Spring paints GHS canvas
Spring officially oegan on Friday , March 20 The sky wa s cloudy and the cool air hung idly over weary students who intended to leave all of their work for later Spring fever was indee d setting in
Rain prevailed through the season, however, summer's approach was slowly becoming more apparent
Spring vacation started on March 28 with a 3-D movie shown at school Clouds hovered over Golden most of the furlough , but some teachers and s tudents who spent their time out of town , returned with a tan
Back at school , students spent as much time outside as possible Clubs went on mountain excursions final class pro1ects were being discussed
A dark shadow clouded the spring excitement when , to the horror of all, Scott Lewi s cut his fingers in a saw With the love of his friends and his own courage , Lewis recovered from the tragedy and returned to school full of smiles and jokes
Yearbooks were given out at a yearbook signing party after school on Friday, May 8 Students enjoyed refreshments , music , and socializing with friends who pleaded again and again for signatures
Junior-Senior Prom was held on May 9 and all who attended considered i t one of the best yet. With extravagant decorations and masses of exuberant dance r s, i t was a joy-
ous occasion for all
As the days counted down , students found it harder to get to classes on time As an experiment for a week, the halls rang out with bells at every passing penod However, this did not seem to affect attendance much
Senioritis rooted itself into unsuspecting students , as their high school education drew to a close Class parties abounded as students and faculty alike partook of goodies , entertainment, and laughter
The Theatre Department took a day towards the end of school and showed various movies , plays , and musical features throughout the day , to the joy of those being dismissed from class for the occasion
A few enthusiastic seniors were not able to contain themselves the night before the last day of classes Sneaking in at all hours of the night they decorated the school grounds with paper, rocks , food , and other garbage to the dismay of the administration Many students were arrested by police during the incident and all who were discovered were assigned clean-up detail the following morning It proved to be a rather unrewarding experience for most
As the upperclassmen drifted off campus , the others remained to pursue two more weeks of learning and laughing Spring was an enjoyable time , but summer was fast approaching
Martin Ri chardson , Glenn Olson , and Eddie Cribbs enjoy spending their treet1me outside during one of the few sunny days o f spring
John Thompson looks brave while dodging a boulder heaved by We s Gully doing his Incredible Hulk 1mpress1on All remained unharmed during the incident
Ralph Mitc hell and J anna Neel thumb through the newly released yearbook to examine the pictures of themselves
During a rythm1c song at Prom each dancer has his and her own way of celebrating
Roughriders go rafting
Have you ever dreamed of staying up into the still and mysterious hours of the la t e spring night dreaming and planning your future under the stars? For the few lucky Juniors who were able to go on this year ' s raft trips that dream came true
Each year the staff at Golden sponsors three raft trips Each trip lasts five days Twenty- four juniors go on each tnp They travelled from GHS to the Yampa river for their rafting adventure
Once on the rafts , they clung desperately as they careened over the rapids Flinging the water at each other was the popular pastime Dave Thorpe remembers sitting on the raft , soaked to t he skin with an exhilarating wind blowing past Having the cold water flung at you was one thing , but falltng off the raft was another If you did fall off, the thing to remember was to keep your feet pointing downst r eam ; a b r oken leg
was easier to fix than a broken head Linda Golden and Bernie Kub istek also knew of these chills and thrills In spite of the cold the trips were heaps of fun
While camped on the banks of the river , some crazy things went on Besides the ordinary goofing around , some of the travelers enjoyed a game of " Name That Tune " to a band of whistlers Some of the campers put on a talent show Holly Morgan , with her squeaky voice , portrayed Cindy Lou Who Rob Dorm a n danced and sang his way into the campers' hearts 1mitat1ng the Spinners .
For most everyone who went. it was a fulfilling experience They came home enthus1ast1c about future explorations Tan , tired and filled with memories to last a litet1me , the junior rafters returned to relate their adventures to friends back at school
4 / Roughriders go rafting Mike lu sh sneers at Bo b Hayes when he sug gested another ten - mile paddle The empty rafts c almly wait for their riders at the shore Bo b H a ye s takes a Jump over the famous sand bar D a ve Fairb a nk s and Th o r Ras mu ss en repair a ri p in the bottom of the Doo DahBob Hayes lines the campers up for a dash to the food
Cathy Cisneros reaches for more food
Holly Morgan stands in her sleeping bag looking out over the night setting
Roger "Spartacus" Myers gives his cre w some well needed pointers
The riders of the Zee Zo have a rough ride
Linda Golden gets ready t o secure the raft
Raft Trips / 5Just for kicks
The girls ' soccer team this year , with a new head coach, plenty of new sophomores , and return i ng Varsity and J V players, was off to a better start than last season Dixie Wachter as head Varsity coach , and Marilyn Wilcox as assistan t and J V coach , along with the girl athletes, spent endless hours after school practicing Conditioning in the sun was common , opposed to the sunless practices indoors the previous year . Injuries were few during the season, but some players still were recover i ng from prev ious injuries Julia McPeek came back after a serious collar bone injury to play the mid-field , while Miki McClenny took over the goalie position Other players also switched positions throughout the season , until all were comfortable working together as a team The girls went through the season with energy and came out having more skill and knowledge of the game
Animal prepares to pass the ball to a player downfield
Back row-Dix ie Wachter Julie Towle , Jenny Sitzman, Kris Steinbock , Becky Brown Third row- Heather Cas tle , Denise Marquardt, Colene
Scally Second row-M iki McClenny , Mel Marquardt, Karen Newell , Sherri
Panc10 , Leslie Jansen. Val Gebhart First row- Denise Edwards, L1nd1
Woolhiser , Michelle Pracht, Julia McPeek , Sandy Wethington
Karen Newell traps the ball for an offensive play
Julle Tow1e slide tackles her opponent.
Heather Castle falls after an attempt to retrieve the ball from an opponent
Winners slide in
Enormous crowds filled the stands during this year's baseball season at GHS They roared their approval for the Demons ' record
The team consisted only of sophomores and seniors, whi c h made an interesting combination . " Even though the team is young , we have some of the best talent ever," said Head Coach Mark Hornecker.
Mike Mclellan , a former Oakland A ' s pitcher , was the pitching and catching coach Having these coaches together made the team hard to beat.
The season started off w i th two big w i ns , but then the team hit a drought in mid-season . The hopes for a w i nn i ng season were grim , but down the back stretch they came on strong .
The team 's strength consisted mainly in the hitting department with the "o ne through five hole h i tters ." The Demons connected with many extra base hits , and combined the i r gutsy base running making the team an explosive mach i ne
Many starters were to return , so the hustle and shoe-string catches would be there again Mclellan added, " We'll be tough "
The J V baseball team includes- Fr o n t Ro w - Scott Blevins , John Hutchinson , John Tiernan , Stuart Schultz, Ken M adsen , David LeMay Seco nd Row-M att Browne , Mark Cook , Kipp R1llos , Darryl Brinkley, Jeff Wiemelt , Bill Brucher, Ken Martinez , Marc Neely , Kirk Johnson , Steve Brown , Bret M cN1chols , Dave Mu mper (Coach )
Alertness on base 1s shown by Brian D oty as he beats a pick from first base
J e rry Bl evi ns takes ou t the shortstop while breaking up two
The Varsity baseball team includes-Fr o nt Row -Mark Cook , John Harrell , Jerry Blevins Seco nd Ro w -Kevin Corbitt , Brian Doty , Mark Hornecker (Coach), M ike S itzm an , Matt Browne Thir d Ro w -D ave Mumper (Assi s tant Coach) , Steve Brown , Darryl Brinkley , Jesse O' Dons10, Bill Brucher , M ike M clellan (Coach) Fo urt h Row-M ar c Neely, Rob Davenport, Kirk Johnson , Rod ger Gaines, Rick Gibson
J esse O' D orlslo drives out a double and scores one
Keeping pace
The girls' track team was a small one this year with only ten members There were four return i ng seniors , two juniors , and four sophomores The girls had a lot of determinat io n and a great will to w i n. They had a fun time , because they all got along Bonnie Pra cht , who was a great asset to the team stated, " It was fun taking short-cuts when we ran our workouts , until Mr Petroff caught us ." The girls and Sam Petroff w is hed they had a bigger team , but they d id well in spite of their disadvantage .
The boys ' track team didn ' t do as well as they would have liked to They also had a relatively small team Scott Mosser helped the team tremendously Mosser went to State but. unfortunately did not place When asked what made track fun , Greg Hatcher replied , " No one was pressured , and everyone improved by the end of the season . " Although the season wasn ' t very productive record - wise , the boys had a good time and got along well with one another
After a grueling race , Amy Ca l ki n and P a m Bo rup help B o nn ie P rac ht off the field
Bonnie Prac ht sho ws Andy Sc ott a different way to stretch
Ki rt W a rn e r gives Gi na N e l son a few reassuring word s
Rya n Ell iot and Greg H at c h e r size up the matters at hand
Scott Mos ser contemplates running his workout
The girls' tra ck team consisted of- Top row -Amy Calkin , Bonnie Pracht , Betty Robbins , Mary Durbin , Gina Nelson Bo ttom row -J i ll N oel , Lisa London , Tina Willoughby , Glyn Anthony, Pam Borup , Sam Petroff (Coach)
Season tries young team
Few tennis members returned for another year In spite of th i s handicap , t he members put together enough singles and doubles to make a t eam .
The team consis t ed exclusively of underclassmen , with only three re t urning from last year : Sherri Fredricks , Renee Gri bble and Kelly Mayo , who played the number one and two singles and two doubles respectively Adrienne Benjami n and Tammy Dokey joined the t eam as juniors and improved immensely . Five sophomores came in to fill out the team
Although their reco r d was not outstanding , Coach Dick Byrne expects next year to be be t ter He said " the players were not experienced in compe t ition " Gribble responded concerning the performance of her teammates , "our ground st r okes are well-developed , yet we still need to work on placement, which comes with experience ."
Next year we can expect a strong team
Si mone Tourtillott leans forward to get a better angle on the ball
Top-Sherri Fredrick , Tammy Dokey , Kelly Mayo , Nicole Fore s ter , Inga Karlson , Sara Speckman , Ter i Aultman , Sue Lathrop Front- Bee Nelon , Adri enne Benjamin , Cheri Duboi s, Julie Pfaff, Kay Ya c ovetta , Simone T o urtil l ott Not p i ctured- Renee Gribble and D i ck Byrne (C oach )
Sar a Speckman side steps in order to get i n posItI o n to hit the ball
Ka y Ya c ovetta grits her teeth , and concentrates on h i tting the ball
With a sideways forehand , Tammy Dokey returns the ball
Hamming it up
Broadway, what a namel But New York wasn ' t the only owner of 1t. In April , Broadway made its way westward onto the school ' s stage .
