As th1 s sc ho o l year pa sse d us by, we cannot di sgui se the fa c t that the year of 1998-99 was a very s p ec ial one
Thi s book not only wrap s up thi s wonderful year, but 1n essence, concludes the century and the millennium . It i s hard enough to capture all of the e motions, friend s hip s, trend s and c hange s experienced 1n a full year, let alone a century. Th e yearbook s taff ha s worked long and hard to make thi s yearbook on the cutting e d ge of perfection They s pent many strenuous hours to create a book that the reader can e n1oy for years to co me The intention of thi s yearbook was to include anything and everything that occurs durin g a high sc hooler ' s life. In future years, we will be able to fup through the pages, and the long for go tten memorie s will s tart creeping back into our mind s.
Although we all have different memorie s, we can look upon the anguish and joy of high sc hool. The book includes everyone from the player who had an e d ge over his opponent., to the people on th e e d ge of their seats during the " big game." It co ntains c heri s hed memorie s from sc hool activities., like e d gy teachers in the rnoming and e d gi n g your way through the hal l way mayhem. It al so c overs out-of-school activitie s s u c h as being on the edge of insanity due to relationship s, dances and cramming for tes ts Becau se of all the events experienced 1n thi s year., this wa s a great l y unique and special year. We are all unique in one way or another but, we are all unified by the fact that we are Demons o n th e e d ge.
By Joe Borden and Tim P r ay1 he Leading Edge The Golden cheerleaders, Tridettes and dance team lead off the annual parade through the streets of Golden before the Homecoming game The Senior class won the float competition •his year for the sec.ond year in a row Along with winning the float compet11ion, the seniors tied the Juniors for the Powderpuff championship Senior Hollie Brak.ken said Being apart of the Class of 99 c pec1ally during Homecoming week, is a thnll in itself
Photo by R F1nelli
Hang Time Senior Charlie Corbin hiap'> to make a save in the win against Wheat Ridge at Five Star stadium The Golden soccer team has !>et many ne\., s.chool n.><:ords during the season Somt: of the most 1mpres.-;ive accomplishments that m,1ke the team on the edge include : most wins and most goals scored in a single ~.1son Senior Aushn Smith said, "What makes our team great 1s our team effort and devotion H Photo by R Finelli
It has been s aid over and over that high sc hool is supposed to be the best time of a perso n 's life. The s trenuou s homework and never-endmg classes are not the rea so n why these four years, so metimes longer, are a blast It is, however, the life away from schoolwork that 1s so enjoyable. Socializing with friends , staying out past curfew and wearing the newest, coolest trend of clothe s are all experiences that will become memories in the future, not the grade you got on an English test. Everyone ha s their own way of having fun; some went to the Homecoming dance and game, while others preferred lounging around with a couple of chums. Some enJoy showing off their school spirit by participating in the festivities or by s upporting the school play. Still others do not show any school association and still call them selves, on th e ed g e By Joe
Borden and Tim PrayWalkin g ,, ith t ) le Student body president Ted Burke\\. an,., 1he hall,; with s1ylc a,; he participates 1n Aloha day Aloha day and G I Joe/Jane Day were the mo-.t popular Sp1n1 \Vcek days dunng Homecoming week The seniors often have the most spirit because 11 is their last Homecoming of their high school career Sophomore Laura Bollinger said, Seeing all of my classmates dressed up really brightened up m) day." Photo by R F1nelli
G r oo " in g t o th e B ea t Sophomor1;. Danielle van1k dances at the H omecoming dance Homecoming was held al the Colorado School of Mine,; Green Center It cost S 15 per couple or $8 per single Junior Philltp Siu -.aid, "Homecoming \\'as a great It wa., rcall} a night 10 remember Photo by Dick Byrne
Cla Prid e The Junior Class lets 1u,elf be heard dunng the H omecoming class competitions. The Class of 2000 \\. 111 <;tart off the 211h century The Junior Clas., has 350 students 1n 1t Junior Peter Du,enbur)' said othing ever changes 1n the class compettt1on, the senior, always win P hoto b} R. F1nellt
Student Life 5
Chill in ' O ut The rafting group takes a shon break after nd1ng the rapids E\er)' year three raft trips arc scheduled to hit the nver The three raft trips each ..,pltt into three boats called the Amazon the Zeczo. and the Doodah Senior Taleah Mataya -.aid. " I had the most fun \VC were challenged with the tough rapids Photo by Elaine Cook
Ta ke n a Di\ e Senior Carley \Vil11ams get-- wet\\ h1lc the water 1s calm On the ftr,,t raft tnp the group not only had to battle the rapids. but sno\\ as well The rafting tnp consisted of act1\ 1t1es other than raft1ng including hiking. swimming. and JU st hanging out Senior Brandon Allen -.aid, "The h1k1ng wa.., prett} cool." Photo b) Elaine Cook
Dr ying Out Seniors Juha Keeney and Carley W1lhams try to dry off after taking a swim When the group isn't on the river Mr Bob H ayes entertains the students by performing a magic act Whtie doing his magic the students referred to him as Zeezo H ayes Semor Luke Kelly said "Homecker and Doodah rules "
Photo by Elaine Cook.
S hO\Vn ' Off Senior Justin Verard1 strut.., his stuff while the group 1s taking a hike On the first tnp the group encountered a lot of snow Every year about 25 students go on the tnp, plus at least one sponsor for each of the three boats Senior Scott Winston said "Warm Springs was the best rapid on our trip "
by Elaine Cook
Every year GHS has a J11nior Raft Trip which has been a GHS tradition since 1964. The fashion at GHS is also another ...........portant piece of Demon tradition. Even though it changes ...........ually, the entire student body and GHS staff pays attention to the various trends.
By LeeA nn e Ke ph a rt, Co rinn e Va nDu ze rKi ckin ' Bac k Freshmen Hale> Hanson. Aimee Le1d1ch Tarah Moya. and Danielle Rose are adm1nng each others fashions 1n the cafetena Some accessoncs that arc 1n style are necldace kc) c.hain,. Oklcy sun glasses, and body piercing Thie; year some people are bnnging the 70\ back with platfonn shoes and bell bottom pants Senior Aimee Holley said. "I think the fashion this year should be wranglers and cowboy boots." Photo b) LeeAnnc Kephart
Hang in ' in th e Hall s Freshmen Ste\ 1c Meier. Juha Yocom and Rachel Nelms are showing off their casual clothes dunng access The fashions at GHS \lanes between the students They range an} where from cowboy gear to bagg} wear Freshman Cameron Pyatt said,· A lot of things arc fashionable for d1tferent groups· Photo by LeeAnne Kephart
The Demons kick off Homecoming week with five new spirit days, then get p11mped for the Homecoming game at the assembly.
Hold S till Freshman Kirsten Canaday helps freshman Enka Foss get 1010 the school sp1nt during G I Joe/J ane Day
Every year Student Council makes up different Spirit Days. This year they included C razy Hair/ PaJama Day, Super H ero Day, G I Joe/Jane Day, Aloha/ Flotauon Device Day, and M aroon and Whi te/Decorate Your Car Day Senior Joshua Bndgeman said, "Sp1nt Week should be an event the entire school can enJoy " Photo by Adam Nims
S up er S mart Sophomore Ryan Nee catches up on hts Superhero reading skills dunng Supe rhero Day Spirit Week \Vas held Sept 28-0ct 2 Sp1nt Week 1s a trad1 t 1on held throughout many high schools Senior Homecoming queen Morgan R eitmeyer said "Oh my gosh, it's going to be so much fun " Photo by Adam Nims
Demon S pirit Demon students show t h ere school colors proudly on Maroon and \.Vh 1te Day Friday 1s the day where the student body truly c;hows their sp1n t Trad1t1onally, M aroon and White Day f alls on t he Friday of Spirit W eek each year M rs Sharon Roybal sa i d, "The Student Council 1s tryi n g to get everyone involved m Spirit Weck this year" P hoto by Ron F inell1
S pirit e d Girl s Sop homores L auren
Fros t Ashley Bl ain- Hartung, and Me lissa Hucman cheer lou dl y du ring the assemb ly
The Homecomi ng asse mb ly lasted about two hours Some of the th ings 1t included were, a teac hers sktt, class com pet 1t 1ons, and a football p laye r 's dance Se ni or T ed Eurkc said, "The success of th e assembly 1s gauged solely on the 1nte n s1ty of the c rowd "
Ju s t Ki c k i n ' It Senior football pla)ers Adam Queen. Ton) Cappello. Greg Anderson, and Kevin ~1tcke do the cancan during theirscn1ordancc The Homccom1ng theme this )Car \\as "Indiana Jone" Night of the Pharaohs.·• The Student Council choo-.es the theme each year Senior Shannon Sumner said, "The Student Council 1s doing new things to make the assembl> more exc11ing."
H ig h T h ro n e Senior Ryan Frost narrates a stor; written and pcrfonned by the Drama Club The Homecoming assembly was held on Oct 2 This 1s the first 11me 1n three years that Homecoming weekend has been held 1n Octohcr Mr\ Eileen Cook said, "I love the Homecoming assembly and Sp1nt Week, 11'.; the hcst."
Photo by Ron Finel11
T h e P e rfec t C h ee r Junior Kelli Rehder and senior Ross Martin get the crowd going with a new and improved \l,ay of cheenng A change was made in the format of the Homecoming assembly It was a take off of Saturday Night Live Sophomore Aus11n Larson said. "Gee those Spartans will be funny "
Bu s tin ' a Move Semor Adam R1,tau leads the GHS football team into their annual football dance Ever; year the sent or football players get the opportunity to get their groove on 1n front of the entire student body t-,,1ember'.'> of the Tndettes helped the players with the tr dance Junior Kiley Knepp said, "My favonte part of the assembly 1s when the football players come out in their cute l1ttle skirts "
Ron Finell1
Student Life 9
Hit M e Freshman Ann Stoker \\.aits an,1ou,;I> a-., one of her fnend, ,;tands 1n line to nail her w11h a water balloon The German Club put on the booth along'" ith a few others The carn1\ al \\.as free adm1ss1on but it did cost mone} to pla} games and enJ0Y the food " It , going 10 be fun and ,omething for us to do and a fun Wa} to remember high school," said fre,hn1an Rachel W> land Photo b> Ron F1nelh
Pi c tur e Perfec t Sophomore Megan Fleming stts pauentl)' as she get her face painted at one of the many booths at the carnival The carnival was a time when everyone at GHS enJoyed the games, food and a chance to hang out \\ith their friends
The carnival this year \\.as held on Oct 2 after the Homecoming assembl} Art teacher Mr Gene Youngman exclaimed, "J hke to eat "
For th e Ta c k l e Junior.., and sophomore Jodi Guthrie battle II out to try and go for a w1nn1ng touchdown Powder Puff was a time when the girls at GHS could show their athletic ab1ht1cs The game ended ,v1th a 20 win for the Juniors "Powder puff 1s the funnest event "stated JUn1or Sadie Sullivan
Photo by Ron Finell1
Pupp y Lo v e Senior Brandon Allen comforts his pooch at the carnival There were a lot of people having fun and getting into the sp1nt of the carnival Each year the attendance gets better and more people look hke they' re en jo} 1ng themselves "The carnival will be fun, because u's my first year here and I'll get to meet many ne\\ people hopefully," said senior Beverly Banks
Ge ttin ' Ji ggy With It Juniors Blair Ale n ius and L acy F n tz get dow n and funky a t the H o n1ecom1ng dance. This year, the H omeco m ing Dance was held at the Green Center at th e Colorado School of Mi nes T he Student Cou nc il helped pu t toge th e r an outsta nding dance th at everyone e nJoyed "The dance 1s a lways ente rta1n1ng and gets a lo t of attendance," sa id Ron Gnffin, the campus supervisor P ho to by Dick Byrne
Golden High Roy alty Sen1orsTrav1s
Valentine and Morgan Rc1tmeyerwcrc voted b)' the Senior C lass a-. the king and queen o f this year s Homecom in g. The theme for the Homecoming dance was Night of the Pharaohs An estimated 1.000 students attended the school functton "It s a great time to sec and talk to ever) one " !>lated as'.'>1stanl principal Dr Sh irl ey Alg1enc Ph oto by 8 111 Kelley
By Maya Muneya s u , Heather M cDowell , Ruby Lukas,vin g Yo ur Partn e r Senior Shara Herzog enJO}S getting fanc} wnh her date at her last Homecoming dance at G HS l\-1ost of the "tudents who attended the dance were treated to a nice dinner b) their dates Most of the couple" went anywhere from Red Lobster to the Olive Garden for dinner " I can't wall to go out to dinner and the dance It should be a lot of fun,'' "aid fre..,hman Sue Utley Photo by Bill Kelley.
Ro c k On Ju nior Kristina Hopkin\on 1s mo, 1ng to the beat and 1s ha" ing a bla\t The Student Counci l worked Jong and hard to plan and decorate for this dance To make the dance look nice. there were no Jean, or tennis shoes allO\\Cd many people even wore thing, that could be \\Om for Prom ' It s a nice time to get with the student... oul\1de of cla<;s" replied M., K irsten Puttkammcr Golden poltce officer Photo b, 8111 Kelley
The Demons party in the morning and dance all night during the annual Homecoming carniv al and dance.
Wher e's th e Blo ck ? Senior Adam Ristau a\01ds the sack by scrambltng away from the Green Mountatn defender The game \Vas held on Oct 2, 1998 To most of the players, Homecoming 1s the most important game of the year "Green Moun tam trad1t1onally has a very tough team, but I still think that Golden played very well," sa1d Ms Tammie Peters Photo by Ron Finelh
It 's Min e Junior J esse P reston holds the ball tightly as he escapes the defendtng Rams TJuc; season, there were 38 varsJty players T here are a total of nine assistant coaches that are repct111vely offering encouragement and support "The best 1h1ng about being on the varsity team 1s the huge amount of recogn111on you receive," said senior Chns Miller Photo by Ron F1nellt
H e r e We Co m e! The team charges between the cheers as they prepare to c h allenge the Rams The team watched three to four hours of film a \Yeck of other compet1llve teams to help with their own defense Pracuce was usually from 2 45-6 30p.m depending on how many games they had a \Veek Senior Stephanie Thompson said, ''The team always prac tices really hard and 11 shows 1" P hoto By Ron Finellt
This year the Hom.ecom.• • tng gam.e was at its upm.ost e x citement . The crowd cheered wildly as we played the Green m.ountain Rams.
Katie Carlson and Ale x Perea
Outta M y Way Sophomore B rent Schmidt run s for a s traight s hot across the field This year. Golden played the Green Mountain Rams. We ,vere defeated by th e Ram s 20-0 "They were a bigger team and we couldn't have done much 10 prevent th e lo ss , " s aid senior Greg Anderson. Ph oto by Ron Finelh
K ee p F oc u se d Junior Aaron Aguilar a nd Coach Ma n Loyd dt scu,s ,t ra tcgics forth c next pl ay Even th oug h Golden lost. the stands were filled ,vi th fans ,11 11 chee rin g for th e m for pulling on a good light The tea m hopes to practice ha rd e r nex t year 10 bnng back the winning strea k the have acquired overthe years Juni or Matt Cu nt s sa id. "We arc a toug h team and I kn ow we can win next year · Ph oto by Ron F1n e lh
Go D e m o n s So ph omores Megan King and K1r-11n Everelt and ,tand up and cheer loudly 1n the stands Collec 11 ve ly there were 540 stude nt tickets and I 408 adult 11cke1s so ld a t the ga me lhts year Stu dent Council \O ld sp1 nt books a nd po rn s to rai,;e school sp1nt J un1or Chn,t ina Wi nter said, " I really ltkcd the ga n1 e and parade thio; yea r All th e classe, had rea ll y cool float, Ph oto by Ron Fin elli
Pla y On Senior Kell) Fagerburg perfonn s wtth the marching band du rin g half11me a t the game Th e marching band practi ced their piece for 1wo month, before pcrfonn ,n g 11 a t the game Every year the Homccom 1ng game 1s held at Brooks Field " I think the band geh, be tt er and beucr every year said Junior Nicole Pape-; Photo by Ron Finellt
Go in ' D o , vn Senior Adam Queen aggress ively tack.le, one ofh1!-. opponents The Homecom 1ng game was full of cxc 1tcment from beginning to en d Th,., included royalty nominee announccmcnh and a terrific halftime performancc by the band and Tndelles Senior Amy Carl.,on ,aid "This \Vas my ta-,1 Homecoming but delin1tcl}' th e mO!-.I exc111ng one 1" Pho10 b) Ron Fincl11
What a S h a m e Senior Joe Kempler gives the crowd a sorrowful glance during lhe boys' second performance The play that occurred on Oc1 23 was 1he most successful, filling 1he auditorium w11h over 200 people The play ran from Oct 21-24 Kempter said, "We came together well and had a grea1 ensemble " Photo by Adam Nims
was a huge success.
By Jo e Borden and Tim Pr ayWhatever Junior Jen \Vengrovius shows senior Mana Solano her disgusl during the second nigh! of lhe play The pla} was a huge success wilh over 400 people in allendance The leading characlers had 10 memorize over 100 lines each for the two hour performance Junior Andrew Quirk said, • II was really fun 10 be 1n the play because something was always happening."
Photo by R Finell1
Who I s It? Junior Robi n Jennings, and fnends come close 10 the door to hear who 1s there The cast spent three hours a day for l\VO \Vee ks preparing for 1he performance The backgrounds were also very time consuming to put 1oge1her since they were all nlade by hand Junior Kenny S1orms said. "We should really spht up the cast more of1en. 11 was a bias! · Photo by R F1nell1
Tell Me Your Problems Junior Jen \Vengrov,us expresses her feelings 10 senior Mana Solano The play was $3 with a can of food or a coupon. and $4 w i thoul The re were 1wo casts separated by gender Solano said. • I was really surprised how well the turnout was the first 11me we did 1t P hoto by R Finelli
The emotions flowed as this years fall play
1, 2, 3 Jump Senior Adam Smith hold,; his breath as he jumps out of a plane going skydt\ 1ng One of the only places to bungee JU mp 1n Colorado is at Heritage Square 1n Golden Another Golden area known for extreme sports is North Table ~1ountain, a great spot for rcx.k climbers Senior Tim Hoppin said, 'I love to mountain bike race bccauc;e 1t I'> pretty dangerous \\ hich ah\ a} s makes things more interesting " Photo courtesy Adam Smith
by Ryan NeeGo in g D ow n Senior Andrea L1p ste1n repels do\\n a rock face 1n hrael over the summer Extreme sports were made popular by th e making of the X Games the Olympic equivalent 1n the world of extreme sports Sno,\ boarding, s k11ng , skateboarding , aggressive rollerblad1ng, rodeo, rock climbing and mountain b1k1ng a re the most popular of the ex trem e sports among students Sophomore Sean Ludden said, "Chmb1ng 1s grea t because 11 1s an awesome feeling hanging from an overhang, never knowing 1f you \V11l fall or not · Photo courteS} Andrea L1pste1n
Climbin g Hi g h Sophomore Adam Nims uses all of his streng th to climb North Table Mount ain Skateboarding has been extremely popular 1n Golden smce the skateboarding area at Ulysses Park 'was opened I n skateboarding, there are man} difficult tricks 1nclud1ng grinds, k1ck-fl1ps and other tricl-.s which you can do on a half pipe Sophomore Sean Boice said, " Wh en I am ska teboa rdin g, all of the cruelly 1n the world goes awa}. and the\\ hole \\0rld 1s JUst me and m} board." Ph oto b} Rob e rt Donely
Extreme sports dominate Golden as a part of students loving to live life on the edge.
Be nt on Reve nge Seniors Cole Bi elak, Enc Guthrie. John Bi elak and Ja~on Gregory strike a pose while taking a break dunng their hockey game Water World, the perfect way to cool off after a game of hockey, had 390,000 people in attendance during th e season. The movieArmageddo11 had grossed $36 m11J1on dunng its opening weekend the first week of July maktng It the top-grossing movie dunng the months of May through August. "Over the summer. I worked with a bunch of really hot guys from Green Mountain," said JUn1or Amber Daniel
He rc ul es with Wat erWings Senior Jason Long flexes his in fl atable guns while drying off at Water Wor ld "Thunder Bay," W ater World's main wave pool. uses one million gallons of wa ter alone All of the at trac ti ons combined use four milhon gallons of water In stead of cooling off, " I went to Mexico and bu11l houses 1n J uarez for orphans." said Se nior Skye Svenn1ngson
1, iEdge
11mmer actiVIties keep Delllons busy.
By Justin StiegelmeierPl o p , Pl o p , F izz, F izz, Oh What a R eli e f it I s Seniors Hollie Brak.k en and Carly W1lltams make bubbles while sw1mm1ng 1n the tropical waters of Hawaii (thetrback yard pool M0rc. people are going on tropical vacatio ns now than ever before According to the Colorado Sc root of Mines, the average temperature for Colorado during the months of May through August 1n 1997 wa~ a cool 66 degrees Fahrenheit " I worked my butt off on the skylights for the new aquarium and I liked 1t " said senior DJ Sloan
Talk to th e Hand Juni ors Seaver Baru ch and Amanda Keen laugh at JUntor Mi chelle Man tilla while she pu shes out the palm during Summer Field Bi ology Up to 75 science cred it 1s offered The cou rse must be 1n the s ummer because 11 needs 10 be a week off of school. " Th e benefit of summ er field 1s that 11 1s ex perien tial educa ti o n It 1s hand s-on and offers a full, complete expenence," said Dr Ken " Doc" vanderLaan
Wa s tin' Away in Margaritaville Senior Jeremy Hall dreams of black lace bras while on a road tnp to Mexico Although Mexi co 1s s llll dner than Colorado. we received only 3 07 inches o f rain for the months of Ma} through Augu s1. The allendance at Water Wo r ld had an 18 percent increase from th e 1997 seaso n Fre s hman T ony Bern al sa id " F1ltn g stuff at the office suc ked And then I got busted for breaking and entenng.'
S pring sports, Prom, and graduation were On the Edge of Summer.
By Joe Bo rd e n and Abb ey Kn oxWh e n th e ye arb oo k o f 1998, One f or th e A ges, was comp l ete d th e h a rd w o rk o f th e s t a ff w as n o t Th e Summ e r Su p pl e m e nt 1s d e di ca t e d t o th e s p ec ia l e v e nt s that t oo k pl ace at the e nd o f th e yea r We b e li e v e that a ll o f th ese eve nt s dese r ve r ecogniti o n No t o n l y th e h a rd w o r k o f th e te am s v\ h o brin g h o m e v i c t o ri es, th e d a n ces that m a k e fo r ni g hts we w i ll n eve r f o r ge t, th e c olorful cos tum es a nd wo nd e rful perso n a lih es bro u g ht fo rth b y th e atr e, g r a du a ti o n in w hi ch we say good-bye t o th e C la ss o f '98 1 but th e s h av in g cr ea m f igh ts, lau g h s a nd goo d tim es th a t mu s t b e prese r ve d as m e m o ri es that we will c h e ri s h f o r th e r es t o f o ur li ves. T hr o u g h thi s tim e durin g the la s t mont h s o f sc h oo l w e ex p e ri e n ce happin ess, s ad n ess, s tr ess and exc it e m e nt. Our fr1 e rtds hip s g r o w s trong e r and we de ve l o p n e w o n es as w e ll. T hr o u g h o ut th ese pages, th e pi c tu r es a nd w o rd s ex press th e dr a m a whi c h k ee p s u s l iving On the Edge .
Cong r a tul at io n Senior Kevin Darcey receives a hearty handshake from pnnc1pal Tom D1m1t during graduatton Th e Mi stress o f the Ce remony was Anne Fay The song "Nothing Lasts For Long ' was sung b> !>IX graduating seniors sporting co lorful Hawauan sh irts " I think thi s ts the saddest moment of my hfe so far," s aid se ni o r Bnanna We ll s P hoto by R F1n el h
Hav in g a Bi a t Ju n ior Abbey K nox smiles ecs tati cally to her fnends while dancing co the music during Prom This year's th e m e for P rom was "A City 1n th e Sky" Along with having fun, the s tud ents we re reminded to refrain from dnnk1ng and dnving Senior Mall Larson said, "This was th e perfect dance to finish o ff m y fabulous senior year" Ph oto by R Fin e lh
tri ve Fo r Vict o r y Sophomore Sarah Phillip s spnnts throu g h the fimsh hne 1n the J e ffco Inv1tauonal The In v11e was held at Jeffco Stadium on May 9 Th e girls' track team fini shed off a good season by takin g eleventh 10 State " I am rea ll y proud of the team, we never accompltshed so man y goals," said Junior Shannon Sumner Photo by R F1ne lh
A hhh . .. Sophomore J en We n g rov1u s 1s singing while JUn1or Chris Hi ckman s tand s at attennon Godspell was performed on thre e different ni g hts , April 16-18 Rehearsal s starte d in late Feb, and ran from 2:30 p m to 5 30 p m .• except the 1,vo weeks pnor to the s ho\v " The pracl!ces were really stressfu l, especially not kn ow in g what tim e we could go home everyday, but it was really worth 11," said Junior El aina Krau s Ph oto by R on F1nelh
Bl e ss th e Lo rd Senior K a re n Ne ukirc hner 1s si ngin g her solo with th e h elp of her cas t membe rs Th e s pnng musical cons isted of 23 cas t m e mb ers, seven c rew m embers and 10 orchestra p erfo rm ers Th e re were 10 main c hara cters and the rest of the 13 cas t members sang 1n th e c horu s. Neukirc hner s aid , " The cas t worked so hard and g rew so close " Photo by R on Finelh
Pr a y t o th e Lo rd Senior Mar cus M a lt empo, Jesus, 1s preaching 10 JUmor Maria Solano. P eggy Th e o rc h estra preformed on stage with the ac tor s this ye ar rather than below th e s tage. Before th e ope ning mght the cast and c rew perfonned a matinee for the local e lementry sc hool s. Senior Ju s tin Peacoc k said. " I th i nk th e orchestra prefo rmed very well cons 1denng it wa s a difficult s how "
Photo by R on Fine l h
Ooh La La Junior T r avis Valentine is fl 1rt1ng with JUnior Tiffany Fredri c k. whil e Je s u s Lne s 10 e xplain to them that 11 is wrong
Th ere were four cos tume mi s tre sses 1n c harge of de s 1gn1ng and making the cos tume s.
Betw ee n the four of them they mad e I 0 cos tume s and the c horu s 11e dyed their 1-s h1rt s
Sophomore Jordan A sh s tated , " I 1hink that th e cos tume mi s tre sses did a good Job de s 1gmng and making th e cos tume s " Photo by R Finelh
How Are You? J unior T ravis Valen ti ne, B uckm1n s ter Fuller, and Junior M aria Solano, Peggy arc playing good saman tans with their hand puppet s. There were e ight different people that worked on technical ,vork T he te c hni ca l worked included s pot light, so und, and being an under s tudy " It wa s really frustrating when the actors would tum off thei r mi c rophones before they wen t on stage ," sai d Junior T h e re sa D yk s tra P hoto Ron F inell1
Godspell was the spring m.usical of '97 • '98 school year. It was a m.ajor ta s k and commiC:a11ent involving theater, instn1mental and vocal music as well as the help from the Drama Club.
By Kim Wes tb y a nd Kati e C arl so nHa , Ha Sophomore Bryan H ickman 1c; laughing at Jesus, senior Marcu~ Maltempo. There were lh.ree directors of spnng musical who are Mr John Klug (stage ). Mr Enc Wc1nste1n (choir ) and Mr Scot Edson (conductor) Godspell had two student directors. JUn1or Scott Morgan (music) and senior Melissa Turner (lheatncal) "Being 1n the director's point ofv1ew was different. but fun," Turner said Photo R Finelh
A m e n J unior Tiffany Fredenck 1s praying with her fellow cast members before they sing "Oh Bless lhe Lord Dunng the two week penod before the mus ical the cast and crew had to stay a-. long as the directors wanted lhem to stay so they could get everything right The show lasted about I\VO hours and a half hours "Not many people 1n lhe Golden community went to see Godspell," stated Mr Enc We1nste1n P hoto by R on Finell1
H ow Low C a n Yo u Go Senior Anne Fay does the hmbo at After-prom The cost of decorations last year \vas over $200 This year we spen t over $250 Senior Wh1mey Wilk sai d, " The part I hked best about After-prom was sm1 mm1ng , but five minutes after we got 10 the pool , 1t closed" Photo by Juha J ohnson
Pa rty Peo pl e Senior James Burkett shows off his dancing skills to a classic Jimmy Buffet song. The cost of ti ckets were $35 per cou ple, and a total of 458 ti cke ts we r e sold An es timated 20 chaperones helped out at this year's prom, and included adm1n1strators, teachers , and the s pou ses of both Senior Mike Keen said, " Due to the excellent D.J , r \vas able to pull out my best moves ."
Photo by Bill Kelly
anLoo k Into M y Eyes Junior Isaac Wano and hi s date sha re an 1nt1mate moment at the da n ce. Prom 1s one of the oldest traditions at G H S, and is planned by the Junior Class Student Council. A professional decorator was h1ghered to adorn the banquet hall. Senior Dave Feth, Student Body Treasurer said, "Although the decorauons were nice, the decorator didn't do the full Job" Ph oto by Btll Kelly
nCl ose U ps J u n iors Andrew Dale and Tracy H eywood hold each other tight. P rom was held at the Arvada Center between 8 p m and m1dn1ght. The cost to rent the banquet hall for four hours was $4500 Sophomore Laura Word sa id , " It was scary going as an underclassman, but it was the funnest night of my life I felt like a princess " P hoto by B1II Kelly
The Junior Class Student Council and parents worked long and hard to present a m.em.orahle Prom. and After-prom. for the 125th anniversary a t GHS.
M eg
Bac hm a n , St e fani e Na hl ey, And Andr ea C hr za
hinin g tars Juniors J ohn Strcclman and Carly Wtlltams accept their tllle~ a, Prom Prince and Pnn cess The music wa<; provided b1 Colorado Sound and L1gh1 who \I, as able to please a vancty of attendees with everything from swing to 80 ' s to J1mm, Buffet and rap Sophomore Serene Connell> said, "The music was a very enJo,able and eas, to dance to and was brought 10 us by a very humerus and exc1t1ng D.J " Ph oto by B11l Ke lly
Hot Lip s Juniors Travis Valenttne and Luc Simmons pose for theu \vedding photo al Afterprom The After-prom part} started at m1dn1ght and went till 5 am Doors were locked at one ....-.. and no adm1ss1on was allowed Junior Luc Simmons said, " Th e best part of After-prom was getting mamed to Travis "
Keep It U p Ju nior; Andrea Lipste1n and Vanessa Joiner pull their way to the fin ish line Thi s year's After-prom party was held at the Golden Recreation Center This year's Afterprom theme was "Under the Bi g Top." Juni or Kathnn e B11lh om said, "After-prom \Vas great but we were way 100 ured to count the cards"
P hoto by Julia J ohnson
Air Blast Senior Mik e Frost watches as JUntor Tammy Taylor h11 sophomore Anna Long wi th a blast of air The planning for the After-prom proJect started at the beg1nn1ng of November Over $10 , 000 came from the community and the money kept rolling 1n Junior J oe Kempter remarked," ll was a\vsome because I \von luggage 1" Phot o by Julia J ohnson
Summer Supplement '98 21
St and ing Ta ll Senior Anne Fay stand s proud as s he addresses the crowd during graduation The class flower was the yellow rose. The graduation speaker was Ms. Jan Bry son. Senior We s Sramek said, " When it comes to graduation, you have to relax and take 11 easy If you don 't you will mi ss it. "
by R Finelh
Las t S trid es Senior Tamsen Stokes makes her last strides as a Golden Demon. The class song was " Forever Young" by Rod Stewart. The graduation s peaker s were Renee Gern1. Megan Word and Torrey Shelton English teacher Lowell Sharp said , " The speakers were not c hosen to speak at graduation because they were the best, simply because they flowed together well " Photo by R Finelli
Thi s Is th e M o ment Senior Marcus M altempo sings during the 1998 graduation ceremony The valedictonans for the Class of 1998 were Ben Gould, Celeste L1edch , Kim Marcum, Chris Rozelle, Dale Web ster and Megan Word N H S escorts 1ncJuded JUn1ors Morgan Reitmeyer. K 1rst1n Look , Shannon Sumner, Sarah Adam , Greg Anderson, Crystal Craig, Annie K onegni and Tracy H eywood. J unior NHS u sh er Brandon Allen said, " The seniors are tough to keep 1n hne but r can handle tt." P hoto by R Finell1
F ilin g O ut T he Class of 1998 files out for the last time after graduation Science teacher Richard Schalhamer and math teache r Richard B rad sby were chosen as name readers. Graduation was held at Brook s Field on Saturday, May 23 at 9 00. Senior Jason Sparks said, " fl 1s very exc1ung to graduate and move on with my life ."
by R Finelli
Graduation and Baccalaureate brought back m.em.ories for the Class of 1998 and offered the rest of GHS a new beginning
By Tim Pra y, Abbey Knox a n d Jo e BordenFini s hin g U p Senior Mind, J ohnson finishes her speech at B accalaureate Baccalaureate was held 1n the GHS g}'mnas1um on Friday May 22 at 7 00 Helpers included Juniors Abbey Knox. R oss Martin M eghan Wil11ams, Juli a K eeney and Crystal Craig Senior Chnst1ne Maren said. "Baccalaureate was a nice wrap up of the year to lead into commencement P hoto b} R Finell 1
Get Ready Senior Au-,un Turner gets the crowd ready for the Senior Video The B accalaureate speakers included Erin Overturf. ~find, J ohnson and H eather Tumwall Th e Senior Video was put 1ogether by Andrew Rogers and Ausun Turner Senior J amie McTeersa1d " B accalaurea1e was great Th e video was amazing " Pho10 by R Finelh
Making a Point Senior H ea1her
T umwall makes a point to 1he Ba ccalaureate audience Th e Nati onal M enl Scholars were Seniors Ren Bu cholz and K ati M eyers. Each graduate was given two Dowers to give 10 the two most 1mportan1 people 1n their Jives Senior Matt Lar son said, " Bacca l aureate s urred up some old, fond memones " Ph oto by R Finelh
A Tearful Good-bye Senior Laura Gouak see k s comfort with a fellow senior Th ere ,vere five parent assoc1at1on scholarships, three spea k ers and a Senior V1deo included 1n Baccalaurea te The B accalaureate ceremony lasted JU\t over two hour, and touched all 10 atte ndan ce Senior Sarah L ogan said, "The Senior Video was great and th e speeches were also good ., Ph o10 by R F1n ellt
Sadies Hawkins switches the roles for the annual Valentine's Dance, and girls' golf takes to the links with 11nderclassm.en.
