• 1n 7Jemon1umVal 133 • Openfn!J 1 c5!udenl Bife 4 c5ummer c5lipplemenl 17 c5porls 49 :Yeople 7o :7/cademfcs 140 Clubs 172 23abfeS & 23udd.tes loO gncfex 222
f/usl as !he c.
l,clis lo end 1.£. minule of c
d4:1,· !he clo
in5 do,vn lo !he mome11!
Iba/ we a1.1ff walk c2'C oss
/he stage and,·eceiue ou1·
djploma becomin$ yrgf
uales of 9ofden Yh9'
0cboof 7fie memories
Iha/ we have .s.harei,,,in
./219/2 sc/200/ w,ffno/ on{y
fas! us u11l.1fff radual.1on bulw1ff/4#usaljleh~ 7he hlife mom~ lhJ).
you /eli didn't mall<?.(
£efo,·e w,f/always be I.he
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lar,y./4 01· a /ear lo you1·
face. 'J.6~ mor.!lj':ff a/
~{5Jd·e2J I ~ Ill lh j vmen
your far'SI day of' £17/i school, your yeshnian homecomrny yame, 5ourfr~lfu.ss, when you won a forensics meef, your· fa,I: voffey-6aff
• e, your senro,r pI·om, e momenl we {l)On an bas£elball !/~, and I.lie mome11I yo/ y,our license.
e are I.hf momenls have £apl us wahiny up lo lh(! annoyI4i buzz of an alarm och every ng lo lleruf h. c5o wfep _you lie¾ a clock
1.i."vf, remember all I.he l-qiendshlps and exper1·1&c'1fyou '7ve hadhere p.jpofcfen . .7.lie mo.1nenls
l~c!i:ie have shared al 9. c5 willlas! us a fi/el.1me.
"s Homecoming assembly always. Students experifrom good music to awei?ie throwing to mummy itting, and of course the d-jive. Sophomore Taylor I think the assembly is }Q get the whole school fhe big game that night.'' citement on game day, week of events. Junior ,~ ...,on said, ''I always particiek because it's different a11d your crazy side." The difitit week are great ways for ow their school spirit and
Let me hear you scream!
1...1 !-i 1...11...1
Hand•Jive Juniors Maura Firth and Lindsay Molloy get into the spirit of the schools traditional hand-jive.
I • _1 ·-· • 1!!119=1-• I •• •
Juniors Taleah Cummins and Rachel Holmgren get pumped for all the excitement during
homecoming week
Lookin good! Sophon,ores Coral Erickson , Taylor Sands, Zoe Hatch and Lindsey Ratkie,,·ic/. co m e to sc h ool decked ou t for game day
Bad H air D ay Senior Carl tvl cEncroe tries to impress the girl s by blowing them a kiss.
Ju s t Kic k Back And Re l ax Juniors Tim Klein and Muhan,a d Hasoon si t back in the ir c hairs a s they ,,.,atch the Homecomi n g assemb ly.
Grr Sophomores 1\nthony ~!organ, ~lcagan Padilla, and Mike Gagnon s ho," their muscles and school spirit in front of the school.
Goin' Down f 1 1 1-lyssa Si1,·r1 t .., hang of the hand the hrst tune
The Final Couutdown Juruor., M tt c..; 11~~·and Jeff Walker sht their sptnt b) our school c Jor assembJ
Head Over Heels Juniors Sam Wnght Tom Bell and J 1eckson Sutherland h theu mad skills flip the dance mam 011H and backward Strike a P Jessi a Seel James quick dancerou smilefm
Music, games, food, a parade, a ca rnival and school spirit. What ore could you want?
Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower, tl1e Great Wall of These were all part of the tl1eme for the 2005 coming parade, Demons Around the World. cif the class floats had parts from al 1 over the For example, the junior float l1ad the Great China and the sophomore float had the Lean13.wer of Pisa. "'The parade was so mt1cl1 ft1n, I sophmore's Eiffel Tower," said sophn1ore
"--th __ . O'Brien. The sophomore class took first
by the juniors i11 seco11d, FCCLA in the freshman in fourth and the seniors taking negative points.
~re the game the stude11t council l1osted ~"""-'oxru.ng carnival. Students e11jO)' ed lt111cl1 t booths while other students ,,vatched s1 played games, and even did a slip-nThe slip-n-slide was so much fun even tlwa freezing afterwards11 said sophomore c)QV1er. Though ma11y people still want
,..... ~
b~k lots of people enjoyed tl1e volley-
' l.l • A I ••• ~-I -"·.7':/1•'" •~,."t~t; 1
uzanne ndeon Jenny tked the creative"
Smile Seniors Stephanie Adair and Zach Bres ler ride 1n the parade for Hon1ccoming royalty. S tephanie said," l lomeco ming ju s t
\\' ct s n't the s nme \vithoul po\.·\'der puff but \VC n,adl' ,, our Jcrscy s anyv,: ay
Demons Seniors Laurcn Harnage) , Kathryn tv1alonc }j and Amanda Hurley ride on their senior float Lauren said, "My s enior Homecoming was so much fun. "
D e mon Pri de So ph o m o re C ullen Sie\vart s h o,.,,·s hi s schoo l s pirit by \-vearing li g ht up d c n1 o n h o rn s so ld a t th e ca r ni\'al. Junior Ashleigh Sangi s aid, " 1 really lik e d \ val chin g th e b a nd s p la y."
S pike Juni o r Ross TIi den p lays the so phm or es 1n vo ll ey b a ll. "Th e sn1oothies \Vere a \\•esom e, I rea ll ) enjoye d t h e food ," s aid so ph o more k a te P otter about the carnival.
Se niority
Live It Up Sophl• Lauren Bolt .inl Allison ~fa t !.U ,,,,., ,r, their r1cld hock the parade ~rl·1ornoirt> R,chel Hoo~ler parade IS the~· n.-. homeronung! 11
Let it Slide JUfUO Oement enJo th shdc at the ca 1 om.ore l<alJa Ja.oot,s s.tid.. '1 really liked t
t at the canuvaL 'TL-. "''""" uperawesome
School S-pirlt 5oclhomore Cara K:ulbilCki and Alise C:ohtrn ei1Jay_ the bree t the Ho1mlf. oommg ca1mt1nJ OaneBeno 5a Homemmmg ctrruvalk·., w sweet bands that plaY.11:'UTh rocked
Dance Dan Jackee ensc:m ••~~JII.MlU-.,,,, team.
H wafa~er great
Se nior s Kayley Byl, Tay lor Ron1a n o,vski, and A.J. \iclson ride on the se nior float. Brandon Kinnard, sop ho n1o re royalty, sai d , " Riding in th e convertible,.._ as
Golden Parade Colden police lead the Homecoming parade down Washington St•fft•1. more Erni ly \iVarc~ham Sdid, ''The sopho rnorc das.c; float rocked. p
A Demons Miss Mauling the Mustangs
omecoming game against the gs was a disappointment, fans it was a pure adrenaof the game was being up g and having fun" stated junior fact the Demons lost 42-22 cheer as the field emptied out. see from the awesome the Demons worked very to prepare for the tough tl played okay... just okay, l'g improved on our defense r Joe Zaba on his perfor-
~ts alike gather, not only to ~w their town spirit for dressing wild and crazy to ophomore Kelly Morris
1 for the social environment
e .., Better luck next year
ePretty ng Demons support home team. "The best
"l->~:::....:•' when we were g,Rsaid junior Ana ano
nd 'em Up These rough d members show just rowdy they can get.
t'Owdy crowd made the a lot of fun,"says freshhley Craycraft.
Going. Going. Gone Senior Ja son Nye gets off a booming punt. // The team came s tarted out s trong, but the d e fe n se could have been improved," s aid junior As hley Lewis.
Hey, Watch the Hom s Junior Cory McGee flaunts his l ess angelic s ide. growled McGee.
Fri end s Make the World Go Round Seniors Jenna Lopez, Dongchen Wan g, a n d As hley Vigil s how how football brings peop le t oge t her.
omecoming 2005: Demons Aro und the World
cl Friday, October 7, Demons congre~l>Ol of Mines field house as a finish to ofth~ year. Masses of the student body best garbs to get down and shake A big part of any dance includes outfit. Freshmen Brook Palmer is the best place to get a homecon1ls is good too."
ts arrived with dates while sill anied by an assembly of friends. explained how she was asked to scavenger hunt with cookies wait-
beginning of the dance began with g within the first five minutes, the without a hitch. Although freshmen d the dance could be improved if untnr music," most would agree ta:a blast.
tis Dance, Dance Juniors
Melissa Sipes, and Vanessa Ortiz, as well as Mitchell Gillespie and date, and Freshmen Jamie King dance to the electric slide
All Tied Up Junior Sam Wright and sophomore Jordan McGregor get down in the crowd at this year's dance. Junior Nick Galluzzo suggested that we should have had,"A beach then1e were everyone wears a swimsuit."
1-. ..
M a t t h ews, Ka trin a Ra n do lp h , a n d S t a p h a n i e Ran1stetter join in th e fun of the con g a lin e." It's t o ha n g out "vith frie nd s," said fre s hman A s hley
t 1\ \ Dazz
n t
sm il e
mu sen e xplaine d ," Its \Vay be tter to go \\11th a d a te b ecau se you ah vays h ave someone to dan ce ,,rith!
Sophomores Charlene
ling Fresh 1nan Josh Blyth and Lauren G o h tak
e a
from their dance to
for the cain era. Seni or ~hchelle Ass
\ Ge ttin Ji ggy \'\Tit It Loga n Cus t e r an d fr es hman Am y Flick get do \ vn Se nior Tra vi s D o pp wo ul d en joy d a n ces a lo t mor e if he co uld " , ve ar je a n s an d b oots."
What7 Edwin and senior fes J nan,on diaeus& the points of danQng Get Down Sebion Shawna
Save a Horse Ride, a Co\vboy? Seniors Kim
for their Homecoming
Bond, Yol Samikuand Zupin dance
Schenck, Stephanie Adair,
, Amanda Hurley, tv1artie Gillis, Sean Stokes, Zach Bresler, Jason Nye. BnmtWegicfieid
Sean Snlith pose
Actors are talented people, but doing a show that doesn't even have a script is just nuts!
This fall's show was an interesting one. There were two different improvisation shows. The first was Playwright's Theatre, where the audience got to watch a series of improv games and vote for their favorite playwright. One of the most popular games was Stand, Sit, Lie. The object of tl1is game is to have one actor standing, one sitting, and one lying down at all times. This often results in hilarity and the audience certainly enjoyed it. The second was The Life Game of Mr. Byrne. The actors played out a number of events in Mr. Byrne's life. One of the actors, senior Logan Custer remarked, ''I seriously didn't think we could ever pull it off. But the show went on without a hitch, so I was happy." The fall play was a huge success and it really showed the strengtl1 of the actors at Golden.
e --.....ameo 0 (t
Jo h nson makes s ure s h e is ''b lu s h beauti fu l " b e fo re t he show s tar ts. Se nior Katy Ke lly commented, ' 1 enj o yed this s h o\v more than any o the r s h o\>\' I' ve don e a t GH S The cas t gre\>\' s o close and h ad s o mu ch e n ergy o n
Sophomore Tory
e in/he f men s t a e."
Boo Hoo Sophomore Cal Hueber. is clearly at an emotional time in his life. Sophomore Matt Brunel exclaimed, "The best thing about unprov is even ,vhen you screv..• "'P people still laugh at you."
What's going on? Junior Erin Lan,\' ick can ' t handle the stress of this scene. She replied, " lmprov is great b eca u se there are no lines to memori z e, s o you can ' t m ak e a foo l of your5elf. "
I '
Love at firs t sight Senior Log a n C u s te r is wooe d by fello\\' s eni o r Ja m es D a r cy. Wh a t's the b es t p a r t o f acting? Ja m es r em a rked , "
I like to be th e center of att e nti on , I' m not gonna He. "
Stack it up Sophomore fory Johnson puts the finishing touch on the top of the pyramid. Pn.-shman Ainy Flick c omrnented, " The best part was meet ing new people and actually having friends."
Teamwork Senior Katy Kelly and sophomores Torv Johnson, Matt Brunel , and Kyle Schutlz \\'Ork together on stage. Sophomore Robin Neumayer exclaimed, "Acting is so much fun! I love being on stage!"
Don't hurt yourselff
Sophomore Kyle Schultz gets used to a girl's daily routine ,vhile putting on eyeliner before his big debut. Senior Kevin Witaschek said "Being on tech was interesting. It was a fun and new experience that was definitely worth my time."
Creepy Sophomore Kevin Lynam gives senior Logan Custer "the wiggins" at an after school rehearsal. Kevin remarked, ''This show was a nice twist because we learned how to think on our feet."
Do yo u fee l th e Byrne ? The s ta r of our sho,v, M r Byrne \ VO r ks on hi s quad s while p lay ing the fr ee imp rov game, The Machine Sophom ore Dre"' ' Py bu rn comm ented , " If yo u d on ' t want good fri e nds, then don 't go to theatre , because those peop le , vill stay w i th yo u the res t of y our life ."
e out to play, all GHS s tud e nts planned their summer fun.
e sound of the bell for p.py time and a re l ief QW it's time for all the rward to doing o,1 er atbecuing in your own ne else's back yard on a y Having our- free time to Carls Bad Caverns erience I hope everyy-." Another student's r is, "Going to the homore Ariel Hansen ts to send P-l1otos and a great summer. So for next summer:
of the World Seniors olhill and Zach H a tch Homer Alsaka in Jul y
e Waves Seniors aloney, Lauren Amanda Hurley, egscheider, and ameron Gates, and tricker enjoy their stay ruka "We had the our lives!" commented
Ju s t Barbec u i n g in the Back Yard Seniors, Ren ee Willard , Amy Braun, James Darcy, A lex Fa ub le, Katy Ke ll y, Kelly Lankuti s, Samantha Farre ll, and Logan Cus ter pose fo r their fi r s t annual theater BBQ.
C ave Se ar chin g Se nio rs Nicole H osburgh and Kendra Warren vis t ed Idaho Sprin gs in the Pheoni x Mine " The lu cky buckebaby," replied Nicole.
~nc/I.be 7Jemons are In full swin!J
When winter ha s gone and spring ha s come, st udents seem to have mor e fun with graduation, prom, and many more fanta s tic port s . Whether it's your first or you la s t year at Golden High School, spring make s it more uplifting. 11 W hen I think of spring1 I think of energy because everyone i s energetic to get out of chool,'' said senior Brooke Palmer.
·---.•__...,.... - --...---...---- ··-·,..._,..u0202er • 0021n
I~ol, LIt \ '.u1 I ) \J l ( ,, alk!> on ~o llu ,l.1q<
,1 h.1J <n l .:1 n<I l<'a, c s ,\ gounJ 1nJn 1Juc1 l prt' !)<lf t' ror "lidl l ,c <; .:1Ju,,ul.
Th e Cl ass o f 2 00 5 h as m a d e it a lon g way a nd a ll th e ir h a rd w ork h as f in a ll y p a id o ff . T h e d ate th a t see m e d onl y to ex is t w ithin t h e ir w is h es ca m e on May 2 1. Th e s tud e nt s of Gold e n Hi g h Sc h o ol we r e h a nd e d th e i1~dipl o m as, flipp e d th e ir tass l es, a nd sa id gooodb ye t o GHS, l eav in g w ith gr ea t m e mori es of th e p as t fo ur yea r s . Th e s tud e n t s p ea k e r s a t thi s yea r 's ce r e m o n y in c lud e d Am y Ha rtm a n a nd Macke n z i e Kr e ll e r a nd s ong s b y
l sey Sca ll ey a nd Ch a rli Ho ga n. Th e cl ass s ong was "S umm e r of '69" a nd th e flo we r was th e w hit e r ose . Co n g r a tul a tion s Cl ass of 2 005 ! Thi s is yo ur mom e nt; y our t im e to c ho se y our p a th in life .
F in all y M ad e It Faith Jordan ,valks off stage displaying her exciteme nt about finally graduahng high school Spencer Pn est sa id , "It's going to be hard but I'm up for the challe n ge."
Th e La s t Moment s Pharell Aristide, Elsa Anderson and Jillian Anderson anx iously ,va1t to receive their diplomas " l 'm scared about leaving, but at th e sa me time, I can't ,vait!" said Ma gg ie Riordan looking fo,Nard to her future
18 Llere J Iy]r;;'f!fenl
Shake On It Brad y Abbotts s hake s Mr Stephen Dixon 's hand and receive s hi s diploma Mackenzie Krelle r s tated in her s peech, "Our futu re is so bright, ,ve have to ,vear s hade s "
Nc\v Beginnings Class President Ke\ 1n Gallagher speaks on the accomphsh111 ntc; c1nd achiP\ e1nent c, er~ one has made through the past four years. ll'0Lhe1 s Hnan (. unrO), c;reg Kottcamp, and Dick Byrne \Vere all speakers at this
venr s l:t?rcn-ion},
Up In Th e A ir The c lass of 2005 thro,, s their hats' into the air at the end of the ceremon~ at Brooks Field All the students celebrated and many beheved that It,, as their greatest achievement so far " I t 1s the happiest sad day of my life," said Enc Pohl.
Wa lk Ta ll John M1lfeith receives his diploma as his name 1s called, offic1ally declaring him a graduate of Go lden Hi gh School. "I feel prepared for life after GHS," said Gus Bridges.
Great M e m o ri es Graduates Je sse Ohnhaus and icol Robles are all smiles. " I'm Yer} excited about leaving high school, sure it ,vas fun but 1t only gets better," said Morgan Dougherty
Page by A Blakemnn
When you wish upon a star, it made no difference who you are . Prom was a memorable night for everyone who attended the Adams Mark Hotel in late April. "The highlight of prom was the limo ride," said junior, Kaitlen Sanders. The decorations of prom consisted of ice sculptures, a fondue fountain, a wedding chapel, and hotel rooms! "Out of everyone I think I looked the best , " said junior Jason Nye . Prom was a special night for everyone at Golden High School and unforgetab l e.
••• ')onu P rom 401 r, m,tlt LL< Hr.Int 11 .a n ,j cl t < <I t I o qt m J r r 1 1 ,J 11 ,, f l t r P ro111. 1 Ill Ill.Ori a nigltl tltat no 01t e can org e t. tull o grea l and fllll linte ' Pron\ rini he the 'Year ,vith a lit e y ar cont e s to a ,vra}J . ''' ith the !l1eme rt yol1 ,vi lt upon a tar," [,, eryone dream ca1n e mil lTt1 .
S hall We Dan ce ? Sen1or King Shane Tyslan, and Queen Audrey Goh stare into each other's e} es in thier ro) alil) dance "I lo\ ed that the Prom Queen ,vas my g1rlfnend 1t made the royality dance not soak\, ard, "said Shane T} slan
S i n g in ' to the Oldi es Senior Andi Larson and her guests sing in a k.areokie contest at after Prom "I hked after Prom more than Prom because I got to take off m) uncomfortable shoes," said 1unior Terra Reed After Prom \vas held at the Golden Recreation Center
20 7-/ere J Iyj(Jnfenl
S tylin ' Senior Gus Bridges poses ,v1th his date at Prom "The best part of Prom "' as laughing at all the freshmen and sophmores that sho,ved up, " said junior Trisha McGee " I think that seniors and jun1or5 should be the only ones allo\\ ed to go. "
Get Lo"~ Sl·nior Krissy \\'ood and 1un1or Brooke Sauer get into the moment and iust dnnCl' Prom \\ as the best night of m) life," said Krissy
Climb in' On U p Junior Joe, Co,, en ha'> a ball 1n one of the acti\ ities al after Prom " I think the ladder,, as most fun at after Pron,," said Joe\ After Prom 1s ah, ays a ma1or h1ghhghl of the night
--- -·.
l-Iok1e Pokie lv1agg1e Riordan, Car la Ekberg, lvf organ Doherl), and A1n s le} Erickson ham it up for the came ra " Prom \\'as fun but the tickets\\ ere ridiculou s!) priced, " said 1un1or, ~ t att King You iu st had to live in the moment to ha\ e fun at Prom
Pa ge b\ K
Rais in g the Roof Junior, Kellie Lancutis raises the roof at Pron, "The n-1us1c ,, as a lot better than last\ ear's," said senior lvlanna Casterson The DJ pla, ed e, er} thing from rap to count[) at the dance
So phomore l)unit •I ~\-1 \on nn<l S1 •nior l)t., in
Gi r 1 J) u 11 o u l a 11 l h e lo J) ,v h e n a king l h e 1r favor 1l e Nllt supn<,e p, cryo n f' wil l\ lhl'ir 1lanrt • mo, t· llw whol 1• nigl\l. gt1y lo lh e !)ring dan ce .
Mil e Hi g h Sta ti o n ( n o t t h e sta dium ) was th e p l ace to b e in Fe bru a r y fo r th e a nnu a l Sa di e Hawki ns d a n ce With t wo fl oo r s, th e r e was m o r e tha n e n o u gh r oo m t o h o ld th o s e who s h owe d up. " Yo u co uld go up t o th e t o p a nd watc h o th e r p eo pl e d a n ce , " sta t e d se ni o r J ess ie Ohnh a u s Am y Roge r swas as k e d w h a t s h e t h o u gh t a b o ut t h e d a n ce a nd s a id , " It was r ea ll y f un . T h e mu s ic wa s goo d a nd Mil e Hi gh St a ti o n was r ea ll y a co ol pl ace . " T h e r e we r e a lso a l o t of co mm e nt s a bout t h e l ocati o n a nd h ow g r ea t t h e di sc j ockey was . As Ch a rl ot t e Sk e n s sa id , " It was h o t !"
In Step Cf) s tal Walke r and Charh Hogan have a bla s t b} dancing \\•i th each o the r dun ng th e nig h t.
Th e Vi e w Fr o m T h e Top Sophomore Ro land Berger and fre s h me n H ann ah Lewi s, Ch el s ea Pere z, Erik. Gu s tafs on , S mil e Seruo r A m be r Wa ts on an d 1uru or Da ry l H all A s hle y Palm e r, and Lind s e y Gnffi n \Va tch eve ry one dance f rom th e top floor h ave fun \Vru le d ancing toge th e r to a s lo\v s o ng
- - -··- '~ __ ....:......:... ~-- -·
Pollo,, the I eadcr~n1ors$hilo Lee Carla Ekberg, Maggie Riordan, and Morgan Dougherty dance to the congt1 line,, ith each other\\ earing big smiles on their faces.
• .. I
Cr azy Bo a Senior Jessica Crass dances on her o,,·n ,,,1th her p ink boa
Senior Colb} Knepp and his date make each other smile and ha\ e fun ,, h1le danang the night a\\ a,
Do The Hu s tle Senior Ainsle} Erickson and senior \ihke \ andeBogart haYe fun \,·hile dancing ,v1 th their friends
Tra k pu he eac h of parHcipa1lt to bec om e 6eH-er atl.1 t and hid ent .
Track is an intense, energy-draining s port that requir es lots of time and athleticism from the athletes. " I s tarted running track to get in shape. It s tarted out boring, but as so on as our first meet it started to get really fun ," said Rachel Hunt . There are many rea so n s why s tudent s choose to run track. To stay in s hape , prepare for another s port, or becau se of the s hear love of running. " I li ke running and being outside so joining track seemed li ke a good idea," s aid Kelly Albano. This year Go ld en supported seve ral of it's athletes going to s tate in culding Tawny Drexler, Auna Lieb, Blakelee Midyett, Tyler Pennel, and Kelly Dalgetty. Go lden has high h opes for our tr ack team in years to come.
C he e r Him O n Sean Stokes cheers on fello\, runner Ryan Hayes as R} an finishes the last leg of the relay race
Running Hard Freshman Danielle Kehmek runs her heart out at the last part of the race,"I J01ned track for nevv experiences and because it's a great \\ a) to meet ne\, people," said Danielle.
24 Lie.re
Warming Up Anna Lieb runs av. ay from her competibon \\ hile running the mile dunng a meet at ~AAC Stadium. Anna 1s one of the best runners in the state
Getti n g Re ady Senior Sarah Morales is do\vn and ready to star t the rela) race Sarah 1s a hard ,,•orking track participant for Golden
Jump High Fre shma n Mike Gagnon jumps lugh O\ er one of the many hurdles he jumps all season long "Track is a blast," said Mike
Game Face Sophon1ore Ta,vny Drexler gets her game to.1ce on before doing the l11gh jun,p, I think the high Jump ,s one of the best parts of being in track" sa,d la\\ n)
Pu:.hi n g It Sen1nr Dan Chung pushes to the, ery end ot tlus race. "Track is one of the, e~ be,t ,, ays to keep 1n gr~•at :,hapc," :,aid ~ Jallory Da\·is
·- - ' - - ' -y-- -·--· -• .-k- - •,, -• ___! .-_':tg.:.._~
Effort Sophomore Joseph Zaba uses all of his might to thro\, the ,hotput as far as he can. Joseph has been thro,, 1ng ,hotput for n, o seasons.
Determination Se ni or Tro) Seate takes off at the start of the 100-meter dash. Up And Over Junior Blake]} l\-1,dyett goes o, er the bar on her first atten1pt at the high 1ump
On Th. \( o,, Semor Lul., N,.l.,on ls h-ying lo gd t]w l,all and ,rort· anolht•r !Joc1l.
Clo s e, but not quite .
136 th 111 th e n a tion.
That s um s up an exciting s ea s on for the boy 's lacros se team After fini s hing the s ea s on a s league champions, the y entered the s tate pla y offs and narrovvly mi ss ed beating an old neme s is, Cherry Creek, lo s ing a heartbreaking 8-7 decision. Senior Kevin Gallagher s aid, " Thi s y ear our team really came together and pla y ed like we knew we could. " Head coach Mike Thumim s aid, .o There are s everal s eniors on the team thi s y ear that have played with ea ch other s ince the y were y oung, and that is why the y pla y s o well together.'' Seeing how well the boy s did thi s y ear, Golden fan s can look forward to seeing them play next y ear and doing even better. The fan s al s o had a lot of s upport for the team thi s y ear. " The amount of s upport that we got thi s y ear wa s unbelievable I think the fan s had some thing to do with our good luck/' s aid s enior Cha s e Larson.
o y finl l1 tl1 e ea on 6y , vi1uung tl1 e l eag u e ch a mp i on ship and a ra nkin g of
In Position Se ru or Ch ase La rso n \VOrks h ard to m~ e s ure the oth e r te am does n' t get the ba ll a nd sco re
Thud Row Luke G1lhand (hast> Larson, Danny Gallian. )o5h Secora Luke Cantwell, Gabe Pollock. Chns Ro:.a, kevm Gallagher, Matt King Second Ro~ '\id, Robinson Gu~ Bndge:. Luke B.iruch, Jame, Rudnicki. Coach Thumim. \\'ill BoclJnan. Lee \\lilson, R~~>d Morella Ryan Lu tz Front Row · Ton}
26 Lfere J Iyf&'J!fenl S-cati s-t icsU s Them Ea s t 8 4 Green Mtn 12 2 Wheat Ridge 19 2 LA Costa Canyon CA 7 10 Foothill CA 13 10 Evergreen 18 0 Columbine 17 3 Monarch 13 7 Ft. Collins 16 5 Steamboat 21 1 Alexander Dawson 17 3 Kent Denver 6 11 Eng l ewood 20 0 Eaglecrest 16 0
Wilar,;IJ, Joey Cowen. Matt Ander-0n. Tim Hmklc Will Cantwell Ryan Sprackhng. Luke '\:elson Ryan Powell
Igffe ffiJW
Over the pas t couple of yea r s, la cro sse h as become more and more popular. The girls la cro sse ha s done well in the pa st yea r s and ended this seaso n with a 11-4 re co rd. They were also l eague champs for the seco nd yea r in a row! Tl1 ey we nt to a ca mp in Florida at the beginning of tl1i s year and reall y bonded with each other. Senior Je ssica Crass said, " We ended up bein g back to ba ck undefe a ted League Champions! I love all of our t ea m 's experiences, especially in Florida ." The g irl s ha ve worked very hard to get where the y a re and it really doe s show in how they pl ay. Junior Ka y le y Byl sa id, " thi s seaso n was amazing, there i s so much talent and I ' m proud to say that I pl ay for Golden."
Lacro sse ha s don e exceptionally good thi s yea r and we look forward to seeing them pla y ne x t yea r.
I >o"n f 1<IJ Junior Am h1 r ( u r n_J 91;b N'.ady lo m u k i: a shoL Shoot And
Us Grandview 1 6 St. Mary's 15 Mullen 16 Raison Va lle y l 8 Green Mtn 11 Wheat R1d gel8 Col umbine 12 Denver East 16 Dakota Rid ge 17 Arapahoe 15 Smoky H ill 5 Evergreen 20 Douglas Co unty 19 C herry Creek4 St Mary's 6 Smoky Hill 8 Them 2 4 13 5 4 0 10 11 3 14 18 1 7 16 4 15
Score Seni o r So ni a Kapu s ta \ VO rks h e r vvay d o\,n the fie ld" 1th th e ball to m a ke
goa l, o ne of m an , that s he ha s mad e thi s y ear
Page b) L Hall 27
Back Row- Coach Becky, Co ach Baruch.Ellen H ange Magg u.' Riordan, Ashhegh Sangi, Alli Ma~t. Mallo') Hamagel, Sarah ,\ fi ller ls.endra \ \'al1"en. Ka tia Jacob, Fourth Row: 'J1cole Ma rtinez. Ka ne Bill \: 1cole '\: g heim. Amber Curry, Ka te1ln Tri p p-Addison Lauren Harnage!. Amanda Hurle} i-.a,lc) Byle, Lmds.:\ Gnffcn. Che ryl o·Ep agnier J~1ca Cra~. A. nm~\ .xch1a"'lli Coach Co ra, Thrid Row, Christine Swensen, Samm) Parker.Jamie \\'althal, Stephanie Adair Lc,u Runge Cole tte Ko1 d er. Sonja k a p u~ ta, Al e x Bressler Mari~ Copan. Courtnev Smi th Tnsha \1 cGet: Second Row- Chels..·.:i Perez , Hil.uy Huff. Charlotte ScanC\: Jo~ Rcm p lc--\\'ei~. Bethany 5.inde~, Becca Conkhn, Jordan Conl<l m, Jo rd an Hog.:in, , 1role H o~burgh. Kat) !\h er., Ka tnna Young~, C.:irmcn Enck5on first Ro " Sa rah Hebbard, ~lichellc Belsher.Chclsca Kl-cny Ashleigh P.i.lm~r. Kayscy Beard, Leah Harris, A~h lc1gh Johru,on, Ja.mic Hamilton
Tak e Th a t Sen1o r EmilyKolrnca lml) wa1 tsdo\vncou r t Emily was the teams number one in single competitio n
S k y H igh Freshmen Ahc1a Ostensen reaches high for a ball "We had a great season this ) ear and I am \ ef) proud of all the girls improvement," said Jacinda Croissant
( u lh
S, n i o r \I , \\ ',d ,on pr1 p <1r<\ f nr l,Lr < l1<1nr<· h, 111 1 I 'l(· l) ll 11. .. I I()\ l I (' II 11 l '-, al , (J r( .:d <o mp < Iti 1 <HI • , u J ~op l,omort \l I"on ) ont ,. •
nq Ht,11ll l
28 Lfere J Iyf&'J:![enl
R e turn Se ni or Ah Wa t son returns a se r \e on h e r R e ad y Or ot Sopho m o re Ahc1a Oste n sen s t and s \.-vay to ,-v1nrung a poi n t. and a,vai ts the 1n com1ng se r ,·e.
lip and ()u t ~1011) Drookc, thnnvs the ball in to the air ind S" ec., 11 ,1 \\ h,1ck. ~lolly .ind Alicia "·er e the teams nun,bcr one 1n doubl0 lOn1petition.
\ Vh ack! St•nior Emil) Koln, 1:-, rt>ady for the ball. " I lo\ ed the girls thi ~l•ac;on,' -.aid Su-.an Lindsa1 '
Big S mil es Sophomore Katie Bo,, ers c;tops for a photo shot " I \\ a n ted to tr, a ne,, sport c;o 1 tried out for te nn is and made vars1t\,' said Katie
- ·-- ·'"'-•~-- - - - -
ice Return Sophomore Ahaa Ostenson returns a sen. e on the \\. a) to \\'inning a point.
Soccer team breezes through league1 into state playoffs.
Living the life of a s tudent athl ete r equir es d e termin ation, se lf-motivation, h ar d wo rk, t a l e nt, and h ear t . Many s tudent athlete s develop an enormou s amout of tension w hil e t rying t o balance sc hool a nd s ports. But the se g irl s we r e n ever ph a i se d . The girl s socce r team e nte r ed the 2005 seaso n with great expecta ti ons of a ver y s u ccessful yea r. The y e nded up exceedi n g th eir expectations a nd makin g it al l th e way to the quarter final s, which i s the farthe s t any girls socce r team h as ever go n e at golde n The girl s went o n to
Great Save Senior Dana Garrett fly s through the air to save a goal " I hke to stop the shots that come at me all day," said Dana
7-lere J Iy/(2;-Jfenl
Makin gTh e Move s Freshman H annah Le\-vi.sdribblesaround the enem} " l lo\ ed playing varsity soccer as a freshman," said H annah
Nice Th row Senior Crysta Walker has a perfect thrO\V 1n "I love the rush you feel \vhen you \Vin," sai d Crysta.
High Five SeruorsAl n sley Erickson and Dana Garre tt go up for a hi gh five before the game
o \\ , N i l e flip S1•n1or Jacl1ulin1• Ri-. ta u does a b e autitul flip th10\\ 1n The t ltp th ro\, is my t a\' onte pla\ ," .-.aid Jacq uline
Th e g irl s ga th e r fo r a g ro up pi cture after t e an1 d inn e r Senio r And i La rso n ga\ e h e r te a m so m e la s t \ \ 'Ord s of ad v ise "The bes t thin gs 1n life are n' t fr ee,"s a1d And i Run , Shoot , Score :,n phm o n.• All bo njone s run s d o \, n the held 1n hopl!s ot ~cori n g " I lo\ e dribblin g pa s t n\) comp1'liton,," <;a t d 1\ lltc;l)n.
- - ---·-. • "'--'.1.L....L."\ • -
, \ i
Sco'l"e Boa,-,d Us Engel wood 2 BearCreek 4 Machebeuf 3 Evergreen 2 Elizabeth 9 Rampart 1 Ralston V. 0 Con ifer 2 Lakewood 2 O'Eve l yn 1 Alameda 4 Loveland 4 S umm it 3 Jefferson 7 Monarch 0 Battle Mnt. 3 Greely W. lt Them 0 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 2 * 31
ity Soccer Front ro" Dale Ekberg, As hley John son , Annie Leak Back ro,, Jacqueline Ri s tau, Stephani e Potha s
n le~
Enck.son , kry s ta \\alker, Andi Larson , Alh s on Jone s, Dana Garrett , Kathrvn Malone) , Carla Ek.berg, Hil a r)
ppell Chri s tina Carrano, Hannah Le" 1s, Kahe Potter, A s hle} Le\\ 1s, coach Fran Ra1n s ford
Thi s a½ esome seaso n that Golden's\ ars1ty players ha\ e had has been incredible The, made it to the playoffs and \\ ere second in league, lo sing only to Ral s ton Valley D'evelyn Golden's\ ars1ty v, as eighth in final post league play They felt they could have done better, but ,\·ere sh ll sa tisfied ½·1th their accomplishments " Joel Lockhart and Weston Lohman have taken u s far and ¼ 111 continue to do so as vve approach the pla 1 offs The main things 1s we have good team unit) and"' e all play "'·ell together," said 1unior Brandon 1chols The team felt confident 1n each other and there ,vas no doubt about how good they had done so far Sophmore Kenny Scally said, "I'm one of the youngest players on the team and I look up to the older guys to help when 'Ae are strugghng I would take a hit for any of the players on the team as they ,vould do for me."
S tr e t ch Brandon Wamboldt, tnes his hardest lo get his opponent out "Our team \\Orked ,er} \\ell together, our ph1losoph)' for the
as, "hO\\ do you eat an elephant" think about that one 1 Th1s year has been greal but next year \\Ill be better, as a sen ior I'm excited to see the d1recl1on this place 1s going," said senior · 1ck. DeMoulin
Concentration Senior Brandon \\iamboldt anxiously a" a1ts the exact moment to S\\ 1ng, and represent his Golden team Golden's ,·arsih team made 1t eighth 1n post league play
32 7-/er e J Iyj(;;r;J!en l
Run A r ound Junior Louie Garramone runs to second base People thought,\\?\\ ouldn'l go far but wepro\ed e\ er) one \\ rong b) taking second 1n le.:igue and one game .:I\\ a} fron, I\ inning league, ,aid ,ophmore Luke Valer1ous
Wa t chful Eye Junior Cor) Sheesle, keeps his eye on the pitcher as he a\, aits h,~ turn at the plate
\ \indup Sophn1or"(' Kenny Scally is ready to thro,v a fac;tball to hi-. opponent to get a strikeout
us Lake\'\ od 2 Dakota Ridgel Lincoln 3 Denve r S 8 Longmon t 0 TJ 1 cw 20 H orizon 12 Elizabeth 7 Con i fer 14 Alameda 13 Eng l etvood 18 Them 9 11 2 0 s 10 l 1 5 4 11 s 33
T"irs t Ro,.v · Jim Holle)~ Zach Cle, eland, Jcrr) 'vfadden, Brad 'v(adden, Chad $1gg, And\ '\.assau, lo1e Garramone, Sec ond Ro," Ke, 1n Coughlin, Luke\ alerius, Kenn) Scalh,Joel Lockheart, "-iateGoergen, Brandon \\an1boldt, Brandon t<.hob Th ird Ro,\ \like Rizzuto, \ \ eston Lohn,an, Cor, Sheesle) '\1ck De\touhn
II( n frt',l1m,1n \,u I '"' JL1n,tn ,111d JUl\tor Hol111 H,11lrl1fll l,n, 111, ll w1r ,Joh.
T hi s has been th e fir st time in two yea r s th at Golden ha s h ad a girls go lf team. They had a very s u ccess ful seaso n The girls h a d fun practicing at Rollin g Hills co untry club and Fossil Tra ce. " I h ave n eve r pla ye d go lf before this seaso n a nd I lea rn e d a lot and had lots of fun with all o f th e g irl s" sa id Emily War e ham Th ey pla ye d in fiv e touraments , get tin g to play many o f th e best co ur ses in town. /.(My fa vor it e t o urn ame nt was the o ne a t Fo x Hollo w because that is m y favorite course." sa id freshman Ariel Han se n " We h a d a n ove r al l goo d seaso n , wi nnin g so m e · and lo se in g so m e, but we a ll had lots of fun ," sai d Ariel.
aFreshman Brittany Johnson tees off hoping to sink the ball into the hole
34 -Zlere Jiyj{dHfenl La ke Arbor Foothills Meado,,vs F ox H ollov, I ndian Tree R o llin g Hi! Is Total Go ld e n 241 435 46 6 435 331 509 2417
Brittany Johnson, Amanda Pros, Tiffany Collier, Jordan Bull, Emil, Wareham, Ariel Han sen, Holly Radcliffe, '\J1kki Ko\ ac, Coach Mark H omeckcr (No t Pictured Jacinda C roi ssant)
·r1, (" <~()() , f () j l l ( ) ( ke!J l e a1n I ad off !o a gr e a l e a on. Tl1 e y l1 ad s l r<>•1~ 1 ll la u e r s !Jt a cJ11ale la l y e ar and lh e l e arn ,,rill not b ll1 e a1n e ,~rf ll1 oul lh e nt i n up coming y ar .
