a) co x
l 1 l!rtn1dl; Turne1
Lillian Do\\"
.John Bailey
".'.\ Tnxinc S1nit h
Jean I:T ubcr .•. J .,<11-rainc (";,icsing
Hay1nond ~\n1 l crson
Jack Trt•zise (lst':ll' ) l oon
Byron Kno\\·Jes \\ .\llt•r H einrichs
Lt:an 11 ) t ax well
.Jan1: \l art i n
Bt:tty H lOOlll
Dol'oth) \\ est
.C'harl in <• :'ll aJ\·c n
Yirg-inin Ca1n r) be ll
1 9 3 6
19 35- 1936
C<ll<l<•n lligh Sc•hool sta1·tl.'d ils l!l:! li fonthall c a111 J>:1ign 1111der lht.• lt.•adl!r:-h1p of a nc\\ ' coach, l.,ouis J> Tclk. Thll [ll\t! \\'u1 l~ of Cuach Tclk and the coo pen, t ion of st u<h•nts aud athlelt •s 11u1y \\ l'll account fo1 · tht' :,;uccec,ssful :-ea::;011 in hoth football and ba:-1,ctball
ThtJ l>t:nloll foothall ll':11n })laL•e d sccon<l in the Ct-nt,al S11bu1·l:1n l...eagut', losing its fil st galllt' 1n to\11 ear:-- 'I his ganit.• ,, as lost tu l'.ngll.'\\'oocl, the co11fcrec,1H!c chant{Hon " and C l ass U cha1npions u( the :-:tatc, hy a S('Ol ' L' O( J 2-0 , The ha~kl •tball t<•:t1n fi11i:-ht•<I the scas1111 \\' it h tt•n vic •tot'it•s and not a loss, a f1•at 1tt \ t•r ht.•t'orp a c c•<11llplish, cl 111 thl• history of ha~l, , •tl,all at c; o l cl<•n High SC'hool.
\\'l'L•stling, a Ile\\' spur·t in ou1 :-chool this v, •ar ot off to :t fh 111g start The \\Test 1- ' ,.. • 1· T ing tc.·an1 c•nten•d th1 St 1l1.: 1 , •st 1ng ourna 11 1en t al Ci 1•et•lt'y an,l c,lllh hon1, • \\"Ith a thi r d r, lact• r ibbon in the 1-! j-pouncl cla~s.
Track, :111otht"1' n •c , •11tl~· i11a11guratcd :,;port, sa ,, a , 1.1ry succc:,:sful ::-ea :,;011 The tean1 1nad~ a g-ood :,:ho,,·ini,:- in the 1lunl llll't • l "1th Engll.'\\"ood :ind finished fourth in t h1.• :'I I i ne:- I n vita tiona I l ect, \\' hl!rc 1nan)" cstablbhecl 1cco1•d:s fell.
f•'oll11\\ ing- arc the :,:cures of foolball and bask,• tbalJ gan1cs
<i" lch• n GoldPn c;otdcn c:0111, , 11 <:oldt•n <;oldL•n
Total -
(;c,J11l 11 (;11Jcle11 C;o)dl•ll n111<h: n (;<dtlt.•n
( ;., hlt.• ll Goltle11 Golclcn Col<lc.•n <,olden
The Pep Club
<'c,1·1•c:,;po1Hling lo thl' s ll< < l :-:-!'111 ho,•s' athlt'tics of Colch, n lligh !--L11nol is the <''lll:llly :-u<.ct>ssf11l gi1 b;' Pep l'luh. Tht Pep Club \\'as ,H·~anizcd fo\tl' Yeal':ago, and t ht:: n1t::111!.t•1 s w 1·,, orig1nallv t•l·c,•tt•d hy t ht• H:>'}>t·c1 n·t• <'la;;scs. Ho\\'t '\ c1·, this yc;11· it \\"as 1 11lt::d that ,llty ~il·J who ,vants to he a 111t•111ber nu1y bt•long to the Club.