That's nght! One of Broadway ' s hit plays , Never Too Late , was presented to the public by the students 1n acting classes . Under the direction of John Klug , the actresses and actors " done us proud "
The play ran not only for its scheduled four days , but it was also held over for an extra weekend
The One Act Festival ended the year on a bright note . Besides being performed by our students , all four scrip t s were originals from our own playwright , Thom as Freela n d .
He appealed to the audience with acting that varied from drama, to comedy , to an old fashion " Whodunit. "
As the end drew near , the Theatre Department deserved a standing ovation for all the hard work they did for Golden
M ary Tho mpson pouts about cooking dinner and washing the dishes
Quitting time 1s never a minute late with Ri c h O sada as the boss
A mirror statue and plant come to life as Be c ky Brownl ee, Ma ry T ho mpson , and K a th y M i tc hell talk of monarchy
Dave Pearcy ponders over the strange placement of a toilet.
Becky Brownlee springs the news that she Is pregnant to her daughter, Mary Thomp s on
The strange doings at Muskwash Manor lead Mary Lee Larison to prayer
Dave Baulch displays the typical look of an expectant father
Joan Kotecki relives her childhood while playing the part of Rebecca In The Pianist.
The Alien , Rich Osada , captures the attention of four earthlings , Chris Didomenico, Kent Kop row lc z , Tra c e Oakley, and Karen Grosso
A tiger drags the maid, Karen Grosso, off-stage to be eaten
Spring plays / 15
Adventurers pursue dares
Over the summer, a group of privileged students had the opportunity to travel to Europe as a part of the national organization People-toPeople President Eisen hewer began th i s organization with hopes that better relations would develop 1f students were able to visit new countries and cultures
Fourteen students from G H S spent one month visiting four countries Each student stayed with a family in three of the countries , which was for most, the highlight of the trip
Dennis and Joan Jouett were the escorts for the Golden group , and they enJoyed everything from the rolling green hills of England to the flowers of Tivoli Gardens
Despite a few long bus rides, some impatient hotel attendants , and an occasional "less-than - perfect " dinner, the trip was one that left fond memories and warm feelings for the friends they had made in the minds of every traveler
"We were the elite , " said one of the eighteen seniors who opted for a semester of experimental education instead of the usual classroom variety The hardy members of Senior Seminar braved the disapproving comments of their peers and plunged into four months of intense learning
They got out into the real world and experienced life first-hand
From a two-week desert odyssey t o bicycling around Denver , docking sheep on a Montrose farm and canoeing down t he Green River , these seniors exp l ored areas that most people never behold
Led by fearless advisor and allaround cool guy, Dewain Wood , the seminare ttes truly pe rsonified their t h eme song :
"Oh Lord , it ' s hard to be humb l e
When you ' re perfect in every way!"
People-to-People includes-Top ro w-Joan J o uett ( advisor), Liz Kaufman Wayne Lewis , Randy C ooksey Bott om row-Anne Hines , Cathy Donahoe , Julia M c Peek , Sandy Wethi ngton No t Pi c t u r ed -Lon Bushue , Matt Mathisen , Susan Avarett
C astle of York looms before People - toPeople part icipants
Townspeople and tour i sts alike pass the maj estic Chur c h of Munster 1n West Germany
One o f the guards at Buck i ngham Palace s tands at attention
Once again Dewain Wood growls at the troops because they were keeping him awake at two in the afternoon
Ann i e Cre i ghton turns the rope for Meyer s, T isdel, and Sittner while in the Grand Canyon
Julie Simcox stares into the Grand Canyon In " awe " while Pam Plasters has a fear of falling in Lisa Schmidt relaxes In the sun as she writes a letter home
Senior Seminar inc ludes-Top row- Roge r M yers , Metza Steele, Lisa Schmidt , Piette Logie , Annie Creighton , Lea An t hony, Pam Plasters , Julie Simcox , Sue Shepard , De w ain Wood (advisor) Bottom row- Kylie Carritte , Jim Price , Curt Tisdel , Kenny Martynuska , Dan Sittner , M ark Chas t een Dan McAulitte Scott Too l e
Juniors create magic
Parents taking pictures , expensive restaurants , punk danci ng , champagne parties, and waiting for the sun to rise , ah yes, memories of prom
All year the Junior Class worked hard to raise the money needed for prom By sponsoring car washes , bake sales , campus clean-ups , a slave sale and by selling sweatshirts, they were able to scrape up $2300 for the annual event.
As in past years, Golden High held prom in the Green Center at the Colorado School of Mines To go along with the theme "S pring is a new beginning ," $500 worth of blooming plants were rented Fountains of candy and punch added to the decor Posed under a vine covered arch , couples nervously grinned for the camera
The group Corduroy entertained, while " Longer" by Dan Fogelberg was sung by Goldenites , Kent Lemburg and Cynd i Stofer
Among the favorite places to dine was the Top of the Rockies , although some preferred to eat more exotic cuisine at other Denver area restaurants
As couples began to arrive , they were announced while descending the stairway into the dance area . An unprecedented number of sophomores attended prom this year Some females at Golden High broke with tradi t ion by doing the asking We wonder who picked up the check?
The evening was enjoyed by most. Senior B arb Boyd summed it up by saying , "It's the bes t pro m I've bee n to "
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King and Queen nominees were Doug La nd i n , P a m Pl as ter s, Gerald Kerber, and Kim Wetterau .
Camera -shy king Scott Jage r escorts Queen T i n a Aultm a n to the dance floor
Troy Hopson has second thought s about descending the st aircase after he 1s told his name will be announced
To try and divert the audience's attention to him , T im Li nd demonstra tes the punk way of dancing
Jerry Romero dons a baseball hat for Prom Is thi s the new style in Prom-wear?
A co uple coos during a slow dance
Dancers seem to enjoy the music played by the group Co rduroy
The Ultimate Workaholics Matt Mathisen and Beth Connolly concentrate intently on their chemistry homework
Jenny Sitzman, Scott Jager, and Teri Anschutz were voted as Most Considerate Not pictured are Mickey Traub and Holley Morris
Future Ce l ebrity BIii Colt concent r ates on one of his famous drawings Coit was also elected Most Unpredictable
Most Unpredictable girl , Tammie Sharp goes to clean up after a pie fight in Forensics
Best Dressed boy Derrick Vasquez sports a pair of co rdur oys and a nice shirt
His female counterpart Jodi Ludwig dons a Gloria Vanderbi lt shirt and matching pants
Bruce Major, Most Adventurous , is seen in one of his less rowdy moods
Most Adventurous girl, Cathy Wharton, poses dramatically for the camera
20 / Senior s saluted in Hall of FameMotor Mouths Kenny Martynu sk a and Li sa Sch midt demonstrate their talent by laughing and talking up a storm Martynuska also t i ed as winner in the Strangest laugh category
Ann Taylor was voted Most Daring Motori st. but refuses to have her picture taken while driving
As winners of the Strangest laugh c ategory , Julle Simcox always seems to find something to laugh about, while Bobby Michael contains his mirth
Seniors saluted • ,n Hall of Fame
Al t houg h eac h person at G HS was a "s t ar " in his own right, certain individu als stood out as t r uly special. The Se n io r Hall of Fame recognized these 25 ce le bri t ies in 12 ca t egories , elected by t he Senio r Class
Everyone has his own personality , u suall y made u p of tr aits fro m each ca t eg ory B ut these p eo p le took thei r own sp ecialties to ex t re m es For exam pl e , alm os t everyone had a r e l at ively clu t tered locker , but Diana Dotsch an d Tyler Laseman must have g o tt en car r ied away, fo r their lockers w ere vote d t he messiest.
T he wi n ne r s in the other categories exh ibited similar excessiveness , and this was their c h ance to be recogni z ed Cong rat ulat io ns!
Holley Morri s demonstrates the golfing skills that verify her being chosen as Future Celebrity Morri s also c aptured the title of Most Ath l e tic and tied for Most Consi derate
Mike Berg, who doesn ' t seem to know the si dewalk f rom the street, definitely deserves the title Most Dari ng Motorist.
Class Clown Jerry Blevin s climbs a tree to show his comed i c attitude on life Not pictured are his female equivalents , Kelly Boogren and Gin a Nelson.
Scott Mosser' s football talents earn him t he t itle of Most Athletic
It.· --Graduation
It wa s a bright su nn y Sa turday morning when the gala occasion t oo k pla ce During the tr adition a l ceremony , there were thought s of good fr ie ndships in the mind s o f many The whit e and maroon robed seniors marched to the podium and re ce ived the i r diplomas Wh ile listening t o the speakers , young men and women thought of th e pa s t years in sc hool , and the years in the future Seniors made a las t prank w i t h s moke bombs , f ire c ra c ker s and bubble s in the air, and the class o f ' 81 ended w i th a flare
'' We have reached the foothills , the mountains lie ahead ''Kevin Mazurkiewicz tastes victory at last Sue Courtrignt and Debbie Van Dyke stand by A happy graduate receives her flower A smoke bomb interrupts t he solemnity An inventive grad salutes his mother Airborne caps and balloons signal the end Or Mclain and Luanne Hazelrig de-mar- bltze Tammie Sharp (and the flag) address the crowd
Members of the 1963 yearbook staff l1ave chosen to honor a member of the Golden High School student body who exemplifies those qualities which youth of today holds in high esteem.
The courage to master a new language in a quest for knowledge, the hards hips endured by being in an entirely new environment away from family and friends, and the willingness to overcome each new challenge cheerfully are traits of which all youth can be proud.
We dedicate our yearbook to you, Minoru Saijo, for spending this year with us at Golden High School. As an exchange student from J apan, you have demonstrated to us the true values of friendship
At the AFS picnic he outplayed the best and outate the rest.
Minoru is s pending his se nio r year at Golden High School as a result of the efforts o f the Golden chapter of American Field Service. Adult s o f the community assisted students who sold bonds for $ I or more eac h to raise th e n ecessar y m o n ey to bring him from his home in Wachi - Ma chi, on the i sla nd of Shikoku.
Minoru' s fathe r is a schoo l principal and correspo n ds \vith his son in English. Minoru has s tudied English for four years , but has difficulty in understanding the language because we speak fast and have so many colloquial expressions.
Whi l e in Go l den Minoru is a guest of Mr . a n d Mrs. Robert Geehan of Wide Acres . Here he 1s 1n the Geehan home ,vith Pat ,vho 1s a sophomore at G . H . S.Once a month the elected five-member Board of Education for J efferson County R-1 Schools meets to discuss problems of education philosophy, personnel, salaries, budgets, and our ever-enlarging building program.
Dr. Bottomly meets with the Board and with many citizen committees on various phases of school problems.