Here are the ones that have been kno,vn for a long tJme as they played together ac; a team tor <;evenal years outside of high school
Th e G. L D h ockey tea m h as b ee n co mbind fo r t wo years, a nd a r e go in g o n thr ee. G. L.D s t a nd s fo r Go l de n , Li ttl eton, a nd D e n ve r Chris ti o n . Fo r t h e se n io r s th a t g r ad u ate d last yea r th ey o nl y go t t o p lay w ith th ese g r ea t b u nc h of g u ys for two years. Th e se ni o r 's th a t grad u a t e d th is year wil l ha ve b ee n th e fir s t cl ass t o h ave bee n thr o u g h th e ho l e f o ur yea r s w ith th e t ea m Th e se ni or cl ass thi s year h as al so wa t ch e d th e t ea m go fro m ju s t Golde n to a l l t hree sc h oo l s. So ph mo r e Jos h Re inh a r d sai d , " H ockey s h o u ld b e th e o nl y s p o rt a r o und. It 's th e o nl y o n e wo rth pl ayi n g o r wa t chin g. But m o r e g irl s n ee d t o co m e, t h o u gh!
( o,]4 ~malJ, .t,,,uh fJH . )>•"' ~om onlc ol 1111 lo",ud 1,Joqn1 llu rnuk lor a ,nirc ·.
Senior Brad) Abbots sho\\·n here laying a hit on a player fron, the\\ heat ndge game,, hen he scored t\, o points and s pent some time 1n the penelt') box for this hit
Ro\vdy \tfen1bcrs of the Ro\,d1es tr\ to encourage the team during the fourth quarte r 'The rO\\ d1es \\ ere a great source of 1nsp1rahon "said senior Jason Hock
" For me , ba ske tball i s n ' t ju s t about putting a ball though a hoop , it's about so m e thin g much m o r e than that. Like lo ve .... or honor," s tated se nior Cole Hinn en. Thi s yea r the boy's ba s ketball tea m had th e grea t h onor of making it t o th e final four of the sta te t o urnam ent. Even though they did not win, a ll of the players sa id it was a grea t ga m e, and they pla ye d their harde s t. " I think we pla ye d hard ; plain and s imple, they ju s t pl aye d a littl e bit hard e r," s aid junior Dane Beno y. Th e bo ys got the wo nd erful ex p e rience of pla y ing in th e fina l four w hi ch made them realize , '' Wh a t tea m is a ll abo ut," sa id juni o r Bre nt Weg sc heid er. On the co urt an d off, the team h a d a co mm o n goa l : to do the be s t that co uld be done Not on ly did they h ave a g r eat yea r as a team , the boys v ar s ity team clearly proved to be the be s t o n the co urt .
1 ,vI n I l a g u h fo r e l1 l o e , , 11 l t1 a 1 lll l a J i11 g t o t a l e , v h ere t l1 e y l o e l a l e c l1 a mp TJ.
Pull Up Senior Cole Hinnen pulls up on the fast break., look.Jog for a teammate to pass the ball to He compiled six assists for the game
Whoop s J un1or, Sean Stokes thro\, s a bounce pa ss to one of his teammates to con1plele the fast break.
I n t ense Juruor Jason ~ye effort dn\ es past an opponent Ja son sco red a total of eight points, 1nclud1ng three, 3-poinlers
Tea m Sp i rit Cole Hinn en and Sean Stopkes sit de1ectedly as the fianl seconds tick.a\, a) "E\'en th ough I didn ' t play, I think. I held the bench and the g uy s on the floor up and \\ e all kept each o the r's spi rits high," stated 1un1or Dane Beno}
I ouk (>ut Junior Ju~on '1) t' look!, tor an open teamn1 alL
Hebound Junior !\-lc1tt King bloc~ out a Thomas Jl'lfer,on plnyC'r on fl rebound He \,·as able to fn e r<'bounds \\ hile adding thrPe points.
T e am,vork Senior \-11ke \ an De Bogart -,tud1es his opponent intl!ntl) on defense l'v1ik.e scored eight, 3-point field goals on his\\ a) to 1- points.
U p, Up, an d Awa y Senior Alan t\ 1a n gan sets himse l f up for a pic ture perfect shot Alan led the Demons \\ ith 18 points
Whenever spo rt s are mentioned, mo st people think about s port s like football or baseball but so m e have a whole different look at the picture. So me st udent s at Golden High School may just see a pile of dirt, others see it as a dirtbike jump. Where someo ne may ju st see a rocky road , some see a whole new adventure. Some have to u se wheels, others u se flat piece s of wood with curled tips, and others just their feet and pure talent. Whatever it is the se students are always having a great time. They are able to experience their ow11 individual s ports ins tead of having to be with a team. Students are able to use their own free time and have a per so nal adventure every time. -----
J unior Cory Jc 11 <, t n \ 1 I,, 1 n Ju -; lJl llnl l or(l f 1 '>0 rory .,.i, J. " I lo,c l 11c 1 11 , , n l u r c· J q, c, c·ry l, nH I go four ,, ht,t l.nq .. •
Flying High Senior Doug Thomas busts out a huge hardflip Doug skates on his freehme, u s ually during the \veekends or after school
Coo l Car Senior Andy Nassau and his brand ne,v Nissan 3502 are his next step tow a rd a faster car from the Honda Prelude The road 1s ,vhere Andy's s port 1s a t
Nice Move Senior Spencer Priest ktckflips his s kteboard Spe n cer usually skates at U lysses Skate par~ b) Bell Middle School
I -- .__.~,._:.,....._ - ·.
One \\'heel Junior Justin Ratclifte s ho,,·s of his skills on his Yamaha YZ250F Jushn :,aid hl~ c.1n't even rl'mcmber \\'hl..'n he started nd1ng
Bi g Wheels Junio r tvh ke C,och1s and his Chevy are ah, ays looking for a ne\, pa t h to take on °'like lo, es getti n g a,, a} from 1t all and dri, ing his truck
Take a Br e ak Senior Bobb> Duncan leans on the Honda CR125 after a long da) of nd1ng Bobb} said "l go riding e, en opportuntt) that I get"
H i d e Ou t Se n ior Jordan Fisher shO\\'S off his pa1ntballing skills. Jordan has spent tons of mone) on this sport, but it 1s all for the lo, e of the game
Every year th e h a rd wo rking juniors of Golden High a r e a ble to b e a p art of the Junior raft trip, a five d ay trip that onl y tho se who truly lo ve the outdoors a nd n at ur e co uld s urvi ve . In the se five d ays, the st ud e nt s p a ddle to b eautiful new l a ndsca p es wh e r e the y wo rk h a d to se t up ca mp each ni ght a nd clea n up ca mp in the morning. There are m a n y ob s ta cles fac ing th e s tudent s on thi s trip , but they do them through fun and lea rning. Junior Ches Sheridan co mment e d , "The only thing that wasn't fun was loading the bu s to go home, be sid es th a t, the trip rul e d. " All of the juniors wh o go see m to h ave th e time of tl1eir lives a nd a re mu ch more int e r este d in the outdoors th a n ever .
• Tri)> h,o µ.u-li111h111l.., 1,..i.ru ut>,I lc, 1 llu c, 1m t \ Jv n l u r , , a l e r, a Il J full i l : a 11 11\ , , o 1v e J i n Go lJe n' 1unlor ra fl lrip 40 Ju
s t Chillin Juni ors take time to enJO\ the scenel) along the Green River
Take a Dip Members o f the third tnp tak e a break 1n hot s prin gs on the Green RI\ er iust abo" e the Spht Mountain campground
A Little H elp "1rs ten Sletten and Sammy Parker
\-\ a1t to h,t the nver dunng the third raft trip . Tlu s tnp rafted a 12-nule s tretch of the Green River 1n Utah on h., o different days
- -: -~ -~- - ' ...-
\\1lhout a Paddle fon, firth clo\, ns c1round \,·ith other rafters, pracbc1ng nver maneu, en, befon• getting on thL• raft
l i ea, e Ho C.,HS alumnus Chff Cusack gets some help outfitting the oar frame before !)L'thng off 1n tht morning.
Come and Ge t It Raft cre,,·s pr~pare all of the meals ,\'hile on the rh er. Here they get to sen ea rafhng classic, fajita s.
)- ~---'- :.. ; IP-"
C oo l Tnp hvo rafters take to then, er to cool off. This tnp tackled the Colorado Rh·er in \!\est\, ater Canyon
Soaki n' Up Rays Student s take hme to get 1n a little tanning during the s cience trip
• • tl\Jo, · I.," i<, rt l.1,c \ on ll11 b, ..H J , u1 I ..,.,J1 [om1,1 ,lur1n q llH ,n1 nn lnp.
hp ri nlial du caH011 1 ll1 11ante of tl1 e gaine for t}J. unique progra1tt. 42
I eruor
- ,.. -·.~, p;~ I I •
Be ing a Unique progr a m only offered to Se nior s at GHS, st ud e nt s mu st qualify to join Senior Se min a r b y teacher Re co mmendation s . Once Students h ave be e n approved for the program, the y sta rt a whole new c hapter of their live; they mu st find who they are, and where the y a re going in life . Students in the program embrace the lo ca l co mmunity b y vounteering th e ir tim e at Lo cal Sc hool s a nd serv ing the homele ss at local s helt e r s . th e group also betters them se lve s ph ys ica ll y b y goi11g on bike trips, a nd ca noeing down the Co lor a do river. th ey wo rk with their motto everyday deriv e d from the la tin phrase; "Seize the d ay". St ud e nt s learn to co me together as a te a m a nd tackle w hat ever life throw s their way
Explorer Morgan D111 tries on some Spanish armor at the Coronado Museum
I Ha ve To Study? Am) Hartman1scaughtb} sur pn,;..' at Coronado S tate Park 1n I e\', Mexico Students stud) both Spanish and America n Indian cultures dunng the South\.\est studies tnp
- - I' -..... ·.•-·. -·"' ·......-.......--. - :. - ' -· - -~-~
Can} the ror'-h ( hloe I e\, 1,; gl!t'- a chance to carr\ the torch
O l d Tim e S k i ll s Brett Le,van trie s his hand at cashng lead bullets at Bent's Fort outside of Lamar Thi s is the first s top of a 10- da) excursion on the South, est culture trip
Ap ril Foo l G lad e Zam pulls off a good practical Joke on the sponsol"- after telhng them he got his head stuck bet\,een the bars on the luggage rack of the bus
- .,..,i,11.'_-~ : - -·
H av i ng Fun i n th e S un Haile) Estrada, Ashle\ Knobbs and \r\r} he Blumer pose for a picture,, h1le on the science t rip
'' Grease '' brings music and laughter to the stage
After man y weeks of hard work and dedication, thi s years spring play "Grease" was an instant hit. There were many talented actors and actresses that took part in the play that definately made going to see it worth the time and money. The up - beat plot mixed with the exce ll ent singing made it enjoyable for people of all ages. The cast did an amazing job of portraying the characters and keeping the audience entertained . Freshman Heather Becker said, "Grease was a really good play and they should have more like it." This was an awesome play and was very momorable to everyone that saw it.
• •
Charh Hogan sings Freddie M, Lo\ e " 1n the pla, Sophomore Tim Burruss said "She did a great JOb c;1ng1ng this
Fresh man Rachel Hoo\ ler, 1un1or Heather Audes1rk, and freshman Shannon Moore sing for the choir 1n the play Grease Freshman \\.h1tney Bolton sai d , "All of the actors did a reall} good 10b s in ging "
Sophomore Thoma s Bell , senior Kelsey Scall}, and 1un1or l\ 1ck N 1tt o lo s ho\, off their acting skills Sophomore He1d1 Baumer s aid, "The s 1ng1ng and dancing was probably ffi} fa\ onte part of the play"
Junior Rene e Willard h gh ts up the s ta ge as s he plav~ the leading role of Sandy in the pla} Grease
Page by Sara Padilla and Daci Blan chard
Seniors < a..,s.:indrc1 Robert.,nn and Kelse, Scali) and junior Kellie LankutJs perform to the bcc;t of their abilil) ,1s they sing a song 1n the pla} "Grease\\ as so amazing I hked 1I better than the ,vinter phl) ,' said Freshman Ka} Se) Beard
• ":""' - ,,r - • ·' L~ n __,.-
GETfl NG THE JOB DO E Juniors 1ck :"\i1ttolo and Dann) Stelhn1 do an e>..cellent JOb of portra) 1ng Ken1ckie and Dood, 1n the pla, Sophomo re Jon Richert ~a id , "This \\ as by far the best pla) that ,, e haYe had at Golden"
E CORE Sophomores Zach Figh tn1aster and Thomas Bell and Jun1or 'J ,ck '-I 1ttolo shO\\' their dancing ab1ht, as the} perform a musical number ,n the pla)
ALL SM ILE S Freshman Carlv Chapple, and 1un1ors Kellie Lankut1s and Renee \V11lard are laughing as th e) perform a scene from Grease Freshman Ashle) Kerdus c;a1d "This pla) ,,·as a,, esome and I really enjoved seeing 1t"
un1n ihec5un
• •
( u
The 2005 boy's football team worked hard to improve their stats all season long. Every game was played with 100 percent effort from players and fans. ''We worked hard all thoughtout t he season in practices and in ga mes," said junior Nate Gorgen. Although the football team is lo s ing some powerhouse seniors thi s y ear, there is still confidence t hat next season will be even better than the last.
The Demons' offense shines iI1 a difficult season that saw many close games slip away.
Golden Gate "Winning isn't everything but ,vanting to win is/' said junior Kameron Gates alter the game against Dakota :)ijdge.
Go Long Nate Goergen looks for an open reciever during the game against Ralston Valley.
Going S trong Jare d C a mpb e ll ru ns to"l•vards the e n d zone duri n g a home g a me aga in st Lake,vood.
ere r_yf(Jr/{enl
Getting Ready Senior Mike Kelly gets read y to trample the defensive team
Staying Open St>nior Ry,, n H ayes ge t s ret1d\ tL, move a f t~r the ball j!, J>Ut int o p lay. Go Long Jaso n Nye kicks away on a n o p eni n g d rive. • Pushing Through Junior Kam
Ga tes n,o\·cs his , vay th ro u g h th e fi e ld ch a rging to,vards
tJfWI, lb Defense Alex Prohaska a n d Br itt o n Ru sse ll ..,,·ork h a rd on d e fe n se durin g th e lake \\·ood game -·~··· ... .u • ..-yw Seo-re Bo x Lewis Palmer 14 42 . Wheat Ridge 30 31 Lakewood 36 26 Dakota Ridge 40 53 Arvada 66 28 Ralston Valley 22 42 Thunderridge 28 4 9 Broomfeild 21 14 Green Mountain 3 1 37 Mountain Vi s ta 20 36 - r • • "4 .,_~ -~
Fron1 Roster:N. Goergen, T. Clark, L. Garramone, K. Scally, S. Ca1npbell, C Leffe rt , J. Campbell, B Padilla , J. Gome z , J. ~} e, T. Riordan, D . Romero, M. Gagnon, P. Moody, T. Burruss, B. Williams , A. l)roha s ka , T. Nauslar, R . Sack , J. Torbit, S. Stokes, R Hayes, J Pinkernell, B. Russell, K. McKendry, C. Ho,-vry, K. Gate s, J. CO\'\ ' e11 , K , E\vers , J Rudnicki , S. Meeh e n ,
I Rog ers, J. So li z, M Bebee, D. Sheffeild, A. Morgar1, T. Decarlo, J. Stri c ker, N Estrada , M King , K. McKendry, C. S e l ce r,
Trujillo , K. l s l1mal, C. Riehl, D. ~erner, L. Wilson, H. Taylor, J, Caldro11, J. Baca , M Railey, N Wiedersp a h n, S M?re lli , C Carter, J. Laba, J. Walton, P. Farru1, K. Reed, E. Gosda, M. Kelly, M Cro, v, L. Lar s o11 , A Carbone, M. Hasoon , R Tild e n ,
J Su11by, K. Wittek, D. Wiles, A. Taylor, J. Matoba, C. Dumbleton Coacl1: Al Talbot. 51
Demons fight their way into the playoffs.
This year was an ego boosting season for the lady Demon softball team. ''The most memorable game was when we beat Ralston Valley, because we have never played them before," said junior Jordan Hogan. The team played strong like a team should. Most of the girls have been playing together for years, and as for the seniors, sadly it's their last .
• lf
Come And Get It Ka thry n Ma loney fie ld s a g round e r and m a kes the throw to fi rst b as e
Roundin ' The Bases Senior Marty Gillis round s second base and looks to hon1e in their intens e game against Lake,vood
Here Batter, Batter Amb e r C urry get& ready to field a g ro und ball.
Face O f D e te rmi n ati o n Sopho n1ore Jessioca O'Connor lets go ,,vith a fastball to str ike out a hitter
Coming My Way Senior Ta\.\'fl) Drexler gels low in order to field n po5 ible ground ball.
Big S,ving Senior Marn Gillis S\\'ings tor th~ fences.
You're Out Junior Jordan Hogan forces out a runner at second base to end the inning.
Lets Get Fired Up Senior Amy Danek makes the play at short and completes the thro,\' to first base.
Sco1'e Box Lakewood 2 St. Mary's 23 Fruita Mon. 1 Grand Jct. 7 Grand J. Cent. 6 Mt. Vista 1 Berthoud 5 Sterling 2 Niwot 3 Mt. View 3 Evergreen 2 D'Evelyn 10 Englewood 14 Conifer 0 Ralston Valley 3 Alameda 5 Elizabeth 3 Jefferson 12 Alameda 7 Sterling 1 3 3 8 5 8 2 1 5 4 0 3 0 0 1 2 2 0 1 0 2 53
BaLk Row. Jessica O'Connor, Coach Gary Thomas, Coach Tom Peterson, Coac h Mark Bollinger, fa,~ n} Drexler. Second Ro,v: N ico le Morgan, Marty Gillis, An,ber Ct1rry, Liz Lucas, Kathryn Malone), An1y Damek. Third Rovv: Allison Canit10, Britany Granqui st, Jordan H ogan. Fo u rth Ro\v: Hannah Goodart.
The boys varsity soccer team rolls into playoffs
Boys soccer continued to be a · hlight at Golden this year. The final overall record was 13 wins, three losses, ,;~,~M d one tie. The team made it into the ~ econd round of the playoffs, and they ere also league champions for the econd year in a row. They never failed impress the crowd, and their teamrk shined throughout the season.
Senior Nezar Al-Zayer said, cl really well this season. We did our 9.8est.''
Hard work, determination, and ·»·,.-.·.,,v , e made enthusiastic fans happy and ped to achieve a fantastic season for slden.
Amazing Fake Senior Tr a vi s To m s fake s o ut one of hi s o pp o ne n ts as he drives the ball d ov.'Tl the fie ld
Junior Koji ps the balJ away nent with a great
Move It Sophomore Jam es Martin ez t akes th e ba ll d ow n the field with hi s u s ual s peed a nd e ase " My favo rite thing about s occer is the adrena lin ru s h yo u ge t," he said
Moving in for the Steal Se ni or Ryan S p r ackli n g fi gh ts f or posses io n o f an in co min g b all " Th e sea son wen t w e ll. We only los t two gam es in the regul ar sea son," he sai d
dodges three different feet as he takes the ball down the field. Matt Garrett also scored 17 goals this season.
to get to the ball before his opponent. He commented, "M} favorite part about the season was the playoffs.'
Senior Cody
thro\vs the ball to an open teammate."I'm really going to miss playing ""ith the seniors. They are some of the greatest players I've played with," said Junior Nick GaJluzzo. Freshman Jordan AreIIanes, another goal keeper1 made an incredible -~;.34 s aves this season.
Go For It Sophomore CuJien Sic\vart jumps in an attempt to get the ball in the goal. Senior Greg Iannacito commented, "It sucked not playing this season because I hada broken arm."
19 .. •• • ' 15 ~ ' 9
Dodge Senior Matt Gar rctt
High Jump Senior Jack Jones jumps
Great Throw
8011.- \/411.-ii:11 Socc•'lf JO Lakewood Wheat Ridge Thunderridge Arvada Conifer Ralston Valley Alameda Grandview Summit Englewood D Evelyn Rock Canyon Jefferson Evergreen Widefield Windsor Mullen 2 1 2 4 3 0 3 0 3 1 6 2 8 0 0 3 1 0 8 1 4 2 3 0 3 2 3 3 9 1 2 1 1 2
Bncl Ro\., Jordan Arellanes, Steve Knudso n , M a tt Garrett, Nezar Al-Zayer, coach Bill Hillen, coach Chad Reid, Jack Jones, lvla tt Blain-Hartung, Sean Smith, Nick Ga ll uzo Front Ro,v· Jonny Rabadan, Koji Hirashima, Greg lannacito, Ryan SprackJing, Ra) Klucik, Jam es N1artincz James Ande reg g, Travi s Toms, Armando Ibarra, Cullen Sie,vart.
The Golden girls worked hard this season despite their record. ''We had a rough season but we held together and worked as a team,'' remarked Molly Barbeau. To the team's disappointment, they will be losing ten seniors who have played since they were freshmen on the thrid level team and have come all the way up from that to letter on the varsity team. Overall, the season went well for all of the volleyball team, but next season the ten seniors will be severely missed.
• t
11 Junio
r Lydia Clar k goes in for a kill as s h e blocks the ball jus t in time
his was a s uccessful season fo r Lydia leading wi th 248 attacks
Pop A Squat Senior Kayley Byl gets ready and low to dig the ball Kayley had a total of 57 digs this season
Bump, Bump, Bump Se nio r Kir s te n Sle tton ,,..,orks hard to n1akc a perfe c t pass t o the se tt er.
Focu s Se ni or S tacey Le,verke co nce ntra tes on co nt acting the ball h ard to stra ti gica ll y place her serve
100°~ Tip Senior Nloll) 8;ubc<1u gently tips tht' ball o, er the net fouling the opposing te,im. t\1olly \\'.1S re..,potl!iible for an outstanding 94 points this season.
Seniors Kayley
Byl and Alex Da, is attempt to block an attack to get thL1 b,111 back on their court.
What! Wha t! Senior Brooke Sauer pro,·es that the other team can try all they ,-vant but she is ready for anything! Brookie had 85 digs, proving herself a stro ng player on the team.
Powe r Pl ay Senior, Blakelee tvl idyett adjusts her stance to dig up the ball. "What a killer saYe , " said senior l\.tolly Barbeau.
Top Row: Chervl D 'Epagn1er, t-.1oll) Barbeau, Blakelee 1v1idyett, Coach Kris Bredehoft, Lydia Clark, Stacey Le\\·erke, 1'.1rsten Sletten Midd l e R ow Kayli Ammen, Kayley Byl , Kelly lvlitchell, Carissa Thompson-Foos , Sarah Gizinski
Sco1'e Box Stanley Lake 0-3 Estes Park 2-1 St. Marys Acad. 2-1 Centaurus 0-3 Centaurus 0-2 Kent Denver 3-1 Westminister 4-0 D'Evelyn 3-0 Elizabeth 0-3 Mountain Vista 0-3 Evergreen 3-1 Clear Creek 2-3 Columbine 3-0 Jefferson 3-0 Ralston Vallev 1-4 ., Summit 3-0 Alameda 1-4 57
Bottom Ro,v: Taylor Romano,-vsk1, Ale~ Davi s, Brooke Sauer
This year was definitely one of cross country's best seasons. Derek Bailey seamed to think so when he said, ,.,Our boys varsity team has improved a lot this year." Coach Chris Colucci said, "This year was one of our most successful seasons. Seven boys were under 20 minutes and six girls were under 24:30." Tyler Pennel won the Sheridan Invitational and Anna Lieb won the Summit County Invitational. Tyler and Anna finished fourth and fifth, respectively, at the regional meet and qualified for State. At state, Anna finished 5th and Tyler 35th. Anna had a 6 minute, 15 second per mile pace and finished with a time of 19:27. Tyler had a 5 minute, 30 second per mile pace and finished in 17:12. For their performances at state Ljeb earned All-Conference and All-State selections, and Pennel earned All-Conference honors.
Led by Tyler Pennel and Anna Lieb, the Demons made their bid for a league title.
de lt Sophomore Kelly @anO crosses the finish line and over to congratulate her rmmates.
Get Ready Walter Glass sophomore, Alex Howes , senior, and Derek Bailey, junior, line up for the start of the race at Dakota Ridge
Hoofin' it Tyler Pennel races around hi s opponent.
Ou t In Fron t Tired out but still going for it, se nior Anna Lieb cruises to an easy victory.
Fxhausted Sa r ah Hebbard, a junior, tries t o catch h e r b r reath aft er crossi ng the finish lin e.
Flyin' Jan1es Bet.>tham, ,, junior, greets 1\nnc1 Lil b at the sidelines after her first plrtcl· finish.
Heading Home Sophomore Paul Vemig tries to look ahead to the last mile of the race. This v-:as Paul's second year running varisty.
Keeping Up The Pace James Beetham trys to out run his opponent.
On Your Right Robbie Jones pushes himself hard to stay ahead of the next runner.
One More Step Kristy Redman pushes herself as she n ears th e finish line.
1 ... 2 ...3 break it down now!
As many know, the Jazz Dance team has peen providing the student body with spirit-lift, ~13;mg entertainment for years, with each dance even ., •..",.,.~ _, ore creative and complex than the last. Sopho"'""·;..i-,.-more Sam Stroh stated that the team, "looks like ."OJ,,,.. ,...Jbey know what their doing; they really boost the _.,.:;,nergy of all the students."
Some students might think that having a ~gger dance team would effect the quality of the ~ances performed, and they are right. Having ,.... ,..,,,.,:nore dancers lets the team perform more intense d complex dances than ever before. 11Thanks to _,_ .,..,..,.,laving a larger team, we can now per£orm more ""'__,omplicated routines and have more chances r strong friendships," stated sophomore Carly ~ ~happle. The uniqueness of their routines will Jurely keep entertaining the students at Golden !ligh for years to come.
flt Up The Dancing
~ons show that hard work a~ off. ante dance we ed at the Homecombly was definitely the so far," said junior Ana
' 17
Grrr Bab y, Grrr Seruor Jessie Stelliru gets into the mood of the performance. " Th e b est part of performing is getting all of the energy back from the crowd. It's th e m os t amazing feeling ever:' stated Jessie.
Please Don't Drop Me The newe s t memb e rs of th e Dan ce team show their version of spirit liftin g e ntertainment. "The dances are even more entertainin g when th e guys join in," stated junior Lily Chae.
5 6 7 8 and Pose Junior Lauren Hall takes a moment to sn1ile for the cameras during a routine " The dance team has great rhythym and poise, "stated junior Robert Braunag le.
ur thougl1t that cheerleading would be fun a11d I've always wanted to do it," said junior Taleah Cummi11s The enthusiasum of these shining cheerleadders never fails to make the crowd go wild. Their hard work and great effort definitly shows each time they cheer at a varsity game. " I like cheering for football games the most because I love the sport, and the fans really get pumped for the games," said Sophmore Lauren Wilson. Senior captains Shawna Bond, Kimberly Sd1enck, and Jacelyn Zupin keep the squads' spirits at their highest. The dedication, time, and mo11ey that these fine ladies pt1t into cheerleadi11g is e11ormous. The most challenging thing on our squad is having to listen to the coach", said junior Rachel Holmgren.
To prep these girls for games and upcoming spirit events, they spend 1nost of their free time after school working on their stunts and cheers.
Pump it Up Chee rl eaders fo rm three p y ramid s \vhile performing during halftime of the Homecoming ga me
Shake It Like a Salt Shaker Jun ior Rach e l Holmgr~n and senior K;m Schenck shake up the croud to kick off the ni gh t
Knoc k them do,vn So phomore Aubre} Tramontina gets t.he That's Hot Seniors Yolanda Sun1aiku and Jocelyn Z upin tootball players hearts pumping and ready to \Vin the game. cool do¾n during halftime.
Field hockey girls work hard and it showed on and off t he field .
This year in field hockey the girl s made some incredible strides to becoming an even better team. All of the field hockey players work ed hard in practices, games, a nd team building exercises.
'' This season was one of the best bec a use our teamed was so well bonded and we worked so well t ogether, ' ' said Emily Callinico s e . Team spirit, playing together, and having confidence seemed to be exactly what this field hockey team needed this year, in order to a cc omplish all that they did this s eason .
Charging Towards the Goa l Se nior Emi ly Calli n c io s e charges to,vard s the goal ear ly in the game " Fie ld h oc k ey r oc ks," s a id Emily.
e 1nt/ie / m en Ge
o ,v tea m 1n a te in th e ga m e
s t Col orado Acad e my
~ettlng Pumped Megan Vigil g~ ready for the s tart of the ~e against Thoma s Jefferson.
;;;" We won are first game and had .ao. awesome season, " said junior ~ ir.ole Pike.
ttin g Re ad y La u re n Ba lt z gets ready to receive the ball
Eye on the Ball Senior M aris s a Copan s h ows grea t concentration w hil e p lay in g a grea t ga m e again s t C h erry Creek
Fountain Valley,
Smoky Hill
Colorado Academy
Cheyenne Mountain 1~
Denver East 1-&
Thomas Jefferson
Mountain VISta 0-1
Eaglecrest 1-1
Cherry Creek <J..3
Fort Collins 0-2
Kent Denver 0-5
Grandview 1-2
St. Marys Academy 0-3
Thomas Jefferson 3-0
From Rig ht to Left.
Face Off Marissa Copan works hard in order to win the face off. Marissa scored a total of 5 goals this season.
Break lime Senior Marga ret Stashack takes a break during a hard practice, "l love playing .Field Hockey but I hate all the running, said Margaret
D e fense Senior tvl egan Milan works hard on defense to prevent the other team.fto1n scor ing a goal. ' ' My favorite thin g abou t field hockey is playing defense," said Megan.
Sprints Senior Amy Braun, sprints do\.vn the field to help her fellow teammates gain the ball back . " Field H ockey is great exercise and a great way for me to get out my aggression, s aid Amy.
lop Ro\, Erika C r oonenbe rghs, A ll son Mas t, Leah Gree n , JVfar ga ret Stas ha ck , Dana Rommerdahl, Kell ie Lanku t is, Danielle Clark (manager).
'x:cond Ro,v· Jamte H amil ton, Darcy O' D o nnell, l\,fegan Vigi l, N ic hole Pike, Meghan McLa u ghlin, Sama n tha Slater, Maggie Pattridge. Third Ro,, Lauren Baltz, l\,fa r issa Copa n , Em ily Ca llini cos, Shannon l\,1 a rk s, Megan Mi lan , Je ss ica ~1yers. Front Rov:; Amy Braun, Olivia Watson, Amanda \Jolte
This year's boys tennis t eam was uns toppable.
"This year's tennis team had an outstanding eason. We played hard and had fun at the same e_,'' said sophomore Daniel Dusdal. The boys ed their best this season, and they ha,, e the title eague champs to show for it, sweeping the com' tion with a perfect 11-0 record. All three singles ayers -Andy Hannemann (1), Nick Arnold (2) ii Matt Gallagher (3) qualified for state, as did doubles teams consisting of Austin Shelton and tAvid Cooper (1) and Dusdal and Kevyn Lollar (2) . ___ ,.emann, Gallagher, Shelton and Cooper also ~ ,named first team all conference, while Arnold , dal and Lollar were named to tl1e second team e third doubles team of Philip Rogers and Brian :vanko received honorable mention in the all con:a.".'nerence voting. The team also won the sportsman·:2 award that was voted on by the coaches and fficials.
a ..,., ,I'_.
Bo\lS' Tennisr I I Us Them
Going For The Win Junior David Cooper plays a hard gan,e as he strides to hit the baJl and make a point.
e 1n Ifie / men OOLDBN:
em an ,
, Ja re d Va u g h , Phil ip Roge r:;, Spence r
Ou s dal , Brian Ev a nk o, Juli a n Bravo, I
A. West 7 0 D ' Evelyn 5 ')Longmont Tournament 2nd-36 Eng l ewood 7 0 Alameda 7 0 Machebeuf 7 0 Evergreen 5 2 Lincoln Invita tiona 1 1 st - 39 Ra lsto n Valley 4 3 Conifer 7 01 Lakewood 7 0 4A Region 4 2nd - 58
Junior Brian Evanko
the ball
Row : Ely se New a nm , And y Ha nn
Thi Tran, Ty ler Mapleback, Logan Sauer, Ju stin Midyet, Jeff Hartman , Coach Nelson Second Ro
im on Ande rson, R io Knu ssmann, Kevyn Lollar, Brent Wegscheider, Nicola
Flo,ver. Thir d row: Matt Gallager, Luke
ra Cochran, D avid Cooper, Austin Shelton.
Pars, birdies, and bogeys were very common scores for tl1e 2005 boys golf team. The y had a fanta s tic season, placing second in the Jeffers on County 4A league. Junior Luke Valerius and s ophmore Matt Linville - Engler took first team all conference. Sopl1omore Kyle Seery and senior Zach Bres ler took second team all co11fere11ce. "We did way better tl1is season but we can still improve for ne x t year, " said sophomore Matt Li11ville-Engler. The boys ' hard work thi s season has paid off. Th e benefits sho½red \vhen they qualified for state. They finished in second place the first day and finished twelfth overall. Only next sea s o11 will be able to show if the boys can reach their own high standards
.. • • •
Making it all the wa y to s tat e, a nd four of the 2005 boys golf team play ers getting all conference, jus t pro ves h ow motivated these boys are to be the best .
Swing It
Sc ot>e Box Fox l- Io llov, 308 Eng h-voo d inv. 314 Foot Hill s 151 ( In d ian Tree 314
Sen ior L ac h Bres ler i vatches t o see where h is bal1 ,viii land. So ph omore Kyle See ry said This yea r , vas fun, taking second at r e gio n als v as a,vesome, bu t ,ve' ll be eve n better next year."
IWes t Woo d s 316 The lvlea d o ,,vs 318 II T Back ro , .r ( le ft to d g ht ): Coa c h Mark H o rnec ke r, l a tt Lin vi ll e-E n g le r, K y l e See r )~ Zach
le r, Lu ke Val e riu s, Geo r ge Bo ll i n g er From t r o, v(left to ri g ht ):'\J i ck H a zell , 1\ lex \1. il le r, l\1a r sha ll Gi ll es pie, Ni co Dan1.ian a, J e rmey Ba rto n , Brandon P
Putting Ju ni or Lu ke Valerius practi ces h is putting. Luke said " VVe d id bette r thi s season thc1n n10.!lt p e opl e ex p ected .''
Jeffco League Champ s tear up the court
Once again, through their dedication and teamwork, the boy's basketball team \Alere victorious in tl1eir quest for the league chan1pionship. The hard work continued to show game after game, and definitely paid off in the end. Boy's basketball has been providing entertainment to their loyal fans
7 for years and will co11ti11ue to perform at the top of their game. "The excitement and rush of knowing that only one team will leave victorious, and hoping it will be yours is why I attend the games" said senior Britton Russell.
Everyone can agree that wl1en it comes to the best games of the season, the defeat of both D'Evelin and Evergreen were the n1ost exciting. "Beating Evergreen was one of the best games" said junior Brad Lubkeman. When it co1nes to the worst of the seaso11, Austin Bell agrees that "Liberty would have gone better if we would have acted more like a team."
H e Sh oots Jason Nye ,,, r estles the ball from the hand s of the other team
You're Goin' Oo\vn Scan Stokes shows his opponent he means business. " The best part of the season was when Stokes sco1-ed the last three pointer to \Vin the game," said junior Ross Tilden.
ss 7-kre V Ij}(;J'}/{enl
Keep A\vay Brent Weg..,cheider s teaJ s the b all fro m hi s opponent.
Bl ock Him Conn or Chapmin and Sean Smith try not to let the b a ll pass b).
Heads Up Jared C.1mphC'II passes the ball tu complete the play. "The Di..,ne) \-Vorld trip ,.,·as the be,;t rc\\·ard of the season," -;ai Campbell.
I Think I Can Senior Dane Benoy goes for the shot.
Can ' t Touch This Jason Nye sl i p s a,vay from his opponent.
I Got It M e mb er s o f the team fig ht for t he ball and the ,vin.
ll. Sco1'e Box t-lome Kennedy 62 Sand Creek 69 Chatfield 47 Pine Creek 33 Franklin 53 Orchard Pk 51 M ontgomery59 Windsor 61 Rampart 58 Grand Jct 58 Adam City 77 Centaurus 61 Evergreen 75 D'Evelyn 37 Ralston 45 Jefferson 58 Elizabeth 61 D'Evelyn 53 Englewood 47 Conifer 49 Sun1mit 48 Alameda 62 Evergreen 56 Qpp 51 49 63 47 63 66 50 65 51 70 67 52 70 49 69 46 52 51 33 44 43 54 45 67
Bac k Row : Ja s on Nye, Severin Campbell, Matt King, Connor Chapman, Sea n Stokes, Brad Lubkeman, Ryan H ayes, Brent Wegscheider, Jared Campbell, Sea n Smith, Ro ss Tilden, Austin Bell, Dane Benoy
Co ache
s : Mike Puccio, Kevin King, John Anderson, Jake Richardson, Adam M itc he
This season the girl's basketball team played amazing ly a nd ended up winning league for the third year in a row.
The Golden girl's varsity basketball team did outstanding well this season. The girls won league again for the third year, keeping their winning streak alive. Along with all of their wins the girls stayed continually close to one another on and off the court. This season the team will be losing five sensational players. ''I'm going to miss all the seniors so much next year, but I have faith we will keeping winning and playing like a team," said junior Dale Ekberg. Congratulations girls on a stunning 2005-2006 season.
17 "'-' ·, ';" .; ;ftl:V: :i
Charger Sen io r A man da Hurl ey ru shes do,.vn th e court to,vard s the hoop Thi s is Am and a's fo urth yea r pl aying baske tb a ll.
Pep Talk Coach Ms. Cook ta lks to the girls before th e st a rt of a big game t o get th e m pump ed
Big Block Se n io r ~far ty Gill is pl ays de fen se du r ing the fou r t h q uarte r }.,far ty s core d a to ta l o f 120 poi n ts thi s season
H ead In T h e Game Kathry n Maloney head s do,vn the court read y \ to pl ay h e r bes t g am e. Thi s is Ka thryn's fou r th and final year playin g as a Lady De m o n
Battll• Senior 131,tkelec> ~Iidyctt bc1ttles tor a loo '- e ball ,,•ith Mullen pla) t•rs in their c;tc1te pla) off gan1c. Rlakelcc scored .1 total oi 397 points this sca,on Next vear Al.ikeJec• ,, ill hepla) ing for the Colort1do school of ~1ines.
Break Time Junior T.-.,, n, , Dexler takes a quick brt•ather during a close ga,nc. Ta\\ ney :.cored a total of 15 points during the Stanley lake ganu.•.
Te am Huddl e Ju nior Dale Ekberg, so phomore Katja Jacobs, and senior Lauren Harnage! take a break during the Summit gan1e.
Who's Open? Senior Lauren Harnage! looks for an open teamn1ate to pass the ball to. fh1s year Lauren played a total of 11 games this sea s on.
Seo-re Box Standley Lake 50 Kennedy 54 Ar\'ada West 41 Bear Creek 60 Lakewood 43 GJ Central 38 Loveland 48 Ralston Valley 55 Jefferson 52 Elizabeth 61 Develyn 24 Engle,vood 61 Conifer 44 Sumn1it 56 Alameda 52 Evergreen 43 51 27 60 39 45 48 43 41 19 47 19 34 37 43 22 28 69
fro m Right to l eft: Ta\vny Drexler, Chris tin a Carrano, La uren Harnage I, Marty Gillis, Kathryn ~vtalone}~ Coach Jenny Cook, Dale FJ...be rg, Amanda Hurley, Amber Nel so n , Katja Jaco b s, and Blakelee i\lidyett.
Demon girls continue to tear up the lanes
Golden girls continued to work hard and grow, not only in their talent in the water but their positive team spirit. Six young ladies went to state this year. These included: Iris Davidson, Christie Redmond, Taylor Sands, Kelly Morris, Cheryl D'Epagnier, and Danielle Clark. ,.,State was good, but it wasn't about winni11g, we just had a lot of fun up there," explained Cheryl. The girls spend every weekday at the School of Mines swimming pool improving and perfecting their swimming teclmiques. Coach Kottcamp praised the girls saying, ''We had a good season and a lot of fun."
