Too often the more serious and refined qualities of our youth are overlooked On the pages to fol l ow. El Diablo ' s Dia r y attempts to capture the true spirit of the Golden High School Student Body. portraying all phases of school life with equal emphasis. I t is the hope of the staff that the reader \vill have a better understanding of and a greater appreciation for High School life in this age •
This book is dedicated to the students of Golden High School in recogn1t1on of the splendid manner in which they have met the challenge of the "Space Age "
Students of Golden High School have attached a nevi importance to education. They have responded to, and co-operated \vith the new ideas and techniques set forth by their teachers in an effort to further their education
I t is to their spirit of str1 ving to achieve higher and nobler things that this publication is dedicated
This year's Homecoming Dance , p resented through the combined efforts of the Pep
Goal posts, footballs. and sta rs t u rn ed the gymnasium into a football field. The decoranons combi n ed with Matt Cramer's Band to make the evening most enjoyable for eve r yone
The "G" Club selected five candida t es to vie for Queen . F rom these five they chose Mary Papageorge t o reign for the night.
The Queen, Mary Papageorge, is pre sen ted with a bouquet of red r oses, as the attendants, Elain e Tait, Suzi Paddleford, Sharon Eaton , and Karen McClintock look on.
The Pep Club and the 11 G 11 Club spen t many hour s planning and dec o rating the gymnasium It was very well done and helped to make the evening complete.
During a ceremony at the dance, Mary was crowned Accompanying her were Gary Mabb, he r escort, and her attendants with their escorts.
The mu sic of Matt Cramer and the imaginative decorations made the dance enjoyable At the close of the evening tir ed dancers t est ifi ed th at thi s was truly a unique dance.
ABOV E: Be tty W a lk er, the he r oine , is r escued by Bob Rochefo rt, the hero, in the Speech Classes' 11 Melerdr amer 11
BEW W: L inda Vayo, Virginia Smith, and G l enetta G i bbons do a number to 11 Buttons And Bows, 11 another speech contribution
ABOVE: Manue l Archu l eta is dunked as John Swanson looks on. The booth was sponsored by the 11 G 11 Club BE LOW: Maria Arria and Maria Isabe l Gonzalo display costumes of their native Venezuela.
Carnival, 1958
On November 15, parents, teachers, and students combined their talents to make this year's Ca r nival a very successful one. The students began the actual work the day before the festivities The Gymnasium buzzed with Demons \vho ,..,ere prepar1ng the school for the event Organizanons and classes worked in the large v ariecy of booths ,..,hich c rowded the school.
Thomasine Zahanas reigned as Queen. She ,.,as chosen from ten candidates by the studen t body and the townspeople. lv1rs. Reitz , a member of the Queen Committee, presented Thomasine ,..,ith a rose corsage, and Randy Harris, President of the Student Body , cro,..,ned her.
Bud Ames introducing Jim Baker I who told of the senior's first year in high school.
Gretchen Buerger, who spoke of the junior year, kindly thanked the photographer after this picture was taken.
Senior Banquet
The annual Senior Banquet was held January 28, 1959 in the Golden High School Cafeteria. It was sponsored by Miss Helen Fairbanks.
Bud Ames, president of the senior class, acted as toastmaster. The tables were decorated with carnations and roses in the class colors. red and white.
After dinner was served, entertainment was provided by various members of tne class. Speeches telling of the class' four years in high school \vere given by Jim Baker, Chairmaine Arn es, Gretchen Buerger, and Mike Goodrich.
Everyone enjoyed the wonderful friends, food, and atmosphere ,vhich helped make the evening something to remember.
Satan's Shanty
This year Satan's Shanty was organized and operated under the direction of Coach Booton. It was an outgrowth of the old "Canteen" held in previous years in the Community building downtown.
Satan ·s Shanty was held after every home game.
Carolyn Davis, a senior, ,-1on a season pass to Satan's Shanty for submitting the winnmg name.
Bob Krattli, chairm a n o f the Satan's Shanty committee, and Verna Greenfield bop to the music of a popular record.
The Sadie Hawkins Satan 1s Shanty dance.Vaudeville
The second all - school talent show held January 26, 1959. was a success.
The prog ram began \vith selections sung by the Chorus and Melodears. This \v as followed by the Ba n d
The next protion of the sho\v consisted of acts chosen by Mr. East, Miss Schmid t berger. and Mr. Rucker , at an audition held previously. These acts \'/ere varied and sho,.,ed many hours ,.,ork.
The final portion of the sho,., \'las perhaps the most anticipated , for it contained the class skits
Those in charge of the show were: Linda Stewart, Sharill White, Paul Wisgerhof, Sharon Malcolm, Shirley Peterson, Annette Doyle, and Mr. Papenfus. The J uniors can-can, as they take us to gay P aris in their skit, "Parisian Nights " Linda Vayo, vocalist, singing 11 St Louis Blues " Bud Ames waves as he has his makeup applied by J oan Carter 12Talent Show
The sophomores presented "The Roaring Twenties." Linda Ste\'1art was in charge. They had a large cast and four scenes. It showed mu ch work and preparation.
The Junior's "Parisian Nights" \'1a s quite a change. They also had a large cast who presented songs and dances. This was directed by Sh irley Peterson.
The Se niors· skit "The First Man to the Moon•· by Alfred E. Porschliederstien, ,.,a s quite different, for it had a small cast. Annette Doyle directed.
The Sopho more class ,.,on the skit contest and so gained points toward Color Day.
For t hose s tu dents \</ho have musical talent and who are interested in developing this tal en t, Golden offers many oppo rt uni t ies.
Students who enJoy playing any type of instrument may enroll in the band or o r chestra conduc t ed by Mr. Rucker.
Students with in clination to,.,rards the vocal side of music have equally good cha n ces for expression
Both instrumental and vocal music groups pa rti cipa t ed in many activines dur in g the year. The cho ru s sang at the special music assembly and Chris t mas program. Melodears par ti cipated in the Tea for new sophomo r e gi rl s and also a t the Chnstmas program.
The band pr ovided musical games. pep assembltes and parades . They also parncipated in the special Music assembly.
The Snow Dance
January 25. 1959 was the day of the annual Snow Dance. The evergreen trees gave the feeling of a forest in winter The Tom Bolt Combo from Greeley presented the evening's music.
After all the work and effort was done, everyone agreed that the evening was, indeed, well \'/Orth it.
The evenings music was excellent. All agreed that it made the night complete.
The Youth Forum
In November of 19 58, 16 stude nts attended the Co l o ra do Youth Forum. They were so impressed th at they returned to school with a plan to hol d a sim ilar youth fo rum at Golden.
Wednesday the 28th of Janu a ry, all c l asses were ca n celled and the student body and guests spe nt the day in the auditorium listening to talk s and d i scuss ions prese nt ed by noted authorities in th e fi e l ds o f sc i ence, international relat ion s, the arts , an d personal eth i cs .
The keynote address was presented by Mr. \villiam Hosoka,.,a, ass i s tant managing ed it or o f The Denve r Post.
Dr. John S. Welling spoke o f the \vorl d t oday. He was fo llowed by Dr. Shirley Jo hn so n, director of the Den ver Research Institute, who spoke o f scie n ce.
The afternoon wa s spe nt in the auditorium listening to Mr. Watsom Bid,-,ell, from Co lor ado Sta t e Univers it y, Mr. Storm Bull, from the Univer sity of Co lor ado, a n d Dr. Louis Barbato, from th e Univer sity of Denve r. They spoke of art, mu sic, and personal eth i cs
Pep Club ((G'' Club Dance
The "G" Club and The Pep Club combined their resource s to give one of the most success ful dances of the school year . The dance wa s held March 7, 1959 in the High School Gymnasium.
The music was provided by every famous name band in the counrry, for the Sa t an Shanty committee lent their records
This year we were fortunate in having several National Assemblies.
Two of the most inspiring assemblies of the year were the Thanksgiving and Christmas assemblies. The Thanksgiving assembly was put on by the Music Department, whereas the Christmas assembly was put on by the Music, Speech, and Art Departments.