Arts offered a t Golde n High include mecharuca l a n d architectural drawing, woodworki n g, and graphic arts in oi l s, water color, cha l k and pas t els. Work wi t h mosa i c tile, ceramics, and sculpture are also don e
Band and Vocal Music
What the G . H . S . Band lacks in size, it makes up for in vo l ume and performance. The band performs co l orful half-time shows for football games. At Boulder Band Day the band received a superior rating and special commenda t io n for tone quality and appearance of the new uniforms. In conj un cti on with the chorus, a series of musical programs are given thr oug hou t th e year.
The business machines room boasts two new machines . A Burroughs posting machine was given the department by the Rocky Mountain Bank of Lakewood and a banking proof machine was given by the First National Bank of Golden.
This year a nevv teacher was added to the staff of the Golden business department. An everincreasing number of students are desirous of acquiring stenograpluc and secretarial skills. A new course, college typing and notehand, is being offered this year.
S. , University of Wyoming 8
Four English credits are required for graduation from Golden High School The senior credit can be earned by taki ng journalism, speech, dramatics, Eng. IV or College Prep English.
\A/hat ' s the big int erest in English? Girls or books?
, University of Colorado
Social Studies
Three credits of social studies are required for graduation from Golden High School. T\vo of these must be American and world history.
The third may be civics, sociology, economics, o r g ov ernment and law
Foreign languag e courses off ered a t Golden High i n clude Spanish I , II , III , and IV ; Latin I , II , III , and IV , French I , II , III; Ru ssia n I , II , and III ; and German I and I I .
T o facilitate a speaking knowledge o f the languages, ther e are eight s tati o n s 1n a language laboratory where stude nt s list e n and respond t o taped conversations in all o f the languages offered.
FRED ULRICH B. A., Nebraska \Vesleyan CHARLESANNE ELJPN A . B. , University of Colorado Certificat d' Etudes, Grenab l e, France A LEX PASHOV ICH B. A , B S. , Ohio State Univ. MAUD PRIE ST B.A., M A., Uruv of Co l orado \. RAY EWING B . S . , Univ e rsity of NebraskaMath
Th e math e matic s c u r ri c ulum in c lud es co ur s e s in esse ntial s o f math , plane and s olid ge o metry , al g ebra, tri go n o m e try , and math analy s i s Un der th e gui dan ce o f M r. Her b e r th e m e mb e r s o f th e Math Club m ee t w eekly f o r i nd e p e nd e nt s tudy o n advan c ed t o pi cs s u c h a s numb er th eo ry , se t theo ry , t o p o l o gy , and m ath e mati c al pu zz l es Ea c h s pring th e sc hoo l math d e pa r tm e nt admini s t ers th e nati o n - wid e Annual Mathe mati c al C ont es t . La s t y e ar Ri c k Wahl a nd Ru s ty K eenan e a r n e d th e hi g h sco r es, and o ur t e am p l a ced 20 th o f the 1 19 hi g h sc h oo l t e am s in C o l o rad o, Wy oming, and Utah.
"Rea l ly? . Guess again. 11 12
Physical Education
One year of physical education is required for graduation. Advanced P E is taught for interested students. ,,
Many valuable lessons in sewing, cooking, and general homemaking projects are s tudi ed 1n the course of home economics.
The Golden library has approximately 4 , 700 books covering all fields in which students might be required to do research. There are books for inspiration, recreation, and information.
A big project this year is making a new card catalog using th e Dewey Decima l System.
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S c i e n ce offeri n gs at Golden High include bio l ogy, chemistry, a n d p hys i cs. The science area emphasizes both fac t s a n d me t hods o f scie n ce as a means of discovering truth. Stude nt s are expect ed to work up t o their ability in mastery of fu n dame nt als a n d developmen t of a spiri t of inquiry. Mr. Cha pma n cond u c t s a science seminar which discusses the 1mpa c t of scie nti fic kn ow l edge upo n world culture.
A familiar sight in biology.
LOREN CHRISTENSEN B S , M S , Colorado State Univ. Chemistiy ART PAPENFUS B S. , Wisconsin State Coll.ttSENIORS FIRST''
1963 Senior
Sharon Lee Alden
Betty Lavonne Alexander
Robert Campbell Anderson
William Kerr Angus
Janet Louise Baker
David Eugene Barnhardt
William Stanley A c ker Rick Adams Kenneth Joe AggusNancy Irene Dunbar
Donald Wayne Edelen
Pamela Jeanne Erick
J anice Lee Ethridge
Sharon Diane Fisher
Ronald Russell Forester
Dorothy Ann Foss
Mary Penelope Frush
Terryl Ann Gallegos
Michael D. Gard
Mary Ellen Garren
Gary Lee Gaschler
Charlene Kay Good
Lana Beth Granquist
Barbara Dean Griffing
Paul Arthur Crull
Everett Eugene Hall
Bernadette June Hansen
Connie LeRoux Hardendorf
Roger Dale Harmelink
JoDean Harness
Lucian Kay Harrison
J ohn Walter Hasler
Sidonya Hope Herr
Lena Patricia Hinshaw
Mary P r1s ci lla Holland
Harry Carl Horbl1t
Gret chen Marian Hoskins
D ave N. Obe r g
Marie Ramstetter
Howard Edward Prouty Arthur Lee Ray Frances Kay Raymer Sue RedellNorman Skougstad
Judy Lee Spitz
Harold Anthony Stahl
Marjorie Ann Starbranch
Marcelene Lou Stewart
Mary Louise Stuermer
Dennis Raymond Sullivan
Charle s Thoma s Sweney
Janet Irene Taylor
Ri c hard Lloyd Thompson
Kathleen Jane Todd
Vi c ky Lynn Tripp I l
Vera May Trowbridge
Mike Van Horn
Sharon Ann Van Tongeren
Donna Claire Vogeler
Mary Karen Wagnon
Richard Wilbur Wahl
Dale Ralph Weaver
Hal Eugene Weaver
Brian Robert Williamson
Karen Lee Wright
Jim Robert Yetzbacher
Zinda R . Young
Susan Rae Ziegl er
Rory Michael Ziemann
Alice Ann Weed
Michael Gary Wheeler
Carlos Lance Willard
Carolynn Lea William s
Mr. Demon
For the first time this year, it was decided to choose an outstanding senior boy and girl to be Mr. and Miss Demon. Faculty members were asked to vote for students on their scholastic ability, character, leadership, personality, and participation in school activities. The student body then voted on the six highest boy and girl nominees
BOB ANDERSON, 1963 Mr. Demon, ranks 13th in his class of 190, is high scorer on the basketball team, captain of the track team -running the 100-yard das h in 10. 2 seconds . As a junior, he pole vaulted 12' 2 1/2" which 1s a school record. He intends to break this record before his senior year 1s over.
Miss Demon
NANCY H UG H ES, 1963 Miss Demon, i s a membe r of the National Honor Society, r eceived the DAR Good Citizenship Award, is vice p r esident of t h e sen i or class, coedit or of the annua l , active 1n competitive s p eech a nd dramatics and a member of nu merous c l ubs inc l uding Pep Club .
DEM ON NOMINEES: Sue Sorensen, Norman Skougstad, Judene Reitz, Bill Sare ll , Rusty Keenan. Louise Brennecke, Rick Wahl, Pam Carpen t er, Di ane Fisher and Mike McGinnisBEST PERSONALITY: Maria & Dave
BEST LOOKING: Susan & P aul
BEST DRESSED: Ju dene & Norman
Defeated Bear Creek twice, Defeated Alameda twice, Defeated Arvada twice, Defeated Lakewood twice Defeated J efferson twice,
5 - 0, 5 - 0, 3 - 2, 3 - 2, 3 - 2,
Defeated by Wheatridge twice, 2 - 3, WON--10; L OST--2.
5 - 0. 5 - 0.
- 2.
- 1 .
- 1. 2 - 3.
J ohn Huffman and Mike Re ed
Second in Distri c t
J ack M ic halke, third place in Distr ict
Cross Country
ST ANDING: Joe DeBoer , Mgr., Truman King , Jerry Ray* , D on Starbuck* , Dick Thompson* Carl Hodkinson , Art Ra y, Mr. Booton , Coach .
KNEELING: Don Reese , Marc Moore , Bill Irons , Mike Hard e n , Bra d Coleman , Dave Martella , Dave Arnold.
Although Cross-Country i s not c on s id e r e d a major s port , Golden doe s not tak e a ba c k seat to any s chool in the c ounty. Our t e am placed 5th in State this year .
*Lettermen DICK THOMPSON CaptainBACK ROW: K Dodson , S. Hatchell , G. Parker, J Kincannon, G. Lang, T. Loeffler, L. Wright, R. Stolpa, B. Cullum, D. Koro sec, B. Baker, R. Bochatey, D. Fl eming, J. Blaue , and S Arnold.
MIDDLE ROW: Coaches Rillos and Beck\vith, T. Geib, V. Bullock , R Paullu s, J . Kreamelrneyer, S. Crause, R . Willis, J . Pastore , B. Lacey, G. Mencimer, D. Sutton, D. Woods , M Goodale, D. Gorton, J . Phillips , J . Kellenbenz , D. Hollaus , C. Parf et, B. Leid and A. Papenfus
BOTTOM ROW: J. Fisher, J. Colvin, D. Parker , J . Perkins, M. Wheeler. J La\vson, J . Phillips , B. Sarell, G. DeGrazio , J . Norton, V. DeMaria, R. l.a\vson, T. Doyle, D. Blount, B. McPherson, J. Derwent, K. Palmer, B. Cope and B. Parent.
Jim Yetzbacher looking for a rebound.
5 1 8 11 Tony reaches 10 feet. "Basketball Ballet 11 The Mighty Mites aga1nst th ose s1x foot plus Farmers.Wrestling
Dic k Thom p so n earned 92 p o int s in on e year.
Art Clark won 4 8 and l os t 11 in three years . .
Sophomore Week
The first week of school was devoted to welcoming sophomore s to Golden High. Carrying books for seniors , addre ss ing drinking fountains , and dressing in undignified manner were a few initiation privileges . Non -compliance meant judgments in Kangaroo Court .
The week was climaxed by a bonfire and picnic combined with a pep rally for our first football game.
"Courteous, " "Voluntary, 11 s ervice by the sophomore s (with s enior s looking on) provided fuel for the bonfire Thursday evening.
seniors. 11
The pre-game faculty P ep Assembly set th e stage for an exci ting \V eekend o f Hom ecoming festivities.
H omecoming festivitie s t erminated on October 20 as s tudents , fa cu lty , and alumni enjoyed an "Oriental H ol i day."
W e enJ oyed th e mu sic of Andy Figliolino and h is band.