By Heather McDowell , LeeAnne Kephart, Jean Mo sl ey, A l exis Crog h an, and Aubrey FranklinPau s ing for a Breather Freshmen
Melody Jacob s, Chnslopher Kou c h y, Lisa Worobey, and Kri stopher Lewi s are JUSl hanging out. Al Sad1es one of the main attraclions was the picture booth The line for pictures was 1ncred1bly long. Freshman Toni Sulltvan said, "There were a lot of people and the decorations we re neat ." P hoto by Alexis Croghan
Bu s tin' A Move Sophomore Matthias Schheman busts out the newest move 1n dancing. Thi s year Sadies had a great turnout
One of the reasons was because there were two floors and a balcony at the Tivoh, which provided more space Junior Andrea L1p s tem said, " It was the first time I ever went to a dance with a guy who's a better dancer than I am •· Ph oto by A.lexis Croghan
Taking a Break J uniors M atthew M oore, M eghan Wilham s, Raymond Furlong take a break from the fun and excitement of Sadies. Sad1es 1s a sem1 forrnal dance with the girls asking the guys to the dance. T he 1998 Sadie Hawkin s dance was held at th e Tivoli on Feb 14 Sophomore J ennifer B ennett said. "T he best part was when the football team was up on s tage s tripping ."
Photo by Alexis Croghan
hoo t To Gree n Freshmen Brittany Meagher plays the front green at Lake Arbor The girls were proud \\-hen they got frec lessons video taped b) a top Junior golf teacher 1n Englewood The girls team at GHS has been around for more than ten yea!"\ Although 1h1s ts Becky Crozier's first year coaching she said. ·•1 ltke 1t because not a lot of people pla) golf" Photo by B Crozier
Indi a n Tree 493
Foo thil ls 496
Girls' Golf Average
"Girls· golf 1s tough. but exciting You ha, e to keep play 1ng and , prac11c1ng Practice makes perfect,'' said sophomore Kash1 assau
Head s Up Sophomo re Cassandra Ditt bren ner h 11 s high to avoid the water 10 a tou rn ament at Lake Ar bor T he girls' golfers m issed State by only a fev. strokes The Golden gir ls' golf team was ranked 5A Coach Becky Crozier said, "Even though this 1s ffi} first year coac h ing, I assisted M arilyn Wilcox last year 10 learn the ropes " Photo by Becky Crozie r Coach Beck) Crozier, Kash1 assau, Cassandra D1ubrenner, Brittany Meagher, Abbey Knox, Skye SvenningsenGirls' soccer and boys' baseball struggle through grueling SA season while honing their skills.
No Pain , No Gain Sophomore Peter Du senbury slides into third base against Wheat Ridge The team was led by only one senior, Mtke Fro st. Since numerou s se niors and Juniors decided not to play 1t was a rebuilding year. Junior Lee Newgent said, " We are having a good season even though a lot of juniors and seniors quit." Phot o by Ron Finell,
Fa stball Junior Adam Ri s tau delivers a fierce pitch. Adam was ranked fourth 1n the s tate 1n stnkeou ts, with 58. Against Green Mountain , Adam threw 14 strikeouts Junior Kevin \Vilham s sa id , " I enJoy pitching; it 's great to st nk eout a guy when there 1s a man on base."
by Ron Finelli
Fro nt Row : Sean Davis , Mike Haschke, Aaron Aguilar, Lee Newgent.Adam R istau. Kevin William s, Jay Stokes. Donnie Pridmore Rob Rizzuto Mike Morn son, John Chrisman, Brent Schmidt. Second R ow: Josh
Move Over! Freshman K arie Kn epp fights w11h a Standley Lake opponent for the bail All regular season games were played at Lakewood M emonal and Trailblazer Stadiums The team 1s 4A but they played in the SA bracket, which made 11 a very compc1111ve season. Senior Laura Ekburg sa id, " We've made some mistakes in the first couple of games but we're working to fix ." Photo by Ron F1n el11
Going for th e Goa l Junior Cand1 Bruno waits for the rebound from the goalie while sen ior Laura Ekberg wa11s on the 18 1 ard hne to take a shot Three times the Lady Demons went into a two period overtime with Conifer, Lakewood and Arvada
We s t The Demon s worked at Rockie s games to raise mone)' for their team "M 1 favonte part about soccer 1s learning how to work 1n umson \Vllh others," said sophomore Kei b Rehd er P hoto by Doug Web ste r
Girls' Soccer Record 4-10-1
Senior Torrey Shelton. an Allconference player. gives advice to next year's team Never give up, always keep trying, and good luck next year"
Fighting Demon s J unior Anne K onegn1 fights for the ball with a player from Bear Creek while freshman Ashley BlainHartung backs her up Coach Andy Fuentes pushed the team by having them practice every weekday except for on game days
The captains of the team were seniors Laura Ekburg and T orrey Shelton, JUmors Anne K onegn1 and J 111 Erganbnght Anne stated. "Our coaches are really pushing us to do our best thi s year"
Ph oto by Dick Byrne
Summer Supplement '98 27
Girls' track run wild and have two finish in the top ten in State, while boys place in Regionals.
By Adam Nim s, Aaron Barke r, Tom Luedtke and Tim BurchScoreboard
G irl s M arch 25th Meet - 1st Colorado roundup- 1st Englewood I nvite- 2nd Jeffco 5A league - 1st Bear Creek I nv it e- 2nd Apnl 23rd M ee t- 2nd
Classified Regional s- I st
Classified A- 19th State- 21st
Makin g the Turn Sop h omore Nadia Ma rkovchick turn s the corner in one of Golden 's track meets. Sarah P1zz.o finished fifth 1n State with a 5 · 19 mile and s ixth in the 3200 Molly Albano finished seventh 1n State with 2 28 1n the 800 meters " The best thing about track 1s the meets ," said Emily Yocom P hoto by R on Finelh
Fi ni s hin g F ir st Sophomore Sarah Phillip s runs across the finish hne firs t at th e Colorado Roundup on April 1. Mr L uke Young , David Hammock, and Matt Loyd, coac hed track team Some of the track members ran up to eight miles 1n one practice " I t 1s fun being with all of my friend s," said senior Heather Tumwall. P hoto by R on F inell,
First Row M Thomas, N Markovcluck, E. Ekberg, A Upchurch, E. Yocom, E Ru ssell. K Kell y. M Cooper, C Craig, S Sumner, N Moore , M Mckee, M \Vorthmgton Seco nd Row S Pizzo, A. Long,J Gulhne,B Tarantrno,C Miller.A DraguJ,A Fay.A Dinbrenner,K Cooper,T Solomon,S Sands, C. Hayes, C Huntsman , D Zam, M Coyle, T Wlutlatch Third Ro" Mr L. Kelly, R Groe,K. Colligan, L. \Vord ,S Barlow, N Papes,M Albano.A Sm11h, T Cappello, L Hoogheem S Ph1lhps , R Gerru, Ms. G Nelson, Fourth Row Mr D Hammock , J Papes, M Fairweather, E Horvat , C. Kelly , K Mlcke, E Guthne, G Sims, M Pfisterer, A Turner, R \Vobbrock J Sharrnon, J Gregory, Mr M Loyd Fiflh Row P Needham, C. Cappello, D Blackney, B Hillen, L. Henderson. M Hagelberg, P Siu. J Desmateau, J Bndgeman, H Tumwall, M. Fanc1ulh Not Pict ured E Enna, T Buinowskt
Bo ys Bear Creek, Golden, Pomona- 2 n d Jeffco League South Area- 9th Colorado Roundup- 6th Arvada, Golden, Chatfield - 2nd Englewood Invite- 4th J effco League Relays- 10th B ear C reek In vlte- 5th Arvada , Columb1ne, Golden- 3rd Class 5A Regional Meets- 8th
Ha rd To T h e F ini s h Junior Au s tin Smith bum s the r es t of hi s energy trying to take fir s t m the 4x l 00 relay Thi s ye ar 's cra c k team c on s 1s 1ed of 66 team members , women and men In the 800 meter relay Golden took third tn Regional s running 1t in a minute and a half Fre s hman Charle s Hunt s man s aid , ''Tra c k 1s fun but at the s ame time very hard work " Photo by Ron Finelh
Jump ! Sernor Anne Fay c lears the hurdl e 1n the Apnl I meet The team fini s hed fir s t 1n Regional c ompet1t1on To reachfor State athlete s have to be one of the top lhree qualifiers at regional s. " I have to eat s altines before ea c h meet for good lu c k, " s aid s enior Andrea Dittbrenner Photo by Ron Finelli
Tu flin g it O ut Junior J osh Bridgeman 1s trying to pass up a opponent 1n one of the many relay s This year there we re a few people who wcnc on to State J unior Austin Smith took third place 1n the I 00 meter dash at Regionals this year J unior Kevin M1cke said , " Track 1s pretty hard but 1t keeps you in shape " Photo by R on Finellt
Girls' lacrosse has a great season with 6.ve wins while boys' lacrosse still struggles to become a school sponsored sport.
By Shelly Barlow, Kelly Watson , Katie Knepp, a nd Ta l o r e BeckmanFight For It Senior J amie M cTeer runs to th e ball to keep 1t away from her opponent. Th e varsity team ca pta ins were seniors Kim Kessler and Jami e M cTee r Part of th e team took a tnp to Fl ond a to pl ay in a tournament. Jun ior Becky Wo od said, " Th e tnp to Fl orida was a great learning experience and l had a blast." Ph oto by Bill Kelley
Way to Crad le Junio r Ju sune Baru ch shp s away fom her opponent t ryi ng to score Cait lin M ccus ker from Whea t Rid ge was th e only freshman to make varsity. One of the team trad111ons before games 1s to kiss their toy horse mascot named Vanity "Our lacrosse team is full of tough girls and on ly the tough girls can take 11," s aid Hollie Brakk en P hoto by Bill Kell ey
3 K ent Denver 18
9 Smokey Hill 16
E Murphy, K P fau. G. Fan elli, E Arch umbault. Middle Row A Vermillton T Sullivan. K McC us ker, N Bndge s, J McTeer, T Buelow. M Calguri. C. Wel c h, B Wood M Mgee, K McVaugh , H Brakken , M rs B arb Galgano (ass is tant coac h) Ba c k Row : Ms L ucy Benedict (assis tant coach) K Bn ggs, H Dw1gg1n s, M J ohnson, M Lowther. H Smith, J Baru c h A Ve cc hiarelli , · C Sexton, E Porter, N Daley, Mrs. Nan cy Baru c h (co ach)
One for All Th e boys lacrosse te am gets ready for a g ame agai n s t Wh ea t Rid ge T he c.apta1ns on the learn were senior s Mi chael Brown and D rew Coonan, and sophomore -hn B lusc T he nu m ber one defe n sive player was senior Drew Coonan. Sophomore Ju,un Fluery said, " L acrosse 1s JUS t as great as hockey I think we have enough tale n t to go all the. way" Photo by Adam Nims
Taking th e Lead In the las t game of the sea:;on, freshman Gnffin Jory (D 'Evelyn) defends the ball against a Mullen player The boys took fourth place 1n the Colorado Un1vers1ty FaceOff Cl~s1c Considered by many, sophomore Chns Bluse was the best goalte 1n the state Freshmen Josh Weis said, " All the conditioning that we have done ha, paid off" Photo by Adam Nims
Boys' Lacrosse Record 6-6
"When you th i nk of team unity, you th i nk of Golden lacrosc;e," said sophomo re Chns Bluse
The girls' tennis fights the weather to a winning season.
By Rya n Fie ld s, M e nAim High Junior Morgan Reitmeyer serves the ball dunng a match against Evergreen The tennis team had matches every Tuesday and Thursday. They had four matches postponed dunng their season " I hate 1t when matches get cancelled because of weather," said freshman K elly Aronowitz Photo by Ron Pinelli
Making C ontact Freshmen Kell y Aronowitz concentrates hard on the incoming ball. T enn is matches were held on Tu esdays and Thur sdays The team trad1t1ons included ea ting figs and dressing up before each match. "The best thing about being on the tennis team 1s being able to play everyday, and meettng a lot of d1fferent people," said Aronowitz Photo by Ron Finel11
On Their Way P res id e nt Bill C li nton. da ug ht e r C h elsea and wi fe Hi llary make t h e ir way toward th e h e li copter P resi d e n t C linton was involved in a Whit e House scandal tha t lead to i m p eac hm ent H e was accused o f havi ng an 18 mo n th sexual relations h ip with M o n ica Le w i ns ky, th e n a 2 1 year old Wh i te H ouse inte rn P res 1den r Clinton di d admi t to i napp ropn ate beh avior, but Co n gress pu s h ed forward to bri n g h im to a n im peachme nt trial 1n th e Sen ate.
What Happ ened ? Soldiers search through the rubble of the K enya Embassy B ombing. This bombing killed 247 peop le and another 5,500 people were 1nJured Amencan government officials say the man responsible was Osama Bi n Laden Even though B in Laden, a Saudi mtlhonatre, was no t charged 1n the bo m bing, U S officials suspec t him of fi n anci n g several terrorist stnkes around the world
By Krys t al H aug h ey; Th o m as Willia m s a nd Jo hn Zirb esR eco rd Breaker M ark McGw,re hits yet anoth er home run M cGw1re and Sammy Sosa were in a battle of home runs dunng the summer Both were looking to beat the home run record of 61 set by New York Yankee R oge r M aris 1n 1961 McGw1rc, a 34 year old, nght handed hitte r from the S1. Louis Cardinals, won the record wit h 70 home ru n s Sosa finished with 66.
We're Back
The Backstreet B oys perform al one of the i r returning concerts T he B ac k s r eet Boy s got togethe r about five years ago H owie. Nick and AJ met a t aud111o n s and they d ecided to form a g roup and when K evin hea rd abou t them. asked his cousm to Join, and they go r together T he group was named afte r a big market 1n Orlando, FL They won t h e Viewers Select Awa r d at the MTV Europe awa rds two years 1n a row
GHS Sports have had a spectacular season topped off with great records
By Tim Pra y and Joe BordenO ve r th e yea r s th e r e ha ve b ee n m a n y s ports' triumph s h e r e a t Go ld e n Thi s yea r, to k e ep tl1 e t ea m s o n th e edge, th e coac h es a nd p a rtic ip a nt s ha ve mad e so m e chan ges. Wh e th e r it b e a n e w co ac h or n e w pla ye r s o n th e t ea m , s p o rts a r e alw ays ch a n g in g. Particip a nt s a n d coac he s a lik e b o th put in an in c redib l e a m o unt o f tim e in o rd e r t o b e s u ccess ful in th e ir s p o rt If it m e an s s tay in g o n th e foo tball fi eld until dark or pl ay in g b as k e tb a ll until th e gy m li g hts go o ff, Demon a thl e t es a r e so m e o f th e m os t co mmitt e d ar o und With th e d es ir e t o w in and th e h a tr e d o f lo sin g GHS athlet es g ive it th e ir a ll to co m e o ut o n t o p . Beca u se of a ll o f th e ir d ed ica ti o n , all o f th e s p o rts seaso n s we nt s m oo thl y a nd w e r e e nj oya bl e fo r a ll
D r iv in g to ucces s Junior David Sund drives a ball dunng a round of golf a1 \Vcstwoods The golf team ended with a sevench place al regionals T he leaders of the team were Senior Kyle Goto-. and Junior., David Sund and Kyle Dinkel Dinkel said, " This year we gained a lot of experience and we ,hould be a contender year"
Photo by R Finelh
F ie ry Fo re ha nd Sen tor Brandon Allen firec; a backhand back to his opponent dunng a match against Columbine The boyc;' tennis team had a record of six wins and four losses T he team also had a d1sappo1n1mg regional placing sixth and only sending Allen to Stale Senior Matt ?vfoore ,aid. " T his season wac; a great experience for all of us. We learned to play as a team and really encourage each other to do well Senior Brandon Allen and JUn1or T im Pray always help tea m ma te, to improve and to loosen practice up "
Photo by Adam Nims
No G ut , O Glory Junior MarJ.. Fairweather hurdles a hay barrel during a race Cross Country sent five members to state held at Kent Denver Sophomore Sarah Pizzo dtd the best of the team placing fifth at state Senior Josh Bridgeman said "The regional race "a, held in perfect running cond1t1ons Mark Fairweather and I both ran a good race" Photo b)' Bill Kell}
Ho me Run Senior Shannon Sumner :.lugs another hll dunng a game The Demons had an amazing season placing third in State and \\ 1nn1ng their region The team also only had four seniors Senior Abbey Knox said, "The softball team has always been one the best at team at G HS
Mak in g th e G ra b J unior Aaron Aguilar makes a catch dunng the Homecoming game aga1n,1 Grctn Mountain The football team finished w11h a record of 4- JO The team captain, are senior, •\dam Ris tau Greg Anderson Ton} Cappello and Josh Rood Senior Tony Cappello ,aid, "Over ,1ll II was a good year We played a lot of top ranked team, th1c; year ,o everybody had to give 11 their all Photo by R
Photo b} R FinelhRunn i n g Away Junior Chnstopher Vorhies runs with the ball to make the touchdown against Alameda There 1s a two hour pracuce after school every day Somenmes practice 1s full pad a nd sometunes pracllce 1s no pads Senior J effery P aschall stated, "The full pad pracuce before ever game 1s really tough " P hoto by Ron Fin el11
Di ving for a Ta c kl e Sophomore Brent Schmidt dives to tac kle a Ram's playe r at th e Homecoming game. Senior Gregory Anderson was the team ca ptain So m e of the Junior varsny players s uited up for varsny "Tht s year's team 1s ILke a family," s aid JUn1or Adam M yers Photo b) Ron Finell!
Football is a sport at GHS that the whole student body gets into.
S trik e T hr ee Sophomore M eghan Cooper s tnkes out the opposing barter in their first game of th e season In Regionals thi s year Golden beat Fort Collins, who took first 1n State " T hi s year's experience on the team was the bes t one yet ," said junior Kn s t1na H opk i n so n Pho to by R on Fi n elli
Foul B a ll Senior c atcher Abby Knox chases after a fou l ball , 1n a game, agains t the Denver Eas t A n gels The G HS team tied for third in State. Sophomore Meghan Cooper made all co nference thi s year " The bes t thing about S tate was nobody expected u s to make 11," sai d senior Shannon Sumner P ho to by Ron Finell1
F r o nt r ow Kelly O J ones, Randi Patton M iddl e r ow : Abbey Knox , Carly William s, Coa c h Dan K nox , Coach Tom P eterson, Crystal Craig, Shannon Sumner Bac k r ow : Kelly Hayes, Kris n na Hopkinson, Laura Boll1nger, M eghan Cooper, M ered i th M ckee
Girls' Softball Season Record
th e pla te T he G H S team 's reco rd 1n league I was 6-3 T h e team to beat 10 the league was B ear C ree k and or Chatfield ." Th e best game of the year was against W heat Ridge because they were expec ted to do well and we beat them twice," said senio r Crys tal Cra ig P ho to by Ron Fi nelh
r flas h That Ba ll Sen ior Abbey Kn ox swings and hits 1 the ball sending 1t far 1010 the outfield In the last four i vcars Golden hasn't beaten Arvada West Tom Peterson \\as the <.oach of this year's team "Coach Peterson helped us a lot by holding hitung practices. He wou ld be the coach I would want to play for 1f I played nex t year," said Knox 0 hoto by Ron Finclli.
The Golden Dem.ons softball team had a terrific s eason and placed third in State
By C hri s M o r ga n , Jaso n M cLa u g hlin, Sa r a Lukrafka, Li z Lukr a fk a, S te fa n ie Na hl eyT hr o, v Sophomore Kelly Hayes throws the ball to get someone out at first base Since Tom Peterson has been coach, Golden hasn't lost to Wheat Ridge In the past two years, Golden has beaten the number one team 1n State "The seniors were the Icade~ of the team They showed their leadership by working hard to help us improve our game ·• said sophomore Meredith McKee Photo by Ron Finellt
Heaving It Junior Andy Solomon tosses th e ball 1n against Wheat Ridge Thi s 1s the boys' first year part1 c 1pat1ng in 5A They finished 1n seco nd place 1n their conference J unior Ryan V1erke said, " I think we have great teamwork and sportsmanship thi s year" Photo by Ron Finelh
Save d Senior Charli e Co rbin punts the baJI away agai n s t Wheat Rid ge Th e soccer team set many records this year
One of them included 67 goals scored against t he i r opponents Junior Bill H11len sa id, ''This year was the best year that Golden has ever seen because of the talent level and maturity of the players " Ph o to by Ron Fin elh
The boys' soccer team makes a great entrance into SA by making it into the second ro11nd of the playoffs.
Goo d to Go Senior Andy Tinkle out-muscles his opponcn1 al the Kennedy game Mr Chad Reid 1s the head coach for the boy, learn. This 1s his third year as head coach tvlr Reid said "This 1s the most improved team I have ever coached over a one year penod of 1,me It has great senior leadership and 1s a very tenacious 1earn ' Photo by Dick B)me
He Got Gam e Junior Peter Dusenbury blows past his opponent at All-Siar Stadium Two seniors w11h greal leadership and soccer skill'- were Charlie Corbin and Jared Blackney Corban had 10 shut outs while Blackne} set a GHS record wJth scoring 25 goals. Junior And} Solomon said, "I feel 1ha1 we have done really well this season and we are finall> geu,ng respect • Photo by Ron F1nel11
Hea ds Up Sophomore J ordan Hauser JUmps up to head the ball The winning season of the team may have been effected by the eight seniors T hey were Charlie Corbin Jared Blackney, Brian Foley, Austin Srn11h, Andy Tinkle Scott Atkinson Ryan Obnen, and Andrew Dale Senior Andy T inlde said, " T he reason our 1eam was so ~uccc~sful this year 1s because we were able 10 come togc1her and get 11 up for every game ' Photo by Dick Byrne
Bac k R O\V: Assistant Coach Cassinova Jared Blackne) John Streelman, Joe Borden, And) Solomon. Charlie Corbtn. Jordan Hauser,AndyTinl...Je 8111 H,llen. Bnan Folle Head Coach Chad Reid Front Ro .,,v: Andy Dale Mark Hage Iberg, Ryan Obrein, Austin Smtih, Peter Dusenbury Bnan Logan, Nathan Blamhartung. Ryan Vierkc Geoff Simm,;, Scott Atkinson
On th e M ove Senior Alexei Sologoub leaps to send the ball ,oanng over the net The three singles players were Sologoub, sen i o r Br andon Allen and jun1or T1m P ray who were chosen by Coach Laura Carter The o th er eight tennis players played doubles " It would have been ni ce to have more school support. but we had a g rea t coach th at cheered us on," said sophomore Lee Saunders Ph o to by R on Finelh
R e ad y Bab y Senior Brand on Allen 1s ready to kill th e ball and smash n ove r the net Allen was the only GHS player ,vho went to State You had to be 1n the top four m R eg i onals t o make state " I ltk.e tennis because 1t ts challenging and 1t makes you think ," said All e n Ph o to by R on Pin elli
Boys' Tennis Season Record
Score board
Back It Up Senior M att Moore b ac k s up to get the ball and backhand 11 over the net. In State th e players win point s for th eir tea m s when th ey win a match Th e tenn is pl aye rs took six th 1n R eg1onab out o f 13 teams " We had a g rea t team thi s year becau se we worked h ard," said fre s hman M ike Sandaval. Ph oto by R o n Fincllt
Re ad y, Se t, Se r ve Junior Tim Pra> gets ready 10 serve the ball dunng a match against Columbine at G HS The tenms team lost seven semors at the end of the season Allen a nd Pray had the best ind 1v1dual records for the conference. Pray said. "This team was one of the close<,! that Golde n has had 1n a while During the 'Whole season. everybody was watching and cheering for everyone el"e" P hoto by R on Finel11
The tennis team for GHS was on fire this year seuding
one member to state
By S tef a ni e a hl ey, Li z Lukr a fk a a nd Sa ra Lukr a fk a
Up , Up , a nd A, vay It Goe Senior Alexei Sologoub throw, the ball up in the air ready to send 1t on tt<. way In State the 1nd1-.1duah get point" for each match that they won \\hach add!> to the team total. and the team \\ltlh the most accumulated point~ won Cherry Creek. won first and Pueblo South took second a<. a team in Mate "I 1h1nJ... we did good as a team bcc.au!>e of team \'-Orland that 1he team got together very well,' ' said freshman Enc Cowen
by Ron F1nell1
Se r ve It U p Sophomore Sylvia Swanson serves a floater to the other team Almost all of the girls .i n the league serve ove r hand. and a few can Jump serve The team played a total of 16 games 1n the season plus one tournament J unior Enn Bernard said, " M y favori te part about volleyball is the fnendsh1ps that I have found. We all became really good friends " P hoto by Ron Finelli
Hit It Hom e J u n ior K aycee Hei d h i ts a quick set for a k ill K aycee, m iddle h i tte r, made firs t team a ll co n fere nce.
Seniors So nya Camey an d B roo ke H omec ke r got ho n orable mentio n s f or all conference h onors. He id said, " I lik e volleybaJI because it's the on l y th ing I' m good at " P ho to by R on Fi nel lt
The volleyball team works hard and improves friendships and 11nity at the same time.
is Dybi n g
Perfect Pa ss Junior Nikki Frost passes a difficult serve from the oppos1t1on The team captains for this year's team were seniors Sonya Camey and Brooke Homecker The team took fourth place out of 20 reams in a tournament at Mesa Ridge H ornecker said, 'The worst part about volleyball 1s the tryouts and the running " Photo by Ron Finelh
Han g Time Junior Kaycee H eid hits another solid kill against a weak block This year's varsity team consisted of two seniors. seven juniors and two sophomores Some members of Junior varsuy are bumped up to vars tty for certain games due to IOJUnes Senior Brooke Homecker said. "All of the five hour practices are worth 11 when we play games " Photo by Ron Ftnelli
D ' Evelyn 0-2 Wa sson 1-2 Wes tmin s ter 1-2 Sand Creek 0-2 Dak ota Rid ge 2-0 Mull e n 1-2
Columbine 2- 1
Chatfield 0-2
B ear Creek 0-2
Arvada West 0-2
Arvada 0-2
Standley Lak e 2-0
P o m o na
Out of Breath Juni o r Sarah P hillips and and senior Brooke Hom ecke r prepare for the serve from th e opposing team. Th e team practiced five nights a week for tw o h ours each night Th e team had a tough sta rt losing their first four marches in close games. Phillip s said, " Th e best part about volleyball 1s the incredible team bond and all th e fun we hav e " Ph o to by Ron Fin e lh
Butter Bump Juni or K aycee He,d mak es a great pass 10 se1 up a quick hit for sophomore Nicole M oore Jun ior Deann Wallace said, "The worst part o f Volleyball is getting hurt and having to s11 ou t " Ph oto by Ron Finelh
Final Record: 3 Wins, 11 Losses
Team p1c1urc no1 available
Green M o unt ai n Wh ea t R idge
1- 2 0-0 0-0
Greeley Ce ntr a l 1-2
Sports 45
Swin g Away Sophomore John Chrisman shoots out of the rough at the We s twood s tournament Practice for the team was held for two and a half hours every other day at Applewood Mark H omeke r was the coach of this year's team " My favonte place to play 1s at Thom Creek," said se nior Enc Guthrie P hoto by Ron Finell!
Tee Ti m e Junior K yle Dinkle tees off at the We s twood s tournament. There was a three day try out to see who would make the team or not There were tournaments every other week " I' ve played serious golf with Golden for t\VO years and 1t has been fun ," said se nior Kyle Golos P hoto by Ron Finelh
r o
Foothil l s
Junior Kyle Dtnklc , the team MVP said a few words about his coach "Coac h Homeker 1s a good coach because he 's positive and helps the players be the best they can be"
The u-.am placed 10th this year in the county.
F'o r Par! Junior David Sund chips on to the g r rhe Westwoods tournament It costs $75 to play c ream, rhe school provides some of the equipment fc team The test of the equ ipm ent cos ts anywhere $JOO to over $1000 • I think I can make state 1f hard enough" said senior Ky le Go los Photo by "inelli
For Par! Junior David Sund chips on to the green at :Ile Westwoods tournament It costs $75 to play cin the team the school provides some of the equipment fc>r the team The test of the equipment costs anywhere from } I00 to over $1000 • I think I can make state 1f T trv , : ud enough," said senior Kyle Golos Photo by J:ton F1o'!lh
.1.ead. the _ .-.vc..o. place 6nish in the co11nty
o y Aaron B arker , J e n n ifer Steckmyer, Chns Morgan, and Jason McLaughlJr
.; Senior a haystack
.:en Mountain Jmament usually .nree to four hours total of 25 people on ountry team Hoffert ~lave been on cross country my freshman year, I don't n really know why I keep doing ; it 1s JUSt fun " Photo by Bill Kelley
A Helping Hand Senior L1 zee Hoogheem gets a little bu of help from her teammate after fini shing a long race H oogheem was the captain of the team tht s year The girl s' te am placed fifth at the regional tournament. Sophomore Menaka MahaJan s aid , " My favonte part about cros s c ountry was how mu c h fun everyone had together."
Photo by Bill Kelley
Exhausted Sop homore Bnttany Meagher looks down as she firu s he s a race Seniors J o s h Bridgeman, L1zee Hoogheem , Junior M ark Fairweather and s ophomore Sarah Pi zzo qualified for the state c ompetition Pizzo s aid , " My favorite part about c ros s c ountry 1s racing , becau se I love to compete." Photo by Bill Ke ll ey
Liberty Bell Invitational Boys- 12th Girl s- 12th
Conifer Invitational
Boy s- 3rd Girl s 4th
Jeffco Championships Boys- 8th Girl s - 7 th 4A/ 5A Di s trict s Boys - 8t h Gi rl s- 6th
Other s cores not made available by the coac hin g s taff
Co ncentrate Sophomore Sarah Pizzo loo ks ahead 10 the last few yards of her race P izzo placed fifth at Sta te, and was o n the All -S tate team The team thi s year was very balanced, w ith seven seniors, seven jun iors, s ix sop homo re s a nd five freshmen Juni o r Laura Wo rd said, "T he worst part about cross cou nt ry 1s the long tra1nm g runs " Ph o to by B ill Kelley
L e ap s a nd Bo und s Sen ior Wes H offert Jumps over a haystack 1n a meet against Green M ounta in A cross country tournamen t usually lasts for about three to four hours There were a total of 25 people on the cross country team Hoffert said, " I have been on cross country since my freshman year, I don't even really know why I keep doing 11, 1t 1s JUSt fun " Photo by Bill Kelley
• Ahead of the Pack Senior Adam Dragul runs past hts competJtors in a tournament Th e team practiced from 3 p.m to 4 p m 1n the afte rn oon every day after sc hool
So ph o m ore Sarah Pizzo placed 22nd a r the National Champ 1onsh1ps, and was on the All -American team Sophomore Seth Bakker said, " I had a good time ge tun g to know everyone on the team" Photo by Bill Kelley
The cross co11ntry team is extremely successful, with members qualifying for State and even national competitions.
F ly in g Hi gh Sophomore Stefanie Nahley perfects her routine on the uneven bars The girls received new uniforms They were ruby red instead of maroon because their coach wanted to be d1fferenc. Sophomo re K1rslln Everett sa id, " It was a really great season and all of us girls were really close " Pho to by T iffany Frednck
Ju s t Hang in g Around Freshman Amy Ki rk prepares for her routine with the help of her coach Dave Yonk1e
There are two assistant coaches besides head coach Yonk1e
They are Danelle and Tanya Dittbrenner Ju nior Casandra Dittbrenner said, "We had senior spirit that brought lots of fun to pracuce " Photo by Ron Finelh
Fro nt R o w : S1efan1e Nahley, Amy Kirk, Laura Young, K 1rs11 n Everet! Ba c k R o, v: Casandra Dlltbrenncr, Jessica Bonng, Vanessa J oiner, Sandy P orter
Stretch it Out Senior Sandy Porter s tretc he s a nd s hows her nex1b1ltty on th e bala nce be am GHS gym nas ucs consis ts of fou r events the bar, va ul t be am , an d Ooor Th e o· vaul t was th e bes t even t al l aro und for the team Sop homore ft K1rs tm Evere tt said, " Wh e never 1t was our turn to go, we'd f always ch ee r for each o ther" Pho to by Ron F1ne lh
l{eady, Se t, Go Fres hman Heat her Axen performs ne r floor exercise against Columbine. Heather was one of the tnplets who came to the GHS gymnastics prog ram from D Evelyn Th ey all thre e earned a GHS lelter Fr c,hma n Amy Kuk sa id , " The D ' Evelyn g irl s were really nice and I thank they worked really well with us " ?hoto by Ron F1n e ll1
The GHS girls gymnastics team has a great season with one returning senior, and sorn.e new and yo11ng talent.