Demons arriving for another School Day.
Colden ' s student body wor ks hard to make our sc h ool better.
School Days
The typical demon day starts out with demons in their classes Our demon mascot carr i es us through each day very willingly.
While our demon is carrying us through our day he meets with some o f the students who represent ..>ur three classes and form a meeting called Student Council.
Students enjoying their lunch Th e cafeteria line.
I Strange things happen in Miss Schmidtberger's speech classes.
School Days
Many of us take different routes to our classes. We sometimes meet our friends and have a chance to chat with them. While in our classes, we meet new friends that we \vill treasure always.
High School and our classroom scenes are very important to us and it is something that we will al\vays remember
The student center is a very popular place before and after school. As this sophomore room shows, homerooms are very informal
It is the end of another school day, as this Demon ,valks through the Senior Parking Lot to his car
The boys' physical education classHalf-Time Entertainment
Our basketball fans always look forward to the half-time activities. Again this year they were not disappointed with our various team s
For the first time this year Golden had a gymnastics team. This team along with the band and Pep C lub Majorettes and the Pep Club drill team each performed at three home basketball games.
Each team practiced many long hours to achieve perfection.
The vicious Tiger Shark (Mr. Papenfus) is battling with the Demon (Mr. Pe r ella). Who will win? The Demon, of course!
The Homecoming Bonfire kindled school spirit in the hearts of all who saw it burn
The five cheerleaders, Marcia Wallick, Terri Manchego, Sharon Eaton, Karen Vendegna, and Shirley Urrutia lead the school in the school song.
Pep Assemblies
Pep assemblies are the source of that fine spirit which is such an important part of school life These assemblies show the work of many and each is individual
Several times during the school year the faculty takes over the pep assemblies. All seem to agree that these skits are the most enJoyable assemblies. They are written, acted, and directed by the faculty, who get as much enjoyment from their production as do their audience
The cheerleaders are present at all these assemblies and add enthusiam to all the cheers.
That you may find success , let me tell you how to proceed Tonight begin your great plan of life . You have but one life to live; yet it is most important that you should not make a mistake Tonight begin carefully. Fix your eye on the fortieth year of your age, and then say to yours elf, " At the age of forty, I \vill be an industrious man, a benevolent man, a ,vell -read man, a religious man, and a useful man; I resolve and \vill stand to 1t."
C Brooks--Senior Class Officers
Planning Con101ittee:
BACK ROW, From Left to Right: Rendell Edmonds, Bruce Jurney, Warren Wildman, Jack Chis holm, Jim Strous e. FRONT ROW: Jackie Eslick, Fran Weston , Kay Jorgen son.JEAN MARION ALDEN
Choir 2, German Club 3,4.
"Jean 11
Academic Achievement 4, Senior Class
Pres., G Club 1,2,3, German Club 2,4, Leadership Conference 4, Maroon & White 4, Student Council 1 , Science Club 2.
11Punk 11
Academic Achievement 3,4; Choir l; Freshman
Class Vice Pres., Junior Class Vice Pres.; GAA
2,3,4, Council 3, Bowling Capt. 3; J.C.L. 1,2,3,4, Sec. 4; Leadership Conference 4; National Honor
3,4, Pre s. 4; Pep Club 1,2,3,4, Council 4, Drill Team 3,4, Planning Corn. 1,3; Student Council 4, Baccalaureate Usherette 3; Prom Com. 3.
BILLIE ADELlA AND ERLE "Willie 11 Choir 1,4; GAA 1,2,3,4, treas. 3, Letter 4; Pep Club 2,3,4.
JAMES ROY BAKER III 11 Jim 11 Choir 3; G Club 3,4, Sec. Treas. 4, German Club 3; Gymnastics Club 4; P .F .C. 1,2; Boys' State 3; Football Numeral 1,2, Letter 3,4, Track Numeral 1,2,3, Letter 4, Capt. 4, Wre stling Numeral 1,2, Letter 3,4.
MICHAEL LEROY BAKER "Mickey" G Club 3,4, Planning Com. 2; Basketball Numeral 1,2, Letter 3,4, Football Numeral 1,2, Letter 3,4, All-Conference 4.
Senior Class Vice Pres.; G Club 2,3,4, Gymnastics Club 4, Planning Com. 2,4, Student Council 2,4; Baseball Letter 2; Football Numeral 1,2, Letter 4; Wrestling Numeral 1, Letter 2,3,4, Capt. 4.
11 Gale 11
Baseball l; Football 1,2.
Academic Achievement 4 , Gymnast i cs Club 2, J C.L 2,3, 4 , Science Club 4.
CHARLES Al.BERT BEATY Jr. 11 Chuck 11 Choir 4 ; G Club 3,4, Maro on & Whit e Staff 4, P.F .C 1,2,3,4; Safety S id e r s 2, Cross Country Num e r al 3, Track Numera l 1, Letter 2.
G Club 1,2,3,4, P .F .C. 1,2,3,4 , Pr ojec ti on Club 1,2 ,3,4.
GRETCHEN ELIZABETH BUERGER 11 Gretch 11 Colorda y Cheerleader 2; GAA 2,3,4, Lett e r 4 , J C.L. 1,2,3,4 , P ep Club 1,2,3,4, Vice Pres 4, Connci l 3 1 Drill Team 3,4, Pl a nning Com. 1,3 , Graduation
Usherett e 3, Social D ancing 2. '
GAA 2,3 ,4, Bowling Capt. 2,3, Letter 4, G e rman Club 2 1 3,4 1 Vice Pres. 2, J.C.L. 2,3, P ep Club 1. -
LETA MARJORIE BUNZEL "Marg" GAA 2,3, Maroon & White St aff 4, Pep Club 2,3
11 Tony 11
German Club 4, Leadership Conference 4 , Plan ning Com. 2, Satans Shanty 4, Student Council 1,4, Football Numeral 1,2, Track Numeral 1, 2, Wre s tling Numeral 1, 2, 3
East High School: Model Teens 2; Golden: Academic Achievement 4; Annual Staff 4, Activities Editor ; Pep Club 3,4; Journalism Conference 4.
COUN I-ruGH CHISHOIM Jr. 11 Jack 11
South High School: Choir l; German Club l,2; Baseball Numeral l; Golden: Choir 3,4; German Club 3,4; Maroon & White Staff 4; Planning Com. 4; Journalism Conf. 4; Golf 3.
Choir 1,4; Maroon & White Reporter 4; Safety Siders 1,2,3; All-State Choir 4; Science Club 2; Social Dancing 2.
Academic Achievement 4; Band 1,3; Choir 4; F.T.A. Vice Pres. 4 ; CAA 1,2, 3,4, Sec. 4, Bowliag Capt. 2, Letter 4; Pep Club 1,2 ; Square Dancing 1,2,3 ; Carnival Queen Attendant 4.
Choir 4 ; Pep Club 4 ; Drill Team 4.
11 Tab 11
G Club 2,3,4, Vice Pres. 4; Key Club 2,3, Sec. 3 ; Safety Siders 3; Projection Club 4; Baseball Numeral 2; Basketball Numeral 3 1 Letter 4; Football Numeral 1, Letter 2,3,4; Track Numeral 2; Wrestling Numeral 1.
IP.F.C. 4; Square Dancing 1,2. "Rog"
11 Carol 11
Rosedale High School: Pep Club 1,2,3,4 ; Y-Teens 1,2,3 , 4, Pres. 4; National Thespian Society 3 , 4; National Forensic League 3,4, Sec. 4; Delphian 4; F.T.A. 3; Debate Team 3; Prom Com. 3; Usherette: Baccalaureate & Graduation 3; Golden: Academic Achievement 4; F.T.A. 4.
Choir 1,2,3,4 ; Melodear s 4; named Satan's S hanty 4 .
11 Mick 11
G Club 2 ,3, 4 ; Aeronautics 1,2; Cross Country Letter 2,3,4, Captain 4; Track Numeral 1,2,3 , 4, Letter 4.