To add enjoyment to Christmas festivities,
Vickie Reeves Barbara He l ps POM POM G I RLS Sue Hayes Diana Ros sman Jan EthridgeConcert Choir
FRONT ROW: Patrick Ryan, Director, Elizabeth Suggs, Kim Gard, Ka r en Thompson, Pat Ziegler, Clare Biggs, Danetta Rutherford , Ken Aggus , Zinda Young, Janet Cathcart, Vera Trowbridge, Loren Garretson, Rae Ann Bromfield , Judy Wilkinson, Diane Nichols , Peggy Siefken and Caren Rivers. SECOND ROW: Janet Dillingham, accompanist, v1 ary Thompson, Lynn Coskey, Frank Johnson, Tim Doyle, Kay Anderson, Cheryl Christian, Pam \Nebster, Dee Foss, Mike McGinnis, Michael Harju, Diane Poolman, Ron Bro,vn, Bonnie Bargman, Donna Eyster and Marney Paddle ford. THIRD ROW: Joe Shirey, Jack Baxter, Steve Lodholm, Bunny Buerger, Nonna Hollis , Jerry Phillips, Cheryl White, Earl Schwartzkopf, Mike Ziemann, Mark Goodell, Jack La:wson, Jim Norton , Larry Lombardelh, Jon Kreamelmeyer, Paula Ferguson, Diane Tura and Vickie Tripp. FOURTH ROW: Mike Wade, Dennis Purvis, John Kerr, Victor Lang, Emery Bator, Eric Dahl. Rex Paullus, Bob Craig, Ron Pomeroy, Dave Barnhardt, Todd Lowther, Dan Hollaus, Marshall Odneal, Gary Addington, Donna Chadwick, Ji 11 Gausman, Juanita Dine and Patti Maki
T h e Co n cert C h o i r, a se l ec t grou p of chorus studen t s, a p peared at the n ew Pub l ic Ser vi ce Bu i ld in g in Denver dur in g the holiday seaso n Chr i stmas caro l s we r e broadcast ont o t h e st r ee t and l i ve over rad i o stati on KF ML
FRONT ROW: Dee Foss, Danetta Rutherford, Diane Poolman and Cheryl White SECOND ROW: Zinda Young, Juanita Dine, Janet Cathcart and Pam Webster. THIRD ROW: Mark Goodell, Earl Schwartzkopf, Ken Aggus and Frank Johnson. BACK ROW: Jerry Phillips, Dan Hollaus, Jack Lawson and Dave Barnhardt.
Outstanding Demons
John Fodor was the winner of the $75 first prize in the Golden Symphony's Fourth Annual Youth Festival He performed Lalo's ''Symphonie Espagnole. ''
leave for Europe June 10 to tour ten European countries returning July 28.
Bi 11 Sare 11, student body pres1 dent, attended the National Student Council Leadership Conference at Camp Cheley in Estes Park
\\Pioneer, Go Home."
Kinda' messy , huh Dee ??
Back Stage
Our glorious leaders- -Producer Ste\-vart and D irector Le1naweaver.
"You gotta bone to pick, buddy?''
The writing on the \\la 11.
"P l ease don't shoot ! I 'll remember my lines "
Student Council
President, Bill S arell; Girls' vice president, Louise Brennecke; Boys' vice president, Dave Beasley.
FRONT ROW: Paul Grull, Sue Sorensen, Kathy Todd, Maria Le,vis, Sharon Van Tongeren, May Matson, and Nancy Hughes.
SECOND ROW: Doug Blount, Tom Bator, Christy Frost, Doug Sutton, Kitty Waters, Clare Ryland, Cheryl Wright, Cynthia K otw1ca and Dick Geib.
THIRD ROW: Elaine Oppenlander, Ruth Annand, Cheryl Naas, Seda Bohks, Diane Tucker, Pat Ziegler and Vickie Reeves.
BACK ROW: Todd Lowther, Scott Arnold, Jerry Phillips, Mark Goodell, Gary Addington and Miss Bolitho, sponsor.
NOT PICTURED: Dave Barnhardt, Brian Cope and Rex Pau llus..
Di ane Fisher repl aced Ju dene Reitz as secre t ary-treasurer o f the Student Council after Judene moved at the end o f the first semester.
Pioneers For Christ
The purpose of Pioneers for Christ is to prepare young people for Christian li ving . The club has numerous activities during the year including ice skating, tobogganing, roller skating, banquets, hayrack rides, and picnics.
P. F. C. rn et every week, and at the end of the first semester, there were fifteeen regular rn embers. During the year, programs cons i sted of special speakers, guests, and films. Sorn e of the speakers were Art Barr, a chalk artist; rn inisters from different churches; Lyle Lionbarger, a ventri l oquist; Ed Av1s, form er P . F . C . president; and How ard Smith, area P F C d i rector.
FRONT ROW: Ed Herber, sponsor; Denni s Sullivan, vice president; Ken Aggus, president; Danetta Rutherford , publicity chairman; Ver a Trowbridge, secretary- tre asurer; and Dan Olson .
BACK ROW: Denni s Sarti, Roland Dike , Dave Roberts, Bill Ir ons, Lee Stewart, and Vickie Tripp.
NOT PICTURED: Maxy Lou Mayo and Kathy Goodrich.
Science Seminar .,.----=-=-----
Science Seminar, under the direction of Mr. Chapman, met weekly after school. The Seminar was informal and open to all interested. Meetings varied in nature: presentations by Mr. Chapman, pertinent filmstrips, and spontaneous discussion among members.
The Seminar was organized with the theme, "The Impact of Science on the Cu 1ture of Man. '' To gain a complete picture of man, his development, and his culture, we first considered the very origins of the universe and the earth. Then we discussed the theories of how life first began and how these primitive living forms eventually evolved into the complicated plant and animal structures that inhabit the earth today.
Man finally appeared, confronting perils due to food scarcity, predatory animals, ice ages, and coexistence with others of his own species. To ensure his continued survival, man began to spread over the earth and organize into the communities which have developed into the socially complex world of today. There are thousands of factors that influence the gro,vth of a culture. One of the most important of these in recent years has been that of human reason and man's technological advancement. In the Seminar, we discussed the bearing that scientific thought has had on our society in the past and present.
National Honor Society
The National Ho n or Society is an organ i zation 1n the seco ndary sc hools of the country for t he purpose of st imulating sc ho la rship. It recogn i zes character, serv i ce, leaders hip , and scho l arship as the four attributes most desirable t o raise th e level of i n di victual performance to a high standard of accomplishment.
In Go lden High School, the National Honor Society aims to ho ld b efore th e school such motives as shal l indu ce o ther s to aspire to scho l ar ly habits and lead forward in all things that sha ll advance the we lfare of the school.
"Let 'er roll" or "Turn it on" are terms frequently used by the members o f Audi o Visual Club. The members of thi s group give up their s tudy halls and spend the time aiding the teachers in running the s lide projector, tape recorders and over head projectors. These boys must be ready to accept the responsibility for handling the $7000 worth of equipment, kn ow how to run it and make minor repairs .
Faculty members are grateful to these club members for being "on-thejob" at the precise time they are needed and are indispensable when large groups meet for movies or news films.
George DeGrazio
Mike McGinnis
Bunny Buerger, junior
Ken Palmer
Jim L afferty
Don Fleming, sophomore is not pictured.
Ski Club
Ski Club i s an organization for students interested 1n skiing. Some members are ju st learning while others are able to take part in competit i on.
Bus trip s have been taken to the Breckenridge Festival and Winter Park and ot hers are planned. A project to buy patche s for each member is being undertaken this year. Mr. Lynn Nelson i s s p o n sor.
Executive members of the Trident Staff plan the layout of the next school pa per .
Seated are Jackie Lamber son and Mrs. Moore, sponsor Standing: Paul Braly, Kathy Calmette, Stan Sons, Sandy Mclnroy, Ralph Weaver and Karen Shinbur.
Trident Staff
Gary Gaschler, Marian Jackson, Larry Ber gm an, Lind a Langley and William Spaniel scan the first copy of the Golden Trident
Zinda Young, assistant editor, types up the assignment sheets for J ohn Boyle, Dennis Purvis, George DeGr azio and John Olin.
Future Teachers Of America
Future Teachers of America is an organization with the purpose of ga1n1ng informat ion and experience about the teaching profession.
One of the most interesting events this year was the l ecture that Mr. Kotzen gave on th e qualifications for teaching and what teaching meant to him
D r . Baldauf also gave a lecture on I. Q . , a nd Miss Bolitho explained testing and scor in g
FRONT ROW: De e Foss, Patsy Boss, Louise Brennecke. SECOND ROW: Doris Parks, Shiela Kelley, Christy Frost, Thumper Herr, Kathy Todd, and Marney Paddleford. BACK ROW: Michael Linderman, l ann Ohannian, Susan Fisk, Joe Hammett and Rusty Keenan.American Field Service
American Field Service i s a private educa ti o nal o rganization with c hapt ers througho ut the Unit ed States. The purpo se of each c hapter i s t o pro m o te th e inte r nati ona 1 understanding thr o ugh the excha ng e of s tud e nt s. M em b ership is drawn from the school and community.
Each c hapt er wishing t o bring a f oreign s tudent t o attend the se ni or year o f high sc hoo l must co nt r ibute approximately $700 toward th e total cos t. They may als o raise fund s toward the cos t of a s tudent selected from hi s co mmunity t o go abroad.
S e l ec ti o n of AFS exchange st udent s i s based on personality and sc ho lar s hip .
"Horne, Home, on the Homecoming Range."
' 'Coomalooma .• Toomalooma .• " ,vhich means GOLDEN NEVER LOSES TO IAKEWOOD.
11 Go Back to the Farm."
Junior "Demonaires" leading the student body 1n a rousing song.
Pep Club
Golden High School takes pride in it s Pep Club which exe mplifie s the true DEMON s pirit. The se girls not only activate the sc ho o l' s intere s t in athlet i c fun c tion s , but they also find time t o se rve the community and entertain them se lv es. Thi s year a group of the Pep Club girls sa ng Christmas caro l s at the Children's A s thmatic Home and the Casa Del Re s t Home.
Later in the year they combined with the Band members t o pre se nt a very s u ccess ful sc h oo 1 dance .
Our Sponsors
Council Members:
Rita Nelson
Jill Gausman
Junior Weed
Nancy Hughes
V1rg1n1a Ea s ley
Christy Fro st f
Ch eerleaders
Hodges and Kent Hancock. BACK ROW: Gary Ballard, Norman Anderson and Willie Jurney. NOT PICTURED: George DeGrazio, Mike Wheeler , Rick Adams, Tony Manchego, Jim Yetzba cher and Bob Craig.