• • • • • • •
Looking Ahead Freshman Mallory Lizza pushes forward in her race to excel.
Ju s t Chillin' Se niors Lexi Runge, Sarah Gizinksi, Cherly D' Epanier, Danielle Clark, Nikk.i Le idich, Elisa Menna, and Holly Radcliff po se by the pool for a quick picture before a m ee t.
9.1(;;}/{enl l I
S,vim Senior 1-iolly Radcliff ,vorks ha rd in her first and Takin g It All In Stride Senior Elisa Menna takes a deep breath only year on the team. She explained, "Overall we did durin g a m eet. really good. We have good s,,·i mmcrs and th e beginners ere improved a lot."
Deep Breathe Fre s hman Kelly Gilas t<1kec; a bre.1th
• ,vhilc performjng the brea!,t stroke
1st Ro,v:
Coach Kottcamp, Natasha Knight, Shilo Archer, Cheryl [)'
Epagnicr, Hollie Fraser, Claire
Hudson, Coach Dave Koepke
2nd Ro,v:
Sean Mclaughlin, Elisa Menna , Chelsea Ran1scy, Danielle Clark, Kaylee Ammen, Ken Clen1ents, Iris Davidson, Danielle Crevling, Elise Ne,vman, Max Smith
3rd RO\\ :
tvtallory Lizza, Sarah Hebberd
LL'xi Runge, Stephanie Ziegler
Kelly Morris, Tnylor Sands, S.ird
HcnsJ~~ Nikki Leidich
4th Ro,,:
Jackie Gest, Christie Redmond
Kendra \Vallthc1II , Sarna Rivera, Kelly Gilas, Megan Mclaughlin , Holly Radcliff
Jump Sophomon · Stephanie Ziegler \\'ann ,; up to dive
Work It Junior Ch r is tie Redmond pushes herself during d meet competing in the 100-metcr butterfl y. S he ,va s one of s i x girls that ,,·ent to state.
Ba ck Stroke Ju nior I ri s David'>on competes in the backstroke at a meet held at the Footh1lls Re c r e ation Center. She made it to state. ..
7 1
Fearless Demons Go For Th e Go ld
The varsity wrestling team had a great season. They finished out the season with an impressive record and many incredible wins.
''I think we had a good season. I wrestle because it's up to only you to win the match. You can't depend on anyone else to help you," said sophomore Wes Okonzak.
Not only did the team become l eague champions, but they also went to state. Brooke Sauer became the first girl in Colorado to go to state.
To a spectator, wrestling may look like an easy sport, but it is very challenging. Each person on the team deserves great respect for doing their bes t every time they hit the mat.
I '_ -·,~------~-v•-''••·~,__ ,..,. . a A--'- _.· t.,. - ··•-.._.... r"""_._- -- --,,,. ', ......
Take Him Do\vn Junior Joey Gomez contemplates hi s next mo ve durin g a n,atch against T h omas Jefferson.
Almost There Senio r AJ Ne lson m a kes a g rea t m ove in S truggle Fre shman David Rothro ck takes his opponent dov.•n in hi s effo rt to beat hi s o pponent. "Thi s se a son \ve nt exce l- a g reat effo r t against Thoma s Jefferson lent, actuall y," said Nel son
Pin Him Senior ~11k.c Tn1jillo lays it on a I honl.h Jcftt:'rc,on ,,. resUer. You Go Girl Senior Brooke Saur goes in for a take-do,,·n ,..,htlc ,:;he 'itrives fur a pin. "\Ve hdd c1 really good team thir.; vear. Everyone ,,·urkf'd -reallv hard, and 1t feltgreat to be part of .:i league d1an1pion teanl, " she said. Pu s h it Senior Ryan Sprackling makes a grc.:it n1ovc again~t his opponent during an Elizab e th n,atch Yo u Can Do It Sophomore Daniel Sheffield tries hb best to ,..,in his match. "I hke that I ha ve t o \York hard in ,vrc s tling, " he co1n1nented. Jefferson Golden Invitational \iVheat Ridge Inv. Alan1eda Summit Englewood Arvada West Evergreen Thon1as Jefferson Conifer Tournament Elizabeth \'alley Tourna1ncnt 4A Region 3 Us Them 66 5 look 5th 2nd 63 18 66 11 53 20 33 43 49 21 50 27 1st 48 11 6th 4th
z Fr o nt Row :
Ry a
Sprack.Jing, We s O k o n za k 73 PIO +
Row : Coach Nelson, David Ro th rock, Joey Co,ven, S te fan 1v1orclli , J o e Z aba, Ty le r Pierando.zz i, Coach Sauer, Coach Frost t\-liddl e Row: AJ '\lelson, Brando n Gage, Brooke Saue r, To mm y Ag r o dn1 a, Jo e) Gon1e
Daniel Sheffie ld ,
)"~den , Steven Knudson, Charles Harder, Dylan Dille, Armando Ibarra, Jake Richardson, Connor Stokes, Travis To ll er, Matt Lin ville-Englier, Kob y Wittek, Tay lor
ri rs t Ro \\' Kaila Sutte r, Tay lo r S to lte, Brianna Wel1 s, Victoria Cal d ero n , Liah Stra u ss, Kell ) Lukeman, Shannon \-Valkinsa\\', Alyssa Ziegler, Magic Hunt, Emily Dreiling, Caris~a Fo o~, Kelh Fai r, a nd M ega n M artne z, S e cond Ro¼•: Elyss a SHva, and Holl y William son.
Jo rdan Are ll a n es, Jaco b Se\va lt, Al e x Miller, Ja ck Retrum, Tanner Wittek, Adam Mit chell, Richard Tu, Zack Herr, Rhett Webcker, Matt Barru, and Roby Wittck.
rly Beetham, Marie-Anna Goetz, Amy Carl s on, Kayli Ammen, Tay lor Mar s hall.
tw= C?hnsten Tyus, Cari ssa Thoms on-Foes, Mary Roth, Jordan Bull, Tara Behren s.
•• ,
w:«<eny Mitchell, Briana Well s, Whitany Bolton Ashley Chism
a a
~ ., .Andrew Trujillo, Craig Whorlow, Jack Se,volt, Casy Ho,ve ry, Ju s tin McCall Second Row : David Rothrock, D anie l Froye n , Kevi n Vega, Nick , Cameron Zerbes t, Jos h Bl y the. Third Ro\\': Mike Thumin, Jeremy Blincoe, De s irae Bemert, Paden Moreh e ad , Scott Du ff, Jam es Dun can, ~gtdey er. Fourth Row : Blake P a dilla, Jon Richert , Micheal Sala z ar, Kai Kelli , Ty ler Sle lzer, Brendon Pej s a, John Vu Fith Ro¼•: Zach Sax ton, Ell iot Bredon Gage, Jo s h Johnson
@!borne, William Mallec, Jake Smou s e, Jo s h Drclling
1s t Ro,, Regina Hutching, Heidi Landro, Riki Welch, Cristine Hillier
2nd Ro,, Britt an} Schul , Ta} lor Cle\ eland, Jenna Bum
3rd Ro\\" \tl ass upa Pra doemkulchai, :"Jicole \t1arso
Not l '1 ctu re d : Sara h Ol s on, Rebecca Harris, Britainy \,Vynn, Ann Binns
28 14
'- "'-~• l" b(,U, ILl'<• \. .:.\f
• Llere aoJ Iyj{;;ufenl
8 1
Stephanie Adair
Brooke Adgrodn1a
ezar Al-Za} er
Shona Alms
Jame s Anderegg
Heather Anderson
Amanda Archey
Michelle Asmussen
Heather Audes1rk
Heather Baker
Saad Baradan
Moll y Barbeau
Michael Basemann
Julienne Bauer
J u s tin Becker
Leann Becker
Shandell Becker
Austin Bell
Nathan Benner
Dane Benoy
<:5·1tp/J11111, vlr/111r 61t.ealtw 4! 6~
82 Llere Jiyj&nfenl
/1:? -4 ..::--~ - ~· -
(on,t B1i111rbi
Chase B1anch1
Kateland Bill
Matt Blain-Hartung
Bethany Blair
Amber Blake
Ariel Blakeman
Sha½·na Bond
Amy Braun
Zachary Bresler
Elizabeth Burczyk
Bradle\ Burton , Kayley Byl
Emil} Calhn1cos
Chelsea Catron
S imone Chappell
Steven Chavez
Je ssica Cinnamon
Danielle Clark
Thoma s Clark
Arne Claxton
Kenneth Clements
Lori Cochran
Stephanie Cohn
Valerie Cohn
Tiffany Collier
Marissa Copa n
Alexander Corsi
Kevin Cough lin
84 Llere -0JC:5nfenl
Z:!,rb110· 13resl,r
A WettltllCl(J.J111
<:]IIJ/01/f {'boppt/f
liffi111y ('ol/u
Jw1pb (o n·r11 • -
Jo s eph Cov.-en Tob y Cro cker
Amber Curr} Lo gan Cu s ter
Chery l D ' Epagnier Katherine Dabb s
Cody Dahm Am y Danek
• • • •.A 4 .,. •• 85
Jame s Darcy Jacob Daves
86 Llere >J Iy/&'dfenl OJ-.µ D~ ;; d-:..
Ab1ga1l Davis Alexandra Dav is Li sa De l linger Arie l Demarest Jesse D ickson Michael D iener Andrea Domgaa rd Travis Dopp Johnathon Du \'all Maggie Du Va ll Jora Eagan Samantha Far r ell
<!Jr111101bo fi1mll
Mitchell G1llesp1e
Martella Gillis
Sarah Gizinski
Garrett Gleaton
Michael Cochis
Bryan Gomez
Britan y Granqui5t
A s hley Gray
Leah Green
Paul Green
:..)l ull'iSII
f 011/J/r 10111 _Firrb
flr111111g 7-fo/111 fraser
(~'!,p/Jr1111e y1npff
01(,rbne/ <;;orb,s
Alexander Faubl e
Tom Firth
Hollie Fraser
Loui s Garramone
Gaudio Jacl yn Gest
Daniel Gilbert
Stephanie Glapa
Rebecca Greene
Scott Groe
Zacha r y Groff
Da\ 1d Gustafson
Darryl H a ll
De\va 1 ne Hall
Soo H amm
S aylee H ansen
Tara H ansen
Lauren H ar n agal
Zachary Hat ch
Ryan H ayes
Tylor Heilman
Janessa H o
Ja cob H o lland
Jan1es H olley
Scott H olley ~=
Nicole H osb urgh
Alexander H owes
tt H effernan
'R[!jtrro ~rttltf
'i1rbt1n· <;,roff
eSrorr 3-/effn'/1011
Jnrt :lo11es
1urbrlfl -Jv!!v -Bntla11v i(r111p-~111
· JU/t.<:.Jtl 1(_e!IJJt't/}'
· 1{111t -J(ttrb,1111
Ra\ mond HuffLuca s Hughe s Amanda Hurle\ Gregory Iannac1to
Andre,\' J acobson Max J an1cek Daniel Janko, 1ak Samuel J ennings
Cof) Jen sen
Michael Kell, Br1tb1ay Kemp -R} an Melissa Kennedy Mark Ketchum
Matthe,, King
Lac in ski
Ian Lanier
Kellie Lankutis
Nicole Leidich
Stacey Lewerke
Anna Lieb
Susan Lindsay
Robert Long
Jenna Lopez
Beth Lovoy-Ayers
Jennifer Mack
Kathryn Maloney
Tanisha Mann
go 7-ler e 'J Iy_;(J'J-Jfenl
'lnJJLrbn • 7u11111
'l(r//,(f:;,(JJJ{!IIIS ,yolr £:ntl,rb
Meghan McCarthy
Zachar) McCreary
C.arl McEncroe
Patricia McGee
Zachar} McInto s h Samuel McKendr\ Elisa Menna
Blakelee Mid} ctt
Megan Milan
Forre s t Miller
Robert Morale s Reed Morelli
An1y Morva}
Amanda Munda\ Garin Monroe
Sarah Murra}
Anthony Nelson
Nichol elson
Laura Ne\\ come
Brandon Nichols
l(r( flrtby
fi'!(1111 • 1{t/1111
l1JJy l(ot'r11}'
eJIIIJlltt! -..Jl{rl(r11tlry
'!//1J11111r/11 _;l {1111tl11y
y111111 l{o11m1
l3!11{tlu l {Jrfl'rtt c)/11rr1b l{111T1l\'
Cor} ichols icho las ittolo Amanda olte Ja son ye
Amanda Oli n Oerya Ozba,
Samantha Pa r ker Briana Par r a
Came r o n Pay n e Tyler Pe nn el Sarah Pi con Ty le r Pierando zzi
Joshua Pinkern e ll Kara Platt
92 Llere J IJJ&HfenI
Tyler Polhill Ken dr a P ros
cJu1110111b11 -PnrJ;rr
1311111111 Parrn
Tylrr P,1111el
v/11tlrerr 'R.t!,l·b11n1
c1'n11 R.!._tfrle/1 ..5){trbncl '1<!wfto
7(_ntn1Jn ~l'lcy
Holl } Radchffe
Alexander Ran franz Ju stin Ratcliffe Zachar) Rave\
Andre\\~ Ravburn Terra Reed
icole Re s ni ck Robin Richard s
Evan Riddell Laura Ridge Michael Rizzuto Philip Roger s
Rochelle Rodan Taylor Romano,\ ski Ka tr1na Ro\,\' ley James Rudn1ck1
Sat\tat1tha Parker
Marissa Copat1
Justit1 Ratcliff
I I ., 41 "I -. 1 ' i.1 ., ., .., ~ , I,'!"............ i'.MJ!,• 'I.• Je AJody Juilder. .. C:-ffl.~ 11,,J,_1'--'':"Jake Spet1cer Je On A111ericat1 ld ol •.. Janessa Ho fe011ASoap Opera ... Chelsea Catron la Successful .. . Ket1t Mckendry le ARich Housewife ... riel Jlake111at1 In AVan ... r Pierat1dozzi le ASoccer Mo111 ... larty tillis In fhe World Cup ... 11 ··- Lanier I Host ALate Night falk Show...
lt1to fhe High School Reut1iot1 ... ~ . \ Jrittot1 Russell
Seet1 lt1 Vogue
World Hut1ger. ..
fhe Next Job Marley...
Her Kids 0-o ro O-oldet1
School ...
Matty 0-arrett Have
Sot\tethit1g ...
Je A Jeach Juttt ...
Scott 0.roe
Je ATeacher At C.oldet1
High School... ~ :_.
((yat1 Hayes
Wit1 The Witttbledot1 ...
Austit1 Sheltot1
Have Se
Nick WI
Se ATa
Je A Male Model ...
Tottt Firth
1~ Wear Their Letter Jacket
- To The 10-Year Reut1iot1 ...
i tJI ~ Kathryt1 Malot1ey
Je AHigh School
Cout1selor. ..
Melat1ie Schoy
Je At1 Actor. ..
Jatttes tlarcy
0.et Married lt1 Vegas ...
Megat1 Vigil & Phillip ((ogers
JeThe Travis &etM
The A
JeA Pi Andre
Se A Sup
Juli Sauer
• • -~r..
Alexandra Runge
Britton Russell
Patrick Ryan
Ryan Sack
Katelin Sanders
Amber Sang!
Brooke Sauer
Kimberl) Schenck
Sk} Schnautz
Melanie Scho}
Colton Secary
Corey Sheesley
Kev i n Shields
Samantha Slater
Ki rsten Sletten
Anthony Smith
Brade n Smi th
Cierra Smith
Sean Smith
Andrew Spatz
96 Llere >J Ijj{;;'J!fenI
Broofi,! 01111,r
Jacob Spencer
l{u<:> sell ':>tahl
Margaret Stashak
\ '1c tor1a Steffens
Cohn Stell
Daniel Stelhn1
Je ss ica Stell1n1
Sear\ Stokes
Hosanna Suma1ku
Alex Sundb1
Jason Svkora
Rebecca Taylor
Molly Textor
Zachan Tho1n pson
Thomas Talsma
Tra\ 1s Toms
Kaitlin Tr1pp-Add1son
Michael Trupllo
Talan Torr1ero
Kimberl\ Tucke1 •
I I ,
1,,1rtor111 J'leffi 111
Ashley Tv\ iford
Byron Vall
Matthew Vega
Megan Vigil
Steven Walker
Kendra Warren
Olivia Watson
Brent Wegsche1der
ick Wiedersphan
Renee Willard
Christopher Willey
Evan Willams
Lee Wilson
Kevin Wi taschek
Averie Wittmer
Ryan Wyatt
Jessica Yoakum
Thomas Ziegler
Jocelyn Zupin
Ry an v·andenBroeke
--~~-------- ' :---,_-.,. ~-
JJ ilw11 {'b11s1opber ·JJ ,Ill)
Eric Alba
Cole Allen
Christopher Ame s
Trever Andersen
Joseph Barela
Nic h olas Bestor
C r ysta l Br anson
Severin Campbe ll
Megan Castle
Dustin Col l edge
Ashley Cordova
Sh acara Curtis
Bri a n Davison
Paige D e H errara
Matthew Dewhurst
Isaia h Erickson
David Frank
Rogelio Garc i a
Co d y Glade
Angela Goss
Kathryn Grahame
Jennifer Hunt
Katherine Jensen
Br andon Johnson
C hri s top her Jone s
Andrew Keeling
Jeffrey Lakey
Allyson Lewis
J aysen Luckinbill
Sean Maloney
Sean Martinez
Jessica McDonougl1
Alexander McP h ers on
Michelle Malancon
Heather Mood y
Je ss ica Moore
Andrew Narkewicz
Anthony Nguyen
Natl1aniel Niles
Niccole Peri s ho
Samantha Prueitt
Eric Raichart
Jo s eph Raichart
Kathryn Ralls
Alys s a Ruth
Devin Schow
Rachel Sebesta
Che s Sheridan
Brandon Simmons
Merle Skeens III
Bryce Strong
Sherry Taylor
Dougla s Thoma s
Joel Thoma s
Leonard Vigil
Jordan Wallis
Jamie Walthall
Brittany Weiden
Linda Wes s el
Michael White
Nichole White
Anthony Wilar s ki
Rory Will am s
Brendon Wright
Aaron Young
01 (1111 Bt1rn1
Matt Barru
D onc h cn \.Va n g R) an Spracklin g A u stin S h e lton Ches She ri dan 99
100 Llere 'VIyj(;;nfenI
10 1
-· ·---.~-Z/ere10 -:/ Ij/c;;Jfenl
- - - ---·-_.,.__ I--, 103
• ..Llere10Y Iy/&n!fenl
Katherine Adair
A s hleigh Adam s
1'.ell) Albano
\1atthe\, Albrecht
Jayde Alderman
Genoa Alexander
Alex Ammon
Simon Anden,en
C,abnelle Archer
Derek Batie,
1cholas Baldesc;an
Lauren Bait/
Tara Barzan1i
tv1a1 Bauer
Caitlin Baumann
tv11tch Bebee
~1ichelle Beehler
James Beetham
Tara Behrens
Stace, Bell
Thomae; Bell
Codi Bement
Desirae Bement
Roland Berger
Daniel Binkley
Linette Bird
Ha) le} Boggs
George Bollinger
Spencer Bolt7
Caitlin Bo\, ers
athan BrandO\\
tv11chelle Branson
Robert Braunagel
Kn,tina Bra\ o
Tisha Brott
Chnstopher Bro\, n
Chelse} Bush Johnson
Gabrielle Bush Johnson
Christopher Caceres
Sarah Calvert
Clinton Cah, 11
Jared Campbell
Allison Canino
Sara Carlson
Conrad Carler
Brandi Case}
Lindsay Ca, anaugh
Lily Chae
Bnttan} Chamberlain
Andre\\ Chapin
Connor Chapman
Andre\, C1n1perman
L} d1a Clar\-.
Cory Clarke
Daniel Clement
Jason Clerk1n
1os L/ere 'V ij/&n!fenl
Zachar) C.le\ eland
Colton Colledge
Sterling Compton
Rile\ Con\, ay Da, 1d Cooper
\i1cholas Corbett
Htlan Cor<;i
C,nffin Co-x
Danielle Cre, ling
Andre\, Cros<; Christopher Cullen
Taleah Cummins
Maura Firth catches up on the n ews "\lvhile enojoying breakfast at Einstins.
Ins Da, 1dson
\1alloT) Da, is
Sean Dean
Ashle\ Dea~on
Asti, Emily & Laura s ho,, · their scho o l s pirit decked out in Golden Je r sevs .,
Shannon Deep
\1ax,, ell Delmonico
Mark Delucas
\llatthe,, De Wys II
Melissa Sipes concentrates hard in physics while doing lab s tation s.
Tre\'or Dolechek
Alex Dominguez
Jenna Dot)
Ta\\-n) Drexler
Tim Wolaver concentrates hard in Mr Millers class s triving for an A.
Colhn Dumbleton
Dale Ekberg
Alexander Er\ 1n
Jakup Euler
Kenny & Kameron flash a s mile during ph ysics class.
Brian E, ank.o
Kelse\ E\,crs
Jacob F1eld1ng
Zachar) Fightn1aster
Marua & Danielle h e lp each other out during off block to catch up on home, vo rk
• 1ors
\laura Firth ,\nthon\ Fleur\ Amber Flo,, ers
Bntnc Franl-..s
Daralou Franks
Kathn n French lucac; f nt/
Peter Fume s'>
Katrina Gabel
Samuel Galioto \.1atthe" Gallagher
Genna Gallego-;
icholac, Galluz7o \1ax Gans
Kameron Gates
Jeramie Gerhardt
Jan G1lbra1th '\.athanael Gillan
Robert Gillette
Rebecca G, lhc:, Anthon\ G1ometh
Hannah Goedert 1\athan Goergen ~1ane Goetz
Enc Goldman
Jeffre, Goldstein
Joseph Gomez
Heriberto Gonzales
Jennifer Gooderham
E\'an Gosda
Amber Grauke
Blake Green
Candice Gregor}
Brad\ Gro,e
Lauren Hall
Jarrue Hamilton
Hayle} Hancock
John Hanf
Andre\, Hannen,ann
Thomas Harder
I eah Harns
Amanda Hart
Seth Hartman
\tf uhamad Hasoon
Grace Haugha1n
Sarah Hebberd
Jared Herzing
Ko)i H1rash1n1a
Hannah Hodges
Jordan Hogan
Rachel Holmgren
Cory Ho\., rey
Claire Hudson
HJ!ar) Huff
1revar Hupf
Armando fbarra Ampa r an
,oa Llere 'V Imn!fenI
Sarah Ipson
Ken lc;hrnael
Lasha\\ nda Johnson
Allison Jones
What are som e quotes to live b y ?
Chelsea Keene\ , Krvstal Kilpatrick
Ke\'in Kissler
Russell Kitch
" Every pass ing moment is a11other cha.11ce to tum it a ll a round ."
Jennifer Klein
Timoth\ Klein
Steven Knudson
~11chael Koch
Genoa Alexander
Rebecca Kregstein
Jessica K\.\ak
Samuel Lafalce
He1d1 Landro
Your mom. "
Amanda Lapins.I...}
Lenette Larson
Suzanne Larson
Enn Lan 1ck
Tawny Drexler
" Go bi g or go hom e."
Ash le) Le\\ 1s
EhLabeth L1ndsa\ Andre\\ Lorenz Bradle) Lubkernan
Even Gosda
Jer a n1iah ,,vas a bullfro g."
Jessica Luckinbill
Ed,\ in L, nch
, Lucas rviaas
R) an tv1acke)
Jeramiah Torbit
Aaron tv1ares
Jennifer Marques
Alhc;on ~last Cor) tv1cGee
" Why do it no,v, vvhen yo u ca11 do it la t er. "
Danny Clement
' - -· - ·-·-·----•" --- - - - - - 1- - ""_?
Enca \,lclsaac
Sean McLaughlin
\ ance Mcvtanigal
1\1egan l'vtedina
Stephen lv1e, ers
Keh tv1ttchell
Kell\ tv11tchell
L1ndsa, t-..1ollo)
Ka, la 1\.1oone\
Stefa n \,forelh
Bridget \11:oreno
'\1kole \,1organ
Juhe \,foulton
Shea 'v1urph,
Enc \,1) lko
Tra, er '\auslar
Julte 1\a, arrete
Amber '\elson
Daniel '\.elson
Robin '\.e\., come
El) se '\e\, n1.an
John '\guyen
Jeremiah '\ 1cholson
Kendra O'Bnen
Bnttan) O'Dell
Dare\ O'Donnell
D,lan Omeg
Sha\, n O",etll
\ anessa Ortiz
Laura Osborne
Ahc1a Ostenson
Jenica Ottero
Tiffan) Palmer
Kindra Panmuha
Susan Parkington
Tara Pattie
Maggie Pattndge
Cobv Pearce , alac;ha Pern
Ash Peterson
Christopher Petitclerc
Hollie Pickering
Heather Pierce
Marbsa Pietrafesa
Kendal Pike
1 1cole Pike
L) nnette Pletting
Jennifer Popp
Lyza Posey
Massupa Pradoemkulcha1
Sabrina Pretzler
Alexande r Prohaska
Amanda Pros
l\iicole Purdy
Christopher Quintana
Emily Ranfranz
110 LfereV I!JJ&'}}{enl
Paul Rappmund
Chnshna Redmond
Dushn Reed
Kenneth Reed Jr
Joc;hua Reinhard
Joree Rempel \'\e1ss
;\.1cholas Ridder
Christopher Riehl
limoth\ Riordan
\.\tilham Robbins
Tahn1e Roberts
Cod\ Roden
Analisa Ron1ano
Shiloh Ros::.
Aryan Sae1d
Ashleigh Sangl
Anthon\ Sanhste\ an Shams Sa\ ed
Kenneth Scali\
• Charlotte Seance
Grant Schoger
Andre" Schultz
Scott Schuster
Scott Seitz
Christopher Selcer
'\1cole Senf
rvtatt Shafer
l\,lisael Sil\ a
1v1ehssa Sipes
Samuel S1pk.1n
Jessica Smith
\ilax Smith
II 111
Samantha Snelhng
Sha\\ n Snider
Jerem\ Sohz
'\ 1cholas Sparks
Bnan Sp\ 1'stra
Stephan Sterling
Jared Stncker
Rachelle Stroh
Daniel Strube
Jack~on Sutherland
Enn Ta\ lor
James Ta} lor
Danielle Thielen
Enc Th1rou1n
Ta\ lor Thurston
Ross Ttlden
Tra\ 1::. Toler
Jeremiah Torbit
Robert Tortora
Christine Trun1an
Lucas \ alerius
Kimberl) \andu) n Sk\ ler \ 1cker\
Stephen \ondreele
Rachael ½achs
~11 cha el \<\agner
Jeffre\ \\al ker
Todd Walhs
Jason \,Valls
Kelse\ \\amer
Joseph Warren
Dallas Wiles
Bnan Wilham, Heather \\lilliams
Salh Wilson
Ttmoth) Wola\ er 1'e1th Wood
Mollv Wright
Samuel Wright
W) att Barr
Michelle Young
K) le Young'-
112 Llere :.J Ij/(;;J!!enI •••
Joseph Zaba La\\ rence Zant
or e ra you'd
" I would live 1n the 90 's just bec ause Jordan Hogan thought it was only two years ago ."
rhe Egyptain era because I like to walk like an Egyptian "
"This era because I cant live ,n an era without tennis and badmitton ."
"I'd want to live in the 1970 's because music was such an influence for everything then [ there were some amazing bands) and because I want to be a hippie"
" I would love to live in the 80 's because they had radical music"
Jordan Hogan
"I thrnk I would want to live in the 80's because they had completely t ubular clothing ."
- Victoria Nikitin
,_ ,..,. .,,.---···.. -· -· .,- .-----~--- ·:: - - · - -
114 Llere V Iyfr;Jn!fenI
115 ,_.,,,.,,, .( ,,, . - -; ... ···· - •-··-·- - - -•""-. .~r..-•, "~ ""'
11s Llere V Iyj(J;/{enl
Kassey Abe) ta Thomas Agrodnta Jorge Aguilar Kathryn Aiken
Alba Olga Alexe) e\ a Kendra Alms Ka)h Ammen Juan Arellano Vian Arka\\ az) Alyssa Armentrout Tyler Babkte,vich
Baghae1 Sam Baghae1
Balmes David Banza
Barry Amanda Bartosh H e1d1 Baumer Heather Becker Amanda Berens Demetra Berg Ashle; Bloom Mindy Blythe Katelyn Bolding Whitney Bolton
Boltz Katy Bones10 Robert Borrusch Taylor Bosco Austin Brabec Kelsey Branch Julian Bravo Alexandra Bresler Tyler Brock Zachary Brodenus Ko\valczyk Brandon Bro\\ n Matthew Brunel Bryan Brusenbach Bayard Brya n
Bull Timothy Burruss Jerome Calde r on Anthony Ca rbone Jacob Carlson Chnshna Carrano Carly Chapple Ashley Chism Jordon Cobb Ahse Cohen Rebecca Conklin Luke Contreras Catherine Cox
t-.-1atthe\\ Cro,\ R}an Currie
'\/icholas Dahl
Andre,\ Daniele
Jake Da,\es
Anthon} Decarlo
D}lan Dille
Jacob Dillon
Lisa Dokken
Danielle Dolan
Lui s Dominguez
Ke,·1n Douglas
Raimee Green relaxes in Ms. Giffen' s science class.
Lenia Dre1hng
Daniel Dusdal
Ta} lor Eagen
Bnanna Engstrom
Colin Siewert devilishly snliles at this years homecoming parade.
Lari) Engstrom
Coral Erickson
Karmyn Erickson
Alex Fabis1ak
Alex Fabisiak shows off his talent in theater.
Chnstopher Farley
Peter Farrin
Zena F1onno
Samantha Fi sher
Mike Gagnon stops in the hallway to flash a smile to the camera
Hannah Fleming
Carlie Ford
Michael Gagnon
Cody Galioto
Samantha Fisher presents a project in fron of the class.
Jenna Garrett
Stephan Garrett
Ryan Gaylord
Kylie Gehrke
Kyle Schultz works dilagently in science
' ' -------·,.. - -. - .._ -·--·· ___ ..., ~r-.- -.:._ .,... __ _
117 I
Benjamin Geiger
'vlarshall G1llesp1e
\.lagg1e Gillis
Quinton C..1lro,
v\aller Glas'>
Josh C,rauke
Tac;ha Gra)
'\i1cole Green
Ra1mee Green
Jonathan Greene
Kell\ Greene
L1ndse\ Gnffin
Bradle, C..nffith
Christopher C..nsham
Elite Gustafson
Enk Gustafson
Juan Gutierre7 Sanchez
Laet Hageman
Ellen Hanggi
Anel Hansen
T) ler Hansen
Jared Hanson
Andre Hart
Enk Hartzell
Zoe Hatch
isar H a,\'ram)
Joseph Ha ) nes
'\.1cholas Hazell
Kara H eckman
Courtne} Henk
Sarah Hen">le, -
Sa-~ m1 Herrera
Ian Herzing
Daniel H1n1mel
Brandi Holdridge
Jeremy Holdt
Justin H oldt
Wendi Holland
Rachel Hoo, ler
Samantha H opple
Jennifer Hord
Cal Hueber
l\athan1el Hu ghe-.
Rachel Hunt
Kiah Hurle1
Sasa l vano, 1c
Katia Jacobs
Bnana Janssen
Nicholas Jarvis
Joseph Jennings
Johnathan Jensen
Ashley Johnson
Brittan) Johnson
Tory Johnson
Tyl<>r Johnson
Ka) la Johnston
11a Lfere VIyfr;;rJ[enl
·- - -- -· - -· ·--I<.· -··-·-~~ Kourtne, Jon es , Robert Jones A s hle) June John Jurbala Peter Juncko\ 1ch Ill Ro sema0 Kalas z '\icholas Kahno s k.J Catherine Kei ser A s hle } Kerdu s Brandon Kinnard Danielle Klimek Ra, mond kluc1k , rv1organ Klueber Ka, la Knuts on Colette Ko1der 1ch o las KoprO\\ 1c2 Core, Kothenbeutel I rnre Krau ss Katie Kreider Cara Kulbacki Archana Kurnari Lauren Lacin s ki Leonard Lar s on Cohn Leffert Sterling Len,va ) Sto,\ e Hannah Le\, ts Kir s ten Le,\ 1s \ incent Licata Matthe\\ Linville Engler Matthe\, Litt le H eather Long Michael Lo\\ der What's Your Favorite style and why? " Jock becau se its comfy and looks good on me ." Jeremy Soliz " Prepp y, thats jus t '" 'ha t I a l ways ,,vea r." Kiah Hurley "Ga ngs ta!" Jared Ratcliffe " Loose casual because its comfortable." Daniel Sheffield " I just like clothes in genera l. " Hannah Smith 119 I
Mathe\\ son
Morn s
Mo) er
Narke\, 1cz
s hua l\avare.1
Neumayer Robert Ne\., berg Andre\, Nguyen Shane Nia
Harmony Nosker Elizabeth O'Brien
Je ssica O'Connor Wesley Okon.£ak Daniel Oliver
Sean O'Reilly
Brett Padilla
Celia Padilla
David Palcsak Ashley Palmer
•• • ,. I ~, t -• I ll J Kirsten
in Lynan,
say Lyons Brittany Marquis Tavlor Marshall De, onna Martin
tv1arhn Enc Martinez
Martinez Charlene \1athe\,·s
vtayo Jordan McGregor Luke Mcllvvee Ste\ en McKendI)
McKenzie Shane lv1eehan
Meyer Kathleen Meyer s
ss ica Montana
Montemavor ,
Mon to) a
Moodv Elizabeth Moore Shannon Moore Stephanie tv1orales Derek Moran Anthony Morgan
Casey N1mn\er Joseph Niswonger
120 Llere :V Iy/(;;n!fenI \ ~-----'I
Kellie Parker Mylko
Chelsea Perez
Michael Peterson
Stephanie Peterson
Shelena Proski Logan Prue, tt
Pyburn Johnn} Rabadan Beau Radovich
Matthe\., Raley Stephanie Ramstetter Adrian Rangel Jared Ratcliffe Lindse} Ratktev, 1cz
Sean Ratledge
Anthony Ray
Jonathan Richert Tera R1edhnger
Rebecca Robbins
Joshua Roberts
Michelle Roblee Am} Rogers
Marcus Rogers Derek. Romero Hev1 Sae1d Morgan Sams
Bethany Sanders
Ta} !or Sands
' I • • • ..,,r - ----~---------; ---~ -·- - _J_,,. -• ' -
Thanh Pham tvt arcus Porter Kate Potter
121 ::...L... -~-" ,~_c· ,,;_:~ ~------=., ,... - -::::.,., -- ---=--- - --:.. ----
-,~•_-.-r:·:· ~----...--·- - -· ,,.., --~-··•,.., , ' : -I Jlt ••• ht :,, _, I 111 .. , Rachel Schluter Heather Schmader Bnttany Schult Kayla Schultz Kyle Schultz Julie Scohy Melanie Secary Kyle Seery Anthony Serab Daniel Sheffield Stephanie Sheldon Cullen Ste¼ert Nicholas Simon Kailey Slaven Cody Smail Cortney Smith Sole1l Smith Cecily Soliz Justin Soper Erik Sorvig Connor Stokes Megan Straley Samantha Stroh Derek Sturdavant Caithn Suhk Logan Sullivan Steven Suther Nicholas S¼eet Kendra Tans Alexander Taylor Bradon Taylor Cameron Temun Fiedler Alexandra Terry Malcolm Thomas Davin lim A lexander Tracy Jordan Tracy Aubrey Tramonhna Kyle T rout Jacob Tuttle Christen Tyus Michael Vandamme Gerald Vanner Shawna VanonJ Paul Vem1g Jacob Versaw She lbi Vickery Jacob Wa lhs Noah Wallis Justin Walton R1ch1e Wangsness Cm1ly Wareham Kaylee Watson Riki Welch Courtney Weller Dakota Werner 122 7-fere V Iyjr;;Wenl
Stephanie Ziegler
Megan Wessel
Mark Wh1 tehead
Lauren Wilson Koby W1ttek. Natalie Wittman
Brittni Wood
Chloe Wood
Kasi Yoakum
I • ~---·-- •· - ·• ~-- -.- fI ,,I nti f\t l ~tft •u1 IU! "'' -124 Llere Yiyj&r;Jfenl
-- ·-~- --- • • - - - - - .-!l 125
Rabab Abdulhussein
Amanda Albrecht
Jeffre\ Aldrich
Shrog Ah
Ta,· lour Ahan1ello
Delane, Alhson
De\ an Allison
Tucker Ames
Hannah Anderson
Jazmine Anderson Smith
Shilo Archer
Jordan Arellanes
Ramon Arellano
Ka,lvnn Asmussen
½1lham Aten
,athen Baalman
Kies Baradan
Matthe\\ Barru
Jererrr~ Barton
Clara Bar7anp
Kathryn Basemann
Jessica Bebee
Kyle Beers
Caroline Beetham
Matthe\-\ Bell
Mathe\\ Benzie
Enka B1es1nger
Sarah Binns
Joshua Bl, the
Lisa BogobO\\'lCZ
\11chael Bov,:ers
Robert BO\\'ers
Paul BO\\ man
Nicholas Boxler
Ben1am1n Boyle-Cour t
Joseph Brachle
Chnstopher Brov, n1ng
Alex Buehler
Jenna Burn
Lars Burnham
Bryon Burrough c:;
Alyssa Burton
Kimberly Cafarella
Victoria Calderon
Brendan Calhoun
Ke\ in Carnicello
Katherine Carter
Antonio Castillo
Jesse Castino
Je sse Castle
Ariana Castro
Breanna Castrodale
Erika Caton
Kn stina Chavez
Taylor Cleveland
Ira Cochran
126 7-lereIJ112'f!{enI
.-- ~-----~,__ - - . • • - - - ._...!a.._----=------·~ ......_ "' ·~ Daniel Compton Andre\v Cooper Katie Copeland Enc Cosper Amanda Craycraft Ashley Cra 1 craft Ph1lhp Cross Tiara Curtis Ta) lor Custer Ta}lor Cyr Max Dabbs Madison Dale 1\J1colas Damiana Ethan Dam1tz Marissa Davis Rebecca Da\ 1s R)an Dore Roger Dorf W1lliam Dot) Emil} Dreiling
Dreiling Scott Duff
Duncan Kathrine Duncan Alyssa Duran Clarissa Durhn Jeffer} Du\ all Ashle\ Dyer Jered Eagan Beniam1n Elliott Anita Elze} Daniel Erskine
Davis take s time from
to pose for a picture
Potthoff takes a break from working
King prepare s her
on his
work for french
Lilah Strauss take
I 127 I ·-' ~""Jr ,- ;!_........c____._~....;....,__...... - - - r .,... - •· --....-, J""
Britteny Wynn and
a breather from their work out. Angela Huff gets messy throuwing in • ceramics Justin Morre chills in Ms. Hamm's class.