CAA 1,2 ,3, 4, Pre s 3, Emblem 2, Nu -
m e ral 3, Letter 3, W i ngfoo t 4, Bo wlin g Captain 4, Council m ember 1, 2,3; Mar oon & Whit e Staff 4, Manag ing Editor; P .F.C . 1, 2; Safety Side r s 2,3, 4, Pr es . 3,4; Grad uation U sh e rett e 3; Social Dancing
2, Squa r e Dancing 2.
Juni or Class Tr eas ; P ep Club 1, 2,3,4, Drill Team 4 ; Planning Com. 4, Safety
Si der s 2; Satan ' s Shanty 4; Graduation
U sherette 3; Pr om Com. 3; Socia l
D ancing 2; Carnival Queen Attendent.
Choir 1,4 ; Jr. Red Cross 4 ; P.F .C Square Dancing 1.
11 Dimples 11 1,2 ; Library 4 ;
GAA 1,2,3,4, Letter 3, Bo wling Captain 3,4, Council 4, Numeral 2; Pep Club 1,2 ,3, 4 , Drill Team 3,4, Drill Team 4 ; Social Dancing 2.
Student Body Sec 4; Academic Achievement 3,4; F reshman Class Sec ; J.C.L. 3,4 ; Lead e r ship Conference 4; M e l odears 2 , 3, 4; National H onor 3,4; P ep C lub 1,2, 3,4, Dr i ll Team 4; P .F .C. 1; Planning Corn. 1,2, Sec. l; Safety S id ers 1, 2 , 3; Stud e nt Council 4; Baccalaureate Usherette 3
ANNETTE OOYLE " Little Hersh"
Seguin High Sc h ool: P ep Club l ; Golden: Choir 3,4; German Club 2; Pep Club 2,3,4 , Drill Team 2,3, Majorette 4, Safety Siders 2,3, Sec. 3.
Academic Achievement 3,4; Sophomore Class Vice Pres., Junior Class Pres.; County Conferences 4, G Club 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4, Gymnastics Club 2,3,4, Captain 3,4; Key Club 3; Leadership Conf. 3,4; National Honor 3,4; Student Council 2,3,4; Prom Com. 3, Football Numeral 1 ,2, Letter 3,4, All-State 4, Captain 4; Wrestling 1.
GAA 1,2,3,4, Council 2,3, Letter 2, Bowling Capt. 3,4, W ingfoot 4; Leadership Conf. 4, Pep Club 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4, Council 3, German Club 2; Square Dancing Club 2.
D.C.C. H .S.: Y-Teens 1, P .F.C. 2,3,4, F.H.A. 1: Band 1,2 ,3,4, GAA 2.
GAA 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4, Vice Pr es 3, Numeral 2, Emblem 2, Letter 3, Wingfoot 4; German Club 2, Council 2; Pep Club 1,2,3,4; P.F.C. 1 ; Planning Com. 4 ; Safety Side r s 2; Council l; Science Club 1.
HENRIETTA EARNESTINE DURAN "Henrie" F.T.A. 1,2; Ski Club 1,2,3; Spanish Club 1,2.
Cheerleader 4; Colorday Cheerleader 1,2; GAA 1, 2,3, Emblem 1, Numeral 2, Letter 3; Maroon & White Social Editor 4; Pep Club 1,2,3,4 ; Planning Com. 3; Safety Siders 1,3 ; Prom Com. 3; Canteen Board 1,2,3 ; Homecoming Queen Attendant 4; Carnival Queen Attendant 4.
G Club 1,2,3,4; Golf 1,2,4, Captain 4
11Cliff11 Planning Committee 1.
11 Juf 11
Choir 1,2; CAA 2,3,4, Pep Club 1,2,3,4, Council
3,4, Drill T eam 3,4, Drill Leader 4; Planning Com. 1,2; Student Council 1,2; Prom Com. 3 1 Social Dancing 2; (Insert CAA Numeral 2, Emblem 3, Letter 4.)
11 Rene 11
BARBARA LEE '£VANS "Barb" CAA 1,2,3,4, Treas. 4, Bowling Capt. 3, Letter 3; J.C.L. 2,3; Pep Club 1,2, Satan's Shanty 4.
GALEN FRED FEEBACK "Galen" Band 1 1 2,3 1 4 1 Choir 2,3,4 1 Square Dancing 1,2; Projection Club 2,4, Baseball 1, Football 3; Ice Skating Club 1,2.
Annual Staff 2,3,4, German Club 3,4; P .F .C. 1, Safety Siders 1, Projection Club 1,2,3; Science Club 1, 2, 3,4; Basketball 1, 2.
11 Topsy 11
Colorday Cheerleader 3, Academic Achievement 4; Annual Staff Album Editor 4, Pep Club 4; Social Dancing 2,3; Square Dancing l; Science Club 2.
11 Barb 11 CAA 1,2,3,4, Numeral 2, Number 3, Letter 4; German Club 3,4; Pep Club 1; Satan's Shanty 4.
11 Jim 11 Choir 4; G Club 2,3,4; P.F.C. 1, Projection Club 1; Track Numeral 2 1 Wrestling Numeral 1, Letter 2,3,4.
Academic Achievement 3,4; Sophomo r e Class Vice Pr es., Junior Class Pr es ; County Conferences 4; G Club 1 ,2,3 ,4, Pr es. 4; Gymnastics C lub 2,3, 4, Ca ptain 3,4; K ey Club 3; Leadership Conf. 3, 4 ; National Honor 3,4; Student Council 2,3,4; Pr o m Com. 3, Football Numeral 1,2, Letter 3,4, A ll -State 4, Ca ptain 4 ; Wr estling 1.
GAA 1,2,3,4, Counc il 2,3, Letter 2, Bowling Capt. 3 ,4, Win gfoot 4 , Leadersh ip Conf. 4; P ep Club 1 ,2,3 ,4 , Pr es. 4, Council 3, German Club 2; Square Dancing C lu b 2.
D.C.C. H. S.: Y-T ee n s 1 , P.F.C. 2,3,4, F H.A. 1: Band 1, 2,3, 4, GAA 2.
GAA 1,2,3,4, Pr es 4, Vice Pr es 3, Numeral 2, Emblem 2, Le tt e r 3, Wingfoo t 4; German Club 2, Council 2; P e p Club 1, 2,3,4; P.F.C . 1 ; Planning Com. 4; Sa f ety Side rs 2; Council 1 ; Science Club 1.
F T A. 1, 2; Ski Club 1,2 ,3; Spanish Club 1,2.
Cheerleader 4 ; Colorda y Cheerleader 1,2; GAA 1, 2 ,3, Emblem 1, Numeral 2, Letter 3 ; Maroon & Whit e Social Editor 4 ; Pep Club 1,2,3,4 ; Planning Com. 3; Safety Siders 1,3 ; Prom Com. 3 , Canteen Boar d 1,2,3; Homecoming Q ueen Attendant 4; Carnival Queen Attendant 4.
G Club 1,2,3,4; Golf 1,2,4, Captain 4.
CLAUDE CllFFORD ELKINS 11Cliff 11 Planning Committee 1.
Choir 1,2 ; GAA 2,3,4; Pep Club 1, 2,3, 4 , Council 3,4, Drill Team 3,4, Drill Leader 4; Planning Com. 1,2 ; Student Council 1, 2; Pro m Com. 3; Social Danc i ng 2; (Insert GAA Numeral 2, Embl e m 3, L etter 4.)
BARBARA LEE EV ANS "Barb" GAA 1 ,2,3,4, Treas. 4, Bowling Capt. 3, L ette r 3, J.C.L. 2,3; P ep Club 1,2; Satan ' s S han ty 4.
GALEN FRED FEEBACK 11Galen" Band 1,2,3,4; Choir 2,3,4; Square Dancing 1,2, Projection Club 2,4; Baseball 1, Football 3; I ce Skating Club 1,2.
GERALD LESTER FOSTER "Je rry" Annual S taff 2,3,4; German Club 3,4; P.F.C. 1 ; Safety Siders 1; Pr ojectio n Club 1, 2,3; Science Club 1,2 ,3,4; Basketball 1,2.