Lettermen' s club at Golden High Schoo l is known a s the "G" Club . The purpo s e of thi s popular and ever-grow ing club i s to help make and enforce league ruling s co n cerning a thlete s and to provide intere s ting and educational s port s enterta inm ent for it s member s and the s tudent body .
Golden Hi gh School has an out s tanding "G" Club of which we are all proud.
Jack Lawson , president
Buck McPherson, vice president
D o n Pa l mer, sec retary
Art Clark , treasurer
In addition to the officers, Demon Council has the following members shown 1n the back row:
John Huffman
Doug Blount
Bria n Cope
Girls' Athletic Association
The Girls' Athle ti c Association is a grou p of s p orts -mind ed g irl s with commo n interests in fun a n d fellowship.
Through a spec i ally prep ared intramural pr ogram, skill s in such sports as voll eyba ll, basketball a nd softball are furthered
Th e e nd goal in the minds of those participating· is wearing the emb l em, nu mera l , and letter of a true athlete.
G y M N A s T I C s
s Q u A D
The Gymna s ti cs Squad h as perfo rmed at ba s ketball half-time s and i s preparing f or entrance in 40 inter sc hola s ti c c ompetition next year .
This year for Golden High School's third annual musical production, the choice was "Pajama Game." The double cast, alternating two performances each, ine lud ed ninety students . The pictures on this page were taken at one of Denver's leading pajama manufacturin g houses, Western Art Manufacturing Company.
The production was given on April 4, 5, 6, and 7
French Club i s open to all s tudent s whether or not they are taking French. It s purpose i s to provide interesting facts about Franc e for its member s and have an enjoyable socia l club. Activities have been Christmas caroling in French, dinner with guest speakers from France, hayrack ride, candy sa le, and--at the end of the year- -a banquet in a French restaurant.
German Club at Golden Senior High seeks t o dev e l o p an appreciation for the German language and Germa n cu lture. Meetings are generally informal s inging sess i o n s with some attention g ive n to new pha ses whi c h will be of value t o anyone planning t o visit Germany, Au s tria o r Switzerland. The Christmas progra m i s th e highlight of the c lub' s year. A coo kie- laden T a nnenb aum a nd ap pl e cider provide refreshment for thi s D ece mb e r m ee tin g. Members de s ign family c re s t s , two of which are illu s trat ed.
Students 1n second, third, and fourth year Spanish classes have 1n1t1ated a new club this year . The purpose is to learn more about Spanish culture . The club brings members together socially and gives them practice in speaking the language. The club has been highl y successful with their International Day exhibi t at Mines and a Christmas party . They also saw J ose Greco at the Denver Audi t orium .
Colors are red, white, of the Mexican flag. and green, the co l ors
Junior Classical League
JCL members convenant to hand on the torch of Classical Civi l ization to the modern world. They believe an acquaintance with the civilization of Greece and Rom e will help them to understand and apprais e this world of today which is indebted to ancient c1vilizat1on in its governments, l aws, arts, li teratures, and languages.
Library Club
The Golden High School library has become one of the finest high school libraries in Jefferson County through the efforts of Mrs. Robert Coon. She has been at GHS for two years during which time she has added two new sets of encyclopedias, 532 new books, and nine magazine subscriptions.
With the resources available, our library has become a true center of learning.
Key Club
Go lden Kiwanis s pons ors Key Club which is a student o rganization open to sop homore, junior and senior boys.
They were very instrumental in bringing a foreign s tudent, Minoru Saij o, to GHS the past year. This year they have provided benches near the cafeteria, so waiting students may study or leave their books while eating. Key Club considers itself a service club which provides useful services to both school and community.
Rick A dams, Sergeant-at-Arms
Dave Barnhard, Treasurer
Charles Palmer, Secretary
Dick Geib, Vice-President
James Ron210, President
FRONT ROW: Rick Adams, Dave Barnhardt, Charles Palmer, Dick Geib, and James Ronzio. MIDDLE ROW: Rusty Keenan, Art Clark, Tim Doyle, Rex Lawson, Buck McPherson, Jack Lawson, Vic DeMaria, John Perkins, John Phillips, Don Palmer and Minoru Saijo. BACK ROW: Mr . Papenfus, sponsor, Conrad Clark, Richard Homerick, Ray Willis, Chip Parfet, Darrell Wood, Mark Goodell, Bill Lacey, Jerry Phillips, Jon Kreamelmeyer, Don Fleming, Doug Blount, Pat Geehan, Jeny Pickthall, Norman Anderson, Steve Levulett, Loren Hunter, Doug Sutton and Bill Sarell.Those who do not make "first string" in competitive sports, have the opportunity to participate in intramurals
Physi cal
" The door to physical fitness. "
Coach Booton shows how its done.
Students are eager to learn.
Ed ucation
Rope climbing is only one of the many skills in wrnch girls taking physical education are tested. Each girl takes skill tests in both team and individual sports.
Twice a year the AAHPER (American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation) tests are given. These seve n tests are then compared with national, county, and schoo l scores.
One of the special proJects of GHS is the training of girls to become basketball officials. Those who receive an intramural or associate rating may officiate in whatever school they enroll.
One of the most p o pular activities is the gymnastic program. Trampolining, parallel bars, the horse, sta ll bars, balance beam, and springboard require a great dea l of ski ll and give a great deal of satisfaction to many girls •
The ~ntramural program is an important phase of girls ' physical education. Three days a week after schoo l , much school spirit between the c la sses in the various sports is shown. The Seniors are always the top contenders in any sport.
Yearbook Staff
Pat Morgan
Jo MoITO\v
Joy Morro,v
Brian Murphy
Ellen Naas
Jecry Neal
Don Nelson
Jani ce Nelson
Judy Nelson
Diane Ni chols
Bonnie North
Pat Nunn
Jann Ohanian
Leslie Orr
Mary Ortega
Charles Palmer
Charles Agnew
Sophomore Class
Ross Arnold
Scott Arnold
Arlene Averman
Nancy Avis
Robert Axtell
Corliss Ayler
Max Ball
Dianne Baltes
Sam Bandimere
John Bartelmay
Martha Barnhardt
Linda Bartosh
Mike Bartosh
Andrea Batten
Robert Bator
Diane Tucker TREASURER Connie Ahern PRESIDENT Gary AddingtonAnnual Signing Party
Approximate l y 250 students attended the annual signing on May 29
Pajama Game
Approximately ninety students participated in the production which was staged onApril 4, S, 6 and 7.
"No,v I trust her nightand day, That's true
lovethe Sleep Tite way. "
Baseball Tearn
*Minoru, our foreign exchange student, played se cond and third base, hit 289, scored fi ve ru ns and two runs \Ve r e batted in.
Track and Field
BACK ROW: Coach Booton, Coach Hafling, Coach Je,vell, Bob Stefanski, Steve H a t che ll , Mik e Harden, J ohn Rumbaugh, Carl Hodkinson, Joe Hammett, Ho,vard Prouty, Greg Parker, J ack Michalko, Dick Gieb, J ack Fisher (manager) MIDDLE ROW: Jim vVnght, J on Kreamelmeyer, Larry Sackett, John Kellenbenz, Buck McPherson, Doug Blount, Phil Huffman, Norman Moore, Chip Parfet, Bob Stechert, Truma n King, Scott Arnold, Darell Yarbrough, Doug Sutton, John Blaue. FRONT ROW: Mike Kolin, Jo h n Colvin, J e ny Phillips, Mike Wheeler, Charles Casper, John Huffman, Bob Anderson, Brian Cope*, Dan Gorton, Don Starbuck,* Bill Sarell, Joe Pastore, Don Anderson,* Joe DeBoer, Craig Windbigler. *represented GHS at the state track me e t.
Outstanding Demons
Under the direction of A 1 Perrella the Golden High \VOOd\vorking class placed first of some 40 schools in the state Industrial Arts Fair. Above are pictured Don Palmer, Jack La,vson, John Denvent, John Perkins, and Harold Stahl. These seniors were the core of the industrial arts department. After deciding at the beginning of the year to take first in the state, they \Vorked to accomplish that goal.
At the fair the projects of Fred Bandimer, Charles Casper, John Derwent, Gary Jessen, Mike McGuire, and Paul Rice won superior ratings, and the projects of Rick Adams, Ken Hottinger, David McGirl, John Perkins, and Joe Shirey \Vere rated as excellent.
Diana Rossman, Kristy Venckus, Mary Lou Mayo, and Rita Bolitho ,vere honored at a banquet at the Continental Denver for having achieved perfect scores on t\-vo NOMA spelling and math tests.
At the state JCL Convention contests are held in various areas of classical study. Jim Gotta placed first in Grammar II and was first among all grammar contestants of any level. Linda Conzett achieved first in Advanced Leve l Vocabulary and was second among all contestants. Larry Davis was second in Advanced Level Derivatives and second of all contestants. Nancy Hughes p l aced first in the Poster contest. William Spaniel was first in Roman Life II and first among all contestants.
Linda Conzett, Diane Fisher, Rusty Keenan, Penny Frush, Priscilla Holland, and Mike McGinnis (not shown) participated in an independent study program this year. As part of their school schedule, these students did independent reading and research and took various field trips rather than attending all r egular classes.
Dennis Sulli van participated in the annual AllState Band on the campus of Colorado State College, Greeley. Dennis was selected by audition from some 400 trumpet players throughout the state and ranked seventh of the 25 trumpet players in All-State Band.
Rae Ann Bromfield and John Fodor, who play the violin, ,vere selected by state -,v1de audition to participate in All-State Orchestra at the University of Colorado. This is a highly select group, and to be chosen as sophomores is quite an honor. John served as one of the concertmasters for the orchestra.
Joel Merrin, Elaine Oppenlander, Mike McGinnis, Cynthia Kohvica, and Dennis Sullivan ,vere selected to participate in a clinic band at Gunnison.
Minoru Saijo, Richard Wahl, and Dav e McCoy made the top thr ee sco r es on the 1963 Annual Mathematics Contest. Minoru achieved th e high est score, Dav e was second, and Rick third The composite score of the se three was sent in as a team sc ore to compare with other high sc hools. Go lden ranked 30th among 125 high schools in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah.
Scholarships and Awards
Shiela Kelley, Secretary - treasurer, Gary Diers, Boys' vice president, Christy Frost, Girls' vice president and Dick Geib, president.
Barbara Helps
Kristy Venckus
Kathy Hauff
Kathy Hurley
Peggy Siefken
Senior Banquet
Candid Camera
Highway 40
Rick Adams read so much about the bad effects of drinking that he decided to give up reading .
Neighbor: 11 D0 you think your son w ill forget everything he learned in high school?"