... hti :i, I -- ~01 l\J1cholas Estrada Leeza Etzenhouser Lisa E\anko Alexandna Evenst kell) Fair Enc Fauble Bonnie Flanders Am) Flick Spencer Flo\•,er \1ctona Ford Daniel Fro}en Brandon Gage Michelle Garnett Stephan Gates Clemens Georg Bill} Gerard Jesse Germain Kelly G1las Wh1tne} Glandt Lauren Goh Ra) mond Grant Anthon} Green Ehot Green T} ler Greenfield Dallas Greer Aspen Groff Theron Guerra Jessica Hall Soo Jin Hamm Rebecca Harns Jeffrey Hartman Ehzabeth Hartzell Kevin Hays Jessica Hembro\v Zachar} Herr Karen Herrera Cory H1lbome Ke\.1n Hines Carl Horeck) Eddie Ho,vard Jordan H owes Casey Ho,.. rey Angelia Huff Sean H ughes Margaret Hunt Autumnrose Jackson Tyler Jackson Daniel Jennings Jackee Jensen Brandi Johnson Joshua Johnson Tyler Johnson Addie Jones Rachae l Joyce Spencer Kelii Megan Kilpatnck 12a Llere y Im'J!fenf I ,J
_J' ·~ •. - --· ----· _,.._.. -~ • • - - - .:..-...~-~· • Ja1m1e King Jod i Kinnen Rachael Kn1ef Stephany Kn1ef Natasha Knight Glenn Knussmann Carl) Koczera Ta) lor Koepke T) ler Koepke Jennifer Kolm Jessica Kopischke Brenton Ko,, itz Erln Kruchen Hannah Kuretich Hannah Lafalce Susan Lane Jessica Lang Pern Lang Brennan Linnet l\llallo11 Lizza Chnstina Liung, all Kev} n Lollar Kell} Lubkeman Branden Luckinbill Irene Lui Bree Lusk Angelleah Lux Michelle Maguire Wilham Mallec Cayla ~1ann T) )er Mapleback Manssa Mares
" Lucky underware with polka dots." Freshman Holly Nichol s " My fair y necklace m y mom gave me ." Freshman Natasha Knight " My black wri s tband " Freshman Billy Klein " The drum s tick I'v e had fo r five years." Freshman Spencer Flower " M y mom 's ros e ring from v.1hen she ,,va s a teenager." Freshman Aspen Groff 129
What is Your Good Luck Charm?
Alexis tv1arso
Jazzm1nn Martell
Zane Martin
R) an rv1art1nek
"v1egan "v1artinez
Ryan 'v1artlnez
Kace; Mathe\, s
Libb\ Mathe\\ son
Benedict \,fatous
Chnstopher \.1ayo
Ann McCall
Justin \r1cCall
Jessica \11cCracken
Brittan; McGO\\ an
Meghan \.1claughlin
Devin McPherson
Tabitha Medina
I an "v1errill
L1ndse; Metros
Caroline \1eyer
Justin Midyet
Alex \.11ller
Jessica Miller
\.1eaghan \.1ilne
Paige \11itchell
'\iur Amely a Mohammed Jamal
Kaila Molt
Breanna Montgomery
Justin "v1oore
Rand Moore
Paden Morehead
Hannah Mor\ ay
Astra Moss
Bradley Mott
Zachary Mullins
Jennifer Myers
Chnshna 1\,a\\'} n
Rhett r\Jebeker
Allison l\leedham
Ta; lor l'lelson
Chase 1chols
Holl, l\11chols
Oa"VJd i'\1tz
Kimber O'Bncn
Eryn Oehlert
Sarah Olson
Calhenne O'Rourke
Blake Padilla
Geoffrey Padilla
Brooke Palmer
Orlando Paredes
Jenna Park
Brandon Pe1sa
Gregory Perrin
Ryan Petralia
Ian Pierce
130 Lfere SV .ly/(2'f./{'en I
Kalina P1ttman-l'vlorgan
Erica Porter
tvforgan Pos t
Brandon Potthoff
Matthe¾ Pule
11moth1 Pullano
Knstine Qu1lang-Castro
Heather Quintana
Chelsea Ramse}
Joseph Ra}'
John Retrum
Robert Re\-e1lle
Cody Rex
Jonathan Richards
Lisa Ridge
D11lon Rio
Samantha R1\ era
Shelby Robinson
Joseph Roesch
Guy Ron1an
Harrison Romano\\ ski
Anel Roselle
Jessica Rosette
Patrick Rosse
Mary Roth
Oa\ id Rothrock
Cayla Rowe
Guadalupe Ruiz
Sabrina Rush
Lauren Sagese r
Michael Salazar
Logan Sauer
Zachar) Saxton
Chn-.topher Seance
Ilona Schhttler
Sarah Schuab
Ta\ lor Schulte
1'.ell) Sebec;ta
Tyler 5clcer
Landon Sen old
Jacob Se,,·olt
Jerem, Shearer
Denck Shepard
Eh ssa Silva
Tasha Simmons
Chelsea Skorka
Colhn Smith
Jacob Smouse
S) n1a Son
Kan Sor, 1g
Kenneth Stiner
Ian Stitt
Anthon) Stockman
Ta) \or Stolte
Lilah Strauss
Connor Summenl
Kaila Sutter
Lesle) S,, 1m
\1egan Ta) lor
'\11cholas Tengler
tvf 1tchell Thompson
Robert Thompson
Canssa Thomson-Foos
Jordan Tidball-Sc1ullo
c, dne, Tolbert
Ste, en Tollefson
Ta, lor Toms
Thi Tran
K) le Tnpp
Andre,, Tru11llo
Tes1a Trup llo
Richard Hien Tu
Matthe,, Turquette
Caleb Unce
E, an Vall
Richard VanDuyn
Trenton \anner
Jared Vaughn
Ke, 1n Vega
T) ler Vigil
Matthe,, Vogt
Julia Vondrecle
John Vu
Kaitlyn Wachs
Ahna Wale
Erin Walth
Kendra Walthall
Josh Ward
132 Llere Iy;(JJ!fenI
\t1atthe" ½arren
Bnonna \Veils
What is your biggest pet peeve and why?
Freshman Brenden Calhoun
"G um s macl,1ng because its irratating."
Freshman Astra Moss
I hate guys \'-'ho hit girls becasuse 1ts 1ust not nght."
Freshman Tyler Jackson
" I hate my long hair and my face because 1ts annoying."
Freshman Jeremy Shearer
" People v.•ho s top in the middle of the hall,, ay bother me because running into them mak.es me angry."
I ' 1 - ·"' ---· --.;.- ~---·-l
Keba Z1g1ch
San,antha \Ve, n1outh Craig \ \'horlo\\ Storn,,
Jackson \Vilhams Holh
Jessica Willis Andre\'- v\ 1Jc;on Enc Winkler Tanner \Vittek. Michael Woolard Adam \'\ 'oole\ T) Woole\ Shelb, \Vunderle
Branden Yushka Stace) Zant Cameron Zerbest Alyssa Ziegler
I 133
.. 7.fer e 1V Iy/&;J{en I
AC.TJ:OU foniT\ f'tP~\l °'T 'fE>.r.~ ]:P1)\IC.T1'>tJ l'#Et.u • • 135
Dr.Shirley Alg1ene
John Anderson
Steve Anderson
Scott Aurand Tan ya Baal.man
Da,\n Bell Jud } Boian
Sand ra Bre ed Jan Bryson
Scott Burcar
ht ' :tt'l ,,, ' JU ~
'I t
Laura Burczyk
Todd Burke
Jane Burnett
Dick Byrne j
Jon Christians
Terry Coble
Chris Colucci Bnan Conroy Eileen Cook
Jennifer Coo1'
Shari Cornelison Cirila Curley
Stephanie Davi s Terri Deu ser
136Llere SV Iyj{;;'J!fenI
Don Dihvorth
- "f"" -., - • • • - • ~=--------- " '" \ \
r-.lichele Eshleman
Joann Euler
Linda Fabrizio
Karen FearnO\\'
Elise Goshorn Wilham Graves
Charla Gunn
Kathy Hall
Tamsen Hall
Diane Hamilton
Tracy Hamm
Jeff Hauser
Bob Hayes
Greg Holland
Karen Holstein D1denck Iversen
B111 Kelley
John Klug
Chris Kolin
Greg Kottcamp
Mandy Longs1ne
Patti Lov,•
Lori Macdonald
Judy tv1ad1son
Charlotte Maybury
Helen McLaughlin
Mike Mendoza
Paul Miller
Tim Miller
Kathryn Montgomery Mike Murphy Roger Myers Knshn 1\Jelson
Kurt Ohlen
Pam Panoo
Deborah Pearce Chnshna Pennel
Tamrrue Peters
Tracy Phanss
Chns Plakoru s Linda Po veda
Todd Rago Chad Reid
Wendy Roberts
Jan Romary
Susan Sanders
Carol Schaefer
13a Llere SV I1lr2n!!enl
Laura Selzer Bonruelou Sha\\'
- - - --~- -·- ~--·-·GOt _,..._..,,_,1~
Le Shoemaker Leaann Slizesk1 Brooke Soa rd Al Talbot
\ I
~tike Thumim Ken Van Der Laan Jo Wads,, orth Shannon Walk1nsha,\' Tom ½ard
Ed Weinell Mary Weller Scott We s terkamp
Randy Whi te Chnsbne Wilhamm s
Monica Wolfe Jane Wunderlich
1407-fere VI{7Tr',11 /he / JLw.men
,. I
''You have to make English fun or at least have a funny teacher," sa ys Zane Martin.
What do you think when you hear the word ''English?'' Some students may think it is boring, but others disagree. ''I like English because when we work in groups it gives me more input on other people's opinions," said sophomore Joshua Roberts. Students are offered a variety of classes, but must take a core curriculum the first three years. English classes offer students chances to demonstrate how well they can 1 write, read, speak, and listen.
tisten Closely Freshman Cam~ron Zerbest concentrates hard 001 '" 1 the lesson. "English is n1y ~vorite subject," said Amanda ijartosh. 00,,.,....,.
[ RS A I r
Take Not e Senior Katie Bill tak es notes in Ms. Se izers' Pacesetter class
Deep Thoughts Fre shman Zane M a rtin p onders w h ich Toug h C h oi ce Freshman Robb y Bo"' ers concen t rates m Ms Da, is word best fits a sentence. English class. " Fina ls give me a headache," said Andy Wilson
One More Paragraph Freshman Anthon y re completes his essa) L r ing about nouns and p nouns, stuff like that was m favortte,' said freshman Moss.
Which One? Freshm n Taylor Toms concentr, t in Ms. Davis' English clasS,;
Concentrate F~ man Eliot Greculooks stumped while taldn his English final
Smile Senior Moll Barbeau tries to be scr;J--: ous during Mrs. Selzer Pacesetter class
Good limes Freshman Joe Brachl e takes a break fr om hi s work to ponder his next assignm ent.
I'll quare Rool Your Derivalive
Many students at Golden feel that even ,._..•"""' fh.ough you do not want to take math, you ways need it. Freshman Cydney Tolbert fated, ''If you know math, you will go far mlife.'' It's a good thing there are entertain,~~~:g teachers. Junior Molly Wright said, ''Mr. ~;~ Hayes is a really cool teacher." Senior Kat OCensen has a positive attitude and tip, '' Just
~:.~i~ B.o it .......... Tomorrow." Some exchange students say math here is the same principal as i their country. Junior Massupa Prodoemnlchal said, ''I don't really like math, but I o it anyway."
..,. .. _~ l ,t
In math, it's always a numbers game.
e..ot no
tis' the n
pletes his work during •• --Thinkin g hard or hardly thin k in g? Soph o m o re Co rey Kothenbeutel checks out th e p r oblem b efore h e s olves it. r Math Is Life Sophomore Mi ch ae l Lo,-v d e r hurry s t o finish his te s t so he can h av e time to c h eck i t. Getting Down And D irty Sopmore Matt Brune l takes extra time to get his fo ld in g a n d cutti n g d ow n
Senior Jaysen Luck-
Heads Up Junior Sean Snider n1akcs careful calculations to mak e ure that it's right.
Let The Fingers Do The Talking St!oior Brendan Wright uses the computer to get his project done.
You Can Do It Senior Michael Rizzuto takes the time to understand the material.
Take It Easy Junior Kimberly Vanduyn makes math her o,vn style.
J" I Aln1os t T h e re Se n io r Abby Dav is uses a n a lte rte rnati v e me t hod ra th er tha n usi n g a ca l cul a t o r t o so lve the problem.
145 ,I
rne e T 1crosco
Breaking down our world today.
Whether it's studying the hum an body or the ground we walk on, science classes are tl1e ones that analyze it. Sophmore Samantha Stroh said, ''I enjoy doing the blood test lab because I found out information about myself I never knew." Doing various labs a11d taking field trips helps get a better- understanding of what is being studied. "I enjoy any lab that has to do with eating food," said junior Andy Schultz. Several of the Biology classes this year, had to create an animal or plant cell out of edible materials. At the same time physics classes studied the laws of motion and the chemistry classes studied the elements of our world and how they interact. Science classes give us a way to study everything under, and including, the
-J rJ
ify Sophmo res Jo rdan regor and I<atja Jacob s s tud y tion and learn ho" ' to cla sanisms.
Te s ting the Waters Fres hman Tayl o r S to lte y,1or ks on a class water lab during Earth s cience.
My Way Se ni o r A lex Mc Pher so n strives ha rd t o co mple t e a t ask in s cience.
ere t[Jl&J}/fen/ ft
G re a t M ind s T hin k A lik e So phmores Shane Meehan, Connor Stokes, Dy lan Dill e', a nd Tyle r Bab kiewich ,-vo rk on their group p roject duri n g AP Bi ology.
Birds and Beaks
Can You Hear
The Ins a nd O ut s Seniors Bl akelee Midye tt, Sean S tokes, Jessica Stellini, Re b e cca Gree ne, and Leah Green take a moment out of their time to pose wi th a skele to n
It Sophomore Derek \ 7anncr uses Lh"' biology book to hn1<;h his assignment in Doc's cla
On You Freshmen Ilona Schlltlcr and Hannah Anderson
Sophmore Katie Meyers participates in the birds and beaks lab during 7th block.
147 1 ' I • 'f ,I
Junior Erica Mcisaac takes a hearing test during her science class.
Just a little bit of history r epe a ting ... .
Social Studies is a blast from tie past. Did you know that one ........ · ute after you do something, i.t is already history? It's not just .... erican and European history e most people think; there's ore to it. Social studies is also eography, sociology, and psy,,....~"",.. ology. ''I like learning about eographical landforms," said cphomore Tera Riedlinger.
T 1 es _ =------_
t o the p
arked my interes t," .Axl:drew Ngu
." /he /en ' ~.,) ; / I f \ "I' -- l I I -
Ti m e Out Junior Colto n Co ll e d ge p oses for a quick picture \<\1 hile l earning about WVlll.
re Ky le Tro ut history c lass.
I out the cha n ges
rese nt.
Tes tin g, Te s ting Sophm o re Jake Carlson s tudie s hard in Ms. H i g h 's histor y class , " I like h aving the debate on the a t o mi c bo m b, said soph more Derek Moran.
Li s ten Cl osely Fres hm a n As tra Moss looks confused ,-vhile a sking the teach er a q ues ti on. "Geograp h y is a lright but it is better than go ve rnm ent," says fr eshm an Autumn Jackson
Group Work Freshm e n Ty ler Jacks on and Kev in Camice ll o wor k toge th e r to co mplete their home,vork. "lvlr. l\,[cndoza makes geog raphy fu n ," said fr es hman Joe Brachle
Concentration Junior Kelly Albano hst~ns closely as the ledchcr gocc. O\ er a lesson.
Pop Quiz frci.;hrnctn Jirn Dun<'.in \,·rites his ans\\ er so he can pass his clns-.. "I think governn1cnl i'i prelt} tight, it's \.\ierd ho,, a bill becomes a la,,•," said freshman Astra Mos&.
It Happened When?
Junior Anthony Giomctti concentrates hard to learn more.
Just The Facts Freshman Alyssa Burton studies hard for upconling tests. "It's good to learn your history so you don't repeat it," said juruor Rebecca Kregstein.
149 I I I ' ' I ' I I ' I I
Future actors/ actresses practice their stuff before hitting it big.
The theater class is full of pep. There are ~y games these students play, and they must tfM bow to act. '1 This class is very inspira-
commented Logan Prueitt. He refer s to ~ ·mprov games played in the class. Improv
you must make up a skit off the top of ~ ead. 11Art thou the coolest?" questioned Zo e ~,: using the language of Shakespeare. Shakea,e is a favorite in their skits. The teacher, Mr. helps the students to find their acting side. okay, I'll shut up," said Kyle Schultz, trying
ate Mr. Klug. If you have an edge in acting,
.,;. ould really consider joining this class, and [B~ e, to have fun.
C 0
ickTangler tries dy a s kit.
Ready to Po s e Tory John s on, Ray mond Klucik, Robin N ewma yor, Zoe H a t ch, and Jaclyn Ge s t are ready for the big time
Seriou s A ctin g Tony Ca rave lJ a a nd A m y Flick s h a r e s ome s eriou s acting s kills.
pnE me NO: lo~ iCti Chi lti I put Ina 1u 1er !'01 >Ut llO ler nc • r
We Go Togeth er Eric Sorvi g, Kath e rine So in e, a nd Amy Flick a ct best when in group s.
Childrens stories, practice, and acting oh my!
11When I get up on stage., I become someone e lse . I don 1 t need to worry about anything., and pe opl e who are watching don 1 t need to worry about anything either., 1 commented Logan C u s t e r. Reading fairy tales is one thing, acting th em out is another. The students in Child ren 's Theatre are students that take a class to pe rform for local elementary schools and put on s k i t s that they creatively come up with that in co rporate fairy tale stories and morals. Thro u g h o ut the first half of the semester, students prac ti ce skills , like how to perform in front o f a n audience such as kids. 11 I love going ot1t an d p e rforming in front of the local elementary sc h o ols . It is so much fun and a joy
1 said Kelly Mitche ll . Children 1 s theater is a very good way t o take well know children's stories and mold th e m into a new creation It also gives students a chance to perform in front of an audience.
• "";'" •. ·~- ~...---._ e T 01 or e
use I
u g ht it \v o uld be a joy to bring laug h
s," s
Mik e.
.. . Se nior James Darcy take s ,, mo ment to s ilence the kid s for a rar
t o
f th e s kits they wil l perfonn later m th e ye a r
s t a Move Seniors M ik e Ke ll y, Al ex Fa ubl e, and the res t of the childe r n 's thea te r ere"½' d an ce fo r an a udience o f second g raders " I took children's
th ea t er
ter to k id
I 1 ' I :t ,I 151
What's up? Senior Melissa Fleming, Sophmore Hannah Fleming, s enior Marge Stashak, and junior. Erin Larw1 ck perform in front of an elmenary school. " Going on tour and seeing the kid s faces light up is the best part of c hildern's theatre ," comented senior Me lissa Fleming.
1ng s n
Student Council members work hard and strive for the be st ev er y day.
''Student Council is really fun and rewarding because you learn so much and meet so many people. It's a really great experience!'' senior Brooke Sauer said.
Student Council members are the leaders of the school, and they are role models to many. They coordinate dances, spirit days, fund raisers, graduation, and many other events.
Dances are always a hit. From Homecoming to Sadie Hawkins to Prom, everyone always has a great time.
''Student Council works extremely hard in order to make GHS a f.un and exciting place," commented Junior David Cooper.
The amazing kids of Student Council make Golden a fun place to learn.
T ea
Working Hard Seniors Kendra Warren and Kent McKendry
Wscuss upcoming events during a meeting.
Good Times Mr. Conroy and s tudent body president Brooke Sauer strike a pose during a meetin g ''So mu ch of \vhat \-Ve do is not seen by the re s t of the s tud e nt b o d y.
We do a lot behind the scenes but try to let everyone know \Vhat is going on, " junior Tara Pattie s aid.
Ve m of di N m rn TI of or Sf ill
Homecoming Fun Sophomore Ar ie l Hansen \vav es t o the crowd in th e H o nlecoming parade " l joined Stude nt C ounc il beca use I ,.,,ante d to m ake a difference in the s choo l," sh e said.
n e
Learning to communicate through unfamilar language s.
One of the most exciting and bea utiful things in this world is the 1 , ,ar iety of cultures . Language is seen more a s an art rather than just a form of co mmunication It shows the great diffe r enc e s in ethnicities . Junior Julie Nav arrete said, ' 'I think that speaking anothe r language will make com, munication with others a lot easier."
1 The foreign language classes that are offe r e d at Golden High School not only teach you the language they spea k, but also present information on the background of the culture .
.. 0 •..
Shhh ! Junio r Ryan Mackey concentrates hard d u ring S p an~h class
Ge t in v ol ve d So phom o re Harmony No s ke r preform s her knowlege of fo rming se ntan ce s in S panis h
I I :) 153
Leer! Sophomore Brittany Johnson follow$lfong m th e Spanish book while one of her fellow class memb ers reads out loud
At Golden, students teach the faculty a thing or two about cooking and correct presentation.
Many students get off to an early start by learning how to cook for themselves. Golden High School students learn how to prepare and present meals correctly. That way when they get out of high school and into college, they can prepare something other than easy mac. ;/"Cooking is the quickest way to a loved one's heart," said Mr. Westercamp.
( 0 0 ToNMO ) '
last Laugh Se ni or Toby Crocker take s a m o m e nt t o rel ax and admire hi s pro ject.
It's Getting Hot In Here Amber Sang) working in the kitchen to
""" make sure nothing is burning.
This Is The Way To Do It Mr. We s lercamp s hows th e students ho\\' to cut correctly.
I tal ao to of fa1 \Ve ch ''F yo Al Pe; Br; of I
We ' re On Fire T h e Pro Start s tudents s h o"'' off one of their crea tions.
Competition In Debate, Oratory, and Poetry
Stud e nt s who participate in Forensics take the ir tim e to prepare for meets during access . These stud e nt s are very dedicated to thi s s p o rt of s peech and give up most of th eir Sa turday s a s well. Students collect fac t s and pieces to perform at the level they wa nt. Diffe r e nt s chool s host these cha ll en gi n g eve nts all around Colorado. " Foren s i cs i s a place where you can express you ind iv iduality/ and it1 s accepted 1 1 ' said An drea D o mgard.
e · ~---- ~-----------,
Pe rfectl y Sple ndi d Senior Braden Smith gets int o th e spi rit of hi s s peech Braden co mp e t e d 1n public forum deba t e thi s year.
Talk The Talk Senior Mike Diener and sophomore Katherine Soine practice before a meet. Mike compett>d this year in debate v.•hile Katherine concentrated on duo interpretation.
• I l 1 I ' I I t
Oh The Horror Sophomo re N i ck S"vcet expresses himself through Can You Handle That? Senior Logan Custer dramatih is piece caliy performs his humor piece.
We love them, we have heard them, but what really goes on inside band class?
Yes, the sound of music is so sweet. ,...,....c. Many students are currently enrolled in the
instrumental music class, but what instruments are most popular? 1 .1The instru,yt~:?¥t ments most enjoyed are the bass guitar and drums," said Scott Schuster, a junior. It seems that the class enjoys the sound of rock, a very popular type of music played
during class. '' The instruments most
e,njoyed are the horns section," stated fresh~n Cody Rex. Brass instruments seem to e very popular in band class. Many believe
these instruments have more pizzazz '?~•hen others and create beautiful music. Most students really enjoy the experience of this class. ''This class is freaking sweet," Billy Mallec, a freshman, noted. If you have ~-'lJ>~~-··.: any talent in music, consider showing your stuff in one of these classes.
1 T IS ne T 1me, an __ amp ... ;J:;~-;.; :.,..~·-•, ,
Back Junior Robert Gilzus things up in his band
Bigger is Better Antho n y Ray, a sop h omore, probably ha s the large st ins trument in the cla ss.
e ,nlbe / men
Quiet and Beautiful Cody Rex, a Fres hman, can really Play That Funky Music Freshman Billy Mallec s ho,vs that he is play that flute. th e bes t g uitar pl ayer th ere is.
I " ' \
Ro ck and Roll Nick Kalinos ki , a sopho more, knov,•s all the right notes
I Like Shiny Junior Du s tin Reed ~ho,-. off hi,; guildr
Great Mix Junior Scott Shuster and sophomore Brian Brusenbach n1ake a pretty good rock team in band class.
funk, Rock and Jazz Senior Reed Morelli jams to the beat.
Soothing Sound Junior Jake Euler practices his technique on the xylophone.
These students sing a harmonious melody
This year started out as a confusing one due to the fact that a new choir director arrived. His name is Randy White and he is filling in for Leann Ostler who took a leave of absence because of. her new baby boy.
.,.,The kids were great this year. Everyone was very welcoming," Mr. White exclaimed.
Mr. White has his haHds full with all the choirs which include Women's Choir, Concert Choir, Mou11tain Magic, 24th Street,, and the new addition to the music program at GHS, Barbershop.
Kyle Schultz gave some advice on Vocal Music. ''I would suggest choir to people and my advice would be, just stick with it, it will get better, and in the end it's really rewarding."
1 T 1ng
e ong
Beautiful Sing ers Members of 24th Street s ing in the C H S Auditorium. " Mr White, l think, is very intelligent and an over all good guy, and will help the choirc; immensely," senior Kevin Wita schek said.
tsaLLere V Ij/(;j}J{enl
Beat of the Drum Senior Renee Willard sings to the beat of the drums in the parade. " Choir is ~ifferrical! " she exclaimed
Country Pride C ombin ed cho irs ,va it to si n g the Na t ion a l Anthem at the Hom e comin g gam e. "1 love th at you get t o have high s cho ol cre dHs for c;om e thin g yo u love to d o," s ophomore Raimee Gre en s aid
Startin g a Good Not e Women 's choir si n gs for an audience a t thr firs t concer t of the year. " Well, it does n't take that much preparation for concerts. You just ha ve to remember not to drink milk and you n eed t o kno\-v the songs," s ophomo re Stephanie Sheldon commented.
hoir Men The Boys Barb ers hop perform s for the au d ie n ce at the Fa ll C o nc e r t. " I fe el mu s ic is n1ore Uke a language of emotion s. I can't really even de s cribe th e feeling , v h e n I s ing,'' se nior Danie l Stallini excla in1ed.
Key to success Sophomo1 t.! kayla Knut-;on \o\'arms up her voe.ii t-hords in class. "The \\'Orst p,1rt aboul bci11g in choir is all the pressure put on you to do ,veU at c<..incerts, 'Kayla commented.
Singing Sweetly Concert
Choir sings "f--lome Jn the Valley.'' "The best part of being in choir is .111 the me1nories )'Ou can create and all the friends you can meel." sophomore Shannon Moore said.
Choir Cheer (;HS choirs march in the Homecoming parade ·v,,hilc singing the Golden fight song.
Golden Girls ~lountain Magic prepares lo sing another tune. "I think Vocal tvlusic is a great form of education. It really helps \\·ith pronunciation!" sophomore Rachel Hoovler said.
I • l LJ ' -
159 I I
The Trident brings Golden High all the news that's fit to print .
Whoever said no news is good news obviously has not read the Trident. If you're a student at Golden, chances are that you have probably picked up a copy of the school newspaper at some point. The Trident does a service to our school by creating stories that actually interest the student body. Whether it's an article on student healtl1, a goofy horoscope, or even a piece on the local events of our town, everyone can find something they like in the paper.
The paper is fun for the staff too. As Alex Faubel put it, "It's like English but more fun because you don't have to write reports on son1e dead guy's literature, you can make tip yot1r own." The paper made some pretty significant chai1ges this year. According to editor-in-chief Katy Kelly, a senior, "This year Golden Higl1 School's 11ewspaper, The Trident, underwent an extreme transformation after its second issue. In an attempt to pull in more readers, the editors decided to change the format of the paper to a more magazine-like [layout]."
1 a OU •
----·-' l
Makin g the Cut Senio r Zach Hatch, and ed i tors Britany Gan quis t and Katy Kelly both seinors, help each other work on sa mple s preads fo r the ne, ~spaper ' s n e\\' layou t. Junior and editor Ana Romano s aid , " Being a section edi to r i s p robably one of t he hardes t thin gs for me but once I see the fin ish ed pro d uct, i t ' s ,vor th it. "
1eo7.1ere ~Ij/Cj}/{enf
Sort it Out Editor Britany Granquist, a senior, and sophomore Lisa Dokken sort out the Homecoming edition to be distributed. Bntany said, "Newspaper is a way to be involved with the ne\VS that happens around Golden."
Type it Up Senior Mi ch ael Di e n e r researc h es a top ic for the paper 's sec ond ed it io n He says h e enjoys ne\vspaper becau se " Nev.·sp ap e r is the prac t ical ap pli ca ti on o f t hi n gs \Ve le arn in Englis h "
Group Effo r t Junior Kri s tin a Bravo help s Sopho m ore Megan Straley on her Avian flu arti cle Whe n as ke d to com me nt on ne\VSpaper tvlegan said coyl y, " The re is rea l1 y nothing I can say about ne\vspaper, becau se we \\1 rit e it all d o wn ."
wesome nua s____---,
Producing pictures , preserving memori es
IWh a t can b e sai d a bout the Yearbook staff? Well, if i t we r en ' t fo r thes e hard-working students, r ou mo s t lik e l y wo uld not b e reading this. The p urpo s e o f th e yearbook s t a ff is to help preserve memories of w h a t h a pp en s during high school vears fo r d ecad es t o come. It is the job of these hard \v or king stud ent s to m a k e sure that the events of thi s yea r w ill n o t g o unforgotten Although the class is diffic ult, ever y one on the s taff would agree tha t th e r ewa rd s o f w orking on a real li v e publication ove rco m e the d i ffi culti es
This year, th e y e a rbook turned out well. The staff h a d to d ea l w ith man y difficult challenges such as th e b oo k 's n e w, ex panded advertising se ctio n ., and th e f ull- color photo s throt1ghout the book. Stud ents in yearbook must battle with many challenges s u ch as pictur e taking, quote collecting, bea tin g th e d ea dlin es, and battling the computer so ftwa r e Acco rding to junior Maris s a Pietrafeso the ha rd es t p a rt of ye arbook is " all of the organizati on an d d ea dlin es ."
Not Yo ur Typ e Edi t o r Danny <. lemen t, a Ju nior, hu rriedly typ es uo the vearboo k 's n e\'.1 fo rm a t. , " Being e d i to r ts e xhilir a hn g like sticking yo u r tongue in a lig ht socket," said Danny.
.... ..(
Who o p s tvir. Kelley helps to \-\' e>rk out a fe\.\' kinks \Vith the spread seniors Amber Bl a ke a nd Dewa y ne Hall are trying to finish. "Yearbook is easy once you figure th e s ofhvare out. Be s ides that, the hardest part is the deadlines," stated Blake.
There I s No I In Team Sop ho m o res Arie l H a n sen and Rachel H o ovl e r di s cuss s prea d i dea s ' ' Yearb oo l-- is a gre at c lass !' ' s aid Ra c h e l. " It really for ces you to ivor k vl'i th oth e r p eopl e."
161 I
Bookin' It Sophomore Celia Padilla looks to pre, iou s vearbooks for ideas. "Yearbook is a lot of fun , but it is also hard. You really ha\'e to be dedicated to your s preads and be able to focus," stated Celia.
emons are e l eVI S
Art students at GHS get in touch with their artistic s id es .
What compels a CHS student to take an a rt class? As freshman Kyle Beers put it, '' I took dr awing to become better at it. I love drawing and I am the only one in my family who can do it. " Some are drawn to art because they would like to le arn a new skill while others want to expand their natural artistic talents. According to junior Ke11ny Reed, " I chose art because it is something that most peopl e wouldn't thi11k I do." Whatever the reason, a class where you can express yourself is a more than welcome interruption in the daily reading and writing experience by most high school students. Sophomore Maggie Gillis loves art classes because, " Th ey give you more of an opportunity to think outside of the box." Sophomore Laci Hageman add s, " I like how much freedom \-Ve get in this cla s s. " Whether you are into sculpting, drawing, painting, taking pictures, or even jewelry making, you cottld prob- • ably find an art class that interests you.
Who li v e s In a Pineap p l e Und er
e Sea? Junior Ky le Youn
o n a s cul ptu re of S po nge bo b S qu are p ants in ceramics Sophom o re Raimee Green likes scu
lpting b e ca u se " It is so m u ch fu n to get to h ave y our hand s in cl ay eve ry day."
Developing Minds Seni o r Mike Base m a n devol o p es a roll of film during ph o to g raphy. Accordin g to Sophomore WhitneJ Bo lton, " Pho t og raphy is a\\'C~om e becau s e it g i ve s yo u ne,,· e x p erie nces."
hme n Kimber O ' Brien and Laure n Goh paint to ge th e r Kimb e r s aid, " Pajntin g is way bette r tha n all of the o th e r a rt classe s be cau s e of th e fre e d o m 'vVe can paint \.Vha tever \•.te \\.'an t. " O o dl es o f Do o d les Junior Darcy O ' Donnell and sopho more Jennie Hord , vo rk o n tex tu re s in drawing cl ass. The te x tures th ey crea ted ha d to get prog ressiv ly clo ser together a s the p a p e r v.rent o n Darcv sai d , " Dr av,•in g so und e d rea ll y interes ti ng I jus t tried s till life a nd s h a din g \ Vh i ch , vas reall y h ard ."
Picture Perfect Fre s
•h ,,
Pre tty a s a . Junior Chel s a Kee n ey a n d se ni o r Jam es Anderegg ,v ork toge t her in thei r first h o ur pai nting cl ass. The y w ere a ss inged t o crea t e colo rful l a nd sca p es. Fres hman Lauren Goh like s to pa int during fir s t bloc !,.. becau s e, " Painti n g is a good ,-vay to s t a rt yo ur d ay and g et y our hand s colorfu l. "
Co\'ered in Scales
I·re:-.h1na11 Jered E,,g.tn 8CU lph cl dragl>n in Cercl1niD cine;:,. Fre hman Jesse C,,,tle decided to tat...c an art ddss becau!>e, 'I have ne\ er been abk- lo do it before."
Color me Pretty Sophomore Rachel Hunt use cl computer to ,1dd color to her black and ,\'hitc picture in photograph).
According to Kevin Ly1nan, "1 he good thing about .-irt is seeing \,•hats in your head and ha, ing it come to life."
Dra,vn Together rreshmen Kelly Sebesta and Lilah Strauss help each other \\1 ith depth and shading \\'hile dra,ving circles. ''The dra"' ing experience ,vas totally ~tcllar," said freshman RachaelJoyce
Wheel it Out Senior Jessi Yoakum uses a pottery ,vhcel during cer,unics. She Said, " Art and ceramics are another \\'ay to press vou r:scl f." ,
163 I
CFS where those creative people can go to s h a r e their talents. Cooking, interior design, independent living, and relationships are just some of the areas that the CFS program has to offer. From Food Experience, a great class for beginners, to Pro-Sta rt , an entrance into tl1e professional world of cooking, the kitchens at Golden are hot, hot, hot. Another great class is Creative Foreign and Gourmet Foods Here, students learn about food from different countries and prepare exotic dishes. Sophomore Alex Terry said, "Cooking is an awesome class because you can learn how to cook the best foods , so you don't have to live on Ramen in college. " In Independent Living, students learn how to prepare for life out of the shelter of their parents They learn about insurance, credit, buying a car, and time management. Ever had boyfriend or girlfriend troubles? Then Relationships is the class for you. This class explores the many steps to building healthy relationships and how to maintain them. Interior Design Classes are for the creative at heart. Students learn about lines, shapes, and colors that make a room look its best. Golden offers many creative classes that everyone can enjoy.
II l f I I I
T am1y
CFS has something for everyone, cooking, interior design, independ en t living, and relationships! .
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Ruler Time Sophomore Alex Sea rcy meas ures pape r for the blueprint of his interior d esign ro om . Sophomore Courtney Henk explained th e \.vors t part of relationships, " The hardes t thin g to do is watch the one you love love s omebody else."
( [
Meas ur e Up Freshmen Perry Lang and Ashley Dyer measure the ingredients for th eir pie. Sophomore Melanie Sec ar y commented, '1t' s fun to cook and it' s even mo re fun to cook ,-vith your friends! "
Can It Senior Amy Mor vay dra ins th e ju ice fr om a can of fruit during Food Ex p e rien ces. So pho m ore Mindy Blythe expl a ined , " It' s ftm to coo k and ea t foods fro m differen t countries a nd the bes t part is y ou d o n ' t have to p ay a lot at a res ta urant to e at it.
Talk It Out Gues t s peaker Melind a Reed speaks to the re lahonships cla ss. Sophomore Ashley Chism li s t ens closely Sophomore Kate tvfille n der explained, "Re la tionships is the best class I' ve ever taken here at Golden It was a lot o f fw,, l had a blast."
Spooning Sophomore
Alex Terrv 1nl'c1sures the ,; lemon juice she\\ ill need for her next food in\ ention. "It'd be fun to be c1 chef and \\ ork in 5-!>lilr rest,1urant and hotel!- , ' explained senior Thomas Clark.
Work It Out Mr. \ Vesterkamp and sophon1ore Shelbi Vickcl) \'lll>rk on a blueprint for interior de::.ign. \Vhen asked about his Relationships clas:., senior Tom Ziegler said "I learned not to judge girls by their looks, but you do have to be attracted to the1n to date thc111."
Blend Well Freshman Erin Walth scr.ipt>S out a can of pumpkin filling into the blender. And the best part about a cooking class? "Free food is da bomb," said fresh,nen PC'rri Lmg and Trenton \ anncr.
Brush Strokes Senior Leann Becker paints a room for design. Sophomore Aubrey Tramontina comn,ented, "I lo,1e to paint in interior design, except when it gets on my pants."
lis ten Up Senior Britany Gran qu ist and other s tud en ts lis te n to a presentation in the relationships class. Senior Kellie Lankutis commented, " \ Ale learn t o h ave a h ealthy and s t a ble lifes tyle to ha, ea healthy relationship."
165 I
S t udents show their best in the athletics department, e v en thou gh they desperatly need showers!
Gym class this year is full of spunk. Weightlifting appears t0 be a top favorite. ''I enjoy weightlifting because it's better than the active sports,'' sophomore Kerby Johnson stated. Many of the active sports in gym class include basketball, volleyball, and some badmitten. ''I like that I can get strong for football,'' sophomore Peter Ferrin noted. Many athletic students participate in gym to stay buff. The weightlifting class seems to be enjoyed by the boys who really want to stay fit. Gym is has been known to be a highly liked class as an elective. Many students enjoy it, and for many reasons.
0 • •
See My Power Bryon Burroughs has the best serve in his class.
H ere i t Comes Jared Hanson, a s op h omore trie s hi s hard es t t o serve a ,-vin nin g vo ll ey b a ll game.
Can't Stop Me Joe Jenning s trie s to put a s top t o Marcus Porter's s coring.
1ssL/ere I1ffn'}/{enl
Pass t o Me Loui s Dom in gez is waiting for t h e ball to come t o hi m.
Build Tho s e Musc le s Angelo M ej ia, a so phmo r e, is see n liftin g at hi s b es t.
Lift t,.1an, LIFT Sophomore Peter Ferrin lifL.., his heart out.
Touch Th1i, Joe Jennings gets ready for the big play.
Watch your heads Freshmen Jeff Du\'all and John Vu get ready for the serve.
Bump, Set, Spike Freshman Eryn Oehlert gets ready for a spike.
MVP is a safe place for freshman to talk about issues like drugs, alcohol, and partying. And, of course, to socialize.
Every Tuesday and Thursday, green-shirted kids walk through the halls. Who are these mysterious people? They're MVP leaders. MVP stands for ''mentors for violence prevention''. Juniors and seniors can apply to help new freshmen during a 45-minute period two days a week. Students are encouraged to discuss issues such as partying, drugs, alcohol, and bullying. Freshman Elyssa Silva commented1 '' I really like working with other classes. I wish we did it more often." Sophomores, juniors, and seniors have a mandated reading period during MVP time. Many feel that this time would be put to better use as another access period or be allowed to do homework as well as reading. ''The best way to fix MVP is to make it part of lunch, so lunch is longer1 '' sophomore Katja Jacobs jokes. All in all, MVP is a productive time at Golde11, especially for new freshmen.
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ence IS ol l e swer
" The MVP
d e rs
a lread y
\v , vh a t ,-ve' re
throu gh
r th an t
t o
s ta t ed fres hm an Am a nda Alb re cht. j )1aaLlere Line
pointles s becau se all \·Ve do is s it and read "
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Listen Up Freshmen Paige Mitchell, Megan lv1claughlin, and junior Edwin Lynch have a discussion during MVP. Freshman Jenna Parks commented, "In MVP, we made a 1nap of the school, to show where different cliques hang out. It \Vas really interesting."