By Katie Kn ep p , Bria nna Bake r, and Katie Carlsoni t e rl y Advice J unior Casandra D1tlbrenner talks over her tech niqu es with sister and assistant coach Danelle D11tbrenner Th e girls practiced from 4 pm until 6 p.m every day Th ey also had to set up and tak e down all of the eq ui pment Se n ior Vanessa J oiner ~aid, "As a team I th ink we bonded well and had a lot of new, young ta len t •· Photo by Ron Ftnelh
Faster, Faster Junior Samantha D ovey swims th e butterfly as f as t as s h e can Swimming and diving team s h ad a new coac h thi s year, R .C Hani sc h Dov ey bro k e the 200 medley relay along with freshman Les li e Daniel s, sopho mo re Seda Ozdemir, and junior Julia King . " I think we did very well thi s year, competing 4A and takin g league," said Hani sc h Ph o to b y Ron Finelh
Getting Read y Freshman Lind say O sten so n pre pares mentally for her di ve. Ostenson broke the 11 dive record. Golden received third tn State due to their hard work " D iv in g thi s year was a s tro n g spo rt for G o ld en, and the s wimm ers and d ivers worked together to win evencs," s aid O s ten so n Ph oto by Ron Finelh
Pomona 132-5 4
Arvada West 130-150
Eve rgreen 124-62
Columbine 116-69
First row : M elissa Fine , Angela M enna, Kelly P ohne, Mary Th omas, Nadia M a rk ovchick, M aggie Ruddy econd row : Hannah P izzo, Juli a Kin g, Li zzie H oogheem, A s hl ey Me ag her, Madel ei ne Van Met e r, Dian e Bndenbu rg Third row : Leah Fos ter, Ra c hel Garnett, Mi c hell e D e m , Coach R C Hanisch, Abby
Young, Shannon Politte , Kn sty Vaivoda , Se da Ozdemir, Le she
Daniel s Ba ck row : Amy Ve nn1ll1 on, Kil ey Knepp, Tara Cas ino , Tessa Le e, Brittan y Babkiw1 c h, Lind say O s ten so n Brittan y Meager, Shannon Gomez , Kelly Jone s
Girls' Swimming Season Record 4-1
Whea t Ri dge 111 -72
A Full Rotation Junior Kil ey Knepp s pin s off the d1v1ng board so aring through the air Kn epp wa s the only returning diver from la s t year D1 v1ng practi ced from 4 .30 p m to 5 30 p m and sw imming prac t iced from 8 00 p m to l 0:00 p m
" Th is 1s my fir s t year d1v1ng and I am proud of the accomplishments that we made 1n d1v1ng thi s yea r," sa id so phomore Amy Ve nn11l1on Photo by Ron Fin elh.
Keep It Going Sop h omore Seda Ozdemir swi m s for th e wi n 1n t he free style compe l il1on Th e leaders of t h e swi mm ing and d1v1ng !cams are Juha K ing Juniors
Sam a n tha D ovey, Nadia M arkovch 1ck, senior Ashley
M eagher, Ozdem1r and freshmen Lindsay Ostenson Ozde m 1r broke the 400 free relay w!lh K ing, M ark ovch , ck, and Dovey " I had so much fun chis year because of all my fnends. and the suppon they g,ve co the tea m " said sophomo re K elly O Jones Photo by R on Fine ll,
By S tef a ni e N a hl Sa a Lukr afk a, Li z Lukr a fk a a nd H o p e Ja u chF lippin , Freshman Lindsay Ostenso1 flips a one and a half tuck off the d1v1n1 board The team to beat 1n league was A West because they were a 5A team an< they were the two year defending league champions Golden, a 4A team tool league beating A-\Vest "A-West wa · our biggest compet1tor and we were ove Joyed when we beat them 1n the leagu, meet,' said sophomore Brittany Meager
The girls' swim team practiced their hardest causing them to place in the top three of all their
Breaking The D Senior Adam Qu ee n dnbbl es by a defender from Broomfie ld Adam Queen led the team 10 points per game and s teal s. There was a new ed1uon to the te am with two new coac hes, Coach D oug And erson and Coach Scott M anni ng " I enjoy th e ba sk e tb all games because of the half-court shots during the game," so phomore Andi e Ho Photo by R o n F inelli Hot S h o t Senior Le e N e w gen t pu ts the ball up s trong for an easy two points There are six se niors on thi s years team Greg Anderson lead the team thi s year in blocks " I like going to !he games because of all of !he excitement," juruor Evan Willi s Ph oto by R on Finelli
Fro nt Row : GatorWilson,Adam Queen , Team Manager J ames New co mer Ba ck Row: Coach Doug Anderson , David Kohn , Travi s Moon, Lee Newgent, Greg Anderson, Umi t Ozdemir, Ro ss Martin , Andy Zimmennan, Coach Bob Stokes
Season Record 9-10
Speed Dribbling Juruor Gator Wil so n penetrates the I lane again s t Broo mfield Th e team rai ses m o ney for the ba sketball program by working Rocki es games over the s ummer There 1s a total o f l l players on th is year 's team 1 "Th ere's a lot of hard work envolved but in the en d it's ' worth it, " s aid so phomore Travi s Mo on Phot o by Ron '. Finelh f
Powere d U p SeruorGreg Anderson Jays the ball back m after an offensive rebound There were a total of 19 ~.uncs thi~ season lasting from November to Feb ruary rl :VOUls for the team were 1n dunng the beg1nn1ng of Novembe r • This year has been fun eve n though we have bec:n through some rough times," said senior Ross Martin Pho·o by R on Finelh
lligh scoring Adam Queen helped lead the boys ' basketball ream to a 9-10 record.
By Aaron Barker, James Workman , & Hunter Hoosetro n g D Junior Gator Wil s on and senior Adam Queen s et up the defense The head coach of the team was Coach Bob Stokes Senior Lee Newgent led th e team thi s year 1n rebound s. " The best part of our team 1s the energy that the te am s hows during game ume ," s aid s ophomore Travi s Moon Photo by Ron Finell!
Drop O ut Sophomore Meli ssa H ue man talce s a knock out hit as s h e heads toward s the bas ket H ue m a n blocked 23 shots dunn g the regular seaso n Out of 87 free throw attemp ts Hu eman led the team with 56 "So me stre ngths of our team are o ur defen se, and our ability to s teal the ball from the opposing team," s aid freshman Kirs tin Canaday Photo by R o n Finelh
Down The Court Jun ior Laura Word dribbl es the ball ac ross th e cou rt to JOlfl h e r teammates Enn Rozelle led the team with 29 three point s hots followed byTaleah Malaya with 24, and Ward with 12 The o nl y t wo retu rnin g players , Rozelle and Mataya, were the two c aptain s of the te am " Varsity has improved 1n skill leve l drarnau c all y since th e begi nning of the season. Th is has helped our team's f r ie nd s hip grow s trong e r," sai d fr es hman Ch.ristJna Carbone Ph oto by R o n Finell i
Gir season
Concentrate Sophomore Mi c h elle King co ncentrates as s h e gets ready to s hoot a penalty s hot. K ing led th e team with 95 rebounds during the regular season , and 15 in the playoffs. In th e game vs Denver Wes t Enn R ozelle led th e team sco ring 30 points " M y favorite part of bas ketball wa s the way the team unity developed over the seaso n ," s aid K i n g. Ph oto by Ro n Fi nelli
Out Of My Wa y Junio r Erin Rozelle pushes her way through the defense to mak e a bas ket. Roze ll e sco red the highe s t number of poi nts, followed by se ni o r Tal eah Mata ya. Rozelle scored 231, M ataya scored 175 and M e li ssa Hueman bac k ed th em up 150 in th e regular season. " We only had two return ing varsity players, R oze lle a nd M a taya and lost six sen iors from la st year's team. In that pe rs pec tive I feel that the g irls did an excepttonal job thi s year and I'm very exci ted for the furure of our program," said Coac h Rod B eauc h amp Ph oto by Ron Finelli
By Sara Lukrafka, Stefanie Nahley, and Liz Lukrafk aWh o's O p e n Junior Jamie Henderso n sk ims the court for someone to pa ss the ball to Sen1orTaleah Mataya scored over 30 points 1n the p layoffs The girls went to playoffs and had a record of one and one " I think our team works well together, and we are all p r etty good friends," sa id sophomore Laura Bollinger Phot o by Ron Finell1
The Lady Dem.ons dominated som.e opponents as they shot their way to the playoffs.
Gator Trainer Sophomore Bnan Ne lson shows the Standley Lake Gators how it 's done 'lwenty-two members were on the wrestling team thi s year The number of people on the team 1s a big dip from 35 members two years ago Thi s year, there were 11 members on varsity "I like to support everybody on the team and bring happines s to the room as manager, " said senior Chnssy Owens. Photo by Ron Finelli
Fire in his Eyes Sophomore Micah Leadford is ready to kic k butt in a match against Standley Lake Senior J ared Blac kney, sopho more Mi cah Leadford, and Juniors Ni ck Montanez , Matt Curtis, and Chns Vorhie s a tt ended Regional s this year Thi s year there was one se nior on the team and two seniors as managers " As managers, we mop the mats, get water and first aid, do paperwork, and talce scores," said senior Cori Sayyah Photo by Ron Finelli
Front row : C Gobbo , C Owens , C Vorhies, C Sayyah, T Brown Midd le row : R Chris tensen, K M artin, J Keesee, J Theisen, B Nel so n, N M ontanez, E Carr, P Cohen B ack r ow: Coach Dan Morri so n , R Black , M Leadford , C. Vorhies , M Cu rt is, J Blackney, G R egne r, A Cardoso, Coach Scott Acker
Wh o's da Man ? Senior Jared Bla ckn ey brings the Gators to a halt in a match against Standley Lake Blac kney, in h is last season with the Demon s, had attended state this year The head coach Scott Acker has coached th e Demon s for two consecutive seasons. " Th is 1s m y eighth season wresthng I like the chall enge and competi tion ," said freshman Robbie Bla ck. Photo by Ron Finelli
Down , but not Over Yet Sophomo re Garrett Regner 1s ready to get hi s opponent off hi s back at the match against Stand ley Lake Coach A c ker not only coac hed for the sc hoo l, but he once wre s tled for G H S. This year the District Tournament was held at B ear C reek High School. Sen ior Jared Bl ackney said, " Even though we didn ' t win mu ch, we knew we were a young team "
Demon wrestlers struggle through a tough season, but remain coin6dent.
By Justin Stiegelmeier/ Abbey Knox, Jonathan Kreutzer/ and Tom TafoyaDown and Out Sophomore J esse Keesee gets pinned by a Standley Lake Gator Every year GHS ho s ts two 10vitat1onal tournaments for J efferson Cou nty The members begin the season in November by running the halls to build endurance. Sophomore Mi cah Leadford said, " Thi s has been a fun season, and I look forward to next year when we will have more expenenced wrestlers " Ph oto by Ron Finell1
Sports 59
Shake , Rattle , & Roll Freshman Tarah
Moya and junior A s hley Martynow dance to the beat at the H omecoming a ssem bly Tndeue s only perform during the halftime of varsity games and assemblies. Juni or A shley Martynow said, " The Tridette squad 1s like a gro up of best friend s. We always have a Jot of fun , and of co urse the dancing is great to "
Ki ckin g th e Id ea Hom e The Tctdette s entertain the crowds during the Homecoming assembly At every maJor asse mbly the sen ior Tndettes led the upper and lowerc lass men 1n the hand Jive The Trid ettes often have to work fo r hours to perfec t a s ingle move " I love being able to go out 1n front of the whole sc hool and dance," exclaimed Junior Alh so n Barrett
Ron Finelli
Lett e rs of Spirit The Trid e ttes write out " GHS '9 9 " with their porn -pon s at the fir s t sp1nl assembly The Tridettes prac ti ce d until 4 p m every day after sc hool , except when they have a game that night. There was a total of rune Tridettes thi s year, in c luding seven new members Senior Jessic a Spice sai d , " I have been o n Trid eues for two years I have been a dancer si nce I was three years old I love to perform ." Photo by Adam Nim s
By Ryan Nee , Chris Medina and Douglas BaldwinKicking It Up Juni o r A shley Martynow and freshman Tarah MoyJ Kit s mile as they perform d ouring the H omecomi ng asse mbly The Tridettes. f as well as the chee rlead ers and the dance team went to dance camp over 0 th e s ummer Sophomore Vi Nguyen said, " I a m looking forward to ..\sh] leadi n g the hand Jive when I am a s enior." Ph oto by Adam Nim s 'Pti
Cheers and Tridettes have a great year, from assemblies to games.
Give Me a "G" Sophomore Katie Carlson and junior Lacy Fritz bnng home the c heer at one of our football games. The cheerleaders went to summer camp, where they learned to dance to the mu sic The captains of the cheerleaders were sop homore Talitha \Vh1tlatch and junior Lon Maloney Talitha when asked how s he kept from gettJng nervous rephed, " I think positive and know that everything will go okay" Photo by Ron Finelh
Moving to the Beat Fre s hmen Kiley Knepp and seruor Vanessa Joiner get the crowd cheenng at a recent football game Tiu s year. the cheerleaders had new uniform s, 1nclud1ng new s kirt s with a s ilver stripe The new uniform s cost $550 each, they helped pay for thi s by doing two fund-raisers Fre s hman Mackenzie Cottle sa id , 'The worst part about cheers 1s that you have to pracuce for a really long time, but 11 all pays off " Photo by Ron Finelh
King of the World Senior Vanes sa J oiner balan ces atop h er fellow chee rl eaders at the first assemb ly of the year Thi s year's cheerlea dang squa d had 12 m e m bers, including two seniors. The c heers placed second an the Buffalo Ball Days walk-on compell taon .\shlcy Long said, 'The hardest part about Chee rs is making sure that everyone h as sharp ""lotaons • Photo by Ron Finelh
Hand Jive The cheer!ead1ng squad does the hand Jive led by the T ridettes The cheerlead1ng squad has had many coaches throughout the year 1nclud1ng J oy Sumner, Barbara Greaves and Ti na Stevens. Sophomore Stephanie Nahley sai d. "C heerleadang as fun because I have made a lot of fnend s, and I hke doing Jumps "
Level Ill Football
Front row : E Carr, S Darc y, N Frost, L Nolte , C Pyatt , D Strewler, T Gleaton , M Gu11lerrez. , G McKee , S
To, B Harn s Seco nd row : K Graves, B Cullum , R H ill , G Larson , S Kirk , B S tues loff, T Carroll , R Banon , M Vowles Third row : Coach S M anning ,
J The1 san , M Smith , \V Dobyns , Z Aland , M Pal mer, K B ull , B Dunlap, D Tu rner, C Heater. M DeCarlo Ba ck row : Coach T Champagne , C Lollar,
A . Flore s , R Bla ck , R Lewan, C Albra c ht , N Levitt , D Crass , T Love, P Matzke , Coach David Ha m mock
Level m Softball
Front row : Danielle Ro s ener, Vaness a Santi s tevan , Tara Bank s, Middl e row : Juha Yokem , Ra c hael M at s on , Jessica Alexander , Coach B ob Wells, Molly Cook , Tanna Sandife r, Abby Sand s, Ba c k r ow: Andrea H unt , Behn Yavuz. , Morgan Worthington , Alex Valerius , Andrea Bester, Natalie Mantilla
Level III Volleyball
Front row : Catie Vorhies, J ennifer Curti s, Delayna Durd en Middle row : Leslie McCre1ght, Janelle Engle, Kristy Durbin, Courtney Kroeller Ba c k row : Coach Shannon M is ek , She ree Caldwell, Elizabeth Marun ez., Kirsten Canaday, Anne Dobyns, Coach Carolyn Crouch
JV Softball
Front Row : Erin Enna, Erika Foss Middle row : J odi Guthne, Brianna B aker , Coach Dean Kun z , K end ra Kelley, Mi chelle King Ba c k row : Corri Van Douz.er, Emily Yocom, Mi c helle M antilla
JV FootbaJI
First row : P Cohen, B Nel son, G Wil son, B Ryan, J K eese, M Lahey econ d row : C
H ayes, J Courtney. S Gibson, M Gowey, B
B ecker, J Ziegler Third r ow: J Foos D
M c Br oom, M Fanc1ul11, T Carver_ D
R oberts, S Saindon, J Engl er, B ack r o~:
Coach Bnan En g li sh. J Mel ni c k, A. Ca rdosa ,
C Gleat o n , J Engler, K Ram s te tt er C
Cappello. Coach Dou g And erso n,
JV Volleyball
Fron t row : Chnsty Demm g, Aurora Ariel
Sunn1e Finel11 Middl e row : Coach, Kall e
Winham Ton i Sullivan Kn s cin Mc Vaugh.
Coach B ack row : Elaine Ekberg H a nn a h
Doi , K elly Watson , Courtne)' Hall
JV Soccer
Front row : J ere my Mol es, M ichael
M orrison, Cassidy D1n zes, J esse Croc k. ,
J ere m y Dahm , Charles H unt s man , Jo e
K ennedy, Seth Allen , David Pe rl eberg Ba c k
row : Coac h R adu Marku , Paul Ne e dham , Andy Zimmerman, Tyler Pik e. Greg
Wambold t, Tim Burc h , Brandon Beehl er,
Jam es Workman , Carlos Cady Re he1 s, Evan
Willi s
JV girl s' basketball Fro nt Ro w : J essica Alexander, Emily Yo cu m , Cassandra Dittbrenner, Ba c k Row : Enka Fo ss. Chnst1na Carbone, Shelly Barlow, Coach Dave Schaak, Kn s t1n Canaday, Laura Bollinger, Megan Tnpp -Add1 so n
Level Ill girls ' basketball Fro nt R o w : Joanna Ward, Les lie M cCre1ght, Aman d a McDowell , Julie Will1am s, Shanna Wagehng Back Row : Coach Laura Cart e r, Elizabeth Martinez Rachel Nelms , D esiree Smith , R oseanne Ha tc h er. Tara Banks, Dyanna Durbi n, Valene M antilla, Coach Mark Well s
Ill boy s' ba s ketball Front R o w : Zack dav1 s, Chns Morgan , Brad D un lop , J eremy Moles, Sam Tate Ba c k R o w : Derek Adam , T.J Fren c h , Sean H astings, Ryan Klumb, Coac h Scott Mannin g, Rodney Lippe rt , Nat e Levitt , Dan Crass. Ni c k D1m1tn c
JV boy s' basketball Front Row : team m an ager J o lie G r ay, Be n Ryan, J ay S to k es, Donnie P ridmo re, team man ager K ara Sc hm idt Ba c k R ow : Coac h Bob Sto k es, And y Zimmennan , D an H aschke, Josh H ubbard, Lee Sau n ders, Travis M oon, Ke ll y M cTeer, J am es Workman, Coach Doug A n derson
In their second year of dancing for GHS, dance team has continued to amaze the student body with all their routines .
By K a ti e Ca rl so n & A a r o n Ba r k e rL e t 's D a n ce Junior Blair Alenius perfonns one of her dance routine s for the Homecoming assembly Thi s 1s the second year that GHS has had a dance team Joy Eagen 1s the head of th e dancers and teaches at Wes t Side Dance \Vhere the members allend " I am very proud of the girls thi s year. 1hey have accomplished a lot and 1t shO"-S," said Alemu, Ph o to by Ron Fin ell1
G e t D ow n Junior Blai r Alen1us , senior Kirsten Look and sopho more Tiffany Annenta conclude their performance at 1he Homecoming assembly Th e dance team consists of nine full tim e members Other members include, Dani Rose. Emil y Madison. Nicole Moore, Amanda McDowell and Amanda Gable " This is my tirs1 year on the dance team and I have enJoyed every moment of 11," said sophomore Heather C1eslar P hoto by Ron Fincll1
Go With th e F lo, v Senior Kirsten LooJ... and JUnior Blair Alen1us begin 1hc1r rou1ine for 1hc c rowd The girls on the team designed some of the dance perfonnances lhemselves Durin g the wee J... th e team held pracllce at their s1ud10 from 2 30-4 00 pm " Th e best part of dancing 1s t rying new moves and learning new dances," sa id sophomore Tiffany Annen ta Ph oto by Ron Fin elh
Aca d e mi cs a r e m o r e imp o rtant th a n a n y sc h o l a r s co uld i m agi n e. Th ey ru n th e m a jo rity o f a s tud e nt 's l ife w h e th e r h e / s h e lik es it o r n o t . Aft e r a ll, s tud e nt s a r e in this ce m e nt jun g le ca ll ed sc h oo l t o ge t a goo d ed u ca ti o n Th e s tr esses of s t ayin g up la t e fini s hin g a pro jec t d u e th e n ex t d ay fo r hi s t o r y, worry in g a b o ut r ece nt m a th t es t s a n d p r oc r as tin a ti n g th e e ndl ess essay fo r En g lis h h ave a ll b ee n ex p e ri e n ce d by eve r y st ud e n t in hi g h sc h oo l . S tu de nt s a r e n ' t b ei n g g r a d e d for atti tu de n o r co l o rin g a n y 1n o r ei thi s is d e m a ndi n g, vexa t io u s h ig h sc h oo l acade mi cs. To m ake thin gs worse, stu d e n ts a r e co n s t a ntl y r e mind e d t o r eceive acce ptable g r ades a nd to pl a n fo r th e futur e w hil e try in g t o h ave a soc i a l li fe we d ge d i n as well Lu ck il y, th e t eac h e r s in Go l de n c r ea t e a c urri c ulum th a t keeps s tud e nts on the edge of th e ir sea t s a n d m a k es t h e yea r r a th e r e nj oya bl e ove r a ll.
Ro c k on th e E d ge Sophomores Frazer Lanier and Ju stin Armstrong prac11ce th e ir gu itar skills during cla'is A vast variety of music programs are available at Golden The voca l music groups were invited to !>tng in Carnegie Hall " I'm so exc11ed to go to Carnegie Hall I t 1s almost a'> b ig of an accompli s hment a s winning Nationals last yea r," said senior Chineane Narans Ph o to by R Finel11
Pouring to the Edge Sophomore K atie Ridge makes s ure s he does n't s p ill dunng a !di sc ience experiment 1n Biology T he science department provided the students a variety of ex peri ments and fi eld tnps for beller understanding of the world around t hem Science plays an important role m educatio n because it enables studen ts to learn about their enviro nment 1n a hands-on style of learning " I Jove scie nce because th ere 1s alway, somet hing new to explore," said Junior Enn Bernard
Academics allowed the opportunity for students to push themselves throughout the year.
Edg in g Euclid Sophomore Nicole Moore helps out sophomore Mcghan Fleming with her alge;hra homework dunng access Golden offered two d1ffcrcn1 tracks of math ba,1c ,tandard c.1 tssc~ and Intcrac:rivc, for a more hands on approach I n order to graduate, a student must ral-.c I lath for rwo years, but many demons choose to do more Fre,;hman Greg Lar,on said. "I want to lay in math beyond my sophomore year bccau,e 1t will help me prepare for the SAT exam "
Making the Grade Senior Alan Daniels receives his academic leuer from ass istant pnnc1pal Dr Shirley Alg1ene Over 200 people this year obtamed a letter for keeping up a 3 8 GPA for two consecutive semesters The awards assembly was a way to compensatton for all the hard work " l l1ked all of the drinks and food at the assembly." said Junior Bnan Logan Photo by R Finelh
Ridin g th e Wind Junior Hans Layman finishes a physics problem with style Physics 1s the study of how and why things occur 1n nature Mr Dick Shalhamer was one of the students' favonte teachers because of his great science of humor and fun ac1tv1t1es 1nvolv1ng physics ShaJhamer said, "Physics, like life, should be enJoyable along the way"
One , Two Th e marching band marches down Washington St for the Hom ecomi n g parade The G H S band was made up of 80 m e mbers Among them are many different skill levels, from beginners to experts Scott Edson said, " We have made a great deal of improvement with the younger kids this year" Ph oto by Ron Finelh
Ba ss Junior Thomas Cecil beats his drum during an assembly The band played at four co mp etittons one of which was at CSU They also played at hom e varsity football games, basketball games and at assemblies Junio r Wesley Walton said , '' I t's fun to travel around to compete against othe r band s Photo by Ron Fi nelli.
Pra c tice Makes Perfect Freshman Hittin' The High Notes Senior Ju st in M o rgan, se nior Spencer Nee and A s hley M eag her plays her trumpet. Thi s so phom o re Shelley Ballenger practice year one o f the band's compe titions was during access The band prac ti ce d every cancelled due to rain Th e band did well W-1 The marching band had two prac ti ces thi s year placing eig hth at J effco, 15th at a week outsi d e o f class Sophomore Sa ra regionals and 17th at S tate Sophomore Garrell sai d , " Band is hard work, but 1t all Ju stin Eberhart said, " Th e marching band pays off 10 th e end " Phot o by Ron Fin e lli ha s been a great influence on my hfe 1n many ways " Ph oto by Ron Finell i.
Many students devote their spare time to the creation of music at GHS.
By Krystal Haughey, Thoma s Williams and John Zirbes.
Deep Breath Freshman Jonath an Mu sgrave plays his tuba during the Homecoming parade The dedication varied from student to student With all their practice came great improvement Sophomore Seth Balcker said, " It makes you use your brain more than learning math."
Marching A l o ng The Marching Band proudly makes their way down Washington SI dunng H omecommg
On average there are 27 new members each year Unfortunately, they did not win any compe11t1ons this year Sophomore Garrett Regner said, " M ak in g music for the school 1s a wonderful expenence "
Darn Tootin' Good Ju nior Cara H asseu plays her flute at the H omecoming parade 1h1s year The orc h estra had 11 me mb ers, seven of which are 1n All Country orchestra The orchestra dtd not compe te, but they did perform for the school Sophomore Todd Porter said, "This year th e orc hestra has more talent than ever, I expect we will do great." Ph oto by R on Fin elh.
Drumming Away Jun ior Sonia Caldwell plays her drums al the H omecoming assembly This year's drum line had a score of 70 at State whi c h was the highest eve r in our school's h istory The drum ltn e pulled together the sound of the band w ith their ca tc hy beats Juni o r Thomas Cecil sa id " The band 1s doing well and the drums are playin g better."
A Foa min g Ex per ie nce Senior M att B oyd discove rs the hard way, that carbo n ates release wate r and carbo n d1ox1de when th ey are mixed with an acid Chem istry is one of the few classes where you learn wha t the universe is made of first hand Although c h emistry 1s a pnmanly senior class, many sophomo res and juniors take chemistry Boyd comme nt ed tha t , " Th e grea tes t part abo ut che m istry is the goggles!''Photo by D B aldwin
A Mo me nt i n T im e Juniors Nadia Markovchick and Adam M yers try to figure out how fast a bike 1s going using physics formulas This year, many students bought T -shirts with all th eir favorite physics formulas Mr Di ck Schalhamer had his students make robots as their big proJect this year Junior Rob Schreiner said, "Schalhamer has the g reates t s tones and demos o f anyo n e in the sc h ool." Ph oto by D oug las Baldwin
T he S pa rk of L ife Senio r Sarah Co ker cha n ces elec tr ocu ti on w h ile working on rebu 1ld 1n g a se r ies of coils f or their radio telescope Ph ysics II worked on multiple proJects 1nclud1ng a radio telescope, a Tesla coil, and an elec tric car Sen ior Tom Lu edtke said, " Ph ysics II is great! I n what othe r c la ss do you get to build and use a Tesla coi l that can mak e 30-40 inch spa rks!" Ph o to by D Baldw i n
On th e Roa d Bi ology s tu dent, so ph omore M e l issa H ueman, works a t the D enver Mu seum of N a tur a l H isto r y s tud ying ecosys t ems and env ir onments Bi o lo gy students team about b1ot1c and abio t ic fac tors Bi ology is one of the firs t s p cc1al1z.ed sc ie n ces that studen ts learn about 1n high schoo l. Sophomore Sean B oice said, " B 1ology is kind of boring I only like ll when we go on field trips and catch bugs"
Daz e d and C onfu se d Sop homore B1II Taran lino stares at his T I -83 calculator during access for algebra. Algebra I teaches s tudents h ow to solve simple equations using formulas Algebra II expands on the basics fr om Algebra J, by entering into the realms o f complex numbers and natural logs Sophomore Ke11h Marston said. " Math 1s important because you use 11 a lot in ltfc"
Go Fig ur e J unior Frank Duncan presents another compound 1n1eres1 problem to his peers Many math students are required to do presentations 1ha1 1n1egrate math with English Duncan said. "Precalculus is fun, except for the trigonometric 1den11t1es "
Photo by Douglas Baldwin
Huh ? Senior Ben Kowalski confuses the class while expla1n1ng the uses for the second denva11ve Calculus 1s composed almost ent irely of denva11ves. 1n1ergrals. and their apphca11ons Calculus 1s the highest level math course offered at GHS. 1n which the students are able 10 cam college credit Kowalski said, "Calculus 1s meant to broaden our honzons. and sque lch our self esteem " Photo by Douglas Baldwin '
It 's in th e Ca rd s Juniors Joe Borden and Ryan Vierke are 1nves11gat1ng how a math based card tnck works The Interac!lve Math P rogram (IM P) 1'- a new alternative 10 the standa rd math offered at GHS S1uden1.-, arc given problems and are expected to figure out formulas from them, as opposed to being given the formulae; and solving equa11ons from there Sophomore Sara Garre! said. " IMP 1s more d1fficull than some people m1gh1 think"
Photo b} Diane Kessler
GHS math and science students work hard to achieve high goals, so they can succeed later in life.
Speak Al o ud Sophomore Edwin Ag ee recites a speech dunng Publi c Co mmuni c atio n s E ven thou g h man y s tud en ts rece ive their four credits o f English early, th ey often co nttnue to tak e courses. Engli s h has become much more advanced si n ce G H S ha s the luxury of ha v ing so many co mputers that are ava ilable to the s tud e n ts "College Vocabulary and Grammar was the best c hoi ce for Engl is h because 1t h e lped m e so mu ch with my SAT test," sai d se nior Brand en Allen. Ph o t o by Ju s un Stiegelme1er
Stud y ing Hard Sop h omore Abby
Pfi s terer gets a h ead start on he r homework
In c lasses such as Advanced M ass Media and Pubh c Commun1cat1ons, not only do you learn wn t1n g skills, you also learn to speak in front of an audie n ce Senior S h anno n Sumner said, " I think that English does a great job of makin g us dig into our 1mag1nanon "
Working o n the Proje c t Sop h o more Men aka MahaJan finishes a p os ter for he r upcommg presentation Cou rses s u c h as Yearbook and Theatre do not s pe c ifi ca lly tea c h literature s kill s, although they are s ttll co n s idered E n glish credits Every year s tudents have th e o pportunity to go to the CU library during College
Compos1t1on to research th ei r papers
Senior Ro ss M artin s aid , " I defint1e l y think AP Engli s h 1s the mo st ben e fi c ial c la ss o ffe r ed at thi s high sc ho o l "
Photo by J ustin St1egelme1er
Listening Carefull y Junio rs Lon
M al oney and M elissa John so n s it and li ste n ca refully to a le c ture Most co lleg es require s tudents take all four years of Engli s h dunng high sc hool. Not only d o s tud en t s learn ba s ic writing s k11l s, but they learn s kill s suc h as New s paper and Yea rboo k Senior Ja son Gregory said, "Co lleg e co mp re a lly helped me when 1t ca m e to writ i n g my co ll ege e ntran ce ess ays "
Phot o by J us tin Suegelmcier
Foreign Language and English bring diversity and pleasure to GHS students
By Joe Bo rd e n and Tim PrayWher e in th e World? Mr Jeny Yanz points out an 1mportant location 1n Spain An average of over 700 studencs per year participate 1n a foreign language Man y colleges require at least two years of foreign language "Teaching Spanish and French 1s a bla~t because the students are so w1lhng to learn," said Mr Tom Sweet Ph oto by J Borden
Whate ve r Sophomore Andy Z1mmennan memorizes an upcom1ong ass1ngment. Many students thought that the tnp s to Spain and Germany were th e h1ghhght.S offoreign language this year Mr Ed We1nell explained, "The expenence of traveling w11h the st udents 1s unreal "Photo by J Borden
P e rfe c to Junior Seth Gibson s how s off his work 1n Spanish Many different foreign languages are offered at Golden in cluding, Spanish. Latin, French and German Spanish s tud en t s often celebrate Spanish holidays such as Cinco de M ayo and Day of the Dead by part1c1pa11ng 1n Spanish fest1v1t1es
Sophomore Abby Pfi sterer said, " Th e tea chers make learning Spanish fun "
Practi ce mak es Perfect Junior s Evan Willi s and Boan Lo ga n prac11ce for a dialogue 1n Span1c;h Mn. Linda Poveda led thi s year's tnp to Spain The tnp left on March 13 and lasted three weci...s where they traveled to Leon. ?vfadnd and many others Junior Anna Beri...man said, "The tnp to Spain 1c; going to be so muc.h fun. everyone should do 11 " Ph oto by T Pray
A tt e nti o n Pl ease Mr Chad Reid illustrates the lesso n o n the board Mr Reid 1s one of the teachers of Amencan History at G H S.Amencan H istory h1ghl 1g h ts the events tha t took place 1n the U .S Sophomore Audrey Barela stated, "America n H istory 1s cool because we learn about events that took place 1n our cou n try" P hoto
By M arlon FellowsF inall y D o n e F reshmen Enc Carr, Na talie M anttlla, and Dal e Grant discuss a problem for Mr Chad R eid's c lass Th e re is a lo t of no te t ak1ng and memonzat 1on i nvolved. M any G H S s tu de n ts beheve h is tory 1s n ot importan t, and m an y o th e rs beheve tha t it 1s vita l Sopho m ore Rebecca R o m ero stated, " I li k e h is to ry because we learn about th e lea ders w h o made thi s country g reat" Ph o to b y Marl o n F e ll o w s
----t-~--- ~ _...