Parent: "I hope so. He can't make a living necking."
"There were just as many foolhardy drivers fifty years ago , " Mr. McLaren told his driver education class , "but in those days they drove something that had more sense than they did."
1112 Wa sh ington A venue
CR 9-3393 Golden, Colo.
Compliments of METROPOLITAN BARBER SHOP 807 12th Street Golden
Miss Fairbanks: "Gi ve me a sentence ,vith an obJect. "
Dick Thompson: "My teacher is beautiful."
Miss Fairbanks: "What's the obJect?"
Dick: "A passing grade. "
Compliments . of GOUDGE'S 66 SERVICE 120 l Ford Street
CR 9-9008
Art Clark: "Are you sure this shirt has a 14 1/2 neck? 11 Sales Clerk: "Yes, sir, but you have your neck in the buttonhole. 11
Class o f ·63
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Colorado scen i c, Civic Center, and Rocky Mountain Christmas cards in ornamental and living color on sale at Golden's leading department store
Cooper Post Card Company 8110 West Colfax Lake\vood, Colorado
C i ndy Campbe l l
805 12th Street CR 9-2752
In Journalism class: Mrs. Moore: "Where d i d you get these Jokes?"
Larry: "Out of the air." Mrs. Moore: "Well, I advise you to get some fresh air.''
Congratulations to the Class of 1963
App l e\vocxl Grove Shoppi ng Center 238-0966 20th & Youngfield
10th & F o rd CR 9- 3 3 4 9
C omplim en t s of
DR . E . A. BADE R Optom e tri s t
1 always knew you ' d make it. "GLENN JEWELERS
Best Wishes to the Class of '63
CR 9-1222 2304 Ford St.
Heartiest Congratulations to the
Class of 1963
Serving Golden Continuously for 95 Years
Best Wtshes
Class of 1963
DEL'S Tonsorial Parlor
"You can Count on Us"
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1122 Washington
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Mr. C. Cheryl. Mr. C. Cheryl.
CR 9-9004
"What is the formula for water? 11
11 I-IlJKIMN0 11
11 Are you trying to be funny? 11
11 No, you told us that the formula for water was H to 0.
Congratulations to the Class of "63
Arro,v Shirts
Curlee Clothing
Stetson Hats
McGregor Sportsv1ear Coopers
Inter\voven Sox
Florsheim Shoes
Pendleton Shirts
S,vank J e,ve lr y
1109 Washington A venue CR 9-4517
School Supplies
Jolly Rancher Cand>
12th & \Vash1ngton CR 9-3575
10% Discount Cash and Carry
1410 Ford Street CR 9-3668 Golden
\,Yillys 'JEEP'
Sparks Motor Company
13th Street and Jackson Phone CR 9-2596
~ olh.en ~ trl
.2e auty Salon
Ho , e Bru s h , Will S l1 l e Call
CR 9-567 8
I ~90 Ru,~i>ll ~t E, enmR \ppomtme nt !> & :-.=ursery " • \ bo, t' Plt·a--ant \ 'ir1, on '-ou th Table ::',fountain •
8 1 7 13th Str eet Golden, C o l o r a d o
Student Drafting Supplies
Mrs. Reitz wa s trying to convince her office practice class of the importance of a large vocabulary. 11 ! assure you, " she said, "If you repeat a w ord ten or twenty times , it will be yours forever . "
In the back of the room Sue took a deep breath, c lo sed her eyes, and started t h . 111 • 1• II o w 1sper , 1m, rm.
707 13th Street
Telephone - CR 9-4556
Open Every Evening S & H Stamps
Pr ofess i o nal Phot o graph
F o r Th ose Senior Pictures You ' 11 Al ways Treas ure 1 111 Washington CR 9-1614
Cloth i ng for all the Fami ly W
Senior Directory
RICK ADAMS--Key Club 10, 11. 12; "G" Club 10 11 , 12; All-Conferenc e Football 10 , 11; Ba seball 10.
KENNETH JOE AGGUS--Pioneer s for Chri st 10 , 11 , 12; Pre sident PFC 12; Choir 10 11 , 12 ; Golf Team 11
TRUDY A GNEW--Offi c e Girl 12.
A LMARINE JANE ALBEE--Pep Club 10, 11 , 12; Junior Cl ass i c al League 11 ; Entre Nou s 11 , 12 ; Entre N o u s O f fi c er 12 (Not Pi c tured)
S HARON LEE A LDEN--Pep Club 10 .
ROBERT CAMPBELL ANDERSON-- 11 G" Club 10, 11 , 12; Student Counc il 11 ; Ba s ketball Letterman 11 , 12 ; T r a c k Letterman 10 , 11 , 12.
WILLIAM KERR ANGUS- -Ba se ball "B" 11; Ba seball "A" 11 , 12.
JA NET LOUISE BAKER Pep Club 10 , 11 , 12; GAA 10 , 1 1, 12 ; Bowling Captain 11; Offi c e Girl 12.
GARY LEE BALLARD--"G" Club 10, 11 , 12. (Not Pi c tured)
DAV ID EUGENE BARNHARDT Key Club 10, 11 , 12; Key Club Treasurer 12; Student Coun c il 12; All-State Choir 12; Ba sketball 10 , 11, 12; C a nteen Board 12.
ROBERT LEROY BARRETT--Football 10, 11; Wre stling 10, 11.
DA VE BEASLEY --Football 10, 11; Wrestling Letterman 10 1 1, 12; "G" Club 10 , 11 , 12; Student Counc il 12 ; Boys ' Vi c e - President 12.
LARRY RAYMOND BERGMAN--Wrestling 10; Football 10; Sports Editor Trident 11; Trident Editor 12.
LAR ITA I.EE BOL I THO - -Pep Club 10 , 11; Junior Cla ss i c al League 10, 11; GAA 10; Spanish Club 1 2.
PATSY I I.ENE BOSS--Pep C l ub 10 , 11 , 12; Planning Committee 10, 11 , 12; Pep Club Treasurer 1 2; Prom Committee 11; Office Girl 12; Future Tea c her s of America 12
LOU I SE BRENNECKE--GAA 10, 12; Future Teachers of Ameri c a 11 , 12; Pep Club 10, 11 , 12; Student Coun c il 10, 11 , 12; Girls' Vice-President 12; Ameri c an Field Service 11 , 12; Prom C omm i tte e 11; Nationa l Honor Society 11 , 12; Academic Ac hievement 10.
BA RBARA FRANCES BURDICK--Pep Club 10, 11 ; GA A 10, 11 ; O ffi c e Girl 12.
S USAN M A RIE BURKE--Girl s' Club. (Not Pi ctured)
KA THY CE C I LE CALMETTE--Pep Club 10, 11; Choru s 12; Fren c h Club 12; Debate Team 12.
PAMELA ANNE CARPENTER--Pep Club 10 , 11; French Club 11 , 12; Fren c h Club Pre s ident 12; Spanish Club 12; German Club 11; Graduation U sherette 11 ; Americ an Field Ser v i c e 11 12; Debate Team 12 ; Girl s ' State 11
CAROLLYNN CARPER--Pep Club 10 11 , 12; Graduation U sherette 11 ; German Club 11; French Club 12 ; GAA 11 ; Annual Staff 11 ; Choru s 11; Prom Committee 11
JANET LEE CATHCART --Pep Club 10 , 11; French Club 11 , 12; Fren c h Club Treasurer 11 ; All-State Choir 12 ; Melodear s 11; Double O c tette 12.
AR THUR FRANKLI N CLARK--Student Council 10; "G" Club 10, 11. 12; "G" Club Treasurer 12; Band 10; Ski Club 11 , 12; Wre s tling 10, 11 , 1 2; Math Club 12. (Not Pictured)
BARBARA ELLEN CLARK--Girls ' Club; Pep Club 10; FTA 10; Se c re t ary of Junior C l a ss (Summit) High S c hool )
DEBERA LEE COLEMAN--Pep Club 1 0 , 11 , 12; Gymnastic s 11; Graduation U sherette 11; Drill Team 10 , 11; Prom Committee 11.
LINDA GENE CONZETT--Pep Club 10, 11 , 12; Americ an Field Servic e 11. 12; Junior Cla ssical League 10 , 11 , 1 2; JCL Treasurer 11 , 12; French Club 12; A c ademi c Achievement 10 , 11; National Honor So c iety 11 , 12; Graduation Usherette 11; Prom Committee 11; Girl s ' State Alternate.
BOB DEAN CRA IG-- Treasurer of Sophomore Class; "G" Club 10,11 , 12; Key Club 10, 11 12; Football 10; Ba sketba l l 10, 11 , 12; Track Letter 10; Junior Cla ss Pre s ident; Key Club Vice-President 12.
JOSEPH JOHN DEBOER- - Track 10 , 12.
J IL L LYNETTE DECKER--Pep Club 1 0 , 1 1 , 12; Cheerleader 12; Drill Team 11; Melodear s 11; Choir Pre s ident 1 1; GAA 10, 12; Homecoming Queen Attendant 12; Graduation Usherette 11; Prom Committee 11.
ALFRED ARMAND DEFEO--W r e s tling 10, 1 1 , 12; Chorus 12.
GEORGE E DEGRAZ IO--Footba ll 10 , 11 , 12; Basketball 10 , 1 1; Ski Club 1 1, 12; Audio Visua l 11; ''G " Club 12; Prom Committee 11.
VI CTO R WILLI AM DEM AR I A--Footba ll 10 , 1 1, 1 2; Letterman 1 1, 12; Ba sebal l 11 ; Key Club 12; "G" C l ub 11, 1 2; Math Club 10.
DONALD GLEN DENNIS--Wrestling 10; Tennis 10. (Not Pictured)
JOHN ROBERT DERWENT--Football 10, 11, 12; "G" Club 11, 12; Ba seball 11.
JUANITA DINE--Girls' Club.
JANICE KAY DORSEY --Pep Club 10, 11; Drill Team 10, 11; Color Day Cheerleader 10; Prom Committee 11.
TIMOTHY ARTHUR OOYLE--Football 10, 11, 12, Basketball 10 11 , 12; Spanish Club 10, 11; Choir 10, 12; Baseball 10; Prom Committee 11; VicePresident, Spanish Club 11. (Not Pictured)
NANCY IRENE DUNBAR--Prom Committee 11; Annual Staff Assistant Photographer 11; Trident Staff 12.
PAMELA JEANNE ERICK--Pep Club 10, 11, 12; Prom Committee 11; Graduation U sherette 11.
JANICE LEE ETI-ffi.IDGE--Pep Club 10; Future Teachers of America 10; GAA 10, 11; Porn Porn Girl 12; Band 11 , 12.