-Shir ted Gi rl Se ni o r Al ex Davis pon ders the d iscussi on of he r MVP cl ass.
h ave
been in their freshman year, so the
go ing
its be tte
eac hers,"
It l:Jp Multiple fre s hman in an MVP c la ss are in, olved in this encouraging di scu ss ion Fre shman La rs Burnhan, explain ed the oth e r side o f th e s to ry, '1 thin k
Rol e Pl ay MVP lea d e rs senio r Nick Nittolo, junior Dus tyn Reed , and s enio r S k y Sc hna u tz ro le pl ay with fre s hman Greg Perin Fres hm a n Amy Fli ck expl a in ed," lt ' d be fun to be an MVP leader beca u se I' d like he lp in g incom ing freshm en ."
Circle Up f' rl.!c;hrnen A~hlcy Dyer and Hannah Ander:-on discu::,s high school issues ,,,ith their leaders. Freshnl.lll Alex: Buchler (on1n,ented on any changes to rvt VP. •· I really enjo) tvfVP the \\'c1) it is no," becau:ie I c.1n talk to people 1 kno\\· and learn some different stuff."
Smile MVP leaders senior. Alex Davis and junior Kendra O'Brien laugh '"ith their l\fVP class. Freshman Ann Binns said, "I really enjoy talking ,vith my leaders, they' re ,·cry helpful."
True Leader Senior Amy Braun helps out h<.•r tvfVP ~tudcnts. She explained, "I ,,·anted to be an l\1VP leader because I \\'anted to have a positive influence on 9th graders and sho\\· then, thc1t upperclassmen can be role 1nodels."
Discussion tvtVP leader junior Danny Nelson leads a discussion ,vith freshmen during t\fVP. Senior Danny Stellini st,1ted, "I think it's so important to help incoming freshmen to keep the Golden et ,.,_ ronmt'nt safe anll happy for everybody."
vs . volet.m~ (),(\<\\~(~ 45 \'\\ or" 11 .~~-a' i<·~'":> ~a('("'tS a,,Jl_(\,(.Dt,_ uV')
I \.vould
my leade r if I e, er h ad a p r o bl e m , b eca u s e the) ·d understand me better."
Ci rcle Time MVP leaders se niors Tyler Penne l and Al ex tvlcPherson e n co urage d isc u ss ion by s itting in a circle. Freshman Bree Lus k said, "
feel comfortab le
et. 'I
Structure, shape and technique all count for creating a great masterpiece. In tech-ed, students face many challenges. Senior Jim Holley stated, "Building a roll bar is most challenging. Trying to get the measurements, sizes, and welding correctly is the difficult part.'' Tech-ed is not only about working with tools and creating a piece of work, it also involves many steps before the building process can begin. Figuring out the measurements, shape, and stability have to be thought through with mathematics to create a finished product. Some students find these classes difficult, but many find Tech-ed more as a place to get away from all the school work. Senior Dan Jankoviak said, ''Tech-ed is a fun class because you can make useful things."
""- ,,.,," e T Ul= •
Whether working on a leg for a stool or working with an engine, tech-ed is the place to create it .
L"'l ~-.., f • ~;- Jt
Cutting Away Se nior Andy Spa t z begins his wood work during fourth hour by us ing a t a ble sal\'.
ere r.y/{;j'fffen I
Heard Headed Junior Cody Roden makes sure he ,vears his ;protective gear while working in Wood tech
Sparks Se nior Jus tin Ratcliffe u s es a grinder to m a l e hi s Down and Dirty Seni or Cory Jen sen \,vorks wi th a lathe in seventh piece ju s t right. block m e tals class.
I 7 - r_.,P.:rJ/ , ~·lit'••~..., -" .-- _, ..,. ci,,, ~,,,. l' .,. ,... -· ._,...,___ - -- •. -~~"...... ··~~ .: , ,, ' . ---c- ......., __ .:.. ___ .,;,_, High Speed Sop ho m o r es Wa lte r Gl ass and Dav in Tun learn a ne,.,, computer program in thei r engineering class
Impressions Senior Garin Munroe uses an end mill to create his projL>ct.
Roll out Senior's Darryl Hall and Jim Holley put together a roll bar for metal tech.
Flamming Junior Collin Dumbleton ,velds together two pieces of metal.
171 I
Making a Connection Senior Justin Becker and freshman Ian Merri11 make a robot during engineering.
ti &ren.an'ti ll .,. 'D ( .., i)r, 1,K· 6 "' ?:F., r ... " ,. • '
Left to Right. Michelle Roblee, Sam Prucitt, RenC'e \\lill,1rd, Collin Stell , '.'\ick Baldes'-ari. Not Pictured : Kent l\1ckendry, Ky le Nl c Ke n dry, J amie King, Sam Sipkin, e Paltridge, Logan Prueitt Mr. Aurand, ~1r.-; MacDonald , ~I s. \\'alkin s ha\\, \.atallic Wiltn1an
Jenny Myers, Jeff Hartman, Megan T,,ylor, Andy H annc1nann, Kat Jcn ~cn, Han nah Goedc r t. Heather Becker, Samuel Sipkin, Grace H aug h ain, Katheri n e Row Kelly Lubkcman, JusUn M idyct, Ca t Bush-John s on, <.;a r in l\.1unroc, Er ic C,oldman, Cortney \ Veller, Natalie Wittm a n, Lind sey Ratkie,vio., lv1egan \ Ve ss el , VIUlu1Jonson, Robin Richards, Andrea Domgaard, ~1ic h acl Diener. w I.Dwell Sharp, Robert Gillette, Cody Rex, BradL•n Smith, Kevi n Ly n an1, Lar., Burnham, Nie S,veet, Becki Barned, K a il a ?\,Jo lt, A ndre H art, Jeff lankey, layburn. Mrs. Peters.
Fro nt Ro,, ·: Anna Roman, Amanda Pros, tvfass u pa Pradoe mk.ulchai, Jen Kolm , katherinc Adair, Hanna Goedert, And) Hanneman, l\f s. Madison. \,fiddle Row : Je ss ica Montana, Ramiee G reen, tvlega n S tra dle) , Caitlin Baun,ann, An1y Braun, David Co0pcr, Eric Goldm.1n, Lexi Griffith Back Rov,r · Ke,in Ki ssl er, Jessy K¼ ak, Danny C le n1ent, Ja mes Be ethan,, Bnan E, anko, Keilh \,\'()od. Not Pictured : Erica Mdssac, 5in,on Anderson
Fro nt Ro,v · Andre,v Raybu rn, Shann on D ee p, Andre H a rt, Cody Rex, Danny Stellini, Amy (•lick, Renee \Villard, Jamie King, Susan Lyndsay. Back Ro\\•· Alex Fauble, Zach Fight m as t e r, Kev in L} nan,, !\l a tt Brunel, Connor Sunnneril, Logan Cu,;tcr, Katy KL'll) j Cal 1-lcuber, Jennifer Kolm
I t •
Daniele, Kane Srov1g, Danielle Thiel~n , Suzan Lind s ,1 y, Z.1ch Herr Ro bin e\, c o m e, Ia n Pearce Stacey Zant. Tasha Gray, Ann Binns, Ta ~ha Sin1mon,, ~1att lurquclte
ick Kalinoski, Reed Morelli, Mike Kelly, Nick Dahl, St~phanie G l apa , Sco tt Sch u ser, J ake Eu l er, D u s ti n R eet. tie, Ben EU1otc, Jenna Park, Cody Rex, \Villiam tvtallec, Bryan Bru s enbach
Bacl- Ro\\: Meghan McCarthy, Clare Hud so n , Amy Flt ck, Tyle r Pennel, Zoe Ray, .~lex Buchler, Sterlin~ Len,vay-StO\\ e, Robin Ne,\ comb, Kelly Moms, J C,hea tvlu rphy. ront Row : Kell y Gilas, Le ah Lux, Tani s ha Mann, Bcthan) Blar, Ray Grant, SpencQr rlo,\'er, Inn l'v1t.•1-rill, Rrooke Paln1er, Laura Newcome
Stephanie Adair
• Steph,
These last fe,\ years have been incredible ¼'1th you, I ne\ er knev-. I could lo, e so mebod y so much. And no n1atter ,\ here hfe take s u s after high schoo l I ,.._ 111 al,-vays be there for yo u , for the rest of my hfe 1 Lo, e Al,\·ays, Zach
Stephanie Adair
You've been a great s is ter and I' m very proud of you.
B} tl1e v. ay, you may ha, e a s maller ,vaist, but I ha, e longer leg s.
Love lots, Le s lie
Stephanie Adair
You have al,vays been such a happy child - continue to ha, e fun even when life gets complicated!
Love, Mom & Dad
Stephanie Adair
Your' re the best sister I could ask for, and thanks for looking out for me Life ,vould have been prett} bonng \\ 1thout} ou, and I'm sure } ou have no idea \\ hat you'd do \\ 1thout me 1 Fol10,v1ng 1n) our footsteps 1s going to be hard, but I'll do my best Lo\e , , Kahe
Stephanie Adair
Ever} day you have impressed us v.·1th your ability and confidence There 1s no doubt in our minds that you v. ill succeed 1n ,, hate,~e r you choose to do in your l ife.
Love Al,vays, Mom&Dad
Kaitlin Tripp-Addison
Little Tootle
You ha\ e ah, a,·s been one to n1ake us laugh, from beabng the neighbors,\ 1th inflatable cars to the unforgettable Jumbo Frank Let ) our humor be) our guide th rough life and you ,, 111 ahvays succeed Best of lucl-. 1n the future; ,ve knO\\ you" ill make us proud'
Kaitlin Tripp-Addison
We love you very much and know that you will a lways make good choices in life Your fun loving wit and sp i rit i nspire a ll around yo u L ive ,v1th passion and commitment to your tr u e feeh ngs, and you will ahvays be ha p py and s u ccessful.
D ad, Mom, Megan, and Dar,v1n the Dog
Brooke Agrodnia
Dear Brook,
)our are about to move into a ne" phase of your hfe, nc, friends, different envi ronments, and ne" mountains to climb! You are \ en precious to all of us and the light of our It\ es. Remember ""e love vou and " ' ill be there for you, no n1attcr ,vhat 1
All Our Love, Mom & Dad, Matt. Tomm), & Karlt
1ao 7-lere SV Ij/(;;'}/{'en I
I '
4RC- Amy, Holly, and Laura
Gator Freak, Col umbu s Da 1, l\ loulin Rouge, 81 ll), Ta, lor' s 8 -Da, present. ET., Iv11nn1sod1ans, \11ch ael Jack~on Puml1n , brand ne\\ 1umper cables, shu nnin g Ken , a nd all the great tin1es 1n Steamboat I \\ 111 never forget all the tim es \ \ e shared or the parhes \\ e c r ashed (the D U Reunion) The 4R C ,\ tll h\ eo n ' Lo\le, Kendra
Michelle Asmussen
Thanks for being my fi s hing buddy, tho se were so me grea t moment s ,, ith) ou. I' m proud of vou 1 Good luck., I kno,\ you ,vill ,, in the ,, orld over because rou are vou ., Lo,e , Dad
Michelle Asmussen
He} 81g S1s. I don ' t kno,v ,vhat to do , hen you go to college I ,, 111 never forget all of the v.•o nderfu l time s ,ve' , e had to ge ther I could never ask for a better s is ter than vvhat you've been I lo\ e \ ou v, i th all m y heart' Lo\ e, Ka> 1) nn
Saad Baradan
\Ve a re s o proud of yo u Saad. Keep up t he hard'" ork, so you can ach i eve ) our goal 1n life
Remember to a l v. ays take the nght dec1 s 1on 1n hfe. Stay true to\ ourse l f, and enjoy life 's ad, enture \ Ve l o\ e you, Dad, Mom , and Kie s
James Anderegg
Dear James,
\.\ hen you \\' ere born it ,va~ the best thing that c, er happened to m e. I have ven n1uch enjoyed \\'a tching) ou grO\\" into becoming a young n1an and I'm ,er, proud of ,vhat you've becorne so far 't ou \\·ere suc h a happy httle boy "1th a kind and loving heart '\o\\ ' you're becoming a young man \\ ho I hope\\ 111 find his true self and the joy and fulfillment in the vears to come • Lo ve, Dad
Michelle Asmussen
Shell, You ha, e been m\ e, e ryth1ng , pal, friend , s hould e r to cr, on We ha, e h ad so me of the ., g re atest l aug h s Be ca u se o t , our s mile, you ha, e ,, o n mj h ea rt and man\ h ea rt s aro und \ ou, J ne, er lo se that grea t perso nal1t} I lo,e }O U ,,1th all m> heart, Love , Mom
Heather Baker
Heather, We are so proud of, ou! )ou ha, e al\\ a, c; had the courage and determ1nat1o n to follo,\ , our heart VVe kno,, \ ou \\ tll be s ucce ssf ul 1n ,, hatever) ou seek to accomp li s h Remember to ah, a} s look for\, ard and ne\ er look back. The be s t 1s , et to con1e 1 Lo\e, Mom, Dad , L1nd s c) , A s hle1
Julienne Bauer
Juh , Your s mile hghl s up th e room and fill s up our he ar ts Yo ur quirk} s ense of humor, your enthusiasm for hfe, } our determination to do } our best amaze and delight u s Let life to u ch } our heart and fee d you r s pirit. And lau g h all th e,, a} 1
Love , Mom & Dad
- •"4 -~-,.-~_.....,."'l'_-P_ -~ -'Vt r, • • - .:. .-J ~----=-----=--~--,._ -"::"'-"- __:_~ - •
I ,. f: ,, II 181
Dane Benoy
He\ Dane 1 J
I'm glad that you ,vere my big brother all this time. I hop e you have fun at co lle ge & stu ff Hav e a good time
P.S. Leave Alread 1 !
Dane Benoy
You sure ha\ e come a long way si n ce yo ur first trip to Colorado. Reach for the sta r s ! Love, Mom
Kati Bill
Kati Bill (m} loverfacet
You' re leaving me to fend for m yse lf, but yo u \r\ on't be far. I really don't knovv vvl-,e re or ,vho I'd be without yo u Thank yo u! ever Forget: Ra1nbO\.i\' stix, cotto n ca nd y, "babe I got the pad s", the "g rr" face, FOOTBALL! And mo st of all BAD BOYS 4 LI FE. Lo ve forever & a da y. Your Fairy godmother EM
Amber Blake
Lul u , Wovv! We made it! I co uldn ' t have been able to make 1t thro u gh witho ut yo u. I am so luck y to have a friend like you in m y life. You h ave al\l\.·ays bee n there for me , through the good and the bad Good luck in the future I kno,,v yo u ' ll make it far.
I Love You, Kiki
Dane Benoy
You make u s p r o ud every day H o ld on to your dreams and s hoot for the s ta r s. You are so s pecial.
We l ove you, Mom & Dad
Dane Benoy
I coul dn ' t sta nd yo u w hen I first met yo u , and I wo nd ere d h o\.v I \.Vas going to deal wi th you for 4 years. O"\.V I' m vvondering "vhat I' ll do witho ut yo u You ' re like my little brother, and I love you tons You' r e definitely "afro datable " ~ who's a booboo?
Love, Amber
Amber Blake
Snu g-a -bu g
We are so proud of all yo u have become We a l,vays knew you wo uld eme r ge an independent, intelligent, a nd brave yo un g ,voman. Co ntinue to explore you r world with the sa m e e nthu sias m . You always find yo ur way and sti ll yo u n eve r cease to a m aze u s. Lo ve Al\.i\rays, Mom and Papa
Shawna Bond
You ' re an exceptional girl. Keep yo ur po si tive attitude, high energy le ve l and go al s in s ite Think \ \Ti th yo ur head and love \.i\rith yo ur heart. Alwa ys b e true t o yo ur se lf. We are very proud of yo u and yo ur accompli s hments. We l ove yo u \.i\7 ith all our hearts.
Love, Mom and Dad
1a2 Llere iy Ip{;;'Jlfen I
Ariel Blakeman
I m really proud of the way rou are growing up and I know that yo u ' re going t o go on to great, exciting, and maybe fancy things
I love yo u much, Ami.
Ariel & Yankee
You Take My Breath Av:ay!
Ariel Blakema n
You ' ve al\.vay s known your o,:\ n mind and been ready to Jump into your future. I t' s ""'-onderful that you take on hfe ,v1th s o much passion You ' re an amazing per s on, \•ve love you and are so proud!
Mom and Dad
Ariel Blakeman
Anel (al-.a Pan s), You are the mo s t unbelie, able girl I have ever met.I ' ll ne\'er forget our all nighter s, " ba seball ", long talks, Cheyenne, ba) route, Denn y's, illegal bathing s uits, " that s's hot", boa s, BOOM, Lo -Do, my one talent, and . T 1.t 1111 s Ju s t remem, ber evef) thing happen s for a rea s on , and you ' re beautiful, duh 1 I' m going to ba,vl ID) e y e s out ,-vh e n y ou lea, e tor college and remember that I lo, e} a , I' m here for\ ou , a nd !'Ye al" a ys g ot, o ur back. Lo, e \ a Ah\ a, s, Yankee ,
Matthew Blain-Hartung
We are very proud of the person you have become. You have always chosen the path that 1s right for you. Continue to pursue you dr eams We love you .
Arner, Amy Braun
You are amazing! The jo urne y from that painfull y s h y little girl, to the s trong leader you've become i s nothing s hort of incredible! You've made u s so proud. Continue to se t yo ur ovvn goals high, as yo u 've proven that vou can s urpa ss th em. Alvvays go with God, and remember we love yo u .
Mom & Dad.
Matthew Blain-Hartu ng
We have loved\\ atching you grovv up . Jusl becaus e you can beat us up no,v doesn ' t mean you aren ' t sti ll the baby' It ha s been a blast gro,,v1ng up as your proud s iblings and knovv you ,,vill succeed in everything you do Love forever and al\•vays, Ash and ate
Amy Braun
Yamm} , I am so proud of you . You are a much better person that I vvill ever be, and I admire you . I love you with a ll my heart, & I kno,'\· you will go far in hfe . I love you Amers.
Love, Kay Kay
' 1 - - - - - - ,,- ,., -··· .,.,.._. ,_,_,_.._. -:• '' - - A ••&JI--=-- ':::.=_ -
183 ' ,, ' 11 II
Zachary Bresler
Dear Zach
This ones for \ ou I You are \ er} spec ial , respectful, intelligent, handsome, ) ou ha\ e beauhful e, es, S\,·eet dimples, and a grea t s mile, } our are a g reat athlete, \ en su pp orn, e and lets not forget lots of fun
Ord ,._ e lea\ e an\ thing out? We\\ ish ) ou the , en best to our first gra nd son Love you \ e11 much PaPa and Gramm1e
Zachary Bresler
T h e vvo r ld hes before you, so u se it vvi s e ly I am very pro u d of yo u Yo u a r e a fi n e g r andso n
I am here for you a l v:ays. Ju s t ca ll 1-800-GRA DMA! We all l ove yo u an s
Zachary Bresler
Dc.ir Zach , You h.1n• .1h, a ) , lx'l:n the hght of m~ hfo Your !..ind genii\.' .1nJ ,in(X'r,:• ~pint h.i-. ,hinl,-d thnlugh smce you ,, crl' a httk• gu y, and contmu,.,. to ,hint.! to this day I can ' t tell you hem man) 11mc, Pl-Opl,• tell nw what .1 grc.1t youni; man you arc, and that ;ilom.• m,· -,on 1, the grcatl>SI comphmcnt a p.ircnt c,m rl'C\!1, c I .1m ,;o proud ot ) ou .ind I wi,h you thl' very bl.'st that hfo can l>rmg for your future Al\\'.l)" remember thv quot.- from onl' ot our f.:wontc l>ool..s. l "111 lcn e )OU lor,•,·l'r .ind hlo.t• you tor .1Jway,.i, long ,b I'm II\ mg my D.lD) you ll be Good Lud. and God Bil..,., you ,1h, .iy, LOH' ~fom
Zachary Bresler
Even though you a s ked 1f I was going back to t he hospital ,vhen I \Vas 2 \veeks old, \Ve', e shared a lot of m emories. I couldn't have asked for a better brothe r, and best fncnd!
I'm going to m iss you but I know you ,v1ll succeed 1n w h atever you do ' I love you!
Ah,vays, Lex
Zachary Bresler
D ea r Z a ch , Congrats t o th e bes t bi g b r oth er in t h e w h ole wor l d Love yo u so m u c h .
L ove Always Gabby
Zachary Bresler
Zach, Co n gratula ti o n s so n If , ve a ll end u p b e ing Ju dged b y h o , v good a person we a re yo u ' r e in l uck! I co u ld n 't be pr oud er of yo u and the amaz ing m an you've become. Best of s u ccess, a n d kn o,"-· t ha t I' m a lways wi t h you 1n s p i r it. I l ove yo u , Z. Fath
Zachary Bresler
H ey L itt l e P a l ,
K i sses f ro m H e a ve n
In Lo v i ng M e mo ry of Pap a J o hnn y
Kayley Byl
We 11 s i s, the time ha s co me to say g ood b ye to th e li tt l e l e a g u es a nd jo in the bi g ti m e Yo u h ave s urpri s ed m e o v er the years vv ith y o u r tal e nts. G ood lu ck w itl, li fe and re m e m ber I' m a l w a ys y ou r " bi g bro! "
L ov e Al w a ys,
C a se
184 Llere y Ijf{;;;JfenI
Kayley Byl
You will a lw ay s be our " Little Princess !" You are s u ch a beauhful and bright s hining s t ar! You have alwa ys made u s s o v ery pro ud Ma y a ll y ou r dream s come true! We lo v e y ou so much
Chelsea Catron
To my httle Dal,u Lama my b..>st tnend , m) second sister, m) blue C) ed beaut)~ m) Chet:eh It 1s so hard to beheve that you are Fli'\'ALLY graduatmg' It -m-. like 1ust y~terday we were g,, mg eachother " tra1lortrash makeovers ," and setting up bancad~-s on bndges m the middle of the nigh t \ \ 'e have so man r amazing memories and outstanding ms1dl.' JOke-., )' Our friendship is so valuable and speaal to me I could IT) to n ame all of the good bmes and memones here but the hst would literall} take up halt of the yearbook ! Plus, you already J..nO\\ what they arc and I am ronfident you won t be forgetting an) thing anytiml.' soon. You are the best listener, and the best friend I ha, c C\'er known So Chels, congratulations' I am"° proud of you! I love) ou 1 -Your Chong (Ambo) p., ucheech? \\'ill you tuck me m?"
Chelsea Catron
O ur s pir ited littl e grand -da u ghter that ha s brought u s s o much JOY a nd happiness Cong r atulations dear Chelsea! We are s o proud of yo u!
Lo ve,
Yo ur "sp iffy " G r a ndm a & Gra ndp a McKee
Chelsea Catron
So it's time for yo u to pedal off on yo ur own. I know yo u ' ll be nothin g shor t of fab ulou s. Always stay true to yo ur self an d fo llo w yo ur heart. I' m so proud o f yo ur accomplishments & p ass i o n s fo r life! You a r e the s un 1n m y every day. I' m a l way s here for you
Love You, Mama
Emily Callinicos
Chelsea Catron
To the v ery be s t owner a vveenee dog cou l d e v er h av e. Cong ratulations ! Be s ure to come home & vi s it me often Lov e, Your Little M iss Sa ss ifr a ss (Sassy)
Chelsea Catron
You have a l ways had a different outlook on life One of th e man y things I love about y ou!
Congrats - Love, Dad
Chelsea Catron
My little s leeping beauty Wake up and ca11 y o ur mom! Love Yo u , Mama
.' , -- - II ,,.,.. _, -,, • •- ••..--..· - - - - -- ..::_-~------ -
, 1 : JI fl ' 11 II 185
Chelsea Catron
Chels-1 don't et en kno" ho,, to thank you for e\ef) thing )Ou',e done for me 1 We', e had so man) moments and ttmes together it's unbehe, able' Through thick and thin, I've come to you Girls nights, dance parties, <;omettmes 1n parking lots. tailgating, football and baseball gan-les, deahng \\ 1th bo) s, m, car getting smac:.hed Prom '05 and so much more' But "ho could forget the Tripod' I love ) ou st, eetheart and ) ou re the sis ter I ne, er had I l <>H Spenrer Pew,
Danielle A. Clark
Congratulations' You are the fir s t of us to graduate from high school. We are very exited that this day has finally arrived. We hope that you are going far away to college. We're tired of s haring a bedroom and plan to take over yours!
Your loving brothers, Bryan and Brandon
Danielle A. Clark
A s our first grandchild you hold a specia l place in our hearts
The time we s pend w1tl1 you brings us joy and happiness! College will bring yo u ne¼' cha ll enges and exciting adventure s. Enjoy each new experience life bring s to you.
Love Always, Grandma and Grandpa
Thomas Clark
TC. (Thomas)
Thanks for being my big brother and \vatch1ng out for me Thank you for always being there every time I wanted to thro\v a football. You have taught me a lot Good luck and I \v1ll miss our football games together
Love, J.C. Oen)
We are done' I don't think I could ha\ e gone through the last four years ,vithou you You guys are my best friends and I don't kno,, ,vhat I ,, ould do \\'tthout you Thanks girls Love ah, a) s, Alex
Danielle A. Clark
It's been an amazing 18 years \vatch1ng you gro,, into the ,,·onderful young ,,oman you are toda, You have ,vorked extremely hard , and ,ve are proud of your accomplishments 1n academics, sports, communit} serv ice and leadership Reach for the s tars , thev are ,,·1th1n your g r as p ! All our lo, e, tvtom Dad
Thomas Clark
This is your big step! Yo u h a,·e I overcome n1any hurdles i n yo u r 1 life a n d pursued many d reams We have always been proud to call you our son. eve r forget your past but look to,va r ds yo u r successful future.
Thomas, ·
O u r love, Mom and Dad
Thomas Clark
To all of the football coaches and teamma tes-
I ,vant to thank yo u for yo ur ,-vords of \ visdom, enco ur agemen t and fr iendsh ip ove r these past 3 yea r s. I wis h you a ll a successful future. I feel ve ry privileged to have bee n ab le to p lay ,v i th the best.
T.C. #3
Marissa Copan
\ou are our "EASY RIDER ." We hope you conhnue to li ve your hfe to the fulle s t and may yo ur angels prote c t you!
Lo\-'e, Mom, D a d + Xan, Liz, and Ra y
Marissa Copan
We alvvays kne¼' you had lots of boun ce! Kee p sm ilin g - ,ve're proud of you.
Love, Mom, Dad, + Xan
Joey Cowen
I'm so glad that I asked) ou to sad1e's freshmen } ear You are the best thing that has ever happened to me 1\lo matter"' hat the situation } ou are ah,,ays there fo r me Thank you for every th ing I love you so much. \Ve've been through so much and had so man} memones, and I kno,, that there are many more to come You \\'Ill ah, ays be my best fnend no matter \\here 1n the ¼'orld yo u are - good luck "1th eve rything, I lo, e you so much. Love ah,,ays and forever, Ta
Amber Curry
Even th o u g h I keep telling yo u I can' t wait for yo u to l e av e, I' m reall y going to mi ss yo u ! Good lu c k and ha ve fun !
Lo ve, Steph
Marissa Cop an
" Profe sso r Marissa turn s children at the bus stop int o sto nehenge1 " You \"-'Ill go f ar 1 Lo\e, Aunt anc}, Mon1. + Dad Liz + Xa n
Alex Corsi
Dear Alex,
You have a great s p1r1t of ad\ enture and se n se of h um or , -vh 1ch
"" ill se rve you ¼·ell 1n an) thing you choose to do 1n the future Yo u r friend s and famil) l ook up to you. H a, e so me fun, don't ,vork too hard and ah\ ays look a h ead
Love, Mom, Dad, and Hilar}
Joseph Cowen
Joseph, ) ou have brought so much JO) to this fami!\ Your ab1ht\ to lo, e everyone uncond1tionally ah, a) s amazed us We admire) our 1ntegnt) , your passion for life, and your compassion for other people
We ,,·1sh you success 1n) our next 1ourne) and ah\ a} s remember that your farnil} 1s ,v1th \'OU
Love you, Dad, Mom, Enc, and Ca1thn
Amber Curry
Amber, Wo,v ho" can 18 years go b) so fa st? I t's hard to behe, e 1t' s time to adnut you're all grO\\ n up \.Vith your ambition and dnve, "e kno,\ ; ou'll go far, having fun all the \Va) 1 We love) ou and" ill ah\'a\s be here to help ,, henever, ou'll let u s
All our lo, e, Morn and Dad
J J I - - · .,. ,,, , , , _ - ·_ -··~ ...,.......,.....___~ ....,~--~------~- ~"
I ' ,)j
187 ,. I' 11 ' 11 II
Amber Curry Logan
Al ¼ ays re m e mb e r o ur fi rs t huk a $, th e rid e h o m e (se mi 's a r e BAD ), And y's a nd m y a n k le, EL' s, a nd o ur \\'a lk o ft g irl s n ig ht s, c ra zy d a n ce p a rti es, a nd e ndl ess b oy tro ubl es
Logan Custer
Yo u ha v e alwa ys v alued people for w ho the y are, not what the1 do Th ey look 1ns 1de each of u s a nd fi nd v,:hat i s good , then y o..1 a r e able to find the wa y to make u s s mil e and s ee the fun s ide o f hfe. I am v ery proud of y ou Love, Da d
Yo u a re m y b es t fri e nd , and th e g re at es t br o th e r th a t I could eve n ima g in e h a , in g ! K ee p ma k in g p eo pl e la u g h , a nd n ev er le t t hat goof) s mile of f yo u r face.
L ove yo u fo r eve r s hm oo k
Katie Dabbs
Co n g r a tulah o n s Ya nk ee we n eve r d o ubt e d yo ur a bilit y a nd kn o \,v yo u v. ill s u ce ed at w hateve r yo u put yo ur mind t o. Foll ow y our he a rt a nd build a g r e at life
Love, M o m a nd D a d
Yankee Dabbs
Yankee- (\Vildcat) "vh partntJr 1n cnme I don t !.. now \,he re I \,ould be 1n m) hfo without \Ou You , c .ih, ays been there for me when l re all) needed ~omeonc Thanks tor e\'en thing'
You artJ .,uch J strong and beautifu l gi r l who can make 1l through anv th1ng and I admirtJ you so much for that I'm going to m,,._ ,ou like craz) m college- wha t \\ ill I do wi thout m) other half'' Denn) ·sat 4 J m ., boot\ calIm' Che, enne, 800\-1, •· the gJme C,ucc1, LoDo, Tw i ns' I wi~h you the best of lucl-. 1n eve') t hing \ ou do I love\ ou duh'
Ancl (Pans)
P.S. Remember the onlv th i ng a gir l should chJ-.c is .i shot 1
Logan Custer
M y budd y , wh o has bro u ght s o mu ch joy and laughter to m y life h as turned into an amazing y oung man \ v h o ha s pract ic al1 1, on a dail y ba s i s, b r ought and \ v ill co ntinue to bri n g , joy and la u g hter to countless o t her pe o pl e. L ove Life Bab y !!! Yo ur mo s t pr o ud adoring fan , MOM
Katie Dabbs
Cody Ryan Dahm
Cod y, \ Ve vv i s h y o u life 's be s t. H ope y ou make all the right deci s ion s 1n yo u r l ife , a n d yo ur fu tu r e ho l d s \v h at y ou wo ul d like it to be .
We Love Yo u , a nd God b l es s y ou Mom and Da d
1aa Llere SV Iy/(Jufen l
Amy Danek
Ames, Read} Bettv' Ice cream dates, inhalers,llamas, all games, sunglasses, Berm1ce laugh, holler back girl and tons more craz\ blonde moments \\'Ouldn't , be the same\\ 1thout you' 'tou're m)
He} Romeo budd\, m} best friend and the sister I'\ e ah, avs ,, anted
Thank you for being so amazing and for ah ays being there I can't "a1t for memories to come'
LO\ e ah, ay<; & forever, Chels
P.S do \\e ha, e to pee yet'
Amy Danek
S1ssv, ,
We loved sha nn g ou r lives ,,v 1th } o u , even 1f you ah'\. ays d id catch the b igges t fish w i th your stupid little snoopy fish i ng pole! We have so man} s p eaa l memories of you a h vayz the r e t o cheer us on 1n all o u r sports, ec t. To bab} Amy, \Ve love yo u a n d we \Vil be here \'\. heneve r you need u s .
Brad &Dave
Alex Davis
A, I can ' t b e l ieve th a t we are b o l th don e w ith h g h sc h oo l and yo u ' ll b e s ta rtin g co ll ege ju s t as s o o n a s I a m fini s h i n g. Yo u ' ll h ave fun i n sc h oo l but d on't p a rty to o h a rd
Love y o u l o ts, Zach
Alex & Cheryl
Che~! &A lex
Wo , \ I dont even kno\, \\ he re to begin You rn•o are the best fnend anyone could eve r ask fo r We ha\ e had so many g rea t memories, College boys of co urse , Breckenri d ge, "Oh m} ga\\. d",
Dnve t hroughs an d so much more
Thank you for al½•ays being t heir for me a nd I can' t ,-va1t to see ,, hat e lse 1s ahead of us even if it is iust us three
Love, Kayley
Amy Danek
Sis , ,ve are all so proud of} ou, seeing all that} ou ha\-e accomplished 1s 1ncred1ble You'\ e touched so man\ Ii\ es \\ 1th gifts 1n music, dance, basketball, softball, soccer, and much more Most importantly, \\,e respect }OU for } our bnllant mind and values You are trul} the apple of our e} e Our lo\e, Mom,Dad, Brad, and Oa\ e
Amy Danek
To our vet) s p ecial little girl, who h as more n i ck names than a n yo n e Yo u n ever cease to amaze us. You have a heart tha t reac h es o ut to whoeve r 1s 1n need, never putting yo u rse l f fi r st. O u r h u gs a n d k isses, love and b lessings.
Mo m and Dad
Alexandrea Davis
A l ex, yo u a r e so be ua ful in si d e and o u t. Yo u r smile war m s ou r h ea r ts and everyo n e th at yo u m eet. We a r e so po ud of yo u and w ill a h.._ ays s u p p ort yo u as yo u fo ll ow yo ur drea m s, hve l ife to t h e full es t. We l ove you 1 Mom, D a d , a nd Zach
Ariel Demerest
H ow ve r y mu ch yo u are l oved. Mo m
-.. ,.. ,.,, ,,,,.. ,,, , - -· - ---:---·--___..........._ .,_....._.. --~- ....:....::-_ ~:-
I' ,, fl II II 189
Cheryl D'Epagnier
Cheryl,Infl atable pants, un1bro,,·s, Chepha n1 e and Stepha1y l, "Do n ' t spn n g a leak!," man) noses, the bat game, BOYS 1 We have so man} funn) e)..penences and c ra z) 1ns1de Jokes
We h ave an unforgettable fn e ndsh1p,) ou a re a \vonderful person and m) best fnend 1 Stephan ie
Cheryl D'Epagnier
Wov;! You are s u ch a beautiful, outgoing, and talented perso n v.~1th an amazing s pirit. I v.1i s h yo u the ab so lute be s t. I know that yo u v.ri ll do grea t thing s. I love yo u v,,1th all of m y heart and I ah,vays have yo ur back. Ju s t remember, yo u ' ll al\vays be m y little Cherbear
Your Big Sis- Tin-Tin
The Fab Four
vVhat a grea t time these past fou r yea rs have been So man} g rea t memories, COLLEGE BOYS 1 Fri sco, The H obbit, getting ch ased b} big red trucks, fl ac;h1ng and mooning experiences, block parhes, STAGES, The Mesa, nights a t Blakelee's house, lunchtime t alks, and so much more The days ahead of u s,., 111 hold so man} more memones!
Lo,e, Kayle} , Alex, Chef} 1 , Blakelee
Tom Firth
Tom , You have been bles s ed ,.vith the gift of mu s ic Let it g i ve you peace, harmony, and success. You can do anythin g yo u believe in Reach for the stars !!
Lo ve you forever, Mom
Cheryl D'Epagnier
Cheryl, we are so proud of you' Keep yo ur enthusiasm and follow your dreams. We wish you s u ccess and much happiness in life. Thanks for all of the fun bmes we' ve had together We l ove you very much and will alway s be here for yo u Mom and Dad
Maggie Jo DuVall
Wow! Look how far yo u have come You will always be my Little Miss Muffet. I love you Maggie Jo Mom
Alex Fauble
You have come a long way s ince this picture v.ras taken We are proud of yo u and love yo u very much Show the vvorld v.1 hat you can do, Alex. Be happy 1 Lo ve, Mom and Dad
Tom Firth
Wow, I can t believe we have n,ade it thi s far ! We've been through so much together Lifo without vou will seem really uneventful You ne\'er failed to keep thing s interesting. Thanks for your endless su pport and advice I kn ow at tim es it mav be hard to believe, but I really look up to you You mean the world to me and you have made s uch an amazing impact on m) hfe Be careful, be safe, and reme mber that I ,vill always love you Your adoring sis ter, l\1aura
190 Llere 'V Iy/(;;'J!!en I
Tom Firth
Thanks for helping me climb to the tree hou se and flying throug h the air on the z ip line. You were a l vvays the first to try anything! Best lu ck to my big brother!
Love, Madison
Friends Forever
Fnends 4e\·er, A fnend is someone ) ou can do absolutely notlung \vith and still ha\ e fun I "' ant to thank all my fnends for ALWAYS being there for me Anna-- I \'\ 111 never forget singing Christn1as Carols for Girl Scouts. You are a\, esome Dan,elle- you have been there s ince the beginning You are incredible "C layton' " And ,,·ho could forget the remarkable Beth' U+~1E= U5 111 XOXOXO, Terra Reed
Matt Garrett
Mattie- Lil BRO·
You are such a great kid' You mal-.e me laugh, you help me hhen I am sad and you've ah, ays been there for me You are the greatest little brother anyone could have and I knO\\ that your dreams will come true I can't" a,t to see ,,vhat life bnngs you Good luck \,,th everything
Love, Captain Cupcake
P.S. We sho uld SO go to Bonaroo this summer!
Matt Garrett
1\iice hair 1 I'm sure \Ve \vill be going to more soccer games long after you graduate because \Ve kno\, ho,v mu ch you love the game. Ju st don't get ''that one look" in your eyes if somebody thinks they are tough enough to push you from behind. Rememb er to "get ahead" instead of "gettin g even"!
Love, Mom and Dad
Tom Firth
Congratulations, Torn! Remember- it is the si mple pleasures of life that \vill sustain you and bring you happiness!
Love, Dad
Louis Garramone
Louie, You are the JO} of our In es, and ) ou have made us , en proud Your creat1v1t}, talents, and sense of humor are outstanding, and \\ e kno\, \ ou \\ 111 be successful at \\ hate, er) ou choo5e to do ,n life LI\ e hfe to the fullest, keep the faith, and have fun Ln e \vell laugh often, lo\ e much We,, 111 ahv,n s be here for \ ou and \\ e love ) ou ve0 much God bless } ou, tv1om and Dad Mom and Dad
Matt Garrett
PD Boy:
Keep this sense of humor throughout your hfe We are so proud of the yo un g man you have become. Just remember -. whe r e yo u put all yo ur stuff and yo u ' ll be fine. We love yo u l ots and thanks for all the laugh s! You knothead!
Love , Morn and Dad
Matt Garrett
It's \veird to think that) o u are already graduating from high schoo l. We have had some good times betvveen the nvo of us I hope ,ve stay this close all throughout life You sense of humor ,vill ahvays keep me laughing Good luck ,vith \vhatever you do!
Love ya, Dana
I 'fl"" .r -,, · _ -·, --• ..,.. ._~,. _______... ·-I • - • • "-- -_ __-
191 I' 11 II 11
Stephanie Gaugio
Stephanie, We could not po ssi bly be more proud of how yo u have grown from our prin cess to a re s pons ible, beautiful, lo v ing yo un g lad y You ca rry the bes t of u s and Nicki 1n yo ur h eart, and yo u will be s u ccessful in whatever yo u do. God Bl ess You Love Mom and Dad
Martella Gillis
Sometimes we' re rea l c lose friend s, we s tay up late and t a lk at rught. Other time s we don ' t ge t a long, there are even hmes we fight. But, I know s he s always there and I know s h e'll a lways care. Sh e's my s is ter. I lo ve m y s is ter Maggie and James
Martella Gillis
Bones, you ca n , you can. Your family loves you very mu ch. We are very proud of you.