Li s ten Up Wo rl d H is tory teac he r M s. Li sa Wahl te ac h es a group of sophomo res the meaning of hi s tory. M s. Wa hl teac hes World H istory an d A merican h1s tory GH S s tu d e nt s nee d th ree credits o f history co g rad u a te J u n ior Be h ren R oys ter s ta te d , "Only th e teacher ca n ma ke learn ing fun " Ph o to by M arl o n F ellows
See? Look Amencan H is tory teache r Mr T odd Fi nk helps ou t a Junior Susan Wi llta m s J uniors and sopho m ores tak e th ese classes I n A P H isto r y J s tu dents lea r n abou t anc i e nt c1vil 1zat1ons. Greece, and th e Middl e Ages Juni or Edward P ike s tated. " Hi story 1s somet hin g everybod y n eed s to lea rn " P hoto B y M a rl on F ellows
Lear11ing about the past, while Student Co11ncil helps out in the present.
By Tara Smith, Marlon Fellows, Katie Carlson, Brianna Baker, and Josie CoxGoi ng Once, Twice Members of lhe Student Council anxiously await their tum to be auctioned off for cans of food Students paid a certain am ount of cans and received a servant for a day The Student Council successfully raised over I 00 cans per member cans Senior Abbey Knox sa id, " Be ing on Student Council help s me prepare for the respons1b1hty that I'll face in college." Ph oto by R on Fin e lh
Plot tin g and Plannin g Sen,or R oss Manin wa it s to hear the final bid as he 1s auct ioned off All of the G HS events were planned by 1h e S1udent Council, including Homeco min g, Sad ie Hawkin s. and Prom The sophomores plann ed Sadie's, the Jun iors planned Prom , and a ll of Student Counc il planned Hom ecoming So ph omore Au sti n Larson sai d , " h 's fun plannin g even1s for the school " Ph o to by Ron Finelh
Be C reative Sophomore graphics designer, Ryan Nee ske tches headhne designs for the yearbook Each page of the yearbook was co rrec ted anywhere from two to five times For the first time 1n seve n years the yearbook was made with a size nine layout " My f avonte part about yearbook 1s wri ttng a hi s tory book that students will appreciate for years to come," said sopho more Heather McDowell P hoto by Ron Finelh
Co ncentrate Junior, editor-m-cluef, J oe Borden contemplates his next sentence for his yearbook spread. The GH S yearbook has been delivered to s tudent s for 126 years. In yearbook thi s year there were two ed1tors1n-ch1ef, Juniors Tim Pray and Borden Borden said, " Being editor-1n-cluef 1s very demanding , but the achievements are worth the effort." Ph oto by Ron Finelli
Interesting Sophomore editor Adam Nims , Junior ed1tors-in-ch1ef, Joe Borden and Tim Pra y preview this year 's cover design for the yearbook Spreads were assigned based on how well you did on your previou s sp read Senior J ustin Ste1gelme1er planned on making a video for yearbook "T he hardest part abou t being an editor is doing multiple tasks," sai d Nims Photo by Ron F1nellt
Front row : Joe Borden , Tim Pray Seco nd row : Je nnifer Steckmyer, Douglas Baldw in, Adam Nims, Aaron Barker, Chris Morgan , Jason M claughlin, J ustin St 1egelmeier, Jame s Workman, Maya M uneyasu Third row : Ruby Lukas , Ryan Nee Chns Medina, Chase Elhson, Sara Lukrafka , Ltt L ukrafka. Stefanie Nahley, Kall e Carlson, Kalle Knepp , Brianna Baker
Back row: Cori VanDuzer, J osh Knox , Alex Perea, Thoma s Wlll1am s, Kry sta l Haughey, Marlon Fellows, LceAnne Kephart , Heather Mc Dowell Photo by Ron Finell1
Yearbook and Newspaper students work aro11nd the clock to finish before their deadlines.
By Stef a ni e N ahl ey, Sa r a Lukr a fka a nd Li z Lukrafka' Let Me See Junior ed1tor-1n-c hief Kelly Pohll e, co rrec ts an article for 1he newspaper There were s ix e dit ors for lhe news paper, including Po ltu e as ed1tor- in -c h1e f, junior Blair Alenau s and so phomore Cassidy Welch for s port s,ju n1 or Missy J onh so n and se ni or Skye Svenningsen for the news sec ti on . and Junior To ny Fanc h1 for ed11 o na ls The edi1ors decide 1he co nt e nt o f the whole paper " Th e best part of being ch e editor 1s cha1 ic' s fun an~ crea tive," sa id Polr1te Phoco by Ron F1n e lli
Fi r t r ow: Tony Fanc h t, Skye Svenningsen Missy J ohnson, Kelly Po in te, Blair Alen1us. Cass id y Welch eco n d row : Ji ll Erganbnght, Jen n ie Valentine, Stephanie Prugh. Sarah E1 se nbud , Amy Car l son, L1 v1a Theodora Ashley Long T h ird row : Andrea L1pste1n Bn an Gee, Mary BuJn ows k1 , Seth Allen Karen Ross Bac k r ow: J ose Razo, Marshall Romine, Ken Cheu n g. Adam Wallerstc1n Tr oy Wag oner. Ju s1in Leazer Ph oto by Ron Fincll1
Corre c t Junior editor Missy Johnson read~ throu g h the newspaper marveling at the wonderful JOb her staff did There ha'> been a newspaper at GHS fo r about 40 years now Th ere are 27 students working on the newspaper this year • I like having the opportunit y of s han ng what J have to say ..., 1th th e s tud e nt body," said J ohn son Photo by Ron Fmelh
C omfy Senior e dit o r , Andr ea L1p.,te1n com fo rtabl y sits in th e lounge chair while work ing on her a rti c le Th e editors :.pend abou1 10-15 hour s a week editing the newspaper Mr Ron Finell, 's main Job ,~ to prot ect the newspaper's freedom of th e press " I was c hosen as the ed1t or- in -ch1ef bccau,e of my leadership , kill s," said Junior Kell}' Politte Ph o co by Ron F1nel11
C oncert C hoir Fro nt r ow :
Robin J ennings , Ch1neane Narans, Scott M organ. Bryan Hi ckma n ,
Mana Solano. Me g han Willtams
Seco nd row : Carrissa Smith, De siree Stone , Danielle Van1k,
Justin Mant oya, K e nn y Storms,
Olin Osborne, Sara Dn enka, Sadie
Sullivan, Crissy Williams Third
row : Sarah Cubbon, J ennife r
Reher. Jessica Schnathorst, Bryan
Turner, Jo seph Duncan, Jordan
Ash, Kri stin Du clos, Moni ca
F errel, Nicole Cisneros, J essica
TruJ1ll o B ack row : Mr s Carne
Kenn ey, Ren1ca H ayes, Sarah
Shaweroff, Kri sten Libra, Casey
Primmer , Jaym z. J ohnson, Luc
Simmons, Even Langsted, Travi s
Valentine, Amber Worden, Yvonne
Han sen, Theresa Dyks tra Angie
Muller o t Pi c tured : Lacy Fntz. ,
Patri ck Graf, Elaina Kraus, Ashley
Mart ynow, J ennie Wegrov1us
Photo by Ron F inelh
Advanced Women's
C hoir Front row : Samantha
K een. Elaina Krau s, B ecky
Tre asure, M onica F errel, Aimee
Le1d1ch, Colleen Creed, Chris tina
Ka ven, April Mal oney, Cnssy
W1l11ams M id dl e r ow: Mr s
Carne K enney, Sarah Abbon,
B ethany Shaw, El1z.abeth
Martin ez., Celeste Gardner, Crystal
M artin, J essica Casarez., Aimee
Upchurch, Deann Wallance, Kendra Bran ch Back row: Crystal
Shelton , J essica TruJ1llo, Dargan
Schmidt, Mi chelle M cSk1mmings,
Ren1 ca Ha yes. Apnl Rundqui st, Carly Drienk a, Sarah Baer, Mary
M cSk1m m1n gs, Enn Berry,
Roxann e Trenk ot P ic tur e d :
Brittn ey J owe rs, Arlene M edrano.
Adw1na Phillp s. Sierra L1dd1ck.
Crystal Welch, R ebecca Pi erce.
Li sa Senter Ph o to by Adam N 1ms
Mix e d C hoir Front r ow:
Sondra Kaven, Amanda Nissen.
Kri stine Perry. H ope Jau ch, Sarah E1senbud, Mi chelle
Lemmerman, Crissy William s
Seco nd r ow: Abby Sand-;, M1 c;sy
D yffryn, K ara Schmidt, Amy
Vermilhon. Kacie K 1chen. R uby
Clair L ukas, Kim Macey, Alex
Valerius. Emily B rookes, J essica
Maple, Violet Co tant Third r ow:
J~n M eyer, Enca Wolfe , TJ
Conley, J oltsa Law Ja ymz.
John son, Carne Case, Chyanne
R omero, Mand, M cConnell,
H olly Snyder, Valene Mantilla
Ba c k row : Shannon Br own,
J ennefer Ha sting, M egan Ellis,
J eremy P ayte, Dwi ght Rahors t, Andrea Bestor, D ciree Smith, Hannah Doi o t P ic tur e d :
Aaron B allinger, Diedra Smith, Lindsay Conklin, Christopher
Spano. Amber Davie;, Andrea
Cardoso, J csl>1ca D1~mang, Bnana Thomas, Bambi TruJ1ll0
P hoto by Adam Nim'>
Sing Your Heart Out Seniors Mana Salono and Scott Morgan lead concert choir as they s ing in class Senior Travi s Valentine was the vice president for Concert Choir Th ere were three mass cho irs which included, Mixed Choir.Advanced Women 's Choir, and Concert Choir " I enJoy being 1n Advanced Wom e n 's Choir because I like the rush you get when singing 1n performances," sa id freshman Carly Dnanka
Photo by Stefanie Nahley
Say Cheese Beverly Bank s, Elaina Krau s, Kendra Branch , Travi s Valcn110e, Bryan Hi ckman, and Scoll Morgan the presidents and vice presidents of the choirs, ga th er for gro up picture Mixed choir was 1he only choir that didn't require an aud111on Mr Enc Wein stein created M ixed and Advanced Wom en's Choir " My favorite parts of Concert Choir are th e close rclat1onsh1ps we form. and the talented group we h ave this year," said JUn1or Bry an H ickman
TheGHS choirs fill the halls with wonderful so11nds
By Stefanie N ahl ey, Sara Lukrafka, and Li z LukrafkaJa m min ' Seniors Travis Valen11ne
J oe Kempler Sco11 M organ and Chris H ickman Jurno~ B l)an H ickman , and Elaina K raus all lei !heir charac ler shi n e as !he) sing S i ngers practice fro m 6 30 10 7 I 5 ever) school morning • M ) favorite part of Singers 1s watching everyone \.\-alk m a1 6 30 1n th e morning .'' sa i d M organ Pho to by S tefa n ie Na h ley
Sin gs Lik e a n An ge l Se n io r Vanessa J oiner sing'> early 10 t he m orni ng 10 a 24t h Stree1 S1ngen. class Al compe 1111on, the l adies of 24th Stree1Singer, wore blac k pant sutts and th e gen 1lcmen wo re black tu~edocs " Th e dress code for S mgef'i correspond, nicely \\- 1th t he profes,1onal1sm of 24th S tr eet Si n gers• .,a,d Junior D ustin Wendling P hoto by Stelarn e Nah ley
Working Hard Freshdian Ron Chnstensen \vorks hard 1n drafting class Each tech arts class is one semes ter long Th e first se mester leads into a more expenenced class for second semester " We have lots of fun building bridges." said freshman Rachel Wyland. Photo by Ron Fin elh
Bang Freshman Joe Ohn hammers out his molding in metal shop In avionics you have a chance to go to Jeffco Airport and fl y a real airplane In all tech arts classes s tudents have a chance to explore interests 1n careers
"Dra ftin g makes you use your head and hands, th at's what's cool about It," said freshman Caue Vorhies Photo by Ron Finelh
Don ' t Me ss Up Freshman Rache l Wyland concentrates as she does her work in drafting Most of the tech arts classes direct you towards college There arc two teachers that teach tech arts Steve Rusch and J ohn Kell enbenz "Drafting brings up your level of hands on training," said Jun ior Jordan Ash Phot o by Ron F1nell1
Co n ce ntrating Junior Jord an Ash completes a deadline 1n drafting In av1on1cs you have the chance to get your pi lot's license l n drafting you make bndges and crush them when you arc done "So far I' ve learned a lot from this class,'' said freshman Josh Schatz Ph oto by Ron Finell1
The Art and Tech Arts are designed to help bring out the students' creativity as well as broadening their horizons.
By Thoma s Wi ll iam s and Krys ta l Hau g h eytrik e a Po e Senior Leah Edenfield ;akes her p1c1ures for photo The Ari bepartment offers crafts. ceramics, drawing Jewelry, pa1n1ing photography and advanced and studio are available to all sections except crafts On average the Art Department ha, 150 kids per semester Junior J ames Sommerfeldt said, "Art enriches cu lture and expa nds our minds" P hoto by Ron Finelh
tea dy Senior Mana Solano carefull> -;pins a pot After the introductory class the students know basic construction methods and pnnc1ples of design as well as hO\\ to "throw" on the wheel Art offer.. a lot of aesthetic and creali\e poss1bl1111es as well as broadening the honzon-. of the l>tuden1s Semor Seth Macalad)' said, " I ltJ..e art because the poss1b1IH1es are endless " Pho10 b)' Thomas W11l1ams
Smo o th it Ove r Senior Niles Deboer carefully details the face of his creation M any of the studentl> art worJ.. 1s d isplayed throughou t the halls in display cases Each student gets a well rounded education on the menta li ty of art Semor Brandon Rood said, ·• Art helps you express your creat1v1t) •· Pho to by T homas \Villtams
D on ' t S mud ge Fre,;hman M arcuc; Bernal concentrates on the perfec11on on his dra>w ing The Art Department ha, a school art ,how during the second scme,ter About one - third of the school \\h1ch average, to 550-600 ,1uden1' arc enrolled 1n an art cla,, ~fr Gene Youngmann said ''\Ve If) to ma l.. e the cla,,c., fun and en;oyable to J..cep the -.iudcnh interc,t " Photo b> Ron I rnellt
Lik e T h is Mrs Ehrman shows the students the proper \vay to make cinnamon rolls before they get to do 11 forthem-;elves She demonstrates each food first so the students can learn the nght \vay to do 1t When the students are cooking she walks around to help the kids if they need 11. " It 's nice because you get to save you r lunch money," said freshman J oshDanieb P hoto by Ron
Finellt15-Lo ve Sophomo:e Tony Vargas serves the ball dunng the 'c!nn1s section of his P E class Even tho1!bh you ma)' not be the best athlete you can still get a good grade 1f you part1c1pate Recommendauons are that children and youth obtain 20-30 minutes of \ 1gorous exe rcise each day "When they get older at least 20 percent of them ,viii play a sport again. and have the knowledge how," said M rs L aura Carter Photo by Adam Nims
R OLL I N' Freshn1an Jo sh Dani els rolls out dough for his groups c1nnan1 on rolls At least one-third of c hildren are obese, and 3,000 ch ildren become smo kers every day F ood classes are offered both semesters " Hom e Ee is coo l because you can make your o,vn food and eat 1t ," sai d JUn1or J ean
Moseley Ph oto by Ron Fin ell!
W ha t Wa s T ha t? Freshman Stephanie
Pru gh Jokes about her opponen t ·s serve. Anyone can lower th eJC nsk of cancer and cardi ovascular disease by exerc1s1ng one-ha lf hour each day, three 11mes a week School PE programs are an import ant part of the education process, providing instruction about how to a1ta 1n and ma1nta1n appropnatc physical fitness and exercising habits "Th ey need more up to date equipme nt and fac1ht1es," said senior Ivan Cam1s. Photo by Adam Nims
G run tin ' Senior Tony Capello docs his set, of cu rl s dunng weight lift1ng There are four diffe ren t PE classes available Team Sport, , Fitne ss and Cond1t1on10g, Weight Lifting, and Tenni s Voll eyba ll Badmin ton Exercisers tend to have more postlive feelings about their health careers and s tre ss levels than non-exercise~ " G) m 1s awesome becau se of the cool clothe) you ge t to wear Ha' Ha' " sa id sophomon: Ashley Long
Photo by Adam Nim s
Physical education and hom.e economics get you 6.t, inside and out.
By Thomas Williams, Krystal Haughey and Joshua KnoxT h e Right Co n i ten cy Sophomore Ed Agee mixes cinnamon and sugar for h1, cinnamon rolls If the dirccuons are not follov. cd correctly the students grade,, 111 reflect that Students learn the basic cooking skills like hO\\' to measure d1)' and liquid ingredients correct!> BrO\\.nies are the best food ,ve have cooked so far said freshman Sierra Liddick Photo by Ron F1nelh
prinkl e, prink) e Senior Thomas \Vtlltams sprinkles cinnamon and sugar onto the dough for his groups cinnamon rolls Foods classes help kids learn how to cat propcrl> and ho\\ 10 cook nutnt1onal meals for themselves There arc 1wocook1ng classes available, Food Experience and Foreign Foods I am looking fon\ ard 10 all of the d1ffercn1 foods \\C \\Ill be cooking • said senior Ryan \Vh1tford Photo b)' Ron FineIii.
Take Your Time Freshman Keith Marcelo measures out a precise amount of cinnamon Mcasunng 1s a key point 1n Food Experience It 1s the first ~tep 1n learning h0\\ 10 cook correct!) "I think cooJ..:ing will help me 1n the future because you can impress the girls b)' coo k. 1ng for them." said Marcelo Photo by Ron Ftnellt
Academics 83
People at Golden High School are different in a variety of ways. For example, the ca ptain of the football team could also be the pres ident of a club. Those differenc es ca n mak e or break a sc hool and it s character. There i s no boundary of what you can or can't do or make in the sc hool. Many like to express the way that they feel about so mething through words orally, yet others fair better writing it on paper. The sc hool and cla sses that we take give us that fre e dom . Many express the way that they are see n through clothing and what they wear to school . We have many sty les and types of s tudent s in Golden, making it what it is today. Jus t be ca use so mebody dresses as a s kater doe s not mean that he or s he ca nnot play a s port or get s traight A:s It is just that variety of styles, interes ts, hobbie s, abilities, ages, ba ckg round s, and religions that m a kes all of the people of GHS living o n th e Ed ge. T Pray
Rece i\ ing Sophomore Melissa Hucman prepares to catch the football 1n the powder-puff football earr . The Juniors won against the sophomores, 2-0 T he carnival was free; however, students had ,o pay for the food sold by a variety of clubs and organ1za11ons "I think they should k.eep the rrinc1pal-dunkmg booth," said Junior John Dyffryn P hoto by Ron Fincll1
Cole Bi e lak
John Bi elak
J ared Blackney
Brand on Blair
Lesley Bl ondin
James Bo llin ger Jess ica Bonng Andre\v Bosio
Heathe r Bo yd
Matth e\v Boyd Hol h e Brakken
J oshua Brid geman
Kimb erly Brook s
Jare d Brown
Ro sea n Brow n Candace Bruno
Seniors 87
Seniors 91
Tiffany Frederi c k Ryan Fros t Raymond Furlong Tonya Fu shimi Letitia Gaillard Alys sa Gale icholas Gallas Zachar} Gamblin Katherine Garkavets Sabrina Gerw1ng Bianca G1ura Jordyn Goldstein Kyle Golos Patnck Graf Tiffany Grantham Lindsey GreenJason Grego ry
Neeraj Gupta
Enc Guthne
Jeremy Hall
Ginia Hardin
Michael Haschke
Krystal H aughey
Ren1ca Ha yes
Mathew Hayes
Shara H erzog
Tracy Heywood
Christopher Hi ck man
Brett Higgin s
Rob e rt Hind s
Me lani e Hod so n
ass o
Sa r ah Ad a m •E mm y Agard •B oaz Al ar id •B ran d on All e n •Grego ry A nd e r so n •Sco tt Atkin so n•Bre ann a Ba c on •Ri c h ard B aer •C r a ig B ai r •Dou g las Ba ld w in •S pe ncer B a rl ow •Wa lter Bart osh •Ju stin e Baru ch •S amu e l B aum an •Rya n B ec wa r•Kr iste11 B emis •Co le B ie lak •J ohn Bi e lak •J are d Bl ac kn ey •Bran don Bl a ir •L es ley Bl ondin •J a mes B ollin ge r •J ess ica B orin g •An dre\, B osio •H ea th e r B oy d •M a tth ew B oy d • H o lli e Br a kk e n •J os hu a Brid ge m a n •Kimb e rl y Broo k s •Jar e d Br o wn •R osean Brow n •Ca nd ace Brun o •M ary Buj n owski •E dwa rd Burke •C h ad Butle r•I va n Cami s •Mi ch ae l Capp e ll o •Am y Carl so n•So n1a I, Ca m ey •J o n a th a n Ch a mb e rlin •Bre nd an C hi s ho lm•J e nn y C lark •Kevi n C lerkin •Be th an y Cocc i a •Sarah Co ker •K ath er1ne
Co ll igan •Bo bbi Co nn e r•As hl ey Co nroy •Charles Co rbin •Vi ole t Co tan t•Crys ta l Cr ai g•Me lissa Cr owe •Sarah Cubb on•Tim oth y
D ady •An d rew Dale •Alan Da ni e ls •Meg h an Davies •Je nnifer D av is•Sean Davis •M a tth e w De b ae ts •Ad am Drag ul •Th ere5a
D yk s tra •Roy Eagan •Nic ho las Eag leso n•Le ah Edenfi e ld •S h andy Ehres man•E rin Em e ri c k•Jill Erg an bri ght •Apri l Ev an s•Kell Y
F age rburg •Kevi n Fa n c iulli •Ge r onn a F a ne lli •N ico l e Fe rguso n•C hr is toph e r Fl owe rs •Brian F o ll e •Tiffan y Fre d e ri ck •Ryan Fros t •R ay m o nd Furl o n g •To n ya Fu s himi •L e titi a Gai ll ard •Al yssa Ga le • N ic h o l as G a ll as •Z ac h a r y G a mblin •K a th er in e Ga rk ave t s • Sa br in a Ge rwi n g •Bi a n ca G iur a •J o rd y n Go ld s te in •K y le G o los •P a tri c k Gr a f •Ti f fan y Granth a m •Lind sey
G r een •J aso n G r ego r y• Br a nd o n Gumm e r so n •Nee r aj G upt a •E ri c G uthri e •J e r e m y H a ll •Lind say Hardin • Mi c h ael
H asc hk e •K rys t a l H a u gh ey •Renica H ayes •S h a ra He rzog •Tr acy Heywood •C hr is top he r Hi ckm a n•Bre tt Hi ggi ns•Robert Hind s•Me lan ie Hod so n•Wes ley Hoffe rt •Jeffrey Hoffman •Mitz i Ho ldre n•E lizabeth Hoogh ee m•Brand en Ho pkin son •Tim oth)
H opp in • B rooke H o rn ecke r •J e nn ifer Hu dso n •T igis t i I saac • R ebeka h Ja cobs • Bri e Jami so n • Ke ith J e nkin s •James
J ohn so n•L ea ndr a J ohn so n•Mary J ohn ston •Vanessa Joi ner •Tr acy Jorge nsen •Juli a Kee ney •Luke Ke ll ey •Mi ch ae l Ke ll ey•Tee la
K e ll ey •J eff rey K em le r •Joseph Ke mpt er •L eea nn e Ke ph ar t •I a n Kim sey • Rya n Kin g • B e nja min Kin g h o rn • Cy nth ta
Kinnan • Stephanie Kl e ineid er • Abbey Kn ox • Joshua Kn ox • Jamie K oc h evar • D avid K ol 1n • Anne K oneg n 1• Alexand e r
Kotsura •Benjamin Kowal s ki •Elaina Kr aus • Coralie Kunz • Scott Laman • Alexander Lamp so n • Evan Lan gs t ed • M a tth ew Lee •J ason
Le\\. 1s • Ethan Leyendecker • Ashlie Lindb e r g • Andrea L1p s t e 1n • Jason L o n g • K1 r s t e n L ook • Thom a Lu ed tk e • Seth
Macalady • Christophe r Mar s ton • Ad a m Martin • R oss Martin • Taleah Mat aya • Audra Maupin • Anthony M c ph a 1l • A s hl ey
Meagher•J ason Melnick • Kevin Mi eke • Angela Miill er• Carrie M il ler• Christian Mill er •J ana Mtll er • Geoffrey M o n son • Angela
Monte~ano • Matthew Moore • S co tt Morg an •M aya Mun eyas u • Chineane Narans •Spencer Nee •L ee Newgent • H a i guye n • Brooke
Nic h o l s •Er1n Nichols • R ya n Obri e n •Tyl e r Olm s t ed
• Adrenne Ortega •Sheri Osburn • Chr1stina Ow e n s • K ad r1 O zde m1r • K ara
Palanuk •Mykah Palmer•J onathan Pap es • Courtney P arry •Je ffery P asc h all •M1chael Pfi s tere r •J os hu a P1 erce •Sandy P o rter • M e h ssa
Povis • Ca1tl1n Pre s ton
• Amanda Pri ge l
• Aaron Primm e r • Adam Qu ee n
• Bre nn a Ra ye •Ju st in R e hd e r •J e nn1fe r R ehe r • Morgan
Re1tmeyer •Adam Ri s tau
• Shane Ro gers • Brand o n R oo d • J oshua R ood
• Cori Sayyah •Virginia Schwader•Lucu s Simmons
• DJ Sloan •Adam Smith • Au s tin Smith • Cliff Smith • Ryan
• Gus Ro sa • R egi n a Ro se nth a l •Em1ly Ru s ell • Ali s ha Sack •J aso n Samansky
Sm1th •Johanna Snow
• Maria Solano
•Alexei Sologoub •Abb1e Sore n sen •J ess1ca Sp1ce •Coryn Sprague •J erem 1a Stanton • K aycee S tarkey •Ju s tin Stiegelmei e r •John Streelman •Shannon Sumner• Skye Svenning se n • Li v i a Theodoro •Mon1 ca Th o m as • Sarah l 'homas •Stephanie Thomp so n • R ay m ond Thresher •L1nd a T o •Sha\vn Tra ylo r • Gavin Trzepacz •L eo T s u o •S h ane Tum er •J eramia ruttv •J ess 1ca Unge r • Aim ee U p c hur c h •Tr avis Valentine • Kri s tin VanLeer • M ade l ei n e Van Meter• Amy Vecchiarelli • Brianne
Vc l asq uez
• Ju s t1n Ve rardi
• P e t~r Vernig
• Bri an Wal1 gorsk 1• S h annon Wamboldt • T eh-yi h Wan
• R obert Wano
• J a cob
• Christopher W e m e r
• Sherry Wh1t e
•Thoma s William s
• Michelle Wh1tf1eld •R ya n Whitford
• H e 1d1 Wtl son
• Car l y Wilham s
• Cr 1ssy W1lliam s • Kev1n ·,Villiams • M eg han William s
• L1nd say Winham •Scot t Win s ton
• K yle Yu hka ••
Seniors 95
Seniors 99
Gavin Trz e pacz
Le o Ts uo
Shane Turner
Jeramia Tutty
Je ss ica Unger
Aimee Upchurch
Travi s Valentine
Kn su n VanLeer
Madeleine VanMeter
Amy Vecch1arell1
Brianne Velasquez
Ju st in Verard1
Peter Vem1g
Bnan Waligor s k1
Shannon Wamboldt
Debbie Wan
Se ni or A\Va rd s T he Class of '99 voted on which seniors were the superlauves of their class The a\vard winners in each ca tegory \Vere as follows
Mr Golden Jos h Bndgeman
Mr s Golden:Candy Bruno
Be s t eyes- Ra1 Furlong and Tra cy Heywood Be st s mileJohn Streelman and Mi c hael
Kell ey Bes t abs-Austin Smith and Shannon Sumner Be st legs- Charhe Corbin and Candy Bruno Best hair- Matt Boyd and Bne Jami so n Best dressed- Josh Bndgeman and Shannon Sumner Be st laughLuke Kelley and Carly
Wi 1hams Be st voice Scott
Morgan and Lind say Winham
Be st buns- Kevin William s and Shannon Sumner Mo s t
spirited- Nick Eagleson and Crystal Craig. Mos t leg ha1rDav1d Kolin , Adam Dragul , Tony Cappello and Ju stine
Baru ch. Class clow n- Brendan
Chisholm and Sarah Thoma s
Bigges t guns- Tony Cappello and Abbey Knox Mo s t
dramatic- Travi s Valenune and Morgan Reitmeyer Mo st
Art1suc- Bri e Jamison and Brandon Hopkin son Bigge st brains- Ben Kowal sk i and Debbie Wan Mo st athlencAdam Ri stau and Taleah Mataya Be s t looking- John Streelman and Candy B runo.
by Ron F1nell1
H e's G ot S kill s Scott Atkinson shields the ball from a defending player The majority of varslly teams were compe tently run by their sen ior members Thi s year the se nior c la ss photo set the students back a$10. Spencer Barlow said, " Don t wait to do your big research paper until the night before 1t 1s due or you will die of st re ss "
by Ron F1nellt
Long Li ve th e Kin g Homecoming king and queen, Travi s Valentine and Morgan Renmeyer rode m style on their way to the Homecoming game. Th e seniors decided who would be their next Homecoming king and queen by voting the day before the game. Many seniors disapproved of the new five classes per day minimum that was enforced this year Senior M onica Thoma s said, " T he best part of being a sen ior 1s knowing that this will be my last year at thi s dreaded place " P hoto by Ron Fmelli
Frill" and l 'hrill Jeff Paschall and Jason Gregory strut their stuff t th Homcc.om1ng a,;scmbl) during the fall Eve!) year, the senior II plJ)'Crs drc,s up like cheerleaders and dance at the homecoming 1bl Another tradition 1s the senior awards in which the seniors tor each other in such categories as best buns Senior Ryan Bev.ar 11d lhc be,t part ot being a senior is that n's the farthest }OU c.an be tx mg a frc,hman."
Demon pirit Vanessa Joiner leads 1he school in a Demon c.hecr at an as,embl) Whtie the Senior Class \\ as one of the smallest 1n recent years they made up for it with en1hus1asm Carne Miller said, The besl part of being a senior is being taller than almo,t all of 1he underclassmen Photo by Ron Ftnelh
What' th e Plan ? Coache., Adam R1s1au and Jared Blackney explain the next pla} to powder puff players Crystal Craig Abbey Knox, and Shannon Sumner There were a grand total of 12 '-Cn101'\ that have at1a1ned a 4 0 grade point average over the course of their high school career Many i;;en1ors needed three or fewer credits over the en11rc year to gradua1e Senior Maya Muneyasu said 'The worst part about being a senior 1s filling out all of 1hose college appltc.at1ons ' Photo by Ron Ftnelh
Co min g Round th e Co rn e r Abbey Knox carries for a fir,t dov.n during the powder puff football game during the Homecoming carnival
The powder puff game has been held every year, and as u,ual and the seniors rolled over the freshmen ralher easily but they tied against the Juniors The seniors also received a new lounge th 1, year Kev 1n Fanc1ulh said. 'The nev. senior lounge sucks. It s JUSt no1 the same " Photo by Ron Fine Iii
Seniors 107
J arnes Adamson
Ka11e Agard
Aaron Aguilar
Blair Alenius
Lindsey Alpers
Morgan Anderson
Manely Aponte
Stephen Arndt
Jeremiah Ash
Megan B achman
Enn B atley
Bobby Becker
Willtam Bellis
Clay Bennett
Jennifer Bennett
Joshua Bennett
Lydia Bennion
Jessie Benson
The Class of 2000
Anna Berkman
Enn Bernard
Brenda Beumer
Karla B 1en1ults
Andrew Bishop
Nathan Bla1n-hartung
Christopher B luse
J oseph Borden
Breanna Brawley
Nicole Bridges
Emily B rookes
Shahara Bryan 108
The J11nior Class accomplished their hardest year of high school by combining hard work with some fun. The Class of 2000 wi11 be the last class to graduate in the 20th century.