SHARON DIANE FISHER--GAA Council 10; Academic Achievement 10, 11; Prom Committee 11; Ski Club 11 , 12; National Honor Society 11 12; German Club 11; American Field Service Secretary 11, 12; French Club 12; Pep Club 10.
WILLIAM CHARLES FLEHARTY --Boys' Club. (Not Pictured)
RONALD RUSSELL FORESTER--Track 10; Tenni s 11.
OOROTHY ANN FOSS--Prom Committee 11; Pep Club 11, 12; Pep Club Pre sident 12; Drill Team 11; German Club 11; Ski Club 11, 12; Future Teachers 11 , 12; Annual Staff 11; Melodear s 11; Octette 12; All-State Choir 12.
MARY PENELOPE FRUSH--Nat1onal Honor Society 11, 12; Academic Achievement 10, 11; Pep Club 10 , 11; German Club 11; Independent Study Program 12.
TERRYL ANN GALLEGOS--Pep Club 10, 11 , 12; Graduation Usherette 11; Prom Committee 11.
M ICHAEL D. GARD--Track 10; Band 10, 11 , 12; Ski Club 11 , 12; Racing Team 12; Ski Club Council 12.
GARY LEE GASCHLER--Cros s Country 11.
CHARLENE KAY GOOD--Pep Club 10 11, 12; Annual Staff 11, 12; "Guys and Dolls" l O; "Li'l Abner"· 11.
LANA BETH GRANQUIST--Pep Club 10; Band 10, 11, 12; Band Vice - President 12; Porn Porn Girl 12.
BARBARA DEAN GRIFFING--Pep Club 10 11. 12; German Club 11, Prom Committee 11.
PAUL ARTHUR GRULL--Basketball 10, 11 , 12; Baseball 11 12; All-Conference 11; Track 10, 11 G 11 Club 11 12; Prom Committee 11, Student Council 10 12, Junior Planning Committee.
EVERETT EUGENE HALL- - Cross Country 11 8 11 Squad 10.
CONNIE LE ROUX HARDENDORF--Annual Staff 12, Trident Staff 12, Pep Club 10, Choir 10.
ROGER DALE HARMELINK--Wrestling 10, 11, 12.
LUCIAN KAY HARRISON--Pep C lub 10 11 , 12; Council 10; Football and Basketball Drill Team 10, 11; CAA 10, 11, 12; Cheerleader 12; Student Council 10 , 11, Class Vice-President 1 O; Graduation Usherette 11, Prom Committee 11.
JOHN WALTER HASLER--Wrestling Manager 10; Ski Club 11 , 12; Competitive Speech 11 12; State Speech Qualifier 11
SIOONYA HOPE HERR--Student Council 10; CAA 10; Pep Club 10 11. 12; Secretary 12; FTA President 12; Prom Committee 11; FBLA Contest 11.
LENA PATRICIA HINSHAW--Pom Porn Girl 12; Pep Club 10, 11, 12; Drill Leader 12; Ski Club 11 , 12; Symphony Debs. 10, 11, 12 ; Band SecretaryTreasurer 12; Prom Committee 11.
MARY PR ISCILLA HOLLAND--Pep Club 10, 11. 12; JCL 10 11, 12; Secretary 11; National Honor Society 11, 12; Academic Achievement 10, 11; German Club 11, 12; Ski Club 11, 12; Graduation U sherette 11; Class Vice-President 11; Prom Committee 11; FTA 11 , 12; Guys and Dolls 10, JCL Convention Contest Winner 11.
RICHARD N. HOLMER--Boy' s Club. (Not Pictured)
GRETCHEN MARIAN HOSKINS--Spani sh Club 11, 12; French Club 12; Drama Club (Olympus-Salt Lake); Mu sic Limited (Olympus-Salt Lake) 11.
NANCY JEAN HUGHES- - National Honor Society 11, 12; Pep Club 10, 11 , 12; Coun_cil 12; Class Treasurer 11; Class Vice-President 12; Student Council 12; Band 10, 11, Vice-President 11; AFS 11, 12;, Publi city Chairman 11 , 12; JCL 11, 12; National JCL Delegate 11; German Club 11; Annual Staff 11, 12; Editor 12; Wrestling Secretary 11 , 12; Track Secretary 11; Competitive Speech 11, 12; Canteen Board 12; Graduation Usherette 11; Prom Committee 11; Ski Club 12; Outstanding Service A ward 11; "Li'l Abner'' 11; ' 'Guys and Dolls" 10.
LYNN ALMA JOHNSON - - G1rls' Club 10; JCL LO; French Club Vice-President 11; Ski Club 11. 12; Planning Committee 11; Prom Comnuttee 11; Li'l Abner 11.
WALDO R. KEENAN , JR. --Wrestling 10 , 11 , 12; JCL 11; Football 10; Key Club 12; Math Club 11 12; Prom Committee 11 ; National Honor So c iety 11 12; A c ademi c A c hie v ement 10 11; S c ien c e Club 12; Program X 12; FTA Offi c er 12
THOMAS A. KELLEY - - Ski Club 11 , 12. (Not Pi c tured)
KATHY JANE KRAUT--Pep Club 10 , 11 , 12, Fren c h C lub Vi c e-Pre s ident 12; Planning Committee 12 ; Girl s ' Club ; Ski Club 12.
JAMES ROBERT LAFFERTY--Ski Club 10, 11 , 12; Football 10 11.
JACQUELINE ANN LAMBERSON--Pep Club 10; GAA 11; Trident Staff 12.
LINDA GAIL LANGLEY --Pep Club 10; Trident Staff 12; Junior Red Cro ss 10 , 11; Choru s 12.
RICHARD CARL LARNED--Tennis 10; Dance Band 11 , 12; Band Letterman 10, 11, 12 .
JOHN EDWIN LAWSON - -"G'' Club 10 11 , 12; "G" Club Pre sident 12; Student Council 10 11; Wrestling Letterman 10, 11, 12; Football 10 , 11 , 12; Letterman 12; Track 10; Li'l Abner 11; Canteen Committee 10 , 11; Choru s 10 , 11 , 12.
REX ALLEN LAWSON--"G" Club 10, 11 , 12; Football 10 , 11 , 12; Letter 12; Basketball 10 11; Ba seball 10, 11 , 12; Letter 10 , 11 , 12; Ba cc alaureate Usher 11.
JUDY LYNN LEWIS--Pep Club 10 , 11 , 12; GAA 10, 12; Student Council 11; Cheerleader 12; Girl s ' Club; Home c oming Queen Candidate 12; Li'l Abner 11; Prom Committee 11; Academic Achievement 10 11, 12; Drill Team 10 11.
LOWELL CECIL LEWIS--Boy s ' Club 10 , 11
MARIA MERCEDES LEWIS--Student Council 12; Pep Club 10, 11 , 12; Coun c il 11; Drill Team 11 , 12; GAA 10; Planning Committee 10; Prom Committee 11; Graduation U sherette 11; Homec oming Queen Attendant 12.
CHARLOTTE LINDERMAN--Gooding High School: Pep Club 9 , 10, 11; Riding Club 9 , 10 11; Busine ss Club 10; Junior Cla ss Play 11; Drill Team 9; Golden High: Pep Club 12.
MICHAEL LEE LINDERMAN--Gooding High School: A ss i stant Degree Chairman FHA 9, FHA 11; Parliamentarian FHA 11; Riding Club 9, 10, 11; Drill Team 11; Girl s ' League 9, 10, 11; Drama Club 11; Office Girl 11; Junior Cla ss Play 11; FHA State Convention Voting Delegate 9; State Delegate FHA 11; Won Gooding Leader Conte st 10; DeSale s Secretary-Treasurer 11; Golden High: FHA 12; GAA 12. (Not Pictured)
LARRY LAYTON LOMBARDELLI--Portland: Football Letterman 10; Golf Letterman 10; Golden High: Ski Club 12; Trident Staff 12.
BOB EUGENE LONG--"G" Club 11, 12; German Club 12; Tra c k 11; Trident Staff 12
TIMOTHY NORMAN LONG- - Trident Staff 12. JUDY ELlEN MACLEAR--Evergreen: GAA 11; GAA Treasurer 10.
PA TRICIA ANN MADDEN- - Paonia High: Drama Club 10, 11; Thespian s Vice-President 10; President 11; Pep Club 10 , 11; Honor Society 11. (Not Pictured)
PATRIC I A LYNN MAKI--Pep Club 10, 11, 12; GAA 11 ; Girls' Club 10.
TONY ESTA MANCHEGO--"G" Club 11 12· , Football 10 , 11; Basketball 10 , 11 , 12; Track 10; Ba seball 11 , 12.
FRED RALPH MARES--Spani sh Club 12; Boys' Club 10.
KATHAYNE ALMIRA MARTINE--Pep Club 10, 11 , 12; Drill Team 11; Planning Committee 12; Prom Committee 11
WIIMA MAY MATSON--Pep Club 10, 1 1, 12; Council 10 , 11; Drill Team 10, 11; Planning Committee 11; Junior Secretary 11; Prom Committee 11; Graduation Usherette 11; Student Council 12; Senior Cla ss Treasurer 12
MARY LOU MAYO--Girls ' Club 10; PFC 10, 11, 12, Offi c e Girl 12
DAVID ROSS McCOY --Math Club 12; Boys' Club 10; Football 10; Ba sketball 10.
C. M ICHAEL McGINNIS--Wrestling 10; Track 10, 11, 12; Letter 11; All State Band 11 , 12; All State Choir 12; Ski Club 11, 12; President 12; National Honor Society 11 , 12. (Not Pictured)
SANDRA EilENE McINROY--Trident Staff 12; Choir 11; Girl s Club 10.
DE ANN McMAHAN--Pep Club 10 11 , 12; Ski Club 11 , 12; Gennan Club 11; Spanish C l ub 12; Girl s Club 10; Debate Team 12.
THOMAS BUCHANAN McPHERSON--"G" Club 11 12; Key Club 11 , 12; Student Council 11, Football Letterman 11 , 12.
LORETTA LEE LOYD ME1NDL--GAt\ 11; Girls' Club 10
GARY EDWIN MENCIMER--"G" Club 10 11 , 12; Ski Club 12.
EDWARD EARL MILLER--Track 11; Spanish Club 12.
KAREN LYNN MONTGOMERY--Pep Club 10, 11, 12; Drill Team 10. 11, 12; GAA Vice-President 12; GAA 10, 11 , 12; GAA Council Member 1 0; Guy s ' and Dolls' 10
JANET LOUISE MOODY --Pep Club 10, 12; Student Council 10; Guys' and Doll s ' 10; French Club 12.
NORMAN DALE MOORE--Track 11, 12; National Honor Society 11, 12; Gymnastic s 11, 12.