KAREN SUE FOUNTAIN 11 Topsy 11 Colorday Cheerleader 3; Academic Achievement 4; Annual Staff Album Editor 4 ; Pep Club 4 ; Socia l Dan cing 2,3; Square Dan cing 1; Sci e n ce Club 2.
BARBARA JEAN FREDERICK 11 Barb 11 GAA 1, 2 , 3,4, Numeral 2, Number 3, Letter 4; German Club 3,4; Pep Club l; Satan ' s Shanty 4.
J AMES FRYE "Jim" Choir 4; G Club 2,3 ,4 ; P .F.C. 1; Projection Club 1; Tr ack Numeral 2; Wrestling Numeral 1, Letter 2,3,4
Academic Achievement 4; Annual Staff
4,Choir2,3,4,F.T.A 4,GAA 2 , Maroon & White Staff 3, Melodears 2 ,3, 4 , Pi anist; P.F .C 1 ,2,3, 4 ; Safety Siders 2, Library Club 4; County Choir 3; AllState Choir 3; Teen Tones 2 ,3, 4 ; Pep Club 2 .
Lice o Andres Bell o, Caracas, Venezuela, 1 , 2 ,3. I
Jl! t'Zilli'J~
Annual Staff 3,4, Edit o r 4 ; Colorday
Cheerleader 2; G A A 1 ,2; Pep Cl ub 2,3,4; Planning Com 2 ,3; Safety Siders 1,2,3; Pr o m Com 3, Social D a ncing l ; Square Dane ing 1 , Carnival Queen
At tend ant 4 ; Journalism Conf.
Student Body Pre s. 4, County Conference 3,4, Vice Pre s. 4, Student Council 3,4, Pr es. 4, Football Numeral 1 , 2 , Letter 3,4, All-Conference 4; Track Nume ral 1 , Letter 2,3,4, Capt. 4
DAVID REED GOOD Bru sh High : 1,2 , FFA 1 , 2
MICHAEL BAXTER GOODRICH Band 1 , 2 ; Cho ir 3 , 4
"Mike 11
"Gary" German Club 3 , 4 ; Key Club 3 , Maroon & White Staff 4 ; Safety Siders 2 ,3; Pr ojection Club 2 ,3, Pres . 3; Science Club 4
ROBERT WAYNE HOOD ·'Bob II Science Club 1 , Wrestling Letter 1
WILMA JOAN HOOD "Joan" Choir 1 , 4 ; German Club 4 , Safety Siders 1,2 , 4 ; Square Dancing 2 ; Dramatics 2 ,3, 4
SARAH SUSAN HARTMEISTER "S ue" Choir 1 ; Germ a n Club 4, Maroon & White Staff 4.
Library Club 1 , 2 ,3, 4 ; F T.A. 3,4
JANET ELA INE HUTCHINSON "Hutch" GA A 1,2,3 , 4 , Pep Club 1 , 2,3 , 4 , Majorette 4 , Safety Siders 1 , 2 ; Student Council 1
Annual Staff 4, German Club 3,4, P lanning Com 4, Safety Siders 1 , 2,3 , Graduation Usherette 3, Sc 1ence Club 2, Square Dancing 1
JOHN BRUCE JURNEY "Bruce" Band l ; German Club 4 ; Gymnastics 2, Jr. Red Cross 1 ,2,3,4, Planning Com. 4 , Bas ketb all 1
Baseball 2,3,4, Numeral 3. "Kel"
German Club 3,4; Jr. Red Cross 1,2,3 ,4; Safety Siders 4, Drivers Training 3.
RONALD LEE LASS ''Ron 11 Ann ual Staff 1,2,3,4; German Club 2,3,4, J.C .L. 4, Jr. Red Cross 1; Science Club 3.
Academic Achievement 4, Choir 4; GA A 2,3, Jr. Red Cross 3, Melodears 3,4, Pres. 3,4; Pe p Club 1,2,3,4, Sec. 4, P .F.C. 1,2,3,4, Sec. 3, Treas. 3, Program Chairman 4, Safety Siders 1.
MARGARET ANN KLOER "Mikki 11 Choir 4, German Club 2,3,4, Council 4; Pep Club 1 ,2, Planning Com 4, Safety Siders 1, Social Dancing 2; Square Dane ing 2.
ROBERT LI NCOLN KRATTLI "Bubbles" Student Body Vice Pres. 4; Band 1 , 2 ,4, Pres. 4; County Conference 4; "G" Club 2,3 ,4, Leadership Conference 4 ; P.F.C. 2,3,4, Vice Pres 4, Satan's Shanty 4, Pres 4; Student Council 2,4 , Vice Pres. 4, Cross Country Numeral 1, Letter 2 ,3 ,4 , Track Numeral 1 , 2 , Le tter 3,4.
CLARISA LARES CORDERO "Clarisa" Liceo Andres Bello , Caracas, Venezuela 1,2,3.
ANN DARLINE MADDOX Safety Siders 1 "Smiley"
Cheerleader 4, Colorday Cheerleader 1; C A A 1,2,3, Bowling Capt. 2, Letter 3, Planning Com 2,3, Prom Com . 3; Carnival Queen Attendant 3 ,4 .
ALAN JAY LEWIS "Al" Band 1,2, German Club 2 ,3,4, Gymnastics 2, Safety Siders 3 ,4, Corresponding Secretary 4
NADINE PEARL LOOPER 11 Deanie 11 Choir 4, Safety Siders 1,2, Square Dancing 2, Library Club 4
Lakewood High School: 1 , Hobby Club, Evergreen High School: 2,3, Choir 2,3; Jr. Red Cross 3, Caterer's Club 3; Glee Club 2; Colden: Choir 4; German Club 4.
Highland High School: CAA 1,2, Colden : CAA 3,4; Colorday Cheerleader 3; Pep Club 3,4, Drill Team 4; Safety Siders 3; Homecoming Queen Attendant 4; Carnival Queen Attendant 4
DALE ELBERT McCRAY "Dale 11 Grand Junction, Colorado 1, 2 ,3.
SANDRA McPHERSON "Sandy" Pep Club 1 ,2,3,4, Safety Siders 1 , 2, Academic Achievement 4 .
"G" Club 4; German Club 3 , 4 ; Jr Red Cross 1 ; Key Club 3 ; Safety Siders l ,
Aeronautics 2 ; Ski Club 1 , Basketball
Numeral 1 , 3 ; Football Numeral 1 , 2 , 3 , Letter 4
Pep C lub 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , Council 3 ; Colorday
Cheerleader 2 , 3; Carnival Queen Attendant 3 ,
Academic Achievement 3 , Sec. Treas 4 ; Band 1 , 2; Choir 4 , Sec Treas 4 , GA A 2 , 3 , 4 , Bowling Capt . 2 , 3,4 , Emblem 2, Numeral 3 , Lette: 4 ; Pep Club 1 , 2,3,4 , Head M a jorette 4 ; Safety Siders 1 , 2 , Graduation Usherette 4 , Colorday Committee 1,2 , 3 ,
GARY CARL OXELSON "Gary" "G" Club 3 , 4 ; Safety Siders 2 ; Aeronautics 1 , 2 ; Cross Country Letter 3,4; Track 2,3 , 4.
SUSAN LEE PADDLEFORD "Suzi" Colorday Cheerleader 2,3 ; GA A 1 , 2 ; F T.A. 4 ; Pep Club 1 , 2 ; Safety Siders 1 , 2; Graduation Usherette 3; Carnival Queen Attendant 3 , 4 ; Homecoming Queen Attendant 4; Social Dance Club 2 ; Tea Com Chrmn. 4.