Mom, D a d , M aggie, Jame s, Katie , Motto , a nd Jackson
Mitchell Gillespie
Mit ch , Your s trength of character and loving per sonality are always s hinin g You are discovering ho,v p ovverful you are Always remember the JOY, fun, and energy you can create a lone or with others, as yo u hav e done over the last year. Th e Uruve rse 1s yours to d1Scover. ENJOY " We love yo u xoxo
Martella Gillis
Mart-Mart , Thank you for being such a great kid. You a re a tru e treas ure . Think with your heart. Make good cho ice s. Don ' t be s tupid!
Love, Mom
Sarah Gizinski
Sa rah , I know you' ll mi ss me and Matthew Broderick and m y wonderful clarinet pl aying and m y Simm s game while you ' re away a t college. Actua ll y, I ' ll mi ss yo u too a nd yo ur friend ship
Your Fa,1 orite Sister, Kendall I
Sarah Gizinski
Sarah, Time went by too fast and I' ll miss you while yo u ' re in co ll ege. You ' ve a lw ays been so swee t to me Good lu c k in co lle ge and thank you for letting me have your room ! Love your bes t s is te r, Alys s a
Sarah Gizinski
Sarah, We can' t believe it' s time to graduate a lre ady. We ' re very proud of you. Thi s is jus t the beginning Remember always your favorite poem, " footprints," you' re ne ver alone
Congratulations, Your Loving Parents
192 Llere 'V~'JJfenl
Sarah Gizinski
Sarah, I could have never imagined that our friendship could have blossomed into something so perfect. I truly couldn ' t be happier lvith any other angel , no ,\ ords could explain Love You, Rob Long
Garrett Gleaton
There may be other great superheroes, but none can compare ,, ith our ov;n " Snorkular Figure! "
Love, Grandma Helen, Aunt Sandy, Aunt Ruth, Uncle Lowell , Josh, Kate, Meghan, Brian, and Kevin
Garrett Gleaton
Rat Boy, Spidey, or G-Unit, We are very excited that you made it!! We kno\.\ that many great things ,vill come to you You ¼ ill always be our hero!!
Love Ya, Chad, Talon, and Erin
Michael Gochis
Thank you for all the joy and happiness you have brought into our hves. You are great 1n so many ways and vve are proud.
Love, 'vtom and Dad
Stephanie Glapa
Dear Stephanie, Your hard work a nd determ1nahon are reflected in y our accompli s hment s during the s e pa s t four y ears at G H S We wi s h } ou happine ss, eAc1tement, and s u c cess 1n y our future e ndeavors
Love , Dad, Mom , and Kri s tina
Garrett Gleaton
Our Baby 1s Graduahng 1
We are ver} proud of y ou You have made u s laugh for 18 y ears and I'm s ure for many, man} more You have al½ a ys had a s pecial s pirit. Remember \\ ho y ou are and ,v hat y ou s tand for We love you very much.
Mom and Dad Garrett Gleaton
We have been be s t friend s for a s long a s I remember I don ' t kno,v \.\' hat , -ve ,vould do \J\' 1thout Spidey. Good luck in the future and s tay 1n touch
Love you Ii ke a rock
Your biological s tep-brothers Philip and Marcu s
Brit Granquist
,, o: c.,n t bdll'' o: it .•• our ) 'OungL,.,t ,1,to:r 1s all grown up It ~-cm, hko: 1u,t) L"turda) \,hen,,,:\\ erv , to:aling) our new b..1rb1,:,- .1nd m,11.Jng you pla) with tho: kglc,,.!> OllL' or g1, ing) ou ,hotgun onl) on l onday" You ' \ L' \\'OrJ.. >d ,o h.u-d to m,,J..._, 1t to th1, pomt and \,l!' f\• s.o proud of you You f\• trul) an amazing per-on .md \\ know you ' ll bl! ,uc,,:,,tul m ..111 that ) ou do Just n:-member to,, ork h<1rd and no:\',:r give up \\ t.! Ion.• you and arv ah,ay" h~n: tor vou Lon: Em and Cato:
Brittany Granquist
Our baby's grov.1 n up You have become a beautiful and co nfident person and v.re are proud of you. You have alv.1 ays been such a sweet, l o\- 1ng soul Hang onto that quality because 1t makes you special!
Love always, Mom and Dad
Scott Groe
Scotty, Randy v.'as giv ing you skiing hps when you ¼' ere two years old, and you're still fl ying on them and your bike ever lose that" no fear" fun athtude abo ut life
Love, Mom, Dad and Randy
David Gustafson
Where has the time gone? Just when yo u think tomorrow will never come, it's already yesterday. You learned early that while 1t takes 72 muscles to frown 1t only takes 14 to smile. We think you are wonderful
Lo ve, Mom and Dad
Saylee Hansen
SisYou're ONE - OF - A - KIND! Thanks for all of the hugs. I really love you and wish you success and happine ss. Good 1uck and remember, I'm al ways here for yo u!
Hug s, Ariel
Paul Green
Paul, we are so proud of you. Thanks for being a great so n / brother. We pray you will always stand for what i s right, hve with honesty and integrity and remember who you are! We love you!
Dad, Erin, Joel, Raimee, and McKenzie
Zach Groff
Our Kool - Aid Squirt \Vhat a vel) spe C1al young man you'\·e gro\,·n into Zach' We love you for everything you are and for everth1ng ) ou \\'111 become' You ve gn·en us beautiful memones! \le\·er lose your sence of humor, or your gentle sp1nt 1 Ah, ays folio,, } our heart and live \ our dreams' You make us very proud 1 \\le lo\ e you so very much
~om and Dad
Saylee Hansen
We knov.• you will conquer whatever you set your mind to Climb high , reach for the star'> and stay true to yourself. We love you!
Hug s, Mom and Dad
Saylee Hansen
Baylee, Al,.vays ren1ember our fun timec. together. Times and trends change, but v.1 e' ll always ha, e each otl1er to lean on. Congrats!
Jake, Ariel and Michael
194 Llere 'V Ij/r;;'J}{enl
Baylee Hansen
Ba, lee, ot o n ly h ave yo u g r own int o a bea u ti fu l yo un g \.\'O m an, but vo u h ave ta k e n h fe by th e hor n s. Love yo u !
Gran d ma
Lauren Harnagel
~ly Lauren,
I am so proud of ho\\ far } ou ha\ e come over the years. You are an amazing girl, sister, and pal I ,,·ouldn't have \\' anted anyone e lse to gro,,· up ,,·1th, ,ve had the time of our lives. From your craz} laugh, pla} ing clupmunk, or JUSt someone to hang out ,,,th. You have ah, ays been there for me and I ,vill ahvays be there for you. I admire you so much. Good luck "'1th everything 1n the future
I Jo, e you, Mal
Lauren Harnagel
Over the past six years many friends hav~• come and gone but our tnend$hip has stayed ~trong. \\'e h.:i,·e been through .:i lot together whether it was Tom \\'ces , family is.sues, or boys. and you are the one fnend th.it has ~tuck by me :\o matter what, you can brighten my day with your laugh. \\'herever hfe takes you, I know you ,,,II succeed but promise me you will sbll let me ~p,."Tld the night so we can make macaroni, play l'ndless hours of Super Smash Bros or \lario Party, and then wke up to Sand, s amazing French toast (\,,th extra powderd ,-ugar) I love you always!
Zach Hatch
Thanks fo r s ettin g th e vvay and loo kin g o ut fo r m e. I'll mi ss th e ea rl y m o rnin g Le d Ze pp e lin sess i o n s!
Lov e, Zoe
Tara Hansen
It seems like yesterda\ that th is picture \\ a s taken \Ve are so proud of you and the } oung \\ oman \\ h1ch you have become )ou ne\er cease to amaze us \V tth} our accomplishments. Whatever ) our future holds, remember \\' e are here for you and ahvays love you -Love, Mom, Dad, Russ and Rachel
Lauren Harnagel
vVhat a great young adult \ ou've become Great memone!>- bald unhl h, ·o, grasshopper5 on the bike path, brace !> kissed b} soccer balls !>hcl..rock bik.1ng· first 14'er; " Rim to Rim", Lake Po,\'ell," vfarsha" (RA\); "X Terra" ( ne, er beh, een the lines), "cook.1ng " Its onl1 the begin1ng You're the bestbeheve 1n yourself and ach1e, e Thanks for being vou 1
Love, \If om and Dad
Zach Hatch
Congra tu la t ions on yo u r g r ad uatio n ! A lvvays re m e m ber tha t I' m ava il able to lis t e n to the thi n gs yo u can't te ll your pa ren ts. I love you
Yo ur b i g sis te r, Ali
Zach Hatch
Zac h , Yo u 're the coo l es t of the coo l ! We l ove yo u
G r am and Grand ad
l I 195
Zach Hatch
You 've got ,,vhat it take s to conquer the \\ orld!
We love yo u , Mom &Dad
Coley Hosburgh
Follow your dreams and you \\ ill s hine s ome day! Good luck & warmest wishes With lo ve, Mom , Dad, Matt, Leah & Case,
Zach Hatch
H ey man , I reall y di g the corn ro\v s Zach, I jus t \-vanted to let ) ou knO\\' that yo u a re definitel y n1 y all time be s t fr i end that anybody could e\ er ask for Since third grade \Ve ha\·e basically s pent our hve s together and I hope \I\ e ca n be great fri e nd s fore ve r.
Ty ler
Tylor Heilman
Tuna, I can s till reember the fir s t time \ve met and the da y you s tole my heart avvay. You 've touched my hfe in a \I\ ay no one else cou ld I love you \l\' ith all m) heart. Love al\vays and forever, chipmunk cheeks. Aka forever yours 21
P.s I've got chills, the y' re mut1ply1n
Love, Amber
Coley Hosburgh
My deare s t lo ve, Hello huggable Ho s ! Thi s year ha s been extra candy landy! Never forget that every thing good happen s at Wendy 's. We have s o many in s ide jokes and if I write them all I' ll cry! I love you! Alway s and forever!
Love al ways, Kendra " Dre"
Alex Howes
Life i s just a playground so go out and play. Ju st r emember· mind your manners, be kind to others, be honest, make good choices and al\l\1 ays kno\v there are many, many people \vho \Vill a l\l\ ays love yo u Forever in mv heart, J Love Star
Alex Howes
Budd y, MoMo Queen, and Sander,
You all co uld have not been cuter. Thanks for the memories. Here 's to many more.
Alvvays, Star
Alex Howes
I ts not about the bike. It's about the determination, the dedacation, the s trategy, the integrit,, and the passion you apply to everything you do I t 's about yo ur calm s pirit and all that , ou aspire to do in your life We are behind yo u alvvays \-Vith lo\ e Love forever and a day, Mom &Dad
196Lfere 'V £mrlfen I
Amanda Hurley
"t,.,11 left hip " from 7th grade on,'"' e have been the best of friends. You are such a beautiful person inside and out. o n1atter where the future puts us I know that ,,ve ,,v1ll al,,vays remain friends, and memorie s ,,·ill alvvays remain too! 12:00 nee krispie treats, and s hape s macaroni. I love you!
Amanda Hurley
Amanda- Congratulations babe!
These past fe,v years have been so fun; thanks for be1 ng the onl 1 other one that can put my brother 1n his place! Best of luck next year, I knovv wherever life takes you, you'll be successful! You've been s uch a blessing to our family. I love you lot s!! Love Brandy
Amanda Hurley
Amanda the last couple of years have been amazing! o one else to thank, but} ou! You al\vays put a sm ile on m} face and can make me laugh I'm so greatful you gave me the chance to be \Vtth you. From all the tears, fights, laughs, hugs and kisses thanks for choosing me as rour vef) o,vn You ,v11l ahva) s be m) baby
Lo\e you, Brent
Amanda Hurley
An1anda, e\ en though sometimes yo u think that '"·e' re not related1 I '"-ill still be yo ur ,ve1rd yo unger sister, Even ,vhen you go off to college. I 'll miss) ou. Lo" e your '"·e1rd s i ster, ichole
Amanda Hurley
From the play phone at 2 to the cell phone at 17. You ha\ e al,vays loved to talk! You kno,, ,vhat you believe and speak about 1t Thats part of you that makes you so v\'onderful. Your determination 1s incredible Al,vays follO\.\ your dreams and trust you r heart and belie\ e in yo ur self. Love Mom and Dad
Andy Jacobson
Andy, you sa id say" nothing bad" we' re proud you' re ours. We 1 re all glad ,ve get to s hare life "''1th yo u ,ve're glad yo u sha red yo ur self "''1th the kids in the orphanage and build a house for a teenage Mom. We love yo u , Mom and Dad
Amanda Hurley
Mandy, I love you so much! You are the best sister any one could ask for. Even though we don't always get along! You are always there for me no matter no matter what I have always and v. ill alv.•ays look up to you! I' m going to miss you next year!! Love you, Kiah
Max Janicek
Madman! Dude you rock. I JUSt ,vanted to thank you for all the years of excellent friendship that you have given me . o matter v.1 hat, you have al,vays been there for me and yo u kno," I' ll al,vays be there for yo u v,•hen ever you need Tyler (Dozer)
I - - - --=-,.- - - - -
I 197
Max Janicek
Buddah Baby- Chunky MonkeyJoJo. We are better people because of you Thank you for being our son and ma) god watch over you. Lo ve you forever, hke you for a l½ ays
Mom and Dad
Cory Jensen
Cory, We are very proud of the yo un g man you have become We ,,vish for you to realize all of yo ur wishes and dreams
Love, Mom and Dad
Cory Jensen
Cory - Little shaver- All grovvn up! Always keep yo ur sense of humor.
Lo ve, Mom and Dad
Sam Jennings
We' re very proud of you Sammy Be st of luck for a great future
Love, Dad, Mom and Dan
Cory Jensen
Cory, Our little "WOORGEE." We can't believe our baby is grO\\'n. Enjoy all of your life's adventure s.
We love you, Mom and Dad
Jack Jones
You have the whole \i\'Orld ahead of you plu s all the talent and intelligence to go get it!
Love, Mom and Dad
Jack Jones
You and I are a team. I do not know what I am going to do without you when you go to co llege I love you and wish yo u the best.
Love, Al
Katy's Theater Amigos
James- never forget toning do\vn vota1n and lynch. Logan-your potency enough said. Renee - careful ,vith those teeth! Kellie - thanks for the seco nd chance. Sam- I am sor r y. Alex- no n1atter ,vhat anyone says, you' re one of the mo st amazing people ever. Good luck guys' (Kev- miss you mo st)
19s 7-lere V I1.lrnJ!fenl
David Keller
VVe are very proud of you and all the tlungs you have accomplished. Keep up the good work and remember, " You are fearfully and wonderfully made " and "Go d will never leave you or forsake you."
Vve love you, ~1om, Dad and Alyson
Katy Kelly
You have always been a s tar to us Your star has seen some rough, dark times, it now shines brightly. We love you and support you 100% forever!
(But this brunette look is out)
Mom and Dad
Mike Kelly
We are so proud of you! You have great courage and determination. Your future is up to you.
Love and G.B. Dad and Mom
Katy Kelly
Katy darhn, Your sm il e \Vill al¼ ays be 1n my heart as I hope I'll always be in you r s.
Matt King
Dear Matthe,v,
I have enjoyed so much, ra1 s1ng you and ,, atch1ng yo u gro\.,. You have matured into a handsome, intelligent, talented young man. You have such a bright future I \.Vlll miss } ou "·hen you go to college, but ahva} s kno,,- I am here for you I love} ou,
Katy Kelly
Katy, You've trul y been the best friend I've ever had. You've helped me through bad times and made the good time s even better, I ' ll miss yo u more than yo u can possibly imagine
Kevin (Rev in ')
Mark Ketchum
Mark, You have always a sm ile on yo ur face We are very proud of yo u Always be yo ur self and enjoy ¼'hat you do.
Love, Mom and Dad, Beck y and Paul
Greg lannacito
Greg, Thanks for being s uch a great big brother!
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' 199
Nichole Leidich
Don ' t e ver lo s e that po s itive attitude and jo y o f life
Love Mom, D a d , and C o r y
Stacey Lewerke
You ha v e alwa ys be e n m y s miling s un s hine I'm s o proud of y ou and the wa y y ou ' ve matured int o a beautiful, confident v. ·oman I love y ou \vith all m y h e art and v, ill b e beh1nd y ou every s tep of the \Va y a s y ou face life 's challen g e s. G o d be \Vith y ou m y s un s hin e
Love, Mom
Anna Lieb
Anna ,
We are s o proud of y our man y a cc ompli s hment s. Who ' d have known that y ou ' d grov. up to be the National Junior Sno\'\ Shoe Champion? We are proude s t of what a fine y oun g v. oman you have become- re s pon s ible, independent, thoughtful , and kind Lo v e , Mom and Dad
Robert Long
M y Goofalofogu s, I' m s o happy to have you in my life We al\vay s have s o much fun together and there is no one id rather laugh until I cry with, than you You can alway s find a way to put a s mile on my face I love you s o much!
Love, Your Chalupa
Stacey Lewerke
A s y ou can see little Stacey ha s a big s mile when s he got her "va y. I think s he s till doe s th.ts a s a s enior. The cheeks give her awa). A proud papa
We love y ou, Dad, Li s a , Kell y, Kri s
Stacey Lewerke
I'll keep thi s s hort and s v. eet, and get s traight to the point. You ' re a beautiful girl , on the in s ide and on the outside Meet 1ng y ou 1s the greate s t thing to happen to me I ' ll al\vays be y our little sophie! Don ' t have too much fun v. ithout me 1 I lo\ e y ou!
Robert Long
Robert , We have \'\' atched you grov. into a wonderful young man and are very proud of you We particularly enjo} your terrific sense of humor Ah,vays remember that your family loves you . Ahvays do your best and never give up Ahvays s tay true to your values.
Love , Morn and Dad
Elizabeth Lovoy·Ayers
To our favorite Granddaughter and iece : Beth, Though v.1 e' re far av., ay, you are al\-vays in our hearts.
CO GRATULATIO S! ana and Uncle Bud
- ,.)
200 L./ere 'V Iy/(;;nfenl
Elizabeth Lovoy·Ayers
Dear Beth,
Your s mile al\,vay s make s me feel like the luck.te s t mom in the \\ orld. A s yo u continue yo ur Journe y, keep an open heart, embrace life and let yo ur s mile s hine bright. Yo u can do anything!
Love Fore ve r, Mom
Kathryn Maloney
Kathry n-
You ' re a determined Iri s h g irl , ,vith a sweet s mile, as yo u s howed here even in yo ur yo unger da ys in pre sc hool. May yo ur great persona lity help you through life ! We vvish yo u the very be s t 1n college and yo ur future!
Mom and Dad
Meghan McCarthy
I ,vant to wish yo u luck wherever life take s yo u after high sc hool. Alvvays know yo ur big brother will be there to ba ck you up. I am always anxious to hear about yo ur ne\iv ventures, and in the end I know yo u ' ll do great thing s.
Lot s of love , Paul
Meghan McCarthy
Congratu l ations Meghan!
You are a very s pecial perso n and ,ve know yo u will rea ch all the goa ls yo u de s ire
Love , Grandma and Gra ndpa
Kathryn Maloney
Katl1ry n , It ha s been amazing to watc h yo u pro g r ess in yo ur sports a nd s tudie s over th e yea r s Continue to try hard a t every thin g you d o. If you ever n eed anything, I'm JU St a ph one ca ll away. Love, Patrick
Sean Martinez
Sea n , vvith hard ,vork and determination yo u can s u ccee d at ,vhatever yo u put yo ur mind to We are very proud of you. Love, Mom, Ryan, and Tiffany
Meghan McCarthy
M eghan, The sky 1s the limit! Always aim high because yo u can achieve everyth ing yo u \!\'ant to. We'll always be here to back yo u up ! We love yo u , Mom a nd Dad
Carl McEnroe
May you be he a lth y and happy, a nd m ay yo u al¼•ays be ge nerous in using yo ur s pe c ial gifts of co mp ass ion, inte ll ect, and hum or. Que dios bendiga y s iempre anda a tu !ado Con amor, P apa, Mama, y Mellie
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I 201
Trisha McGee
We are very proud of you pumpkin Whatever endeavor 1n life you chose vve kno¼ that you will be successful, your smile, kindness and generous heart fill the ,vorld ,-v1th JOY and happiness.
Gra Go Deo, Mom and John
Kent McKendry
Kent, This 1s PERFECT! 1 All your studying and freaking out like a little girl has paid off. We all thought pre-calc was hard, but it's nothing compared to calculus. With your passionate mind and spirit, ,-ve kno,-v you'll go far!
Best v:1shes, Nick and Steph
Kent McKendry
We are so proud that you are choosing to live by God's standards. You are a fine example of a Godly young man. Continue to: "Be on your guard. Stand firm 1n the faith. Be a man of co ur age. Be strong." I Cori nthians 16:13 We lo ve you!
Grams and Cramps
Blakelee Midyett
The pride a nd happiness we hold for yo u are s uppre ssed only by our love for tl1e "Best gi rl in the wold." Continue as you are and your options are limitless. Don 't ,vorry about a thing cause every little thing's gonna be alright.
Lo ve always, Mom, Dad and Michael
Trisha McGee
We should model. Ju st kidding. Trish you know I will love and miss you being at the house all the time, I hope you have a fun and crazy time at co llege
Love yo ur little bro, Cory
Kent McKendry
"Son, if you r heart is vvise, our own hearts also will be glad; and ¼'e will r ejoice ,-vhen yo u speak ,vhat is right. Li ve in the reverence of the Lord always."
Proverbs 23·15-16
We love you so much, Kent! Dad, Mom and Kyle
Elisa Menna
Dear Elisa, So precious are the memories \!\'e have shared. Your smile each day is a constant reminder of pure happiness. The open door to you r future ,vill lead you through yo ur o,,vn special path in life Thank you for being You.
All our love , Mom and Papa
Megan Milan
LBS , We have had so many s trange experiences, like it's ,veird that Colorado ha s grand squirrels (he is talking about chipn1unk~) You are a truly genuine and unique person and I , ,vant to thank you for being someone I can tru s t. Go go Buffalo
Love, LBA
202 Lfe.re UIJJ&'JJfenl
Megan Milan
LBH / LBS, Platosy, big girl, and labrador. You have been s uch an amazing friend. No matter the circumstances we ah.vays end up laughing and having a g reat tim e I know you will b e success ful 1n anythmg and everything you do Remember \-vhen deciding whether or not to eat, al¼•ays eat. I love you!
Love, Maura
Megan Milan
Here 's to the Good time s and the Bad time s and All that Crap!!
Good luck, Love Alyssa -
Forrest Miller
Fo Fo, Everyo ne may just see yo u as a wild and funn y kid "--vhich 1s not far from the truth but you've s ho\--vn me th e loving s ide I k.novv that so meday you ,vill be famous! I mean who co uldn ' t love that face? Effing K idnapper!!! Love fore ve r and a da y, Em and The Flamingo P.S. My momm y and dadd y say they love yo u!
Robert Morales
The s mile on your face in thi s picture shou ld have been our first cl ue that you love cars. We love yo u and we will always be there for you. Good luck in your future
Love, Dad and Mom
Megan Milan
It's hard to remember the la s t time I ca lled yo u " Me ga n Wagon " but it's not hard to remember yo u in the wagon or when yo u lo cke d yo ur se lf 1n the bathroom . You ha ve always amazed m e with yo ur beauty ins ide and out. I' m so proud yo u are m y dau g hter!
Love, Mom
Forrest Miller
For, You always were the funny o ne! I am proud of everything you have achieved and will. ever change, love yo u , Erin D awga, we are proud that we ha ve yo u for a so n , and wish yo u the be s t as you advance in hfe We love yo u , Mom and Dad
Heather Moody
Heather, I cannot believe how quickly yo u have grown up You will alway s be m y little girl. Remember yo u are ve r y s pe ci al to me Good lu ck with everything yo u do in the future
Love, Mom
Robert Morales
Lil Bro: Alread y trying to po se for the ladie s?! You are the very best brudder I could have asked for I am s o glad yo u have be co me the wonderful yo ung man yo u are . Never forget that, " I wanna hang o ut with yo u !" - Cabbage
' 1 ,'" - # rr• ., , , , -., • • - • • •- •• - _;;. -I • • • ~---~--'---
Robert Morales
I ho p e you r fut u re was as fu n as th is \Vas!
Love yo u r little sis ter, Ana l isia
Robert Morales
You ma d e numb er o n e sa les a t Roberts T i r es an d Wheel s In c because yo u are so cu te. We a re bl essed to h ave yo u as o u r so n We k n ow yo u will go far in life. T h a nk yo u for bei n g yo u L ove yo u l ots, Mom a n d D ad
Amy Morvay
We hope all your vvildes t d reams co m e true!
Love, Mo ll y, H anna h a n d Matt
Amy Morvay
Amy, " D ance as if n o o n e , vere wa t chin g, s in g as if no o n e was lis te ning, an d li ve eve r yday as if it 1 ,, ,,vere yo u r ast. We are so pr oud of yo u , Love, M o m an d Dad
Stephanie , Kayley , Alex
Tom) g1rJ5, Stephanie, Ka) le\, and Alex Wo,\, there are so many great times that I have shared \\ 1th you from elementar) school hll no,, and man} to come \'ve', e sha red a lot of laughs and tears, but n1ostl> laughs, and r ju,;t ,., ant ) ou gu) s to kno,, I lo,e you You're the best bf's a girl could ask for l kno\\ all 3 of) ou ,...•ill go far Remember I' rn ah, a) s here for you
Nichol Nelson
Nich o lW o rds ca nn o t express h ow pr o ud I a m o f yo u Yo u a r e th e s un s hin e i n m y li fe. I h o p e a n d p r ay th a t yo u reach eve r y goal yo u dr ea m of. Th a n k yo u fo r b ei n g so wo nd e rful ! I lo ve yo u , M o m
My Lovies
eve r fo r ge t th a t dun1b fie ld, ou r "ci r c le," I'm a m o the r *! &$7 t ree, g irl s ni g h ts are s tri ctl y fo r g i r l s, 4 boxes o f Sh a p es M ac' n C h eese is n 't e n o u g h , s p innin g a rou n d every co rn e r, a nd dan cin g i n s p o rt b r a's. E nj oy yo ur swea ts, a n d avoi d s h a d y b oys! L ove yo ur socce r M o m , Ka itlin
Nichol Nelson
K i k- s te r, We've b e en fr iend s s o l o n g! Yo u ' r e t r ul y am az in g ! eve r for ge t th e dan ce s, O klah o ma , o r o ur ti m e at Ko hl s. G ood tim es \,v e ' re go nna b e bi g ! You ' r e a g re a t p e r s on a nd yo u ' r e b o und to go fa r i n li fe!
B F F.!, Lulu
20 4 Lfere 'YIY](;J;Jfenl
Nicci, Lexie, Sammy
To my girls, I' m so glad \Ve all be ca me s uch goo d friend s. You guys are amazing and made high schoo l so much fun We 've had so man1 crazy memorie s that I will ne\ er forget. I love yo u g u ys to death, and I' n, so proud of all of vo u .,
Lo, e ah\ a ys, Ta y Ta y
Nicholas Zachary Nittolo
As I looked at that little face, ho,, could I have knovvn ,vhat adventure lie ahead. o friendly advice from family or friend s could po ss ibly prepare me for the jo ys, the aruoety, the ,\ orr y, the fur y, and the unbehe, able pride yo u bring into m y life 1 Thanks for being yo u
Love, Mom
Jason Nye
Dear Ja son, You are the be s t big brother I ,._ i ll mi ss you vv hen yo u go to college.
Love, Samantha
Nick Nittolo
1ck, Yo u are such an 1ncred1ble person and I am so luckv that [ met\ ou I We ha Ye g ro\\, n so close and been through a lot I chensh e, er} n1oment that\\ e ha, e spent together a nd look for,va rd to th e ones to come' You \\ ill ahva} s have a special place 1n m 1 heart and m, endless lo, e. I love } ou ah\ a, s and fore, er 1 Ashle, .,
Jason Nye
D ea r Ja so n , We are so proud of yo u You ha ve gro\.v n u p to be a ve ry k1nd and g1v1ng yo un g m a n Ju s t re m embe r to dre am big and reach for the s t a r s. Lo, e, Mom and D ad
Amanda Olin
Ha, 1ng one grandaughter i s a \\ onderful experience. Havin g two ,vould be ju s t perfect. Since Amanda 1s o u r o n ly granddaughter; s he i s both wonderful and perfect.
Grandpa and Grandn1a
Jason Nye
Dear Ja son, I g u ess that practice pa i d off because ,ve s ure loved watching yo u play at CU 1n the Final Four
Lo ve, Mom and D ad
Amanda Olin
M y Amanda, You vvere so beautiful , ,vhen yo u , ve re a baby and as yo u have grovv n up , yo u s till are. Mandi , alvvays remember yo u ha ve the t a lent and kn o , -v hot...' to s u cceed in anything that you se t yo ur mind to. I love yo u al\.\ ays from the bottom of m y heart
Love yo u , Mom
-- -- - -
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Amanda Jo Olin
Dear Amanda, The S\veet baby girl who was once afraid of her fir s t birthda y cake, ha s no\-v grown 1nto a beautiful lady that is fearle ss 1n facing the challenges of growing up I know yo u can accompli s h anything you want. Set yo ur goals high Love ya always, " The f\i ana"
Derya Ozbay
Cong ratulations to the be s t daughter anyone could have From that little baby girl v.re have watched you grow into a s trong, confident young \voman We know you \vill do yo ur be s t 1n whatever you choose to do We love you very much, and we \.Vill s upport you al\vays
Mom and Dad
Samantha Parker
You have always had an impeccable sense of style, but it is you r willingness to work hard and ne ve r give up that wi ll take yo u far 1n this wo rld.
Love, Mom, Dad, Stevie, a nd Scottie
Derya Ozbay
We came from the sa me home, the sa me place, and we've grown up together. We will always sha re those memories and I will always remember you as m y little sister underneath everything you've become toda y. Plea se keep growing. Bari s h
Sammy Parker
Over the last four year I have had the best time of my life with yo u I love yo u so much , and I ' ll never s top loving you. You will always be my baby and my little Sam-Dogg.
Love, I an
Tyler Justin Pennel
To give anything les s than your best is to sac rifice the gift! And yo u are the gift!!
Love, Mom and Dad
Tyler Justin Pennel
Dear Bro, Remember building lego s, playing army wrestling, playing computer games, water balloon fights! I will!
Love, Evan
Sarah Picon
We are so proud of the person yo u have becon1e; you are no longer the little girl \vho sn uggle s in our laps. You are ready to face the world! Be fierce and know that the re is always a pair (or two) of loving arms to come back to.
Your s is ters, Rachel and Teri
2os L/ere 'V Iyj{;;'JJ{en I
I ,
Sarah Picon
To Sarah with the mo s t wonderful memorie s we h o l d together You were alwa ys dancing through our hall s and our heart s. We have a l vvay s been so proud of you. Congratulahons on yo ur se nior yea r and all the ye ars ahead of yo u Grandpa and Gran
Tyler Polhill
The times we shared , v ill never be forgotten Thanks for a l ways being there ,,v h en I n eede d a friend I e nJ oyed a ll th e different dances we we nt to and the hmes 1n S teambo a t I hope you never change fr o m the caring person you are, and I hope that we will never grow far from each other Lov e, Kendra
Tyler Polhill
I can't belie ve yo u a r e the same little guy I u sed t o tote everywhere (s till do!) You' re a s uper role model to all yo ur niece s and nephews. We are ve r y proud of the man you h ave become but plea se l os e th e "s peed o"!
Love, Christa, Ja so n , Zach, Bren, and Avery
Tyler Polhill
M} little bro
Who played in the toilet \Vith Megan years ago
You've gro\, n up fa~t
We've \\ a tched from afar
S\, 1nging on chandeliers and "' recking th e car
Dozer 1s graduating, \ve're very proud
Your future 1s bright
You'll stand out in the crO\\ d! l ove, Beth, Bill, ~fegan, Kate, Gavin, and Hayden •
Sarah Picon
To our Baby Weeda, You are our sh1n1ng s tar bringing happiness and s mil es to eve r yo ne around yo u All of the things yo u do make u s proud. The world 1s a t you r feet. We wi ll a llvays be th e r e for yo u !
Dad and Mom
Tyler William Polhill
We are so proud of } ou I What a Renaissance man. Smart, musical, funn}, caring, athletic, handsome, and hard \vork1ng O\\, 1f you could onl} be on tim e' Ah, ays remember that the people who are late are often so much 1olher than the people\\ ho have to \va1t for them'
Love, Kim, Dre\,, Kelse}, and Keegan
Tyler Polhill
Congratulations Ty l e r! Our baby 1s a MA ! We are so proud o f yo u. Always be happ y '
Lo ve, Mom and Dad
Kendra Pros
So man y memori es ,,ve have had together There are reall y no words to express ho¼' I feel about thi s ama zi n g"" on1an. No matter what happens yo u a r e and always vvill be m y fir s t love. You will hav e a s p ec ial pla ce in m y heart fore ver.
Love, Ty ler
I • ,.. ,. - - - · - ,1/'1/''<Y' f' '_'I, ,_~__... --=---
207 I I l
Kendra Pros
Kendra, Your energy a n d JOY ha\ e alv:ays been a so u rce of amazement to us. Our home was never a d u ll p l ace We"" ish} ou a ll the best. al\\·ays
Love, Mom and Cap
Holly C. Radcliffe
Holl} What a JO} you have been since da} one- al\va} s lo\ 1ng and never much trouble We have had so n1uch fun and man} laughs together Don't\\ orl} about your future-,, 1th} our personaht\ and pos1t1ve attitude, you"' ill go far Keep faith in our Lord and remember that \Ve are your biggest fans
Lo\e, Mom and Dad
Justin Ratcliffe
The} say 1 ou can't fl) but"' 1th your determ ination and entrepreneur sp1r1t, ""'e both kno,, you'll figure out a \\ay to stand on the edge of the \vorld and grab hold of a star Stay s,veet.
Love from Mom and Dad
Terra S. Reed
Congrats to you my dearest sister. It's been amazing seeing you gro\.v up to be so cool. r hope that, ou shall enioy the college life as much as l haveandthat)Oucont1nuc wi t h a path that makes you eternally hap p y Socko taco and all the wamm ies also ,vanted to thro,v 1n a little shout o u t to the greates t s i ste r ever !
Kendra Pros
Kend r a, We a r e as d iff erent as night a n d day I coul dn 't imagine the past six t een yea r s ,v1thou t yo u , a nd I look forv,:a r d to the d ays an d years a h ead. " I t's a Su n day!"
Love, Ma n dy
Holly C. Radcliffe
H o ll y: I am so h appy fo r yo u ! Congratu lat i ons on yo u r gra duatio n I'm so pro u d of you. Yo u a r e such a great and coo l pe r so n Yo u ' re go in g t o do so ,vell in life! I l ove you.
L auren
Terra S. Reed
Te rr a Tot - Wow, yo u m a d e 1t ! We' re so pro tt d o f yo ur acco mplishm en ts. Yo u 've b ro u g ht s u c h a joy to o u r lives, an d are l ooking f o r wa r d to th e n ext s t age of yo u r li fe. We' ll love you fo r ever, \ ve'll li ke yo u f or al,,vays Mo m an d Da d
Nicole Resnick
S u ccess; To la u g h o ft e n ; To ,,v in th e res p ec t of int e lli ge nt peop l e; To ea rn th e a pp rec i ation o f h o n es t c r i ti cs a nd e ndur e tl1 e b e t raya l o f fal se f rie nd s; To a p p r eci at e b e auty; To l eave the , vo rl d a bi t b ette r ; To kn o,-v eve n o n e l ife h as brea th ed eas i e r beca u se y ou h ave li v ed . T hi s is to h ave s u ccee d e d Love, D a d
2oa Llere 'V IJ!ronfenf
Laura Ridge
Dear Laura, In the words of Phil Collins "You'll be in our hearts " fore\'er.
Love , Dad and Lisa .., ... 11 '.\, " ~ ..
Laura Ridge
Dear Laura , Thanks for giving me a bath (Sorry I stink sometimes)
Love, Charlie
Laura Ridge
I' ll always remember how much fun we 've had togeth er I will miss you so much w h en you go to college, and I ' ll never forget all of our inside jokes! I ' m so gl a d that we've been such grea t friends and siste r s!
Lo ve, Lisa
Michael W. Rizzuto
Your easy going ways and sense of hum or h ave enlightened our b ves! We love you!
Dad and Mom
Laura Ridge
De a r Laura, Your D ad will always love tlus face!
Laura Ridge
Laura ,
Thank you for being my big s ister "vho I ,,vill a lwa ys look up to. You are one of a kind I appreciate everything you do for me and I will sure miss yo u and your big s mil e when you' re away at co ll ege.
Love, Ri ssy
Laura Ridge
You are a vvonderful, strong, co mp assionate young woman. Continue your hard work and you will accomplish any goals you desire. You brighten my life. I am so proud of you and wish yo u h a ppmess and s u ecess.
Phillip Rodgers
To our fourth son. We can' t believe you and Gar r ett are g r aduating. We are very h a pp y you came into our live s. Good l uck in all you do . We will always be around fo r you. Your biologi ca l s t ep family, Gay le, Doug, Chad, Erin, Talon and Garre tt
- ~;,r.
Mom .. • • ·" ~ta.'.;c_. j
., s, • ... ... '-{1 209
Phillip Rogers
Ph1ll1p, we've been through a lot toge ther, fron1 being lost 1n Vegas to play1ng hocke) almost evef)'\.vhe re As you go to col le ge remember that I'm proud of everything you've done and you v\.1.ll do and that I Mil alwavs love ., you
Love vour bro th er, Marcus
Phillip Rogers
Eldest Grandson,
As vou ad\ ance to the ne>-.t bracket of life s game, ma1 you ah'"ays stnve to keep the ball 1n play, remain true 1n vour hne calls, a, 01d being discouraged b\ hfe's occasional double faults, and ah'"ays remember that onl~ in tennis does"love'' mean nothing' Congratulahons
Grampa Rogers
Rochelle Roldan
Rochelle (~fidget) , ~fy baby, my best friend , and my shining star To me you are a nsmg star To n1e you are a rising star You have accomplished so much from the time you were a httle girl to now )ou \\ent from a dancing baby girl to a happy young lad\ You decide \\hat you ,vant and you go for 1t You don ' t stop until you get it I have never been so proud of vou keep reaching for the stars becau,e that 1s where you belong Don't ha\e a little slip
I love you so much t\fom
Rochelle Roldan
From boohes to cleats, rat tle s to porn porns, strollers to cars, fro to straight, tin} bab} to hny young lad\, Baptism to Confirmation, Chicano tuppen\are hat to graduation cap. Thanks, our perfect granddaughter, for shan n g your life and your s1ste ""1th us. Congratulations' Vve'll be there ,vhen you open"C hellyRo's Boutique "! God bless you We love yo u The Perfect Old One s
Philip Rogers
As yo u head out on your own, we hope you keep yo ur desire to face new challenges and your confidence to overcome any obstacle. No matter where you go or what yo u do remember \Ve are here to h e lp and/or cheer you on.
Love, Mom and Dad
Rochelle Roldan
We've been through a lot. From our crazy late nights to our crazy ways. But yo u made it. I'm so proud of you. I know that yo u ½rill go far m life Ju s t remember that I will ah.vays be there for you.
Love vou, ., Angela & Ondreah
Rochelle Roldan
Afros and Buckets of Love \ A/e love yo u Baby Girl
Love , Dad & Jeaneth
Taylor Romanowski
From a beautiful child to a beautiful young woman We look forward to all the happiness and success life holds for you. And stnve to do your best.
Dream, aspire, achieve. Love, explore, enjoy!