SHEILA RAE MURIN--Pep Club 10, 11; Chorus 12; Girl s' Club 10.
DONNA MARIE NAKONIECZNY--Pep Club 10, 11, 12; Drill Team 10 , 11; GAA 10, 11, 12; Council Member 10, 11; GAA President 12; Planning Cammi ttee 12.
DIANE GAIL NIELSEN--Chorus 11, 12; Pep Club 10; Office Girl 12.
JA:MES HENRY NORTON--Football 10, 11, 12; Ba seba ll 11, 12; Planning Committee 10; 11 G 11 Club 11, 12; Ba sketba ll 10.
ILEEN CAROL NURNBERG--Pep Club 10, 11; Chorus 11 , 12; Office Girl 12.
DAVEN. OBERG--Boys' Club 10.
MARNEY ELAINE PADDLEFORD--Pep Club 10, 12; French Club 12; FTA Secretary 12; Ski Club 11.
DONALD EUGENE PALMER-- 11 G 11 Club 11, 12; Key Club 11 12; Wrestling 10, 11, 12; Gymnastics 10 11.
KENNETH CHARLES PALMER--Ski Club 11 , 12 ; Senior Council Member 12; Football 11 , 12
DWIGHT RAY PARKER--JCL 10, 11; Football 10, 12; Ba sketbal l 10.
JOHN R. PERKINS--Student Council 11, 12; "G" Club 12; Key Club 11 , 12; Class Pre sident 12; Football 10, 11 , 12; Basketball 10, 11; Ba seball 12; AFS President 11, 12.
BEVERLY ANN PETERS--S cience Club 10; Pep Club 11; PFC 11.
DANIEL ALVORD PHILLIPS - -Boys' Club. (Not Pictured)
JOHN EUGENE PHILLIPS--Football 11, 12; Key Club 11, 12; "G" Club 12; Wrestling 10, 11, 12; Baseball 11, 12; Gymnastics 10, 11.
JENIFER LOUISE PICKET--Pep Club 10, 11; FHA 11; GAA 12.
THEODORE WARREN POHRTE--Audio-Visual 10, 11 , 12; Annual Staff 11 , 12; Senior Play 11 , 12; Debate Team 10, 12; JCL 10.
HOWARD EDWARD PROUTY --Football 10; Track 11 , 12; Planning Committee 10; Guys' and Dolls' 10; Li'l Abner 11.
ARTHUR LEE RAY--Football 10 , 11; Basketball 10 , 11 12; Baseball 11, 12; Planning Committee 12; Cross-Country 11 , 12; Letterman 11; Trident Staff 11; Lawrence High School: Chess Club 10 11; Gymnastics 10, 11; Student Council 10.
FRANCES KAY RAYMER--Library Club 10, Girls' Club 10.
CAROLYN SUE REDELL--Pep Club 10; Trident Staff 12; Girls' Club 10.
JUDY A. REECE--Pep Club 10 11, 12; GAA 10; German Club 12; Girls' Club 10.
JUDENE KAY REITZ--Pep Club 10 11 , 12; Football Drill Team 10, 11 , 12; German Club 10, 11; Annual Staff 12; Sophomore Secretary 10; AFS 11, 12; Student Body Secretary-Treasurer 12; Girls State 12; Graduation Usherette 11; Prom Committee 11; Guys' and Dolls' 10; Li'l Abner 11; Competitive Speech 12.
ANN MILLER RIPPERE--Bryon H igh: Volleyball Team 11; Golden High: Trident Staff 12. (Not Pictured)
A. JAMES RONZIO--Key Club 10, 11, 12; Secretary 11; President 12; AFS Treasurer 11 , 12; Math Club 11, 12; Boys' State 11; Boys' Club 10 , 11.
DIANA JEAN ROSSMAN--Wiggins High: Pep Club 10, 11; Band 10, 11; Mixed Chorus 10, 11; Annual Staff 10 , 11; Golden High: Band 12; Porn-Porn Girl 12.
BILL DAVID RUMBAUGH--Boys' Club 10, 11. (Not Pictured)
KAREN S. RUSTAD--Gymnastics 10 11, 12; Li 'l Abner 11; German Club 11; Girls' Club 10.
MINORU SAIJO--Japanese Exchange Student 12.
WILLIAM EDWARD SARELL--Student Body President 12; Student Council 10, 12; Key Club 11 12; Football 10, 11, 12; Letterman 11 , 12; Track 10, 11, 12; Letterman 11, 12; "G" Club 11 , 12; Wrestling 10; Boys' State 11; Key Club Convention 11; NASC 11.
JAMES MICHAEL SEEWALD--Football Letterman 10; Ba seba ll 10; Tennis 11; Li'l Abner 11.
PATRICIA ANNE SERATT--Pep Club 10, 11 , 12; Decorating Chairman 12; German Club 10, 11; Annual Staff 11, 12; Prom Committee 11
JOYCE ANN SHEA TS--GAA 10, 11; Library Club 11; Girls' Club 10.
BERNA LYNETTE SHEPARD--Pep Club 10 , 11, 12; Drill Team 11; Cheerleader 12 ; GAA 10, 11; Homecoming Queen Candidate 12; Planning Committee 10; Graduation Usherette 11; Office Girl 12; Color Day Cheerleader 10; Guys' and Dolls' 10.
KAREN FERN SHINBUR--Band 10, 11; Girls' C lub 10.
SUZAN JOSEPHINE SORENSEN--Pep Club 11, 12; Senior Class Secretary 12; National Honor Society 11 , 12; Student Council 12; Graduation U sherette 11; State Speech Meet 11; Annual Staff, CoEditor 12; Prom Committee 11; Academic Achievement 11; Homecoming Queen 12.
JUDY LEE SPITZ--Girls' Club 10.
MARJORIE ANN STARBRANCH--Pep Club 10; Girls' Club 10; Trident Staff 12; Chorus 12.
FRED BURTON STEWART--Football 10 11; Track 10 12. (Not Pictured)
LEE DOUGLAS STEWART--Tennis 10, 11; "G" Club 11. (Not Pictured)
MARCELENE LOU STEWART--GAA 10; Library Club 10; Girls' Club 10.
MARY LOUISE STUERMER--Girls' Club 10; Pep Club 10, 11; Chorus 11, 12; Guys' and Dolls' 11; Drill Team 10, 11; Girls' Glee Club 11, Trident Staff 12.
DENNIS RAYMAND SULLIVAN--Band 10, 11, 12; Dance Band 11, 12.
CHARLES THOMAS SWENEY --Wrestling 10, 11, 12; Boys' Club 10.
JANET IRENE TA YLOR--Girls' Club 10; Trident Staff 12.
RICHARD LLOYD THOMPSON--Wrestling 11, 12; Track 11, 12; Cross Country 11, 12; "G" Club 11, 12.
KATHLEEN JANE TODD--GAA 10, 11 , 12; Letter 11; Bowling Captain 11; Pep Club 10, 11, 12; Drill Team 10, 11; Student Council 11, 12; Planning Committee 10; Graduation Usherette 11; Cheerleader 12; FTA 11, 12, FTA Treasurer 12; Prom Committee 11; Academic Achievement 11; Girls' Club 10.
VICKY LYNN TRIPP--Girls' Club 10; Chorus 12; Concert Choir 12.
VERA MAY TROWBRIDGE--Band 10; Choir 12; Double Octette 12; PFC 10, 11, 12; Girls' Club 10.
JOHN HALVOR TWETO--Wrestling 10; Band 10 , 11, 12; Boys' Club 10. (Not Pictured)
MIKE VAN HORN--Boys' Club 10
SHARON ANN VAN TONGEREN--Student Council 10, 12; Pep Club 10, 11, 12, Drill Team 10, 11, 12; GAA 10; FTA 11, 12; JCL 11; Prom Committee 11; German Club 11, 12; Girls' Club 10.
OONNA CLAIRE VOGELER--Pep Club 10, 11, 12; GAA 10, 11, 12; Letter 11; Bov,ling Captain 11; Choir 11, 12; Guys' and Dolls' 10; Drill Team 11, 12; Girls' Club 10.
MARY KAREN WAGNON--Edison High School: Pep Club 10; Sophomore Class Play 10; Office Girl 10; Teachers Aid 10; Golden: Trident Staff 12.
RICHARD W ILBUR WAHL--Band 10, 12; Gunnison Honor Band 10, 11; Annual Staff 12; Ma th Club 10, 12; JCL 11; National Honor Society 11, 12; Dance Band 11 , 12.
MIKE RAY WALLACE--Tennis 11; Boys' Club 10.
JEFF ALLEN WARD--Alliance High: Hi-Y Club 10, 11; President 11; Chadron Scholastic Contest 10; Band 11; Fort Morgan: Football; Ba sketball; Baseball; La tin Club.
SHARON LEE WATSON--Pep Club 10 11; PFC 10; Girls' Club 10.
DALE RALPH WEAVER--Football 10, 11; Boys' Club 10.
HAL EUGENE WEAVER--Football 10 , 11; Boys' Club 10.
ALICE ANN WEED--Pep Club 10, 11, 12; VicePresident 12; Chorus 11; Ski Club 11, 12; Prom Committee 11; Annual Staff 12; Graduation Usherette 11; Planning Committee 11, 12.
MICHAEL GARY WHEELER--Football 10, 11, 12; Basketball 10; Track 10, 11, 12; 11 G 11 Club 11, 12; Planning Committee 12; Boys' Club 10.
CARLOS LANCE WILLARD--Wrestling 10; Student Council 10; Trident Staff 12.
CAROLYNN LEA WILLIAMS--Pep Club 10.11; Drill Team 10, 11; Chorus 12; Guys' and Dolls' 10; Girls' Club 10.
BRIAN ROBERT WILLIAMSON--Track 10, 11; Football 11; Li 'l Abner 11 ; Boys' Club 10.
KAREN LEE WRIGHT--Pep Club 10, 11; Planning Committee 10; Chorus 12; Trident Staff 12; Girls' Club 10.
JIM ROBERT YETZBA CHER - -Basketball 10, 11 , 12; Baseball 10; "G" Club 11, 12; Choir 11 , 12; Trident Staff 12; Boys' Club 10.
ZINDA R. YOUNG--Pep Club 10, 11; Guys' and Dolls' 10; Li'l Abner 11; Girls' Club 10; Choir 10, 11, 12; Trident Staff 12; Melodiers 11; State Speech Meet 11; State Solo Contest 11, Concert Choir 12; Double Octette 12.
SUSAN RAE ZIEGLER--Pep Club 10; GAA 11; Girls' Club 10; Choir 12; Trident Staff 12.
RORY M ICHAEL ZIEMANN --Band 10, 11 , 12; Dance Band 11, 12; Double Octette 12.