We 're Almo s t There The Juni or Class anxiOU!>I)' gels ready for lh e Homecoming parade Homecoming week 1s alway!> a time when 1he Juni or Clas<; ge t<; a chance to ~how how much school sp1nt they ha ve But , 11 never compare<; 10 1he sp1n1 that the seniors ha ve every year Juni or Kenn y Storms sa1d ," l enJoy working with the guy~. \Ve always get a lot of things done· Ph oto by Ron Finelh
Mi chael Bryant
Matth ew Bunn
Kenn eth Butcher
Jam es Ca in e
Margo Caligiuri
Anthony Cappa
C hn s topher Cappello
Alexand er Cardoso
Fann Casino
Th omas Cecil
Lauren Chaffee
Ken Cheung
Ryan Ch ri stensen
T renton Clerk1n
Caro lyn Cockle
Sarah Coffey
Pe ter Cohen
Susan Coker
Ang ela Colltns
Lind say Colvin
Man Compton
Crys tal Co nnell y
Se rene Conne ll y
Lari ssa Conner
Candice Cordova
SonJa Cordova
Edgar Corona
Conor Cough lin
Marsha Counctlman
Jesse C roc k
John Cubbon
Matthew Curtis
Bradley Danek
Amber Daniel
Emily Daniels
Stephanie Davis
Niles Deboer
Chnsnne Deming
Jeffrey Desmarteau
Kyle Dinkel
Casandra Dittbrenner
Samantha Dovey
Joshua Dratch
Rheannon Dnver
Crystal Duarte
Danielle Dufty
Frank Duncan
Cody Durham
Justin Dusdal
H e1d1 D,v1gg1ns
Johnathan Dyffryn
Matthe,v Einspahr
David Eilts
Robin Eilts
Travis Elmblad
Ehsabeth Emanuel
Mark Fairweather
Roxanne Falco
Lynn Falkenthal
Anthony Fanchl
Ca rni va l C ra zy
Juniors K atie Stodola and V1ctona Rickard are dec1d1ng wha t booth they should go to at the
H omecoming carnival
Ju niors always get the special treat of going on the Junior Raft Tnp each spnng
The tnps are opt1onal, but they are always quickly filled Junior Ryan Yerke said, "We always have a good time " Ph oto by Ron Finelh
Good Time Th e Juniors get into the sp1nt as they do thelf class cheer at the Homecoming assembly Th is year the enure class was determined t o win the many events held dunng the H omecoming wee!,.. Although they never win th e class compct1t1ons at lea.st they ge t to stl next to the seniors " I love 1t, tt 's so much fun,' stated
JUmor Becky Wood Photo by R Finelh
L,ndsc:::}' Felter
Monica Ferrel
Ju stin Fleury
Stefan Freund
Lacy Fntz
C hn slln Frost
H eather Frost
Mark Funak
Tnna Garc ia
Dav id Gasper
Bnan Gee
Seth Gibson
Chad Gleaton
Ka ssau ndra Gomez
M ichael Gowey
Bradley H aag
Enn Hagberg
Mark H agelberg
Courtney H all
C lan sa Ham s
Dani el H aschke
Cara H assett
Abbey Hawes
Mauh ew H ayes
Kaycee H eid
J amie H e nd e(l)on
R obe rt Hendrix
Jam es H ickman
William H illen
Kelly Ho gan J11niors
C ooki es for S ale J unior Joe Borden browses all o f the items available at the bake sale Key Club does community service and helps out others m need Th is year Key Club held a Halloween party fo r little kids. "Key Clu b 1s a good way to help others 1n need," said JUn1or Nate Bla in Pho to by Stefanie Nahley
M a rc hin g Junior Robert Hendrix and JUn1or Sarah Coffey are marching at Rega s Universuy carrying the South African flag Peace] am 1s a three year old International organ1zat1on PeaceJam started with conferences and se tting up meetmg s ,v1th Nobel Peace P rize winners, and high sc hool s tudent s. PeaceJam high school student s hav e spent llme at Regi s Un1vens ll y for research on the ir club " The people from Northern Ire land and South Africa were reall y nice to us and kind enough to tell us about 1he1r country." said Mrs Judy B01an
Lon Maloney
Ru ssell Malt empo
Mi chelle Mantall a
Nadia Markovch1ck
Candyce Martin
Sean Martin
Ashley Man ynow
Ri chard McGuane
James Mckee
Chnstopher Medina
Amanda Mod1z
De siree Moore
Mauhew Mornson
Jean Moseley
Adam Myer!.
Ka sh1 Nassau
Amanda Nummelin
Jean O'ha}re
Edward Omara
Ni co le Pape s
Sarah Ph1lhp s
Edward Pike
Kelly Poltll e Jenn1fer Powell
Tim othy Pr..1y
Je s-.e Preston
Jo shua Pumphrey
Andrew Qutrl...
Morgan Ram sden
Kelh Rehder 113
Meli sse Rich
Victona Rickard
Landra Roberson
Du s tin R oberts
Gabnel Robert s
Lis ana RoJas
Karen Ro ss
Behren Royster
Erin R ozelle
Danielle Sanchez
Sean Sands
Lee Schafer
H olly Schanhals
J ose S c huTme1 s ter
M anh1as Schheman
J essica Schnathors t
R obert Sc hreiner
Stefanie Seipp
Trevo r Selkirk
Chad Serpan
Sarah Shawcroft
Dana Shier
Laurel Shorter
G eo ffrey Sims
P i11lltp S iu
Timothy Sla ter
Adam Smith
Derek Sm ith
Hillary Smi th
Robin Smith
Gotc h a Junior Joe Borden 1s getung tackled by a fifth grade P! esentview
Elementary s tudent N HS parti c ipated in man y activ1t1es s u c h as food drives, pen pals, tutonng , campu!> c lean up s. and ind1v1dual outside serv ice s In order to s ta y 1n N H S the members mu s t have attended all meeungs and com pl e ted two se rvi ce pro;e c ts per se me s ter I am really proud of the annual NHS food dnve because 1t s upplie s an incredible amount of food to needy families," se nior J ana M iller sa id Photo by Bn an Logan
C o o ki es! Juni or Elaine Ekberg ti es a cookie bag s hut for thi s NHS specia l pro;ect I n orde r to be nominated for NHS ;un1ors must have had a 3 6 cu mula11ve G PA , and se niors th e n mu st have h ad a 3.5 cumulauve GPA Th en, to be accepted th ey mu s t have filled ou t an apphcauon and th e n the a ppli cation went through a com mitt ee th a t chec ked for excellence. cha rac ter, service, and leadership T o be a successful co-p res ident you n eed to know what th e comm ittee s are doing and to be really orgamzcd,'. said se nior Debbie Wan Ph oto by Sandy N ations
First row : C. Whitford E Rozelle , J Henderson, H Layman, C. Blu se. U Ozdem1r, R Martin ,
D Kohn G Anderson , A Knox , T Heywood S Sumner eco nd row: M Lowther. J Goldstein.
S Adam B All t: n, C. Craig. K Politte , S Kampf B Kowal sky. J Bollinger, D Baldwin, K
Palanuk Third r o" : M Curtis, J Pres ton , K Rehd er, M Reit meyer, S Svenningsen, M Van Meter L Emanuel , D \Vang K Nassau , B Turn er C \Villtam s, J Streelman. J Baru ch Fourth row: B Raye , V Ri ckard A Malhotra , J McKee , K Farg erburg, C K1 sanm, F Duncan , D
Shoen. R Hendnx. C Gleaton. J Keen ey, C Brut o Fifth row: S Dovey. L. Hoog heem. N
Markovch1 ck, K B1e01uh s, K M1 cke , S Barlow S Turner K Bemi s. E. Ekberg, S Thom as. A Kone gni , D Wan ixth r ow: H Fro st, E. Bernard, L Word. M Ca ltg1un , M Ha schke, N
Gupta, M Moore, S Davi s. A Bosio. T Burke, S Ph1lhps. J Mill er Bac k Ro": H Wil son, A L1pstein. A Barrett, B Hi ggins. N Kenworth y, E. Yocom , A Danie ls. M Boyd , and R King ot Pi ctured : J Borden , C Cappello, C Cockle, B Hillen, M John son, B Logan, L Mal oney. R Maltempo , A Mod1 z, S Sulhvan, S. Camey, K Look, A Prigel , J Unger, M \Vilham s
Leaders in Se rvi ce Th e fou r co-pres id en ts of NHS , Jana Miller
Um1t Ozdem1r, Debbie \Van , and Kara Palanuk plan NHS ac t1v1t1es with Mrs Sandy Na1tons NH S met every other \Vednesday 1n the choir roo m Ms Nations ha-. bee n the advisor for NHS for about 20 years " I hk e being the adv isor of NHS because the s tudents tal..e a lot of the respons1b1l1t1es," said Ms Nations Ph oto by Ron Ftn cl11
Tara Smil h
Andrey, So lomon
Tyler Solomon
Jam es So m merfe ldt
Megan Sparks
Kenne th Spla nt
Kevin Splant
Natalt c Stegall
Kati e Stod ola
Douglas Stoke r Kenne th Stonns
Sadie Sullivan
Da v id Sund
Casey Szabo
Taha Taylor
Ma ry Thomas
Rahul Tottcmpud1
Keith Turgeon
B0 a n Turn er Ryan V1crkc
Chri stopher Vorhies
Tamm y Walck cr Matth ew Wales
Deann Wall ace
Wesley \Vall on
Do n s \Vang
J essica Ward
Johnath on \Vatenna n
Amy Wc 1shc11
Cry~ tal Welch
Alexande r Wells
Du st in Wendling
Jennie Wengrov1u s
Chnstopher Whitford
Susan William s
Evan Willi s
Andrew Wil so n
R obe rt Wil so n
Anana Winkler
Christina Wint e r Rebecca Wood
Laura Word
Amber Worden
Jam es Workman
Bretl Zahrte
Jami e Ziegler
Anna Be rgendal (sen ior)
Brandon Bland (senio r)
The Jo y of Acting Seniors Don s Wang and M adeleine Van M eter act oul a sce ne in lhe annual play put on by the " O M ers" at the s tate tournament. The problem to solve was to build a light s tru ct ure that hold s a lot of weight.
Th e s tru ct ure , only weighing 15 grams. h eld over 1,000 pound s, and was made up of only balsa wood and g l ue " We took third 10 State, and took seco nd at the Jeffe rso n County co mpetition ," s tated team captain se nior
Dougla s B aldwi n P hoto by Ela i ne Cook
the class of zooo
The Class of 2001
The Sophomore Class is stepping into maturity as the "get-ing picked on" stage is &ally ending. The Class of 2001 can now look forward to many more challenges coming in the next mi11enni11m ..
Yumm y Freshman Sammy Keen and Ju nior Amanda Keen enJoy their lunch while 1ntroduc1ng new plans and proJects for the week.. The Bible Club part1c1pates 1n community service month!} They also help out at the hospital once a month and create gift boxes for the needy " I enJoy being 1n th e Bib le Club because of the diverse d1scuss1ons a nd c realtve act1v n1es we do," sophomore Cassidy \Velch. Photo by Aaron Barker
Cyrus Bonnet
Cannon Bowers
Drnne Bndenburg
Emily Brookes
Kendra Brooks
Robert Brooks
Shannon Brown
Jennifer Brune
Alan Bruno
Michael Bryant
Dean Buen
Danielle Bull
T1moth} Burch
Carlos Cady-rehe1s
Andrea Cardoso
Adam Carey
Kathryn Carlson
Anthony Carver
Carne Case
Mi chelle Cavanaugh
Tammi Chapa
Stacey Ch1-.m
J ohn Chrisman
Heather C1e~lar
Bra ndon Cisneros
Nicole Cisneros
Shane Clemen t s
atnck Conley
Daniel Conroy
Molly Cool-.
Sophomores 119
S tea d y Hand Senior Matt B oyd concentrates as he 1s fin1sh1ng the new proJect the club 1s working on The Phy s ics Club 1s advised by M r Dick Schalhamer who 1s an teacher of phy s ics The club works on advanced projects such as electnc cars and radio telescopes. Senior Sarah Coker said, "Schalhamer 1s always fun and you get a chance to study somethi ng new."
by Doug Baldwin
Sign Away Sophomore Seda Ozdem1r expresses her thought s through sign ing to her close fnends There are over IO million d1fferent actions and movements in s ign language Sign language 1s getting more and more popular as a language because many Jobs involving signing are s tarting to form Junior Kelly Pohtte said, " I enJ0Y being able to sign because I can talk during class without creatJng any d1strac11ons and only the select few know what I am saying." P hoto by J Borden
Chase Ellison
Bn g11 Elston
Mi chae l Emmons
J ason Engstrom
Enn Enna
K1n.t1n Everet!
Sunn1e Fanelli
Chnstopher Fauble
William Ferguson
Ryan F1eld s-spack
Stephanie Fink
M egan Fleming
Dexter Foster
Ja son Fraser
Mi c h ael Freese
Tamara Freier
Lauren Frost
Bnnn ey Fusco
Amanda Gabel
Ra shaad Gaillard
Sara Garrell
Ryan Gem1
TanJa Gerw,ng
Keith Goble
Cassandra Goetzcke
Je sse Goshorn
Ju stin Grahm
Christine Gregory
Spencer Grenfell
Danielle Griess
Sophomores 121
Sa y What ? Advi sors Mr Lowell Sharp and Mrs Tammie Peters speak to the CX debaters and explain the new topic for the month of J anuary The better one does in a catogone che more NFL points chey receive Forensics was taken a s a zero period or as a block c lass and people from both classes compeced every Sacurday " I enJOY forensics becau s e I like acnng and being in front of large groups " said freshman M onet Rodriguez P hoco by Stefanie Nahley
S how Off Senio r Pete r Vernig shows off his forensics pe rfo rm ance i n fr ont of h is pee rs. Forensics members muse have been 1n the cop quarter of compell tors to q u alify for stale. State was held M arch 12th and 13th "My favorite part of forensics is the commu n ity part of 1t because it bnngs all the schools coge ther and makes them interact," said freshman Kersti Bryan Photo by Stefanie Nahley
f If t ro": ~tr\ T. Pele~. R Lipper. E. Martinez. A Arie!, T Valentine. L Maloney, M Johnson, V. Rickard, N. D1111nd Mr L. Sharp econd row : M Rodnguez, H Nielsen, D Rose, l) \\'ang, D \Van, C Kmnan, J McKee, K Jones, S Nahley, J Donovan Third row : K Bryan, A Leidich, B Peterson C Pierson, M Brune l, C Hollbrook, A Long, C Days. S B01 P Sch"cnng A Jones Fourth row : A. Daniels, T Hoppin, S Dav is, M J acobs. F
1 er I Kimsey. ~1 Re11meyer Dylan Re11meyer. S Martin F ifth row : E. Emenck. M.
t I r r T. Burke. S Turner, R King. B Zoril. K Nenzel, M Hayes, C Gardner, J Hooks
II ck ro": J. Des ~1artcau, B Turne r, M Boyd. T Cecil, D Wendling. H Savage, J Duncan, l Mcdma, F. Duncan, K Duncan, D. Stoke r, E Agee ot P ic tured : S Allen, D Ball, T B nk~.A Bndges, J Brown S Bryan, B Cocc ia, C. Fair, R Gem1, J J udkof, N Kenworthy, S Laman, 8 Martin, J. Mille r, D Sh ier, P Vem1g, E. Yocum
Believe Me J u niors M1 ssy J ohn son and Vic toria R ic kard pe rform be f ore lhe1r practice at 5 p m. The l Ocalegones of Forensics were drama, humor, poetry, duo 1nterp .• due t, Lincoln Douglas debate, cross exam 1na11on debate, ong1nal oratory, ex1emp speaking. and student congress In order to become a member of lhe Nationa l Hono r Soc iety for speech compet itors one must have 25 Nauonal Fo re nsics League (NFL ) points " My favonte part of forens ics 1s 1be compet111on th at we get fr om th e other schools," sai d semo rTrav1s Va len t ine Photo by Stefanie Nahley
Laure n Kahn
J estm Keesee
Kendra Kelley
Crys tal Kessell
M iche ll e King
Megan K ing
G regory Kinnan
Kac ie Ki tche n
Meghann Klasemer
Vio la Kluc1k
J essica Knepp
He1d1 Kos1erman
M itchell Kraus
Da n ie l K rus
Su ndara Ku hn
An e ll e K unz
M1 chac l Lahey
Aust in Larson
AntJe La uer
J o h sa Law
M icah Leadford
Cari n Lc fevre
Bre tt Lehrman
Rache l Lewis
Kn sten L ibra
J amie L1nsenb1gler
Tho m as
L1nv 11le-Engle
Dy lan L ippert
As hley Lo ng
M a tt hew Long
Sophomores 123
Robert Lowstuter
Dylan Lucas
Chasity Lucero
Larry Lucero
Sean Ludden
Thomas Lynch
Emily Madison
Menaka MahaJan
Wilham Malli coat
Tyler Marshall
Keith Marston
Sean Martin
William Martin
Dominic Martinez
Frances Martinez
Kevin Matzke
Katnna Maughan
Ferne McBnde
Derek M c Broom
J ennifer M cCollum
Jeremiah M cCo rd
Amanda M c Dowell
Meredith M ckee Kelly M c teer
Bnttany Meagher
Angela Menna
Larry M onson
J usun Montoya
Travi s Moon
Lucas Moore
Gotc h a J unior Brian Gee tries hard to reel in a big one Two types of fish that the Fishing Club caught are bass and bluegill Tac11cs used by the s pon ser Bill Kelly, are fly fi s hing, and regular
fi shing using bait " I catch more fi sh using my regular rod,"
sta ted JU n 1or Celeste Connelly Photo by Bill Kelly
Ind y, My Hero Although rece1ving a hit in tlus picture , Jun ior Adam S m ith kicks senior C hri s H ickman's bun while playing Indiana Demon for the Dram a Club play dunng the H o m ecomi ng assembly Hickman presides as president of th e club while senior Ryan Fros t serves as vice-p resident. To ge t accepted th ere are no requirements o r aud1t1ons, anybody is welcome "You get to meet new people and expand your honzons,"
Sophomores 125
Ride Em' Cowbo y Juni or M att Bunn holds on for dear life dunng o ne of the annual compet1 t1on s Th ere are 38 rodeo team members i n all o f J efferson County, and GHS had the most members of all schoo ls with 12. Th e team part1 c1pa tes 1n a total o f 25 rodeos 1n 15 week ends stra ight, beginning Marc h 26 Th e advisor Patty Low sa id , " I like doing thin gs to help the kids and also like travehng w1th them." Ph oto Counesy of Rode o Club
Riding Along Junior Breanna Bacon 1s nding a horse dunng W E S Clubs field trip to Estes Park. W.E.S Club tnes to give students skills to become self-suffic ient people and workers Every year W E S. Club gives Christmas gifts they have collected for needy children Senior Violet Cotant said, "I hke volu n teering for the H ead Start p rogram and giving these kids a Chnstmas " Photo By Heather McDowell
Jennifer Schiffman
Aaron Schlesinger Brent Schmidt Jessica Schnathorst
Adne S c hneider
Dane Schow
Ehzabeth Schrock
Paul Schwering
Knstte Seipp
Aaron Seits1nger
Robin Senf
Timothy Senter Ryan Serpan
Jenn1fer S es tn c h J eremy Shannon Bethany Shaw
Terry Shaw
Sarah Shawcroft
Todd Sheffield Crystal Shelton
Gina Sherman
J ames Silvey Kelly Skala
Ashley Smith Deidra Sm11h
Loren Speer Stephanie StJames
The Class of 2002
The Class of 2002 had an amazing year. It was 6.lled with being picked on, field trips, academic struggles, and sports tri11mphs, all for the first time in the "big show."
S tor y tim e Senior Shandy Ehresman reads to her students dunng her internship ume. The Teacher Internship program started two years ago with the help of Mr Stan Herge n reter This year there are 16 seniors part1c1patmg under the sponsorship of Mr Todd Fink Mr F ink said. "h 1s one of the most expcnent1al programs at Golden." P hoto by Vanessa Joiner
Brandon Beehler
Jessica Behunin
Alyssa Be1chley
P atrick Benzie
Truman Beran
Marcu,; Bernal
Tony Bernal
Adam Berte
Andrea Bcstor
Bryson Black
Robert Black
Amelia Blakeman
Steven Bopp
J usun Boykin
Dan iel Braum
Amy Brawley
Emily Brian
Amanda Bnngs
Timothy Brown
Jennifer Brulla
Michael Brunel
Ker<;t1 Bryan
Michael Buland
Kyle Bull
Meagan Byrne
K 1rs1m Canaday
Joshua Canfield
Chnst1n.i Carbone
Renee Carey Brandy Carilli
Eric Carr
Jeffrey Carrell
Thomas Carroll
Genoa Carver
Tara Casino
Matlhew Cavanaugh
Rachele Chandler
Allan Compton
Lindsey Conkhn
Tera Conley
Bryson Corey
Teresa Com
Crystal Cotant
Mackenzie Cottle
Shane Councilman
Enc Cowen
Steven Cox
Ryan Craig
Daniel Crass
Bnan Cullum
Zachary Curran
Jenn1fer Curtis
Jacob Dacek
P aul Dakan
Joshua Daniels
Leslte Daniels
Shawn Darcy
Zachery Davis
Brian Debaets
Marc DeCarlo
C hec km a te Freshman Bi lly Schreiner checkmates Junior Sean M artin dunng one of Chess Club's b1-weekly meetings dunng access Chess club has more than doubled this year, and w1lh its new-found populanty, 11 is now possible for 1lS members to letter The Chess Club 1s a member of the Metro-Denver Scholasuc league for lhe second year 1n a row J u n ior Robert Sch reiner commented, "People think it's stupid to lener m chess, but m ental accomphshmenlS are Just as important as p h ysical ones.'' P hoto by Douglas B aldwin
Jammin g CD 's Senior Ian Kim sey changes CD's m lhe radio room dunng access
In Radio Club, a variety of mu sic 1s played, 1nclud1ng altemal!ve , punk, ska, s wing, rock, coun try and Jazz All so ngs played by the Radi o C lub everyday dunng ac cess h ave to be approved by the adm1n1 s trat1on before being played " R adio Club 1s really fun, except for when people yell at you for the mu s ic that you pl ay," sai d Junior Ryan Chnstense n Ph oto by Adam Nim s
Michelle Dem
K imberly D1 m1ck
N1k1 ca D1m1tnc
J essica D1zmang
Ann e Dobyns Wilham D oby n s
J enn i fer Donne ll)'
J ack Donovan
K e nt Dooley
Ronald Doug ht y Carly Dn e nk a
P eng Du
J oseph Dun can
B radley Dunlap
J an Dunn
Delayna Durd e n Clayton Durham
M egan Du sdal
Christ ian Dyb1ng
J esse D y ffryn
Ju lianne Dyk st ra
Ju st in Eberhart
Roger Edwards
M egan Elh s
Ryan Eilts
Jan e lle Engl e Chnscop h er Fair
Christophe r Fan c h1
M ark F anc1u l h
Christopher Fei n er
Adam Fields
B enJamen Fila s
Joseph Fitzgerald
Haley Fletcher
Adnan Flores
J ohn Flynn
Daniel Fogg1n
Justin Forbes
Enka Foss
Leah Foster
Thomas French
Gerald Freund
Nathan Frost
Tia Fu shimi
Ryan Gallegos
Tashawna Garcia
Celeste Gardner
Rachel Garnett
Thomas Garrett
Ra chel Ges1n
Tara Gevara
Chandler Gibbons
Talon Gleaton
Corey Gobbo
Tiffany Goetz
Shannon Gomez
Julia Gonzales
Bnttan y Goodwin
Dusnn Gores
Amber Gosda
Listen Ca refull y Seniors Julia Keeney and L 1zze Hoogh eem hsten carefully as Mrs Lea Ann Shzeski speaks at the Studen ts Reaching Out weekly meeting The 16 SRO members meet every Wednesday for lunch in B-7 SRO s tud ents were mentors to special needs students " I enJoy SRO because tl feels good to help o th e r people," said senior H eidt Wilson Ph oto by Stefanie Nahley
Guardian Demon Sophomore Britt a n y Meagher gets prepared to began her pcrfonnance a t halftime during a football game The Color Guard practices every Tue s d ay and Thursda y from 6-8 30 p m Th e ir cap tain s are Juniors Nora Kenworthy and Amber Daniel Senior Jeff P ascha ll sa id , " If it \Vasn 't for the Color Guard, who would con trol the flag s?" Photo by Bill Kelley
Da le Grant
J amelle Grant
Kell y Grave s
Joh e Gray
N ichole Guthne
Max Gutierrez
Darren H aag
J ames H all
Jam es H als tead
Hal ey Han s en
Be nJamtn Ham s
Garrett Harri s
BenJam1n Ha schke
J enn ifer Ha sttn gs
Sean H ast in gs
R oseann e H atcher
C h ad H ea ter
Pa tric k. H ediger
J oshua H e rbert
Enn Herzog
Ryan Hill
Jesse Hind s
Caitlin Hogan
Chnsllna Hol brook
Gabe Holdren
Geoshua H ols in ger
Le s a H olyc ross
Schuyler Ho pple
Matth ew H osburgh
Ian Hou sel
Jo shua Hubbard
Andrea Hu nl
Kimberly J ackso n
Marquita J ackson
H e 1d1 Jani s h
H ope Jauch
C h nstopher Jenkins
Nicholas Jenkin s
Sarah J esc hke
Christina Jiron
J acquehne Jones
Brittney J owers
Jos h ua J owers
J ason J oyce
Chnst1na Kaven
Sondra Kaven
Samantha K eenDuran
Be tsy Ke lly
Sarah Kelly
Joe Kennedy
Jean Kerber
Rebecca K etchum
Clinton King
Amy Kirk
Forrest Kirk
Stephen Kirk
Jessica Klein
Ryan Klumb
J esse Koch
Jesse Kolbe
Making Peace Semor Andi Lipste1n help s two s tudenls come lo an understanding. The con flict m e diato rs have 16 members mostly JUn1ors and se mors Some have been mediators since their fre s hman yea r The co nfli ct m e diators also helped at thi s year's fre s hman onentatton and v1s1ted vanous elementary school s "Con fli c t med1a t 1on 1s a great way for s tud e nt s to work out th eir problem s without resorting to viole n ce or the adm1n1 s trat1on ," s aid Andi Ph oto by
Big Bu s iness Senior Ryan King organizes a co mmunity serv ice proJect FBLA
(Future Bu si nes s Leaders of Amenca ) provide s many leadership opportunities due to many conferences. On average there are 40 people enrolled 1n FBLA The members can hold d1smct, slate and national leadership pos1t1ons Se.11or Shen Osborn said, "It taught me many \VO rla ng sk ills and respon s 1biht1es I dtdn ' t know before." Photo by Thomas
Williamsutu·re us1ness ers
Courtney Kreller
Johnathan KrculZer
Mi c hael Lahey
H eather Lamprecht
Ma1thew Lamprecht
Claire Landry
Fraz er Lanier
Gregory Larson
Ju st in Leazer
Jerome Lee
Tessa Lee
Brett Lehrman
Aimee Le1d1ch
Nathan Lev111
Bry an Levy
Ryan Lewan
Zackary Lewis
Sierra L1dd1ck
Chnstopher Lollar
Ru ssell Look
Blake Loll
Tro y Love
Tiffany Low
Elizabeth Lukrafka
Sara LukralKa
Stacey Maa s
Kimberly Ma cey
Eno Madi son
Samuel Madnd
Apnl Malon ey
Taken a Look Seniors Julia Keen ey, Sonia Camey, and Juniors Nadia Markovch1ck, and Marg o Calig1un are looking at a map to see where they are heading off to T he 1999 Spanish Tnp was extended to 16 days including one week with a Spanish family. The cost of this tnp was approximately $1850 for everything, excluding a few meals and spending money Senior Cliff Smith said, "I'm JUSt looking forward to having fun and learning about other people and their cultures " Photo by R Finelh
, (. ' •
All Fun and Laugh s
Fre shmen are having a blast doing the H and Jive al the Homecoming assembly The Class of 2002 are leanung th e d1fficu1!1es of hi g h sc hool hfe and the tremendous amounts of homework they bring h ome everyday Soon the freshmen too will be able to understand how to the whole H omecoming week works
J effrey Mill er M1 nnda Mill e r
Ra c h el M iller
J oseph M1nard1
Darren M o 1tzfie ld
J eremy M oles
Larry M onson
Chnstopher M organ
Ju st in M o rgan
Tarah M oya
Natali e Mu elle r
Andrew Mu es
K athryn Mull er
J onathan M usgrave
Marl ys Nassau
K a tnn a Nenzel
R achel Nelms
Jo shua Nelson
J ames N e\vcomer
A shle y Nichols
Hea ther Nielsen
Amanda Nissen
Loui s Nol! 1ng
M ark O'hayre
Darby Odell
Jessica Olin
And y Oltvas
Freshman Derek Adam said, " I heard the assembly 1s always a blast " Ph oto by R on F1nelh -
S1acey Onn
Diana Ortiz
Olin Osborne
the class of ZOOZ
There was a tim e when doll s, blo cks, trucks , and dream houses co uld ke ep you busy for hours. A tim e when you could be overjoyed just by si tting in a sa ndbo x with a bucket and s h ovel. It was a time to explore, when curiosity ove rwhelmed you After all, there wa s an entire world past the co rn e r for tho se of u s who co uldn't c ro ss the stree t A tim e when our largest ,vorries were makin g it hom e by dark, s taying up pa s t nine o'c loc k a nd makin g s ur e that we h a d th e b est object for s h ow and tell. The words : s tr ess, co ll ege applications and dating were n ot in o ur vocabulary. After all, boys had coo tie s. This was a tim e of inn oce nc e in which developed the clo ses t of friendships Now it i s tim e t o venture on a n ew ex ploration . We mu s t now grow up and look back on thi s tim e as our childh ood. During thi s time we would be co ntinuously h o unded by our p a rent s to ea t right o r to s tay away from the cl ass bully. Anything that m ay put their "little angels " in dang e r Now that we a re Sen ior s in hi gh sc h oo l our p are nts have s in ce stopped ca lling u s pet name s and are preparing to let u s go to college . When looking back on childh oo d mem o rie s, rar e ly if ever do we think o f an unhappy thought.
As students grow up, the memories and emotions still remain .. Babies and Buddies was created to keep these memories last forever.S h owi ng Off Carly William s and Tra cy Heywood pose show off th e ir field day nbbons from elemen tary sc hool. Every year Kyflin holds the annual field day for kid s to , how their athletic ab1hty The athleuc events take place in the morning and the kid s then proceed 10 the gym to wa tch a movie for th e remainder of the afternoon " It v. as really neat to be voted most athletic by my s ixth grade class and be able to light th e torch," said Jared Blackney Ph o t o provided by Carly \Vil hams
Waiting Th e ir Turn Luke Ke ll ey Ke van Wilham s and Abbe y Kn ox wa tch th e Cl ass o f 1998 graduat e Ev e ry y ear, graduati on as he ld at Brook es Field , hom e fi eld for the School of Man es Friends. famil y. fa culty and alumna are all prese nt for th e ceremony S eni o r Luke Ke ll e y said , " l was sad lo see my broth er gradu ate, but I was al so e xc it ed kn owing I was next " Photo provid ed by Dotti e Ke ll ey
Eat It Up David Kohn e ats a larg e plate of spaghetti at one of Kyffin Elementary 's semiannual s paghetti dinners Along with spaghetti dinners , Kyffin al so hos ted ace c ream social s, a ume for tea chers and parents to meet. The s tudents ofKyffin had the privilege to s pend the day at Young Amentown dunng fifth grade " My most fond memory was playing sand s hark dunn g lun ch at Kyffin ," said s enior Ross Martin
Photo provided by Carly Williams
Sittin' Around Ross Martin and Um11 Ozdem1r take a break dunng a busy day at Outdoor Lab All sixth graders had the opponunity to take a week long trip to either Mount Evans or Windy Peak Along with t he elementary schools , the high school sends 10 upperclassmen to help chaperone for the week Senior Cry s tal Craig said , " Outdoor lab was JUSt as mu ch fun as a Junior a., 11 was an s ixth grade " Photo provided by Abbey Knox
Student Life 145
Sarah Adam
"D1psey - Doo - Dunk -A - Roo," Baby don't lose any of your hangtime 1n college
Love, D- M an
Hey B abe, you've always had an
affini ty fo r "wheels, heels and deals."
ife's opportun1t1es come to those
\Vho work hard at successfully
meeting goals th rough strong
commitments 1n personal values
tnals and tnbulat1ons at G H
have been the "proving grounds" for
your s uccess 1n the future
B o, to my partne r in rodeo and hfe
am so proud o f you I have such
great res p ect for you You are so
honest and canng. I k now you w ill
succeed 1n any t hing you choose to do'
anks for all the great li mes and limes
to come
B o, you are my JOY' K eep pressing o n
claim the pnze! So many adven tures to
cherish and mo re to come' P SA LM l.
can prosper only m God's time and : chosen path!
Love you always and always,
To m y wonderful oldest
proud of you, I adm ire your s tre n g th
o f c h aracter, commi tm e nt , a n d all you
have achieved
k nowing you have
o n ly just begun to succeed in
You've been extraord i nary from the
day you en tered our world - stro n g,
determi n ed and ready to face t he
Congratulations' H ope you succee d and reach all of your goa ls 1n college' Love, B ran d t
Co n gra t ula t ions! G l ad you ma de ll 1 D o well in college! Love, B roc k
B randon, cong ra tulations Good lu c k o , m college. P a rt y lo ts, bu t k eep u p
, you r g rades and visit once i n aw h ile '
H ave a happy h fe
K ee p s m iling a t t he rain Follow you r d reams Remember that you are loved uncond1t1onal l y
And always,
M om, K yle & T om
Richard Baer
W hether you prefe rre d Ri chard,
R ichie, or D ic k , we have a l w ays been c proud of you You have a l ways bee n a t 1 much-loved a nd very-loving son and ' 1 brother, an d you wi ll always re m ain so~ 1 As you move th rough hfe, al w ays : k now th a t we a re t here No matter what.
M om and D a d
Douglas Baldwin
Each year, as you have g row n fr o m th is happy, l ov i ng c hil d i nto a fine young ma n , you have as tou n ded us ir you r w isdo m and m a t u nt y. W e a re so very proud o f yo ur man y accomplish m en ts \Ve k now th a t you will be success f u l 1n yo ur d reams
Your L oving P arents
t i '
Jimm y B o llin ge r
• Sir Bub1>salot 1 I 1
• Congrat ulations, you stud' You've got
1 • to hi. the best broth er ever Th anks for
• 1 al\\ays suppo rtin g me, help in g me, and
• 1
• keeping me 1n hne Keep up that smil e,
• nnd always remember - if you can' t
• think of some thin g to say, bust out a
• random co mm en t.