MARY PAPAGEORGE "Mary" Homecoming Queen 4 ; Academic Achievement 3 ,4; Sophomore Class Sec. 2; Colorday Cheerleader 1 ; County Student Council 3 ; GA A 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , Letter 3, Bowling Capt. 1 ; Leadership Conf. 3 ; Pep Club 1,2 ,3 ,4 , Treas. 4; Safety Siders 3 ; Student Council 1 , 2 ,3 ; Graduation Usherette 3 ; Carnival Queen Attendant 3 , 4 ; Queen of Freshman Week; Canteen Board 1
F T.A. 2,3,4, PFC. 1,2,3,4; Library Club 2 , 3,4, Art Club 4, Colorday Committee 1,3
RICHARD GARY REIDER "Rick" Band 1, German Club 2,4, Maroon & White Assistant Sport Editor 4; Planning Com. 1, Safety Siders 1 , Science Club 2,4.
SHIRLEY ROSEZELLA RANSFORD "Kosi" Choir 1,4, Jr Red Cross 4, P F.C 1,2; Library 4 , Square Dancing 1
MARLYS ANNETTE REITZ "Marty" Academic Achievement 3,4; Annual Staff, Business Manager, J C.L. 4, Safety Siders 1,2, Council 1, Graduation Usherette 3.
JUDITH ANN RICHARDS "Judi 11 Academic Achievement 4 ; Senior Class Treas .; Colorday Cheerleader 3, CAA 1 ,2, Emblem 1, Numeral 2 , Bowling Capt. 2, Maroon & White Feature Editor 4; Pep Club 1 ,2,3,4, Drill Team 4, Planning Com. 3, Safety Siders 1, Baccalaureate Usherette 3, Prom Com. 3; Social Dancing 2, Square Dancing 2
ROBERT J. ROCHEFORT "Bob" Choir 4, Safety Siders 5, Square Dancing 1,2, Ic e Skating Club 1,2
MARLYS$ JANE RUDEEN "Marcy" German Club 4; Pep Club 3,4, Safety Siders 1,2 ,3, Art Club 5, Library Club 3 ,4.
Academic Achievement 4, Choir 1,2 ,3,
F .T.A. 1 , 2 ,3 ,4 , Pre s. 4, Vice Pres 2 , Sec. 3, GA A 1 , 2 ,3,4, German Club 2; P F.C. 1 , 2,3 , Satan's Shanty 4 , Social D a ncing 2 , Triple Trio 1
Academic Achievement 4 , Band 1 , Gymnastics C lub 4, Jr Red Cross 1 , 2 ,3 , 4 ; PF .C. 2,3,4, Pres 4; Student Council 1, Driver 1s Training 3, Ski Club 2 , Wrestl ing Numeral 2 -
VIRGINIA MAY SM ITH 11 G1nny 11 GA A 1 , 2 ,3, 4 , Vice Pre s 4 , Council 3, Letter 3; Pep Club 1 ,2, Safety Siders 1 ; Baccalaureate Usherette 3; Libr ary 4.
Id aho Springs High: Freshman Class Treas. 1 , Planning Com. 1 , Student Council 1 , Baseball Numeral 1 , Basketba ll Numeral 1 ; Football Letter 1 , St. Johns High : Ke y Club 2 , Planning Com. 2, S , Club 2, Baseball Letter 2 ; Football Lett er 2, Wrestling 2,
11 Ansi 11 Choir 1 , 4 , Pre s. 4 ; GA A 1 , 2 ,3, 4 , Council 4 , Letter 3, Pep Club 1,2,3 , 4, Drill Team 4
JERRY CHARLES SCHOECH Safety Siders 1 ,2,4.
11 Jerry"
11 Mark 11 11 G 11 Club 2 ,3; German Club 2 ; Track Numeral 2 , Letter 1 , Mgr .
LYNN SHEPARD "Lynn" Freshman Class Treas 1 ; 11 G 11 Club 4; German Club 2 ,3, Planning Com. 1 ; Safety Siders 1,2 , P .E. In structor 4; Canteen Board 1 , 2 , 3 , Science Club 2 ; Social Dancing 1 , 2 ; Aeronautics 1 ,2.
SHARON LOUISE STAHL "Sharon" Pep Club 1,2,3,4, Choir 3,4; Safety Siders 2,3.
Academic Achievement 4, Annual Staff, Asst Bus. Mgr. 4 ; German Club 3 ,4, Pre s. 4; Maroon & White Staff 4; Safety Siders 1,2,3, Science Club 2
PHYLLIS LEOTA SONS " Phill " F .T .A. 4; CAA 1 , Maroon & White Staff 5, P.F.C. 1,2, Library 4
Centennial High: Honor Society 1, Golden: Choir 4
JAMES FRANCIS STROUSE "Mousie" "G" Club 3,4; German Club 3,4, Safety Siders 4; Projection Club 1, Science Club 2, Square Dancing 1,2, Ski Club 1; Baseball Numeral 2, Letter 2, Basketball Numeral 1; Football Numeral 1
KARL STUERMER "Bill" German Club 3; Jr. Red Cross 2,3,4; Science Club 3; Drivers Training 3.
WILLIAM MICHAEL SULLIVAN "Mike" Band 3; Choir 3 ,4; "G" Club 4; P F C. 1,2,3,4, All-State Choir 4, All-County Choir 3,4, Cross Country Numeral 1,2,3, Letter 4; Track Numeral 1,2, 3, Letter 4
STANLEY GU ST AF SWISHER "Stan 11 German Club 3,4, Safety Siders 4, Aeronautics 1, 2; Baseball Numeral 1
Academic Achievement 3,4 , C h o ir 1 , 3 , 4 ,
S o phomore C las s Treas .; Seni o r Class
Sec .; C o l o rday Cheerleader 2 , 3 ; GAA
1,2 , 3 , 4 , Letter 3 ; J C.L 2 , 3 , 4 , Treas. 4 ;
Leadership C o nferen c e 3 , 4; Mel o dears
2 , 3 ; National H o n o r 3 , 4 ; Pep Club 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Planning Com 3 ; Student Council
1 , 2,3 , 4 , Executive C o m l ; Graduation
Usherette 3 ; Prom C o m 3 ; Homec o ming
Queen Attendant 4 ; C arnival Queen
Attendant 3 , Col o rad o Y o uth Forum 4
GAA 1 , 2 , 4 ; German Club 4; Safety Siders
1 , 2 , Science Club 2 ; Square Dancing Club 1
C heerleader 4; Ch o ir 1 ; GAA 1 , 2 , 3, Bowling Capt. 3 ; Maro o n & White 4 ; Pep Club 1 , 2,3 , 4 ; Square Dancing 1 , 2 , 3 ;
Carnival Queen Candidate.
Academic Achievement 4 ; F T.A 2; CAA 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , Emblem 2 , Numeral 3 ,
Band 3; Safety Siders 1 ,2,4, Science Club 4, Pres 4 ; Pr ojection Club 3; Baseball Numeral 1,2; Basketball Numeral 3; Football Numeral 2.
Choir 2 ,3, 4 ; Melodears 2,3 ,4; Pep Club 2 ; P.F .C. 2; Teen Tones 2 ,3,4.
Cheerleader 4, Colorday Cheerleader 1 ; G A A 1 ,2,3,4, Pep Cl ub 1,2,3,4, Freshman Cheerleader 1
TIMOTHY WEED "Tim" Band 1; Choi r 3; German Club 4; Gymnastics Club 3; Jr. Red Cross 2 ; Safety Siders 4; Science Club 3 ,4; Square Dancing Club 1, 2, Aeronautics 2, Baseball Numeral 3 , 4, Football Numeral 1 ; Golf Numeral 1.
Menlo Atherton High : Nursing Club 2 ; Choir 2; G A A 2 ; Golden: Academic Achievement 3,4, Pres 4, F .T .A. 4; Maroon & White Staff 4, National Honor 3,4, Planning Com 4, Baccalaureate Usherette 3.
Menlo Atherton High: Audio Visual Crew 1 , 2 ; Student Council 2, Golden: Academic Achievement 3,4; J.C.L. 3,4; Maroon &White Staff 3,4, Assistant Editor 3, Editor 4, National Honor 3 ,4, Cross Country 4; Golf 3, Student Council 4
WARREN WILLIAM WILDMAN "Wa rren" German Club 2,3,4, Sec. Treas 4, Maroon &White Sports Editor 4 , Planning Com. 1 , 4 , Science Club 2 ,3,4, Vice Pres . 4, Sec. 2, Journalism Conf. 4, Basketball Numeral 1.