We love you, Mom and Dad
210 7-kre Ijff;;n!fenl
Taylor Romanowski
Thank you so much for being my fnend throughout the years and for helping me out "vhenever I needed it I will miss your smiling face so much
Your brother, Harrison
James Rudnicki
To Our Big Brother, From changing diapers to dollies, pigg}' tails, patty cake and horsey back rides You are the best big brother ever 1 Thank you for playing with us, teaclung us and protecting us We look up to you and love you so very much Congratulahons ... Love, Sassy and GiGi
James Rudnicki
Over time we have shared great memones and become best fnends. I am so lucky to have you 1n my h.fe ! You are an amazing person and athlete I will love you forever Mr. Incredible.
Love Always, Sammy Ps. Remember the haunted house?
Britton Russell
Britton, May your smile make all your dreams come true May the Lord Bless You and Keep You Love, lvfom
James Rudnicki
To tv1\ B00B00, Just yesterda} you \.Vere dressing 1n coyboy boots ,\rith shorts, Darth Vador helmets and S\.\'Ords and no,\. you're sporting tuxedos, trucks and diplomas' You've made great choices and I am so very, proud I You have touched my heart like no other and brought un-1mag1nable pleasure to my life Jamesers, stand proud and sta1 focused I L U Mom
James Rudnicki
Congratulations on reaching this milestone in your life From a bab) to a young man , little league to CHS You have made me proud everyday of your hfe I hope and pray for the best for you always and look fonvard to vour won., derful future
I Love You Son, Pop
Alexandra ''Lexie'' Runge
LeXIe , We are so proud of you I Our beauhful girl has gro,vn to become such a wonderful young ,voman Remember to believe in yourself, as we do, and all your dreams will come true You can make 1t happen'
Love you so much, Mom and Dad
Britton Russell
Since the first hme we met, you made an impression on us Even though your screaming has stopped, the laughter never will. We know you will make an honorable impression on the world. Now go be a Russell!
Your big bro and sis
[ - ,.,.....- ~,..,.... / r I,,.. _, , ,. ':;r " - -.~- -:--,..·~-~ 11\·- , - ;;. ,- -
Ryan Sack
You are one amazing person 1We ha\·e been th rough so much together Dinners, mo\ 1es, four-\\'heehng, prom, pla)1ng poke r at Scott and J1ms', sp1nn1ng doughnuts 1n the parking lot dunng the ,v 1nter, and t he hst goes on I believe \\ hat } ou and l had \,·as something specia l and should be treasured no matter ,, ha t happens in our ll\ es I ,, 111 ahva} s ha, e the memories to look back on and cherish R} an, } ou \\'tll fore, er be 1n m, thoughts and pra} ers 1 Lo,e , Ka5i
Amber Sangi
I a m pro u d o f yo u a n d a ll of yo u r acco mpl is hm e nt s, keep up yo u r h ar d \vo r k.
Love, Da d
Ryan Michael Sack
We a r e pro ud th a t yo u h a v e g r ow n int o a ki n d yo un g man. Yo ur co mp etitive n ess will h el p yo u be s u ccess ful i n yo ur career ch o ice.
We love yo u D a d&M o m
Amber Marie Sangi
Amb er, yo u ha ve al w a ys b e en m y s p ecial angel. I am s o pro ud o f the p e r so n yo u 've be come . I kn ow that yo u w ill s u cc eed in everythin g yo u d o ! Th e re are n o l imits! I'm yo u r g r e ates t fan ! I love yo u hon ey.
Love, M o m
Amber Marie Sangi
Good lu ck. We are p r o ud of yo u Co n gra tul atio n s! We love yo u very m u ch G r a n d m a a n d G r an dp a
Amber Sangi
I lo ve y o u m o re t h an wor d s c an d esc ribe . Yo u ' ll alw ays be m y litt le chipmunk and I w ill a h,vays be t here fo r y ou
Love a l ways and fo re v er, Yo ur b u mbl e bee Tu na, AKA lo v e r b oy P.S. Rem e mb e r, e very thin g I do , I do it for y o u
Amber Marie Sangi
Amb er, I h o p e th a t a ll of yo ur dream s co m e tru e. I know that yo u w ill acc omplis h a ll o f y o u r g oal s. You h ave w ork e d h a rd and s ho we d all of u s y our d e te rminati o n to s u ccee d A s a littl e g irl yo u a l w a ys fo cu se d a n d a c h ieve d w hateve r yo u se t yo ur mind t o.
G r a ndm a Shar o n
Brooke Ellen Sauer
Yo u 'v e a lwa ys b e e n read y to tak e on a new adventure ; n ot co n ce rn ed wi th followi n g the c ro w d We ' re s o pr o ud o f y o u a nd know y ou ' ll co n ti n ue to ch alle n g e y ou r s elf. Enjoy life a n d knov., that y o u ' re a l way s in o u r hearts and y o u ' ll a l vv a ys ha ve a lap to come ho m e to! Lo ve y o u , M o m and Dad
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Brooke Sauer
Hey B.T.! You are such an amazing siste r ! We have so many me m o r ies of the t hree of us and so many more t o come. You have don e such a grea t job so fa r and we only wish you th e best in t h e fu ture wi th whatever you decide.
We love you!
Kelli & Logan
Schuyler ''Sky'' Schnautz
Sky, you are our warrio r with your ene r gy, wis d om & blindness yo u can accomplish anything. But most of a ll we wish you h appiness.
We love you so very m u ch, Mom& D ad
Melanie Scohy
Blonde Ba r bie., You' r e the coolest ol d e r sis t er! I a l ways had to d o everything just like you, b u t no b o d y wanted t o see th e back of the cu te li ttle pum p kin beca u se I d i dn 't h ave wings. Good luck., have fun, I love you, an d co n si d e r your room raide rafie d . M u ahaha!
Love, Brune t te Barb ie
Melanie Scohy
Melanie, yo u did it! See m s h ke yes t e rd ay I fo ll owed yo ur schoo l bu s to kind e r ga r ten!
Now you're r eady to t ake o n th e wor ld . Wha tever yo u ch oose t o do, yo u ' ll do it we ll You're the stro n gest yo un g wo m an I know and I 'm pr o u d to be yo ur m o m
Love an d kisses, Mo m
A.Schuyler ''Sky'' Schnautz
Sky, I' ll a l ways remember your advice, 0 Don't do drugs or I'll beat you up." I'm going to miss you when your away at college.
I love you bro, Jackson
Devin C. Schow
Deares t DeYin~ You did 1t 1 H ere's to a bright future with New Worlds To Conquer; ew Adventures to D iscover; New Dreams to Make Come True Alvvays Hold Peace and Love in your heart. Anythmg you want 1s possible! With love and pride, Mom & Dad
Melanie Scohy
Me lanie., As you drive through life, be sure t o come to complete stops!
Love , G r andpa Jrm a n d Grandma I damay
Melanie Scohy
P ro m 2005 put us t ogether, a s tar t to a wo n derful friendsh i p and lo\re, our times togethe r at the lake, and our summer of so m u ch specia l time together When I th ink of the good times we have sha r ed toge t her, I am so glad you are the one I spent them with. Congratu l ations. Love, J ordan
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Corey Sheesley
Dear Corey, We love you bunches. The future holds endless possibilities for you! We wish for you much love , happiness and peace
Love, Mom, Dad & Abbey
Kirsten Sletten
Kirsten, no matter how the age differs I still look older, hotter and sexier. Ha Ha jk! We had good hmes and a lot of bad, but no matter what I still love you so. Have fun in co llege {party hardy)
Lo ve ya always and forever., Cassondra
Sean Smith
From day one Sean, yo u have so ught challenge and found the fun in life You work hard but manage to lighten the ta sk with humor We are very proud of you and know you will do well as you seek your future. We love yo u!
Dad, Mom., Brenden and Collin
Tori Stet fens
" I know that!!" And we know that your life will be s pontaneous, electric, loving, tender, and very, very intense . " To th ine ownself be true. " Carpe Diem!
We absolutely adore you, Papa, Mom , Julia, Pierce, Erika &Don
Kirsten I. Sletten
How fortunate I am to have you m my life! To be able to experience 18 years of parenthood is a dream come true. I' m proud of who you are and all of your accomplishments. Thank you for caring, s haring, and baring all!
Te Amo Mucho ... Mom
Kirsten Sletten
As your dad it was important to give you stre ngth and values with the historic significance of yo ur name Please remember to keep your goals simple and stay true to them especially when striving with friends and family for the same blessings. Long life and great health vvill be your rewards!
Love, Dad
Margaret Stashak
You have made it, and are ready to embark on yet another ADVENTURE I am so proud of you, and the choice you've made. Keep on exploring what works for you and what doesn't and have faith in those decisions. God bless you my dear girl.
Love , Mom
Sean C. Stokes
Dear Sean, Congratulations on a great four years. I am so proud of you ... and Good Luck in your next adventure.
Love always, Mom
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Yolanda Sumaiku
We are very proud of you. It takes special dedication and perseverance to get through these four years of high school. We congratulate and wish you the best as you embark on your next exciting adventure and best of luck in college. We love yo u , Mom&Dad
We are so very proud of yo u AJ. You are true to your beliefs and are a very nice person! Continue to work hard for the thing s that are important to you and enjoy life 's jo u rney
We love you, Mom, Dad & Te r ry
"The Girls"
Kaitlin and Marty too! The ORMS!! Girl s we've done it, and we've done it together! To the best group of friend s anyone cou ld ask for To our many sec rets and s tories to o u r macaroni and cheese. Our s pin move s, our inside jokes, unforgetable memorie s. I ,vi s h each of you the bes t of luck in the future . You deserve the be s t of everything I love yo u all and I' ll see you sooner than later -Lauren
Thomas Tolsma
You have untold potential, Tom With your genero u s heart you have s urely made the world a bette r place
Love, Mom&Dad
My ,vhole hfe has changed s in ce} ou came 1n We have shared so man} great hmes. 4 am phone calls, Arb1 's, Qu1zno's, Jamba, mo'\ 1es, cooking, our special spot up the st reet, all the songs that ,ve kne,v ,vere expla1n1ng us, and many more hmes I ,v1ll cherish forever Through all the laughs and tears I ,vant you to kno,v ,vhether ,ve are together or not I '"'111 ahvays love you ,vith all m) heart baby Your amazing spirits haYe impacted me greatly I love yo u ! -Cheryl
The Girls
WE MADE IT ! It see m s like Just yes terda y that we were going to prom, pla y ing bp, li ste rung to our song, p laying povvder puff, doing s pin move s in the kitchen, playing man hunt, tubing Clear Creek, playing poker. I don 't believe that goo db ye is forever, so have fun , party hard , and I'll mi ss yo u!! 1
The Softball Crew
Travis C. Toms
Travi s, You ' re a " KEEPER !!" We know that yo u 're adventure s \i\1 111 be man y. Live , laugh a lot and love.
We love yo u Big Brother, Taylor & Morgan
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Ashley Twiford
Ashley, Each life 1s a so ng, as yo u co me to the end of the fir st verse, we can' t wa1t to see what the re st so unds lik e. We lo ve yo u
Morn and Dad
Megan Vigil
Wo w! My bab y a se nior ! What a truly beautiful person you are, in si de and out. You light up our life a nd we look forward to whatever co me s next. Live, lov e and lau g h !
Morn and Ke ith
Megan Vigil
Megera, You ha ve a l,vays b een the ra y of s un s hine in our live s. We have been trul y blessed w ith all yo u lo ve and yo u will always b e ernbeded, fore ver, in o u r hearts. Gods Speed on yo ur Journ ey 1n
Love, Dad, Jo, and Sammy
Kendra Warren
It is hard to believe that time ha s flown b y so fast. Ju s t yesterday you were grad u ating from kindergarten Now yo u a r e a yo u ng lad y grad u ating from high school. Aim for your goal, never s top dreaming , a n d yo u wi ll s ucceed We l ove you so m u ch.
Mom and Dad
Ashley Twiford
A s hle y, We l ove y ou
Alyson and Amanda
Megan Vigil
Megan. That name will forever be a ss ociated with years of wonderfu l memories. I h ave enjoyed being a bro th e r to one of the greatest sisters of all time I can only hope that we g r o½1 s tronger as the ye ar s pas s. I love yo u s is, Lenn y
Kendra Warren
Kend r a,
I am s o pro u d of yo u . Over the years, you have grow n t o be a bea u tiful and in telligent yo u ng lady. H owever, you w ill alway s be my little gi r l. Remember I love you more that the stars are hot and the universe is large Love , Dad
Kendra Warren
I love you s is te r !
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Olivia Watson
I look at this photo and remember that beautiful little face and ,-vonder1ng what you would be like as a grown up girl. Now you ' ve grown and, to me, you s till have that beautiful little face! Now you are a s beautiful on the inside! Your love, compass ion., understanding and humor s u s tain me!
Alway s + Forever, Mom
Brent Wegscheider
You are our third s on We love you and can ' t wait to watch you continue your path of s uccess. We will always be here for you
Suzi, Jordan and Jared
Brent Wegscheider
Brent- still that tough huh? You were so cute!?! Who would ' ve thought we ' d actua lly get along by now? Anyways, you ' ve finally made it and I'm proud of you little bro! Wherever y our path takes you next year, have fun and be s afe, and try not to run your mouth too much!
Brent Wegscheider
Brent: Your s mile., your laugh, and your good nature . We are s o very proud of all of your accomplishments both in and out of s chool. Mo s t of all, your po s itive attitude towards everything y ou touch! Don' t ever lose that!!! We love you., Mom&Dad
Brent Wegscheider
Bren t, It's tru l} amazing how things ,vork out. We \ven t from d1shklng each other, to best friends, to where \Ve are n ow Yo u trul~ are my bes t friend and l am th e luckiest girl 1n the \vorld to have such a grea t gu) nex t to m) side I lhan k you for ahvays being there for me \Vhether It s to n1ake m e laugh o r to hold m e to crv You m ake me the best I can be I hope that all the memones we have shared \.viii stay \.vith you forever· ou r hand thing, our l ong talks and cnes, working on commuruca bon, wresthng (who's the bomb digg1ty'), n appy ., our quo te from The No tebook wluch descnbes us so well, and many mo re I love you 8\ven t!
Your baby, Aman d a
Brent Wegscheider
B-dub : I can' t believe my little brother is g oing to c ollege but I'm proud of y ou, and y ou"ve grown up into a great guy (ever though I hate to admit that) and one of m y be s t friend s. Ju s t remember., I' m alwa ys there for tho se late night advi ce call s!
Love, Brand y Brent Wegscheider
From y our # 1 fan- not onl y in ba s ketball, but al s o golf, ba s eball and life in ge neral. Yo u are the " apple of m y eye".
Love, Poppy #2 fan in all y ou have done and will do Remember y ou are m y " favorite grand s on" and I love you. From proud, Grandma Annie
Brent Wegscheider
To our favorite s on: Looks like you ' re making a life -altering deci s ion here - maybe y ou ' re con s iderin g in-s tate colleg e v s out- of-s tate? !? No matter where you go ju s t know we ' ll mi ss y ou and y our fun-loving s pirit. We ' ve enjoyed y ou and y our friend s s haring y our high sc hool y ear s with u s ! Love , Mom & Dad
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2 17
Brent Wegsheider
Your sense of humor has brought much laughter int o our home Thank yo u for all of your su pp ort this past year I trul 1 don't know what Amanda , vou ld 've done , v1tho u t the love and s upport from you and you r en tire famil} You've been a blessing to all of us.
Love, Ch eryl, Amanda, Kiah, and i co le
Renee Willard
You s a ve d u s from that dre a ded " mid -life crisis" when yo u were born. But m o re than that, yo u have enriched our live s with yo ur beautiful creative sp irit. We ha ve lo ve d s howing yo u the world Plea se k ee p yo ur focus on God and remember: we are always here for yo u Lo ve, Mom and Dad
Renee Willard
No one can tell you what yo u wan t from life , and onl y God can tell yo u how to li ve 1t. You are a s mart girl. Ha ve co nfidence in yo ur se lf Remember that life take s work. Work for so mething about which yo u are pass ion ate.
Love, Angie and J im
Christopher Willey
Dear Chris,
The pa s t 18 years have been an adventure. We knew you could get there May yo ur future endeavors bring you much happiness. S ti ck to the co ur se and yo u can achieve great things
H appy trail s to yo u
Love , Mom , Dad , and Kevin
Brent Wegsheider
You are such a joy to u s. Your wonderful smile, happy perso nality and concern for others make us s o very proud of you
You have our love and support ALWAYS Go for the gold!!
Grandma Marge and Grandpa Chuck
Renee Willard
You were a marvelou s surpirse to me, Little Sister. ,ve \-Vere all gro\vn, ye t here you came, knitting us together m a new ,vay. You are a beautiful perso n- talented and s mart, \vith a good heart and level head Go d , v 1ll do great things 1n and through yo u !
Love , Yvette (Mike , Cherise, and Rachel )
Renee Willard
It has been a joy to wa tch you grow and mature into a beautiful, intelligent yo ung woman . Life is not eas y or fair but it is ,vhat you make of it. Keep your eyes on the goal but stay focused on what's important throughout life 's journey.
Love , Dominik and Sandy
Lee Wilson
Le e Harve y, What a good guy. Dude, you have been s u c h a good friend to me s ince forever it see m s like From all the spo rts to going to Water World every s ummer, it ha s been awesome! I just hop e that we can be friends from here on out!
l:fs .: ~.. .. ,-Obllll . ,. .
Lee Wilson
My wishes for you are too many to count. Remember everything magic and everything real, everything that matters, s prings from yo ur dream s.
Love, Grammy
Lee Wilson
You 've played hard. You 've worked hard. You 've done fantas tic ! Continue to enjoy life and don' t forget to write.
Love you!
Kevin Witaschek
A happy perso n from the beginning- born in Ala s ka- ha s learned how to deal with adversity with a s mile. He ha s great goals and i s blesse d with talents. H e i s a yo ung man we are all so p r o u d of. Congratulations on yo ur high school graduation!
Love, Mom and Dad
Thomas Ziegler
Thom, to the future .
Lo ve, Mom, Dad, and Alyssa
Lee Wilson
Lee, I was always so thrill e d to hear about all yo u did I so wish I co uld ha ve been there to ce lebrate yo ur m a n y s uc cesses with yo u . Lo ve, ann y
Lee Wilson
You've been a g reat JOY to u s every day of yo ur life You have many wonderful opportunities ahead of yo u Make the most of them; we' re su r e yo u will.
Love, Mom and Dad
Ryan Wyatt
Dearest Ryan, You hav e brought s u ch joy and laughter into our li ves. Every day with yo u has been a blessing We are so proud o f th e yo ung man yo u h ave become . Always remember, we lo ve you very mu ch.
Hug s and ki sses, Mom, Dad, and Chelsea
Zach Bresler
I can't even begin to explain ho,v much you mean t o me. From the very beginning, you have treated me like a q ueen and not once have you ever changed. I !=an' t ever rmagine being with anyone else and I hope I never am. I love you more than any thin g!
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Ariel Blakeman
Anel, Where to start? For the past few yea rs you have been the most important person 1n my hfe We have been through thick and thin and are ah-vays there for each other no matter what You have taught me so much. I know I ,vill never forget you You \Vill ahvays ha\'e a spec ial place in m y heart.
Love, Kevin
Amanda Nolte
Amanda, You will always be our special li ttle princess. You have grown into an amazing woman. We are so very proud of you. We wish you all the s uccess and happ iness life ha s to offer. God bless! We will always be here for you Sweet Pea!
Love, Mom, Dad & Zakkary
The Boys
Michael, all the days of pla, 1ng cops and robbers and running from our brothers to runrung from the cops now, to every toast that has been and ones s till to come Brent, great birthdays that will never be remembered but never forgotten at the same hme To both of you, endless nights of poker and more talks about spor ts than s hould be allowed. Thanks for hvo great friends hip s and JUSt kno\v that we always have poker to br ing u s back together
Love, Kathry n
Zack Thompson
First day of school for my little man I was very proud of you then a n d extremely pro u d of you now
Love, Mo m
Scott & Jim Holley
We are so proud of who you have each become . So a li ke but so individual. Be true to what's right for you, follow your dreams and the possib ilities are endless.
We love you, Mom and Dad
Jason Sykora
We are so proud of you Jason' Your patlence, kindness and humor got us all through some tough times. You will always be our SPECIAL boy!
Love, Dad, Mom, Danielle, Tim & Nate
The Girls
Thanks for s u ch amazing friendships from all of you. Each of yo u has been an influence in my life . I have great memories of parties, sports, boys a n d JUSt life in ge n eral vv i th each of you I know yo u 'd all be there for me if I ever needed anythi n g. I hope you all have fu n at college next year, b u t don't forget about havin g gir ls' n ight w h en you come back. Love, Kathryn
Zack Thompson
May your hands ahvays be bus)
May your feet always be S\-vift May you have a strong foundation When you have the \v1nds of changes shift
May your heart ahvays be Joyful May your song ahvays be sung And may you stay forever young
You m ade it! Co n g r atu la tions.
Love always, Dad
220 Llere Iyj&Jj{enl
Bethany Blair
We are very proud of you. Remember to follov., your dreams. Be ,villing to change \ our plans. Have courage. Have fun, laugh and love yourself. Your family 1s always here love,
Mom and Dad
Ryan Sprackling
I can't believe I've s pent 11 years , v1 th you, novv I finally get a break' I'm going to miss you and I ' ll find so meone else to annoy me! But wherever yo u go ah,vays knov.r, I l ove you very much! Good luck with college
Miss you already!
Nathan Benner
You are a gift - a very special '' pres ." Your empathy and imagination open ne,v po ssi bilities and opportunihes in all you do We knov.• that heart will guide you to peace and prosperity. We love you.
Yankee & Ariel
Ryan Sprackling
You are amazing' L1 fe with yo u ha s been an adventure. We are looking forward to the rest of the journey.
Kirsten Sletten
Always remember hov.' much h.tn we had Du Ha st
Austin Bell
Austin, You have always been full of the sp irit of hfe . Here 's to you Son, v11sh1ng yo u the best of everything hfe ha s to offer'
Love, Mom& Dad
Yankee & Ariel
I love footbal l on TV
Sho ts of Gina Lee
H a n ging with my friends And TzuLns
I l ove burritos at four a.m Parties that never end And and Twills
Here's To Tzv11zs!
. , ,,.. , ,,., , -, , ,, - - ,·' - ,· ---:----,·~~-..• ~·--vr::~." 1 ~--. • ,. . • • - •--- ----J~ •"'-- -L~
A Sasetttant1, Michael 82 Surnhattt, Lars 126, 168 Sauer, Julient1 e 82, 95, 181 Surroughs, Sryon 126, 166 Abdulhusseit1, Rabab 126 Sauttter, Heidi 44,116 Surruss, Titttothy 44,116 Ab eyta, Kassey 116 Seard, Kaysey 2l45 Burton, Alyssa 126 Adair, Stephat1ie 8, 15, 2l 82, 18o Sebee, Jessica 126 Surtot1, Sradley 8+ Agrodnia , Brook e 180 Secker, Heather 44,116 Syl, Kayley 9, 2l 56, 51, 84 Agrodt1ia , Thotttas 116 Secker, Justit1 82 C Aguilar, Jorge 116 Secker, LeAt1t1 82, 165 Aiket1, Kathryt1 116 Secker, Shandell 82 Cafarella, Kitttberly 126 Al -layer, Nezar 54, 55, 82 Seers, Kyle 12, 126, 162 Calderon, Jerottte I 16 Alba , Eric 99 Seethattt, Carolit1e 126 Calderon, Victoria 126 Alba , Scott 116 Seethattt, Jatttes 59 Calhoun, Sret1dat1 126, 139 Albat10, Kelly 24, 58 Sell, Austit1 82, 221 Callit1icos, Etttily 84 Albrecht, Amat1da 126, 168 Sell, Matthew 126 Catttpbell, Jared 11 Aldrich, Jeffrey 126 Sell, Thotttas 44, 45 Catttpbell, Severit1 99 Alexat1der, (}enoa 109 Sent1er, Nathat1 82, 221 Carbot1e, At1thony 116 Alex eyeva, Olga 116 Settoy, Vane 9, 36, 82, 182 Carlson, Jacob 116 Ali, Shrog 126 Set1zie, Mathew 126 Cart1icello, Kevit1 12 6 Aliat1 ie llo, Taylour 126 Seret1s, Atttat1da 116 Carrat10, Christitta 31,116 Allen, Cole 99 Serg , Vetttetra 116 Carter, Katheritte 126 Allisot1, t1elat1ey 126 Serger, ~olattd 12, 22 Castillo, Antonio 126 Allisot1, Uevan 126 Sestor, Nicholas 99 Castle, Jesse 126, 163 Alttts, Ket1dra 116 Slanchi, Chase 83 Castle, Megat1 99 Alttts, Shot1a 82 Siesittger, Erika 126 Castro, Ariat1a 126 Atttes, Christopher 99 Sill, Katelat1d 2l 85, 142, 182 Castrodale, Sreat1t1a 126 Atttes, Tucker 126 Sint1s, Sarah 126 Catot1, Erika 126 Ammet1, Kayli 5l 116 Slait1 - Hartut1g , Matthew 55, 85, 183 Catrot1, Chelsea 84, 94, 186 Anderegg , Jatttes 55, 82, 165, 18 1 &lair, Sethatty 85, 221 Chae, Lily l 0, 60 At1derset1, Trever 99 Slake, Amber 85, 161, 182 Chappell, Sitttotte 84 I At1derson, Hat1t1ah 126, 169 Slaketttat1, Ariel 15, 85, 94, 185,220 Chapple, Carly 45, 60, 116 At1dersot1, Heather 82 Slanchard , Vaci 44 Chavez, Kristitta 126 Archer, Shilo 126 Sloottt , Ashley 116 Chavez, Stevet1 84 Archey, Atttat1da 82 Slythe, Joshua 126 Chisttt, Ashley 116, 16 4 Arellat1es, Jordat1 55, 126 Slythe, Mit1dy 116, 164 Cit1t1attton, Jessica 1g 84 Arellatto, Juatt 116 Sogobowicz, Lisa 126 Clark, Vanielle 84, 186, 187 Arellano, ~atttot1 126 Soldlttg , Katelytt 116 Clark, Vattielle 84 Arkawazy, Vla tt 116 Sollh,ger, (}eorge 65 Clark, Lydia 56, 51 Artttet1trout, Alyssa 116 Soltot1, Whitt1ey 44, 116, 162 Clark, Thomas 84,165,18 6 Astttusset1, Kaylyt1t1 126 Soltz, Laurett 9, 116 Claxtott, Art1e 84 Asmusset1, Michelle 82, 181 Sot1d, Shawt1a 15, 61, 85, 182 Cletttettt, Vat1iel 9, 109 16 1 Atet1, Williattt 126 Sot1esio, Katy 116 Cletttet1ts, Ket1t1eth 34 Audesirk , Heather 44, 82 Sorrusch, Robert 116 Clevelat1d, Zachary 3J ' Sosco, Taylor 116 Cobb, Jordot1 11 : Sowers, Michael 126 Cochrat1, Ira 126 Sowers, Robert 126, 142 Saaltttat1, Nathen 126 Cochran, Lori ~4 I Sowtttan, Paul 126 Cohet1, Alise 9, 11 b l Sabklewlch, Tyler 116 Saca, Joseph 116 Soxler, Nicholas 126 Cohn, Stephanie 84 I Sovie-Court, SettJatttitt 126 84 Saghaei, Ali 116 Cohn, Valerie Saghaei, Sattt 116 Srabec, Austit1 116 Colledge, Vustin 99 I Srachle, Joseph 126, 143 34, 84 Sailey, Uerek 58 Collier, Tiffat1y Srat1ch, Kelsey 116 121 Salley, Kyle 116 Cotttpton, Vanlel Sransot1, Crystal 99 116 Saker, Heather 82, 181 Conklin, Rebecca Sraun, Attty 85,169, 183 116 I Saltttes, Allison 116 Contreras, Luke Sravo, Juliat1 116 127 I Sanza, Uavid 116 Cooper, Attdrew Bravo, Kristina 160 152 Saradan, Kies 126 Cooper, Uavid I Saradan, Saad 82, 181 Bresler, Alexandra 116 Copan, Marissa 2l 84, 94, 187 t Bresler, Zachary 8, 15, 65, 84, 219 127 Barbeau, Molly 56, 5l 82, 95, 143 Copelat1d, Katie Srock, Tyler 116 99 I Sarela, Joseph 99 Cordova, Ashley Brown, Brandon 116 84, 187 Sartted, Seek! 116 Corsi, Alexander Srown, Christopher 126 127 Sarru, Matthew 99, 126 Cosper, Eric Srowt1it1g , Christopher 126 33, 84 Barry, Ashlie 116 Coughlin, Kevitt Brunel, Matthew 14, 116 85, 186, 187 Barton, Jerettty 65, 126 Cowen, Joseph Srusenbach, Sryatt 116, 157 116 Bartosh, Atttanda 116, 142 Cox, Catherine Sryat1, Savard 116 127 Sarzanji, (}Iara 126 Craycraft Atttanda Buehler, Alex 126, 169 10, 127 Sasetttann, Kathryn 126 Craycraft, Ashley Sull, Jordan 34, 116 85 Crocker, Toby Burczyk, Elizabeth 84 Cross, Phillip 127 2 g./Jre Surn, Jetttta 126 V/(Jr;/{enl
Crow, Matthew 117 [lzey, At1ita 127 Oizlt1ski, Sarah 57, 87, 193 Cummins, faleah 6, 61 [t1gstro~, Sriat1t1a 117 Olade, Cody 99 Currie, Ryat1 117 [t1gstro~ , larry 117 Olat1dt, Whitt1ey 128 Curry, A~ber 27, 85, 187, 188 Ericksot1, Coral 6, 117 Olapa, Stephat1ie 87, 193 Curtis, Shacara 94, 99 [ricksot1, Isaiah 99 Olass, Walter 58, 118 Curt is, Tiara 127 [ricksot1, Kar~yt1 117 Oleatot1, Oarrett 87, 193 Custer, logat1 13, 14, 15, 85, 15 2, 188 [rskit1e, Uat1iel 127 Oochis, Michael 39, 87, 193 Custer; faylor 127 Estrada, Nicholas 128 Ooedert, Hat1t1ah 10 Cyr Taylor 127 [tzet1houser, leeza 128 Ooerget1, Nathan 11, 33 t1 [uler, Jakup 157 Ooh, Lauren 12, 12 8, 162, 163 [vat1ko, Lisa 128 Oo~ez, Sryat1 87 Pabbs, Katie 15, 85, 94,188, 221 [verist, Alexandria 128 Oosda, [vat1 109 Pabbs, Max 127 F Ooss, At1gela 99 Pahl, Nicholas 117 Oraha~e, Kathryn 99 Pahm, Cody 55, 85, 188, 189 Fabisiak, Alex 117 Orat1quist, Sritat1y 87, 160, 165, 193, Pale, Madison 127 Fair, Kelly 128 194 Pamiat1a, Nicolas 65, 127 FarleY, Christopher 117 Orat1t Ray~ot1d 128 Pamltz, Ethat1 127 Farrell, Sa~at1tha 15, 86 Orauke, Joshua 118 Panek, A~y 85, 18 9 Farrit1, Peter 117 Oray, Ashley 87 Pattlele, At1drew 117 Fauble, Alexat1der 15, 87,152, 190 Oray, Tasha 118 Parcy, Ja~es 7, 14, 85, 95, 152 Fauble, [ric 128 Oreet1, At1thot1y 128, 143 Paves, Jacob 85 fight~aster, Zachary 45 Oreet1, [liot 128, 143 Pavis, Abigail 86 Fiorit10, Zet1a 117 Oreet1, Leah 87 Pavis, Alexat1dra 57, 86, 168, 169, 189 Firth, Maura 6, 107 Oreen, Nicole 118 Pavis, Mallory 25 Firth, fo~ 41, 83, 87, 95, l 90, l 9 1 Oreen, Paul 87, 194 Pavis, Marissa 127 Fisher, Sa~antha 117 Oreet1, Rai~ee 117, 118, 158, 162 Pavis, Rebecca 127 Flanders, &ot1nie 128 Oreet1e, Jot1athat1 118 Pavlsot1, Sriat1 99 Fle~ing , Hant1ah 117,152 Oreene, Kelly 118 Pawes, Jake 117 Fle~it1g , Melissa 87,152 Oreene, Rebecca 88 PeCarlo, At1thony 117 Flick, A~y l 3, 12 8, l 5 0, 168 Oreenfield, Tyler 128 Pelllt1ger, Lisa 86 Flower, Spet1cer 128, 129 Oreer, Vallas 128 PetMarest Ariel 86, 18 8, 18 9 ford , Carlie 117 Oriffit1, Lit1dsey 22, 118 Pemerest, Ariel 18 8, 18 9 Ford, Victoria 128 Orisha~, Christopher 118 Pewhurst Matthew 99 Frank, Uavid 99 Oroe, Scott 88, 95, 194 Plcksot1, Jesse 86 Fraser, Hollie 87 Oroff, Aspet1 128 Plener, Michael 86, 160 Froyet1, Uaniel 128 Oroff, Zachary 88, 194 Pillot1, Jacob 117 Ouerra, Therot1 128 Pokket1, Lisa 117,160 Oustafsot1, Uavid 88, 194 Polat1, Uat1ielle 117 Oustafsot1, [llie l l 8 Oage, Srat1dot1 Pomgaard, At1drea 86 128 Oustafsot1, [rik 22, 118 Oagt1ot1, Michael 7, 24, 117 Po1M it1guez, Luis 117 H Oalioto, Cody 117 Popp, rravis 13, 86 Oallagher, Matthew 7 Pore, Ryat1 127 Hage~at1, Laci Oalluzzo, Nicholas 12, 55 118, 162 Port, Roger 127 Hall, Uarryl Oarcia, Rogelio 99 22, 88 Poty, Willia~ 127 Hall, Uewayt1e Oart1ett Michelle 128 88, 161 Pouglas, Kevit1 117 Oarra~ot1e, Louis 32, 33, 87, l 91 Hall, Jessica 128 Prellit1g , [~ily 127 Hall, Lauret1 27, 60 Oarrett, Jet1t1a 117 Prelllt1g , Joshua 127 Ha~iltot1, Ja~ie Oarrett, Matthew 55, 87, 94, 191 27 Prellh,g , Let1ia 117 Ha~~ - Soo Oarrett, Stephat1 117 88 Prexler, rawt1y 24, 25, l 09 Hat1ggi, [1let1 118 Oates, Ka~erot1 15 PuVall, Maggie 86, 190, 191 Hat1set1, Ariel 15, 34, 118, 152, 161 Oates, Stephat1 128 Puff, Scott 127 Hat1set1, Saylee Oaudio, Stephat1ie 87 88, 194, 195 Puttcat1, Ja~es 127 Hat1set1, fara 88, 195 Oaylord, Ryat1 117 Puttcat1, Kathrit1e 127 Hat1set1, fyler l 18 Oehrke, Kylie 117 Purat1, Alyssa 127 Hat1sot1, Jared 118, 166 Oeiger, Set1Ja~it1 118 Porlit1, Clarissa 127 Hart1agel, laurett 8, 15, 27,195 Oeorg , Cle~etts 128 Vosdal, Vattiel 117 Harris, Leah Oerard, Silly 128 27 Povall, Jeffery 127,167 Harris, Rebecca 128 Oer~aitt, Jesse 128 Puvall, Jot1athot1 86 Hart, Attdre 118 Oest, Jaclytt 87, 150 Pyer, Ashley 127,164, 169 Hart~at1, Jeff rev 128 Oilas, Kelly 128 E Oilbert, Vat1iel 87 Hartzell, Elizabeth 128 Hartzell, [rik 118 Oillespie, Marshall 65, 118 Eagat1, Jered 127,163 Oillespie, Mitchell 12, 87 Hatch, Zachary 88, l 60, 195, 196 Eagat1, Jora 86 Oillette, Robert 156 Hatch, Zoe 6, 11, 11 8, 15 0 Eagen, Taylor 117 Oillis, Maggie 118, 162 Hawra~Y, Nisar 118 Ekberg , Vale 31 Oillis, Martella 13,87,94 Hayes, Ryat1 24, 88, 95 Elliott, Set1Ja~it1 127 Oilroy, Quit1tot1 118 Hayttes, Joseph 118 223
Hays, Kevit1
Hazell, Nicholas
Hecktttat1, Kara
Heffert1at1, Scott
Heiltttat1, fylor
Hetttbrow, Jessica
Het1k, Courtt1ev
Het1sley, Sarah
Herr, Zachary
Herrera, Karet1
Herrera, Sayttti
Herzit1g , lat1
Hilbort1e, Cory
Hittttttel, Uat1iel
Hit1es, Kevit1
Hirashittta, KoJi
Ho, Jat1essa
Hogat1, Jordat1
Holdridge, Jrat1dl
Holdt, Jerettty
Holdt, Justit1
Hollat1d, Jacob
Hollat1d, Wet1di
Holley, Jatttes
Holley, Jittt
Holley, Scott
Holtttgret1, Rachel
Hoovler, Rachel
Hopple, Satttat1tha
Jet1set1, Cory
Joht1sot1, fyler
Joht1stot1, Kayla
Jot1es, Addisot1
Jot1es, Allisot1
Jot1es, Christopher
Jot1es, Jack
Jot1es, Kourtt1ey
Jot1es, Robert
Joyce, Rachael
Jut1e, Ashley
Jurbala , Joht1
Jurickovich Ill, Peter
Kalasz, Rosetttary
Kalit1oski, Nicholas
Keelit1g , At1drew
Keet1ey, Chelsea
Keiser, Catherit1e
Kelii , Spet1cer
Keller, Uavid
Kelly, Kathleet1
Kelly, Michael
Ke~p-Ryat1, Jrittt1ay
Ket1t1edy, Melissa
Kerdus, Ashley
Ketchu~ , Mark
Kilpatrick , Megat1
Kit1g , Jai~ie
Kit1t1ard , Srat1dot1
Kit1t1et1, Jodi
Kleit1, Ti~othy
Kli~ek, Vat1ielle
Klucik, Ray~ot1d
Klueber, Morgat1
Leffert, Colit1
Leidich, Nicole
tewerke, Stacey
Lewis, Allysot1
lewis, Ashley
Lewis, Hat1t1ah
Lewis, Kirstet1
Licata, Vit1cet1t
KLieb, At1t1a
lit1dsay, Susat1
lit1t1et, Sret1t1at1
lit1ville-£t1gler, Matthew
little, Matthew
lizza, Mallory
ljut1gvall, Christit1a
Lollar, Kevyt1
Lot1g , Heather
Lot1g , Robert
Lopez, Jet1t1a
lovoy-Ayers, £1izabeth
Lowder, Michael
Lubke~at1, Kelly
Luckit1bill, Srat1det1
luckit1blll, Jayset1
Lui, lret1e
Lusk, Sree
Lutz, Kirstet1
tux, At1gelleah
lyt1attt, Kevit1
Lyt1ch, £dwit1
Lyot1s, lit1dsay
Macet1croe, Carl
Mack , Jet1t1ifer
Mackey, Ryat1
Howard , [ddie Howes, Alexat1der Howes, Jordat1 Howrey, Casey Hueber, Cal Huff, At1gelia Huff, Hilary Huff, Raytttot1d Hughes, Lucas Hughes, Nathat1iel Hughes, Seat1 Hut1t, Jet1t1ifer Hut1t, Margaret Hut1t Rachel Hurley, Atttat1da Hurley, Kiah lat1t1acito, Oregory lvat1ovic, Sasa
128 118 118 88 88, 196 128 118, 164 118 128 128 118 118 128 118 128 54, 55 88, 94 27, 113 118 118 118 88 118 88 220 88, 220 6, 61 8, 9, 44, 118, 159, 161 118 118, 162 128 15, 27, 88, 196, 197 128 58, 88, 196 128 128 14, 118 127,128 27 89 89 118 128 99 128 24, 118, 163 8, 1i 15, 27, 89, 197 118, 119 55, 89, 199 118 J Jacksot1, Autu~t1Rose Jacksot1, Tyler Jacobs, KatJa Jacobsot1, At1drew Jat1lcek, Max Jat1koviak, Vat1lel Jat1sset1, Jriat1a Jarvis, Nicholas Jet1t1it1gs, Vat1lel Jet1t1it1gs, Joseph Jet1t1it1gs, Sa~uel 2247-lere V Iy}r;;n!fenl 128 128, 133 9, 27, 11 8, l 68 10, 89, 197 89, 197,198 89 118 118 128 118, 166, 167 89, 198
Hosburgh, Nicole
Kt1udsot1, Stevet1 Kt1uss~at1t1, Olet1t1 Kt1utsot1, Kayla Koczera , Carly Koepke, faylor Koepke, Tyler KoJder, Colette Kol~ , Jet1t1lfer Kopischke, Jessica Koprowicz, Nicholas Kothet1beutel, Corey Kowitz, Sret1tot1 Krauss, l~re Kreider, Katie Krtit1lch, Ashley