• : Your baby sis ter, L
a mu e l B a um a n
• You are everything we cou ld have
• hoped for 1n a so n And now that are
• a you ng man, you are even m ore
• You are hones t hard working and
• sincere You have 1n te gnty and •
• sensibility Remember God's Grace
• in you r life Congratulations, Sam
• \Ve Jove you, Mom & Dad
A ndre , v B os i o
• \Vhat a wonderful life' Thank s for th e
• great adventure We·re so proud of
• Love Mom & Dad
H o lli e Brakk e n
• Your temfic smile, spun k , and
• sp1n1 brightens our lives each day
' Believe 1n yourself always' We
• love you mu ch " Mi ss 11 "
• Mom Dad , Erika , Nick, " J ake th e
• dog," and K1tt1 es
• Hollie Brakke n
• OH MA MA , you and I have been
• best fnends forever You are
• always there for me, no matte r
• what I know as the years go on,
• our relat1ons h1p will grow stro nger
• and s tronger I truly lov e you w11h
• all my heart You mean the world tome
• Love always, Bree-Who
• • • Holli e Bra k ke n
• • HAMBONE. C. M M H " H,"
• HELENA'S As the years go on, the h st
• keeps gelling bigger & be11e r WOW,
• '99 plus MM \Ve have sha red so many
• memones We're stay ing TOGETHER
• Love always with MAH I, Ch1bby
• Chisholm
• J o s h B r id ge
• You're our very special "super kid " Life
• holds for you all the happiness and JOY
• you have given to those around you Be
• your 0'>\.n person son, and the s ky 1s the 1im11 •
Love, Mom and Dad
Well, at least there was one time where I
• was better dressed than you I I guess that
• one of us go t the looks & the other the
• brains which have you got?
• • Cong rats from your bro. Ryan May the
• best of you r pas t be the worst of your • future
• We are so proud of you You are a
• very compassionate and genuine
• person We hope that you meet all of •
• your goals and all you r dreams come
• true Thank you for the happiness • you've give
• You are the most amazing person I
• have ever known I could not ask for •
a more amazing brother I have
• s har ed my most fond memories with yo u and I will neve r forget th em Never lose the fa 1th and keep • reaching for th
You are the best brother I could have
You always take care of me and take me with you I am going to mass you so much I can't wall to get your room Love,
The years have flown by we are so
proud of the person you have
become Always look to god and
never gave up on your dream s. You
make us very happy and brighten
our hves
We love you , Mom
Here 's one ride I dadn ' t have to worry about you losing your keys! \Ve had some good llmes and great laughs together H ave fun an co llege , but don't forget the emus!
Love Alan P S Don ' t break too many hearts!
You have grown from our beloved
baby to our athletic sc holar 1n suc h a
s hort time. You have a good heart and
have become a beautiful woman We
love you very much
H i baby' How am I s upposed 10 go w i thout your gorgeous eyes, barbanc body, cute se n sitive si de, and my best fnend ? No matte r where you go from here, I'll s till be there for you Thank s for always making me laugh mahi J S madne ss " mama
" I' ll love you forever, your girl, H ollie {Roxy)
You are now and always bee n very s pecial. We are all proud of the person you have become Congratulations and good l uck m all of your endeavors
We love you, Dad , Mom, Trenton and Jason
To our beautiful daughter both inside and out. You have brought us so much love and joy. Bobbi love hfe and always be true to yourself. With much love and respect.
We 're so proud of you! You 're not only a JOY and pleasure 1n our lives but your hard wo rk has been an 1nsp1ration to us Whatever you choose to do we wi s h you god's blessings for a nch and fulfilling future
We are proud of you, Sarah 1 We love your enthus i asm, sense of humor, fnendliness, and your wonderful smile Congrat ulauon:> on your graduauon from high sc hool We know you will succeed m whatever you choose to do You can count on our love and sup!)' rt always.
Four down and three to go 1 Co n gratu lations, yo u m ade it 1
Here's to f un ti mes at college, and good luck in t h e future We're proud of you, and those of us that are left to graduate, hope to follow , a 1n your excelle nt foots teps 11
I Love, Laura, Dave, Susan, E llen and 1 Ti
• You've been the light of our hves
• these past 18 years. I t's been a true
• JOY watching you grow up into suc h a
• wonderful person We are very proud
• of you Stay true to your dreams and
• the world will be yours Love you • forever
• Mom and Dad
Matth ew DeBaets
• Nothin g c an s top you from being
• whoever and whatever you want 1n
• thi s world. You arc s tron g of ,nt e ll ec t
• and will, with a caring soul and sp1nt
• Let your v1s1on, your heart and your
• 15 years later and you 're s till on the
• phone' 1 At 4 1/2, you ran up the
• walk to kindergarten and I thought "
• It s okay- we have all the lime in the
• world" But the world kept turning
• and now you're all grown up We
couldn't have wished for a greater
• gift than you 1
• Love , Mom and Dad
Katherine C olligan• To our beautiful and talented Kate!
• May all your dream s come true'
• Hold on to the JOY and the
• enthusiasm to all your endeavors
• and keep smil ing through all hfe's
• " tricks and treats ." You 're
• awesome and we ' re so proud of
• you 1
• Love, Mom and Dad
• Thank you for bnnging so much JOY
• 1n our lives You're a wonderful son
and brother You ' re a real w in ner' We ' ll mi ss you
• Love, Mom , Dad , Le s he , and Scott
Matthew DeBaets
• You were born jus t 1n time to be
• comfo rt able 1n a wo rl d beco m ing
• used to computers. You came
• equipped wit h late n t talents needed
• to succeed 1n th at compu ter one n ted
• society. It showed as you matured
• and became the in tellige n t,
• mouvated you ng man you are today
• Success 1s assured!
• Love, Grandpa
• dreams guide your dec1s1ons and
• remember, our love wall s upport you
• alway s.
Dad and Mom
• Erin E meri ck • Cute, • apoleon expert,
• Opinionated Smart
• ice •
• Granddaughter, This about su ms
• R are. up my grand- • Arti s t, daughter, Enn •
Tel ev1s1on cntac, Re member once
• Uniqu e. you've mad e up
• L oves history. your mind to do
• Animal lover, so mething YOU
• T alented, CANACHTEVE
• ln te lhgent JTI •
Ornery, Love, Grams •
• What do you see' • • A very c ute Enn
• laughing for me
• She's all grown-
• up now,
• And graduating
Congratulat1ons Enn 1 That 's what I say Follow your dreams, Wh e rever they lead And I'll be there , If you ever have need Love , Mom •
Jill Erganb ri ght
• Congratula11ons J ill! You are a great
• JOY to us and we·re very proud of
• you Stay co urageou s and follow
• your dreams
• Love , Mom and Dad
• Kelly, 1f you though t your senior
• year was great, JUSt wait , the wo r ld 1s •
• just beg1nn1ng to open up for you -
• with your many talents, perseverance ,
• and po s1t1ve atti tude We ' II s upport
• and love you always
You always did wan t to go out and
do every th ing even as a little poop,
now 1s your chance! Remember gods
,vith you when we can't be and
you've been the best \.. 1d
could ask for We love you.
Even though we've had our
d1fferences you have still done so
much for me and I could never
express how thankful I am to have
b ig sister th at cares about me as much
as you I l-now ,v11l succeed at
whatever you do 1 So good luck
It has been wonderful watching you grow up mto such a beaullful granddaughter I 'm so very proud of you
Your affirmative presence 1n our lives
has brought us immeasurable JOY and
enhghtenmen t We have absolute
confidence m your ability to succeed
at whatever you apply that s tubborn
determ1nat1on to We could
\Vay To Go! We are so proud of the person you are, and we look forward to seeing the great things you'll do. You are a great JOY to our family. May God Bless you alwlys•
milestone! When I look back
through 18 years of pictures, I r ealize
time has passed too fast. I' m very
proud of you. You've grown into a
very responsible and trustwo rth y
person. Congratulations on
graduating from High School. ' Embrace all hfe ha s to offer. Here~ ' '
looking at you kid!
Well I'm glad that you
finally made 11, but sad I won't have
someone to fight with bumme r
ob and kudos to you
H ang on to your innocent childhood ' 1 I I attribu tes, inqu1 s 1tive, 1maginat1ve. , 1 impenn1ssible. Keep o n learrung all the. 1 way through hfe.
given u s so much
the years It 's h ard to believe you are going out on you own We will m iss your smile, your Wit, and your charm.
for you
E r i c G ut h ri e
• Congratulations to all of you 1 ( John
• and Cole Bielak, J ason Gregory, J ake
• Wellens1ek ) We hope you all stick
• together through thick and thin.
• You 're a great group of fnends We
• Love you-
Your Mom ·s and Dad's
Mic h a e l H a sc h k e
• Michael. keep climbing. You can
only go up, and up, and up. rm so
• very proud of you • Love always,
Mic h ae l H a sc h k e
• Michael. you ve never turned away • from a challenge And look how far
• you've come Keep sw1ng1ng for the
Love, Dad
Brothe rs and bud s
fo rever Keep the • good m emories in • you r hea rt alwa ys.
• M ich ae l H a s c h ke
Michael, see, the re was a 11me when
• I was b igger than you' I'm very
• proud of the fine young man you've
• become. EnJoy all th at hfe has to
• offer and keep Jove i n your heart.
• A ll my love,
Mom Mom
M ic h ael H a s c hk e
• Michael, I've earned you for many
• years' Always remember-
• reciprocity 1s a t\vo-way highway
• Now it's your tum to carry me'
• Love,
Pop Pop
Tra cy A H ey, voo d
• From ballet to lacrosse-we've loved
• \\atching you gro\l, into a beautiful
• young lady You ve brought JOY into
• our hearts and into the hearts of
• many others. May the world shine
• on you, as you shine on us
• All our love,
?,,fom and Dad
Brett Andre, v H igg in s
• What a bles~1ng and a joy you are
• Brett' And what an 1ncred1ble young
• man you have grown up to be
• Always keep your wonderful sense of
• humor. your easy smile and your
• pos1t1ve a1t1tude Most of all, always
• remember how much god loves you, • • and how much we love you too
• Love, • Mom and Dad
l ey A l an H offert
• We are so happy for you as you
• gradua1e \ Vords cannot express our
• emotions as together we make this
• trans111on from high school to life
• Keep your chm up, your head focused
• and your heart happy as you make
• your life choices. We love you
Ttm, Nina and Rhonda
T im ot h y For r es t H o p p in
• T im. You've been a JOY and a source of
• great pnde We love you and you know
• that you will succeed at whatever you
• set your m ind to. Ride on'
Babies and Buddies
, Sin ce the first day we
s aw you, we were taken by your
s mile May your foot s tep s lead
you, 1n the guidance of your heart
to the fullnes s of hfe God ble ss
you and thank s for bemg our
Hey BOO ! You m ade it girl , and we •
are so proud of you You have a great future ahead of you in th e Big Wide W orld and we h ope you have many great adventures (be s afe and have fun !). Know that you are th e bes t and we love you.
Lea ndr a John so n
Lifelong friend s Leandra J o hn son (
m o nth s) and Kri s ten Wilhit e (2) were
on Blinky 's Fun Club 1n D ece mber
198 2 for Leandra 's brother, Eri c
John son 's s ixth birthday I wi s h you
both success and h ope you remain
friends th e re s t of you
W e are very proud of you!
Th ere was a girl nam ed LeeAnne She gradua ted because s he s aid " I CAN" She worked her way through s h ow in g me and you i t was all part of the plan Her fut ure is bright but ask if we mi gh t, where do monkeys fl y at m i dnight? Love , you r P oeucally c h allen ged parents
Ry an Kin g
• We are so very proud of you We
• know lhat you' ll be successful m •
• whatever you do Ju st remember that
• we love you and we 'II always be there
• for you So ' )>ower on", " m ax1m1ze
• your view", and enjoy!
• Love,
Mom, Dad, and Alyssa : P.S, Where 's the Arby's?
Cy nthi a Kinn a n
• Now th a t you can beat all of us a t : Scrabble, it 's time to seek new
• challen ges! As you go out in to the
• world, remember your roots h ere 1n
• Go lde n We love you and suppo rt you
• compl ete ly
Love, • M om, Neil, Greg
A bb ey Kn ox
• The l as t 18 years h ave go n e by too
• fast. We are all so proud of the
• beautiful young woman you've
• become. Thank you for g i vi n g us all
• so mu ch joy We look forward to
• s haring 10 your n ext phase of hfe.
• Love,
• M o m , Bra d, Dad , and Jana
A bb ey Kn ox
• I will treasure every momen t we 've
• shared toge lh er, from th e 4th grade
• tal ent s h ow to th e Swee t C lea ts. You
• • have s tu ck by me thro ugh thick and
• thin I love you and wish yo u lhe bes t
• of lu c k in the future R emember I'm
• always here to talk to.
• Love,
Crys tal
A nni e K o n eg ni
• You were an adorab le litt le girl, and
• n ow you've become a beautifu l,
• ta len ted you n g woman We wish you
• s u ccess, h appin ess and love 1n all you
• do It will be f un watchi n g your life
• unfol d
M uch love,
• M o rn , and Dad
• You have been a great httle sis ter and
• an even better f nend Hi gh School
• graduat ion is on l y your first s tep
• toward great s u ccess Good lu ck 10
• college and 1n all lhat you do - but
• wilh your personali ty, s mile , and big
• brain, you won't need 11
• Love,
• Jamie
B e n
schoo l, I'm still not done?!?"
You 've come a long way Baby - TWI CE!
We are so proud of your strenglh of characte r and your atll t ude toward hfe
We are thnlled lhat you have accomplished so mu c h I.hat was th ought " 1mposs1 ble "We hope that you will continue doing " the 1mposs 1ble" throughout your ltfe
• To s i mply say how proud we are and
lh a t we love you would be repeating
th i n gs you al ready know You are th e
li ght of our lives , a warmth 10 our
h earts and a gift we will always
Babies and Bud dies 153
Your sense of style and creative gifts
have always been evident Now 1s
the time to soa r with them'
Throughout the years, we 'vc shared
so many wonderful memorie s and I
am sure that \VC will sha re many
more I know that you will be a
success 10 whatever you set ) our mind on dotng. Keep s m1l10g!
Taleah, for the past year and a half you have been my best friend and my g1rlfnend You are the person who makes me shine inside. You have given me memories that will last a lifetime Always follow your dreams. Remember, dream abo Jt you and me
Love forever. Adam
if you will always do your very
best, you will always be able to look
1n a mirror and be proud It will not
be the things 1n ltfe that you do, but rather the way you do them We Jove
you, Ton)
champion fighter to
achieve your dreams both
Stay as thoughtful , lovmg and
considerate as you are. Success 10
life 1s measured by many things, the
most 1mponant of which may be the
so proud of you, from c the many accomplishments you've had, to the wonderful young lady
become B ut 1n the end, the
only thing that really matters 1s t h at
we Jove you dearly and that you w1:I
always be our little girl.
th ere to remind you about stuff or
to te ll you to slow down when
you 're dnvmg H ave a good year at
college If you get 1n t rouble read
Ja so n Melnick
• Jason - no ,vords can describe how
• proud I am of you ContJnue 10 reach
• for the sky You 'II be a success no
• mauer what you choose to do. I'll
• always be here I love you, JAS
• God bless you, Mom
Ja s on Melnick •
• Ma) you travel down the road of
• adventure, may love and good
• fortune be ) our close companion,
• may your life be as big as your hean
• I love you and am very proud of • • you
• Love, Dad
Ja so n Me lni c k
• You have been a constant source of
• love and wonder from the moment
• you ,vere born Because of you we
• have strived to be belier than we
: might have been Ies e we d1sappo1n1
• you Whatever the path you choose
• ,ve will always be your number one
• supporters We love you w11h all our
• hearts CARPE DIEM 1
• Gram and P apo
Kev in Mick e
• KEV, you've come a long way since
• our days "dow n under" Good luck
: and hey, don '1 forget the car that
• wouldn't die, !he hnle red Soob.
• Thanks for all the memones
• Love, Mum & Dad
• Angela Monte sa no
• May your ,-.orld be what you make • of 11, and your dreams come true
• We love you t
• Mom & Dad
Ange la Miller • • Congratulations Angie - You're a
• wonderful daughccr and we ' re proud
• o f you and all your accomplishments
• Be st wishes for all your dreams and • goals
We love you, Mom & Dad
• Our ltves are richer because of you 1
• \Ve'JI ah-.ays be by your ,;1de a" you
• make your mark 1n che world Keep
• God in your heart and the road of life
• v,111 be an easier Journey
\Ve love you. Mom & Dad
You're a super boy grown into a • super man Dream big. aim high
• and you 'II soar Be good, be kind,
• and be happy We ·re so proud of all
• you've done and excited 10 see what
you 'II do nexc
you so much
Mom & Dad
• "Tach yavrumuz Um11," what a JO) it's
• been to ,vatch you grow into a fine
• young man Your hard work,
• d1sc1phne, and rcspons1b1lity will lead
• you to great he1gh1s in ltfe You made
• u,s proud in everything you did. Keep
• up the good work
• Love,
Mom and Dad
Mykah Palm e r
• I have always admired the way you
• have always faced life head-on
: Whether d1sappo1ntment or success,
• you've always kept you r JOY and
• passion for life You have taught me
• more than anyone I know, and I hope I
• can keep learning from you
• Love,
• Mom
Babies and Buddies
Neku s Mec u s, you are entenng
adulthood You hav e mad e your
parent s very proud of all your efforts
and a ccompli shment s. You will
s ucceed 1n whatever you do and w e
will always be your bigge st
s upporters Remember, s ometimes,
you have to let the little b1rd1e fly
We' ll alway s lov e you
Mykah (P1kpa) , the years have flown • by It was only yesterday we were playing on th e Jungle gym in the ba ckyard , playing in th e park , and mess ing up the hou s e Now you are grown and on your way to becoming an adult We have been there for all your ac hievements , but thi s 1s your bigges t one We know you will s u cceed 1n life
Your Brothe rs, Mas on and Logan
You have been s u c h a bnght s pot in
my life A s you now go out to hght
up the world , know that I will alway s
be here for you May all your
dream s c ome tru e
In the middle of the s andwich with her s is ters , ever the s oft heart Always th ere standing for what 1s nght. We are proud of you
Brenna- you ' ve always been the apple of our eye! We wish you as much happine ss m life as you ' ve
brought u s the pa s t 17 years Thank s
for being s uch a great kid- we' re
really proud of you!
protector May all your dreams
DJ S loa n
• To our so n - You are a very tal ented
• and creat i ve, and a wonderful young
• man You h ave a great outlook on
life Life is an adventure, follow
• you r h eart a n d dreams, and always
• keep making goals We are proud of
• yo u Keep smil i ng.
• Lots of love,
• M om and D ad
A dam Smith
• Co lass1ans 3: l, " I f the you have
• been raised w i th Christ. seek the
• nch exte rn al treasures th at are
• above, w h ere C h nst is, sea ted at the
• right hand of God. And set your
• mi n d and keep them set on w h at 1s
• above no t o n the thi n gs th at are on
• the Earth."
• Love,
M om and Dad
Johanna Snow
• G lad you made at this far. I know
• you wi ll be awesome 1n the future.
Best of l uck from your bro,
Johana S now
• Your wonderful qualit ies abound i n
• the lovely young woman you have
• beco m e You are so can n g,
• compassiona te, perceptive, and
• ge n erous. Always try to do you r
• bes t as you e nt e r into ano ther
• chap te r 1n your life. K now that ou r
• love and p rayers w i ll always be with
• Love,
M om and D ad
Maria Solano
• Be fear less 1n th e pursuit o f you r
• q u es ts. F i nd Stre n gth 1n the
• cou nse ls of your heart. Kn ow •
magic 1n th e da wn of eac h
• m oment. A nd rock -a-bye i n the
• cradle of our Jove.
• Love,
• Congratulations, you have such a
• spec ial gift with children of all ages
• Gentle, understanding, always trying
• to he l p and teach on their level, a
• genuine love We're all proud of you
• Thanks for be i ng a part of our lives
• Good luck teacher
• Love, •
• Dad, Susan, and Samuel
A bbi e K ay So re n s e n
• You are a spec ia l gift from above and
• have touched each person you h ave
• met' We have been blessed to have •
• you 1n our ltves and we our so proud
• of the person you've become' May
• you always see what your life 1s worth
• and may your angels always be with
• you I Never forget that you wall always
be our little girl'
• Lots of Love,
• Mom and Don •••••••••••••••••
s tin ti ege lm e ie r
• Whatever dreams you foil ow, however • far you fly, my heart will travel with
Th an k s for all 1he goosebumps It had
been so rewarding wa1ching yo u grow,
You have worked so h a rd on all your
accomp h shm en ts and goals that you
have ac hie ved Take o ff tho se ,v1ngs
and soar Know how prou d I am of youe and thal I could no1 Jove you more
Th e memones we ha ve shared a re
priceless. I will never forget th e
ni ghts we spent laughing and cryi
to each o ther Although our future
draws us apart you will ahvays be 1n
my mind and heart Thank you for
being such a wonderful person
Hey, why am l in thi s golf bag'> Did
you lh1nk I was a sand wedge or
so mething'> Take me out of lhts bag
and I will become an intelligent, responsible, ever cheerful young woman You ce rt ainly arc that'
We 're so happ y you don 't eat sand anymore 1 And thankful for your hfe and th a t you've grown into such a lovely young lady
We Jove you - Mom and Dad
I am so blessed to have a sis ter who
cares so mu ch for me From giving
me c reative hair cu ts to talking late at
ni g ht , I have always looked up to you
and I have always loved you more
than anything. I kno\v you will
Do you remember my third birthday
( It wa s probably more fun than some
we 've been to ) I'll mi ss you so
much - I can't
working You have th e ability and
se lf-d1 sci plme to ac hi eve whatever
goals you set fo r yourself. We arc
proud of you.
Love you always, M om and D ad
There 1s so much to say and so little
space. Your intelligence, detenn1na-
ti on, in1egri ty and cari n g attitude
to,vard evcry 1h1ng ,vill take you far
in your future Keep focu sing on
your goals. Remember s ucce ss is
measured by happine ss. B e onginal
like " Jackie' "
ve, M om, Steve, Dylan, Dakota, T ab. M arlibu, $cable and Marl ey
Travis Valenti ne
• My dear little brother You have
• always been a bnght spot for me No
• one has made me laugh as much as
• you This 1s such an exc1t1ng turning
• point 1n your hfe and I know you will
• excel 1n whatever you do. I am behind • you all the \\.a} • Love,
Madeleine VanMeter
• Take pnde 1n the wonderful gifts
• you have to offer, use them 10
• achieve your dreams. I wish you all
• the best for your future Thank you
• for your love a nd support and for the
• laughter you've brought me Yours
• 1s m) most valued fnendsh1p
• Love.
Anna VanMeter
• Peter, we've loved you for eighteen
• years at home and no,v you 're going
• to college We love you, we 'II miss
• you and we knov.. you will continue
: to do well God bless.
y Williams
• Thanks for being the best sister 1n the
• world, I hope you succeed 1n softball at
• college Also. I hope you have good
• luck w11h boys (I know you w11J,
• because you are beautJful) Thanks for
• letting me look up to you
• Love Always,
• Toda} 1 thought you about your
• beautiful face and felt your excitement
• for hfe and genuine happiness And I.
• as your mother. burst with pnde, as I
• realize that m} dreams for you came
• true \Vhat an extraordinary person you
• have become and as you continue to
• gr0\\. please remember alwa} show
• very much we love ) OU
• Love,
Mom. Stephanie, and Destiny
You've grown into an 1ntelhgen1 &
• beautiful young woman 'whom we're
• very proud of Do your best in
• eve!') thmg & you '11 go far Put your
• trust 1n God Set your dreams & goals
: high - you CAN achieve them 1 l\.1ay
• God Bless you alv. ays 1 • Mom , Dad, Katie and Paul
• Love & Hugs
: Dad & Ruth
D ebbie Wan
• " How can I fl)', Mommy '>'' Our httle
• Deb asked not long ago Now, she's
• about to fly Go for what you
• always want to be, Deb We wish you achieve all of your dreams, and
• mo re importantly, we wish you
• happy
• Love,
• Mom and Dad
Jacob Wellensiek
• You are the center of our fam1ly and
• of our ltves. We are very proud and • • honored to be your parents
• Watching you g row into the
• magnificent young man you have
• become, has been a true JOY You
1 are treasured and loved beyond
1 measure Always trust yourself and I 1 aim high
1 Love,
1 Mom , Dad, Bryan and Sam
C ri ssy and ara William s
• I love) ou guys' I'm so proud You
• guys arc the greatest Thank you for
• always being there when r needed
• you the most
• Bathroom and the boys ~~a;.>..i
• Always remember Red Rock, the ,......-.:,
• Love Ya 1
K ev in Williams
• \Ve want to let you know ho,v very
• • proud we arc of you and your
• accomplishments. You have given so
• much JOY, happiness and laughter
• Whatever hfc brings. you have our
• love and support always May you
• contmue to achieve your goals Your •
" Field of Dreams" awaits you • Lo ve.
• le
All I c an s ay is that I am proud of you
and now that you ' re all grown up ,
you c an s top dre ss ing ltke m e. Good
lu c k in the future , I wi s h you nothing
but the best
, We know 1t wasn ' t easy but
you s uc ceeded We are s o very proud
of you You have a good head on
y our s houlders and we know you ' ll
c ontinue to make the c orre c t
dec is ions as you move through hfe
s t of lu c k!
Cr aig Bair
Craig , Congratulation s! Don ' t forg e t. you may be taller, but you ' ll always b e my " little " broth e r You hav e done g reat and I am s o proud of you! Good lu c k 1n the Air Force Thi s time it won't be me buzzing your hair I'll mi ss you!
We love you Meghan and
you , keep this in your heart "God
grant m e the
things I cannot change, the courage
to change the things I can, and the
wisdom to know the difference
You have given us s o much through th e years It 's hard to believe you are go in g out o n you own We w ill miss your s mile , your wit, and your charm
We Jove you and will always be th ere for you
My dear friend, I will miss our long talks and tears I am so proud of th e person you h ave become Never lose your love for life, your st ron g independence, free spirit and se nse of humor May god bless and keep you always Reach for the s tars and follow your heart
Thank you for all th e g reat times and fun memories you've given me Co n gratulation s on all that you've accomplished in school, sports and elsewhere You ' ve always been and always will be a friend of mine Love, Seaver Baru ch P S H ave fun a t college I'll mi ~ you
Th e dynamics in our h ouse will be irrevocably alte r ed upon your • departure for college and beyond fi Please don't take your mo th er with 4 ' you, we must ma1nta1n some minimum semb la nce of civil ity : We love you a ton and hope th a t , one day, say at least fifteen years, , you have eig ht of your ow n jus t c like your brothers
Ted B aruch
Rya n Bec,var
• Ryan. You have brought much love and
• happiness to us. \Ve are very proud of
• the person you have become' EnJoy
• what the world has to offer you and \Ve
• know you will succeed 1
• Love, Dad. Mom and Torrie
Co le Bielak
• That bright smile and your
• ki ndness have brought so much JOY
• into our h ves. Always keep your
• head up so you can see tha t special
• s tar I.ha t sh ines JU St for you I We
• love you Jots and are so proud of
• the young man you have become'
• Dad. Mom and Jesse
John Bi e lak
• Your enthusiasm and wann heart
• have brought so much happiness
• to our hves Your curiosity will
: hght I.he path of your hfe and be
• the cornerstone of all your dreams
• \ Ve love you lots and are so proud
• of the man you have become'
• Dad, Mom and Jesse
John and Co le Bi e lak
Co ngratulauons to th e twiners 1
• Remember the words of Albert • Camus· I f after all, men cannot • always make his t ory have a
meanmg, they can always act so
• that their own hves have one L ife
1s really wonderful. Enjoy 11 1
We love you, Enc, Karen. Garret
and Kelsay
Jar e d Bla ckn ey
Our memories of you arc priceless
And your future 1s limitless You have m any specia l gifts - use them well Follow you r dreams, achieve you r goals and hsten to your heart.
Couldn't love you more, Mom and Dad
James Bollinger
Just as was foretold eighteen years ago. "Big Stuff grew up " We used 10 have to ration your time on the computer, now you can get all the 11me you want 1 Give B111 Gate, a run for his money and each day continue to be "happy to be awake " Love Mama and Daddy
Josh Bridgeman
• Joshua. You've proven there 1s
• nothing you can't do You 're
• defin1tcl1 one in a mtllton and I' m
• truly lucky to be a part of your hfe
• You arc such a wonderful person
• Don '1 let anybody take advantage
• of your kindness Thank you for
• all the good umes and being there
• <! when I needed you most I' II see
• you when we're eighty and we can
• "build" <;Orne sand castles 1
• Love you more, Candy
Jar e d T. Bro,vn
Jared Our pnvate miracle Flesh of our flesh Joy of our Jo, Life of our Jove We have loved you honored you, respected you, challenged you, encouraged you and d1sc1phned you Now we release you to be everything that you were meant to be Our love always, Mom and Dad
Jared Bro,v n
Remember when you used to pull me 1n a wagon and feed me pops1cles and call me Msheena'> Never let go of those memones
• I love you always, Shannon
Ro sea n Bro,vn
You have grown to be a responsible and loving person Your family 1s so proud of you and all you have accomplished Keep up the good work and remember we will always be here for you We love you. Mom and Amber
A fashion plate and scholar from
early on! You have brought
unbehevable JOY and laughter into
our lives the past 18 years Reach
high ski fast, be true to yourself,
knowing hfe and love will embrace
you I We love and cherish you 1
C an d y Br un o
I can never tell you 10 words how much you've touched my hfe I can never thank you for your uncond1t1onal f nendsh1p I know ho,v lucky I am to have you I've never taken that for granted You are m} best fnend - you make me complete Represent HOH Wu 1 Your BFG. Sarah
r y Bujn owsk i
Congratulations Mary 1 God blessed me with a beautiful and wonderful daughter and friend. Always remember life 1s a Journey - enJOY the nde 1 Love always. Mom
Ted - Integrity, humor and cheerful charm Watching you grow has been a gift to us all Love from, Mom, Dad, Matt, Sarah. and Eileen
We celebrate your achievements and cherish the memories. Congratulations. you 're the greates t ! M om, Dad. Shannon, R yan, Toby and K acy
there are no words to really
express us You are my bes t
f nend and my soul mate Thank
you so much for all of the
unforgettable months of love,
laughter, and secrets Never
forget. "A year for a lifetime " I
love you truly madly deeply
No one can make me laugh more than you Claws, Jnsh, Pota toes, B uckets for Surge, Trash Cans, R ock1n' out, dancing, Coffee and so much more. I can n ot beheve this chapter 1s over, but I know there is much more to be written Love Forever and Alwa) s M adeleine
C r ys tal C r a i g
H ey 2-5, You have been by my side through the toughest limes 1n my hfe and laughing with me through the best times. I will cherish every memory. Always re m ember Swee t cleats, rides to Colo. Springs and "We've still got 1t!" Stay true to your heart and you can't go wrong Abigail S,vanson
Me li s s a C r o, ve
I am so proud of you I You have overcome a lot of advers1t} in your life already, and my hope 1s that from now on things will be "A Piece Of Cake" fo r you I Love You M om
A ndr ew Dal e
Every m o rnent that we spend , together 1s a treasure to me. You 1 are such an amazing person. You , have taug ht me so much, not on l y 1 abou t hfe in general, but abou t 1 myself as a person. Andrew, you 1 h ave such a strong h eart with • endless potential Never forget 1 you will always be my Teddy
I Bear." • Love Always and foreve r, , Tray Tray
ic k E a g les on
• We ve always been vel) proud of
• }OU Your calm post11ve a tt itu de
• toward hfe will take you far K eep a
• smile on your face, and that
• adven t urer 1n your sou l \Ve 're ah\ ays
• • here for you
• All our love.
• ~tom, Dad and Jason
• S hand y E hr es man •
• You will always be my best fncnd
• Always remember frog hun11ng,
• Crosspoint and Pro m Those were
• some of th e few best limes we've
• had. I'm su re there will be many
• m ore. marriage a n d ch i ldren
• R emember love 1s p atie nt , don't
• worry about tomorrow, God 1s
• a lw ays th ere w11h you
• God B less, Apes.
• Shand y Ehres man
• Cong ratul a ti o n s t o our precious
• daughter We pray for god's love and
• many blessi ng s throughout your hfe •
• M ay you r smil e always be sh1 n 1ng
• !Jght to those a ro und you
• We love you, Dad , M o m a nd Sco ll
Apri l Evan s
You are a beautiful, happy and 1ntell1gent c htld , as you start 10 li ve ' yo ur own hfe we hope and pray that you r hfe will be wonderful' Always tru st 1n your faith and love to show you th e way 1n life
Our love a nd su pport always, Dad and Mo m
April Evan s
Thank you for always bemg th e re for me throu gh th e good and bad times I will always h o ld our memories to get he r close to my heart. May god be with yo u as yo u wa lk throu g h life.
Romans 1·9
You fri end & prayer partn e r , Shandy
Tiffanie Fred e ri c k
• Tiff - Although our relationship
• has had tis ups and downs, we still
• came out best-fnends I'll never
• forget a<iktng you out in 6th grade
• (NO 1 ). choir. F lorida, 6 30 am,
• theatre. all-country choir, and la-.t
• but not least, I'll never forget you 1
• Thank<: for makmg the past I 2 year;
• of my ltfe the best r love you w11h
• a ll my heart 1
• Love,
• Scott
Tiffani e Fr ed e ri c k
• Wow, beautiful I Look at how far we ve
• come together I'm so proud of the fiery
• young woman th a t you've become It 's
• been a great adventure sharing our
• fa mi ly" Together we have found ou t
• what a real fnendsh1p can be like. the
• ups & dow n Together we've helped
• each other grow up into the spec ial,
• loved people we are today Ho ld on to
• your dreams & know I'll alwa}s be here
• for you Thanks for betng my s ister, a
• pan of our fami ly, & always my best
• fnend
• Love, Dray, Cinde r & Ashley
Ton y a Fus himi
• To our precious a ngel, where have
• the years gone? So much more we
• should teach you about h fe Follow
• you r heart, enJOY your h fe, a nd fulfill
• your dreams It 1s u me for you to try
• your wings, but remember we will
• alwa)'s be here 1f you need us
• Love,
• Mom a nd Dad
• Lettitia Gai ll ard
• To our only l111le doll who has filled
• our h ves w11h much pleasure a nd
• love Wh ose smi le lightens up a
• room, and can ng spiri t reaches out
• to all God Almighty has truly
• blessed us wtth a wonderful
• daughter, and lov in g s ister to her
• brothers. We love you "Ti~ hy'' 1
• Love,
• M o mm y a nd Dadd y
A lyss a Ga l e
• Th e last s 1x1een years have been filled
• with memories I will never forget,
• back yard trees, sc hoo l, birds, roc ks
• and flagpoles, 70's par tie s, college
• boys, Rem e tal ks, and gi rl s ni ghts ou t
• You are th e awso mcs t g irl and the
• bestest fnend
• Fn cn ds Forever.