WALTER LEE WILEY "Walt" "G" Club 3,4, Council 4. Gymnastics Club 4.
JAMES DEWEY WILLIAMS "Dewey" " G " Club 3 , 4 ; Ba seball Letter 3 ; Basketball Numeral 1
Ch o ir 1 ,3, 4 ; GA A 2 ; German Club 2 ; Jr Red Cros s 3 ; Me1 o dears 2 , 3 , Pep Club 1 , 2 , 3 ; Art Club 1 , 2 ; Square Dancing 1 , 2
Raymond Eugene Bozeman
Sharon Jeanette Horan
Nau..:y Leek
Charlotte Anne Matherly
John Dee Milam
Lloyd Wayne Odneal
Nora May Ramstetter
Danny Leon McMillan
VIOLOT GARELDINE WYCKOFF "Carrie" Band 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; P F C 2 , 3 , 4 , Square Dancing Club 2.
WILLIAM JOSEPH YETZBACHER "Bill " Choir 4 , Vice Pres . 4 ; "G" Club 4 , German Club 4 ; Key Club 2 , 3; Safety Siders 3 ; Baseball Numeral 2 ; Basketball Numeral 1 , 2 , 3 , Letter 4 .
C arnival Queen 4 , German Club 4 ; Pep Club 3 ,4 ; Social Dancing 2; Art Club 4, Pres 4.
Junior Class Officers
Planning Co.m.
Richard Acher
Andy Anderson
Manuel Archuleta
Maria Arria
Loi s Axtell
Sue Babb
Henry Babcock
Jim Ballard
Larry Barnhardt
Fritz Bart
Christine Bean
Dick Beran
Carolyn Bergman
Don Britton
Bob Bryson
Carolyn Bunzel
Bob Burdick
Joe Burke
Bill Butin
Donna Campbell
Dennis Chamberlain
Bob Cito
Bill Clark
Marion Clements
Georgeanna Cooper
Velma Cooper
Tom Defier
Gary Dever
Gary Dickson
Dave Dillingham
Barry Dishman
Marcia Dorsey
Becky Dunbar
Tom Dunham
Francis Duran
Jerry Dye
Darrell Farns
Doug Farris
Dan Fehr
Chuck Fisk
Edith Frank
Julie Frauenfelder
Alan Gourlay
Bill Gourlay
Alan Green
Alice Green
Verna Greenfield
Ed Ha1nje
From Left to Right.From Left to Right :
Sharon Hamlin
Tim Hancock
Jerry Harden
Anita Harmelink
Bill Haupt
Larry Helburg
Martha Herren
James Higgins
Richard Higgins
Judy Hirsch
Don l-Iladik
Joanne Homerick
Fred Hollaus
Joanne Holmer
Roger Jacks
Arthur Katona
Millie Keltner
Alice Kennemer
Alice Kimminau
Andy Klemm
Bruce Kobey
Phil Korthuis
Jeanne Kreamelmeyer
T. J. Krest
Danny Kucharski
Peggy Lee
Deloris Looper
Loretta Loyd
Kathy Maas
Marilyn Maas
Shelia Maki
Sharon Malcolm
Kathy Manchego
Phil Mason
B111 Mathews
Joy Ann Mathews
Donna Maughan
Judy Maxon
Mike Meyer
Ron Meyer
Artha Montgomery
Marsha Moore
Jack Morgan
Larry Morgan
Joyce Multer
John Mur1n
Millie McCoy
Tom McGlohlin
From Left to Right:u
From Left to Right :
Bette Mcinroy
Eddy l\1cMahn
Judy McMechen
Keith McNeil!
John Neal
Carol Nelson
Connie Nelson
Nancy Olmsted
Osborn, Kirk
Osborn, Steve
Laura o,vens
Francis Pasco
Eva Jean Pastore
Barba ra Pearce
Sue Peters
Shirley Peterson
John Pollock
John Poole
Jim Porter
Ronne Preston
Jackie Price
Ba rbara Ralston
Maryann° Ramstetter
Richard Ramstetter
Brenda Redell
Sandy Reeve s
Bob Richey
Gordon Ricker
Margot Rinehart
Georgia Rivallier
Kathy Rogers
Doug Rohwer
Gordon Runner
Judy Carol Rutledge
Carolyn Sasse
Ora Schade
Mary Jo Schieltz
Tom Schoech
Mickey Schriener
Jeannette Schulz
Ed Schwartzkopf
Karen Scully
Kay Seal
Jim Shandy
Lois Shoudy
Gary Sigler
Larry Small
Bill Smith
From Left to Right :Diana Smith
David Spitz
Bett y Starbranch
Bill Sumner
John Swanson
Connie Travis
Sharon Tyler
Judy Valentine
Larry Vigansky
Gary Van Gerpen
Anne W aterman
Dave Weaver
Caron Weedman
Gretchen Weitzel
Daniel Willard
Sharill White
Paul W isgerhot
Judy Wombolt
Claudette Wycoff
Dave Zaharias
Jim Ziegler
Planning Coin.
Sop ho in ore
Class Officers
Ellen Avis
Lucille Axtell
Dianna Bailey
Peggy Baker
Marge Bandimere
Carol Boling
Paul Brennecke
Frank Brown
Ardith Burlingame
Dave Burro,vs
John Byrd
Roland Cameron
Tom Capariella
Karene Carnagan
Gary Carpente r
Linda Churches
Gene Ciferri
Sue Cleland
Gerald Clark
Charles Cole
Jerry Coop
Ronnie Cooper
Bill C raig
Marlin Davis
Dallas Stepp
Linda Stewart
Tom Stimmler
Pat Stuermer
Gaylord Suddeth
Richard Rotondi
Dave Rundgren
LeRoy S a tterfield
Bruce Taylor
Judy Tice
Steve Tisdel
Johnny Trezise
Glen Trowbridge
Bill Schaffter
Ron Schelske
Butch Sheri
Ed Schoech
Tom Soper
Tom Seutter
Carl Spendon
Al Starks
From Left to Right : Susan Simpson .~ Smith \._Y'" Dick SparksOrganizat ions
No man can live happily who regards himself alone, ,..,ho turns everything co his own advantage. Thou must live for another 1f thou ,..,ishest to live for thyse lf.
Student Council
1st ROW: Sharill White, Sue Peters, Mickey Schreiner, Elaine T ai t, Charmaine Ames, Sharon Gorman, Georgia Hill, J oan White, P eggy Baker. 2nd ROW: J ack Ronzio, Jim Novak, Tony Cariaga, Elia s Archuleta, Dave We ave r , Torn Defler. 3rd ROW : Roger Dunn, Dennis Mlller , Steve Weston, Doug Rohwer, Phil Korthius.
Mlss Bolitho , Dean of Girls, Randy Harris, Pr esident, Nancy Dixon, Secreta r y-Treasure r , Bob Kr attli, Vice President, Mr. Ell iott, Dean of Boys
Satan's Shanty Committee
1st ROW : Betsy Crane, Barbara Evans, P eggy Baker, Li nda Stewart, Marilyn Maas. 2nd ROW Tony Ca r iaga, Doug Rohwer, Bob Krattli, Mr. Booton.
National Honor Society
Student Assistants
Offic e Assistants
1st ROW: Karen V endegna, Moya Cramer, Mary Ann
Duppman, Jean Alden, Gloria Stehle, Judy Maxson. 2nd ROW: Terrie Manchego, Karen McClintock, Phyllis Sons, Carol Gillett, Elaine Tait, Mrs. Tait, Mrs. Miller. 3rd ROW : Marcia Wallick, Wilma Pyle, Sue Hartmeister, Sharon Eat on , Margie Btlll7.el.