'J'h,• gil'ls. in llt•at innroon and \\"hite outfit,, gh•c co111pl1cat1•d drills and lcn<l t•nlhu:,da:--th: s11pport to the \t•a 1H:-: during foothall and hasl,:t•t ball sl'asons ln thti pa,-;t t ,,.,, :, t•ars lh1,; l'c•p Cluh has attt•lldt::d , _. ,., 1·y Lt •ag\l< ba sketball g-antt: e'\:ct•)lt one. In that partil'11lar garnc the I>e1non.-< sut'Jerc<l their only defeat uf th1:: t,, o seasons!
This c on~anization ali,;o :111 ;11111ual \Ic,tln•r nnd I>au~hl<.•1· g-iv,•n ht•f<>11., :\lot hers' l >ay for Lh,• and lht•ir 1nothe1 :::.
:-p,,nsors Danq1tt·t lllt::lll Ut•J':S
Th<• officcx·:-- ,, ho ~afl•ly guid,•11 the l'~p l'lub thro\lgh the 1!13.i-1 !136 st•ason :\l'l•:
Pr< sid l·llt-Lorra ine Giesing
Y1cc-P1, s1dent-<;l'l'tl'Uclt• '1'111·ncr.
!'-l <.: tlitn r) -Tn,asurt•1·-::'1Iary .J a lll' Btu 1111.
:-;ponsor-:\I iss \ l aud l 'l'il•st.
<.. h<-t rlca<lt•rs-Lillian I>o\\·, I>onnil \ an \\ 111klc.
School Calendar
1935- 19 36
~1\J1lc111h,•1· 27-Foot ball \\ h1.•atricl~c at <; 11 I <h• n.
Ocloh1.·r Goldt•n. 11-F'o,,tball: at
O,·tobet• tj;-F'uulbal! <.:olden at .\r,ada.
01 tohl·1· 2fi-F'ootball. Goldt>n at .\uro1·a.
, "' 1•111 her I-Fresh 1na11 P a t't)
'\-o\t•111hc1· 11-Foot.ball: Lake\\0011 al r ; oldl:n
lh•1•,•1nbl'J' 13-.\ 11 Stliool l'al·ly•
.Janua 1·)· 3-naskelb,lll: .\111•n1•a at l }o l<1,·n.
.JantHll') 1n-nask1.·tball: Colcll•ll at J•;ng le\\'oocl.
Janua1y 17-Ba:-:kclhall \\-hl•:1t1·idgc at <:ol<h•n
Jan11ar) 2-l-naskc•tliall: <;oll!cn a t l #ittlPton.
.Januar) A 1·,·a<la.
3 1- D ask1.·t bu 11: Goldt.•n al
Fob1·11·1rv ( 1-Daskl•t ba 11: <~nldl'll at \un,ra.
F.- ht'\IH I') , -Basket hall: Eng le\\"110<1 nt Goldt• n.
I•'1•bn1a ry 1-l-Ha:-:k,•t ha 11: no I cl,. ll at \\" h1. at ridge.
l•'e b1 u;u·y 21-Ba:-kctball: Littleton al II( ,olden.
J.'e hi-u ·trv 28-Dasket ba 11: .\1•,·ada al Golden
\larch i -lJistrict Da:<kl'lball To111·nan11.:nt at ll. U
I arch 2 1-Reuiur l tanq11ct •
\pril l i-Juninr Pro 1n.
:',I a y 1 J- L eague T rack :\I 1•,·t.
:-. r :t)' Hi-Pep Cluh Banquet
:-. l a)· 23-Ilusinei<s nnd I'rofl'ss1011:1l \Vo1nt'll s Banquet f o1 S1,;nior Gi11:- •
.June 3-Clal:'s .':ig-ht.
,hllll' :i-C'Oll) Ill c-n CC: lllC•n t. •