• K1rt y ( K1 rst 1e n) Look
Babies and Buddies
Za c h , I ' m honored to be your • Grandfather You arc an 1ntelhgent , • hand s ome young man , with great
natural born 1alen1. I know you c an
a c hieve anything in your life that you
d ec ide to do May God Bless and
Grandp a Ralph Zac h Ga mblin
Dear Za c h , What a pleasure 11 ha s been to s ee y ou grow 1010 s uch a fine young man Hang on 10 your ideal s and your awe some s ense of humor
You are going 10 do great things ' Much Love ,
Zach , I am so proud of you You
have s o much to look forward to,
and you have done s o much already
I know you will acc ompli s h gre at
things But s ome things will s tay
the s ame hke how proud of you I
am , and I love you
Your Big Brother
Seem s like only yes terday you were
watching " tarcoon s". h 's been a real
you watching you grow into a young
man Your confidence , c ompe11t1ve-
ne ss, 1ntegnty and faith will serve
y ou well 1n life We are s o proud of
y o u You r goal s , amb1t1on s, and
expe c tation s have far exceeded our
dre am s for you
You hav e been a big part of my
life You have always been there
for me I hope you achieve all of
your goal s 10 hfe , do what you
have alway s dreamed Alway s
keep your head up
forward to the years to come.
Jeremy, you
are as close as a fathe r and
emember to be
daughter could be
honest and do the best
F rom the first day of school until the last day of school, \Ve ' ve always been there for you and we• II be there for your whole life
You have s o many great dream s and we are s o happy to have s hared tn some Now make them all yours lo enJOY Our Jove , s upport and enc ouragement will alway s be there for y ou Shine on Eric We lo ve you , Mom
neve r eve r forget the SA's You guys have added so muc h to my hfe 10 every way I will h old on to the memories foreve r
Camping ,vith cactuses. the beginning ofhoodrats. Beanies on our heads and "Pornos Pornos" 1n our hand s. Longtalks, and taking care of the dnnks Hoodrat , highway. Hoodrat nightwhich i s s111l to come Our best friends wedding, fun at the mansion, summer field, careless n1ghlS Hoodrats Forever
E li zabet h Hogh e e m
• L1zce - How can I begin to tell you
• how much you have po s111ve ly
• influenced my hfe You have been such
• an 1nspirat1on, not only to me but to
• those all around you Your love,
• friendship, s1ncenty, devotion and
• leadership are unparalleled and your
• smlle can brighten anyone's day
• L1zee , you are one of a kind and I am
• so proud to not only caU you my sis ter
• but also my best fnend The future 1s
• waiting for you. Go for 11 1
• lelrte• •••••••
E li za be th H oog h ee m
• You have soared hke an eagle to the
• top of many mountains 1n your life
• You have blessed us with your special
• sm ile and kind s p1nt. Your 1ntegnty 1s
• an 1nspu-at1on to all A s you take the
• necessary s teps onto your ltfe's path,
• carry our love with you. knowing that
• 11 1s yours to use and rely on as you
• sculpt the so los of your life We love
• you Liz , with all our heart
• Mom and Dad
Br o ok e H o rn ec ker
Brook ety. Grandma and I are proud of your acco mpli shments throughout your 18 years You have e nh g htcned many people and left good impressions (a nd brain cells) 1n the places you ha ve traveled Love you, Grandma and Grandpa
Brook e H o rn ec k e r
Brooke, You have always been very spec ia l to you r mother and I You seem to 1nsp1re everyone you come 1n contact with \Ve are very proud of you and kn ow your Journeys through hfe will be memorable Love, Mom and Dad
Bri e Jamiso n
It 's been grea t to see you grow up and become so independent I' ve always looked up to you. and you ·ve always been there for me thanks I hope yo ur an takes you far F ollow your dreams and thin gs will work I Lov e You G reatly Your brother, Lev1
Broo k e H o rn ec k e r
• Brooke, I can't believe all the great
• memones we have had I know the re
• will be many more to come. You will
• do great 1n college and I want you to
• know I love you 1
• Love, Quinn
Br oo k e H o rn ec k e r
• Brooke , Grandmother and I have
• many precious memories of the ti me
• you were just a little t1ke You have
• developed into suc h a beautifu l, kind,
• young woman. A s a sen ior, you have
• reached a goal you will always
• remember. You have made you r
• pare111 s proud and grandparents
• extremely proud'
• Love you dearly, Grandma , Grandpa
, / .....,_
Brie Jami s on Splendid Bne Your bnght smil e has brought m e through 1he best 4 years of my life H elena and H e rmia , Trubuturtle , Latoya Do ya, A2 , VF, Amiable, M R , Rov1s, Henry 8. R D., NDE @ RTD , certs, freshman fantas1es, and a dream tha1 these 2 girls would one day be sen iors, but would always be fnend s
• Lil and M cG1l forever,
• J ules
Mary Jo hn s to n
: You 'll always be our "favonte
• youngest daugh1er" Be happy. enJOY
• life and s tay as swee1 as you are
• We ' re so very proud of you
• Love always,
• Mom and Dad
Babies and Buddies
My wrestling champion "Big Bad
Brown" 1s out to conquer the world
Fr om singing Michael J ackson to
1ng m the dayhght. you've proved
your success at anything you put your
mind to. "Just JU mp. 11 doesn't hurt"
and see \Vhat life has to offe r
Jult a-" H oney Bear", F air haired maiden from two months old on you were 10 charge of you r own de~11ny Your tenacity, inner strength and compassion will always open doors for you. We're so proud to be your parents We love you,
Who 's that good lookm' s tud your
s 1tt1ng next t o? J ust k1dd1ng. Well 50
words 1s about enough to say
good times
we've shared' You are the greatest
bunch of fnends a girl co uld ask for
Thank s for all the memones, they w
last a ltfetime
eep your sp1nt, humor,
and smiles' You ' re the best!
I' m glad that we are s ull best friends
after all these years. I f you get t oo drunk, don't cry, nobody 1s going to a call your m om. You always make me
laugh. I will always be here for you
eeca K ell ey
Look at how fa st these la s t fou
years have come and now memones
The next four years will co m e and go
eve n fas t er. We know you will achieve • great thi ngs and be co me a s pecial
individual, make every moment counL
We love you,
Tim & T eresa B uckley & T Scott • W right
L e anne K e phart
And finally the day ca m e whe n th e , ri s k It took to s tay enclosed in the bud , became greater than the ns k 1t
took t o bloom
Lo ve your other fam il y, Th e Valentine s
Ian Kim sey
I am so proud of you as you grad ua te
and begin yo ur journey into the
world Kn ow th at I will always be
h ere for you when yo u need m e.
Aim high , foil ow yo u dre am s a nd
above a ll believe 1n you rsel f-yo u
1 are a star 1 Lots of love an d blessi n gs,
: M o m
• Ian, I li ke you because you ' re a grea t
• big brother a n d you teach me neat
• t hings Good luck' Love and hugs ,
• Nick
David Kolin
David - mea s ure your s ucce ss not JU St
• by money and matenal thing s but al so
• by s u c h t hing s a s Jove , fnend s h1p s,
• good health , s pa ce and time Continu e
• to aim high and follow your dream s.
• and plea s e , never do anythin g that
• won ' t make your mother proud We
• love you ,
• M om &Dad
• As swee t as you we re then , eve r
• swee ter are you now Your sweet and
• cari ng deposuion has filled our ltves
• wit h JOY Your wonderfu l sense of
• hu m or has warmed our h earts T he • • l au ghter you created has to uched our
• lives from w i th i n Yo ur crea t1v1 ty and
• i ngenuity will take you to grea t
• places And it 's your persevering and
• dedica ted character that w i ll hel p you
• reach your des tination We \Vill be
• r i g h t beh in d you every ste p of the
• way We l ove you ,
• D ad , M o m , M o ll y and A dam
Step h a ni e Kl ei n eider
• Float i ng 1s a natural for you because
• yo u are so "boy" a n t-
• All our love, • M om& D ad
Ste phani e Kleineider
• D e pp 1e,
• M y s un s h ine Ja m so very pro ud
• of yo u , you arc s u ch a bea utifu l
• pe rson 1n s1 d e and ou t. J wis h you all
• th e lu c k 1n t h e wo rl d
• Lo ve you,
• B elly
a Abbey Knox
• Thank s for s h a n ng s n ac k s an d
• s to ri es and soft b a ll a nd me m o ries
• w i th m e M os t o f a ll t han k s fo r a ll
• the bre ak s fr o m M o m a n d D a d
• • D o n ' t fo rge t abo ut me w he n yo u ' re
• a t co ll ege re m embe r I' ll have to ., dea l wi t h th e m b y myse lf n o w I'll
mi sc; yo u
, Lo ve
Ri ley
Evan Langsted
\ Ve ' re so proud of you , Evan The adventure of your hfe ha s given u s mu c h JOY and ex c itement ow you take the next s tep of life , You can make your dream s come tru e whateve r path you c hoose
Lov e, Mom , Dad , and Abb)
Through valley s and peak s. you
• have alway s known how to s tay on
• top M y fir s t born beautiful c hlld
• The highe s t reward f or a persons tail
• 1s not what they get from 11 , but what
• they become by 11
• B e kind and love good
• M om and P aul
Ja so n Lewis
• Wow J a Finally all grown up (s till
• no t a m a n ) bu t not to worry, you ' re
• gelling there I mu s t s ay I' m really
• • • going to mi ss you It s not somethi n g
• I s ay every day, but I' ve always
• looked up to you I love you big
• brother Good l uck in the real world
• Your little s is
Kri s ten Look
• You ' ve come a Jong way K1rt y 1 We
• are ext reme ly p roud of you and your
• ach i evemen t s M ay you always
• enJoy happ in ess a n d success m your
Journey thro ugh hfe We love you
• M om , T o m , a n d R eed
You have always been a wonderful
son and "o k" for an older brother May
you be ble sse d your whol e hfe
Remember to live , love , laugh and
never forget those angel ki sses
Love Mom and Keith
Congratulations, Audra We hope you have happine ss and love throughout your life. We are proud of you and we are so glad you are a part of our live s
With love , Dad , Becky, Ra c hael , Matt , and Sarah
We ca n ' t believe it 's been 18 years. It
seems hke only yesterday you arrived
and made u s a family Now you ' re a
grown yo ung woman about to s tart a
new phase of your hfe We love you.
We' re very proud of you and we wish
you everything
M ama and Papa
You are the be s t s i s ter l 've always been able to count on you. I t 's wonderful having a big s is ter to teach me and guide me I' m really going to mas s you have a great time 1n co llege and come home often I love you, Dana
T hank s for bonging so mu c h JOY into
our lives We are so proud of all your
accomplishments and the very
talented perfoJTn e ryou have become
of who you are. Look inside yourself
and be strong. T hat hero he s 1n you
Now that high sc hool days are
coming to an end and we're go ing
our separate ways, always remember-
walk i ng the dog , our creative bag
" blindfolds,"
Lowell, early mornings, late nights, e> our boys, dances, BOOP 1 good times
and bad I' ll alway s be here for you
U mit Oz de mit Um1t , my big bully brother, I am really proud of you! You have done so much for me We had wonderful and fun me m ories together W ha t will I be doing w11 hout you? You a re the best brother I ever had Take care, I' ll miss you. Love always , Seda
U mit Oz de mit
Um1 , We have been throug h so muc h t oget h er I know you w111 accomplis h everythi ng you dream of, your dreams and goa ls have been a great msp 1rat1on to me So wit h love , good luck
Love, J amie
Kara Papanuk
Kara- Your ded1cat1on and posi ti ve
a tt itude are 1nsp1rat1on to al l As yo u
tak e th e next s te ps m hfe's Jou rn ey
be tru e to you r ideas and success will
be you rs. We are proud paren ts'
Love, Mom a nd Dad
• You h ave always had this bnght and
• s hinin g sm il e that lights up our
• lives' R emember to smile as you
• go through hfe May the joy your
• life brought us be yours a th ousand
• times over • Love, M om and Dad
M ike Keep that smile on your face, set your sights high a nd you wi ll achieve your
• What am I going to do \Vtthout you?
• You are the best brother and fnend I
• could ask for Good luck ,vt! h
• everything you ever try for Don't
• forget to keep 10 touch
• Love, Abby (your t,visted sister)
ways be on top of the
In your lifeume you will meet th e few people that will touch your lives forever We've shared good 11mes and bad, but through it all its been awesome We've bee n to Nam and back To the mother tent at the dunes, h1tchh1k1ng, man1pulat1ng the system 7-eleven fat gJrl cupcakes, mi grating, Beasue Boys, Booz1n it , daylight t-p, squ1rt1ng. and our sem days salu te Habeb!
Your dream s are our future Our love for you unending Be who you arc and co ntinue to dream
We are proud of you, Aaron You
have look s, brains, and work hard,
everything you need to achieve you r
dream s. Share who you are and
keep the heart of a child. May god
where life's
adventures ta k es you or how h igh
We are so proud o f t h e perso n you
have become. F ollow your dreani s
wha tever they may be Keep wo rkm g
hard to be the best you can be
e love you,
e e e e e e e e e e e e
h a,
s o n all of your
accom ph sh m e nt s We all kn ow a t
ti m es i t was a long tough road- but as
a fa mil y we m ade 1t toge th e r We arc
very proud of yo u W e k now
whatever career or path yo u c h oose
i t will be what's best for you You
arc a very st rong wi ll ed person and
t h a t w ill take you far
you so very mu c h
• Your first horseback ride "'as al 2
• monlhs old You are a natural and have
• proven this 1n 1he love and pride you
• take with your horse s Your talen1s arc
• man) :,o let them sh ine on forever
• Deare st Austin, Your accomplish-
• ments have been awesome and we are
• very proud of you I You have a bright
• future ahead. keep your wonderful
• smile and se nse of humor set your
• goals high , and always soar with the
• eagles I Know that I Jove you more
• than l can say
• Love
Mom and Cunis
• You will never be washed down the •
• dram and will always be our Sears/
• Kenmore baby Your beautiful smile
• and personality "'ill always be a
• blessing to all Continue to share
• your talents and life 's expenences
• We are proud of you and chensh our
• mutual love
• Grandma and Grandpa
C ori Sayya h
• You have faced many challenges
• through 1he) ears and taken each one
on with great courage The memoncs
• we have s hared will always be there
• The choices )OU make will be with
• you alway s, so take your time think
• smart. and remember we will all be
• there for you no ma11er what.
C ori ayya h
• I know 11 was a long hard road but
• look at what you've achieved
• Congrats honey Always remember I
• Jove you It seems like yesteryear
• when I was p1ck1ng you up from
• school and we \vould sing so ngs on
• the way home Remember " It s hip
• to be square
• Love Chris (Dad)
• Your truly my bes! fnend Thank you
• for so many great memones Never
• loose your sm ile "S hoot for the
: moon, if )OU mi ss you will land
• somewhere among the stars "
• J Jove you.
• Ket- Lyn
• • A bbi e o r e n s e n
• Abbie, Congratulat1ons. you've
• finally made 11 1 Thanks for always
• being there for me and helping me ou1
• 1n my time s of need We ve made 11
• thi s far through all of hard time s and
• I kno"' we will make II through all of
• the ones m the future I I love you w11h
• all of my hcan 1
• Love always and for eve r,
• Thomas
Lu c S immon s
• Search w1th1n yourself Luc The
• power is w11hm you Creative and wise
• are you Succeed you will • L ove you we do,
• Mom and Dadoo
• Je ssica. Thanks to all of tho se lectures,
• You never change horses in the middle
• of a Job wonh doing.
• You know the squeaky wheel gels the
• worm.
• And you never count your chickens
• until you walked a mile 1n their s hoes
• And we though! you weren ·1 listening
• Congra1ula11ons,
• Mom , Dad and Ja son
J ess ica pi ce
• We have been through so much together
• and have had so much fun I know you
• will do well in college and have the time
• of your hfe I will always be here for
• you whenever you need me I love you
• so much
• Love,
• Behren
Babies and Buddies
very proud of you and love you very
have produced mne years of the
be st memories Dance s, fnendsh1p
necklaces, wheel chair man, and
endless hours of talking We have
come so far together I have always
admired your canng personahty You
\Ve've been friends for what seems
hke forever Since I only have fifty
words I JU St wanted to say thanks f01
making me laugh You 're the funniest
know I know you'll put th at
talent to work And someday bt.:
making millions of people laugh
moment you entered th e , world (on your g reat grandma's b-
day) you were a gift, a JOY to behold' ,
strength, and determ1nat1on has i nspired m any
Your beauty goes wit h ou t saying. but
smile always brightens our days
• M a d e lin e Va nM e t e r
From our fifth grade cas tl e to our ,.
• dreams today , thank you for
• everythi ng I appreciate you r honesty and I don't know if I' 11 eve r mee t
• anyone as truthful as you arc I love
• you with all my heart and I'll never 1
• forget the umes we've had together.
• Lov e, • Brenna
Mad e lin e VanM e t e r I e
• You are every thing I could wish for tn
• a daughter, and so mu ch more Your
• wisdom, humor, patience, affec ti on and
• encouragement mean more to me than
• you will eve r know I love you monster, 1
• toaster, poster, coaster•
• Daddy I t
• T e a Part y G oe r s
• Oh my gos h I What ha s hardl y begun
• 1s over, I can not belteve 11. Always
• remember what we have done and
look forward to what we will do.
• Love always and forever,
• Made leine
Am y Vecc hiar elli
• Amy, what can we say? You have
• become everything we could have
• hoped for - loving, canng, g1v1ng,
• s mart and beautiful We beheve you
can accomplish great things Believe
• 1n yourself - we do!
• Love,
• Mom, Dad and Jordan
C liff Smith
• I'v e always sa id , " My Job 1s not to
• make you Jo ve me My Job 1s to help
• you love yourself" You are a sh1nmg
• exa mpl e of my success, and I' ve
• learned so much from you because
• as you know, you' re always right I I
love you so very much
Briann e Vel as qu ez
I f only they knew wha t ts really behind that sweet sm1le 11 You have brought us so much JOY and we are so proud of you Go now and spread your wings and seek the things 10-hfe that you are so passionate about You can conquer and achieve any goal that you set your mind and heart to The world can be your.. 1 Love, Mom, Bryan and Stephanie
Brianne Ve las qu ez
• Bn anne, We have been fnends forever
• Freshman year ruled, NEVER forge t
• 1t Always remember NEVER try to
• bob-wire the pit, stick your hands up
• I will never forget you T hanks for
• t Jways bemg there for me Best ofluck
• m Arizona Best fnends forevcr
• Love ya, : Michael (Mitt}
Ju s tin Ve rardi
• Juslin, It has been a pleasure to watch you grow into such a fine young man You are hard working, canng and have been a pleasure to raise Good luck.!
• Love,
• From the day you were born you've
• made us smtle and laugh Your a
• beautiful young lady and your a great
• inspiration to everyone We're very
• proud of who you are and what you've
• become You'll be successful m what
• ever your future holds God bless you
• Out West where the horses are big, • the mice are too
• There is so much truth to the saying,
• "Your future 1s only l1m1ted by you "
Some people come Into our lives and quickly go Some stay for a while and l~ve footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same
Shirley Algiene Assis tant Pnncipal Charlotte Blythe Prin ci pal 's Secretary Jan Bryso n Science John Anderso n P E Judy Boian Engli sh/Soc ial Studies J o Burda -S mith Cou nse lor S ha nn on Barrows Social Studies Ja ckie Bornstei n English Brenda Burkett MathGoing Once Campus Supervisor Ron "Gnfr' Gnffin
1s auct1on1ng off Student Council members. Every year the Student Counctl acltons off their members to get canned foods for the homeless After being auc1toned the buyer gets to control the Student Council member for one day Freshman 1ia Fush1m1 said, " It was funny because everyone was creative with their cos1umes " Photo by Ron Finell1
Elain e Sm i th Sc ie nce Ken Vand erL aan Scien ceA
Abbon, Sarah 78
Acree, Terry 1 30
Adam, Derek 130, 139
Adam, Sarah 22, 32
Adams, Austin 1 30
Adam s, Lauren 130
Adamson, Cyn thi a 118
Adam so n , Jame s 132
A ga rd , Emmy 13 1
Agarwa l, Priyani ca 118
Agee, Edwin 83, 11 8, 123
Agee, Ja co b 130
Aguilar, Aaron 4, 13, 35
Alarid, Boa z 127
Ala rid , Zacha r y 1 30
Albano, Molly 28
Albracht, Clayton 130
Al cock, Shawn 130, 132
Al e niu s, Blair 77
Alexander, Brandon 1 30
Alexander, Jessica 130
Allan, Ange l a 130
Allan , To b y 118
Allen, Brandon 6, 22, 3 4 , 42
Allen, Jamie 130
Allen, Seth 77, 11 8
Alvarado , April 118
Ammon , Jeret 118
Ander so n , Gregory 9, 1 3, 22
Arlet, Aurora 118, 123
Armenta, Tiffany 118
Armstrong, Ju s tin 130
Arndt, Kyle 3 1
Aronowitz, Kelly 32, 11 8
Ash, Jordan 18 , 78, 80 184
Atkins, Seth 11 8
Atkin so n , Scott 41, 106
A xe n , Heath e r 51 B
Baalman, Ja so n 130
Babkiewich , Brittany 130
Ba ca, Stephanie 130
Bacon, Brea nna 127
Baer, David 130
Baer, Sarah 78, 118, 130
Bagwe ll, Amanda 130
Baile y, Chelsea 130
Bailey, Erin 79
Bain , Kri sa ndra 127, 130
Bain, L ev i 118
Bake r, Brianna 32, 76, 118
Bakhtin, Elizab e th 130
Bakke r, Seth 118
Bald win, Dougla s 76, 120, 132
Bald win, Philip 130
Ballinger, Aaron 118
Banaga s, Paul 118
Banks, Bever1y 78, 79
Banks, Tara 130
Barke r, Aaron 76, 118
Barlow, Shell y 28
Barlow, Spencer 42, 106, 136
Barre tt, Alli so n 60
Barton, Ro ss 130
Bartos h , Walter 127
Bartsc h , Carson 118
Baru ch , Ju s tine 30, 106, 134
Baruch, Seaver 16, 31
Ba s haw, Sarah 130
Bates, Bra nd o n 130
Ba ttan, Lisa 130
Bauer, Zachary 130
Be ck , Scott 130
Beckman, Taylore 118
Becwa r, Ryan 107
Beehler, Brandon 131
Behunin, Jes s ica 131
Beichley, Alyssa 131
Bellew, Brent 118
Bellis, William 136
Bennett, Jennifer 24
Bennett, Katherine 10, 118, 138
Bennion, Lydia 118
Be nzie, Patrick 131
Beran, Truman 131
Berkman, Anna 73, 138
Bernal, Marcus 81, 131
Bernal, Tony 16, 131
Bernard, Erin 66
Berry, Erin 78, 118
Berry, Jessica 118
Berte, Adam 131
Bestor, Andrea 78, 131
Beumer, Brenda 12 6
Bielak, Co l e 16
Bielak, John 16
Billhorn, Kathrine 21
Billis , Jeremy 118
Black, Brys on 131
Black, Robert 131
Blackney, Dayln 28
Blackney, Jared 41 , 1 07
Blain-Hartung, Ashley 9, 27, 118
Blain-Hartung, Nathan 41
Blair, Brandon 31
Blakeman, Amelia 131
Blu se, C hri stop h e r 31, 134, 136
Bohks, Ja son 118
Boice, Sean 70, 118, 123
Bollinger, Laura
5, 32, 118 , 121
Bonnet, Cyrus 119
Bopp, Steven 131 , 132
Borden, Jo seph
41 , 71 , 76
Boring, Jessica 50
Bowers, Cannon 119
Boyd, Heather 131
Boyd , Matthew
70, 106, 120, 123, 132
Bo yki n , Justin 131
Bradsby, Richard 22
Brakken, Hollie
3, 16 , 30
Branch, Kendra 78, 79
Braum, Daniel 131
Brawley, Amy 131
Brian, Emily 131
Bridenburg, Diane 119
Bridgeman, Jos hua
2, 8, 28 , 35, 29 , 106
Bridges, Nicole 136
Brings, Amanda 131
Brookes , Emily 78, 119
Brooks, Kendra 119
Brooks, Rob e rt 119
Brown, Michael 31
Brown, Shannon 78, 119
Brown, Timothy 13 1, 132
Brulla, Jennifer 131
Brun e, Je nnifer 119
Brunel, Michael 123, 13 1, 1 32
Bruno, Alan 11 9
Bruno, Candace 27, 106
Bryan, Kersti 123, 13 1
Bryant, Michael 31, 119
Bryson, Jan 22
Bucholz, Ren 23
Buen, Dean 119
Bujnowski, Mary 77
Bujnowski, Thomas 28
Buland, Michael 131
Bull, Danielle 119
Bull, Kyle 131
Bunn, Matthew 126
Burch, Timothy 119, 124
Burke, Edward 2, 5, 9, 123
Burkett, James 20
Byrne, Meagan 131
Cady-Reheis, Carlos 119
Cain, Renee 125
Caligiuri, Margo 138
Camis, Ivan 82
Canaday, Kirstin 8, 131
Canfield, Joshua 80, 131
Cappello, Christopher 28, 138
Cappello1 Michael 9, 28, 35, 82, 106, 138
Carbone, Christina 131
Cardoso, Andrea 119
Carey, Adam 119
Carey, Renee 131
Carlill, Brandy 131
Carlson, Amy 13, 77
Carlson1 Kathryn 12, 61 , 76, 119
Carney, Sonia 79, 138
Carr, Eric 132
Carrell, Jeffrey 132
Carrie, Kenney 78
Carroll, Thomas 132
Carter, Laura 32, 42, 82
Carver, Anthony 119
Carver, Genoa 132
Casarez1 Jessica 78, 142
Case, Carrie 78, 119
Casino1 Tara 132
Cavanaugh, Matthew 132
Cavanaugh, Michelle 119
Cecil, Thomas 123, 134
Chaffee, Lauren 27
Chamberlin, Jonathan 127
Chandler, Rachele 132
Chapa , Tammi 119
Cheung, Ken 77
Chisholm, Brendan 106
Chism1 Stacey 119, 137
Chrisman, John 119
Christensen, Ronald 80
Cieslar, Heather 119
Cisneros, Brandon 119
Cisneros, Nicole 10, 78 , 119, 126
Clark, Jenny 127
Clements, Shane 119
Coker, Sarah 70, 120, 131
Colligan, Katherine 28
Collins, Angela 13 2
Compton, Allan 132
Conklin, Lindsey 132
Conley, Patrick 119
Conley, Tera 78 , 132
Connelly, Celeste 124
Connelly1 Serene 21 , 124
Conroy, Daniel 119
Cook, Molly 119
Cookle, Carolyn 79
Coonan, Drew 31
Cooper, Ka tie 28
Cooper, Meghan 28 , 120
Corbin, Charles 3, 40/ 41 , 106
Cordova , Candice 135
Corey, Bryson 132
Corn, Teresa 132
Coronado, Chavaugn 120
Costello, Jonathan 120
Cotant, Crystal 132
Cotant, Violet 78 , 127
Cottle1 Mackenzie 61 , 132
Coughlin, Conor 46
Councilman, Shane 132
Courtney, Johnny 120
Cowen, Eric 421 132
Cox, Steven 132
Coyle, Matthew 28, 120
Craig, Crystal 22, 23, 28, 1()5, 107/ 136
Craig, Logan 120
Craig, Ryan 132
Crass, Daniel 132
Creed, Colleen 78, 120
Croghan, Alexi s 120
Croissant, Milton 120
Crosier, Becky 132
Cubbon, Sarah 78
Cullum, Brian 132
Curran, Zachary 132
Curtis, Jennifer 132
Curti s, Matthew 13
Cushman, Clayton 120
Dacek, Jacob 132
Dahm, Jeremy 120
Dakan, Paul 132
Dale, Andrew 20 , 41
Danek, David 120
Daniel, Amber 16, 135
Daniels , Alan 67, 123
Daniel s, Joshua 82, 132
Daniels, Leslie 132
Darcy1 Shawn 13 2
Davis, Amber 120, 127
Davis, Jennifer 135
Davis, Stephanie 123
Davis, Zachery 132
Dearmin, Jodelle 120
Debaets, Brian 132
Deboer, Lee 120
Deboer, Niles 81
DeCarlo, Marc 132
Dern, Michelle 133
DesMarteau, Jeffrey 28, 123
Dewitt, Paul 120
Dewys 1 Jacqueline 120
Dignan, David 120
Dimick, Kimberly 133
Dimitric, Niki ca 133
Dinkel, Kyle 34
Dinzes, Ca s sidy 120
Dittbrenner, Andrea 28
Dittbrenner, Casandra 25 / 50, 51
Dittrich, Nichola s 120, 123
Dizmang, Jessica 133
Dobyns, Anne 133
Dobyns, William 133
Dockstader, Melissa 120
Doi, Hannah 78, 120
Donnelly, Jennifer 125, 133
Donovan, Jack 123, 132, 133
Dooley, Keni 133
Doughty, Ronald 133
Dovey, Samantha 32
Dovey, Tiffany 32
Dragul, Adam 28 , 106
Drienka, Carly 78, 133
Drienka , Sara 78, 12 0
Du, Peng 13 3
Duclo s, Kri s tin 78
Duncan, Frank
71 , 79, 123, 132
Duncan, Jo s eph 78, 123, 133
Duncan, Kira 120, 123, 125
Dunlap, Bradl e y 133
Dunmire, Nathaniel 120
Dunn, Jan 133
Dupont, Chris tina 120
Duran Keen, Mi cha e l 2 0
Durbin, Dyanna 120
Durbin, Kri s ten 120
Durden, D e layna 13 3
Durham, Clayton 133
Durham, Cody 46
Du s dal , Ju s tin 3 1
Dus dal , Megan 133
Dus enbury, Peter 5, 41
Dybing, Christian 133
Dyffryn, Je ss e 133
Dyffryn, Johnathan 10, 126
Dyffryn, Meli ss a 78, 126
Dykstra, Julianne 133