Library Assistants
1st ROW: Sandra Baker, Donna Maughen, Marlyss Rudeen, Gle n etta Gibbons, Phyllis Sons. 2nd ROW: Mrs. Gorsky, Ir ene F oreman, Nancy Leek, Nadine Loope r , Larry Vigansky, Louis Coldr en
Projection Assistants
1st ROW: Don Britton, Manuel Archuleta, Gordon Runner, Bob Richey, Tom Schoech, Bill Craig, Tom McGlochlin. 2nd ROW:
Mr. Hailing, Dave Weaver, Larry Vigansky, Bruce Kobey, Doug Farris, Rob Plummer, Galen Feeback.
3rd ROW: Larry Morgan, Lynn Willard, Richard
Ac ke r, Claude VanHom, Dave Zaharias, Dave Burrows, Ed Schwartzkopf.
Boys' and Girls' State
D. A. R . Award
State 4-H Award
Annual Staff
Junior Classical League
1st ROW: Ronnie Keltner, Dick Trow, Tony Cariaga, Alan Lewis, Gary Granquist, Bruce Jurney, Dan Tait. 2nd ROW: Susan Hartmei ste r, Maria Kunst, Jeanette Schulz, Margar e t Kloer, Gloria Stehle, Jean Alden, Barbara Frederick, Ann Barnhardt, Karen Leuschner 3rd ROW: Elly Meerdink, Verna Morrow, Beverly Smith, Kay Jorgenson, Thomasine Zaharias, Alice Kimminau, Marlyss Rudeen, Virginia Thomas, Sharon Tyler, Nila Grosvenor, Mr Papenius. 4th ROW: Ron Lass, Gerald Foster, Warren Wildman, Bud Ames, Jack Chisholm, Stan Swisher, Jim Strauss, Bill Haupt, Rick Reider, Tim Weed.
Science Club
Maroon and White
Future Teachers Association ..
1st ROW: Karen Vendegna, Moya Cramer, Sharon Coop, Susan Hartme1ster, Gloria Stehle , Margie Bunzel, Sharon Eaton 2nd ROW: Charles Beaty, Gary Granquist, Frances Weston, Judy Richards, Irene Foreman, Janet Nelson, Phyllis Sons, Richard Reider, Terri Manchego. 3rd ROW: Jim Wilcox, Steve Weston, Bud Ames, Jerry Schoech, Warren Wildman, Jack Chisholm, Ronnie Knox 1st ROW: Sandra Craig, Irene Foreman, Dorothy Schelske, Charles Hook, Mr Whiting 2nd ROW: Sharon Hamlin, Glenetta Gibbons, Sandra Baker, Phyllis Sons, Linda Hall 3rd ROW: Judy Zieman, Carol Boling, Frances Weston, Linda Vayo 69Safety Siders -
Art Club
1st ROW : E. Swartzkopf, T. Capariella, M. Cannedy, T. Weed, R. Keltner, D. Trow 2nd ROW: B. Starbranch, J Frauenfelder, B. Ralston, C. Bean, M. Cramer, D. Dillingham, A. Lev-1is, P. Lee, J. Kreamelmeyer, L. Axtell. 3rd ROW : C. Rutledge, L. Axtell, M. Keltner, M. Schieltz, J. Maxson, S. Tyler, J. Schulz, M. Kunt z , D. Smith, S. Malcolm, J. Multer, C. Travis, B. Redell , E. Pastore. 4th ROW: Mr. J Johnson, B. Rochefort, D. Farris, J. Valentine, S. Swisher, J. Strouse, R. Knox, B. Dishman, S. Van Winkle, D. ZahariasPioneers for Christ
1st ROW : Marion Clements, JoAnne Holmerick, Anita Harmelink, Pat Lawson, Bette Mclnroy, Carol Nelson, Glenetta Gibbons, Charolette Redell, Brenda Redell. 2nd ROW Mory Cannedy , Linda Churches, Carolyn Hinkley, Laura Owens, Carolyn Bergman, Geraldine Wykoff, Carol Rutledge, Bonnie Epler , Glen Tro\vbridge 3rd ROW : Time Hancock, Roland Cameron, Gerald Clark, Bill Metn i k, Roger Clark , Don Bergman, Phil Korthius, Bill HauptPep Club
1st ROW: K Woodford, K. Nielson, J. Horblit, J. Whit e, E. M ee rd i nk , L. Robert s, C. W yko ff , S Gorman , E. Morse, L. Stewart, J Tice. 2nd ROW: L. Churches, K. Fount ain, C. Gillett, J Eslick, B. Crane, E Tait , C. Ames, K McChntock, B Ander le, A Schloffman, N. Dixon, J Richards, M Keltner , F Duran. 3rd ROW: L Perry, B. Dunbar, P. Stuermer, L Hamilton, S P eters, B Ral st o n , C. Bean, J. Frauenfelder, B Mcinro y, S. Malcolm, M Maas , B. Starbranch, S. H all, J. M ul ter , D Maughan, C. Lewi s, M Paynter 4th ROW: J Kreamelmeyer, S. White, D. Morse, J. Edmonds, J. Holmer, K. Seal, D. Menching , P . Baker, A. Kennemer , S . Simpson, A. Burlingame, L. Meyer, B. Long, N. Olmsted, L. Owens, D Campbell, A. Mo ntg ome r y. 5th ROW: C. Travi s, C. Parfet, S Kotwica, K Rogers, K. M aas, S. Peterson, M Dorsey, L Hall , S. Hamlin , S. Tyler, S Babb, C. Gausman, M. Schreiner, R.Preston, K . Nelson, K. Carnagan, A . Harmelink , J. De ssau, S. Riche y.
Gretchen Buerger I Vice President; Mary Ann Duppman , Pre si dent; Miss Big gs, Sponsor; Pat Lawson , Secretary; Judy Fleming , Drill Leader; Mary Papageorge , Treasurer
Drill Team
1st ROW: Joan White, Mary Papageorge, Elaine Tait, Barbara Ralston, Gretchen Buerger, Shir le} Peterson, Sharon Malcolm. 2nd ROW: Judy Fleming, Ann Schloffman, Becky Dunbar, Artha Montgomery, Charmaine Ames, Sue Peters, Kathy Maas. 3rd ROW: Mille Keltner, Karen McClintock, Connie Travis, Betty Scarbranch, JoAnn Holmer, Marcia Dorsey 4th ROW: Betsy Crane, Linda Ste,vart, Kathy Rogers, Nancy Dixon, Judy Richards, Sharon Tyler.Cheerleaders
Roger Dunn,
Ronnie Meyer, Bob Cito, John Neal, Don Britton, Dave D1lhngham, Manuel Archuleta 4th
Don l-iladik, Mike Sullivan, Mike Meyer, Gary Dickson, Keith McNeil, Don Bergman, Lynn Shepard, Steve Osborn, John Swanson, Paul Wisgerhof. 5th ROW: Rendell Edmonds, Jim Strauss, Fred Hollaus, Kirk Osborn, John Poo l e, Tom Schoech, Jerry Harden, Jesse Valentine, Dan Willard.
Roger Dunn President Jim Baker Secretary 1st ROW: Bill Clark, Richard Acker, Bob Krattli , Phil Korthius, Gary Dever, Roger Jacks, Mickey DelRio.Girls' Athletic Association
1st ROW: E. Tait, M. Papageorge, J. Fleming, B. Evans, J. Eslick, V. Smith, S. Craig, M. Wallick, K. McClintock, A. Schloffman.
2nd ROW: M. VanHooser, M. Cramer, V. Thomas, J. Hutchinson, W. Pyl e, M. Duppman, P. Dishman, A. Barnhardt, G .Buerger, C. Ames, B. Ander le.
This year has been fill ed with lots of competition. Early 1n the fall the sophomores gave a good lesson in the skills of softball. The j uniors showed their superiority on the volleyball court. The new six member teams proved to be exciting and a real challenge for team work. The seniors are showing high quality of skills particularly in basketball. Not only are they good players. but five of them have official ' s ratings. These same girls have been most valuable as referees throughout intramurals The Bowling League has also be en of outs tandi ng quality.