38, 89, 198 128 118 99 27, 31, 118 99, 128 99 34, 118, 153 128 166 6 14, 118, 150 118, 128 118, 128 118 128 28, 31 99 55, 89, 198 119 59, 119 128 119 119 119 119 119, 157 99 163 119 128 89, 199 14, 15, 89, 160, 199 89, 152, 199 89 89 45, 119 89, 199 128 12, 127, 129 9, 119 9, 129 7 119 55, 119, 150 119 129 129 89 129 55 129 119, 159 129 129 129 27, 119 129 129 119 119 129 119 119 89
Kuretich, Hat1t1ah
Hat1t1ah Lacit1ski,
Kruchet1, £rit1
, Archat1a
, Jessica
, Perri
Maguire, Michelle Mallec, Williattt Malot1ey, Kathryt1 Mat1t1, Cayla Mat1t1, fat1isha Mapleback, Tyler Mares, Marissa Marquis, Srittat1y Marshall, Taylor Marso, Alexis Martell, Jazztttit1t1 Martit1, Uevot1t1a Martit1, Paula Martlt1, Zat1e
L129 9 , 119 11 9 129 129 89 11 9 99 129 129 129, 164, 165 90, 9~ 12, 15, 45, 90, 16 5 119 14, 152 11Q '1 90, 20 0 I 56, 57, 90, 200 I 99 10, 91 22, 30, 3 1, 11 9 11 9 11 9 58, 59, 90, 20 0 29, 90 129 65 11 9 129 129 I 12 9 I 11 9 I 90, 193, 20 0 11, 90 200, 201, 20020 \ 11 9 129 119 99 I 129 129, 1f<I 120 1J. ,I J 11r ' 1'.168 ' 120 ' I 200201 ' 90 159 129 I 129 I 8, 15, 91, 90, 95, 201 129 90 129 I 129 I 120 6, 120 : 19t I 19l 120 12C I 190, 142 i
"' :-, .-- , _, ,.,. , , , ~,, - ..• - ..,-~· --.- - ·•. --, -'T-,-~···, ..~ - - -Marth,ek, Ryatt 130 Moore, Shattttott 44, 120, 159 Padilla, Oeoffrey 130 Ma rtlttez , Eric 120 Morales, Robert 91,203,204 Padilla, Meagatt 7 Marth,ez , Ja111es 54, 55 Morales, Stephattle 120 Palcsak, Uavld 120 Martinez, Megan 130 Morat1, Uerek 120 Pal111er, Ashley 22, 21, 120 Ma rtlttez, Nicole 27,120 Morehead, Padett 130 Paltt1er, &rooke 12, 18, 130 Ma rth,ez, Ryat1 130 Morelli, Reed 26, 91, 157 Paredes, Orlattdo 130 Martlttez, Seatt 99, 201 Morgat1, Attthotty 7,120 Park, Jetttta 130, 168 Mast, Alllsott 9, 27 Morris, Kelly 10, 120 Parker, Satt1atttha 27, 40, 92, 94, 206 Mathews, Charlette 120 Morvay, A111y 91,164, 204 Parker Mylko, Kellie 121 Ma t hews, Kacey 130 Morvay, Hattttah 130 Parra, &rlatta 92 Mathewsott, latt 120 Moss, Astra 130, 133, 143 Pattie, fara 113, 152 Matoba, Joel 120 Mott, &radley 130 Paytte, Catt1erot1 92 Matous, &ettedlct 130 Moyer, Ualtott 120 PeJsa, &rat1dot1 130 Mayo, Casey 120 Moyer, Nicole 120 Pettttel, fyler 24, 58, 92, 169, 206, 207 Mayo, Christopher 130 Mullltts, Zachary 130 Pettttell, fyler 206207 McCall, Justltt 130 Muttday, Att1attda 91 Perez, Chelsea 22, 27, 121 MeCarthY, Meghatt 91,201 Murray, Sarah 91 Perisho, Nlccole 99 I MeCraekett, Jessica 130 Myers, Jettttlfer 8, 120, 130 Perritt, Oregory 130 MeCrearY, Zachary 91 Myers, Jessica 8 , 120 Petersott, Michael 121 I McUottough, Jessica 99 N Petersott, Stephattle 121 McEttcroe, Carl 6, 91 Petralia, Ryatt 130 McEttroe, Carl 201, 200201 Phatt1, fhatth 121 Narkewlcz, Attdrew 95, 99 Mc~ee, Cory 10 Picott, Sarah 92, 206, 207 Narkewlcz, Jeffrey 120 Mc~ee, Patricia 91,202, 203 Pierce, latt 130 Navarez, Joshua 120 Mc~owatt, &rlttatty 130 Pletrafeso, Marissa 113, 161 Navarrete, Julie 153 Mc~regor, Jordatt 12, 120 Ph,kerttell, Joshua 92 Nawytt, Chrlstltta 130 MclLwee, Luke 120 PltttMatt -Morgatt, Kalltta 131 Nebeker, Rhett 130 Mcltttosh, Zachery 91 Platt, Kara 92 Needhatt1, Alllsott 130 McKettdrY, Sa111uel 91,202, 203 Polhill, fyler 15, 92, 207 Nelsot1, Attthotty 91 McKettdrY, Stevett 120 Popp, Jettttlfer 8 Nelsott, &rlatt 120 McKenzie, Sarah 120 Porter, Erica 131 Nelsott, Uattlel 22, 169 McLaughlltt, Meghatt 130, 168 Porter, Marcus 121, 166 Nelsott, Nichol 91,204 MePhersott, Alexander 99, 169 Post, Morgatt 131 Nelsott, faylor 130 McPhersott, Pevltt 130 Potter, Kate 8, 121 Neu111ayer, Robltt 120 Mccall, Atttt 130 Potthoff, &rattdott 65, 127, 131 Newberg , Robert 120 Medltta, fab Ith a 130 Pros, Att1attda 34 Newcott1e, Laura 91 Meehatt, Shatte 120 Pros, Kendra 92, 201,208 Nguyett, Attthotty 99 Mejia, Attgelo 120, 167 Proskl, Sheletta 121 Nia, Shatte 120 Metttta, Elisa 91,202 Prueltt Logatt 121, 150 Nichols, &rattdott 11, 32, 33, 91 Merrill, latt 130 Prueltt Satt1atttha 99 Nichols, Chase 130 Metros, Llttdsey 130 Pule, Matthew 131 Nichols, Cory 92 Meyer, Carolltte 130 Pullatto, fltt1othy 131 Nichols, Holly 129, 130 Meyer, Lyttae 120 Pyburtt, Attdrew 121 Nlkltltt, Victoria 113 Meyers, Kathleett 120 NIies, Nathattlel 99 Q Mldyet, Justltt 130 Nltt1tt1er, Casey 120 Midyett &lakelee 24, 25, 57, 91, 202 Nlswottger, Joseph 120 Qullattg-Castro, Kristine 131 MIian, Megatt 91,202, 203 Nlttolo, Nicholas 44, 45, 92, 168, 205 Qultttatta, Heather 131 MIiier, Alex 65, 130 Nitz, Pavld 130 MIiier, Forrest 91,203 R Noble, Lucas 120 MIiier, Jessica 130 Nolte, Att1attda 92, 220 Mllllttder, Katherltte 120 Rabadatt, JohttttY 55, 121 Nosker, Hartt1otty 120, 153 MIine, Meaghatt 130 Radcliffe, Holly 34, 93 Nye, Jasott 10, 13, 92, 204, 205 Misik, Johtt 120 Radovich, &eau 121 Mitchell, Kelly 51, 152 0 Ralchart, Eric 99 Mitchell, Paige 130, 168 Ralchart, Joseph 99 Mohat11t11ed Ja111al, Nur Att1elya 130 Oehlert, Erytt 130, 167 Raley, Matthew 121 MolloY, Llttdsay 6 Okottzak, Wesley 120 Ralls, Kathrytt 99 Molt Kalla 130 Olitt, Att1attda 92, 205 Ratt1sey, Chelsea 131 Motttatta, Jessica 120 Oliver, Pattie! 120 Ratt1stetter, Stephattle 12, 121 Mottte111ayor, Quetttltt 120 Olsott, Sarah 130 Rattdolph, Katrltta 12 Motttgo111erY, &reatttta 130 Ortiz, Vattessa 12 Rattf rattz, Alexattder 93 l'fiotttoya, Jessica 120 Ostettsott, Allcla 29 Rattgel, Adrlatt 121 MoodY, Heather 99, 203 Ozbay, Perya 92, 206 Ratcllf fe , Jared 119, 121 Moody, Parker 120 p Ratcliffe, Justltt 39, 93, 208 Moore, Elizabeth 120 Ratklewlcz, Llttdsey 6, 121, 123 Ratledge, Seatt 121 Moore, Jessica 99 Padilla, &lake 130 Ravey, Zachary 93 Moore, Justltt 130 Padilla, &rett 120 Ray, Attthotty 93, 121, 156 Moore, Rattd 130 Padilla, Cella 120, 161 225
Schllttler, llot1a
Schlute r, Rachel Schtltad er, Heat her Scht1autz, Sky Schow, Pevi t1 Schult, &rlttat1y
Schulte, Tayl or Schultz, Kayl a Schultz, Kyl e Schuste r, Sc ott
Scohy, Juli e Scohy, Melat1l e Sea rcy, Al exa t1d er Sebesta, Kelly
Sebe sta, Rach el Secary, Coltot1 Secary, Melat1i e Seery, Kyl e Selcer, Tyler Serat i, At1thot1y Servold, La.-.dot1 Sewolt, Jacob
Shearer, Jeret\-\y Sheesley, Corey Sheffield , Pat1iel
Sheldot1, Stephat1i e Sh eltot1, Aust it1 Sherldat1, Ches Shields, Kevit1
Siewert, Cull et1
Silva, [lys sa Sitltt\10t1s, &rat1dot1 Sitltt\-\Ot'IS, Tasha Sit\1ot1, Nicholas Sip es, Melissa Sk ee t1s HI, Merl e Skorka, Chelsea Slater, Sat\1at1tha
Slavet1, Kailey Slettet1, Kirstet1 Stltail, Cody Stltith, At1tho.-.y Stltith, &radet1 Stltith, Cierra Stltith, Collit1 Stltith, Cortt1ey Stltith, Seat1 Stltith, Solell Stltouse, Jacob
Soit1e, Katherh,e Soliz, Cecily Soliz, Jeretlty Sot1,
- - --
At1dr ew
d, Pustit1
d, Terra
, Jo shua
, Abigail Res t1 ick, Nicol e Retrut\1 , Joht1 Reveille, Robert Re x, Cody Richards, Jot1athat1 Richards, Robit1 Richert, Jot1atha.-. Riddell, [vat1 Ridge, Laura Ridge, Lisa Riedlit1ger, Tera Rio, Pillo.-. Rivera , Sat\1at1tha Rizzuto, Micha el Robbi.-.s, Rebecca Roberts, Joshua Robit1sot1, Shelby Roblee, Michelle Roesch, Joseph Rogers, Atlty Rogers, Marcus Rogers, Philip Roldat1, Rochelle Rot\1at1, Ouy 131 93 157,168 93, 191, 208, 209 35 121 93, 208 131 131 131, 156 131 93 45, 121 93 93, 209 131 121 131 131 11, 33, 93, 209 121 121, 142 131 121 131 121 121 Rot\1at10, At1allsa Rot\1at1owsk i, Harri so t1 Rot\1at1owsk i, Taylor Rotltero, Perek 93,95,210 210 131 10, 60, 160 131 9, 57, 93,210 121 131 131 131 131 131 131 Roselle, Ariel Rosette, Jessica Rosse, Patrick Roth, Mary Rothrock , Pavld Rowe, Cayla Rowley, Katrit1a Rudt1icki, Jat\-\es Ruiz, Ouadalupe Rut1ge, Alexat1dra Rush, Sabrh1a Rus se ll , &rittot1 Ruth, Alyssa Ryat1, Patrick Sack, Ryat1 Saeid, Hevl Sageser, Lauret1 Salazar, Michael Satlts, Morga.-. Sa.-.ders, Sethat1y Sat1ds, Taylor Sat1gl, Atltber Sat1gl, Ashleigh Sauer, &rooke Sauer, Logat1 Saxtot1, Zachary Scally, Ket1t1eth Sca.-.ce, Charlotte Scat1ce, Christopher Schet1ck, Kltltberly s 13, 93 26, 93,211 131 96, 211 131 94, 96, 211 99 96 96, 212 121 131 131 121 27, 121 6, 121 12, 96, 212 8, 27 21, 57, 96, 152, 212, 213 131 132 32, 33 27 21, 132 13, 61 , 96 22 sLlere VIj/&;Jfenl
Syt1ia Soper, Justlt1 Sorvig , [rik Sorvig , Karl Spatz, At1drew Spet1cer, Jacob Sprackllt1g , Ryat1 Stahl, Russell Stashak, Margaret Steffet1s, Tori Steffe.-.s, Victoria Stell, Colit1 Stelllt1I, Pat1lel Stelllt1i, Jessica Stit1er, Ket1t1eth Stitt, lat1 132 122 122 96, 168, 213 99, 213 122 132 122 117, 122, 150, 158 156 122 213 164 132, 163 99 96 122, 164 65, 122 132 122 132 132 132, 133 32, 33, 96, 214 119, 122 122, 158 95, 99 40, 99 96 122 7, 132, 168 99 132 122 12, 107 99 132 96 122 15, 40, 57, 96, 214, 22.1 122 96 96 13, 96 27, 132 27, 122 13, 5 5, 96, 214 122 132 150 122 119 132 122 122, 150 132 96 94, 97 26, 54, 55, 99, 221 97 97,152, 214 214 97 97 45, 97, 169 7, 60, 94, 97 132 132
At1thot1y Stokes, Seat1 Stolte, raylor Straley, Megat1 Strauss, LIiah Stricker, Jared Stroh, Sat\1at1tha Strot1g , Sryce Sturdavat1t, Perek Sulik, Caitlit1 Sullivat1, Logat1 Sutltaiku, Hosat1t1a Sutltaiku, Yolat1da Sutlttlteril, Cot1t1or Sut1dby, Alex Sut1dby, Al ex at1der Suther, Stevet1 Sutherlat1d, Jacksot1 Sutter, Kaila Sweet, Nicholas Swit\1, Les ley Sykora, Jasot1 132 C 1 13, 24, 36, 83, 97,214 132 122 160 127,132 163 15 60 122 99 122 122 122 1n1 97 1111 13 132 Jil l 97 ~ ' 97, 215 en 122 .,, In I 1S2 I 122 Li' 132 ijl 91, 220 ~ i r faris , Ket1dra Taylor, Alexat1der Taylor, &radet1 Taylor, Megat1 Taylor, Rebecca Taylor, Sh erry Tet1gl er, Nicholas ferry, Alexat1dra Textor, Molly fhot\-\as, Pougla s Thot\-\as, Jo el fhot\-\as, Malcolt\1 Thotltpsot1, Mitchell fhot\1psot1, Robert Thotltpsot1, Zachary fhot\1sot1-Foos, Carissa Tidball-Sciullo, Jordat1 fildet1, Ross fit\-\ , Pavit1 Tolbert, Cydt1ey Toler, Travis follefsot1, Stevet1 Tolstlta, Thot\-\as Totlts, Taylor Totlts, Travis Torbit, Jeretltiah Tracy, Alexat1der Tracy, Jordat1 rrat\1ot1tit1a , Aubrey frat1 , Thi Tripp, Kyle Trout, Kyle Trujillo, At1drew Trujillo, Michael Trujillo, fesia Tu, Richard Hiet1 Tucker, Kitltberly furquette , Matthew Tuttle, Jacob rwlf ord, Ashley Tyus, Christet1 u 122 122 122 I ij 132 ~a l 97 ' I 99 a 192 t 22, 164, 165 97 a Va 38, 99 i 99 122. I' 132 11 t : •) ¼
Wilson, Lauren Wilson, Lee
rant1er Wittt\tat1, Natalie Wittt\ter, Averie Wolaver, Tit\tothy
, Srittt1i Wood , Chlo e Woolard , Michael
Adat\t Wooley, Ty Wright, &ret1don Wright, Satttuel
Yoakut\t, Jessica
, Aaron
Zaba, Joseph
Urice Caleb Va lerius, Lucas Vall &yrot1 Vall Evan Va t1Vatttttte, Michael Vat1Uuyn, Richard Vattdet1Sroeke, Ryan ~atu,er, f)erald Vattt1er, rrenton Vat1ot1I, Shawna Vau ghtt, Jared Vega, Kevin Vega, Matthew Verttig , Paul Versaw, Jacob Vi ckery, Shelbi Vlgll, Leonard Vlgll, Megan Vigil fyler Vogt, Matthew Vo, John
V132 11, 33, 65 98 132 122 132 98 122 132, 165 122 132 132 98 59, 122 122 122, 165 99 13, 95, 98 , 216 132 132 132, 167
Wachs, Kaitlyn Wale, Alina Walker, Jeffrey Walker, Steven Wallis, Jacob Wallis, Jordan Wallis, Noah Walth, Erin
Waltha ll,
n, Kendra Warrett, Matthew Watso t1, Kaylee Watsot1, Olivia Wegscheider, &rent Wegshel der, &rent Weidett, Srittany Welch, Riki Weller, Courtney Wells, Srionna Werner, Vakota Wessel, Linda Wessel, Megan Wevtttouth, Satttantha White, Michael White, Nichole Whitehead, Mark Whorlow, Craig Nlederspahn, Nicholas Wllarski, Anthony Wllklttson, Stort\ty WIiiard, Renee Wlllev. Christopher Wllllattts, Jackson Willlatttson, Holly Willis, Jessica Wllso t1, Andrew 132 132 7 98 122 99 122 132, 165 99 132 122 11 122 132 9, 34, 122 15,27,98, 152, 216 133 122 98, 217 13, 15, 36, 98, 21 7 218 99 122 122 133 122 99 123 133 99 99 123 133 95 99 133 15,44,45, 98, 158, 218 98, 218 133 133 133 133,142
Walthall, Kendra Walton, Justin Wang , Vongchen Wattgsness, Richie
Joshua Wareha
, Et\tily Warre
Vz 61, 123 2 6, 98 , 21 8, 21 9 133 98, 158, 219 11, 123 133 123 98 107 123 123 133 133 133 99 7,12 133 98, 219 127, 133 98, 163 123 99 162 133 l 0, 25 133 133, 142 133 123 98, 219 133 13,61,98 132 • 227
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Ar i el, Katie and Marissa , you are like the Charlie ' s An gel s but editors, and Mr Kelley and I share the roll of Charlie . This year has been fun and the yearbook is great. I will miss the twins, Ariel and Katie, even though being t o class on time was not a pr iority but don't worry, having f un and making the yearbook amazing was. The two of you really did work hard and did a good job on the senior se ction and other things. Marissa, I love your artistic abilities, wh i ch made the yearbook look much better and made me try harder. Also, Marissa I loved your humor and Mr. Kelley could never leave you out. You were a great help and made being an editor easier Kelley, if you weren't there I think I would go crazy. If I had a dollar for every time the girls (anyone i n the class) called my name I would not be i n school, and the odds were amazing hav i ng only two guys in a class of about 25 . In the end this year was fun and I learned a lot being ed itor-in-chief.
Danny -To you I leave you my laziness because you work waay too hard! This yearbool( would not exist without
you! Don't have too much fun on the
weekends Dan Dan . . . Also I have to
say I'm mad at you for putting this .le picture in! Marissa ~ To you I leave my PARIS HILTON pictures which I s know you took down! Grr. You are one cute punk rocker and one of the three junior girls I like. Thank goodness someone knew what they were doing in this class. Yankee ~Omigosh dude, du I've said enough to you. I will to you my car because together we lost yours in all that summer fun. We are complete 41t yearbook nerds, it's awful. Oh well. Mr. Kelley ~ BIG BILL! You know waa:ay too much! I'm sorry if I almost drove 'i n you to insanity. I'll never forget Jimmy Buffet Fridays. Let me know when you finally get sick of that C.D. I will you back the title of "# 1 studmonkey" for your editors next year. Sorry for the 279 tardies over the last years. The Girls of 2006 ~ It's funny how much can change . We've grown up so much. I think we've finally realized instead of Jul
fighting with each other, let's fight the underclassmen. I will to ya'll the memories we have created over the years because I will never forget them! I wish everyone lucl( in whatever path they talte in life. The Guys of 2006 ~ I will to some of you guys my maturity because we all know you need a little! Totally JK!!! It's been a fun ride and I've enjoyed growing up with you. I can't think of a better way to end it than Mexico !!!!! 230Llere
• '-.-(Jflff""'" _,..... - • • ~•
Can you believe this is your editor and that he could ever make a yearbook? Superman!
Nothing li ke mountain bi ki ng 1n Moab, Utah for springbreak.
Part yi ng w ith my fav o r it e g ir ls!! Thank s f o r a ll t he good time s!
'' I lov e Fo ul Pla y!"
Rememb er Lif e a nd
I n r a1 ui in ~a tn Love are j ust a big game and We pla y t he game
al 01'
SV I(JTT'1n /be j ..,11 wm e n _1(1,·,llf" " - .___,. • iis,
i-tey Big Kl Th e yearbook is done now. and rnan did we work so hard this year. I know we drove you c razy. Ac; you always said. "You-e killing rne kiddo!" lrn glad Ive been able to sha re rny 3 years here with you. and I ca nt: wait for next year. I know. ifs rny la s t. dont: c ry I'll rniss you too. Danny ! Danny ! DANNY!!! Wow How rnany tirne s did you hear that a class period? lrn so glad I got to work side by side with you this year. co rning up with all these a rnazing ideac; to rnake this yearbook the bes t one yet. You-e great with co rnputers and with everything. lrn glad Ive known you for as long a s I have and I got to spe nd this year with you in Yearbook class. Arie l and Yankee {A .K. A the twin~] you girls c rack rne up with all the thing s you do and say. I know tha t yearbook wouldnt: have been anywhere near as rnu c h fun without you both in there to alway s rnake rne laugh. Go rnetirn es you were so persistent abou t thing s. but in the end I think that you both did so rnu ch to rn ake this yearbook the best. I hope you both do great thing s KellyM yowe helped rne so rnu c h thi s year! I wish you would have been an editor with us but you did ~o much to help rne out. A ll of our trip s to find people ha. Go. thi s wa s rny Junior year and Ive learned so rnu ch about everyone here at Golden and about rny self. Ive learned that thing s will cha nge no rnatter how rnu ch you dont: want thern to: Ive
.,., learned the best person you ca n ever be is you. One thing that I know is that I have no idea who I arn yet. bu t lrn having a blast trying to figure it out. My friend s have sho wn rne so rnu c hl My se niors FoFo. thank you for always being rny big brother and having rny back even if you were the one beating rne up rno s t of the tirne Kat i and Mo lly Tripod forever ! Wow we.;e had the best tirne s this year. T hank you for all of the cra zy and ridi c ulou s rnernorie s [mo stly laugh s]. Lenny rnan have we had up s and down s but no rnatter what you-e s till the one that know s rne best and knows exactly how to rnake rne s rnile. or rnake rne sh ake rny head. T ha nk you for all the wonderful rnernorie s over the past year_ "The harde~t part i~rt finding what weneed~obe .it ~being co ntent with who we are .4,01.Jvm f a., ch.Lv<1
arrs U OJU.MoJ. --d
I can~ believe that high school is over. W e have a ll grown up so rr,uc l, ! I kr, ow tl , is is go ir,g to sound c l,ees y , but I wa r,te d to s ay thank you to everyone who has i r1,pacted 11,e whi c h i s the probably t l, e enti re stu dent body Wl,ei 1 , er you bru s l, ed by n,e ir, the 1 , alL ,n ode 1ne la ugh, w er e rn y f l' iend broke ,ny heart, or st abb ed 1l'le in tl , e back I would ju s i l ike lo s ay thanx! Because I w ou ldr'l't be th e person I 01,, today w / o that SENIOR CLASS of 2006 ROCKS! I've loved growing up w / you guys.
Miss M cGee and Me! Thanks for the memor ies babe! I dunno it Pu erto Vallar ta is ready us! Bu t l,e re w e co 11,e! Hi gh schoo l ha s b ee r, or,e l ong bu zz it you kr 'lo w who~ I rnean I'll never forget tl ,e past 4 years Bill - 1'11, so sorry if I l, av e put your job at risk @ so r,,e poin ts in tir1,e But rer1,e r1 , ber eve ry ti11,e that I 1urn on tl , e radio to Margaritavill e I will t l, ink of you You 'eu ll y have watcl,e d 1ne grow up ar, d thank you so ,n uch 4 everyt l, ir'l gl Danny ... " Can you co 11,e help 11,e'?" Sorry that I c a n't do tecl,no logy! 3 gir l s and a yearbook. it would have b een a dar,gerous situ ai ior, w / o ~ou 1 Rissa . you are suc l, a coo l ch i ck! Ever, tl ,ough I can't s tand your rr,us i c I certainly ca r, st ar ,d you I'll n'lrss you r,ex t ye a r ! Ariel - I tl 1ir, k I've 11,ade 1,,y poir1t Y ou ar e n,y twin n,y yearbook nerd. ar, d n,~ best f r1end I don't th ir, k a11yor,e e lse can ever be n,y 'Goo se'. I'll 11,iss you so 1.-, u ch next year! Mom - I love yoL1! rhanks tor all the i11terest i1 , g advi ce! Sorry it 1 ook so l or,g for· n,e to rea li ze i l1at rny f 01 1,i ly will a lway s be. l here for ,ne! I hope everyone enjoys this book we really did worR hard on it!
Lifes a dance you learn as you go
My Tripodl<3 J:oFo and I Prom2005 ,,,----,
- ~~i.u_'.J 231
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Tama. 'Getty Images
25 Hurricane Katrina strikes Florida
28 Mandatory evacuation of both New Orleans and Mississippi is ordered as Katrina becomes a Category 5 storm mthe Gulf of Mexico
29 Downgraded to a Category 4 storm , Katnna hits land 1 3 million homes and businesses lose electricity in Louisiana , Mississippi and Alabama 30 levees are breeched , flooding New Orleans and leaving 100 000 people stranded After slow government response , civil unrest and looting begins
31 President Bush surveys the damage.
1 30,000 National Guard troops are deployed Gas prices spike to as high as $5 per gallon
2 President Bush visits Louisiana and signs a $10 5 billion relief bill. Nearly 154 ,000 evacuees arrive m Texas
4 The New Orleans Superdome is evacuated
6 President Bush and Congress pledge to investigate the flawed disaster response
9 Government-issued debit cards are distributed to evacuees The program fails and is ended days later
12 Michael Brown, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency resigns Flooding 1s down to 50 percent m New Orleans
14 New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin announces a phased repopulation plan
15 New Orleans begins to reopen Katrina is named the most destructive hurricane in U S history
20 Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco declares a state of emergency as Hurricane Rita strengthens off the coast.
22 Rita hits the Louisiana coast and heads for Texas
23 Thousands evacuate eastern Texas and the 9th Ward of New Orleans floods once again after levees are overrun
24 Hurricane Wilma hits southwest Florida
,. On October 15, Iraqi voters ratify a US.-supported draft constitution that establishes a federal state. A second election , in December, creates the new government's first parliament.
Several airlines declare bankruptcy due to huge fuel, labor and security costs. Passengers see fees for pillows , aisle seats and more as carriers seek new revenue sources.
During rush hour on July 7, London is hit by terrorist attacks Bombs strike one bus as well as the city's underground trains leaving 56 people dead and 700 injured
• Gasoline prices surge in September before falling back to pre-hurricane levels Major oil companies face federal questioning after revealing profits of over $35 billion during this period
A devastating 7 6-magnitude earthquake hits the Kashmir region of Pakistan in October, killing 87,000 and leaving 3.5 million homeless .
• Violence in Iraq continues to cost lives Since the war began in March 2003, over 27 ,700 Iraqi civilians and 2,300 coalition troops have died
..., John G Roberts Jr. becomes the 17th Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court fallowing the death of William Rehnquist.
• In January 2006 , Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is sworn in as Liberia's president , making her Africa's first elected female leader.
• Vice President Dick Cheney's top aide I Lewis "Scooter" Libby resigns after being indicted in October on criminal charges relating to the leaking of a CIA officer's identity
• Despite his years of anti-gang advocacy while in pnson on December 13, farmer Grips gang leader Stanley "Tookie" Williams is executed by lethal injection for four 1979 murders
Methamphetamine use becomes a national crisis as meth-related crimes skyrocket on the West Coast and in the Midwest. Pharmacies remove pseudophedrine products from shelves in an effort to control meth production
• On January 2 2006, an explosion at the Sago Mine in Tallmansville, West Virginia , traps 13 miners 260 feet below the surface. Sadly, only one of the miners is pulled out alive
In October, former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein goes on trial in Baghdad , pleading innocent to the murder and torture charges against him
Hoping to restart the peace process with the Palestinians, Israel evacuates the Gaza Strip, an area it has occupied since the 1967 Six-Day War
• Civil unrest rocks France as more than 300 towns and suburbs explode with riots and arson High unemployment, racial discrimination and rage are blamed for the outbreaks
A global pandemic 1s feared as the avian flu claims 73 lives in Asia by the end of December and threatens to spread across the world
After seven years and 2 88 billion miles, NASA's Stardust capsule returns to earth carrying dust particles from the tail of the comet Wild 2 Scientists believe the samples hold clues to the
format1on of the Solar System •
The American Dental Assoc1at1on cites bottled water and its lack of fluoride as a ma1or contributing factor m the nse of tooth decay in children
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According to recent research chocolate can be a healthy treat thanks to rts high content of flavonoids, which help maintain good circulation and reduce blood clotting
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IThe Sichuan Wolong Panda Protection and Breed Center in China deals with a baby boom16 pandas, including five sets of twins , are born between July and November 2005
In August, U S astronaut Stephen Robinson successfully completes an unprecedented emergency repair of the space shuttle Discovery while in orbit.
A vaccine that may potentially fight recurring cancer cells is successfully tested on 14 breast cancer survivors. It 1s hailed as the first step toward preventing the disease
Kathy wm 'APw,
• Hikers scaling Mount Mendel Glacier in California discover the remains of Leo Mustonen, a World War II airman whose plane crashed in 1942
• U S scientist Gregory Olsen pays $20 million for a trip to the International Space Station aboard the Russian Soyuz spacecraft
• The ruins of what may be the oldest Christian church , built in the third or fourth century A.O., are discovered on the grounds of Meg1ddo Prison in northern Israel in November
• Anticipating the GB summit in July, Bob Geldof organizes musicians for a series of concerts around the world to highlight the problem of global poverty
are named
Persons of the
for their efforts to battle poverty, AIDS
Natalee Holloway an 18-year-old from Birmingham , Alabama, becomes the lead story for every major news outlet after her disappearance while vacationing in Aruba
In August, American anti-Iraq War activist Cindy Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in action in 2003 , holds an extended demonstration at a peace camp outside President George W Bush 's Texas ranch
•• V / f
Ricll Dwn ood/Wlrel mage co m
5'4 " 110 LBS 18 YEAR S OLD
Bill Gates, Bono and Melinda Gates
and malaria in Africa Holloway Family Pnoto/AP/Wide World Photos
--------~ KIDNAPPED
Everywhere you look this year sparkle is in with teen girls
• From preppy to vintage looks , vests make a bold statement in the fall of 2005
Cowboy boots see a rise in popularity, and not just for line dancers and country music fans
The "hoodie" is a staple in most teens' ward robes. Blazers with a retro fit make a big splash on the fashion scene
.., Flip-flops are considered a fashion necessity, not just casual footwear
• Style gets a dose of fun over formal with these unique fashion alternatives
• • • • •
• ,. • • • • • •
• Shops that help you prepare meals to freeze, take home and cook offer a fun, quick and easy mealtime solution for busy moms.
• Pets receive the royal treatment with gourmet pet foods, available in upscale pet food shops, pet food bakeries and even ice cream parlors
• Due to high gas prices, consumers opt for smaller cars with better gas mileage rather than gas-guzzling SUVs. ,... The popularity of poker on television results
in one of the biggest fads of the year - home Texas Hold 'Em tournaments
• Podcasts , free broadcast-format audio files published to the Internet and downloaded to iPods by subscription, are a hip way to keep up-to-date
The new food pyramid recommends that kids eat more fruits vegetables and whole grains than in the past, and exercise 30 to 60 minutes each day
• Biogs become the biggest Web craze since the inception of the Internet thanks to sites like Blogger com and MySpace com
• o, Rob Kinylandov ltip r¥"c) , ,.,,,,,_ r;
:d S I
...,. Praised by critics and audiences alike , Peter Jackson's remake of the 1933 classic King Kong becomes a giant
Moviegoers rush to see March of the Penguins, a surprise hit documentary that follows a year in the life of a flock of Emperor penguins
"The boy v,ho lived" returns tor more adventure in the fourth movie installment of the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the
Box-office profits are down in 2005, due in part to the trend of movie fans opting for the quick release of hit movies on DVD.
The life of the late Johnny Cash is the basis of the Golden Globe·\YIOning Walk the Line.
box-ottice success
Golden Globe Best Actress nominee Keira Knightley shines in the hit movie Prtde and PreJud,ce. based on the 1813 Jane Austen novel.
0 Warner Bros1Courtesy E...erett Collethon
Goblet of Fire.
starring Best Actor winner Joaquin Phoenix as Cash.
The beloved C.S. Lewis series comes to life on the big screen in Walt Disney's The Chronicles of Narn,a. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Green Day tops off a career year with seven MTV Video Music Award s, including Best Video of the Year for " Boulevard of Broken Dreams."
With Late Registration, Kanye West maintains his statu s as hip-hop's top dog , landing on top of Rolling Stone's Top 50 Albums of 2005
Ma no AnzuonilReutm/CorbtS
Reggaeton. which blends influences of hip-hop, Jamaican reggae and dancehall with Latin American bomba and plena, reaches its height in popularity rn 2005.
Seattle indie favorites Death Cab for Cutie break into the mainstream with the album Plans and "Directions," a series of 12 short films.
University of Texas grad Cowboy Troy bursts onto the country scene with a new music genre, "hick-hop," which he proudly displays on his class ring.
Strong releases by Kelly
rule the music scene Carey's The Emancipation of Mimi earns eight Grammy nominations and is the top-selli ng album of 2005
Eight years after the death of former lead singer Mi chael Hutchence, Australian rock band INXS selects new frontman J D Fortune on the CBS show " Ro ck Star: INXS."
Clarkson, Shakira, Mariah Carey and Gwen Stefani
• Nintendo DS owners can now be virtual dog owners as well, thanks to the wildly popular Nintendogs series • J K. Rowling releases yet another bona fide best-seller with Harry Potter and the , 1 Half-Blood Prince
• The Star Wars franchise remains a juggernaut rn the videogame industry with the wrnter release of Star Wars: Batt/efront II
.., Gamers wait in line for hours to get their hands on the year's hottest holiday video game console, Microsoft's Xbox 360
The addictive numbers logic puzzle Su Doku , captures the attention of crazed puzzlers across the nation
Music videos and TV shows are accessible on the go with the newest must-have item from Apple, the iPod with video
The classic game of 20 Question s gets a makeover for 2005 with the artificial intelligence powered 200, one of this year 's hottest toys
7 er 0 z Ill 1z z
4 5 9 I' ~ - -:r.T".@;z.1,ui~ I 9 •s ' ~®tl 2 • , , 2 1 ' ' I ' I ' J , 2 12 8 I 6 3 8 2
In June , the San Antonio Spurs win the 2005 NBA Championship over the Detroit Pistons in a thrilling seven-game Finals series. Spurs forward Tim Duncan wins MVP honors
• In February 2006, figure skater Sasha Cohen leads the U S Olympic Team into the XX Olympic Winter Games in Torino , Italy
• Danica Patrick, 23-year-old race driver, wins Rookie of the Year honors in both the Indy Racing League's lndyCar Senes and at the Indianapolis 500, where she finishes fourth
• Citing conduct unbecoming to the team, the Philadelphia Eagles suspend wide receiver Terrell Owens for four games and deactivate him for the remainder of the NFL season.
• NHL hockey returns in fall 2005 after losing the entire '04-'05 season to a labor dispute. Fans flock to see players in new uniforms and exciting innovations like tie-breaking shootouts.
Hawaiian golf phenom Michelle Wie turns professional on her 16th birthday and signs endorsements worth $1 0 million, making her one of the highest paid fema le athletes in the world.
• The Pittsburgh Steelers hold off the Seattle Seahawks for a 21-1 0 victory in Super Bowl XL Future Hall of Farner Jerome "The Bus" Bettis retires after the game.
• In November, WWE superstar Eddie Guerrero dies of heart failure In 2004 , Guerrero \Vas only the second wrestler of Hispanic heritage to win the WWE championship.
• American Lance Armstrong wins his unprecedented seventh Tour de France m July Armstrong then retires from competitive cycling
• BMX superstar Dave Mirra wins the gold medal in the BMX Park Finals of X Games XI.
• Longhorns quarterback Vince Young leads Texas to a national championship with a dramatic 41-38 comeback victory over USC mthe 2006 Rose Bowl.
• After an 88-year wait, the Chicago White Sox win the 2005 World Series , sweeping the Houston Astros in four games White Sox right fielder Jermaine Dye is named Series MVP Michael Bush,UPl/lando
Two-time champion Tony Stewart wins NASCAR's Nextel Cup Series and a record $13 6 million in winnings in 2005 Stewart's career Cup earnings now total over $48 million
• Swiss tennis superstar Roger Federer wins two Grand Slam titles, at Wimbledon and the U S Open , along \Vith all tour ATP Masters Series events
..., Civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks dies at 92 in Detroit. Parks' refusal in 1955 to give up her seat on an Alabama bus eventually led to laws desegregating public transportation nationally
• Beloved "Gilligan's Island " funnyman Bob Denver dies of cancer at 70 Although only 98 episodes of the popular sitcom were made, Denver was typecast as the nutty GIiiigan his entire career
• Kristin Cavallari , featured on the MTV reality show " Laguna Beach ," becomes one of Hollywood 's hottest young personalities
• Chinese actress Ziyi Zhang shines in the lead role of Sayuri in the film adaptation of the acclaimed Arthur Golden novel Memoirs of a Geisha
Actor-comedian Richard Pryor dies at 65 in December Pryor's concerts and movies in the '?Os and '80s inspired performers like Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall and Robin Williams
• Actor Tom Cruise. 43, makes headlines all year with his controversial views on psychiatry, his new love, actress Katie Holmes, and his couch gymnastics on CBS's "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and NBC's "Tonight Show with Jay Leno "
• Peter Jennings, anchor of ABC's "World News Tonight," dies of lung cancer in August. The popular TV journalist held the anchor position for 22 years
jostens ·
© 2006 Jos tens. Inc 05-0645 (1837)
AP Photo
Coretta Scott King , legendary civil rights advocate and widow of the Rev Martin Luther King Jr., dies in January 2006. She was 78.
O Warner Bros/Courtesy Everen COilection