Dyks tra , Theres a 18, 78, 79
Eagan, Roy 79
Eagleson, Ni ckola s 106
Eagleton, Du s tin 120
Eberhart, Ju s tin 125, 133
Edenfield , Le ah 11 , 79, 81 , 13 8
Edward s, Roger 133
Ehre s man, Shandy 131
Ehrman, Brooke 82
Eis enbud, Sarah
77, 78 , 125
Ekberg, Elaine 28
Ekberg, Laura 27
Elli s, David 120
Ellis , Megan 78 , 13 3
Ellis, Ryan 13 3
Elli s on , Cha s e 76, 121 , 132
Els ton , Brigit 121
Emeri ck , Erin 123, 137
Emmon s, Mi chael 121 Index
Engle, Janelle 133
Engstrom, Ja so n 121
Enna, Erin 121
Erganbright, Jill 27, 77, 107
Evans, April 13 1
Everett, Kirstin 13, so, 121
Fagerburg, Kelly 13
Fair, Christopher 133
Fairweather, Mark 28, 35
Fanchi, Anthony 77
Fanchi, Christopher 133
Fanciulli, Kevin 107
Fanciulli , Mark 28, 133, 137
Fanelli, Sunnie 121
Fauble, Christopher 121 , 125
Fay, Anne 20, 22, 28
Feiner, Christopher 133
Fellows, Marlon 76
Fergu so n , William 121
Ferrel, Moni ca 78
Feth, D av id 20
Fields, Adam 134
Field s-S pa ck, Rya n 121
Fila s, Be njamen 13 4
Fink, Stephanie 121
Fitzgerald, Jo se ph 134
Fleming , Megan 10, 67 121
Fletcher, H a ley 134
Flores, Adrian 13 4
Fluery, Ju s tin 3 1
Flynn, John 134
Foggin, D a niel 13 4
Folle, Brian 41
Forbes, Justin 13 4
Fos s, Erika 8, 134
Foster, Dexter 121
Foste r, Leah 13 4
Fra se r, Ja so n 121
Frederi ck , Tiffany 18, 24, 79, 131
Freese, Mi c hael 121
Freier, Tamara 121
French, Thoma s 134
Freund, Gerald 134
Freund , Stefan 132
Fritz, La cy 61 186
Fro s t, Lauren 9, 121
Fro s t, Michael D 21
Frost, Nathan 134
Fros t, Ryan 4, 9, 125
Fuentes, Andy 27
Fulks, Shanta 127
Furlong, Raymond 24, 106
Fusco, Brittney 121
Fus himi, Tia 134
Gabel, Amanda 79, 121
Gaillard, Ra s haad 121
Gallegos, Ryan 13 4
Garcia, Ta s hawna 134
Gardner, Celeste 78, 123, 13 4
Garnett, Rachel 125, 134
Garrett, Sara 71, 121
Garrett, Thoma s 46, 134
Gee, Brian 77, 124
Gerni, Renee 22
Gemi, Ryan 28 , 121
Gerwing, Tanja 121
Gesin, Rachel 13 4
Gevara, Tara 134
Gibbons, Chandler 134
Gibson, Seth 73
Gleaton, Talon 134
Glode, Thatcher 42, 137
Gobbo, Corey 134
Goble, Keith 121
Goetz, Tiffany 13 4
Goetzcke, Cassandra 79, 121
Golos, Kyle 46, 47
Gomez, Shannon 121 , 134
Gonzales, Julia 134
Goodwin, Brittany 134
Gores, Dustin 134
Gosda, Amber 13 4
Goshorn, Je sse 121
Gouak, Laura 23
Gould, Benjamin 22
Grahm, Justin 121
Grant, Dale 135
Grant, Jamelle 135
Grantham, Tiffany 127
Graves, Kelly 135
Gray, Jolie 135
Gregory, Christine 121
Gregory, Jason 16, 28, 107
Grenfell, Spencer 121
Griess, Danielle 121
Groe, Randy 28 , 122
Guthrie, Eric 16, 28, 46
Guthrie, Jodi 10, 28, 122
Guthrie, Nichole 135
Gutierrez, Max 135 H
Haag, Darren 125, 135
Hagberg, Danielle 24
Hagelberg, Mark 28, 41
Hall, James 122, 135
Hall, Jeremy 16
Halstead , James 135
Hansen, Haley 135
Hansen, Yvonne 78, 122
Hanson, Haley 7
Happ, Taunya 122
Harris, Benjamin 135
Harris, Garrett 135
Harris, Rourke 122
Haschke, Benjamin 135
Ha sc hke, Michael 120, 162
Hastings, Jennifer 78, 135
Hastings, Sean 135
Hatcher, Roseanne 135
Haughey, Krystal 76
Hauser, Jordan 41 , 122
Hayes, Bob 6
Hayes, Clement 28 , 122, 123
Hayes, Kelly 27, 122
Hayes , Matthew 123
Hayes, Renica 78
Haynes, Colin 122
Heater, Chad 135
Hediger, Patrick 135
Helm, Brandon 122
Henderson, Levi 28
Hendrix, Robert 136
Herbert, Joshua 135
Hernandez, Bryon 122
Herzog, Erin 135
Herzog, Shara 11
Heywood, Tracy 20 , 22, 106
Hickman, Christopher 10, 18, 79, 125
Hickman, James 19, 78, 79
Higgins, Brett 134, 162
Hill, Ryan 135
Hillen, William 28, 40, 41
Hinds, Jesse 135
Hind s, Ray 122
Ho, Andrea 122
Hodson, Melanie 79
Hoefer, Stephanie 122
Hogan, Caitlin 135
Holbrook, Christina 123, 125, 135
Holdren, Gabe 135
Holley, Aimee 7
Holsinger, Geoshua 135
Holycross , Lesa 135
Hoogheem, Elizabeth 28 , 134
Hooks, Jeramia 123
Hopkinson, Branden 106
Hopkinson, Kristina 11
Hoppin, Timothy 123
Hopple, Schuyler 135
Horneker, Mark 46, 47
Horvat, Eric 28
Hosburgh, Matthew 135
Housel, Ian 135
Howell, Danielle 122
Hubbard, Joshua 136
Hudson, ennifer 127
Hueman, Melissa 9, 70, 122
Huizinga , Suzy 122
Hunt, Andrea 136
Hunt, Natalie 79, 122, 125
Huntsman, William 29, 122
Ilges, Joshua 122, 127
Isaac, Tigisti 137
Jackson , Kimberly 136
Jackson, Marquita 136
Jacobs , Melody 24, 122, 123
Jamison , Brie 106
Jamison , Levi 122
Janish, Heidi 136
Jauch, Hope 78, 136
Jeanne, Mick 122
Jenkins, Christopher 136
Jenkins, Keith 127
Jenkins, Nicholas 136
Jennings, Robin 14, 78, 122
J erisen, Ryan 122
Jeschke, Sarah 136
Jiron, Christina 136
Johnson, Eric 122
Johnson, James 78
Johnson, Joshua 126
Johnson, Melissa 77, 123
Johnson, Mindy 23
Joiner, Vanessa 21, .:n, 51, 61, ?9, 107, 131
Jones, Jacqueline 136
Jones, Kelly 122, 125
Jones, Kelly A . 123
Jones, Kelly 0. 123
Jowers, Brittney 136
J owe r s, Cedar 122
Jowers, J oshua 136
Joyce, Jason 136
Judkoff, Jennifer 122
Kahn, Lauren 123
Ka ven, C hri s tin a 78, 136
Kaven, Sondra 78, 136
Keen, Amanda 16, 119
Keen-Duran, Sa m antha 11, 78, 136
Keeney, Julia 6, 23, 134, 138
Keesee, J es tin 123
Keferstein, Anna 32
Kelley, Kendra 28, 123
Kelley, Luke 6, 106
Kelley, Michael 106
Kelley, Ca l vi n 28
Kelly, Betsy 136
Kelly, Sara h 136
Kempter, Joseph 14, 21, 79
Kennedy, Cori 27
Kennedy, J oe 10, 136
Kenney, Ca rri e 79
Kenworthy, Nora 135
Kephart, LeeAnne 76
Kerber, J ean 136
Kessell, C rysta l 123
Kessler, Kim 30
Ketchum, R ebecca 136
Kimsey, Ian 123, 125
King, C lint on 132, 136
King, David 127
King, Megan 13, 123
King, Michelle 123
King, Ryan 1 23, 137
Kinnan, Cynt hi a 123
Kinnan, G r egory 123
Kirk, Amy 50, 51 , 136
Kirk , Forrest 136
Kirk, Step h en 136
Kitchen, Kacie 78, 123
Klaserner, Meghann 121, 123
Klein, Jessica 125, 136
Kleineider, Stephanie 131
Klucik , Vio l a 123
Klumb,Ryan 46, 136
Knepp , Jessica Katie 27, 76, 123
Knepp , Kiley 9, 61
Knox,Abbey 23, 25, 35, 106, 107
Knox, Joshua 76
Koch , Jesse 136
Ko lb e , Jesse 136
Kolin , David 106
Konegni , Anne 22, 27
Kosterman , Heidi 123
Kouchy, Ch ri stopher 24
Kowalski , Benjamin 71 , 106
Kraus , Elaina 18, 78 , 79
Kraus , Mitchell 123
Kreller, Courtney 137
Kreutzer, Johnathan 137
Krus, Daniel 123
Kuhn , Sunda r a 123
Kunz , Arielle 123
Lahey, Michael 123, 137
Lamprecht, Heather 137
Lamprecht, Matthew 137
Landry, Claire 137
Langsted, Evan 78, 79
Lanier, Frazer 123, 137
Larson, Austin 9, 31, 123
Larson, Gregory 67, 137
Larson, Ma thew 23
Lauer, Antje 123
Law, Jolisa 78, 123
Layman, Hans 67
Leadford, Micah 123
Leazer, Ju stin
77, 132, 137
Lee, Jerome 137
Lee, Tessa 137
Lefevre, Ca rin 123
Lehrman, Brett 123, 137
Leidich, Aimee 7, 78 , 123, 137
Leidich, Celeste 22
Lemmerman, Michelle 78
Levitt, Nathan 137
Levy, Bryan 137
Lewan, Ryan 137
Lewis , Kristopher 24
Lewis, Rachel 123
Lewis, Zackary 137
Libra, Kristen 78, 123
Liddi c k , Sierra 83 , 137
Lind, Paul 137
Linsenbigler, Jamie 123
Linville-Engle, Thomas 123
Lipper, Rodney 123
Lippert, Dylan 123
Li pstein, Andrea 21 , 24, 77, 134, 136
Logan, Brian 41 , 67, 73
Logan, Sarah 23
Lollar, Christopher 137
Long, Anna 21
Long, Ashley 61 , 77, 82, 123
Long, Jason 16, 138
Long, Matthew 123
Look, Kirstin 22
Look, Russell 13 7
Lott, Blake 137
Love, Troy 137
Low, Jonathan 126
Low, Tiffany 137
Lowstuter, Robert 124
Loyd, Matt 11 , 13
Lucas, Dylan 124
Lucero, Chasity 124
Lucero, Larry 124
Ludden, Sean 124
Luedtke, Thomas 70, 120
Lukas, Ruby 76, 78
Lukrafka, E lizabeth 76, 137
Lukrafka, Sara 76, 137
Lynch, Thomas 124
Maas , Stacey 137
Macalady, Seth 81
Macey, Kimberly 78 , 137
Madison, Emily 121 , 124
Madison , Erin 137
Madrid, Samue l 137
Mahajan, Menaka 124
Mallicoat, William 124
Maloney, April 78, 137
Maloney, Lori 61 , 123
Mal tempo , Marcu s 18, 22
Maltempo, Rus s ell 79
Mantilla , Michelle 16
Mantilla , Natalie 138
Mantilla, Valerie 78
Man toya , Justin 78
Maphet, Ian 138
Maple, Jessica 78
Marcello, Keith 83, 138
Marcum, Kim 22
Maren , Christine 23
Markovchick, Nadia 28, 70, 138
Marshall, Tyler 124
Marston , Keith 71 , 124
Martin, Crystal 78, 138
Martin, Elizabeth 138
Martin, Ross 9, 23
Martin, Sean 123, 124, 132
Martin, Sha uana 138
Martin, William 124
Martinez, Dominic 124
Martinez, Elizabeth 78, 123 , 138
Martinez, Frances 124 Martinez, Hope 137 Martinson, C r yta l 138
Martynow, Ash l ey 60
Mataya, Taleah 6, 27, 106
Matson, Rachel 138
Matthews, Jeremy 132
Matzke, Kevin 124
Matzke, Patrick 138
Maughan, Katrina 124
Maupin, Corinna 138
McBride, Ferne 124 McBroom, Derek 124
McBroom, Michael 138
McCollum, Jennifer 124
Mcconnell, Mandi 78, 138
McCord, Jeremiah 124
McCracken, S teven 138
McCreight, Leslie 138
Mccue, Ryan 138
McCusker, Caitlin 30
McDowell, Amanda 124 Index 187
McDowell. , Heather 76, 125
M cG r ew, Je ss i ca 138
Mckee, Dora 138
Mckee, Gregory 138
Mckee, Jame s 123
M c kee , Mer e dith 28, 124
M claughlin, Ja so n 76, 138
M c n e ill, Ali so n 138
M c n ew, Aaron 138
Mc s kimming s, Mary 78, 138
M cskimmings, Mi c hell e 78, 138
McTeer, Jamie 23, 30
Mcteer, Kelly 124
M cVaugh, Kristin 119
Meagher, A s hley 13 4
Meagher, Brittany 25, 121, 124, 135
M e dina , Christopher 76, 123, 13 2
Medrano, Arlene 138
Meier, Stevie 7, 138
Melnick, Ryan 138
Menna, Angela 124, 135
Meyer, Jennifer 78, 138
Meyers, Kati 23
Mi cke, Kevin 9, 28
Miiller, Angela 78
Miller, Carrie 107
Miller, Christian 12, 28
Miller, Erin 138
Miller, Jeffrey 139
Miller, Mirinda 139
Miller, Ra chel 139
Minardi, Jo se ph 139
Miorelli, Annely se 125
Modiz, Amanda 32
Moitzfield, Darren 139
Moles, Jeremy 139
Mon so n , Larry 124, 139
Montoya , Justin 124
Moon, Travis 124
Moore, Des iree 125
Moore, Lucas 124
Moore, Matthew 24, 34, 42, 134
Moore, Nicole 28, 67, 125
Morgan , Christopher 76, 139
Morgan, Ju s tin 139 1
Morgan, Scott 19, 78, 79, 106, 136
Morgan, Theresa 125
Morrison, Mi chael 125
Mo se ley, Jean 82, 125
Moutinho, Eduardo 125
Moya , Jes s ica 27, 125
Moya, Tarah 7, 60, 139
Mra z, Tri s tan 125
Mueller, Natalie 139
Mu es, Andrew 139
Muller, Kathryn 139
Muneyas u , Maya 76, 107
Mu sg rave , Jonathan 125, 139
Myers, Adam 70
N ahley, Stefanie 50, 76, 123, 125
Narans, Chineane 78, 79
Nassau, Kashi 25
Nassau, Marlys 139
Neal, Marissa 125
Nee, Ryan 8, 76, 125
Needham, Paul 28, 125
Neitzel, Katrina 123, 139
Nelms, Rachel 7, 139
Nelson, Brian 125
Nelson, Joshua 139
N eukirchner, Janet 79, 125
Neukirchner, Karen 18
Neville, Joseph 125
Newcomer, James 125, 139
Newgent, Lee 162
Nguyen , Viola 125
Nichols, Ashley 139
Nielsen, Heather 123, 139
Nims, Adam 42, 76, 125
Nissen , Amanda 78, 139
Noguchi , Adam 125
Nolting, Louis 139 0
Obrien, Ryan 41
Odell, Darby 139
Offerson, Codi 125
Oge, Grant 125
O ' Hayre, Mark 139
O ' Hayre, Michelle 125
Olguin , Rory 125
Olin, Jess ica 139
Olin, Joseph 80
Olivas, Andy 139
O ' Neil, Gail 137
O'Riley, Robert 125
Orin, Stacey 139
Ortiz, Diana 139
Osborn, Nicole 79, 125
Osborn, Sheri 137
Osborne, Olin 78, 139
Ostenson, Lindsay 121 , 140
Overturf, Erin 23
Owens, Cali 140
Ozdemir, Kadri 136
Ozdemir, Seda 121 , 125
Pacheo, Tawny 27
Palanuk, Kara 120
Palmer, Amanda 140
Palmer, Logan 125
Palmer, Michael 140
Palmer, Mykah 27
Papes, Jonathan 28
Papes, Nicole 13, 28, 135
Parker, Benjamin 140
Parry, Joshua 124, 125
Parsons, Donald 125
Parsons, Matthew 140
Paschall, Jeffery 29 , 107, 135
Payne, Robert 140
Payte, Jeremy 78, 140
Peachey, Matthew 125
Peacock, Justin 18
Perea , Alexander 12, 76, 140
Perkins, Ray 140
Perleberg, David 140
Perry, Kristine 78, 140
Peters, Tammie 12, 122, 123
Peterson, Brittany 123, 140
Pfisterer, Gabrie l 73 , 125
Pfisterer, Michael 28, 123, 138
Phillips, Adwina 140
Phil lips, Sarah 28
Pierce, Joshua 42
Pierce, Rebecca 140
Pierson, Carli 123, 140
Pike, Austin 31
Pike, Edward 126
Pike, Tyler 140
Pizzo, Hannah 140
Pizzo, Sarah 28, 35, 126
Poeter, Danny 140
Poitra, Jessi 126
Politte, Kelly 77, 121
Politte, Shannon 140
Porter, Cassandra SO
Porter, Todd 126
Poveda, Linda 138
Pray, Timothy 34, 42, 43, 76
Preston, Jesse 12
Price, Michael 140
Pridmore, Donald 126
Prigel, Amanda 119
Primmer, Casey 78, 126
Pri vra tsky, Rocky 126
Prugh, Stephanie 77, 82, 140
Pruitt, Robert 140
Pyatt, Cameron 7, 140
Queen, Adam 9, 13
Quirk, Andrew 14, 125
Quoyeser, Jacob 140
Rahorst, Dwight 78
Ralls , Nicholas 126
Ramirez, Raymond 140
Ramsden , Morgan 126
Ramstetter, Kenneth 126
Ramstetter, Sheil a 126
Raye , Brenna 134, 138
Razo , Jose 77, 140
Regner, Garrett 126
Rehder, Ke lli 9
Rehe r, Jennifer 78, 126
Reid, Steven 140
Reitmeyer, Dylan 123, 140
Reitmeyer, Mogan 22
Reitmeyer, Morgan 8, 11 , 32, 106, 123
Remmers , Shannon 126
Resnick, Erin 140
Rheder, Ke l li 27
Rich, Brooks 140
Richardson,James 126
Rickard , Victoria 123
Ridde r, Aaron 140
Ridder, Nathaniel 132, 140
Ridge, Katherine 66, 79, 126
Riley, Ryan 126
Ristau, Adam 4, 9, 12, 106, 107, 162
Ri z zuto, Rob 126
Roat, Jessica 140
Robbins, Renee 126
Robinson , Heather 140
Rodriguez, Ashleigh 140
Rodriguez, Monet 123, 140
Roe , Michael 127
Rogers , Andrew 23
Rogers, Randi 126
Rogers , Shane 132
Rojas , Lisana 135
Romero , Chyanne 78, 140
Romine, Marshall 77, 140
Ronson, Cathlene 140
Rood , Brandon 81
Rosa , Gus 137
Rosa , Johna than 126
Rose, Danielle 7, 123, 140
Rosener, Danielle 140
Ross , Karen 77
Roth, Nicholas 126
Roybal , Porfirio 140
Royster, Behren 31 , 126
Rozelle, Christopher 22
Rozelle , Erin 27
Rundquist, April 78, 140
Russell , Emily 28
Ryan , Benjamin 126
Ryan, Jacqueline 126 s
Sabo, Kyle 140
Saindon, Matthew 140
Saindon, Samuel 126
Sandoval, Michael 42, 140
Sandoval, Steven 140
Sands, Abby 78, 126
Sands, Sean 28
Santistevan, Vanessa 126
Saunders, Aaron 126
Saunders, Lee 42, 126
Savage, Hannah 123, 141
Sayed, Sheena 126
Sayyah, Cori 79
Schafer, Amber 141
Schalhamer, Richard 22
Schiffman, Jennifer 79 , 127
Schlesinger, Aaron 127
Schlieman, Matthias 24
Schmidt, Brent 13, 127
Schmidt, Dargan 78, 141
Schmidt, Kara 78, 141
Schnathorst, Jessica 78, 127
Schneider, Adrie 127
Schoch-Smith, Carolina 127
Schow, Dane 124, 127, 141
Schreiner, Robert 70, 132
Schreiner, William 132, 141
Schrock, Elizabeth 127
Schwader, Virginia 119
Schwering, Paul 123, 127
Sedgeley, Brian 141
Seipp, Kristie 127
Seitsinger, Aaron 127
Seligman, Alaina 141
Sellers, Frank 127, 141
Senf, Ro bin 126, 127
Senter, Lisa 141
Senter, Timothy 127
Serpan, Chad 132
Serpan, Ryan 127
Sestrich, Jennifer 127
Shannon, Jeremy 28, 127
Sharp, Lowell 22, 122, 123
Shaw, Bethany 78, 127
Shaw, Scott 119, 141
Shaw, Terry 127
Shawcroft, Sarah 78, 127
Sheffield, Todd 127
Shelton, Crystal 78, 127
Shelton, Torrey 22, 27
Sherman, Gina 127
Shuey, Damon 141
Silvey, James 127
Simmons, Lucus 21 , 78, 125
Simms, Geoff 41
Sims, Goeffery 28
Siu, Phillip 5, 28
Skala, Kelly 127
Skelton, Nicholas 141
Slater, Geoffrey 141
Slizeski, Lea Ann 134
Sloan, DJ 16
Smith, Adam 42, 125, 138
Smith, Ashley 3 2, 127
Smith, Austin 3, 28, 29, 41 , 106
Smith, Blake 141
Smith, Carri ss a 78, 125
Smith, Cliff 13 8
Smith, Deanna 3 2
Smith, Deidra 127
Smith, Des iree 78 , 141
Smith, Michael 141
Snyder, Holly 78, 141
Snyder, Travis 141
Solano, Maria 14, 18, 78, 79, 81
Solawetz, Kri s tin 141
Sologoub, Alexei 42, 43
Solomon, Andrew 40, 41
Solomon, Tyler 28
Sommerfeldt, James 81
Sorens en, Abbie 13 1, 13 7
Sparks, Ja s on 22
Speer, Loren 127
Spice, Je s sica 60
Sramek, Wes 22
Steckmyer, Jennifer 76, 141
Sterrett, Heidi 79
Steu s loff, Brandon 141
Stewart, Dus tin 141
Stiegelmier, Ju s tin 76
Stiner, Cody 141
Stitt, Kylie 141
St] a me s, Stephanie 127
Stoeber, Keith 141
Stoker, Ann 10, 141
Stoker, Douglas 123
Stokes, John 127
Stokes, Tam s en 22
Stone, Desiree 78 , 127
Storey, David 141
Storm s, Kenneth 14, 78
Strait, Nathan 141
Streelman , John 21 , 41 , 106
Streweler, David 141
Strocky, Michael 128
Strode, Cassidy 125, 141
Stroh, Nicholle 141
Sullivan, Sadie 10, 78 , 134
Sullivan, Toni 24, 128
Sund, David 34, 4 6, 4 7
Surratt, Charles 141
Svennings en, Sk ye 16, 25, 77, 79
Sw a n s on, Se th 128
Swanso n , Sylvia 128
Sweet, Th o ma s 73
Swisher, Kimb e rly 128
Sz abo , Ju s tin 128
Szadokiers k1 , Vi c toria 141
Tafoya , Thoma s 141
Tarantino, Eri c 141
Tarantino, William 28 , 71 , 125, 128
Tate, Sam 128
Taylor, Ja so n 128
Taylor, Tammi e 21
Thei se n , Jona than 141
Thoma s, Brian a 141
Thoma s, Mary 28
Thoma s, Moni ca 106
Thoma s, Sarah 27, 10 6
Thompson, Stephani e 12
Thres her, Raymond 134
Thurg o od, Jo s hua 141
Tinkle, Andre w 41
To, Ste v e n 141
Tott e mpudi, Kamal 128
Travi s, Jane 141
Traylor, David 141
Tre a s ure, Re b ecc a 78, 141
Tre nk , Rox a nn e 78 , 128
Tripp -Addi s on, M ega n 141
Trujillo, Bambi 141
Trujillo, Chri s topher 141
Trujillo, Jess i ca 78, 141
Trujillo, Lee 128
Tuffin, Matthew 142
Turg eon , K e ith 12 5
Turner, Au s tin 23, 28
Turner, Bryan 78, 123, 125
Turner, Dylan 142
Turner, Meli ss a 19
Turner, Shane 123
Turnwall , Heather 23, 28
Tutty, Jeramia 127
Index 189
Ulander, Lora 128
Unger, Ryan 128
Unrein , Meliena 142
Upchurch , Aim e e 28, 78
Utle y, Katherine 142
Utley, Su z ann e 142
Vaivoda, Kri s tine 121 , 142
Valentine, Jennife r 77, 142
Valentine, Travi s 11 , 18, 21 , 78, 79, 123
Valerius, Ale x andra 78, 142
vander Laan, Ken 16
VanDuzer, Corinne 76, 142
Vandyke , Steven 128
Vanhorn-Belive, Ja c ob 128
Yanik, Danielle 5 , 78, 125, 128
VanMeter, Madeline 134
Vargas , Anthony 82, 128
Verardi, Justin 6
Verardi, Zackarey 142
Vermillion, Amy 78, 128
Vernig, Peter 122
Vetter, Ward 128
Vierke, Ryan 40, 41 , 71
Vincent, Crystal 128
Vincent, Gina 128, 142
Voit-Chromy, Richard 128
Vorhies , Catherine 8 0, 132, 142
Vowles , Mervyn 142
Vredenburg, Kate 142
Wageling, Shanna 142
Wagner, Cy 142
Wagoner, Troy 77, 142
Wahlmeier, Timothy 142
Walcker, Kri s ty 142
Wallan c e , Deann 78
Wall e r, Clifford 142
Waller s tein , Adam 77
Walton , Drew 125, 142
Wamboldt, Gregory 128
Wan, Debbie 1061 123
Wang, Doris 123
Wano , Robert 2 0
Ward , Amie 79, 142
Ward , Jes s ica 13 6
Ward , Joanna 142
Ward, Jonah 128
Warden , Amber 13 5
Waro s h , Bradley 142
Waterman, John 128
Water s on, Kylie 128
Watkins, Elizabeth 142
Wats on, John 128
Watson, Kelly 128
Watson, Matthew 142
Waugh, Nicole 142
Webster, Dale 22
Weinell, Ed 73
Wei s, Jo s hua 3 1, 128
Wei s heit, Amy 79
Wel c h , Ca s sidy 77, 119, 128
Welch, Krista 79 , 128
Wellen s iek, Samuel 142
Wendlandt, Piers 128
Wendling, Dus tin 79, 123
Wendt, Michael 142
Wengroviu s, Jennie 4, 14, 18
Westhead, John 128
White, Jayson 128
Whitfield, Michelle 10, 131
Whitford, Chri s topher 46, 47
Whitford , R1,an 83
Whitlatch, Talitha 61 , 79, 128
Whitman, Lu ca s 128
Wi chmann , Ja s mine 142
Wilhite, Kri s ten 25, 127
Wilk, Whitney 20
Williams, Candice 126, 128
Williams, Carly 6, 16, 21 , 106
Williams, Crissy 78
Williams, Julie 142
Williams, Kevin 106, 162
William s, Meghan 23 , 24, 78, 79
Williams, Thomas 76, 83, 137
Willis, Evan 73
Wil s on, Heidi 13 4, 136
Winham, Katherine 79 , 128
Winham, Lindsay 79, 106
Winkler, Ariana 128
Win s ton , Scott 6
Winter, Christina 13, 128
Winters , Elisha 142
Wise, Sherry 142
Wittmer, Aubrie 142
Wobbrock , Ryan 28
Wolfe , Erica 78, 142
Wood , Becky 30
Woodworth , Mick 142
Word , Lat1ra 20, 28, 138
Word , Megan 22
Worden , Amber 78
Workman, James 76
Worobey, Lisa 24, 128
Worthington , Morgan 28 , 79 , 128
Wouk, Eli 125, 128
Wunderlich, Kiffany 128
Wyatt, Marvin 128
Wyland -Smith, Rachel 80, 142 X
Xuan, Victor 142 y
Yacoub, Matthew 128
Yanez, Luis 128
Yanz, Jerry 73
Yavuz, Belin 128, 135
Yein, Wei 132, 142
Yocom , Emily 28
Yocom , Julia 7
Young, Abigail 142
Young , Kelly 128
Young, Laura 50, 142
Youngman, Gene 10, 81
Yushka , Joshua 128
Zachrison, Erik 132, 142
Zarn, Drew 28, 128
Zebroski, Cassie 142
Zebroski, Missy 142
Zenker, Ryan 142
Zimmerman, Andrew 73, 128
Zipprich, Elizabeth 129
Zirbes, John 142
Zoril, Brian 123, 125, 129
Zurcher, Amber 142
As the year winds down, we look back on the memories that were shared among everyone at GHS.
By Joe Borden, Tim Pra y and Abby Kno x.On the Edge wa s publi s hed by J os ten 's S c hool Production s Group of Topeka , Kan sas. Our co mpany repre s entative wa s Gary Cordray. The book i s a s ize nin e (nine by twelve in c he s) and co ntain s 194 page s. The paper is eighty pound Bordeax and 1240 books w e re pr oduced The cost of the book wa s $35 00 or $32 50 with an activity ti c ket.
The theme idea wa s originally co n ceived of by th e 1998 seco nd se me s ter yearbook s taff, and th e cove r d esig n wa s conceived of by Jo s ten 's arti s t , Roxanne Ebberts, and wa s c reated by Ron Pinelli and Dougla s B a ldwin u sing Adobe Photoshop 4.0 on a Power Ma c into s h 6400/ 200
All copy and graphics were de s ktop publi s hed on Macinto s h computers u s ing Adobe Pa ge maker 5.0 . Output wa s on a Xante A cce la writer 8100 tabloid 1200 dpi black and white printe r and a Hewl e tt Pa c kard D es kj e t 855 C se color printer.
All body copy i s in 12 point Palatine and ca ption s were in 8 point Time s. All s tudent name s and grade le ve l s were taken from a computerized official di s tri c t e nrollment list We apo l ogize for any inadver te nt e rror s.
Sta.-f?--f?of 1998-1999
Advisor : .............................................................Mr R on Fin e/Ii
Co Editors-in-Chref·
J oe B orden
Tim Pray
Assistant Editors: ............ ........ .... .... .................. ... .Abbey K nox
Le eAnn K ephart
Adam Nims
Publlcation Staffers
Bri a nna Bake r*
Douglas Baldwin
Aaron Barker*
Kati e Ca rl so n *
Jose phin e Cox
C hris tian Dybing
C ha se Ellison
Ga rr e tt Harri s
Kry s tal Hau g h ey*
Hunter Hoo se
Hop e Jaun c h
Katie Knepp
Jo s hua Knox
J o n Kreut ze r
Rub y Luka s
Elizabeth Lukrafka*
Sara Lukrafka*
H eath er McDowell*
Jason Mclaughlin
C hri s topher Medina*
Maya Muneya s u
S tefanie Nayley*
Tara Smit h
Jennifer St eckmye r
Ju s tin Stiegelmier*
Tom Tafoya
Co rri Van Du ze r
Thomas William s *
James Workman*
Mi ssy Zebroski
John Zi rb es
Amber Zurcher
* -Denotes a full year staff member
Closing 191
letteYs EditoY S
To all my people, Anoth e r year ha s passed u s by here at OHS . A s I look back on my junior year , I see a lot of good time s and hard work crammed up in a co uple of crazy month s. Well Pin e lli like everything, all good thing s mu s t come to an end Thank you for your expertise and excellence you hav e brought , for I will u se your wi s dom for years to come. Ke e p jammin ' at Buffet co n ce rt s but it 's about time to leave the coco nut bra b e hind. I got to give a deaf man s hri e k to my man Tim. Only one more year of failing s tylebook te s t s and Cordray's intelle c tual s pee c he s. We are se nior s now bro! Mayb e you ' ll be a?le to s tay up past eight now that you ' re in the la s t year of high sc ho?l Hope you get paid a lot over the break To big Knox , I w1ll always r e member you and your beautiful s inging . E.very tim e I s ee a c logged toilet I will think of you! A s senior.s next year , l~ts take it upon ourselves to not be such pathetic kleptomania cs as years pa s t. Until next year, Joe
BordenThree years ago when I wa s a freshman I had no idea what I was ~etting myself into when I signed up for yearbook . The fir s t se me s ter was not a peak experience but I gradually s truggled through the beginner mistake s. Then ca me seco nd seme s ter and a little buddy I like to call Joe Borden . Whil e Joe and I gained experience the yearbook, Demons by Definition, ca me out. As we found out later in our yearbooking career it went amazingly s mooth Then sophomore year ca me and a girl named Abbey Knox As ~he year went on, One for the Ages wa s published Now it's 1un1or year and we ' re in charge
. After that senseless s ummation of the last three years 1n yearbook we are in the present. Time for so me thank you' s to be given out. First let me thank my mom , dad and brother. Next and poss ibly .most important, Mr. Ron Pinelli. You have helpe~ me beyond my wildest dreams and gotten me interested 1n yearbook. The yearbook staff at GHS will miss you dearly I would also like to thank the staffers for taking year~ook and asking s tupid que s tions. Joey, let me start by saying that at any point in time I am able to make you shriek like a deaf man. You also need to be ca reful with that soccer leg of yours, you could seriously injure someone. This book is ~ithout a doubt flawle ss. (Or so mething) Nobody ever gets higher than a 70 percent on a s tylebook quiz anyway Abbey, ever s ince you entered the yearbook room it has been next to impo ss ible for me to do my work . You are the wind beneath my wings. Great job with Babies and Buddies. Don' t forget a plunger when you leave for college. Good luck with life and whatever you try to do . Peace out,
Tim PrayI mu s t first s tart by thanking Mr. Pinelli. He ha s been a wonderful teacher and an in s piration in yearbook Thoug~ he creates tedious deadline s and many meaningless assignments , he has produced six wonderful yearbooks for GHS I know I s peak for anyone in yearbook and anyone who ha s worked with Pinelli that we will be very sad to see him leave. Good lu c k in the ocean; I hope you find colorful fi s h and beautiful beaches.
Next , to my fellow editors you have all been great. To Tim and Joe who have made thi s class fun and exciting Singing so ng s, building ladder s when we hav e no i~ea what we ' re doing and of co urse, doing absolutely nothing mo s t of the time Remember plungers are the mo st benefi c ial tool to have in your home . ( I promi se they can fly! ) I also hope I don ' t find any more sec ret poem s on untitled layout s! To the both of you, good luck to you next year and then after.
To the Class of '99, we will alway s vibe! Alway s remember Indian adventures, tropical vacations, car trip s to CO Spring s and endless laughter. I wish you all th e be s t and will mi ss you. The bes t player s eat pancakes!
Abbey KnoxOde to
The 1998 -99 yearbook is more then just a s uperbl y written and de s igned piece of work, it is the conclusion of a dyna s ty The pas t six yearbooks, s tarting with 1993-9 4 have been created by one man... Mr. Ron Pinelli. Pinell i ha s s truggled through five year s of tormenting deadline s. e ndles s ly long hour s and inadequate caption writer s. H e ha s had to deal with ignorant staffers, computer crashe s and countless other thing s And that i s only hi s Yearboo k c lass. We have had the honor of working with Pinelli for eight years between the three of u s, and every minute of it wa s a pleas ure that we will never forget. Whether it be talking about mu s ic and Jimmy Buffet or stylebook errors and upcoming deadline s, Pinelli alway s lent u s hi s f:ilf. undivided attention . Without a doubt, yearbook will n ot be the sa me without him As we say good-bye to The M " ;1. Mr. Kelley will try to fit into the antiquated shoes whi c: , Pinelli leaves behind . Kelley will never be able to repla ce Pinelli 's expertise and c harisma but we are all looking for ward to the new leaders hip and excitement that Kelle y brings to the s quad. So, from the bottom of our heart s we say one la s t good-bye to our hero, Mr. Pinelli