Det erm1nation and team spirit drove the Demons to four resounding non -1 eague victories this season The first game ,.,as played at Cher r y Creek, and the Demons scored a twenty-five point victory over the Bruins The next three games \vere played with Westminister, Littleton, and Laramie. Golden \von these bouts with scores of 25 to 0, 33 to O. and 27 to 26. respectively.
Golden's first league encounter was \vith Aurora. The Demons won easily with a score o f 26 to 13. The following game \vas with Arvada. It was a difficult fight all through the four quarters, with the team playing their best and hardest, yet Golden l ost 7 to O The next game \vas the Homecoming Game All hopes were high as Golden prepared to gain another victory. This too proved to be a difficult bout, as Golden lost 12 to 16 The final encounter brought easy victory over Wh eatridge, 25 to 6.
Dem.ons in Action
When this Demon catches the pass, he '11 be on his way to score.
Senior Lettermen
Demons in Action
Results of Cross-Country Meets:
Golden Lakewood Wheatridge (at Golden)
Aurora East Golden Manuel (a t East)
Golden Arvada Wes tminis ter (at Arvada)
Golden Arvada Wheatr1dge (at Golden)
Longmont Golden Boulder Greely Cheyenne (a t Laramie, Wyo )
Aurora Golden Lakewood Arvada \vheatridge (at Arvada)
State :
East Aurora Lakewood Golden (at Boulder)
Lack of experience and he1ghth kept the demons from being a title contender. But under the leadership of the ne\<1 coach, He1ko Kuhn, the team represented our school well and gave the fans many thrills with their spirited play
STANDING: P. Korthlus, J. Hampton, J. Swanson, K. Osborn, C. Churches. KNEELING. L. Shepha r d, B. Yetzbacher, D. Britton, M. Baker . STANDING Coach Rillos, D Stepp, J. Marshall, R. Jacks, M. Lacey, F. Hollaus, J Ziegle r , T. Schoech, B. Craig, B. Cito, P. Brennecke, B. Gorley, B. Yetzbacher, L. Purvis, D. Miller, B Norton, J. Novak. 83Coaches
Adams Ci ty
League S tanding s:
Wheatridge Aurora
Golden- - Lakewood Arvada
Senior Lettermen
The Demon wrestlers, in spi t e of their great effort and much tr aining , were not too successful this season . Coach Darrel Hafling and the t eam are to be commended for their good spo rtsmanship and diligence.
Demons in Action
Right: R. Schelske, B. Norton, S. Tisdel, D. Nelson, G. Suddeth, J. Walker , K. Graham, P. Webb, F. Pace, K. Hann. 4th ROW. B. Richey, T. Gausman, M. Anziano, B. Scherf, T. Soper, R. Jurney, D. Steinert, V. Willard , B. Phillips. 3rd ROW: S. Loizeaux, J. Harden, B. Kobey, D. Stepp, J. Trezise, B. Craig, G. Clark, G. Oxelson, R. Acker. 2nd ROW: T. Stimmler, R. Meyer, L. Purvis, D. Hladik, P. Korthius, B. Cito, A. Klemm, J. Neal, D. Zaharias, D. Rohwer, G. Dye. 1st ROW : E. McMahn, J. Frye, B. Krattli, R. Harris, R. Dunn, J. Baker, R. Bozeman, W. Wiley, L. Shepard, M. Sullivan, M. Del Rio, Coach Booton.
Coach Rillos, B. Schafter, A. Wehrle, B. Norton, C. Fisk, L. Small, L. Kelley, J. Hollis, E. Schoech, P. Wi sgerhoff MIDDLE ROW: D. Miller, J. Hampton, K. Osborn, J. Swanson, K. McNeil.
FRONT ROW: W. Odneal, J. Marshall, P. Brennecke, P. Meyer, T. Schoech.
BACK ROW, Left to Right : J. Poole , D. Sparks, R. Cameron, D. Ferris, G. Dickson, D. Runagren, R. Jacks.Faculty
A builf buildJd C:Jfmple; '" ough t and skill;ars a4d groins and arches Wer~ fashioned to meet his will; And men said \vhen they saw its beauty: "It shal l never know decay. Grea t is thy skill, 0 Builder, Thy fame shall endure for aye."
A teacher builded a temple, She \trough t with skill and care;Forming ~ach pillar with patience , Laying ea ch stone \vith prayer. None sa\\' the uncea sing effort; None knew of the marvelous plan; For th e t emp le th e teach er bui lded Was unseen by the eyes'ofman .
Gon e is the builder's temple;Crumbled into the dust.Pillar and groin and arches Food for consu1n1ng rust; But th e t emp l e the teach e r build ed Shall endu re while th e ages roll,For that beautiful, unseen t e mpl e \-,, as a ch ild' s imm orta l soul.
Board of Education:
School Adtninistrative Staff:
The girls show their version of what used to be!
The exercises are done with precision.
Maria Isabel Gonzalo demonstrates her native talentA night to remember for all.
Everyone enjoyed the good food.
Senior Play
This year our play was entitled "June Mad"
It \'las exceptionally good because the class of '59 put it on
Pat La,vson was the star She played "Penny."
Our President & Vi ce Pr eside nt are very happy.
Our new officers.
• Election speecnes were very good
IIt looks like the y are sad instead of happ y ! Election is al\va ys fun.
Color Day
3 legged race.
Some people seem to always have their noses in the wrong places.
These girls just can't keep track of their shoes.
The seniors kept their tradition- -coming in on the losing team!
Rope ski pping relay.
Great Senior Cheerleaders! •
Is she worried about something?
The last walk together. The Valedictorian bids farewell to her fellow classmates. Shirley Urrutia. Miss Fairbanks awards Larry Schlegel a scholarship.Father Pat was the speaker at Graduation. I am sure everyone learned a great deal from his dynamic speech.
Serious business for most
Good Luck to the Graduates.
"A man is rich in proportion to the thing ~ he can do \'li.thout Sell your good:; and keep your thoughts "
Ice Cream
Fountain Spe cialzti es
23rd 8.. Ford CR 9-4477
At ilk
Compliments of
Personalized Se rvi ce
2200 Fo rd S tr ee t Ph one CR 9- 9909
1000 \\ashing t on Ave . Phone CR 9-9008
Fo r a \loving Job \\ ell Done
Golden 8 t h & Cheyenne CR 9-3325
Russell Stover Candy
1200 \\ ashington S tre e t Phone CR 9-3575
There I s No Subs tit ute for Quality In surance
I ack Burt-Rob Craig Bonds- 1llortgage Loans
1117 Washington Ave . Su it e One Go l den, Co l o r ado
Phone CR 9- 2561 Res CR 9- 3286
Co l o r ado ' s
Oldest \\ eekly \e" s 90 ) ea rs of Se rvi ce
Established 186C
Congratulations to class of ' 59
AL BEARD Specification
l3rick Work GUS'S City Tailor Shop Cleaning
\\ e do our own 1209 \\ashington
Congratulations from your Pontiac, G AJ C. and ''] eep'' Dealer SPARKS MOTOR CO.
Phone CR 9-2596
624-13th Street Colorado
Sales an-d Service
1018 Washington Ave CR 9-2591
Fred Johnson
Backhoe-Dragline & Dozer Septic Systems-Licensed Fully Insured 13301 \\. 32nd Ave. CR 9-1228 Golden
Best Tflishes Class of ''59' '
Congratulations to Class of "59"
800 Washington Best Wishes
LILA & TIP'S DAIRY Chicken and Shrimp Orde r s To Go .
8th and Cheyenne Streets
Colorado en 9-9osa
1100 Washington Ave. Ambulance Service CR 9- 4575
Best Wishes from JIMMIE'S SHOE SHOP
1108 Washington Ave Hello!
CR 9-2050 CR 9-3329
Vogeler-] ones, Agents
1109 \\ashington Ave CR 9-4517
Shop at Foss and Save!
You ' ll Always Find a Better Selection At Lower Prices in Colorado ' s Largest Departmental Drug Store FOSS DRUG CO. Congratulations to the Class of "59 ''
1113 Washing t on Go l den, Co l or ado Compliments of McKEEHAN CLOTHING COMPANY
CR 9-9050